yes.工wasうn ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …

竹0 ANN工巨 亡丁畦」 JOHNS丁ON What js your name? My name i.s Ethel--Annie Ethel Johnston it Johnston was your maiden name? Yes. Your ma「両ed nameうs noi可丁∂masauskas.冊e「e we 工was bo「nうl「 Ma「ysvう「「ei工dah〇・ Not jn the t on up the road a ways. Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log cabin. You know冊s. I「a Kう「kham-輸工「a M. K廿kham. She Sure. 工was with he「丁uesday ta「kうng七〇 he「・冊at yea 1912. Now your father-s na爪e胴s J帥es巨「うjah Johnsto Yes. 仰sL5' しめA, 3/b jo/d"3 A: A: They ca=ed hうm Boat. Yes. 冊e「e dうd he get that nうckname? Da「nedうf工 know.工 thうnk he wore a hat that蝿 「jke a boat and they got to ca「=ng hjm B 冊en he胴s a small boy? Wha七yea「 can you f Meadows? The yea「工was bom○○工canlt remember that--bu went up there. You donlt know what year you「干athe予app「うed there, do you? 1912. He applうedうn 1912?

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Post on 16-Oct-2021




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Page 1: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …



What js your name?

My name i.s Ethel--Annie Ethel Johnston it was before I married.

Johnston was your maiden name?


Your ma「両ed nameうs noi可丁∂masauskas.冊e「e were you born?

工was bo「nうl「 Ma「ysvう「「ei工dah〇・ Not jn the town of Ma「ysvう=e but

on up the road a ways.

Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday.

工n a 「うttle log cabin.

You know冊s. I「a Kう「kham-輸工「a M. K廿kham. She~s your nうece.


工was with he「丁uesday ta「kうng七〇 he「・冊at year were you born?


Now your father-s na爪e胴s J帥es巨「うjah Johnston?


仰sL5'しめA, 3/b




They ca=ed hうm Boat.


冊e「e dうd he get that nうckname?

Da「nedうf工 know.工 thうnk he wore a hat that蝿s kjnd of shaped

「jke a boat and they got to ca「=ng hjm Boat when he was =tt「e・

冊en he胴s a small boy? Wha七yea「 can you f廿st remember Squ汗「e「


The yea「工was bom○○工canlt remember that--but thatls the yea「工

went up there.

You donlt know what year you「干athe予app「うed for the homestead up

there, do you?


He applうedうn 1912?

Page 2: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …





工was born that yea「・丁hen I was take-i up to the meadows as a baby

and 「aうsed up there wうth鵬y mother a-id dad・

Then every summer you「干amうly would go to Squ廿「el Meadows?

Oh, yes. Mom would see those geese下「yうng over and she'd say, ''Dad,

うtls tうme to go up to the me∂dows・II So held hook up the old wagon

kうds and Mom would loadう七up and away we-d go. Dad would

see jf we could get through on horseback.

Because o干 the snow?


Now you had a house up there, djdn~t you?

Yes, we had a log cabうn.Then when Dad buうl七, he bujlt another two

rooms across the end o千 うt.

Dうd he have cattle up there a= summe「?

Yes. Dad would have a干ew cows and that and he'd take them up

there. He worked at t「yうng toうmp「ove the place and put a干ence out

and used dyna両te to blast the rocks out o干the road.

丁o put干ence pos七s うn, you mean?


丁o buう「d a 「oad} you meani up to Squ廿「el Meadows?丁he干「ejght road

胴s open i.n 1910 so the frel’ght road was already through there at

that tうme.

Well, thatーs when they blasted out the roads and

used to come rうght up through the meadows.They used to

and then Dad would have to take hうs horses do刷l and pull

Held hjtch them to hうs team.

Dうd they ever pay hうm for that?

Oh, yes.Then they-d come past and sometうmes they~d come jn and

Mama would 干うx them djnne「.

She wou「d干eed the f「eうghters there? She dうdn-t sell meals, though,

dうd she?


She just gave them meals?

They had a roadhouse down Just at the entrance to those Squj「「el●


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Page 3: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …







You don-t know who Operated the roadhouse, do you? Who Owned the

roadhouse? Do you remember?

Dad t盤措靖h器v器m轟嵩h嵩盤u嵩「t嵩三te「●


kうds would sc「atchうn the dirt and we~d干jnd money.

Around the old roadhouse?

Yes. Underneath the干「○○「boa「ds at the roadhouse.

エーd 「jke to find out who Operated that 「oadhouse・工t胴snlt the

Ned「ows, wasうt● by some chance? You donlt remember that name?

No. Shefjeld js what 工「ernembe「.


Later on they built one up at that other entrance to the pa「k・

Up at F「agg Ranch?They had one up there at Flagg Ranch・

Yes.The She干うelds did. So工guess jt was the Shefjelds wうth the

one down here, too.

On Squ廿「el Meadows?


Now● your father proved up on thatうn 1919 acco「djng to the 「eco「ds・

Yoし叫ot a deed七〇うt th釦・

Yes. He got a千ence a「oundうt一一just a barbed両re干ence・ After the

roadhouse shut down, then they opened up over at the hump (they

ca=edうt) the She干うelds dうd.

丁ha七ls away干「om the meadows a ways, you mean?

器s嵩。音盤‡書3「t捕嵩精霊詰罰。講書「umうng away and gojng back・ Mama would load a= us kids jn the

wagon and the buggy and over that hump weld go to get the burro and

b両ng jt back・丁henwe use to go up七〇 」○○n 」akewhe「e old Pu「dy

had hうs cabうn.

Do you remember Pu「dy and Dutch Schultz, do you?

Yes. Vaguely・丁hey were old trappers, you know, wうth beards and

what have you.

You do remember them, though?

Page 4: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: Ohi yes.They use to come down to the house and have dうme「eve「y

now and then. We used to go up there. I can remember a funny,

lうtt「e jncうdent. My mother had loaded a= us kうdsうn the wagon and

we went up there to pjck hucklebe「両es・ She wentうnto Pu「dyls cabin

and he was out on hjs trap =ne.There was some meat on the stovec○○kうng and Mama saうd) II」ook) kjddjes・ Come on一一〇etls have some o干



stew.I- So we set down and ateうt. It tasted rea=y

He was such a neat guyうn hjs house. He kept hうs floor

sc「ubbed訓d hうs stove blackened and the tab「etop scrubbed down with

「ye. Before we left to pうck our hucklebe「「うes, he came back訓d he

came jn and he lookedうn hうs stew pot and there wasn~t any stew and

he says, ~ーGod dam, somebody ate up all my dog meat.丁hat胴s a

coyote工had on that there c○○kjng.'~ Mama headed for the tjmbe「s.

Js kうds dうdn~t. We thoughtうt胴s good一一coyote o「書「ot.

エー1「 bet jt胴sn~t coyote,胴s j七?

工don-t thうnk so. I thうnk he was just te「「うng that to get団ama~s

goat. He got her drunk one tう鵬e on some両ne that he-d made up. My

sうster had and Mama was actjng 「「y and

Edna胴s hanging onto her. She was sure Mama was goうng t〇千a= out

o干the buggy and ge七kう「「ed. Oh, us kjds used to have a ball up


What dうd you do all sume「 up on the meadows?

Oh, we had a horse and we rode around the tjmbe「. We bujlt 「うtt「e

playhouses out o干pうne trees (those 「うtt「e dead ones) and we had our

stうck horses t〇両de.囚e used to get jnto Dad's tうmothy and下eed

our stjck horses. We wen七swう調mjng every day that we could down jn

a ct-] the.t c細e do剛through the meadows.

That theうr=gato「s had?●

Yes.畦used to go s両鵬mうngうn that. Mama would see anybody c〇両ng~cause we a= wore our overalls and went around両th a d汗ty干ace.

工干she~d see anybody comjng, she'd ye= and say, ~~You damn kids get

to the tall ti.mber." So we would get. We dl.dn't care. Weld go out

and stayうn that tう鵬ber all day and pうck be「両es to eat.lid lay

do剛and go to sleep.冊en Mama and工were up there a long whjle

weld lay down and go to sleep. Dad had always told us, ~'Don~t

bother the bear and he won-t bother you.~~ 工t was just wonderful up

therefor kうds一〇s両mmうng and horseback 「jdjng.The Porters 「jved

just up above us.

You knew the Porters quうte well then, djdn~t you?

Oh,yes.屈e use to p「ay両th the汗kうds. Also ran a herd o下hうs

sheep to hjs yard--I and my b「othe「ブBud・ He made a gateうn Dadls

fence and he-d stjck hうs sheep th「oughうnt○ Our meadows. O下cou「se,

cattle don~t like where sheep have g「azed一一工guess the oj「 〇千下で「om

the汗w○○「-land they (the cattle) wouldn-七g「aze up there.丁hey~d

go outうn the tうmbe「 and graze. So工and my brother, Bud, got mad.

