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The Cosmic Collection: AQUARIUSYour Aquarius Lifestyle & Well-being Profi le

Finding Your Center: Your Well-being According To Your Sun SignWell Being is far more than just physical health; it involves feeling centered and strong on emotional and spiritual levels as well. You may have noticed that feeling physically unhealthy or even just low-energy can throw off the balance of your entire system, and the same is true of emotional depression and spiritual disconnectedness. Thus, achieving a state of well-being depends

on feeling balanced in all areas of our lives. Fortunately, the Zodiac holds keys to creating that harmoniously centered sense of stability. Based on your Sun sign’s Element along with certain other specifi cs of your sign, you can learn vital ways of promoting a greater and more integrated sense of thriving in body, mind and soul.

The Air SignsAs the Zodiac’s intellectual signs, Air signs live in their heads. Their thoughts move quickly, and connecting with other people, and especially with other brilliant minds, is a great source of pleasure and motivation for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Of course, when your mind starts to race or your thinking becomes cloudy or disjointed, focus and grounding are needed. To achieve this important eff ect, you must get out of your head and into your body, which usually means engaging in challenging physical exercise. Strength training, running, dancing, martial arts and skiing are all perfect choices for Air Signs, especially if you do

these with a friend or workout buddy, so you can talk while you keep each other focused. Making love is also a very eff ective way to reconnect not just with your partner, but with your physical self.

Holistic health cannot be achieved without paying due attention to emotional wellbeing. Centering activities like yoga, gardening, fi shing and knitting can help ease restless thinking and restore your mind to a state of calm and clarity. Counseling and meditation can also help you embrace your emotional nature, which is especially important for Air signs, since these signs often intellectualize their feelings.

DietAnother important aspect of wellbeing is diet. Brain-boosting foods like nuts, fi sh and fl ax seeds, along with ginkgo biloba and other supplements, will help keep your thinking and memory in fi ne form. Yogurt, cucumbers and other calming foods are also helpful in quieting the mind and

keeping the body in great shape. Air signs should steer clear of greasy, heavy and rich foods, all of which weigh down the mind as well as the body. It’s also a smart choice to eat smaller portions more frequently rather than fewer, larger meals.

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Associated Body PartsEach Zodiac sign is associated with certain body parts, and should be aware of the potential for related illness. Gemini is associated with the lungs, making regular cardiovascular exercise important for your health. Steer clear of smoking and anything else that might harm your lungs; singing, on the other hand, is wonderful for promoting healthy lungs as well as even-keeled thoughts and feelings. Gemini also is associated

with the hands and arms, so pamper yours with weight-training exercises as well as daily lotion use and nail care. Libra is associated with the skin and kidneys, so it’s especially important for you to detox by regularly drinking water, especially with lemon juice, to keep your system fl ushed, and to use sunscreen daily. Finally, Aquarius is associated with the calves and ankles; regular walking will help keep these areas strong.

Lasting HappinessLasting happiness for Aquarius stems fi rst from the freedom to be truly, uniquely yourself, and second from making a positive impact on the world around you. Friends and family members who encourage you to express your one-of-a-kind brilliance feed your inner contentment almost as much as giving voice to that strong urge to make a diff erence. Just don’t forget to nurture your personal relationships as you become more and more involved in your

important work. The people who love you give you a great deal of space and support, and it can be easy to take them for granted. But working against your urge for lots of solitary time actually makes you happier in the long run. It reconnects you with the physical, living world, along with the emotional plane of existence — two things you often forget about when you’re dialed into the intellectual plane.

Major Character ChallengesHave you ever encountered a stubborn Taurus or a brassy Leo? How about a sneaky Scorpio or a playboy Sagittarius? Do any of these undesirable characteristics ring a bell? Each sign has a positive side as well as a negative one. The not so nice characteristics are the ones we can grow and learn from, particularly when it’s someone else who’s rubbing us the wrong way. Once we gain an understanding of where someone is coming from it’s easier to have empathy and understanding. For now, let’s take a fun poke at your sign and their not so charming traits!

This sign is weirdest of the zodiac. Many Aquarians would probably take this as a compliment but they shouldn’t. They are detached and aloof and almost robotic when it comes to matters of the heart. It’s sort of like they don’t really have any emotion at all because they are so undemonstrative. It’s like they have been brought to this earth from another planet. Again, that’s not a compliment.

