yol.ij.n*16,411 new-york,...

yoL.iJ.N* 16,411 NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, l^i.-giXTEHN PA<;i:s. I'RICE THREE CEWTa .jNGUND and the fair nVOBABlJ: BSFOKT OF THE COMMISSIOX- jR6 WHO B1C1XTLY VISITED CHICAOO. AJ105 OP TIIF. ROYAL COMMISSIOX-COMMIT- TFUj; TO Bl APPOlNTED. -0D; Oct. 21..There wai pul.lishe.l to-day __, flabo'rate report nf Sir Ili-nry Wood ai.d t . Difrtje, tlio Britfah Cotninissioners who ntJ.v retam-d t* thB i-ity altor visitiny Chi- _\ and taH'l ni.itiiri.-s in re-ard to thr ttepa *£ek Grcit Britala OOUld aml inight take in ¦rlpf an appropriatc exhthtl at tlu- Colmnbiati l*Z_f 1893. TW« report was presented to the oZ.] t'linimi^ion on Wedne-day. Sir Ei<-h.u-d WWer tlc AtNirncy-ConoiaJ. presided at this __g*M* wfc,dl Sir 1>;"up CualMto <>\v.-n, Sir ivderick kJttl ^ir mWgi* lhrdwood and other Iromlnfnt ¦eibWl Of the Coniinisoion were *\ t j_e report, earefully reviewa each \ tatrr. ly the ('oiintiTs.'-ioncrs ln the r ted ClaRn. 9*6 Ifl fall of valuahle rtJistie* ns ta spare, transportation, et«. Among »tberthin?s, it n-romuicnds the ercr-tioa of a hand- m_f baildins on the site provuled foi Great ifctain. 9** *Y* t,Mt ir is (f>r,ain tliat tbe iniios tra»ted witk the tasks of uiaking the awards will te intornational in all groups contaiDing foreign lubitA The report also commends the roort«v of President Harrison and Seoretary Fos- \rr ai- oi »!1 tliP Expoklttoi oftieiate whom the Rritiih ('oranii.->i"'ers ini-t, and who, they say, nted gu t|lP reqiiests matle on behaU ol (irent Pniain. The (.'i.tnitiissiuners say that there is DO 'oubiwhatevrr of tlio ultimate sureess ol the Fair. .jw *M: *We also Lelii-ve that otir visit was el totM isiistonee to the Kxeeutive, as it was u rt 0{ our duty to place all the infoiination vbirb thr other exhibitions had given us fully and y/ygf it tbfir ditpoBkL KeftrriW t0 tne designs for the Fair, the Co«'ui?«ion<>r remarked: "So fur M we oould jtid^e, great ekill aud toldnne oharaoterized the general en(;ineering traptt.* Touching upon (iiiestions of deeoration', tbey tty- "It is gratifying to record that the japortant work of deeoration Ls eontxelled by an Enjilishmen, Mr. Pretyman." As to loeal tracs- portatioD, the repirt tfeerta " There is no dotibt that the probiem involving the transportation of patuenperb f:..m the <ity (Chioago) to the exhibi- ti»n will be ioeeeafallj aolved. Ti.e «neetloti of railwayg w.tliin the groands ifl a very serious one. The mthorities have uia.'e maojr nrranaemeiits in thls direetion. hut it will be diffienll to provide too liherally for ihe rusy ciiculatioii of visitors »i'M:i t; ..-..' loi After tne report had beea read, the Commisfiion tfcaaked Sir Henry VVood auil Mr. Dredge im their work. The Commifltion uIm. decided to ap- p.int f-omiii;"'- > tO alt-tnl to linaiire, tine orU, Ii.'li.m exhibita, eolonial exhibiti, eiwineerina, irience,educatlon, and other hiaiK-hi-sot Greal Brit- ntendedexhibit. li »l»odecided toappointa itteo "t adies to eorrespond with and t" the I.olies' Commlttee of Chicoffo. Finally, the CommisBlon decided to ln- rs ..I Commerce to ai-i as lo'-al eonunitteeo f .- the purpoee af aaststing aml advis- intr Brittah manufacturen aud ot-h-.-rs as to tiieir exnibita, ? EXHIBTTOB.' AND llli: CCSTOMS RULE8. THK IBPORXATIOXS TO RE K \CI I-ITATI-D-THF. PLORIDA STATE PAIR. cofb, Oet 23..Bpeclal Afenl Mali^r. of the Treaa- ury Deparliiifiit. arrlve* ia BU eltjr to.lay aud hart a c kiferenee wltli O Ded ir fiark retaRre to the rustom li'.a-e rrsiilaiii.il.-- m tkfl WcekPl Fmr. A Ixiil discus- bowever, Im tic-n postpooM -mtil IMe arrlval of Ant teerttary Xctrl ond TreaeoiT Agent '.I .luiat -.pi'iiU with i.nv Kulhoiity," said Mr. Xoker, "but i un well tattdM ti.at it i- ihe la- Government so to rt-cuiate tlie bnporta- fexhlbttl it-^ to inl.-.fere a> Httle a* pos-.ll.lr wHk v. il! iio doubt be eiit.-r.-rt nt ROW- ii-'iirnt mt for itntiiediiite trane- cow pied f. tke OoReetor "f tiie -.- far thc i'i.iuii.Mi.i. BxpostUoa. All tke Oott- ¦h imrt otker repi taentath-w of the GoreniBMBl ai.. jd bave made exhlbJton pretty well arqnalnted arttl 1'ie f'ut il.at tkere wfll be no nnneeeaaary later wlth exbibttora, ;n.d no doaW thi.- has given | v. ill be wll in-ited." K'li-'ni has :i-ii'i] for :;r...K.o iquare leet trlrity buUdtng.exaetly one-serentta i< th" Kronnd floor ipaee ol tbe rtmctore. He nyt paee r qoested, be wlll take bave everj aquare Ibol of lt filioU wltk an .,; i.-nIi bli wortfc.v of -tm'.v. w. b. » Uipley, prcsWenl ol tii- FlorMa WorM'i rsir i. . il.'.y thal wiii rcprodnce I'.-.-i Marion al Ihe Mr, lltnrh sajrs tluil Ikls reprodnctlon tltiite a state buildii for >n Is snpp im '! the old *l lio inK'i Btates. It was bullt by tlio . st. Augustlne In 1';l*o. PI.ANM.v; A LfiAGUE OP PEACE. III BLL-OED OOUNT-A-MOVE OF FBAYCE AXD Kl'SHA TO THE Kl.Ni-xVAL Ol TBE TBIPLE AI.IJXn rarb \ dlapatcb to tbe Tlgaro" from igen, publisbed to-aay, -ays -ha* during th<- Uand r..\a! gatherincal Fredensborg, the p i»anl-!i ro\al famlly, whcre the Emperor and ave aad* lo ig i hUta tlds autnmn, thr lurmutum af a "Lengae uf J'tM.e'' x-.a^ dlaa-uaaed at \ .rding t-. the "FaBartr*" corre*po_de_1 Mi B88DM i- ii Inclnde Buaala, Franta, Bervla, .! Deaaiark. He adda thal Ibe kagae ahoaM br- f<.nnrti lutlon will ''(. publiclv announfed an. 1 lil- icaguc. should it be formcd, xvill ba ; Iaa rounter-more to the renewal of M:e Tt« Pv one <>f Ihe be-t -ociety pnpers la dlaplarlng in ihe small part to poiiti'-s tiie romantle ;.nd qualltlea wW.h mark Ita Hlarary Aepert- ***l*. Tl;c tiry -l out the projeel-d I.e.'-pne of Peaca **'.% l'.e i Bovel rn Uha iko aeenarfo of a aUlennlum t***- !- -.-:.!. ba ladeed .. good IMag lf sn. a a leagnc ^4 U fon,,t| oSclally, thia Inanrlng the peaee of ~.at- fce] tbe plaa is not feaatMe aud the C_ar *a-fy iuv» eoneelved it. for the folkarlne reaaona: t* *** Hace, lt i- weii known thal poBtleal iie- ^*"J-a8Tlii!,t are itrletly prohfliKed lo tbe eaetto iiah^'v '"'.'" AlL>xa"drr Jn apenda hla yearty rr**' '.¦ wementa arttb iu- famlly. In i^i?!*4 *'*">. tba dlplomatl: iraditi.n in ,_ ed 10 f'.Mnal alllance betue-ii lar, wj_. t_ ftm "ta :- b!.f. France ;. ni Ruaata and aalno. .J * lx« laeden, Baawta and Montenagro. More ,,. ' doea everybody <¦:-<¦, thal tbe m ./* '* paaetieally i. axlstenee already. since the J *'___,.. BMBtioned la the oatlbie «.f the aeheme j.,_l*t'' ,'.it;ite i.i the orb« ef Busata. A,v T' Ai*x»wr.-i«-r- ui |. Bware alao thal the Trtple "v****h aai ai ttrobgly eemented aa it « i- before Ita j_^ -.-. -, -ii-nil.-l, .---iii-.n' _- ii » .- i. i.in3 ii- »'. __.__*'' "¦'' aeeount <,r the beiltatlon of Italy; -Baahat-L-^ """tunj obllgatlona or the alllea Imve I.n tSEtn. " ''..'""' It-elf reeentlr ad- ,"'* t'ie ,,', L-ntlon to defend A. -irla did lo lll. {_r_* eountrlea whose Independenee I- mwriaai neeeaaarj tothe toltert aafety. ** OP THE \\i-< '..v-J.v AT QCKSX-TOWir. wee_at/,a-i,. ,-., 23. The ,.,,,,., \\JS. !«'"ll *pu " Wl,:p«'ii. whieh lefl Kev V (._ irl aad Llverpool, arrived bere al ralBff, Mlebael Dtvttt, a ho waa ^'' t,J" ha lengera, aald that the Wiaeooaia J.__i ^eaeeedingij roagi, ueather. He apoke hlghly In atr«r '"' M:";'i«n-!.i|, ,i tn.- ofleera -mi craw of tha >-id Minj that, thou.h the vcssel %x_- pounded 4. ) by the trein-nd ;.e _u Uilned lio ,\__H °* I LUOH MOVEMB-T. h,.. , . al balHoa ritMrawn , ince to-dnj araa '. l.'l. -'iirled iri ...... _.. ... ...piuent i,, New-Yorl.. ___? AV'VKI: »Ha. OOXHPIBAI V CHABOB. Ora.,. "''. -':,.~<,. K- Maifhj aai Babeel .-< 1^"' Uie pabBc warka eoaarartoea, did aat ai j^ to tiie ebaaaa of eoaaapitaey preierr.- against m9M Ul Micbael Counolly, a_other .o_u_afc.r. who BfJefBB that tkay atloaiplti] 10 extort 6..00.000 from lilin. Mtirphy ni.d Metiiv.vv xveiv 08 Inil, whlch xvin b* torfetted. Tk* caa* waa pmcrcdcd xvith, not- witbat.ndlog th-ir abaea* e, -? TOPICS INTlli: __6QI_6H CAPITAL. MR. O-ADSTONE- iMMi: lui.i: BILL kl.VI.--ED- MR. BALFOOB'a BTJOOE880B 66 ir.l^ii SlTKLTUiY- THI IH'KF. OF 6IFE. cepvright; l-'.n Bg fbi jtim Ikit Jaaofafed Pmt. London, Oet, -J,')..Mr. (ilnd-txitic hns r*Vta*d 1:1 ^ Home Kule bilL Karl Bpeaear, Mr. MtIm and Mr Willtam Wrnon Harcoiut b*Vfl nitled him in Hh.-ipliig the pni.iu.ii featares, vrhU* \a>tA iierMheii eep ciaUy atte_6*d Ib ta* lopti nnd oraurtitaOonai form ..,* fb* achaia*. Lord BoaetMry, though continuaiiy advl cd a< to tho pr..gr-ss of the 1 IU, tm itly dri llilid t > a- i or ln- terfcio iintil m-cntly, Whafl hc xxas infori (Kl tliat he innst aafiae lils attitn.ie loward tke Pl j''i of the Une-ral leartcrs. IJe^arduiff the .iriwiplcs of tka new aeaaaia, eaoagh has beaa ofaelaOy aaocilaliad to eiiahle one. to state Itiat It give* thc propieed Irlsh lifgrlalatnra fuiicr powara thaa 616 tk* biii ol 1866. fl retains tlie loxver and uppcr kooaea of thfl Iri-.li I'ar iiament. vasta tbe Biaoint-Mat of tbe tadleiary in thc in.-ii Bzecatlve, aad _*_ntal.a a bu_cr reprc- sentHtioii of livlnnd in thc intperial I'nrliament. Th* loinpicte qataUona of BnaneiaJ rabttlooi aud tlie con¬ trol of tlie poliie 81* nl-o .-citled. Now thut John K. lledmnnd la tlie aclraowlrdgcd leader of tho Fariicllitcs, only Mr< 'arthyit- partlaaiM decrv the choicc of tho partv. Mr. I'jinell Balected him as one imving <i_nlltif-s hlndrrd to his oxvn. Ilcd- m..nd Ls rtoMd and thonchtfiil, xxith a graviiy nnd reticenre of uiannei litting him for the (.Cdence Ol the party leHdei;. and now brinvlng hlin the eonflden. .. of tke party. He ls a good platfonn BfNMkat aad an able I'aiiianicnti-ry debater. It is not prol.able, Bow- ever, that he Will develop a caj.nrily eqaal t<» siisUiin- lng thfl life of his tection ¦a**laa| inch trcmendous odda, Tl.e pre*-.-nt game of tke MeCarthyitaa is an uttcnipt to i.iight the b-dding InBnenee of .ioim Bed- inon.l by bfanding Um us a traitor to Mr. F.irii-ll. wiiiiain LawM* Jaekaon, xxho-e *pao_ttita-t as frisii SaMiaaary i- detlniu-ly aniioiincd, haa the rcpu- tation among Trea.*ury oflnlalx of being a good biisi- iicRs mnn. v. lthoiit any bia* Ix.warU hi* OWfl ...**, lf he hid aay, and thfl r.-a-ly and jillant insttimeut of Mr. Iialfour aud I.ord -alMbary, with u ahrewd «¦> <; oo tho inatn chanea. Tralned as a Weatoyan, he Joincd tli. Chunh of F.ncljiirt, and baa beetl cun splcui.ivl on (liiir.li piatfn: rnr-. }Ie WOrkfld his father's Lusiness lu l.eert- out oi bauki npK-v, paylng ail of tho eredltor*. Ha gratfiiatcd from tlie Lccds Town Coun- eal to ParlM.wnt, *r_er* thfl b-slneaa aptltadea soon aaa* him tka 0>naa*atlTfl __sl*try'a man-of-aii-work. Mr. H.vU.iiii's fri.-nds say thut tb* app int-iu-ii; of Mr. Jaekaon xvill cnitble the formcr to obtaln some lelsuro, Be-iides liavniK a fO-dJMM for phllOsophlCtti Mr. Halfour is a Inglily culturea mu.-l. un, xcrst-d in th. s. ieiice of inusi.-. Th* Duki- of Fife is rapMly dl^p dng of his C4- tat'-s in Bcotbtnd. There are weeailj Balea of inr.-o tra. i^ of lils anda. Tho Duke givea wealtby tenant- faiiiKT- the pi-cicreiico, if they Bre able to pay txventv- -x years' purchaa*. Foreaeelng u Laud blll for i-cotland. he wlil Inveal lils money ln bnaiaeea, lt i- r>-portcl thut he iias doiibled his fortune by allte/Wd iuveMments. TESTIKQ A I'HOTECTED BOOM. D-6TBUCTI031 OF a XOBPKDO B"AT WHICH 8TBUCX IT AT Hir.ii BTEED. Londun, Oet. 23.- Experlmenta were made in a rre^k in Portamontb Harboryeat r.lay wltb a protected boom lnvented l.y ihe Naval Commlttee. Thc boon ron- -Isteii of -ix xx-o .let) baaBu, one f'.ot aqoan and forty f_e1 long, arratiKod v.lth the etids loward tk* enemy. The gpaoaa t^txveen tl.e lifjm- xvere too BarrOW to per- mlt a torpedo veaael to p«ss thnuph. The obetaek- xxa, snildiil.'ti by tcn steel Imxvsers Intcrtxx ined amonc the beami and attaebed to barijea oa either p'.de. T* pi-evnt th* Impact of a torpedo )>oat from dipplng th*. boom and erladling it to p-iwie over, aaotber ^ix-ln.-h bawaer aaa aaapended si_ feei B-ora tka boom. Tho beatna wcrc armed with atoel point- and poxveiful epikca lhaped llke bnll*' horns. One of the sxvlft<*t torpedo btwM in the Uriti.h Nfivy, the ouc latcly commanded by IT.nee <.eoii-e. wan i-eleet-d to attempt to pass the bo tn. The bojt xva* enra-sed ln a «uperstn.-tnre rtslnir in tlie centre. aud Blapiai towai-d the e_Uvmltie_. »n order to carry the elevatcd hawaer over the hull nnd prevent th© unashlng of thc funnel and torpedo gear. A ho«t of Admlralty officlals and Naval officere were present. Tiie torpedo boat, caiTying a lleritenant and fonr vaiii-n, wkCM liv- wre liisiiird by tka Admlralty, ila-hed forward at tlie *i*cd of fourteen linots aii liour, atrtUna tle- l.noin ln t__ eeotre. The boat mounieU the tirrt fei'ie. BBUMkll g tk* boom aml.lships, but Uie aaekot becatne entangxtf in the o.