y10 information evening - up holland high school · 2020-04-18 · y10 information evening head of...

Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

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Page 1: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Y10 Information Evening

Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner

Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson

SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Page 2: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Reason for the evening

• Share with you the changes that have happened over the summer.

• Share with you planned changes that will be happening this year.

• Remind everyone about expectations, standards and the importance of working together.

• To improve the regularity and effectiveness of our communication following feedback on the parental questionnaire.

Page 3: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Staffing update

• Mr Chilvers Progress Leader for Art, Design & Technology

• Mr Birchall Progress Leader for ICT & Computing

• Mr Hurst Maths Teacher

• Mr Longson English Teacher

• Miss PashaEnglish Teacher

• Miss Pritchard Art and DT Teacher

• Mr Callaghan PE Teacher

• Mr Carey Science Teacher

• Mrs Moncrieff Attendance Assistant

• Mrs George Cover Supervisor

Page 4: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Environment: Investment in the buildings• Dining area and hall.

• Corridors.

• Art and design rooms.

• PE changing rooms.

• Gym floor.

• Science floors.

• CCTV, Wi-Fi, New technologies.

• Air conditioning.

• More site staff.

Page 5: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Standards and Expectations

• Dedicated to Excellence.

• 100% Up Holland – behaviour/rewards .

• 100% classroom - consequence system.

• 100% attendance.

• 100% uniform.

• Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative, Communication. (LORIC)

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• Aim for 100% attendance.

• Minimum expectation of 97%.

• 90% attendance = ½ day missed every week.

• Phone us to tell us why your child is absent.

• Only allow days at home for genuine illness.

• Avoid holidays in school time, they will not be authorised.

• Medical evidence will need to be provided if attendance falls below 93%.

• If you have concerns ring Mrs Lowery (Attendance Officer).

• Attendance form groups – termly review extra support.

If you have 5 days of unauthorised

absence in a term school has the right to apply for a Fixed

Penalty Notice to be


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• Reward trips – every half term.

• Reward Assemblies – every term this year, not just once at the end of the year.

• Rewards – future planning ‘cash in’ for reward points at the end of the year i.e. vouchers etc.

94% attendance and no serious behaviour issues.

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• New online system.

• Introduced September 2018 – behaviour & rewards.

• Clearer reporting system in respect of behaviour & rewards.

• Student Portal – launched last term with Y11/Y9 and Revision/Homework.

• Parent Portal – launch September 2019, improve communication with and between parents/school.

• Reports to be online.

• Parents’ Evening appointments – to be trialled late 2019

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Flight Paths











6 7 8 9 10 11 End of Year


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Reports and how to read them

Name: Ivor Noname Form: 10DAP Attendance: 95.3% School Attendance Target: 97.0%+ Y10 REPORT 1 – NOVEMBER 2019
















5- 7 On target Mrs A. Williams


MATHS 5 Good 7= 7 On target Miss A. Sharples


5 Good

4+ 7 Below target Mrs A. Howarth

CHEMISTRY 4+ 7 Below target Mrs J. Pepper

PHYSICS 5- 7 Below target Mrs R. Barry

FRENCH 4 Good 4- 6 On target Mr C. Halfpenny

GEOGRAPHY 5 OK 5= 7 On target Mrs S. Akers-Warburton

ICT 5 Good L2M L2D On target Mr R. Birchall

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 5 Good 5- 7 On target Mrs S. McKay


Attitude to Learning (please see grades given above)

5 This student is a self-motivated and cooperative learner who participates enthusiastically and maturely in class. This student always completes tasks to the best of their ability and they show resilence when faced with challenges.

4 This student is a cooperative learner who participates maturely in class. This student usually completes tasks to the best of their ability and they make a good attempt when faced with challenges.

3 This student usually works hard but does not always complete work to the best of their ability. This student generally engages well in class but they can lose focus and become distracted especially with more challenging tasks.

2 This student sometimes shows a willingness to learn when motivated by the task. This student needs clear direction and supervision to stay on task and they sometimes give up when faced with challenges.

1 This student shows little personal motivation in their learning. This student can be uncooperative even with considerable teacher input and they can disrupt the learning of others. This student often leaves tasks incomplete and they give up when faced with challenges.

Current Grade: This indicates the standard of most of the work being completed by Ivor. This takes into account practice exam questions, classwork, homework and other teacher-assessed

work. Each grade is divided into + (strong), = (secure and- (weak).

On track for end of Year 11 target: The judgement of the teacher on whether Ivor is set to exceed, just reach, or fall short of his end of Year 11 target. This is based on work produced so far.

If Ivor is shown as tracking to go below target, the target may still be reached with additional effort and through extra support.

New GCSE Grades: There is a new grading system for all subjects:

GCSE Grade 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Notes about non-GCSE courses

Cambridge Nationals Levels 1 & 2 L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D L2M L1P ICT and Sport Science are OCR Cambridge National Level 1 & 2 courses

WJEC Levels 1 & 2 L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1P Hospitality & Catering is a WJEC Level 1 & 2 course

Equivalent to old GCSE grade (A*-G) A* A B C D E F G Key: L1 = Level 1 L2 = Level 2 D = Distinction M = Merit P = Pass

Grade 4 is needed for a ‘standard’ pass. Grade 5 is needed for a ‘strong’ pass. Combined Science has double-grades (e.g. two GCSEs at grade 4 shown as 44 – pronounced “four-four”).

