yful noiseletter - st. peter's reformed churchexpenses for the year for the most part, under...

St. Peter’s Reformed Church 320 E. Grandview Avenue Zelienople, PA 16063 (724) 452-8120 stpzelie.org The Joyful Noiseletter A PUBLICATION OF ST. PETER’S REFORMED CHURCH In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself and the wife must respect her husband.Ephesians 5:28, 33 Dear Friends in Christ, February is the month of love!And we as consumers will spend a crazy amount of money to shower our loved ones with sappy cards, silly stuffed animals, extravagantly priced flowers, and deliciously sweet candy! All in the name of love, right? Well, a few years ago, we did a bible study by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and his wife, Sarah, titled Love and Respect.Dr. Eggerichs shared the following illustration: A lady came to see me for a counseling appointment. She was very dissatisfied in her marriage and was about to call it quits. As she talked about her husband and the awful man he was, the thought went through my head, Why on earth did you marry him? After she vented about her terrible husband, I began to ask about her job performance as a wife. At first, she felt justified in being less than stellar, but then the light began to dawn. I asked her this question, "When you stand before God to give an account of your life, what do you think He will say about how well you respected your husband? She got very quiet. Obviously, she was not doing well in that department. I told her that she could win him without a word of nagging or negativity (1 Peter 3:2). All she had to do was start to show him respect. The Bible says, "And the wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33). Respect is a man's deepest need. I told this hurting wife that offering him respect would not be easy. It would require supernatural help from the Spirit of God. But, if she would yield herself to the Holy Spirit, He would empower her to respect her husband and be the wife God wanted her to be. Well, she went away and did what I counseled her to do. And you know what? He noticed, and he responded to the respect. Things began to improve in their home, and the icy bitterness began to melt away. As she showed him respect, he began to show her love and tenderness. Love is a womans deepest need. February 2018 Love is in the Air?

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Page 1: yful Noiseletter - St. Peter's Reformed Churchexpenses for the year for the most part, under budget for 2017 and our total budgeted expenses for the year were $359,308.51 with only

St. Peter’s Reformed Church

320 E. Grandview Avenue

Zelienople, PA 16063

(724) 452-8120


The J


l N

























“In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself … and the wife must respect her husband.”

Ephesians 5:28, 33

Dear Friends in Christ, February is the month of ‘love!’ And we as consumers will spend a crazy amount of money to shower our loved ones with sappy cards, silly stuffed animals, extravagantly priced flowers, and deliciously sweet candy! All in the name of love, right? Well, a few years ago, we did a bible study by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and his wife, Sarah, titled “Love and Respect.” Dr. Eggerichs shared the following illustration: “A lady came to see me for a counseling appointment. She was very dissatisfied in her marriage and was about to call it quits. As she talked about her husband and the awful man he was, the thought went through my head, Why on earth did you marry him? After she vented about her terrible husband, I began to ask about her job performance as a wife. At first, she felt justified in being less than stellar, but then the light began to dawn. I asked her this question, "When you stand before God to give an account of your life, what do you think He will say about how well you respected your husband? She got very quiet. Obviously, she was not doing well in that department. I told her that she could win him without a word of nagging or negativity (1 Peter 3:2). All she had to do was start to show him respect. The Bible says, "And the wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33). Respect is a man's deepest need.

I told this hurting wife that offering him respect would not be easy. It would require supernatural help from the Spirit of God. But, if she would yield herself to the Holy Spirit, He would empower her to respect her husband and be the wife God wanted her to be.

Well, she went away and did what I counseled her to do. And you know what? He noticed, and he responded to the respect. Things began to improve in their home, and the icy bitterness began to melt away. As she showed him respect, he began to show her love and tenderness. Love is a woman’s deepest need.

February 2018

Love is in the Air?

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HOW ABOUT YOU? How about you and your life? Are you willing to start doing what God says to do? Are you willing to quit pointing fingers at others who are not doing ‘right’ and start looking in the mirror at yourself? God is never going to ask you how your spouse did, or your kids did, or your boss did. He is going to ask you how you did with what He commanded you to do. Paul said, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10). Our day of reckoning before the Lord is fast approaching. It will be the ultimate performance review. Why not start taking inventory today? Honestly evaluate yourself before the Lord.