-eriiead bawaer and itoppcd th.- boat. l-'.x-i-ii then the boat could have di»- haraed toryedoes, bai -b* xvas tatally cripplcd, aflfl lvinaiii'.-.i Bxed to Ihe beafn. Tiie bow coinpartmenta fllled \xiili water. Ihe boal liavlng impinged u|. n the iim-i horiis, and thc bottom of the Etacboard sidr- waa ripped open. Th.- engince being reveraed freed tiie boat, whicb imuieUiai'-ly roiled over on her itarbsard tii.ic. Thc .--cxv then abaadoned liCr, and f-he s*ou aank. 1'MII.IP II. CABPBNTEB (X-MMITTED sriCIDE. I...nd',n, Oet 83. lt beeame known to-d_y ihnt Phllip Herberl Oarpenter, lf. A., F.B.8., tiie dlatln- gulabed arlentlal ;.!..| high anthorlty upon .l.-.-j. ea dredglng, whoae death waa annonnoed yeaterday, bad commltted autclde. At tbe Lnqueat to-day the Bev. Dr. Hale, tatlier-ln-law <«f Mr. Carpenter, t,-t;iied tbat he found tbe latter dead iu bed, with u bottle "f ebloro form nn a tnble by tn- alde; thal Mr. Carpenter beM lu bi-- band nn empty tumbler, wh'ei, bad apparently con- talned chlorofonu, and tbal on ihe table was u abeel "f paper up..n which he imd arrlttca u i cannot any longer endure th- load of lnsaaity arhich i hux', for Ihe h.-t tbree weaka. i have ruined myaelf, and have left my arlle and ehildren beggara through my madneea." Dr. Hale alao aaM that his aon-tn-Iaw Imd lately anffered from i1: oannla, nnd that be mndelnvea! menta whirh preyed apon his mlnd. ll was a,'-,, sbown :it UM in<|ue-t thut mnduess exlatod ln the de.rt man. famlly. nnd a verdlct in accordance arlth tbe fac.s was rendered. BBCIPROCITY WITH CANADA. Toronto, Oct, 23 (Speelal)..In a ipeech here yeater¬ day the Binleter ol Agricultara tatlmated thal thr Uon.inioii Government i.aii glven ap aii bopei of ieenr ing a iei-lproilty treaty wltb the I'nlted fRaiea. Ile i-aid I'anaii.t WM nol imIiir tx> art down on ber kiu'i ¦ to i.ep for reelprocfty. TM" Domlalon bad nol been fairiv in-t by tbe Unlted Rtatee. OaaaRa waa ]"¦¦ pared to meet wltk the Amerieaa Governmenl and di- i ii-- fi-c-r trtide. lf a falr and reH^oiiable reflprodty eonld b»- arranaed. hia Governmenl wai pt-ipari.ii in enter Into lt: imt, tn defaoll of tliat. Cana liunr mi.bt -.--.'.h- re for a market DOMIRIOK (IVII. SERYICE IRREOCLABITIER. ottAan, Oet. 23 '-i>i'i .al rhe report of tke I'riw Connrll on the reeeal Inegnlartttea tn the dvii Serviee was annoaneed by Premler Abbotl to-nlght. The poRej of iiie Government i- lo punlah ;iii offenden. A. lf. Dnrges*, Depnty Mlnlater of tke Intertor, ln who-- Departmenl many offend ra were employed, la ivinatated, but rednced a grade. The relnatatcmeal iiil.-.-i, ni-'i aboal a'- clerka in (kfe aame Deparl m-iii, wi"> were found gullty of ImviiiK* drawn extra na) eaeb of them loeea one month'a aalary. Thi re- ,. -i ,!.<, reeommenda thal etvll pn i:.-<i mted ngalnst certaln .lt-*-. fouod gullty of grave IrregulariRe*. TlIK KAI-EK'S BIRTHDAY GIPT TO Mis wn-T.. Beriln, Oet. 88.- Tim tblrtj teeood aonlvei wy ol the i.i.-tii of Empeeea Augneta netorla waa eelebrated yeateiday. When be came to offei bU ce ih Rmperor, i" tl"- aurprlse and d.-li^-ht ol the Pmpreaa, proaented hlineell to her rloan ahaven, excepl for his um hi.!'.-. ih. oecaalon (ral obaerved wltk tke eaatom- ary fetee, and the Bmpm was the reclple t ol many l',,. cltj ai d Pol d .ni wi re in T.'li: A-fCIIOBIA AOAXIf AGBOUSD. QIaagow, Oct 23. Tbe Ancbor Llne ateamer An- ehoria, xJaptaln CampbeU, torNei York, afelle proeeed Ing down tbe -i>do to-day, ran agionnd. The Anchorla groundad :it Graanoek laat week, whlle admg f, Glaagow, bnt wns goated wltboel dam- bi .; to the ii ini ane pr ralllng iu the Brttlah BUH8IAN HBBBBW1 ATTACKBD BY PK.i-.M-. Bt. Peteraburg, Oct -:;. Peaaanta have attackei Hebrewa llvlng la Starodoob and tbe aeltfiboring rtllagea, barnlng aai pIBaglag abopa aod dwdl Hebrewa, nnd iaverely lll tiratlng Ihe oeeapanta ai.d their faaULaa, TK.MN WilK' UU .MiAlN AT WORK I-V KMiLAM). i/.ndon. Oet 2il. .An BBBaOCBI ful made on tNdaeeiaj t, wreeb aa aspaaaa trala nn t.'.o Oraal We-.t.-m Ballrani near Baailng, by the phadng ut a number of -Jee_>'.rD aaroaa t_c r_ll_. At, about «,i, :,, day an eflorl araa maie ne4.r Croydoa lo arreeh iii« P.aaihoT-8 eipreaa traln. T_a raaeala who planned ihe latter oatrage plet 'i k qaantlty of fabplatea ¦i ehalra aeroaa tbe ralla la franl .,f lha As in tiie eaaa al Itaadlng. the englneer of Ihe Eaat boarne eaaa aaa eaegbi ilgbl «,f lha obetructtoa In llaaa i,, .¦d.,\xii brake-." and Ihongb his englne r-m b Iron intendoi to wrech it, tha trxiu went aatoly throagb it and kept tin- rall ¦. ? THKKE CAlfDIDATES POB PABNELLpS SEAT. XOMINATMN- MADE BT THB M'C IBTHYITES AND Tin-: (',j\-i r.vativi - MXCHAEIi I.AVITT'S l.N'I N'TI->NC. Corii, Oet 28..A1 :i eonvemthw to-day of Ihe toMaar. era of JaaflB Mi Carthy, a bx u bnlter merehant, Martin Plaven, waa aeleeted to ran agalnai Jehn B. Beimoai, Um ParneBltc candidate, tor the aeat ln Parlfaunent repn enting Oorh Ctty lefl raeanl by tha ienth "' Charlea Stewarl ParnelL Haa Coneervatlvta Invra s'-!.'it.sl the I)e])titv-I.ietiteiuint of the County. C-Ptatn Berefleld, to eontoal Cork Clty agalnai Bedaxmi »nd tbe McCartbyite eandldale. The Conaervatlvea have nn Maa thal ln Che heal of ihe B ;hl between tha eon- tendlng toettona their eandldato may aHp in and earry ofl the ptise. Qneenatown, Oet 2.'1.-Inimedlntely upon the arrivBl nt, CjucMi-'own (bla morning of Ihe t-tcamer Wi .r..n.-in, Mlehael i.aviit wns Intervtewed In repird to hi- nomi- n-lii.u by Ihe Mi Iart_yl.ee aa a candidate for the -eat lu the Hoaae of Oommooa for North KllUenny, made racant by the ieath <>f Mr John Pope Henneeay. Mr. m.xitt aaM thal he eooM nol aay whether he would or would not aeeepl the nomtnation, anUI he r^ched Dahltn and hai an opportanlty of eonanltlng with bls frteada, ln aplte of Mr. Dnvttt'i retlcenoe, tt la gen- BiaUy beBevei thal be arUl aeeepl 8he aominatlon. Dnbln, Oct 83..Arcbbisbop Wai-h repnilatea iho interr.-w whieh it w:is aald wa- 1:"Id sbortly after the denth of -ir. Parnell, and ln whlch he wns «|imted as l'-f.-rriii- t.i the dead icader lu lerma aodlaparaglng that tbej arouaed Indlguanl rommenta ln many quartere wbere .ympathy for tha dead man w__ not expactei. THB AMEBICAN WOOD INi-RAVEItS HONOBBD. Berlto, Oet .-it.-Tiie. Committee of the Internallona] Exliibiinm of Flne Arta ai Berttn lo leiu haa aararded to ih© Boctoty of Amerlcan Wood Engiavcra, of Ncw- York City, tho great -Iptoma of honor. Tl:e Soelety of Wo.d Bagravara of Amerfea la a flouiishinR orgaaisatloa, and Inetodea nmong its mem- b.-rs many of tlie beat-known wooi engravera in this country. lt was nrganhifi aeveral yeara ago. i. i\ Davi., of this tity, i- at preaeal aei ratary of thi Boclety; ihe other parta ot tho eoantry. Among th" membera who aent worka to ibi Internattonal Bxhlbition al BerBn, whlch hi- awarded the aociety the blgbeal b< nor ln Ita power, nre Prank French, i'. B. Klng, G. Krucll, V. Bernatrom, w. r.. Cloaaon, T. Cole, J. P. Dai T. Jobnaon, Blbrldga Klngaley, B. a. Mnller, «'. A. PoweU, B Q. i-itnam, john Tiui.ey, F. 11 WelUngton and Henry Wott Tlie arti-t- of llii- elty were vrr:ififi»-d Bt the dis'inrtinn eonferred upon the Amerlcan engravera, The dlptoma I-, another proof of tbe aapraaaa e.vel- lenee of tin- arood engravlng of thla conntry. 6ome of the ewarda ol the Jury of tha BerBn Bx¬ hlbition Called lo meet Um approval of artlata abroad. Mr. Mo-h.-r. ji Amerlcan Brtlal in l.u'-. recelved an honorable mei mnny othera. Iie de- rllncd, however, to aei pi tlie rtlctum of the Jury, believlng thal he waa entitled t., a prlae, and wrote a letter t<, thal effeel t,> Anton werner, Ihe licrlln artl-t, wbo t of the eommltl ¦.- however, ran be found with the dectalon ln reference to tbe work ol tbe wood engravera. MB. lAI.IOtT. JTRTIPYIXG OPPORTU5IRM. London, Ort. C3..Mr. IWilfmir ln a ipeeeh al Rary to-nlghl aaaulid thal the luaea thal prodiwrd the Llberal --piit were atin working, and that there waa every Indlcatlon tbal tl;.- I'niouM alllanee waa beeom (0| -till ri' r. Br, Bolfour ap ike tn loaRflratkin 0f oppoi-tuiilsiii. lt wus Inevlt.iMv produoed, hfl -aid, by the developmenl and evolutton of aodety, wiiirii waated new ebangea to meet new eaadlttoaa. it .must be the poll. y of every wlae Ftiite.^iiiiin, ond lt ha-1 bfy-n tlie OaOMTVatlve pi'liiy. .Sir William Vernon iinnourt rin« aeeaaefl tke Oonaartatl»?i oi delaylng meo«ure« of ben.-tlt t'< Ihe people. Tlu- fni't. wus, how- 0ft thnt vawtly nmre aoond, aober l.-?islaflon rould he piaeei to tho erodit or the OoaaervaUvea durinR tho laat hall eentnry tkan to that of the Ubeiala. Tlio ipeoher UkflB d Mr. GlkdAooe'l Neweaatto programino to thtit of '. 11 niu-ii- hill vaili'ty ahow." In eoti- cltulon, he condenmed Br. (ilad-tone's l.-md refortn propoaala as ratslag valn hopea umong kutf-eduewt d people. THF. TROURLBO 1'IXA.VF.S OF SPAI.V. Paris, oet. 23..Uie Rowta hara wm affr.in hipremod to-day, iu aympathy with an ImporUnl ..dvnnee in tho rate ol Madrid exchange. A report w.is eurrcnt that tbe Bpanlsk Governmenl bitenda to ir>no an Intcrnal li.im ol 290,000,000 pe i-i;.-. Bpaalab aecurttiea were offectcd by theae condltlon> ar.d de tlned l i-4 per i ent Miiiiriii, Oct. 23..Anxlety la expresaed In 6p --. i.-ii ciri l.'s nt the rapld advance In the rate ol French exchange. Yeatoitlai e'.enlng it waa iiu.>("d at 131-S per i'nt against spi In. TIIE ABGENT7KE CABINET citl-is ovf.R. Bnfl tn! IVUk-iinl hai Israed a manlfeato declnring thal tbe Cablnet eriata The BlnBter uf Plnance wlll rentain ln ofllce. Benor Zeballoa haa been apponted Blnlster ol Foreign Affalra. and Senor Raleatla Blnktcr of Ju-:!'--. A M'.W CARIRBT IN REW-SOCTH RTALEfl. .v, v. s. v,'., in t. -j::. Mr. Dibbe, leader of Hm Opposltlon ta tbe Rea Soutfa Walci Legialaiura, bM farmed ii new Cablnet, .vr. Dii.i. aucceeda Mr Henrj |-' . -n wus a mounced oa Bonday, mler and Coloi ial Sei rctary. Therlfiun of a Oot mm Oteurt r,nht tnmintkrtt yrart Th* prtm nttonttii U". oj th* mott Imuri ttt ng and m-pr.rtnnt ImtktkUtorf/tk* ttuU. Futmnrmttmktpmrtin tt umltm V" rtfttttr, >¦> rtgitUt le-Rajr. Vn.i fomrplm* 0/ rtgittrp IMa i"¦ rmuij. atttmoutior tintiuj and ttt that ptmrtumtU on thi 1" ¦' rtgitttr. 11A YOR GLEASOy ISSUES JVAIMaXTS. THK! I. Mr.N ABBESTED OB A CHATtGF. OF CON- BPXBAl .'. H beeaBM known ba Umg laland c.tv resterday Bfternoofl that Hayor Glcaaon had laaaed a_rr_nta fir tbe aireat >.f Tberon li. Bnrdao, Bepnbliran can- r Bheriff ol Qi.i Connty; Frederlck llnlMt nnd Iir. Joltii I'. DoaaeUr, ebarged b] one John 3. MatUgan aitfa fraod. MuBlgan made u a \a\ feet, tbal Bnrdea, Donnellj and Halletl ootalaed ;.7<; -x-iiaiur-s t*. .-i peUtion wbicb waa rircahated among the lodepe rala, nrglng then t.> Sheriff. MulUgan'a affldovll furttvr more ehargea that these ilgnaturcJ were obtaloed by fraod nnd that the fraud c ... i-t-d ui inmea of three wt n kao* len on Ihe bnck petHion, as ii r, __ ..¦. -ii ;., btto* tb" peUtton. Um namea ..f Um Oienaon men allcged t>> bave been tiM.i are Hlcholai and Charlea M Carren. n i- ekargcd (hal Bnrdeo, DonneUy and llaUett arenl lnto tbe barh roocn «.f a drag-atore In Aatoria, nnd after all the .Igcaturea had been ol tliat, cii.il.t u- obtalned, ; d I eraaed I namea of th.- Glcaaon men hrora Ihe ba< the i tbe I .Ikw Ing nnmea: \\,:i ilill h and Herm in 6e < the atrength oi I Mayor '-; uirged ihal Mr. Burdan would obi ihied the dependoni Democral Lf II bad nol ¦¦ Tho three men wb e namea a-ere j itutcd a il '. i lor Uie -i are mem club. ..iinir h, .-, | r 1 aj, Ihe Deiaa- ,, .-i .ix, haa < n ooainsel io prosecn ti-1 B.rdfln u.-I U Dordon, llal>:t and Dona II m.imh ¦ i Aa lo the of n,,i di lentlj ol.ei Ing p< liu »n alip pleadcd nol guJltj i-ud wolved t ...-. 81,4500 ai! io awuB the kV II"ii "f t.'i" .lu,-,. Tba (xhaige of wi UJ_*41 i'l> a i.i thej pl o* aet Iha for ii.-xi in. daj *> 8_n BB OAM C0BB090KATB TBOBi fOI .l.ti-K-oiixllle, Fku, Ort. .-:.. -..mml I. Brooklyn, who baa been Invt .i, a-ell aton Im Um laat !'"-'-1 nlght II* aa :i al Ih. rn on and Miaa Jewell t-.i Ihe tratb ln th li piilili-lie.l. Ui ¦> - b ai -. ..Mal.ivlt. rM*M Wb* aaw UM 6**BMh ahlp I.ving ..lf 1-aM > Ilearh, of ih.- iiivi-. *ho ab »** Um palr t-. aoatk Im klanvlll*. aad the . tiiuo.i) oi ".un.- es x*ii> uw Uio part ui rariau _>iu.x- -lo;i_; thc ro_d. LODGE AGAINST RUSSELL TREMONT TEUPLE CROWDED TO HEAB THE JOINT DEBATE. TIIE REPL'BLICAV OOBGRERSBAR ROUTS HIS OP- Wt at RYZRY POIBT -GOVXBROR R.U3- IXU/I AIIMINISTKATMN tEVEBMAtJ ARRAIGRBD. TBT TEl.r.OUAi'H IO IM TKinCNE.1 Hiiston, Oei 'j.'