yurii bodarev - otp, phoenix & ecto: three pillars of elixir

OTP, Phoenix & Ecto: Three Pillars of Elixir Elixir Club Ternopil, 2017

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Page 1: Yurii Bodarev - OTP, Phoenix & Ecto: Three Pillars of Elixir

OTP, Phoenix & Ecto: Three Pillars of Elixir

Elixir Club Ternopil, 2017

Page 2: Yurii Bodarev - OTP, Phoenix & Ecto: Three Pillars of Elixir


Functional Programming in Erlang


Concurrent Programming in Erlang


Learn You Some Erlang for great good!


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1. Processes & OTP

2. Phoenix Elixir web framework

3. Ecto database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir

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Erlang/Elixir processes

• All code runs inside processes

• Processes are isolated from each other, run concurrent to one another and communicate via message passing (Actor model)

• Processes are extremely lightweight in terms of memory and CPU and managed by Erlang VM

• It is common to have tens or even hundreds of thousands of processes running simultaneously

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Spawning basic process

iex> spawn fn -> 100 * 100 end


iex> self()


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Sending and receiving messages

iex> parent = self()


iex> spawn fn -> send(parent, {:hello, self()}) end


iex> receive do

...> {:hello, pid} -> "Got hello from #{inspect pid}"

...> {:other, _} -> "Something other"

...> end

"Got hello from #PID<0.103.0>"

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Receive timeout

iex> receive do

...> {:other, msg} -> msg

...> after

...> 1_000 -> "Nothing received after 1s"

...> end

"Nothing received after 1s"

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iex> send self(), :hello


iex> send self(), :world


iex> flush()




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Linked processes: spawn_link

iex> spawn_link fn -> raise "something bad happened" end

23:53:50.503 [error] Process #PID<0.93.0> raised an exception

** (RuntimeError) something bad happened


** (EXIT from #PID<0.91.0>) an exception was raised:

** (RuntimeError) something bad happened


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Linked processes & “Failing fast” philosophy

Parent process, which is the shell process, has received an EXIT signalfrom another process causing the parent process to terminate.

Often we will link our processes to supervisors which will detect when a process dies and start a new process in its place.

In Elixir we are actually fine with letting processes fail because we expect supervisors to properly restart our systems.

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Elixir: Task

iex> task = Task.async(fn -> 100 * 100 end)

%Task{owner: #PID<0.94.0>, pid: #PID<0.96.0>, ref: #Reference<>}

iex> res = Task.await(task)


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Statedef start_link do

Task.start_link(fn -> loop(%{}) end)


defp loop(map) do

receive do

{:get, key, caller} ->

send caller, Map.get(map, key)


{:put, key, value} ->

loop(Map.put(map, key, value))



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Spawn LoopInit Exit


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Elixir: Agent

iex> {:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end)

{:ok, #PID<0.88.0>}

iex> Agent.update(agent, &Map.put(&1, :hello, "world"))


iex> Agent.get(agent, &Map.get(&1, :hello))


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• Many of the processes have similar structures, they follow similar patterns

• Behaviours provide a way to define a set of functions that have to be implemented by a module

• You can think of behaviours like interfaces in OO languages

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defmodule GenServer do

@callback init(args :: term) :: {:ok, state} ...

@callback handle_call(request :: term, from, state :: term)

:: {:reply, reply, new_state} ...

@callback handle_cast(request :: term, state :: term)

:: {:noreply, new_state} ...


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Implementing behaviours

...# Callbacks

def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h | t]) do{:reply, h, t}


def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do{:noreply, [item | state]}


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• “Generic servers” (processes) that encapsulate state, provide sync and async calls, support code reloading, and more.

• The GenServer behaviour abstracts the common client-server interaction. Developers are only required to implement the callbacks and functionality they are interested in.

• A GenServer is a process like any other Elixir process and it can be used to keep state, execute code asynchronously and so on.

