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Page 1: Your Magic Guide to Weight Loss and believe that you’ll reach your desired weight. This most definitely won’t happen

Your Magic Your Magic Your Magic Your Magic Guide to Weight Guide to Weight Guide to Weight Guide to Weight Loss Loss Loss Loss SuccessSuccessSuccessSuccess

By Steve Joynson

Page 2: Your Magic Guide to Weight Loss and believe that you’ll reach your desired weight. This most definitely won’t happen




The Reason for 50% of Diets not


Transform Your Metabolism into

a Fat Burning Tool

Make Sure you Eat Enough Healthy Foods

Eat Regularly, Without Missing Meals

Eat a Good Deal of Good Fat

Forget Old Habits

Having Meals Later at Night

Consider What You are Eating

Stop Giving Excuses

Don’t Take the Easy Way Out

Make up a Strategy and Stay with it

Don’t Cheat Yourself

Foregoing Your Meal Plan for the Family’s


When You Fall, Pick Yourself Back Up

The Twelve Types of Food to help Weight Loss

















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Foods that Encourage Fatness

Exercising can Increase Fat Burning

Don’t Eat Too Much Before Exercise

You Can Add Calories and Still Lose Weight

Negative Calorie Food

Hints for Weight Loss







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This information in this report is for education purposes only. It is not medical advice

and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals.

Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet or exercise

program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding


Introduction Numerous individuals attempt desperately to lose weight

with no significant results and ask themselves why none of

the diets work. They attempt fashionable diets they pick up

from Internet surfing that guarantee speedy weight

reduction. The trouble is they never seem to work.

My name is Steve Joynson and I am a personal weight loss

and fitness instructor. Throughout the considerable time I

have spent being employed, I have delved deeply into all the trendy diets and they simply do not work. My customers are

all well aware of this fact.

The fact of the matter is if you are out to get rid of some

weight and keep fit, you must consider making permanent lifestyle adjustments. It is simply not possible to consume

an apple or a dish of vegetable soup for just four or five

days and believe that you’ll reach your desired weight. This

most definitely won’t happen even if you think it will.

It is most likely you won’t want to hear what I am saying.

Like the act of eating in itself, individuals want to gain

instant results and satisfaction especially if shedding some

weight is clearly on the agenda. I can assist you in kick starting your metabolic rate so that the weight loss will be

fast but the results are not immediate and it certainly

doesn’t take place without vigorous work and perseverance.

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In total I’ve worked with millions of individuals face to face

and through the Internet and assisted them to attain their

target of shedding kilos and becoming really fit. This has all come about because I’m frank about what has to be done to

reach that target. All the information I am providing in this

ebook “Your Magic Guide to Weight Loss Success” I gained

from personal experience as an instructor.

Before continuing any further I would like to impress on you

that I am not going to do everything for you. At the same

time, I’m not going to make any guarantees either. In this

eBook I’m going to tell you precisely how you can quickly lose weight and become healthy and fit. The technique I am

going to show you outlines exactly what has to be done,

stage by stage, so you can attain your weight loss target

and hold that weight off into the future. There are no fast

solutions to long term weight loss.

What follows is a summary of the topics I will be outlining:

• The way to stop yourself from harming your hard work and your metabolism

• The way to get rid of bad habits and commence new routines that will progress to a healthy weight loss

• The indications why up to 95% of all diets never succeed and individuals who do manage to lose weight

put it back on in under a year

• The principal 12 food items that contribute to weight gain

• The principal 12 foods that assist you to get rid of excess weight

• The foods and routines that contribute to you becoming overweight

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• The fact that not all fat has the same properties and some can actually accelerate fat reduction

• The way to transform your body into a machine that burns fat and accelerates your metabolism

• The way to consume 50% more calories each day and still lose weight!

• The way to boost fat burning effects throughout exercise routines. If you have only five kilos to lose or fifty, I will show you, stage-by-stage, what is necessary

to do to reach your target weight and keep to it.

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The Reason for 95% of Diets not

succeeding This information is definitely already included in weight loss

facts and figures.

It has been presented in many places on the Internet and

has been used by the health care sector for many years because it is the absolute truth. It is certainly not

constructed by my self. More detailed data indicates that

around 40,000 individuals each year attain their weight loss

target. This is only a comparatively small number of people and, compared to programs offered by Weight Watchers,

Jenny Craig, NutriSystem and The Zone, where millions of

individuals take part in weight loss classes, that number is

really not that significant at all.

If you happen to be one of those individuals who have just

enrolled in a new diet program, you might feel somewhat

dispirited. It is not actually a motivational force for people to

even attempt to lose weight because most of them who diet

and lose just a tiny amount of weight will sooner rather than later load it back on again.

It appears that diets are most likely to fail right from the

beginning as the majority of people see diets as a short term

problem solver, a method that can be pursued for a predetermined length of time until the target has been

reached and then simply stop. For certain, most of us can be

determined to pursue a diet plan for a number of weeks or

even several months. But it has to be a diet for life otherwise those kilos will just pile back on again.

Belief in the statistics will not in itself instigate a diet regime

but it is more important not to be classified in the group that

has failed. But ask yourself this. Do you want to be in the

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group that fail? You wouldn’t be bothering to read this eBook

if you did.

If you are really keen to get rid of those extra kilos and keep

that weight off for ever, you must bring to an end the

thought that a diet is a temporary solution. All of us pursue

some sort of a planned diet whether they we are conscious

of it or not. As it stands though, the majority of individuals pursue a poor diet which brings about weight increases, high

blood sugar and, for some, extreme overweight, elevated

blood pressure and heart problems.

Weight increase is a result of failing to heed what you

actually force into your body and how regularly it occurs. It’s

a bad routine to fall into, even if you’ve never had a weight


Poor eating habits can lead to chronic health issues, as well

as an unhealthy elevation in weight, such as increase in

blood pressure, increased levels of cholesterol, constipation,

fat deposits around the liver and heart disease.

You might feel fantastic because you’ve shed a few kilos on

one of those Internet crash diets you have subscribed to.