I wanted Dad to put some up therefor the sheep

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Page 5: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


and he sat


I-Oh no, honey,重can~t do that.I- He used to snort and

but that was a=・ He wouldnlt hurt the Porte「ls sheepfor ∂nythうng. Bud and I went up there and冊s. Po「te「~s kうds were

outうn the ya「d・ We were ye=うng and h○○tうng at the dam sheep. We

had a herd o干themうn干「ont 〇千us and we ran them 「うght through her

yard. But she was a nice woman. I 「うked冊s. Porter really we=.

Ross Porter wasn~t married, was he?


He was an old bachelor?

He was the one I shot jn the butt両th a match.

冊at?冊at dうd you do?

Oh, one of Po「te「~s kids got one o干those pump日日guns. I gotうt●・「 -

a「 pumped up ai「d he was stooped over cuttうng wood and工g〇七that

old gun pu叩ed up real good and then I poうnted

bottom end and let fly.That match hうt

clear over the wood chopping thうng.●

You put a match downうnsjde the日日gun?

Yes, and then chalk.

I-ve never heard 〇千tha七be干o「e, but 工 can see 下t.


理七 うt



t at hうs

you he jumped

wooden match. 工t had been =t 下jrst. I dうdnーt

Boy, he sure brushed his pants off for a

You have some very beautjful mem〇両es 〇千Squ廿「e「 Meadows, don-t


We=, yes.

D干d your dad 「ajse hay up there on the meadows?

Yes.日e t両ed t〇両nter through a bunch o干cattle that he~d bought

extra. Mama d干dn~七want hうm to buy the爪and they were whうte-faced.

He wanted to get a st両ng o干whjte輸干aces going. Held put up hay

there all summer. He-d even putうt up on Gうbson Meadows. Do you

know where that うs?


There was an old outlaw that =ved up there. He-d kj=ed some manうn Montana and they'd been l○○kうng干o「 hうm・丁heyld come up there

and he hうd out・工guess Dad knew who he was because they used to

get g「oce「jes干o「 hうm. It was never mentjoned among us kjds o「

anybody. Dad also

that sjde 千〇「 a 丁B

a lうtt「e log cabうn just off fro爪the road on

tu0b(d t

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Page 6: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


For a what?

A丁B gうrl一一the lungs.

Oh, yes.丁ube「cu「osうs.

He made her that ljtt「e house and told us kids to stay away from her

and n〇七 bothe「 her.



丁hjs was 千〇「 who?

For a g汗l that came up f「om工daho Falls o「 somep「ace・ She had lung

trouble really bad, and he made that.Then Mama and Dad would keep

an eye on her.

She fjna「「y djed, though, dうdnーt she? O「 dうd she lうve?

No.The last工can remember she 「jved. She got better up the「eうn

the pうne trees. But Dad dうdn~t胴nt us kうds catchうng干t so he叩ade

her a separate 「うtt「e home up there.

You「干athe「 must have dうscove「ed Squ廿「e「囲eado層s just 「jdjng around

うn the country.日e just千ound j七somew∂y, dうd he, o「 heard about jt

and decうded to go up there? Do you remember a mall named丁o=e「?

Who Owned the property before you「干athe「 went up there? Do you


Nobody but Dad.That was a= jn the pa「k「ands, you know.工guess

they put an adうn the paper that they were gojng to let people. ・ ・

工don~t know how Dad干ound jt unless he had read through there.I

うmag「。e he had.●

The Rec「amatjon Road was going at that tうme so鵬any people were

through there.工 うmagうne word came down about the

meadows and he went up there to homestead jt.

He either went up there and saw jt or so鵬ethjng o「 worked around

層here うt was at. When he 下廿st buうlt the cabうn he could stand うn

the door and look out at the tうmbe「 and watch the deer come out.

There was always a lot o干e「k and deer upうn七he「e, wasn~t there?

Yes. Oh, there were skunks. I g〇七shot by one.There were the

skunks and the po「cupうnes.工used t〇千〇「「ow a po「cupうne because

held go chugging Off through the tうmbe「輸-talking to hうmse「干●

(growling).They were comうcal 「jtt「e ∂nうma「s.Then we had our

squう廿els. Even when Mama and I were up there alone,工could g○ Out

うn the tjmbe「 and lay down under a pine tree where a squ汗「e「 had●

eaten and he-d getup above me and just chatter, chatter, chatter a七

me・ Held throw pうnecones down at睡・ Oh) kids donlt know whatls

beautj干u「 now-a-days.

That-s true.They mうss the nature and the thうngsうn the forest.









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Page 7: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …






Who else =ved up on Squ汗「el Meadows? Do you remember anyone else

besjde the Porters and your family?

Just the Porters and us. Porters d干dnlt come up and stay a=

summer. Ross stayed pretty much but hうs cabうn was over across from

where we lうvedうn the tjmber over there. We lost jt by taxes・ Dad

cou「dn-七keep up the taxes・

日e fうna=y so「dうt to the Weave「s・

No. Dad was dead before old man Weaver t○○kうt over.

Was he?

Yes. He千ound out about jt and paうd up the back taxes on jt・

丁hatls a= he had to do.

The Weavers?

Yes. He胴s suppose to raise beaver up the「e・ He was catching most

〇千 them.

日e t「千ed to 「aうse beaver therefor a干ew years.

Yes. But they saうd he胴s 「a雨ng爪o「e than he ・ ‥ hewas se=うng

more than he was 「ajsうng.

Oh,工 see.

He cut up the meadows pretty bad makjng beave-・ ponds out o白t・

Then he bujlt a= those cabうns and eve「ythうng.

You say he buうlt some c∂bjns・ He subdうvうded part 〇千jt up there,

did he, and sold lots Off?

Yes. Down where the corral was and the barn that Dad buう「t・ My dad

筈; :藍t:n3°#e:a嵩e盤嵩ac嵩u措ib霊T:i:h藍sh霊sTad諜done o下those things that you turn the h帥d「e and make aflame come



工used to love to watch hうm so工Id g○ Out the「e・ Dad wouldnlt let

盤h害n盤語kt嵩:ph#.藍嵩:講書講g詰rine.Herwas Just I-spiced outー~ 工guess・

● ●

You never dうd spend a両nte「 up there, dうdyou? Yould always come

back . . .

Page 8: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …






Yes.工c∂n remember the両nter we got snowedうn.工t started to

snow the last part o干Septembe「〇一no言t sta「tedうn August一一and jt

djdnlt let up・ We got 20干eet of snow up there thatyea「・丁hatls

when Dad lost hうs cattle.

丁hatーs when you had to haul the hayうn on sleds and everything e「se・

sacks and take a lうttle hand sled.They were

Yes. My mother and my b「othe「i B「ow両e} used to load u

ettうng jt干「o爪 Gうbson Meadows. Dad just ran out up he「e〇一up there

n the meadows. Mama and B「ownうe would g○ ○n skis over to Gうbson

Meadows and下j= gunny sacks干u= o下hay and pull them down and give●

them to the cows that were down.

That wasうn 1919 when they had the bうg blうzza「d up there?

工don~t know when jt was.工was just a ljtt「e ch=d.

You would have been seven years of age, wou「dn~t you?

About that, yes.

You donlt have rna-「y pうctu「es o下Squ廿「el Meadowsi do you?

Get七hat bjg, new album.That-s where my pうctu「es (most 〇千them)


」et~s just turn thjs 〇千千a mうnute. (Lost a bうt o干dうa「ogue here.)

. . . had a reunion up on Squi.rrel Meadows thi.s year.

Oh,yes. But I di加lt go to it. I v`’as the one that suggested we

ought to have a 「eunjon・囚e were gojng to have a 「eunjon千〇「 the

people ・ ・ ・ we djdnlt ca「e鵬uch for them・

Bud was there, then, was he?

Yes.工うmagうne. No9 Bud djdnlt makeうt・ He had to go to a cattle

sale. But hjs wう干e was there.

丁e= me層hat else you remember about the meadows・ Do you remember

i冊ch more about them? What else can you remember about Squ廿「el

Meadows? Anythjng?

We=事you come up that road--you know how closed jnうtうs for the

trees and eve「ythうng・ I donlt know jf七heylve togged that out 〇千

there o「 not.

No, they haven~t.

But you come up that and just before the meadows opened up to you,

there was a old ranger cabうn・ An old one・

The guard statうon?





Page 9: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: !e霊anA豊器e糧嵩:u器tt嵩黒嵩霊器:gt農業轟音● ●

meadows. At the tうme 〇千yea「 that we wen七up there (うn late June o「

July),うt would be just cove「ed両th wild f「owers・丁he only thjng工

can remember about that js how th「j=ed we were to ge七to the

and h。 m。。。鵬y 。盤需品諾謂u嵩昔品Ou「 S両gsmeadows agaうn・   ・        Dad was so

good to us kids. Especi’ally tome. I k~1owhow thrl‘lled.I撃S. .I

うng Johni lIHow 「onglsう七goうng to be? How 「ongls jt goうng

Gosh, weld been d両vうng干o「 hours・

丁hうs was usua「lyうn buggy and horse and wagon too, wasnltうt?

