yakima herald (yakima, wash.) 1898-04-14 [p 9] · 11111 county..hut is (iuint| nn in the...

11111 COUNTY ..hut Is (iuint| nn in the Netghtofiig Towns and Villages. brief it:kso\al M'.KS NOTES Psrstrspbs of s Social sad Gossipy . sturc. Written Especially for "The Herald" Readers by Up-to-Date FORT SIMCOE. Apple blossoms have come attain. Mrs. McCaw will visit Yakima Satur- day. Msj. Jay Lynch returned frum Spokane today. C. H. Harris of Yakima is visiting Rev. ami Mrs. Helm. Baby Asburv bas a handsome new- carriage direct from Chicago. Mr. Etubree and daughter have re- turned from a brief trip to Yakima. New siinlioniieta are the latest at the Fort lor lawn tennis nnd croquet. 11l sirs. Lewis and Stein arc progress ing rapidly with the work on the agency buildings. Hurt I'arton of Toppenieli is visiting relatives, Mrs. Stalen and little daughter, nf the Fort. Baby Anbury, six monthf of age, cele- brated Easter service by wearing his first short dress. Mr. and Mrs. (iiluian and Mrs. Jay Lynch report success and a delightful time on their fishing and game expedi- tion of recent date. Charles Whittaker will soon have com- pleted commodious apartments for t tie school mess, which will he greatly ap- preciated. Farmer Churchward has declared war against the feline population, s*x brave pussies this week rrnsecd tin Riverol Death which flows inn Ihe shadows of "Etpnokylsm " Nov won't some patri- otic citiaen aid his country by extermi- nating ih" canine population of the Kurt'.' The little chapel was very tastefully ileciraieii with bunting and Oregon grape for the Baoter cervices last Suinl ly even ing. Following was the pmgrntu of ex- ercises: Easter song, "Joy," by the echiKil children; prayer, Key. Helm; solo, "Child's Evening Hymn," Charlie Church; Kaster Carol by six little girls; solo, "Jesus Loves Me," little Annie Mil- ler; solo, "Beautiful Hands," Eugene Harvey; solo, "Evening Prayer," Km- uiaSpence; caste.* address, Key. Ilelin; son/, "He is Risen," school children. All tlie children had their pieces well learned,.and we are glad to know that the parents and patrons oi Ihe ecbool ap predate the work that is being done in this department nf Ihe scbnol by their teacher, Miis Fool. When we think that little Annie Miller, 5 yetra oil, a full bin I Indian, could not speak a word of Kn.'lish eighteen months ago, and can now speak and sing corrective litile King of (our verses, it i. simply marvel- one, a tal proves that the Indian can learn. AHTANUM. Miss 1.;/./.!(• Meehnur is quite sick. Muster Clyde Stuart has a new bicycle. Curl Cox was on the Ahtanum Friday evening. Mr. Woodcock has purchased a new phaeton fur his muther. Val Myers, Of North Yakima, was au AlitMiiiim visitor Sunday. Prof. Hull, of Yakima, was an Ahtanum visitor last week. Ray Urkenhraek has quit working for Mr. Ki-liardaun. Mipb Nina l'rkenbra-.'k expects to go to town soon to work. - The church services were well attended Easter Sunday and enjoyed by all. 11 nli- Minner purchased several ladies' cook aprons at the fair. Wonder what for. James Stuart, who is working on the Matches, visited bis home Saturday and Sunday. Henry Taylor wm calle.l home last Friday on account of hid mother being very sick. Misses Carrie Kollina and Minnie Ellis went to Tampico to vis.t Miss Carrie's sister, Mrs. }\u25a0'.. I*.. Card. Miss Vi.lu Wardls atlended the social Friday ni^ht. Ulad to have her among the I/3wer Ahtanum people a^uu. Miss Annie (jiheon, of Moxee, has the district school, snd began teaching last Monday. She will Imard with Mrs. Viv- ian. The social given Friday night by the Ladies Aid Society wss a decided success. Ih" l-'.HS'er gifts were quickly sold and were enjoyed by sll. Tbe program was as follows: Sons; Merrily, Merrily (toes Our Bark Chnlr. Recitation Miss Ktlia Henderson Horiß—Choir. Hurt . Misses Msuite Vivian and Vers Wllev. Music Ahtanum Orchestra Misses Ailille Brooks, Myrtle