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Traffic Death Scnrehnard n«» |« ^lllfo Idaho. 195B _ - ---------d ~m l ------ -------- &-aiiiss=.;| ' g f.F.Road Areal proposal Jg Opposed r)pfp, i croup of interested per- J _ y J LgS'5il5Kn S the Tw in W 'Hh22 cii6tnyr of consoliilatiiiK Valley Friday. Firsi; rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ g S a i s t r i c t s . cxiircsHC. plosiori a l M urtauK r'k^^posltlon 10 the ptoposnl oiieraliuii. A rociitcl time. . line company would ‘■^ipproumaiely loHH o f g a 3 s c r v i c c S S .T S 'i^ -S n la m iM tlo Il nttended the mret- Twin Falls city WO Tteelcs nRo the question pjy rejjulted. theo f'MnsoIldttUoti WM broiiKhl be- i„ cio,,mK ii,c n ite r plm (.■» the chiifnl>er unit by Floyd si,ut[iu[; off the rcser^’o: l^v-Dln who proposed the Aurl- kciiticHi Lctircr. Puir ^u ra l division KO on rccord tis ^ould Mipply 250 gallon. rr,Sns eonsolldfttlon. Al tMnl mp „.o„irt be pul Into Uie division voted doan n „„j ^.„[cr usurs would : i^uuon to sucli cffcci, but fn- by rndio to draw only furOicf study of Uic proiw- jrlnklnB purposes. tiiQO II broughi out Tliurs- 71,5. jHy di.w obtain' «T lilshl thnl the receni legWii- p^non lank truck from ,Ji h#d reopporlloned the funds i,i[;i,ttny deparlmenl m ,nll»ble to the highway dlatrlcls, v,|ih drlnWnc water fro rtlflc Uie smaller dlstrlcta more vnte well nt Youns'n di ^ f T with wlilch to opernte. „l tlio Dank nnd Trur diMusslnc the coav)lldn- (,mi ucnr.n, Rocbuck nni nan. IncludlnR representatives of were’ a v a l l n b l e for \tt MuriauKli lilKhTr-ny dlsirlct, drliiklnK water. A city 1 WETtd the reapportlonliiR may vi.(,„|d fti.,o be available cart wme of the past to-c.illcd nic uiiconlamintite ctD of llie present system. needed nreas. Ti-ln Fills eounty Is divided n ip chemlcnlly polluti aio four hiKliwny dUUlcLn. Tliey belnK tented In labo t^-'BIerr 'BUTn:“MumUBh-nnd TTiFirialtlV unT T byD n T»ln Falls district, whlcli Is the creed nnd tcchnlclaju Kjtst, nnd'Tf hlc-hHn-fhe-pa*t TO^c^7pc'of clieiiJicals hu obtained a larse share of means ot dl.-iperslnft 11. lhe money available for rond cnn- tamlnatlon could not b ju-wtion and maintenance. Tlie [jy IllierlnK. ftccordlni: I rtw reapportlonlntt forinuln will dcfcnw: problem, tile funds from llic Twin I'alb offlclnls of Uje w»t' icmU iisW m r t i * «. c«Idi . b (I ' „ble to det« -------------------------- leitRlh ot lime th# Vixon Set to number of Rallorui of w ^ able. Water from a well Visit Moscow S„S ;,S, T it' X“' _ _ _ needed, Defen.sc Clialr Rv T.nto Tiilv o y JjU lt/ Jiu y A simulated collislo) WASHINOTON. April 17 Hv- VIM President Nkon -.wlU vhll U0SC8WIn late July. HU expected wr''*^™ tlu wim hlRh soviet officio!# «>»'<! paUo men aus -4T help to set the «U«e for a patdied lo the ecene to aiinlt conference. routlns of traffic, and HU deslRnnlian by President El- r"'*-’ " scnl to nl rahower to moke Uie trip also lOK the bridge, ould promote Nlxon'a chances for A Blmulate<l accident lie Republican prealdnillal nom* Wood river brlflRC nnd 1 Mlloa next year. Uib Halley-Ketchum hiB ---------Optnlnt-Exhihll------------ clKirtd-B-lthout-incldtr A White House announcement Anlldpnled arrlvnl 0 t AuRuta. Oa.. said Nixon will emy planes wax 1 pjr Mke