Yes.丁hatーs whyうt was so much ・ ・ ・

When工took him out there to ca岬outi we had a car・丁he road was

bumpy and工had straddled some o下the ruts with a car to keepうt干「om

gettうng down jn the ruts and tea再ng the underside out・

Q:鞘',dT’告y器du諾]霊m譜w:Pt:h塁et:n嵩#er the snow came I.n the

A: We came down and went七o schoolうn七he wjnte「tうme・丁hatis why we

we「eうn such a te「「うble bjg rush to get back up七he「e jn the

suⅢme「tjme.眠wanted to get back up to the pjne t-・ees・ Mama・would

藍Os曹帯荘黒帯O霊e嵩轟。「嵩n器z書。悪書n畠m!h:nt豊’dn隷n:o霊:・o書きT’講雷#eT’,nn:°o霊:but she never could.

冊at happened両en you got down?

I dうdn~t come down untう「 she干o「go七about j七・工Id out sc「ea爪he「,

anyway. I could scream real good. My dad wouldn't le手型yboqy.Pur七

my d「ess七aうl andうt

And エーd be screaming my head 〇千干

me. She~d be whe「e 工 cou「cl

would come up to catch a両=ow・

嵩;e:d.t:’T’罷a言語:,ki闇器.in,S器e|:tllv:u93n岩畳d t°scream 「ea=oud when your mother hうts you the f廿s七tj爪e両th the

両「low,うt donl七hu「t because your pettjcoat and d「ess両

roll up and catch the wi’llow. If you scream real bad・.:h.e: 1

you~「e●hu「tうng real bad so shel「=et you go・ But jt djdnlt work

thatway. 」j=うe caught No「a and she胴うled the heck ou七〇千he「

wjth thうs wう「「ow and then No「a bi、oke loose and started 「um「ng

around the house.Every tjme sheid come around the corner of the

house, 」う「lう

showed you a pうctu「e


for her and sheld gうve her some mo「e・ I

Then my blasted sjste「 and her husband

Dadls g「anary・ It wasnit a


went and locked No「a and I

grana「y一一jt was just a =tt「e shed that he kept the tjmothyうn・●

there getting some more tうmothy to feed OurNo「a and 工 were

horses. Weld put tうmothy o「 viheat o「 whatever Dad had out jn a


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Page 10: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


little trough that held made for爪e・丁hen weld lay our horses

there. O下course) squ汗「els and b廿ds would come down and eat the

seed. We thought that the horses were eatうng jt・ But Mama sure got

うt backf廿ed on her one day abou七herd下ng us kうds to the meadows.

She~d seen a couple breakthrough the lower pa「七〇千the meadows and


for th。両。。罰鵠嵩? ma両ed and was goうng over to ↓acksonyoung COuple・    丁hey we「e冊ng horses・ She told

Mama sheーd be backうn a few days. Afterwards, on one o干

Mama knew they were going to come through) she had us al●

器'a嵩講書占a:n:o盤t霊e諜:譜笠島3tai:.d霊u:謹告:,sto Mama, ~~冊s. Johnston, whe「e~s all the children. Djd you scoot

the鵬でor the tall tうmbe「 again?II 団ama sajdi liNo・丁heyl「e around

he「e somewhere.'~ And she called us and層e came.層e had been up on

that kno=--the real steep one--pうckjng huck「ebe件うes.焼had more

o千them on ou「干aces than we dうd jn the bucket,工 beljeve. We had

請_諜eTa!g霊.措:Sc諾ik..豊r:pC:器:o露: °#aT’器h:oh in,」o「d.囲e canl七「et nobody see us looking 「jke thjs) so 「etls hうde・II

丁he「e was a bうg old log 「ayうng七he「e and she says) llHうde behjnd

that.1I So we a= dropped to our stomach and crawled over to this

圭講。諜‡器n二盤塁憲二嵩羅諜嵩and got out and七〇ok pうctu「es o干us 「ay「ng there or「 the hう=sjde・

陸棚`航s so h朝出’1iated. B`ut it桐s hr)r o'.碑 dam fault.

Q: A lot of people traveled through the「eうn the summe「tlme, djdn一七


A: Yes.There was quite a干ew・工know there was a man and hうs両でe

and the汗daughte「・丁hey were goうng th「ough七o go over to the park・

丁hey stopped at our place and Mama made them dうn∩e「・工came out

(I-d been somewhere) and thうs woman was d「essedうn satin and all

spruced up・ She saうd to mei IIoh myプyould be a beautうでu「 chう「d

you「 face was only c「ean・II My dad used to call me Saucer Eyes a=the tうme because工had such bうg eyes when I購s 「うttle and a sma=

干ace. My eyes were a deep blue then and so he ca「led爪e Sauce「冒yes

a= the t千鵬e.

Q: Bud-s the youngestうn七he下amjly,うsn~t he?日e-s younger than you


A: He-s about ayea「and a hal下younge「than工am. Bud and Roy (I~ve

g〇七〇ne just older than me)--that-s a= of調y干a両「y that~s 「eft・

He 「jvesうn Oregon somewhere?

Roy 「うves up around Portland,うsn~t jt?

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Page 11: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …





Yes. He lうves up around Oregon somewhe「e・

He had a da廿y farm there but they made hjm se= off a= hうs dairy

cows. So now he-s going to buy these ljttle. . .●

How old were you the last yea「you were up there?工thjnk you saうd

you were up there about 14 yea「s・丁hat would be about 1926・

丁hatls when 工「eft. 工 was 14.

丁hat~s when they left the meadows?

Yes. Mama left.They kept naggjng for taxes whjch we djdn~t have

and so Mama and Dad just walked away and lef七jt. At that tjme we

were 「両ng downwjth ・ : ・ we=, Bud had a p「acewhe-・e he hunted

訓d 60 acres he was干a「m「ng.工t belonged t〇日ous「ey. My old school

teache十s husband.

工can-t thjnk 〇千anythjng else to ask her, can you? Your干athe「

just下a「medうn Ma「ysvj=e,うn that area?

Jp and around there unt= . . .

O干cou「se, he djed shortly that, djdn~七he?

No. 間e =ved jn Bうn

measles and such a h

ham Canyon a= 両n七er.That-s whe「e工had the

gh te叩pe「ature両th double pneumonja.日e was

層o「kjng the mjnes then.

「「e「 Meadows he came down and wo「ked 白「 the両nesIt he?

No. He went up and got hうm another place up on the kno=・丁hat was

up by Fa廿en,Idaho. He was千a「mうng that. He re。tedうt (o「

somethjng).困e, Mama and工, used to go back up there a干te「we were

getting kjcked out. We'd take Dad‘s up there.

Jp to the meadows?

Yes. And干atten them up.

Dうd they just 「un両ld on the meadows?

Yes. Weld just turn them loose and they~d go around dうggうng up the

meadows and places out jn the tうmbe「 djggうng up camas 「○○ts・困eld

b両ng them up skinny and b「うng them upうn the干a「l so下at that they

could hardly waddle.

Then you herded pigs up the「eうn the summer also, djdn-t you?●

We=, I rode around checkうng on them.工had my horse and my saddle.

I rode around through the tうmbe「 checkjng on them・ I下工can「e to an

old sow that just had a new batch o干pうg「ets, then 工~cl go back and

tell Mama and weーd take a tub and go down there and put the 「jttle


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Page 12: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


pうglets jn that and take them back up to the house because coyotes

would get them・冊en we were ca「「yうng them言下they dうdnlt squeeze

to keep the old sow coming wjth themi weld p「nch the汗taうls o「● ●

something to make them squeal・ He「eld come that old sow一一buggy

eyed-- and Mama and工would run a couple 〇千steps and that) of

piglets backcourse, would make the old tub sway and put

to sleep.

Dうd the pigs ever get over on Porte「ls property?●

They got up there and were dう

chase them off and there was one

up hうs place. He went

wash-t gojng to leave.

Porter chased hうm back and干o「th and all over. Fjna「ly, he-d run

hjm qujte bad untうl he胴s real thin when we got hうm back・丁hen

Porter wanted to cool hうm down before he b「ough七hうm to Dad so he

poured a bucket 〇千wate「 on his back and the old pig wentーlp「oke・Il

工t kj=ed hうm jnstant「y.They don~t have any sweat glands.丁hat~s

why they gene「a=y have to have a wa=ow to 「ayうn to cool the汗

be「「jes off. He sajd to Dad, ~一冊at made that pig drop 「うke that?~'

Dad saうd, '~You never should pour water on their back when you-ve got

the爪「un down.~一 丁hen Mama sent me up七here to get one out.丁hat~s

when工went to the tうmber and c「うmbed the tree.工went up there and

工 chased that and工dうdn~t have my dog wjth me. Every tうme工~d

get hjm headed toward the house and thうnk I had hうm)ltd take my

eyes o干干hう爪千〇「a mうnute and a胴y he was gone・ So I came back to

the house and Mama was nagging at me) ~判hy dうdnlt you get the

She says)ーI丁he only胴y you can get anythうng doneうs七〇 go do

yourself.ーI 工 s

talk back to

I-冊y don-t you try, then?'~ 工t胴s naughty to

ke that and工 knew工胴s gojng to get my famy

famedうf she got aho「d of me so工g「abbed my books and up the tree

工困en七・丁9ot叩うn七he岬pe「 b「綱ches而e-・e she cou「dn~七干o「「ov↓

me. She was down below.

