your prosperity is your identity

Being Kingdom Minded Your Prosperity is in Your Identity

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Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Your Prosperity is Your Identity

Being Kingdom Minded

Your Prosperity is in Your Identity

Page 2: Your Prosperity is Your Identity

What is “prosperity”? Prosperity is “the state of being prosperous”. Synonyms: success, profitability, affluence,

wealth, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, and well being.

From the Latin word for “doing well”. In Hebrew several words are translated

“prosperity” including the root word for “shalom”. In Greek several words are translated

“prosperity” including the word “soteria” which is “salvation”.

Your Prosperity is in Your Identity

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The Greek words “sozo” (saved) and “soteria” (salvation) are used to translate “shelam” and “shalom” in the Septuagint.

To be “saved” means that a person has been made prosperous!

For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him would be SAVED (prosperous).

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts (plans, intents, and purposes) that I think (imagine) toward you saith the LORD, thoughts (plans, intents, and purposes) of peace (shalom; success; prosperity) and not of evil, to give you an expected (hope) end (event).

He SEES His Family PROSPEROUS! John was motivated to pray for the prosperity of

Believers by the Holy Spirit. 3 John 2 – Beloved (you ARE loved), I wish (pray for)

above all things that thou mayest PROSPER and be in health even as (according to) thy soul prospereth.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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As a Son or Daughter of God YOU ARE prosperous!

You were MADE His Righteousness resulting in being made prosperous!

You have the DNA of God in your spirit. God is Love and so are you! Love is the KEY to prosperity! The battle for prosperity is selfishness vs

selflessness! The battlefield is the mind and the weapons are

words of faith vs words of fear.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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Matthew 6:19 -20 – Lay up (to accumulate riches; store up) treasure (where something is collected and stored; for us a bank account) in Heaven.

Matthew 6:21 – Your heart (inner man and its thoughts and desires) is where your treasure is (your bank account).

Matthew 6:24 – You must serve EITHER wealth OR God.

The deceitfulness of riches (wealth) choke the Word.

The LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL evil.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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Matthew 6:25 – THEREFORE, take NO thought (thoughts are images from words) for the basics of life.

Matthew 6:30 – THEREFORE (after giving examples of God taking care of animals that have no covenant with Him and are not His Family) take NO thought BY SAYING or asking about what to do about the basics of life.

Matthew 6:32 – The people WITHOUT a covenant with God SEEK to meet their own needs.

Matthew 6:33 – His Family, Covenant People are to SEEK the needs of His Kingdom and what’s right to Him FIRST.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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All of your needs will be met as you meet the needs of the Kingdom.

Matthew 6:34 – THEREFORE, TAKE NO THOUGHT (by saying) about getting your needs met!

What He taught us: We must choose to serve wealth or God. We choose the thoughts we take by saying. The King will meet our needs as we take care

of the needs of His Kingdom.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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The battle for prosperity is between selfishness and selflessness.

Adam chose selfishness in the middle of his prosperity.

He chose to try to meet his own needs AFTER God had already met them.

God WANTS to meet your needs and already HAS!

He has already GIVEN us ALL things that have to with life on this planet and being like Him.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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He meets our needs according to His riches in GLORY by Christ Jesus.

Where is His Glory? Christ (the Holy Spirit) in us is our earnest

expectation of Glory or His riches. The Holy Spirit, who is in us, has our riches that

have been given to us by our Father to meet our needs.

I am not talking about MONEY! His Power, the Holy Spirit, is in us TO GET THE


Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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Eph 3:16 – the riches of His glory is what strengthens our spirit to become powerful.

Col 1:27 – the riches of His Glory is Christ in us!

His Glory, His manifested presence in us, will produce His kind of life.

His Glory, the manifested presence of Love, will produce prosperity!

The Glory of the Lord in us will be revealed AS we allow it to be revealed!

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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Isaiah 60:1-7 – The Glory of the Lord has RISEN upon you resulting in material prosperity.

The ones without a covenant with God will come to the Light of the Glory and bring their wealth with them.

The darker the world gets, the more death, destruction, and godlessness abounds, the more the Light of His Glory will arise upon us.


Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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By knowing WHO we are we will seek His Kingdom and what’s right to Him.

Knowing that He is taking care of our needs allows us to take care of His needs.

Our needs are taken care of as we take care of His needs.

We hinder and even stop the Holy Spirit manifesting wealth for us by us trying to take care of our needs!

Selfishness is a disease of the soul that prevents the Word of God from strengthening our spirit and manifesting wealth.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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How to be prosperous God’s way: Determine to walk in Love and not be selfish. Dedicate everything you have to meeting the

needs of the Kingdom. Look for ways to take care of the needs of others

by giving what you have. Work at a job knowing you are a Child of God sent

there to be a blessing. Listen to the Holy Spirit for Him to tell you where

to give and how much. Be aggressive in harvesting the seed you’ve sown.

Your Prosperity is Your Identity

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List the needs you have including the needs of others as if they were your own.

Be specific about the amount. Write it down. Pray believing you receive when you pray. Release angels and bind demons. Give thanks for the manifestation. Look for the manifestation. You are in the Family business of meeting needs. You’re only here to meet the needs of others!

Your Prosperity is Your Identity