Phillips. Rtha lleiiilersiin. Kilns Stuart; Messrs. Hoy Hiu- »rt, Henry Taylor, Eugene Zirkle. The music was very Interesting and people who have been curious to know who the ineinhers of the orchestra are, will now know, and they will surely say that they are accomplished musicians, especially to the tune of Yankee Doodle. The program closed with the pantomime, "Courtship Interrupted," by Misses Edna Stuart and Ktha Henderson and Messrs. Eugene Zirkle and Roy Stuart. The amount realized was $_8.50, YAKIMA CITY. Mrs. Morris of (iol'lemlale is located here for the summer. ' A sister nf Mrs. ('. U. Hartlett is here from the east on a visit. The Ksslit services al tbe school house Sunday evening were well attended. Clyde Lee and Fred Kendall were up \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0nil from Toppenish. There must in some sort ol attraction up here. * Mr. Court wright, his snn Leslie am: Mr Lodering expect In start for a Sum- mer's prospecting in the mountains tin- week Our winter term of-school closed with a very pleasing entertainment lust Kri- iluy. Mist Itriiie will levin a spring term of two months next Monday. The new creamery h«s started up in the old brewery building. Il more brew- ery buildings were ntUiisd as creameries it Miinlil he urn li better fir the people. Farmers who nr" depending on the siiatino ditch f"r »a'cr, living below Ni rlll Yakima, met Saturday evening snd subscribed smii *ient in iney lo pal lor the water supply 1 ..r the summer. Troi.c A. Troop A's armory bas been a busy place li'ely. Kvery uighl it is used bj squads of troops drilling in order to per- fect themselves, and twice every week, Monday and Saturday nights, the whole company drills regularly. Henry Leacb hss been appointed ipiar- termasler sergeant, and Clyde Stewart and Howard Wright have beon promoted from corporals to aergpanta. §a popular miscon- the effect that icnpte are healthy a a large percent cs this is a mis. Corpulent peo suffer from ill- 1 just as much. and sometime! more than thin people. Like thin people they suf- fer from illnesses and d i soril c i s that arc caused and torpidity of Tliere is a sure Golden Medic. _ I Discovery. Thousands of corpulent pel pie ' who ne. ii this medicine have failed to t.ike I it because of its world wide n pntation aa a blood-maker and flesh-builder. They Im- I agine because it has an established n puts- tion ha building up the flesh and atra ngth- | t-ning emaciated people, that it will make . corpulent people more corpulent Thl« ia [ I misconception. The "Golden Medical I Discoviiy" builds firm, healthy flesh but dues not rai-'' the weight above a natural normal Injure. Unlike c.«l liver oil, it does not make loft, flabby fleah. It builds solid, healthy flesh but team down and es cretes the weak, half dead tiaauea that con- stitute corpulency. It make- the app. tile keen, the digestion pi rfect, the liver active, the blood nute .-nn! the serves steady. It cure.* all blood and skin diseases. An honest dealer will not ogrf a worthless sub- stitute f.r the saki .it'i x*:.i profit "1 mil \u25a0 cancel oa ray tongue aad had it cut out." wrilcs I'eter J. Knieki-r. \u00841 Intuitu. McPher- son Co . Kans. " I eon< -*-.-.J fifteen different rhySKian- without deriving itr. tieiirttt. At last turnt-l lo lir plerce*s Golden Medical Dieco* cry. I presNlnt in it- use anil mv h'-_lth is bet- ter throi t-vei before Poiiueily even accidental wo'imi I received wonld fester anil would not beal. Now. such lacerations heal thenuclves " Cure always. Gripe never. Doctor Pierces Ple.f.int Pellets for constipation and biliousness Constipation is the cause of many disca es Cure the cause and you cure the diaeaae. One " Pellet ' i«a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. In obstinate ca-.es use the " Discovery"' in connection wilh the " Ptlleta." Druggists St il tin-ui. DIPTHERIA I iih .*\u25a0 \u25a0•«--.