zar mind word

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  • 8/14/2019 Zar Mind Word



    As all of us know that we live in the dimentions of time and space, as all the memory or the past

    which excist in the reality world is in this dimention. Even the past history either from the greatcivilization like the Eygpt etc, or the story of some legend, or the history of some area, some person

    and so on, will be describe in the dimention of time and place.

    It will be unclear information when someone told us, there were a war take over in no where, or

    there were a tree give a fruit without take any second. Or sometings which we cant except or

    believe because it is out of dimentions time and space, example, someone told that his own son

    born before he was born or someone told that his child which born yesteday, now already 20 years

    old. So, one thing is clear that this dimention of time and space are the most important part in any

    present thing or living.

    Time and space is use to be one of the means to live. As the gravity and the circling of earth which

    create an 24 hour daily for us which stand on the surface of earth. Some planet have only 9 hourdaily, so it can be much different to us to live there, with-in 4 an half hour day and 4 an half hour

    night. Imagine the time we drive home from our work place, its already took the time that we need

    to sleep.

    On the other side, if we live in different power of gravity, let say like the moon, the time we need to

    travel from one place to other, wont be so slow like we have now. Just with-in few jump, we already

    reach kilometer away. And as for the transport means, as less gravity, as fast the speed will go.

    Each second which gone, wont be back and in this matter, every present thing and living, got their

    own time and space only at that moment. As we see down to the city in the day light time from the

    top of building, we gonna see a strees moment, seem everyone got their thing to do.

    Some stand at the train station waiting to move to other place, some stuck in the traffic-jem, some

    sit in coffe-shop, to take a day break and so on. Even in the bus where are full with passeger, each

    of them will have a different mind or thought in the same moment.

    Mean while at the same moment, actually, million other thing happen in all corner of the world.

    There were new born, there were a death ceremony or married ceremony etc. But the thing is, every

    living thing, live in their own moment which their unable to replace it.

    The moment for someone to drop a few coin on the beggar plate which beg him on the sidewalk,

    will be over, if he think to do so in an hour later, after he past away from that beggar. The moment

    to feel sorry about the changing of world climate is seem little late, after all the damage to the

    nature, the moment to declare a peace from The President of one country which attack a other

    country without any reason and cause million die or suffer seem quite late. So, some moment bring

    a small result but some moment can bring a big effect to ones life or many, or even a big effect to

    the whole world.

    One thing is clear that when we think, all the past seem have been in a very short while, no matter

    it have been 10 years or more period time, but at the end, its just a snap of memory. The whole life

    is just like someone open the front door, step in and then open the back door to step out. So quick

    when it take place as memory, just like a blink of eyes. And this is the reality of the life in this world

    to compare to the life of Hereafter which complet different of our worldly time and space dimention.

    Once, when someone need to lay on hospital bed because of some sickness, then in that medium, he

    will start to feel, how slow the time. But there were be other dimentions of time and space where thewaiting is not a day, or a month, or even a year, but it will be even longer that our age. The day

    when we are being bury then rise up again to be reckoning is a longer day we ever think. A day

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    which wont be calculate according our worldly watch. Time still, have we ever ponder upon it?

    Another thing which suppose to be ponder, where we and all the mankind go toward in time which

    keep move foward? The gravity in other way have create a pole attraction for the magnet, which

    from this magnet, once we make an compas, we are able to find out easily the direction of north or

    south, and with this, to reach any direction we want, is been guide.

    As in the life of each muslim, their are cbligator to pray to their God, 5 times daily, and their needto face to Mekkah, so any place their go, their will search a direction to Mekkah, as their soul are

    always being guide in any time and space.

    The movement of the sun like sunrise or sunset which bring the effect of time, and stay at one

    direction to Mekkah no matter where their are, are the soul fundament of the ryhmus as a muslim

    which live in dimention time and space, a soul fundament to be a servant of One God, Al Mighty

    Allah. As the order to pray (solat) and the idea to be a prayer, is the main propose that Al Mighty

    Allah have create the whole mankind and the Jin (Some other creature which live in different space

    and time, but have similarly life like mankind) is to workship Allah alone.

    Each soul will born and be as how there are, is in their own time and space. Either their will born

    in Europe, Afrika, Asia, Amerika and etc, their will adapted to the surrounding atmosphere like thewheater, language, some typ of behavior and etc.

    The only thing which keep something aware a liltte from stuck in the time and space no matter

    where their live, is the mind. The physical, is limited and move according time and space, but the

    mind use to go beyond it.

