yazd, towers of silence2

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): http://www.authorstream.com/Edit/page/1/michaelasanda-1376673-yazd7 Thank you! On the southern outskirts of Yazd, there are two hilltop circular building, known as Dakhmeh-ye-Zartushtioon or Towers of Silence. To preclude the pollution of earth or fire, the bodies of the dead are placed atop a tower—a tower of silence—and so exposed to the sun and to birds of prey. Thus, "putrefaction with all its concomitant evils... is most effectually prevented.“


  • 1. http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/michaelasanda-1376673-yazd7/

2. On the southern outskirts ofYazd, there are two hilltopcircular building, known asDakhmeh-ye-Zartushtioon orTowers of Silence.La periferia sudic a orauluiYazd exist dou enormeturnuri circulare construite pevrful celor dou coline,cunoscute sub numele deDakhmeh-ye-Zartushtioonsau turnurile tcerii.Recognized by UNESCO as holding one of the oldestarchitecture all over the world Internet images 3. Zoroastrians have always been populous inYazd. Even now roughly ten percent of thetowns population adhere to this ancientreligion. To preclude the pollution of earth orfire the bodies of the dead are placed atop atowera tower of silenceand so exposedto the sun and to birds of prey. Thus,"putrefaction with all its concomitant evils... ismosteffectually prevented.Adepii Zoroastrismului au fost totdeaunanumeroi n Yazd, chiar i acum depind10% din populaie. Pentru a excludepoluarea pmntului sau a focului (sacru)cadavrele sunt aezate n aa numiteleturnuri ale tcerii, expuse la soare i oferitevulturilor ca hran. n acest fel putrefacia,cu toate relele sale este prevenit cel maieficient 4. The guardian of the sitePaznicul turnurilor tcerii 5. Constructions for ritual death and mourning customsConstrucii destinate ceremoniilor i ritualurilor de pregtire i jelire a morilor 6. In the Iranian Zoroastrian tradition, the towers were built atop hills orlow mountains in desert locations distant from population centers.n tradiia iranian, turnurile tcerii au fost construite pe culmi, nlocuri pustii, la distan de centrele populate. 7. A Tower of Silence or Dakhma is a circular, raised structure used by Zoroastrians for exposure of the dead.Turnurile tcerii (Dakhma) sunt structuri circulare ridicate pe culmi, folosite de zoroastrieni pentru cei mori 8. In the early twentieth century, the IranianZoroastrians gradually discontinued their useand began to favor burial or cremation. InYazd and Kerman, in addition to cemeteries,orthodox Zoroastrians continued to maintain adakhma until the 1970s when the dakhmaswere shut down by law.n secolul al XX-lea, zoroastrienii iranieni auntrerupt treptat utilizarea turnurilor tcerii iau nceput s accepte nmormntarea sauincinerarea. n Yazd i Kerman zoroastrieniiortodoci au continuat s le foloseasc pnn 1970 cnd au fost interzise prin lege,devenind o atracie turistic 9. The term "Tower of Silence" is a neologism attributed to Robert Murphy, who, in 1832, was a translator of the British colonialgovernment in India. It is not the literal meaning of "Avestan (sic) dakhma" as suggested by the Encyclopdia Britannica.Denumirea de Turnul tcerii este un neologism atribuit lui Robert Murphy, care, in 1832, era translator la guvernul colonialbritanic din India. 10. Yazd with the area of 131,551 km is situated at an oasis where the Dasht-e Kavir desert and the Dasht-e Lut desert meet, thecity is sometimes called "the bride of the Kavir" because of its location, in a valley between Shir Kuh, the tallest mountain in theregion at 4075 m. above sea level, and Kharaneq.Yazd, cu suprafata de 131,551 km , este situat n oaza n care se ntlnesc deerturile Dasht-e Kavir i Dasht-e Lut. Orauleste uneori numit mireasa din Kavir", din cauza aezrii sale, n valea dintre Shir Kuh, cel mai nalt munte din regiune (4075metri altitudine) i Kharaneq. 11. Until this custom was forbidden in 1970, the Zoroastrians exposed their dead to the birds in "towers of silence (dakhmeh).Pn cnd aceast practic a fost interzis prin lege n 1970, zoroastrienii expuneau trupurile celor decedai n Turnurile Tcerii(dakhmeh), lsndu-le prad vulturilor i soarelui. 12. There are two towers near Yazd, built in the nineteenth century according to a design from India, where many Zoroastrians live. Atthe terrace at the top, the dead were exposed, and devoured by birds. In this way, neither the earth nor the sacred fire were soiled.Lng Yazd exist nc dou turnuri, construite n secolul XIX dup planuri din India, unde triesc muli zoroastrieni. Pe terasasuperioar erau expuse trupurile pentru a fi devorate de psri iar oasele albite de soare. n acest fel nu erau poluate saupngrite nici pmntul nici focul. 