They are rebellious and can actually be a huge torment – never knowing when to stop the endless teasing and terrorizing of those closest to them. What they think is funny most people do not. They seem to care more about people who are not closest to them – at best what could be called acquaintances. Their loved ones need a thick skin to deal with their eccentric ways. Just ask any spouse of an Aquarian who will tell you the numerous times they were left to fend for themselves at a social event while their dearly beloved was off looking for the most interesting person in the place to mingle with. They need their freedom at all costs.

Many Aquarians are inventive and will come up with unique and useless innovations. The new and scientifi c really appeal to them and they never cease to show off what they consider their brilliance and originality.

They are stubborn and will do just about anything to prove their point – hammering even their poor

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old granny into submission when they think they’re right. They can be erratic and sometimes their behavior could get them committed. They are not materialistic and will tend to give away their money and possessions to humanitarian

causes. Saving the world is what matters most to them and many of them believe they truly have the intellectual capabilities to do it. Aquarians are the classic know-it-all.

Your Stress Profi lePsychologists and personal trainers off er many suggestions to help people cope with stress. Nevertheless, these techniques are not useful for everyone. It is possible to use the techniques, but you must know which ones are best suited for your sign. Astrology can help you identify diff erent aspects of your personality, while providing resources to heal negative traits. Whether it is to pay karmic debt or learn a lesson in this life, you need solid methods to alleviate stress and anxiety. This information will allow you to cut your stress in half. By using these methods in combination with anything you have, you can begin to heal the mind, body, and soul.

As an Aquarius, you can cut your stress in half by walking regularly. Aquarius people usually enjoy intellectual stimulation. However, many of these individuals have diffi culties with emotional well-being. You can gain clarity by focusing on soothing activities such as knitting and gardening. It is common for Aquarius individuals to be interested in yoga. However, they also love to be around people. You will benefi t from joining a yoga or meditation group. As a rule, Aquarius people need to refrain from consuming greasy and rich foods. Your meals should be small to keep your mind and body balanced.

Your Parenting Profi leAnyone who has ever had a child knows parenting is one of the most rewarding jobs there is — but also one of the toughest. The way we raise our children is inevitably a combination of strategies learned from our own families of origin along with those techniques we pick up from books, magazines and websites devoted to parenting advice. Our natural instincts go into it along with the social, cultural and religious traditions we are a part of, whether by birth or by choice. What is your approach to raising a child? Is your style your own, or are you carrying on patterns and rituals you learned from your own parents? Chances are, you’re enacting a combination of both — and everything you do regarding your child is fi ltered through your Sun sign, which has everything to do with how you comfort, nurture, teach and discipline the young person you’re in charge of.

Aquarius is both loyal and stable, two qualities that make parenting easier in terms of providing the security, guidance and unwavering love that a young person needs to thrive. But since you’re also quite open-minded and progressive in many

ways, your parenting style and home life may not be typical. You might raise your child on an organic farm or home-school them instead of enrolling them in a more traditional school. You’re also likely to pass along your humanitarian and environmentalist values to your child, teaching them by example to care about the world around them. However you approach parenting, you do it on your own terms, according to what you determine is best for your child and your family. As long as you provide the level of routine and stability that your child needs, they are likely to grow up feeling appreciative of having a parent who has always encouraged them to be true to exactly who they are, no matter how unusual their personality or interests might seem to others. Your parenting challenge is learning to be as open and expressive emotionally as you are intellectually. It’s important to give your child plenty of hugs and verbal aff ection, and to listen and support them even when you feel they’re being irrational or downright dramatic. Over time you’ll fi nd that mirroring and validating their feelings actually helps them calm down and

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regain perspective more quickly.

Your Pet Profi le: What Pet Should You Adopt?According to popular lore, dogs are man’s best friend — but while many people adore the devotion and companionship of a puppy, not everyone wants to deal with muddy paws, slobbery licks or begging at the dinner table. The same goes for cats: Some fi nd them beautiful and intriguing, while others see them as little more than snooty sneeze-factories. So which furry, feathered or scaly animal could be your best friend? Your Zodiac sign is a great place to fi nd ideas. Our signs impart unique qualities and characteristics that help shape not only our personalities, but also our preferences. Your Sun sign can reveal the type of animal that might make your very best companion — your own, personal best friend.

