your; serving ;.s.quamish...-,hughes, field cfops;; and f. clarti; livestocklex@rt, arrived on...

..... . r .. . -_ I . , . ... . . ... L . .... -. : - . YOUR; NEWSPAPER SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH -. ~ .BRI . I. The day’s activities began with the parade, led by two scarlet coated policemen and complete with band, clowns, horses, decorated floats, the Queens, and all the youngsters in their fancy costumes. After the crowning, of the Queen, pupils from \Grade 3 in the Mamquam, Stawamus and Squamish elementary schools went through the traditional steps of the Maypole dance. This was followed by a selec- tion‘ b3j the North Vancouver Engineer L!ad&-Trump& -hnd and two.songs, sung by the - w - r the leadership of Miss Linda Mitchell. The Grade 6 and 7 Girls’ Drill Team from Squamish Elemen- tary School gave a polished performance, Following this event, cups and prizes were presented to the winners in the floats and decorated bicycles, etc. A de- tailed list of these will be given oard r Spud with ,his trainer, Don Monkman, and Mrs. ‘Monkmaa- . - - - - - __ .. __ I I Pool hours are, until further nstise, m-t&59o--wee ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ 7j except Wedpesday~, !O:,M%o 2:OO to 5:OO Saturday and Sun- day afternoons. Admission to the pod is 15c for children with students’ cards and 35c for adults. Tick- ets-can be purchased in cards of twenty lfor $3.00 (children) and $6.00 (adults). I I I 1 -.- of variety, fun a SHAFTER SPUD (trainer Don Monkman) awned by Paradise Horse Ransh of-Squamish. established a track L ward at La&@ r~ntly.-~toshows-Shaf~~ -v lakr ovcr som.ct! Wch is a fin;inr.inl lyme _rlrphant,”. he ndtlctl. “The board is solvent ;ind i,t is sclI-sup~)oi~ting. The only tlifficulty is that it is now IlilJ i;tiy6 ;I job for a voluntary ~)fJ~lrd 10 handle.” Counril disrusscd the ques- 1 ion tintl while lhcy still felt lhis .should not conie under the Fire department. I AGRICULTURE EXPERTS VISIT PEMBERTON gives report A team of agricultural experts visited Pem- berton Valley this week to investigate the high mortality rates among calve$, with special refer- ence to calf pneumonia and white muscle disease. Dr. Thompson of the Provincial Veterinary Dept. ; Geqrge Muirhead, District Agriculturist; Eric -,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the co-op building and discussed the problem of calf raisiqg.&-the vdle Howie Ayers, Don Miller And Clifford Ronayne: A special Farmers Institute meeting was held at the Upper Valley Hall the same evening and all farmers were asked to fill in a detailed question- naire on feeding and care of animals. For the remainder of their stay the experts visited individual farms to discuss problerrls. A detailed report will be sent to the Farm,ers Insti- tute. +t++ilim-t- TeterinarrJX$i€.T ,ed=&&aiman \ -_ Three members of the Squamish Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Chief Jack Clarke, Thor Halvorson age cou%7IIlast week and g a v e a rep& on theJ963- xtivities of the department. &-Pit~l M&FE& &k&&thegofthe vif. ne;xt week. --q; Tpoi-mgram was fol- lowed by inspection of the Cadet Corps and presentation of awg&s A_ hand concert closed the afternoon’s events. In the evening the Queen’s C.Kef Clarke- sai-at there vas a tot& of 14 fires. Twenty- our practices were held, aver- ging,lS/z hours each time. In iddition the.departmeni, tu~ed jut’ to‘ see. new apparatus .dem; Ins trated. The strength of the fire de- wrtment lies between 21, and !2 men and-this is divided into .wo: areas of the village. He aid the average attendance of Firemen at each ‘fire.,was 10.5 with the average attendance at practices being Seven men. He recommended that people within the village be more ex- ,licit in giving the correct ad- Oress when reporting a fire.; An incorrect address may cause ielays which could result in loss -of --life--or. serious .propePty iamage. Mr. Clarke also inspects all major buildings for suitable Fire prot,ectiion before they are built and goes over the plans with the building inspector and the contractors. He added .that ?resent equipment will be ade- pate to reach the roof of the iew . apartment block ‘now r Pe- 3xescent. Commissioner A. W. Hen- lrickson complimented the 2hief on the spe&in which his iepzutrmd ---et.s---fire darms. Mr. Clarke replied that peo- ,le in Squamish must be fairly Fire conscious as the fire re- iorts frbm Squamish compare iavorably with other communi- ties of the same size. . , -----i- -- 1 I. BISHOP GOWER TO VfSiT DISTRICT . . I.-- . ...... ,...,. .- ... : . , . . Ri s, I. I * Anglicans in the parishes of Squamish and Woodfibre are delighted to hear that Bishop Gower will make another visit tu the district on Sunday. This is, the sec.ond time he has visited here in the past two months. Tbc growth of the cornmupity makes an ever- changing picture within. the church life and this visit of the Bishop will emble him to receive first hand news from the Howe Sound area of all activities within this portion of the Diocese. This - will in-turn- hdp him with the major decisions to- - be made in’ the next few years for serving Angli- cans in Squamish, Woodfibre, BrackendaIe, Pem- berton and other places. Bishop Gower wiil celebrate Holy Communion at the church of St. J,ohn the Divine at 11 am. and in Woodfibre at 2:30 p.m. It is hoped all Anglicans will attend one of these services on Sunday, May 24th ang meet their Bi&m. He is never too busy ta - costs explained Members of the 3rd Squa- inish Cub Pack and the Sea Scouts held a work bee at the Squamish Cemetery on Satur- day, April 25th. Under the supervision of J. Auclair, J. Mahood and T. Clarke, the boys measured out, dug holes and planted eighty evergreen trees albng the south fence- of- the cemete-*.- Tie cemetery board had requested that the trees be planted there. 3rd Squamish has also volun- teered to do any work which the cemetery board requires, providing it falls within their capabilities. The members feel that this is one way-in which they cai community as a means of ex- pressing their thanlis for the support they have’received. ing program were: Scouts Dun- can Auclj~ij Ian Clarke, Roy Clar6e-and. Scott Hurren; Cubs P. Auclair, R Auclair, C. Daw- son, I. Fenton, D. Gerard,, P. Hurren and A. Mahood. Takingpartin-tb-& Cost sharing in public education has gone .badly -_. out of balance in the last three years. Local taxpayers - . -3 now carry.a much greater proportion of costs than they did when the present sharing system was established - and. unless adjustments are macfe in the provinciai government’s share, the situation will become mubh xarse, :_-- - _- - ----,----------r-----L- School budgets haye been in- creasing& steadily, due chiefly to two factors: 1. PoplZlation growth re- iuirx more classrooom, more t e a c h e r s, more supervisory staff, more equipment and sup- plies. 