yay! i’m so glad to see you today! we’re learning all...yay! i’m so glad to see you today!...


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Post on 20-Mar-2020




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Yay! I’m so glad to see you today! We’re learning all about our MIGHTY and AWESOME God who made us to do amazing things even when we’re still kids.

• I have a question for you, who can do what God wants you to do? (I can do what God wants me to do!)

• That’s right, YOU can do what God wants you to do!

• Did you know that God wants us to talk to Him? He does! We do that by praying! Let’s pray!

Lead kids in prayer. There are so many things I love about coming to church! I love to see all of you, and I love to learn how deep and wide God’s love for us is.

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (1)

He loves taking care of His sons and daughters. Let’s get up on our feet and thank God for taking care of us!

It’s time to practice our memory verse. Are you ready?

God made (point both hands up) us to do (point to self and others) good works. (thumbs up) Ephesians 2:10 (Open your hands like a book.)

(Repeat two more times.)

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (2)

My heart fills up with joy hearing you speak God’s words! Have you shared this verse with your parents yet? How about your brother and sister? How about all your good friends? Make sure you share it with them today! Are you ready to sing another song with me? (Pause.) You are? Let’s sing about how you can shine your light!

• That song was fun! Now let’s check in with Maddie, Harper, and Jaden. Those are our friends from the Wonder Clubhouse.

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (3)

Oh no! Harper broke the strings on Jaden’s guitar! Ollie wants to show her a TRUE story from the Bible on doing the right thing. Today we are going to check in with a pretty cool kid who was crowned King when he was just eight years old! He would grow up to be a mighty man of God! On the count of 3, I want everyone to yell ”Action”. Ready? 1… 2… 3… Action!

• I’m so glad that Harper is going to do the right thing and help fix Jaden’s guitar.

• She did the right thing just like King Josiah did.

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (4)

• The Bible says that in his eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, Josiah began to seek God.

• He would grow up being a king that did what God would want him to do!

• So tell me, who can do what God wants them to do?

I can do (stomp after each word) what God wants me (spin) to do! (jump in the air)

• Raise your hand if you’re a kid. (Pause.) So, if Josiah could follow God and do what God wanted him to do, do you think you can too?

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (5)

• It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, big or small, you can do what God wants you to do!

• He has a very special plan for each and every one of us. Just like Josiah had an awesome story on how He followed God, you can have one too!

• Let’s take a moment to pray! Dear God, thank You for Josiah and all the awesome ways he showed that he loved You by doing the right thing. Help us to do what you’ve asked us to do too. It doesn’t matter if we’re three or four or five, You can help us do what You want us to do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

• Now let’s get up on our feet and worship God with one more song!

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (6)

Great time of worship everyone! Jut like our song said, we can do all things because our God can help us and He makes us strong! Want to be a kid that rocks and makes a difference?

• You can let others know that they are NOT FORGOTTEN and that Jesus loves them!

• How do we do this? With our offering! When we give our offering, the money is used to get God’s Good News of love to the world! It’s also a way to thank God for all He’s given to us.

PS Rock 2 WK 3 (7)

All month long, we will be collecting school supplies! You can bring in supplies like new crayons, folders, paper, notebooks, pencils, and scissors!

Guess what’s coming up NEXT week? Fruity drinks with little umbrellas. C'mon girls, c'mon fellas. Flowered skirts and limbo sticks,beach balls and silly pics. Grab a friend and don't be late!Just be sure to save the date! Next weekend we’re going to have summer fun with some Tiki Time! Come wearing a fun tropical Tiki inspired outfit! We’re going to have fun games and a yummy treat. Make sure to invite a friend! I had a blast today! Thanks for joining me! Hope to see you next week. PS Rock 2 WK 3 (8)