{._The joint debatc between Con- gressmati Henry Cabot LodgC aml eX-CongMMMUl John E. RmnR oeenrred to-nighl ln Tremont Temple. E\erv Book and corner in the baU WM liileil by raget listeii"is, belonging to ono party or tho other, To make the gatherlng a repreeerta tive ono, and keop tt out of the power oi hood- luuis t*» eontrol the ball, it was deeided that ad- miaaion ihoold i>c by tiekct. One-half of the aeat- log eapaeity of the ball, 1,2.".? scats, waa allotted to eaeb party, the Democrata being 00 one side nnd tbe BepabUoaaa on tlie other. As Hiis wm Ihe lirst joint political debate of importunoo of lato vi'iirs. it arousi-d unusiial interest, and tbe domr.ud lor tiekets has been uuprooedonlod. lt was not an easy inntter for the oflicials of tho fcWO St.it.' Commit.tees to satisfy the demands of thOM who, from their prominenee in public life. might justly think themselves entltled to be preeent* to §ay nothing of the hundreds of others who were per- ¦iatent in th.ir demands for recognition. It wus a remarkteble gatheriag, aml refleeled the Intelligenee and respei tubility of both parties, not only of Uoston. bnt of tlio state at large; for there weie repreaentativei from all aeetiona of the State. Seating nnangemenhi were kdmliablymanaged and there wns httle eonfusion or annoyance it deflning the lines of both parlies in the ball. Mr. Buaoell proved tn be no matdi for Mr. Lodge, eilher as an orator or in the poMBMion of convincing facts to sufltain lii.s posiiion: Ile was nervous, halting and poorly prepared; while Mr. Lodge was well priined with tkCtM and pointed argnmenta. He never heeitated nor atumbl -<i, but kept ri^ht on pouriug hot, shot into tlu* on.-niy's c;inip. Ilis points were well taken, hi.s nrraignment of Oovemor SnaaeU was sharp end Inclalve, His Baeta were earefully eollateii, blfl mtui'ks were strong and hi.s wit sharp, pcuctr-t- ing tbe weak armor of his opponent, Rrouiptly at 8 o'clock the disputantB cntered the hall, and were enthusiastii illy cheered by their rcapectivB parttee. Horaee G. Allen, ex- preaident of thc Itaitou Common Council, called the meeting to order uud atated tho regulationa under whirh the debate would prooeed. Tlie subjeel wnn"Tbe Admlniatratlon of Governor Bua- sell.'1 The oniii'litions w<-re that Mr. Ruflell should open the debate nnd oeenpy forty-flve mlnutes. Mr. Lodge wm to follow, aud ooeupy equal time. Then Ur. Raaell would apeak for thirty minutei and Mi- Lodge would close the debate. ooeupylng balf nn hour. At B:05 o'eloek ex-Congreamnan Jolm E. Rnaaell opened the debate, and panaed in rapld review iho nmeurea leeommended by Governor Riuaell and the laws whii-h had be-n cTTa'-ted uiu'ei- his admlnlstration. His defenee of Governor RuaaeU wm not obaraoteriaed by atrength, nor wm it con¬ vincing. It WM an apoioRT, wiih au attempl at juatifleattoo. Mr. ^toanell oeoopied hia full time in hia flrat aneeeh. Mr. I.oiIkc epoke only thirty- three mlnutes, bnt it would take Mr. RnneU h lifititne ndequately to reply R> the chargci made and proved in the matter of appointinents by < iov¬ ernor Riifiecll. Mr. Ludge gave the names ut four men appointcd to responsible ofth-es who had erimiiiul n-cords. In one infitanee thirteen crim- inal ittdiotOMata had been found agaiMt ti man appointed to tlie State police force in Lawrenee. In another tkWi, the man appointcd as trustec of the Hospital for Dipfiomaniaos was ahown to have a bad record. Governor Russell declinod to with- druw the appointment. bat the man had tbe good Knse Hnally to retire. In another Inatance a man nppoiated to a district ju.icesliip. wm not a bwj-or, aud iiis or.ly qualifieationa for tbe ofllce were that he kept a corner etore, aud aold ruin. Just tielorc Mr. Lodge touk hi.s Bttt he r-i'err.-d to the ebarge made by the De::. ll tbe Republieane sapported tho Police Conunission of lioston for the purpoae ol oontrolUng the liquor intereate. Holdtng aloft a piece of paper, he eaid ii'.id iu my haud a letter from the Democratio State Uommittee, m whioh an aypeal i- mad^ Ui a Boston rumaeUer for a aulwcriptiou to Gie (»tn- paign fund. that letter wm aduresfied to Michacl Shay, who rm s a nloon on Kl.ol---'." Thu iMimbahel] onuaod diamay in ihe Democratic ranks and oorrrai.liog enthueiasm on the Republic»n 6ide nf tl.e bail. , Mr. Ruaaell'g reply to the blll of Indi aifainai t! e Govci 01 wcak and inadc ll". s;iid that Dr. Terry, ol Fall River, waa rccom- m.wled for tbe truateeahip ol tlie I' .! bj d Republican. The nominec for dia- police in Lnwrence waa rpcomraend-d by Kepubliean city offlcera, Commlaaloner Merrill and Councillor Byron Trnett. Aa to tbe ap of Judge Staple'a aucceneor, Inauruncc tn- nii-.ioii.-r .Merrill wns appolnted the daj thal < .m- nil_uoner Tarboa wa buried. lt tl"; letter road i,\ Mr Lodge waa from a llquor deaier who »ked to contrlbute to the Democrata acanty he war. probably under the power Poliee Commiaalon aod banded over a personal letter to bo read to-nlght. The Governor md n :i"li' to nomlnate Oaliorne'a aucccsaor, and jeejr- t'l'iniv did not nomlnate one who woi Id ever away the power ol tbe Poliee Commiaalon ln ravor oi Democratio electiona. After brieth distinv, Ing the temporary oommiiaaiona created thla year from tlie permanent anlarled eoi.iaaiona which the Governor sought to nboliaii, the opeaker s r tbat U which waa vel.I aa anconaiitution.il, wi a known 10 be auch when it paased the Senate, and the ilmilar blll not wtoed tilrned ont to bc eon- tititionul.' , ,. , , 1 ln Mr l.,,._,''s cloalng half Imiir he wa quentiy Interrupted by the Dem ¦ the houae. l-Mtt/ni aud routed al every point. they -,,11-lit t,. rally by aboitting aml tbe ...<.. of char- aeterlatio Democratic tactica. Tlie ebjtrmnn of the mcetina <lid not do hla duty, or tbe Hhame- riil .iro.vediii'.'s would have be* Mr. I ,.|,.,.'.; peroration waa t-oquent^. nnd afirred the big audienee with its aentlment and loglc. u is n noble thing," he aold In eoneluaion, "to he Qovernor of auch a Stnte oa &r___-ehusr>tt-. lt i.s bo light matter tn hold the pli.>nce held bv John Andrew, when he atood aa high prieet between the horna nf of the nltar and poured oiil lt the U-st blood of .M i-.s_.hu:..: :s. For thai greal offioe. we wanl ih* the hero of the rair grn ind and the muater fleld. hut the . Lligent Cliicf Maflstrate. \Ve v.M'it m.t Bi >n1 llpa and "lib nromlere, but fhe aobwr perfoftnftnee of oflicial dnty. VPe want a ruler nf men, ..,- :, li.l.er of votes. <' Want ;, man who, when l,e paaaea boyon the bor< nmonwealth, will forgel hia p hia politii s. foi-'.-t hia own peraonalltv. and remeni- 1 .t onlv il. -r he la the Govi rnor of M ie«a ibua-tts the bead ol amonwi ilth, the ohoaen chlel oi a proud people." EXPF.LLIBO A TBVS1EE FROM THE CBVBCB THE _-QUE- TO SEXSA-IO-fAL I OUT A riilM-r -i v DA. II,"'.'.. At .. meetlng of the membera "f rrinltr Bnptl.l Chnrcb, h-l-i hul nlghl In lha k-cture ro m chureh, Ko. 141 Baai Plftg Bftfa -t.. lt w*a Imoualy ieddai t<. exelode fr. aa the omroat aareh A. a. Colby. Mr. C bj waa a o ihe chareh and aa i.ed of ftiraUbln lo reporta abdbl th. Snndaj ichool a :<i ihe woamn «,f Um Bhareb eogagai iu tbal A v..,-l, :i_. taM Tti- 'ia' . ¦ '"-' . f lha ca of tlie etaroa araa k. h '.' x. ,,!',>. bal Ihe re ,' v.x <i. .-' d te a gsnerU meetlng ,-f tbe memi^r- of the chui-b aod baa. aiatb i' 'i'"'-'" b) ¦ii.. onghl agalnai Mi nlgh! uctbitlng and i and bj . bal* i-el a :. li ;(.¦ rhiin li. b IU er Mr. < ..!' . i. ii .1 I.i .. i.i.' ...-, i. ,,i been fmm.iiy Infnrm .1 ><: ,, of Ihe ch-rjB * Ihal ere Ur, .. |by w ' *-) la. il.n t.-ion ,,f iiie chureh w_» 4_a4H_i-««t. Umi ioe f ,,f tha rlinrch brled Ui be ii thal the paator ...in tlie Iii-i-- h " ,.. , , \ Ttli.uiie report*- called ..t Mr. olbj home, No. 2ia Baai Thtrty-aUth-rt-, nf'er the mcetine d i.pai tnm from u .- oharch, hut wa_ _i_C- rnu-d _MM tio w_s out of (OWQ. SNO W8T0EMB IN NE W-ENG LAND THE EAKI.IEST KNOWN SINCE 1876. TBBE9 IN WOBCNSTBB BE8TT TO THF. r.UOL'ND- M.NY ACUUF.NTS ALONG THE COA-T. W0 Oei. 2.;. An BBBBaal niglit prc- ikMlf to tl.e, bihabttaata of w ircaator Coaaty thla mornlns. Thc groaad was eovaaad with fr..m tw* L> (oar Inekea of _anp iaow. The leavc* are stlll on Ib* treea, aad have aeaaealy turned to aotumn eetora, for there bave y.-t been no kllllng hraat*, and the flow- ei-s ln thfl B0W*r-fg_rdeni are st ll lu blooriF. The trecs xvri-e loaded xxitli tl-ep siiuiv. and thc long bran.hes aer* Ix-nt tO thc ground, ln some plarcs m-arly blo<iilnfi thc hlakway*. In the orehards the unpirked apples p¦¦. p .I onl trOBJ the snow-covered br.mrhes. It is the eaiiieai anow known li<-ra sirice 1870, when tliero wiw a heax'y fa!T on (ictobcr 15. HartfOtd, n.nn.. Oct, S3.-._a*rt nlght was a eold and blusterliiK' one, and this morning the hills aiound here wcro coveivd xxlth sitow, Tae flrst of the sea«on. Klnp-tun, N. Y., oct. 33..Baow fell at several point*. in tke CatekQ] MoeatalBfl last night. Nexcprt, B. I., Oet, 83*.A heavy snowstorm pre- vailed here this morning, doln^ coiiftlderable damage to sinall eiaft ln the bay. Iieforc daybrcah tho sex-erc nortbeaateriy wiwl was aeeaaav-dal by hall and .anow, followed by heuvy raln. btcanfers plylng on thc bay _keoaUnaed all trlps untll noon, owing to the heavy aea. Bo fatalltics a-e reported, but several small have gone ashore. "tw-Haveii, '>'t- -li..The «torm of lait nlght and tka heavy xxlnd of this morning drove a erowd of sca rrait lnto thLs harftTTr. Among them are the rexenue nu ter Dexte* and the steamer Hloek Island. I'all Kiver. Oct. 33. .The sevcre gale and early anow- ¦torm delayed tlie Fall Klvcr Llne boats about thi-ce boara rhi morning. Boaton, Oet _."..Tho schooner War steed, of Saco. was towed ln here tliTS mOTBlag dlsmast.-d. Captalhs of Incomlng veaaou report tliat last niurlit's storm was very heavy in the bay. A small schooner is ashnre on Oallonpe'a WaaA. Vioeyard llaven, Oct. 23..Tho schooner Wllliam Ptckerlng. of Plyntoatk, Captaln llammond, Bondotit tot Boaton, wlflk a raigj of cenieiit, was fouled by an onknown schooner wbile aurhored ln this haibor during t] nt nortkerly gale last night. aud h_l bajajaprit broken and heailg-ar dama^-d. She afu-i-xvanl partcd both ehal.I and aaat BBkor* at the b**d of the har- bor, irhere ib* now 11,-s. Sho ls tlcht. Thc s. liooner LamarUne, Captaln Baton, Fall Kiver for Deer bm, llght. parted botfi ehalna dnrlng the gale this morning aud xvent aehora at Dw he* l of ihe harbor. tVIImiugtn, Oct. 2:1 (Bpeclal)..The b oncr Red Wln^r, of N'oank, conn.. waa b_ra_ aahore at Indlan Lix.-r inict. ten mllea below Lcwea, lu-t nlcbt Bne went to piecea an.l all iiauda wer* toat, Tka Bad Wing'a home port la ..stonlngtoii, conn. Rllaworth, Me.. 11. t. 83..The *ch'>oner Knte tray, Captaln John Pray, from Bome'a Sonnd for iii, pti* lnto Green'a l-ar-dhiR nnd r-pi.ri.-4l thal the captaln la-, i<».-.t oxvrboard tba morning ofl Vork'a Narrows. Tho vaas*] wa.s carrylnp >o mnek saii that 1 OUed tho boat at the .laxits. Captaln Pray vi'in onl n the maln boom b. Ii.h.k the r--( tarkle and waa Uirown overboord by a lureit of t!ic veasei. lv of oar* the ri-exv could not 1*8*6 him an.l bfl drowned. Provincetown, ataae., oep, 23..The clondy, threat- enlng weather at auneet la-t nlght rapldly developed -.1 ,1 lieavj eoaterlj gale, reachlng a voloclty ..( -i\tv inil"s pe* lu.ur this morning, and ahowing no of abaung at noon. A Beet of sixty ateamerB, i.ais-¦-. brlga an.l achoonen xvas otr Cape Cod a- dark :.isi nlghi bonnd lnto Boston Bay, and mnal have e pcrienrcd rough weather. Thlrteen of hbe fl<s*t made iies p- ri in aafcty bmI nlght. A rmmber of otnera, Includlng otie fonr-maater, ran 1^ ieen ikrough thc- ie -ii anchor ln the Lav ..il \\ ri End li.-h'. and doubtleu other* have m*d* an anchorage (nrther onl In the bav. An onknown tkrea- m ter fa reported mnk on Bhovelfal shoai alth npp.-i nut ol the water. The fate of her crexv is un- known. ARRIVAL OF TIIF. COLD WAVE. s\o\V PALLS IN 8P0TS.TBR STORB PAS3FS OFF TO BBA. Thc tlireitcned rold wave got here yosterdav. aad wlll itay aome time. Al *1 O'clock in thc niorning the thermometer rsgbtarad only 30 iiegree.». At - o'clock ilie nic.-i-tirv had cilnihed up to 40 degreo*. A strong wlnd Mew over Ihe city from the northwo-it, and every- bodj remarke l to eviwybbdy elae, fihl it cold I" Tlie wtnd made it aeeB i-older than lt really wa*. There .vi- i rii'iior tiiaf saow fcll llghtly ln the city abctit 11 O'clock, but it was hard work to flnd a man who had SCfll it. II v.-i. o)ld nll over th? country yesterdav. At |j:.