    Example, once we take a walk, but after some few kilometer distant, we will start to be tired, or our

    eyes, ear and etc,all are in some sort of limit. But the mind and what someone feel (normally, we

    use to say the heart is the place to feel) is goes beyond all limit, like, someone sit somewhere in

    some highest mountain in Switzerland, but his mind keep thinking someone he miss which live

    somewhere in Malaysia.

    And as that, we will see, someone keep walking with his turban in urban city of New York, because

    the mind which come from the his feeling, his faith, keep telling him, he do the right thing, or

    someone wear his completed dinner suit with the bow and the texedo-coat in the land which use to

    have hottest summer temprature, just because his mind told him, its look nice the why he wear. Both

    seem have their right, as their wear it under their own will and dont force other to wear it or

    disturb other, like someone think and feel to hear some lound music, so he put his cd on with

    maximun volume and play it all night long. Just to say, in this medium, the mind and the feeling of

    someone, can take someone to somewhere beyond everything, or can make someone move different

    then what is present in his atmosphere in that time and space, so what actually we use to think or


    Value of word

    Each word carry its own meaning, and bring its own effect, as how it being spoken and describe

    through more then thousand language which exist today , the language which present once upon a

    time ago, the language in the "new remix" form or even the secret code language.

    There are billion-billion number of vocabulary which exist in the life of human being. Some sound

    the same but bring the different meaning, some change its meaning according how the person

    express it, or pronouce it, some can cause a big effect, some just past in the air and etc. Some word

    need the next or connection to other word to bring its meaning, while other can stand by its own, as

    those who utter the word, understand it.

    As word have its own value, so what word we use to speak out and present it in our daily life. Some

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    can be a hypocrite by telling something opposite with the way he was, some can be a big lair by

    present the untrue thing, some can be a great "Casanova" by playing with nice word, be a

    millionair, be a singer, politicer, paperboy shout selling the newspaper, preacher, a teacher which

    daily teaching his student and etc. Some word can help someone to cool down from his anger, some

    can rise the anger, some can voice his right, while some can take other right and etc...

    Althought most of us are not aware about the word that we use daily, but in the reality, word which

    we spoke out of our mouth, come out also with its own value, that until to the extend that some word

    can change totaly someone life, save someone, help someone, bring the succes in wordly life and

    hereafter or opposite like word which can ruin a life of a person, word which bring disaster or even

    can make a person be a loser in this wordly life and the life of hereafter.

    So in this medium, it is necesarry to everyone to care what he or she use to speak. Some word, a

    very short word, example, word of "Talaq", divorce, once someone say it to his wife, he can distroy

    a family life which their build it for many-many years. Or someone says that he believe other God

    then One God (Allah), he will no more longer be a muslim. Otherside, in positiv side, if someone

    just say "salam", greeting to other, a small word and he dont lost nothing by saying this, but thisgreeting can bring good effect to other. Good wort or good advise (amal maaruf) are strongly

    demand from each muslim to speak it daily and the highess word as a muslim is to say

    "Lailahaillallah", there is no God to workship except Allah, at the time of his last breath, then, the

    forever succes and happiness is waiting for him.

    As our beloved Prophet Muhamad s.a.w keep remain us to speak a good word or else keep in silent.

    One hadist narrated that the Prophet Muhamad s.a.w says: "A mans words may be a burden (sin)

    for him except those that he spoken for giving instructions for good deeds, and preventing other

    from bad deeds (amal maaruf, nahi mungkar), and for remembering Allah". An as that, our beloved

    Prophet say that the faith (Iman), is to except with the heart (Qalb), to speak it with the mouth(Lisan) and to pratice with the body (Jasad).

    This is one of the great gift from Al Mighty Allah to human being that their are able to talk and can

    comunicate to each other. But what word or sentence that we use to speak out?

    " And whose words can be better then those who calls (people) towards Allah, and performs good

    deeds and says: "I am one of those who submit to Allah".

    Limited sight-seing

    Our eyes, which given by Al Mighty Allah, allow us to see thing arround us, from the beautiful

    colour, a great shape of each living thing, mountain, tree, see and etc. Now a day also, with all the

    modern instrument, we are able to see beyond our limited view, like the other planet or the micro

    living thing. Or even, our family which live far away in another land, we can speak and saw them in

    the same time.