\u25a0\u25a0. nic\ boM K.i-s' liip.ifhcrirt and Fi'Virciin* in tny B-tigtlbffrtWOdfar \u25a0tTfff*. JmMfM If Is Trn** tO iihm<- ail flvtt lTH"ttf_Wl MtflfV- tiiiu. it earei Dtpbtberia, Fever, lon ThroAt, TonaftUtia. Crovp, Colds, LMtrippe, Ami M- tinl niHtiy other acuta ills with ur.-Mt prompt- mm Ono bottle convim h tlie most ikspticAl. *> a< . a*od h!way \u25a0rnw I. It U a family pb] I Wm-V'i Walli.-ii'.t.T, fnr 1:1 er. ft Wa-b. FiX lUI by /\u25a0tl DRUGGISTS AND COUNTRY STORES. THE YAKIMA HERALD. Oh, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hop* Had Been I. . ! Wonder- ful Results of Purifying the Blood. "A very severe pain came in my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sure broke <>ut shove tbe knee. It disclia .-\u25a0 -i a great deal and the pain from my thigh down Was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Berasparllta, and sho advised me to try it. I began taking It snd when I had used n few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, bow thankful lam for this relief t I am atronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Tails, Maine. HOOD S parilla Is tin* best-ill fact IlieOii" True Itlnnil Piiritlir. Hood's Pitta cure all liver ills, ii cents. COluh i..- >~mi iLI. Western Itum Iters VI rctllnir with the rrotileiu ot l:itcrmhitttlon. A novel scheme for sating hia cattle from the drove* of envoi,'S thnt infest tin* region haa been hit upon hy a rancher of Ulen Hock, Waah. Ih* hns placed v Dtiml i* of bt IN mi the necks of a great number of catUc in his herds, ,'itiil the result bus been to scare the coyotes away. In the two months atneo he belled his herds he has not 10-t a animal, while previously his Io \u25a0• averaged nt least one steer a day. Co- -5 ote.s ure becoming more of a peat every season in many parts of Washington ami Oregon,despite all the efforts of the cattlemen and farmera lo exterminate them. Thoi's;: nd - "f dollurs nre ij- nt I'M'fv year in waging war on the beaata hut with little result. Poison availed for a time, hut now the coyotes refuac t<> touch tin* poisoned carcaaaes of steers st.icw n about Inr t lieir consump- tion. The only way of 1 illing them is bj shooting them, and tli!>i^a feebli and v. Ii I], inadequate nn nna, 0 ill' loi Clly t':" Ii - il lit if a i!i '. |-'i t con bine anil bave a grai 'I r und-up I hunt, drii ing the eij oti toy anl the '\u25a0\u25a0 titer of a L*ir 'le end iln iighti rii " tin ii 11:' le. anil this is tie' i nlj :\u25a0 i of appri >• '.al.ly thinning tin in Out oi*- | casionally. In some regions the packs of pi j wolves arc na i unit i oita anil i ti-oiii leaomc as the coyotes, The I coyotes me particularly adept chicken I thievca, and, Indeed, nre a genera] pi st j .'ll*ollllll the f It iv. arils. MKhi-. liini-rt Plants. There nn- a number of plants and flowers which give out a phosphorescent light in the dark. Linnaeus first noticed this phenomenon In the common nas- turtium, whose Bowers seemed to him to have a fni'it iridescence at night. Later obaervarlone bj others showed that the light was atroi ger after very sunny tltiys. Among othi r ptai ts which possess this singular property are tbe marah Illy and the fraxinella. The last named secretes a volatile oil which oozes out during hot weather, spread. in a thin layer over the Bowers and forms a vapor which becomes luminous in the darkness, In tbecoal mines mar Dresden grows a species 'f fungus which "exhibits the appearance of lu- minous festoons of shifting colors. n- La Nature. Worahlp or Aatmala. Swine -were adored In Crete,weasels nt Theb », rats and mice In Troas, por- euplt lit Pi rsla, the lapv h :** In New Mexico, hulls in Benares, serpents in Greece and many i f the African coun- -11 lea. The Qindoi \u25a0 never nu l< -1 snakes; they call them fathera, broth- ers, friendk, at d othi nt d< aringnan es. On the const of Guinea a hog happening to kill a snake the king gave orders that all the swine should he destroyed. Chicago Inter Ocean. Accounted I-'or. rrecii=e Person—Sear me I What can be the matter with the gentleman? Is lie Suffering from rallies? Practical Person—Nn; babies. TTis wife has just presented him with trip- lets.