工used to get a bu「「爪ad and then get upうn the七「ee and then be=ow

a七hうm untj「 held bu叩the t「ee・丁hatls another thうng we used to

d〇・ Weld get on horseback and my b「othe「s would lうke a bu= fjght

between two bulls. So we-d go upうn the upper part o干the range

(that胴s up towards the mountaうns) and weld round of those

whjte〇千ace.That-s when 七he stockmen had the cattle 「n there and

they had . . . the

that old ranger

would come stay where the ranger stayed jn

丁hey-d stay there all year.They-d g○ Out

and go through the. . . 「jke工djd両th the pjgs・丁hey~d just両de

around and check the cattle. Only one of the guys dうdn't have the

b「ajns that God gave a pig and he saw七wo bu=s fうghtうng and he胴s●

the cow he「de「 at that tうme and he decjded that held break them up.

Held watched them fうgh七千〇「 awhう「e・丁hen he rode jn between theni・

冊y they caught hうm and his horse lうke tha七a喜id do剛the horse went

and he got away干「omうt・ But he was telling Dad and Dad sajdi~'we=, don~t you know never t〇両de

下うghtうng?~~ But any胴y; I¶y b「othe「s

n betweell bu=s when they~「eうked thjs bull fうght and Dad

had thうs wooden corral a= ∂「ound and weld go get one干「o鵬the u叩er

range and then go down and get o-「e) a pretty good sうzed bull)from

the other range and then weld b「うng them up there and get them to




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Page 13: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


fうghtうng. Guess who dうd the gettうng them t〇千うght・工twas me・

They turned meうn the「e両th a red handke「chうe干and工Id run around

those bu=s wうth that and shake jt theう「干ace be=〇両ng.Then

theyーd start pa両ng the ground and theyld start after me and工Id run

real qujck and干lop on my be=y and 「o= under the lower雨l両g of

where Dad had hうs干ence.丁heyld sうt on top of the barn watchうng

down there.The darn cowards.工was the one that was st汗両ng the

bu=s up to get them to干うght・ Just little, old, skjnnyme・ My

brother, France, held say, -~We=, none of usうs as skjnny as y8u

was up there him and

my mうndls not as sharp asうt

was)「うtt「e bu=三and they put themうn the co廿al and

would rope one and then they~d put a rope ar9und jt

are, Sister.I- 丁hen one干a= when

Bud got七〇両dうng these half-g「o甲

onうt ahd try to hang onto this rope. But jtand Bud would get

would buck hうm off. I don~t know.

It was just such a glori’ous there. It was beeuti.

諒p需品。喜'結語嵩h詰y詰霊upper camp and stay there all summer long・

I thうnk両nte「was hard up the「ei wasnltうt?

Ohブyes. We cou「dnlt get ou七・ My brother, France, had to take

. . . we started rumうng out o下eve「ythうng and my brother, France,

had to take hうs skうs and a dog team両th a 「うttle sled behうnd jt and

go from the meadows down to Ashton. 。e was able to load up a.|1’Ftle

bう七〇f sugar and b「うngうt backbうt of両ce, some干「ou「, and

to us.

工t was a 「ong七両pi wasnltうt?


He went out huntうng and shot an old moose・工i問te「「jng you,

you chewed tha七~o「d cuss the tougher he got・工t胴s

but a case 〇千eme「gency poachうng・丁he moose cou「dnlt get

七〇干ood:That was towards sp両ng and he was hal干sta「ved and just a

st両ngy, old cuss.

工can~t thうnk 〇千訓y七hjng else to ask here can you? Anythjng else

you can remember about the meadows?

Oh,工「eme両e「 every little detaう「・

Itls pretty hard to remember eve「ythjng,うsnーtうt?

Mostly we 「うved両th Mama and you cou「dnlt scare Mamaうf a bear

walked jn on her. She w∂sn~t scared.

Q: Dうd you「dad s

back 七o M

summer up there o「 dうd he have to go

A: Oh, he-d have to come downうn the sumⅢe「tうme and干a「m o「we would

have starved to death.



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Then your mother stayed up the「e両th the kうds and he came down to

Ma「ysvう=e t〇千a「m?

Yes. But Mama胴s a tough, old b汗d. She could takeうt.

So you Just watched the cattle and watched the pigs.● ●

And rode around the mou-↑taうn jn the tうmbe「・       工caught

three 「。冊。w trout about that long and h。 (m荘諜晶。n~t Catch

one. He was so mad a七me he could have kj=ed me that tうme. But

then he was al胴ys gettうng mad at me一-sうblうngs千うghtうng・ My

brother, Be「nje, protected me; but Bud could get pretty vうo「ent.I

could always handle the little bugger.

臨ybe we-d better le七you rest. . . (Lost dうalogue.) You were a干raうd

o干 hうrn?

We=, he胴s suppose to have such a vうolen七tempe「 and he could have

a temper. But he-d never hう七me.

Dうd he getうn m∂ny干jghts?

Oh} he had a hassle両th Porter about the sheep coming down and then●

when we鵬oved over to Fa「「en on that house that burned down why

Sうmonsうs the廿dad~s name he kept c〇両ng up through ou「ya「d

b「うng「ng七hese cattle along and then 「eavうng our gate open so a= 〇千●

Ours could get out. Dad locked the gate and he came up両th his

cattle and he was gojlig to take them down to胎rm Rjver to water

them・丁he gate was locked and he told Dad} ーi丁hatls a 「jght〇〇千〇way

down through there.~1 And Dad saうd, ~~」jke he「lうtうs.丁hat~s my

i)ersonLl.i [`ir叩ert;,J and i.南itls my g語e." He was t葺oin{j to fi’ght Da.d.

Dad sajd, -'Come on. Get down o苗that horse and I-「「干うght you, all

両ght.-~ He took Dad to court and Dad won. Dad dうdn-t

The Porter ch干「d「en spe-it the summer up there a「so事dうdnlt they?

Nearly all the tうme.冊s. Porter djd a lot 〇千cookうng out千〇「

dうf干e「ent places・ Sheid come叩the「e and b両~「g the chう「d「en up

there but she dうdnlt al胴ys spend a= the summer up there. Just

part o下the tjme. Getup there late and leave early.剛en she was

up there, us kids played together. Last tうme工saw Beth, her oldest

daughter, was when her dad djed. We happened to be up a七Ashton so

we went七o七he干une「a「. Be七h saうd to me, I-You ren「embe「 about how

you and I used to s肌ng on the gate.~~

I thjnk we~ve about talked you out today.

We-d go jn there and there was that beautうでu「 meadows laうd out and

the tうmbe「 then

jt. It looked

ole pうnes) was just a green wa= all around

t.工 know us kjds一一〇下でwou「d g○ Our shoes.

We djdn-t have any more shoes千〇予the rest o干the summe「干「om the

干汗st when we got there. We-d kjck our shoes of下and take off

through the tうmbe「 and cljmb p「ne七rees and go round up the horses●

so we could g〇千〇i・ a horseback ride.








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Page 15: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


There was a saw両= up there somewhere, wasn't there?

Oh, yes.That was Van Sうckle-s Sawm=l.丁h∂t's up whe「e工camp now


Q: 丁hatーs down over on B○○ne Creek.That was off the爪eadows a干ew

両les, wash-tうt?

A: Oh, yes. About干うve.工t was van sうck「e-s.There were three

b「othersうn両th that.They took the汗両ves up there.Then they

made them cabうns and had a 「〇七〇でchjld「en.Those guys would just

saw up enough lumbe「 to takeうt down and se= jt jn Ashton and buy

them a jug o干whjte =ghtjng一〇〇ld mule kjcke「.丁hey~d come back up

then.They-d leave the wうves両th nothing to eat and theyーd have to

come down and bo「「ow 干rornMama. 工 know one 〇千the women came and

saうd, I-My chうld「en haven-t had anythうng to eat下o「 two days.冊s.

Johnston could you spare us a =tt「e下lou「.~1 Mama went and got

f「ou「 and gave her ha「千〇千うt. She gave her a few other 「うtt「e

thうngs that she had to take back up and下干x those kうddうes.

Q: I need to ask you thjs: Do you 「emembe「Dutch Schu「七z at a=? Do

you remember a man named Dutch Schultz?

A: Yes. 工「emembe「 him.

Were there ever any stj「「s upうn that country?

Well,工can-t remember Dutch Schultz too nluch. Pu「dy was . . .

Dutch Schultz ejthe「 got arrested o「 somethjng. He dうsappea「ed out

〇千that count「y千〇「 awhう「e.Then there was a Johnny       .

