your one stop shop 2015 16

12 Your one stop shop for independent living

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Your one stop shop forindependent living

Page 2: Your one stop shop 2015 16


Independence is something that we all cherish. For some of us, maintaining this can be challenging, particularly for those of us living with disabilities or mobility issues.

That’s where HomeCall can help. By giving you the freedom to choose the level of support you need, we can help you maintain your independence.

A one-stop-shop of flexible services, HomeCall enables you to create the perfect package of care and support.

This brochure provides information about all of our services, and whichever you choose, you can be assured that our friendly and experienced HomeCall staff will help you every step of the way. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.

01642 771 339 | [email protected] 2

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/ILSHomeCall @ILSHomeCall PAGE 3

Who uses Homecall...

As we get older, we’re many times more likely to have an accident. Failing eyesight, poorer balance and slower reactions – sadly, they all play their part. Regardless of age, when you live alone, even minor accidents can have major consequences.

HomeCall offers support and peace of mind to individuals and families, particularly to people who:

• Live alone• Are elderly• Are caring for someone• Are at risk of falling / less mobile• Are unwell• Have learning difficulties• Are dementia patients• Have recently come out of hospital• Don’t have regular visitors• Are worried about intruders / bogus callers

With HomeCall you are assured that if anything should ever go wrong, you are not alone. You will have immediate access to our 24/7 contact centre, whenever you need it. We will be with you every step of the way.

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With HomeCall Assistive Technology Services, you can rest assured that you will receive the assistance needed in the event of an emergency, leaving you to get on and enjoy life.

HomeCall gives you three levels of Assistive Technology to choose from.

HomeCall MonitorAn easy to use pendant alarm will alert staff in our contact centre who will then contact your next of kin should you need assistance. Our community alarm provides:

• Reassuranceandsupport at the touch of a button

• EasyaccesstoourCustomer Advisors 24hoursaday

HomeCall Response

In addition to all of the services in the HomeCall Monitor package, HomeCall Response gives you the peace of mind that an Independent Living Advisor will visit you to assist in emergency situations - available 24 hours a day, every day.

HomeCall Telecare

Our most comprehensive package of care and support, HomeCall Telecare gives you all the benefits of HomeCall Response, with the added benefit of sensor technology.

Assistive TechnologyServices

www.homecall.mePAGE 4

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HomeCall Telecare customers can choose from a variety of sensors, positioned around the home, to give added peace of mind.


Including fall sensors that alert our contact centre in the event of an accident.

Health and Wellbeing

Property exit sensors alert us if dementia patients are leaving their property alone.


To avoid unnecessary confrontation with unwanted bogus callers, we offer a security button with recorded communication with our contact centre.

“HomeCallhasvastlyimprovedmystandardofliving.Idon’tworryabouttheconsequencesoflivingonmyownanymoreandnolongerfeelaburdenonmycarersorfamily.MyfamilyandIhave more freedom knowing that I am in the safe hands of such a reliable support service.”

01642 771 339 | [email protected]

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Telecare Services

Telecare consists of various sensors placed around the home, linked to the HomeCall Contact Centre and Response Staff, monitored and available to you 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The connection between you and our Contact Centre is instant. From there, our friendly and experienced staff will provide the right action for your situation.

Falls Sensor

Worn around the neck or clipped to clothing, a falls sensor will automatically alert staff in our contact centre in the event of a fall.


This sensor pad goes under your mattress. If you fall, or if you get out of bed and do not return, it will automatically alert our contact centre.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

This will sound an alert if it senses carbon monoxide. It will also notify our contact centre so that we can send assistance.

/ILSHomeCall @ILSHomeCall

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Smoke DetectorA HomeCall smoke detector works in exactly the same way as a normal device but also alerts staff in our contact centre in the event of an emergency, rather than relying on you to notice and take action.

Bogus Caller ButtonIf you are suspicious that someone knocking on your door is a bogus caller, you can use the button by your front door to alert staff in our contact centre, who will check if you are ok and send help if needed.

Temperature Extreme SensorIf your home becomes too hot or cold, or if the temperature suddenly changes, this sensor will alert our contact centre. This will protect you against burst pipes or home fires, as well as mitigating living conditions if heating is too high or too low.

Flood DetectorThis alarm will sound to alert you if there is a flood in your home. It will also immediately notify our contact centre so that we can send assistance.

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Thanks to our partnership with Heritage Healthcare, you can benefit from a range of domicilary care services.

Personal Care

A discreet personal care service, designed to support you with day-to-day living, as well as providing you with the support needed to help you live life to the full.

Social Support

Whether you have mobility problems or would simply value some companionship. We can Take you to hospital and GP appointments; Accompany you to social events and activities; Provide companionship at home or out and about.

Practical Support

Whether you’d like help to prepare meals or need a hand with the housework, we offer practical support services to support you in your daily routine.

We are on hand to help with washing, ironing, cleaning and preparing meals.

Our partnership with Heritage Healthcare

01642 771 339 | [email protected]

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Handyman Services

If you have an odd job or something that needs fixing around your home, we are developing a handyman service for 2015 / 16 which can meet these needs.

[email protected]

Contact us to find out more

01642 771 339

/ILSHomeCall @ILSHomeCall

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At HomeCall we understand that health and wellbeing is closely linked with a range of other areas of life. Therefore, we work in partnership with a number of organisations to ensure we provide you with the most connected service possible. Some of these partners are shown below:

Our Partners

Due to the nature of our service, we are continually growing our partnerships. For more information on all of our partners please visit our website

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All of our equipment is installed by our highly experienced HomeCall staff. There are NO INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL COSTS for any of our products and services.

HomeCall Monitor £3.70 per week(an additional charge of 90p per week will be added for a second pendant)

HomeCallResponse£4.95 per week (an additional charge of 90p per week will be added for a second pendant)

HomeCall TelecareEither of the above plus weekly charge for individual Telecare sensors:

Fall Detector £2.00 pwBed Occupancy Unit £2.60 pwSmoke Detector £0.80 pwCarbon Monoxide Detector £1.60 pwChair Sensor £1.40 pwBogus Caller Button £0.80 pwTemperature Extreme Sensor £1.10 pwFlood Detector £1.35 pw

A wide range of other Telecare sensors are available to support independent living around the home. Further information and pricing is available on request.

Service Prices

Personal Care, Practical Support and Social Support Services

£7.80 per 30 mins £10.25 per 45 mins £13.40 per hour

01642 771 339 | [email protected]

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Next steps

Using the contact details below, get in touch with one of our experienced and friendly staff who will discuss your options in more detail. They will also be able to arrange for one of our helpful Independent Living Advisors to visit you in your home, free of charge, at a time to suit you and your family.

Our Independent Living Advisors can support you to complete the Wellbeing Check to help determine your needs, give information and advice about the full range of HomeCall services, and help you find solutions to live independently.

Our packages are specifically created for you, with you, to meet your needs.

Get in touch

Tel: 01642 771 339Email: [email protected]

/ILSHomeCall @ILSHomeCall

Version Control 3 March 2015