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GenServer exampledefmodule Stack do

use GenServer

# Callbacks

def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h | t]) do

{:reply, h, t}


def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do

{:noreply, [item | state]}



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GenServer example

iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(Stack, [:hello])

iex> GenServer.call(pid, :pop)


iex> GenServer.cast(pid, {:push, :world})


iex>GenServer.call(pid, :pop)


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GenServer cheatsheet

Benjamin Tan Wei Hao


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Supervision Trees

• Supervision trees are a nice way to structure fault-tolerant applications.

• Process structuring model based on the idea of workers and supervisors.







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Supervision Trees

• Workers are processes that perform computations, that is, they do the actual work.

• Supervisors are processes that monitor the behaviour of workers. A supervisor can restart a worker if something goes wrong.

• The supervision strategy dictates what happens when one of the children crashes.

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• A behaviour module for implementing supervision functionality.

• A supervisor is a process which supervises other processes, which we refer to as child processes.

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Supervisor module

defmodule MyApp.Supervisor do

use Supervisor

def start_link do

Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [])


def init([]) do

children = [ worker(Stack, [[:hello]]) ]

supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)



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Supervisor Cheat Sheet

Benjamin Tan Wei Hao


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Application behaviour

• In Erlang/OTP, an application is a component implementing some specific functionality, that can be started and stopped as a unit

• Mix is responsible for compiling your source code and generating your application .app file in Elixir.

• Mix is also responsible for configuring, starting and stopping your application and its dependencies (mix.exs).

• .app holds our application definition

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Application callback

defmodule MyApp do

use Application

def start(_type, _args) do




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Application project

mix new hello_world --sup hello_world

|-- README.md

|-- config

| `-- config.exs

|-- lib

| |-- hello_world

| | `-- application.ex

| `-- hello_world.ex

|-- mix.exs

`-- test

|-- hello_world_test.exs

`-- test_helper.exs

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Application project: configuration


def application do

# Specify extra applications you'll use from Erlang/Elixir[extra_applications: [:logger],

mod: {HelloWorld.Application, []}]


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Application project: callback modulehello_world\lib\hello_world\application.ex

defmodule HelloWorld.Application do


def start(_type, _args) do

import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

children = []

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: HelloWorld.Supervisor]

Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)



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Umbrella projects

mix new hello_umbrella --umbrella


|-- README.md

|-- apps

|-- config

| `-- config.exs

`-- mix.exs

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Umbrella projects: configuration


def project do

[apps_path: "apps",

build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,

start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,

deps: deps()]



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In umbrella dependencies

Mix supports an easy mechanism to make one umbrella child depend on another.


defp deps do

[{:hello_world, in_umbrella: true}]



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GenStage & Flow

Announcing GenStage


GenStage and Flow - Jose Valim | Elixir Club 5



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GenStage is a new Elixir behaviour for exchanging events with back-pressure between Elixir processes

producerproducer consumer

producer consumer


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Flow: concurrent data processingdef process_flow(path_to_file) do


|> File.stream!()

|> Flow.from_enumerable()

|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split/1)

|> Flow.map(&String.replace(&1, ~r/\W/u, ""))

|> Flow.filter_map(fn w -> w != "" end, &String.downcase/1)

|> Flow.partition()

|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, map ->

Map.update(map, word, 1, &(&1 + 1))


|> Enum.into(%{})


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Flow: concurrent data processingdef process_flow(path_to_file) do


|> File.stream!()

|> Flow.from_enumerable()

|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split/1)

|> Flow.map(&String.replace(&1, ~r/\W/u, ""))

|> Flow.filter_map(fn w -> w != "" end, &String.downcase/1)

|> Flow.partition()

|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, map ->

Map.update(map, word, 1, &(&1 + 1))


|> Enum.into(%{})







C CReducers%{} %{}

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C C%{} %{}

"The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, by\n"

"William Shakespeare\n"

"The", "Project", "Gutenberg", "EBook", "of", "The", "Complete", "Works", "of", "William", "Shakespeare,", "by"

"William", "Shakespeare"

"the", "project", "of", “the", "william", "of", "by ", "william"

"gutenberg", "ebook", "complete", "shakespeare", "works", "shakespeare"

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Experimental.Flow, Yurii Bodarev at KyivElixirMeetup 3.1



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Phoenix Framework

• Phoenix is a web development framework written in Elixir which implements the server-side MVC pattern

• Phoenix provides the best of both worlds - high developer productivity and high application performance

• Phoenix is actually the top layer of a multi-layer system designed to be modular and flexible. The other layers include Plug, and Ecto

• The Erlang HTTP server, Cowboy, acts as the foundation for Plug and Phoenix

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Phoenix Framework

• The Plug

• The Endpoint

• The Router

• Controllers

• Actions

• Views

• Templates

• Channels

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The Plug

• Plug is a specification for constructing composable modules to build web applications.