—Somerville Journal. I*li>sl«-,,l In hi in m. > In lint. The widespread misery and want that prevail in Italy appear to he exer- cising a disastrous am! degenerating in- fluence on the physique of the mascu- line portion of the populatli n. Ar- cording to official statistics just Issued by the war depart men I at Rome, out of every 1,000 young men of 80 yean of age liable for military service, which Is n-s obligatory in Italy as in derma ny and Austria. \u0084_n, or nn re than one-ha!f were rejected hy the medical SUtborl- ties as physically dtaqualifl d forserv- iee in the army. —Chicago Inter Ocean. rh«>tuj;rnp!i> nnd MtonllnK. A miniature i hotographlc nnn m at- tficlied to the bam 1 of a L-i'ii lathe it.- ventioo of Mr. Lerc!incr, i ' Vii * * a. Ity an automatic shut ter, a son trigger of tl - . the sportsman is able to obtain a perfect photograph of the bird or animal im- mediately before the shot or bullet has reached i*.. —Chicago t hronicle. 9 INSURANCE! FIRE: The best companies and most liberal policies; under my new- form of policy the contents of a building are all insured un- der one item, thus avoiding difficulties in adjustment of losses. My accident policies provide for weekly indemnity against sickness, as well as accidental injuries. LIFE: I represent the Northwestern Life Insurance Company, the strongest and largest dividend paying company in the world, as the following comparison of the Northwestern with the other "giants" will show: he following policies were issued in IKBO, on the 10-payment life plan, with a dividend accumulative period of 10 years. Kach in- surant was 39 years of age: Company Northwestern, New York Life, Mutual Life, Equitable. of Milwaukee. of New York. of N. V of N. Y. No. of l'olfcy |10,00U.00 110,000.00* $10,000.00* f 10,000.00* Natneol Insured F.J Siefke. lietllliwShee.lv, Rev Bam Jones, Thos. Blcknell, Rsul-cnce ..Sun Francisco Denrsr, Col " Cartervllle, Oa, Cblco, l*sl, Annual Premium., |577.00 167th.50 $590.00 $670.30 Total l're. laid $i,77t> 00 $,7li'i lid $6,000.00 $,7-30.00 Results in 1896: Ten years' Surplus $1,660 78 «• 051.00 $1,424.00 $ !>:!"• S 1 iiiaraiiteeil Reserve #,708 811 4,70s su 4,188.70 4,667.40 TotsU'ash Yalne $6,366.58 $6,850 80 $5,711.30 $6,403 20 Northwestern's Cash Value EXCEEDED Premiums paid by $595.5 J N"w York Life's Cash Value FKLL BHORT of Premiums Paid 1..- $103 80 Mutual Life's " " *' " *' iI.HH 70 ISqoitsble's *' " *' " "' " '• ' $*288 B0 Northwestern's Superiority: Over the New York Life,5698.73. Over tlie Mutual I.ile, $784 2$ Over the Equitable, $s r.s 33, "Raised for comparison. O. A. Fechter, *\u25a0_____________________ a<; i :x rr %A# BI _____ nWi J_____ Next to Rcdlidd's ]c weh' •' W I _____.__? UHI 9 -< ** Store, Yakima Aye. Oranges, Bananas and Lemons . . . Full Line of Fresh Groceries. Creamery and Ranch Butter constantly on hand. WE PEAT THE TOWN ON choice CANDIES \u25a0^ ws^k'^fri^ __*A__ii^___J_s___!__A •^ **£ J— *** ggfr §fm\ £ Don'l end away fur I O t _____ US3 I SEEDS, 4 % BUY THEM OF * * * FHWCETT BROS. I 4 . . i •j They have a complete stock oi farm, field and £ garden seeds of all kinds, fresh grown and * AZ guaranteed true to name. 2 i •Am nucn am low 11 mot iiiui:ii rut's BUBVBBUi f E__E_2_s__2l!Z_S__s___^ I > XR 5 S PerFecEian Cream. 1 X __m!___ l * It i.nr.i'e.'i line!.- I. '. BI and guaranteed •a *"^--i3_c^ - W joat tbe tblDf for roagb and excorlatad ssla. .*\u25a0; X We art Practii tl Pharmacists, and male a specially o/ L-'i putting a i> Prescriptions. "j I ROflrF &. STOUT, I j*?j .... DRUGGISTS ... r'" '. is.' A±''Aa' flfls* A^' 'Aa'iWA i_Pk _P ____P_______________f_.*i_J_.'*_!_.'*!___.*.*__i'^'l