Uie trip to open an Amerl- nrea nnd nt Uial tltr Ul exhibition in Moscow July 2S. wero warned of npproa< 3 eUier details were (tlven but oul from nuclear bomt piomatlc offlelnLn uere sure he offlccr.i were alerted U ould meel wlUi Premier Nikita evacunllon Irnfflc fot :hm^hcntr^,v wh02e homca did not ' The sU-weck exhlbillon Is de- quatc fallout protccUon icned to show Soviet cltlrens how and county officers w uncfieani live. The Sovleta will logical monltorlnit equli Use a similar exhlbltloa In Nct^ ' persed to various poln ’wk Clly. - ihB roenl«ea Intensity. Ceoia Booit Nlien jt det«nnlned tht IfWxondemonstmteiftcafwdly .1 . . fniiout to the det roenlKtns had occurred n It could glre him a boost in his jj. ^ iiolllstcr norUj .nsnnounced quest for the presl- ’.°,- Ifncy In IS6O. At a minimum 11 111focu.i ftllenllori on him In Uie Mock Nud Jnlernailoiially. the trip means nev round of Jilgh-lcvel con- A .. "D KU, followlns up Uie January AttilClvS Jl lut here of soviet Deputy Pre- Cities ofl Uotorist Who WASHINOTON, ApHI mock nuclear lx>mb atta Hit Blind Man Fined, Jailed ff Uic nlr for 30 mln; W e B spark*. 86 305 Locust J j'“erBlnc^'-'"opS^?^l"on‘!‘ . rinX ’-dt^y^arediliS > I'i C(M1 ., TlmrRday In Ttt'ln Pulls ____ ... ... ollct court for falllni: to yield " ‘ H?! hf rlsht of way lo n pedestrian ^ watrilnft Ihnt ene ‘ ^ cro-.,ttalk. «■"« I*'® hour^ nwny. £p»ks wn.i cited Wednesday thi la'll atirr an wcldeniAtnh^ Uut-much tUno aad la ni^rwilon of Mnln avenue and '■P V* ixih street easl which hoenlUlli- peopls wl 1 nion I’rancla Dali fiM<4 Main e^^aate ^ their eommi MuUi. Dali, a blind man. *’* M dl-vnLvicd from MorI o Valley M SelfrldBO a ir forci [c.nalal hoflpllal-Thursdar — MlchigttO a surprise b1 Eusi-ne c. NorrU, Jerome’ w « resen’o officer* ol lr.fd 1150 plu, coslaand'sentinced "‘f ^ " 10 dnys In Jail Thursday by Jus- central Unll 'M nf Ilic PcBce Olen Vlnlns for on p . f . 1, c. « f ir ^ S r ‘‘“ “ * NO CLUE-7S{?; ,'-crrL-. vv;,x initcn Into custody by PORTLAND. April 17 1 -•»ie I‘:itn)liiian Man'ln S. Wright deposit box that bdonc ' fr the IDIO Chevrolet he was mLwlnK Ken Martins w ■"Ins overturned on hlfthway 83 here Tliursdny. bul 11 w miiM norUi of Tlk'ln Falls yield 0 duo lo the fnml aflemoon. pernnce.______________ Counter-Revolutionary iPl Reported Broken up in ( JiAVANA. April 17 (UPI)-Po- In whidj more than :( r- V Cardenas City In neighbor- were Involved. ^ Mat.i:i7Jis province announced Mantaniaa province 1 fy iliry had brokcrt up a coun- sent reier\'es to Cardem •''■'oiiiiionary plol and arrest- force Uic Jail guard a JHfl prrrniu. ----------- -• npproaclics to mllltnry •oiicc Mid Ihey Biso seized two Uon*. . . ,^ci.i«aiit, OJ einna and ammunl- A report Irom Sanllag adjacent Varodcro Beach cm Cuba, said nuUiorl roimdup followed a Up ‘tiiat ^ ®i>nitr.revQiuUonarierwe« D to- ''war criminal." i ‘>“‘U t. 5 ^ r- ourtJr e*lil*nce of » window on * lino m. “uitr-reioluUonaiy coniplrtcy blinketi. A Regional Newspaper Serving Oftl<lil CItj ■nd Emergenc mul ated fc smePr-aeti ly planes sweepinK in over Canad ;st civil defense, munerous problem y nnd city officials throuKliout irst emergency proljlcm to be deu! unty was u suppo.scd y.na coniiires; lUKfi. It was assumed it wa.s u sa iitullo unit