• Plugs are reusable modules or functions built to that specification.

• They provide discrete behaviors - like request header parsing or logging.

• Because the Plug API is small and consistent, plugs can be defined and executed in a set order, like a pipeline.

• Core Phoenix components like Endpoints, Routers, and Controllers are all just Plugs internally

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Module Plug example

defmodule Example.HelloWorldPlug do

import Plug.Conn

def init(options), do: options

def call(conn, _opts) do


|> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")

|> send_resp(200, "Hello World!")




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Plug pipelines

pipeline :browser do

plug :accepts, ["html"]

plug :fetch_session

plug :fetch_flash

plug :protect_from_forgery

plug :put_secure_browser_headers


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Module Plug example


@locales ["en", "fr", "de"]

def init(default), do: default

def call(%Plug.Conn{params: %{"locale" => loc}} = conn, _default)

when loc in @locales


assign(conn, :locale, loc)


def call(conn, default), do: assign(conn, :locale, default)


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Adding Plug to the pipeline

pipeline :browser do

plug :accepts, ["html"]

plug :fetch_session

plug :fetch_flash

plug :protect_from_forgery

plug :put_secure_browser_headers

plug PhoenixApp.Plugs.Locale, "en"


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The Endpoint

• provides a wrapper for starting and stopping the endpoint as part of a supervision tree;

• handles all aspects of requests up until the point where the router takes over

• to define an initial plug pipeline where requests are sent through;

• to host web specific configuration for your application.

• dispatches requests into a designated router

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The Endpointphoenix_app\lib\phoenix_app\web\endpoint.ex

defmodule PhoenixApp.Web.Endpoint do

use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :phoenix_app

# plug ...

# plug ...

plug PhoenixApp.Web.Router


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Starting Endpointphoenix_app\lib\phoenix_app\application.ex


children = [

# Start the Ecto repository

supervisor(PhoenixApp.Repo, []),

# Start the endpoint when the application startssupervisor(PhoenixApp.Web.Endpoint, [])


opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: PhoenixApp.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


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The Router

• parses incoming requests and dispatches them to the correct controller/action, passing parameters as needed

• provides helpers to generate route paths or urls to resources

• defines named pipelines through which we may pass our requests

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The Routerphoenix_app\lib\phoenix_app\web\router.ex


pipeline :browser do

plug :accepts, ["html"]


plug :put_secure_browser_headers


scope "/", PhoenixApp.Web do

pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack

get "/", PageController, :index



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Controllers & Actions

Controllers provide functions, called actions, to handle requests


• prepare data and pass it into views

• invoke rendering via views

• perform redirects

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Controllerget "/pages/:id", PageController, :show


defmodule PhoenixApp.Web.PageController do

use PhoenixApp.Web, :controller

def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do

user = Accounts.get_user(id)

render(conn, "show.html", user: user)



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web\web.exuse PhoenixApp.Web, :controller


def controller do

quote do

use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: PhoenixApp.Web

import Plug.Conn

import PhoenixApp.Web.Router.Helpers

import PhoenixApp.Web.Gettext




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• Defines the view layer of a Phoenix application

• Render templates

• Define helper functions, available in templates, to decorate data for presentation

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Rendering Templates

Phoenix assumes a strong naming convention from controllers to views to the templates they render. The PageController requires a PageViewto render templates in the \web\templates\page directory.



def view do quote do

use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/phoenix_app/web/templates", namespace: PhoenixApp.Web


