your 2015 stars - sally kirkman · your 2015 stars - scorpio"77" ... old year and...

Your 2015 Stars 1 Your 2015 Stars Find out what’s coming up for you and the people you love - in 2015 Copyright (c) Sally Kirkman Astrologer 2014/2015 More Stars

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Page 1: Your 2015 Stars - Sally Kirkman · Your 2015 Stars - Scorpio"77" ... old year and ‘hello’ to the new year. ... making love, staying in love and loving the ones you’re with

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Your 2015 Stars """


Find out what’s coming up for you and the people you love - in 2015 """

Copyright (c) Sally Kirkman Astrologer 2014/2015

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Table of Contents!""Your 2015 Stars - Overview" 3" Retrograde Planets" 10" New Moon & Full Moons " 11" Your 2015 Stars - Aries" 12" Your 2015 Stars - Taurus" 21" Your 2015 Stars - Gemini" 30" Your 2015 Stars - Cancer" 39" Your 2015 Stars - Leo" 49" Your 2015 Stars - Virgo" 58" Your 2015 Stars - Libra" 67" Your 2015 Stars - Scorpio" 77" Your 2015 Stars - Sagittarius" 87" Your 2015 Stars - Capricorn" 96" Your 2015 Stars - Aquarius" 106" Your 2015 Stars - Pisces" 116" Next Steps" 125" About Sally" 127

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Your 2015 Stars - Overview!"

""The promise of a New Year is intoxicating and enticing which is why so many people around the world love the celebrations surrounding New Year’s Eve and the tradition of saying ‘goodbye’ to the old year and ‘hello’ to the new year. It’s a chance to stop and take a look at your own life, what you’re happy with, what you would like to change, what you personally want to say goodbye to and most importantly, it offers you a chance to make a fresh start.""Astrology offers you a real insight into what lies ahead and how to make the best of the up-and-coming year. It can show you where the highlights and the challenges are, it helps you know when to act and when to slow down, it’s a guide that signposts clearly the areas of your life to embrace warmly and confidently and where in life you need to proceed with caution. It’s all about the timing and 2015 has a lot on offer.""Goodbye Saturn in Scorpio… almost!"The best news with regard to 2015 is what’s coming to an end, two heavy planetary transits/aspects that have dominated the heavens since 2012. The first is the planet Saturn which entered Scorpio on October 5th 2012 and remained there until December 23rd 2014. Saturn is the planet which teaches you lessons in life but often the hard way. He’s the taskmaster of the heavens and

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reminds you of your limitations, he puts obstacles in your path to see how you’ll deal with them and he believes in a hard work ethic. ""As many of you know, especially if you have key planets or angles in Scorpio, Saturn in the sign of fixed water has been a tough taskmaster and at times an immovable force. Saturn represents the end of time, boundaries and Scorpio takes you down deep to examine life at a base level. ""The intensity of the two can be relentless and with Scorpio’s link to taboo issues, such as sex, money, death and power, this hasn’t been a light influence. If you’ve emerged from Saturn’s transit through Scorpio feeling that your life has been transformed and you’re a better person because of what you’ve experienced, then good for you. You may simply be ready to breathe in fresh air, bask in the light and let out a big sigh of relief.""Uranus and Pluto: All Change!"The other major planetary event that’s been crashing around for some time has been the Uranus-Pluto square which began in June 2012 although the revolution was building before that. Pluto in Capricorn represents ultimate power, officialdom, the establishment, the plutocracy up against Uranus in Aries representing the underdog, the revolutionary, the rebel, the individual who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. ""It’s been a messy clash around the world and if you have planets or key angles at 0-15 degrees of the four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you’ll have experienced your own breakdown/revolution/breakthrough. In personal terms, Pluto’s the wipe-out planet and Uranus represents the New Order bringing change, ready or not. ""These two planets have squared up to each other six times already and this year on March 17th, they meet for their 7th and final encounter. You will find out in your own individual Star Sign guide how and where this influence affects you. A cosmic tip is to stay one step ahead of the game, seek out new trends, embrace technology, think what next and be ready to start over. ""It has to be mentioned that Saturn too dips back into Scorpio in the middle of 2015 from June 15th - September 18th. This is most relevant for you if you have planets or key angles at 28 or 29 Scorpio and there may be one more lesson to learn or a chance to complete what you started in 2012-2014. Saturn is the ‘get real’ planet so your cosmic tip with regard to Saturn is to face reality

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and deal with the facts of your personal situation. If something’s coming to an end, move on with dignity.""Fire Sign Joy!"Those are the ‘goodbyes’, so what do the ‘hellos’ reveal? This year, the main emphasis is on the dynamic element of fire and the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Here comes the light after the dark. ""Fire blazes bright and can flicker away gently or rage out of control. The element of fire is a lively and dynamic energy, the spark that ignites motivation, enthusiasm and excitement. Full of passion and desire, fire signs live life impulsively, embracing the new and chasing after adventure. ""This year, two of the happening planets, the movers and shakers of the cosmos, Jupiter and Uranus, are ready and willing to take you on a magical mystery tour, a thrilling roller coaster ride. Jupiter, the biggest planet in the heavens, representing opportunity and expansion, entered the fire sign Leo on July 16th 2014 and on September 25th 2014, Jupiter made a stunning trine aspect to Uranus in Aries.""These two planets remain dominant in the first half of 2015 and they meet up twice more in trine aspect on March 3rd and June 22nd. Jupiter adds a little bit of luck to the equation and both these planets, Jupiter and Uranus, seek out space and freedom. This is about living life to the full, chasing your dreams, making things happen. In mythology, both Jupiter and Uranus were Sky Gods so reach high, look to the stars and take a well-timed risk to follow a path that’s new, exciting and fills you with hope. ""Saturn in Sagittarius: Hallelujah!"Then there’s Saturn. As 2015 begins Saturn has left Scorpio behind and moved into Sagittarius where it remains throughout 2015 and beyond excepting the three-month period in the middle of the year when Saturn dips back into Scorpio. ""Saturn in Sagittarius is an easier energy as mutable fire (Sagittarius) is very different to fixed water (Scorpio). In Sagittarius, you can negotiate with Saturn and appeal to Saturn’s side of authority that loves truth and justice, Sagittarius themes. "

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"Saturn adds commitment to your quest and Sagittarius wants to travel, learn, explore, see the world and save the world. Saturn can ground Sagittarius’ wanderlust nature and ensure that you see things through whether you’re planning a sabbatical, a world trip or you want to enter politics, a religious order, become a published author or a legal expert. ""Sagittarius rules all these areas of life but remember too that whatever you begin will entail hard work and your nose will be kept to the grindstone as Saturn demands results. Saturn lays down the law so some major organisations will have to pull up their socks or get caught out whilst Saturn is in Sagittarius. It could be a tough few years for politics, religion, publishing, the travel industry, universities or the Law. Expect new rules and regulations and some major re-structuring.""Earth Sign Satisfaction!"The second half of the year feels more grounded when it’s time to consolidate what you’ve achieved or rein in your creative ideas to ensure they don’t disappear into the ether and you actually see them through. To achieve success, concentrate on one project or idea at a time; multi-tasking is out; focus and consistency are in. ""Jupiter is helpful again as on August 11th Jupiter enters the earth sign of Virgo and one month later makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th. Jupiter is picking up both ends of the Uranus-Pluto square this year with it’s trines to Uranus and Pluto, helping you to turn something that resembled a disaster into a victory. ""Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs represent big power, hidden riches and the opportunity to transform base metals into gold. You often find these two planets in aspect in the charts of wealthy individuals and earth signs like to build for the future.""Jupiter remains in Virgo until September 2016 and helps you pay attention to detail and turn your larger vision into a useable commodity. Virgo is the sign of service and Jupiter is a protective influence: caring for others, healthy habits and small gestures mean a lot. Spirituality seeps into your everyday existence and you sense the value of the little things in life. Love what you do on a daily basis."""

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Venus and Mars: Joining Hands!"The theme of Love is strong in 2015 as Venus and Mars, the lovers in the heavens, connect not once but three times. In fact, throughout 2015 they stay relatively close together never more than one sign apart. This can be a year of unity and togetherness if you come from a place of love.""Relationships are one of your greatest areas of learning and it’s not always easy living side-by-side with people who aren’t you. Everyone’s different and sometimes those differences are extreme e.g. radically different opinions or different beliefs about what’s right and wrong. Sometimes those differences are not as extreme but often play out as if they are, e.g. different culture, social class, upbringing or religion. ""It would be lovely to think that Venus and Mars side-by-side in 2015 are a symbol of peaceful living but that may be taking the symbolism a step too far. In mythology, Venus and Mars were feisty lovers and not faithful to one another at all. ""Yet, there’s potential here for you to decide to live in love, to embrace a more passionate existence and to stand hand in hand with the people closest to you. Venus and Mars hold promise for sensuality, falling in love, making love, staying in love and loving the ones you’re with. ""Aries/Libra Eclipses & Nodes: Fateful Relationships!"Two eclipses in 2015 cut across the Aries-Libra axis of the zodiac, both Lunar or Full Moon eclipses, the first on April 4th [14 Libra 24] and the second on September 28th [4 Aries 40]. The Aries-Libra eclipse cycle began in October 2013 and completes next March 2016. ""Plus the nodes, the karmic points in the chart remain in Libra, the sign of relating and Aries, the sign of independence, until October 10th of this year. The north node is in Libra, the south node in Aries.""So independence v. love and relationships remains a key theme throughout 2015. Here are some examples how these themes may play out in your own life: how to keep your independence whilst being in a loving relationship; preferring to remain single rather than couple up; being on your own after a marriage or long relationship; learning about give and take and what to do when the

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balance shifts too far in one direction; seeing yourself in another person, not seeing yourself in another person; needing or wanting others and other peoples’ dependency on you. ""This is an important year to try and get the balance right or at least look at your own situation honestly and see what works, what doesn’t work and what you want to do differently. Sometimes the best way to change another person’s behaviour or attitude is to change your own behaviour first and be a good role model. Sometimes you realise that even after trying your hardest, it’s best for you both if one of you moves on. ""Live your relationships to the best of your ability. As a romantic reminder, one of the loveliest myths about eclipse symbolism stems from Tahiti where they believed that during an eclipse the light of heaven was obscured as the Sun and Moon came together to make love and create the stars. ""Virgo/Pisces Eclipses & Nodes: Service and Sacrifice!"A new eclipse cycle begins in 2015 cutting across the Virgo-Pisces axis of the zodiac and these two eclipses are Solar or New Moon eclipses. The first takes place on March 20th [29 Pisces 27] and the second takes place on September 13th [20 Virgo 10]. Plus the north node enters Virgo on October 10th. !"The nodes are always in the same signs as each eclipse cycle and this particular cycle continues until 2017. Eclipse symbolism is powerful as it’s an awesome experience to witness the light of the Moon or Sun being obscured. ""In ancient times eclipses were viewed as a bad omen but in modern times people are divided on the meaning of an eclipse. For some, they represent power points of energy when our spiritual awareness is heightened and a Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to sweep out the old and create super-charged powerful new beginnings.""If you have key planets and angles in Virgo and Pisces, then this eclipse cycle and the north node entering Virgo will be most important for you. Yet for everyone, this axis of the zodiac highlights themes of service and sacrifice that will be foreground during the next few years. ""

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At their best the signs of Virgo and Pisces tap you in to the rituals of daily life, you’re grateful for what you have, understand that less is more and you want to actively seek out a spiritual or devotional element to your own life. ""Food and harvest are Virgo themes and Pisces rules the sea and liquids. How we share what we have with each other; how the earth feeds and nourishes us; how we create a sustainable environment; how we care for the vulnerable in our society. All these issues are likely to fall under sharper focus during the next two and half years. ""Neptune: A Sea-Change!"Neptune is Pisces’ planet and Neptune too is making waves later in 2015 when it opposes Jupiter in Virgo on September 17th and squares Saturn in Sagittarius on November 26th. A powerful T-square in the heavens that combines Jupiter and Neptune, co-rulers of Pisces, with sensible Saturn. Those flights of fancy, that vivid imagination and yearning for enchantment need to be grounded in reality. ""Saturn pulls you back to the earth, tugs on your desire to loose anchor and sail away into the distant yonder. What this combination will bring remains to be seen but it suggests a sea-change, a chance to surf the waves and to find your personal release to escape from Saturn’s bindings. At it’s best, our longing for a more compassionate/spiritual/all-encompassing/blissful world can take practical form.""We shall see what 2015 brings. Here’s hoping that we can uphold all that’s positive in our lives and use the shifting upward-lifting planetary energy to feel empowered to make a difference and create a better world for one another."""

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Retrograde Planets!"Venus Retrograde!"The love planet Venus turns retrograde this year, i.e. is giving the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens from July 25th - September 6th. Traditionally, Venus retrograde is not the best time to marry but if you have already booked the date, don’t panic. Venus makes some lovely connections throughout the time it’s retrograde so choose your date carefully and you can still enjoy wedded bliss. The individual star sign forecasts will reveal the key dates.""When Venus is on go slow in the heavens, love turns inwards and it’s more a time for contemplation than out-and-out action. You may be reflecting on your love, waiting for someone or making up your own mind. Take your time and go with the flow and be ready to act once Venus turns direct early September.""Mercury Retrograde!"Mercury Retrograde is the planetary equivalent of communication chaos. It takes place three times throughout the year for three weeks at a time and many people know that this can be a time when communication plays tricks and technology doesn't work as smoothly as usual.""This year all three Mercury retrograde periods take place in the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Here are the dates:""• Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: January 21 [17 Aquarius 01] - February 11 [1 Aquarius 21]"

• Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: May 19 [13 Gemini 08] - June 12 [4 Gemini 34]"

• Mercury Retrograde in Libra: September 17 [15 Libra 53] - October 9 [0 Libra 58]""Mercury Retrograde in air signs feels as if your mind may spiral out of control. These would be great periods to unplug or go for a digital detox. Use techniques to calm your mind and reflect, reassess, review, rework, etc. Mercury retrograde is perfect to capitalise on all the re-words ready to speak up, gather in new information and move forward once Mercury turns direct."""

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New Moon & Full Moons !"New Moons are the time in the month to set new intentions and to use the forward-moving energy to initiate, plan and pick up momentum. Here are those all-important New Moon dates, brilliant for a launch or starting afresh:""• January 20 [0 Aquarius 09] - 13:14 GMT"

• February 18 [30 Aquarius 00] - 23:47 GMT"

• March 20 [29 Pisces 27] - 09:36 GMT (Solar Eclipse)"

• April 18 [28 Aries 25] - 18:57 GMT"

• May 18 [26 Taurus 56] - 04:13 GMT"

• June 16 [25 Gemini 07] - 14:05 GMT"

• July 16 [23 Cancer 14] - 01:24 GMT"

• August 14 [21 Leo 31] - 14:53 GMT"

• September 13 [20 Virgo 10] - 06:41 GMT (Solar Eclipse)"

• October 13 [19 Libra 20] - 00:06 GMT"

• November 11 [19 Scorpio 01] - 17:47 GMT"

• December 11 [19 Sagittarius 03] - 10:29 GMT""Full Moons are when the Moon is at it’s brightest in the sky: emotions are heightened and this can be a time of celebration when you see life with clarity and are ready to make key decisions in your life. Full Moons represent completion and achievement. Here are the Full Moon dates in 2015:""• January 5 [14 Cancer 31] - 04:53 GMT"

• February 3 [14 Leo 48] - 23:09 GMT"

• March 5 [14 Virgo 50] - 18:05 GMT"

• April 4 [14 Libra 24] - 12:06 GMT (Lunar Eclipse)"

• May 4 [13 Scorpio 23] - 03:42 GMT"

• June 2 [11 Sagittarius 49] - 16:19 GMT"

• July 2 [9 Capricorn 55] - 02:20 GMT"

• July 31 [7 Aquarius 56] - 10:43 GMT"

• August 29 [6 Pisces 06] - 18:35 GMT"

• September 28 [4 Aries 40] - 02:50 GMT (Lunar Eclipse)"

• October 27 [3 Taurus 45] - 12:05 GMT"

• November 25 [3 Gemini 20] - 22:44 GMT"

• December 25 [3 Cancer 20] - 11:11 GMT

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Your 2015 Stars - Aries!"

“UK’s Top Entrepreneur”!Victoria Beckham, businesswoman, Sun Aries (b. April 17 1974)!

named the UK’s most successful entrepreneur of 2014!


""Reasons To Be Cheerful!"Jupiter is the biggest planet in the heavens and in astrology is considered the planet of good fortune. This is where you find opportunity and wherever Jupiter falls in your chart here’s where you can expand your world and live life to the full. Jupiter starts the year in your fellow fire sign of

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Leo and this is good news. Leo is the sign that rules all the fun things in life and Jupiter highlights these areas for you up until August 11th.""Specifically, Leo rules children & babies, love affairs, entertainment, pleasure and creativity. This sector of your chart is what you ‘give birth to’ so brilliant for starting a family, creating your masterpiece, using your talents or learning a new skill or activity. Whilst Jupiter is in Leo, arrange a party, perform on stage, enjoy the social whirl and let your dynamic fire sign energy light up your life.""This is good news if you’re looking for love and in fact, 2015 is a bumper year for love and relationships for more than one reason as you will read in the rest of your forecast. If Jupiter expands what it touches and Leo rules love affairs, here’s your cosmic persuasion to join a dating site and let people know you’re ready for love. Plus, why stick to dating one person? Jupiter’s linked to abundance so enjoy playing the field and keep your love options open.""The one thing to remember with Jupiter is you can’t expect life to bring wonderful opportunities your way if you’re sitting at home hoping that you’re going to find love. You have to spread your net wide, use your network and embrace Jupiter’s expansive nature to allow the good times in. ""If creativity and self-expression are where you get your kicks, you’re firing on all cylinders whilst Jupiter’s in Leo. Play with new ideas, experiment and do whatever makes your heart sing. Jupiter connects with Uranus in Aries in a positive aspect twice in 2015 on March 3rd and June 22nd. These two events create the perfect opportunity to break free or make a breakthrough in your life.""Jupiter and Uranus are similar planets in that they both represent space and freedom and together they symbolise the entrepreneur, the truth-seeker, the risk-taker, the lover of life. Use the dates mentioned above but let your fearless nature enliven the first half of 2015 in general. ""Being an Aries, you’re at your best when you’re first in the queue, when you initiate and begin something new and engage with new trends. When you’re willing to experiment and not be afraid to fail, you bring success ever closer. ""Plus, these two planets together indicate a lucky streak and as Leo rules risk-taking and competitions in your chart, put yourself forward for new opportunities or enter a competition to win something you want. This energy will helps boost your self-belief as it’s a positive, optimistic vibe. ""

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Radical Action!"The Uranus-Pluto square is nothing new but what’s momentous about 2015 is that on March 17th you experience the last of seven Uranus-Pluto squares which have dominated the heavens since 2011/2012. This is an important ‘Clash of the Titans’ for you as Uranus, the planet that represents freedom, has been in your sign of Aries since 2010 where it remains until 2019. ""Uranus is an unpredictable energy and it can feel erratic, frenzied even. Being an Aries, you are someone who loves the thrill of the new and Uranus in your sign highlights this side of your nature. If at times you’ve found it difficult to settle or commit to anyone or anything, this is one reason why. Plus when Uranus transits your sign, there’s a theme of dealing with the unexpected. Shocks and surprises are Uranus’ territory.""There are two key areas of your life which are ripe for transformation whilst Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn chisel away at each other. The first is your image and your identity and the second is your work, career or vocation. If you are a March-born Aries, you have already met the Uranus-Pluto square head on and for most of you, Pluto will have ‘got there’ first. ""Pluto’s not called the ‘wipe-out’ planet for nothing so you may have experienced a job loss, redundancy, a power struggle, a physical issue or some other event that challenged you and took you down to the depths.""Then it was Uranus’ role to pick you back up again and help you see you had no option but to reinvent yourself. Uranus loves all that’s new and alternative; it rules technology and the digital world. If you’ve begun working freelance or found a way to work light rather than work hard, you’re in tune with the Uranus vibe.""If you’re an April-born Aries, you’re currently in the zap zone and Uranus and Pluto are more closely aligned this year. Use this knowledge to pre-empt what’s going on your working life and if you hear rumours of redundancy or you know you’ve come to the end of the road with your current career path, what can you do to bring about beneficial change and begin anew? ""Once Venus and Mars enter your sign of Aries on February 20th make sure that you’re in charge and you steer your ship in the direction you choose. You have until mid-April to do battle, to promote your self-interests and stamp your mark on your current venture or project. "

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"There will be some stiff competition or opposition especially on or around the Lunar Eclipse on April 4th but come the New Moon in Aries on April 18th, you’re entering a new and powerful phase. Think of the New Moon in your own sign as the planetary equivalent of New Year’s Day. It’s brilliant for creating intentions and setting new resolutions.""If by the month of April you’re working for yourself, involved in an online business or promoting your own services or products, you’ll have taken on the Uranus-Pluto square and won. It’s a challenging energy but when the personal planets move through your own sign as they do early in 2015, you benefit by embodying strong Martian qualities: think of the Gladiator archetype or the Amazon warrior women. You still have some twists and turns to navigate but by thinking outside of the box, embracing technology and being innovative, you’re on the right track.""Of course it doesn’t have to be in the arena of work where you liberate yourself. Think laterally, but the more you can apply what’s new and different in your own life and oppose systems or people who are corrupt or plutocratic, the more you’re embracing Uranus’ rebellious and radical energy in a good way."

