zachman framework row 2 : the owner perspective

Zachman Framework Row 2 : The Owner Perspective By: Viral Rathod Aman Goyal CS 6899

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CS 6899. Zachman Framework Row 2 : The Owner Perspective. By: Viral Rathod Aman Goyal. Organization. Enterprise Architecture. History of Enterprise Architecture Overview of Zachman Framework The Owner’s Perspective (Row 2) Security in Owner’s Perspective. Criticism of Zachman Framework - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Windows Vista Memory Management

Zachman FrameworkRow 2 : The Owner PerspectiveBy: Viral RathodAman GoyalCS 68991OrganizationEnterprise Architecture.

History of Enterprise Architecture

Overview of Zachman Framework

The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Security in Owners Perspective.

Criticism of Zachman Framework

Other Framework / Approaches.21. Enterprise Architecture What is Enterprise?

What is Enterprise Architecture?

Why to use an Enterprise Architecture?

What are currently available solutions?WebSphereSAP ERPOracle Enterprise Manager

An ExampleBusiness of a hypothetical car manufacturing company.

Enterprise:A group of people organized for a particular purpose to produce a product or provide a service[1]. In more generalized context, A set of components, performing various dissimilar tasks, in order to provide a particular purpose to produce product(s) or provide service(s).Enterprise Architecture: A management practice for aligning resources to improve business performance and help agencies better execute their core missions. An EA describes the current and future state of the agency and lays out a plan for transitioning from the current state to the desired future state[2]. In more generalized context, Enterprise Architecture is a management practice for managing resources/components such that the end product or service provides optimal performance.Why Enterprise Architecture?In an Enterprise, multiple individual components co-exists; they dont have full control over each other. This may cause some complex problems. {Ex?}An Architecture provides relatively simple measures to solve such problems. Architecture defines precise relationships between components and functions for each of the components. This helps to see the problems and their solutions objective manner.Currently Available Solutions:IBM WebSphere: Enterprise architecture management @ IBM : - ERP : Enterprise Manager :

[1] Enterprise Architecture: Using the Zachman Framework, O'Rourke, Fishman, Selkow[2]

31. Enterprise ArchitectureMost basic Work Flow Diagram for Car Manufacturing.

CompanyMarket ResearchCars1. Enterprise ArchitectureCar Manufacturing companyHRFinanceMarketingSalesManufacturingTestingManufacturing for TestingRegulation CheckDesign2. History of Enterprise ArchitectureDevelopment of various Enterprise Architecture:1980-1990

A framework for information systems architecture,' John Zachman article in IBM Systems Journal.1990-2000

Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (IAF)

DoD Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM)

Federal CIO Council introduces Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)


TOGAF 7.0 Technical Edition

Zachman 2003

DoDAF 1.0


FEA mostly complete


DoDAF 2.0

2. History of Enterprise ArchitectureRelationships between various Enterprise Architecture:Zackman1987EAP1992FEAF1999TEAF2000TISAF1997TOGAF1995TAFIM1994DODAF2003C4ISR19963. Overview of Zachman FrameworkWhat is Zachman Framework?

Classification schema.

Tabular tool / matrix.

Provides Rational for decisions made.

Clear understanding of what is happening.

Clear understanding of why is happening.

Problem solving kit.

83. Overview of Zachman FrameworkWhat problems does it solve?

Any complex problem involving multiple individual components.

E.g. Flight Reservation System.

E.g. Building a rail road.

E.g. Building Empire State Building.

93. Overview of Zachman Framework

103. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

Data/What is data?

Cost and demand are the imp scope of the planning system.

Planner needs to calculate the initial cost.

It mostly comprises of the important things with respect to customer and product

113. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

Function/How: High-level business functions

In this cell we mostly concentrate on the all the aspects of the activity to achieve the goal.

Ex: How to meet the market needs for the car?`

123. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

Network/Where : The locations related to each function.

Ex: Head office, Manufacturing Units, Dealer Locations

133. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

People/Who: Stakeholders related to each function

Ex: Roles & Responsibilities in the Process.

Ex: Roles played by various employees and other participants in the Process. past experience also plays an important role143. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

Time/When : Cycles and events related to each function

Ex: External events, Process execution.

153. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 1: The Planner Perspective

Motivation/Why: Business goals, objectives and performance measures related to each function

Ex: Company Core Values, Mission Statement, Strategic Goals

163. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

Data/What: Business data

Ex: Inputs & Outputs for each functioning Unit.

Ex: Data for entities that exists for the process to use.Data for entities that are dependent on the Credit Application, like the items/assets being financedData for entities that is created by the Process that is used downstream in the business, like contract and account data.173. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

List of important things.


183. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

List of important things.


193. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

List of important things.


203. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

List of important things.


213. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 2: The Owner Perspective

List of important things.


223. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


233. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


243. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


253. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


263. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


273. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 3: The Designer Perspective

List of important things.


283. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


293. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


303. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


313. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


323. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


333. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 4: The Builder Perspective

List of important things.


343. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


353. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


363. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


373. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


383. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


393. Overview of Zachman FrameworkRow 5: The Sub-Contractor Perspective

List of important things.


404. The Owners Perspective (Row 2) Who is Owner?

What is Owners Perspective? Business Process

Business Model

Entities & Relationships

The Complete facts about business & processes.

Who is Owner?The Owner is the person who defines business processes. As an owner he has the full control over the business process.What is the Owner perspective?The business process eventually defines business model. Business Model describes the rationale of the business, i.e. how an organization creates, delivers and captures value in terms of economic, social and any other possible forms.Ex. Henry Ford defined a completely new business model. This model revolutionized the automobile industry.Row2 in Zachman framework depicts the Owners perspective. It helps describe the business process to be used while defining an enterprise architecture. 414. The Owners Perspective (Row 2) Owners Problems in Enterprises. Business Process

Internal & External Entities

Analyzing changes in the business processes.

Business Entities Adding



Specifications:This perspective provides an objective view of business as a whole. This helps understanding the connection between various components in the business. This in turn provides a complete understanding of the business processes.

Problems: Business Process: Every business is a set of other smaller business entities. Managing workflow between them is a big problems. E.g. Timing & Delays.Internal & External Entities: All businesses are closely connected with the other distinct businesses. Managing supply chains for the raw material or building blocks is a big headache.Changes in Processes: As an enterprise grows, it needs to keep up with the processes. E.g. introduction of the assembly lines in the car manufacturing.Business Entities:Adding more entities as enterprise grows. This changes the business process and the synchronization.Removing them when re-organizing / downsizing.Merging entities when re-organizing / downsizing.

424. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)How does this model solve these problems? Holistic


Complete Understanding

Revisiting the Car Company.How does it solve?

Define business entities, inside the organization, with clear objectives. e.g. departmentsDefine the method of communications between these entities. e.g. ProceduresDefine business entities, outside of the organization. e.g. suppliersDefine the method of communication between outside entities and inside entities.Define the logistics system if required. e.g. purchases for the seat belts.Define the work flow in the systemControl the work flow in the time domain.Business plan for the end product.

434. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Defining Business Process in the office.

Market Research department researches market based on {Facts & Figures} of Market.Market Research department produces output {Statistics}.Planning uses these statistics and defines {Market Segment} & {Requirements}Design uses these two as input and produces {Design Document}This {Design Document} to be reviewed by Planning .Once Planning confirms this {Design Document}, It is sent to in house Regulation check.This eventually validates the same with the authorities & receives {Certifications}.

444. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Defining Business Process for the Testing.

Once {Design Document} is {Certified} It goes for Validation / Testing.There are two processes in parallel, Manufacturing & Test Documents.Manufacturing Defines {Activities} based on the {Design Document}.Allocate {Resources} based on the {Activities}Produce a complete product {Car}.TestDefine {Test Cases} based on the {Design Document}.Consolidate & Validate {Test Cases}.Get it reviewed from the Design teamOnce validated & test car is ready from 3.3, start testing.Produce {Result Matrix}Send this {Result Matrix} to the Planning department.

454. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Defining Business Process for the Manufacturing.

Once {Result Matrix} is validated and accepted, there are multiple processes in parallel.Production of the cars, #based on statisticsMarketingSalesProduction:Setup optimum {Assembly} based on {Design Document}Test & Validate {Assembly} for producing expected {Car designs}Start production464. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Defining Business Process for the Marketing.