2 General economic condi: -tionshawms--&jsm -_ increase (Salgries, consjruction and maintenance, supplies, and SQ on). A third factor now evident, and likely to count more heav- iiy in the years immediately ahead, is the changing second- ary school curriculum, which brings new requirements for instructors,- accommodation and equipment. Broadly speaking, for pur- poses of establishing local and government shares of costs, a school district budget consists of two sections: ‘Sliar&ibLeT -and %on%h-&eXSe.’’ Costs in the “shareable” sec- tion are divided between the provincial government and local taxpayer. Cost of the non- shareable rests wholly upon local resources. The &system is designed to divide the dost of basic. education ’between the local taxpayer and the provin- cial government; and at the same time provide opportunity for. local initiative and -epter- pl%e in education. ?he- pmp6moiiG ofToStso be borne locally annd provin- ciallyln the shareable section of ttii budget are determined on-tkreehain-bases--teachers’ salary grant schedule; trans- portation grant schedule; and a fised grant formula to cover other operating. costs. mula were set Qp by the‘pro- vincial government they were accepted by school bsards throughout the province as gen- erally fair and satisfactory, But- sehool-beardameptance- -was-sead%h&*pon -periadfo- - e w i i costs. The grants have not been re- When the schedules and for:’ -- .. -- -- - 0 # rrnprwements Plans for the improvement of the area surrounding Alta Lake were the hain i Lake Ratepyqrs meeting .- 1 correspondence the group had with ,the government concern- ing tree planting, lake rehabili- tation, and the .sa’ving of Dis- It was decided that a delega- tion, accompanied by Mr. Ellis of the G.J.A.C., will visit the yon. R. Williston, Minister of Lands and Forests, and the Hon. K. R. Kiernan, Minister of Rec- reation and Conservation, in the near future. ?ms discussed ate the Alta ~1d on .Mw17th,- __ - With th Fee- other cornmitt& members, his wife Cathy, Flor? enck Strachan and Bob Living stone, he will be canvassing thf lake area_ soliciting funds foi the purchase of a fire pump. - oGropor- Recommends denfal plari’ The Board of School Trustees for Howe Sound School Districl No. .48 last week approved i resolution concerning a pr75 paid medical plan to be we. sented at the 1964 convention The resolution states that thc increase In costs of dental work has rqached a point where il created a. hardship for the mod. erate income family, with thc resulting tendency to delay having necessary dental work done for children. The Board recommends ,the Four members of the asso- ciation, Maurice Burge, Don N~oyes, Hary Barriitt-and Le- ray Brown will be ‘working in close co-ordination with GODA and the G.J.A.C. towards town planning. As the government is not, at this fime, prepared to give any help, they will try to get property owners ‘to comply with regulations on a voluntary basis for the present. Conditions in the area behind- the PGE station are rapidly ap- pmarching those of a slum area and‘it waS suggested ’that each persm-w5tr3cr-thrmilmy; pointing, out these conditions - -New school bus tion of the budget, ‘and ‘must’;@ ’,! borne whnlly hy, tb payer. mem=&d In othir’ words, !proport ‘the go$&$- :. teachers’ salaries are c-k?- .. , I .. . I , .. , . $for S.quamish The school bo.ard for Howe Sound District NO. 48 last week approved the purchase of a new 67 passenger International “Bluebird” school bus td be used in the Squamish area, - Similar examples might items. - are - This unfair is how to local we in School Distric 1961 1962 1963- -1 To’tal cost of dducation in District 48 .. <. I . , .-,L---- I . - i *- .b . %. . Tenders for :black-topping at implementation of a pre@< dental plan, similar to the pre. -- - <owe Sound Secondary School, Squhish Elementary and paid-rnedicd-pl anSn5? ref- fect and also suggests that the B.C. School Trustees Associa. tlon conduct a public informa. tion . campaign+-encourage other associations to bring pressure to bear on the Dental Association to implement such a plan. \ MBmqnam *1emerrtsn+-were liscussed and the contract will &d asking thercompany to do something about improving le awarded to Columbia. B W ithic with. 8, low bid of $6,350.20 w this week these standards. Don Noyes reported on the first aid station, saying that it is ready for operation. All that is needed now is a basket stretcher and this is being pro-- cured. Mr. Noyes also reported-op meetings of- the Garibaldi Joint AcbLCammitt<+i-whiehAe~ t- tended, and spdke of its ,en- deavours to have zoning and planning applied to the area from ISquamish to Pemberton. He also said that‘ t h e fisheries department will be making a complete survey of the .lakes in.-the area this summ i-, - -- 1 George‘ Krieg rep0 f , ted on or the entire projeot. There was a wide spread in he eight bids submitted, with me more than double the priae isked by tEe successful bidder. Mr. D. H. Campbell, District Superviso6 of Schools, men- kned that Mi: W. P. Goddbd, i teacher in the Howe Sound Secondary Schaol, had beeri iomured-bgrberp1 asKed to act a an advisory ipacity on a 3.C.T.F- committee considering ,evisians bf the businqss y i t h - netic, practical arithmebjc and o ~ n i i h u r s , e s . -’Clearing of, ttie remainder of kg Brac?<_e_nda!e idmil grounds vi11 be dbne this sphmer with M. Behrner getting’the con- ra&- __ _- -- ==F===-- \ Jim Hurren took. first prize at the fishing detby with his catch of two stee€head, the only steelhead anyone cBught, Harry Lassman got the prize for the largest dolly and John W&Por2the-mest-f ish- J.‘ A! Castle, chief clerk in the, PGE offices here, retired after 34 yea= of servj5e with the railway. I The Howe Sound Highway between Squamish and We$ Vancouver ,will -bes stahed-this summer and will be built at the same time .as the PGE $Rail- - 1 . nir- . _-- ___ - _- - - ----- -.. Forestry crew at‘ -. Alta, CakeA A group of engineers from the KC. For’est _- Service --are making Rainbow Lodge at glta Lake their headquartefs while making- a field survey of fhe timber res’ources in that are arrive in the near future ta plant trees in. the yicinity of - --’A-;fonfieenp “mafi--fr$w-~~ .A___--- _-.- , ........ i.: - ... . . . ,. . . + ..... ...... 1 : . I . . . . -.. . . ‘’3 , . .,- . . . . I. ~ \ / . , . . ( . . *.. .I , . .