"Love Is In The Air!"You not only have Jupiter in Leo for two-thirds of the year gracing the part of your chart that rules love affairs but Venus and Mars, the lovers in mythology, cosy up together not once but three times in 2015. This is quite unusual and suggests that 2015 is going to be a powerful year for love. ""The real hot spot of the year is February and circle the weekend of February 20th-22nd in your diary immediately. Mars is the passion planet, the male principle, and Venus is the love planet, the feminine principle. On February 20th Mars, Venus and the Moon enter your sign of Aries and two days later on February 22nd Venus and Mars meet and kiss in the heavens. This feels special, magical so book a weekend away with the one you love, set off on honeymoon, ask someone out on a date but whatever you do, use this energy to boost your love life. ""If love is not your thing in 2015 and you’re devoted to being a single independent Aries, then look at this in another way. How can you integrate the male and female principles and use them to your best effect? ""

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Mars is the planet of action: go-getting and dynamic, whereas Venus is the planet of relating: receptive and giving. Combine your masculine derring-do with your feminine intuition and magic can happen in your life. Whilst Venus and Mars remain in Aries (until March 17th & March 31st respectively) this is a time when other people will sit up and take notice of you. You’re an irresistible combination of fierce and attractive when Mars and Venus grace your sign.""The next time that Venus and Mars meet is later in the year on September 1st when the lovers meet in your fellow fire sign of Leo. This too is a promising connection for love and romance and picks up the Jupiter theme of a love affair or new love. ""What’s interesting about this combination is that Venus is retrograde, i.e. giving the illusion of moving backwards through the heavens. Venus turns retrograde on July 25th [0 Virgo 46] and is in retreat until September 6th when she turns direct [14 Leo 23]. Venus retrograde symbolises a second chance or you rekindle your affection for someone from your past. In addition, a new relationship may go quiet for a while, you change your mind or you find that the love is right but the timing is wrong. ""Even with Venus retrograde, in the middle of the year there’s a lot going on in the heavens and the stars indicate celebration, joyful events and reasons to be cheerful. Venus and Jupiter are called the benefics in astrology, i.e. planets of good fortune and when Venus and Jupiter come together you’re especially lucky. Mark July 1st and August 4th as special dates for love, fun with the kids or a happy occasion as Venus and Jupiter conjoin in your fellow fire sign of Leo. ""Venus and Jupiter meet for the third and final time in Virgo on October 25th and this is the same sign in which Venus and Mars conjoin for the third and final time on November 3rd. Virgo is a more routine sign than Leo and it’s a more settled energy. ""These two planetary conjunctions may align with moving a relationship on to the next stage, living together or finding a healthy balance when it comes to love. As Virgo rules health, focus on your well-being and self-care as the happier you are on an everyday basis, the more you can give to the one you love and the people you’re closest too. """"

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You And Me!"Eclipses often represent major signposts in the year when you sense the wheel of destiny turning and you know it’s time to focus on the issues that are foreground in your life. Two of the year’s four eclipses cut across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart and are part of a wider eclipse cycle that began in October 2013 and ends in March 2016. ""Relationships in general are a strong learning curve when you have eclipses in your own and your opposite signs and this year, these two Lunar or Full Moon eclipses take place on April 4th and September 28th. Lunar eclipses are a time when emotions are heightened and if you are married, divorced or in any kind of long-term relationship, then your learning about relationships is intensified. ""For some, the eclipses may highlight areas of your relationship that aren’t working and will move you closer to breaking free. As eclipses often symbolise triangle situations, this can involve a third party, someone who’s grown close either to you or your partner. Take your time making any big decision about love and try and see things from both points of view. ""This is what the Aries/Libra axis is about for you; learning to look after your own needs at the same time as understanding what another person wants and finding a way to compromise so both sets of needs are fulfilled. If the time is right to move on, these peak moments in the year will prove decisive. This applies to any key 1-to-1 relationship or partnership in your life, not only a personal relationship and Libra rules enemies, opponents or your competitors.""Allow yourself at least a week after the eclipse to mull things over. Eclipses are notoriously shadowy and hidden and clarity often arrives a while later. The eclipse in April is close to the Uranus-Pluto square and the eclipse in September coincides with Mercury retrograde in Libra and your relationship sector so they’re both potentially dramatic and will bring hidden information to light.""Mercury retrograde can be a time of misunderstandings or someone going quiet on you and you’re more likely to be unsure of your own mind. Mercury turns direct in Libra on October 9th, the planetary equivalent of a green light. Plus a few days later, there’s a New Moon in Libra on October 13th, symbolising a chance to start over.""

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There’s no right or wrong about staying put or moving on but learn from the lessons presented to you this year and decide whether you’re ready to break free or break through (there’s that Jupiter-Uranus theme again). October is the month when the path ahead is clear and you’re on your way.""Work Responsibilities!"Jupiter’s move into the earth sign Virgo on August 11th turns your focus to work, your lifestyle and your health. The rest of the year and into 2016, you’re advised to sort out your everyday routine, keep on top of your fitness and work diligently. You can transform your working life this year but from mid-year onwards, you have to be prepared to put in the work and use your time efficiently and effectively.""For some, this coincides with employing others to help you, either a PA or cleaner, an accountant or adviser. It’s super important to ensure that your finances are ship-shape and when Saturn dips it’s toe back into Scorpio from June 15th-September 18th, you’re ready to relegate a money issue to the past.""Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and whilst it was in the part of your chart that ruled joint finances and shared resources from late 2012 to the end of last year, you may have been under the cosh with regard to debt, loans or outdated financial systems. When Jupiter in Leo is square to Saturn in Scorpio on August 3rd, you will perhaps see clearly a discrepancy between what you want in life and what you have. ""View this as a call to action and do whatever you need to turn your situation around. When Jupiter in Virgo makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th, what takes place will demonstrate that you’re on your way. This may materialise as a pat on the back from the boss, a more abundant work position or your own progress up the career ladder of your choice.""Another key date to note with regard to your working life is September 13th when there’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse [20 Virgo 10]. This indicates a surge of energy for your work, lifestyle or health but with all eclipse symbolism, you often have to let go/close a door in order to clear the way and allow space for something new to emerge.""This is potentially the start of a period when you’re unsure about what you’re doing and why. Jupiter in Virgo is opposed by Neptune in Pisces on September 17th, the same day as Mercury,

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the communication planet, turns retrograde. Neptune signals confusion and you can feel all at sea with this influence. You may find yourself questioning your vocation or where you’re heading in life and if you’re in a job where the ultimate goal is to pay the bills, it would be easy to feel something’s missing. ""Jupiter and Neptune are a charitable and philanthropic combination so you may be called to help others in some way, to volunteer or offer your services. Either that or you respond to a spiritual calling and this is a welcome balance to the more mundane side of life. Either way, October brings answers and then some.""A Deeper Sense of Meaning!"Saturn is the third major planet to reside in a fire sign in 2015 and apart from nipping back into Scorpio in the middle of the year, this is where Saturn is going to stay. Sagittarius rules all activities that give your life a deeper meaning. This includes travel, education, learning, spirituality, philosophy. Saturn can present new challenges so perhaps this year you develop a yearning to take a sabbatical, to immerse yourself in study or follow a spiritual path. ""Saturn is about lack rather than plenty and you may come across obstacles in your path and you have to work hard to overcome them. Again you’re likely to find that later this year you experience a wobble or two about what you want to do in life especially close to the end of the year when Neptune squares Saturn on November 26th. ""You have to prove you mean business when Saturn’s in play and deal with the facts rather than be swept away by Neptune’s influence. Get real about your goals and make a plan. If you do decide to travel, study or develop your spirituality, it will be deeply worthwhile but it will also be hard work and at some level may demand a sacrifice on your part.""Summary!"The fire signs dominate 2015 and you’re one of them. This is about discovering or fulfilling your passions and ensuring that you grab life by the reins and whatever your current situation in life, you make the best of it and have some fun. A positive attitude takes you places and Jupiter’s lucky streak backs you all the way.""

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Relationships are one of your biggest areas of learning especially when you fall in love with someone new. Getting the balance right in love continues to excite and perplex you in equal measure but true happiness awaits when you can be independent in life, whether you’re in or out of a relationship.""Reducing debt or saying goodbye to money ties is a huge relief and come August you’re ready to knuckle down and work hard to achieve your goals. As always with astrological prediction, it depends on your current personal situation but be guided by what you read here so you know where your opportunities lie. ""Ultimately 2015 is the year to follow your heart and show you’re serious about what you want to do in life and prove to the world that you can turn your work and money dreams into reality.

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Your 2015 Stars - Taurus!“Too much of a good thing is wonderful”

Liberace, entertainer, Sun Taurus (b. May 16 1919)

""Happy Families!"Jupiter starts 2015 in the sign of Leo down at the base of your chart where it’s been since July 2014 and remains in this sector of your chart until August 11th of this year. Leo is one of the fire signs, full of enthusiasm and excitement and in your horoscope Leo rules your home, your family, your past and where you come from.""Jupiter is the biggest and best planet in the heavens and symbolises opportunity, abundance and most important of all, expansion. This is the global planet which wants to explore and see the world

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and it would be a wonderful year to move home or arrange a house swap in a country of the world you’ve always wanted to visit. ""If you have family who live abroad, this is the perfect time to visit them or alternatively rent out a room in your home to a foreign student. It’s via your home or property where you’re most likely to be abundant and your grand plan may be to invest in a B&B or buy a rental property. Even a move to a cheaper area fits the Jupiter symbolism perfectly if you end up being better off financially.""In addition, look into ways of working alongside family and/or pooling resources to make your money go further. For example, sharing a house on a collective basis or asking family to help you out with a home deposit. All these ideas link in to Jupiter in your home and family sector and see if you can come up with some of your own, to create prosperity via the place you live.""Jupiter rules celebration and Jupiter in Leo is perfect for a big family get-together. You can’t rule out adding to your family whether there’s a baby on the way, a new step family or a child returning to live in the family home. Jupiter really begins to pick up the pace on April 8th when it turns direct in the heavens and then it’s full speed ahead until August. ""There are two key dates that promise something special for home and family matters and they are March 3rd and June 22nd when Uranus in Aries joins up with Jupiter in Leo in a stunning trine aspect. These two planets are about freedom and space and Uranus adds an unexpected touch, an air of unpredictability. Use these aspects to take a risk and trust your intuition. Expand your world, find the perfect property, plan a surprise visit to family and listen out for new developments on or around these dates. ""Jupiter’s urging you forwards but you can only move on when you’ve let go of the past. This links in to the Uranus-Pluto square that has dominated the skies since 2012. Uranus is in Aries and the most hidden sector of your chart and Pluto is in Capricorn and the sector of your chart that rules travel, education, religion and spirituality. ""The last Uranus-Pluto square takes place on March 17th and March is a significant month for you. In fact, the Uranus-Pluto square represents a turning point as your ruler Venus enters your sign of Taurus on the same day. ""Before this happens Venus is in Aries, the sign before yours and effectively hidden from view. This brings in the theme of letting go and if anything is going to stop you soaring high whilst Jupiter is in

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Leo it’s a link to the past. On some level, you have to put the past to bed before you can move forward. ""Uranus-Pluto themes are always about ‘out with the old and in with the new’. This may involve dealing with a secret or confidential issue, something that’s private to you and with that all-important link to the past. This is your chance to let go so you can move forward perhaps with your own family but certainly a step in to a new future. Once you’ve moved on, you’re on your way.""Like Jupiter, your ruling planet Venus is in the fire sign Leo from early June to early October. So again there’s a strong emphasis on the base of your chart, your home, your family, your past and where you come from. ""This isn’t a year when you can run before you walk and Venus’ emphasis in this part of your chart reminds you to enjoy simple pleasures and to develop strong connections with the people closest to you. If you’re a typical Taurus, you’re at your best when you have a safe base in life and you feel stable and secure. ""If you are on the move in 2015, give yourself time to settle somewhere new and don’t rush the experience. Venus is retrograde in Leo from July 31st - September 6th when you may have to play a waiting game with regard to your home, your family or your domestic situation so something to bear in mind.""Romantic Cha Cha Cha!"Your planetary ruler is feminine Venus, Goddess of love, art and beauty and the planet that represents you in the heavens. Your partner planet is Mars, the God of sexuality and male energy. These two were lovers in mythology and in 2015 they remain very closely connected all year long. ""If you’re in a relationship or married this is a positive sign. Plus Saturn, the task-master of the heavens, left your opposite sign of Scorpio right at the end of 2014. Saturn was in Scorpio and your relationship sector for just over two years and it can make relationships heavy-going whether you’re dealing with money issues or hardship or you’re simply battling more than you’re swooning. It’s a knuckle-down kind of energy, good for commitment and hanging in there for the long-term but not as light and frivolous as you would perhaps appreciate. ""

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So the fact that Saturn has moved on and Venus and Mars can now cosy up together has got to be a plus for love. The first connection between Venus and Mars takes place on February 22nd when the lovers connect in the sign of Aries, perfect for a secret or private rendezvous. Forget Valentines Day this February, instead mark the following week in your diary if you’re after some red-hot passion.""The end of February is also good news if you’re looking for love although as Venus and Mars are hidden in the heavens, this is likely to indicate a love affair or perhaps falling for someone who’s not immediately available. Once Venus enters your own sign of Taurus from March 17th - April 11th, you can go public with your love or find that love’s available. If you want to attract love in, enjoy your sensual nature and generally boost your popularity, this is perfect timing.""It’s the middle of the year when you may find that love is delayed or you decide or need to take a step back from love. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, Saturn dips back into your opposite sign of Scorpio for a few months from June 15th - September 18th. This may symbolise an old issue that re-emerges or you have to work a little harder to maintain boundaries around love or keep to a new set of rules. ""Plus Saturn’s reappearance can coincide with your decision to go back to an ex. There’s another astrological reason that backs this up as from July 25th - September 6th your ruler Venus is on go slow in the heavens and she turns retrograde in Virgo, the sign that rules romance and love affairs in your chart. You’re either being pulled back to the past in some way, taking a trip down memory lane or reconnecting with a childhood sweetheart.""Venus retrograde can be a time when you want to slow things down with regard to love. When a planet turns retrograde your focus turns inward and it’s more a time for reflection and contemplation rather than out-and-out action. You or your partner may have concerns about your relationship and need time out to either be alone or to think things through. See this as a necessary phase and know that by September, you’ll have made a decision and be back on track. ""Traditionally Venus retrograde isn’t a good time to marry or fall in love. Yet Venus is powerful this year even as she’s retrograde. She conjuncts Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the heavens symbolising blessings on August 4th, gets it together with spontaneous Uranus on August 19th and connects with Mars for the second time in the year on September 1st. So choose your dates wisely and love can still flourish.""

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For some, there may be a moral decision to consider on or around August 3rd when Jupiter in Leo is square to Saturn in Scorpio. This could be with regard to an ex, falling for someone who’s unavailable or having to take other peoples’ opinions into account when it comes to love. July 14th and August 5th are other dates to note when Venus squares Saturn and you discover that love comes with reservations or limits that must be addressed if you’re to make love work.""The romantic cha cha cha continues throughout the rest of the year although you’re dancing in a more regular rhythm once Jupiter, Venus and Mars all enter your romance sector (see Giving Birth below). The year ends on a high for relationships as Venus, your ruling planet, settles into your relationship sector on December 5th and Christmas Eve promises to be extra special for love.""Working 9 to 5!"Your work focus isn’t about the bigger picture this year and what’s more important is getting work right on a daily basis and ensuring you have a lifestyle which suits you. However, a lot depends on your progress in the first couple of months of 2015. This is when you shoot into orbit and can make huge strides with regard to your career, your vocation and where you’re heading in life. ""All four of the personal planets, the Sun, your ruler Venus, action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury spend time in your career sector in January but what’s most amazing is two New Moons falling in the sign of Aquarius back to back and Aquarius rules your career. New Moons are seed points in the year when you can start afresh, launch something new, apply for a job and take the initiative.""The first New Moon falls on January 20th [0 Aquarius] and the second New Moon falls on February 18th [30 Aquarius]. Two chances and this theme of two chances is intensified as communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius on January 21st and remains on go slow in your career sector until February 11th. So timing is the key to your success in the early stages of 2015. ""Be patient whilst Mercury’s on go slow and pace yourself but otherwise there’s no point hanging around as 2015 begins and whatever you want to start, jump to it. Mercury retrograde is brilliant for trying again and those all important second chances. What really stands in your favour in early 2015 is that both New Moons are outside the Mercury retrograde period so use them to push forward your ambitions and your goals and you can make significant work progress. "

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"Mercury remains in Aquarius until March 13th but after that the planets steer clear of your career sector and the focus returns to work, your routine, your lifestyle and your well-being. There are two key eclipses with respect to these areas of your life and both of them are Lunar or Full Moon eclipses. The first takes place on April 4th [14 Libra 24] and the second takes place on September 28th [4 Aries 40]. ""This Aries-Libra eclipse cycle began in October 2013 and continues through to March 2016 and it’s changing the way you work. This is part of a process that in a very Libran way aims to realign the scales in order for you to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Whenever you get out of kilter either due to stress, ill-health or a period of unemployment, you’re being called to find a way to get back on track so you can create a sense of balance and harmony in your everyday life. ""It’s not a process to be rushed but instead experiment with different ways of doing things and know that your inner process is as important as your outer development. In other words, how you are on the inside affects how you feel in the world and ultimately how happy you are. So pay close attention to the mind-body-soul connection, ensure that personal development is a key factor in your learning and balance busyness with stillness. Meditation, yoga, relaxation techniques or walks in nature will all be of benefit to you in 2015. ""April in particular is a month to put yourself and your own needs first when all four personal planets, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars move through your sign of Taurus. Your image, your physical body and your name are super-important in April and connected to your success so think personality and making an impact. ""This would be a perfect month for a makeover, a spa day, cosmetic surgery, launching your website or in some shape or form seeing your name in lights. There is one exception to the rule and don’t choose the eclipse date of April 4th to aim for mega-stardom. Instead wait a few days or a week after the eclipse before taking action. ""Same goes for the Mercury retrograde period which takes place later in the year. Mercury is on go slow in Libra and your work and health sector from September 17th - October 9th. Bide your time and be patient but once Mercury turns direct on October 9th, you can make steady progress throughout October, November and up until the end of the year. ""

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Circle the New Moon in Libra on October 13th as a brilliant date to apply for work or to start a new health or fitness campaign, anything that benefits your work and your lifestyle. Expect to be super-busy during the last third of the year as plans come together and you may be working right up until Christmas. ""The key with the eclipses is to use the events that take place in April and September as a guide. Often one door shuts during an eclipse but this is in order for a new door to open and it’s usually a time when you’re being gently but firmly propelled in a new direction. Learn good time management too and as best you can go with the flow of life rather than try to force your way forward and your journey in 2015 will be so much easier."

"Giving Birth !"Jupiter’s on the move on August 11th as it begins it’s year-long journey through your fellow earth sign of Virgo. This is fantastic news for you as Virgo is the sign that rules all the good things in life; it’s about what you ‘give birth’ to. As Jupiter is the biggest planet in the heavens, for some this indicates a pregnancy or the arrival of a child in your life. ""Virgo is closely linked with your creativity so this is brilliant for using your talents or skills and letting your inner artist out to play. Virgo is the sign of writing and your chance to start blogging, writing your memoirs or jotting down your dreams.""Play is a key word when Jupiter’s in Virgo as this whole sector of your chart is about play and having fun, another reason why a healthy life balance is a fitting goal in the year ahead. There is also an eclipse in this sector of your chart and this is a Solar or New Moon eclipse which falls on September 13th. ""This is a powerful turning point, a moment of destiny so notice how life guides you on or around this date and what opportunities come your way. Remember eclipse symbolism involves having to close one door completely before you can open a new one. ""Romance too comes under Virgo’s domain so another reason why some of you are in for a super-loving year. The lovers, Venus and Mars, are in this same sector of your chart in October and they come together for the third and final time in Virgo on November 3rd. If you’re ready to fall in love, circle this date in your diary. "

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"Jupiter’s a big player in the last third of the year and you can’t ignore your creative or romantic stirrings. On September 17th Neptune in Pisces opposes Jupiter in Virgo and this combination feels deliriously happy. Let your inner muse take you on a journey, be with friends who inspire you and seek out activities that allow you to rise above the mundane side of life; music, poetry and spirituality are hot contenders. You may find you’re being pulled towards a charitable or philanthropic cause.""Together Jupiter and Neptune are about dreaming big but do ensure you keep your earthy Taurus feet on the ground and don’t let your dreams run away with you. Set your sights too high without an anchor in sight and you can set yourself up for disappointment.""The following month Jupiter in Virgo makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th and this does have the potential to be transformative. This is when you can believe in the power of faith and know that whatever you commit to on or around this date has power and potential deep within it. Here’s your chance to travel, see the world or attend a life-changing course. Reach high, dream deep and conjure up some special magic.""It’s All About The Money!"Apart from three months in the middle of the year (see Romantic Cha Cha Cha), Saturn is in the fire sign Sagittarius boosting your shared resources. This sector of your chart rules anything you share with other people but in particular it focuses on money and sex. In particular when Saturn is in Sagittarius this is your cue to focus on finances and get your money house in order.""As Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens, it’s not a job to shirk so channel your inner accountant and get busy. If your sex life needs a service or an audit, here’s your chance too but as your sign of Taurus is associated with money, this is the main area to apply your focus. If you’re typical of your sign, you’re at your happiest when you know how much money is coming in and going out. ""So jump to it: create a long-term plan, get an adviser or accountant on board; look at what, where and how you’re building for the future and set up systems that help you stay on track. Whatever you begin or put in place, know that you’re in it for the long haul whether that means paying off a debt, saving for the future or any other way you’re building strong foundations for you and your family. "

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"Neptune in Pisces squares Saturn in Sagittarius on November 26th when you may experience guilt around money or feel swayed to be irresponsible about your finances. Look out for a very persuasive friend who has a different agenda. Aside from this wobble, you know what you have to do and it’s bum down, head up to target your financial goals in the right direction.""Summary!"Houses and families dominate the main part of 2015 for you and it’s getting these areas of your life right that hold the key to your long-term happiness. If you’re ready for a change in either of these areas of your life, Jupiter is backing you all the way. ""Lifestyle too is the key to everyday fulfilment and creating a healthy balance that allows you to feel healthy and vibrant as you go about your daily business. Money matters feel decidedly abundant later in the year but keep your eye on your long-term gains and ensure your finances are super-efficient. Whatever you begin, Saturn ensures that you’re in it for the long haul.""Your love life benefits too from an extra dose of passion especially when Venus and Mars get jiggy with it in the heavens and this is a brilliant year to give birth to a baby, a creative project or your heart’s desire.

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Your 2015 Stars - Gemini!"

“People will always say that you’re going the wrong way, !when it’s simply a way of your own”!

Angelina Jolie, actress, Sun Gemini (b. June 4 1975)!"

""Gift of the Gab!"If you’re a typical Gemini, you’re the wordsmith of the zodiac, clever, bright and witty. Words are your forte and communication is your game. This year your spoken and written skills blast into orbit as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion, resides in Leo and the communication sector of your chart until August 11th. ""

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This is brilliant for you and a wonderful opportunity to speak your mind, find your voice and share your ideas with the world as Jupiter is the global planet. Two dates are particularly noteworthy to reach out and spread your message or improve your knowledge and they are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter in Leo makes a stunning trine aspect to Uranus in Aries. ""For you these two planets represent freedom of speech and they encourage you to band together with people of like minds and to find your tribe. This year isn’t about going it alone by any means but widening your circle of friends and connections to fully utilise the social grapevine. ""Leo is the sign that’s linked to your siblings, cousins, your neighbours and local community so this is a perfect opportunity to reach out to the people in your life you want to see more of and to create a sense of community wherever you are. You’re happiest when you’re working alongside other people and you have a healthy social network. ""Plus, if you’re looking for love, it’s via your friends or new introductions that you’re likely to meet someone new. February 22nd is a brilliant date for dating when Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, come together in Aries and your friendship sector. ""September 1st is promising too when Venus and Mars connect for a second time in Leo symbolising new beginnings. Notice who you meet on or around these dates and use them to connect and find love if a relationship is on your shopping list (for more on relationships, see Love, It’s Serious below)""Back to communication and Uranus rules technology so the Jupiter-Uranus trines in March and June are perfect for social media, web interaction and putting your technological or communication skills to good use. If you fancy a career as a journalist, a writer or you want to get involved in radio or TV, the first half of this year is your chance to go for it. ""Bye bye Boredom!"Over the last two years, Saturn the taskmaster of the heavens has been in Scorpio and your everyday work sector. Saturn can be a burden and if you’ve felt as if work’s been a drag or you’ve been unemployed, then you’ve been struggling under Saturn’s weight. Your nature is light and flighty and you can’t fly high when you feel held back, bored or uninspired.""