Once {Result Matrix} is validated and accepted, there are multiple processes in parallel.Production of the cars, #based on statisticsMarketingSalesMarketing:Define {target users}Make {Advertisements}Advertise on all possible mediaDo promotionsMarket in Trade showsReport Marketing statistics to Planning474. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Defining Business Process for the Sales.

Once {Result Matrix} is validated and accepted, there are multiple processes in parallel.Production of the cars, #based on statisticsMarketingSalesSales:Choose Geographic availability based on the {Market Statistics}Select Dealerships Report Sales Statistics to the Planning.484. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Complete Picture of Business Process:

494. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

DATADepartmentMarket StatisticsMarket ResearchDesign RequirementsPlanning / DesignDesign DocumentDesign/Manufacturing / TestingTest CasesTestingTest ResultsDesignComparative Study of CarMarketingSales figures & statisticsSalesDefining Assembly Manufacturing504. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

FUNCTIONDEPTMarket Segment DefinitionPlanningCar Designing DesignRegulatory ApprovalsLocalRegulatory ApprovalsAuthorityManufacturing Car for testManufacturingDefine Test CasesTestingManufacturingManufacturingMarketingMarketingSalesSales Define the method of communications between these entities. e.g. Procedures

Define the method of communication between outside entities and inside entities.

514. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Entities / DepartmentsMarket ResearchPlanningDesignRegulatoryManufacturing TestingMarketingSalesDefine the logistics system if required. e.g. purchases for the seat belts.

524. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Entities / DepartmentsMarketing ResearchersPlannerDesignerLogistics : Regulatory checksManufacturersTestersMarketersSales Define the work flow in the system, i.e. what is the order of various functions?

Comparable to the recipe.

534. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Functions in SequenceDepartmentMarket Segment DefinitionPlanningCar Designing DesignRegulatory ApprovalsLocalRegulatory ApprovalsAuthorityManufacturing Car for testManufacturingDefine Test CasesTestingManufacturingManufacturingMarketingMarketingSalesSales544. The Owners Perspective (Row 2)

Function in SequenceMotivationMarket Segment DefinitionTo specify the requirements and focus on them.Car Designing To provide precise specifications.Regulatory ApprovalsTo certify for basic regulations Regulatory Approvals(Authority)To certify for more extensive set of requirementsManufacturing Car for testTo produce test cars.Define Test CasesTo define how to test the cars and what are the acceptable resultsManufacturingTo manufacture the acceptable carsMarketingCreate a market for the carSalesActual sales.Business plan for the end product.

What problems does the product solve?

Why this product is better?

555. Security in Owners PerspectiveDetailed DFD / Workflow diagram for the Business process

May be animated / flash based5. Security in Owners PerspectiveSecurity concerns at each component level in detail.

One slide per component.5. Security in Owners PerspectiveThe complete DFD / Workflow of the Business Process.

Possibly an animation.6. CriticismList of points

Each should be described in detail.

TODO: a lot of work to identify and describe!597. Other Frameworks The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)

Federal Enterprise Architecture.

GartnerMany enterprise-architectural methodologies have come and gone in the last 20 years. At this point, perhaps 90 percent of the field use one of these four methodologies:The Zachman Framework for Enterprise ArchitecturesAlthough self-described as aframework, is actually more accurately defined as ataxonomyThe Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)Although called aframework, is actually more accurately defined as aprocessThe Federal Enterprise ArchitectureCan be viewed as either animplemented enterprise architectureor aproscriptive methodologyfor creating an enterprise architectureThe Gartner MethodologyCan be best described as anenterprise architectural practice

607. Other FrameworksThe Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)

Defines categories as followsBusiness architecture.

Application architecture.

Data architecture.

Technical architecture.

Definitions:Business architectureDescribes the processes the business uses to meet its goalsApplication architectureDescribes how specific applications are designed and how they interact with each otherData architectureDescribes how the enterprise datastores are organized and accessedTechnical architectureDescribes the hardware and software infrastructure that supports applications and their interactions

TOGAF defines nine specific steps, each with multiple sub-steps:Develop baseline data-architecture descriptionReview and validate principles, reference models, viewpoints, and toolsCreate architecture models, including logical data models, data-management process models, and relationship models that map business functions to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) data operationsSelect data-architecture building blocksConduct formal checkpoint reviews of the architecture model and building blocks with stakeholdersReview qualitative criteria (for example, performance, reliability, security, integrity)Complete data architectureConduct checkpoint/impact analysisPerform gap analysis

617. Other FrameworksFederal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)

FEA requires all of the following:A perspective on how enterprise architectures should be viewed.