-t"ti flie mercury st>ad at 3-1 degrees In Waehlngton ;it ii), and lu Rew-Orlesw at 52 degreos at 6 o'clock in tlie mornlng. In Tonne«see, <;eorgia and North inuiiii there was n, beavy Irost on Thur*d»y night. The blgheal thal the mercury got in the r.tt\r\_i ther- momi w- ot the Weather liuroaa on the Equitable Iiuild- Ing yeaterday wm 00 degrec^. ¦. fi'ii nl PatcbogM, I.. I.. and pkieos ea«t of thcrc on Tliur^day night. Thc thermometer registcred .J7 degreee. Tbe weaiber for to day and t" inorr w will t>* some- whal wa mer anl falr. Tbe atonn ot Thnrsday reached Nova »cotla yeaterday, where It dev loped into <t h i-.-.I'p" and wcnt off to sca iu tlie patu f tranaatlM- uners. .4 WELL-KEOWS COBEAE KU.I.ED. W i-Ii'i.-:¦::, Oct, ^1!...^u I'cat), ;i natlVC "f CorCO, yean old, wm rtrnck by aa ezpresa troln .,: eollege Statlon, Md., laat evening and austalned ln- jorlea from which he di-d. su Penn wm .1 niember ,f tbe cornmlsalon nf i'liiinent men th.il left Corea early ln tlu- aeveatiea for tl.e pnrpose of Inveatlcating Ihe clvllluitlona beyond the >eu-. ;i> waa partlcalarlj .cd in mattera pertalnlng to agricnltnre, and after ti.'- otl sr memben of th- commlaaloa l-.ud re- tornod to thelr nativc country h- took ;. l'mir yean' -.mr-.' of itndy nt the Borytand Africultuial Col. lege, from which he graduated a ahort Ume ;ig<>. Ile wa afl irward appolnted a place in the Agricaltaiul Department. where li" waa ol mnck value In itatl llcal a a* referred to Japan, CblM and r_TB DOSXELLT CARE TO BE ABGCEIt TODAY. Mlnnaapolla, Oet 83..The evidence In the Don- ii.ii-- eaaa waa all in hy thla afternoon, and the __urt Rdjoorned untll to-morrow, when argnmaata aiU be- cin. Several witneaaea awdga toiaj thal Donnelly reputatlon tor leglalatlve and polltlcal intcgrity wa' .i. Donnelly ).im-cif then took tba atani aml ,..t.iv the evidence glveo by Blag _u.i other*. General Le Due was reeaUed and awora thal Donnelly propoaei to him to _'n out tho llaettnga ;,-,ii ii:,!, ii i road aad dlvide tba proreeda. Donnelly belng recalled. denled havlng had auch a ooavoraa- tion. Donnelly- rcaaon fo:- not preaalng his ilr.t mll waa llml Ift had no lunda. TBE CBABLgSTOX EXCITE8 ISTEREST 7.Y JAPAX. San Pranclaco, Oct. 23..A private h-tler rereived In tbia city froa nn ofllcer <>f ti.e rnited state* oralaar Charleatoo, :,t Yokohama, aaya ti:,- appeeraace of that rruicer m Jopaneae wntera creatcd urrit Intcreat On ,,- .: .. ti x, -, araa thrawn <>i»«'i. fo:- Inaperttoa over people boardfld i;er, and s!;c \xa- -unoiiiidcd by <,:imi);.ii- and other boata of all deacrlpllona. The Chaiieatoo waa alao vbitei by toralgn nnval oBcers, Amerl on offlce f'.nn.i it diOciilt to con x-i:,, tbelr .I'ip.'ilie-e f::,-n>l- tl.at t!i- Crulaer WO. iu,: Admlral Relknap ha trnnaterrcd bla ii. .i biuni 1.1- to the t'harle.l m from tlie old a i, m nocacy, that baa beretofore aarve4 blm lor a tlagablp. AGAIXST THE UQUOM TBATTIC IX AFBICA. Watertown, N. Y., Oet, 83..In tke Preebytartsn to-day a .' olntl n wni adoptod that tbe .:¦ ,-,,i ital - k i"- appointcd to BMmorlallM ealdcnl amf Seoate ol tha Cntted MatM, and t-> ,'i l.-iiaif oi tlu- early raitfteatkm nf tv:it|-- now pendlng or to be I >rmulated (or the de .', of the traflk in in:'-.-i-.-n and ln men In tnd other un. pa. i tlie world rBR BEIBOEPOBl POLICE DIgFVTE. ridgeport, Coan., Oet S3. Qno warronlo \< imrs rompelllng Captain HnhenaM to appear beton tbe Kuperlor Court sad afcow on what antborttgr be tx rri i-.<.-. tke ilutii-s nf Chicf of l'oliii: WON BBCUKd tO day fi ... Jndge iiuii, of the Buperlor Honrt, bj Attorr :.,.. v; lea Jndaoa, fr., attorney fur .i..i n Rytnnda, who* n.- d ilm, in- beea onated. The paper* are returnable next R'edneaday. Theae proe. ther i:\ md- i. lUatfniiv eotUled t.> th-- m" Eivi: /./.' D nr A EVEAWAT ttBEM. \ WlM I'i \ tn I f:-'in :i. 1 land Btock Vimls ut no.li ti. <lii> an.l lor .ni'.-ii ¦ paolc iii AHegheny. it traeereed aeverol ol tka priaelpal atreeta, sttacklag evaeylhlng .¦ii' iu it- aray aml eompelRng people le Im toe lluir RveS, I'lve perSOM were pBMi bv IhS ff.:i'l-l a party of iitiwi.s wiiii guns 0.id lerolwnii Soolfy mn tho stocr down ai.d lt was ohot dcid hi M^il-cn ave, TAMMANY HAS ITS WAY. DISCRIM-NATION AGAINST RKP-LILICANS. JCDGE M'ADAM L_AVi:S TIIE BBMCM TO REPROVM THO-E AT -HL'I/T. The story pnblUlicd ln Tho T.biit.e yesterday nl_.tr| the dlserlminatlon In favor af Tammany Hall nt tha Buch of nfalaiaBiatloa in the -uir-me <.>nrt only p-irtly lluppai Ihe ex i'- \e-f. rd.iv. The Wijrwam p-o- ple ar.' -"'"- Ut intrenelied in the elty govemmenl lh:.t tliev s-rm to dlsre:_ard ;.ll eautlori. Yesterday nornlng BapaMleaaa Wha wanted to become natur_ll_e4 liepan to arrlve at the County Court House before 9 o'clock. They form.nl in llne with the other., bnt for B lOBg time thev inndr mV9} pro._ress toward the elerk'B room. At the aame time tho Tammany Hall eandl- dat's for eitir.en-hlo had, many of them, u pa'li nf ro-e.. 1'hllllps, the man In ehatfB of the Tummahr Hall bureau in the C'ourt Hou-e eotridor, had only ta n'xl at the polleeman at the door, or at one of the rlerfcs, and hl- aaaa hoved boldly Into Uie clerh'a room. A MeaaUaae Kepubliean who cume up was ordered to 29 down io the end of tlie llne. The rrowd of applioants aaa hnrdly as big yesterday as on the day before, althouxh no more natumllration papcrs wlll be Issued ln the State eourt* now untll after tbe eleetlon. Thursday was an uni.sunlly heavy day beeause lt ralned und men who work out of d-»ra liad a day of re-t. They ro:il.l therefore go to tha Court House wlthout lodng any pay. More polleemen were statloned ln the .orridor yeaterday than on Thursday, so tho ei.iwdins about _hc door of the elerk'B offlce was not so bnd. I'roiti 0 o'clock untll 11 PhllllpB sent hla men Into the room ln partles of three, four, or even eight and ten. In tho meantlme the Repub'.leana utood la line almost in ono plaee and had to see Tan> mat.y men who had Just arrived w_lk talmly up to tl<0 clerk's desk and get their appUeatlona. JCDGE M'ADAM JNT-RFERES. This dlserlminatlon flnally becamo unbearable ani Ilugh Turner, of No. 413 West Twenty-elghth at., who was ln the ser\1ce of tlie Kepubliean Naturalization Hut.au, went to see Jud?e MeAdam. lle toid how Phllllpe sent ln bls Taniinany men ln droves, whllo BepubBeaaa atooi ln Una for lialf nn hour wlthout getttng any aearer lha derfc- desk. .ludse MeAdam ma rl.htfully Ineettaed al tiiis and at oneo lefl the bench ta pat a stop to the unfalr praetiee. lle went to tlie room and told of Mr. Turner'. complalnt, cuutlonlng all r.ot to M tbe Ihlng BO ur ..galn. The Judge evldcntly had some influen.c with the etorka and poUeeenen, for Phiiiips rea-cd lo send in new-eoiners for a UtMe v.hile. Tbe nien tn llne began to advance toward their goal B_th BOBM apeoi. I.-tcr lu the day, however, Phillije; ae.-ln Baai his " pill" and a number of liis im-n r .'elved tlieir papara Bhaai of Bepublleana who had waitod for 1wo or tfWM ho.;-.. The Tammany rannera did a Mr baaftcaa, .iithou.h the dav was Itardiy as nrotltable to them n- Thursday. The chlef Of these was :i tall rOUBg mun who would ge* yon Into the elerk'a room wlthout deby for i?l. 8a.eri.) lieiifarl, of No. :M7 Third ave.. was one of thOBB who pald tl runner this sum aud thus e»mfi B IBM Bfatt* r's stoik in trudo \'..is :\ irtter -i.'ii. .1 by Will- -ii .1. McKenna. elilef (lerk of tho Court of C.cnenil i an.l ex-Aaaemblymaa, who la tha Tammany Of the Vlth Aaamably DUtrlet Thia letter wae wrltten on « l-tter-heai >.f the Dtat-tcC-Attor-ey'a ofli.a and thus b'.rc ihe senibl :n.v of an ofl!< ial doctltn, ut. It read about thus: .. I'naa B-Vb-iy t'.it this -entleii :ui brlnga up. W'.'.Iiam I. McKenna." The rtirin.T afeawafl this to several persnns. The poli-omen nt the door hai evtden_y aeen it, f>r they Blkarei _u whom tho runner brought up to pn<_ '"to tlio clerk's room. Tha runner boaetei about havlng recelvai II for pa-sing two men in. Another runner. a llvelv littlB Italian. was asked if he bad to pay any one tor tha prlvllega af shoving pei-ona into the room aheai of their turna. He io- plied, with n wlnk and a hBOWing miiUc, "TwmVt my btiMness. see'." lxfosuhf. si-oilkd his coie. r.laustciu. the runner who t>ld a Trlbnne reportrt on Thursday thst hc would swear that he had knuwn tho man whom tlie reporter would bflBg be natural- iied for eight years, waa about the Court House yester¬ day. He did not look as cheerful «s hc did on Thursday. As told lu The Tril.anc ye-terday, he had agrced to so- cure pepen f..r Zalel (lu/.ik, of Itidge st.. ln B few min- utes for *-. lllaustein was to iwesr that he had known i.tizik for more than flve year-. althflOgi ho saw hlm tor ihe flrst time the dav befm* yertwRsy. Blaustela had mid that he liad a frlend, licnrv Hailly, a clerk in ihe OOOrt House nnd. Tammany Hall ruptaln of an election district. who woold furnlsk sMPUenttSM ln a ¦epsmte romn on a lower tloor. I?laii-:.':ii WM a-ln-d ye-terday how buslnesa waa. -I ala't doing any." he replied dejtxtadly. .. Evcry- tl.lng is atopped. ReUly called me la aud said he cotddn't do any buBnoM wlth me today. Ile said thero WM -'.niethiiig publi-he.l in aoOM paper aboul him. I don't Know what it WBS." ULiusu-m had not beacd of tta Mpoaaie of hta leheaae of patjsfy and probobly woaM not have beM unduiy wanted if he had. Hc's a strong Tammany man of Uie Vltli Aa- ¦embly Watrtct, Thomaa Rooae, elerk of the Bupertor Court, said yes¬ terday thal he dM not beHeve the ehargea thsl any al hia elerks had been bdbei. He aimltted that irbmm hud been aOowed tn Ml out apptteattoM tor a tnn-, but h-.- aaM that he had atopped it two or three davs ago. He had hcard m. prevtooe eomplatati fi-oni publlcana, he isM, bul Taininauy liall in-.'i had tolR hlm that they wcie being dNii-inilnatcd against. BOGUS NATURALIZATION. MORE DEMOCRATIC TRICKS EXPOSED. CITIZKNS MADE TO ORDF.ft PPOB DF.y\NO OR "DRY DOLLAB" SCLL1V.VN. (FROM THF. Nl.W-YOKK IIF.K.xJ-D, 1ND.) John I. Davc:iport Iius niov.tl «t l»st. ..if we jrain tka aext Lcgblaian ihall mHaBOf move for Um impea. luncnt of Jndfe David .M.-Adam, od ihe Superior t.'ourt, for BM_B*M*oefl in 1*8*09. I hav* pk_ty of tUliCfC on xxhii.li lo ba*9 pi-<*"Cedlngs ar.d carry them through, aad if Jur.fi. e xx.-iv <l"ne he would lt** down from his blgh pla a t BBOrrOW." Tkea* u-.-nbie xxa.rds arera Bttaaad lat-t evenlng by Joka I. Daveiip.irt, l'iiite-j Btataj roiiimiasl Kicr and Chief Supervisor of Klectioin. II* rai-ed in hlfl hand a baOtj bundie of tjaaaiUtoa 6ot*_aaa*i and ln lils dirk erea there shone 8 lOOfc of triumph -tlie look of a deteettve who has made a aaeeeeaful eoap. The Davenporf lisht ing -tru-k ycsici-day, and lifeta Othat kinds of MgHitff It siruck i:i an unexpectcd plaee. Bai it striick vorv hard and high, and when theae Unca ar> rcad Uiis m*nt*t taara wiii be a very exciting Jiaif hour for ccrtaln politi.-ians. UN ANOTIlKIi TACK. F.ver s|nce "The llerahlV BZaOSai* of coloni ' t' BBJ done under the prOtocttng lrtB| of om- Ilaracy Martin. people bave beaa expeaf rtg a boU from the ..flice of Um r-upervisoi- of F.t.-.-:!»n* to llght on that pariiculnr purtlon of the body p illtlr. Mr. Dav .::port was b>0 .brewd not to aaeoaraf* Ikia iciicf, bat \xiiilc he waa Ing Ifl the light for rolonitcrs. ha was really beodlBg :ill hu eaergMJ 1-. 0*** up uiiother ne-i of roirnptton. His agenta wer* dlggdag la a rl.-k s.-iii. nr.it arerd Bigoarthlag gaievnaa aad BMaaajta* <i<»- ings iu eoanartton wttk Um aaiaraHiallna of .ititena undec the n*_u «.f tka BaiMitot t'ourt. So ..;-'. aaapeeted whal ba x-:.s 4.Ing, and. aa ha -.ald yeaterday, when the b*M bad a_taa aai tha Depnt) i nited Btatea Kai ibala wer* bt .ni'ung to rather th fl barveat, Um aakafartora had paana so boid ln t'l.ir siiaiiudsaa tr*_M la nalaiaMiaUn* pa.yrB thal il Waa IH.e sittlng ,-till and having ripe frtill (ail lnto his lup to coIK-ct eviilen.¦- B**lB*t tli.-m. WILL OATBRR TBBB IN. Yeeterdaj kftaiwoM ba bR thal he bai sefiSMe ln plenty, aad dciidcit thal it was time to strike. Hall :i ikifi'i aranaats wesa pleeed in thi haaRa of doputy IHUThfTT. aml they were I m-:i -minln.' th>- hlgkwayg unii bywoy mon partloatorly Ihe bUtov, for mea aceaaad "f pertlrtpettoa la erlaRaal and uiegui natu* ralltotion pr x-eedtaga. the Irst n .'tim wus brouglit ln at about 4 p. m. ll<- WM a young italian of aboul t-ntv-ix. who HM i'f \l'tu:ii i'r.'lilo. though it la believed thal ba baa aaothoe aaaas. ii" was nrrested «t Ro, '.I Raxtsr t tor rtrtalajag two niturallaatlon papan bt ni.-n M had nevrr .. ;i'i.l who n.-ver it lha aoart t.> obtala lhasa, The <asa agalnal tho aeeaaed wa- roawiM aad i-.mipicte. A Ll'l'KY DIv/OVl l;v. some davs ago \ ittorio ran against an agent ot Iiavenport's lu tlie Itallau rMR. Ha BM engageg in carrylng payrs, he **!_, to >ome of LU cjuulrjuieo.