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For the first half of 2015, Saturn’s out of the way so think of this as throwing off the shackles that bind you and realise that the only thing holding you back is a lack of direction or not having yet discovered your true passion.""Saturn does dip back into Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th and for one reason or another you have to slow down in the middle of the year. Jupiter in Leo is square to Saturn in Scorpio on August 3rd and this may coincide with a lack of confidence or doubting yourself in some way. ""August is a month when you need to consolidate the progress you make in the first half of 2015 and be patient. Instead of firing on all cylinders and chasing new connections and contacts, bide your time. Saturn’s return to Scorpio may be a reminder of where you’re bored in life and what you want to move on from.""Venus, the planet of relating, is also retrograde or on go slow in Leo and your communication sector from July 31st - September 6th and this coincides with Saturn’s return to your work sector. Venus retrograde turns your attention inward so it’s more a time for reflection than action. Plus, you may lose someone’s support or backing. See this more as a natural pause and a change of focus or direction rather than anything more serious. ""Timing is everything in astrology so use the planetary energies wisely and facilitate your gift of the gab to greatest effect earlier in the year. The good news is that aside from a three month period in the middle of the year, 2015 offers you a real chance to say goodbye to boredom.""Genius Ideas!"This is undoubtedly a year when your ideas kick into overdrive and you’re ready for movement, change and upping your excitement levels. Your ruling planet is Mercury, the communication planet, and this year when Mercury turns retrograde i.e. gives the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens, Mercury’s focus is on the three air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. This means that Mercury spends a longer time in air signs in 2015 than any of the other three elements. ""This is important for you and it suggests that your mind, your thoughts, your ideas, your social skills and your network are where the action and creativity’s at. It’s an exciting time even when Mercury retrograde turns your attention inward. Remember that when Mercury’s on go slow in air

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signs, you can tap into a deeper level of thinking and understanding. Use your brilliant mind this year to kick-start new ideas and new projects. ""The first Mercury retrograde period is from January 21st - February 11th and Mercury is on go slow in Aquarius ruling travel, study and any area of life that expands your experience and broadens your horizons. It’s right at the beginning of this year when you may make a decision to study, learn something new, take a risk and embrace new experiences. You want to live life to the full and make the most of your potential.""Plus there are two New Moons this year in the sign of Aquarius which is unusual and both New Moons fall outside the Mercury retrograde period. New Moons are a signal to start afresh, launch a project and to initiate action. The first New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 20th and the second New Moon in Aquarius takes place on February 18th. Use these dates to enrol on a course, expand your mind or book a study holiday. Live large and reach out to the world. ""Mercury enters your own sign of Gemini on May 1st and remains here until July 8th so this is going to be a busy period for you when working on your personal goals pays dividends. This is about making a name for yourself, showing off your personality and doing more of what you love. Again Mercury turns retrograde from May 19th - June 11th so use this period to do research, to think deep and to gain perspective on where you’re heading and what next. ""The New Moon that falls in your sign of Gemini on June 16th is a brilliant date for new beginnings and the equivalent of your personal New Year. This is your chance to find ‘your thing’, the one thing you love doing more than anything else and to see how far you can take it. Other people are going to love you especially when you dare to perform as a singer, a public speaker, a TV presenter, a quiz master; whatever is your forte, here’s your chance to show off and take centre stage. The feel-good vibes continue through into July.""The third and final Mercury retrograde period takes place in Libra and the sector of your chart that rules creativity and all the things in life you ‘give birth’ to. Mercury is retrograde from September 17th - October 9th and yet again the New Moon in the same sign Libra falls a few days after Mercury turns direct on October 13th. Again this suggests that the dates Mercury turns direct are going to be extra powerful for you in 2015.""Mid-October is a brilliant time for you to create your masterpiece and show off your talents and skills. The Libra vibes takes you through to the end of the year so whatever you begin in October

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rolls on forward through November and December and into 2016. Don’t let this year roll by without embracing your ideas however crazy and let the world see who you are and what you have to offer."

"Home Truths!"Jupiter moves into the earth sign of Virgo on August 11th where it remains until September 2016. Virgo is the sign down at the base of your chart and represents your home, your family, your past and where you come from.""Jupiter is the planet of expansion and in Virgo you may find you want to move home or build a home or renovate where you live and this transit is about putting down roots. Use Virgo’s symbolism to the full, ensuring life at home is in order as best you can. Virgo loves filing, systems and generally being organised and you will either be doing this for yourself or your family, perhaps someone you care for.""It’s through your home and property or your family connections where you can make the greatest strides financially. Look at ways to earn money through the place you live, either downsizing to a smaller property, moving to a cheaper area, renting out a room or building a community-style living space with other people. Consider your personal situation and look at whatever works for you.""For some, this is the year when an inheritance, return on investment or property sale boosts your cash flow considerably. The month to note is October when Jupiter in Virgo makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn and your shared resources sector on October 11th. ""This isn’t about your personal money but about joint finances, pooling resources and getting other people on board to help and advise you. The more savvy you are about finances in general, the better. If you’re a clever Gemini who likes a flutter on the stock market, play your cards right later in the year and you’re in the money. ""It’s also important to note what happens earlier in the year that may bring about a change to your financial circumstances and hopefully for the better. On March 17th, the mighty Titans of the heavens, Uranus and Pluto, square up to each other for the last time. ""Since 2012, these two planets have made a square aspect seven times so this is an ongoing issue. On a very basic level, the Uranus-Pluto symbolism represents ‘out with the old and in with

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the new’ and as Pluto is in one of the sectors of your chart that rules money, this is where the focus lies. Uranus in Aries is about your group connections but also looking to the future. ""Uranus square Pluto for you has perhaps stopped you in your tracks when it comes to securing your future financially or simply having a plan about where you’re heading. You may have invested your money in trends or areas that haven’t proved successful and what takes place early in the year helps you realise it’s time to change the way you go about things with regard to money, cash, debts, savings, mortgages, insurances and investments. Basically any area your money’s linked to.""With Jupiter’s move into Virgo in August , it’s time to get serious about your financial future and to look at what building blocks can be put in place to create a solid financial future for you and your family. ""Forget crazy ideas and schemes on the cash front and look to creating sensible purchases and regular payments that month in, month out mean you’re heading in the right direction. Think slow and steady like the tortoise and cast aside get-rich-quick schemes that can turn your life around overnight. Whatever you’ve been doing financially or emotionally that hasn’t worked, 2015 is about changing that and building for the future. ""Love - It’s Serious!"Saturn entered your opposite sign of Sagittarius at the end of last year and Sagittarius is the sign that rules relationships in your chart. This indicates that when it comes to love, you have no option but to get serious. Saturn is in Sagittarius until June 15th and again from September 18th until the end of the year.""Saturn is the planet that urges you to commit or quit and this is a different feel to relationships than your usual style. The flighty butterfly of the zodiac, you enjoy flirting and often like to keep your options open when it comes to love. For some, Saturn in Sagittarius is going to be a wake-up-call, a suspicion that you have to do things differently if you want to get married, settle down or be in a long-term relationship.""You may decide that love and relationships aren’t for you whilst Saturn’s in your opposite sign and that you don’t want a monogamous or long-term relationship. You may sense you’ve met ‘the one’

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and as scary as it feels at times, you’re prepared to work at love. You may fall for someone who’s much older or in a position of authority whilst Saturn’s in your opposite sign.""If you are in a long-term relationship or marriage, then Saturn in Sagittarius isn’t a breeze and this can be a time when you need to be reminded of your marriage vows. Sometimes it’s when life gets tough that you’re called forth to be the best partner you can be in the circumstances. Take the symbolism of Saturn and apply it to your own 1-to-1’s.""There will certainly be times this year when temptation comes your way and your desire to be sociable and have fun takes precedence. One of the current eclipse cycles falls across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart and Libra is the sign that rules romance and love affairs. The two Lunar or Full Moon eclipses on April 4th and September 28th can be turning points for love and eclipses often bring forth hidden emotions and require tough decisions. ""A Lunar Eclipse with it’s focus on relationships can signify a triangle situation; falling for someone who’s married or unavailable, realising you’re in love with a friend or having someone in your life who’s attracted to you and declares their love when it’s not wanted. Eclipses can be dramatic and it’s best not to take action based on eclipse events until a few days or at least a week after the energy has calmed down.""The second phase of the year when Saturn is in Sagittarius is most interesting for you as the personal planets move through Libra calling you out to play and have fun and keep life and love light. If you meet someone new in the last third of the year, romance can quickly turn to love and commitment and the same goes if you’re in a long-term relationship and meet someone new. As exciting as new love can be, tensions may build and by the end of November, you know you have to make a firm decision where your heart lies. ""Try not to think of Saturn in Sagittarius as a difficult challenge when it comes to love and relationships but instead use this energy to consider your long-term future. If you find yourself playing happy families on or around November 3rd, then this could be the sign you’re looking for that your personal relationships are moving on to a new and more grounded phase.""""

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Career Dreams!"When you have Neptune in the part of your horoscope that rules your career, your vocation and where you’re heading in life, this can turn you into something of a dreamer. Neptune has been in this sector of your chart since 2012 and treading the conventional path isn’t easy when Neptune seduces you to try out different paths and fantasy roles. ""Ideally, you combine your working life with your artistic or creative talents whilst Neptune’s in Pisces or go down the sensitive and compassionate route and help others in some way. You may be developing a spiritual aspect to your career and know that your vocation is moving you further away from a traditional role. If you’re into sci-fi, dressing up or you’re ready to embrace the weird within your work and career, Neptune is calling you.""Certainly this is a big year for change whether your ideas are crazy or not. Two more eclipses cut across the foundation axis of your chart and the most important of these eclipses falls on March 20th in Pisces and your career sector. ""This is a Solar or New Moon eclipse powerful for new beginnings as one door closes allowing you to head out on a different path. Take note of what happens on or around this date and see whether a signpost appears to guide you. Trying something new and different work-wise fits this year’s energy beautifully.""The second eclipse which falls on September 13th is more challenging as it’s another Solar or New Moon eclipse but in Virgo, down at the base of your chart. This is about your home and family and having to take other people into account with regard to your own work decisions. A few days later on September 17th, Jupiter in Virgo is opposed by Neptune in Pisces when you find yourself being pulled in two different directions. ""This can be an destabilising aspect especially if you are in the process of settling down or prioritising family or a property move but it also has huge creative potential. It’s important to see where or what you’re being drawn towards, perhaps a move to the country or to be close to the sea, a pull towards starting a family or building your dream home. See what comes up for you and let your dreams take form. You need to wait until mid-October before making any major decision but let your imagination inspire you.""

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With Neptune in Pisces throughout 2015, your success links in to your dreams and how much you believe in what you do. Use fantasy and the power of your imagination to let your thoughts run wild and see what crazy schemes you can come up with to enhance your life and further your vocation.""Saturn in Sagittarius makes a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces on November 26th and this is a sign that things are changing for you. For some, it’s a boss at work or a key individual in your life who will make things difficult and this is the reason you want to move on. You need to be free to follow your vision, your calling and if you know that your everyday work role or position is holding you back, Neptune will continue to tug gently at you reminding you of who or what you might be. ""It may take a while for all the pieces to fall into place but Neptune’s tides are shifting the sand you stand on. You may have to rebuild your sandcastle more than once but when it comes to your work and your home life, the process of change is underway.""Summary!"You’re in your element in 2015 for more than one reason. Jupiter in your communication sector means that your communication skills are in demand and your gift of the gab is your passport to success. Plus Mercury your ruling planet is hanging out in the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and this is more good news for you, your brainy side and your genius ideas. Use them or lose them.""Home and property matters dominate in the second half of the year and using your money wisely to improve your living situation helps you feel most secure. Community living, building your dream home or pooling family resources helps you build for the future.""Relationships have a serious edge too as Saturn, the get real planet, urges you to face facts and take a long hard look at what you want when it comes to love. Commitment isn’t something you accept lightly but it may be what you need nonetheless. Issues around coupling and uncoupling take precedence.

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Your 2015 Stars - Cancer!"

“I want to serve. I want every girl, every child to be educated”!Malala Yousafzai, youngest ever Nobel-Prize recipient, Sun Cancer (b. July 12 1997)"


""Money & Abundance!"Jupiter is the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology. This is because Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and wherever Jupiter falls in your chart, this is where life has the potential to be expansive and far-reaching. Jupiter begins 2015 in the sign of Leo, which in your chart rules money, your personal possessions and all the things you value highly in life, Jupiter remains in Leo until August 11th.""

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Jupiter in Leo has got to be good news for you with regard to money matters and, whatever your current financial situation, you can at least feel optimistic about money and cash. One important point to note with regard to Jupiter, however, is that it’s no good sitting back and waiting for the money to fly in (although that is a possibility for some) but instead you’re wise to take a proactive approach to money matters.""Jupiter wants you to be to expansive, to try out new things, to experiment and most importantly to believe. Jupiter is one of the planets that’s closely connected with trust and faith and one way you can really boost your money-making potential in 2015 is by being open to new ideas regarding wealth and abundance. Positive affirmations, the law of abundance, etc. Expand your reading and your knowledge.""There are two dates when Jupiter is firing on all cylinders for you with regard to money and new opportunities and these dates are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter in Leo makes a stunning trine aspect with Uranus in Aries and your career sector. Look out for new opportunities on or around these two dates and see what you can conjure up. ""Together these two planets work brilliantly for taking risks, being entrepreneurial, trying something new and different. Walk the path less travelled and see if there’s an opening to make money from an online business or via a freelance position.""June is also the month when another key planet enters Leo and your money sector and that planet is Venus. This means you have the two benefics, i.e. the most beneficial planets in the heavens boosting your cash situation in 2015. There are two dates when Venus and Jupiter come together in the sign of Leo and they are July 1st and August 4th.""This combination can play out in different ways. You may discover a love of spending and want to treat yourself and others. Venus and Jupiter together are generous and giving. There’s also a charitable feel to these two planetary bodies in your money sector and mid-year may be a time when you want to set up a regular charity donation or offer your support to a fundraising event. ""As Jupiter’s the luckiest planet in the heavens, for some this indicates a competition win or an unexpected cash bonus or you want to treat yourself and a loved one to a holiday as Jupiter is the planet that rules travel.""

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The only question mark around this part of the year is that you don’t get carried away and allow yourself to have over-inflated expectations with regard to spending, helping others and giving generously. There is an astrological reason why it’s wise to slow down your spending by the middle of the year and that’s because from July 31st to September 6th, Venus is retrograde, i.e. on go slow in the heavens, in Leo and your money sector.""This is the planetary equivalent of pulling in the reins and it’s a time for reflection and contemplation rather than out-and-out action. You may find your values change significantly and what money means to you begins to shift. There may be a question mark for you around earning money and spending so listen carefully and use your inner voice as a guide. Retrograde planets focus on your inner life rather than external events. ""Once Venus turns direct early in September, Jupiter has already moved on from the sign of Leo. So ensure your big moves with regard to money matters take place in the first half of the year. There’s good reason to be excited about cash now and hopefully Jupiter’s abundant theme will welcome in a time of wealth and plenty. ""Intimate Connections!"Being a Cancerian and one of the water signs, people are important to you and this year in particular, your personal connections are under strong focus. For starters, how you make progress at work or in your chosen vocation is very closely linked to other people in your life. ""This is because the two planets known as the ‘lovers of the heavens’ Venus and Mars remain close throughout the year and two of the times they meet, on February 22nd and September 1st, they are in the sectors of your chart that rule work and money.""Look out for a person of influence who can back you or support what you do, someone who takes you under their wing and nurtures your talent or dream. Venus and Mars enter Aries and your vocational sector on the same day February 20th and join together on February 22nd. This weekend may bring a significant event or person into your life who helps you fast-track forward with your ambitions and your goals.""Venus and Mars also connect to the Jupiter-Uranus trine on March 4th and March 10th/11th. This is a peak period for you with regard to your working life so look out for new opportunities that seem

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heaven-sent. Create strong alliances at work as it’s through other people that you’re most likely to succeed.""The Sun and Mercury, the communication planet, pick up the Aries banner throughout March and into April so another sign that this is your time to get on the right track work-wise. Whether you're after promotion or freedom from a routine job is irrelevant .What matters most is that you go for what you want and need with regard to your vocation and where you’re heading in life. In an ‘Aries-style’ manner, you look after number 1.""Now this can be easier said than done for you being a Cancerian and a sign that was born to nurture others and there will be events throughout March and April that test your resolve. The first is the last Uranus-Pluto square on March 17th and the second is an eclipse cutting across the Aries-Libra axis of your chart on April 4th.""This means that the challenges to your career or your vocation also come from people close to you. Uranus in Aries and your career sector clashes with Pluto in your opposite sign of relationships and during the eclipse the Sun in Aries and your career sector is opposed by your ruler the Moon in Libra, the sign that rules your home and family.""You may find that your partner or your family are the ones who don’t want you to make great strides or change direction or give up work. As your personal relationships develop there are bonds and ties that grow over time and link you closely together so it’s understandable that when events change in one person’s life it has a knock on effect on the other person. Plus when one person is keen on doing something radical or different in a relationship it shakes the foundations of your cosy, comfortable life. ""It may be you who’s the one who wants to stick with who and what you know in 2015 which wouldn’t be unusual for a a home-loving Cancerian and yet your stars are saying that change is on the horizon and it has been for some time. So look closely at your personal relationships and if someone is holding you back or you’re stalling, especially in March/April, it’s important to ask yourself why. ""Home v. work; family v. vocation are the areas that are being rocked by Uranus and it’s these areas of your life where you may encounter the greatest change. For some, this is about giving up work to look after your family; for others, it’s tweaking your lifestyle so you have more freedom and a

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healthier work/life balance. The positive aspect of Uranus in your vocational sector is that anything goes and at it’s best this means you’re the one who can call the shots.""There is one more eclipse that falls across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart and this takes place on September 28th. Think of this as a wake-up call, a work in progress to get the balance right between work and home. ""The eclipses have cut across these sectors of your chart since October 2013 but they’re coming to a close and the last eclipse falls in March 2016. You’ll start to feel more settled once this eclipse cycle has past but until then keep juggling and know that the decisions you make will undoubtedly affect the ones you love and vice versa."

"Power & Obsession!"The level of intensity surrounding your relationships has been on high alert now for some time. This is because Pluto, the planet of intensity, has been in Capricorn and your relationship sector since 2008. Pluto tends to be an all-or-nothing planet so when it comes to your feelings, they run deep. ""If your birthday is in June, you experienced the Pluto factor in the first couple of years of Pluto’s slow journey through your opposite sign of Capricorn. Currently Pluto is opposing your Sun sign if your birthday falls between July 3rd-6th. ""It’s hard to give one definition of what this means for you but here are some pointers to bear in mind. Pluto can be about loss so maybe a marriage or important relationship broke up or you made a decision to be single. Pluto represents power and control when one person tries to dominate the other or you find it hard to let go and move on. This could be a new relationship with a powerful individual, someone with status and gravitas. ""You may have met a person who you sense is your soul-mate and there’s an obsessive quality to your love and you want to spend all your time together. On some level this can suit your nature as you’re one of the zodiac’s water signs and ruled by the Moon your emotions are powerful and ebb and flow on a fairly constant basis. Yet you’re also a kind and gentle soul so you have to gauge for yourself whether a relationship that evokes intense emotions is good for you. ""

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Plus if you and your partner can both channel your power into a mutual activity, e.g. working together, then this can be a way for Pluto’s energy to act as a turbo-boost and if you secretly love power, then here’s your opportunity to take the next step toward it via an intimate relationship.""Remember too that Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, meet twice this year in sectors of your chart that rule love and money so on one level this can mean falling for someone in a position of power or influence or being attracted to an individual who’s smart as well as sassy. It’s also knowing about how to use and schmooze people of influence to achieve your objectives.""New & Old Love!"Venus is the planet that acts as a guide when it comes to love and if you’re looking for someone new, May 7th-June 5th is full of promise when Venus is in your own sign of Cancer. Plus from December 5th-30th Venus is in sexy Scorpio and you’re a red-hot prospect for finding love. ""Yet it’s Saturn which is your partner planet and for the last two years Saturn has been in Scorpio and your romance sector. As Saturn urges you to commit or quit, it may have been a lean period for romance or a time when you were determined to work hard at love. ""Saturn dips back into Scorpio this year from June 15th - September 18th and as Venus is retrograde during this period, you may be drawn back towards an ex. Is this a person in your life who you can’t give up easily? A Plutonic attraction works on a seismic level and it’s not easy to let go when you have such a tight bond between you.""Be aware that this year’s stars aren’t dynamically different when it comes to love but relationships are going to be a major area of learning. It’s through your significant 1-to-1’s that you see yourself and understand who you are most clearly. ""It’s like having X-ray vision into your soul and love becomes a truly profound experience. Go there if you're ready to invite a period of transformation into your life and if not and you’d prefer to be single, that’s perfectly ok too.""""

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Life’s An Education!"On August 11th, Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, enters Virgo, the sign that rules communication in your chart and Jupiter remains in this sector of your horoscope until September 2016. You have a close affinity with the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and life often feels more settled with Jupiter in a sign whose energy relates to your own. ""Virgo is about learning, education, writing, the flow of information, gathering and sharing ideas. There’s a community feel to this combination, working alongside people of like minds and there will be times when you’re transported to a different level because of these shared connections. ""Take note of who or what comes your way on or around October 11th when Jupiter in Virgo is in a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Working closely on an event with other people can create something magical. ""October in particular is a month that brings people together for you whether you meet up with siblings, cousins or your extended family or you join a neighbourhood watch or discover a shared coincidence with someone who lives close by. If you’re looking for love, you may find it lies closer to home than you imagine. ""You could decide to teach when Jupiter’s in Virgo or go back to school. Your thirst for knowledge increases and it’s through shared interests that you find your voice. A Solar or New Moon eclipse takes place in Virgo on September 13th and this is a powerful date to begin a new course of study or to write a book or to offer your services to a local community venture. Virgo represents the apprentice so think of this as a new opportunity to train in a new skill or to hone a craft.""This yearning to learn something new or to discover more about the world has been stirring within you for a while, in fact since Neptune entered Pisces in 2012. Neptune’s boundless quality opens you up to undiscovered interests and urges you to look above and beyond everyday reality to make sense of your world. ""You may have felt inspired to travel, to study, to take a spiritual path and any activity that allows you to use your creativity and your wonderful imagination is highly recommended. If you’re looking to find a deeper level of meaning in your own life, Neptune is your source. ""

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Neptune in Pisces opposes Jupiter in Virgo on September 17th just a few days after the eclipse in Virgo on September 13th. Plus Mercury, the communication planet, turns retrograde on the same day as the Jupiter-Neptune opposition. ""These three events so closely linked suggest you’re questioning what you’re doing and will feel confused about the way ahead. September is a brilliant month for you to go on holiday as a change of scene will help produce a fresh perspective on your life. Alternatively, take a course or read books that help to further your personal or spiritual development. ""Know too that a sense of disorientation is likely but this is often a natural process which you go through when you’re about to make a big leap forward. Moving into a new chapter in life means heading into the unknown and it’s perfectly ok to swirl around for a while in a place of ‘not knowing’ before you’re clear and ready to step forward with purpose. ""The other period in 2015 when you find yourself swimming around is mid-January to late February when the sign of Pisces dominates. Allow yourself space and time to go with the flow, explore different dimensions and follow wherever your imagination leads. ""Music, poetry and art can be hugely inspirational during these periods or any medium which touches you on a devotional or inspirational level. Again this period comes just before you leap forward into March and another month of dynamic change. ""Note too that there’s another Solar or New Moon eclipse on March 20th which falls in your fellow water sign of Pisces. This can be an important marker in the year so look out for a signpost to guide you with regard to making the most of life and broadening your horizons as far and wide as you choose. ""The themes of travel, education and spirituality are again highlighted and New Moon eclipses often initiate powerful points of change in your life setting you off on a new beginning or journey that at its best can alter the course of your life forever."