of lhe Pacific Norlhwe.s uld in.stiill nlternale ciiuiiuneiit wit vice. Chem- * * * * heoreticnlly. plant nnd the p ----- r- — ' .............. er^’Olr by Supt. | Pumps wTiich illons per niln- . Into operation. ' uld be notified (" * '\ - only water for ^ talned a B.OOO / \\ i trom the stale AC ( \\ It and Iilled 11 • from the pri* \ dnlr>’. Wells ’: m ist company v ^ ; nnd company ^ for emercency :lty i.ink truck A J. lable lo irnav ' tt"; noted wnter lo \ V . Mluted w a t e r labornlorles ot HAvA □r.-arwooaMrr \ A -M / f rf- laj« lo deter- : - ^ ^ i J”'™? <wn- ot'be removed ni; lo Uie civil depart- 0 determine the emergency lake water avail- neighbor- nlso be Ver- lislon or two sen bridge re- olUeneck unlit aecured. Utree ' irs dls- re- two Twin toaldJndeor* anolher on 1 . :Idmt.--------------- the en- pjn. for Uie time officers :iroachlng loll- Twin Folli eoiinly fiber jomblngs: Clly tlral. CUrk Hand n»e eli ■d to assLsl In part of th© drll defense 1 for persons Official! knd dllteni act Wt offer ade- alert. (SUff photo-enm Uon nnd s ta te ------------------------------------ s wlUi radio- j fTi i«t Oflstro i S " CubaN otOi to M.ilc WASHINGTON, A f ■ * ister Fidel Castro tok , todny he is not n c iplpnr chnnce of Buccecdinp T?/\/»L- clo.<icd doors wilh mer JIO C K . and house foreitm nf. f , ^ tinl legislators. He w; IJ . n . S enate Foreifrn R( ^ ‘ Chairmnn J. Williar l>riRht. D., Ark. attack hit Uie castro, now In the U '• Hundreds of his Rood will visit he Uielr readiness to .Uie senate offlc compnny of a police m stations went escort ond special guards mlnutcs-Uien to him during his slay. 1 back on for jjij appearance, whlc on- be- nocks of lourlsla. preceded at 11.30 a, m., imporyinl lundieon speec a convenUon of U. B. m aUon was gel* editors, enemy planes gj,,; jo^n M. Butler. s there unsn i setiale-commlUec room wr ^ .f. . tro and his aides met-lr ' «1U‘ lhe ICBUIators. Bu I whether to revoluUonary lendei mmuiimes or about exproprlaUon. con d best shelter. p<,„iai6 effect* force base In munlsm In Cuba. U o^ui/ioih n an 18-sUte e*ProprI“ Uon or confl United States ^uUer lold newsmen. “He unitM eiatea. properly conflicj ' " been Uiat of some of thi OUND criminal eler I n «\_A Mfe touched on commui ,;v;“ iwmij 9 aonably happy. He madt _____________he needs more money bul did not eomo here to Plot ---------- iCuba MpstUraniun n :00 perwiw Come From .. niVERTON, Wyo., i (UPI)-An atomic offldal day Uiat u . S. mines will 1 liutaHa govemmer itnry Installa- illago in east- ' ^wlUes Uiere This forecast was made jallbreak 0- Johnson, director of tl is" at Donlato *« energy commission’s 1 no Immedlato Urlab division in rema pared for tho Wyoming M lied oollabora- wclnUon. ator Fulgenclo From the start of Ui 3 deaUi In Ca. project to July 1. 