year qtr - · from parenting tips to prophetic insights, mybibleguides contains...


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AGES 10–12


WELCOME TO JUNIORSWe are thrilled to share with you the first

few lessons of the new General Confer-ence Sabbath School curriculum called MyBible-Guides.* These lessons are Bible based, Christ centered and grace oriented. The contributors to these lessons—many of whom are edu-cators as well as parents—have been very prayerful and intentional in preparing lessons that lead children into an experiential and trust-ing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to see our children in Heaven! That’s our bottom line. With that goal, we have endeavored to:

• Emphasize salvation by grace. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we have redemption and the forgiveness of our sins in Jesus Christ alone.

• Follow the Bible chronology. From Genesis to Revelation, MyBibleGuides aligns stories chronologically with the Bible time line.

• Emphasize key Adventist beliefs. Students will gain a clear understanding of the Bible and its values, from which all Adventist be-liefs are derived.

• Recognize the prophetic gift of Ellen White, key lessons from Adventist history, and end time events. From parenting tips to prophetic insights, MyBibleGuides contains inspired enrichments and prophetic lessons from the Spirit of Prophecy.

• Promote daily Bible study at all levels. MyBibleGuides has daily study guides for all

levels to engage students in the study of God’s Word.

• Engage students in active learning. MyBibleGuides involves children in activities and experiences to help students better re-tain what they study each week.

• Include children in the mission of the church. The MyBibleGuides Teacher’s manual includes time for weekly Total Member Involve-ment In-reach (fellowship), TMI Out-reach (mission) and TMI Up-reach (Bible study).

The Cover DesignThe cover is laid out in the new creation grid format that the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church recently adopted to graphically communicate the uniqueness of the Sabbath. Although only one column stands out (the vertical color bar on the right), it represents one-seventh of the page. The first six (imaginary) columns, represent the six-day work week, but the seventh-column, the Sabbath column, is set apart—to be special and different from the other six columns, as a reminder and visual celebration of the hallowedness and blessing that God so lovingly intended for us on the seventh day, Sabbath.

Enjoy reading this study with the young people in your life, and together may you experience a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

— The Editors.

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MEMORY VERSE“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer” (Revelation 12:7, 8, NKJV).

N Bible References: Ezekiel 28:12-19; Isaiah 14:12-17; Revelation 12:7-12. N Patriarchs and Prophets, chap. 1, pp. 33–43; or Beginning of the End, chap 1, pp. 7-11.


n SABBATH: THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN What was the state of God’s universe in the


Read Job 38:4-7.

Can you remember a day when everything was per-

fect? What was your perfect day like? Now can you

think of a day when something went really wrong?

This week we’ll learn of a perfect place where

something went awfully wrong.

4 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |

Think about Heaven—the place where God, who

is infinitely loving, wise, and powerful, has always

been. Long, long ago, before time began, God was

already at work creating the universe. Everything

God made was perfect. He created perfect angels

whose greatest joy was to serve Him out of love.

Everyone praised God.

Would you like to discover how heaven looked like

with the angels in the presence of God? Read Job

38:7 and write the verse here:




God made angels with the freedom to make choices.

The angels willingly chose to obey and serve God

because they loved Him. Love is an action word, and

it is based on free choice. It can only be freely given

and freely received. It cannot be forced. Like every

parent, God is delighted when those He created

choose to obey Him because they love Him.

We cannot understand how sin could happen in such

a perfect place as heaven. But the Bible tells us that

sadly, Lucifer, one of God’s angels, made the choice

to turn away from God’s love. He rebelled against

God and “war broke out in heaven.” You will find out

that someone by the name of Michael and His angels

fought and won the victory against the dragon (Lu-

cifer) and his angels.

This week we will learn about Lucifer’s fall, the

consequences of his rebellion, and the reason there

is evil in the world. We will also learn how we can

have victory through Jesus, who is called Michael in

this great controversy between good and evil.

If we are willing, God will help us choose to be on His side in the great controversy between good and evil. One day soon, Jesus will return to take us home to live with Him forever. He will put an end to sin and its results. Once again love and peace and happiness will reign throughout God’s universe!

5| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |

1n SUNDAY: HARMONY BROKENHow did sin enter the universe?

Read Luke 10:18 and 1 John 3:8.

God created all the angels innocent and holy. Lucifer

was a loyal angel loved by God and respected by the

other angels. He served next to God’s throne in His

holy temple. Lucifer’s name means “light-bearer.”

God made this angel beautiful and covered him

with precious stones. Unfortunately, Lucifer started

focusing on his own beauty. Soon pride and selfishness

led him to desire to be equal with God. Sadly Lucifer

did not desire God’s character of love. He only wanted

God’s authority and power. Instead of praising God

with his talents and skills, Lucifer was caught up in

self-adoration (see Ezekiel 28:13-17). This is how

God’s law of love was first broken in heaven.

How does the Bible describe the greatest beauty?

Read Psalm 96:9 to find the Bible’s answer:

“Oh, worship the Lord in the ______________________ of


The greatest beauty is the beauty of holiness, the

beauty of character. Focusing on outward beauty

leads to pride and to a fall. Focusing on the beauty

of heart helps us become more like Jesus.

Read the following verses and fill in the blanks using

the words that describe God’s character: 1 John

4:16; Psalm 86:15; John 3:16.

1. “But You, O Lord, are a God full of ____________________,

and ______________________, ______________________ and

abundant in ______________________ and ______________________”


2. “For God so ______________________ the ______________________

that He ______________________ ______________________

______________________ begotten ______________________, that

______________________ believes in Him should not perish

but have ______________________ life” (______________________).

3. “______________________ is ______________________, and he who

abides in ______________________ abides in ______________________,

and God in him” (______________________).

What represents the foundation of God’s

throne? Read Psalm 97:2. ______________________ and


What do you like most about God’s character?






When we come to know God, it will be easier to

make right choices. If we are willing, God will help

us choose to be on His side in the great controversy

between good and evil.

Break your memory verse into five fragments (shown below) and write each section on a different piece of paper (don’t write the numbers!). Mix up the papers and then put them back in the proper order.

1. “And war broke out in heaven:

2. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon;

3. and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail,

4. nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer”

5. (Revelation 12:7, 8).


6 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |

Self-Control for LifeLack of self-control causes many problems. It leads to diseases, addictions, broken relationships, and ruined lives. What is self-control? Self-control means setting limits on things that are good (moderation) and avoiding things that are harmful (such as tobacco and alcohol). God created us to be balanced. When you enjoy one thing in excess, you miss out on other things that are important. What happens if you play all day and forget to eat, clean yourself up, and do homework or your chores? What are the consequences? When we are connected to God and use self-control, we make wise choices. When we separate ourselves from God, we lose our self-control and make bad choices that bring suffering, guilt, and pain. Ask God to help you exercise self-control in every situation. When it is tough to use self-control, pray this promise, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (see Philippians 4:13).

HEALTH NUGGETn MONDAY: FREE TO CHOOSEWhy did God create angels with the freedom of choice?