"Healthy Habits!"Saturn is in the fire sign Sagittarius in 2015 and aside from three months in the middle of the year when Saturn returns to Scorpio, this is where Saturn is now established in your chart. Sagittarius is

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another work sector in your horoscope but this is about everyday work, routine and what you do on a daily level. ""Saturn in Sagittarius links in nicely to Jupiter’s journey through Virgo and your communication sector. Put the two together and you’re being primed to start a new job, develop a new skill and work at getting your everyday lifestyle right so it works for you. Practice makes perfect is one way of interpreting this energy and knowing that with anything you want to accomplish in life, it can take time. To learn a new instrument, for example, takes hours of practice. ""The same goes for changing habits and adopting any new behaviour on a daily basis. Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the heavens so wherever you find Saturn in your chart, this is where to pay careful attention. As Sagittarius rules your health and your well-being as well as your lifestyle, these areas may start to come under scrutiny. ""If there’s anything you want to change or do differently that will benefit your health, think of it as an ongoing project and rather than try and change the habits of a lifetime in a flash, be prepared to commit to new routines on a long-term basis.""With Saturn in Sagittarius, this is the perfect time to organise a health check-up or get any niggles or worries checked out. Saturn is the authority figure and in particular rules teeth and bones. Extra vitamins and minerals can help ensure that you’re in tip top condition. ""Focus on the mind-body-spirit connection and once you have all three working in unison, then you’re well on your way towards holistic harmony. Getting your life right on a daily basis with regard to your work, lifestyle and health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in the coming year. ""Summary!"Work and money matters are going places in 2015 so ensure you know what your goals are and be ready to act on them. The more willing you are to take risks and believe in the law of abundance, the more you will benefit. ""

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People in powerful positions can help you make progress in leaps and bounds but tune in to your water sign intuition to suss out the goodies from the baddies. When Pluto’s in your opposite sign, not everyone has your best interests at heart. ""Going back to school is a welcome option for some and a broad-minded attitude to learning and getting your voice heard steers you on the right track. Combine this with a disciplined approach to your health and well-being and anything’s possible in 2015. ""Allow life to guide you, listen out for the messages and signposts that come your way and by the end of the year, you’re more than ready to write your success story.

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Your 2015 Stars - Leo!"

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line’!Lucille Ball, actress, Sun Leo (August 6 1911)!


""It’s Showtime!"2015 begins with Jupiter, the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology, in your sign of Leo where it remains until August 11th. This is a huge hoorah for you as Jupiter is not only a lucky planet but a planet that allows you to show off and let the world see your big personality. ""Now not every Leo is brimming with confidence and there are some shy cats out there but when Jupiter is in your own sign, you’re advised to move life up a notch and wherever you want to shine,

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it’s your turn to take centre stage. This is brilliant for the side of you that loves to perform and enjoys life when it’s dramatic, full on and brimming with colour, noise and fun.""When planets are in your sign, this is about your image, your name and how the world sees you. It’s the perfect time for a makeover, a personal transformation and to launch any project that’s linked to you and your personality. Time for the world to see what you have to offer? Absolutely. Get out there and see your name in lights.""If you are ready for more of the good things in life, then it’s not the time to sit at home hoping they’re going to happen. They might with Jupiter in Leo and new opportunities may be handed to you on a plate but an even better strategy when you have Jupiter in your sign is to broaden your horizons and to actively engage with life. ""Jupiter rules travel and new horizons and for some this is the year when you decide to take a sabbatical, go on a dream holiday or emigrate abroad. Two dates to note are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter in Leo teams up in a stunning trine aspect with Uranus in Aries and the foreign sector of your chart. Together these planets rule freedom urging you to seek out wide open spaces. ""This isn’t only about travel however but any area of your life that gives you depth of meaning or purpose and enables you to feel as if you’re on a journey and learning new things. This may materialise as a growing desire to study, to follow a spiritual path, to embrace adventure and new experiences. You may be on a personal development quest to be the best you can be. All these areas of growth move you along the conveyor belt of life at a fast pace in 2015. ""The only word of caution is that Jupiter can bring about over-inflation so if you know you’re on a mission, stop at times and consider what effect this is having on the people around you. The peacock loves to show off its colourful plumage but it can make the peahens look dull and drab in contrast. So bear this in mind and balance consideration for others whilst you pursue your personal objectives with enthusiasm.""Uranus is the planet of spontaneity and for some, this is a year when you’re ready to say Yes to an impulsive decision or last-minute invitation and change your life overnight. Being one of the fire signs, when you encounter a spark that intrigues you, you’re invariably ready to fan the flames fast and hard so you can set off on a new path. Be careful what you wish for in 2015 as your dreams can come true.""

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Discover Your Inspiration!"This is such a big year for you as the planetary energy in the year ahead is channelled in to the three fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In fact, it’s going to be difficult doing things the old way as life and events combine to point you in a new direction. There are some key periods throughout the year when change may come a bit too fast and furious and/or you find yourself battling against moving on or letting go. ""One of these periods comes early in the year in March and April. On March 17th, there’s a momentous planetary event which is the last of seven aspects that the mighty planets Uranus and Pluto make in the heavens. These two planets have been squaring up to each other since 2012 but this year, it’s their last epic battle.""Uranus is in your fellow fire sign Aries and here’s the side of you that’s keen to try out new experiences. Uranus is a restless quality as it tugs and pulls at you. There’s nothing smooth or gentle about this influence although it’s deeply exciting. Uranus rules the New Age, new trends and the future, technology and space travel are all linked to Uranus. ""Pluto is in the earth sign Capricorn and one of the sectors of your chart that rules work and in particular your everyday routine and what you do on a daily basis. Pluto is an intense energy, obsessive, at times difficult but ultimately transformational. Wherever you find Pluto in your chart, you can be dragged down to the depths and it’s only through a period of struggle that you can break out and start over. There’s a finality about the planet Pluto. You close a door and know there can be no return.""Your working life may already have undergone significant change but March brings the last stage, the final curtain. If all your efforts have been going into a new work direction, this is the last conflict and a time to either move on or confront your demons. This may coincide with a job loss, a drastic change to your routine or a health issue. ""Your well-being is another reason why you may struggle or fight against what you do on a daily basis. If work’s been stressful whether you’ve been overly busy or unemployed, you’re right to strive for a healthier work/life balance. ""

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See who and what comes into your life late February especially around the 20th/22nd and on into March, and in particular note March 4th and 10th/11th. These dates are helpful to you and an intervention or offer of support may be the outlet or change you’re looking for. Remember the Jupiter-Uranus trine also takes place on March 3rd suggesting that an opening, a way out or a breakthrough moment is imminent.""Around this time you may find that your beliefs are shifting and what was once important to you no longer resonates or fulfils you the way it used to. This is linked to the current eclipse cycle that falls across the Aries/Libra axis of your horoscope. Libra is about the way you communicate but there’s a deeper purpose to this opposite axis which is closely linked to your principles, your ideology. What you’ve been taught as a child and into adulthood and what you learn as you grow and evolve defines who you are. ""Eclipses can be ground-shaking events when you question your path in life and what it all means. The eclipse on April 4th is a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse and you may be confronted by people who offer a different perspective. If you’re working abroad or expanding your foreign connections, this can be a cultural difference or relate to your religious or spiritual beliefs. What takes place exposes new ideas that challenge your path in life as you realise who you are and what you believe in is changing.""If you want to devote yourself to a charity, a cause, spiritual growth, a new philosophy or something else that grabs you and gives your life meaning, then you’re in tune with your stars. Notice who or what comes into your life in March/April and again around September when there’s another Lunar eclipse cutting across the Aries/Libra axis on September 28th. ""For some, it’s going to be hard to make do with a lifestyle that’s ordinary or to be happy with a job that solely pays the bills. This doesn’t mean you have to throw in the 9-to-5 job although this is one option in 2015. ""Another option is to seek something outside of work that allows you greater scope to make a difference in the world or play your part and take on a role that matters to you deeply. The New Moon in Taurus up at the top of your chart ruling your vocation on May 18th points the way and is a perfect opportunity to take a step in the right direction."""

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Love’s Twists & Turns!"You know it’s going to be a big year for love when you have Venus, the planet of love, in your own sign of Leo for almost four months from June-October. Normally Venus remains in one sign of the zodiac for a month at a time. This tells you that Venus is going into retrograde phase in 2015 and this is an important period for you as it falls in your own sign of Leo.""Venus enters Leo on June 5th where she remains until July 18th and then she returns to Leo on July 31st, turns direct in Leo on September 6th and only finally leaves your sign on October 8th. When Venus is in your sign this is a time when you’re more popular than usual, you attract others easily and you have the allure. Venus is not only the Goddess of love but also the planet that rules art, beauty and money. ""Venus in your sign highlights your image and the way you look; looking good makes you feel good. You want to spend money on clothes or pampering, to preen yourself and look your best. Remember that true beauty starts from the inside-out so bear in mind your health and diet and how you respond to others. Venus is sweet-natured and this enhances the generous, giving side of your personality.""Venus teams up with Jupiter twice in Leo, the first time on July 1st and the second time on August 4th. When the benefics, the two best planets in the heavens, connect in your sign, this is a blessing. It may indicate a period when you’re head over heels in love or you receive a gift. When the benefics beam down on you, you’re lucky, the chosen one.""So what about Venus retrograde in Leo from July 31st-September 6th? Traditionally this is not the time to marry and it can be a period when events linked to love and relating slow down or even turn around. You or your partner may need time to think and reflect about love; you may experience a change of heart or be unsure about the next steps you want to take. ""Know that Venus retrograde is a period when you’re advised to go with the flow and wait and see what transpires when Venus turns direct on September 6th before you commit yourself to a love relationship. ""One way or another, however, it’s going to be an exciting period for love and relationships and/or being in a position of popularity. Jupiter leaves your sign on August 11th but Venus and Mars, the

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lovers in the heavens, remain in your sign for another couple of months between them. This is another astrological reason shouting out that this is your year and you’re the one in the cosmic spotlight.""For some this year is about getting your personal relationships right and being with the person or people who allow you to shine. In January, there are four personal planets in your opposite sign of Aquarius so relationships are very closely connected with your intentions for the year ahead. ""Mercury, the planet of communication, is on go slow in Aquarius and your relationship sector from January 21st - February 11th, and, as with Venus retrograde, this may be a period when you are rethinking what you want and need when it comes to love. Either that or your partner may be doing the same and this is the reason why you have to be patient. ""Use these times in the year to reassess what you do want in love. The more you surround yourself with positive people and remember that you flourish when you’re cherished and adored, the happier you will be. ""Money Madness or Money Magic?!"Neptune has been in the sector of your chart that rules shared finances since 2012. In mythology, Neptune was God of the sea and in astrology its influence is like the tides as they ebb and flow. Even when the sea is still, there remains a sense of movement; sometimes almost imperceptible and sometimes the waves crash and break on the shore with great force.""Transfer this symbolism to one of the financial sectors of your chart and there’s a lot going on. Neptune at its best rules imagination and can be a great source of creativity. Sometimes however there’s a danger that you’re looking through life with rose-coloured glasses wherever Neptune falls in your chart and you’re not facing reality. This means that you can be easily persuaded or seduced by investors or get-rich quick schemes that seem too good to be true. If you have your head in the clouds with regard to money, it’s important to know where to find your anchor and how to ground yourself.""Money matters are highlighted in the year when the personal planets move through Pisces and your money sector emphasising Neptune’s influence especially on or around January 20th,

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February 1st, February 26th and March 18th. If you have a healthy relationship with money this is a time when you’re in flow but beware those rose-coloured glasses and keep finances real. ""There is a Solar or New Moon Eclipse in Pisces on March 20th and this may act as a signpost to guide you either to get you back on track or to serve as a wake-up call. Eclipses bring what’s hidden to light so notice what’s being asked of you and where in life you either need to let go or change the way you view money. ""If money’s linked to an emotional attachment, be honest with yourself which bonds need loosening and where in life your money attitudes are due a shake-up. This is potentially a shaky period in the year for joint financial transactions and it’s wise to go in with your eyes wide open and your trust antennae on high alert.""The biggest bonus for you with regard to money, personal possessions and what you value in life comes later on in 2015 when Jupiter leaves Leo and enters Virgo and your money sector on August 11th. After the Neptune hype from earlier in the year, Jupiter in Virgo helps you get savvy about cash, make a plan and create a strategy. ""Virgo is one of the earth signs and super-clever with numbers and the ability to pay attention to small detail. Either find this within yourself or employ someone to help you, an accountant or adviser, or get an ‘earth sign’ friend (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) to partner with you on money matters.""The second Solar or New Moon eclipse falls in the sign of Virgo on September 13th so here’s another chance to get real about cash or to change things around in order to benefit you. Events that occur on or around an eclipse often feel fated and it’s always wise to wait a few days or a week after an eclipse before taking action. Mid-September’s stars suggest this is a time when you’re wise to keep close tabs on your cash.""A few days after the eclipse, Jupiter in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 17th. These two planets together are visionary, charitable, philanthropic but you need to use both ends of the money axis to benefit. If your head is already in the clouds, this combination is like a pump blowing things up more and more. ""

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The perfect balance is down-to-earth common sense along with a strong vision for your own financial future. If you have the money, you’re in a strong position to benefit a charity or other people through financial aid but it is important to only give what you can afford.""October is the month to get other people on board to help you in your personal money goals when Venus and Mars are both in Virgo. A stunning date for you with regard to money and work is October 11th when Jupiter in Virgo makes a helpful trine aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. On or around this date, you can turn money madness into money magic when a job or cash bonus comes your way. These two planets together contain hidden riches. "

"The Building Blocks of Life!"As the year progresses, you’re being called forth to take charge of your life and to build strong foundations for you and your family. Saturn, the ‘get real’ planet in the heavens was down at the base of your chart in the sign of Scorpio from October 2012 - December 2014. For some, this was a time when family responsibilities came first whether you were caring for an elderly parent, in the process of establishing a firm routine or sense of discipline with your own children or stepchildren, or you were in the middle of major building work. ""Saturn can be a weighty influence and often you can’t soar high wherever Saturn resides in your chart. Saturn acts as an anchor, whether you’ve asked for one or not. Saturn dips back into Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th so you may return to issues which dominated your life from 2012-2014. ""The key month for you with regard to Saturn is August as Jupiter in your sign of Leo squares up to Saturn in Scorpio on August 3rd. You may be pulled back to your past at this time or find that home and property issues need careful consideration and you have to balance your own needs or wants with those of others.""Saturn spends the rest of the year in a fellow fire sign, Sagittarius, so issues around children and parenting come under Saturn’s glare. The key with Saturn is to remember that whatever you want to achieve you must be willing to commit and work hard. For some, this is about the first steps towards parenthood, whether you’re planning your own family or considering adoption.""

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Sagittarius also rules your creative talents and Saturn in Sagittarius is perfect for working hard. It mirrors the necessary discipline that’s required to learn an instrument or another artistic pursuit. You can’t wing it when Saturn’s around but instead you need to put in the hours, knuckle down and get serious. Set yourself a long-term creative goal. Adopt a similar scenario if you’re dating. Consider finding love a project, take it seriously and you’re more likely to succeed. ""Saturn in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on November 26th and this is a reality check to see whether you’re on the right track with parenting, love or creative goals. Sagittarius rules the fun things in life in your chart so if everything’s got a bit serious towards the end of the year, then time to re-tweak and let your Leo personality and love of fun out to play. ""Summary!"Your year comes to life through the fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and when you fully embrace the fire sign qualities of enthusiasm, excitement and adventure, magic happens. Jupiter in Leo calls you forth to take an active part in your own happiness and expand your experience of life. Risk-taking, entrepreneurial activities and big-hearted generosity are your gifts and this is the year to shine bright and let your Leo personality out to play.""Love too is up for grabs and Venus pinpoints your sign for some serious action especially in the middle section of the year (a summer of love in the northern hemisphere and a winter of deep passion in the southern hemisphere). Heed Lucille’s words at the beginning of your forecast as it’s when you love yourself first and focus on your own happiness that relationships can blossom. ""Keep a close eye on the basic foundations of life, complete what you started with regard to home and family matters and ensure that you have a new money strategy in place which is grounded in reality and not imagination. Trust that life will guide you and by listening carefully to the astrological signposts, you can move forward in 2015 with confidence and ease."""

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Your 2015 Stars - Virgo!"

“If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow”

Beyonce Knowles, singer, Sun Virgo (b. September 4 1981)

""The Preparation Starts Here!"Up until August 11th, Jupiter the planet of opportunity is in your previous sign of Leo and the most hidden sector of your chart. When key planets are in Leo, think of this as a stage of preparation. What are you working towards? What do you want to do differently? ""Jupiter in Leo offers you a brilliant chance to work on your inner self, your spiritual side, to settle in to a period of research or study and to consider anything you can do and want to do that will make

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your own life bigger and better. This is your time to work behind the scenes or to focus on a private matter. This sector of your chart rules secrets and confidences and you may find that some things in your life you want to keep to yourself.""Jupiter represents growth and how to bring the most opportunity into your life. An important question to ask yourself whilst Jupiter is in Leo is, ‘what do I want to ‘give birth to’ later this year?’. Once Jupiter leaves Leo on August 11th it enters your sign of Virgo where it remains until September 2016.!"Leo is one of the fire signs and this sign is powerful throughout 2015 and this is about finding your inspiration and discovering your passion. Sometimes one of the hardest things is to know what you really want in life but Jupiter in Leo is helping you discover your inner secrets that are personal to you.""Jupiter’s Riches!"Jupiter enters your own sign of Virgo for the first time in 12 years on August 11th. If you want to know what goodies Jupiter in Virgo may bring you this time around, look back to September 2003-September 2004 when Jupiter was last in your sign. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology and it represents opportunity and expansion. However, don’t just sit back and let Jupiter come to you. If you want Jupiter to act as a springboard in your life, it’s best to be proactive and to get out there and start jumping to ensure you make the most of Jupiter’s bounty.""Jupiter often brings luck your way in the shape of opportunity or new experiences coming in. With so much focus on you both on an inner and outer level in 2015, this year is about you, knowing yourself better, looking at what makes you tick and enjoying your own company. Happiness begins by being happy with yourself rather than looking outside yourself to find fulfilment or completion.""Whilst Jupiter’s in your sign, you can focus on all the things you’re good at. Be clear about your personal goals and know that this is an important year to put yourself forward, to show off your skills and to get your name noticed. ""Whilst Jupiter’s in your sign, this is also about your image and when Venus, the planet of beauty, joins Jupiter in Virgo from October 8th - November 8th, this is a brilliant time to pay close

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attention to how you look. If you fancy a makeover, want to employ a personal stylist, change your hairstyle or follow the age-old adage ‘your body is your temple’, here’s your opportunity. If you’re a typical Virgo, you care about your body and your health and when you feel good inside, you look good outside and vice versa. It’s about finding the perfect balance between inner and outer health and beauty.""Jupiter in Virgo may also bring in new opportunities to write, start a blog, get published or use your Virgo talents of organisation as a PA or a VA or to become a model for healthy living and making the most of what you have. Yours is the sign that rules crafts and for some Jupiter’s entry into Virgo will be about becoming an expert in what you do best. The turning point may come on or around September 13th when there’s a powerful Solar or New Moon eclipse in your own sign of Virgo. ""Eclipses often bring what’s hidden to light and you are guided down a new path. Look out for new beginnings or a clear signpost that appears mid-September but play with this for a while rather than feel you have to rush into things. Change can happen for you on a deep level if you’re prepared to be bold and say Yes to life. ""There is a lot of potential for happiness in 2015 as long as you keep reminding yourself that the more you put yourself first in your life, the happier you are and the more you make other people happy too. ""On October 11th, there’s a brilliantly stunning trine aspect in the heavens between Jupiter in your sign of Virgo and Pluto in your fellow earth sign of Capricorn. This combination feels magical and signifies hidden riches. ""Pluto is in the sector of your chart that rules your creative source, children and babies, love affairs and good times. You may fall pregnant, give birth, finally finish a creative project, win an award or simply discover a deep level of satisfaction. Grab hold of your wishes in the coming year, blow on them gently and see what you can materialise. The Law of Attraction is in full swing especially in the month of October.""Money Movements!"When you have Uranus, the planet of change, in Aries and one of the sectors of your chart that rules money, you know that money’s an area which is unlikely to remain stable. Uranus is often an

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unpredictable element and whether money’s coming in or going out, it often happens with great speed, sometimes overnight. ""This year there is the potential to continue a ‘letting-go’ process with regard to money whether your beliefs are changing or you’re ready to ditch a bad habit that’s expensive, for example. You do need to keep a close eye on your outgoings with regard to a debt, help funding a child or paying out to a financial institution. ""Yet your money situation is continuing to shift and change moving you ever closer to a system that works for you. This isn’t the end of the road but come March 2016, you are going to notice a huge difference with regard to money matters.""There is one important opportunity to stop a repayment or to change your money habits early on in 2015 as on March 17th, Uranus in Aries makes it’s last square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. These two planets have clashed in the heavens seven times since 2012 but once they meet in March, they’re moving on. Look at where you can cut your losses, bail out of an expensive agreement or in some way or other, change what money means to you.""March and April are important months for money as there’s also a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on April 4th cutting across the money axis of your chart. Eclipses are often about closing a door on the past in order to open a new door and head off in a new direction. They can arrive with a crash and a bang and bring in the unexpected but use them wisely and there’s often a chance for you to take advantage. In this instance, it may be someone else’s loss that turns into your gain.""Plus one month before the eclipse there’s a stunning trine aspect between Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries on March 3rd. This creates a link to your past that can benefit you financially. It may represent a private benefactor, your fairy godmother, an inheritance or a return on investment. It’s also a chance to change the way you view or think about money and to tackle your emotions and beliefs around cash. ""This aspect is repeated on June 22nd so look at ways of improving your financial situation as these connections feel lucky. Trust your instincts, set up a lottery syndicate and look at ways of boosting your money situation significantly. ""

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Uranus rules technology so it may be via the internet that you can gain financially. Check out a cash back site, start an online shop, use a money comparison site to budget effectively. Do whatever you can or feel is right for you to boost your money luck.""September is powerful too when a second Lunar or Full Moon eclipse occurs on September 28th again highlighting money matters. This eclipse coincides with Mercury retrograde in Libra and your personal money sector so if you have a choice do nothing. Mercury’s on go slow in Libra from September 17th - October 10th and this is not the best time to be making any dramatic financial moves. ""Take it slow whilst Mercury’s retrograde but from mid-October to the end of the year, you can start to make progress with regard to your cash that helps you feel more settled and secure. The personal planets remain in Libra throughout the rest of 2015 urging you to aim for balance and equality when it comes to money. Ride the money roller coaster with a confident attitude and by year’s end, you can be significantly better off.""Work It Out!"Being a Virgo, you’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and therefore it’s important to note all the occasions when Mercury turns retrograde which happens three times a year. This year Mercury is retrograde, i.e. giving the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens, in the air signs, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, and this puts your focus firmly on work and money.""It means that Mercury spends longer than usual in the work and money sectors of your chart and this gives you a chance to reassess your situation. Plus it means you’re more successful when you chase up old contacts, ensure projects are complete and you stick to what you know. It’s not advised to try and initiate a lot of new work projects, especially when Mercury’s on go slow.""When it comes to your everyday work, the day job and what you do on a daily routine, it’s the first two months of the year that are most important. Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius and this sector of your chart from January 21st - February 11th. If you’re thinking of changing jobs or you’re looking for a new role, be patient whilst Mercury’s on go slow. ""The two bumper dates to apply for work or get your current role on track are January 20th and February 18th when there are not one but two New Moons in Aquarius. New Moons represent

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new beginnings and you have another chance. It is the New Moon on February 18th which is most powerful so bide your time as it’s the second half of February which will bring in the right job, the right role or help you see your way forward more clearly.""Mercury is in Gemini and your career sector from May 1st - July 8th and in retrograde motion from May 19th - June 11th. These two months are key for you with regard to making work progress but again there’s a theme of going round in circles or returning to a job or decision that was made earlier. ""It’s the second half of June that will prove most successful for you once Mercury turns direct on June 11th followed by a brilliant New Moon in your career sector on June 16th. Grab the job, go for promotion and consolidate your work situation as best you can. ""Heading Home!"Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and in 2015 it enters Sagittarius, the sign down at the base of your chart. Saturn in Sagittarius acts as an anchor, it roots and grounds you. This is all well and good but at times Saturn may present obstacles that get in your way or become a burden as demands at home or within the family take over.""It is often harder to move when you have Saturn in your home and family sector and you may find that you’re better off staying put rather than seeking out pastures new. There may be a specific reason why you’re at home more than usual, whether you’re caring for an elderly parent or you’re busy with a new baby. ""If you decide to start building work, do be realistic with timing and know that things are more likely to run over schedule than not with Saturn in this sector of your chart. Whatever you begin with regard to home and family matters, make sure you’re in it for the long haul and prepared to go the distance.""Saturn leaves Sagittarius for a few months mid-year when it returns to Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th. Yet the focus is still on your past and where you come from as Saturn in Scorpio squares Jupiter in Leo and your hidden sector on August 3rd. There may be a conversation you need to initiate which isn’t easy but essential. You’re being pulled back to the past in some way but

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if you have the courage to speak, you can at last close a door on the past that’s been ajar for some time. ""For some, 2015 is a year when you return home and move closer to your parents or the place you were born and the area of your chart that rules your home, family, past and where you come from demands your attention.""Love And Karma!"Neptune entered your opposite sign of Pisces in 2012 and ever since you’ve been looking at love through rose-tinted glasses. Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing and for some of you born under the sign of the Virgin, Neptune in Pisces has wafted in an era of romance. You may have fallen head over heels in love, experienced the perfect wedding or found yourself looking at an age-old partner through the eyes of a young lover.""Neptune is compassionate and your emotional antennae become incredibly sensitive with Neptune in your relationship sector. Put simply, you feel more deeply whether this is due to being in love or you find you pick up on subtle shifts of energy. ""Neptune is a boundless planet, vast and complex like the sea. At times the sea is calm lapping gently at the edge of the shore and other times it crashes in changing everything. It’s important to recognise that boundaries between you and other people aren’t as firm as they might be with Neptune in Pisces so you can be easily seduced, easily persuaded and vice versa. Any planet in your relationship sector works both ways. It’s what you attract and it’s what you give out. ""You will know what Neptune means for you personally with regard to your 1-to-1’s early in 2015 as the personal planets all connect with Neptune. The dates to note are January 20th, February 1st, February 26th and March 18th. Plus two days later there’s a powerful Solar or New Moon eclipse in Pisces on March 20th, a time when destiny and love go hand in hand.""Eclipses are power points of energy and when you look back at what took place in mid-March, you realise the importance of the events in your own life. Wait a few days after the eclipse before making a big decision but as New Moon eclipses herald new beginnings, this is likely to be the start of a new phase for you when it comes to love.""