1P05 an escape at- sources provided S3 per ce ul of Uielr cell uranium bought by Uils mada 'irom for Its nudear weapons a: ' progroini. n, , f^^^L-TTW lN 12 ---------^ TWIN FALI^. IDAIIO,_I cy M onta lada in n I T lems were B I u t MnKic icult with deer lodge . .Mont., J ■es.sor ex- siatc prison nre lioldinu f sabotiifv’c iticendi.'iry bombs. Tlie cli.s ve.st Pipe- fortress-like prisim to act ,ntli little for them (the lioslaKc.s)’’, k Radioactivity % T .i" ' y i g herirr Jatne* n . Benbsm, left, and fiUU PoUe I civil defenM devlcei lo check radlDacUyllr a ise exerdso condneted Jn Marie Valley Frida) acrou Uie Balloa parUclpiUd In Uie defeni ncraving)________________________________ Fells Congress Vot Communis April 17 (UPD—Cubnn Prime Mi Lold congresfiionnl foreign P9ljcy lendc I communi.st nnd communism has i npr in Cuba if his people am bc can nsonably hnppy.” Cnstro met behii nembers of the senate foreiffn relatioi affairs committee, plus other influe . was invited to come to capitol hill 1 Relations I-------------------------- rr ----------- li.m Ful- , Chilly I Ihlrd day continue t here iour- ba a bit chilly for Uio'next flv ifflce'ln Uie days, according to Uie forecaa motorcycle received here Friday via Uie Aa rds asslanedi Mdated Press. , " * * -Ju.^l os soon ns Uie enllr rsT'i-iiSbS's; • newspaper -Temperatures averaging be 1 low normal wllh maxlmtim er. n.. Md.. niosUy 52 to 62. mlnlmumi 3 the crowcjed, U) 40. LltUe or no predplU lloa iwhereCas-j (Probably.) t-lnformally I |----- .r'uS Bills Rapped confiscation v,rASHINaTON. April 17 (Ul cla of com- Mississippi lawyer t tv conRresslonal hearing today U contemplate pending civil rights bills woi onflscaUon," "haras* the courts . . . with u n t He said that i]ii;;atlon" and cttale a “mnelstf flicated hnd of confusion." the opposl- Breed O. Moungcr. president element.-• - the stale's bar a.vociation. tesUf munl'.m and before a house Judiciary subco hance ot it mittee considering a host of bi i i l rNEW S Bl but said he ' to ask im b e r l i n . Aprtl 17 tfU-Tho «o with cancer, b u beecme "very -------. Eleanor Unilnj Dalln li » ap i»r» parlraenl's office of Gemuin afi lin 10. day. IIU eondllion ha* beeora * jy ^ works,** the uld en'arriral hei II U . O . svhacUSB. N. Y.. April 17 U April 11 formed babies Is being bom 1 Idal said to- radioncUve rock Is exposed In rill supply 84 official said loday. Dr. Johr menl'suran- dlreelor-for Ui*-d#paKmcnt_j me 30, 1003, and southeastern parU of the ade by Jes.ie MEXICO CITV, AprU 17 m if tho atom- near Pntrto Kino on Ui« Gulf i ' s raw m»- all IB ptneo) aboard «er« kUlc tmarks pre- slrllne, Joie Lope* Enriqne*. ' ; Mining as- n s eol ImratdUtely detemlnt Uie atomic WASHINGTON. April 17 (U r 005. fo rd sn M. Dlrk.M:n .'Jild today he lit r cent of the ClirlsUan A. Herter will bc appt Uils country secrelao''Of state. Dlrksen sali .s and power nomlnaUoa will b« announced today. !n f a i X s ^- ^ ^ ), FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1959 an a C on itages; X T roops .., April 17 (UPD—Warilen Flciyd E K five “stool piReon” inmates in ad cli.sclosiirc caine us the prison social ict as intermediary betweiiii Uiu rif] Jones said. “I’m gointt back in ai Idaho Teacli Go on BOISE, April 17 (A’)-T ijc rccord in favor of a stale .sale lion committee ma<ie the recoi . committee said n sale.s tax is .school co.sts. There was no act lawmnkers said it was need- ed to pay for increased cdii- T' c a lio nal'nnd other state I survices. The finance nnd ndmlnWr.itlon ;. coiimiitice urBed the lEA to ivoit. V 1 tor crcallon by Ui# ICOl Irauuuiro ■n of i\ icpamte. dectlve slnlr bo:<i'd Bj of education conccrned with pub- I lie schools and vocnUonnl educa- b tlon. Tills would