That’s great. You have yourself to congratulate when

honouring your achievements. But there is one thing for

certain, if you discontinue following that diet and revert to your old eating routines, in the near future you’ll soon

discover that you will feature in the failed diet statistics.

When you go on a crash diet, you play havoc with your metabolism. Instead of speeding up and giving your body

more energy, reducing your consumption of calories brings

down your energy levels and places your body into a state of

famine. Your body will attempt to secure any energy it can

get its hands on. That energy is kept in fat cells. That is the reason why it is necessary to consume more calories in

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order to reduce weight than put on weight. Your body isn’t

quick to release what it requires to survive.

If you wish to be successful in your attempts to diet, you

have to re orientate your thinking on crash diets as the

response to your predicament. You have to establish a long

term health perspective and that is correct eating practices

that will help aid a healthy metabolism, not put it into a state of shock. You also must study your daily routines and

endeavour to teach yourself a way to add fat burning

physical exercises into your passage of life so you not only

shed the kilos, but you keep up your desired weight for the rest of your life.

In the following section, we’ll discuss how to activate your

metabolism and change it into a fat burning device by

consuming the correct foods and altering your eating routines.

Transform Your Metabolism into a Fat

Burning Tool We’ve already said that your old routines will have to be put

on the backburner before you can at last attain your target

of shedding weight. I know it’s a challenge. You’ve survived

a long life glued to certain established routines and it is time

now to start all over again.

It’s quite likely, that the existence that allowed you to

increase your weight also gave rise to a lethargic

metabolism. But that’s alright as I’ve worked alongside thousands of individuals who have lethargic metabolisms

and taught them how to change direction. They possess a

metabolism today that labours for them but in their favour.

You can gain the same for your body if you pursue my


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Make Sure you Eat Enough Healthy Foods

True, I am quite aware you’re attempting to shed those kilos

and most of you consume far too many calories, which

results in alarming weight increases. It is clearly quite obvious that the primary stage in starting a weight loss

programme would be to reduce your food quantities. But

slow down a minute! Slimming back your intake to a high

degree can be as harmful to weight decreases as consuming

excessive quantities of food. You must not deprive your body.

When you don’t eat sufficient food, your body will start to

absorb whatever it can find in the form of nutritional content

from any where in your body otherwise you will starve to death. That, in reality, means extracting nutrients from your

bones, teeth, and even your life giving organs, leaving your

body to waste away. Your metabolism will come to a halt

with the aim of conserving its energy and your body will continue to use only sufficient energy to keep you alive. So

the fact is that by depriving yourself of food you’ll lose

weight faster but what you are really doing is damaging your


It’s not enough to simply eat an adequate amount of food to

keep your metabolism performing at the desired level. You

require food that will be able to pass on energy to your body

and at the same time permit it to alter with a small amount

of stamina.

It is a fact that there are actually no really bad foods if you

consume them in moderation and combine them with

healthier foods. No one wishes to feel denied eating their

much loved pudding or a takeaway now and again. Indeed, if you eat that takeaway burger and chips every day of the

week or consume that bit of full cream chocolate cake before

retiring to bed each night without even a passing thought to

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how your body will treat it, you’ve exposed yourself to a bad

eating routine.

The trick is to distribute the volume of food you eat with

whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as lean

meat. Choosing those specific foods will offer you the best of

both worlds.

Eat Regularly, Without Missing Meals Individuals who are very active and are attempting to shed

kilos through the avoiding of eating in order to cut down on

their overall calorie absorption and then they consume

extras at a meal later on in the day with the thinking they

have surplus calories to spare. The problem unfolding is that you may start eating up your daily quota of calories by day’s

end, but the time of when your body actually is able to

absorb those calories is not evenly distributed.

For example, if you begin the day by having a good

breakfast of yogurt, eggs and toast but then miss lunch and

consume a large dinner, you’ve put your body out of

equilibrium by reaching the end of the day overburdened

with calories. The majority of individuals are less likely to do anything too active at the close of the day and prefer to sit

back and relax.

In reality, whatever you have been eating is lying in you

while you sit back and is not being used as you go through your daily routines.

Additionally, when you skip a meal, you start to feel hungry

when it is time to eat later in the afternoon or evening.

You’re body is only going to utilise what is necessary at that precise moment and nothing else. When you reach the end

of the day most of the calories you are likely to use will have

been used. Your body finishes the day by putting those extra

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calories into your body as fat and stores them up for the

next time you fail to eat a meal.

This can turn into an undesirable cycle of you attempting to

reduce your calorie intake by missing meals and your body

is having a go at grabbing whatever nutrients it can get hold

of. This will result in an utter failure in your ambition to shed

weight, and this will lead to disappointment because your efforts aren’t being rewarded.

The most successful way to make sure that your body has

the required nutrients that are necessary to burn up fat throughout the day when you’re most active and when your

body has the greatest desire is to consume smaller amounts

but more often. Substitute consuming 3 large meals a day

with 5 or 6 smaller meals.

Begin your day with proteins and any carbohydrates you

might need throughout the hours of the day. Your body will

burn up those carbohydrates when you’re undertaking the

most exercise. Finish up with proteins and fresh vegetables

such as broccoli, spinach, kale, etc. If you try to eliminate too many carbohydrates in the later part of the day your

body is ultimately slowing down and will not be in a situation

to burn up too many calories.

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Eat a Good Deal of Good Fat

The primary food product people tend to consider omitting

from their diets, when they have made the decision to shed

kilos, is fat. It’s a fact that most Britons eat far too much fat for their bodies to be able to utilise appropriately. It is clear

that fat is not only a factor in weight accumulation, but it

has a bad effect on other health problems.

As it stands though, not all fats are equal in the way they function. In the case of a bike wheel, smearing too much

grease on to it will provide an obstacle for the satisfactory

revolving of the wheel. But if there is no grease, the wheel

will not turn well either. The clue to good fat and bad fat in

your diet lies right here. It appears that not all fats are bad for you or will stop you from losing weight. However, it is

necessary to earmark which fats are good fats and which are

fats you must omit from your diet.

