yahoo answers- was michael jackson a pedophile

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  • 7/27/2019 Yahoo Answers- Was MICHAEL JACKSON a Pedophile


    Was MICHAEL JACKSON a pedophile ?

    When a famous person dies they are remembered for their talent.

    Michael Jackson was a great entertainer, singer and songwriter.

    HOWEVER, now that Michael Jackson is dead, the only things I can remember about Michael Jacskon is

    his freaky appearance, more importantly, his child molestation INTERVIEW and his lame explanation

    about having children in his bedroom and the fact he was charged twice and accused numerous times ofhaving sexual relations with children. Some important information is just obviously overlooked when

    you're famous I guess. It's funny how the media doesn't even mention that Michael Jackson was accused

    of molesting little boys.

    1). Michael Jackson had a Neverland Ranch (a common luring or grooming practice that pedophiles use).

    2). Michael Jackson had a motion sensor alarm on his bedroom door to alert him when someone was

    approaching his bedroom door.

    3). Michael Jackson admitted he slept in the same bed with children while they were wearing their


    4). And, the list of info. goes on and on...

    I don't feel sad that Michael Jackson is dead... he did have some good songs, but his behavior was

    unacceptable and absolutely disgusting as to what he got away with.

    2 years ago

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    Best Answer- Chosen by Voters

    No he wasn't. If there was no evidence then why do you think he's a pedophile. You heard the boy

    say Michael Jackson slept on the floor and the boys story changed several times. His mother and

    probably his whole family put him up to this. And if he was why is he the only one to blame,

    1. The damn boy was 13 and old enough to say hell no and go the hell home.

    2. Whats wrong with his parents, since they sent him there all alone, seriously if someone in your

    neighborhood was accused of child molesting would you be retarded enough to send your kid there over


    3. His parent probably thought he would just hand over the money like in the first case but instead he

    fought back because they were lies.

    4. His dad is to blame for most of the freaky **** he did to himself, his looks and in his life.

    Would you call your kid ugly (when they all look exactly alike and like their father) and say he had a huge

    ugly nose that came from his moms side of the family (when his mother doesn't even have a big nose)?

    Would you beat your child to death or enough that would make your wife tell him to stop your killing him? I

    hope you wouldn't. That's hurtful especially if they made you money all their life. It's painful and the painsticks to you forever even as an adult which is why he needed and wanted someone to love him and so

    much attention, and only kids understood that instead of most of the immature adults. But the accusations

    are false like most rumors. But you're gonna believe what you want to believe.

    2 years ago

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    67% 2 Votes

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  • 7/27/2019 Yahoo Answers- Was MICHAEL JACKSON a Pedophile


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    Other Answers (6)


    if you watched his court cases you would know he weren't a child molester( cant spell).he had neverland built cz as a child he was in a way abused by his dad which is nearly the same reason

    for why he had his nose done.

    yeah he will be remembered for all his music as it was and is still great

    RIP Michael Jackson

    o 2 years ago

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    o 4 people rated this as good


    He was a pedophile. If you are inviting a kid to your house you should respect him and let him sleep in his

    own room. He has 12 hours in the day to spend time with the little boy!!! Why using the night?? The little

    boy' families are the most irresponsible families ever. Didn't they hear the news?? why did they keep

    sending him more children???

    o 2 years ago

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    o 6 people rated this as good


    Yes he did do everything you mentioned but I will only remember him for the great music and what he did

    best that is being a great entertainer and a singer


    o 2 years ago

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    0% 0 Votes

    And how and why does that matter now if that was the case? He is gone, now he will have to account for

    all he did, good and bad, to whom we all will do eventually.

    o 2 years ago

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  • 7/27/2019 Yahoo Answers- Was MICHAEL JACKSON a Pedophile


    o 3 people rated this as good


    i totally agree with you!!

    why are so many people upset over his death? hes a ******* pedophile..good ridden if u ask me

    o 2 years ago

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    33% 1 Vote

    o 6 people rated this as good

    Ken Presnilla

    You're missing out the whole picture, but first of all, yes he was accused of being a pedophile but there

    are no true facts that he actually was one. In one interview, "In an interview Micheal said

    "the most loving thing to do is to share your bed"and then the unidentified little boy next to him clearly stated not in these exact words

    " we asked Micheal to get into the bed with us but he wouldnt he just slept on the floor."

    Then Jackson said

    "I didnt want to make the kids feel awkward"

    so in him saying the most loving thing to do is to share your bed the headlines started to say that he slept

    with little boys."

    Second of all, it wasn't his fault he had a freaky appearance, he had a skin cancer disease called Vitalago

    which pigmented his skin with white spots all over his body and the doctors suggested that he should

    bleach his skin which turned it white. If you were a kid in high school with a lot of acne, would you not buy

    all medicine and cream you can get to make your acne go away so that people would stop teasing you?

    Yeah? So that's what MJ did, he bleached his skin so everyone would stop ridiculing him, but it didn't stop

    a lot of us, and all these years people basically made fun of him because he had skin cancer. Oh, and his

    nose, yeah he got surgery done to his nose because all his life growing up he had an abusive father who

    would discriminate him about him having a big nose all his life, until it got to the point where it really got to

    him and got surgery done to his nose and unfortunately kept getting the surgery done throughout his life.

    And lastly, you really do not know enough the man to call him a disgusting person. Michael Jackson was

    not only a great Pop sensation but he was also a great humanitarian, he has the world record for most

    charities held by a celebrity, 39 to be exact. A lot of his songs deal with race such as "black and white"

    and he helped people grow up to sing about racial conflicts. Now, I don't know about you, but there are

    more facts about Michael Jackson being a good person that bad one, and it's sad that so many people

    are so fixated on Michael Jackson being a horrible person and a pedophile when they don't even know

    half the story.

    o 2 years ago

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