you need to know about - veng · • c a tl yi co nv e rsh b g p e tro l c asi n1 9 3 . • t h...

WHAT IS A CATALYTIC CONVERTER A Catalytic Converter (or Cat) is an Exhaust Emissions Device located underneath a vehicle. It uses a combination of heat and precious metals to promote a chemical reaction, which breaks down harmful gases, making the emissions less detrimental to the environment. HOW DOES A CAT WORK? The operating temperature of a cat is between 350 to 400 degrees Celsius. Once the cat has reached this temperature a chemical reaction occurs as the exhaust gases flow through the coated monolith. The harmful gases are oxidised and converted as shown in the diagram opposite. COMPONENTS OF A CAT A honeycomb monolith coated with precious metals (usually Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium) is encased in a steel can. Between the monolith and the can is matting. Upon running a cat in, this matting expands when subjected to heat. Once expanded, the matting holds the monolith in place. ROAD DAMAGE External damage caused by hitting an object in the road i.e. speed bumps. It causes the monolith to get damaged if crushed by the movement of the steel can. Signs are dents and scratches on the cat. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CATALYTIC CONVERTERS E 103-R 9 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CATALYTIC CONVERTERS DIFFERENT TYPES OF CAT Underfloor Cats Older cats tend to be underfloor cats. Thus meaning there is a length of pipe between the cat and the manifold. Manifold Cats Also known as “close- coupled.” These fit direct to the manifold. Maniverter These are more common on newer vehicles. The cat is part of the manifold. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SUBSTRATES There are 2 different types of substrates: Ceramic These account for about 95% of aftermarket cat sales. The monolith is a ceramic brick with a honeycomb structure, held in place by matting. Metallic Constructed from a corrugated metallic matting, which is rolled to form the monolith, they are more durable than the ceramic cats. WHAT CAN GO WRONG? A Catalytic Converter (or Cat) is an Exhaust Emissions Device located underneath a vehicle. It uses a combination of heat and precious metals to promote a chemical reaction, which breaks down harmful gases, making the emissions less detrimental to the environment. ! MELTED A melted monolith is caused by over-fuelling. Excess fuel enters the exhaust system and ignites when it hits the catalyst. The cat therefore “super-heats” hence why the brick melts. The external casing turns a bluish colour when this happens. ! ! PLUGGED AND CONTAMINATED Black soot deposits (hydrocarbons) coat the monolith and prevent the precious metals converting the gases. It can cause the monolith to become blocked therefore causing increased backpressure. A build up of black soot deposit in the pipe work is often a sign of this. USE OF EXHAUST PASTE Automatic warranty failure if exhaust paste is used before the catalyst. This is because the paste hardens and small pellets may break away and fire into the cat. Over time the monolith will gradually be broken down by the pellets, causing it to fail. ! POOR FITTING Over tightening can cause flanges to crack. Also non- usage of spring bolts where required can cause excessive vibrations, which can break up the monolith. Using worn gaskets can cause similar problems, hence why we recommend using new fittings if possible. EMISSIONS FAILURE High HC levels indicate either over-fuelling or petrol leaking into the exhaust system. An increase in CO levels from the natural idle test to the fast idle test indicates a misfire. The perfect lambda level is 1, anything below this indicates the car is running rich, anything above this indicates the car is running lean. ! ! CATFACTS & FITTING ADVICE CAT FACTS & FITTING ADVICE BM CATALYSTS TECHNICAL HELPLINE 0870 890 0431 WWW.BMCATALYSTS.CO.UK BM CATALYSTS TECHNICAL HELPLINE 0870 890 0431 WWW.BMCATALYSTS.CO.UK EXHAUST GASSES IN Hydrocarbons (HC) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Oxides (NO2) EXHAUST GASSES IN Hydrocarbons (HC) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Oxides (NO2) EXHAUST GASSES OUT WATER (H2O) CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) NITROGEN (N) EXHAUST GASSES OUT WATER (H2O) CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) NITROGEN (N) Catalytic Converters have been a legality on all petrol cars since 1993. The “European Emission Control Legislation” enforces the limits for toxic emissions. A cat is located close to the cars engine for heat purposes. All internal ceramic monoliths have E9 Type 103-R approval under current European legislation. The use of new fittings is recommended where available when fitting Cats. An Emissions report is required for all emissions failures, as this gives an indication how the car is running. Hydrocarbons are unburned fuel. Ceramic Cats carry a 2-year warranty, Metallic Cats carry a 3-year warranty. When fitting a Cat alone, put it into place & loosely fix it to the vehicle, if you tighten up one end you may not get the Cat to line up correctly. A Cat isn't designed to get a vehicle through its MOT. A Cats purpose is to reduce the amount of harmful gases being released into the atmosphere! Don’t hit the catalytic converter with a mallet, hammer or chisel gun to try and force it into place. Silicone can be used as a sealant in front of the Cat, but never use exhaust paste. It is advisable to fit a Cat whilst the vehicle is on a ramp, rather than on axle stands. WHAT'S NOT COVERED BY MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY? WHAT'S NOT COVERED BY MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY? Road Damage External damage caused by solid objects, therefore it isn't a manufacturing defect. Melted Monolith Caused by over-fuelling, is therefore a vehicle related problem, not a faulty cat. Exhaust Paste Immediately invalidates a warranty if used in front of a cat. Plugged and Contaminated Caused by using the wrong fuel, or oil entering the exhaust system. Again this is a vehicle related problem, not a faulty cat.