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Page 1: yoL.iJ.N*16,411 NEW-YORK, .jNGUNDchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1891-10-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · traptt.* Touching upon (iiiestions of deeoration', tbey tty-"It is gratifying


.jNGUND and the fair




-0D; Oct. 21..There wai pul.lishe.l to-day__, flabo'rate report nf Sir Ili-nry Wood ai.d

t . Difrtje, tlio Britfah Cotninissioners who

ntJ.v retam-d t* thB i-ity altor visitiny Chi-

_\ and taH'l ni.itiiri.-s in re-ard to thr ttepa*£ek Grcit Britala OOUld aml inight take in

¦rlpf an appropriatc exhthtl at tlu- Colmnbiati

l*Z_f 1893. TW« report was presented to the

oZ.] t'linimi^ion on Wedne-day. Sir Ei<-h.u-d

WWer tlc AtNirncy-ConoiaJ. presided at this

__g*M* wfc,dl Sir 1>;"up CualMto <>\v.-n, Sir

ivderick kJttl ^ir mWgi* lhrdwood and other

Iromlnfnt ¦eibWl Of the Coniinisoion were

*\ t j_e report, earefully reviewa each

\ tatrr. ly the ('oiintiTs.'-ioncrs ln ther ted ClaRn. 9*6 Ifl fall of valuahle

rtJistie* ns ta spare, transportation, et«. Among»tberthin?s, it n-romuicnds the ercr-tioa of a hand-

m_f baildins on the site provuled foi Great

ifctain. 9** *Y* t,Mt ir is (f>r,ain tliat tbe iniiostra»ted witk the tasks of uiaking the awards will

te intornational in all groups contaiDing foreignlubitA The report also commends the

roort«v of President Harrison and Seoretary Fos-\rr ai- oi »!1 tliP Expoklttoi oftieiate whom the

Rritiih ('oranii.->i"'ers ini-t, and who, they say,

nted gu t|lP reqiiests matle on behaU ol (irent

Pniain. The (.'i.tnitiissiuners say that there is DO

'oubiwhatevrr of tlio ultimate sureess ol the Fair..jw *M: *We also Lelii-ve that otir visit was

el totM isiistonee to the Kxeeutive, as it was u

rt 0{ our duty to place all the infoiinationvbirb thr other exhibitions had given us fully and

y/ygf it tbfir ditpoBkLKeftrriW t0 tne designs for the Fair,

the Co«'ui?«ion<>r remarked: "So furM we oould jtid^e, great ekill audtoldnne oharaoterized the general en(;ineeringtraptt.* Touching upon (iiiestions of deeoration',tbey tty- "It is gratifying to record that the

japortant work of deeoration Ls eontxelled by an

Enjilishmen, Mr. Pretyman." As to loeal tracs-

portatioD, the repirt tfeerta " There is no dotibtthat the probiem involving the transportation of

patuenperb f:..m the <ity (Chioago) to the exhibi-ti»n will be ioeeeafallj aolved. Ti.e «neetloti ofrailwayg w.tliin the groands ifl a very serious one.

The mthorities have uia.'e maojr nrranaemeiits inthls direetion. hut it will be diffienll to providetoo liherally for ihe rusy ciiculatioii of visitors»i'M:i t; ..-..' loi

After tne report had beea read, the Commisfiiontfcaaked Sir Henry VVood auil Mr. Dredge im

their work. The Commifltion uIm. decided to ap-

p.int f-omiii;"'- > tO alt-tnl to linaiire, tine orU,Ii.'li.m exhibita, eolonial exhibiti, eiwineerina,irience,educatlon, and other hiaiK-hi-sot Greal Brit-

ntendedexhibit. li »l»odecided toappointaitteo "t adies to eorrespond with and t"

the I.olies' Commlttee ofChicoffo. Finally, the CommisBlon decided to ln-

rs ..I Commerce to ai-i as lo'-aleonunitteeo f .- the purpoee af aaststing aml advis-intr Brittah manufacturen aud ot-h-.-rs as to tiieirexnibita,



PLORIDA STATE PAIR.cofb, Oet 23..Bpeclal Afenl Mali^r. of the Treaa-

ury Deparliiifiit. arrlve* ia BU eltjr to.lay aud hart a

c kiferenee wltli O Ded ir fiark retaRre to the rustom

li'.a-e rrsiilaiii.il.-- m tkfl WcekPl Fmr. A Ixiil discus-bowever, Im tic-n postpooM -mtil IMe arrlval ofAnt teerttary Xctrl ond TreaeoiT Agent

'.I .luiat -.pi'iiU with i.nv Kulhoiity," saidMr. Xoker, "but i un well tattdM ti.at it i- ihe la-

Government so to rt-cuiate tlie bnporta-fexhlbttl it-^ to inl.-.fere a> Httle a* pos-.ll.lr wHk

v. il! iio doubt be eiit.-r.-rt nt ROW-ii-'iirnt mt for itntiiediiite trane-cow pied f. tke OoReetor "f tiie

-.- far thc i'i.iuii.Mi.i. BxpostUoa. All tke Oott-¦h imrt otker repi taentath-w of the GoreniBMBlai.. jd bave made exhlbJton pretty well arqnalntedarttl 1'ie f'ut il.at tkere wfll be no nnneeeaaary later

wlth exbibttora, ;n.d no doaW thi.- has given| v. ill be wll in-ited."

K'li-'ni has :i-ii'i] for :;r...K.o iquare leettrlrity buUdtng.exaetly one-serentta

i< th" Kronnd floor ipaee ol tbe rtmctore. He nytpaee r qoested, be wlll take

bave everj aquare Ibol of lt filioU wltk an.,; i.-nIi bli wortfc.v of -tm'.v.

w. b. » Uipley, prcsWenl ol tii- FlorMa WorM'i rsiri. . il.'.y thal

wiii rcprodnce I'.-.-i Marion al IheMr, lltnrh sajrs tluil Ikls reprodnctlontltiite a state buildii for

>n Is snpp im '! the old *llio inK'i Btates. It was bullt by tlio

. st. Augustlne In 1';l*o.



rarb \ dlapatcb to tbe Tlgaro" fromigen, publisbed to-aay, -ays -ha* during th<-Uand r..\a! gatherincal Fredensborg, the pi»anl-!i ro\al famlly, whcre the Emperor and

ave aad* lo ig i hUta tlds autnmn,thr lurmutum af a "Lengae uf J'tM.e'' x-.a^ dlaa-uaaed at

\ .rding t-. the "FaBartr*" corre*po_de_1Mi B88DM i- ii Inclnde Buaala, Franta, Bervla,

.! Deaaiark. He addathal Ibe kagae ahoaM br- f<.nnrtilutlon will ''(. publiclv announfed

an. 1 lil- icaguc. should it be formcd, xvill ba; Iaa rounter-more to the renewal of M:e

Tt«Pv one <>f Ihe be-t -ociety pnpersla dlaplarlng in ihe small part

to poiiti'-s tiie romantle ;.ndqualltlea wW.h mark Ita Hlarary Aepert-

***l*. Tl;c tiry -l out the projeel-d I.e.'-pne of Peaca**'.% l'.e i Bovel rn Uha iko aeenarfo of a aUlennlum

t***- !- -.-:.!. ba ladeed .. good IMag lf sn. a a leagnc^4 U fon,,t| oSclally, thia Inanrlng the peaee of

~.at- fce] tbe plaa is not feaatMe aud the C_ar*a-fy iuv» eoneelved it. for the folkarlne reaaona:t* *** Hace, lt i- weii known thal poBtleal iie-

^*"J-a8Tlii!,t are itrletly prohfliKed lo tbe eaettoiiah^'v '"'.'" AlL>xa"drr Jn apenda hla yeartyrr**' '.¦ wementa arttb iu- famlly. Ini^i?!*4 *'*">. tba dlplomatl: iraditi.n in,_ ed 10 :» f'.Mnal alllance betue-iilar, wj_. t_ftm "ta :- b!.f. France ;. ni Ruaata and aalno..J * lx« laeden, Baawta and Montenagro. More,,.

' doea everybody <¦:-<¦, thal tbem ./* '* paaetieally i. axlstenee already. since theJ *'___,.. BMBtioned la the oatlbie «.f the aeheme

j.,_l*t'' ,'.it;ite i.i the orb« ef Busata.A,v

T' Ai*x»wr.-i«-r- ui |. Bware alao thal the Trtple"v****h aai ai ttrobgly eemented aa it « i- before Itaj_^ -.-. -, -ii-nil.-l, .---iii-.n' .» _- ii » .- i. i.in3 ii-

»'. __.__*'' "¦'' aeeount <,r the beiltatlon of Italy;-Baahat-L-^ """tunj obllgatlona or the alllea Imve I.ntSEtn. " ''..'""' It-elf reeentlr ad-,"'* t'ie ,,', L-ntlon to defend A. -irla did

lo lll.{_r_* eountrlea whose Independenee I- .¦

mwriaai neeeaaarj tothe toltert aafety.

** OP THE \\i-< '..v-J.v AT QCKSX-TOWir.wee_at/,a-i,. ,-., 23. The ,.,,,,., \\JS.

!«'"ll *pu " Wl,:p«'ii. whieh lefl Kev V

(._ irl aad Llverpool, arrived bere alralBff, Mlebael Dtvttt, a ho waa

^'' t,J" ha lengera, aald that the Wiaeooaia J.__i

^eaeeedingij roagi, ueather. He apoke hlghly Inatr«r '"' M:";'i«n-!.i|, ,i tn.- ofleera -mi craw of tha

>-id Minj that, thou.h the vcssel %x_- pounded4. ) by the trein-nd ;.e _u Uilned lio

,\__H °* I LUOH MOVEMB-T.h,.. ,

. al balHoa ritMrawn, ince to-dnj araa

'. l.'l. -'iirled iri ...... _.. ......piuent i,, New-Yorl..

___? AV'VKI: »Ha. OOXHPIBAI V CHABOB.Ora.,. "''. -':,.~<,. K- Maifhj aai Babeel .-<

1^"' Uie pabBc warka eoaarartoea, did aat ai

j^ to tiie ebaaaa of eoaaapitaey preierr.- againstm9M Ul Micbael Counolly, a_other .o_u_afc.r. who

BfJefBB that tkay atloaiplti] 10 extort 6..00.000 fromlilin. Mtirphy ni.d Metiiv.vv xveiv 08 Inil, whlchxvin b* torfetted. Tk* caa* waa pmcrcdcd xvith, not-witbat.ndlog th-ir abaea* e,



MR. BALFOOB'a BTJOOE880B 66 ir.l^ii

SlTKLTUiY- THI IH'KF. OF 6IFE.cepvright; l-'.n Bg fbi jtim Ikit Jaaofafed Pmt.

London, Oet, -J,')..Mr. (ilnd-txitic hns r*Vta*d 1:1 ^

Home Kule bilL Karl Bpeaear, Mr. MtIm and MrWilltam Wrnon Harcoiut b*Vfl nitled him in Hh.-ipliigthe pni.iu.ii featares, vrhU* \a>tA iierMheii eep ciaUyatte_6*d Ib ta* lopti nnd oraurtitaOonai form ..,* fb*achaia*. Lord BoaetMry, though continuaiiy advl cd a< totho pr..gr-ss of the 1 IU, tm itly dri llilid t > a- i or ln-terfcio iintil m-cntly, Whafl hc xxas infori (Kl tliat heinnst aafiae lils attitn.ie loward tke Pl j''i of theUne-ral leartcrs. IJe^arduiff the .iriwiplcs of tka new

aeaaaia, eaoagh has beaa ofaelaOy aaocilaliad toeiiahle one. to state Itiat It give* thc propieed Irlshlifgrlalatnra fuiicr powara thaa 616 tk* biii ol 1866. flretains tlie loxver and uppcr kooaea of thfl Iri-.li I'ariiament. vasta tbe Biaoint-Mat of tbe tadleiary inthc in.-ii Bzecatlve, aad _*_ntal.a a bu_cr reprc-sentHtioii of livlnnd in thc intperial I'nrliament. Th*loinpicte qataUona of BnaneiaJ rabttlooi aud tlie con¬trol of tlie poliie 81* nl-o .-citled.Now thut John K. lledmnnd la tlie aclraowlrdgcd

leader of tho Fariicllitcs, only Mr< 'arthyit- partlaaiMdecrv the choicc of tho partv. Mr. I'jinell Balectedhim as one imving <i_nlltif-s hlndrrd to his oxvn. Ilcd-m..nd Ls rtoMd and thonchtfiil, xxith a graviiy nndreticenre of uiannei litting him for the (.Cdence Olthe party leHdei;. and now brinvlng hlin the eonflden. ..

of tke party. He ls a good platfonn BfNMkat aad an

able I'aiiianicnti-ry debater. It is not prol.able, Bow-ever, that he Will develop a caj.nrily eqaal t<» siisUiin-lng thfl life of his tection ¦a**laa| inch trcmendousodda, Tl.e pre*-.-nt game of tke MeCarthyitaa is anuttcnipt to i.iight the b-dding InBnenee of .ioim Bed-inon.l by bfanding Um us a traitor to Mr. F.irii-ll.

wiiiiain LawM* Jaekaon, xxho-e *pao_ttita-t as

frisii SaMiaaary i- detlniu-ly aniioiincd, haa the rcpu-tation among Trea.*ury oflnlalx of being a good biisi-iicRs mnn. v. lthoiit any bia* Ix.warU hi* OWfl ...**,lf he hid aay, and thfl r.-a-ly and jillant insttimeut ofMr. Iialfour aud I.ord -alMbary, with u ahrewd «¦> <;

oo tho inatn chanea. Tralned as a Weatoyan, heJoincd tli. Chunh of F.ncljiirt, and baa beetl cun

splcui.ivl on (liiir.li piatfn: rnr-. }Ie WOrkfld his father'sLusiness lu l.eert- out oi bauki npK-v, paylng ail of thoeredltor*. Ha gratfiiatcd from tlie Lccds Town Coun-eal to ParlM.wnt, *r_er* thfl b-slneaa aptltadea soon

aaa* him tka 0>naa*atlTfl __sl*try'a man-of-aii-work.Mr. H.vU.iiii's fri.-nds say thut tb* app int-iu-ii; of Mr.Jaekaon xvill cnitble the formcr to obtaln some lelsuro,Be-iides liavniK a fO-dJMM for phllOsophlCttiMr. Halfour is a Inglily culturea mu.-l. un, xcrst-d inth. s. ieiice of inusi.-.

Th* Duki- of Fife is rapMly dl^p dng of his C4-tat'-s in Bcotbtnd. There are weeailj Balea of inr.-otra. i^ of lils anda. Tho Duke givea wealtby tenant-faiiiKT- the pi-cicreiico, if they Bre able to pay txventv--x years' purchaa*. Foreaeelng u Laud blll fori-cotland. he wlil Inveal lils money ln bnaiaeea, lti- r>-portcl thut he iias doiibled his fortune by allte/WdiuveMments.