Read Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15; and Job 34:4.

If you could choose between a robotic pet and a real

favorite pet, which one would you take? Think about

the differences. The robotic pet is programed to

make sounds and do robotic actions. But a real pet

can choose to love you. God didn’t create robots. He

gave the angels freedom to choose. Like every other

angel, Lucifer had that freedom too. But instead of

directing his praise to God, he focused on himself and

took pride in his talents. Disobedience leads to sor-

row, pain, and death. However, choosing to obey God

leads to happiness (see Romans 6:23).

What choices that you make honor God and help others?



If we are willing, God will help us choose to be on

His side in the great controversy between good and



Write your memory verse by filling in the missing words. The first letter of each missing word has been given.

“And w______________ broke out in h______________: Michael

and his angels f______________ with the d______________;

and the d______________and his angels f______________, but

they did not p______________, nor was a p______________

found for them in h______________ any l______________”

(R____________________ 12:7, 8).

7| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |


n TUESDAY: TRUST AND OBEYWhat were the steps that led to Lucifer’s fall?

Read Proverbs 3:5, 6

Sin originated first in Lucifer’s mind. Lucifer became

proud. He became jealous of God’s Son and coveted

the place of Jesus. He wanted to be equal with God.

The sins of pride, doubting, and jealousy caused

Lucifer to rebel against God. He declared war

against his Creator and went beyond the point of

no return.

Just as with the angels, our only key to happiness

and protection against evil is to trust God fully—

even in difficult times. He knows what is best for

you. In fact, He has your best interest at heart.

If we are willing, God will help us choose to be on

His side in the great controversy between good

and evil.

How can you take your focus off yourself and turn

your focus on Jesus?




Match the number written before each Bible reference with the correct sentence.

1. Proverbs 16:18 2. 1 Timothy 3:6 3. Ezekiel 28:12-18 4. Luke 10:18 5. Isaiah 14:12-14 6. Revelation 12:7-12

______ “I-problem”: thinking only of self—I, me, my, mine—and neglecting to honor God. Such attitude always leads to a fall.

______ Sin can cost us everything.

______ Pride is destructive.

______ God describes how special Lucifer was—until sin was found in him.

______ Jesus told His disciples that He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

______ Pride leads to a downfall just as the devil experienced.


Review your memory verse.

What happened in heaven and who was involved? _____________


Write where your memory verse is found.____________________________________________

King TutIn 1922 Howard Carter discovered the famous tomb of the 17-year old King Tutankhamun (“King Tut”). Carved into the gold throne was a picture of a king sitting between two winged serpents. Egyptian religion worshipped those symbols that represented Satan. In the Garden of Eden, Satan used a serpent to speak to Eve (see Genesis 3:1). But Satan’s kingdom stands on lies and disobedience and death. By contrast, God’s kingdom stands on truth and obedience and life. Before he became Satan, Lucifer was a covering cherub (see Ezekiel 28:16). Cherubs are angels who use their wings to cover God’s throne (see Exodus 25:20). It was the pride of Lucifer and his ambition to be equal to God that led to his fall. Who are you allowing to sit on the throne of your life today—yourself or God?


8 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |


Why was God patient a long time with Lucifer?

Read Exodus 34:6, 7

When was the last time you heard something like

“Don’t you know that’s my seat?” Or, “Give me back

that game. That’s mine”? Or “I was here first.”

Sound familiar? Selfishness is part of our nature.

But the sin of selfishness originated first in the

heart of Lucifer. His selfishness and pride led to

rebellion. God patiently tried to convince Lucifer

that if he persisted in selfishness he would be

separated from God and His love.

Lucifer recognized that he was wrong and that God

was just. He had a decision to make. But Lucifer

did not confess his sin. He did not return to God.

He rejected the repeated calls of God’s grace.

Definition: Sin is disobedience to God’s law.

See how sin is defined in the Bible. What is sin

according to 1 John 3:4?

___________________________ is ___________________________.

If we are willing, God will help us choose to be on

His side in the great controversy between good

and evil.


Read Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 33, 34, or Beginning of the End, pp. 7, 8, or listen to the recording of this chapter (see

“From all His creatures, God wants the service of love—service that springs from an appreciation of His character. He takes no pleasure in a forced obedience. . . . Little by little, Lucifer indulged the desire to exalt himself.” (Beginning of the End, pp. 7, 8).

1. What sin did Lucifer indulge that led to his downfall? ____________________________________________________

2. What is the only service that is acceptable to God? ____________________________________________________


Say your memory verse speaking louder the words that are bolded: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer” (Revelation 12:7, 8).

The “GreaT ConTroversy”In 1858 two books with a very similar title were published, both dealing with The Great Controversy.

In Hastings’ book, the controversy is between God and His fallen creatures. By contrast, in Ellen White’s book, the

battle from start to finish is between Christ and Satan.

Ellen White’s book shows that God created us for eternal life and happiness and that Satan brought sin, evil, and sadness into our world. It highlights God’s love for humankind, and Jesus’ final victory over Satan. We can have hope in Jesus who will soon return to restore us to His heavenly home!


9| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |

1n THURSDAY: GOD’S WORDWhat was the outcome of Lucifer’s fall?

Read Revelation 12:7-12.

Have you ever wondered, Why didn’t God destroy

Lucifer if he was the first angel to sin? Why didn’t

God destroy sin before it spread to other angels and to

human beings? Pause for a moment and think of the

scenario in the box that’s on the right.

If we are willing, God will help us choose to be on

His side in the great controversy between good and



Fill in the missing words from your memory verse. Try to do this from memory.

“And ___________ ___________ ___________ in

___________: ___________ and ___________ ___________

___________ with the ___________; and the ___________

and ___________ ___________ ___________, but they

did ___________ ___________, nor was a ___________

___________ for them in ___________ any ___________”

(___________ _____:_____, _____).


Draw and color a picture showing God’s Word, the Bible, sitting open. Then draw a big heart around the Bible. Write these words on the pages of the Bible: “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). With your parents, visit someone you know that needs God’s help. Give your picture to that person and explain how the Bible can help us be faithful to God.

Think it Through Imagine that a boy at

your school accused a teacher of being unfair. He

was able to convince other students that it was the

teacher’s fault that he did not do well in school. The

principal investigated the matter and found that the

student’s failing grades were because he did not

study. This child continued to rebel and turn other

students against the teachers and the principal. The

teachers tried to help him study but this student

persisted in his defiance. Finally the principal expelled

him. At the next school the boy continued to receive

failing grades because he did not study. He continued

to accuse teachers for his poor grades. Soon it

became evident that the student was lying and that

his poor grades reflected his lack of preparation. It

became clear to all that the teachers had been fair

and gracious in dealing with that student.

How would you explain to someone that God is just

and fair all the time (See Psalm 19:9) and that Sa-

tan is responsible for the consequences of evil in this

world? Write your answers here and discuss them

in family worship:



10 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |

n FRIDAY: YOUR RESPONSEHow can you overcome the desire to do wrong and

choose obedience?