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Where Neptune’s concerned, it’s always important to ‘keep it real’. Enjoy love as a welcome escape from reality but keep one foot firmly on the ground even if your head is in the clouds. Be super sensitive about all your 1-to-1’s early in 2015 and ensure that you keep boundaries in place between you and other people. You can be like a sponge soaking up other peoples’ energies so ensure that you’re around people who are positive rather than negative. ""Take care what you become involved in and if any proposition has the slightest hint of a scam or a ‘too-good-to-be-true’ opportunity, set off a red alert in your own mind. Neptune can represent deceit and scandal so keep well away from anything or anyone who you don’t trust instinctively. ""One of the plusses of Neptune in your opposite sign is allowing in people who have a huge imagination or a vast capacity for compassion. You may meet a spiritual teacher, fall in love like never before or be influenced by a poet, musician or a charitable cause. Balancing the Virgo-Pisces axis within your own life is a key feature of the coming year. Get the balance right and your faith, devotion and giving nature will be boosted and rewarded. ""Things hot up considerably for love and relationships from mid-year onwards. Venus enters your previous sign of Leo on June 5th and remains in this sign for most of the time until October 8th. This indicates a secretive phase for love and one possibility is embarking on an affair. Take note of what happens on or around September 1st when Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, connect in Leo. This is potentially passionate but also deeply private.""If you’re in a relationship or married, one of you may be going through a period of deep inner change and whether due to circumstances or personal choice wants to spend more time alone. September can be a bewitching or confusing month with regard to your 1-to-1’s and you’re feeling your way forward slowly. Internal changes for you or your partner have a knock-on effect in your relationship and whether in or out of love this is potentially a spiritual time or a period of the year when you feel called forth to make a difference. ""Jupiter in your sign of Virgo is opposed by Neptune in Pisces on September 17th. This can be a blissful time for love but your emotions may overwhelm you.Trust your heart and follow where it leads. If you feel a deep calling to serve others and become involved in a charity or cause at this time, subsequent events can be life-changing. ""October is an especially powerful month for you when the lovers of the heavens move through Virgo and connect for the third time in 2015 on November 3rd in your sign. Put your own needs

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first and ask for what you want. Venus and Mars conjoining in Virgo are a powerful symbol of union. ""Plus the karmic points of the heavens, the nodes, shift signs on October 10th and enter your own sign of Virgo and your opposite sign of Pisces where they remain for the next couple of years. This adds a fated element to your relationships and for some, destiny steps in and your next steps in love are undeniable. ""Finally on November 26th Saturn in Sagittarius squares up to Neptune in Pisces and your love sector and during this period it’s important to keep firm boundaries in place with regard to your home or family. ""You may decide to put your children first and think twice about moving someone into your home or you may realise that it’s time for you to make your own love decisions and not rely on advice from your past. As throughout 2015 the key to your happiness in love is to trust your intuition.""Summary!"2015 is a huge year for you but take your time preparing yourself so you’re ready for those all-important future developments. Advancing your spiritual awareness or experimenting with ways of finding inner calm or peace prepares you fully for the excitements that lie ahead.""Jupiter’s move into your sign of Virgo in the middle of the year is a fitting symbol to put yourself first and to live your life fully. Wanting to make a difference in the world or see more of the world are both possibilities and with Jupiter you can cast your net wide. It’s all about you.""Your attitude to work and money matters continues to shift in the year ahead but your greatest fulfilment lies in the people you meet and let in to your life. For some, 2015 brings a proposal of marriage, a wedding or a new relationship that’s irresistible. ""For others, you’re moving on so you can embrace new 1-to-1’s that nourish and nurture you fully. Use the astrology to guide you so you’re in step with the stars and in alignment with your future destiny.

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Your 2015 Stars - Libra!"

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”

Oscar Wilde, playwright, Sun Libra (b. October 16 1854)


Reinventing Relationships!"When you have the planet of change, Uranus, in your relationship sector, you can’t expect your relationships to be trundling along and for life to be uneventful. Uranus is linked to the unexpected and the unusual. Even it’s orbit in the heavens is weird as it tilts dramatically on it’s side way more than any other planet.""

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This is the planet that’s linked to the new, the different, the non-conformist, the unconventional and wherever Uranus is in your chart, this is where you need to reinvent yourself or rethink the traditional way of going about things. ""Uranus entered Aries and your relationship sector in 2010 and it remains here until 2019 so depending on your birthday, you will experience the ‘Uranus factor’ within this time frame. This year Uranus covers quite a lot of ground and if your birthday is between October 5th-15th, Uranus will oppose your Sun in Libra at some point during the year. ""What you can expect with Uranus when it comes to relationships is sudden stops and starts. You meet someone and fall head over heels in love in a flash or a love split occurs almost spontaneously. This stop-start scenario can apply to any relationship in your life, a business partnership or any key 1-to-1 interaction. ""People come and go in your life more than usual as Uranus is the planet of impulsive behaviour and this can be an unsettling influence for you. Your sign of Libra is the sign of relating and you thrive best when life is balanced, peaceful and harmonious.""So how do you make the most of the Uranus factor? For a start it helps to remain open-minded, to be flexible and to allow for the unexpected. It’s also important to be willing to accept relationships that don’t work on a normal basis. Everyday steady routine is unlikely with Uranus in the mix so perhaps you’re going out with someone but not living together; you’re with someone who’s not your usual type or for whatever reason, there’s more to-ing and fro-ing in the relationship than usual. ""Uranus is the planet of independence and freedom so whether you’re in a relationship or not, make sure that you cater for your own needs and look after no. 1. You may choose to be single at this time or decide that you’re not ready to settle down and want to date but keep love light. Whatever your current personal situation, draw up your own set of rules and abide by them. There are many different options with Uranus in your opposite sign and it’s finding the one that works for you.""Uranus is the backdrop to your relationship situation but Venus and Mars are the main players. The lovers of the heavens, they are super-important for you with regard to love as Venus, the Goddess of love, is your ruling planet and Mars, the passion planet, represents your partner. This year, these two planets are on fire and without a shadow of a doubt, there’s a lot going on for you as one relationship in particular takes off like a rocket.""

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The month to note is February which is the month that contains Valentine’s Day, Saturday 14th. It’s the following weekend that’s buzzing with activity however as on February 20th Venus and Mars enter your opposite sign of Aries and on February 22nd, they kiss in the heavens. A conjunction of the love and sex planets in your opposite sign is a red-hot symbol for getting it on in love. ""February and March are brilliant for dating, mating, marrying, proposing or anything else you want to do with your other half. Venus connects with Uranus on March 4th and Mars connects with Uranus on March 11th. Banish demons from the past, learn from your mistakes and do things differently. Wherever you need or want to make changes when it comes to love, here’s your opportunity and if you’re looking for love, the planets align to sweep in someone new.""Venus and Mars meet two more times in 2015 and they’re close throughout the year highlighting love and relationships. You may find that you and your partner are ready to work together and sharing common goals deepens your connection. ""On September 1st, Venus and Mars meet up in Leo, the ideal time to share your dreams for the future and on November 3rd, Venus and Mars meet up in Virgo and the most hidden sector of your chart. Sometimes love doesn’t need words and when you can be completely happy in someone’s company whilst silence reigns, then you know you share something special.""In November and through into December. first Venus and then Mars enter your sign of Libra. Whatever your battles in 2015, personal or otherwise, it’s your closest relationships that can offer you the most support and comfort. Love the ones you’re with and be willing to work at love.""All’s Fair In Love & War!"If you’re a true Libran, you will know that the rather provocative phrase ‘all’s fair in love and war’ is a misnomer. Libra is after all the sign of fairness and tolerance and when it comes to your 1-to-1’s your natural inclination is to expect the best from others and to behave well in response. ""This simple policy however has been challenged recently and the astrology suggests you’re mid-way through a chapter where alliances are shifting and you realise you can’t always rely on other people to behave well or take other peoples’ needs into account.""

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This is because of the current eclipse cycle which began in October 2013 and lasts until March 2016 cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart. This year there are two powerful eclipses, both of them Lunar or Full Moon eclipses, the first on April 4th [14 Libra 24] and the second on September 28th [4 Aries 40].""Full Moons often highlight relationship situations as the Sun opposes the Moon in the heavens and emotions are heightened. The Sun and Moon represent different principles; light v. dark; masculine v. feminine; logic v. instinct and at these powerful Lunar Eclipses you may discover that someone is ‘opposing’ you in your own life. The eclipses bring into sharp focus who’s on your team and who needs to be relegated to the bench. ""This may apply to a personal relationship but it can be any key connection in your life, whether with regard to work, your social activities, someone you employ or a.n.other. The eclipses often reveal hidden information or show someone’s true colours. Both eclipses are super-powerful as the first one in April links in to the Uranus-Pluto square (see Moving On) and the second one in September coincides with Mercury retrograde in your own sign of Libra, a double whammy of hidden information.""They will bring about change for you and a need to reassess your key relationships. Think of this as a necessary clearing out process and a chance to find out whether other people are on your team or not. It’s not always a straightforward process but trust that life is guiding you to build relationships with people you can trust and vice versa. ""As eclipses are linked in with the karmic nodes, there’s a feel of ‘destiny’, that you’re being pulled towards more authentic partnerships. The north node remains in your sign of Libra until October 10th and another indication that it’s a big year for love and partnership. Getting the right people in your life in 2015 is your winning strategy and it’s through your relationships with others and how they mirror who you are that you learn the most about yourself.""Moving On!"Another key planet that’s active this year is Pluto in Capricorn down at the base of your chart. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. Pluto is the planet of intensity but it can symbolise loss and isn’t known as the ‘wipe out’ planet for nothing. ""

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When Pluto is down at the base of your chart, you’re dealing with deep emotions and you may be pulled back to the past to say goodbye. This is a time when you could be dealing with emotional baggage and doing whatever’s necessary to let go of the past and to eliminate what no longer works for you.""Pluto sometimes represents a toxic situation and when Pluto’s prominent in your chart, you often decide to de-clutter, detox or ‘get rid’ in some other regard. You’re clearing away what’s old in order to create space to allow new energy in.""One key feature in the heavens has been the Uranus-Pluto square that was building in 2011 and since 2012 these two mighty planets have clashed by square aspect seven times. The last clash takes place this year on March 17th. This square connects Uranus in your opposite sign of Aries and Pluto in Capricorn ruling your home and family sector and your link to the past.""Put the two together and this can play out in different ways for you. You may have had to deal with loss, losing someone close to you and this will have impacted your closest relationships. There may have been other challenges, regarding your home or your family, e.g. caring for an elderly parent, leaving behind a place you love or dealing with a testing personal situation that belongs in the past. ""The Uranus-Pluto symbolism at it’s simplest is best described by the phrase ‘out with the old and in with the new’. This is not always easy to implement in your life but the symbolism suggests you are ready to close a door on the past and move into a bright, new future. This may be a literal move away from your childhood home or a place connected with your past or a psychological shift. Either way, this ongoing process is complete by April 2015 and you’re ready to move on.""Six Degrees of Separation!"Jupiter is the biggest and best planet in the heavens and this is where you look to seek out your joy. Jupiter begins 2015 in the fire sign Leo which is playful, celebratory and optimistic. Jupiter remains in this sector of your chart until August 11th, the perfect excuse to reach out and extend your social network.""Leo is the sign that rules friends, groups, clubs and society in general. This is lovely for you as being one of the air signs, socialising and networking are your forte and this is where your

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strengths and opportunities lie up until August. Turn to your friends for information and inspiration and whether you’re looking for a job or a new date, ask for introductions. ""There are two key dates in particular that are brilliant for spontaneity and impulsive decisions and they are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter is in a stunning trine aspect with Uranus in Aries. This is the time to show off your people skills, to reach out to others, to play big in life, take a risk and get other people on your side. ""Look to joining a new group, club or society this year, either on- or off-line. Who can help you reach your goals? Where in life can you seek out like minds? Who's your passport to success? Venus, your ruler, moves through Cancer and your career sector from May 7th - June 5th, which is usually the time to schmooze new contacts, promote your self or your services. This time around however Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde in your travel & study sector from May 19th - June 11th so you may be on holiday or waiting to hear key information. ""What happens in May and June sets the scene for Mars, the planet of action and ambition, to enter Cancer and your career sector on June 25th where it remains until August 8th. Be bold, gather your team around you and use the New Moon in Cancer on July 16th to launch a key event or initiative. Your vocation is inextricably linked to your tribe or community and for some, there’s a real opportunity to further your vision for a society that lives and works together as one.""Fire is the dominant element in 2015 and the three fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, all rule people sectors of your chart. So this is where your real potential lies and it’s your chance to hone your Libran people skills to chase success. ""Follow the rule of ‘six degrees of separation’ and a friend of a friend of a friend, etc. can lead you to the one person who can make the biggest difference to your own life. If ever there was a year to maximise your contacts it’s this one. Saturn in Sagittarius and your communication sector for most of 2015 is a sign that this is where effort pays off. Speak with authority, develop confidence in your voice and don’t let fear stop you saying what’s on your mind. """""

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Build In Some Quiet Time!"Take note of what happens in July and August when there’s a shift in direction and you find that, for one reason or another, you’re gearing up to slow down or at least to build some quiet time into your lively schedule.""The shift takes place on or close to July 25th when Venus, your ruling planet, turns retrograde in the sign before yours Virgo. Venus only remains in Virgo for a few days (July 18th-July 31st) but this is priming you ready for Jupiter’s move into Virgo on August 11th.""Venus remains retrograde from July 25th - September 6th and for most of that time, Venus is in Leo and your friendship and group sector. When Venus is retrograde, you’re not firing on all cylinders and rather than being overly concerned with your goals, ambitions or your life externally, you instinctively turn inward. ""August would be a brilliant month to go on a retreat or to do something that’s personal to you and is healing on a deep level. The shift in the planets indicate you’re winding down after a busy period and this is when you can start preparing for the next phase. Think research, study, reflection and focus on inner goals. ""The more you listen to your inner voice for guidance, the easier it will be to find the right path and to know where you’re heading and why. Meditation, yoga or any form of relaxation can help in this process and so too can nature. Take yourself off to the wilderness, walk in the mountains, be close to the sea and listen to the voice of your soul. ""For some, this is the start of a year’s journey that leads up to Jupiter entering your sign of Libra in September 2016. If it’s linked to a spiritual path, a project you’re working on behind the scenes or a period of learning, you’re in flow.""Service And Sacrifice!"If you’re a typical Libran, you’re a people person and kindness and empathy are your hallmarks. Neptune in Pisces and the sector of your chart that rules your everyday work and service to others stimulates this side of your nature. Neptune has been here since mid-2011 and if you find you have

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a calling to help others or benefit the world in some way, Neptune’s reeling you in. This is about finding your mission in life rather than doing a job for the sake of it.""The stars do suggest that following your vocation in this respect won’t always be easy in 2015. You may be trying to juggle different needs, such as earning a living at the same time as fulfilling a deeper calling. ""Take note of what happens on or around the Solar Eclipse on March 20th which falls in the sign of Pisces. This may give you a clue as to your next steps but as always with an eclipse, there’s a theme of one door being closed before you can open a new one. If work comes to an end on or around this date, is this the signpost you need to change direction?""Once Jupiter enters Virgo in August, you will feel pulled towards a role that involves sacrifice in some shape or form. Giving up financial security to follow a dream or putting other peoples’ needs before your own in the role of carer or mentor. You may decide to prioritise your well-being and take a step back from a lifestyle that no longer suits you. The transformation begins from the inside-out which is why this whole process can feel destabilising at times, as if you’re standing in sand that’s constantly shifting. ""If ever there was a time to learn to have faith and trust in life, it’s the latter half of 2015. The key months are September through to November and if you’re questioning your path, your principles or what you believe in, this is all part of the process. Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces oppose each other on September 17th just a few days after a Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September 13th. ""Both these events highlight the most private and self-less sector of your chart. Plus Mercury, the communication planet, turns retrograde in your sign of Libra on September 17th and remains on go slow until October 9th.""This feels like a major period of re-orientation when you’re questioning what you’re doing and why and perhaps you realise there’s more you want to give or offer. Allow this process to unfold and know that the changes within yourself are powerful changes that in the end result can help redirect you back on track. ""Listen out for what occurs on or around November 26th when Saturn in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. This suggests a wobble of confidence but phases of uncertainty are often necessary before you feel ready to move forward and change. The end of the year is when you will

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feel more certain and ready to speak up or communicate what you want to do. It’s linked to your work, your service to others and also your health and well-being.""Money Reminders!"Saturn, the ‘get real’ planet spent two years in your money sector from late 2012 to the end of 2014. Wherever Saturn is in your chart, you learn your lessons and they’re not always the ones you want to learn. In other words, you’re asked to be realistic about money, there may be question marks around what you value and your attachment to personal possessions. At a basic level, this is about learning to handle money well and keep on top of your accounts.""Saturn dips back into your money sector from June 15th - September 18th but it’s essentially a short visit, a chance to reassess how far you’ve come and perhaps decide that you’re not going back to the old way of doing things. That’s Saturn at its best but if money is an issue for you in 2015, then Saturn in your money sector is the time to tighten your belt and to be frugal rather than extravagant. ""On or around August 3rd, you may also realise which friends are good for you financially and which friends encourage bad habits. This is the date when Jupiter in Leo squares up to Saturn in Scorpio. This is a nudge or reminder that it’s rare to achieve what you want in life without putting in some hard work and effort but that you always fare best with a positive outlook and attitude.""Summary!"When you have eclipses cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart plus the north node in Libra until October 10th and Uranus enlivening your relationship sector, you know that it’s through other people where your greatest area of learning lies. Changes may happen suddenly even overnight whether love whooshes in or someone you rely on a lot in your life moves away or changes direction.""Getting your friendships right, finding your tribe and discovering the power of working alongside people of like minds and similar interests can make the biggest difference to your own life. People are where it’s at which is great news for you.""

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You’re ready to leave a part of your past behind and strike out on your own. Make self-knowledge and understanding high priority as a spiritual path is revealed to you or you ‘up your game’ and commit to the next stage in your personal development. ""2015 is turning out to be a big year and you find that your attitude to money and success looks totally different at the end of the year than it did at the beginning.

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Your 2015 Stars - Scorpio!"

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure”!Bill Gates, business magnate, Sun Scorpio (b. October 28 1955)!


""Jupiter Rocks Your World!"Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, begins 2015 in the flamboyant and dramatic sign of Leo, ruling your career, vocation and where you’re heading in life. Jupiter in Leo smacks of confidence, chutzpah, taking centre stage and most importantly enjoying what you do. If you have plans to go on stage, become the boss, go global with your career, here’s your chance whilst Jupiter ‘rocks your world’.""

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This is a feel-good energy and the more you expand your experience of life and the more you reach out to the world and share your vision with others, the more your chance of success. Jupiter remains in Leo until August 11th so up until then, go for what you want with regard to your work and vocation and if you don’t know what you want, here’s your chance to find out. Jupiter’s the planet of exploration and sometimes you only know what’s right for you by experiencing it first. Offer your services as a volunteer or seek out a role model and ask what their job is really like. ""What’s interesting about Jupiter is that this planet is connected with good luck and timing and often it’s about being in the right place at the right time or ensuring that you get yourself under the nose of the people who matter. Be bold, send off your CV, find new and different ways to promote your services or find your ideal job. Jupiter in Leo is calling you out to shine.""There are two key dates that tap into this lucky spontaneous feel of Jupiter and they are March 3rd and June 22nd. These are the dates when Jupiter in Leo makes a glorious trine aspect with Uranus in Aries. Both Jupiter and Uranus represent space and freedom and together they’re about flying high, taking risks and discovering your inner entrepreneur. ""This is perfect symbolism for taking a big leap and letting miracles happen. These two planets together represent a positive vibe so tap into your self-belief as a way of moving forward in life and look out for new opportunities, the unexpected, something you didn’t dare dream would happen but is possible nonetheless. ""You won’t want to be tied down whilst Jupiter and Uranus power through the fire signs and for some this indicates a break away from the 9-5 or the corporate role. You may move countries with work, decide to take a sabbatical to follow a personal dream and study something close to your heart or you go freelance, free up your time and improve your quality of life. This is about lifestyle choices and the more you can move towards doing what you want in life and turning work into play, the more in tune you are with this vibrant planetary energy.""The second half of the year brings new challenges with regard to both work and money matters and you may become aware that you want to consolidate your gains and rather than keep expanding, rein in what you do. Plus hand the baton over to other people who can help you as this is the key to your success. ""August is the changeover month when you may lose the support of someone who’s backed you up until then. This is a timely reminder not to keep all your eggs in one basket but to ensure that you

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have enough people in your life who are rooting for you and can step in when you need extra help or support.""Friends And Comrades!"Both Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries are the individual doing his/her thing but if you get it right in 2015, you can’t continue going it alone. In fact, this is a year when you need friends on your side, colleagues to work with and a team of people around you. This message is repeated throughout the year for various reasons.""Firstly, Venus and Mars, the lovers in the heavens, are getting it on in 2015. They cosy up together more than once, the first time in Aries on February 22nd, the second time in Leo on September 1st and the third and final time in Virgo on November 3rd. Aries and Leo are the work sectors of your chart and Virgo rules friends, groups, clubs and society.""So partnership is a key theme for you throughout 2015 and for some this may involve working with your other half or a key business partnership that you develop. It also suggests that you boost your own career by bringing in other people with expertise or skills that complement your own. This may be a coach, an adviser, a PA, a VA or whatever works for your personal situation. Teaming up with others can not only help you spread your net wider but help you work light too.""Plus once Jupiter enters Virgo on August 11th, here is your green light to expand your network and to reach out to others. Look into a group, club or society where you can meet people of like minds and be involved in a supportive and nurturing environment. Make time for friends too and follow up invitations to reconnect with old friends especially in September and October. Take advantage of a school reunion or a friend’s wedding or big birthday.""On October 12th, Jupiter in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn in a helpful and supportive trine aspect. Your words are especially powerful on or around this date and this is a time when you believe anything is possible. Again the theme of friendship or a team in your life adds to the excitement and expands the potential of what you are able to achieve.""""