8TBUCX IT AT Hir.ii BTEED.Londun, Oet. 23.- Experlmenta were made in a rre^k

in Portamontb Harboryeat r.lay wltb a protected boomlnvented l.y ihe Naval Commlttee. Thc boon ron-

-Isteii of -ix xx-o .let) baaBu, one f'.ot aqoan and fortyf_e1 long, arratiKod v.lth the etids loward tk* enemy.The gpaoaa t^txveen tl.e lifjm- xvere too BarrOW to per-mlt a torpedo veaael to p«ss thnuph. The obetaek-xxa, snildiil.'ti by tcn steel Imxvsers Intcrtxx ined amonc

the beami and attaebed to barijea oa either p'.de. T*pi-evnt th* Impact of a torpedo )>oat from dipplng th*.boom and erladling it to p-iwie over, aaotber ^ix-ln.-h

bawaer aaa aaapended si_ feei B-ora tka boom. Thobeatna wcrc armed with atoel point- and poxveiful epikcalhaped llke bnll*' horns. One of the sxvlft<*t torpedobtwM in the Uriti.h Nfivy, the ouc latcly commandedby IT.nee <.eoii-e. wan i-eleet-d to attempt to pass thebo tn. The bojt xva* enra-sed ln a «uperstn.-tnre rtslnirin tlie centre. aud Blapiai towai-d the e_Uvmltie_. »norder to carry the elevatcd hawaer over the hull nnd

prevent th© unashlng of thc funnel and torpedo gear.A ho«t of Admlralty officlals and Naval officere were

present.Tiie torpedo boat, caiTying a lleritenant and fonr

vaiii-n, wkCM liv- wre liisiiird by tka Admlralty,ila-hed forward at tlie *i*cd of fourteen linots aii liour,atrtUna tle- l.noin ln t__ eeotre. The boat mounieUthe tirrt fei'ie. BBUMkll g tk* boom aml.lships, but Uieaaekot becatne entangxtf in the o.-eriiead bawaer anditoppcd th.- boat. l-'.x-i-ii then the boat could have di»-haraed toryedoes, bai -b* xvas tatally cripplcd, aflfl

lvinaiii'.-.i Bxed to Ihe beafn. Tiie bow coinpartmentafllled \xiili water. Ihe boal liavlng impinged u|. n theiim-i horiis, and thc bottom of the Etacboard sidr- waaripped open. Th.- engince being reveraed freed tiieboat, whicb imuieUiai'-ly roiled over on her itarbsardtii.ic. Thc .--cxv then abaadoned liCr, and f-he s*ouaank.

1'MII.IP II. CABPBNTEB (X-MMITTED sriCIDE.I...nd',n, Oet 83. lt beeame known to-d_y ihnt

Phllip Herberl Oarpenter, lf. A., F.B.8., tiie dlatln-gulabed arlentlal ;.!..| high anthorlty upon .l.-.-j. ea

dredglng, whoae death waa annonnoed yeaterday, badcommltted autclde. At tbe Lnqueat to-day the Bev.Dr. Hale, tatlier-ln-law <«f Mr. Carpenter, t,-t;iied tbathe found tbe latter dead iu bed, with u bottle "f ebloroform nn a tnble by tn- alde; thal Mr. Carpenter beM lubi-- band nn empty tumbler, wh'ei, bad apparently con-talned chlorofonu, and tbal on ihe table was u abeel "f

paper up..n which he imd arrlttca u i cannot anylonger endure th- load of lnsaaity arhich i hux',for Ihe h.-t tbree weaka. i have ruined myaelf, andhave left my arlle and ehildren beggara through mymadneea." Dr. Hale alao aaM that his aon-tn-Iaw Imdlately anffered from i1: oannla, nnd that be mndelnvea!menta whirh preyed apon his mlnd. ll was a,'-,,sbown :it UM in<|ue-t thut mnduess exlatod ln the de.rtman. famlly. nnd a verdlct in accordance arlth tbefac.s was rendered.

BBCIPROCITY WITH CANADA.Toronto, Oct, 23 (Speelal)..In a ipeech here yeater¬

day the Binleter ol Agricultara tatlmated thal thrUon.inioii Government i.aii glven ap aii bopei of ieenring a iei-lproilty treaty wltb the I'nlted fRaiea. Ilei-aid I'anaii.t WM nol imIiir tx> art down on ber kiu'i ¦to i.ep for reelprocfty. TM" Domlalon bad nol beenfairiv in-t by tbe Unlted Rtatee. OaaaRa waa ]"¦¦

pared to meet wltk the Amerieaa Governmenl and di-i ii-- fi-c-r trtide. lf a falr and reH^oiiable reflprodty

eonld b»- arranaed. hia Governmenl wai pt-ipari.iiin enter Into lt: imt, tn defaoll of tliat. Cana liunr mi.bt

-.--.'.h- re for a market

DOMIRIOK (IVII. SERYICE IRREOCLABITIER.ottAan, Oet. 23 '-i>i'i .al rhe report of tke I'riw

Connrll on the reeeal Inegnlartttea tn the dvii Servieewas annoaneed by Premler Abbotl to-nlght. ThepoRej of iiie Government i- lo punlah ;iii offenden.A. lf. Dnrges*, Depnty Mlnlater of tke Intertor, lnwho-- Departmenl many offend ra were employed, laivinatated, but rednced a grade. The relnatatcmealiiil.-.-i, ni-'i aboal a'- clerka in (kfe aame Deparlm-iii, wi"> were found gullty of ImviiiK* drawn extrana) eaeb of them loeea one month'a aalary. Thi re-

,. -i ,!.<, reeommenda thal etvll pn i:.-<imted ngalnst certaln .lt-*-. fouod gullty of graveIrregulariRe*.TlIK KAI-EK'S BIRTHDAY GIPT TO Mis wn-T..

Beriln, Oet. 88.- Tim tblrtj teeood aonlvei wy olthe i.i.-tii of Empeeea Augneta netorla waa eelebratedyeateiday. When be came to offei bU ceih Rmperor, i" tl"- aurprlse and d.-li^-ht ol the Pmpreaa,proaented hlineell to her rloan ahaven, excepl for hisum hi.!'.-. ih. oecaalon (ral obaerved wltk tke eaatom-ary fetee, and the Bmpm was the reclple t ol many

l',,. cltj ai d Pol d .ni wi re in

T.'li: A-fCIIOBIA AOAXIf AGBOUSD.QIaagow, Oct 23. Tbe Ancbor Llne ateamer An-

ehoria, xJaptaln CampbeU, torNei York, afelle proeeedIng down tbe -i>do to-day, ran agionnd.

The Anchorla groundad :it Graanoek laat week, whlleadmg f, Glaagow, bnt wns goated wltboel dam-

bi .; to the ii ini ane pr ralllngiu the Brttlah

BUH8IAN HBBBBW1 ATTACKBD BY PK.i-.M-.Bt. Peteraburg, Oct -:;. Peaaanta have attackei

Hebrewa llvlng la Starodoob and tbe aeltfiboringrtllagea, barnlng aai pIBaglag abopa aod dwdlHebrewa, nnd iaverely lll tiratlng Ihe oeeapanta ai.dtheir faaULaa,

TK.MN WilK'UU .MiAlN AT WORK I-V KMiLAM).i/.ndon. Oet 2il..An BBBaOCBI ful

made on tNdaeeiaj t, wreeb aa aspaaaa trala nn t.'.o

Oraal We-.t.-m Ballrani near Baailng, by the phadngut a number of -Jee_>'.rD aaroaa t_c r_ll_. At, about

«,i, :,, day an eflorl araa maie ne4.r Croydoa lo arreehiii« P.aaihoT-8 eipreaa traln. T_a raaeala whoplanned ihe latter oatrage plet 'i k qaantlty of fabplatea

¦i ehalra aeroaa tbe ralla la franl .,f lhaAs in tiie eaaa al Itaadlng. the englneer of Ihe Eaatboarne eaaaaaa eaegbi ilgbl «,f lha obetructtoa In llaaai,, .¦d.,\xii brake-." and Ihongb his englne r-m b

Iron intendoi to wrech it, tha trxiu wentaatoly throagb it and kept tin- rall

¦. ?


Tin-: (',j\-i r.vativi - MXCHAEIiI.AVITT'S l.N'I N'TI->NC.

Corii, Oet 28..A1 :i eonvemthw to-day of Ihe toMaar.era of JaaflB Mi Carthy, a bx u bnlter merehant, Martin

Plaven, waa aeleeted to ran agalnai Jehn B. Beimoai,Um ParneBltc candidate, tor the aeat ln Parlfaunentrepn enting Oorh Ctty lefl raeanl by tha ienth "'

Charlea Stewarl ParnelL Haa Coneervatlvta Invras'-!.'it.sl the I)e])titv-I.ietiteiuint of the County. C-PtatnBerefleld, to eontoal Cork Clty agalnai Bedaxmi »ndtbe McCartbyite eandldale. The Conaervatlvea have

nn Maa thal ln Che heal of ihe B ;hl between tha eon-

tendlng toettona their eandldato may aHp in and earryofl the ptise.

Qneenatown, Oet 2.'1.-Inimedlntely upon the arrivBlnt, CjucMi-'own (bla morning of Ihe t-tcamer Wi .r..n.-in,Mlehael i.aviit wns Intervtewed In repird to hi- nomi-n-lii.u by Ihe Mi Iart_yl.ee aa a candidate for the -eat

lu the Hoaae of Oommooa for North KllUenny, maderacant by the ieath <>f Mr John Pope Henneeay. Mr.m.xitt aaM thal he eooM nol aay whether he wouldor would not aeeepl the nomtnation, anUI he r^chedDahltn and hai an opportanlty of eonanltlng with blsfrteada, ln aplte of Mr. Dnvttt'i retlcenoe, tt la gen-BiaUy beBevei thal be arUl aeeepl 8he aominatlon.

Dnbln, Oct 83..Arcbbisbop Wai-h repnilatea ihointerr.-w whieh it w:is aald wa- 1:"Id sbortly after thedenth of -ir. Parnell, and ln whlch he wns «|imted asl'-f.-rriii- t.i the dead icader lu lerma aodlaparaglng thattbej arouaed Indlguanl rommenta ln many quarterewbere .ympathy for tha dead man w__ not expactei.

THB AMEBICAN WOOD INi-RAVEItS HONOBBD.Berlto, Oet .-it.-Tiie. Committee of the Internallona]

Exliibiinm of Flne Arta ai Berttn lo leiu haa aarardedto ih© Boctoty of Amerlcan Wood Engiavcra, of Ncw-York City, tho great -Iptoma of honor.

Tl:e Soelety of Wo.d Bagravara of Amerfea la a

flouiishinR orgaaisatloa, and Inetodea nmong its mem-

b.-rs many of tlie beat-known wooi engravera in thiscountry. lt was nrganhifi aeveral yeara ago. i. i\Davi., of this tity, i- at preaeal aei ratary of thiBoclety; ihe other parta ot thoeoantry. Among th" membera who aent worka to ibiInternattonal Bxhlbition al BerBn, whlch hi- awardedthe aociety the blgbeal b< nor ln Ita power, nre PrankFrench, i'. B. Klng, G. Krucll, V. Bernatrom, w. r..

Cloaaon, T. Cole, J. P. Dai T. Jobnaon, BlbrldgaKlngaley, B. a. Mnller, «'. A. PoweU, B Q. i-itnam,john Tiui.ey, F. 11 WelUngton and Henry Wott

Tlie arti-t- of llii- elty were vrr:ififi»-d Bt thedis'inrtinn eonferred upon the Amerlcan engravera,The dlptoma I-, another proof of tbe aapraaaa e.vel-lenee of tin- arood engravlng of thla conntry.6ome of the ewarda ol the Jury of tha BerBn Bx¬

hlbition Called lo meet Um approval of artlata abroad.Mr. Mo-h.-r. ji Amerlcan Brtlal in l.u'-. recelvedan honorable mei mnny othera. Iie de-rllncd, however, to aei pi tlie rtlctum of the Jury,believlng thal he waa entitled t., a prlae, and wrote aletter t<, thal effeel t,> Anton werner, Ihe licrllnartl-t, wbo ;¦ t of the eommltl ¦.-

however, ran be found with the dectalon lnreference to tbe work ol tbe wood engravera.

MB. lAI.IOtT. JTRTIPYIXG OPPORTU5IRM.London, Ort. C3..Mr. IWilfmir ln a ipeeeh al Rary

to-nlghl aaaulid thal the luaea thal prodiwrd theLlberal --piit were atin working, and that there waa

every Indlcatlon tbal tl;.- I'niouM alllanee waa beeom(0| -till ri' r. Br, Bolfour ap ike tn loaRflratkin0f oppoi-tuiilsiii. lt wus Inevlt.iMv produoed, hfl -aid,by the developmenl and evolutton of aodety, wiiiriiwaated new ebangea to meet new eaadlttoaa. it

.must be the poll. y of every wlae Ftiite.^iiiiin, ond ltha-1 bfy-n tlie OaOMTVatlve pi'liiy. .Sir William Vernoniinnourt rin« aeeaaefl tke Oonaartatl»?i oi delaylngmeo«ure« of ben.-tlt t'< Ihe people. Tlu- fni't. wus, how-0ft thnt vawtly nmre aoond, aober l.-?islaflon rouldhe piaeei to tho erodit or the OoaaervaUvea durinR tholaat hall eentnry tkan to that of the Ubeiala. Tlioipeoher UkflB d Mr. GlkdAooe'l Neweaatto programinoto thtit of '. 11 niu-ii- hill vaili'ty ahow." In eoti-cltulon, he condenmed Br. (ilad-tone's l.-md refortnpropoaala as ratslag valn hopea umong kutf-eduewt dpeople.

THF. TROURLBO 1'IXA.VF.S OF SPAI.V.Paris, oet. 23..Uie Rowta hara wm affr.in hipremod

to-day, iu aympathy with an ImporUnl ..dvnnee in thorate ol Madrid exchange. A report w.is eurrcnt thattbe Bpanlsk Governmenl bitenda to ir>no an Intcrnalli.im ol 290,000,000 pe i-i;.-. Bpaalab aecurttiea wereoffectcd by theae condltlon> ar.d de tlned l i-4 per i ent

Miiiiriii, Oct. 23..Anxlety la expresaed In 6p--. i.-ii ciri l.'s nt the rapld advance In the rate ol

French exchange. Yeatoitlai e'.enlng it waa iiu.>("d at131-S per i'nt against spi In.


Bnfl tn! IVUk-iinl haiIsraed a manlfeato declnring thal tbe Cablnet eriata

The BlnBter uf Plnance wlll rentain ln ofllce.Benor Zeballoa haa been apponted Blnlster ol ForeignAffalra. and Senor Raleatla Blnktcr of Ju-:!'--.

A M'.W CARIRBT IN REW-SOCTH RTALEfl..v, v. s. v,'., in t. -j::. Mr. Dibbe, leader of Hm

Opposltlon ta tbe Rea Soutfa Walci Legialaiura, bMfarmed ii new Cablnet, .vr. Dii.i. aucceeda Mr Henrj

|-'. -n wus a mounced oa Bonday,mler and Coloi ial Sei rctary.

Therlfiun of a Oot mm Oteurt r,nht tnmintkrtt yrartTh* prtm nttonttii U". oj th* mott Imuri ttt ng and m-pr.rtnntImtktkUtorf/tk* ttuU. Futmnrmttmktpmrtin tt umltmV" rtfttttr, >¦> rtgitUt le-Rajr. Vn.i fomrplm* 0/ rtgittrpIMa i"¦ rmuij. atttmoutior tintiuj and ttt that ptmrtumtUon thi 1" ¦' rtgitttr.



H beeaBM known ba Umg laland c.tv resterdayBfternoofl that Hayor Glcaaon had laaaed a_rr_ntafir tbe aireat >.f Tberon li. Bnrdao, Bepnbliran can-

r Bheriff ol Qi.i Connty; Frederlck llnlMtnnd Iir. Joltii I'. DoaaeUr, ebarged b] one John 3.MatUgan aitfa fraod. MuBlgan made u a \a\

feet, tbal Bnrdea, Donnellj and Halletl ootalaed;.7<; -x-iiaiur-s t*. .-i peUtion wbicb waa rircahatedamong the lodepe rala, nrglng then t.>

Sheriff. MulUgan'a affldovll furttvrmore ehargea that these ilgnaturcJ were obtaloed byfraod nnd that the fraud c ... i-t-d ui inmeaof three wt n kao* len on Ihe bnckpetHion, as ii r,

__..¦. -ii ;., btto* tb" peUtton.

Um namea ..f Um Oienaon men allcged t>> bave beentiM.i are Hlcholai .¦ and CharleaM Carren. n i- ekargcd (hal Bnrdeo, DonneUy andllaUett arenl lnto tbe barh roocn «.f a drag-atore InAatoria, nnd after all the .Igcaturea had been oltliat, cii.il.t u- obtalned, ; d I eraaed Inamea of th.- Glcaaon men hrora Ihe ba<the i tbe I .Ikw Ing nnmea:\\,:i ilill h and Herm in 6e

< the atrength oi I Mayor '-;

uirged ihal Mr. Burdanwould obi ihied thedependoni Democral Lf II bad nol ¦¦

Tho three men wb e namea a-ere j itutcd a il '. i

lor Uie -i are memclub. ..iinir h, .-, | r 1 aj, Ihe Deiaa-

,, .-i .ix, haa < n

ooainsel io prosecn ti-1 B.rdflnu.-I U

Dordon, llal>:t and Dona IIm.imh ¦ i Aa lo the

of n,,i di lentlj ol.ei Ing p< liu »n alippleadcd nol guJltj i-ud wolved t

...-. 81,4500 ai! io awuB the kV II"ii "f t.'i".lu,-,. Tba (xhaige of wi UJ_*41 i'l>a i.i thej pl o* aet Iha

for ii.-xi in. daj*>

8_n BB OAM C0BB090KATB TBOBi fOI.l.ti-K-oiixllle, Fku, Ort. .-:.. -..mml I.