=e used to come over evei’`y y鎚r and Da.d冊uld l。i`:d叩our little

mu「es一一jackasses--and then he-d take hうm over the mountajn ~cause he

had a両ne over there. Hjm and another guy. Dad wou「d干reうght

thejr千〇〇dうn干o「 them干or the sume「 ~cause they d干dn-t鵬nt to go

うnto Jackson 1十〇「e and take a canoe over there.They wanted to keep

their mうne sec「et干「o鵬eve「ybody. So everybody got to go over that

mountaうn but me.丁ha七da「n, old Bud 〇千


Well, weld better go I be「jeve.

(Lost dj


Bud he came out wうth--Can-t I go, Daddy?~'

Ethe「~s turn.I- And I saうd, ~~Oh, let hうm go,

工 to「d hj鵬abou七 jt,

down hうs

d, IINo,うt-s

. 1~「1 go next

tうme.~~ And there we「en~t any more next tうmes. He used to b両ng us

candy and stu軒.

Dうd your dad do much干「eうghtjng干or other people?

Oh, whenever he could get a job doうng that. After they qujt makうng

that road o「 whateve「うt was, they had to

Q: Do you remember the bjg臼へejght胴gons that

meadows every summer?

to go through the






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Page 16: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: I remember Mama

seeing any o干them.

been an aw干u=y ljttl

the sjde of the road abou七 as

had to cljmb that and that was

them. But 重 canlt remember

ague「y工djd, but工must have

know we had one bうg i・ock両ght by

thうs table. I was so tjny工

a great bうg mountaうn to me.I-d

get up on top 〇千that訓d sうt down. Oh, jt was just a beaut廿ul

藍r:o芋膏et謂::n6new:h嵩:1:eg霊e3u嵩器e:;u藍e墨書upthe「e一〇Dad and Mama wou「dnlt let us swear・ Weld g○ ○utうn the

t千mbe「 and we-d just swear and say every word we could thjnk 〇千

u∩tうl weld sta「t干ee「うng ashamed and then weld quj七and that djd us

for the su間e「・ Weld getうt out 〇千〇u「 sys七ems・ Imagうne, three o「

four 「うttle kうds ho=e両ng around and swearing 「jke mule skうme「s.●

Dad and団ama swore a lot when they we「e干うghtjng. My dad was Scotch

and every onceうn awhうle held get that old out千〇r

me一-you know that Scottうsh



工 don一七 know what

. He was Scotch and

Mama was--probably gypsy. She I








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Page 17: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: 工胴s born tha七yea予.丁hen重胴s takell up to the meadows as a baby

and 「ajsed up there両th鵬y鵬othe「 a-id dad・

Then every summer yo冊fa両ly would go to Squ廿「el Meadows?

Page 18: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


剛at js your name?

My name is Ethel--


Ethel Johnston j七was be千〇「e 工 鵬∂汀うed.

Johnston was your m轟den name?


You「鵬a「両ed nameうs now丁amasauskas.冊ere were you bo…?

工胴s born jn Ma「ysvう=e, Idaho. Notうn the七〇wn 〇千Ma「ysvう=e but

on up the road a胴ys.

Yes.工was うn Md「ysvj=e o富l丁uesday.

In a =ttle log cabin.


You know冊s.工la Kj●「kha鵬-輸工la帆 K廿kham. Sheーs your両ece.

Sure.        ,

工was両七h he「丁uesday talkうng七〇 her.冊at year were you born?


Now your fathe「~s

Yes.      ・


胴s J帥es E「jjah Johnston?

They ca=ed hう鵬Boat.


冊e「e dうd he get that両ckname?

Da「ned うで 工 know. I thうnk he wore a hat tha七was kjnd o干

ljke a boat and they got to ca=うng him Boat when he was I

冊en he was a sma= boy?冊a七yea「 can you干廿st remember Squ廿「el




The yea予工胴s born--工can一七「emembe「 that--but that~s the yea予工

went up七here.

You don-七know wha七yea「 yo冊でathe「 applうed for七he homestead up

there, do you?


lie appl干edうn 1912?  -  #.�籵









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Page 19: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …

Because 〇千 七he snow?


Now you had a house up there, dうdn-t you?

Yes, we had a log cabうn.Then when Dad buうl七, he bujlt another two

rooms across the end o下 j七.

Dうd he have cattle up there a= su皿e「?

Yes. Dad would have a干ew cows ∂nd七hat and he-d take them up

there. He worked a七七i-yjng七o j叩「ove the place and put a fence out

and used dyna両te to blas七the rocks out of the road.

丁o put下ence posts jn, you調ean?


丁o buうld a road, you mean, up to Squ汗「el Meadows?丁he干「ejght road

胴s ope。うn 1910 s〇七he干「ejgh七「oad胴s already th「oしくgh there at

that tj鵬e.



囚e=, that-s両en they blasted out the roads and

used to co鵬e両ght up through the調eadows.They

and・then Dad would have七o take hjs horses do州l and pull

Held hうtch the肌to his team.

Djd they ever pay hj鵬でo「 that?

Oh, yes.Then they~d come pas七and so鵬etうmes七hey~d come ln and

Mama would fうx the鵬djnne「.

She would下eed the廿eうghte「s there? She dうdn~t se= meals, though,

dうd she?


She just gave the肌meals?

They had a roadhouse dowれjust a七七he entrance to those Sq両「「el


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Page 20: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


You don~t know who operated the roadhouse, do you?冊o owned the

roadhouse? Do you remember?






開閉匿工can remember about the roadhouseうs that after

モhey gave i’t to him),車e took the lumber and us

would sc「atchてい七he d廿t and weーd下うnd money・

Around the old roadhouse?

Yes. Underneath the干「○○rboa「ds at the 「oadhouse・

工~d =ke to下うnd ou七両○ Operated that 「oadhouse・工t wasnlt the

Ned「ows, wasうti by so~ne chance? You donlt remember that name?

No. She干jeldうs what 工「ernembe「.


Later on they bu冊one up at that other entrance to the pa「k・

Up at Flagg Ranch?They had one up there a七Flagg Ranch・

Yes.The She干うelds did. So工guessう七was the She干jelds両七h the

one down here, too.

On Squ廿「el Meadows?


Now, your father proved up on thatうn 1919 acco「djng to the 「eco「ds・

You got a deed to it then.

Yes. He got a了e。ce aroundう七--just a barbed w廿e干ence・ After the

roadhouse shut do層町then they opened up over a七the hump (they

ca=edうt) the She臼elds djd.

丁ha七ls away干「om t「~e meadows a ways, you調ean?

器s嵩。嵩嵩‡書3「t描嵩精霊詰罰。諒豊「uれ両g away帥d gojng back・ Mama would load all us kうdsうn the

胴gon and the buggy and over that llump weld go七〇 get the burro and○    ○         ●               ■看  l   〃ヽ      I

ヽ′ -U

七back.Then we use to go up七o 」○○nしake where old Pu「dyb再ng

had hjs cabjn.

Do you remember Pu「dy and Dutch Sc回tz, do you?

Yes. Vaguely・丁hey were old trappers, you・ know,両th beards and

what have you.

You do remember them, though?


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Page 21: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …

間聞 bet jt胴sn~七coyote,胴s jt?

重 don~t thjnk so.工 七hうnk he was just

goat. He got her drunk one tう鵬e oil some w

sうste「 had

亡dna胴s hangj ng onto her.

that七o get囲ama-s

ne that held made up

and臨調a胴s actうng

She was sure Mama was

o干the buggy and ge七k●=led. Oh, us kうds used to



冊at djd you do a= su鵬me「 up on the鵬eadows?

Oh, we had a horse and we rode around the tj鵬be「. We buうlt

. My




playhouses ou七〇でpjne七「ees (軸ose =t七le dead ones) and we had our

stうck horses to両de.困e used to get白l七o Dad-s tう鵬othy and下eed

our stjck horses. We went s両肌lれうng every day tha七we could do冊うn

a ct油’al the.t c訓ie down through the in.eadows.

That the i.rrigatori` had?

Yes・鵬used to go s画調両ngうn tha七・ Mama would see anybody c〇両ng~cause we a= wore our overa=s and went around両th a d廿ty face.

工干sheld see anybody c〇両ngi sheld ye= and say} IIYou dam kうds get

t〇七he七a「l tj鵬be予.~ー So we would get.囲e djdn~t care.囲e-d go out

and stay i.n that ti’mber all day and pick berries to eat. I'd lay

do剛and go to sleep.冊en Mama al「d工we「e up there a long whjle

we-d lay do冊and go to sleep. Dad had always told us, ~ーDon~t

bother the bear and he won~t bother you.~ー 工t胴s just wonderful up

therefor kids--s両肌mうng訓d horseback両djng.The Porters lうved

just up above us.

You knew the Porters quうte we= then, dうdn-t you?


sheep七〇 hjs y

fence and held


両th the汗 kjds. Also ran a herd 〇千 hうs

b予othei●, Bud. He made a gateうn Dad~s

ep throughうnt○ ○u「鵬eadows. O下cou「se,

cattle don~七=ke両e予e sheep have grazed--工guess the o= o苗でrom

the汗w○○l--and they (the cattle) wouldii~七graze up there.丁hey~d

g○ ○u七jn the七jmbe「 and graze. S〇番and「ny brother, Bud, got mad.

