zabarwan times e-paper english 13 june 2014

Will never quit NC: Beg Srinagar, June 12: National Con- ference senior leader and former Member Parliament Dr Meh- booba Beg’s brazen allegations against his party colleague and finance minister Abdul Rahim Rather are seen as a pressure tac- tics adopted by him to get accommodat- ed into the council of ministry through the route of Legisla- tive Council. Senior leaders in National Confer- ence have taken Beg’s salvo against Rather and NC se- nior leadership as a ‘manipulative negotiation’ to set- tle scores with the party leadership. “I have heard that Beg sahib had informed the party leadership some 15 days ago that he should be accommodated in the council of ministry through the route of Legislative Council. But the par- ty is yet to take any decision on this as the present MLCs have few years left in their tenure,” a former minister and senior leader of NC told KNS, pleading anonym- ity. Another former minister and se- nior leader of NC added that Beg has almost conceded his defeat in the upcoming assembly elections and is now trying to sustain in the political realm. “Giv- en the PDP’s strength in south Kashmir which is acknowl- edged by one and all, I think Beg wants to be in the good books of the opposition par- ty in view of the just concluded Lok Sabha results,” the former NC minister added. He said that Beg wanted that South Kashmir be given some represen- tation in the council of ministry so he had approached the party leadership for the same. “He has been adamant on this is- sue seeking a ministerial berth and wanted the NC leadership to go for a reshuffle in the ministeri- al council,” the NC See Beg On PG 11.. Srinagar, June 12: To further strengthen its top management, J&K Bank has made eleva- tions in the top management by promoting six Presidents to the level of Senior President. The orders to this effect were issued by Mush- taq Ahmad, Chairman & CEO here today. The new Senior Presidents include Vagish Chan- der, Shafat Ahmad Banday, Meera Jamwal, Roop Krishan Shah, Surjeet Singh Sehgal and Abdul Rauf Bhat. Commenting on the elevations, Chairman said, “The promotions are part of the Bank’s plan to allow further momentum at the lead- ership level to consolidate upon growth and expansion”. Describing bank’s human capital as the big- gest asset, Chairman said, “In our endeav- our to value and recognize the contribution of human resource, we have been constantly creating opportunities to present a promising growth path to our human resource across all levels.” “The strategic aspect of the elevations is also closely tied with our increasing footprint and growing size and as such the whole process of succession planning that we have been talking about needs to be seen in the back- drop of ever-evolving challenges and opportu- nities, and adding value to our See Bank On PG 11.. C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K FRIDAY 13 June | 2014 | 14 Shaban, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 163 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K WEATHER TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM MINIMUM SUNSET ON(FRIDAY) SUNRISE ON (SATURDAY) 05:20 AM 07:43 PM 12.3 0 C 28.7 0 C FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Light Rain would occur at a few places over the state. Partly cloudy sky. Maximum & Minimum tempera- tures will be around 29°C & 14°C respectively. On Edit Page See More On Pg 09 >>>>> PG 06 >>>>> PG 11 >>>>> PG 06 Drug shop sealed in Ganderbal From cradle to grave, women the most beautiful creatures of God on earth, is always on receiving end. From the birth itself, she has to face many oddities. During childhood male child is given preference over her. Many restrictions are imposed on her movements when she is ado- lescent. After getting marriageable age, she has to face questioning eyes from the neighbourhood, society and parents are always in a hurry to find a match for her so that they can have a sigh of relief. Girls are big re- sponsibility for parents and to find a suitable match for daughters is much more difficult especially Changing demographic composition Bara Pather residents allege discrimination Srinagar, Jun 12 : The locals re- siding within the peripheries of Maqdoom Sahib Shrine at old city Thursday accused that the state authorities have turned ‘blind eye’ towards their plight and no remedial measures are being taken by the government for the development of the area. According to the KNS corre- spondent, the locals stated that the government doesn’t See Bara On PG 11.. Ganderbal, June 12: The Drug Controller department on Thursday sealed a drug shop in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district, officials said. Officials told GNS that follow- ing a complaint, the shop Shiekh Medical Agency was sealed by drug controller department at Behaama Ganderbal. The shop, according to sources, is owned by a government of- ficial. However, locals alleged that in the past the department also sealed few drug See Drug On PG 11.. Afridi would be best T20 captain: Akram Ronaldo richest FIFA player Omar directs for bringing more service of Education under PSGA REPORTERS REQUIRED Zabarwan Times requires the services of four report- ers- two for Srinagar, one each for Baramulla & Anant- nag. The aspirants should be qualified journalists with command over English and Urdu languages. Salary negotiable Send your C.V. on [email protected] Pressure tactics to get ministerial berth: Insider J&K Bank announces elevations in top management Srinagar, June 12: Due to unabated illegal construc- tions, the Dal Lake is squeezing and shrinking day by day and in future is going to take the shape of cesspool and this will be the death knell for this paradise, particularly Srinagar city, to lose its world famous heritage. Locals alleged that during night hours scores of tip- pers could be spotted ferrying construction material while Lakes and Waterways Development Authority (LAWDA) authorities act as mute spectators. They alleged that LAWDA authorities in connivance with some vested interests are not taking cognizance of this serious issue. “During late hours tip- per movement is visible on the famous Boulevard road while some tippers appear from Telbal side. From Dalgate to Telbal and on the fringes of Dal Lake in Rainawari, the illegal constructions are going on,” a local Muham- mad Yaseen told CNS. Another resident Nazir Ahmed said that the re- strictions as laid down in the master plans drafted from time to time, have not been implemented strictly by concerned de- partments responsible for conservation and preser- vation of Dal. And with the result mushroom growth of illegal con- structions is going on,” he said. Locals said that the fail- ure of both administra- tive system and law en- forcing agency and their neck deep involvement in corruption is the main cause that concerned au- thorities are taking no measures to check the il- legal constructions. Acting vice chairman LAWDA Shafat Noor told CNS that he will direct his enforcement team to ascertain the facts. “We will take stern action against the offenders. See Illegal ON PG 11.. Gear up for upcoming assembly elections: DGP asks police Illegal constructions in Dal Lake areas continue unabated Govt in slumber; SMC, LWDA sleeping Review law and order, assess security situation in North Kashmir Srinagar, June 12 : Di- rector General of Police (DGP) K Rajendra Kumar on Thursday stressed on police to maintain law and order, strengthen relations with the pub- lic, minimize collateral damage and prepare for the upcoming assembly elections. According to KNS corre- spondent, while address- ing the first meeting on law and order and assess- ment of security situa- tion in Baramulla, after assuming the charge as DGP of Jammu and Kash- mir Mr Kumar stressed on the police to stream- line its functioning and strengthen the public re- lations. He emphasized on ef- fective coordination be- tween different security agencies to yield better results law and order re- sults. Mr Kumar stressed that police should gear up for the upcoming assem- bly elections. Mr Kumar appreciated the better coordination and deliv- ery by police during the just concluded Lok Sabha elections and stressed on the officers to chalk out comprehensive strate- gies to pre-empt and meet any kind of eventualities during the upcoming as- sembly elections. See DGP ON PG 11.. New Delhi, Jun 12: Home Minister Rajnath Singh Thursday asked his ministry officials to further strengthen the measures taken to curb infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir. He also directed them to take Kashmiri migrants into con- fidence and work for their return to the Valley. Singh Thursday held a meeting with senior officers of the Depart- ment of Jammu and Kashmir Af- fairs and reviewed security situ- ation in the state. Strengthening fencing along the border, See JK On PG 11.. Home Ministry to further strengthen measures to curb infiltration in J&K Rajnath Singh asks HM officials to take stringent measures Accuses him of abusing CM Srinagar, Jun 12 (KNS): Zonal Edu- cation Officer, Ruhama Thursday accused the former NC minister and MLA Rafiabad Javed Dar of pressur- izing him to disburse the payment of the ‘blue eyed’ contractor while un- dermining the government norms. ZEO, Dr Ghulam Mohammad stated that the contractor namely Khur- shid Ahmad Mir had to construct two school buildings at Muzbug Sopore under SSA. “He approached me in the past asking me to dis- burse the payment of rupees five lakh. I was later also called up by Javed Dar who too asked me to pay the money to the contractor. I fol- lowed the norms and disbursed the amount. ” He maintained further after 15 days, the contractor again ap- proached him with the demand of five lakh rupees more. “I directed my office to come up with the sta- tus of the work being done by the contractor. I was appraised that no work on the proposed school build- ings have been done and I refused to pay anything to the contractor. I immediately got the call from Javed Dar who pressurized me to disburse the amount in contractor’s favour. When I refused, he abused me ver- bally and threatened me of the dire consequences.” He also stated that Director School Education also asked him to hush up the matter and not to make the revelations public. KNS repeatedly tried to contact Di- rector School Education but his cell phone was continuously off and his officials didn’t transfer the call to him. However, MLA Rafiabad and a for- mer minister Javed Dar told KNS over phone that a delegation of contractors approached and com- plained that the in-charge ZEO delays their payments and make them suffer at large. “I as the MLA contacted the ZEO and asked him the reason. He in return stated that who are you and who is CM. he also abused and stated that he is not go- ing to listen to anyone. The phone recordings are in my possession that clearly reveals how much he has abused me.” Dar stated that the ZEO also con- tacted the contractors and abused them for approaching him. “I have never met that person but I continuously have been receiving complains about his behaviour in office. He is not a ZEO but has been given the additional charge for the same, he is a school principal. ” (KNS) NC leaders stoop too low Javid Dar had verbal dual with ZEO Srinagar, Jun 12): A day after a show of unity between the Hurriyat (G) Chairman Syed Ali Geelani and Hurriyat JK Shabir Shah was shown during the protest sit in, the leaders of both the amalgams Thurs- day stated that it would be too early to predict unity among both groups. However, both the amal- gams maintained that there will be close coordination between the two over the serious issue pertaining to Kashmir in the near future. “We have some exceptions with some pro-freedom camps here, rest we want closer ties with the separat- ist leadership of Kashmir,” said Hurriyat (G) chief spokesman Ayaz. He maintained that though it should not be termed as final unity among the sepa- ratist groups but a unan- imous approach to deal with some serious issues. “Geelani sahib wants to give message that over the serious issues, the leader- ship here is one. We have some exceptions but rest it will be all unanimous,” remarked Akbar. Meanwhile, senior See Hurriyat On PG 11.. ‘Coordination’ not ‘unity’ between Geelani, Shah’s Hurriyat Srinagar, June 12 (KNS): Senior PDP leader and Member Parliament, Mr Tariq Hameed Karra has sought a thorough probe into the revelations by a senior National Conference (NC) leader that hundreds of backdoor ap- pointments were made in J&K Bank by the present government on the be- hest of the Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather.“As the charges of favou- ritism in appointments in JK Bank against the Finance Minister have been See Karra On PG 11.. 6 Presidents promoted to the position of Senior President Srinagar, June 12 : In a move that will make the shares more affordable and pave way for its increased liquidity in the mar- ket, the Board of Directors of the J&K Bank Ltd, has opted for a 10:1 stock split (Ten shares of Rs. 1/- each for every one share of Rs. 10/- held) at its meeting held on 12th June, 2014. An in- vestor-friendly move of the Bank is intended to help more investors — particularly small investors — to get into the stock investment mode and hence they would be welcome. The decision of the Board however, would be subject to approval of the share- holders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Bank scheduled to be held on 2nd Au- gust, 2014.Presently market li- quidity of Shares of the See Split On PG 11.. Bank Board Recommends Stock Split Karra calls for thorough probe into JK Bank recruitments ‘Govt must come clean on charges of nepotism in appointments’ Sent to central jail Srinagar, Jun 12: Anoth- er absconder from South Kashmir on Thursday sur- rendered before the anti corruption case in con- nection with the CET paper leak scam-2012. According to the reports received by KNS, an ab- sconder namely Fida Hus- sain Wani who works in the office of the CMO Anant- nag as statistical assistant, surrendered before the an- ti-corruption court. Wani was later shifted to Sri- nagar’s central jail by the crime branch department of Jammu and Kashmir. Sources told KNS that when Wani earlier absconded, the crime branch and had asked his department to order his suspension after which he presented himself before the court, confessing his crime of purchasing the question papers from the broker. Reports maintained that Fida Huusain had bought question papers of CET year 2012 for his broth- er namely Obaid Husain. The Crime See CET On PG 11.. >>>>>> CET paper leak Scam 2012 >>>>>> >>>>>> NC brawl intensifies >>>>>> Another absconder surrenders before anti corruption court Srinagar, June 12: Suspected mil- itants on Thursday late evening hurled a grenade on a police party in north Kashmir’s Sopore town in Baramulla district, officials said. They said a grenade was hurled on a police party near Kupwara crossing adjacent to Dak Bunga- low in the town. However, no one was injured in the attack. See Militants On PG 11.. Militants hurl a grenade on police