With your eclectic tastes, an unusual or exotic pet is right up your alley. You’ll love the looks and comments you receive when friends see your pet boa constrictor draped around your shoulders or your hairless rat peeking out from a coat pocket. Your scientist’s mind may also be drawn toward animals that hold scientifi c appeal — an exotic fi sh or iguana, for example, or a highly intelligent rodent or domesticated pig. If you’re often holed up or away from home, pursuing a new project or adventure, avoid pets that require a lot of attention or frequent feedings. Though a cat isn’t exactly an exotic pet, this animal’s aloofness and self-suffi ciency could be your best bet.

Your Friendship Profi le: Who To Keep Close At HeartAstrology tells us so much about ourselves; the planets in their orbits refl ect our basic life forces. They infl uence our characteristics by their relationship to each other, as measured from the moment of our birth. These relationships between the planets, their positions in relation to the place of our birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted in the astrological houses.

Many mistakenly think that is all there is to Astrology, simply watching constellations process through the Zodiac, but there is much, much more. The Zodiac is a 360 degree circle divided into 12 sections, each associated with certain characteristics based on qualities of the elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Each of these four elements has three states named Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Those of us with an emphasis on Cardinal signs tend to be leaders or initiators, they’re goal oriented, never taking their eyes off of the prize. Those of us with an emphasis on fi xed signs tend to be “status quo” people. They’re effi cient, good organizers, tending to react to situations and not

to initiate them. Those with mutable emphasis love change; they seek the new and have no love for the “status quo.”

So with 12 Zodiac signs each belonging to an element, each in one of the three states gives us an infi nite number of personalities and characteristics. Each of us, holding specifi c aspects of each, so there is no pure Taurus or Sagittarius. With the factors of heredity and infl uences of the states and elements two people born into Aries can seem as diff erent as night and day. The date, time and places of their births, separating them, giving them, diff erent relationships to the diff erent planets.

So which signs should you be friends with?

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, ruled Uranus; just as the water bearer pours out his waters Aquarians are sharing, communicative, progressive with a deep abiding love for humanity. Despite their sociability and outward nature they also seek alone time. Profuse in their love of humanity,

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they seek an intellectual connection. They seek a partner who understands them and their practicality requires friends fi rst. They don’t always show their emotions, so don’t wait on an

Aquarian to make the fi rst move, like all the air signs their thoughts are for others, even to the point of forgetting themselves.

Your Beauty Profi leWe all want to look our best, but enhancing your natural beauty is about more than just your coloring, hair type or style preferences. If you want to jazz up your looks in a unique and natural way, try incorporating the traits of your astrological sign. Each of the twelve Sun signs is associated with certain colors and body parts along with its own element and quality. If you pay special attention to these elements when choosing your makeup and hairstyle and putting your look together, you can play up your sign’s best strengths. Read on to fi nd out more about the specifi c colors, hair and makeup tips, and health information you need to know to look your very best.

As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarius looks best in a look that is simultaneously natural and unique, one that allows you to express your individuality. As a no-nonsense kind of person, you might like a hairstyle that doesn’t require blow-drying, and instead looks best when you simply let it air dry. Similarly, look for makeup products that last all day rather than ones that require you to check and reapply them constantly. Also, be sure to read labels to ensure that your money is going toward companies with environmentally sound and cruelty-free policies — namely, products free of harsh, damaging chemicals that haven’t been tested on animals. When you’re going for a little extra “wow” factor, try dusting your lids or cheeks

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with shimmery sparkles that shine like the stars. And as one of the most intellectual signs of the Zodiac, don’t be afraid to play up your smarty-

pants look with eyeglasses; knowing you, you’ll choose unique frames that will have everyone asking where you found them.

Your Vacation Profi leIf you’ve ever returned from a vacation feeling more exhausted than when you left, you know the importance of choosing the right destination. For instance, the rush of energy in a big city might be invigorating for one person, but overwhelming for another. Plan a custom vacation that will balance and recharge you by looking to the elemental association of your sun sign.

Although Aquarius is symbolized by the Water-Bearer, this fi xed sign is absolute air. The vessel you bear is full of visions and ideas, frequently of a humanitarian nature, although sometimes you dislike being around actual people! Choose a vacation that keeps you away from gimmicky tourist traps; instead, opt for something unique like scuba diving with manatees or spending a week in a medieval castle.