13. Although the towers date back to the nineteenth century, the custom to expose the dead on towers is mentioned in the lateSasanian age. Exposure (without towers) is mentioned even earlier. The Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus wrotein the fifth century BCE that the bodies of the Magians (who were not necessarily Zoroastrians) were exposed.Dei aceste turnuri dateaz din secolul al XIX-lea, obiceiul de a expune morii n turnurile tcerii este menionat nc dinperioada sassanid trzie. Expunerea (fr turnuri) este certificat chiar mai devreme. Istoricul Herodot din Halicarnas scriela sfritul secolului V .Hr. despre cutuma expunerii cadavrelor 14. The towers, which are fairly uniform in their construction, have an almostflat roof, with the perimeter being slightly higher than the center.Turnurile, destul de uniforme n construcia lor, au o platform aproapeplat, puin nclinat spre centru, unde este o groap 15. The custom to expose the dead on mountain summits still exists in modern Tibet, where it is called an "air burialObiceiul de a expune morii pe culmile munilor exist nc n Tibet unde este numit nmormntare n aer 16. Inside the round walls at the top of the male Tower we found a circular hollow where thebodies were laid out for the birds and the priest would have performed the rituals for thedead. The bodies would always have been laid out on stones so that they didnt directlytouch the earth and contaminate it. They would be placed in a sitting position and the priestwho oversaw the process would watch to see which of the bodies two eyes were pluckedout first - apparently its good luck if the right eye goes before the left.Dup depunerea mortului n dakhmas, membriifamiliei trebuiau s fac o baie i timp de 3 zile snu mnnce carne. n ziua a patra se aduceauofrande i se fceau rugciuni, deoarece se credeac sufletul se afl n faa lui Mithra pentru a-i fi pusen balan faptele. Nu era ngduit s se plng lamori. Se fceau apoi slujbe de pomenire asufletului la 10 zile, la 30 i anual. 17. At the base of the towers were a covered well and few buildings for the family of the dead to prepareand wash the body and to stay during the mourning periodLa poalele dealului exist o fntn acoperit cu dom i cteva cldiri pentru familia celui decedatpentru pregtirea i splarea trupului i pentru perioada de ndeplinire a ceremonialului 18. concrete lined graves in the small graveyard near the Towers 19. The towers have not been used since the 1970s when the citys Muslim rulers decreed that havingbodies left around to be eaten isnt exactly hygienic so today the dead of the Zoroastrian communityin Yazd are buried in concrete lined graves in the small graveyard near the Towers.Turnurile nu au mai fost folosite din anul 1970 cnd conducerea musulman a oraului a decretat cnu este igienic s lai corpurile s fie devorate aa c azi morii comunitii zoroastrienilor suntngropai n micul cimitir de la poalele colinei n morminte de beton cptuite 20. Houses of priests and nasasalarsAt the funeral ceremony, two priests in paiwand, that is, connected to each other by a white strip of cloth, stand three pacesaway from the corpse. The two nasasalars, (corpse-bearers) who sit near the body, are also in paiwand, connected to eachother, by an old kusti held in their hands. This connection is important as the ritual strength of two human beings is deemedto be greater than the pollution and contamination of the demons who are said to surround the body and cause it to putrefy. 21. Houses of priests and nasasalars 22. The after-life ceremonies reflect the doctrinal principals of the faith and the laws of purity are strictly adhered to, as any formof impurity is allied to the Evil Spirit. Hence, after the ritual bath is administered to the corpse, no person, except the nasalars(corpse-bearers) are allowed to touch the corpse for reasons of ritual contamination. All the prayers and rituals are gearedand directed to keep at bay the corpse demon, which attacks the body. The body is placed upon three flat stone slabs, for thefuneral ceremony, and a rectangular shallow line of sand is laid around it to cordon it off, ritually from the living attending thefuneral ceremony. 23. Houses of priests and nasasalarsCasele preoilor i a cioclilor (singurii care mai aveauvoie s ating mortul dup ce acesta era splat imbrcat n alb) 24. Houses of priests and nasasalars 25. The semi-circular brick lined dome, visually much alike a Buddhist stupa, isa Water reservoirs, or ab anbar, as it is locally knownDomul semicircular cptuit cu crmid care pare mai degrab o stupbudist este un rezervoarele de ap (numit ab anbar de localnici) 26. Zoroastrians believe that the sun, with its life-giving quality, has the powerful effect of destroying pollutants and disintegratingthe flesh. After exposure to the sun and once the vultures have stripped the body of its flesh, the skeletal remains werecollected and placed in stone ossuaries by the early Iranians and later laid within specially erected structuresZoroastrienili au credina c soarele, cu puterea lui dttoare de via, are un puternic efect de distrugere a poluanilor i dedezintegrare a crnii. Dup expunerea la soare i dup ce vulturii au curit trupul de carne, scheletul rmas i albit de soareera colectat i introdus n osuare de piatr 27. DEATH, in Zoroastrianism, is seen as the temporary triumph of the Evil Spirit Ahriman whoseinherent nature, according to the Good Religion, is to cause destruction in the physical world.MOARTEA, n zoroastrism, este vzut ca un triumf temporar a lui Ahriman, duhul cel ru, a cruinatur inerent, conform Religiei Adevrate, este de a provoca distrugerea n lumea fizic. 28. Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda FoioreanuNicoleta Leu Arangement: Sanda Foioreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasandaSound: Zoroastrian music - Sina Vodja