Focus on the things He has called you to do. Stop asking God to change your spouse, your friends, or your boss and start asking Him to change you and enable you to be the special person He wants you to be. God's word is true. Join us during the month of February as I uncover, during our morning worship time, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman and how we can begin communicating love and respect to those we encounter on a daily basis. There will be an inventory that you can fill out beginning on February 4th (and all through the month) to determine what your love language is and how it affects your relationships with others. When we put love and respect into practice, we see His miracles take place. Come on, give it a try and watch how God works in and through you.

Blessings and love,

Pastor Jim

A Heartfelt Thank You!

Words cannot express the feelings of love and gratefulness that we experienced this Christmas season. From the many cards received, the delicious cookies and treats, the gift cards and very generous Christmas gift, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your showering us with kind words and gifts validates God’s call upon our lives and the ministry He has called us to accomplish. It is with joy that we get to serve with you at St. Peter’s. Thank you again for displaying the love of God to us this Christmas season!

We love you …

Pastor Jim and Kendra

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Treasurer’s Report: Sheri McMaster presented the checking account register for December, 2017, showing the beginning balance at $140,197.21 and the ending balance at $156,260.78. Sheri went on to say that we kept our expenses for the year for the most part, under budget for 2017 and our total budgeted expenses for the year were $359,308.51 with only 90% of the budget having been used.

Youth: In Aubrey’s absence, due to her maternity leave, a written report was provided. Highlights Include: Created Lesson Plan for Spring 2018 Bible Study (7-12 grade) Created Lesson Plan for Spring 2018 TNT Meetings (4-6 grade) Created Lesson Plan for Spring 2018 Youth Group Meetings “Do Hard Things” as a guide. Future Plans Include: Youth Sunday (March 18, 2018); Trip to Winter Jam (February 16, 2018) TNT – Meetings (January 22 and February 5); Youth Group Meetings (January 14 and January 28) Christian Ed.: Heather presented the following: Christmas Musical – 26 kids participated; Breakfast in the Classroom (December 24) well received Pajama party (December 31) well received (3 new kids attended). Discuss with K. Marley and A. Heilman possible changes to Jr. Church; attempting to match Jr. Church with Sermon content; volunteer schedule for both Jr. Church and Nursery set through March. Possibly developing a Book Club starting in February. Park United Presbyterian Church contacted us regarding merging efforts to conduct VBS. Will Coordinate Efforts and Costs with Park and Theme is – Raging Rapid Rampage. Sunday school kids will sing in church on a yet to be determined Sunday in February. Luncheon to be hosted for area church Youth Group and Christian Education leaders on February 14th. Deacon’s Report: Rex Brown reported that we had a record number of attendees in the month of December and the giving was also up for the month of December. It was suggested that we eliminate the table on the back of the bulletin. This will be reviewed by the Deacons. Trustee’s Report: Cathy Rape reported the following: The leaf blower purchased for snow removal is located in the old shed. The ladders to get into the bell tower and church attic are stored in the closet in the church on the balcony level. Two hydraulic door openers require repair – one on the door near the back of the church closest to the Hebrews Café and one on the lady’s restroom in the educational building. It was agreed that the “temporary” heat pump that was installed in the elevator shaft to improve the leveling of the elevator upon landing is working. It was confirmed by the elevator company that a ½” discrepancy at the landing is considered within tolerance. St. Peter’s is responsible to assist in the food cupboard distribution of the food items on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 from 7 to 8 p.m.

New Business:

Consistory established the new Committee Chairs; Pam North announced that she is resigning her position as Director of Music and Consistory reviewed a motion to be presented at the Annual meeting regarding the 2017 budget surplus.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Grubbs, Consistory Secretary

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Community Fellowship Dinner

Jesus didn't come to be served, HE came to SERVE.




Community Dinner is Friday, February 9th from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Room.

February’s menu includes: Stuffed Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans

or Salad, Desserts and Beverages.

Happy February Birthday to:

Esther Robertson ~ February 7 ~ 88 years young

Catherine Deemer ~February 21 ~ 90 years young

Charles Davey ~ February 24 ~ 86 years young

Happy February Anniversary to:

David and Birdetta Kennedy ~ February 24 ~ 62 years

Thank You Notes

Dear Pastor Jim and St. Peter’s,

My family and I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you for the blessings we received over Christmas. We never expected the outpouring of love and kindness in that degree. We pray that one day we will be able to assist in making another family feel the same love you gave us.

