yap contest deadline nears

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  • 8/13/2019 YAP Contest Deadline Nears



    The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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    For Immediate Release CONTACT:

    National Park ServiceJodi rench!"urr#$%!%&'!(()#$%!'*%!(++'

    2014 Yout Arts i! te Par"s Art Co!test #eadli!e Near

    $le! %ea!& 'est (ir)i!ia& %a!uar* +1& 2014, Nature inspires artists of all ages- Students can

    demonstrate their creativity through the Youth Arts in the Parks art contest part of Ne/ 0iver 1orge

    2ildflo/er 2eekend 3April (' 4 (*5. The art /ork of contest finalists /ill be sho/cased at Tamarack in

    "eckley and on!line in April helping all in our community see the ama6ing natural diversity of Appalachian

    ecology. The art entry deadline for Youth Arts in the Parks is almost here. Students must submit their

    entries to a receiving station by ebruary +&.

    This nature art contest is open to all 7 4 +( grade students in ayette Nicholas 0aleigh and Summers8ounties. Students may use a variety of mediums to create a /ork of art inspired by a spring Appalachian/ildflo/er native to the Ne/ 0iver 1orge area of 2est 9irginia. 8omplete contest information rules list ofaccepted /ildflo/er species and entry form are available on!line at ///.nps.gov)neri)youth!arts!in!the!parks.htmor///.tamarack/v.com)gallery)youthartsintheparks.aspx. 8ontest art entries must be handdelivered to a contest art receiving station bet/een ebruary : and +& ($+%. ;ere is list of this year

    ebruary +$ 4 +% at the follo/ing public schools during school hours> ?ivide @lementary School Attn> 8hristy 1ill Propps 0idge 0d. ookout

    iberty ;igh School Attn> TonBa 0aines +*$$ 8oal 0iver 0d. 1len ?aniels

    2oodro/ 2ilson ;igh School Attn> Sandi Sha/ %$$ Stanaford 0d. "eckley

    Nicholas 8ounty ;igh School Attn> Pam 8ox #$ 1ri66ly 0d. Summersville

    ebruary : 4 +& at the follo/ing National Park Service 9isitor 8enters C>$$ am 4 '>$$ pm daily

    8anyon 0im 9isitor 8enter Attn> Jodi rench!"urr ayette Dine 0d. ansing

    Sandstone 9isitor 8enter Attn> ?ave "ieri Deado/ 8reek 0d. Sandstone

    Join this celebration of nature in Appalachian through art /ith Youth Arts in the Parks-

    A,out te Natio!al Par" -er.i/eEXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICAThe National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all mayexperience our heritage. or more information about the National Park Service visit http>))///.nps.gov.

    Emage caption> ady Slipper by Daya Dills #rd1rade Ne/ 0iver 1orge earning 8o Fp ($+# =outh Artsin the Parks participant.


    New River Gorge

    National River

    P. O. Box 246

    104 Main Street

    Glen Jean, WV 2!46

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    Natio!al Par" -er.i/e

    U- #eartme!t o te I!terior