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Page 1: YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT - Veng · • C a tl yi co nv e rsh b g p e tro l c asi n1 9 3 . • T h e“ E ur o panm is C t lL g” enforces the limits for toxic emissions. • A cat

WWHHAATT IISS AACCAATTAALLYYTTIICC CCOONNVVEERRTTEERRA Catalytic Converter (or Cat) is anExhaust Emissions Device locatedunderneath a vehicle. It uses acombination of heat and preciousmetals to promote a chemicalreaction, which breaks down harmfulgases, making the emissions lessdetrimental to the environment.

HHOOWW DDOOEESSAA CCAATT WWOORRKK??The operating temperature of a cat isbetween 350 to 400 degrees Celsius.Once the cat has reached thistemperature a chemical reaction occursas the exhaust gases flow through thecoated monolith. The harmful gases areoxidised and converted as shown in thediagram opposite.

CCOOMMPPOONNEENNTTSSOOFF AA CCAATTA honeycomb monolithcoated with preciousmetals (usually Platinum,Palladium and Rhodium)is encased in a steel can.Between the monolithand the can is matting.Upon running a cat in,this matting expandswhen subjected to heat.Once expanded, thematting holds themonolith in place.

RROOAADD DDAAMMAAGGEEExternal damage caused byhitting an object in the roadi.e. speed bumps. It causesthe monolith to getdamaged if crushed by themovement of the steel can.Signs are dents andscratches on the cat.







DDIIFFFFEERREENNTT TTYYPPEESS OOFF CCAATTUUnnddeerrfflloooorr CCaattss Older cats tend to be

underfloor cats. Thusmeaning there is alength of pipe betweenthe cat and themanifold.

MMaanniiffoolldd CCaattss Also known as “close-coupled.” These fitdirect to the manifold.

MMaanniivveerrtteerr These are morecommon on newervehicles. The cat ispart of the manifold.

DDIIFFFFEERREENNTT TTYYPPEESSOOFF SSUUBBSSTTRRAATTEESSTThheerree aarree 22 ddiiffffeerreennttttyyppeess ooff ssuubbssttrraatteess::CCeerraammiicc These account for

about 95% ofaftermarket catsales. The monolithis a ceramic brickwith a honeycombstructure, held inplace by matting.

MMeettaalllliicc Constructed from acorrugated metallicmatting, which isrolled to form themonolith, they aremore durable thanthe ceramic cats.

WWHHAATT CCAANN GGOO WWRROONNGG??AA CCaattaallyyttiicc CCoonnvveerrtteerr ((oorr CCaatt)) iiss aann EExxhhaauusstt EEmmiissssiioonnss DDeevviiccee llooccaatteedduunnddeerrnneeaatthh aa vveehhiiccllee.. IItt uusseess aa ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn ooff hheeaatt aanndd pprreecciioouuss mmeettaallss ttoopprroommoottee aa cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn,, wwhhiicchh bbrreeaakkss ddoowwnn hhaarrmmffuull ggaasseess,, mmaakkiinnggtthhee eemmiissssiioonnss lleessss ddeettrriimmeennttaall ttoo tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..


MMEELLTTEEDDA melted monolith is causedby over-fuelling. Excess fuelenters the exhaust systemand ignites when it hits thecatalyst. The cat therefore“super-heats” hence why thebrick melts. The externalcasing turns a bluish colourwhen this happens.


!! PPLLUUGGGGEEDD AANNDDCCOONNTTAAMMIINNAATTEEDDBlack soot deposits(hydrocarbons) coat themonolith and prevent theprecious metals convertingthe gases. It can cause themonolith to becomeblocked therefore causingincreased backpressure. Abuild up of black sootdeposit in the pipe work isoften a sign of this.

UUSSEE OOFFEEXXHHAAUUSSTT PPAASSTTEEAutomatic warranty failure ifexhaust paste is usedbefore the catalyst. This isbecause the paste hardensand small pellets may breakaway and fire into the cat.Over time the monolith willgradually be broken down bythe pellets, causing it to fail.

!! PPOOOORR FFIITTTTIINNGGOver tightening can causeflanges to crack. Also non-usage of spring bolts whererequired can causeexcessive vibrations, whichcan break up the monolith.Using worn gaskets cancause similar problems,hence why we recommendusing new fittings ifpossible.