I wanted Dad to pi!t some up therefor the sheep



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Page 22: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


and he sat


一一Oh no種honey,工canーt do that.~~ He used to snort and

but that胴s a=. He wouldnーt hu「七the Porte「~s sheep

for dnyt旧ng● Bud and工went up there and冊s・ Po予te「ーs kうds were

outうn the yard. We were ye=うng and h○○tjng at the d帥n sheep. We

had a herd o下them ln f「on七〇千us and we ran them両ght through her

yal{d. But she胴s a nうce woman.

Ross Porter wash-t肌ar両ed, was he?



冊s. Porter 「ea=y we=.

He was an old bachelor?

He was the one 重 shot うn the butt両七h a 鵬atch.

冊a七?冊at djd you do?

Oh, one o下Po「te「~s kids got one o下七hose pump 88 guns.工got jt

al pumped up and he鵬s stooped over cu七tjng wood and重got that

old gun pumped up real g○○d訓d then工poうnted

b〇七to鵬end and let fly.丁hat鵬atch hj七

clear over the wood choppjng thうng.

You pu七a match do冊うnsjde the隅gun?

Yes, and then chalk.

工ーve never heard o下that before, bu七 工 can see うt.



t at hjs

you he jumped

w○○den「natch. 工t had been =t 下廿st. I dうdnlt

Boy言「e s冊e br購hed hうs揮n七s o千千でo予亀

You have some very beaut汀ul爪em〇両es of Squ廿rel Meadows) donlt


We=, yes.

D干d your dad 「djse hay up there on the meadows?

Yes. 1」e t「うed t〇両nte「 through a bunch of cattle that held bought

extra. Mama d干dn~七胴nt hj鵬to buy the調and they were whうte-faced.

He wanted to get a st再ng 〇千両jte-faces gojng. Held put up hay

there a= su調鵬e「.さ」e-d even put j七up on Gうbson Meadows. Do you

know層he「e that js?


There was an old outlaw that lived up there. He'd ki.lled some man

うn Montana and they-d beell l○○kうng千〇「 hうm.丁hey~d come up there

and he hうd out.重guess Dad knew両o he胴s because they used to

get g「oce再es干o「掴肌. It胴s never mentうoned among us kjds o予

anybody. Dad also made a =t七le log cdbうn just o干下で「o鵬the road on

that sjde千〇「 a丁B gj「l・



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Page 23: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


For a what?

A丁B g廿l輸-the lungs・

Oh, yes.丁ube「culos竜.

He made her that =ttle house and told us kids to stay away from herand not bother her.

This was 千〇「 who?

For a g廿l that came up干「〇両daho Fa=s o「 someplace・ She had lung

trouble rea=y bad) and he調ade tha七・丁hen Mama and Dad would keep

an eye on he「・

She fjna=y djed) thoughi dうdnーt she? O「 djd she =ve?

#; p墨書:s: c講盤講ew措; k詔語c嵩t,u!.t藍霊her a separate =t七le home up there・



A: Nobody bu七Dad・丁hatwas a=うn七he pa「k「ands, you know・工guess

t~「ey put an adうn the paper that theywe「e gojng七〇 le七people ・ ‥

工don~t know how D含d干ound jt unless he had read through there.I

うmag川e he had.●


beautうでul鵬eadows and he wen七up there to homestead jt・

A: He e刷e「went up there and saw jt o「 so鵬ethjng o「wo「ked around

両e「e jt was at. When he下廿st b両「t the cabjn he could stand申

the door and look out at the七うmbe「 and胴tch the deer come out・

Q:丁he「e胴s always a lot o干e「k and dee「up jn七he「e・ wasn~七the「e?

Page 24: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …






冊o else lived up oいSqu冊el Meadows? Do you -・e爪ember anyone else

besjde七he Porters and your fa鵬うly?

Just the Porters and us. Porters didnlt come up and stay all

器r,.ve i羅詰。p盤.m器:.b鵠c`霊草o器si:v轟器f離couldnl七keep up the taxes・

He fうna=y sold j七to the Weave「s・

No. Dad was dead before old man Weaver t○○kうt ove「・

Was he?

Yes. He干ound ou七aboutうt and p∂うd up七he back taxes 〇両t・

That-s a= he had to do.

The Weavers?

Yes. He胴s suppose七〇両se beaver up tlle「e・ He was ca七chjng most

o干 thern.

He t「jed to 「aうse beaver therefor a干ew years・

Yes. Butthey sajdhe胴s雨sうngmo「e than he ‥ ・ hewas se冊ng

more than he was i・ajsjng.

Oh,工 §ee.

He cut up tl-e meadows pretty bad鵬akjng beave-・ ponds out o白t・

Then he buうlt a=軸ose cabうns and eve「ythうng・

You say he bu冊so肌e cabうns・ He subd両ded part o下jt up there,

dうd he, and sold lots off?● ●

言諾羅三三請書音盤≡器賽嵩e韓done o下those七hうngs that you turn the h訓dle and make aflame come



器嵩羅≡諾二諜u≡講o講露語胴s jus七~~spうced out-~ 工guess・

You never dうd sp帥d a両面e「 up tlle「e, djd you? Yould always come

back . . .

Page 25: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …





Yes.工can remember the両te「we got snowedうn・工t started to

snow the last part o干Septembe「一一no,う七sta「tedうn August--and jt

djdi「~七let up・ We got 20干ee七〇f snow up there thatyea「・丁hatls

when Dad lost hうs cattle.

had to hau=he hayうn on sleds and eve「yt冊g e「se・

and鵬y b「othe「i B「o冊うe, used to load up lうttle

sacks and take a li’ttle hand sled. They were

Meadows. Dad just ran out up here--ubsonGう

丁hat~s when you

Yes. My mother

ett ng●

1 七 でro調

n the meadows.

Meadows and下j=

七hem七〇 the cows

〇 〇〇〇〇 〇〇〇〇 〇〇〇r葛 ○○    -  - 1ー~ 「"・葛      ~

Mama and B「ow両e would g○ ○n skis pve「 to GI ● ヽ〇〇〇●〇〇〇●    ○○i○ ○ 葛 「〇〇〇    ~  ~  i~ - -                                        〇〇〇

gu冊y sacks干ull o干hay and pull tlle~n dow∩訓d glve

tha七we「e down.

That was白i 1919 when they had the bうg掴zza「d up there?

工d。n・t knowwhenうt胴s.工w∂s jus七a 「冊le chjld・

You would have been seven years o干age, wouldn~t you?

About that, yes.

You don~t have m細y pictures o下Squ両el Meadows, do you?

Ge七tha七bjg, new a冊m・丁~「at・s where my pうct冊es (mos七〇千the調)


」et・s just tu「両hうsi〇千f a調うnu七e・ (しos七a bうt o下dうalogue here・)

. ‥ had a 「eunうon up on Squ廿「el眠adows七hうs yea「・

go to i.t. I胴s the one tha七sTgges幸Fd⊥¥,誓Oh,


people dうdn~t ca「e調uch了o「 them.

Bud胴s there, then,胴s he?

Yes.工うmag両e・ No9 Buddうd吊makeうt・ Hehadtogotoacat七le

sale. But hうs両fe胴s the「e・

Tell me wha七else you remember about the爪eadows・ Do you remember

剛ch調o「e about tl-eni?What else ca-i you remember abou七Squ両el

Meadows? Anythjng?

well, you come up that road--you know how closedう両tうs下o「 the

trees and eve「ythうng・工don-t kn〇両f theylve 「ogged七hat out o干

there o「 not.

No, they haven't.

But you come up嶋hat and just before the meadows opened up to you・

the「e胴s a old ranger cab両・ An old one・

The guard statう〇両


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「eu而on. We were gojng to have a 「eunjon下o-1 the

、● ○ ○'●〇・ "・  J ~   ~ ~

Page 26: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: Yes. And then you c三〇鵬e out and jtls Just =ke goうn

I mean you come up through that road and there were

meadows. At the t油e o下yea「 that we wen七up there

July〉, jt would be just cove「ed両th両ld flowers・

can remember abou七七ha七js how th画=ed we were to

and h。 made in, b盤:d諾.:n器;r#°諾;u嵩謹言e鵬eadows agaうn.

late June o「

he o細lly thjng I

get to the

had ou予s両ngs

Bud). Dad was so

good to us ki-ds. Especially to丘e. I know how thrilled.I v.J?s. .I

to be? How long-s jt gojngkept te=うng John) IIHow

to be?~~ Gosh, weld been

丁hjs was usua=y干n buggy and horse and胴gon tool wasnlt jt?

Yes.丁hat~s whyうt胴s so nluch. . .

冊en工七〇〇k hう肌ou七the「e to camp out, we had a car.The road was

bumpy and重had straddled some 〇千七he 「uts両th a car to keepうt了「o鵬

gettうng do剛うn tile ruts and七ea「「ng七he underside out・

Q:羅了dうさ「y端鵠一書畠h器-1黒帯「 the snow came冊e

A: We came down and went to school i.n the wl’nterti’me. That's why we

we「e干n such a te「否ble bjg rush to get back up七he「eうn the We wanted to get back up to the pi‘ne trees. Mama.would

親Os騨轟轟黒帯O藍e羅精。「嵩n葦z書。隷書n畠m:h:nt嵩dn羅n:o,霊'o,]言da:鴇羅#.e当nn:°o嵩but she never could.