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Page 1: Yakima herald (Yakima, Wash.) 1898-04-14 [p 9] · 11111 COUNTY..hut Is (iuint| nn in the Netghtofiig Towns and Villages. brief it:kso\al M'.KS NOTES Psrstrspbs of s Social sad Gossipy

11111 COUNTY..hut Is (iuint| nn in the Netghtofiig

Towns and Villages.

brief it:kso\al M'.KS NOTES

Psrstrspbs of s Social sad Gossipy . sturc.Written Especially for "The Herald"

Readers by Up-to-Date


Apple blossoms have come attain.Mrs. McCaw will visit Yakima Satur-


Msj. Jay Lynch returned frum Spokanetoday.

C. H. Harris of Yakima is visiting

Rev. ami Mrs. Helm.

Baby Asburv bas a handsome new-carriage direct from Chicago.

Mr. Etubree and daughter have re-turned from a brief trip to Yakima.

New siinlioniieta are the latest at theFort lor lawn tennis nnd croquet.

11lsirs. Lewis and Stein arc progressing rapidly with the work on the agencybuildings.

Hurt I'arton of Toppenieli is visitingrelatives, Mrs. Stalen and little daughter,nf the Fort.

Baby Anbury, six monthf of age, cele-brated Easter service by wearing his firstshort dress.

Mr. and Mrs. (iiluian and Mrs. JayLynch report success and a delightfultime on their fishing and game expedi-tion of recent date.

Charles Whittaker will soon have com-pleted commodious apartments for t tieschool mess, which will he greatly ap-preciated.

Farmer Churchward has declared war

against the feline population, s*x bravepussies this week rrnsecd tin RiverolDeath which flows inn Ihe shadows of"Etpnokylsm " Nov won't some patri-otic citiaen aid his country by extermi-nating ih" canine population of the Kurt'.'

The little chapel was very tastefullyileciraieii with bunting and Oregon grapefor the Baoter cervices last Suinl ly evening. Following was the pmgrntu of ex-ercises: Easter song, "Joy," by theechiKil children; prayer, Key. Helm;solo, "Child's Evening Hymn," CharlieChurch; Kaster Carol by six little girls;solo, "Jesus Loves Me," little Annie Mil-ler; solo, "Beautiful Hands," EugeneHarvey; solo, "Evening Prayer," Km-uiaSpence; caste.* address, Key. Ilelin;son/, "He is Risen," school children.All tlie children had their pieces welllearned,.and we are glad to know thatthe parents and patrons oi Ihe ecbool appredate the work that is being done inthis department nf Ihe scbnol by theirteacher, Miis Fool. When we think thatlittle Annie Miller,5 yetra oil, a fullbin I Indian, could not speak a word ofKn.'lish eighteen months ago, and can

now speak and sing corrective litileKingof (our verses, it i. simply marvel-one, a tal proves that the Indian can learn.

AHTANUM.Miss 1.;/./.!(• Meehnur is quite sick.

Muster Clyde Stuart has a new bicycle.

Curl Cox was on the Ahtanum Fridayevening.

Mr. Woodcock has purchased a newphaeton fur his muther.

Val Myers, Of North Yakima, was auAlitMiiiim visitor Sunday.

Prof. Hull, of Yakima, was an Ahtanumvisitor last week.

Ray Urkenhraek has quit working forMr. Ki-liardaun.

Mipb Nina l'rkenbra-.'k expects to go totown soon to work. -

The church services were well attendedEaster Sunday and enjoyed by all.

11 nli- Minner purchased several ladies'cook aprons at the fair. Wonder whatfor.

James Stuart, who is working on theMatches, visited bis home Saturday andSunday.

Henry Taylor wm calle.l home lastFriday on account of hid mother beingvery sick.

Misses Carrie Kollina and Minnie Elliswent to Tampico to vis.t Miss Carrie'ssister, Mrs. }\u25a0'.. I*.. Card.

Miss Vi.lu Wardls atlended the socialFriday ni^ht. Ulad to have her amongthe I/3wer Ahtanum people a^uu.

Miss Annie (jiheon, of Moxee, has the

district school, snd began teaching lastMonday. She willImard with Mrs. Viv-ian.

The social given Friday night by theLadies Aid Society wss a decided success.Ih" l-'.HS'er gifts were quickly sold andwere enjoyed by sll. Tbe program wasas follows:Sons; Merrily, Merrily (toes Our Bark

Chnlr.Recitation Miss Ktlia Henderson

Horiß—Choir.Hurt . Misses Msuite Vivian and Vers Wllev.Music Ahtanum Orchestra

Misses Ailille Brooks, Myrtle Phillips. Rthalleiiilersiin. Kilns Stuart; Messrs. Hoy Hiu-»rt, Henry Taylor, Eugene Zirkle.

