zanjan bazaar

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!The Bazaar - This late 18th century building (Qajar period) is the place to truly feel Zanjan's pulse. Divided into the upper and lower bazaar, its statistics will make jealous many modern shopping centre managers: 150.000 square meters, 940 shops, 56 entrances, two baths (Bollori and Moini) and even a Mosque. Marele bazar din Zanjan, o construcţie relativ nouă, datând de la sfârşitul secolului 18 (din timpul dinastiei Qajare), are o suprafaţă de 150.000 m², 940 de magazine, 56 de întrări, iar înafară de cele două băi publice are chiar şi o moschee.


Page 1: Zanjan bazaar

Page 2: Zanjan bazaar

Zanjan probably dates back to the Sassanid period. Conquered by the Muslims in the 7th century, obliterated by the Mongols and by Tamerlane in the 13 th and 14 th centuries, and having a vivid record in civilization, culture, arts and sciences, The Bazaar - This late 18th century building (Qajar period) is the place to truly feel Zanjan's pulse. Divided into the upper and lower bazaar, its statistics will make jealous many modern shopping centre managers: 150.000 square meters, 940 shops, 56 entrances, two baths (Bollori and Moini) and even a Mosque.

Marele bazar din Zanjan, o construcţie relativ nouă, datând de la sfârşitul secolului 18 (din timpul dinastiei Qajare), are o suprafaţă de 150.000 m², 940 de magazine, 56 de întrări, iar înafară de cele două băi publice are chiar şi o moschee.

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Page 4: Zanjan bazaar

From the old time the province has a special importance, for being on the sidelines of the Silk Road and trade route of India and China to Europe. The spoken language of the majority of the people is Turkish but as it neighbors the capital it has inclined toward the Persian language. In the north Turkish is spoken mixed with Gilak; in the East the language is inclined toward Persian, in the Southwest the language is Kurdish and in the West Azerbaijani

Din cele mai vechi timpuri provincia a avut o importanţă deosebită ca etapă pe Drumul Mătăsii, care lega Europa de China.Limba vorbită de majoritatea populaţiei din provincia Zanjan este turca, iar în sud kurda şi în vest azera. Populaţia majoritară este formată din azeri.

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Party dresses

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Zanjan bazaar woomen mosque

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Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu


Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Azerbaijani - Ashiq Hassan Trio