End of Year 11 Minimum Target Grade: This is designed to be challenging but achievable. It is the minimum grade which Ivor should achieve at the end of Year 11 and is based on his

previous core assessments:

KS2: Reading 108 Grammar, P:unctuation & Spelling 105 Maths 115 Expected standard 100 Cognitive Abilities Tests (CAT): Verbal 106 Quantitative 111 Non-verbal 110 Spatial 108 National average 100

What Ivor can do to improve: Please look at Ivor’s exercise books and files to see details of this.

Contact us: Please phone us on 01695 625191 if you have any questions or concerns about Ivor’s report.

Page 12: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Improving communication- Pastoral

Please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance if you feel it appropriate.

• Head of Y10- Mrs J Corner

• Head of Upper School– Mrs K Wood

• Behaviour and Pastoral – Mrs R Bond

Mrs M Davidson

If you need to make an appointment or speak to the above please use the school phone number - 01695 625191

Page 13: Y10 Information Evening - Up Holland High School · 2020-04-18 · Y10 Information Evening Head of Year 10: Mrs J Corner Pastoral Manager: Mrs. M Davidson SLT Link: Mrs Scarborough

Improving communication- Academic

Please contact your child’s classroom teacher in the first instance if you feel it appropriate.

• Progress Leader for English- Miss K Higgs

• Progress Leader for Maths – Ms A Sharples

• Progress Leader for Science –Mrs A Howarth

• Progress Leader for Humanities – Mrs S Akers-Warburton

• Progress Leader for Religious Studies- Miss H Clarkson

• Progress Leader for Technology – Mr S Chilvers

• Progress Leader for MFL – Mrs C Farren

• Progress Leader for Computing – Mr R Birchall

• Progress Leader for Performing Arts – Mrs S McKay

• Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator – Mrs C Cooney

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Key dates for Year 10

Parents’ evening

• Thursday 7th November 2019

• Wednesday 10th June 2020

Exam Week

• Monday 27th April – Friday 8th May 2020

JLT Interviews

• Monday 2nd December 2019

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CEIAG (Career, Education, Information and guidance)Our school website has a section dedicated to CEIAG. There is a document

which shows all the CEIAG provision that takes place across school.

Every year, every student at Up Holland will have a meaningful encounter with an employer.

Other CEIAG activities that take place across school include:

• University visits

• Sector Skills Days

• Careers Fair

• Work Experience placement (Y10)

• Link and activities with outside agencies such as All About Food and Keepmoat

• Study skills days

• Individual career conversations with a qualified careers advisor.

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College trips

Representatives from local colleges will come into assemblies in order to show our pupils the range of courses which are on offer in our local area.

CEIAG fortnight begins on Monday 29th June, when college visits and mock interviews will take place.

Wednesday 1st July – Wigan and Leigh

Friday 3rd July – St John Rigby

Tuesday 7th July – Winstanley

TBC – West Lancashire College and Mock Interview Day

Runshaw College

Lancaster University

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Work Experience – 22nd – 25th June 2020

The aim of work experience is to give young people a first-hand insight into the world of work, as well as to improve social and personal development and give

ideas as to what you may want (or decide you don’t want) to do as a career.

You need to realistic in your chosen placement :Is it really suitable for a 14/15 year old?What would I actually be doing? Will I be bored? Could this be the chance to experience something new?

Self-placement - By finding your own placement you can choose exactly what you want to do and make useful contacts for the future.

Talk to parents, family friends and neighbours to see if they can help you find a suitable placement.

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Character and Culture (LORIC)LORIC and ‘The Edge’

This programme provides the opportunities for students

• to develop important values

• to make themselves attractive to further education and future employers

The programme focuses on five key values that employers consider to be most desirable:

❱ Leadership

❱ Organisation

❱ Initiative

❱ Resilience

❱ Communication

Students complete a range of activities (lead a warm up in P.E, organise a

charity bake sale). These can be many and varied and can be undertaken in

normal lessons, in extra-curricular clubs or outside of school.

The completion of each of these levels leads to a recognised (unregulated)

qualification from NCFE.

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Character and Culture (LORIC)

Student Council

• Representatives from each year group are interviewed for places on our student council. These young people are the voice of the school

• There is the opportunity to be on one of four sub-councils:• Eco Council• Community Council

• Charity Council• Values Council

There is a student council notice board in the main corridor.

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• Year 11 to Barcelona

• Year 10 Paris Trip

• Year 9 London Trip

• Year 9 Slavery Museum

• Year 8 Lake District Camping

• Year 7 London STEM

• Canada Ski Trip

• University visits

• College visits

Charity Events:

• Macmillan Coffee Morning

• Sponsored Events

• Christmas


• Sport Relief

• Chocolate Orange Appeal

• Sponsored Sports Day fun run

Extra Curricular:

• Music

• PE

• Performing Arts

• Art


• Science

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Thank you for attending.

All the information will be available on the

school website.