The music was very Interesting andpeople who have been curious to knowwho the ineinhers of the orchestra are,will now know, and they will surely saythat they are accomplished musicians,especially to the tune of Yankee Doodle.The program closed with the pantomime,"Courtship Interrupted," by Misses EdnaStuart and Ktha Henderson and Messrs.Eugene Zirkle and Roy Stuart. Theamount realized was $_8.50,

YAKIMA CITY.Mrs. Morris of (iol'lemlale is located

here for the summer. '

A sister nf Mrs. ('. U. Hartlett is herefrom the east on a visit.

The Ksslit services al tbe school houseSunday evening were well attended.

Clyde Lee and Fred Kendall were up\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0nil from Toppenish. There must insome sort ol attraction up here. *

Mr. Court wright, his snn Leslie am:Mr Lodering expect In start for a Sum-mer's prospecting in the mountains tin-week

Our winter term of-school closed witha very pleasing entertainment lust Kri-iluy. Mist Itriiie will levin a springterm of two months next Monday.

The new creamery h«s started up inthe old brewery building. Il more brew-ery buildings were ntUiisd as creameriesit Miinlil he urn li better fir the people.

Farmers who nr" depending on thesiiatino ditch f"r »a'cr, living belowNi•rlll Yakima, met Saturday evening

snd subscribed smii *ient in iney lo pal

lor the water supply 1 ..r the summer.

Troi.c A.

Troop A's armory bas been a busy

place li'ely. Kvery uighl it is used bjsquads of troops drilling in order to per-fect themselves, and twice every week,Monday and Saturday nights, the wholecompany drills regularly.

Henry Leacb hss been appointed ipiar-

termasler sergeant, and Clyde Stewartand Howard Wright have beon promotedfrom corporals to aergpanta.

§apopular miscon-the effect that

icnpte are healthya a large percentcs this is a mis.

Corpulent peosuffer from ill-1 just as much.and sometime!more than thinpeople. Like thinpeople they suf-fer from illnessesand d isoril c i sthat arc caused

and torpidity of

Tliere is a sure

Golden Medic. _I Discovery. Thousands ofcorpulent pel pie' who ne. ii this medicine have failed to t.ikeI it because of its world wide n pntation aa ablood-maker and flesh-builder. They Im-

Iagine because it has an established n puts-tion ha building up the flesh and atra ngth-

| t-ning emaciated people, that it will make. corpulent people more corpulent Thl« ia[ I misconception. The "Golden MedicalI Discoviiy" builds firm, healthy flesh butdues not rai-'' the weight above a naturalnormal Injure. Unlike c.«l liver oil, itdoes not make loft, flabby fleah. It buildssolid, healthy flesh but team down and escretes the weak, half dead tiaauea that con-stitute corpulency. It make- the app. tilekeen, the digestion pi rfect, the liver active,the blood nute .-nn! the serves steady. Itcure.* all blood and skin diseases. Anhonest dealer will not ogrf a worthless sub-stitute f.r the saki .it'i x*:.iprofit

"1 mil \u25a0 cancel oa ray tongue aad had it cutout." wrilcs I'eter J. Knieki-r. \u00841 Intuitu. McPher-son Co . Kans. " I eon< -*-.-.J fifteen differentrhySKian- without deriving itr. tieiirttt. At last

turnt-l lo lir plerce*s Golden Medical Dieco*cry. I presNlnt in it- use anil mv h'-_lth is bet-ter throi t-vei before Poiiueily even accidentalwo'imi I received wonld fester anil would notbeal. Now. such lacerations heal thenuclves "

Cure — always. Gripe — never. DoctorPierces Ple.f.int Pellets for constipationand biliousness Constipation is the causeof many disca es Cure the cause and youcure the diaeaae. One " Pellet ' i«a gentlelaxative, and two a mild cathartic. Inobstinate ca-.es use the " Discovery"' inconnection wilh the " Ptlleta." DruggistsSt il tin-ui.