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Post on 25-Jun-2020




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Page 1: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the

..... . r

. . . - _ I .

, . . . .

. .

. . . L . ....

-. ’ : -


The day’s activities began with the parade, led by two scarlet coated policemen and complete with band, clowns, horses, decorated floats, the Queens, and all the youngsters in their fancy costumes.

After the crowning, of the Queen, pupils from \Grade 3 in the Mamquam, Stawamus and Squamish elementary schools went through the traditional steps of the Maypole dance.

This was followed by a selec- tion‘ b3j the North Vancouver Engineer L!ad&-Trump& - h n d and two.songs, sung by the -w-- r the leadership of Miss Linda Mitchell.

The Grade 6 and 7 Girls’ Drill Team from Squamish Elemen- tary School gave a polished performance,

Following this event, cups and prizes were presented to the winners in the floats and decorated bicycles, etc. A de- tailed list of these will be given

oard r

Spud with ,his trainer, Don Monkman, and Mrs. ‘Monkmaa- . - - - - - __

. . __


I Pool hours are, until further

nstise, m- t&59o- -wee

~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - m o ~ ~ ~ - ~ 7j except Wedpesday~, !O:,M%o

2:OO to 5:OO Saturday and Sun- day afternoons.

Admission to the pod is 15c for children with students’ cards and 35c for adults. Tick- ets-can be purchased in cards of twenty lfor $3.00 (children) and $6.00 (adults).


I 1


of variety, fun a

SHAFTER SPUD (trainer Don Monkman) awned by Paradise Horse Ransh of-Squamish. established a track L

ward a t La&@ r ~ n t l y . - ~ t o s h o w s - S h a f ~ ~ -v

l a k r ovcr som.ct! W c h is a fin;inr.inl lyme _rlrphant,”. he ndtlctl. “The board is solvent ; i n d i , t is sclI-sup~)oi~ting. The only tlifficulty is that i t is now I l i l J i ; t i y 6 ;I job for a voluntary ~)fJ~lrd 10 handle.”

Counril disrusscd the ques- 1 ion tintl while lhcy still felt lhis .should not conie under the


gives report A team of agricultural experts visited Pem- berton Valley this week to investigate the high mortality rates among calve$, with special refer- ence to calf pneumonia and white muscle disease.

Dr. Thompson of the Provincial Veterinary Dept. ; Geqrge Muirhead, District Agriculturist; Eric

-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the co-op building and discussed the problem of calf raisiqg.&-the vdle

Howie Ayers, Don Miller And Clifford Ronayne: A special Farmers Institute meeting was held

at the Upper Valley Hall the same evening and all farmers were asked to fill in a detailed question- naire on feeding and care of animals.

For the remainder of their stay the experts visited individual farms to discuss problerrls. A detailed report will be sent to the Farm,ers Insti- tute.

+t++ilim-t- TeterinarrJX$i€.T




Three members of the Squamish Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Chief Jack Clarke, Thor Halvorson

age cou%7IIlast week and g a v e a rep& on theJ963- xtivities of the department.

&-Pit~l M&FE& &k&&thegofthe vif. ne;xt week. --q; T p o i - m g r a m was fol-

lowed by inspection of the Cadet Corps and presentation of awg&s A_ hand concert closed the afternoon’s events. In the evening the Queen’s

C.Kef Clarke- sai-at there vas a tot& of 14 fires. Twenty- our practices were held, aver- ging,lS/z hours each time. In iddition the.departmeni, t u ~ e d jut’ to‘ see. new apparatus .dem; Ins trated.

The strength of the fire de- wrtment lies between 21, and !2 men and-this is divided into .wo: areas of the village. He aid the average attendance of

Firemen a t each ‘fire.,was 10.5 with the average attendance at practices being Seven men.

He recommended that people within the village be more ex- ,licit in giving the correct ad- Oress when reporting a fire.; An incorrect address may cause ielays which could result in loss -of --life--or. serious .propePty iamage.

Mr. Clarke also inspects all major buildings for suitable Fire prot,ectiion before they are built and goes over the plans with the building inspector and the contractors. He added .that ?resent equipment will be ade- p a t e t o reach the roof of the iew . apartment block ‘now

r Pe-

3xescent. Commissioner A. W. Hen-

lrickson complimented the 2hief on the spe&in which his iepzutrmd ---et.s---fire darms.

Mr. Clarke replied that peo- ,le in Squamish must be fairly Fire conscious as the fire re- iorts frbm Squamish compare iavorably with other communi- ties of the same size. .

, -----i- --

1 I .


. . I.-- . . . . . . . ,...,. .- . . . : . , . . Ri s,

I . I * Anglicans in the parishes of Squamish and

Woodfibre are delighted to hear that Bishop Gower will make another visit tu the district on Sunday. This is, the sec.ond time he has visited here in the past two months.

Tbc growth of the cornmupity makes an ever- changing picture within. the church life and this visit of the Bishop will emble him to receive first hand news from the Howe Sound area of all activities within this portion of the Diocese. This

- will in-turn- hdp him with the major decisions to- -

be made in’ the next few years for serving Angli- cans in Squamish, Woodfibre, BrackendaIe, Pem- berton and other places.

Bishop Gower wiil celebrate Holy Communion at the church of St. J,ohn the Divine at 11 am. and in Woodfibre a t 2:30 p.m.

It is hoped all Anglicans will attend one of these services on Sunday, May 24th ang meet their Bi&m. He is never too busy ta


costs explained Members of the 3rd Squa- inish Cub Pack and the Sea Scouts held a work bee a t the Squamish Cemetery on Satur- day, April 25th.

Under the supervision of J. Auclair, J. Mahood and T. Clarke, the boys measured out, dug holes and planted eighty evergreen trees albng the south fence- of- the cemete-*.- T i e cemetery board had requested that the trees be planted there.

3rd Squamish has also volun- teered to do any work which the cemetery board requires, providing it falls within their capabilities.

The members feel that this is one way-in which they c a i

community as a means of ex- pressing their thanlis for the support they have’received.

ing program were: Scouts Dun- can Auclj~ij Ian Clarke, Roy Clar6e-and. Scott Hurren; Cubs P. Auclair, R Auclair, C. Daw- son, I. Fenton, D. Gerard,, P. Hurren and A. Mahood.


Cost sharing in public education has gone .badly -_.

out of balance in the last three years. Local taxpayers - . -3 now carry.a much greater proportion of costs than they did when the present sharing system was established - and. unless adjustments are macfe in the provinciai government’s share, the situation will become mubh xarse, :_-- - _- - ----,----------r-----L-

School budgets haye been in- creasing& steadily, due chiefly to two factors: 1. PoplZlation growth re-

i u i r x more classrooom, more t e a c h e r s, more supervisory staff, more equipment and sup- plies. 2 General economic condi:

-tionshawms--&jsm - _ increase (Salgries, consjruction and maintenance, supplies, and SQ on).

A third factor now evident, and likely to count more heav- iiy in the years immediately ahead, is the changing second- ary school curriculum, ’ which brings new ’ requirements for instructors,- accommodation and equipment.

Broadly speaking, for pur- poses of establishing local and government shares of costs, a school district budget consists of two sections: ‘Sliar&ibLeT -and %on%h-&eXSe.’’