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Final Shout-Out!"Yes, it’s the final shout-out for the Uranus-Pluto square which has dominated the heavens since 2012 and this is powerful for you as Pluto is your modern ruling planet. On March 17th, we experience the last of seven Uranus-Pluto squares and for you personally the Uranus-Pluto square has been changing the way you communicate and work. ""It’s these areas in particular that have been under pressure over the last couple of years. There’s a theme of out with the old and in with the new and if you’ve lost work or had more than one business and have needed to reinvent your lifestyle, then this mirrors what’s going on in the heavens with the Uranus-Pluto square.""It’s interesting that this last major aspect takes place at a time where Jupiter is enlivening the Uranus energy in the heavens (see Jupiter Rocks Your World). Pluto in Capricorn fits the corporate theme; being controlled by others; being told what to do and this is not something that comes easily to a powerful Scorpio. You’re often happiest when you’re in charge or at least you can make your own decisions. ""Uranus is Aries is about embracing technology and being innovative in your day-to-day routine. Pay attention to the mind-body-spirit connection as this is key to your well-being so changing your diet, keeping fit and listening to your body are all important when Uranus is in this sector of your chart. If you’ve had a wake-up call regarding your health, then an even greater reason to do things differently.""Pluto is your modern ruling planet and will remain in Capricorn for some years to come. This is transforming the way you communicate and helps you understand that your words have power: spread your message on social media, blog, write your memoirs, speak your mind, speak up. ""Pluto may try and keep you invisible or small but Uranus is having none of it. This is about finding your voice and knowing that when you do, you make a difference. For some, speaking out or speaking up is a radical act; daring to be different, walking the path less travelled, communicating with intensity.""A key eclipse cycle also ties in with the Uranus-Pluto square and one of these eclipses falls close to this final clash of the Titans. There’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on April 4th [14 Libra 24]

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cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart and picking up the themes of work, service and well-being. Eclipses are shadowy and often represent hidden themes. The picture is obscured and you need to wait a few days after an eclipse to act on what is revealed to you. ""Other people and external events are linked to eclipses which is why they’re seen as destiny moments. The wheel of fortune turns and you’re presented with a choice. What are you prepared to let go of and where in life will you speak up? Eclipses often indicate a time when a door is closed on the past and you sweep out the old in order to allow in a new phase or chapter. This is directly linked to your work, health and the way you communicate. ""The build-up to the eclipse and the Uranus-Pluto square begins at the end of February when Mars, your ruling planet, and Venus, your partner planet both enter Aries and your work and health sector on the same day, February 20th. This is about working as a team, a business partnership perhaps or for some, your romantic relationship. ""Whatever your personal situation, you and someone close are side by side, on the same wavelength and extremely supportive of each other. It’s often easier to make a break for freedom when you know someone’s backing you or will be there to hold your hand and be your biggest fan. Take this as a sign that you’re more than ready to deal with change and do your best to get your working life in alignment with your personal goals and prioritise your well-being."

"Bye bye Saturn!"Get real Saturn was in your sign of Scorpio from October 2012 to the end of last year, 2014. Saturn in Scorpio is a tough energy so if you felt as if you were under the cosh or that hard work was relentless, then no doubt you’ll be glad to see the back of this mighty planet. ""When Saturn’s in your sign, this is about your identity, your image, your name, your physical body and your personal goals. Saturn can indicate a loss of energy and often you find obstacles in your path to achieve what you want. The plus side of Saturn is that it does allow you to build for the future and take a big step up in life but wherever Saturn is, you know your experience isn’t going to be an easy one. ""

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However, being a Scorpio, your best qualities are your grit and determination so here’s hoping that Saturn in Scorpio wasn’t solely a drag but a chance to knuckle down and keep on track with what you want to achieve in life.""Even though this section of your 2015 stars is entitled ‘Bye bye Saturn’, that’s not entirely true as Saturn does dip back into your sign from June 15th-September 18th so perhaps it should be called the ‘final hoorah’. This is most important for you if your birthday falls at the end of Scorpio, i.e. 20th-23rd November or you have key planets in the last few degrees of Scorpio (27-30 degrees).""Think of this as a chance for one final push or a re-orientation. For some, it indicates a busy period perhaps on the back of what you arrive at during the Jupiter-Uranus period in the first half of the year or there may be a reoccurrence of an old issue or problem. ""If so, look at what you can do to bring matters to completion and to find a resolution for any challenge that arises. The good news is that a hindrance is short-lived as come September, Saturn’s moving on. Bye bye Saturn.""The key date in this period is August 3rd when Jupiter in Leo and your career sector is square to Saturn in Scorpio ruling your personal goals. If what you do in life is out of sync with who you are, this square aspect is urging you to look again at how you can balance the different areas of your life and have them all working together in unison. A big vision plus practical skills and determination is a winning combination.""The Get Real Money Factor!"Saturn has got to go somewhere and throughout most of 2015, Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius ruling your personal money sector and what you value in life. Saturn is renowned as the taskmaster of the heavens so wherever you find this planet, you can expect lessons to come your way thick and fast. ""This is an interesting juxtaposition of planetary energy especially as the Jupiter-Uranus trines indicate freedom, breaking free, new work beginnings. So this Saturn transit of your money sector may play out in different ways. For a start, Saturn isn’t about spending wildly, in fact it’s the opposite. Saturn can be about lack or debt but as it’s a solid planet, it’s about finding a plan or

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solution to any potential money issues. Wherever you find Saturn in your chart, you need to be prepared not only to work hard but to look to the long-term future.""For some, this may be about realising that possessions and material status aren’t as important to you as you thought they were or they used to be. Your values can change with Saturn, the planet of austerity, in Sagittarius and you’re prepared to earn less if it means a better quality of life, for example. You may have a big de-clutter and clear out and get rid of a lot of stuff or you decide to opt for a more simple lifestyle. For others, this is about saving money so you can achieve a chosen end goal. ""Saturn’s transit through your personal money sector will lessen your desire to take financial risks and you’re more likely to choose the safe option where cash is concerned. This is a good way to use Saturn’s energy and to be conservative with money and think necessity rather than luxury. If you don’t have a choice then this could be a tough time with regard to money matters but look to the other areas of your chart that are flying high to help you out of any cash predicament.""With regard to timing, the New and Full Moons can be insightful. The Full Moon that cuts across your money sectors falls on June 2nd but as this is a time when Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde, be patient. Look out for information that comes to light when Mercury turns direct on June 11th, often an indicator of good news, and this would be a perfect date to re-organise your finances, set up contracts with new organisations or ask for help or advice. June is the perfect month to team up with others to ensure your money matters run smoothly.""The other key month for finances is November and the last week of the month is most revealing. Saturn’s in action big-time and on November 26th, Saturn is in square aspect to Neptune. This may prompt feelings of guilt or there could be an issue around sacrifice if you’re to be financially responsible. It’s not an easy energy and as Neptune is in the sector of your chart ruling children and entertainment, this is likely to concern one of these areas in your life. ""If you’re a parent, it can be hard to teach a child about money discipline and not being able to afford everything you want. It always pulls on the heart strings when a lack affects the ones you love and if anything it’s easier to deal with yourself. There are some important lessons in here about delaying gratification and not expecting life to deliver if you’re not prepared to apply yourself and work hard. ""

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Some of the most successful people in the world came from backgrounds that were seriously deprived and some of the most ingenious inventions or business ideas occurred when a person hit a crisis in their life. Remember that being a Scorpio, you are the survivor of the zodiac, and if anyone can rise to a challenge in their life, it’s you. ""Here’s hoping it’s only a small wobble later in the year but Saturn does like to teach you your lessons and this year it’s about money management and how you take responsibility for your cash. ""The New Moon in Sagittarius falls on December 11th and this is a great date to set some new intentions for the year ahead. Saturn remains in one sector of your chart for a couple of years so it’s worth bearing this in mind and acting accordingly. ""Love And Romantic Notions!"This year is not only going to be easier for you thanks to Saturn moving on but planetary movements impact on your relationships too. Saturn in your sign can be a downer as it also opposes your opposite sign of Taurus and your relationship sector. ""Throw into the mix over the last two years some ‘all change’ eclipses cutting across the Taurus-Scorpio axis of your chart and for some, you’ve been through a challenging period for love and relationships as well as having your own psyche analysed under the cosmic microscope.""This year feels easier for love whether your long-term relationship survived, you’ve moved on or you’re at a stage in your life where you’re ready and willing to meet someone new. If you’re not, that’s fine too and this isn’t a year where you have to find love. It’s not a cosmic priority.""The biggest question mark concerns the next generation and leaving a legacy with Neptune in Pisces and the sector of your chart that rules children. For some, you may be questioning whether you’re going to have children, whether you want to have children; you may be adapting your own parenting skills or thinking about your own legacy and what you leave behind. ""Neptune is a creative source but can sometimes leave you feeling all at sea. Follow your imagination and see where this leads and one example is that you may decide life experience is more important than academia for your children. ""

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Neptune in Pisces evokes your romantic nature. You may want more romance in your life but that means finding time for love outside of your busy schedule and your vocational goals. It’s certainly do-able and with Venus and Mars side-by-side throughout the year, it helps if you and your partner share similar goals or even work together. ""If you’re looking for love, February and March are full of promise and February 1st or February 20th can bring in your Valentine. A Solar or New Moon eclipse on March 20th combines drama with romance and is potentially a powerful date for meeting someone new or changing your mind about love. Know too that you’re most likely to meet someone new through your work or what you do on a daily basis.""The love planet, Venus, enters her retrograde phase from July 25th-September 6th and with Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces on September 17th, you could find love escapes you during the middle of the year for a while at least. ""Keep your feet on the ground, listen to friends’ advice and don’t let ridiculous notions run away with you. Falling for someone who’s unavailable is a possibility or viewing love or a lover through rose-coloured glasses. This isn’t the period to make big love decisions when clarity is lacking.""Towards the end of the year, you’re back on more solid ground and October 30th and December 11th are two dates when you know what you want. Being in love is a blissful state and learning to live life with your partner by your side makes you very happy indeed. Yet love is not your priority in 2015 as getting other elements of your life right is more important.""Summary!"This is a year when your career is flying high and learning how to create more freedom and excitement in your daily routine goes hand in hand with career goals. A lifestyle change can be life-enhancing and being aware of the mind-body-spirit connection and opting for holistic harmony in your life is a revolution in itself.""You may not be chasing a top position but discovering your passion and doing more of it brings a sense of deep satisfaction. Learning to delegate and work alongside a team of people makes life easier and puts less stress on you. Shedding responsibility is the way forward for some.""

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Get real planet Saturn spends most of the year in your money sector urging you to get on board with the dogma, ‘less is more’. Remember that whatever you begin with regard to money matters, Saturn wants you to be in it for the long haul and even if you’re earning more not less, a sensible approach to finances is recommended.""Love too will have it’s moments in 2015 but focusing on your own happiness and personal goals must be your priority. Best case scenario is being with a partner who backs what you do all the way and a business partnership can thrive and prosper.

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Your 2015 Stars - Sagittarius!"

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”"

Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister, Sun Sagittarius (b. November 30 1874)""


Blazing Trails!"Being a Sagittarius, your ruling planet is Jupiter, the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology. Up until August 11th, Jupiter is in your fellow fire sign of Leo and a sector of your chart through which Jupiter loves to travel. ""

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In your chart Leo rules all the areas of your life which broaden your horizons and this is perfect for Jupiter, the planet that brings new opportunities and expands what it touches. The pull towards foreign destinations will be strong whilst Jupiter’s in Leo and if you’re planning the holiday of a lifetime or a sabbatical from work, you’re in tune with your stars.""Leo rules education, learning and beliefs. Let your mind soar whilst Jupiter is in Leo and stretch yourself with a new training programme or course of study. You may decide to explore a spiritual path or think more about what religion means to you. This is your chance to say Yes to life and check out new experiences and embrace adventure.""Jupiter in Leo is a powerful symbol for success in the worlds of publishing, the media, politics and the Law. Whatever you feel strongly about in life, here’s an opportunity to make your mark and ultimately make a difference in the world. If you’ve ever needed an excuse to play big, Jupiter in Leo fits the bill perfectly.""Two dates in particular are especially powerful for you in 2015 when Jupiter in Leo makes a stunning trine aspect to Uranus in Aries. A fire sign trine allows you to blaze trails, share your enthusiasm and be a spontaneous risk-taker or brilliant entrepreneur. Jupiter and Uranus come together on March 3rd and June 22nd. These two planets together represent space and freedom and they are perfect for impulsive action, excitement and spontaneity. ""This combination is a real feel-good factor for you especially as in your chart Aries is the sign that rules all the good things in life like partying, entertainment, creativity, children and love affairs. Grab life with both hands and do something extra-special on or around the dates above. ""You have the luck factor so it’s good news for pregnancy, a competition win, falling in love, getting published, basically anything that enables you to follow a personal dream. Reach high, have faith and believe that anything’s possible.""Flying High!"Jupiter in Leo is offering you a chance to expand your life and to use your connections to see or save the world and to live life to the full. It’s not a time to sit at home twiddling your thumbs as the more you are open to opportunity entering your life, the more you improve your success potential.""

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Once Jupiter leaves behind Leo on August 11th, it moves into Virgo, the sign at the top of your chart and this begins a year’s journey through the sector of your chart that rules your career, status and vocation in life. This is where life gets serious and if you’re ready to embark on a new career or improve your work potential, here’s your chance.""You can make great strides whilst Jupiter’s in Virgo and channel your ambition into your chosen field. Virgo is one of the earth signs so this is no longer about overnight success, instead it’s about creating a plan and strategy for the year ahead and being prepared to put in the work on a daily basis to make it happen. ""There are different ways this can play out. For example, whilst Jupiter’s in Leo you win a publishing deal which means that once Jupiter enters Virgo you’re going to be super busy writing day in day out. A similar experience if you gain entry to a university or course of your choice. After the celebration comes the studying and the hard work. ""You may have a brilliant idea for a creative project but getting the backing or the finance in place to turn it into reality takes application and stamina. Even saying Yes to a spiritual path can mean meditating on a daily basis and being committed to waking an hour earlier every day so you can be diligent about your new spiritual goal. When Jupiter is in Virgo, practice makes perfect.""New daily habits that support your goals kick in late August when the Sun joins Jupiter in Virgo and a Full Moon highlights your career sector on August 29th. September’s stars are especially powerful for work and your future direction when there’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Virgo and your career sector on September 13th. Eclipses bring what’s hidden to light and sometimes you find a door is closed to you which is the catalyst for starting over. ""Getting the balance right between work and home and family life and ensuring you keep everyone happy is easier said than done mid-September, especially when and if new work opportunities open up for you. Your planet Jupiter in Virgo is opposed by Neptune in Pisces on September 17th and this indicates a wobble around work and all that it entails either for your or your family.""You need to balance different factors into the equation especially if mid-September brings a significant change financially. This is potentially an idealistic time for you when you may be drawn towards work that serves others or helps the greater good and yet if this doesn’t pay the bills or means a drop in income, how to resolve the situation? The opposite may be true and you can’t turn down a new work opportunity that pays well but will mean extra hours and responsibility."

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"It’s important to note that Mercury is retrograde from September 17th - October 9th and traditionally this is not the time to be making any big decisions. If you can, let life ebb and flow naturally until mid-October when you’re more than ready to make a decision that will impact not only on your work and money but family as well. ""You don’t have to go it alone either and other people will step in to help you make your decision or be there to support you time-wise or with advice. The turning point comes on October 11th when Jupiter in Virgo makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. This planetary combination links your work and money sectors beautifully and may even conjure up a little bit of magic and an offer you can’t refuse.""Exotic Love!"Love isn’t foreground in 2015 and yet there’s plenty of opportunity to meet someone new/spice up your love life if you choose. When love isn’t a driving force you’re ready to let love flow and you may find you would rather spend time prioritising the different factions of your life to ensure there’s a balance and symmetry and that all the elements work together as harmoniously as possible. This is where life’s energy and flow serves you best.""Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, are admittedly in action this year more than usual and if you catch them in the act, you too can add some excitement to your love life. The first time Venus and Mars get together is February 22nd when they both race into Aries suggesting a red-hot affair.""This is lovely for meeting someone new and enjoying a passionate romance. Aries rules love affairs in your chart and even if it’s a short and sweet liaison, it’s brim full with fun and happiness. March 4th, 10th and 11th are especially bouncy and the New Moon in Aries on April 18th is another sizzling date to note. ""Gemini is the sign that rules relationships in your chart and fleet-footed Mercury is your partner planet. Mercury spends longer than usual in Gemini this year from May 1st - July 8th but from May 19th - June 11th, Mercury is in retrograde motion. ""When Mercury’s retrograde or on go slow this is the time for an internal dialogue but when Mercury is moving forward in Gemini, then talk, chat, plan and generally interact with your other half or use

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this energy to arrange a date or sign up to a dating agency. Keep love and life light whilst Mercury’s in your opposite sign.""The big news for romance comes in the middle of the year when Venus, Goddess of love, joins your ruler Jupiter in Leo for an especially lengthy stay. Venus remains in your fellow fire sign of Leo from June 5th through to October 8th. ""You can’t count out a holiday romance this year with Venus and Jupiter in the sector of your chart that signifies foreign places and these lovely planets come together in the heavens on July 1st and August 4th. ""Plus Venus and Mars have their second catch-up of the year in Leo on September 1st bringing an exotic flavour to your love life. A second honeymoon, a romantic holiday for two - make the most of this lively energy.""Venus does turn retrograde however this year and is on go slow in Leo from July 31st - September 6th. This is a time when love is definitely not foreground in your life as other areas and interests take over. Go with the flow whilst Venus slows down the pace and know that the secret to a happy relationship is to look after your own happiness first. Get that right and the rest can follow.""What Money Can & Can’t Buy!"The personal money sector of your chart has been undergoing transformation since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn and this sector of your chart. Pluto is an intense planet with a laser focus. It rules power and obsession and it isn’t called the ‘wipe out’ planet for nothing. The symbolism surrounding Pluto is extreme as it’s the planet of all-or-nothing events and when Pluto closes a door in your life, it’s final.""Money, personal possessions and what you value in life are linked through your money sector and since 2012, Pluto has clashed with Uranus, the planet of change, not once but seven times. The final square aspect of these mighty Titans takes place on March 17th of this year. Uranus in Aries rules all the things you want and desire; it’s about fun, children and love affairs, and ultimately entertainment and what gives you pleasure.""

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Pluto squaring Uranus can act as a wake-up call and you may find you have to work harder for the things you want in life. At the same time it’s important to consider what you’re willing to let go of and recognise that money and earnings are undergoing a deep process of change. ""If you know for example you’ve been putting money into a bottomless pit, the Uranus-Pluto square challenges you to stop. Some examples are a gym membership you never use, repeat hand-outs to a child, lover or sibling, lending money to a friend which doesn’t get repaid or a hobby or creative project that costs a fortune and you could keep on and on spending to fund it. ""You have to make tough choices about money at the Uranus-Pluto square but this time it really is final. This is the last clash of the Titans before they move on and the symbolism is clear: put anything that doesn’t work for you financially behind you, change bad habits and commit to moving on. ""Money’s unlikely to fall into your lap overnight but with a little bit of elbow grease, some savvy new ideas and a fresh determination to be the master of your own destiny, money magic can happen. ""Come October when your ruler Jupiter in Virgo teams up with Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th in a stunning planetary trine aspect, your financial set-up is going to look very different indeed. More times than not the earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn, prove that hard work and consistency is rewarded.""Home And Going With The Flow!"If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you’re a person of the world, someone who can live anywhere and doesn’t necessarily have a strong connection to home or one particular place. Since 2012 the planet Neptune has been in its own sign of Pisces down at the base of your chart influencing your home, family, your past and where you come from. ""On the one hand, this can emphasise a feeling of rootlessness. In mythology Neptune was God of the sea and Pisces is the sign most closely linked with the sea; vast and boundless, constantly shifting and changing shape. At times you may literally feel ‘all at sea’, without an anchor to hold you steady and if you’ve spent time in recent years living on a boat you’re at one with Neptune’s symbolism. ""

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Yet Neptune’s core qualities are compassion and sensitivity towards others so this also means you may view the past through rose-tinted glasses or feel sentimental towards family and where you come from. During Neptune’s transit through Pisces, you may find you’re being pulled away from or back to your past just as the sea pulls back from the shore and crashes in again. There’s a constant motion and a push-pull reflex. ""You will understand what this means for you personally early on in 2015 as the personal planets move through Pisces and connect with Neptune as they do so. The dates when Neptune’s pull is strongest are January 20th, February 1st, February 26th and March 18th. ""Plus on March 20th there’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse down at the base of your chart in the sign of Pisces. This is the start of a two year period when you will experience eclipses cutting across the very foundations of your chart and they may well coincide with big events in your life that pull you backward towards your roots and catapult you forward in a new direction. You’re on the move.""Mid-March is particularly powerful and the planetary events that are building at this time suggest a significant turning point in your life. Whether you’re drawn back to the past or you sense that the ties which bind you are beginning to fade and dissolve away depends on your personal situation. ""What is important to know is that the pull of the tide is at it’s strongest early in the year and laying firm foundations and standing on solid ground is more difficult until the first three months of 2015 are past. Trying to build your dream home or root yourself and your family or simply find a place you can call home may be an elusive task for a short while at the start of the year.""You are being urged to consider the foundations of your life and what matters to you as the year progresses. How to have a home and still be free; how to create a sense of family and yet still be able to roam far and wide; responsibility v. going with the flow. This reaches it’s peak at the end of year when Saturn in your sign of Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on November 26th.!"You may come up against your own limitations at this time or find that you have to face the reality of your own situation in some way. Wanting to go with the flow and do what you want isn’t as easy as it might be; trying to put down roots or strengthen your situation reaches an impasse. ""It’s helpful to know whether the obstacles are of your own making or whether they are external. Either way, they require careful consideration. You want to grow up/settle down and yet you don’t;

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you want new responsibilities and yet you want your freedom too. Somewhere along the line a compromise has to be reached; life’s calling you out to do things differently.!"Climb Your Mountain!"Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and everything that your sign of Sagittarius is not. You’re ruled by Jupiter whose go to word is Yes whereas Saturn leans towards No. Jupiter is expansion and opportunity; Saturn rules limitation and boundaries; Jupiter is optimistic and Saturn can be gloomy; Jupiter wants excitement now and Saturn is more conservative and expects to work hard to reap its rewards.""Saturn has spent the last two years in your previous sign of Scorpio and this often coincides with a period when you’re brought back down to earth in some way, whether you have to deal with a health issue, your confidence is knocked or you’re working like a trojan behind the scenes, involved in a research project or major study.""At the end of last year 2014, Saturn entered your sign of Sagittarius where it remains for the next few years so it’s worth knowing how to make the most of the taskmaster of the heavens in your sign. To be fair, there is a similar feel to Saturn in your sign as there is to Jupiter moving into the earth sign of Virgo in the middle of the year. Both stop you in your tracks and ask you to take on a new level of responsibility.""It’s about work, preparation and putting one foot in front of the other in order to reach the top of your chosen mountain. Whatever you commit to in 2015 is likely to turn into a major project. You may be studying on a 2 or 3 year course or have some other lengthy goal in mind. ""You can’t cut corners when Saturn’s in your sign and it’s important to know that whatever you commit to, you’re in it for the long term. So plan accordingly. Saturn’s brilliant for any task that requires stamina and determination but it is important to balance Saturn’s more gloomy connotations with a cheery upbeat attitude. ""Events in the middle of the year may help you see more clearly the options in front of you when Saturn dips back into Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th and on August 3rd your ruling planet Jupiter in Leo squares up to Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are polar opposites in astrology but they can actually help and support each other. "

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"The Jupiter-Saturn clash may trigger a confidence crisis or a moral dilemma and you could lose faith with what you’re planning to achieve or once again realise that to live the life you choose right now means having to slow down, work hard and commit to some long-term goals. ""Yet Jupiter’s optimistic nature helps to enliven Saturn’s ‘can’t do’ attitude and Saturn’s ‘get real’ qualities allow you to turn your Jupiterian vision into reality. Work with Saturn and you enable your Jupiterian optimism to fly high and be empowered. ""It’s not going to be all fun and games with Saturn in your sign but whatever obstacles appear in your path, use Saturn’s persistence to help you overcome any challenges and to emerge stronger and wiser for your experience.""Summary!"The fire signs, Aries, Leo and your sign of Sagittarius, are blazing bright throughout 2015 and the more you tap into your enthusiasm and lust for life, the happier you are. The first half of the year is stunning for adventure, new life experiences and having fun. ""Yet Saturn in Sagittarius is preparing the groundwork for the next stage and whatever your chosen goal in life, you’re ready and primed to take a big step up the career ladder. A period of hard work is on the cards especially from mid-year onwards and your attitude towards responsibility and status is being challenged. If you want to play big in life, you’re being asked to show your mettle and prove your commitment.""See these new goals as a work in progress whether you’re ready to settle down, plan for your long-term future or create a safe base for you and your family. Ideally you need to balance security and success with a certain amount of wiggle room so you still feel as if you’re in flow and not rooted in one place.""