Read 1 Peter 5:8 and James 4:7.

How you can overcome evil according to the texts

above? _________________________________________________________

In a perfect world we would always choose what

is right. But the Bible tells about the war that

started in heaven.

Who are the two opponents mentioned in

the memory text found in Revelation 12:7, 8?

__________________________ and __________________________

Read Daniel 12:1 and fill in the blanks to learn how

Michael is described in the Old Testament:

“At that time Michael shall stand up, the

_______________ _______________ who _______________

_______________ over the sons of your people.”

In the Hebrew language Michael (Mikha’el) means “who

is like God.” So the name Michael refers to Jesus. He is the

Son of God. When Lucifer wanted to be equal with God, he

coveted Michael’s place. He wanted the place of the Creator,

yet he was only a created being like every other angel.

What are some of the tools God has given us to resist

the devil? Read Psalm 119:9, 11, 105; Ephesians 6:11,

14-17. _________________________________________________________________


On separate pieces of paper, draw and color the path

lit by God’s Word and the armor of God. You can post

your illustration somewhere where you can see it. One

day everyone will be convinced that God is fair and

just. Michael won each of us back to Himself when


SpotlessThe water lily grows in lakes, ponds, marshes, and other bodies of shallow water. Though the water is stale and often grown in with algae, the water lily draws its nutrients from pure sources found deep below the surface of the water. When they blossom, water lilies reveal only beauty and perfection. Likewise, if you feed your mind and soul with what is good, pure, and holy, God will help you rise above evil and corrupting influences to reflect the perfect beauty of His character. Every time you look at a water lily, be reminded that God is calling you to live a pure and holy life. Take a stand for Him despite the bad influences that are around you. Jesus won the victory over Satan at the cross, and He longs to give you victory over temptation and sin. Only ask Him!

He died on the cross.

Choosing to love God means you are on the winning

side. Will you choose to follow and obey God out of

love for Him? This conflict is continued in our lives.

But if we are willing, God will help us choose to be

on His side in the great controversy between good

and evil.


Say your memory verse from memory for your family at worship.

11| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 1 |


MEMORY VERSE“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth’ ” (Genesis 1:26, NKJV).


n SABBATH: GOD’S WEEKLY GIFTHow do you honor the Creator on the seventh-day

Sabbath, the memorial of Creation?

Read Genesis 2:2, 3; Exodus 20:9, 10; and

1 Chronicles 29:14.

Stop for a moment and think about life on our plan-

et. Can any creature survive without the help of any

other living thing? Everything in nature is wonder-

fully connected and speaks of an all-wise Master


N Bible References: Genesis 1, 2. N Patriarchs and Prophets, chap. 2, pp. 44-51 or Beginning of the End, chap. 2, pp. 12-15.


12 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |

Perhaps you wonder, Why did God create every-

thing so wonderfully for us? The answer is simple.

“God is love” (1 John 4:8). Indeed love is the quality

that best describes the heart of our Creator. That’s

why if you look closely, you will see endless proofs

of His love for you. Just go for a walk or a hike

and if you open your eyes, ears, heart, and look

closely, you will see, hear, and feel endless proofs

of His love for you. From the glow of the tiny

firefly to the brightest star in the night sky, from

the fluttering wings of a pretty butterfly to the

singing of the birds soaring high, from the refresh-

ing scents of the little flower to the snow-capped

mountain tops, from the delightful smells drifting

through the orchards to the juicy taste of sun-rip-

ened fruits—these are just a few of the countless

reminders of God’s endless love for you.

Giving is an attribute of God. “In the beginning God

created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

As we study the book of nature, we can recognize

in everything that is good and beautiful the touch

of the Master’s hand. Each day of Creation we see

God’s generosity poured out lavishly because He

delights in giving.

We should do our best to take good care of ev-

erything God has entrusted to us. This principle is

called stewardship. One of the blessings God has

given us is time. The Sabbath is a day set aside for

our friendship with God.

How are your Sabbath activities different from those

you do during the rest of the week?

First six days of the week:





On the Sabbath:





This week we will study about how we can be good

stewards of God’s blessings. We will learn how our

God-given resources are to be used to show our

love to God and others.

Read Genesis 1 and find what God gave each day of the week:

On the first day He gave:


On the second day He gave:


On the third day He gave:


On the fourth day He gave:


On the fifth day God gave:


On the sixth day, God gave:


On the seventh-day God gave:


13| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |

n SUNDAY: THE GREATEST GIVERWhat can you learn about God’s giving character?

Read James 1:17.

God is the greatest Giver, and He created everything to

benefit others. He placed Adam and Eve in charge of the

Garden of Eden to take care of it. They were to be good

“stewards” of the garden. But God was still in control of

providing for the daily needs of all living things. He was

and is and will always rule with love in the universe.

Read James 1:17 and fill in the blanks: “Every

__________ __________ and every __________ __________ is from

__________, and comes down from the __________ __________

__________, with whom there is no __________ or __________ of


DEFINITIONS: Stewards are individuals who manage

and take care of what is entrusted to them.

Stewardship is recognizing God as the owner of

everything and faithfully taking care of the gifts

received from Him.

What are ways you show your gratitude to God for

everything He has given you?



Our God-given resources are to be used to show

our love to God and others.


Review your memory verse.

What did God want Adam and Eve to take care of?



The Story of CreationEvery major culture has a story about how humans came to exist on earth. Most of them are very different from what the Bible teaches. They are called myths because they are not historically true. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and has the only true history of creation. Any other stories about the origins of human life are just myths.

The area we now call the Middle East was at one time called the ancient Near East. People in that geographic area told various myths about creation. Some believed that the gods were tired of working hard so they created humans to be their slaves—to work for them and to get them food and drink. Then, when the people became so noisy that the gods could not sleep, they sent a flood to destroy them. What a twisted story of creation and the flood they invented!

By contrast, the Creation story in Genesis 1:26–29 shows that humans are created in God’s image and uniquely blessed; they were to rule over the animals. God gave them all seed-bearing plants and fruit trees for food. This shows that God loves us and cares about us. God also showed His care by creating and blessing the Sabbath as a holy day of rest when we get to spend time with God in a special way. We know we were created to reflect God’s character of love.


14 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |

n MONDAY: THE GIFT OF HEALTHHow are you a good steward of your health?

Read 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.

God gave Adam and Eve the best diet to eat and pure

water to drink so they would have lots of physical

energy, would think clearly, and would make wise

choices. Do you know what their diet consisted of? To

find out, read Genesis 1:29. _________________________



God also gave Adam and Eve plenty of opportunity

to exercise while they worked in the garden. Being

outdoors, they were constantly exposed to fresh air and


List the ways that you can glorify God in your body and

in your spirit? (Hint: see Health Nugget.)



Remember to keep your body as the temple of God.

Our God-given resources are to be used to show our

love to God and others.

The NEW START® acronym can remind you daily of the eight factors that contribute to good health:

N utrition: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.