Brooklyn, who baa been Invt.i, a-ell aton Im Um laat !'"-'-1

nlght II* aa :i alIh. rn on and Miaa Jewell t-.i Ihe tratb ln th li

piilili-lie.l. Ui ¦> - b ai -. ..Mal.ivlt.

rM*M Wb* aaw UM 6**BMh ahlp I.ving ..lf 1-aM > Ilearh,of ih.- iiivi-. *ho ab »** Um palr t-. aoatk Im klanvlll*.aad the . tiiuo.i) oi ".un.- es x*ii> uw Uio part ui

rariau _>iu.x- -lo;i_; thc ro_d.






TBT TEl.r.OUAi'H IO IM TKinCNE.1Hiiston, Oei 'j.'{._The joint debatc between Con-

gressmati Henry Cabot LodgC aml eX-CongMMMUlJohn E. RmnR oeenrred to-nighl ln TremontTemple. E\erv Book and corner in the baU WMliileil by raget listeii"is, belonging to ono party ortho other, To make the gatherlng a repreeertative ono, and keop tt out of the power oi hood-luuis t*» eontrol the ball, it was deeided that ad-miaaion ihoold i>c by tiekct. One-half of the aeat-log eapaeity of the ball, 1,2.".? scats, waa allottedto eaeb party, the Democrata being 00 one sidennd tbe BepabUoaaa on tlie other. As Hiis wmIhe lirst joint political debate of importunoo of latovi'iirs. it arousi-d unusiial interest, and tbe domr.udlor tiekets has been uuprooedonlod. lt was notan easy inntter for the oflicials of tho fcWO St.it.'Commit.tees to satisfy the demands of thOM who,from their prominenee in public life. might justlythink themselves entltled to be preeent* to §aynothing of the hundreds of others who were per-¦iatent in th.ir demands for recognition. It wus a

remarkteble gatheriag, aml refleeled the Intelligeneeand respei tubility of both parties, not only ofUoston. bnt of tlio state at large; for there weierepreaentativei from all aeetiona of the State.Seating nnangemenhi were kdmliablymanaged andthere wns httle eonfusion or annoyance it deflningthe lines of both parlies in the ball.

Mr. Buaoell proved tn be no matdi for Mr.Lodge, eilher as an orator or in the poMBMionof convincing facts to sufltain lii.s posiiion: Ilewas nervous, halting and poorly prepared; whileMr. Lodge was well priined with tkCtM and pointedargnmenta. He never heeitated nor atumbl -<i,but kept ri^ht on pouriug hot, shot into tlu*on.-niy's c;inip. Ilis points were well taken, hi.snrraignment of Oovemor SnaaeU was sharp endInclalve, His Baeta were earefully eollateii, blflmtui'ks were strong and hi.s wit sharp, pcuctr-t-ing tbe weak armor of his opponent,

Rrouiptly at 8 o'clock the disputantB cnteredthe hall, and were enthusiastii illy cheered bytheir rcapectivB parttee. Horaee G. Allen, ex-

preaident of thc Itaitou Common Council, calledthe meeting to order uud atated tho regulationaunder whirh the debate would prooeed. Tliesubjeel wnn"Tbe Admlniatratlon of Governor Bua-sell.'1 The oniii'litions w<-re that Mr. Ruflell should

open the debate nnd oeenpy forty-flve mlnutes.Mr. Lodge wm to follow, aud ooeupy equal time.Then Ur. Raaell would apeak for thirty minuteiand Mi- Lodge would close the debate. ooeupylngbalf nn hour.

At B:05 o'eloek ex-Congreamnan Jolm E. Rnaaellopened the debate, and panaed in rapld reviewiho nmeurea leeommended by Governor Riuaelland the laws whii-h had be-n cTTa'-ted uiu'ei- hisadmlnlstration. His defenee of Governor RuaaeUwm not obaraoteriaed by atrength, nor wm it con¬

vincing. It WM an apoioRT, wiih au attempl at

juatifleattoo. Mr. ^toanell oeoopied hia full timein hia flrat aneeeh. Mr. I.oiIkc epoke only thirty-three mlnutes, bnt it would take Mr. RnneU h

lifititne ndequately to reply R> the chargci madeand proved in the matter of appointinents by < iov¬ernor Riifiecll. Mr. Ludge gave the names ut

four men appointcd to responsible ofth-es who haderimiiiul n-cords. In one infitanee thirteen crim-inal ittdiotOMata had been found agaiMt ti man

appointed to tlie State police force in Lawrenee.In another tkWi, the man appointcd as trustec ofthe Hospital for Dipfiomaniaos was ahown to havea bad record. Governor Russell declinod to with-druw the appointment. bat the man had tbe goodKnse Hnally to retire. In another Inatance a

man nppoiated to a district ju.icesliip. wm not a

bwj-or, aud iiis or.ly qualifieationa for tbe ofllcewere that he kept a corner etore, aud aold ruin.

Just tielorc Mr. Lodge touk hi.s Bttt he r-i'err.-dto the ebarge made by the De::. ll tbeRepublieane sapported tho Police Conunission oflioston for the purpoae ol oontrolUng the liquorintereate. Holdtng aloft a piece of paper, he eaid

ii'.id iu my haud a letter from the DemocratioState Uommittee, m whioh an aypeal i- mad^ Uia Boston rumaeUer for a aulwcriptiou to Gie (»tn-

paign fund. that letter wm aduresfied to MichaclShay, who rm s a nloon on Kl.ol---'." ThuiMimbahel] onuaod diamay in ihe Democratic ranksand oorrrai.liog enthueiasm on the Republic»n6ide nf tl.e bail.

,Mr. Ruaaell'g reply to the blll of Indi

aifainai t! e Govci 01 wcak and inadcll". s;iid that Dr. Terry, ol Fall River, waa rccom-m.wled for tbe truateeahip ol tlie I'

.! bj d Republican. The nominec for dia-police in Lnwrence waa rpcomraend-d by

Kepubliean city offlcera, Commlaaloner Merrilland Councillor Byron Trnett. Aa to tbe ap

of Judge Staple'a aucceneor, Inauruncc tn-nii-.ioii.-r .Merrill wns appolnted the daj thal < .m-

nil_uoner Tarboa wa buried. lt tl"; letter roadi,\ Mr Lodge waa from a llquor deaier who

»ked to contrlbute to the Democrata acantyhe war. probably under the power

Poliee Commiaalon aod banded over a personalletter to bo read to-nlght. The Governor md n

:i"li' to nomlnate Oaliorne'a aucccsaor, and jeejr-t'l'iniv did not nomlnate one who woi Id ever awaythe power ol tbe Poliee Commiaalon ln ravor oiDemocratio electiona. After brieth distinv,Ing the temporary oommiiaaiona created thla yearfrom tlie permanent anlarled eoi.iaaiona which theGovernor sought to nboliaii, the opeaker s r tbat

U which waa vel.I aa anconaiitution.il, wi a

known 10 be auch when it paased the Senate, andthe ilmilar blll not wtoed tilrned ont to bc eon-tititionul.' , ,. , ,1ln Mr l.,,._,''s cloalng half Imiir he wa

quentiy Interrupted by the Dem¦ thehouae. l-Mtt/ni aud routed al every point. they-,,11-lit t,. rally by aboitting aml tbe ...<.. of char-aeterlatio Democratic tactica. Tlie ebjtrmnn ofthe mcetina <lid not do hla duty, or tbe Hhame-riil .iro.vediii'.'s would have be*Mr.I ,.|,.,.'.; peroration waa t-oquent^. nnd afirred thebig audienee with its aentlment and loglc.u is n noble thing," he aold In eoneluaion, "to

he Qovernor of auch a Stnte oa &r___-ehusr>tt-.lt i.s bo light matter tn hold the pli.>nce heldbv John Andrew, when he atood aa high prieetbetween the horna nf of the nltar and poured oiil

lt the U-st blood of .M i-.s_.hu:..: :s. Forthai greal offioe. we wanl ih* the hero of therair grn ind and the muater fleld. hut the . LligentCliicf Maflstrate. \Ve v.M'it m.t Bi >n1 llpa and"lib nromlere, but fhe aobwr perfoftnftnee ofoflicial dnty. VPe want a ruler nf men,..,- :, li.l.er of votes. <' Want;, man who, when l,e paaaea boyon the bor<

nmonwealth, will forgel hia phia politii s. foi-'.-t hia own peraonalltv. and remeni-1 .t onlv il. -r he la the Govi rnor of M ie«a ibua-ttsthe bead ol amonwi ilth, the ohoaen chleloi a proud people."EXPF.LLIBO A TBVS1EE FROM THE CBVBCB

THE _-QUE- TO SEXSA-IO-fAL I OUT AriilM-r -i v DA. II,"'.'..

At .. meetlng of the membera "f rrinltr Bnptl.lChnrcb, h-l-i hul nlghl In lha k-cture ro m

chureh, Ko. 141 Baai Plftg Bftfa -t.. lt w*a

Imoualy ieddai t<. exelode fr. aa the omroat

aareh A. a. Colby. Mr. C bj waa a o

ihe chareh and aa i.ed of ftiraUbln lo

reporta abdbl th. Snndajichool a :<i ihe woamn «,f Um Bhareb eogagai iu tbal

A v..,-l, :i_. taM Tti- 'ia' . ¦ '"-' . f lhaca of tlie etaroa araa k. h '.'

x. ,,!',>. bal Ihe re,' v.x <i. .-' d te a gsnerU

meetlng ,-f tbe memi^r- of the chui-b aod baa.aiatb i' 'i'"'-'" b)

¦ii.. onghl agalnai Mi nlgh!uctbitlng and i and bj .

bal* i-el a :. li;(.¦ rhiin li. b IU er Mr. < ..!' .

i. ii .1 I.i .. i.i.'...-, i. ,,i been fmm.iiy Infnrm .1 ><:

,, of Ihe ch-rjB * Ihal ereUr, .. |by w ' *-) la. il.n t.-ion

,,f iiie chureh w_» 4_a4H_i-««t. Umi ioe f,,f tha rlinrch brled Ui be ii thal the paator

...in tlie Iii-i-- h ", .. , ,

\ Ttli.uiie report*- called ..t Mr. olbj home, No.2ia Baai Thtrty-aUth-rt-, nf'er the mcetine di.pai tnm from u .- oharch, hut wa_ _i_C- rnu-d _MMtio w_s out of (OWQ.




W0 Oei. 2.;. An BBBBaal niglit prc-ikMlf to tl.e, bihabttaata of w ircaator Coaaty

thla mornlns. Thc groaad was eovaaad with fr..m tw*L> (oar Inekea of _anp iaow. The leavc* are stlll on

Ib* treea, aad have aeaaealy turned to aotumn eetora,for there bave y.-t been no kllllng hraat*, and the flow-ei-s ln thfl B0W*r-fg_rdeni are st ll lu blooriF. The trecsxvri-e loaded xxitli tl-ep siiuiv. and thc long bran.hesaer* Ix-nt tO thc ground, ln some plarcs m-arly blo<iilnfithc hlakway*. In the orehards the unpirked applesp¦¦. p .I onl trOBJ the snow-covered br.mrhes. It is theeaiiieai anow known li<-ra sirice 1870, when tliero wiw

a heax'y fa!T on (ictobcr 15.HartfOtd, n.nn.. Oct, S3.-._a*rt nlght was a eold and

blusterliiK' one, and this morning the hills aiound herewcro coveivd xxlth sitow, Tae flrst of the sea«on.

Klnp-tun, N. Y., oct. 33..Baow fell at several point*.in tke CatekQ] MoeatalBfl last night.

Nexcprt, B. I., Oet, 83*.A heavy snowstorm pre-vailed here this morning, doln^ coiiftlderable damage to

sinall eiaft ln the bay. Iieforc daybrcah tho sex-erc

nortbeaateriy wiwl was aeeaaav-dal by hall and .anow,

followed by heuvy raln. btcanfers plylng on thc bay_keoaUnaed all trlps untll noon, owing to the heavyaea. Bo fatalltics a-e reported, but several small

have gone ashore."tw-Haveii, '>'t- -li..The «torm of lait nlght and

tka heavy xxlnd of this morning drove a erowd of sca

rrait lnto thLs harftTTr. Among them are the rexenue

nu ter Dexte* and the steamer Hloek Island.I'all Kiver. Oct. 33..The sevcre gale and early anow-

¦torm delayed tlie Fall Klvcr Llne boats about thi-ceboara rhi morning.

Boaton, Oet _."..Tho schooner War steed, of Saco.was towed ln here tliTS mOTBlag dlsmast.-d. Captalhsof Incomlng veaaou report tliat last niurlit's storm was

very heavy in the bay. A small schooner is ashnre on

Oallonpe'a WaaA.Vioeyard llaven, Oct. 23..Tho schooner Wllliam

Ptckerlng. of Plyntoatk, Captaln llammond, Bondotittot Boaton, wlflk a raigj of cenieiit, was fouled by an

onknown schooner wbile aurhored ln this haibor duringt] nt nortkerly gale last night. aud h_l bajajaprit

broken and heailg-ar dama^-d. She afu-i-xvanl partcdboth ehal.I and aaat BBkor* at the b**d of the har-bor, irhere ib* now 11,-s. Sho ls tlcht. Thc s. lioonerLamarUne, Captaln Baton, Fall Kiver for Deer bm,llght. parted botfi ehalna dnrlng the gale this morningaud xvent aehora at Dw he* l of ihe harbor.

tVIImiugtn, Oct. 2:1 (Bpeclal)..The b oncr RedWln^r, of N'oank, conn.. waa b_ra_ aahore at IndlanLix.-r inict. ten mllea below Lcwea, lu-t nlcbt Bnewent to piecea an.l all iiauda wer* toat, Tka BadWing'a home port la ..stonlngtoii, conn.

Rllaworth, Me.. 11. t. 83..The *ch'>oner Knte tray,Captaln John Pray, from Bome'a Sonnd for

iii, pti* lnto Green'a l-ar-dhiR nnd r-pi.ri.-4l thalthe captaln la-, i<».-.t oxvrboard tba morning ofl Vork'aNarrows. Tho vaas*] wa.s carrylnp >o mnek saii that

1 OUed tho boat at the .laxits. Captaln Prayvi'in onl n the maln boom b. Ii.h.k the r--( tarkleand waa Uirown overboord by a lureit of t!ic veasei.

lv of oar* the ri-exv could not 1*8*6 him an.l bfldrowned.

Provincetown, ataae., oep, 23..The clondy, threat-enlng weather at auneet la-t nlght rapldly developed

-.1 ,1 lieavj eoaterlj gale, reachlng a voloclty ..(-i\tv inil"s pe* lu.ur this morning, and ahowing no

of abaung at noon. A Beet of sixty ateamerB,i.ais-¦-. brlga an.l achoonen xvas otr Cape Cod a- dark:.isi nlghi bonnd lnto Boston Bay, and mnal have epcrienrcd rough weather. Thlrteen of hbe fl<s*t madeiies p- ri in aafcty bmI nlght. A rmmber of otnera,Includlng otie fonr-maater, ran 1^ ieen ikrough thc-

ie -ii anchor ln the Lav ..il\\ ri End li.-h'. and doubtleu other* have m*d* ananchorage (nrther onl In the bav. An onknown tkrea-m ter fa reported mnk on Bhovelfal shoai alth npp.-i

nut ol the water. The fate of her crexv is un-known.


TO BBA.Thc tlireitcned rold wave got here yosterdav. aad

wlll itay aome time. Al *1 O'clock in thc niorning thethermometer rsgbtarad only 30 iiegree.». At - o'clockilie nic.-i-tirv had cilnihed up to 40 degreo*. A strongwlnd Mew over Ihe city from the northwo-it, and every-bodj remarke l to eviwybbdy elae, fihl it cold I" Tliewtnd made it aeeB i-older than lt really wa*. There.vi- i rii'iior tiiaf saow fcll llghtly ln the city abctit 11

O'clock, but it was hard work to flnd a man who hadSCfll it.