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Home Ministry to further strengthen measures to curb infiltration in J&K Rajnath Singh asks HM officials to take stringent measures


Page 1: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 13 June 2014

Will never quit NC: BegSrinagar, June 12: National Con-ference senior leader and former Member Parliament Dr Meh-booba Beg’s brazen allegations against his party colleague and finance minister Abdul Rahim Rather are seen as a pressure tac-tics adopted by him to get accommodat-ed into the council of ministry through the route of Legisla-tive Council.Senior leaders in National Confer-ence have taken Beg’s salvo against Rather and NC se-nior leadership as a ‘manipulative negotiation’ to set-tle scores with the party leadership. “I have heard that Beg sahib had informed the party leadership some 15 days ago that he should be accommodated in the council of ministry through the route of Legislative Council. But the par-ty is yet to take any decision on this as the present MLCs have

few years left in their tenure,” a former minister and senior leader of NC told KNS, pleading anonym-ity. Another former minister and se-nior leader of NC added that Beg has almost conceded his defeat in the upcoming assembly elections and is now trying to sustain in the

political realm. “Giv-en the PDP’s strength in south Kashmir which is acknowl-edged by one and all, I think Beg wants to be in the good books of the opposition par-ty in view of the just concluded Lok Sabha results,” the former NC minister added. He said that Beg wanted that South Kashmir be given some represen-tation in the council

of ministry so he had approached the party leadership for the same. “He has been adamant on this is-sue seeking a ministerial berth and wanted the NC leadership to go for a reshuffle in the ministeri-al council,” the NC

See Beg On PG 11..