It can be stated here that are two sorts of fats that are quite

okay for you: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats are located in foods such as almonds,

walnuts, peanuts, avocados, and olive oil. They are good for

weight loss and as a health benefit they assist in reducing your bad LDL cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fats, as well, assist in the reducing of lower

LDL cholesterol along with aiding the losing of weight.

Foods known to contain polyunsaturated fat are salmon, cod, corn and sunflower oils, flaxseed and other fish oils.

Foods that include polyunsaturated fat also have Omega 3

Fatty Acids, which help to assist aid the body to lose weight.

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You must attempt to omit saturated fats such as foods fried

in vegetable oil or pre packaged foods that add fat just to aid flavouring. Whole milk dairy products also have a

considerable amount of saturated fat.

However, changing to low-fat yogurts, skim milk and low-fat

cheeses will assist greatly toward lowering your saturated

fat absorption.

You will most likely now be thinking, “what am I able to

actually eat?” In one of the following chapters we’ll discuss

foods that will help you to lose weight and will really kick

start your metabolism and change it into a fat burning device.

Forget Old Habits

They say old habits die hard. That phrase was never truer

than for a dieter trying to change lifestyle habits. I say

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changing lifestyle habits instead of focusing on just the kind

of food you eat and when you eat it because losing weight,

getting fit, and staying that way is not a short term gig. It requires a whole change in the way you view your health

and how to live your life.

That may seem overwhelming when you think of it, but it’s

really not. You just need to know which steps to take and then take them. The simplest way to break a bad habit is to

replace it with a new habit that is healthy. When you think

of it that way, it doesn’t feel like you’re giving up something

you like because you’re filling that void with something else.

Having Meals Later at Night

If you’re one of the many people who love to feast on a bowl

of popcorn while watching a midnight movie you need to seriously consider how that late-night snack is ruining your

diet. Sure, popcorn has a high amount of fibre, something

that is good when you’re on a diet. It’s not the actual food

that is the problem, but the time of day. You should stop

taking in calories no later than 7:00 PM and just continue to drink water to fill you up. By that time, most people have

had their dinner and are beginning to wind down from their

day. That means that any calories you consume will not be

burned off. They’ll be stored in your body as excess nutrition

for your body to use later. Stored calories are held in fat cells.

Break this bad habit by replacing your sedentary lifestyle

with exercise in the late afternoon or early evening. When you exercise, your body will continue to burn calories and fat

for a few hours.

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Another reason why exercising later in the day is good is

because not everyone has the time during the morning

before work or the day gets underway to do justice to a solid workout. Many times, when you miss a workout because of

scheduling conflicts, you won’t make up the time later on if

you haven’t planned for it.

Take this scenario. If you are a busy mom of two and need

to get your kids off to school or to day care before you head

off to work, where is their time to get to the gym to

workout? There isn’t. More times than not the workout gets

bumped from the daily schedule and all the efforts at eating right and trying to lose weight are reduced significantly.

Get around this by scheduling your exercise at a time you

know you won’t have any conflicts that will interrupt you. If your spouse is home in the evening, schedule your workout

time then. If you have little ones, wait for the kids to go to

bed and then workout. One word of caution though. Don’t

exercise too late in the evening or it will prevent you from

sleeping. Sleep deprivation can inhibit weight loss as the body sheds its weight while you sleep.

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Consider What You are Eating

This may appear obvious. However, if you actually sit down

and just scribble down all the edible items you pop into your

mouth you might actually understand that what you pop into your mouth is taking a piece of food. It might be just a

square of chocolate handed around at work or a scone

served at your tea break or even a mouthful of food while

you are preparing the family’s evening meal.

All the edible items you place in your mouth have calories.

Many dieting individuals simply write down only the foods

that they eat in the three main meals of the day. Some with

good memories may note down a tiny snack but they may

omit the creamer they dropped in their coffee, a tablespoon of ice cream they sucked up when serving up a pudding a

few tortilla chips they popped into their mouth because they

suddenly had a desire for salt.

Many individuals will be able to discipline themselves enough

to avoid senseless consumption. However, if you’re just

commencing your diet, and you are uncertain how you will

be able to avoid satisfying cravings, the most important step

to take to be rid of the habit is to keep a hand sized notebook in your pocket. Each time you get the desire to put

food into your mouth bring out the notebook and scribble

down what you are just about to consume. That one tiny

move will put you on the defensive and alert you to the fact

that you might be consuming unwanted calories that will prevent the loss of weight.

There are a whole host of reasons as to why individuals eat

without a thought. Seemingly it could be due to a state of

depression. This could arise due to recent significant changes in your life, the state of your health or you are quite

simply unhappy.

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For women, it could take place when you’re menstruating. It

is clear that women often have strong cravings. Some

women have strong desires during that time and eat without even realising it. Again, using the small notebook to break

that habit will significantly improve your chances of staying

on target and not eating any more calories than you wish to

in any day of the week.

Stop Giving Excuses You most likely have your mind topped up with reasons to

explain to people why you haven’t lost the weight you aimed

to lose. It could range from an underactive thyroid to wrong

genes or not having sufficient time to dwell on it.

I’m now telling you to be more alert! The only real route to

losing weight and keeping it off is to halt the reasons for not

succeeding. I’m not suggesting that any of those reasons

aren’t real. A lot of them are. In reality, enduring an under active thyroid or other genetic disorder might be an extra

obstacle to the speed in which you can lose weight but it is

really not quite good enough - it is just preventing any


Individuals with unfavourable genetics and other health

issues do succeed in losing weight. However, the complaint

is that it is very difficult to accomplish.

To master this habit teach yourself everything there is to know about health issues. If you have a slow acting thyroid,

have a chat about it to your doctor medication that can be

used to control it, if required. Find out what specific foods

affect thyroid hormone production.

Letting yourself prey on your own excuses will eventually

conquer you. If you have made the decision not to succeed

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then it’s not worth starting the challenge. You have to urge

yourself on if you want to succeed with weight reduction.