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Rendering Templates


defmodule PhoenixApp.Web.PageView do

use PhoenixApp.Web, :view


Phoenix.View will automatically load all templates at “phoenix_app\lib\phoenix_app\web\templates\page” and include them in the PhoenixApp.Web.PageView

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Rendering JSON

def render("index.json", %{pages: pages}) do

%{data: render_many(pages, PhoenixApp.PageView, "page.json")}


def render("show.json", %{page: page}) do

%{data: render_one(page, PhoenixApp.PageView, "page.json")}


def render("page.json", %{page: page}) do

%{title: page.title}


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• templates are precompiled and fast

• template name - is the name of the template as given by the user, without the template engine extension, for example: “foo.html”

• template path - is the complete path of the template in the filesystem, for example, “path/to/foo.html.eex”

• template root - the directory where templates are defined

• template engine (EEx)- a module that receives a template path and transforms its source code into Elixir quoted expressions.

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Template examples

Hello <%= @name %>

<h3>Keys for the conn Struct</h3>

<%= for key <- connection_keys @conn do %>

<p><%= key %></p>

<% end %>

function that returns List of keys

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• manage sockets for easy real-time communication

• are analogous to controllers except that they allow bi-directional communication with persistent connections

• Every time you join a channel, you need to choose which particular topic you want to listen to. The topic is just an identifier, but by convention it is often made of two parts: "topic:subtopic".

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Channel endpoint


socket "/socket", PhoenixApp.Web.UserSocket


channel "room:*", PhoenixApp.Web.RoomChannel

Any topic coming into the router with the "room:" prefix would dispatch to MyApp.RoomChannel

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Joining Channels

defmodule PhoenixApp.Web.RoomChannel douse Phoenix.Channel

def join("room:lobby", _message, socket) do{:ok, socket}


def join("room:" <> _private_room_id, _params, _socket) do{:error, %{reason: "unauthorized"}} end


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// Now that you are connected, you can join channels with a topic:

let channel = socket.channel("topic:subtopic", {}) channel.join()

.receive("ok", resp => { console.log("Joined successfully", resp) })

.receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })

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channel.push("new_msg", {body: “Hello world!”})

channel.on("new_msg", payload => { … }) …

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Incoming Events

We handle incoming events with handle_in/3. We can pattern match on the event names, like “new_msg”

def handle_in("new_msg", %{"body" => body}, socket) do

broadcast! socket, "new_msg", %{body: body}

{:noreply, socket} end

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Outgoing Events: default implementation

def handle_out("new_msg", payload, socket) do

push socket, "new_msg", payload

{:noreply, socket} end

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Intercepting Outgoing Events

intercept ["smth_important"]

def handle_out("smth_important", msg, socket) do

if … do

{:noreply, socket}


push socket, " smth_important", msg

{:noreply, socket}


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Phoenix Framework 1.3



phx.new project generator

mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez

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Phoenix Framework 1.3

Lonestar ElixirConf 2017- KEYNOTE: Phoenix 1.3 by Chris McCord


Phoenix v1.3.0-rc.0 released @ ElixirForum


Upcoming book “Programming Phoenix 1.3” @ ElixirForum


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1.2: mix phoenix.new phoenix_oldphoenix_old

|-- config

|-- lib

| `-- phoenix_old

|-- priv

|-- test

`-- web

|-- channels

|-- controllers

|-- models

|-- static

|-- templates

`-- views

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1.3: mix phx.new phoenix_new


|-- assets

|-- config

|-- lib

| `-- phoenix_new

| `-- web

| |-- channels

| |-- controllers

| |-- templates

| `-- views

|-- priv

`-- test

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1.3: mix phx.new phoenix --umbrella


|-- apps

| |-- phoenix

| `-- phoenix_web



{:phoenix, in_umbrella: true},


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Web Namespace

defmodule PhoenixApp.Web.PageController do

use PhoenixApp.Web, :controller

def index(conn, _params) do

render conn, "index.html"


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1.2: mix phoenix.gen.json User users email:string

Repo.get(User, id)