Costs in the “shareable” sec- tion are divided between the provincial government and local taxpayer. Cost of the non- shareable rests wholly upon local resources. The &system is designed to divide the dost of basic. education ’between the local taxpayer and the provin- cial government; and at the same time provide ’ opportunity for. local initiative and -epter- pl%e in education.

?he- pmp6moiiG o f T o S t s o be borne locally annd provin- ciallyln the shareable section of ttii budget are determined on-tkreehain-bases--teachers’ salary grant schedule; trans- portation grant schedule; and a fised grant formula to cover

other operating. costs.

mula were set Qp by the‘pro- vincial government they were accepted by school bsards throughout the province as gen- erally fair and satisfactory,

But- sehool-beardameptance- -was-sead%h&*pon -periadfo- -e w i i costs.

The grants have not been re-

When the schedules and for:’

-- .. -- -- -

0 #

rrnprwements Plans for the improvement of the area surrounding

Alta Lake were the h a i n i Lake Ratepyqrs meeting .- 1

correspondence the group had with ,the government concern- ing tree planting, lake rehabili- tation, and the .sa’ving of Dis-

It was decided that a delega- tion, accompanied by Mr. Ellis of the G.J.A.C., will visit the yon. R. Williston, Minister of Lands and Forests, and the Hon. K. R. Kiernan, Minister of Rec- reation and Conservation, in the near future.

?ms discussed ate the Alta ~ 1 d on .Mw17th,- _ _ -

With th Fee- other cornmitt& members, his wife Cathy, Flor? enck Strachan and Bob Living stone, he will be canvassing thf lake area_ soliciting funds foi the purchase of a fire pump.



Recommends denfal plari’

The Board of School Trustees for Howe Sound School Districl No. .48 last week approved i resolution concerning a pr75 paid medical plan to be we. sented a t the 1964 convention

The resolution states that thc increase In costs of dental work has rqached a point where il created a. hardship for the mod. erate income family, with thc resulting tendency to delay having necessary dental work done for children.

The Board recommends ,the

Four members of the asso- ciation, Maurice Burge, Don N~oyes, H a r y Barriitt-and Le- ray Brown will be ‘working in close co-ordination with GODA and the G.J.A.C. towards town planning. As the government is not, a t this fime, prepared to give any help, they will try to get property owners ‘to comply with regulations on a voluntary basis for the present.

Conditions in the area behind- the PGE station are rapidly ap- pmarching those of a slum area and‘it waS suggested ’that each pe r sm-w5t r3c r - th rmi lmy; pointing, out these conditions

- -New school bus tion of the budget, ‘and ‘must’;@ ’,!

borne whnlly hy, tb payer. mem=&d In othir’ words, !proport ‘the go$&$- :.

teachers’ salaries are

c-k?- .. , I . . . I

, . . , .

$for S.quamish The school bo.ard for Howe Sound District NO. 48

last week approved the purchase of a new 67 passenger International “Bluebird” school bus td be used in the Squamish area, - Similar examples might

items. -

are - This unfair is how to local we

in School Distric

1961 1962 1963- -1 To’tal cost of dducation

in District 48 ..

<. I . , .-,L---- I .

- i *- “ .b .

%... . Tenders for :black-topping at implementation of a pre@<

dental plan, similar to the pre. - - -

<owe Sound Secondary School, Squhish Elementary and paid-rnedicd-pl anSn5? r e f -

fect and also suggests that the B.C. School Trustees Associa. tlon conduct a public informa. tion . campaign+-encourage other associations to bring pressure to bear on the Dental Association to implement such a plan. \

MBmqnam *1emerrtsn+-were liscussed and the contract will

&d asking thercompany to do something about improving

le awarded to Columbia. B W ithic with. 8, low bid of $6,350.20 w

this week these standards.

Don Noyes reported on the first aid station, saying that it is ready for operation. All that is needed now is a basket stretcher and this is being pro-- cured.

Mr. Noyes also reported-op meetings of- the Garibaldi Joint AcbLCammitt<+i-whiehAe~ t- tended, and spdke of its ,en- deavours to have zoning and planning applied to the area from ISquamish to Pemberton. He also said that‘ t h e fisheries department will be making a complete survey of the .lakes in.-the area this summ i-, - --


George‘ Krieg rep0 f , ted on

or t h e entire projeot. There was a wide spread in

he eight bids submitted, with me more than double the priae isked by tEe successful bidder.

Mr. D. H. Campbell, District Superviso6 of Schools, men- kned that Mi: W. P. Goddbd, i teacher in the Howe Sound Secondary Schaol, had beeri iomured-bgrberp1 asKed to act a an advisory i p a c i t y on a 3.C.T.F- committee considering ,evisians bf the businqss y i t h - netic, practical arithmebjc and o ~ n i i h u r s , e s . -’Clearing of, ttie remainder of k g Brac?<_e_nda!e idmil grounds vi11 be dbne this sphmer with

M. Behrner getting’the con- ra&- ’ _ _ _- - - ==F===-- \

Jim Hurren took. first prize a t the fishing detby with his catch of two stee€head, the only steelhead anyone cBught, Harry Lassman got the prize for the largest dolly and John W&Por2the-mest-f ish- J.‘ A! Castle, chief clerk in

the, PGE offices here, retired after 34 yea= of servj5e with the railway. I

The Howe Sound Highway between Squamish and We$ Vancouver ,will -bes stahed-this summer and will be built at the same time .as the PGE $Rail- -

1 .

nir- . ’ _-- ___ - _- - - -----

-.. Forestry crew a t ‘

-. Alta, CakeA A group of engineers from

the KC. For’est _- Service --are making Rainbow Lodge a t glta Lake their headquartefs while making- a field survey of fhe timber res’ources in that are

arrive in the near future ta plant trees in. the yicinity of -

--’A-;fonfieenp “mafi--fr$w-~~

.A___--- _-.- ,

........ i.: - ... . . . “ ,. . . + . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : . I ’ . . . . -.. . . ’ ‘ ’ 3 ’ , . . , - . .

. . I. ~ \ / . , . .

’ ( ’ . . * . .

. I , . .

Page 2: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the
Page 3: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the

St. Joseph's- scene -

of May wedding Anne BIatt weds

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._.. . . . . .. , ... ..- . . . . . . .

* . , .

. . . ~ -= "

ADVICE TO HOUSEBUILDER-S' ,at ' I 1 , Britannia . .

High noon. an Saturday, May 9th' was the'timc chosen for the wedding of Rita Anne Naujoket and .James Peter-Feschu in St, Joseph'$ Church in1 Squa- hjsh, Father M. SCof b offiokited. w' .

_. .. 4- .... , . . .