II v.-i. o)ld nll over th? country yesterdav. At|j:.-t"ti flie mercury st>ad at 3-1 degrees In Waehlngton;it ii), and lu Rew-Orlesw at 52 degreos at 6 o'clockin tlie mornlng. In Tonne«see, <;eorgia and Northinuiiii there was n, beavy Irost on Thur*d»y night.

The blgheal thal the mercury got in the r.tt\r\_i ther-momi w- ot the Weather liuroaa on the Equitable Iiuild-Ing yeaterday wm 00 degrec^.

¦. fi'ii nl PatcbogM, I.. I.. and pkieos ea«t ofthcrc on Tliur^day night. Thc thermometer registcred.J7 degreee.

Tbe weaiber for to day and t" inorr w will t>* some-

whal wa mer anl falr. Tbe atonn ot Thnrsday reachedNova »cotla yeaterday, where It dev loped into <th i-.-.I'p" and wcnt off to sca iu tlie patu f tranaatlM-


.4 WELL-KEOWS COBEAE KU.I.ED.W i-Ii'i.-:¦::, Oct, ^1!...^u I'cat), ;i natlVC "f CorCO,

yean old, wm rtrnck by aa ezpresa troln.,: eollege Statlon, Md., laat evening and austalned ln-jorlea from which he di-d. su Penn wm .1 niember,f tbe cornmlsalon nf i'liiinent men th.il left Coreaearly ln tlu- aeveatiea for tl.e pnrpose of InveatlcatingIhe clvllluitlona beyond the >eu-. ;i> waa partlcalarlj

.cd in mattera pertalnlng to agricnltnre, andafter ti.'- otl sr memben of th- commlaaloa l-.ud re-

tornod to thelr nativc country h- took ;. l'mir yean'-.mr-.' of itndy nt the Borytand Africultuial Col.lege, from which he graduated a ahort Ume ;ig<>. Ilewa afl irward appolnted t» a place in the AgricaltaiulDepartment. where li" waa ol mnck value In itatl llcal

a a* referred to Japan, CblM and

r_TB DOSXELLT CARE TO BE ABGCEIt TODAY.Mlnnaapolla, Oet 83..The evidence In the Don-

ii.ii-- eaaa waa all in hy thla afternoon, and the __urtRdjoorned untll to-morrow, when argnmaata aiU be-cin. Several witneaaea awdga toiaj thal Donnellyreputatlon tor leglalatlve and polltlcal intcgrity wa'

.i. Donnelly ).im-cif then took tba atani aml,..t.iv the evidence glveo by Blag _u.i

other*. General Le Due was reeaUed and awora thalDonnelly propoaei to him to _'n out tho llaettnga;,-,ii ii:,!, ii i road aad dlvide tba proreeda. Donnellybelng recalled. denled havlng had auch a ooavoraa-tion. Donnelly- rcaaon fo:- not preaalng his ilr.tmll waa llml Ift had no lunda.


San Pranclaco, Oct. 23..A private h-tler rereived In

tbia city froa nn ofllcer <>f ti.e rnited state* oralaarCharleatoo, :,t Yokohama, aaya ti:,- appeeraace of thatrruicer m Jopaneae wntera creatcd urrit Intcreat On

,,- .: .. ti x, -, araa thrawn <>i»«'i. fo:- Inaperttoa over,¦ people boardfld i;er, and s!;c \xa- -unoiiiidcd by

<,:imi);.ii- and other boata of all deacrlpllona. TheChaiieatoo waa alao vbitei by toralgn nnval oBcers,

Amerl on offlce f'.nn.i it diOciilt to conx-i:,, tbelr .I'ip.'ilie-e f::,-n>l- tl.at t!i- Crulaer WO. iu,:

Admlral Relknap ha trnnaterrcd blaii. .i biuni 1.1- to the t'harle.l m from tlie old a

i, m nocacy, that baa beretofore aarve4 blm lor atlagablp.

AGAIXST THE UQUOM TBATTIC IX AFBICA.Watertown, N. Y., Oet, 83..In tke Preebytartsn

to-day a .' olntl n wni adoptod that tbe.:¦ ,-,,i ital - k i"- appointcd to BMmorlallM

ealdcnl amf Seoate ol tha Cntted MatM, and t->,'i l.-iiaif oi tlu- early raitfteatkm nf

tv:it|-- now pendlng or to be I >rmulated (or the de.', of the traflk in in:'-.-i-.-n and ln men Intnd other un. pa. i tlie world

rBR BEIBOEPOBl POLICE DIgFVTE.ridgeport, Coan., Oet S3. Qno warronlo \<

imrs rompelllng Captain HnhenaM to appear betontbe Kuperlor Court sad afcow on what antborttgr be txrri i-.<.-. tke ilutii-s nf Chicf of l'oliii: WON BBCUKd tOday fi ... Jndge iiuii, of the Buperlor Honrt, bj Attorr:.,.. v; lea Jndaoa, fr., attorney fur .i..i n Rytnnda, who*n.- d ilm, in- beea onated. The paper*are returnable next R'edneaday. Theae proe.

ther i:\ md- i. lUatfniiv eotUled t.>th-- m"

Eivi: /./.' D nr A EVEAWAT ttBEM.\ WlM I'i \ tn I f:-'in

:i. 1 land Btock Vimls ut no.li ti. <lii> an.l lor.ni'.-ii ¦ paolc iii AHegheny. it traeereed

aeverol ol tka priaelpal atreeta, sttacklag evaeylhlng.¦ii' iu it- aray aml eompelRng people le Im toe

lluir RveS, I'lve perSOM were pBMi bv IhS ff.:i'l-la party of iitiwi.s wiiii guns 0.id lerolwnii

Soolfy mn tho stocr down ai.d lt was ohot dcid hiM^il-cn ave,




The story pnblUlicd ln Tho T.biit.e yesterday nl_.tr|the dlserlminatlon In favor af Tammany Hall nt thaBuch of nfalaiaBiatloa in the -uir-me <.>nrt onlyp-irtly lluppai Ihe ex i'- \e-f. rd.iv. The Wijrwam p-o-ple ar.' -"'"- Ut intrenelied in the elty govemmenllh:.t tliev s-rm to dlsre:_ard ;.ll eautlori. Yesterdaynornlng BapaMleaaa Wha wanted to become natur_ll_e4liepan to arrlve at the County Court House before 9

o'clock. They form.nl in llne with the other., bnt for

B lOBg time thev inndr mV9} pro._ress toward the elerk'B

room. At the aame time tho Tammany Hall eandl-

dat's for eitir.en-hlo had, many of them, u pa'li nf

ro-e.. 1'hllllps, the man In ehatfB of the TummahrHall bureau in the C'ourt Hou-e eotridor, had only tan'xl at the polleeman at the door, or at one of the

rlerfcs, and hl- aaaa hoved boldly Into Uie clerh'a room.

A MeaaUaae Kepubliean who cume up was ordered to 29down io the end of tlie llne.

The rrowd of applioants aaa hnrdly as big yesterdayas on the day before, althouxh no more natumllrationpapcrs wlll be Issued ln the State eourt* now untllafter tbe eleetlon. Thursday was an uni.sunlly heavyday beeause lt ralned und men who work out of d-»raliad a day of re-t. They ro:il.l therefore go to thaCourt House wlthout lodng any pay. More polleemenwere statloned ln the .orridor yeaterday than on

Thursday, so tho ei.iwdins about _hc door of the elerk'Bofflce was not so bnd. I'roiti 0 o'clock untll 11 PhllllpBsent hla men Into the room ln partles of three, four, or

even eight and ten. In tho meantlme the Repub'.leanautood la line almost in ono plaee and had to see Tan>mat.y men who had Just arrived w_lk talmly up to tl<0clerk's desk and get their appUeatlona.

JCDGE M'ADAM JNT-RFERES.This dlserlminatlon flnally becamo unbearable ani

Ilugh Turner, of No. 413 West Twenty-elghth at., whowas ln the ser\1ce of tlie Kepubliean NaturalizationHut.au, went to see Jud?e MeAdam. lle toid how

Phllllpe sent ln bls Taniinany men ln droves, whllo

BepubBeaaa atooi ln Una for lialf nn hour wlthoutgetttng any aearer lha derfc- desk. .ludse MeAdamma rl.htfully Ineettaed al tiiis and at oneo lefl the benchta pat a stop to the unfalr praetiee. lle went to tlie

room and told of Mr. Turner'. complalnt,cuutlonlng all r.ot to M tbe Ihlng BO ur ..galn.

The Judge evldcntly had some influen.c with theetorka and poUeeenen, for Phiiiips rea-cd lo send innew-eoiners for a UtMe v.hile. Tbe nien tn llne beganto advance toward their goal B_th BOBM apeoi. I.-tcr

lu the day, however, Phillije; ae.-ln Baai his " pill" anda number of liis im-n r .'elved tlieir papara Bhaai of

Bepublleana who had waitod for 1wo or tfWM ho.;-..The Tammany rannera did a Mr baaftcaa, .iithou.h

the dav was Itardiy as nrotltable to them n- Thursday.The chlef Of these was :i tall rOUBg mun who would ge*yon Into the elerk'a room wlthout deby for i?l. 8a.eri.)

lieiifarl, of No. :M7 Third ave.. was one of thOBB who

pald tl runner this sum aud thus e»mfi B IBM Bfatt*r's stoik in trudo \'..is :\ irtter -i.'ii. .1 by Will-

-ii .1. McKenna. elilef (lerk of tho Court of C.cnenili an.l ex-Aaaemblymaa, who la tha TammanyOf the Vlth Aaamably DUtrlet Thia letter wae

wrltten on « l-tter-heai >.f the Dtat-tcC-Attor-ey'a ofli.aand thus b'.rc ihe senibl :n.v of an ofl!< ial doctltn, ut.

It read about thus: .. I'naa B-Vb-iy t'.it this -entleii :ui

brlnga up. W'.'.Iiam I. McKenna." The rtirin.T afeawaflthis to several persnns. The poli-omen nt the door

hai evtden_y aeen it, f>r they Blkarei _u whom thorunner brought up to pn<_ '"to tlio clerk's room. Tharunner boaetei about havlng recelvai II for pa-singtwo men in.

Another runner. a llvelv littlB Italian. was asked ifhe bad to pay any one tor tha prlvllega af shovingpei-ona into the room aheai of their turna. He io-

plied, with n wlnk and a hBOWing miiUc, "TwmVt mybtiMness. see'."

lxfosuhf. si-oilkd his coie.

r.laustciu. the runner who t>ld a Trlbnne reportrton Thursday thst hc would swear that he had knuwntho man whom tlie reporter would bflBg t» be natural-iied for eight years, waa about the Court House yester¬day. He did not look as cheerful «s hc did on Thursday.As told lu The Tril.anc ye-terday, he had agrced to so-

cure pepen f..r Zalel (lu/.ik, of Itidge st.. ln B few min-utes for *-. lllaustein was to iwesr that he had knowni.tizik for more than flve year-. althflOgi ho saw hlmtor ihe flrst time the dav befm* yertwRsy. Blaustelahad mid that he liad a frlend, licnrv Hailly, a clerk in

ihe OOOrt House nnd. Tammany Hall ruptaln of an

election district. who woold furnlsk sMPUenttSM ln a

¦epsmte romn on a lower tloor.I?laii-:.':ii WM a-ln-d ye-terday how buslnesa waa.

-I ala't doing any." he replied dejtxtadly. .. Evcry-tl.lng is atopped. ReUly called me la aud said hecotddn't do any buBnoM wlth me today. Ile saidthero WM -'.niethiiig publi-he.l in aoOM paper aboulhim. I don't Know what it WBS." ULiusu-m had notbeacd of tta Mpoaaie of hta leheaae of patjsfy andprobobly woaM not have beM unduiy wanted if hehad. Hc's a strong Tammany man of Uie Vltli Aa-

¦embly Watrtct,Thomaa Rooae, elerk of the Bupertor Court, said yes¬

terday thal he dM not beHeve the ehargea thsl any alhia elerks had been bdbei. He aimltted that irbmmhud been aOowed tn Ml out apptteattoM tor a tnn-,but h-.- aaM that he had atopped it two or three davsago. He had hcard m. prevtooe eomplatati fi-oni E»publlcana, he isM, bul Taininauy liall in-.'i had tolRhlm that they wcie being dNii-inilnatcd against.




(FROM THF. Nl.W-YOKK IIF.K.xJ-D, 1ND.)John I. Davc:iport Iius niov.tl «t l»st...if we jrain tka aext Lcgblaian ihall mHaBOf

move for Um impea. luncnt of Jndfe David .M.-Adam, odihe Superior t.'ourt, for BM_B*M*oefl in 1*8*09. I hav*pk_ty of tUliCfC on xxhii.li lo ba*9 pi-<*"Cedlngs ar.dcarry them through, aad if Jur.fi. e xx.-iv <l"ne he wouldlt** down from his blgh pla a t BBOrrOW."

Tkea* u-.-nbie xxa.rds arera Bttaaad lat-t evenlng byJoka I. Daveiip.irt, l'iiite-j Btataj roiiimiasl Kicr andChief Supervisor of Klectioin. II* rai-ed in hlfl handa baOtj bundie of tjaaaiUtoa 6ot*_aaa*i and ln lilsdirk erea there shone 8 lOOfc of triumph -tlie look of adeteettve who has made a aaeeeeaful eoap.

The Davenporf lisht ing -tru-k ycsici-day, and lifetaOthat kinds of MgHitff It siruck i:i an unexpectcdplaee. Bai it striick vorv hard and high, and whentheae Unca ar> rcad Uiis m*nt*t taara wiii be a veryexciting Jiaif hour for ccrtaln politi.-ians.

UN ANOTIlKIi TACK.F.ver s|nce "The llerahlV BZaOSai* of coloni ' t' BBJ

done under the prOtocttng lrtB| of om- Ilaracy Martin.people bave beaa expeaf rtg a boU from the ..flice ofUm r-upervisoi- of F.t.-.-:!»n* to llght on that pariiculnrpurtlon of the body p illtlr. Mr. Dav .::port was b>0.brewd not to aaeoaraf* Ikia iciicf, bat \xiiilc he waa

Ing Ifl the light for rolonitcrs. hawas really beodlBg :ill hu eaergMJ 1-. 0*** up uiiotherne-i of roirnptton. His agenta wer* dlggdag la a rl.-ks.-iii. nr.it arerd Bigoarthlag gaievnaa aad BMaaajta* <i<»-ings iu eoanartton wttk Um aaiaraHiallna of .ititenaundec the n*_u «.f tka BaiMitot t'ourt.

So ..;-'. aaapeeted whal ba x-:.s 4.Ing, and. aa ha-.ald yeaterday, when the b*M bad a_taa aai thaDepnt) i nited Btatea Kai ibala wer* bt .ni'ung torather th fl barveat, Um aakafartora had paana so

boid ln t'l.ir siiaiiudsaa tr*_M la nalaiaMiaUn* pa.yrBthal il Waa IH.e sittlng ,-till and having ripe frtill (aillnto his lup to coIK-ct eviilen.¦- B**lB*t tli.-m.

WILL OATBRR TBBB IN.Yeeterdaj kftaiwoM ba bR thal he bai sefiSMe ln

plenty, aad dciidcit thal it was time to strike. Hall:i ikifi'i aranaats wesa pleeed in thi haaRa of doputyIHUThfTT. aml they were I m-:i -minln.' th>- hlgkwaygunii bywoy mon partloatorly Ihe bUtov, for meaaceaaad "f pertlrtpettoa la erlaRaal and uiegui natu*ralltotion pr x-eedtaga.

the Irst n .'tim wus brouglit ln at about 4 p. m.ll<- WM a young italian of aboul t-ntv-ix. who

HM i'f \l'tu:ii i'r.'lilo. though it labelieved thal ba baa aaothoe aaaas. ii" was nrrested«t Ro, '.I Raxtsr t tor rtrtalajag two niturallaatlonpapan bt ni.-n M had nevrr .. ;i'i.l who n.-ver

it lha aoart t.> obtala lhasa, The <asaagalnal tho aeeaaed wa- roawiM aad i-.mipicte.

A Ll'l'KY DIv/OVl l;v.some davs ago \ ittorio ran against an agent ot

Iiavenport's lu tlie Itallau rMR. Ha BM engagegin carrylng payrs, he **!_, to >ome of LU cjuulrjuieo.