What happened両en you g〇七do刷?

工djdnlt come down un七干l she干o「go七about j七・工id out scream her)

anyway. I could scream real good. My dad wouldn,t let叩ybody hurt

my dress tajl and jt

sc「ea調川g iny head 6干f●

And 工Id be

me. Sheld be whe「e 工 coulcl

would come up to ca・ヒch a両=ow・

and sheld七hうnk she胴s kう=jng me・ Sheld let me go訓d工t両ed to

putmy ‥ . 「edst両sei工saうd七〇my sjste「, I事You know,う干you

scream 「ea=oud when your mother hうts you the下廿s七tうme両th the

ro= up a~「d catch the両「lovi・重下you scream real bad, shel

両=ow言t donlt hurt because your pe七tうcoa七and dress wうl

youl「e hu「tうng real bad so shel「「 le七you g〇・ Bu七うt dうdnl七work

tha七胴y.して=je caught Nola訓d slle胴jled the heck ou七〇千he「

両七h thls両=ow削「d then Nola bi・oke loose and started running

around the house.


showed you a pうctu!●e o


七うme she-d come around the corner o下the

for her and she~d gjve her some mo「e・工

went and locked No●la.and I

Then my blasted sjste予and her husband

Dad~s granary.工t wasnーt a

granary-輸j七was jus七a 「うttle shed七hat he kep七the tjm〇七hyうrl・

Nola and工we「e jn there gettうng some鵬o「e t下れlothy t〇千eed our

ho「ses● Weld put七う鵬〇七hy o「 v而at o「 whatever Dad had out ln a

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Page 27: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


=t七le trough tha吊e~d鵬ade干o「爪e・丁hen weld lay our horses

豊・ w8ft請諸藩T嵩sb蕊器:.:g晋d講#:ae霊霊h:otう七bac描「ed on her one day about he「djng us kjds to the meadow§・

she-d seen a couple break七hrough七he lower part of the meadows and

豊三豊葦三豊三二三三隷for th。両。。罰鵠嵩帯rうed and was函g over to ↓acksonyoung couple・    丁hey were 「うdjng ho「ses・ She told

●                         ′●  l I_ _   」 _ _ _一〇

清華撞豊s葦_盤e丁鵠・81,霊霊sc嵩ik..豊r:?c:,置o置:_o#’:器量T?」《 ,,

高山a▼’s’丙;’'d’’註~註;k`i書i a▼few days. Afterwards, on one of

Mama knew they were goうng to co鵬七両ough, she had us al〃。in   .           ●      ●    I ● l 臆 〃 i_

ヽ′ i

e七iiobody see us l○○kjng =ke七hうs, so letーs hうde・ーI○      ○   ●      ●

‡請こw’誌;-bi示高t6g raying there and-she says・ "Hi’de behi.nd


うctu「es o干us laying七丘e「e oil the hう=sjde・

Lord. We canl七

and got out and

臨調櫨購s so hu両


a.ut it冊s her own darn fault

Q: A lot o下people t-・ave「ed through there jn七lle summe「tjme・ djd吊



撞謹:P嵩h器`:)P音t詔:r器nm詩語詰s嵩n嵩t,.n and all

荘C盤p書謂罰e ・M荘器u墨壷a豊曜d詰the tう鵬e because工had such bうg eyes w~1e=購s =ttle and a sma=

干ace. My eyes層e「e a deep blue the-i and so he ca。ed me Sauce「巨yes

a= 七he tjme.、

Q: Bud・s七he youngest油七-「e下a調うly・ js~l~七he? 1」e~s younger than you



He =vesうn Oregon somewhere?

Roy =ves up around Po「tland言sn-tてt?


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Page 28: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …





Yes. He =ves up around Oregon somewhe「e・I

日e had a da時でa「鵬there bu七they爪ade冊sell of下a。 his dairy

cows. so nowhe~s g〇両g七o buy these =ttle ・ ‥

How old were you the lastyea「you were up there?工thうnkyou saうd

you were up there about 14 yea「s・丁ha七would be about 1926・

丁hat~s when工left・工was 14・

丁ha七~s両en they le下七the meadows?

霊a. s.M藍#..alh羅講gi濫dt嵩#chA:et#温a業were l両ng dow…刷・ ・ ・ well, Bud had a place両e-・e he hunted

and 60 acres he was了a両ng・工t belonged t〇日ousley・ My old school

teache「~s husband.

工ca吊掴nk o下any掴ng else to ask her, canyou? You「干athe「

just干a「med jn剛ysvう。e・両that area?

Upand around there un七うl ・ ・ ・

o下cou「se, I「e dうed sho「七ly七lla七, dうd吊he?

No. ・囚e=ved jn

measles and such 昂i’’’t請`e註ture with double pneumonia. He was

in canyon all winter. That's where I r,9d..竺e

wo「kうng the両nes then・

After you left Squ両e同eadows he came do刷and worked j~「 the両es

for a両う「e, dうdn-tile?

出講,u臨9°諜s盤措端一霊盤n品「丁hat wassomething). We, Mama and I, g? back聖_竺ere after we were

;kea-6u’言--- we'd take Dad's pigs up there.gettj書「g

Jp to the meadows?

Yes. And干atten them up・

Djd七hey jus七冊両ld on七l「e鵬adows?


b両g them up sk両y and b両g七he「岬うn the干a。 so下at tl「at they

could ha「dly胴ddle・

Then you ~ie「ded pigs up there ln the summer also, djdnlt you?

m諾豊k..:gh霊鞘e霊rs:fa:dc器,e華d:,:.1 I Uuc al uu=u .=i uu�迄��メ粐リ��h�h�h�h�bメリ�h��籀���������������

old sow that just liad a ~「ew batc-i o干pうgle七s・ thenエーd go back and

te。 Mama and we-d七ake a tub and go down there and put the l冊le

囲e=,工「ode around checkjn

工「ode around through the t

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Page 29: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


pうglets両tha七and take the肌back up to the house because coyotes

would get them● 冊en we were ca件yj~1g them言下they d干dnlt squeeze

to keep the old sow coming wjth them) weld pうnch the汗ta=s o「●

something to make the鵬squeal・ He「eld come that old sow--buggy

eyed-- and Mama and重would run a couple of steps and that, o干

course, would鵬ake the old tub sway and

to sleep.

Djd the pjgs ever get over on Porte十s property?

Oh, yes.They got up there and were d干

pうglets back

up h干s place. He went

out to chase the鵬o下干and there was one tha七wasn-t goうng to leave.

Porter chased him back and干o「th and a= ove「. Fjna=y, held run

h干m qujte bad unt= he胴s real t吊n when we got hうm back.Then

Porter wanted to cool hうm do剛be干ore he b「ough七hう調to Dad so he

poured a bucket o下桐七e「 on hうs back and the old pjg went ~~ploke.~-

重t k=led hう鵬jnstantly.They don~t have any sweat glands.丁hat~s

両y七hey gene「a=y have to have a胴=ow to lay jn to cool the汗

be=うes off. He saうd to Dad,一冊h∂七調ade that pig drop 「jke that?~~

Dad saうd, ~~You never should pour water on their back when you~ve got

the鵬ruれdown.I- 丁hen Mama sen七me up七he「e to ge七〇ne out.丁hat~s

when I went to th.e timber and cli.mbed the tree. I went up there and

工chased that pうg and工dうdn-t have調y dog両th me. Every tうme工-d

get hう鵬headed to胴「d the house and thうnk工h∂d hjm,工~d take my

eyes o干干hうm干o「 a鵬う冊七e and away he was gone● So工came back to

the house and Ma鵬a胴s naggjng at鵬e, '判hy djdn-七you get

She says, ~~丁he

yourself.~~ 工

talk back to

can get anythうng done js七〇 go~t you try,then?-- 重t胴s naughty to

and工knew工胴s g

下amed洋she got ahold o干鵬e so工g「abbed鵬y

工困e両. I got囲うn七塙i」囲e口〕i●踊ches両ei{e

調e. She was down below.

to get my famy

up the tree

d「十七 千〇「「ol・l

重used to get a bu=爪ad and七hen ge七upうn the tree and then be=ow

a七hjm ui↑tjl held bump the tree.丁hat~s another thing we used to

do. Weld get on horseback and my b「o七he「s would lうke a bu= fjght

be七ween七wo bu=s. So we-d go up

(tha七胴§ up七〇wd「ds七he

n the upper part o下the range

and weld round up one 〇千七hose

whう七e-face. 丁ha七ls when the stockmen had the cattle うn there ahd

they had. . .the guys would come stay where the ranger stayed jn

that old ranger sta七joi「.They-d stay there a= year.They-d g○ Out

and go through the. . . 「jke工dうd両th the pjgs.丁hey~d just両de

around and check the cattle. Only one of the guys djdn~t have the

braうns that God gave a pig and he saw七wo bu=s fうghtうng and he was

the cow he「der at that tjme and he decうded that held break the爪up.