You may fail to lose weight as fast as a person who does not

have exactly the same health problems you have. That could

be reality. But that doesn’t lead on to say you are not able

to lose weight. You have to be open minded and have the

capacity and interest to master the preventative excuses for success. As long as there are excuses, you won’t succeed.

Don’t Take the Easy Way Out

If it was so simple to shed excess weight then each one of

us would attempt do it and we wouldn’t be a country of fat

people. Shedding excess kilos means dedication and an awareness to consume healthy foods and to take moderate

exercise regularly.

The lure to fall for whatever assurances the new fashion weight loss gurus are offering can at times be awesome

“Lose five kilos in three days eating only ice cream!” “Eat as

much cabbage soup as you wish and leave behind ten kilos!”

The majority of individuals see those ridiculous admissions and think, “Give it a go? I can consume only cabbage soup

for one week.” The issue that emerges here is that you

won’t solely be downing cabbage soup. You may lose 2 to 4

kilos in a week on some promotional crash diet. However,

seriously, those kilos will return almost as soon as they were lost once the diet period is over.

Crash diets are similar and are on a par to starvation diets

because to lose weight you need to pass on a shock to your

system. When your system goes into shock mode it’s similar to an alarm call. Consider this in terms of money. When the

stock market went bust in the 1920s people scrambled to

gain what money they could get their hands on out of the

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banks because the banks were suddenly collapsing.

Individuals then endeavoured to stash their money in seeing

and touching distance then stored by their side ready for use.

The same is quite similar to your body when you suddenly

lose good nutrition. Your body will attempt to hold any fat

reserves and nutrients i

To sever this crash diet routine, forget all your friends, the

television, and magazine features that proclaim they have

amazing weight-loss solutions. It will seek to damage your body as an end result and stop you from reaching your

desired goal of shedding kilos and heightening fitness. The

only true route to success is to continue your effort and keep

the fat off for life. You may feel alarmed that you aren’t

shedding those kilos as fast as you would if you ate cabbage soup for week. Ultimately you will keep that weight off for

longer and you will feel and look healthier.

Make up a Strategy and Stay with it

You have to mark out a plan for your weight loss; otherwise

it’s like travelling around the world without a map.

It is quite true to say that some individuals can shed weight

by cutting the volume of food they consume. All of us are

not necessarily like that. The majority of individuals require

a more detailed structure and alteration to their lifestyle to be successful in their weight and fitness goals.

I want all of you to succeed with your weight-loss goal.

When I endeavour to work with a new client I work hard and

I want them to follow the plan that I have laid out for them. If the plan is followed correctly the results are much better

and the clients, of course, much happier.

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The difficult question for the majority of us is the

formulation of the plan. The most useful way to keep on the

right side of a plan is to write a log. You could allocate some money and blow it on fancy calendar money or you could

buy a hand sized notebook.

You’ll want to write down how much exercise you do and

how often you do it. You will write down how often you eat and the type of food you’re consuming plus a total calorie

count for every day. You’ll also need to add periodic weigh-

ins that will be what you actually weigh on a particular day

and the actual change in your weight since your last weigh-in and since you commenced your weight loss program.

The majority of people discover that after they have

carefully written down all the information in their journal

they don’t really require the journal after a month or two. It only really takes a couple of weeks to make a lifestyle

change stick. At this point in time, you more than likely will

have adjusted to your new lifestyle routines that you can

continue without the help of a journal.

If you notice that old routines are returning, go back to the

journal entries. As soon as you begin to stop your exercises

or stop paying attention to what you’re eating, you’ll begin

to gain weight again. That is the last thing you want to do

after all your hard work.

Don’t Cheat Yourself

It may not be done on purpose but the majority of people

fail to add up the amount of calories, fat, and the

carbohydrates they consume in any one day. They also tend

to ignore the truth when it comes to exercise. If you’re supposed to engage in exercise for 45 minutes and you only

end up exercising for 20, you’re not telling yourself the

truth. Most of us would agree that twenty minutes of

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exercise is still preferable to no minutes of exercise. But

you’ll achieve a lot more if you are completely honest about

what you are actually achieving.

This also applies to the size of the plates of food too. When

you are preparing food in your own home no one is dictating

to you the size of your plates. If you regularly eat greens

and lean meat the size of the plate may not make much of a difference. You may be able to eat that extra bit of chicken

so that you feel full.

But once you’ve attained your weight loss target you’ll probably begin reintroducing higher calorie foods now and

again. When that occurs, every calorie will matter or you will

only put weight back on. It’s better to be honest with

yourself right from the start.

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Foregoing Your Meal Plan for the Family’s

Wishes It’s quite obvious that not all the members of your

household will be on a weight loss diet and everyone will not

wish to savour exactly the same foods you have to eat in

order to shed those kilos. Do they have to suffer and forfeit

their favourite food or snack because of what you’re trying to achieve?

It’s quite easy to give in to family pressures, especially if

they don’t wish to or need to undertake a strict diet. It’s also quite a nuisance to have to prepare two completely different

meals to suffice different dietary requirements.

It’s useful to be reminded that no one person is going to

assist you to keep on your track except you. When there is a

choice of menus for the family, make sure you include your diet into the collective meal. For example, if all the family is

eating tacos for dinner, rather than using high calorie

hydrated tortillas, prepare a taco salad for yourself. You’ll

get the greens you require in high enough amounts but still

be able to eat a good meal with your family.

Whenever it is plausible study two ways to include the sorts

of food your family prefers and the sorts of food you must

have to remain on your diet. You might even have the

opportunity to get your family members to enjoy some healthier foods as a result of your good example.

When You Fall, Pick Yourself Back Up None of us get everything right. Sometimes, you will

discover that you have not stuck to your diet or missed out

on your exercise regime and think you have failed. Rather

than getting back on track immediately after you’ve

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cheated, you carry on cheating and then make the decision

to have another go the next day.