1.3: mix phx.gen.json Accounts User users email:string

Accounts.get_user(2) iex> %User{email: [email protected]}

Accounts.create_user(params) iex> {:ok, new_user}

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1.2: Models

`-- web

|-- channels

|-- controllers

|-- models

| |-- comment.ex

| |-- invoice.ex

| |-- order.ex

| |-- payment.ex

| |-- post.ex

| `-- user.ex

|-- static

|-- templates

`-- views

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1.3: Context

|-- lib

| `-- phoenix_new

| |-- blog

| | |-- blog.ex

| | |-- comment.ex

| | `-- post.ex

| |-- sales

| | |-- order.ex

| | |-- payment.ex

| | `-- sales.ex

| `-- web

| |-- channels

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The boundary for the Sales system.lib\phoenix_new\sales\sales.ex

defmodule PhoenixNew.Sales do

def list_orders do



def get_order!(id), do: Repo.get!(Order, id)

def create_order(attrs \\ %{}) do

%Order{} |> order_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert()



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Action Fallback

On Phoenix 1.2, every controller needed to return a valid %Plug.Conn{} for every request. Otherwise, an exception would rise.

On Phoenix 1.3 we can register the plug to call as a fallback to the controller action. If the controller action fails to return a %Plug.Conn{}, the provided plug will be called and receive the controller’s %Plug.Conn{} as it was before the action was invoked along with the value returned from the controller action.

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1.2: Controller Actionphoenix_old\web\controllers\post_controller.excase Repo.insert(changeset) do

{:ok, post} ->


|> put_status(:created)

|> put_resp_header("location", post_path(conn, :show, post))

|> render("show.json", post: post)

{:error, changeset} ->


|> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)

|> render(PhoenixOld.ChangesetView, "error.json", changeset:changeset)


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1.3: Controller Action


def create(conn, %{"post" => post_params}) do

with {:ok, %Post{} = post} <- Blog.create_post(post_params) do


|> put_status(:created)

|> put_resp_header("location", post_path(conn, :show, post))

|> render("show.json", post: post)



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1.3 Action Fallback


def call(conn, {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset}) do


|> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)

|> render(PhoenixNew.Web.ChangesetView, "error.json", changeset:changeset)


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Domain specific language for writing queries and interacting with databases in Elixir.


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Ecto is split into 4 main components:

• Ecto.Repo - repositories are wrappers around the data store.

• Ecto.Schema - schemas are used to map any data source into an Elixir struct.

• Ecto.Changeset - allow developers to filter, cast, and validate changes before we apply them to the data.

• Ecto.Query - written in Elixir syntax, queries are used to retrieve information from a given repository.

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Via the repository, we can create, update, destroy and query existing database entries.

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Ecto.Repo is a wrapper around the database. We can define a repository as follows:

defmodule Blog.Repo do

use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :blog


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A repository needs an adapter and credentials to communicate to the database. Configuration for the Repo usually defined in your config/config.exs:

config :blog, Blog.Repo,

adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,

database: "blog_repo",

username: "postgres",

password: "postgres",

hostname: "localhost"

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RepositoriesEach repository in Ecto defines a start_link/0. Usually this function is invoked as part of your application supervision tree:

def start(_type, _args) do

import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

children = [ worker(Blog.Repo, []), ]

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Blog.Supervisor]

Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


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Schemas allows developers to define the shape of their data.

defmodule Blog.User do

use Ecto.Schema

schema "users" do

field :name, :string

field :reputation, :integer, default: 0

has_many :posts, Blog.Post, on_delete: :delete_all




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By defining a schema, Ecto automatically defines a struct:

iex> user = %Blog.User{name: "Bill"}

%Blog.User{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built, "users">, id: nil, inserted_at: nil, name: "Bill"}, posts: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :posts is not loaded>, reputation: 0, updated_at:nil}

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Using Schema we can interact with a repository:

iex> user = %Blog.User{name: "Bill", reputation: 10}


iex> Blog.Repo.insert!(user)

%Blog.User{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "users">, id: 6, inserted_at: ~N[2016-12-13 16:16:35.983000], name: "Bill", posts:#Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :posts is not loaded>, reputation: 10, updated_at: ~N[2016-12-13 16:16:36.001000]}