We love you,

Jerry, Amber, Audrey and Samuel

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Thank You Notes

Dear Pastor Jim and St. Peter’s,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Christmas gifts you gave

to me and my children. You have no idea how much it helped. My children’s

Christmas was a success because of you.

Thank you, Braydon, Chelsea, Hunter

Dear Church Friends,

It’s been said ‘tis more blessed to give than to receive’. However, lately, particularly during

this past holiday season, I have received so much more than I have given. The kindness given me

by St. Peter’s has been overwhelming. How do I adequately thank you and express my

appreciation for the many well wishes, visits, lovely cards, prayers and luscious cookies. I extend

my sincere and heartfelt thanks to each of you.

With love and much gratefulness, Jane Gilchrist

Dear St. Peter’s,

I am writing to acknowledge the wonderfully generous and timely gift from your

congregation of $1,900 toward the shipment of our next container of books, shoes, school supplies,

bikes and desks to Kenya. With your help, we now have the funds we need to ship. We now have

six libraries established, and they are often community centers of learning, recreation, and

scholarship. This next shipment will help the churches who run the libraries be even more effective

in their community outreach and development. Many thanks to your members for their generous


In Him, Dr. John Stanko—Purpose Quest

Dear St. Peter’s Church Family,

We would like to thank you for the very special blanket for mom’s funeral. Also, thank you

for everyone in the church family who thought of us at this time with their sympathy and cards.

A very special thank you to Pastor Jim for the beautiful service he gave for us to gather in Barb’s


Sincerely, The Metcalfe Family

Dear St. Peter’s Members,

The wish tree recipients of the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard, and I, are very grateful to

the following families granting their “wishes” helped to bring more joy to their Christmas and who

God’s love. (Betty Kraynik, Erin Palmer, Laura Fisher, Sheri McMaster, Lori Smith, Kate Konyak,

Ruth Gross, Shirley Knauff and Jess McGuinness) THANK YOU!

Another HUGE thank you to Cindy Hart and Bobby Bintrim for cleaning all the restrooms,

when the janitor was on vacation this past year. We are all stewards of this church building… and

there is a lot to keep up. Please remember to do your part whenever you can.

Happiest of New Year to all! Cath Rape

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Women’s Ministry News Our next Women’s Ministry meeting will be held on Saturday, February 10

th at 10a.m. with our Secret Sis Reveal and Baby Shower for

Life Choices. If you would like to participate in the Secret Sis Program please come and join us as we will be selecting new names at this meeting. Please see the list below for the needed items for the Life Choices Maternity House which will be given to them at the Baby Shower. No diapers needed. Please do not wrap the gifts.

For Babies: One piece sleepers Hooded Towels Scratch mittens Wash Cloths Hats Baby Wash/Lotion Onsies (long and short sleeved) Stretchy pants 4 ounce Bottles with nipples Hoodie/Jackets 8 ounce bottles with nipples Socks Bottle brush Bunting/Snowsuit Pacifiers Diaper cream Swaddle Blankets for sleeping Diaper Pail Wedge for sleeping Diaper Bag Milk storage bags Diaper Changing pad Infant Tub Baby wrap/carrier /sling Bouncer Seat/Swing For Moms: Nail clippers and emery boards Nail polish (Neutral colors) Nail Polish remover Cotton Balls Q-tips Combs and Brushes Hair Ties Shampoo and Conditioner Deodorant Shower Gel and Shaving Cream/Razors Liquid Hand Soap Shower puffs Toothpaste and toothbrushes Mouthwash Nursing pads Nipple cream Lip Balm Make-up Necessities (i.e. eyeliner, mascara, neutral eye shadows) Study Bibles Blank journals Christian Books Tote bags Nightgowns and Robes Slippers Board Games/card games Gift Cards (Target, Wal-Mart, TJ Maxx, JC Penny, Kohl’s, etc. ….)

