you have the power # 2

You Have POWER # 2

Upload: sompong-yusoontorn

Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Page 1: You Have The Power # 2

You HavePOWER # 2

Page 2: You Have The Power # 2

It’s easy to give other people power. It’s easy to let them define you, to letthem take leadership roles and say

what’s what and create the rulesthat you live by.

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It’s incredibly difficult to realize that thepower you seek exists within yourself. No one needs to give you permission.

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From now on, please always remind that….This journey throughlife is yours;  Use your power to live your life to the fullest!!!

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You have the powerto create your own


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You have the power to be competent, inspiring,passionate, obsessed, provocative, impatient,

hungry, driven, adoring, inspired, an artist, a genius or someone who cares.

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You have the power to lose weight and getfit. You have the power

to get out of debt.

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You have the power to learnnew habits and kill bad ones.

You have the power to smile and be happy.

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You have the power to find your passion and do something with it. You have the power to become an

expert on any subject you wish.

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You have the power to setyourself free of negative

thought patterns andbehaviors.

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You have the power to imaginethe best for yourself and your

world, and then to immediatelytake steps in that direction. 

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You have the power to riseabove the meaningless,

petty distractions that canwaste so much time and

steal so much energy. 

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You have the power to fillyour moments, your life

and your awareness withthe things that have real

and lasting meaning. 

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You have the power to be your best no matterwhat the circumstance.

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You have the power to moveforward no matter what

setbacks or obstacles may block your path. 

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You have the power to livetrue to your highest vision

of how life can be.

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You have the power to follow and to reach

the dreams of yourchoosing. 

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You have the power to live by anymanifesto you like, or create

your own. You have the power to be your best self.

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You have all this power because you have the choice. In each moment,you can choose, independent of all other factors, what to think,

what to say, and what to do and who to be. 

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Though it is a serious responsibility, it is also the most magnificentopportunity anyone could ever imagine. For you have the choice,

and the power, to truly and to fully live.

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You have thepower. Now

what are yougoing to do

with it?

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn