year 2 english test 1.docx

Year 2 English Test 1 Name: _____________________________________ 1. Can you arrange the letters in heavy type to form words? We had a lovely prupes ______________ last night. Mum cooked some hfsi _____________ and chips and some seap ______________. Then we had an lepa ______________ crumble and cream. I was still hungry so I had some biscuits, ttubre ______________ and hsceee ______________. 2. In each of the following lines underline the word that means the same as the word on the left. often seldom always frequently never sometimes conceal hide stick show confess confide repair break repast remain make mend abandon bandage leave collect lose find remote surrounding near mean distant close

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Year 2 English Test 1

Name: _____________________________________

1. Can you arrange the letters in heavy type to form words?

We had a lovely prupes ______________ last night. Mum cooked some

hfsi _____________ and chips and some seap ______________. Then we had an

lepa ______________ crumble and cream. I was still hungry so I had some biscuits,

ttubre ______________ and hsceee ______________.

2. In each of the following lines underline the word that means the same as

the word on the left.

often seldom always frequently never sometimes

conceal hide stick show confess confide

repair break repast remain make mend

abandon bandage leave collect lose find

remote surrounding near mean distant close

3. Fill in the following spaces with either ‘to’, ‘too’ or ‘two’.

a. There are ___________ girls here.

b. I will give it ____________ him.

c. Steven said that Paul and his brother went ____________.

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4. Some words can be given an opposite meaning by putting the prefix ‘un’

or ‘dis’ in front of them. Can you identify the correct prefixes for these


_____selfish _____ certain

_____honest _____order

_____agree _____common

5. Underline the verbs.

As he was late, the boy ran to the station. He hurried on to the platform and

boarded the train a second or two before the guard waved his flag and the train

moved away.

Now the train was steaming off at the top speed, puffing out a massive cloud of

smoke from its chimney. Suddenly, an alien landed onto the steaming train, put its

hand through an open window and pulled the emergency chain.

6. Fill in the spaces with the plurals of the words in bold.

We say one woman but two ____________

We say one box but two ____________

We say one leaf but three ____________

We say one man but four ____________

We say one foot but two ____________

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7. Write each mixed up words in bold correctly in the space.

"That hsoue ____________ is for sale," said Mum.

"I khint ____________ we will have a look at it."

They opened the geta ____________ and went up the hapt ____________

There were wot ________ tseer ________ in the garden.

8. Complete these sentences with ‘there’ or ‘their’.

a. I waited ________ until my mother arrived.

b. Everyone enjoyed ________ visit to the Zoo.

c. ________ is the library.

d. Don't go over ________ because the ground is muddy.

e. The children left________ coats over ________

f. ________ house is over ________ by the pond.

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9. Read the comprehension below and answer the questions below.

One day in a country that had a lot of hills and mountains a mouse was climbing a hill when it met a mountain goat. The mountain goat said, “Do not go to the top of the hill, mouse.” “Why not?” asked the mouse. “If you go to the top of the hill you will see what is on the other side and you will not like it,” replied the mountain goat.

The mouse took no notice of the mountain goat and climbed higher. Soon it met another mountain goat. “Do not go to the top of the hill, mouse,” warned the second mountain goat. “Why not?” asked the mouse. “If you go to the top of the hill you will see what is on the other side and you will not like it,” replied the second mountain goat.

The mouse took no notice of the mountain goat and climbed higher. Soon it met another mountain goat. “Do not go to the top of the hill, mouse,” warned the third mountain goat. “Why not?” said the mouse. “If you go to the top of the hill you will see what is on the other side and you will not like it,” said the third mountain goat.

The mouse took no notice of the mountain goat and soon reached the top of the hill. Looking down at the other side the mouse saw a little village where everything was made of cheese. As it scurried down the hill toward the village the mouse thought to itself, “Never trust a mountain goat to tell the truth.”

1) Which words in the first line tell you the land was not low and flat?


2) Who are the characters in this story?



3) What did the mouse see from the top of the hill?



4) Why do you think the mouse scurried down the other side of the hill?