Srinagar, June 12: To further strengthen its top management, J&K Bank has made eleva-tions in the top management by promoting six Presidents to the level of Senior President.The orders to this effect were issued by Mush-taq Ahmad, Chairman & CEO here today. The new Senior Presidents include Vagish Chan-der, Shafat Ahmad Banday, Meera Jamwal, Roop Krishan Shah, Surjeet Singh Sehgal and Abdul Rauf Bhat.Commenting on the elevations, Chairman said, “The promotions are part of the Bank’s plan to allow further momentum at the lead-ership level to consolidate upon growth and expansion”.Describing bank’s human capital as the big-gest asset, Chairman said, “In our endeav-our to value and recognize the contribution of human resource, we have been constantly creating opportunities to present a promising growth path to our human resource across all levels.”“The strategic aspect of the elevations is also closely tied with our increasing footprint and growing size and as such the whole process of succession planning that we have been talking about needs to be seen in the back-drop of ever-evolving challenges and opportu-nities, and adding value to our

See Bank On PG 11..





FRIDAY 13 June | 2014 | 14 Shaban, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 163 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K



07:43 PM 12.3 0C 28.70C



Light Rain would occur at a few places over the state.

Partly cloudy sky. Maximum & Minimum tempera-tures will be around 29°C & 14°C respectively.

On Edit Page

See More On Pg 09

>>>>> PG 06 >>>>> PG 11 >>>>> PG 06

Drug shop sealed in Ganderbal

From cradle to grave, women the most beautiful creatures of God on earth, is always on receiving end. From the birth itself, she has to face many oddities. During childhood male child is given preference over her. Many restrictions are imposed on her movements when she is ado-lescent. After getting marriageable age, she has to face questioning eyes from the neighbourhood, society and parents are always in a hurry to find a match for her so that they can have a sigh of relief. Girls are big re-sponsibility for parents and to find a suitable match for daughters is much more difficult especially

Changing demographic composition

Bara Pather residents allege discrimination

Srinagar, Jun 12 : The locals re-siding within the peripheries of Maqdoom Sahib Shrine at old city Thursday accused that the state authorities have turned ‘blind eye’ towards their plight and no remedial measures are being taken by the government for the development of the area.According to the KNS corre-spondent, the locals stated that the government doesn’t

See Bara On PG 11..

Ganderbal, June 12: The Drug Controller department on Thursday sealed a drug shop in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district, officials said. Officials told GNS that follow-ing a complaint, the shop Shiekh Medical Agency was sealed by drug controller department at Behaama Ganderbal.The shop, according to sources, is owned by a government of-ficial. However, locals alleged that in the past the department also sealed few drug

See Drug On PG 11..

Afridi would be best T20 captain: Akram

Ronaldo richest FIFA playerOmar directs for bringing more service of Education under PSGA


Zabarwan Times requires the services of four report-ers- two for Srinagar, one each for Baramulla & Anant-nag. The aspirants should be qualified journalists with command over English and Urdu languages.

Salary negotiable

Send your C.V. on

[email protected]

Pressure tactics to get ministerial berth: Insider

J&K Bank announces elevations in top management

Srinagar, June 12: Due to unabated illegal construc-tions, the Dal Lake is squeezing and shrinking day by day and in future is going to take the shape of cesspool and this will be the death knell for this paradise, particularly Srinagar city, to lose its world famous heritage.Locals alleged that during night hours scores of tip-pers could be spotted ferrying construction material while Lakes and Waterways Development Authority (LAWDA) authorities act as mute spectators. They alleged that LAWDA authorities in connivance with some vested interests are not taking cognizance of this serious issue. “During late hours tip-per movement is visible on the famous Boulevard road while some tippers appear from Telbal side. From Dalgate to Telbal and on the fringes of Dal Lake in Rainawari, the illegal constructions are

going on,” a local Muham-mad Yaseen told CNS.Another resident Nazir Ahmed said that the re-strictions as laid down in the master plans drafted from time to time, have not been implemented strictly by concerned de-partments responsible for conservation and preser-vation of Dal. And with the result mushroom growth of illegal con-structions is going on,” he said.Locals said that the fail-ure of both administra-tive system and law en-forcing agency and their neck deep involvement in corruption is the main cause that concerned au-thorities are taking no measures to check the il-legal constructions.Acting vice chairman LAWDA Shafat Noor told CNS that he will direct his enforcement team to ascertain the facts. “We will take stern action against the offenders.

See Illegal ON PG 11..

Gear up for upcoming assembly elections:

DGP asks police

Illegal constructions in Dal Lake areas continue unabated

Govt in slumber; SMC, LWDA sleeping

Review law and order, assess security situation

in North KashmirSrinagar, June 12 : Di-rector General of Police (DGP) K Rajendra Kumar on Thursday stressed on police to maintain law and order, strengthen relations with the pub-lic, minimize collateral damage and prepare for the upcoming assembly elections.According to KNS corre-spondent, while address-ing the first meeting on law and order and assess-ment of security situa-tion in Baramulla, after assuming the charge as DGP of Jammu and Kash-mir Mr Kumar stressed on the police to stream-line its functioning and strengthen the public re-lations.He emphasized on ef-fective coordination be-tween different security agencies to yield better

results law and order re-sults. Mr Kumar stressed that police should gear up for the upcoming assem-bly elections. Mr Kumar appreciated the better coordination and deliv-

ery by police during the just concluded Lok Sabha elections and stressed on the officers to chalk out comprehensive strate-gies to pre-empt and meet any kind of eventualities during the upcoming as-sembly elections.

See DGP ON PG 11..

New Delhi, Jun 12: Home Minister Rajnath Singh Thursday asked his ministry officials to further strengthen the measures taken to curb infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir. He also directed them to take Kashmiri migrants into con-fidence and work for their return

to the Valley. Singh Thursday held a meeting with senior officers of the Depart-ment of Jammu and Kashmir Af-fairs and reviewed security situ-ation in the state. Strengthening fencing along the border,

See JK On PG 11..

Home Ministry to further strengthen measures to curb infiltration in J&K

Rajnath Singh asks HM officials to take stringent measures

Accuses him of abusing CM

Srinagar, Jun 12 (KNS): Zonal Edu-cation Officer, Ruhama Thursday accused the former NC minister and MLA Rafiabad Javed Dar of pressur-izing him to disburse the payment of the ‘blue eyed’ contractor while un-dermining the government norms.ZEO, Dr Ghulam Mohammad stated that the contractor namely Khur-shid Ahmad Mir had to construct two school buildings at Muzbug Sopore under SSA. “He approached me in the past asking me to dis-burse the payment of rupees five lakh. I was later also called up by Javed Dar who too asked me to pay the money to the contractor. I fol-lowed the norms and disbursed the amount. ” He maintained further after 15 days, the contractor again ap-proached him with the demand of five lakh rupees more. “I directed my office to come up with the sta-tus of the work being done by the contractor. I was appraised that no work on the proposed school build-ings have been done and I refused to pay anything to the contractor. I immediately got the call from Javed Dar who pressurized me to disburse

the amount in contractor’s favour. When I refused, he abused me ver-bally and threatened me of the dire consequences.”He also stated that Director School Education also asked him to hush up the matter and not to make the revelations public.KNS repeatedly tried to contact Di-rector School Education but his cell phone was continuously off and his officials didn’t transfer the call to him. However, MLA Rafiabad and a for-mer minister Javed Dar told KNS over phone that a delegation of contractors approached and com-plained that the in-charge ZEO delays their payments and make them suffer at large. “I as the MLA contacted the ZEO and asked him the reason. He in return stated that who are you and who is CM. he also abused and stated that he is not go-ing to listen to anyone. The phone recordings are in my possession that clearly reveals how much he has abused me.”Dar stated that the ZEO also con-tacted the contractors and abused them for approaching him. “I have never met that person but I continuously have been receiving complains about his behaviour in office. He is not a ZEO but has been given the additional charge for the same, he is a school principal. ” (KNS)

