yoga & its importance for human body ergonomics

Yoga & Its Importance For Human Body Ergonomics Dr.Pradeep.M.K.Nair, BNYS,MSc(Clin.Res), Physician, National Institute of Naturopathy

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Page 1: Yoga & its importance for human body ergonomics

Yoga & Its Importance For Human Body Ergonomics

Dr.Pradeep.M.K.Nair, BNYS,MSc(Clin.Res),


National Institute of Naturopathy

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Hearty advertisements


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Current Scenario

• In 1980, coronary by-pass surgery made up less than 10% of the work that was done by a cardiac surgeon. Today it is more than 60%.1

• According WHO one out of every four couple in developing countries is said to be affected by infertility.

• Most of us are living on cholesterol lowering drugs. Eg. Lovastatin one of the common drugs which in turn gives you cataract and liver damage.

1Girinath MR. Future of cardio thoracic surgery in India. J Indian Med Assoc. 2001 Sep;99(9):497-8

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1. Metabolic disorders2. Cardiovascular Disorders3. Respiratory System Disorders4. Digestive System Disorders5. Musculo-skeleton Disorders6. Urinary System disorders7. Endocrine system disorders8. Nervous system Disorders 9. Visual Disorders10. Other Diseases

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Yoga = Yuj = to yoke, join or unite, which means integration(akta), or a meeting with the true Self

Sublimation and purification of mentalmodifications

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Misconceptions About Yoga

• Weird Postures –Eg:-We have to bend and put

hands in between the legs

• Not possible in office

• Will stimulate the body more

• Only flexible persons can do yoga

• Its all serious and no fun

• Its only for diseased.

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Modules of Yoga






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Yoga at work

• Yoga can be even incorporated at your work place.

• It helps in providing instant relaxation.

• Increase your work output.

• Avoiding unnecessary absenteeism for work.

• Eliminate the usual reasons for taking an off from work like cervical spondylosis, Head ache, Lumbago etc.

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• Head rotations :


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• Shoulder shrugs:


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Are you lazy or no time..some office stretches


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Are you lazy or no time..some office stretches


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Breathing exercises• We respond to the stress by holding our

breathing, when the stress become chronic we may develop severe breathing troubles.

• Do you breath from your chest or diaphragm ?

• Place your right hand on the chest and left hand on your abdomen. Breath in and out, if your right hand is rising more it suggests an active chest breathing and vice versa.

• Most of us breath from our chest which gradually makes us diseased.


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Abdominal breathing


1. Place you right hand on chest and left hand on the abdomen.

2. Sit with erect spine.

3. Concentrate on your abdomen start inhaling deeply, only your left hand should rise more than your right.

4. Exhale out in same fashion.

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Breathing Exercises

• Hand stretch Breathing

• Alternative nostril breathing

• Bhramari Breathing

• Sheetali Breathing (Hissing Pranayam)

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• Breathing

• Some sounds (AUM)


Self- analysis

• Observe your feelings

• Control it


• Just merge yourself to your beloved


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YOGA Can be Fun also!!!

• Opposite thoughts exercises.

• AUM Chanting

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General Rules

• Don’t have food one hour before or 20 minsafter yoga.

• Don’t try weird pose and get de-motivated.

• Do it for yourself, not for the others.

• Set a goal for yourself

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General Effects of Yoga

• Physical: flexibility, endurance strength, stamina

• Physiological: Cardiovascular conditioning, respiratory capacity, improved circulation, weight loss

• Therapeutic : Stress relief, Pain relief, anxiety reduction, balance in autonomic functions

• Personality Development : Memory, creativity, Inner peace, Focus on present

• Social ; Interpersonal relationships, family relations

• Occupational skills

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Thank you!!!

Dr. Pradeep. MK. Nair


National Institute of Naturopathy


[email protected]


No goal was ever met with out little sweat!!!Compromising little like can bring great changes.