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Your 2015 Stars - Capricorn!"

“We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list”!Michelle Obama, First Lady, Sun Capricorn (b. January 17 1964)!


""Letting Go!"2015 is a momentous year for you and for a few different reasons. Firstly, the last few years have been marked by the mighty Uranus-Pluto square which is closely linked to your sign as Pluto entered Capricorn late in 2008. Pluto at its best is the planet of transformation but you often have to experience an ending, a loss or a period of darkness before you emerge ready to be reborn or start over.""Pluto is currently half way through it’s journey in Capricorn so if your birthday falls in December or before January 4th, you’ve already experienced the Pluto effect. When a planet is in your sign, this is about you, your image and your personal goals. It’s often a time of deep soul-searching when Pluto turns it’s laser focus on to you and as Pluto represents ‘power’ in all it’s guises, this can be a

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time when you either rise to power or reassess what power and control mean to you. How do you hold on to your power and how do you get the balance of power right?""As this process has been ongoing, there’s been another more unpredictable factor involved and this is Uranus, the planet of change, which makes a square aspect to Pluto not once but seven times. The first clash took place in June 2012 and the last clash takes place this year on March 17th. !"Uranus is down at the base of your chart ruling your home, family, past and where you come from and it’s been tugging at the rug of stability since 2010. If you’ve moved over the last few years or there have been significant changes within your own family, then you’ve been experiencing Uranus in this sector of your chart. ""As the aspect that these two planets make is a square which can represent conflict or challenge, you may have experienced a family feud or tried to break away from your past either literally by moving home or on a psychological level. For some, it’s a case of you v. them and this is where the ‘power’ theme is intensified as you either take steps to become more independent or vice versa and realise that people close to you can’t be controlled or even guided at times.""Any of these themes which resonate in your own life dominate again in late February and through into March and April. On a basic level, the Uranus-Pluto square is a symbol of ‘out with the old and in with the new’ but on a deeper level it’s about letting go. Whether you’re letting go of the past or you’re saying ‘no’ to an area of your life that’s characterised by power and control, the final square of Uranus and Pluto is a timely reminder that you need to surrender, let go and move on.""Building for the Future!"Being a Capricorn, you’re one of the earth signs and at it’s most basic your sign is about working hard and earning enough money so you feel secure. Earth signs thrive when they feel safe and stable but there is a danger that you’re hanging on too tight and what’s ‘enough money’ anyway? ""In many respects, your stars this year enable you to break free of some the beliefs that no longer serve you and create a new game plan or set of rules to live by. One area highlighted under the cosmic spotlight is money as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, is in Leo and the sector of your chart that rules shared resources up until August 11th. "

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"Jupiter in one of the fire signs, Leo, brings vitality and motivation to your finance sector and it’s a good time to think of innovative ways to make life easier for yourself. Learn to think outside of the box and look for new ideas that free you up in some way. If you’re aware you’re holding on too tightly to money and what it means for you, see if you can change your money mentality to attract more abundance and to trust that life will provide for you.""Jupiter is the planet of abundance after all and this feels powerful for money partnerships, creating alliances that boost your own financial well-being, setting up joint ventures and at a simple level this represents a chance to get your money and finances in order. ""This is your opportunity to look at all areas regarding money, to find ways you can cut expenses or extravagant admin charges and build for the future. It’s a good idea to get people in place who can help you with Jupiter in this sector of your chart, e.g. an adviser, an accountant or someone else in a position of authority who can pass on their wisdom and expertise.""Jupiter connects in a powerful trine aspect with the planet Uranus twice this year on March 3rd and June 22nd. These two planets together represent the entrepreneur and they’re urging you to take risks, to break free from convention and see where in your life you can soar high. Money may come to you now from a property move or by combining resources with family. ""If you dare to let go of what anchors you to the ground or holds you fast, you can create new partnerships that are exciting and potentially prosperous. The astrology suggests however that you have to break the mould or reinvent yourself in some way to do so but by being brave and bold you can begin to build a bright new future for yourself and your family.""The key months to make progress are late February and March which would be a wonderful time to move, to arrange a house swap or change around your living arrangements. When you de-clutter and change your everyday surroundings, this can be incredibly energising as you change your inner space. It’s a practical way to clear out the old in order to create space and freedom for something new.""""

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Loving Connections!"For some, this new way of living is closely connected not only to partnership in general but more specifically to a romantic relationship. Learning how to live together practically is a key stage in a healthy loving relationship and setting up agreements not only about where and how you live but with regard to money and sharing expenses too. ""On February 22nd, Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens come together in Aries down at the base of your chart, a perfect date to unite with the one you love and embrace new beginnings. Events in March remind you that together you’re bigger and better and it’s important to show you’re a strong team and to side with your partner if they’re dealing with any personal difficulties and vice versa. Venus and Mars are closely connected throughout March and again later in the year.""If you’re looking for love, April is lively especially April 21st and 22nd and May brings a Full Moon on May 4th and a New Moon on May 18th both of which pick out romance and new connections in your chart. Plus early November is a peak period for a holiday romance.""Venus and Mars meet up again two more times in 2015, firstly in Leo on September 1st and secondly in Virgo on November 3rd but throughout the year, they’re playing kiss chase in the heavens. If you’re in a relationship or married, work at keeping close connections between the two of you and spend quality time together as this is the key to love and the good news is that for most of the year, this will be easy. ""The major period of learning or adjustment comes mid-year when Venus, the love planet, is retrograde in Leo from July 31st - September 6th. Often when Venus is on go slow in a key sector of your chart, you have to stop and reassess your personal situation. Be honest about what works and what doesn’t work in your relationship or partnership. Allow each other more space around this period and be less of a ‘coupley' couple. ""Even whilst Venus is retrograde, Jupiter acts as a protective influence throughout the year and reminds you that the more you give when it comes to love, the more you receive in return .""""

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Maintaining Boundaries!"Saturn is your ruling planet as you are a Capricorn. The plus side of being Saturn-ruled is your ability to climb any mountain, sometimes literally. More importantly this means you can set your sights on a long-term goal and with a cunning combination of stamina and determination this is how you make your way steadily to the top. You’re a master strategist and are at your best with a good plan and a set of ambitious goals.""Wherever Saturn is travelling in the zodiac is a key area for you and throughout 2013-2014, Saturn was in Scorpio and the sector of your chart that rules friends, groups, clubs and wider society. Saturn can be a taskmaster and sometimes it shows you where your limits are. If you took on too much with a friend or group and became overly-involved, this may have been difficult for you. You may have been badly let down and parted ways with a good friend or group of friends.""Perhaps you decided to pare back on some of your associations and let go of your involvement on a board or committee or maybe you worked your socks off but still couldn’t save a group or club in which you were involved. Saturn is the ‘get real’ planet and you always have to check your boundaries wherever Saturn resides to ensure that life is in balance.""Saturn slips back into Scorpio from June 15th - September 8th so for one reason or another, you need to revisit past connections. This may be a chance to finally wind things up with a group or association or perhaps you’re ready to offer your services as a leader guiding a group of people for a short space of time. Either way, be clear about what you’re willing to offer and maintain clear boundaries.""For some this may concern a friendship, perhaps someone you know from years back and this offers you a chance to clear up an old issue or misunderstanding. Relationships in general are well-starred on July 21st and 22nd and these are key dates to build strong connections and to decide what you want to do about a working partnership or group involvement.""Things turn trickier in August which coincides with Venus’ retrograde movement through Leo (see Loving Connections). Venus rules money as well as love and on August 3rd, Saturn in Scorpio squares up to Jupiter in Leo followed by a Venus-Saturn square on August 5th. This often symbolises a moral dilemma, losing faith in someone or what you’re doing or the direction you’re taking. "

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"There may be a clear choice that involves you financially at this time; perhaps this concerns money you’ve invested in a group or club, money you’ve loaned to a friend or some other association in your life that has a strong link to your financial security.""The key to your success is not to let fear dominate but instead make a clear decision that’s based on the reality of your situation. For some, it may mean paying back a debt or money owed so you can move forward. For others, it’s simply a clear choice not to invest or loan money and a chance to reassess where your financial future lies. ""Choose wisely and know that whilst Venus is on go slow in Leo (July 31st - September 6th), you’re wise to rein in your expenditure and cut costs. This also offers you a chance to analyse your spending habits or take a close look at what money means to you; where you feel tied and where you want to feel free.""Career Stepping Stones!"You are currently more than halfway through an eclipse cycle that focuses on the very foundations of your chart and is revolutionising your work and where you’re heading. There are two eclipses this year that focus on these same signs (Aries/Libra) and the major axis of your chart. Aries rules your roots and where you come from and Libra rules your career and where you’re heading.""Eclipses are often times of deep change; sometimes a door closes inviting you to start over or change direction and other times you are presented with a new opportunity that’s hard to resist. Both these eclipses are Lunar or Full Moon eclipses so there’s often a choice to make between two different scenarios or you realise that your work affects your home and vice versa. ""The first eclipse falls on April 4th [14 Libra 24] and the second eclipse falls on September 28th [4 Aries 40]. Traditionally you’re advised not to make a major decision on an eclipse but instead wait for a week or so before taking action. Plus, eclipses aren’t always date specific but are part of a process that remains powerful for six months after the eclipse is exact. ""You may be leaving home to work further afield, you may decide to move home to follow work, you may want to step back from work to start a family or look after your children or you decide that in

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some shape or form you’re ready to shift your everyday routine towards a healthier work/life balance. ""This is about doing what’s right for you and your personal situation but notice the signposts that come your way on or around the eclipse dates which point you forward. They are part of a process that’s moving you ever closer to your ideal lifestyle or dream career, although this won’t materialise without you having to negotiate a few bumps in the road as eclipses often coincide with dramatic events""The New Moon on October 13th falls in the sign of Libra and your career sector and is a brilliant date to launch a work project or apply for a new position and a calling to take the next big step forward grows louder throughout November and December. ""You may find that you slip back to old habits or you need to start again on or around November 21st-23rd and December 6th-11th but you can’t stop the process once it’s begun. The stepping stones are laid out in front of you, slowly tugging you towards a new career, position of responsibility or a vocation that’s truly deeply fulfilling.""Widen Your Horizons!"The bigger you dream, the closer you come to your goals and vision. On August 11th, the planet of opportunity, Jupiter enters your fellow earth sign of Virgo and the sector of your chart that rules travel, education and wide open spaces. Jupiter remains in this sector of your chart until September 2016 and the wider you spread your net, the happier you become.""Travel and holidays are one way to make the most of Jupiter’s stay in Virgo and September and October are brilliant months to book a holiday or to plan a bigger trip. For some, this isn’t just about two weeks in the sun but a decision to take a sabbatical from work or consider emigrating and moving abroad. Same theme regarding education or a spiritual path, see what opens up in front of you and be committed to following a dream.""There’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Virgo on September 13th which acts as a signpost pointing you in a new direction and yet the timing’s not right to make the big move. On September 17th, Jupiter in Virgo is opposed by Neptune in Pisces plus Mercury turns retrograde. This is a time when you may find yourself questioning what you want to do and need to rethink your next

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steps. If you are on a short holiday, you’re in the right place because anything that offers you a fresh perspective on your life and the bigger picture gets a tick of approval. Bide your time however if you feel unsure about a move, a course, a life experience or another area of learning.""Come October you’re ready for action and the month storms in with new ideas and exciting opportunities. Notice in particular who or what shows up on or around October 17th and October 25th. This is the equivalent of life waving a green flag and pointing you in the right direction. Foreign connections are particularly well-starred. ""The big news however comes on October 11th when Jupiter in Virgo is in a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in your own sign of Capricorn. This combination speaks of an unstoppable drive and determination to set off a new track that broadens your horizons and opens up your world. ""This is about the big topics that are important to you personally whether you’re interested in politics, religion, social or environmental issues. Be guided by your beliefs and whatever fires you up to take action and make a difference in the world. Either that or it’s the perfect date to hop on a plane or sign up for a course, especially if you know that the experience has the potential to be life-changing. ""Your Personal Journey!"I mentioned at the beginning of Your 2015 Stars that this was going to be a momentous year for you and that for different reasons, you are undergoing a huge period of change. Another reason why the astrology suggests you’re on a personal voyage or journey is because your ruling planet Saturn spends most of the year in Sagittarius, the sign of the explorer, and importantly for you the sign before your own.""This connects with a hidden and private sector of your chart and it’s often a time of intense scrutiny and preparation. Your gaze turns inward when you have key planets in this sector and what takes place on the inside is preparing you and paving the way for the next big chapter in your life. What you begin or commit to now is deeply powerful. For some, this may be meditation or a spiritual path, new daily habits, a research project or something that’s secret or confidential and private to you.""

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You may experience a wobble and wonder what it’s all about on or around November 26th when Neptune in Pisces and your communication sector clashes with Saturn in Sagittarius. This combination can make it difficult for you to believe that you can turn your dreams into reality and you may feel confused about what next. ""Use your dreams or visualisation to help guide you at this time and know that you are likely to feel disoriented. The fog clears quickly however as Saturn picks up speed and the easiest way to dispel your fears or quieten your doubts is to take practical action.""A major reason why Saturn in Sagittarius is a powerful phase for you is because in January 2018 Saturn enters your sign of Capricorn for the first time since the late 80’s. This is the climax or peak for you as Saturn is in it’s sign of rulership in Capricorn and signifies authority, respect and reaching the top of your personal mountain. So use this seeking energy whilst Saturn is in Sagittarius to explore and learn on a full and deep level. It’s an important opportunity to ‘know thyself’.""There may be times when you want or need to be quieter whilst Saturn is hidden away in your chart. Prioritise self-care, pay attention to your well-being and ensure that after any particularly busy or hedonistic period, you slow down and put good habits back in place. Learning to trust and have faith in who you are is part and parcel of this important Saturn transit. ""Summary!"A lot is changing in your world and the lessons of the last few years have helped you understand better who you are and what you need in order to make you happy. Letting go of the past or moving away from anywhere that holds unhappy memories is more freeing than you imagine. ""You can be less rooted in 2015 and know that money and mortar aren’t the be-all and end-all of life but it’s a savvy property move or cash bonus that is ultimately life-enhancing. Yet living unconventionally and embracing freedom in some shape or form brings welcome happiness. A desire to travel and see the world or save the world is equally inspiring.""Lessons around friends and groups in which you are involved continue to test your Capricorn faith but ultimately you trust that life has your back and a spiritual path or a quieter way of life is the

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perfect antidote to friendship quarrels. What you undertake now and over the next couple of years is gearing you up for your biggest role yet when Saturn enters your sign of Capricorn in 2018."""


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Your 2015 Stars - Aquarius!"

Wedding of the year! !Amal Alamuddin, human rights lawyer, Sun Aquarius (b. February 3 1978) !married George Clooney on September 27 2014 when Jupiter was in Leo!



Open-Heartedness!"Jupiter is the biggest planet in the heavens and the best planet in astrology and until August 11th, Jupiter is in your opposite sign of Leo. When you find Jupiter in this sector of your chart, it’s a bumper time for love and relationships and enjoying partnerships.""

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Being an Aquarius, you can be very independent and you don’t always need other people to be happy and lead a fulfilled life. Yet when Jupiter’s jumping around in your opposite sign, you may be surprised to find people popping up in your life left, right and centre. ""At its best, Jupiter in Leo will bring in someone special and you fall head-over-heels in love. Yet it’s also important to remember that Jupiter rules freedom and opportunity. So for some, Jupiter moving through your opposite sign will free you from a relationship that’s less than perfect or help you find your own individuality so you can express yourself more within a partnership. If you want to untie the bonds that draw you close or move on from a relationship, Jupiter can help you find the way.""Plus, this isn’t only about love and intimate relationships although hopefully that will be a big part of Jupiter’s journey through your opposite sign but this is about partnership in general. So think how this fits for your personal situation; are you planning to go into business with a partner, are you looking for a personal trainer, a financial adviser, a 1-to-1 teacher or coach? Are you planning to work with individuals on a 1-to-1 basis? All partnerships are blessed when Jupiter’s in your opposite sign.""There are some key times during the year when important people are more likely to enter your life and if you want to join a dating agency on- or off line, these dates are worth noting. February’s your birthday month but forget Valentines this year and instead use the weekend of February 20th-22nd to attract attention. ""Venus and Mars, the lovers in the heavens both enter Aries on February 20th and on February 22nd they kiss and cosy up in the heavens. Aries is the sign that rules communication and making new friends in your chart so this is a brilliant weekend to initiate an introduction. Aries rules your local community so you may not have to go far afield to meet someone special. March 4th and March 10th/11th are also top dates for sweeping in someone new. ""Other potentially romantic periods for you during 2015 are April 11th - May 7th when Venus, the love planet, is in Gemini, the sector of your chart that rules romance. Plus, it’s important to note the movement of the Sun as the Sun rules Leo and is therefore your partner planet. The Sun is in Gemini and your romance sector from May 21st - June 21st and the New Moon on June 16th promises passion. ""

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Note too that Mercury is retrograde from May 19th - June 11th in Gemini so it’s mid-June onwards when you can make great strides forward. Mercury retrograde (like Venus retrograde - see Wedding Bells) is a time when you need to be patient and you’re often waiting to hear from someone. Your own feelings may go off the boil for a while but don’t act upon this whilst Mercury’s on go slow.""Notwithstanding retrograde dates, the more you open your heart in 2015, the more you allow other people to change the course of your own life in a positive way. You may kiss and make up with someone who’s been an enemy in your life or you benefit from an opponent’s actions. The possibilities are endless but Jupiter is telling you that good fortune comes into your life when you partner with others. ""Wedding Bells!"Two dates when you really have to sit up and take notice with regard to love in 2015 are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter in Leo makes a stunning trine aspect to your ruler Uranus in Aries. ""The first time these two planets met in trine aspect was on September 25th 2014, two days before Sun Aquarius Amal Alamuddin (see date above) married George Clooney. So these planetary aspects are about wedding bells, a proposal, a lucky partnership opportunity. Use them to benefit your own life.""Another factor that indicates love and relationships are dominant for you this year is because Venus, the love planet, remains in Leo and your opposite sign for an unusually long period. Venus enters Leo on June 6th and apart from a brief retreat into Virgo from July 18th - 31st, Venus remains in Leo for four months until October 8th.""Venus in Leo makes a magical trine aspect to your ruler Uranus three times on June 29th, August 19th and September 23rd, plus Venus and Jupiter, the benefics of the heavens, come together in your opposite sign of Leo on July 1st and August 4th and finally Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, come together in Leo on September 1st. There’s a heavenly dance taking place, the planetary equivalent of a romantic cha cha cha bringing some spectacular moments your way.""