NC leaders stoop too low

Javid Dar had verbal dual with ZEO Srinagar, Jun 12): A day

after a show of unity between the Hurriyat (G) Chairman Syed Ali Geelani and Hurriyat JK Shabir Shah was shown during the protest sit in, the leaders of both the amalgams Thurs-day stated that it would be too early to predict unity among both groups.However, both the amal-gams maintained that there will be close coordination between the two over the serious issue pertaining to Kashmir in the near future. “We have some exceptions with some pro-freedom camps here, rest we want closer ties with the separat-ist leadership of Kashmir,” said Hurriyat (G) chief spokesman Ayaz.He maintained that though it should not be termed as final unity among the sepa-ratist groups but a unan-imous approach to deal with some serious issues. “Geelani sahib wants to give message that over the serious issues, the leader-ship here is one. We have some exceptions but rest it will be all unanimous,” remarked Akbar.Meanwhile, senior

See Hurriyat On PG 11..

‘Coordination’ not ‘unity’

between Geelani, Shah’s Hurriyat

Srinagar, June 12 (KNS): Senior PDP leader and Member Parliament, Mr Tariq Hameed Karra has sought a thorough probe into the revelations by a senior National Conference (NC) leader that hundreds of backdoor ap-pointments were made in J&K Bank by the present government on the be-hest of the Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather.“As the charges of favou-ritism in appointments in JK Bank against the Finance Minister have been

See Karra On PG 11..

6 Presidents promoted to the position of Senior President

Srinagar, June 12 : In a move that will make the shares more affordable and pave way for its increased liquidity in the mar-ket, the Board of Directors of the J&K Bank Ltd, has opted for a 10:1 stock split (Ten shares of Rs. 1/- each for every one share of Rs. 10/- held) at its meeting held on 12th June, 2014. An in-vestor-friendly move of the Bank is intended to help more

investors — particularly small investors — to get into the stock investment mode and hence they would be welcome. The decision of the Board however, would be subject to approval of the share-holders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Bank scheduled to be held on 2nd Au-gust, 2014.Presently market li-quidity of Shares of the

See Split On PG 11..

Bank Board Recommends Stock Split

Karra calls for thorough probe into JK Bank recruitments

‘Govt must come clean on charges of nepotism in appointments’

Sent to central jailSrinagar, Jun 12: Anoth-er absconder from South Kashmir on Thursday sur-rendered before the anti corruption case in con-nection with the CET paper leak scam-2012.According to the reports

received by KNS, an ab-sconder namely Fida Hus-sain Wani who works in the office of the CMO Anant-nag as statistical assistant, surrendered before the an-ti-corruption court. Wani was later shifted to Sri-nagar’s central jail by the

crime branch department of Jammu and Kashmir.Sources told KNS that when Wani earlier absconded, the crime branch and had asked his department to order his suspension after which he presented himself before the court, confessing

his crime of purchasing the question papers from the broker. Reports maintained that Fida Huusain had bought question papers of CET year 2012 for his broth-er namely Obaid Husain. The Crime

See CET On PG 11..

>>>>>> CET paper leak Scam 2012 >>>>>>

>>>>>> NC brawl intensifies >>>>>>

Another absconder surrenders before anti corruption court

Srinagar, June 12: Suspected mil-itants on Thursday late evening hurled a grenade on a police party in north Kashmir’s Sopore town in Baramulla district, officials said.They said a grenade was hurled on a police party near Kupwara crossing adjacent to Dak Bunga-low in the town. However, no one was injured in the attack.

See Militants On PG 11..

Militants hurl a grenade on police

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 13 June 2014

11 Srinagar, Friday 13 June 2014 Zabarwan Times













Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik Legal Advisor: Syed Riyaz Hussain RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844

rehabilitation of surrendered militants and migrants, development projects and progress of skill upgrada-tion schemes for youth like Udaan were also discussed in detail during the meeting. The Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju also attended the meeting.

Hurriyat JK leader Shabir Ahmad Shah told KNS over phone that it would be too early to assume a general unity among the pro-freedom camp and that over the serious issues, there will be coordination between the two amalgams. “I had already stated that we will be having a close coordination. Now the time has come and the same shall be implemented on ground.” Shah told KNS that his amalgam and the Hurriyat led by Syed Ali Geelani will have a mutual coordi-nation over the issue of the issuance of permanent settlement to Pak refugees issue and the boycott for the forthcoming assembly polls. (KNS)

brand and business”, he emphasized.He added, “We are hopeful that these officers will han-dle their new roles, which of course are big and stra-tegic, with great sense of responsibility and excellent leadership qualities”.(KNS)

levelled by a senior NC leader and former Member Parliament Dr Mehboob Beg, these need to be probed thoroughly as the people have every right to know the truth,” Karra said in a statement issued to KNS, here today.He said unemployment being the major concern of every stakeholder in the State, nobody can be allowed to play with the future of educated unem-ployed youth by resorting to nepotism in recruit-ments. “By resorting to alleged backdoor appoint-ments in J&K Bank, the State’s Finance Minister is not only promoting mediocrity in the Bank, but is striking at the very foundation of this premiere financial institution which is already under cloud because of the surfacing of various shady dealings,” he said.Reiterating his demand for a white paper on the functioning of J&K Bank, Mr Karra said the disturb-ing reports appearing in a section of the press over the past few days regarding the messy state of affairs in the Bank have set the alarm bells ringing and peo-ple must know what is going on inside the Bank.He said as J&K Bank touches everybody’s skin in the State, the Government and the Bank authorities must come clean on the alarming reports of back-door appointments, manipulating profits, massive discrimination in deposits and advances within and outside the State and deteriorating fiscal health of the Bank.“It is the responsibility of the Government and the Bank authorities to come clean with a White Paper on the issue, sooner the better,” Mr Karra said and added that not only is the State’s economy but the hard-earned money and livelihood of thousands of people in Jammu and Kashmir is closely linked with J&K Bank and any mishap in the institution could prove catastrophic for the entire State and its people. (KNS)