Then he rode jn between them.

糧t帯轟e措措需藍eううk。七h。七。書「。 down the horse Wentand he got a胴y干ro鵬うt. Bu七he胴s te=うng Dad and Dad saうd,''Well, don`t you know never to 1.n betweeil bulls wllen they're

干うghtうng?~~ But a。y胴y; I¶y b「othe「s =ked thjs bu= fjght and Dad

had thうs層ooden corral a= a「ound and weld go get one f「o調the upper

「∂nge細d七hen go do剛and ge七〇l「e, a pretty good sjzed bu=,from

the other range and then層eld b再ng them up七he「e and get them to





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Page 30: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


fうghtうng・ Guess who did the gettうng them to下jght・工t was鵬e・

They turned meうn there with a red handkerchうe干and工Id run around

those bulls with that and shake旧n七heう再ace bell〇両g・丁hen

they~d start pa両g the ground and they~d start afte「爪e and工ld run

real quick and flop on鵬y be。y and 「o冊nde「 the lower 「a冊g o下

羅器≡請書結s鵠三講書thebroth告霊a#Ce÷h霊'!n:a藍T'iw霊霊n°ne °f us js ,誌sS轟e諾: and;量;’,i-i;ter." Then_one fall. when"~1 ~ ~ ′

Bud got七〇両dうng these half-g「o冊。  ○ ○         _」_  上し○○

ndmy m「Is not as -sharp as it

jn the co汀a「 and請;)苗ttie bull言and they put them in the corral and

would rope one訓d then they~d put a rope around j七. I_ , _ ..___    D"J. 1.+

Tt'轟t’缶詰-hang onto'thi’s rope. Bu七itld get ond wouBuand


would buck hうm~o干干・工donl七k-iow・

工t was just such a glo「jous tjme there・工七was beautiful up there

羅:C:f需品?ul :u:e詔書h:.C嵩y詰:,,嵩謹j §nd:�「ラH�ーupper ca叩and stay there all sum-ne「 long・

工th冊両te「胴s hard up the-・e,胴s吊うt?

ohi yes・ We couldnーt ge七out・ My brother, F剛ce, had to take

. ‥ we started …両g out o下eve「ythうng and my brother, F剛ce,

I「ad to take hうs skうs and a dog tea鵬両h a冊七le sled behjnd lt and

go下「om the meadows down to Ash七〇n・十一e was able to load up a冊「e

航of 「うce, some flou-・i and a冊t「e bうt o下suga「 and b両gう七back

to us.

工twas a long七両p)胴snlt jt?

嵩。措t。盤u措。諜嵩鵠嵩。謹聴you'poac冊g but a case o干eme「gency poac冊g・丁he ni○○se cou「d吊get

to干ood.丁ha七胴s to剛ds sp予てng and he胴s hal下sta「ved and just a

st再ngy) old cuss・

工can~t掴両〇千anythうng else七〇 ask ~1eらcan you? Anyt冊g else

you can remember about the meadows?

oh,工「emembe「 every =七tle de七aうl・

I七-s匹e七ty ~iard to 「eme--ibe予eve「yt冊g, 1sn~t昭

Mostly we l両d w刷剛a and yoし~ could吊sca「e団amaうf a bear

walked jn 〇両eiへ. She胴snl七sca「ed・

q: Dうdyou「dad

back 七〇 M

A: Oh, held have to come do冊

have starved to death.


su皿e「 up there o「 dうd he have to go

the su皿e「tうme and干a「調o‥ie viould


・ー m




Page 31: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


Q:鵠謂:h詰dyed up there with the ki.ds and he came down to



Yes. ButMama胴s a tough) old b廿d・ She could七akeうt・

So you just watched the cattle and胴tched the pうgs・

And rode around the肌oui↑taうn jn the tjmbe「・     工caught

七h,ee ,ainbow t,out. about that,.ng and h。 (m3T’計:鵠gdidn't catch

One. Hewas somadatme he could have killed堅甲?t tim.e.. But

mad a七調e-輸sjb=ngs干うghtjngthen he was al胴ys get七jn

brother, Be「nje,

could always hah

me; but・ Bud could get pretty vうolent・工


l旬be weld better le七you 「es七・ ‥ (Lost djalogue・) You were a下面d

of hjm?

well, he was suppose to have such a vうolen七tempe「 and he could have

a te肌pe「・ B再he~己neve「 hj七me・

Djd he getうn many下うghts?

oh, he had a hassle両th Porter abou七the slleep coming do剛and then

when we鵬oved over to F∂汀en on that house tha七bu「ned down why

sうmonsうs the廿dad~s name he kep七c〇一両g up through our yard

b両glng七hese cat七-e along and then leavうng our gate open so all o干

ours could ge七ou七・ Dad locked the gate and he came up両th his

cattle and he胴s go両g to take them down to蝿m Rjve「 to water

謹書盤::.,::,O#講書鵠h三三二謹言諾轟ijid・H器k°3;d :嵩嵩講3tw霊:SeD謹dd器tfi#th器:'a。

The Porter c旧d「en spe-it七he summer up there also, djdn~t they?

Nearly all the t面・冊s・ Porter dうd a lot 〇千c○○kjng out for


鱒二盤≡轟葦三三三軍豊蕪tyou and工used七o swing on tile ga七e・lI

Q:工thjnkwe~ve aboし~七七alked you out七〇day・






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Page 32: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


丁he「e was a sawmj= up there so鵬e両e「e, wash-t there?

霊t管. That was ¥Ian Si’ckle's Sawmi‘11. That's up where I camp now

Q: 丁hat~s down

両les, wasn~

B○○ne Creek.That was o軒the肌eadows a few

A: Oh,yes. Abou七日ve.工七胴s van sうckle-s.There were three

盤h嵩:ml.濫掘tiadT:eYo:°藷器:’岩盤:esT#s:h蒜w措謹!saw up enough lu~nbe-・ to take jt do冊and se= jt jn Ashto-i and buy

講:.a藍読書霊措h盤~::.:h書需嵩・ea措dt帯。b藍u号ocome down and bo「row干rom Mama.工 know one o下the women came and

sajd, IIMy ch=d「en havenlt had anythうng to ea七千〇「 two days.冊s.

藍七端耕諾謂s詰豊。嵩∴豊盤「a盤詫th干ngs that she had to take back up and下うx those kうddうe§.

Q: I need to ask you t旧s: Do you 「emembe「Dutch Schultz at a=? Do

you remember a man named Dutch Schultz?


〇千tha七couれt「y下o-・ awhjle・丁hen there was a Johmy

lうe used to co潤ov肝eve-・、y ye神棚d D亀d冊u「=o轟d岬

Yes. 工「e肌embe「 him.

Were there ever any stj=s upう~1七ha七coun七「y?


our 「廿t「e

mules○○jackasses--and therl held take hう肌ove「 the mounta・うi「 ~cause he

had a両ne over theγ・e・冊m and another guy・ Dad would干reうght

theうr干○○d jn干or軸e~れ干o予the su鵬鵬e予lcause軸ey d干d~十七胴nt to go


困e=, weld be七te「容o工be=eve.

三幸轟三三三豊彊葦三豊藍Did your dad do much干「eうghtうng千〇「 other people?

Oh・両eneve予he could ge七a job dojng that. After they qu干t胴kうng

that road o「 whatev健両七胴si they had t〇千「e干gh七うn.

Q: Do you 「e肌en-ben the bjg什eうgh七胴go-「s that used to go through the

nieadows every summe一・?



● ー

Page 33: Yes.工wasうn Ma「ysvう「「e oil丁uesday. 工n a 「うttle log …


A: I remember Mama and Dad talk干

see干ng any of them・工t seems

been an awでu=y ljttle child.

the sjde of the road abou七as

had to c=mb tha七and that

get up on top o下thd七and



them. But 工 canlt remember

aguely工dうd, but工鵬ust have

工know we had one bうg -・ock両ght by

as t掴s table. I胴s so tjny重

a g「ea七bうg mountaうn to me.エーd

七down. Oh,うt was just a beautうでul

轟:o f需e罰’1罵:n6new:h器謹eg霊e3u嵩霊e葦u藍e嵩: upthere一-Dad and Ma鵬a層ouldn-t let us swear. We~d go outうn t南 '

t干mbe「 and we-d just swear細d say every word we could thjnk 〇千

untjl weld sta「七でee=ng ash細ed and then weld quう七and七hat dうd us

for the summer. Weld get i‘t out of our systems., three or

four lうttle kうds ho=e両ng around and swea予てng =ke mule skうme「s.

Dad and Mama swore a l〇七両en they we「e下jghtjng. My dad was Scotch

and every once jn a両=e held get~七hat old

me--you know七hat §cottjsh

されg=sh. I don~七know


what Mama

. He

oし高 下o「

was Scotch and

胴s--probably gypsy. She

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