We also will be continuing to collect flannel fabric for GAiN Logistic Center through the month of February. A collection bin will be in the Meet and Greet area. Marla Clouse

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Volunteer Ministry News

From the pen of Pam


A big thank you is extended to St. Peter's from Ruth Gross and her faithful group of "Caps for Kids" knitters and crocheters. Their group is small, but in 2017 they were able to make 370 items and they are already off to a good start for 2018. They appreciate the contributions others have made in donating yarn and some who have been able to make a few hats or scarves. EVERY item means a warm hat or scarf for a child this winter. In addition to Ruth herself, the ladies who have been members for most of the ministry's 6 years are: Sally Hamilton, Brooke Kaelin, Kay Kline, Sharon McCormick, Sue Rectenwald, Saraellen Weyman, and Janet Zeigler. The top producers of items this year and previous years include: Brooke, Janet, Ruth, Sally, Sharon, and Sue. Other helpers for the group are: Joan Banyay, Eleanor Kennedy, Lois Knauf, Suzie Rape, and Pat Rice. ‘Caps’ off to this outstanding group of women who use their time and talents to bring literal 'warmth' to children in our area during these cold winter months! Please feel free to call Ruth (724-452-9548) if you would like to join this ministry or would like more information about it. Printed below is part of a letter Ruth received from Joanne Santis (area coordinator):

"Greetings! How much fun it is to collect, count/sort, and distribute caps for kids! I have so much loved meeting some of you this year and sharing happy 'hooking' stories. I wish I could meet ALL of you - what a wonderful group of volunteers you are! Recently we lost one of our most dedicated "Caps for Kids" friends, Jerry Burr. Jerry had been working for "Caps for Kids" since 2009, during which time he collected, counted, and distributed thousands of caps. Not only that, but he also knitted well over 6000 caps! Jerry was a 'Knifty Knitter' and a good friend, and he also kept me up to date with his notes and thoughts about our organization, even while he was ill. I ask God to bless Jerry's wife, Louise, who continues to be a big supporter of "Caps for Kids". My heartfelt appreciation also goes to Mary Harrison, Sharon Isacco, Deanna Clouse, Rita Stewart, Roy Smith and his staff at Royprographics in Cranberry Township, and all the staff at West View Savings Bank, also in Cranberry Township. And to all you knitters/crocheters, thank you! Thank you for your devotion to providing warmth to children!"


There has been a recent blessing bestowed upon the "Feed My Sheep" ministry in the form of two volunteers coming alongside Randy Herbe to help with the distribution of the items donated to our winter coat drive. Sue Kniess and Tonya Reynolds have graciously stepped up to oversee this aspect of the ministry, an aspect that is critically important during these cold winter months, and what they are doing is making a big difference. When anyone donates to the drive, Tonya and Sue take first go through all of the items to make sure they are not only suitable, but also in good condition, and then they take the donated items to the "Feed My Sheep' storage facility. On the days that they travel to Pittsburgh, they have the privilege of distributing the items and getting to talk with many of the very grateful recipients. We thank Tonya and Sue for taking care of this important part of the "Feed My Sheep" ministry and showing the love of Jesus to His 'sheep' in the Pittsburgh area. Please remember that we will continue the winter coat drive throughout February (and maybe into March this year) and if you are going to donate any coats, make sure that they are men's coats in larger sizes - this is an extremely critical need right now.

Were you reading these two articles and thinking about how these two ministries are serving so well as “the hands and feet of Jesus” outside of our church walls? We all certainly have much to be thankful for as we think of what these two ministries do, along with our other volunteer ministries here at St. Peter’s!

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557 Perry Highway

Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724.453.4184

Website: www.swbfoodcupboard.org


Below you will find the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard's food needs for February: Pasta dessert Mix Spaghetti sauce cereal canned vegetables rice and pasta sides canned fruit potato mix egg noodles toiletries tuna fish mac and cheese canned chicken pancake mix soup (condensed and ready-to-eat) syrup Canned beans oatmeal canned chicken peanut butter sloppy joe mix jelly dessert mix Blessings,

Sharon Klaiber, Director

Southwest Butler Food Cupboard



Do you ever sit down to pray and struggle to find the right words? You want to spend time with the Lord, but you don’t know where to begin?

The good news is that God hears your voice when you direct it to him. He will step into every struggle and be your very present of help in trouble. He will give you the words to say even when you find yourself lacking.

Hebrews 7:25 (NASB) says: He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

Jesus is interceding for you! What do you want to say to him? Spend some time talking with Him in prayer today. He knows your heart! Express it to him because God is listening. Your prayers are powerful and will make a difference. Taken from Prayer is Powerful Prayer Journal 2016 by Broadstreet Publishing.