Branch has earlier asked for the cancelation of the admission of Obaid.Sources had earlier confirmed to KNS that out of the three arrested, one had surrendered after his proper-ty was confiscated. All the three accused are now un-der judicial custody in central Jail Srinagar. Reports maintained that two out of three accused now in cen-tral jail are senior officers in the forest department while as the third is assistant executive engineer. “These three arrested officers had purchased papers for their wards and were wanted in the matter,” a se-nior officer in the crime branch told KNS.On May 23, the High Court had reprimanded the Crime Branch for its slow pace in arresting the ab-sconders. So far the Crime Branch has produced charge sheet against 45 accused including the former BOPEE chairman Mushtaq Ahmad Baqaal, alias Pir in the matter. Some parents and their wards have also been booked for securing admission through fraudu-lent means. Last month, the high court which is mon-itoring the investigations directed: “…all the codal provisions should be pressed into service to arrest these 17 absconders by tightening the noose so that the society at large may feel that justice is been done to those who are law abiding.” (KNS)

senior leader informed KNS.When contacted, Dr Me-hboob Beg told KNS: “I have not asked for ministry to my party leadership. The remarks I made are based on the feedback I have got from the party cadres, workers in South Kashmir.”Asked why he pin pointed the finance minister in his speech and why not the whole leadership for dismal performance in just concluded Lok Sabah elections, Beg said that he has nothing personal against Mr Rather and the appointments in Jammu and Kashmir bank can be verified by anyone. “If appointments in JK Bank are done under certain norms and guidelines, then why most of the em-ployees in JK Bank are form from Charar-e-Shareef alone, why not from any other place especially in the south Kashmir.”Asked if he is being offered any safe constituency by the opposition PDP for the upcoming assembly elections, Beg refuted the assertion saying that he is not in touch with any political party nor will he do that. “It is not for any political mileage but I wanted to know the reason for our humiliating defeat in just concluded Lok Sabah elections. And whatever I said yesterday is based on the feedback and what conclusion I had arrived at after meeting my party workers in South Kashmir.” When asked will he quit National Conference, Beg said: “No why should I quit. I will never do that.” The former MP said that the NC leadership has taken note of his remarks made on his father’s anniversary but they have not contacted him sofar. (KNS)

He announced that police will organize a sports festi-val in which around 40 teams will participate in North Kashmir. Different tournaments involving cricket, football, volleyball and Kabadi shall be held during the festival starting from August this year. The meet-ing which lasted for over four hours in Baramulla police lines was attended by senior police officers in-cluding IGP Kashmir A G Mir, DIG North Kashmir Range Ghulam Hassan Bhat, SSP Baramulla Mir Su-hail, SP Handwara Maqsood-u-Zaman, SP Kupwara Abdul Jabbar, SP Bandipora and all additional SPs of North Kashmir range.The DGP was also briefed on law and order situation in North Kashmir range by DIG North Kashmir Ghu-lam Hassan Bhat. After the meeting was over, Mr Kumar addressed a gathering of over 5000 police con-stables wherein he discussed their rights and duties assuring them of full support for their welfare. (KNS)

We have already passed the instructions to the en-forcement team to keep a strict vigil and take on spot action against the guilty,” he said. (CNS)

While confirming the attack, the Superintendent of Police (SP) Sopore Abdul Qayoom told GNS over phone that a police party was attacked by militants with a grenade. “There was complete dark when the attack took place near Dak Bungalow but thankfully no one is injured or dead,” he said.Soon after the attack, police’s Special Operation Group, army and paramilitary forces started mas-sive searches in the area. (GNS)

shops but they were allowed to function later.Parvaiz Ahmad, who is Assistant Drug Controller Ganderbal, when contacted, refused to comment and disconnected the phone. Despite repeated at-tempts, his phone was switched off. The Deputy Director of Drug Controller Department Kashmir, Nazir Ahmad confirmed to GNS that the shop has been sealed. “I have asked officials to submit report tomorrow,” he said. (GNS)

permit them to construct or renovate their hous-es and that after their repeated pleas to the state authorities to look into the matter, no concrete de-cision was taken so far.The residents also accused that to get their houses renovated.

Srinagar, June 12 : In order to streamline the process of issuing No Objection Certificates (NOCs) relating to the functioning of pri-vate educational institutions in the State, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Thursday directed for bringing various such tasks under the Public Services Guarantee Act (PSGA) so that their deliverance is time bound and smooth.According to a statement issued to KNS, the issue was raised by J&K Unaided Private Schools Coordina-tion Committee during a meeting here this morning with the Chief Minister requesting his interven-tion in making the system of grant-ing affiliation, recognition and oth-er related issues by the Education Department hassle free and time bound. The Chief Minister while directing for taking fresh look on the guidelines and bringing vari-ous services in this regard under the ambit of Public Service Guar-antee Act, said that no compromise whatsoever shall be made in ensur-ing safety, security and education of students besides basic facilities in the private educational institu-tions.“All of us should be concerned about the education to the stu-dents in a conducive and palatable atmosphere as also safeguarding the interests of the teachers and other staff working in private schools and colleges”, he said and impressed upon the private educa-tional institution owners to ratio-nalize their fee structure and up-grade facilities in the educational institutions. “We are more than ready to ad-dress all your genuine issues me-ticulously and sympathetically but you have to meet us at the halfway so far as the charging of fee to the students, providing salaries to the staff and making befitting in-frastructure for ensuring quality education is concerned”, he told the Private Schools Coordination Committee.The Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand, Minister for Higher Educa-tion, Mohammad Akbar Lone, Vice Chancellors of Universities of Jam-

mu and Kashmir, Principal Sec-retary to the Chief Minister and various administrative secretaries were present in the meeting. In an-other meeting with Kashmir Hote-liers Association, the Chief Minis-ter took stock of various issues and problems confronting the hoteliers in Jammu and Kashmir and direct-ed the Tourism, Transport and Ur-ban Development Departments to look into the genuine problems of this industry in a holistic manner and come up with a feasible solu-tion. The Minister for Tourism, G. A. Mir was also present in the

meeting besides Chief Secretary, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, Prin-cipal Secretaries, Divisional Com-missioner, Kashmir and various administrative secretaries.It was stated that in Srinagar city one Sewerage Scheme with 60 MLD STP is under execution at an estimated cost of Rs.132.92 crore which is likely to be completed by March 2015. It was stated that by the completion of this scheme the hotel industry in the State would get amply benefited on account of sewerage disposal and STP facili-ty.The Chief Minister discussed the issues of Transporters in yet an-other meeting in which Minister for Finance, Abdul Rahim Rather, Minister for Transport, Ch. Mo-hammad Ramzan and Advocate General, Mohammad Ishaq Qadri were also present besides various administrative secretaries and heads of the departments. The Chief Minister directed the Vice Chairman, SDA to take required

measures for upgrading facilities in the Transport Nagar in Bemina area and finalize the allotment of plots to the transporters through the set procedure and norms as early as possible.The Transporters brought various other issues including the check-ing of load carriers at various plac-es into the notice of the Chief Min-ister in the meeting.The Chief Minister gave on spot di-rections to the Department of Com-mercial Taxes, IG Police and Divi-sional Commissioner, Kashmir to sort out these and other issues with

the representatives of Transporters as soon as possible. The Chief Min-ister in a meeting with ICTA repre-sentatives discussed the issues per-taining to Information Technology Industry with the concerned offi-cers and directed for taking early action in addressing the matters and points raised by ICTA in the meeting.Among other things, ICTA highlighted the issue of establish-ment of IT Park, provision of 1.5% funds for this sector in the plan al-locations, extension of a cable ter-mination station/internet exchange link from Chandigarh to Srinagar etc. The Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo was pres-ent in the meeting. The Chairman, ICTA expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for making it manda-tory to the big project launchers in the State to have a local partner for any National level company bid-ding SWAN project. He requested for same mandatory requirement to all IT projects building techni-cal competency within the State. (KNS)

Omar directs for bringing more service of Education under PSGA

Discusses problems of Hoteliers, Transporters, ICTA with officers


This if for information of all those candidates who are appearing in B.Tech Entrance Examina-tion of Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi through newly constituted Examination Centre in Kash-mir that their Examination will be held in Hall A &B of Humanities Block, University of Kashmir on June 14, 2014.No:F(Ent-JMI-Exam)KU/14/Gen-99Dated: June 12, 2014

Sd/- (Prog. A.S.Bhat)Controller of Examinations

Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division BaramullaTender Notice No:15of 2014-15

For & on behalf of Governor of J&K State, the Executive Engineer R&B Division Baramulla invites sealed tenders affixed with two Rev-enue stamps from the approved PWD contractors of the classes shown on Annexure "A".