E xercise: Each day exercise for at least 30 minutes (for example, walk, run, bike, swim).

W ater: Drink five to eight glasses of water every day.

S unshine: Spend at least 15 minutes outside during the day to get your natural vitamin D.

T emperance: Avoid all harmful habits and use self-control even in good practices.

A ir: Breathe deeply in the outdoors to fill your lungs with fresh air.

R est: Sleep at least eight hours each night and be early to bed, early to rise.

T rust in God: Commit all your ways to the Lord and seek to do His will (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

How can you put into practice these principles for a NEW START® today?


Using modeling clay or Play-Doh, make figures to illustrate the words

that are bolded as you repeat your memory verse.

“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our

likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the

birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every

creeping thing that creeps on the earth’ ” (Genesis 1:26).


Tips For Good Health

15| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |


Mary FranCes andrews (sepT. 29, 1861 To nov. 27, 1878)

Mary was twelve years old when she went with her father, J. N. Andrews, and her brother Charles, 16, to Switzerland as the first Adventist missionaries

to Europe. Both children were of great benefit to their father. Mary did the cooking, cleaning, and housework, and she also helped her father with editing, translating, and establishing the international missionary journal, Les Signes des Temps (The Signs of the Times).

Sadly, Mary died at the age of 17. Her father wrote in his journal: “She has fallen in the work at a time when her services had become of great value. Who is there that will rise up to take her place?”

(Mervyn Maxwell, “J. N. Andrews Life Sketch,”; James R. Nix, Passion, Purpose, and Power: Recapturing the Spirit of the Adventist Pioneers Today, p. 122).

What is a character trait that Mary Andrews displayed? _______________________ (Hint: Check the definitions you learned this week.)


Write a rebus (using pictures in place of some of the words; for

example, draw a fish in place of the word “fish”) for your memory


n TUESDAY: GIFTED TO GIVEHow do you use your intelligence, talents, and skills?

Read Luke 10:27.

God created Adam and Eve, and you as well, in His

image. You are an intelligent person who can choose

to do right and avoid what’s wrong. God gave you

strengths and talents. Have you asked God to show

you how to best use your talents and gifts? He has a

unique plan for your life. Each day your decisions can

lead you closer to the Creator if you are willing to

follow His plan.

God gave you unique talents and gifts. What are

some things at which you excel?



How does Mary Andrews’ life of service (see Time

Capsule) inspire you to make a difference in your

family, church, community, and the world?

What are ways you show God that you love Him with

all your mind? (see Luke 10:27) How do you rely on

Him to help you distinguish between right and wrong?



Our God-given resources are to be used to show

our love to God and others.

1. ELBATNUOCCA ____________________________________2. ELBADNEPED ____________________________________3. SUORENEG ____________________________________4. TSENOH ____________________________________5. ELBISNOPSER ___________________________________

6. LUFERAC ____________________________________7. TNEGILID ____________________________________8. GNIVIG ____________________________________9. ELBATIPSOH ____________________________________10. SSELFLES ____________________________________

Put the letters in the proper order to find the various characteristics of a good steward. BRAIN TEASER


16 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |

n WEDNESDAY: SPEND IT WISELYHow do you spend your money?

Read Luke 10:27.

At Creation, God gave Adam and Eve the treasures of

the earth. It was their job to cultivate and harvest

the produce in the Garden of Eden. Today He gives

the ability to earn money and to spend it responsibly.

Being responsible stewards of God’s money means

giving back a portion to Him. We do that by giving

our tithe and offerings to the church, and helping the

poor and needy. Our God-given resources are to be

used to show our love to God and others.


Matthew 25:37–40 Malachi 3:10 Genesis 28:22 Matthew 10:8

1. ____________________________ “. . . of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.””

2. ____________________________ “Freely you have received, freely give.”

3. ____________________________ “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse . . .”

4. ____________________________ “. . . inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these . . .”

Look up the following references and match them to the correct verse portion. All Bible verses are from the New King James Version.


Why did God give us work as a blessing?



How can you find joy in the work and chores you do each day?



Fill in the missing words.

“Then ______________ said, ‘Let ______________ ______________

______________ in Our ______________, according to Our

______________; let them have ______________ over the

______________ of the sea, over the ______________ of the

air, and over the ______________, over ______________ the

______________ and over ______________ ______________

______________ that ______________ on the ______________’”

(____________________ 1:26).


To find answers to the following questions, read Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 50 and 51, or Beginning of the End page 15, or the paragraph below. You may also listen to the recording of chapter 2 (see

What does the Bible in Matthew 25:14-30 say about

the qualities of a good steward?

_____________________ _____________________ ____________________

“God appointed work as a blessing, to occupy the mind, strengthen the body, and develop the abilities. . . . The true joy of life is found only by working men and women” (Beginning of the End, p. 15).

17| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |


Facts About the Honey Bee:Honey bees improve the environment and life on Earth as pollinators and producers of honey. They pick up and spread pollen as they go from plant to plant (the same type of plant on a trip). By spreading pollen, they help more plants to grow. Bees also gather nectar that is changed into honey. Bees, other animals, and us use honey as food! It is also good for medicine. Honey contains all the substances that support life: enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and water. The bee functions in a highly organized society and is a wonderful model of giving, diligence, and cooperation, all for the benefit of others. *

Another interesting example of cooperation between different species of animals is the relationship between the crocodile and the plover bird. The crocodile has the strongest bite measured of all animals in the world. Yet, this powerful animal does not close its mouth when the plover bird lands there to feed. As the bird feeds, the crocodile gets its teeth cleaned! *

Can you think of other examples of how animals and people interact to benefit each other? ___________________________________



2Review your memory verse. What is the message of the memory verse to you?






n THURSDAY: CARE FOR NATUREHow do you show care for the natural


Read Psalm 145:15, 16.

God gave us the earth in its beauty and

perfection. Although we can see the

effects of evil in the environment, we are

responsible to keep clean, healthy, and beau-

tiful surroundings. If you look around

in nature, you can see how all living

things are connected to other living

things. Each living thing God created lives

to provide resources for other living things.

Look at the illustration in the Nature Corner to

learn how God’s amazing creatures help plants, ani-

mals, and humans with what they share.

Nature provides great examples of sharing resources.

We should share our resources too! Our God-given

resources are to be used to show our love to God

and others.

Think it Through Not long ago, Jason visited

a school where students made posters about caring

for the planet. But Jason noticed that lights were left

on, faucets running, and the trash was not properly

disposed. Jason believes the students at that school

are damaging the environment.

How do you contribute to the care of the spaces

you share with other people and for God’s beautiful

world? __________________________________________________

Here is a simple exercise you can do:

Make a bird feeder and place in it seeds for birds.

Then watch for the birds and listen to their joyful


18 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |

Write out your memory verse from memory:





Teach your memory verse to your family during worship.