    Since we born, through this eyes, we are start to learn the world we in, recongnize our parents,

    sister, brother and all the people around us. As that also, the adult learn or start to research andfind new thing. Eyes is one of the instrument of knowledge. (It will be clear to tell, even the blind

    could earn their knowledge, and be a great wisdom in their own way)

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    Eyes is also one of the window to our soul, what we saw, will come to our mind and heart,

    speacially we put an attention on it. From what we saw, we will think about it, and slowly this build

    an a emotion in our heart. Mostly, through the eyes view, we take the "dunia" (The greatness of

    material thing)to our heart. (There are 4 cannel to our heart, the ear, the eyes, the mouth and the


    The sight seeing through our eyes is a great "nikhmat"(given) from Al Mighty Allah, once someone

    got the pain on his eyes or he got something which make him not able to see anymore, then he will

    realise the great value of its. Every blink on our eyes, can give us a different view, so imagine,

    suddenly, there are no longer view we can see?

    Beside, one thing is also clear, our eyes seeing is limited, when we see infront, we are unable to see

    our back-side, as when we see right-side, we are unable to see left-side. And for the matter of

    distant, that which we can see just until one limit.

    And another thing is, what we saw, propperly is not true or reality, like we enter one room which

    full with mirror, and the same time, a bird fly in, so we will see, there are many bird, but in reality,

    there are only one bird was there. Similarly like that is, once we saw the reflex of the fullmoon on

    the surface of the water in the night, when w try to grasp the moon, it just a reflex, and nothing

    there except the water.

    The "dunia", materialist idea is like that, sometime we saw the graetness of dunia, the beautiful of

    it, but once we try to catch it, it nothing there or nothing special from it. In the time we will get

    bored on it and start to search and catch others. Its like an fatamorgana, because those who dont

    believe in Allah, and away from the life which brought by the Prophet Muhamad s.a.w, their are live

    in fatamorgana world, the "nafs",desire are thristy and hungry in their empty soul, so their are keep

    running to something to full-fill their nafs but which not reality and everlast.

    As our eyes saw the sunset on the sea-side, we will see that the sun go inside the sea, but through

    our mind, we will think different then what our eyes have saw. We will say, it imposible that the sun

    goes inside the sea, or else,the sea water will dry-up. Althought we sail through the ocean, but we

    still cant deny, what we have saw, so, in this medium, we need to go above the ground that we use to

    stand, till one point, we will see that the earth is round, and the sun just go around it. In matter of

    our daily life, what we see is limited until the border which we can reach through our sight-see, like

    we saw someone laying sick on the bed and make him last breath, but what happen to the soul

    which make his body move, and where the soul which make his body function, we dont know...

    Light doesnt mean darkness

    Once we look at the light, doesnt means we look at the darkness, cause the light and darkness is

    two diferrent thing. As bright the light, as that, our sight will be clear, as opposite, when there were

    no light, we wont be able to know if there are a big rock or hole, infront of us.

    When the light is dim, we see something lay infront of us, but we still not sure if its a string or a

    snake. Or, maybe, there were a diamond, someone put in our hand, but because there were no lightor te light is to dim, we cant make the different between diamond and the glass.

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    Simillary in our life, we need to have a real faith (Iman) which give us the true light to understand,

    which way or life bring and promise us a succes in this wordly and Hereafter life. The light of iman

    in our heart, will show us which way should we go (Siratulmustaqim). So, as long as the light of

    iman in our heart is weak or dim, we still in danger, as when the light is dim, we are not sure,

    infront of us is a snake or a string. This need an afford, and the first afford is to have the real faith

    in Allah, "Lailahaillallah" and follow the way show by Prophet Muhammad,


    As the prophet which make an afford "dakwah" to take away the "batil", "zulumat", darkness from

    mankind by replace it with the "haq", "nur", light of the true, their are like the sun, which keep it

    light for the entire world. The quality of sun is that it keep on "istiqamah",daily give it light to every

    each thing and life without asking other to pay him back or give him something back. Beside, the

    power of Allah was behind it, image the energy which the sun produce daily without any battery,

    oil, nuclear power etc to back it. Each second, the energy which the sun produce is equal to 1000

    atom bom, and in 24 hour, how many second there are?

    And as that, each thing need an afford, althought there are a means around to produce an light likethere are a river running wild, a facibility to build a dam, an a cabel around, lamp etc, but with-out

    an afford to build a dam, an afford that the electric can transfer house to house, we wont able to

    produce any light.

    As althought we have all the knowledge of Islam, great-great mosque, all the Islamic art etc, but

    without an afford of "dakwah", which the prophet have make afford on it, and with-out any action

    was pratice on the daily life track of the muslim society, the light of "hidayah", the light of Islam,

    wont speard around. What will be around is "zulumat", darkness, that cause disaster to us and the

    next generation.