The tenders should be addressed to the Executive Engineer] R&B Division Baramulla by registered post or by hand and should reach in his Office on before 23.06.2014 up to 2:00 P.M. In case the opening date being declared as Holiday/Hartal, the tenders shall be/ received on next working day.

The tenders should be sealed in proper cover with name of work, name of the contractor, reference to CDR No. and date without which tender shall be rejected without assigning any reason thereof.

The tender document can be had from the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Baramulla atjainst cash payment on any working day during office hours upto ,20.06.2014 only after receipt of the Valid TIN No. & PAN No. along with latest Sales Tax Clearance Ceftifica/e/ Acknowledgement receipt of sales Tax return file

That the Service Tax on prescribed rates shall be deducted from the work done claims on total value of work which includes departmen-tal stores. The rates quoted/ allotted shall include all taxes.

The departmental material shall be supplied to the contractors on following rates from Divisional Store (i) Cement @ Rs. 440/bag (ii). TMT (Bars) @ Rs 60.50/Kg (iii). Anglelron/ Flat Iron @ Rs 65/Kg. iv) CGI/PGI Sheets @Rs. 55/Kg. v) Bitumen @ Rs 60000/MT (in case of non availability of stocks in Divisional' Stores the contractor my purchase the required material of quality & specifications prescribed to be certified by Engineer incharge after getting non-availability certificate from Executive Engineer & shall not be entitled for any type of exces-sive rates on this account.

All other terms and conditions will be the same as laid down in the detailed) NIT NO: 01/2014-15 issued under endst. No: 314-24 dated: 19.04.2014.

Annexure AThis Office NIT No:15 of 2014-15 issued under endorsement No.1301-11 Dated 07.06.2014

S. No

Name of the work Adv. Cost

Earnest Money

Class of Contract

Time of Completion

Cost of Tender Document

Head of Account

1. Repairs/ renovation of Residential quarter uner Occupation of DSP H/Q Baramulla

Rs. 2050 Lacs

Rs. 2500/- 15 days Rs. 200/- Funds Demanded (Verbal Orders of DDC Baramulla)

2. Construciton of CC Drain at Zan-dfaran Audoora Road Km 3rd RD 250m-290m

Rs. 1.50 lacs

Rs. 1500/- SHG 15 Days Rs. 200/- MH-3054 M&R

Sd/. Executive EngineerDIPK NO. 1813 R&B Division Baramulla

LOST I have lost 9th Pass (Session 1994) certificate somewhere. Now I have applied for its duplicate. Anybody having objection in this regard may file the same in the office of Govt. High School, Sogam within 3 days after that no objection will be entertained.

Zahoor Ahmad SofiS/o Ab Ahad SofiR/o Sogam, Chadura

Notice My wards date of birth in school regards has been wrongly entered as 10.01.2000 instead of 10.11.2001.Now I have applied for the necessary correction. Anybody having any objection re-garding this may produce the dame of Headmas-ter Govt. High School Push -keri Check within seven days from the date of publication of this Notice . After that no objection will be enter-tained

Ab.Rahman BhatF/O:-Abid Hussain BhatR/O:- Push-keri CheckDistt/Teh:Anantnag

Page 3: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 13 June 2014


SRINAGAR, JUNE 12: A meeting of the House Com-mittee of Jammu and Kash-mir, Legislative Assembly, constituted to ascertain the factual position regarding the illegal encroachment of wet lands for its conversion for residential purposes in Srinagar, Baramulla and Bandipora districts and conversion of Agriculture and Kahcharai land for resi-dential purposes, met today under the chairmanship of MLA, Hakeem Mohammad Yasin.Legislators, Mr. Rafi Ahmad Mir, Syed Bhashrat Ahmad Bukhari and Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Jan attended the meeting and gave their valuable suggestions to make the functioning of the Committee more vi-brant and result oriented.A threadbare discussion was held on various issues, in-cluding status and imple-mentation of recommenda-tions, the Committee made during 2013-14 and Action

Taken Reports.Meanwhile, the Panel

directed the authorities of revenue, forest, wild-life and SMC to furnish a detailed report about the measures initiated by them for protection and checking of illegal encroachments of wet lands in Srinagar, Baramulla and Bandipora districts.Earlier, Financial Commissioner, Revenue, Dr. Arun Kumar, Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir Mr. Shailendra Kumar, Chief Wildlife Warden, Mr. A. K. Singh, Vice Chairman, LAW-DA Mr. Shafaqat Noor Bar-las, Deputy Commissioner Central Mr. M. H. Mir, APCCF and Director Environment, Mr. Suresh Chugh, Commis-sioner, SMC, Dr. G. N. Qasba, , Director Rakhs and Farms Mr. Altaf Andrabi and other concerned field function-aries briefed the meeting about the measures taken by their respective depart-ment for protection.

NEW DELHI: Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi was on Thursday ap-pointed as the new attorney general (AG) and will have a tenure of three years.

The law ministry issued a formal notification appointing him as the top law officer of the NDA government.

The government has already appointed Ranjit Kumar as the solicitor gen-eral. Six additional solicitors general have also been ap-pointed.

Rohatgi took over from GE Vahanvati as the 14th AG of the country. Vahan-vati had resigned following a change of the government at the Centre.

It is a convention that law officers step down after the change of government.

Rohatgi had recently said his top priority as attorney general would be to “streamline litigations in the Supreme Court.”

“I will see that the superior courts

are not flooded with frivolous and petty litigations,” he said, adding he would make all efforts to check that the government does not involve it-self in inter-ministerial litigations.

“I will see and work out that the

government department does not involve in litigations with each oth-er,” Rohatgi, who had also served as an additional solicitor general dur-

ing previous NDA regime, had told PTI.

Rohatgi, son of former Delhi high court judge Justice Awadh Behari Rohatgi, has represented Gujarat government in the Supreme Court

in the 2002 Gujarat riots and fake encounter death cases, including the Best Bakery and Zahira Sheikh cases.

A sought-after corpo-rate lawyer, Rohatgi had represented Anil Ambani in the apex court in the gas dispute case between the Ambani brothers.

He has also been repre-senting the Italian embassy in the apex court in a case relating to two Italian ma-rines involved in the killing of two fishermen off the Kerala coast in 2012.

Besides some of these high-profile cases handled by him, Rohatgi has been appearing on be-half of big corporates in the 2G scam trial.

Panel seeks report about encroachments of wet lands Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi

is new attorney general

SRINAGAR, JUNE 12: Asserting that the Government has undertaken a comprehensive programme for ensuring need based and sustained development of the State which would go a long way in providing all the necessary basic facilities to the people, said the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayats, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar, adding that the necessary instructions have been passed to ensure timely completion of all the developmental projects.

The Minister was interacting with scores of deputations which met him today, including non-teaching staff of SKUAST, Western Transport Association besides the deputations from Rajouri, Mendhar, Pampore, Budgam and Panchayat representatives. The Minister asked the people to actively involve themselves in the implementation of these welfare programmes and provide the necessary feedback about the status of implementation

so that the corrective measures are taken where necessary.

Mr. Sagar said that care has been taken to ensure that these programmes are aimed to provide better facilities in R&B, Housing, Health, PDD, PHE, sectors etc.