The Prayer team meets at 9:00a.m. Wednesday mornings in The Throne Room on the lower level of the Christian Ed. building. Come join us, all are welcome.

Bea Barna

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Winter Bible Study

“Good or God” by John Bevere

If it’s good, it must be God, right? These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice – all good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty, - all evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward.

But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it? Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This study will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change every aspect of your life.

Join us on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in the Educational Building as we explore what God means when he talks about good.

Brother to Brother Men’s Group

“Every Man, God’s Man” by Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck

This study, which began on January 20, will help every man make better calls when feeling blitzed from all sides. We’ll learn how to complete our drive toward spiritual maturity and lead a fulfilling God-driven life. By the time we finish this study, we’ll be trained to handle any defensive scheme that Satan or others throw our way. We’ll be able to complete the drive that God has been training for us – to possess a heart that is completely His.

The Brother to Brother Men’s Group meets the 1st and 3

rd Saturday mornings in the

Fellowship Room from 9:00 – 10:30. We begin with breakfast and then we look at God’s Word through insight and discussion to discern what He is calling us to do as the men of St. Peter’s. Consider joining us to strengthen and deepen your spiritual walk with God.

Adult Sunday School Social February 18th 9:45 – 10:10 am

Come join us in the Meet & Greet area for Coffee,

donuts and fellowship.

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February is our shortest month, so plan to make the most of your reading in these 28 days!! Before I give you some suggestions regarding what's new in the library, let me remind you that John Bevere's 'Good or God' was profiled in the May 2017 Noiseletter as the first 'Pastor's Pick' selection and it is available to borrow. This is the book that is currently the focus of the study group that Pastor Jim is leading every other Wednesday, and even if you aren't able to take part in the actual study, this book would be a great addition to your 2018 reading schedule (and if you are taking part in the study, reading the actual book will help you to glean even more!)

The first new addition to the library that I want to let you know about is written by Charles Swindoll, truly one of the most beloved pastors and authors of our time. The book is based on the life of Job and has the title of the same, along with the subtitle 'A Man of Heroic Endurance'. Here are words from the book jacket that explain why Swindoll was so compelled to write about this man: "Job, a study in pathetic tragedy...a hapless victim of unfair treatment. His disastrous circumstances overwhelmed him. His boil-covered body tormented him. His so-called friends belittled him. His distraught wife discouraged him. Even God seemed to desert him - letting Satan have his devilish way. And Job sat patiently by enduring it all. Not a portrait of a hero - or is it? Could a man with ordinary internal fortitude stay faithful as Job did? Could a wimp endure the excruciating pain, suffering, and loss that this man did? No hero?? Think again. After a year of focused research into the life of Job, Charles Swindoll says, 'Job appears boldly in the ancient book of the Bible that bears his name, and yet most of us have not taken the time to examine his life in depth. But a careful study of Job's life will convince us that this is another of God's amazing men with heroic character qualities worth emulating'. Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us today (Romans 15:4)"

In the fiction realm comes two books in a new series from best-selling author Terri Blackstock. The first is "If I Run" with a synopsis that makes you want to dive right in: 'Casey Cox's DNA is all over the crime scene. There's no use talking to the police; they've failed her abysmally before. She has to flee before she's arrested...or worse. The truth doesn't matter anymore. But what is the truth? That's the question haunting Dylan Roberts, the war-weary veteran hired to find Casey. PTSD has marked him damaged goods, but bringing Casey back can redeem him. Though the crime scene seems to tell the whole story, details of the murder aren't adding up. Casey Cox doesn't fit the profile of a killer. But are Dylan's skewed perceptions keeping him from being objective? If she isn't guilty, why did she run? Unraveling the past and the evidence that condemns her will take more time than he has, but as Dylan's damaged soul intersects with hers, he is faced with two choices: the girl who occupies his every thought is a psychopathic killer...or a selfless hero. And the truth could be the most deadly weapon yet.' The second book is "If I'm Found" and continues the fast-paced saga: 'Casey Cox is still on the run, fleeing prosecution for a murder she didn't commit. Dylan Roberts - her most relentless pursuer - is still on her trail, but his secret emails insist he knows the truth and wants to help her. He's let her escape before when he's had her in his grasp, but trust doesn't come easily. As Casey works to collect evidence about the real murderers, she stumbles on another unbearable injustice: an abused child and a suicidal man who's also been falsely accused. Casey risks her own safety to right this wrong and protect the little girl from her tormenters. But doing so is risky and may result in her capture - and if she's captured, she has no doubt that she'll be murdered before she ever steps foot in a jail cell.' If you enjoy the two books as much as I think you will, you'll be glad to know that a third book in the series is due out soon - look for "If I Live" coming to us sometime after the March 2018 publishing date!