I might congratulate you for getting back on the right track

and your weight loss and fitness regime again, but I need to

warn you about giving up. You’re not wrong. We’re human

and we make errors. But there is a difference between

making mistakes and disasters.

If you eat too much one night or cheat on your weight loss

plan the only thing for you to do is to stop immediately and

force your self to get back on the right path. If you have a slice of chocolate cake and you work out you’ve gone over

your calorie limit for the day so you go ahead and eat

another slice of cake to make the situation. Now you will

have to work a lot harder to get rid of those extra calories.

Let yourself be like a human and don’t get too angry if you

do happen to cheat on your weight loss or exercise regime.

However, as soon as you are aware of it, ensure you stop

and get back immediately on your program to prevent more

injury to your outcomes. It’s not quite good enough to state that you’ll do another 15 minutes of aerobics to make up for

it. Your body should be in balance, in order to lose fat and

gain muscle with a slow and steady step.

You should be reminded that it can take up to three weeks to get into a new routine. But it only takes a day to end it.

The Twelve Types of Food to help Weight


Allow me to be honest. There are a great many sorts of food

that you can consume that will assist you to lose weight. I

would not want you tell your friends that you were told that

you can consume 12 foods if on a weight loss program. To be truthful there are a large number of foods that are

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excellent for weight loss programmes and I’ve included in

excess of 12 of them in this chapter.

These foods are vital as they give you the best value for

money. They are extremely high in nutrition and extremely

low in calories, that when eating them it is almost similar to

eating negative calories. Adding them to your weight loss

program regularly will make sure that you will lose weight and you’ll get the proper nutritional balance as well.

Water - Let’s begin with the simple things. Water is of the

greatest importance to consume while on a diet. But many times, individuals ignore it because it is so basic. They even

replace it with other things, like coffee and soft drinks.

It’s not quite good enough to just have liquid during a diet.

The advantage of clear clean water is that it flushes out

toxins that can become caught up in fat cells. If they remain in those fat cells, the toxins would simply delay weight loss.

Drinking coffee or soft drinks does not have the ability to

wash out these toxins in the same way water can.

Therefore, it’s of particular importance to remember to drink

6-8 large glasses of water throughout the day to assist weight loss.

Also, throughout weight loss and exercise, your body will

consume more liquid than is usual. You must renew that

fluid in order to keep healthy. If you become starved of liquid because you’re failing to drink enough for the volume

of activity you’re undertaking, your body will simply attempt

to keep as much fluid as is possible, which will stop you

from losing weight.

Spinach - This vegetable is a high energy vegetable topped

up with nutrients, minerals, anti-oxidants, and elevated

levels of iron, calcium and lutein. It’s an excellent source of

fibre as well.

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Spinach should be consumed when it is in its freshest state.

The longer the time it stored in the refrigerator, the less

nutrients it will have remaining. Buying spinach from a farmer’s market, farm stall or grow your own is the best way

to go.

Broccoli – as it stands calcium from broccoli is better for

the body than any other available calcium source even the calcium in milk. Calcium is especially important to keep your

bones strong while you’re attempting to lose weight. Broccoli

also carries a negative calorie food label. Therefore you’ll

burn up more calories digesting it than what is actually found in the broccoli itself. So consume it to your heart’s

content. You’ll get excellent benefits when eating this food.

Kale - Like broccoli, kale is a negative calorie food. It’s also

extremely high in fibre, helping in the digesting of food and cleaning the colon. Kale is top of the list of nutrient packed

foods and is a high source of beta-carotene.

Tomatoes - Most people when they think of tomatoes think

of them with marinara sauce and pasta or in a salad. Tomatoes are really a fruit that is packed with vitamin C and

is high in antioxidants that aid in constructing and maintain

the immune system. While losing weight, it’s easy to get to

feel out of condition.

Fresh tomatoes should be firm and only cut when you are

ready to consume them. As soon as tomatoes are harvested

they will begin to lose most of their nutritional composition.

Eggs – Beginning the day with a high protein food will

provide you with immediate energy and keep you energetic

for a longer period than simply eating a piece of toast. As for

fat burning characteristics, eggs have been known to help

burn fat in the tummy area that gets a lot of people down The B12 sourced in eggs is perfect for breaking down fat and

transforming it into energy.

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Some of you may feel afraid of consuming too many eggs in

your diet due to the worry of elevating cholesterol levels.

But, high protein and low carbohydrates in the diet will help to keep your cholesterol levels from increasing. If you’re

particularly worried, just eat eggs for breakfast on alternate

days rather than every morning.

Beans – Navy beans, kidney beans, lima beans and white beans have amazing fat burning advantages. They’re high in

fibre, protein and in iron, another vitamin that is necessary

for energy. However, you must cook your beans well.

Undercooked beans are much more difficult to digest and

will put strain on your digestive system and you will suffer from energy loss.

Keep off refried beans and baked beans. The beans

themselves are okay, however, the oil and sugars added during the baking will prevent any benefits you may gain

from the beans.

Green Tea – Green tea has natural antioxidants called

catechins that help in weight loss. Drinking a single cup of green tea can assist in filling your stomach when you have

hunger pangs and can also enhance your metabolism.

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Salad – One of the greatest methods to gain nutrients and

feel full without the addition of high calories is to consume

salad each day. Three cups of salad will include fresh lettuce, tomato, green or red pepper, carrot, celery and

cucumber and will fill you up as well as being filled with

nutrition and fibre that is especially vital to healthy digestion

and weight loss. If you can’t do without your favourite salad

cream, only use a small amount or keep it on the side so you can dip your vegetables in the dressing. You’ll find you’ll

use far less dressing than if you’d slathered it all over your


Fruits – Fruits may be high in natural sugars, but many of

them are also high in fibre. Apples, pears, pineapples are

sweet snacks that have high nutritional and weight loss


Lean meat – Do you realise there are 213 calories in a meat patty which contains 15% fat and only 145 calories in

a meat patty which has only 5% fat? There is a significant

difference in calories, particularly if you’re not gaining too

much nutritional benefit for consuming the extra calories.