Hodgsan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ,Atkinson of. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs. Stefan Ples and Ren- ata, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bar. ratt, Bill Russell; Mrs. Kit ty Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johns Pete McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. George Kreig with Dot-is and guest Miss Emma Neering, Mr. and Mrs. Swain,..Mr. and Mrs. McKeever, Mr. and Mrs. Bok Livingstone, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Churchill, Miss Bonnie Jordan and Miss Arlie Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carlton spent the week-end at their cabin a t Alpha Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Denis Beaure- gard had as their guests on.the holiday week-end Mi.. a n d Mrs. Mike Pachon and daugh- ter Michelle.

Mr. and ME. Joe Lonsdale were week-end guests at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Probert.

Visiting Mrs. Bea Russell for the holiday were her grandson Diup -Bobfmsofl' mil. IEr. and Mrs. Bill Middleton.

Dennis Greenwood came from Chetwynd to spend t-he ho1ida.y week-end. with %his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Greenwood.

. . I.&.. StapGdad., L , ',' . . " .',

.M;! and, MB: B. &mpb$~ re now occupying their new ome. 6n'Thiyd AveGue. ' Congratulations to MrI and [rs. P. Zebroff on the birth 01

daughter, Tina Lee; on Fri- ay, May 8th. F. D. Ross spent, the holiday

reek-end on a fishing t r ip tc lackwater Lake. Winner of the garden chaii

iffled Jay t h e L.A; to the Girl hides was Mrs. Linley of Bri. innia B6ach. -

.~ - .. r . -

GARIBPLDI HIGHLANDS has 80 f t . lots'.fron $240n. without underground 'wiring up tg $2850 YO ft. view lop on the hill with all undergrounc wrvices.

it should be noted that in other areas, simila lots to The Estates are offered a t $3500 . . . the dif ference in price could be better applied in the con-

. strucling of a better home. i '

Don, of Chilliwack; Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker of Sardis, Mr. ana Mrs. JoeKosticuk and Mrs. Evelyn Smith of Squamish.

Mr. and Mrs. Doerksen will live in Ucluelet.

. J o e )Iobson. suppnrted ' the Ernom.

A redption at .Paradise V d - ley follqwed the cbel*emony, Mr. Russell Harris of Vancouver J J ~ O ~ ) O S C C ~ the t o m t to the bride.

The young couple will live in Squamish ,lifter their honey- ri ioon in SC;I\I I le. '

. . - . _ _ Wins TV &ble.s 2. What are the taxes? Cubs hold

Mother's Day Holder of the lucky ticket for the TV taables and cart being raffled by -the W.A. to the Squamish Boq-Jital drawn on nZay 12th by Mrs. R. C. Pat- rick, a patient at the hospital, was Dr. D'Appalonia.

-Each year on Florence Night- ingale Day (May 12th) the W.A takes flowers up to the hospital. This year they were donated by ME. D. Fenton and Mrs. G. Carson.

The W.k would like to take this opportunity to thank the Rubliefor its -gen~u&-swDl3Ft-.

The Garibaldi Highlands townsite mill rate is 1( mills for general purposes PLUS Howe Sound Schoo District mill rate of 23.84 PLUS Garlbaldi Hospita inlprovement q i l l rate of 0.45.

The Marnquarn water district has a tax of per lot per annum for capital improvements. Then is no charge for the water connection in Garibald .Park Estates or Garibaldi Highlands as conneetion! are already on each property.

The Marnquam sewage district has a tax o $30.00 per lot per annum for capital improvement!

-and o@ng-ptirposes, m d ims a connection-char5 of $150 per lot in the estates area only.

The taxes in the lower Squamish Valley are{ . ' are 17 mills for general purposes plus same schoo

- . -- - _- - _ _ _ L _ - - -

and hospital taxes.

WORKING MEN!! t e a party

The Mother's Day tea, con- MRS. J. JOHNSON with a flower arrangement shci had designed, suitable for taking to a hospital. She gave many suggestions on flower arranging. to many ladies who turned out to lea_r_n mars ab& theart.

enjoy the benefits of the CARIBOU f m x m -

SE RVI C 6 Fully furnished rooms for two - shower and bath - spotless. RAmsf---- -- -

$9 and $10 per week. Delicious, wholesorhe -

-meais -serve&Zi~~ - bou Cafe. For Information call

JACK WONG 892=5021

or come to the CARIBOU CAFE 1

\*c'nrd try the 2nd Squamish Cub Pack and held jointdy by all three l o c ~ i l Cub Packs o n Sat- urday, hlay 9th wa.s a great sucress.

Tea w;is served, 'B ptant and Imke sale was held a n d handi- crafts, made by the boys, were ;I feature of the thy.

The group committee to, the 2r-Z Syuaiii ish 'Pack -wish to thank all those who helped and especially the local merchants iind parents for their much needed tlonat ions ' which helped 16. m d e the day a success.


-. _._ - - - - The 4% month dd da&6r-ofMr.-and-M?s. -

E. A. Ellingson of Squamish received the names Beverley Gail at morning service at Squarhish United Church on Sunday, May 3rd.

The five month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Zellenitsky, of Woodfibre, was christened Michael John at the same service.

_ - - - - - ____. -

F. & F. PLUMBING Installation and Repairs

FREE ESTIMATES Phone 892-5186

3. What is the area like .,,.

in other times of the year? Alfa Luke Ripples


I Curd of thanks !


Garibaldi Estates and. Garibaldi Highlands ar? laid ,out to'catch the maximum anlount of sunshine

by Kelly Fairhurst .

Mrs. B!a Kussell, -ac!o~mfran= ed by her grandson Doug Rob- ?rtsoq and his. friend. Billy Wil- iams, both of Squamish, re- :urned to her home a t Alta ,ake last Saturday. She spent noS.afthe.winter. .cui tt h e r son n iadner.

* * ' * Mr. and Mrs. Alex Philip re-

urned to their home on May 1st after spending the winter n Vancouver.

* * * b

Jack and Doug Mansell came lack last week to pre~are-for he summer season. Mrs. J. Nansell came up a few days ater. They are now open for :he summer.

3iarTmd 'AxOunhiii3z iquamish Vancouver lliott Glock 3d$535 Howe St Box 410 Vancouver 1, B.C

Squamish 892-5331- - Ph. 687-71pT


_ . a I If FIRE destroys YOUR property, do ycu-hw enough INSURANCE to replace it at today's prices? If not, then you are not FULLY COV- ERED. For a FREE insurance survey, call us any time. ._ .___ -- - __ -_ - .-

Automobile - Fire - Life - Casualty 1

Phone 89213821

4, What roads and ^ I

accesses ore provided?' .- ,

avc - l t E - H @ ~ d S h wide oaved roads laid out with a view to'safety t c children view ta every home. When the new highway-if eve1 comtrucjed-is finished this highway will provide 2

50 m.p,h. fast access to all mill sites and the Wood. fibre ferry . . . yet leave the area away from indus.