The Minister asked the people to actively involve themselves in the implementation of these welfare programmes and provide the necessary feedback about the status of implementation so that the corrective measures are taken where necessary.

The Minister while interacting with the deputations assured them that all their genuine grievances would be redressed in time bound manner. He said that necessary instructions have already been passed down the line so that various developmental and welfare programmes are completed within the stipulated time frame for the benefit of people.

Leh, June 12: Three day Sing-hey Khababs Sindhu Festival com-menced at Shey Manla Sindhu Ghat today. The Minister for Ur-ban Development & Local Bodies, Nawang Rigzin Jora, who was the Chief Guest on the occasion, de-clared the festival open with hoist-ing the national flag followed by a brief prayer ceremony performed by all the religious heads.

The Ambassador of Czech Re-public to India Mr. Miloslav Stasek was guest of honour on the occa-sion.

Addressing the gathering Mr Jora said, that celebrating this fes-tival is a means of paying tribute to Sindhu which is the most ancient civilization, the Indus civilization and speaks of the heritage of India and Pakistan. Talking about his ef-forts in developing various tourist infrastructures in Ladakh during his tenure as tourism minister, Mr Jora said that Leh is the only tour-ist destination in India which en-joys per capita tourist more than one. He said that tourists who are spending their holiday in Leh are also doing national duty by pro-viding livelihood to the people of border area.

Shedding light on the objective

of the festival, Mr Jora said that the primary purpose of celebrating this festival is to attract more and more tourists, domestic and for-eigners, to this region. Describing tourism sector the main support system for economic growth in La-dakh, Mr Jora said that the indus-try has proved highly beneficial in providing job opportunities which improved economic conditions of the people of the region.

Chief Executive Councillor, LA-HDC, Rigzin Spalbar while wel-

coming all the guests and tourists said that Singhey Khababs Sindhu Festival is a symbolic event on communal harmony and sends across the message of brotherhood, unity in diversity and peace in the country and in the world. He said that the main purpose of celebrat-ing Sindhu festival is to extend the tourist season from 2 months to 6 months and to make the national and international tourists aware about the importance of Sindhu River from which the name of India

has been derived.While going into details of the

contribution Mr Jora made for growth of tourism industry in Ladkah during his tenure as tour-ism minister, Spalbar said that Jora worked tirelessly for creation of tourist related infrastructure throughout the region.

Earlier, the Executive Coun-cillor for Tourism Moham-mad Shafi Lassu welcomed the guests and tourists in his wel-come speech.

3-day Singhey Khababs Sindhu Festival commencesJora declares the festival open today

Malik chairs Privilege Committee meeting Prepare DPR for construc-tion of additional block at MLA

Hostel Srinagar, Jammu: GulSRINAGAR, JUNE 12: The Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir

Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mubarak Gul on Thursday direct-ed the concerned to prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for construction of additional blocks each in MLA Hostel, Sri-nagar and Jammu. He also asked them to submit the same to the concerned quarter for immediate release of funds.

This direction was given by the speaker while chairing a General Purpose Committee meeting held here today.

A threadbare discussion was held on recovery of rentals against the occupants of MLA Hostel Srinagar and Jammu, installation of ATM Facility within the premises of MLA Hos-tel Srinagar and healthcare facilities available in dispensary of MLA Hostel.

Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mohammad Sartaj Madni, Legislators Dr. Mustafa Kamal and Mr. Abdul Razaq Wagay attended the meeting and stressed for upgrada-tion of health facility at MLA Hostel Srinagar.

The speaker directed the Secretary Assembly Mr. M. Ram-zan to ensure neat and cleanliness in and around the MLAs Hostel at Srinagar and Jammu.

SRINAGAR, JUNE 12: A meeting of the Committee on Privileges of Jammu and Kashmir, Legislative Assem-bly was held under the chair-manship of MLA, Mr. Abdul Gani Malik, here today.

Legislators, Mr. Ashwani Kumar, Peer Aafaq Ahmad and Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan attended the meeting and gave their valuable sugges-tions for making the working of the Committee vibrant and

result oriented.Among oth-ers, Secretary Assembly Mr. M. Ramzan, Special Secre-tary Assembly Mr. Mulkh Raj Singh besides senior officers of Assembly Secretariat were present in the meeting.

Consider making some plans for a vacation or short getaway, Libra. Looking forward to something fun can make even the tough-est of days far easier to handle. You’ll be amazed how much you can manage when there’s an end in plain sight. Your entire attitude can lighten. So take the bull by the horns and create an incentive for yourself. Do something special to reward the hard work you do day after day.

Don’t judge someone if he or she has a different lifestyle than what you consider to be OK, Scorpio. You probably lean toward the traditional, yet not everyone feels this way about re-lationships, working, or lifestyle. While it may seem impossible to understand and even frighten you, try not to be too harsh on those you deem odd. You’d be better off using that energy to keep your own life on track.

Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on could be plentiful today, Sagittarius. You’re one of best people to give them the support and care they need. Just be sure that you don’t give so much to others that you don’t have anything left for yourself. True friendship is about sharing and the exchange of problems and help. Running yourself down will leave you in a place where you aren’t going to be much help to anyone.

Getting through today shouldn’t pose too big a problem for you, Capricorn. You may feel a huge second wind that can give you the drive and determination to see your chores and projects through. Make some plans for this evening, such as getting to-gether with friends or taking in an event that really intrigues you. Until then, go about your tasks bit by bit. You’ll get things finished before you know it.

Working within boundaries and restrictions could really get to you today, Aquarius. Yours is an independent spirit and your best achievements are often born of doing things your own way. Yet like it or not, we all have to follow guidelines and rules. Do your best to follow suit and finish what needs to be done. Afterward, you may find more freedom to act independently without consequences. Exercise patience and diligence as needed today.

Chances are that you’ll feel upbeat and positive today, Pisces. Consider sharing this energy with those around you who are feel-ing less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners, spouses, and children. Even neighbors and ex-tended family can pick up on your spirit without you even real-izing it. Share your optimism with everyone you can today. If you see someone hurt or angry.

Feeling the effects of today’s energies, Virgo? Take heart if this is the case, because the end of the tunnel isn’t as far away as it seems. Do your best to take things one step at a time and see about making some plans for a little fun this evening. Get together with friends or take in a movie. Help yourself feel better by staying busy and focused and follow up with some recreation. Before you know it, the aspect will pass and you’ll be back to normal.

Don’t discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if you need to be, Aries. If you don’t have everything you need or all of the required information, take time to think. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren’t all there, instead make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.

Try not to let today’s blues get you down, Taurus. While it’s true that some days can seem to drag on, the busier you are the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still before you and then make plans for tonight. If there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things seem to speed up but you’ll feel better knowing it’s coming.

Dare to be different, Gemini. It can be so easy to fall into a drill. Sleeping at the same time, eating at the same time, wearing the same style, and going about work the same way day after day. Be-fore you know it, you feel like you’re in a rut. The only way to get away from this is to make a decision to break free by doing some-thing unique. Try a new haircut. Wear colors that are unusual for you. If the need is there, consider a new career. Pursue expansion.

If your lifestyle is considerably different than that of others, re-sist feeling self-conscience about it today, Cancer. Try to remember that you chose the life you have for specific reasons. Even if you’ve come to a point where you’re considering a change, there’s no need to feel badly, ashamed, or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to make his or her own way. If this conforms to the norm, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, that’s fine, too.