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This cha cha cha does include Venus retrograde and Venus is on go slow in Leo from July 31st - September 6th. Traditionally Venus retrograde isn’t the best time to marry and it can mean that you or someone close is in retreat. Venus retrograde is a period when your focus turns inwards and you may change your mind about love or need time to reflect on the developments taking place. ""Be patient with yourself or with another person whilst Venus is on go slow and know that being hesitant is being in flow. You are going to be making some big decisions this year with regard to love and partnership and it’s well worth taking the time to ensure you make the right decisions.""Work Light Not Hard!"Being an Aquarius, you have two ruling planets. Your modern ruler is Uranus which resides in Aries and your communication sector throughout 2015 and your traditional ruler is Saturn. Both these planets are important to you and this is a big year for both of them.""Yet what’s important about Saturn is what it’s not doing and where it’s moved on from. From October 2012 - late December 2014 Saturn was up at the top of your chart in the sign of Scorpio ruling your career. ""Saturn is often most powerfully felt when it’s in one of the angular houses of your chart and this is the case for Scorpio and your career sector. Saturn either indicates a period of hard work with extra responsibility or the opposite as Saturn can represent a lack so for some, the last two years may have been lean on the work front.""What’s important about this year is you no longer have Saturn weighing you down and you have more freedom to choose what you want to do. For some this is about finding a way to work light not hard. Saturn does dip back into Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th for the final time so you may revert to old ways in the middle of the year or need to pick up on a project which requires completion. ""June/July are the most important months for you to look at your work and lifestyle and aim to get the balance right so you have a healthy work/life equation. Note too August 3rd when Jupiter in Leo is square to Saturn in Scorpio. On a practical level, this may be a chance to free yourself from a working partnership that’s been tough going or you find that your personal life affects what you

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do work-wise and you need to make some clear choices about the direction in which you’re heading""The middle of the year is an important time of adjustment and growth and working to get the balance right so all areas of your life are in flow rather than feeling as if one area dominates the rest. ""You will know by October/November how you’re doing with regard to work as the Sun enters Scorpio and your career sector on October 23rd and is joined by Mercury, the planet of communication, on November 2nd. Saturn’s been and gone and the eclipses have done their business in your career sector and you’re sailing on smoother seas.""The big changes of the last two years are behind you and hopefully you will feel a noticeable shift of emphasis later on in 2015. If your work situation is easy and work plans start to fall into place, especially on or around the New Moon in Scorpio and your career sector on November 11th, you’re in tune with your stars.""Money Games!"Neptune, the slippery planet, has been in Pisces and your money sector since 2012. Neptune’s influence is a bit like the sea; it comes and goes, changes shape and direction, sometimes it’s calm and sometimes it’s stormy. You’re rarely standing on solid ground wherever Neptune resides in your chart and Pisces rules not only your personal money but your possessions and what you value in life as well.""It wouldn’t be surprising if your own financial situation has been shifting especially as you’ve recently experienced a couple of huge years with regard to work and your future direction in life. Whether it’s been a deluge or a wipeout depends on your personal situation but one thing’s for sure, this year is the time to put some new strategies and systems in place. ""It’s also important to get clear about money in your own head; what it means for you and what you want it for. It’s about considering your relationship with money and your beliefs around cash. Does it slip through your fingers, do you despise what money stands for or do you value your cash and possessions highly? ""

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Neptune’s an intangible planet so it can be tricky to think in this way with regard to what’s basically a commodity but it’s an important place to start and the time to set this in place is the first few months of 2015. This is when the personal planets all move through Pisces and your money sector so listen out for lessons around cash on or around January 20th, February 1st, February 26th and March 18th. !"These are the dates when Neptune is most powerful and Neptune can be a seductive influence. Take care that you’re not swindled or deceived on or around these dates and notice whether you feel a strong pull towards giving money away to a charity or to help others. Two of this year’s eclipses fall across the financial sectors of your chart and the first takes place on March 20th, a Solar or New Moon eclipse in the sign of Pisces and your money sector.""This is your signpost, your guide and eclipses often reveal what’s been hidden to you. If you’ve buried your head in the sand with regard to cash, the eclipse can be exposing and it’s best not to take any big financial risks on or around mid-March. Wait until the eclipse has died down before taking action. ""Things shift dramatically for you mid-year as on August 11th, Jupiter enters Virgo and your shared resources sector. This is about financial and emotional ties and how the two are inextricably linked. Virgo is one of the earth signs and it’s towards the latter part of 2015 that you’re advised to pay more attention to your accounts and financial relationships rather than go with the flow as is Neptune’s custom.""This highlights money partnership whether you decide to employ a financial adviser or you go into business with someone who can help you lay strong financial foundations for your future. The second eclipse falls on September 13th and it’s another Solar or New Moon eclipse but this time in Virgo. ""Again avoid any major financial moves on or around this date but once the dust has settled, look out for a signpost to guide you. September is potentially a wobbly month financially and with Jupiter in Virgo opposed by Neptune in Pisces on September 17th, you may find it hard to think clearly about cash or keep boundaries in place that secure your money.""Bear this in mind and do your best to keep track of the flow of your money. October is more useful when Jupiter in Virgo makes a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th

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indicating a cash bonus, a significant return on investment or help that comes your way via a private benefactor or a link to your past, perhaps an inheritance. ""November too has the potential to bring in a partnership that can boost your finances on or around November 3rd and towards the end of the month on or around November 26th, there’s a reminder that sometimes you have to let go of financial and/or emotional connections that have outgrown their usefulness. ""Your money success depends a great deal on choosing partnerships wisely in the second half of the year and making sound financial decisions that are based on facts and common sense. Play your cards right and by the end of 2015, you’re the one in charge and you will have a clearer picture of the way ahead.""Making A Fresh Start!"The beginning of any new year is a key time to focus on the year past and what lies ahead of you and this year the beginning of 2015 is exceptionally important for you. In fact, looking at your personal goals and intentions and reflecting on what’s been and gone may take you some time and certainly a quick list of New Year resolutions does not fit the bill.""This is because the personal planets which include the Sun, Mercury (communication), Venus (relating) and Mars (action) all spend time in your sign of Aquarius in January, February and through into March.""In fact for some of you, this focus on yourself and your own goals may have begun in earnest in December 2014. This energy carries you forward into 2015 but it isn’t a straightforward process. This is because the planet Mercury turns retrograde in your sign of Aquarius on January 21st and remains on go slow until February 11th. When Mercury is on go slow it’s a reflective period and this is heightened for you as Mercury is in your own sign. ""So take your time deciding what you want from 2015, where you want to move on and make progress, where you want to say goodbye and what you want to leave behind. Don’t rush this personal process as it’s an important one for you. Plus the beginning of 2015 is unique in that there are two New Moons, both of which fall in your sign of Aquarius,""

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A New Moon is a seed moment in the year, a chance to set intentions and to start afresh. The first New Moon falls on January 20th [0 Aquarius], a very important New Moon in the year as it’s right at the beginning of your sign and this is the fresh start of fresh starts. This highlights your unique individuality and may link to your image, your name or something personal that defines who you are. ""The second New Moon falls on February 18th [30 Aquarius] and what’s important to notice is that both these New Moons fall either side of the Mercury retrograde period. So listen carefully to what life’s telling you and how you feel inside when Mercury’s on go slow. ""The decisions you make once Mercury turns direct on February 11th can set you up not only for the year ahead but for a longer chapter of your life. This is the perfect opportunity to draw up a 5 or 10 year plan and decide in which direction you want to set your inner compass.""Get On The Right Wavelength!"Another reason why 2015 is turning out to be a big year for you is because of the final Uranus-Pluto square which takes place on March 17th. These two mighty Titans of the heavens have squared up to one another seven times since 2012 and this is their last encounter.""Uranus is your modern ruler and in Aries and your communication sector this is changing the way you think and the way you interact both on- and off-line. Plus Pluto is hidden away in your chart in the sign before yours Capricorn so both these factors together suggest that change has to happen from the inside out. The biggest transformation for you in 2015 is what happens on the inside; looking at the way your mind works, dealing with past emotions and understanding yourself on a deep level.""There are two more eclipses in 2015 which pick up similar themes. They are both Lunar or Full Moon eclipses which are often times of heightened emotions. The first falls in Libra on April 4th and the second falls in Aries on September 28th. The Aries/Libra axis is about communication, the people in your life, who you interact with but also learning, teaching and your belief system.""Lunar eclipses are closely connected to other people in your life and this can be a big year of learning for you, whether you decide to work on your personal development or you commit your

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time and energy to a cause you believe in. The ultimate goal of this axis of your chart is to speak up, find your voice and make a difference in the world. ""Notice who or what comes into your life at these peak times or vice versa, i.e. notice where you’re ready to let go and move on because you’ve outgrown some of your involvements. The people you connect with coupled with your inner beliefs can be an extremely powerful motivator for you in the year ahead. It’s about finding the right people on the right wavelength.""People and community and finding your tribe are key themes for you in 2015 as the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius dominate. All three of these signs rule people sectors in your chart. Your ruling planet Saturn spends most of the year in Sagittarius, the sign that rules your friendships, groups and clubs you belong to and on a wider level, society and the world at large. ""Saturn sometimes coincides with endings and you may already know that you’re about to leave behind a group of people or friends. Endings may arise due to choice, circumstance, moving away or starting over. ""Saturn is your traditional ruler and wherever Saturn resides in your chart, this is where you channel your focus and make new commitments. You may become the leading force in a group or club that you believe in; you may be the person who decides to organise a school reunion or forge links to your past; you may feel more sentimental about the past and old friends and want to keep those bonds and connections strong in your life. ""A major shift starts within you this year and as you change this filters out to the world around you and the people you are close to. Being an air sign, yours is one of the most sociable signs and you often have a wide social network. Yet it matters deeply who you connect with and you’re going to find it becomes increasingly important to be around people who support you and know you inside-out. ""For some, the flip side happens and you find yourself pulling away from people and needing more time on your own. This may be an experiment in being alone rather than lonely but you do have to get the balance right. See this as a work in progress and one that can ultimately bring you great inner fulfilment in the year ahead. """

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Summary!"There is every chance that 2015 is going to be a bumper year for you with regard to love and relationships and for some, weddings bells are on the horizon. Getting your relationships right is a key feature of your year and it’s not just in your personal life where you can expect positive movement but in your professional partnerships too.""Use your growing social network not only to fulfil your personal need for fun but to tap into your belief system, do more of what you love and find a worthy cause that satisfies your burning desire to make a difference. ""Work light not hard becomes your new motto and a streamlined approach to finances and some money luck later in the year helps you fulfil new work goals. The ultimate key to your success however is to have the right people in place who you know you can rely on and turn to for their advice and expertise. """

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Your 2015 Stars - Pisces!"

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere”"Albert Einstein, physicist, Sun Pisces (b. March 14 1879)"

""Boost Your Well-Being!"Being a Pisces, you are one of the signs of the zodiac that has two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune. What both of these planets have in common is a boundless quality; they’re expansive, vast and in mythology Jupiter ruled the sky and Neptune ruled the sea. Both these planets play key roles in your life in 2015 and the year’s events are by no means insignificant.""Jupiter starts the year in the fire sign Leo where it remains until August 11th. Leo rules the sector of your chart that represents your work, your everyday routine, your lifestyle and your well-being. This is about getting things right on a daily basis so you feel fit and well and have plenty of energy to do the things you want to do. It’s about noticing how your mood affects what you do and a reminder of the mind-body-soul connection.""

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The more you can be grateful for what you do have and the more you’re able to focus on what’s positive about your life, the happier you are. Jupiter in Leo is coaxing you to deal with the basics; to eat well, sleep well, get out in the fresh air everyday and use your time in a manner that’s fulfilling to you. ""Consider what you do for a living or how your spend your days and ensure that as far as possible, you’re doing some of what you love everyday. Even if your day job isn’t your dream job, you can still make the most of things and focus on your life outside of work. With Jupiter in Leo, this is encouraging you to get the work/life balance right.""There are two dates in the year that are brilliant for work and your well-being and they are March 3rd and June 22nd when Jupiter in Leo makes a stunning trine aspect to Uranus in Aries. Aries is the sector of your chart that rules your personal money so this feels like work coming in that’s a welcome boost financially or an opportunity to invest in your work or well-being that’s too good to miss out on. Jupiter and Uranus together are brilliant for freelance opportunities, for new trends and alternative ideas.""Your work and well-being also prosper when you gather people around you who you enjoy working with or training with or simply spending time with. Think teams of inspirational people motivating one another to be bigger and better. For some, this may be a year when you decide to go into business with a partner and a husband-wife team could do exceptionally well. ""The lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, come together three times in 2015 which is quite unusual and these planets connect in Aries on February 22nd and in Leo on September 3rd. You may notice that these are the same signs as the Jupiter-Uranus trine and this is one of the reasons why partnership is powerful for you in the year ahead. You benefit from your partner’s success and the more supportive your other half or the people you spend time with on a daily basis, the more enjoyment you gain.""Venus spends a long time in Leo this year for most of the period from June 5th - October 8th. This is because Venus turns retrograde and from July 31st - September 6th, Venus is giving the illusion of moving backwards in the heavens in the sign of Leo. ""This indicates that you may lose someone’s support for a while in the middle of the year, for example if you have a female role model or a woman of influence in your life, someone who backs you and supports you wholeheartedly. You may end up waiting on information in August or

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someone promises but doesn’t deliver. Be extra patient if this is the case and know that August is potentially your slowest month work-wise.""With Venus in Leo for a lengthy period, you can’t rule out the possibility that you’re going to find love through your work or the role you play on a daily basis. Plus with Venus retrograde, you may need to keep your relationship quiet for a while. If a relationship is going to affect what you do professionally and other people aren’t happy with the situation, take a step back. ""Venus in Leo is a positive influence however and as Venus connects with your ruler Jupiter in the heavens on July 1st and August 4th, this feels like a blessing, a gift and happiness coming your way. It may be in the shape of a job, a person who’s a godsend or simply feeling flushed with good health. Again it’s a reminder to make the most of your everyday life as this is where you will find your joy.""Stepping Up To Responsibility!"At the same time as Jupiter is moving through Leo and your everyday work sector, Saturn is in Sagittarius and the sign up at the top of your chart ruling your career, your status and vocation in life. Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and for some, this is about taking on a new position of responsibility or authority. You may be promoted whilst Saturn’s in Sagittarius or be invited to become the chair or governor of a board or committee. ""Whatever role comes your way, this isn’t necessarily a breeze. Saturn’s known as the taskmaster of the heavens and you can’t get away with winging it when Saturn’s in charge. It denotes a period of hard work and there can be a noticeable imbalance in your life, e.g. you’re overworked with too much responsibility or you enter a period of unemployment. ""Think twice about what you say Yes to in the coming year as any position of responsibility or a promotion is likely to come with added stress or longer hours. Remember that ultimately a healthy work/life balance is going to suit you best with Jupiter in Leo.""For some, Saturn in Sagittarius means you’re going to come into contact with the authorities in some shape or form, perhaps a boss who likes to wield his/her power or an auditor or inspector. If you run your own business, know that this is a real possibility and whatever your occupation in life,

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it’s worth keeping on the straight and narrow with Saturn in this sector of your chart. Saturn insists you play by the rules and the more organised you can be, the smoother your experience.""Another way to look at Saturn is to know that this is the planet of long-term reward so whatever you're building towards with regard to your career or vocation, this is about considering the long-term picture and know that you’re not going to reach the top of your mountain overnight. Whatever you begin with regard to your working life or a new role of responsibility, ensure that you’re in it for the long haul.""There will be times this year when you feel Saturn’s weight more than usual and this could generate a certain amount of fear or doubt within you. You may not feel ‘good enough’ or think that you’re ready for the challenges which come your way. ""It may take you a while to get into the swing of things in 2015. There’s a strong focus on your own sign of Pisces from mid-January through to mid-March. This is an important period to focus on your personal goals and to look at ways of keeping your own identity within a job or role and to ensure that your own needs are met. ""When Saturn clashes with personal planets in your sign, you are more likely to know what the challenges are going to be for you personally with regard to Saturn in your career sector. Key dates are January 15th, January 30th, February 23rd and March 16th. These dates may challenge your resolve and Saturn can show up your limitations, what you have control of in your life and where you need to relinquish control.""The Solar or New Moon eclipse on March 20th in your sign of Pisces is the turning point which may mean you’re no longer prepared to be pushed about or to put with a challenging situation. A Solar Eclipse often represents a door closing so you can start over and head off in a new direction. ""This is a powerful eclipse being in your own sign of Pisces and it may herald the start of a new chapter where you realise how important it is to know what you want and to learn to assert yourself effectively to get your own needs met. A Solar Eclipse sign is a real whoosh of a power and potentially an important turning point in the year.""There will be ongoing lessons or a whole period of learning whilst Saturn dominates your chart. Learn to recognise your own fears but find ways to overcome them too. Know the reality of your situation and deal with the facts rather than let your creative imagination run away with you. "

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"Towards the end of the year on November 26th, Saturn in Sagittarius squares up to your ruling planet Neptune in Pisces and by this date you will see how far you’ve come. It may be a case of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ in the coming year or it may be a reality that you can no longer work with a certain individual or sustain a situation that’s overly stressful. Looking after no. 1 has never been more important.""Expansive Love!"This is a huge year for your love life and there will be a fair few Piscean love stories that emerge especially in the second half of 2015. On August 11th, Jupiter, your ruling planet and the planet of opportunity, enters your opposite sign of Virgo and your love and relationship sector. Jupiter will remain in this part of your chart until September 2016.""This puts the emphasis on ‘the other’ in your chart and this is often a time when a proposal, a marriage or coupling takes place. If you’re looking for love, here’s your opportunity. Remember however that sitting at home waiting for Jupiter to strike isn’t your best policy. Get out and about, sign up to a dating agency and make the most of Jupiter in your opposite sign. ""Connections in general are well-starred when the luckiest planet in the heavens resides in your relationship sector and it’s through your 1-to-1’s that you’re most likely to find success. Choose partners wisely and trust your intuition. ""This is especially important in September when there’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in your opposite sign of Virgo on September 13th followed a few days later on September 17th by a major opposition in the heavens; Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces.""This is huge for you as Jupiter and Neptune are your ruling planets and it’s really important to notice what’s going on in your life mid-September. Eclipses can bring what’s hidden to light and wherever Jupiter is in your chart, here’s your chance for freedom. For some, Jupiter will be about finding relationship happiness and for others, it will represent a chance to leave or move on from a relationship that no longer makes you happy. ""The key to working with these two energies is to let your romantic nature soar whilst at the same time you keep your feet on the ground. Contracts and words of love may become an important

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factor on or around mid-September and getting a commitment in writing can be bliss personified. The downside of the Jupiter-Neptune opposition is an overwhelming rush of emotion and not being clear where your heart lies. If this is the case, bide your time as Mercury, your partner planet is also retrograde or on go slow from September 17th - October 9th.""It may take a while before you feel confident about love and partnerships later this year or you find your feet in some way but once Venus, the love planet, joins Mars in your opposite sign of Virgo on October 8th, you’re heading in the right direction. Mercury too turns direct one day later on October 9th so what you decide at this point with regard to love is final and a powerful indicator of a successful outcome.""Jupiter in Virgo goes on to make a stunning trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on October 11th and if you’re in a relationship or married, this is a brilliant date to set future agreements. There’s a chance for deep transformation within a relationship for you this year especially if you and your partner are both committed to growth and change.""If you’re looking for love, love and friendship are linked mid-October so look to your friends and the groups you’re in, whether you ask for an introduction or find yourself falling for someone you’ve known for some time. ""One of the hottest dates of the year for love is November 3rd when Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, come together in your opposite sign of Virgo. This is a brilliant date for relationships so make the most of it and do something special.""Money And Freedom!"This is a big year for money and the more you are able to free yourself from any debts or financial ties that hold you tight, the better. The most important months with regard to money are March and April. March 17th is a particularly significant date as this is the last Uranus-Pluto square in the heavens. These two mighty Titans have clashed with each other seven times since 2012. ""Uranus is in Aries ruling your personal money sector and Pluto is in Capricorn ruling your associations with friends, groups and your hopes and wishes for the future. When you have this combination influencing your finances, things are rarely stable financially especially as Uranus is an unpredictable quantity. "

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"You are also coming to the end of an eclipse cycle which began in 2012 cutting across the money axis of your chart. The last eclipse takes place in March 2016 but this year there are two more Lunar or Full Moon eclipses, the first of which falls across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart on April 4th. !"Together with the Uranus-Pluto square on March 17th, these two events indicate a period of change or upheaval. The best way to look at this is to think about what you can let go of to improve your own situation. ""Life may step in and close a door for you and it’s certainly not the best time to be making important money decisions or agreements. In fact, you’re wise to consider how your money associations affect you financially and emotionally as the two are very often linked. ""The best case scenario is that the Jupiter-Uranus trine which takes place on March 3rd (see Boost Your Well-being) delivers a way out of a financial transaction or association perhaps through money incoming via a job or lifestyle shuffle.""Uranus in Aries wants you to be free of the ties that bind so consider all the areas where you share resources or have links to financial institutions or you have debts or loans or money agreements with key people in your life. Look where in life you can cut ties and be independent with regard to your money so you’re not beholden to anyone.""The second eclipse cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart falls on September 28th and again it’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse indicating the completion or end of a money transaction. This eclipse falls in a period when Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde in Libra and your shared resources sector from September 17th - October 9th. Once Mercury turns direct mid-October, this is your green light to look at ways of improving your cash flow and creating healthy financial associations and ties. ""From mid-October to the end of the year the personal planets move through Libra and your joint finance sector offering you a chance to get your money management back on track. Look for people who can advise you and work at ways of establishing a healthy balance financially. ""

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It’s a good period in the year to analyse your budget and become finance savvy. Play your cards right and by year’s end, you’ll find that your money’s working for you and you’ll have found a way to plug any deficit or stop the roller-coaster ride of money coming in but going out just as fast. "

"Saying Yes to Life!"Being a Pisces, making up your mind can be the equivalent of a magical mystery tour. In the spirit of your ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, you believe anything’s possible but your go-with-the-flow approach to life doesn’t always lead you in the right direction. ""The middle of this year may present a moral dilemma when you’re asked to make a choice between conflicting wants or needs. This is due to the planet Saturn dipping back into your fellow water sign of Scorpio from June 15th - September 18th. As it does so it clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter in Leo on August 3rd. ""Jupiter represents the word Yes, possibility, allowing things to happen whereas Saturn is more cautious, fears failure and wants to say No. There are different ways this conflict may play out in your life but it could involve a holiday or trip away, a wish to study or learn something new or relate to your personal beliefs and the principles you live by.""The conflict may arise because of a lifestyle issue; perhaps you want to keep people sweet at your place of employment or you’re nervous about doing something that over-stretches you. You may simply be happy with your life the way it is and don’t want to commit to anything that could knock your equilibrium out of balance. ""The way to deal with this is to consider your options carefully and to know that at their best, Jupiter and Saturn can teach one another a great deal. Jupiter’s motivation and optimism helps to lift Saturn’s spirits and Saturn’s ‘get real’ mentality adds structure and depth to Jupiter’s enthusiasm. It’s a classic example of seeing the reality of your situation and at the same time being willing and open to find a solution. ""So whatever your personal challenge in the middle of the year look at all the options and know that August isn’t the best month to try and achieve a miracle. In fact, if this is about travel and holidays or study and learning, then it may be best to postpone any activity until the stars re-align and make life easier for you."

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"November and December are brilliant months to say Yes to an adventure, to visit family abroad for Christmas, to book on a course or workshop that has the ability to be life-changing or embark on a spiritual path. ""Wherever Saturn held you back over the last two years, you no longer need to bow to Saturn’s might. At least not when it comes to personal growth and any activity which broadens your horizons and expands your experience of life. ""Summary!"Getting the balance right at work and with regard to your responsibilities is vital if you’re to achieve a healthy lifestyle in the year ahead. You may decide to move on from one particular position or role that weighs too heavy upon you and instead give yourself a break so your everyday routine is lighter and easier. ""New partnerships open up that help you out not only financially but in other key areas as well. The roller-coaster ride of money whizzing in and out continues but with a little help from your friends you’re more in control. A new relationship phase is beginning and from the middle of the year onwards you realise how important it is to commit to love. ""The path ahead is opening up and there are choices to make regarding travel, education and your spiritual path. You begin to realise that sometimes it doesn’t matter so much what you do in life as long as you’re continuing to move forward. Worry less about your chosen destination and enjoy the journey of life to the max."""

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"2. Get a Free Copy of Your Birth Chart "There are a couple of online websites which will draw up your birth chart for free once

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About Sally!"

Sally has been an astrologer for 25 years and in that time she has

written hundreds of horoscopes and astrology articles for many media

publications in the UK and Japan.

"The TVTimes astrologer for 15 years, her work has appeared in Soul &

Spirit magazine, Express newspapers, Prima, Chat It’s Fate and on the

BBCi website.

"Sally trained with the Company of Astrologers in London and their divinatory approach to

astrology appealed to her northern roots and consequently she loves to use astrology to

make specific predictions and offer advice and inspiration that’s relevant to everyday life.

"Sally continues to show her passion for astrology teaching beginners and she offers

popular personal astrology consultations.

"Her clients are women and men in all stages of life who know instinctively that personal

awareness and insight combined with the universal language of astrology helps them

make wise choices in their own lives.

"Sally currently lives outside Guildford in leafy green Surrey with her partner, her daughter

and their 3 dogs.


Copyright (c) Sally Kirkman Astrologer 2014/2015

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