Soup – Consuming a bowl of soup for lunch or dinner can

help your weight loss program considerably mainly as soup

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has a large amount of liquid in it which can make you feel


Cinnamon – Many individuals experience the desire to want

to consume sweet things. Research has indicated that only a

small amount of cinnamon dabbed on toast or cereal can

prevent you from experiencing a heightening of insulin,

which will give you the desire to want sugar you crave sugar.

High fibre foods – Foods particularly high in fibre assist in

providing you with a feeling of fullness after you’ve had something to eat. If you feel full up, you’re unlikely to want

to consume snacks and ruin your diet.

Spaghetti Squash – Many individuals who like to consume

pasta quite often feel unhappy when they are unable to eat their favourite Italian food. Spaghetti squash appears similar

to spaghetti pasta after it has been cooked. You can eat it

with marina and meatballs and you’ll almost be enjoying

your favourite Italian dinner minus the carbohydrates. It’s

high in fibre, potassium and Vitamin C as well.

Oatmeal – The effects of a dish of oatmeal in the morning

will last for quite some time. If you add a sprinkle of

cinnamon then that is even better.

Salmon – Omega 3 fatty acids help with digestion and also

assist in eliminating stomach fat fat.

Yogurt – This helps to reduce stomach size as well and it helps to level blood sugar thus stopping the desire for sugar.

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Foods that Encourage Fatness

When new interesting food products appear on supermarket

shelves that say they aid rapid weight loss and lead to a

more healthy diet, it might be there are some fast meals available but most processed food is rubbish. They will not

endeavour to teach you how to eat correctly, and while you

might lose a few kilos consuming them to begin with, in the

longer term they won’t work in your favour.

Keep off processed foods of all types as much as you can. As

a substitute, top up your diet with fresh vegetables, fruit and

lean proteins. The majority of processed foods have been

cooked in a particular manner so that all the nutritional

value the food might have had has all but disappeared by the time it has reached the packaging stage. In truth, you’re

consuming worthless calories. What’s particularly bad is that

the actual processing of the food, most often, destroys the

real taste so that the producer must add sugar and fat in order to make the food more attractive in taste. .

Hang on a moment! The packaging states that it is good for

diets and is healthy too. It might even add even more by

stating it is low in fat or low in carbohydrates, too, meaning it must be good.

Don’t be taken in by the lettering on the outside of the

packet. The real facts you may wish to know appear on the

label. Once read you will realise there isn’t much worthy low calorie food in this packet or can. Food producers must

include the nutritional details on every tin or packet so you

are aware of what you are eating. Including words that

imply low carbohydrate or low calorie are just there to

attract your attention.

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Producers are not able to actually misinform, but they are

able to exaggerate the truth or try to confuse the potential


For example, if you select a packet that states that it is low

in fat. Reducing fat is great if you wish to shed some kilos.

However, there are different sorts of fat. Your body also

requires some fat so that it can function correctly. However, you will be able to significantly elevate your health and lose

some kilos if you select your fats carefully. As it stands, the

majority of fats in processed foods are not the good fats

Most processed foods are stacked in sodium. You must have

sodium in your diet. That’s true to say. But, not in the

amounts that you’ll find in processed food.

An excess of sodium makes you hold in fluid, thus you might feel bloated. It also elevates your risk of getting high blood

pressure, adds to the prospects of getting heart disease and

kidney problems.

Many processed snack foods have exceedingly high levels of sodium and saturated fats. It’s better to consume more

health giving snacks like fresh fruit and nuts.

It’s not that you must not have a snack that is healthy.

There are a large number of quite healthy packaged snacks available. You just have to be careful when looking at the

labels and restricting the quantity of processed foods you

consume. Ensure that your diet is composed of fresh fruit

and vegetables as well as lean meat. In the long term, you’ll gain healthier eating routines and keep the kilos you lose off

for ever.

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Exercising can Increase Fat Burning

A body that has good muscles will burn up fat at a faster

rate and for a longer period than a body that does not have

much lean muscle. This means that exercise is very important in a weight loss programme. Exercise develops

muscles and muscles tissue is very much alive and burns up

fat well.

As mentioned in a previous section of this book, there are many good reasons why some individuals fail to lose weight

as fast as others. Having a lethargic thyroid is one specific

reason. The volume of thyroid hormone your body makes

has an effect on your metabolism. If your body fails to

produce the correct amount of thyroid hormone your body begins to slow down. One of the symptoms of a lethargic

thyroid is a feeling of tiredness that could lead to

intermittent dozing or actually falling asleep while standing


Age is another realistic factor. As we advance in age our

bodies pace slows down. An individual who is around 20

years of age has a speedier metabolism than an individual

who is 50 years old. This is the real reason why younger people have a simpler time when attempting to lose weight

than people who are of an older age.

To safeguard yourself if your metabolism is slow, you must

exercise often.

Exercise will activate the adrenal gland, doling out a spurt of

energy. When individuals stay still, their metabolism slows

down to stay in line with their level of movement. So it’s not

only a lethargic thyroid that slows the metabolism but simply the lack of exercise.

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Individuals who are usually active generally have less

problem maintaining their weight at the correct level. To

assist in shedding weight and burning up more fat throughout each exercise period, you need to jump start

your metabolism and develop more muscle. Then, each time

you exercise you will get more out of it.

Don’t Eat Too Much Before Exercise

See yourself skipping up a few sets of stairs. The first set

will seem easy. The second set will be a bit more difficult. By the time you reach the third set your body is beginning to

notice. Just imagine yourself going up those same sets of

stairs carrying fifty kilos of weight on your back. It won’t

seem quite so straightforward.

This example indicates what your body goes through when

you begin to do any exercise after eating a big meal. The

very last thing you wish to do before you take part in any

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exercise is to make your body too heavy. It will be essential

for your body to engage in so much more work in order to

digest the meal you’ve just consumed while being beaten up while you take part in any exercise.