Take some time to go through your clothes and toys. Find some items that either you have outgrown or no longer play with—that are in good condition. Put them in a box and ask your mom or dad if they could drive you to a family in need or a community service center to drop off your box. You can add a copy of the book Steps to Christ to your package and a handwritten note with a Bible promise about God’s love for us. Your gift will make some child or several children very happy!


n FRIDAY: CARE FOR OTHERSHow can you show others God’s love?

Read Luke 10:27

God created living things to be givers—to give back

to the environment, to make things better. Animals

and plants do this naturally. Humans are intelligent

beings that can make choices. We can choose to be

selfish, to be only takers and not give back, or instead

to care for the environment and for one another.

We are all part of God’s family. “Love your neighbor

as yourself” is part of the same law that calls us to

love God with our whole being. When we dedicate

ourselves to God, and serve others out of love, we

are fulfilling God’s law of love.

How can you love others the way Jesus loves you?

What are caring ways you can share Jesus’ love with

others today? __________________________________________________


If you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, ask Him

to help you love others as Jesus does and take good

care of the wonderful world He has created. Our

God-given resources are to be used to show our

love to God and others.

19| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 2 |




MEMORY VERSE“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:3, NKJV).

n SABBATH: CREATOR AND FRIEND What does the story of Creation reveal about God?

Read Luke 10:27.

When was the last time you learned something new

about God from His Word? The Bible contains His

story. God’s Word reveals who God is and what He

is like. The first story of creation shows a powerful

God who speaks and it is done. The second story

reveals a personal God who deeply cares about us.

From your Bible reading reflect on the following

N Bible References: Genesis 2:1–3; Exodus 20:8–11N Patriarchs and Prophets, chap. 2, pp. 47, 48 and chap. 9, pp. 111–116, or Beginning of the End,

chap. 2, pp. 13, 14 and chap. 9, pp. 45–47.


20 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |

questions: What impressed you most? Why were the

two Creation stories told in the Bible?

Genesis 1 shows us that when God speaks, things

happen! Worlds appear “by the breath of His

mouth” (see Psalm 33:6)—planets, stars, solar

systems, and galaxies come into existence because

He spoke! God set their orbit path—neither too

fast nor too slow. He knows them all by name and

makes sure that none are missing! (Isaiah 40:26).

Sunrise and sunset happens every day—without

fail. At His word, everything obeys.

In Genesis 2, God uses His hands to form and shape

the human beings. Then, He breathes into Adam’s

lifeless form the breath of life! And Adam becomes

a living person! Then He takes a rib from Adam and

creates Eve. God’s crowning work resulted in two

human beings designed by a loving Creator down to

the smallest cell.

These two Creation stories reveal two sides of God.

He is all-powerful and all-wise. At the same time

He is loving and caring. If God were powerful and

not loving, we would be afraid of Him. On the other

hand, if He were loving but not powerful, we could

either not depend on Him or trust Him. But because

He is both powerful and loving, we can love and

trust Him completely. He knows you individually (see

Matthew 10:30) and wants to be part of your life

(see Jeremiah 29:11). He desires a personal relation-

ship with you (see Revelation 3:20). The great God of

the universe wants to be your Friend (see Jeremiah

1:5). What could be more amazing?

Words can never explain how big and powerful God is.

His greatness goes beyond anything we can imagine.

Sooner or later you realize how very small you are in

God’s grand universe. Our response when we realize

how big, holy, and wonderful God is, should be to bow

down and worship Him.

This week we will learn about God’s gift of time.

We will look at the seven 24-hour days that make

up our weekly cycle. We will study to understand

why God gave us the seventh-day Sabbath. We will

understand that God made the Sabbath holy to be

a special blessing in our lives.

21| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |

3n SUNDAY: CREATION WEEKWhat is the Creation story all about?

Read Colossians 1:16.

Our awesome Creator provided everything Adam and

Eve needed in order to be happy. The things of nature

showed God’s care and perfect love. Nothing was

missing! God had thought of everything to make us


Read Genesis 1:1–31. What is the chapter about?

Circle the right answer below.

a. A description of the six days of Creation

b. The creation of our world

c. The Creator

d. All of the above

What gifts did God give our first parents on each

24-hour day of Creation that we still need today?

Day 1 ________________________________________________________

Day 2 _______________________________________________________

Day 3 _______________________________________________________

FURTHER STUDYRead Patriarchs and Prophets, page 48, or Beginning of the End, pages 13, 14, or the paragraph below. You may also listen to the recording of chapter 2 (see

What are some ways you can show your gratitude for all the good things God has given? __________________________________________


“The Sabbath, ever pointing to Him who made them all, bids men open the great book of nature and trace therein the wisdom, the power, and the love of the Creator” (Beginning of the End, p. 48).

Day 4 _______________________________________________________

Day 5 _______________________________________________________

Day 6 _______________________________________________________

Day 7 _______________________________________________________

As we continue to discover God’s gifts from the week

of Creation, we are in for new surprises.


Unscramble the words below to put your memory verse back in its proper order.

God and because 2: blessed made and from rested Then which He the day Genesis had God it in seventh it all work 3 sanctified His created





22 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |

n MONDAY: DAYS OR YEARSWhat is the origin and nature of the


Read Colossians 1:16.

Six thousand years after Creation, we

still follow the weekly cycle established

during Creation. Yet many people won-

der if the days of Creation were 24 hours or thousands

of years long. What happens when you replace days

with thousand years in Exodus 20:8-11? Can you possibly

work for six thousand years before you rest?

Read Genesis chapter 1 and find the two parts of the day

that are mentioned for each day of creation. Write them

here: _________________________ and _________________________.

God didn’t need ages to create the world. When He

speaks, things happen. And when He says, “Evening

and morning,” we know He means a 24-hour day!

Think it Through“You can’t leave now; we need you!” Tim called

to Mario, who was heading off the soccer field.

“Sorry, Tim. I have some things to do to get

ready for the Sabbath,” answered Mario.

“Sabbath? It’s only Friday,” challenged Tim.

“Well, the Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday

evening and ends Saturday evening at sundown,”

replied Mario.

“My family and I worship God on that day,”

responded Mario.

“But does it really matter on what day you

worship God?” Tim wanted to know.

“What does that mean?” asked Tim.

“The Sabbath is a memorial of Creation,” said



How did we get our idea of time? We looked up into space! The measurements of time are based on movements in space. For example, it takes 24 hours for the earth to do one rotation on its axis. That’s where the time unit of a “day” comes from. The month is based on the amount of time that it takes the moon to revolve around the earth. And a year is the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun one time. What about the seven-day week? Is not the weekly cycle also tied to a cosmic event? The first pages of the Bible answer this question. The story of Creation tells how God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh day. The Sabbath that occurs every seventh-day of the week reminds us that God is our Creator!

The Origin of the Week

Answer the following questions to help you learn your memory verse.

1. What did God bless and sanctify? ______________________

2. Why did God do this? _____________________________

3. What had God done before He rested? ___________________


How would you answer Tim? What are the reasons

you keep the Sabbath? _____________________________


We keep the Sabbath because God made the Sabbath

holy to be a special blessing in our lives.

23| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |

3n TUESDAY: SEPARATE AND HOLYHow is the seventh day different?

Read Ezekiel 20:12, 20.

God set aside the seventh day from the rest of the week

to be a holy day of rest—a day to spend with Him.

How did God set aside the Sabbath? Read Genesis

2:1-5. ___________________________________________________________

God rested after the six days of creation and He

blessed the seventh day and made it holy (sanctified).

Draw and color your national flag. Your flag is a

special symbol of your nation’s history, identity,

goals, and future. Likewise, the Sabbath is a symbol

of where we come from, who we are, why we are

here, and where we are going!

God made the Sabbath holy to be a special blessing

in our lives.


Circle the correct words to fix your memory verse.“Then God honored/blessed the first/seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He relaxed/rested from all His work/activity which God had formed/created and finished/made” (Genesis 2:3).

BRAIN TEASER A description of the first six days’ events are given in the first column of the table below. Read Genesis 2:2, 3 and fill in the blank spaces in the second column with God’s actions on the seventh day.

“And God said, ‘Let there be . . .’” “And on the seventh day God _______________ His work”

“God made . . .” “and He _______________ on the seventh day from all His work”

“And God saw that it was good.” “Then God _______________ the seventh day and _______________ it”

“The evening and morning were the . . . day.” “because in it He _______________ from all His work”

What made the seventh day special? ______________________________________________________________________________

Finding TreasureArchaeologists find what survives after thousands of years. Some materials like wood, fabrics, papyrus and parchment decompose or break down and become part of the soil. Stone doesn’t.

The Egyptians, the Hittites, the Babylonians and the Assyrians recorded their greatest achievements on stone temple walls, or on mountain cliff faces. King Hammurabi of Babylon, who lived more than 1700 years before Christ, had 300 laws written on a large stone.

God’s law is eternal. It existed before the Creation of our world and it will endure forever. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt, they had forgotten to be faithful to God and obey His law. So God wrote the Ten Commandments with His own finger on stone (see Exodus 31:18). The Ten Commandments reflect God’s character of love. The Sabbath is the memorial of Creation and, as the longest of the Ten Commandments, it stands at the center of God’s law.


24 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |


What is the deeper meaning of the seventh day?

Read Exodus 20:8–11.

On the sixth day of Creation God bent down to the

ground. He gathered the dust and formed the human

body. Everything was perfect, except the human

form was lifeless. Then the Creator moved closer and

breathed into Adam the breath of life and something

wonderful happened. A bond of love was created

that would last for eternity. We share that bond

because we are His sons and daughters, and He is

our heavenly Father. Jesus taught us to address God

as “our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9).

Read Jeremiah 31:3. What words are used to

describe how God relates to us? ____________, ____________

____________, and ____________

God gives you six days to work and play. God is

present with us every day. But on the Sabbath He

is with us in a special way. On the Sabbath we are

involved in activities that help us to know God better.

List ways you can “Remember the Sabbath day to

keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8) and honor God.


A description of the first six days’ events are given in the first column of the table below. Read Genesis 2:2, 3 and fill in the blank spaces in the second column with God’s actions on the seventh day.


Come up with hand motions for your memory verse. Use your hand motions as you repeat and practice your memory verse.


Luke 23:52–56; 24:1, 2 Genesis 2:1–3 Exodus 20:11 Mark 16:1, 2

Rested after completing the work of creating us Rested after completing the work of saving us

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

After creating the earth, Christ rested and set aside the Sabbath as a day of rest. And after He died on the cross, saving us from our sins, He also rested. Find the texts and put them in the correct column.


The Sabbath is Good for Your Health!Keeping the Sabbath is good for your health. A study done by Loma Linda University showed that those who set aside everyday tasks (working, playing, shopping) have better physical and mental health than those who did not keep the Sabbath. People who rested on the Sabbath and also spent time with God in Sabbath activities (attending church services, participating in Sabbath School, studying the Bible) enjoyed additional health benefits.

Indeed, God made the Sabbath holy to be a special blessing in our lives.

25| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |



How can the Sabbath be a delight?

Read Isaiah 58:13, 14.

Relationships with our family, friends, and most

of all God are our most valuable possessions. We

all want to love and be loved, to belong, and be

appreciated. The Sabbath is a day set aside for

nurturing these relationships. We also strengthen

our relationship with God when we look at nature.

In it we see God’s wisdom, goodness, kindness,

power, and love (see Exodus 34:6).

Helen Keller was a deaf and blind girl who became

an educator. She recognized that “the best and most

beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even

touched—they must be felt with the heart.” We

experience the best and most beautiful when we

spend time with God on Sabbath.

Fill in the blanks from today’s reading (Isaiah 58:13, 14).

“If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from

doing _____________ _____________ on My holy day, and call

the Sabbath a _____________, the _____________ _____________

of the _____________ honorable, and shall _____________

FrederiCk wheeler learns oF The sevenTh-day sabbaTh

One Sunday in early 1844, Frederick Wheeler was conducting a Communion service in his Washington, New Hampshire, church. When Wheeler talked about the importance of keeping God’s commandments,

he noticed a lady who almost stood to speak!

Later Mrs. Oakes, a seventh-day Baptist, told him that keeping the commandments of God includes the fourth commandment. Elder Wheeler believed he was a commandment keeper! What did Mrs. Oakes mean? He thought, prayed, and studied

his Bible. By March 1844, he had come to understand the truth about the seventh-day Sabbath and decided to keep it!

Later several members joined him in keeping the Sabbath. Eventually that church became a Seventh-day Adventist church. The church is still there today, and visitors are welcome. (Adapted from The Story of Our Church [Pacific Press, 1960], pp. 180, 181, prepared by Department of Education, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.)



Take a walk outside and repeat your memory verse.

Him, not doing _____________ _____________ _____________,

nor finding _____________ _____________ _____________, nor

speaking _____________ _____________ _____________, then

you shall _____________ yourself in the _____________ . . .”

The Sabbath is a day of celebration and rejoicing

when we can enjoy God’s presence. God made the

Sabbath holy to be a special blessing in our lives.

Happy Sabbath

26 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |


n FRIDAY: GOD’S FAMILYHow does keeping the Sabbath impact our week?

Read 2 Corinthians 2:15 and 2 Corinthians 3:18.

When you spend time with God, He changes you. The

more you think of Him and worship Him, the more

you become like Him. These changes will show in your

attitude and behaviors. People will notice that there

is something different, pleasant about you. Perhaps in

heaven, people you never knew will thank you for your

Christlike example that had a saving influence on them.

You don’t even need to use words to influence others.

In fact, the words you say represent only 7 percent

of your communication! Your tone of voice carries

38 percent of the importance of your message. Your

facial expression and body language are even more

significant, making 55 percent of the impression when

you talk with others. Your example is worth more

than a thousand words.