Your Diet & Fitness Profi leWhether you’re setting a resolution for the new year or simply realizing that it’s time to take charge of your health, there is no time like the present to launch a new and improved diet and fi tness regimen. But mere willpower isn’t enough. Some say a failure to plan is tantamount to planning to fail — but you won’t make that mistake. Set yourself up for success by gathering the information you need before you embark on your journey toward wellness. What’s one great place to begin? With the Zodiac — specifi cally, your own Sun sign. Read on to gain insight into your astrological strengths to harness, pitfalls for your sign to avoid, and the very best ways to get your health on track.

When it comes to wellness, innovative Aquarius likes to go your own way. Your ideas about

maintaining good health might be viewed as rather alternative by others — you might be into yoga or meditation, for example, or acupuncture, or a macrobiotic diet. Any and all of these could be excellent choices to incorporate into your routine, as long as you focus on that keyword, “routine.” You actually thrive on routine, and you have excellent follow-through. Thus, your key toward a healthy lifestyle is simply to make a plan and then begin it. If you decide to try yoga, for example, enroll in a three-month course rather than going on a class-by-class basis, so you’ll be more likely to carry through to the end. As for making positive dietary changes, explore vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic or “loca-vore” diets; each of these has demonstrable health benefi ts and will appeal to your progressive, humanitarian nature.

Your Birthstone Profi le & Healing AbilityPeople have valued gemstones for their healing properties for centuries. Crystals, especially those of the quartz variety, are in widespread use today for treating everything from physical to emotional to spiritual issues. But precious and semiprecious stones also have benefi cial qualities. When used with care and respect, these mineral beauties can enhance our health, our relationships and our wellbeing.

Most people are familiar with the gemstone associated with their birth month, but certain stones are also associated with the Signs of the Zodiac. Read about your Zodiac Sign and its corresponding gemstone, and read on to learn about the healing properties of your personal astrological gemstone healer.

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Garnet:Aquarius, the natural humanitarian, will benefi t especially from garnet’s tendency to increase generosity and altruistic impulses. This gemstone brings a sense of calm, even in crisis, and can help this independent yet devoted Sign build relationships with family and friends. Garnet also increases your passion for fi nding your purpose in life, and can attract good luck in business, so

draw from this stone’s power when launching a new venture. Garnet also helps with a wide range of physical issues — everything from anemia to blood circulation to exhaustion and more. Finally, progressive Aquarius can use garnet to help you achieve inner transformation and a sense of unity with the world around you.

Your Spring Cleaning Profi leIt’s spring! The air is warmer, tiny buds are beginning to unfurl on bare tree branches, green shoots are poking up through the cold earth, and the world is fi lled with a fresh sense of renewal. It’s no wonder that, as the landscape changes around us, becoming more vibrant, lush and beautiful after the monochromatic tones of winter, we’re fi lled with a corresponding urge to update our living spaces. Spring cleaning is universal: It’s all about clearing the clutter from our homes and doing a top-to-bottom deep-clean, scouring all the nooks and crannies we’ve overlooked all winter long. And there is a defi nite link between our physical surroundings and our inner emotions; setting our homes to rights makes us feel more focused, confi dent and optimistic. But the actual process of cleaning is far more individual, based on the particulars of your Sun sign. What’s your cleaning style? How can you maximize your natural strengths from the Zodiac and avoid the pitfalls common to your sign?

While Aquarius is a free and independent spirit,

you’re also able to follow through on any tasks you deem worthy of undertaking; once you get going on a project, you’ll carry it through until it’s complete. Thus, you’re able to tackle spring cleaning without much drama, stress or stalling — but why not make it fun for yourself? Try downloading an app to help you stay organized about specifi c projects you want to tackle around the house and yard, or upgrade your vacuum cleaner or steam mop so you have the most effi cient, state-of-the-art equipment on your side. Since you’re a humanitarian and an environmentalist at heart, create space by donating old clothes and unused household items to charity, and be sure to use all-natural cleaning products that are free of harsh chemicals and additives. You’re also quite social, so why not turn your spring-cleaning session into a fun social event? Invite friends, family members or housemates to join you, play some music, serve refreshments, and make it a party.

Your Psychic Ability Profi leEveryone has some degree of innate psychic ability, but diff erent signs approach the psychic world with diff erent attitudes and talents. How psychic is your sign?

Your Psychic Talent: Channeling – wise words from other races or entities just surge through your stream of consciousness.

You know there’s something out there – you’re

just not sure what. You look for a rational, scientifi c answer to psychic phenomena, but you’re excited when you can’t fi nd one. Ahead of your time in many ways, you could tune in to alien races or beings.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.