Rather than filling your self up with three massive meals

every day, attempt to space those meals more evenly into

five smaller meals. By doing that it doesn’t really matter what time of the day you exercise you won’t be weighed

down by food lying around in your stomach. Your body won’t

have to work so hard in order to break down food. It’ll be

working much harder in order to burn up the fat.

It is essential to undertake exercising three to four times

each week for a minimum of thirty minutes. That’s an

absolute minimum. If you are really keen to get rid of those

kilos and keep your body burning fat, you must exercise six days per week each and every week.

Let’s talk about the type of exercise you will be

concentrating on. There are two sorts of exercises that when

combined together burn up fat far faster than when you do just a single exercise. They are cardiovascular and aerobic.

You need to form muscle as muscle burns up fat far more

efficiently than any fat tissue. At the same time you will wish

to elevate your metabolic rate. Aerobic exercise such as swimming, striding, jogging, or bicycling are cardiovascular

exercises and will heighten your metabolism for as long as

four to eight hours after a large amount of exercise.

Weightlifting and muscle training have their advantages too. They won’t actually help you accelerate your metabolism,

however they will assist you to grow lean muscles.

Cardiovascular/aerobic exercises can take place in your own

home. You can time them to fit your lifestyle at any time you might have a minimum of twenty minutes or more to do

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the exercises. There are high level aerobics and low level


The high level aerobics are supposed to start your heart

pumping. Not all of us can begin with high level aerobics as

it is far too strenuous. But if you’re normally very active it

won’t take you too long to do exercises at higher speeds.

If you’ve been inactive for a considerable period of time, or

are unused to lengthy exercising, I suggest you begin with trying low level aerobics for a few weeks of your exercise

regime. Low level aerobics place less stress on the body and

you perform them at a slower rate. But they will still allow

the heart to pump harder and bring about an elevation in metabolism. If you are unable to keep up with the high level

aerobics, you’ll still gain advantage by doing low level


When your body has acclimatised to the regime and you begin to gain vigour you can move on to the high level

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aerobics. That’s when you will really be able to feel a

significant change in your ability to burn up fat.

Muscle training transforms muscles. Many individuals will

pay up membership for a fitness centre and work alongside

an instructor to help strengthen muscle. But this is not

absolutely essential. There are many types of exercise

equipment available that can be bought and installed in the home. A set of weights and an exercise ball can also be

useful if you’re concerned about the cost of a fitness club

membership or attempting to find a fitness centre to fit in

with your busy daily or weekly schedule. As long as you include strength training in your exercise regime, it doesn’t

matter whereabouts your exercise take place.

It is not necessary to concern yourself with building up too

much muscle or that you will start looking like a bodybuilder. You can give your muscles some hard work

without building them up so much that your body doesn’t

look natural. Your target in muscle training is to bring about

an increase in your body’s muscle as muscle uses up fat

much more quickly.

When you use your muscles throughout muscle training,

you’re really tearing your muscles so your muscles then

require a couple of days to recoup from the tear. If you

focus on muscle training each day, you won’t give your body a moment to recoup and you may injure your muscles in

some way.

Together with the building of lean muscle and aerobic exercise will bring you the advantage of burning calories

much more speedily than just undertaking one of those

exercises on their own. When mapping out your exercise

regime, do one day of muscle training followed by day of

aerobic exercise. This will bring about a speeding up of your metabolism and strengthen your muscles without being of

any danger.

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What do you do on the days when you don’t participate in

aerobics or strength training?

Those particular periods are not for relaxing. You must ensure your body is kept active. Just running down to the

shops and not using the car is good.

During those days, try to also take a twenty minute walk or

play a sport like tennis or beach volleyball with some friends. These are fun ways of burning off calories.

A point to consider is that, you should enjoy yourself while

engaged in exercising. The simplest method of falling out of

a pattern with your exercise routine is to get fed up with it. You don’t wish it to be a boring routine. You wish to feel

good, not feel as if l you have to do exercise every waking

minute of every day just to reach your weight loss goal.

Drink! Drink Drink! I can’t say more than the value of

consuming six to eight large glasses of water each day. If

you’re using up fat throughout an exercise routine, you need

to get rid of those fat build ups or they will become locked in

other cells in your body

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When you exercise a lot you perspire. Perspiring is your

body’s method of cooling down. But if you end up losing too

much liquid during an exercise routine, and you fail to replace it, your body will try to keep a hold of the liquid for

its own use. You must give back to your body what you have

taken out and after every exercise regime.

To ensure you are gaining sufficient water each day, fill up a four litre container with fresh water and place it in the

refrigerator. Fill up a sports bottle with some of the water

and keep refilling it as the day progresses. At the finish of

the day your four litre container should be almost empty. If it still has plenty of water in it, you’re not consuming

sufficient water.

You Can Add Calories and Still Lose


When the majority of individuals consider losing weight, they

immediately see it in terms of giving up food and drink

almost completely and never feeling satisfied. This is

completely untrue. The fact of the matter is shedding kilos and not putting them back on again means a complete

change in your lifestyle.

If I were to tell you that the only way to lose weight would

mean that you will never get satisfaction again while eating a meal or after eating a meal then you would most likely

never even contemplate starting a weight loss programme.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that. Most importantly,

you are attempting to alter lifestyle routines and if you aren’t sure what you have to actually alter, you won’t


The solution to losing those kilos and keeping them off for

life is to discover the foods that you like to eat that are

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health giving diet foods and add them into your diet as much

as you can.

Include more fibre into your daily food plan. Foods that are

sufficiently high in fibre help in digestion. If you are some

times constipated, fibre will assist in regulating the problem.

Fibre is a complex carbohydrate, but it cannot increase your

blood sugar or become taken in by the body as with other carbohydrates. When you consume fibre you won’t get a

“sugar crash” in the way that you do with other

carbohydrates that transform into sugar in the bloodstream.

As fibre calories do not respond to the body in the same way

ordinary calories do, you can really take away fibre calories

from your calorific intake. This actually means that you can

nibble on the high fibre foods that are also high in the right

type of fat and nutrients, such as almonds and walnuts, without it impinging on your weight loss regime.