Read Exodus 34:29-35 and Acts 4:13 and answer the


How was Moses changed by spending time in God’s

presence? _________________________________________________________________________


Think of someone you know that may be experiencing stress during the Sabbath hours—perhaps, they have a sick loved one at home, or are caring for multiple young children, or maybe they have been sick. Ask your parents or guardian if you could invite them over for Friday evening supper or Sabbath lunch. Be sure and help prepare the house for company and help in the kitchen fixing the meal.


For worship use one of the activities from this week’s lesson to help your family learn your memory verse.

How were the disciples changed by spending time with

Jesus? _______________________________________________________


What will happen if we spend every Sabbath with

God? ________________________________________________________


How can we influence others who are not Sabbath

keepers? _________________________________________________________________________


God made the Sabbath holy to be a special blessing

in our lives. And each Sabbath is a reminder that

we belong to God’s wonderful family and are tied

to His heart forever. You can reflect God’s love to

those around you. He is coming soon, and He wants

everyone to be ready (see Revelation 14:6-16). Will

you pass on His invitation to those you meet each day?

27| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 3 |



MEMORY VERSE“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23, NKJV).

n SABBATH: OBEDIENCE Why is it important for obedience to be tested?

Read Genesis 3.

When was a time you were faced with a choice

and because you obeyed you were protected from

harm or danger? The basic question in every test

or temptation is this: “Whom do you trust and fol-

low?” Adam and Eve had every reason to trust God

and follow His loving instructions.

N Bible References: Genesis 3, Romans 5N Patriarchs and Prophets, chap. 2, pp. 48, 49 and chap. 3, pp. 52–62, or Beginning of the End,

chap. 2, p. 14 and chap 3, pp.16–21.


28 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |

Life was happy in Eden,

the most wonderful

paradise garden. Adam

and Eve enjoyed perfect

health, strength, and

energy. They had no

idea what pain, sad-

ness, and loss were.

God had given them

every good gift for their


His friendship! They had

every reason to trust

and obey God.

While caring for the

Garden of Eden, they

discovered God’s

amazing love in the

beauty and details of

nature. Every created

thing operated in perfect order and obeyed the laws

that God set in place. Unlike the animals, Adam

and Eve had been created in God’s image to think,

reason, and make decisions.

However, there was someone in the garden who

was an enemy of God. Lucifer had rebelled against

God and had accused Him of being unfair. After his

rebellion, Lucifer became Satan and was cast out

of heaven. The Creator wanted to protect Adam and

Eve from his evil influence. That’s why Satan was

only allowed access to the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil. He was not allowed to tempt them

anywhere else in the garden. God had warned

Adam and Eve about the danger in the garden. They

had spent time with God, walking and talking with

Him face to face, so they knew that He wanted the

best for them. It was easy for them to trust and

obey Him. All they had to do was stay away from

that tree. This test of obedience would show if they

believed and trusted their Creator. The test was

simple, and the warning against disobedience was

stated clearly: “Of every tree of the garden you may

freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good

and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you

eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:16, 17).

What were the steps that led to Adam and Eve’s

fall? How could they have resisted temptation? How

do we recognize when we are being tempted? What

are ways we can resist temptation? How can we

rely on God for help? This lesson will help us answer

these and other important questions. Tests and

trials come to those who love and obey God but

faithfulness to Him will bring eternal life.

29| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |

4n SUNDAY: FACING THE TESTWhy was the devil allowed to tempt our first


Read Genesis 3:1-6.

Adam and Eve lived happily in the perfect world that

God had created for them. Nothing disturbed their

peace until one day. Eve was alone, strolling through

the garden when, a serpent caught her attention.

She was amazed to hear the animal speak in human

language. But it wasn’t the serpent that had spoken

to Eve.

Who used the serpent to disguise his evil intentions

(see Revelation 12:9)?

“So the great _______________ was cast out, that

_______________ of old, called the _______________ and

_______________, who _______________ the whole world.”

The Bible teaches that everyone is tested, without

exception. The results of a test of obedience will

show whom we trust.

How were some people in the Bible tested?

Genesis 22:1 ___________________________________________________________

Deuteronomy 8:2 _______________________________________________________________

Job 1, 2 _________________________________________________________________________

Matthew 4:1-4 ___________________________________________________________________

Tests and trials come to those who love and obey

God but faithfulness to Him will bring eternal life.


Hiding in the OpenDid you know that some animals blend in with their surroundings and look like sticks or leaves or stones to hide from predators? A certain type of locust has marks that make it look like a bee or a wasp. The owl butterfly has spots on its wings that look like the eyes of an owl. Scientists have found that when pictures of the butterfly’s wings were shown to birds that are predators of this butterfly, they flew away.

Some animals use camouflaging to hide from their predators. But Satan uses this form of disguise to trap innocent souls. Eve would have recognized Satan and would not have been deceived if he had appeared to her as an angel. We need to be alert and pray for wisdom to be able to recognize Satan’s deceptions and resist his temptations through God’s power.


Write each word of your memory verse on an index card or a piece of paper. Put the cards or papers in a gift box or bag. Draw one card or paper out at a time and put your memory verse in the correct order.

30 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |


What steps led to Eve’s sin that plunged humanity

into misery?

Read Genesis 2:17.

God warned Adam and Eve to stay away from the

tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were

not to eat from this tree (see Genesis 2:17). Eve was

warned to stay with Adam because together they

would be in less danger of the deceiver. But Eve had

wandered away and now she was standing in front

of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—with-

out Adam! And instead of running away, she stayed

and talked to the serpent.

Read Genesis 3:1-6 and put the correct verse next to

the steps Eve took that opened the door of temptation.

1.She stopped and listened. Verse __________

2.She replied and spoke to the serpent. Verse __________


Sing the first part of your memory verse in a deep, sad voice and the second part in a higher, happier voice. Don’t forget to include where the verse is found in the Bible.

3.She looked and liked what she saw. Verse __________

Satan tempts and deceives us by appealing to our

desires in an attractive way. However, we are

made in God’s image to think and make choices

between good and evil. But because of our fallen

nature, we also need God’s Word to help us rec-

ognize Satan’s deceptions. We also need to ask for

God’s help in using self-control to resist tempta-

tions. Read about self-control in this week’s Health


Tests and trials come to those who love and obey

God but faithfulness to Him will bring eternal


What happened at the tree of knowledge of good and evil that led to Eve’s fall? Read the following statements and match them with the correct Bible reference.

1. GENESIS 3:42. GENESIS 2:16, 17 3. GENESIS 3:14. GENESIS 3:2, 35. GENESIS 3:56. GENESIS 3:1–5

_________ Serpents do not talk. Satan camouflaged himself to deceive Eve.

_________ Eve stayed, listened and talked to the Tempter.

_________ Eve added to what God had said in Genesis 2:17.

_________ Satan suggested that the only way to be like God was to know good and evil.

_________ The Deceiver cast doubt on God’s authority and on His Word: “Has God indeed said?”

_________ Satan suggested that God was selfishly keeping something good from them.

_________ The Enemy makes it appear that God is wrong and gives the impression that he is right.

_________ God had said not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


31| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |

4n TUESDAY: FREE TO CHOOSEWhat was the test of obedience?