DIPTHERIAI iih .*\u25a0 \u25a0•«--.\u25a0\u25a0. nic\ boM K.i-s' liip.ifhcrirtand

Fi'Virciin* in tny B-tigtlbffrtWOdfar \u25a0tTfff*. JmMfMIf Is Trn** tO iihm<- ail flvtt lTH"ttf_WlMtflfV-tiiiu. it earei Dtpbtberia, Fever, lon ThroAt,TonaftUtia. Crovp, Colds, LMtrippe, Ami M-tinl niHtiyother acuta ills with ur.-Mt prompt-mm Ono bottle convim h tlie most ikspticAl.

*> a< . a*od h!way \u25a0rnw I. It U a family pb] I

Wm-V'i Walli.-ii'.t.T, fnr 1:1 er. ftWa-b. FiX lUIby



Oh, How ThankfulPain Was Maddening and Hop*

Had Been I. . ! Wonder-fulResults of Purifying the Blood.

"A very severe pain came in my leftknee, which grew worse and worse, andfinally a sure broke <>ut shove tbe knee.It disclia .-\u25a0 -i a great deal and the painfrom my thigh down Was maddening.Large, hard, purple spots appeared on myleg. I suffered In this way for years,and gave up all hope of ever being cured.My wife was reading of a case like minecured by Hood's Berasparllta, and shoadvised me to try it. I began taking Itsnd when I had used n few bottles Ifound relief from my suffering. Oh,bow thankful lam for this relief t I am

atronger than I have ever been in my life.I am in the best of health, have a good

appetite and am a new man altogether."J. P. Moors, Lisbon Tails, Maine.

HOOD S parillaIs tin* best-ill fact IlieOii" True Itlnnil Piiritlir.

Hood's Pitta cure all liver ills, ii cents.

COluh • i..- >~mi iLI.

Western Itum Iters VIrctllnir with therrotileiu ot l:itcrmhitttlon.

A novel scheme for sating hia cattlefrom the drove* of envoi,'S thnt infesttin* region haa been hit upon hy arancher of Ulen Hock, Waah. Ih* hnsplaced v Dtiml • i* of bt IN mi the necksof a great number of catUc inhis herds,,'itiil the result bus been to scare thecoyotes away. In the twomonths atneohe belled his herds he has not 10-t a

animal, whilepreviously his Io \u25a0•

averaged nt least one steer a day. Co--5 ote.s ure becoming more of a peat everyseason in many parts of Washingtonami Oregon,despite all the efforts of thecattlemen and farmera lo exterminatethem. Thoi's;: nd - "f dollurs nre ij-ntI'M'fv year in waging war on the beaatahut with little result. Poison availedfor a time, hut now the coyotes refuact<> touch tin* poisoned carcaaaes ofsteers st.icw n about Inr t lieirconsump-tion. The only way of 1 illing them isbj shooting them, and tli!>i^a feebliand v. Ii I], inadequate nn nna, 0 •ill'loiClly t':" Ii - il lit if a i!i '. |-'i t

con bine anil bave a grai 'I r und-up Ihunt, driiing the eij oti toy anl the •'\u25a0\u25a0 titer of a L*ir 'le end iln iighti rii "tin i i 11:' le. anil this is tie' i nlj :\u25a0 iof appri >• '.al.ly thinning tin in Out oi*- |casionally. In some regions the packsof pi j wolves arc na i unit i oita anil

i ti-oiii leaomc as the coyotes, TheIcoyotes me particularly adept chickenI thievca, and, Indeed, nre a genera] pi stj .'ll*ollllllthe f It iv. arils.

MKhi-. liini-rt Plants.There nn- a number of plants and

flowers which give out a phosphorescentlight in the dark. Linnaeus first noticedthis phenomenon In the common nas-turtium, whose Bowers seemed to himto have a fni'it iridescence at night.Later obaervarlone bj others showedthat the light was atroi ger after verysunny tltiys. Among othi r ptai ts whichpossess this singular property are tbemarah Illy and the fraxinella. The lastnamed secretes a volatile oil whichoozes out during hot weather, spread.in a thin layer over the Bowers andforms a vapor which becomes luminousin the darkness, In tbecoal mines marDresden grows a species 'f funguswhich "exhibits the appearance of lu-minous festoons of shifting colors.n-La Nature.

Worahlp or Aatmala.Swine -were adored In Crete,weasels

nt Theb », rats and mice In Troas, por-euplt • lit Pi rsla, the lapv h :** In NewMexico, hulls in Benares, serpents inGreece and many i f the African coun--11 lea. The Qindoi \u25a0 never nu l< -1

snakes; they call them fathera, broth-ers, friendk, at d othi nt d< aringnan es.On the const of Guinea a hog happeningto killa snake the king gave orders thatall the swine should he destroyed.Chicago Inter Ocean.