Gacibaldi Estatesand-&r&a

. . . to give the 1 maximum scenic mountair

-,---trmfadmand- noises.

..... - . . . . . . . . .

............ . . . . - , ..L...lI 5. .What* seiwices ' ,

I .. . , . are . . . provided,? _. . . . . . . Cabin owners who drove Up

'or .the week-end included Mr. ind Mrs; Bill, Johns, Bill Hamer, i r t Frewin, Mr. and Mrs. Don >ow and -Karen, Mr. and Mrs. ;eorge Kreig and Cathy and iav Dove.

JIM ELLIOTT ' Garibaldi EkJates and Garibaldi Highlands have: , A. The Garibaldi IVolunteeLFire Department Under

. -- . -- B.- arbage collection wi th ~ n p r t r p ~ e F v i s % C ' @ i i $ . . ....... t h . e ,direction of Fire Chief Sam Goss:

0. bage dump. __ ii_ =..e>-=

---- .- r~ ------.\-

. C. Street lighting. . . . . .

D. 'Parks.:

E. .Schools - with the new enlarged M a m w

site, and a private childrenk .access road from Diamond Head road to the. back of the ,school.

F. The Anglican. Church proposes t o buildthe-new

property for a church site. The Roman Catholic and United' .khurches have conducted surveys of

, . ~ e ~ ~ m e ~ ~ c h o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

. . , .

man,se:, on Diamond Head road ,'and to acquire ' ;.

. ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ f . a ~ u r c h ' S i t e s ~ :- . .- , - . . . . . ' ,


. . . . . . . . -~ . . . . . .:... . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... _-i. .

-. ... -.


Bring-+he Family for a treat -. . Overnight or for the .weekend . . . . Our rx&$ -are REAS.ONAB&!- --



. .

We can probably .i help yqu a lot. der- tainlywe would like to.You don't have t o be a regular Scotiabank customer --in fact-if this yill be your qrst bor-

kind of car deal you want without any financial worries at all because your SCOTIA PLAN LOAN c p be ar- ranged before you gocarshopping.Your

een forevep t kind ber,' too, anta - i s also an ezcgl I . \

----IS& RESERVATIONS CALL - I Garibaldi ,Estates and Garibaldt H i g h h d s have'

a buil$i(n$ scheme registered on every property in the l q d re&try: This "provides for. single family dwellkg in all areas save those set aside for other purposes. Restrictions . on- house xonshuction,a ' ize of housesand7hecaxryAng on of hminess within thi? area are proviaed. 'These restrictions protect the value ofyour home.

_. 1 .. - /

, _ _ __ --_i _- _ - - _-- - - -__ __


.~ , tiew car o1 usmrthe same i&$q ___ _ _ _ p - ~ cohsilidqte: all yQur debts or' t q . buy - - .- .

Plan rates ,qpply, .and .@ , ~ @ k gases, - those ~ e y ;apklianpes, furnishin,gs, 01 -- - , ~ -.

" I . A

. .- ... the 'car ipelf :&avides .aB the-:security % f o r pracfically any worthwhile pllrpose. ...

--___I__ needed. A Scotia . Plan .- ( k L 6 a n -_ ..LZ. L~ can be _&&anem - -- visit your nearest Scotia- - - ,- ~ranch''m--"-

' a. most understanding .man to talk to- let him help .p. I you ' > 'get . ihat car this week

' , -

a very practical yay fOr-y~U.P$pt the .

car,you have always wanted..And'i)ere's ' another good point; )r9U 1 . . $fl~fVake . . the

. . . . . . - I . I

... --. ~. ~ .......... .... . . . - -


Discover why din,ing out i s a - famity- -affair- here- ...

. . . ...._.".. ..- .....-.... $ * ' . . r , . . . . . . . ........ 7' . ,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) . -, i . .- -. .

' r- . . . . . . .

I / (.. . y., i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _, . - : ' , . , " : I .: . .

, .

. . . . . . . . , I - . . . . . . ' , .;. ' . . . . . . . . ............... . . _ . , _ . _ I . . . . . . !..:.. ...<.,. ....... ...- ; - i - - . - - -

Page 4: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the
Page 5: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the

. . . . .

I .

?he Squrrmtsh Times - Thursday,-May Zf, 1964---$'

Cub and '

Scouf news Legul Nofice ' 4


, . ST. JOHN'S ANGFlCAk 1l:OO. a.m.-Sunday School.. t1':00'a.m.-miy Communion. .Rf. Rev. Godfrey Cower; D.D. :'2.:30 p.m.-Woodfibre.: .: ' - , .

by Alma Mill and Ist, 2nd ' H e c k .and t e 3rd Bleu Squamish

Cub Packs: he19 a very success- ful Mothe1.k Day Tea on Sqt-' urday,, May ,iU3th.: The Cubs wish. 'to .thank Ithe five' G i ~ l ..Gui@qs. who: help;@ them so' a61y &the' .tea. . We. appik.ciate@. ,'help aE..&lx&pn- -ClaYk'e, '4rya.Lhy ,HerT iiage; QoFria'.:: Hihd,e,: . Ark& fj&.arq .and :Kathy j Ke.,'scg'd$ . .

. . :b . 0 ' _ L: . . . .

. Second Squamish. Pack -ea- joyed .a vt?ry.,.wvdL attendcd. Na- ,tpre Hunt last week.

, ' 1,-

. - * , * ' i('

Mr. and Mrs. T. I-fi l l l and Scoutmaster Lou Yaffe of Van- couver srlent Sunday. May 10, preparing the trail mapping course for the 66th Venturers of Vancouver.


. . . NOTIGE:O~ S A ~ E . .. . . .,-. . . . . .

-' ;- . . - , ,

ii.t,2:w.: p.m+ ,@ed$$kda$, Ma: :. '\ -.:

I . . . , Furtpcr? . infp.p,mation .'rg+

-;fror+, , the , -Lan CammiSSion& (CqFernment A€ en(,).,' 63$'ksBgi-d<d Street, Var; coaver 1, B.C. or 'from the SI; grrjakendenni of Lap& Deparl ment of I,ands, Forests an Water Resources, Parliamen BLlildings, Victoria, B.C.

Terms and conditions wi also be announced at the tim of sale.

n?h, 496L&, .; ' i;+ , : 4 . . .


E. W. BASSE'IT. Deputy Minister of Land:

Victoria, B.C. April 10, 1964. File No. 0231322.

. . . . .

.., . to purchase the Pqllowing :'de-

.Cq4mencing a t a .&sfi piant- cd at%$e north-east corner. of 'Par41 :A,,:.' Lot 6969, 'N:WX)., t h d c e .dorth approx. 250 feet, thenod' 'west approx: 200 feet,

.thence south approx. 250 f e e t , thence cast approx. 200 feet along the north boundary of Lot 6969 to point of coqmence- mcnb &*and containing approx. 1.2 a g e & more or less.