Read Proverbs 3:5, 6.

God created Adam and Eve to love and be loved.

Love isn’t just a feeling, it is an action word. Adam

and Eve’s chance to prove their love for God came

in the form of a test of obedience at the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil. That was the only place

where Satan was allowed to tempt them. God had

warned Adam and Eve to stay away from this tree.

He didn’t want them to experience pain and live with

the consequences of sin.

God’s Methods: • God tests.

• God tests to refine our character.

• God tests to save us.

• God is a protector of His children.

• God uses honesty, fairness, and truthfulness.

Satan’s Methods: • Satan tempts.

• Satan tempts in order to ruin us.

• Satan tempts in order to destroy us.

• Satan is the attacker of God’s children.

• Satan uses dishonesty, falsehood, and deception.

Tests and trials come to those who love and obey

God but faithfulness to Him will bring eternal life.


Read Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 53 or Beginning of the End, pp. 16, 17, or the paragraph below and answer the following questions.

How do you prepare to face the tests of obedience? To whose voice are you listening? ___________________________________

“The tree of knowledge had been made a test of their obedience and their love to God” (Beginning of the End, p. 16).


Can you decode your memory verse? Each letter you see in the code below is the first letter of each word in your memory verse.

F T W O S I D , B T G O G I E L I C J O L . R 6 : 2 3____________________________________________




God created humans with a much larger frontal lobe than He did other creatures on earth. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that helps us make decisions. It gives us the ability to worship God and seek His will. It helps us to feel true sympathy, compassion, and love for others. For true love to exist, it must be freely given. It requires complete freedom of choice. That is why God created beings who are capable of love and who have freedom of choice. Notice the differences in size of the frontal lobes between animals and human beings.

Size of Frontal Lobe





32 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |


Read Genesis 3 and Matthew 4 and write the correct name beside each person’s responses to temptation:

Did not use God’s Word correctly. __________________________

Argued with the devil. ________________________________

Overcame the devil. _________________________________

Refused to argue with the devil. __________________________

Used God’s Word to resist the devil. ________________________

n WEDNESDAY: LIFE OR DEATHWhat were the consequences of the Fall?

Read Luke 8:49-55.

Adam and Eve’s disobedience caused separation

from God—their Source of life and and they began

to slowly decline until their death.

What did God say? (Genesis 2:17) “For in the day

that you eat of it _____________ _____________ _____________


What did Satan say through the serpent? (Genesis

3:4) “_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________


Satan is still deceiving people with this lie that the

soul is immortal and continues to live after death.


To help you remember your memory verse, answer the following questions.1. What is the wages of sin? __________________________

2. What is the gift of God? ___________________________

3. How do we get this gift? ___________________________

ellen learns abouT sleep oF deaTh

Mrs. Harmon and one of her daughters learned from a sermon that after death a person’s soul doesn’t continue to live, nor does it go to heaven. Instead the dead sleep in their graves until the resurrection at Jesus’ Second Coming. From

her mother and sister Ellen learned about death as a sleep and the resurrection at Jesus’ Second Coming (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18). [Adapted from Life Sketches [Pacific Press®, 1915), pp. 48–51.]


Finding TreasureIn the tomb of king Thutmose III, archaeologists found what the Egyptians believed to be the “map to eternal life” with a winged serpent on it. For thousands of years, the Egyptians were fooled into thinking that a serpent god would lead dead people into another life. Eve was fooled by Satan who disguised himself into a serpent and promised eternal life but instead he brought death into our world. Only God gives life and He gives eternal life to those who love and obey Him. The eternal, immortal life begins at the second coming of Jesus when “the dead will be raised incorruptible” (1 Corinthians 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonnians 4:13-17).


33| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |


In the box below, find the letters that finish each word in your memory verse.“F_______ the wa_______ of s_______ is de_______, b_______ the gi_______ of G_______ is eter_______ li_______ in Chr_______ Jes_______ o_______ Lo_______” (Ro___________ 6:23).

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We need supernatural help from God to resist the devil’s attacks and temp-tations. How can we get this superhuman help? (See Ephesians 6:12-18.) Label the picture with the parts of the armor of God:

Armor of God



How can we overcome temptation?

Read Ephesians 6:12-17.

Adam and Eve were tested and they failed. Jesus

was tempted and He remained faithful to God! If the

angels were tested, if Adam and Eve were tested,

if Jesus was tested, and everyone before us was

tested, what can we expect?


It is by the choices you make that you either win

or lose. There is no middle ground! Every word of

God—hidden in your heart, stored in your mind,

and lived in your life will help protect you from

temptations and sinning. Ask yourself: How am I

storing God’s Word in my heart to resist temptation?

How am I praying for God’s help when I am tempted?

How do I invite God into my life every morning?

Tests and trials come to those who love and obey

God but faithfulness to Him will bring eternal life.

34 | Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |


Where do you turn for help when you are tempted?

Read Revelation 21:7.

Temptations are not sin. Sin is when a temptation

leads to action. Sin can begin when you allow your

mind to dwell and think about something you know

is wrong. Thankfully, by the power of Jesus, we can

resist any temptation that comes our way.

Think it Through School is over and you and

your best friends, Anne and Mark, are out riding bikes.


Say your memory verse from memory for worship.


Death is the result of sin entering our world. We have all sinned, but Jesus forgives our sins if we love, obey, and follow Him. At His second coming, the dead in Christ and those alive will all meet the Lord together. Send a sympathy card to a family that has recently lost a loved one. Sympathy cards are for encouraging those who grieve. Include your favorite Bible verse that tells them God loves them and they can find hope in Him and in the promise of His soon return.

I’m sorry for your loss.

In a dense patch of trees, you stop to catch your breath.

“Hey, look—a bike!” says Mark. “Let’s take it. I think we

can sell it for good money.” “Good idea!” exclaims Anne.

You know that what your friends suggested isn’t right.

The locked bike belongs to someone else. How would you

respond? How can you resist the temptation of giving in

to peer pressure?

Tests and trials come to those who love and obey God

but faithfulness to Him will bring eternal life.


All the texts below are promises to anyone who is faithful and ready when Jesus comes. To overcome means to have the victory over sin.

Revelation 2:7 Revelation 3:5 Revelation 2:11 Revelation 3:21 Revelation 2:17 Revelation 3:12 Revelation 2:26

1.“. . . shall not be hurt by the second death.” ____________________________________________________________________

2. “. . . I will grant to sit with Me on My throne . . .” ________________________________________________________________

3.“. . . shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life . . .” ___________________________________

4. “. . . I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God . . .” ___________________________________________________________

5. “. . . and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations.” ____________________________________________

6. “. . . I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name . . .” ______________________

7. “. . . I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” __________ _____________ _____________ ___________ .

35| Year 1 | Qtr 1 | Lesson 4 |

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Department

12501 Old Columbia Pike | Silver Spring, MD 20904 | 301-680-6182


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