your thyroid, your exercise - amazon s3 · now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some...

Your Thyroid, Your Exercise Rochelle Ludovisi Helping you to find your unique plan for health with food, exercise and stress management.

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Page 1: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

Your Thyroid,

Your Exercise

Rochelle Ludovisi

Helping you to find your unique

plan for health with food,

exercise and stress management.

Page 2: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial



Exercising with Thyroid Conditions

To exercise or not to exercise? That is the


When you have a thyroid that is not

functioning optimally there are many varying

ideas on exercise. If I had to sum them up in

one phrase it would be – listen to how your

body feels when you do or don’t exercise.

I can give you all the suggestions possible and

all the scientific data and studies in the world,

but if you end up feeling worse when you add

movement into your life, maybe you need to

hold off for a bit.

I’ve been through quite a journey myself, in

both finding a weight that felt comfortable for

my body and dealing with thyroid issues. All

this led me once again to look at my current

diet, fitness and lifestyle (stresses and anxiety

were big for me).

My background is in fitness, but not to get ripped or look “perfect”; rather, to feel as

strong, happy, balanced and energetic as possible. To some, this may not look like

the ideal body but I think we need to change what the ideal body means. To me, it’s a

body that is strong, flexible, agile and one that allows you enjoy life.

I’m excited to explore some options for exercise and movement in your life.

I wanted to provide you support and a place to begin in figuring out what makes you

thrive and light up. So I’ve come up with 3 areas for you:

1. Essential stretches to feel your best.

2. Tips on how to get motivated and stay that way.

3. Exercise suggestions that fit where you are at in your journey.

Page 3: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial



Invigorating stretches

1. Cat/Cow - Inhale and

reach your chest out

toward the

wall/area in front

of you. Exhale

round your spine,

drop your

shoulders and

draw in your


toward your


2. Hamstring Stretch (can be a contributor to back pain when tight)

If you have a band, strap or towel put it around the arch of your foot and

then pull the band toward you keeping the knee as straight as possible and

your tailbone remains grounded.

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3. Neck/Shoulder Region

The neck and shoulder can be so tight on people (including me!). Especially if

you tend to be at the computer these are great stretches that can be done at

your desk.

A Gently pull the head to the side and play with the angle. Your eyes can be

looking toward the ground or underneath your arm. Hold and breathe for 10

seconds. Switch sides.

B Reach the top arm down toward the center of your spine while the bottom

arm reaches toward the top fingers. You can also use a strap or towel to hold

the hands if they are far away. Switch sides.

C Interlace the hands together, keeping the thumbs reaching for one another.

The palms of your hands reach toward the sky while shoulder blades draw



Page 5: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial



4. Seated version of thread the needle

This can stretch the hip rotators and

release the back. Lean forward and keep

a straight spine. You can gently press

the knee down if you need more stretch

and keep the foot flexed to protect the

knee. Switch sides.

5. Twist

Great stretch for spine, stomach and internal organs..... helps “ring

organs out”. You can vary the level your legs are at when you bring

them over (meaning it can be closer to your arms or further away if it

feels better). Do both sides.

Page 6: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

What can help you to carve out time to workout

and stay motivated?

It is amazing how your body can get in a rhythm of waking up at

certain time if you just tell yourself to do so. If you’ve never done this,

set your alarm clock at a certain time, but tell yourself to wake up 10

minutes before that. Within a few days, you’ll find yourself naturally

waking up exactly at that time. This, of course, assumes you are getting

sufficient sleep, which varies from person to person. Sleep is crucial in

maintaining overall health and a lack of sleep can cause weight gain,

depression and many other serious health issues.

Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work

out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

times to exercise and you can take advantage of the body’s natural

surge in cortisol.

After the day gets going, especially if you work, have kids and a lot of

other commitments, things interfere.

1. Train yourself to wake up at a certain time

(Whooo! Whoo!)


Reminder - See how small

amounts of movement can make


feel great and create a

"positive cycle of reinforcement".

Page 7: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

2. You’re doing it too? (Great!!)

I find it inspiring to know that others are

getting up and working out too. When I go

to the gym I see others as committed as I

am, and I know I’m not alone in this early

workout. I also follow many mentors

through Facebook and Instagram who

inspire me by sharing pictures of themselves

getting up early for a workout. This helps

me feel like I’m in good company.

3. Go Social - I’m waiting to hear

what you are doing!

Can you find or create an online

community to support you - a place

like a Facebook group that holds you

accountable for your workout or

maybe a local group of Moms or

Dads who can work out with you?

This can be incredibly helpful.

4. Ahh…My Reward

What kind of healthy reward can you set in place for

yourself? Maybe you love a pedicure or a healthy

dessert, an extra 20 minute rest in the afternoon or

reading your favorite magazine. This is my reward:

15 minutes to sweat and relax in the sauna. It's

meditative for me and I find I really look forward to

it. And especially since with thyroid issues it’s best

not to work out too strenuously this is a great way to

release toxins.


Page 8: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

Ready to move a little?