The purpose for which the land is equired i s cabin site..

L e r n e r Himmelsbach; *

Dated May 9. 1964.

__- -. . ,screed 'laqI$: r , ' ' .

' .

. .

' .

5&IA~lSHTGNliED. :CHI;)RC)I Re% 'N.hh$id)~en~, , ~hllCtW. tt :&O.ti:rn,&orninS ??mice. 3~30 pqi.:-$v&ing Service.

LJ :OQ a.m.-Beginners Dept. , (ages 3, 4, 5) , in the church

h u . ' L1:OO a.m.-Primary Dept., ages

6, 7, 8, in. the church hall. L1:OO a.m.-Junior Dept., ages

9, 10, 11, in the C.E. Centre. L1:OO a.m.-Senior Dept., ages

12-15, in the C.E. Centre. LJ:OO a.m.-Brackendale Dept..

ages 3 to 8, in the Bracken- dale Schogl.

St. JOSEPH'S PARISH Father Maurice Coffin, OMI.

Squamish - 9:20 a.m. Woodfibre - 1130 a.m. Britannia - 5:OO p.m.'.

. SUNDAY- SCHOOL' . . . . -

MAIL. ORDER For faster, more efficieot service on CATALOGUE ORDERS, phone or visit our new CATALOGU'E SALES AGENCY located in the




892-3252 George Turnquisf

Wwdfibre and Britannia customers phone

TOLL FREE ZENITH 6909 At this Agency you h a y place catalogue orders, pick up parcels, open accounts, make payments, deal with adjust- ments, returns, service, etc.


Legal Nofice Legal Nofice BEFORE receiving his first haircut, Joseph Bukow-

sky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bultowsky @f Cheakamus, smiled hapnily at the camera as Andre Poiriea,pre- pares to clip his curls.

The Pacific Great Easter Railway Company announce the sale by public tender of th following described lot, subjec to all provincial - and local regu l a t ions:

That paFt ol Lot 203 c o r prising an area of 1.17 acre more or less, located withi the Village of Pemberx'o! f h c West and United Churc p r q e f t y OR t h e South. Upset price of subject pror

brly is $400.00. Sale is contir gent upon survey and othe charges required to gain l e g access to subject property to b borne by purchaser. Term c sale is casla.

Ten rs should be marke

certified cheque for the amoun tendered in full. All enquirie and tenders should be forwarc ed to the folJowing address bc fore May 29th, 1964: Mr. G. L, -Ritehie, Right-of-w?y Lease Agent, P.G.E. Railway Company,

---t-Ffrst-AveRue, -- North Vancouver. Bids to be opened In th

aforement.ioned office at -1:O D.S.T., May Bth , 1964. Highes or any tender not necessaril acceD ted.

.;. ~ v6faeylfjiys'. Gt "'gyj7

"Pemb T rton Lot" and cdntain



1O:OO a.m.+unday School. L1:15 a.rh.eQorning Service. 7:30 p.m.-Evening Service.

I'ues., 8 p.m-Prayer weetinp. Friday, 8 p.m.-Young People.

- LKTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Albert H. Mlller.

[n Squamish United Church hall 1st & 3rd Sundays each month. 3:30 p.m.--Church Service. 4:15 pm-Sunday School and

Bible Class.

..........-...................._.............AM*'.".-......... .. Nolicc (if Intention to Ap1)Iy

to Purchitse Land. In Land Recording District of

Vancouver and situate three . hundred yards West. of Alta

Lake, British Columbia. Take notice that Ronald Dent

and Marie Dent of 845 Clem- ents, North Vancouver, B.C., oc- euptttim tawyer -and House- wife, inten'd _to 'apply for per- mission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands:

Commencing at a post plant- ed at the South West corner of Lot 2110 at the North end of A l t ~ Lake: thence -Wes-M chains; thence North 10 chains: thence East 10 chains; thence

--S;etttk-tttld-e&&w?g* -aepes, more or less.

The purpose for which the camp an$ winter ski grounds.


land is' required is \summer Dated April 19,-1964

___.- . . .



PGE carloadings .up 25 percent I ELECTR.OH0ME I - Carloadings 'on the ]Pacific

Sreat Eastern Railway jumped mofe -~ttiqi-tm April,. to the:mon thly report just 'released by 'J. S . Bmadhent--- Ejeneyal mbagek *

Total for " the. month was 5543; compared . $it3 ' '4496 ' in April of '1963. Tot@ .carload-

for * the. year,:.' to:"' date Amounts to 20,&3 .'compared wk37$2?-for the; coiTFpondi i,ng period 'last year. -


1964! ONLY


. 3. S.,-BROADB

, legal Nofice - and

General Manage]

Homes By Westaway --

_. - _ _ Form No. 18 (Section 82) LAND ACT

.I ,:>TflPL - c& of Intention t o Apply

to Lease Land in$ Land Recording District of Vkncouver and situate two r@es Southwest of Watson S,btion, the East side of But- t#ly Lake. %'ake notice that Donald An-

, thony Thompson -ef-Vafweva~eott- vel., B.C., occupation lawyer, -intends to apply for -a lease of the following lands:

I Commencing at a post plant- ed next to Allan Bennett's post, thance 330 feet east, thence north to lake shore, thence fol- lQ,w lake shore lo original post, &d containing one acre, more Q):I&S, for' the purpose of sum- mer cabin.

Donald Anthony Thompson. Dated Aptil 18, 1964. --

BFTER his hair cut Joseph seems to be closing,his .eyes, - _ - - afraid to look at the resujtz. - - -

. .

Advertising Is News! POWER SAW SALES & SERVICE LTD. 14 Powell Street Vancouver, B.C.

Illill - _ _ --- I


- . HOUSING. SERVICE - * ------ -- /

1 % I

- . , . >

4 -

I ,', FOR

I - -_ Garibaldi Highlands - -_ .

We1 Invite You 70 Learn 1 - Legal /Vb#ice e'

8 And LWhaf 1 Wesfaway Can DO For' -- , Yiou



sewer and water connecti

lots die invited.' - ~

Also - felling, b 3 n b g and clearing i s proceeding - n o r t G n SKYLCNL DRIVE and sho-uld b-e completed in three-yeekkand the

;IstiS$''kque i & n t a i n Y E t Z E cornpie-rifig. -

Y a u _ a t e i r i v i t e d S a l k - - ) h r o u g h this new area any weekend by driving to the top of SKYLINE DRIVE and walking f rom the end of.

- opx or I - _ _ - rther-- r y . h;_are _-


?..---... the pavement. I

- - F o ~ u r t h e r - i n f o r m a ~ ~ ~ ~ e PAT GOODE Oat

-_ - I


c . i ' Form No. 18 ,

(Sbction 82) LAND ACT . ' . . .