There are a many foods that have large amounts of fibre

contained in them. For example, you could begin the day

with high-fibre cereal. The majority of cereals are enhanced with vitamins and minerals. The number of calories for one

cup of cereal is up to about 150. But if you take away the

amount of calories linked with fibre, the real amount of

calories your body will actually use may only be round 110

calories. The 40 additional calories can be used up at the end of the day with another meal.

By including high-fibre foods in every meal you can consume

many more calories without actually increasing your weight. As it is, fibre makes you feel full, so you will feel more

satisfied for a longer period of time and are not so likely to

over eat.

There are certain foods that do burn up more calories than are found in the actual food itself. When you eat them it has

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a negative effect. That means you are gaining some what

even though you have not done any exercise.

A negative calorie food has many advantages. It lets you

consume more and you get a feeling of satisfaction without

feeling you need to jog around the block to burn off the

calories. Furthermore the quantity of energy your body

burns attempting to digest the food will carry on for a long time after you’ve consumed it.

A food like celery is a good example. A celery stalk is

approximately 5 calories. It’s crunchy and loaded with water, but also has a considerable amount of fibre. It takes

quite a lot more than five calories to actually chew that stalk

of celery and for your body to be able to fully digest it. At

the ending of the day, if you’ve consumed five stalks of

celery as a snack food, your sum calorie intake is 25 calories. But as you’ve burned up more than twenty five

calories when going about chewing and digesting the celery,

you’ve really eaten what is called a negative quantity of


This might be a true fact that the actual act of consuming

and digesting does burn calories, not every food

unfortunately will provide you with a negative calorie effect.

Below is a list of fruit and vegetables that are negative

calorie foods. There are plenty available to include them into your daily diet plan so your eating experience won’t become

too monotonous. Continue to consume as much as you

desire until you feel full without being concerned about

going over your daily calorie allowance.

Negative Calorie Food

� • Asparagus � • Beet

� • Broccoli

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� • Green cabbage � • Carrots � • Cauliflower � • Celery root � • Celery chicory � • Hot chilli peppers � • Cucumber � • Dandelion � • Endive � • Garden Cress � • Garlic � • Green beans � • Zucchini � • Apple � • Cranberries � • Grapefruit � • Lemon mango � • Orange � • Pineapple � • Raspberries � • Strawberries � • Tangerine � • Onion � • Lettuce � • Papaya � • Radishes � • Spinach � • Turnip

Hints for Weight Loss

Some of what you will have picked up in this eBook is simple

common sense, but I hope that you’ve gathered some ideas

on how you can alter your poor eating routines into better eating habits so you are able to shed those kilos and keep

them off.

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Here are some more hints that are useful to remember as

they will an influence on how well you keep to your weight

loss and exercise regime.

• You must get sufficient sleep. Research has indicated that individuals who fail to get seven to eight hours of

sleep each night generally have a more difficult time

trying to lose weight than those who get enough sleep. Don’t begin your weight loss plan until it is just too

late. Ensure you gain enough sleep. Rather than

consuming fatty mayonnaise, change to mustard while

getting your sandwiches ready in the morning. Don’t eat cheese to get enough calcium in your diet. These

two alterations will save you about two hundred


• Eating in a restaurant can destroy a diet if you don’t know what to buy. There is no need for you to eat chips

or potato just because it comes with your steak. Don’t

be scared to ask the waiter or waitress if you can have

an extra vegetable in to substitute for a high

carbohydrate potato. A lot of vegetable side dishes have negative calorie

• When you go out to the supermarket don’t go to the potato chip and tortilla chip aisle. Just select healthy

fruit, yogurt and nuts for snack food. You will gain an energy boost and nutrients as well

• Become a member of a support group or try a weight loss programme with someone else. Working through the time period with a friend can assist you to toe the


• Don’t forget to read the label on all types of processed foods you buy at the supermarket. It will expose to you the true value of the food. Keep off high calorie foods

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that are heaped with fat and sodium. Select foods that

are particularly high in fibre

• Maintain a weight loss and exercise diary and tell the truth when writing down your progress

• Take photographs before and after the weight loss programme. It’s so easy to get depressed with your diet if you have forgotten what you looked like before

you began. Photos will remind you.

• Set realisable targets for yourself. If you have a considerable amount of weight to lose, don’t have high

expectations that you will attain your target in just a

few weeks. You’ll only feel low and give up completely

when you fail to succeed. Two kilos of of loss each

week is a healthy rate and is doable

• Males and females tend to have different metabolisms. Men have a tendency to lose weight more quickly than

females do. It sounds a bit mean, but it’s a true fact. If

you’re attempting to lose weight together with your spouse, don’t turn it into a competition. Praise each

other’s successes and it doesn’t matter who is

achieving more, as you will end up the same eventually

• Don’t put yourself on the scales every day. Your weight can alter from one day to the next day and. Only

concentrate on weighing yourself once each week at

exactly the same time of the day each time to ensure

you gain a true picture of your actual progress

• Just remember that muscle weighs far more than fat. In the commencing stages of your weight loss and

exercise regime you may feel like you’re not making

any real progress as you’re not shedding weight as quickly as you think you can. Study the photographs

you snapped of yourself at the start. If you think that

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the kilos aren’t coming off, you might actually discover

that you’re starting to add muscle tone and you fit into

your clothes better

• Stay on a routine. If you alter your routine by taking part in exercising at a different period of the day, it

may be difficult for the individuals involved in your life

to know when you’re at home. When you have selected a time that works for you, don’t change it. The

individuals around you will then know the time is

allocated as exercising time and won’t want to barge in

on you

• Don’t consume the same food every day. Alter the menu with different types of healthy foods so you won’t

get fed up and want to stop

• Select whole wheat bread rather than white bread. It’s much healthier and has considerably more fiber

• More important. Stay on it. There is only one path to losing weight and keeping it off and that is to concentrate on altering poor habits and forming better

ones for the rest of your life!