EEMMIISSSSIIOONNSS FFAAIILLUURREEHigh HC levels indicate either over-fuellingor petrol leaking into the exhaust system.An increase in CO levels from the naturalidle test to the fast idle test indicates amisfire. The perfect lambda level is 1,anything below this indicates the car isrunning rich, anything above this indicatesthe car is running lean.








EEXXHHAAUUSSTT GGAASSSSEESS IINNHydrocarbons ((HHCC))Carbon Monoxide ((CCOO))Nitrogen Oxides ((NNOO22))

EEXXHHAAUUSSTT GGAASSSSEESS IINNHydrocarbons ((HHCC))Carbon Monoxide ((CCOO))Nitrogen Oxides ((NNOO22))



• CCaattaallyyttiicc CCoonnvveerrtteerrss hhaavvee bbeeeenn aa lleeggaalliittyy oonn aallllppeettrrooll ccaarrss ssiinnccee 11999933..

• TThhee ““EEuurrooppeeaann EEmmiissssiioonn CCoonnttrrooll LLeeggiissllaattiioonn””eennffoorrcceess tthhee lliimmiittss ffoorr ttooxxiicc eemmiissssiioonnss..

• AA ccaatt iiss llooccaatteedd cclloossee ttoo tthhee ccaarrss eennggiinnee ffoorrhheeaatt ppuurrppoosseess..

• AAllll iinntteerrnnaall cceerraammiicc mmoonnoolliitthhss hhaavvee EE99 TTyyppee110033--RR aapppprroovvaall uunnddeerr ccuurrrreenntt EEuurrooppeeaannlleeggiissllaattiioonn..

• TThhee uussee ooff nneeww ffiittttiinnggss iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd wwhheerreeaavvaaiillaabbllee wwhheenn ffiittttiinngg CCaattss..

• AAnn EEmmiissssiioonnss rreeppoorrtt iiss rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr aalllleemmiissssiioonnss ffaaiilluurreess,, aass tthhiiss ggiivveess aann iinnddiiccaattiioonnhhooww tthhee ccaarr iiss rruunnnniinngg..

• HHyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss aarree uunnbbuurrnneedd ffuueell..

• CCeerraammiicc CCaattss ccaarrrryy aa 22--yyeeaarr wwaarrrraannttyy,,MMeettaalllliicc CCaattss ccaarrrryy aa 33--yyeeaarr wwaarrrraannttyy..

• WWhheenn ffiittttiinngg aa CCaatt aalloonnee,, ppuutt iitt iinnttoo ppllaaccee &&lloooosseellyy ffiixx iitt ttoo tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, iiff yyoouu ttiigghhtteenn uuppoonnee eenndd yyoouu mmaayy nnoott ggeett tthhee CCaatt ttoo lliinnee uuppccoorrrreeccttllyy..

• AA CCaatt iissnn''tt ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo ggeett aa vveehhiiccllee tthhrroouugghhiittss MMOOTT.. AA CCaattss ppuurrppoossee iiss ttoo rreedduuccee tthheeaammoouunntt ooff hhaarrmmffuull ggaasseess bbeeiinngg rreelleeaasseedd iinnttootthhee aattmmoosspphheerree!!

• DDoonn’’tt hhiitt tthhee ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonnvveerrtteerr wwiitthh aa mmaalllleett,,hhaammmmeerr oorr cchhiisseell gguunn ttoo ttrryy aanndd ffoorrccee iitt iinnttooppllaaccee..

• SSiilliiccoonnee ccaann bbee uusseedd aass aa sseeaallaanntt iinn ffrroonntt oofftthhee CCaatt,, bbuutt nneevveerr uussee eexxhhaauusstt ppaassttee..

• IItt iiss aaddvviissaabbllee ttoo ffiitt aa CCaatt wwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhiiccllee iissoonn aa rraammpp,, rraatthheerr tthhaann oonn aaxxllee ssttaannddss..

WWHHAATT''SS NNOOTT CCOOVVEERREEDD BBYY MMAANNUUFFAACCTTUURREERRSS WWAARRRRAANNTTYY??WWHHAATT''SS NNOOTT CCOOVVEERREEDD BBYY MMAANNUUFFAACCTTUURREERRSS WWAARRRRAANNTTYY??RRooaadd DDaammaaggee External damage caused by solid objects, therefore it isn't a manufacturing defect.MMeelltteedd MMoonnoolliitthh Caused by over-fuelling, is therefore a vehicle related problem, not a faulty cat.EExxhhaauusstt PPaassttee Immediately invalidates a warranty if used in front of a cat.PPlluuggggeedd aanndd CCoonnttaammiinnaatteedd Caused by using the wrong fuel, or oil entering the exhaust system.

Again this is a vehicle related problem, not a faulty cat.