Happy February reading!!!

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Youth Director News Greetings St. Peter's! First, I want to take a moment to say thank you, from the entire Rader Family, for your prayers and well wishes on the birth of our son William (Liam) John Rader. For those that may not know, Liam was born on December 21st at 7:23am, weighing 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches. He is a very well behaved baby and his big sisters love him...a little too much! We are adjusting to our new normal as a family of 5 and are so appreciative of St. Peter’s for their support! Second, I wanted to provide a quick highlight of upcoming events for February. I plan to return to work the week of February 4th and look forward to a fun spring with the kiddos of St. Peter’s. Don't forget that there will be a Talent Show at church on February 11th. If your student is not participating, I would love for them to attend with me and be a supportive audience member (and enthusiastic dessert enjoyer!). TNT

February 5 - Meeting 6:30-8 (Youth Room) February 19 - Meeting 6:30-8 (Youth Room) Event - TBD

Youth Group February 21st - Bible Study 7-8 (Youth Room) February 25th - Meeting 6:30-8 (Youth Room) Event - TBD

I hope your February is great! Aubrey Rader, Director of Youth Ministries

Christian Education Director News

Hello St. Peter’s, Lots of exciting things happening within the Christian Ed. department. January’s luncheon/mission project was a great success. It was awesome to have 9 different soups to choose from as well as breads and desserts. Thank you for all the donations as well as the help setting everything up. We were also able to make 50 totes for Children’s Hospital patients as well as build fellowships and promote our awesome Sunday school department. Take a Sunday to stop in and visit a class, you never know until you try, you might just like it. The month of February we will be re-vamping Junior Church to make it exciting ,yet structured. We will be focusing on the love languages right along with the Sunday morning sermons. This as any new idea will take some time to get off the ground smoothly. The idea is to set a theme, if you will, for the day to promote family conversation outside of St. Peter’s. February 18th will be a busy Sunday with a social time in the Meet & Greet area at 9:45am for the adult Sunday school classes. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and a donut. The children will be singing during Children’s sermon just to showcase them and bring back some of those old hymns we all grew up on. Volunteers are a must with this department. Please consider volunteering, even if it’s only 1 time. The children are so important and they are the future of St. Peter’s, wouldn’t it be great to say you helped mold them along the way. Serving HIM together, Heather Zeigler

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We at St. Peter’s are always looking for new ways to get connected with each other and this is a chance to perhaps discover some hidden talents! St. Peter’s is introducing a complimentary “Business & Skills Directory” which will provide church members and their immediate family an opportunity to advertise their trade or small business. Please make us aware of your business and everyone can benefit!

Examples could include home repairs, babysitting, sewing & alterations, photography/ artwork, vehicle maintenance, landscaping, instrumental music lessons, farm produce, and so much more … you name it!

The Directory will be accessible on the church website and published periodically in the newsletter. It is our intention – with your input - to keep this directory updated on a quarterly basis. Hard copies will be made available upon request.

Please submit your name, business and contact information and/or a business card to Dan or Joan Ban-yay @ [email protected] (724-538-8381) or Becky Kaelin @ [email protected] (724-290-4365).

Watch for the debut in the upcoming months.

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LUNCHEON Please note that the proposed February 4 Super Bowl luncheon has been postponed. Instead, join

us in the fellowship room immediately following the worship service on Sunday, March 11 for a time

of food, fun and fellowship and an opportunity to get to know your neighbor just a little bit better.

Remember to change your clocks and “Spring Forward”!

Won’t you join us for a sweet time?

ALL CHURCH BIBLE STUDY The Easter Experience

Sign up for The Easter Experience Bible Study. This study will be at several homes on different nights in order to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. We would love to have everyone involved in this exciting walk through the final days of Jesus’ life. Starting the week of Lent.