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# Get the user back

iex> newuser = Blog.Repo.get(Blog.User, 6)

iex> newuser.id


# Delete it

iex> Blog.Repo.delete(newuser)

{:ok, %Blog.User{…, id: 6,…}}

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We can use pattern matching on Structs created with Schemas:

iex> %{name: name, reputation: reputation} =...> Blog.Repo.get(Blog.User, 1)

iex> name


iex> reputation


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We can add changesets to our schemas to validate changes before we apply them to the data:

def changeset(user, params \\ %{}) do


|> cast(params, [:name, :reputation])

|> validate_required([:name, :reputation])

|> validate_inclusion(:reputation, -999..999)


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iex> alina = %Blog.User{name: "Alina"}

iex> correct_changeset = Blog.User.changeset(alina, %{reputation: 55})

#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{reputation: 55}, errors: [], data: #Blog.User<>, valid?: true>

iex> invalid_changeset = Blog.User.changeset(alina, %{reputation: 1055})

#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{reputation: 1055}, errors:[reputation: {"is invalid", [validation: :inclusion]}], data:#Blog.User<>, valid?: false>

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Changeset with Repository functions

iex> valid_changeset.valid?


iex> Blog.Repo.insert(valid_changeset)

{:ok, %Blog.User{…, id: 7, …}}

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Changeset with Repository functions

iex> invalid_changeset.valid?


iex> Blog.Repo.insert(invalid_changeset)

{:error, #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{reputation: 1055}, errors: [reputation: {"is invalid", [validation: :inclusion]}], data:#Blog.User<>, valid?: false>}

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Changeset with Repository functions

case Blog.Repo.update(changeset) do

{:ok, user} ->

# user updated

{:error, changeset} ->

# an error occurred


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We can provide different changeset functions for different use cases

def registration_changeset(user, params) do

# Changeset on create


def update_changeset(user, params) do

# Changeset on update


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Ecto allows you to write queries in Elixir and send them to the repository, which translates them to the underlying database.

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Query using predefined Schema

# Query using predefined Schemaquery = from u in User,

where: u.reputation > 35, select: u

# Returns %User{} structs matching the queryRepo.all(query)

[%Blog.User{…, id: 2, …, name: "Bender", …, reputation: 42, …},

%Blog.User{…, id: 1, …, name: "Alex", …, reputation: 144, …}]

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Direct query with “users” table

# Directly querying the “users” table

query = from u in "users",

where: u.reputation > 30,

select: %{name: u.name, reputation: u.reputation}

# Returns maps as defined in select


[%{name: "Bender", reputation: 42}, %{name: "Alex", reputation: 144}]

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External values in Queries

# ^ operator

min = 33

query = from u in "users",

where: u.reputation > ^min,

select: u.name

# casting

mins = "33"

query = from u in "users",

where: u.reputation > type(^mins, :integer),

select: u.name

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External values in Queries

If the query is made against Schema than Ecto will automatically cast external value

min = "35"

Repo.all(from u in User, where: u.reputation > ^min)

You can also skip Select to retrieve all fields specified in the Schema

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Ecto Multi

Ecto.Multi is a data structure for grouping multiple Repo operations in a single database transaction.

def reset(account, params) do


|> Multi.update(:account, Account.password_reset_changeset(account, params))

|> Multi.insert(:log, Log.password_reset_changeset(account, params))

|> Multi.delete_all(:sessions, Ecto.assoc(account, :sessions))


Repo.transaction(PasswordManager.reset(account, params))

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Ecto Multi

case result do

{:ok, %{account: account, log: log, sessions: sessions}} ->

# We can access results under keys we used

# for naming the operations.

{:error, failed_operation, failed_value, changes_so_far} ->

# One of the operations failed.

# We can access the operation's failure value (changeset)

# Successful operations would have been rolled back.


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BooksSaša Jurić “Elixir in Action”


Benjamin Tan Wei Hao “The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook”


New! Lance Halvorsen “Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix”


Chris McCord “Programming Phoenix” (1.2 -> 1.3)


“What's new in Ecto 2.0”


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THANK YOU!Yurii Bodarev