. . \ - .

. . I

. - T ~ I . . 'WSTWAY DEVELOPMENTS -~ ~ .J LTD,., . - . .

' 1379-' MARINE DRIVE,

. . . \

* . . , Dear -5 i rs: I I . .

. Without any obligation on our u i d s . . . . . .

_- 1

.. ...- ~. . .~ k ' - serv!c_e . I to us. ' , , '

NME:.;:- ........ ~ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .

uver and situate ~ ~ p p c o k y 2 miles southwest of n Station on . the west

the following de-

' , $- -.for . the purpbse of. summer cabin construction. : . . :


\ *' x5 i , .892-3992 'or ,-

. . ADDRESS ,...... . . . . . . . . . . i ~ . . r ;. . . . ..l................ .,> . , . .

PHONE NUMBER . . . .:,,:. . . . . . ;.. . . . . .:, . . . .'. . . . , .. . .

. I , :- '.

. L .

. . I . ' . . . ............. . c y , . E:R. .Wickland.. I


.. .__ ......... .-... ....... ,;i----.-.----- ... , . ..--. . . . . . . . .Date&.April'll;'1964. :'. . . . . . . "' . . . . . . , - r '

I . . '

. . _ _ . , I .


Page 6: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the

. . . - . . . . . . 8 8 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , , : . . ..... . . . . . . . ., . _ . . P

. . I .

. . . . , 11E GAME AT I

BRACKENDALE . . . . . . . . . . . . -__. '

. 'A number .of .parents and interested. friends turned out on May 8th to see t h e Little League

..- ,game between Woodfibre and Brackenclale, 'which

. . . \ . ' . . . ' .$ ',. ~ . . . % .: ... ., ,

j . . . . . 1.

,. . , . .

. , . . : ,', .: I

. / ' . . .

' , ' t , I.. .. . . _ .

. . . . .: I . . *, . * i -

,- ...... ...!? f. . - . , . ,.,, . . , . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. , _ . - . . 1 *-


, .. , . . I ,

. .-


Plans for the annual picnic supper were discussed at the monthly meeting of the W.A. held at the home of Mrs.. A. .T. Sniith on May 14.. The supper will- be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Evam---I;ullertm at. Suus.- Be& Al- p- 11 (IISCUS: sion .-session on "Alcohol' iincl. the Teen-ager."

Closing registrat ion dale f o r the dental clinic has been ' ex- tended to May 25. Anyone still wishing to have their children attend this clinic is asked to contact. Mrs. D. Manson, S96- 2260 before this time.

Miss Marilyn. Goodall of Squamish was a weekletul guest ....... of Miss, ....... DaAJhne ..- Baver- ..... stock.

z. -- Koeflmi spent the last week-end on a trip to Texada Island and Pow- ell River.

Glad to see that Len Allan is home from hospital. All the best for a speedy convales- cence.

St. Michael's Altar Society is sponsoring a genuine Italian spaghetti supper, cooked by the local Italian ladies, to be held in the Upper Club Room on Sunday, May 24, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Adults $1, children ..50 cents. Tickets will also be sold on a rod and reel valued a t $50, and a grocery

. ,

-.-* .-an.& Mrr;

hamper. -

Bowling playoffs will 'be hj on Thul'sday, May 28, when i mixed team5 will compete the five-pin challenge trop

The trophy will be presenl t o the winning team.

Individual trophies for 1 holdell of the men's a wiimen's high average will a bc-Lyi*esen t ed.

. . . __ - *. - ~ ~~ -

Ph'il .Tapley spotted the first bear of the season one evening-was in his back yard, close to thehouse and as it was stirring up the garbage, Phil went for his gun and shot the bear.

At the same time he noticed two others in the f ' d adjacent to the yard but made no attempt to

The next day he went to inspect the carcass -and found itgone. FoMwing the trail by the other two bears, who had hauled it away, he discovered the half-eaten -carcass and assumed the bears had done this.


s P oot theF.


-- .-. ..... .! . , ' - - ___- - -


TAKE A , BUS-.! !.--




Phone: 892-5231 MU 3456!



. ..........-. " a' .. ..". ... .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







- - - - -


CLASSIFIED RATES inirhum charge of $1.00 'for S lines if'prepaid. t Ctassifieds to be charged and _billed will ve a-mjnhnum of $1.25 ,te cover,'cost.


WE have % large selection of pocket novels, men's maga- zines, true ahd love stories. Squamish Furniture. ... - SERVICES - :.

BE -s ANTONY C. LOACH & ASSOGIATES British Columbia ' Land Surveyops

1640 Bridgeman Avenue, North Vaqcouvel?, B.C. - YU8-2530

Tenders for a garbage collection will be received by the Mamquam Water- works District.

The contract will be for garbage pick- up ' twice a month f rom 230 homes in

the Mamquam area. Maintenance of

the dump t o be included.


RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS - Small appJiances. Phone 892- 3935 or 892-3373. ' OAK Elec- tronics, 3308 Cleveland Ave., Squamish. If we can't fix it - no charge! Terms "Cash".


. - . - . . . . . * Income Tay Returns * BooEkeeping -- -~-Iv€anxgim3it-PE-oblernsl- - * Payrolls * Public Stenography

Elliott Block, Squamish. Phones,: - 892-3919, 892-3983.


- THE RESIDENTS OF SQUAMSH VPLXEY - All tenders must-be submittea in. wst- ing to:

, ' a '

The Secaetar,y, ,- ~ - 3

Marnquani Water Disfsici, . - _ .


VACUUh cleaners. Electx!olux. Sales ' and Service. Roland Martin,. Woodfibre 494

. .

._____.L___ 2. ...... ..


_-- . .

FURNISHEb 2-bedroom house, electric w g e . Phone 892-5162 between 11 a.m. " a d 3 p.m. on weekdays. . --



WANTEp - Hardwood I logs,

standing tixnbek-?%?$& Box 445, Squamish, KC .Phone

New, c a r sales in Cwada in 1963 totalled 5$0,000, and in the year 283,000 old cars went

t r u c k b i n : m * o _______- -

892-5344. -


of B C Cities, Town-s &- Villages. including: SquamistF, Rrit-annka k h ; - H ~ d i T E c

. Hope, North Bend, Hedley, Penticton. /

by '


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MAY .23rd


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. .Reproductio,ns of t h e Paint inis i n full cotoy featuring 'Keep-in-Pouch' cgrds may be pur-

. chasedat the exhibition. ._


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Page 7: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the

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Page 8: YOUR; SERVING ;.S.QUAMISH...-,Hughes, field cfops;; and F. ClarTI; livestockLex@rt, arrived on Monday, May 4th. In the afternoon they met with the Farmers Institute committee at the


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