A set of reference models for describing different perspectives of the enterprise architecture.

A process for creating an enterprise architecture

A transitional process for migrating from a pre-EA to a post-EA paradigm

Definition: The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is the latest attempt by the federal government to unite its myriad agencies and functions under a single common and ubiquitous enterprise architecture.

The Federal Enterprise ArchitectureCan be viewed as either animplemented enterprise architectureor aproscriptive methodologyfor creating an enterprise architecture

627. Other FrameworksGartner

Constituents: business owners, information specialists, the technology implementer.

Believes in defining goals first.

Prime importance is strategy.

It is the enterprise-architecture practice of one of the best known IT research and consulting organizations in the world

Gartner believes that enterprise architecture is about bringing together three constituents: business owners, information specialists, the technology implementer.Gartner believes that the enterprise architectures must start with where an organization is going, not with where it is.Enterprise architecture, in the Gartner view, is about strategy, not about engineering. It is focused on the destination.

637. Other FrameworksTaxonomy completeness : How well you can use the methodology to classify the various architectural artifacts.

Process completeness : How the methodology guides you through a step-by-step process for creating an enterprise architecture.

Reference-model guidance : How useful the methodology is in helping you build a relevant set of reference models.

Practice guidance : How much the methodology helps you assimilate the culture in which it is valued and used. Taxonomy completeness refers to how well you can use the methodology to classify the various architectural artifacts. This is almost the entire focus of Zachman. None of the other methodologies focuses as much on this area.Process completeness refers to how fully the methodology guides you through a step-by-step process for creating an enterprise architecture. This is almost the entire focus of TOGAF, with its Architecture Development Method (ADM).Reference-model guidance refers to how useful the methodology is in helping you build a relevant set of reference models. This is almost the entire focus of FEA. TOGAF also provides support; however, I am less impressed with the TOGAF reference modelPractice guidance refers to how much the methodology helps you assimilate the mindset of enterprise architecture into your organization and develop a culture in which it is valued and used. This is a primary focus of Gartner's architectural practice.

647. Other Frameworks657. Other Frameworks (Comparision)Maturity model : Level of guidance to assess the effectiveness and maturity of different organizations entities.

Business focus : to whether the methodology will focus on using technology to drive business value,.

Governance guidance : How much help the methodology will be in understanding and creating an effective governance model.

Partitioning guidance : How well the methodology will guide you into effective autonomous partitions of the enterprise.

Maturity model refers to how much guidance the methodology gives you in assessing the effectiveness and maturity of different organizations within your enterprise in using enterprise architecture.Business focus refers to whether the methodology will focus on using technology to drive business value, in which business value is specifically defined as either reduced expenses and/or increased income.Governance guidance refers to how much help the methodology will be in understanding and creating an effective governance model for enterprise architecture. Partitioning guidance refers to how well the methodology will guide you into effective autonomous partitions of the enterprise, which is an important approach to managing complexity.

667. Other Frameworks (Comparision)677. Other Frameworks (Comparision)Prescriptive catalog : How well the methodology guides you in setting up a catalogue of architectural assets .

Vendor neutrality : How likely you are to get locked-in to a specific consulting organization by adopting this methodology.

Information availability : The amount and quality of free or inexpensive information about this methodology

Time to value : The length of time you will likely be using this methodology.

Prescriptive catalog refers to how well the methodology guides you in setting up a catalogue of architectural assets that can be reused in future activitiesVendor neutrality refers to how likely you are to get locked-in to a specific consulting organization by adopting this methodology. A high rating here indicates low vendor lock-inInformation availability refers to the amount and quality of free or inexpensive information about this methodologyTime to value refers to the length of time you will likely be using this methodology before you start using it to build solutions that deliver high business value687. Other Frameworks (Comparision)69ConclusionBased on the graphs seen above none of the frameworks seems to win clearly. This means that it really depends on the application of the framework. Given some scenario, Gartner may seem to be optimal solution and Zachman may seem to be completely in-appropriate. On the other hand there might be some scenario favoring Zachman but very in-appropriate to use Gartner.