An enhanced feeling of determination could motivate you today, Leo. Finish the things that aren’t complete and make some plans for this evening. Don’t hesitate to take on something that feels compli-cated or big. Chances are you’ll be able to handle most anything and it will feel great when it’s finished. Enjoy your day by making the most of opportunity.

Comprehensive programme undertaken for dev of State: Sagar

DC Baramulla directs immedi-

ate improve-ment, repair

of town roadsBARAMULLA, JUNE 12: The Deputy Commis-sioner Baramulla, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone to-day convened a meet-ing of officers to review the strengthening and upgradation of urban in-frastructure particularly roads in the town. The Deputy Commis-sioner directed imme-diate black topping, re-pairs and improvements of roads in the town and adjoining areas particu-larly in the old town. He directed the engineers to complete these im-provement works before the onset of Holy month of Ramadhan so that people don’t face any difficulties during that month. Dr. Lone directed preparation and sub-mission of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for modernising and up-grading the bus stand in the town. The DPR, he said, should include components like de-congestion and beauti-fication of the area and adding more facilities and utilities like drink-ing water facility, wait-ing lounges, public con-veniences etc. to the stand. The meeting was attended by heads of several engineering wings including R&B, PHE, PDD, MED etc.The Deputy Commis-sioner also reviewed the status and availability of other civic amenities like power, drinking wa-ter and public health. The meeting was at-tended by heads of sev-eral engineering wings including R&B, PHE, PDD, MED etc.

Page 4: Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 13 June 2014

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Friday 13 June 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Changing demographic composition

From cradle to grave, women the most beau-tiful creatures of God on earth, is always on receiving end. From the

birth itself, she has to face many oddities. During childhood male child is given preference over her. Many restrictions are imposed on her movements when she is ad-olescent. After getting marriage-able age, she has to face question-ing eyes from the neighbourhood, society and parents are always in a hurry to find a match for her so that they can have a sigh of relief. Girls are big responsibility for par-ents and to find a suitable match for daughters is much more diffi-cult especially during these days when prospective grooms’ par-ents expect their would be daugh-ter in law to be in job that too in government job in order to ensure financial security. Due to obvi-ous reasons the social fabric has undergone tremendous changes. Most of the young boys are going out of valley to pursue their stud-ies and after completion finding it difficult to get some good job in the state, they prefer to settle outside the state. It has been observed that most of the prospective grooms these days are marrying girls from the places they are working in. Hence the prospect of getting a compatible match for daughter is shrinking. As a result of this changing phenomenon marriage of daughters get delayed. The mar-riageable age from 20 years has now crossed to over 30 years. Not only this, the girls are outshining boys in education sector. Today the girls are highly educated and by the time they get some satis-factory job the marriageable age passes. The delayed marriages are also having negative impacts on the social structure. Pre marriage relations, extra-marital relations, marriages out of state, dowry, un-employment and increase in di-vorce are some of the devastating fallouts of delayed marriages which lead to psychiatric problems, drug addiction, suicide and of course change in demographic compo-sition of the society. The number of single men and women is on in-crease. This problem is much more visible in cities and towns and peo-ple have become more ambitious and materialistic as compared to rural areas.The sociologists are perturbed over this new emerging trend as it is shattering the very so-cial fabric and giving rise to many social evils. If not checked in time, the changing demographic com-position of the valley may add a new dimension to the already vexed political crisis.

As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more

important to have real ones

Qoute of the day

George Bernard Shaw

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Sunday 23 February 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

To Grey Gracefully

One day every living thing on earth has to decay and ultimately die its own death. But the period from birth to death is full

of challenges and difficulties. Due to advancement in medical sciences, the ultimate death has been delayed. The average age of a human being which till some years back was between 45-50 years has risen to 70 years. According to surveys India is going to be a home for second largest number of elderly people in the world. A majority of this population will be living in rural areas thereby posing health service delivery a herculean task before the govern-ment. The most tragic part will be that thirty percent of these people would be below poverty line. Moreover this large chunk of population would be suffering from arthritis, deafness, hy-pertension, poor vision, bone fractures or will be anemic due to lack of nutri-ent food. One in ten in rural India and two in five in urban areas will be suf-fering from diabetes, bowl disorder or heart ailment and loss of memory. As per health ministry reports number of people in sixty plus age group in India will exceed ten crores by next year and nearly twenty crores in 2030. Reports further reveal that at least ten percent of this population would be bedrid-den, requiring utmost care. Keeping in view such a large chunk of elderly people, Union Ministry of Health has revised national programme for health care for elderly people. Efforts are on to produce more post graduates in Geriatric medicine per year besides adding more beds to district hospitals. The medical assistance especially in rural areas can be provided to elderly people only when the primary health centers are well equipped with all kind of facilities to take care of elderly peo-ple. The state government will have to play an important role to meet this challenge by taking the help of private sector. Though the state governments are providing old age pension to el-derly people but that is not sufficient to meet the medical expenses. More-over the basic care of elderly people should begin form the houses they live in. They should not be treated as burden by the family members rather should be made to feel part and parcel of the family. Due to negligence at the hand of family members, loneliness, solitude makes elderly people to feel more sick and unwanted. The insur-ance companies too can play a pivotal role in over coming this crucial prob-lem by providing financial assistance to elderly people in case of falling ill. Recently government of India has adopted the Yogya Karta declaration on ageing and health, committing it-self to improving national response to the health of ageing population. The charitable hospitals, dispensa-ries and primary health centers for elderly people can also share some of the responsibilities.But apart from the responsibilities of the society and the families towards these grey men, the elderly people should also change their mindset. Instead of feeling pity on themselves they should strive hard to grey gracefully and keep themselves busy in some work with positive atti-tude towards life and family.

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Friday 07 February 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Lok Sabha elections- A confusing

political situation

As the elections are nearing the political parties are trying their best to form alliances before the

announcement of dates for Lok Sabha polls. The progressive al-liances led by congress, NDA led by BJP are already in busi-ness and are trying very hard to rope up more and more nation-al and regional parties in their fold. However there are possi-bilities of the formation of third front which has been a dream for Trinmol Congress, CPIM and Samajvadi party. Though Trinmol congress has already announced the pre poll alliance with CPIM but the Samajvadi party has made it clear that it is not interested in pre poll alliance but will join third front after the election results are out. It means that the party is aiming to derive more benefits from third front if the front is able to form the government and if Samajvadi party gets a good number of Lok Sabha seats. On the other hand the NDA has some strong allies in AIADMK Shiv Sena and Sher-omani Akalidal. The UPA led by congress is receiving jolt after jolt and its allies are distancing themselves from Congress which they fear has lost credibility due to certain scandals which sur-faced during the last about four years. When it comes to the real test the indications are that BJP may emerge as single largest party and may form the govern-ment with the help of its allies. However things are not clear as congress is a strong party and can bounce back to cause dents to NDA and can again emerge as a force to recon with. However the coming Lok Sabha election will tell the real story and the voters who have to exercise their democratic right will decide the fate of the national and regional parties. There is no doubt that the regional parties which rep-resent the aspirations of certain communities and regions have weakened the various central governments as they cannot dis-charge their functions according to their plans. The national par-ties who lead the governments become totally dependent on the support of original parties who exploit them and even black mail them when it comes to their own interests. It will be in the best in-terest of the country if one party emerges at least with a thin ma-jority and then gets support from like minded parties.