Accounted I-'or.rrecii=e Person—Sear me I What

can be the matter with the gentleman?Is lie Suffering from rallies?

Practical Person—Nn; babies. TTiswife has just presented him with trip-lets.—Somerville Journal.

I*li>sl«-,,l In hi in m. > In lint.

The widespread misery and wantthat prevail in Italy appear to he exer-cising a disastrous am! degenerating in-fluence on the physique of the mascu-line portion of the populatli n. Ar-cording to official statistics just Issuedby the war depart men I at Rome, out ofevery 1,000 young men of 80 yean ofage liable for militaryservice, which Isn-s obligatory in Italy as in derma nyand Austria. \u0084_n, or nn re than one-ha!fwere rejected hy the medical SUtborl-ties as physically dtaqualifl d forserv-iee in the army. —Chicago Inter Ocean.

rh«>tuj;rnp!i> nnd MtonllnK.A miniature i hotographlc nnn m at-

tficlied to the bam 1 of a L-i'ii lathe it.-ventioo of Mr. Lerc!incr, i ' Vii * * a. Ityan automatic shut ter, ason • trigger of tl - . thesportsman is able to obtain a perfectphotograph of the bird or animal im-mediately before the shot or bullet hasreached i*..—Chicago t hronicle.



The best companies and most liberal policies; under my new-form of policy the contents of a building are all insured un-der one item, thus avoiding difficulties in adjustment of losses.

My accident policies provide for weekly indemnity againstsickness, as well as accidental injuries.

LIFE:I represent the Northwestern Life Insurance Company, thestrongest and largest dividend paying company in the world,

as the following comparison of the Northwestern with theother "giants" will show:

he following policies were issued in IKBO, on the 10-payment lifeplan, with a dividend accumulative period of 10 years. Kach in-surant was 39 years of age:

Company Northwestern, New York Life, Mutual Life, Equitable.of Milwaukee. of New York. of N. V of N. Y.

No. of l'olfcy |10,00U.00 110,000.00* $10,000.00* f10,000.00*Natneol Insured F.J Siefke. lietllliwShee.lv, Rev Bam Jones, Thos. Blcknell,Rsul-cnce ..Sun Francisco Denrsr, Col " Cartervllle, Oa, Cblco, l*sl,Annual Premium., |577.00 167th.50 $590.00 $670.30Total l're. laid $i,77t> 00 $,7li'i lid $6,000.00 $,7-30.00

Results in 1896:Ten years' Surplus $1,660 78 «• 051.00 $1,424.00 $ !>:!"• S1 iiiaraiiteeil Reserve #,708 811 4,70s su 4,188.70 4,667.40

TotsU'ash Yalne $6,366.58 $6,850 80 $5,711.30 $6,403 20

Northwestern's Cash Value EXCEEDED Premiums paid by $595.5 JN"w York Life's Cash Value FKLL BHORT of Premiums Paid 1..- $103 80Mutual Life's " " *' " *' iI.HH 70ISqoitsble's *' " *' " "' " '• ' $*288 B0

Northwestern's Superiority:Over the New York Life,5698.73.

Over tlie Mutual I.ile, $784 2$

Over the Equitable, $sr.s 33,"Raised for comparison.

O. A. Fechter,*\u25a0_____________________ a<; i :xrr

%A# BI _____ nWi J_____ Next to Rcdlidd's ]cweh' •'

W I _____.__? UHI 9 -< ** Store, Yakima Aye.

Oranges, Bananasand Lemons . . .

Full Line of Fresh Groceries. Creamery and Ranch Butterconstantly on hand.


\u25a0^ ws^k'^fri^ __*A__ii^___J_s___!__A

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I O t _____ US3 I SEEDS,


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2 i•Am nucn am low 11 mot iiiui:iirut's BUBVBBUi f


I > XR 5 S PerFecEian Cream. 1X __m!___ • l * It i.nr.i'e.'i line!.- I. '. BI and guaranteed•a *"^--i3_c^ - W joat tbe tblDf forroagb and excorlatad ssla. .*\u25a0;

X We art Practii tl Pharmacists, and male a specially o/L-'i putting a i> Prescriptions. "jI ROflrF &. STOUT, Ij*?j .... DRUGGISTS ...

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