Once you’re motivated and feeling some energy to get moving, try one of these:

2. Walking/Hiking

(Outside when possible)

Great for energy, fresh air allows you to be in

nature and take some deep breaths. Start with

5-15 minutes and work up to 30 minutes a


1. Rebounding

The springy surface of a small

trampoline takes about 80% of the

shock so it helps to take the pressure

off your body. It can also boost the

lymphatic system.

Check some out here.

3. Qi Gong

Great for healing and strengthening

the body. It can be meditative and is

gentle on the body. (also look under

Free Videos Section for a trial)


Page 9: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial


4. Keep a mat handy

If you know setting aside a time doesn’t work well, try

putting your yoga mat out if you are home and every time

you walk past it you do a pose, stretch, squat etc. An extra

minute here and there can add up plus it gives you a chance

to breath.

5. Timer

Setting a timer (even on a smart phone)

to remind you to get up and move

around for a small workout can be

helpful. Not only do you get the benefits

of movement, but also it’s a wonderful

way to clear your mind and refresh to

focus on your tasks.

Page 10: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial


Ready to take it up a notch?

NOTE: Just a reminder exercise can be helpful for enhancing immune

function. It can also help with healing the gut (which a large number

of us need to work on). Since at least 70% of our immune system lives

in our gut, this can be so beneficial.

Now, excessive exercise can have a negative impact with immune

function. If you have Hashimoto’s it’s vital for you not to over train as

the results can have a negative impact versus a healing effect.

1. H.I.I.T. (high intensity interval training)

This is a very popular and efficient way

to work out. With HIIT you do high

intensity movement (whatever high

intensity means for you) with some form

of exercise (i.e. running, biking, brisk

walk for some, swimming) for about 1

minute, then you slow it down for about a

minute to recover (you can vary the

times, i.e. 30 second high intensity

workout, 60 minutes rest) and repeat this

fast/slow cycle. In terms of repetitions, it

really depends on where you are in your

journey: you may start out with 3 cycles

and eventually reach about 6-8 cycles.

2. H.I.I.T. (high intensity interval training)

This is a very popular and efficient way

to work out. With HIIT you do high

intensity movement (whatever high

intensity means for you) with some form

of exercise (i.e. running, biking, brisk

walk for some, swimming) for about 1

minute, then you slow it down for about a

minute to recover (you can vary the

times, i.e. 30 second high intensity

workout, 60 minutes rest) and repeat this

fast/slow cycle. In terms of repetitions, it

really depends on where you are in your

This is a very popular and efficient way to work out. With

HIIT you do high intensity movement (whatever high

intensity means for you) with some form of exercise (i.e.

running, biking, brisk walk for some, swimming) for

about 1 minute, then you slow it down for about a

minute to recover (you can vary the times, i.e. 30 second

high intensity workout, 60 minutes rest) and repeat this

fast/slow cycle. In terms of repetitions, it really depends

on where you are in your journey: you may start out with

3 cycles and eventually reach about 6-8 cycles.

2. Running/Jogging

This is always a quick way to get your heart rate up and is something

that can be done in a short amount of time. Make sure to keep it

around 30 minutes or less.

Here’s an article

by Dr. Mercola on


Page 11: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

4. Pilates

Obviously, I love this particular discipline and I been teaching

this for over 13 years. I particularly recommend working on the

machines if you can get access to them. It allows you to build

strength, balance, core (abdominal) control and so much more.

5. Yoga

I recommend specifically Iyengar, which focuses

on alignment and use lots of props. If you are

worried about not being flexible, worry no more;

they use blankets,

towels, bolsters,

blocks, straps and

more to assist you.

3. Strength Training

Exercises such as lunges, squats,

weights, push-ups are all great to

build muscle mass.

Page 12: Your Thyroid, Your Exercise - Amazon S3 · Now, if you can get up in the morning and carve out some time to work out, that is ideal because the morning is one of the most beneficial

Workout Videos Lots of videos are free on Youtube so you can check out a short

version to see if you like them before you purchase.

Here are some ideas:

1. Rodney Yee

2. 7-minute introductory routine for Qi Gong

Print this workout to do at home, while traveling etc.

3. HIIT workout (more strenuous) -This is a 7 minute HIIT

workout that you can do at home and is structured differently then

mentioned above but is a nice workout (scroll to bottom of the


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Click here for a 1 minute Plank exercise

Feet or back pain, try this

Sample Beginner Workout

Month 1

Morning Afternoon/Evening

Hamstring Stretch - 2 minutes

each side

Can you squeeze in one or two

of the additional stretches

mentioned? Notice how you

feel after even a moment of

stretching. Small changes

equal big results.

Walk 5-15 minutes, build up to

30 minutes 3 days a week

Sample Intermediate Workout

Month 2

Morning Afternoon/Evening

Hamstring Stretch and Upper

Body Stretch (see photos


Keep adding in the stretching if

it feels good or do some seated

stretches during the day at work

20 minutes Walk/Run (HIIT

training) 1-2x week

Keep up walking if it feels good

any time in the day

1 additional day of Yoga, Pilates

or strength training.

Remember – It takes at least 21

days to form a new habit. Give

yourself some time to get into a