A sign-up sheet will be located at the welcome center or see Heather Zeigler for


Mondays (2/12 thru 3/19) ~ Tim and Sharyn McMaster

Tuesdays (2/13 thru 3/20) ~ Dan and Joan Banyay

Wednesdays (2/14 thru 3/21) ~ Scott and Laura Fisher

Thursdays (2/15 thru 3/22) ~ Eric and Kate Konyak

Fridays (2/16 thru 3/23) ~ Scott and Sheri McMaster

Sundays (2/18 thru 3/25) ~ PJ and Kendra Bertoti

Page 14: yful Noiseletter - St. Peter's Reformed Churchexpenses for the year for the most part, under budget for 2017 and our total budgeted expenses for the year were $359,308.51 with only



Amy George and Karen Thomas would like to thank those who donated to this past year's "Sweet Blessings Cookie Drive", either through baking cookies or with your monetary donations. It was a great success! We were able to donate over 300 cookie packs to the homeless through Feed My Sheep Ministries and made about 25 cookie packs for our Church Shut-ins. A special thank you to Sally Hamilton and Marla Clouse for helping us package the cookies this year and to our grandchildren Connor George, and Cori and Avery Thomas who not only helped bake the cookies but packaged them this year as well. We were very proud to include our grandchildren this year as they learned to give and share through this great cause. With Sweet Blessings, Amy George and Karen Thomas

Page 15: yful Noiseletter - St. Peter's Reformed Churchexpenses for the year for the most part, under budget for 2017 and our total budgeted expenses for the year were $359,308.51 with only

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Sunday School

9:00 am


10:15 am

Head Usher



Scott McMaster

1 11:30 Ministerium ~

Fellowship Rm.


3 9-11am Brother to Brother Men’s Ministry Mtg. ~

Fellowship Room



6:30pm Elder’s Mtg. ~

Educational Bldg.

6:30pm TNT Mtg. ~

Youth Room

6 1:30pm 500 Card

Club ~ F.R.

5:30pm COF Bell

practice ~ Bell Rm.

7pm COF Choir

practice ~ F.R.

7 9am Prayer Group

1pm Good or God? Bible St. ~ Ed. Bldg.

5:30 pm Video Announcements

7pm Senior Choir

7pm The Journey

8 6:30pm Ministry & Worship Committee

Mtg. ~ Ed. Bldg.

9 5:00-6:30pm Community

Dinner ~ F.R.

10 10-12pm Women’s Ministry Mtg. and Baby Shower ~

Fellowship Room


6:00pm Talent Show

~ Sanctuary

8pm Pie Bake Off ~

Fellowship Room

12 7pm Music & Worship

Strategic Committee

Mtg. ~ Ed. Bldg.

13 5:30pm COF Bell

practice ~ Bell Rm.

7pm Consistory Mtg. (All Welcome)

~ Ed. Bldg.

7pm COF Choir

practice ~ F.R.

14 9am Prayer Group

12pm Lunch for Y/Ch. Ed. Dirs. ~ F. Rm.

12:30pm We Care Visitations

4pm Feed My Sheep

5:30pm Video Announcements

7pm Senior Choir

7pm The Journey


16 (Tentative)

7pm Winter Jam @

PPG for all Youth

17 9-11am Brother to Brother Men’s Ministry Mtg. ~

Fellowship Room

18 Communion 9:45am Adult

Sunday school

classes social

gathering ~ Meet &

Greet Area


6:30pm TNT Mtg. ~

Youth Room


1:30pm 500 Card

Game ~ F.R.

5:30pm COF bell

practice ~ Bell Rm.

7pm COF Choir

practice ~ F.R.

21 9am Prayer Group

1pm Good or God? Bible St. ~ Ed. Bldg.

4pm Feed My Sheep

5:30pm Video Announcements

7pm Senior Choir

7pm The Journey

7pm AFSP Support Group ~ Ed. Bldg.

7pm Bible Study (7th-12th) ~ Youth Room



24 (Tentative)

Men’s Venison Dinner ~

Fellowship Room


6:30pm Youth Group

Mtg. ~ Youth Room


27 5:30pm COF Bell

practice ~ Bell Rm.

7pm COF Choir

practice ~ F.R.

28 9am Prayer Group

4pm Feed My Sheep

5:30pm Video Announcements

7pm Senior Choir

7pm The Journey

February 2018