leave the prrr.cnt n "W nppolnllvc bonrd ns tlie board ol \\ a «' rcgenls ot the University of Idaho uIid-IiIinio'Sl<.l«-colIeKc-:-------------C( / 'rtle commlttce ripenlcd Uic y lEA's lonR-itftiidlng rccommtndn- n ^ tlon Uiiil the stale aup’crUitcndcnt tl 1 of public ln.itrtieUon bc oppolnied agj by the bonrd. Tlie superintendent im Is now elected ond the leglslaiure | ESa turned down a 'proposal by Gov. | KjB Roberl Z'. Smyllo to make Uie post I Sm appolnUve. I 1 Sw Tlie conunltlets planned opcni Sn meetings Uils aftemoon lo get the SSt* views of deleRnlcs. I ' ME Ttie finance nnd ndministration commlllee also recommended; j «u Election ot school Inisttes on a ; dn dlstxlcl-wldfl basis Instead of by PV] tnulee zones. They would sUU be _ |M nomlnoted by zones. I A law requiring only a simple ^ H i majority. Instead of the present , H Iwo-Uilrds. for approval of school bond Issues. A bill to reduce the required majority to eo per cent ■ jj failed In the legislature. H Tlie committee look note of Uie - ieBtAlalurc’s'ticUon"on- lh6 formu- 1(1 for dlstrlbuUng sUte funds to c: 60I100I districts. Th# lawmakcnu«- cl vised Uie formula; but nobody^-a* u 'oUco very satisfied wlUi Uie revision and je It a* they asked the stale department of . Iday. educaUon lo work out * compJeto ui fenjo new plnn. u _____ Anolher eommltlce recommen- ol d&tion called for removing the h: ^ llmltaUons I m p ^ In 1858 a* to d S whnt kind of driver training ^ courses would b* acceptable. Tho leglslalura did sot act on driver U — X training. ^ M in- 1,000 Guards \ S Mobilized for : tions Walkout Dutyp 7/1171X330110, Ky., April 17 ill Dy Ml _ Gov. A. D. Chandler today ^ for possible duty In eastern Ken- tucky's struck cool fields, oft«r ' IB to onoUicr man ,was killed. {* fl-. Chandler ordered Maj. Gen. J. ecast J- B. WUllams to surver areas *= ' fT :: h it by Ul# United Mine Woricers . union strike then decide If guards- ‘ nllre needed to roalntoln order. ^ Uher Th# moblllzaUon was touched f, the off by n gun batU# Thursday nlghl this that klUed James OUs Adams. 41; f and wounded anoUier man. Three J ; be- UMW members wtre arreslcd later ntims on murder charges. Ii 30 ' B e fo re Chandler’s announce- :lon." Iment. Carson HibbJttj, president of IOMW dlsWct 30, noUflcd him Uic R > I union was discarding th# peace P I pftcl signed by bith sides last week, n ■'I am convinced the operators " m p n did not act In good falUi." Hlb- n - r to]H bltU Wld Uie governor. b IV S at The pact sUpulated that nelUier t- _ouid aldo-was- to hear arms and Ihnl untold plcletlng was to bo llmltod and t :Ut«m Pcweful-' . ^ Tlittw charged with murder tn " ent of Adams' dealh were listed as Har- ,, ;sUfled rLion BUdham. shot In the stom- ‘ ibcom- nch: Verlln King and Democrat '■ f bllU. Holliman, all of nearby Marlowe. ^ BULLETINS ^ condlUon of John Foiler Dnllefc stricken very, Tery serloBS,- hU sister said today, k ipcelal' autilant In the U. S. aUI« de- I affair*. “I saw my brother lasl on Toe*- ^ come very, Tery-scrio^ bot be olvayi | here. .................. ........... ......................... .... 17 UT-An unusually largo number of mai- i -n in parU of upstot« New York where < In quanUiy, a sUte heallh department lohn Oenlxy. Syracuse, regional health j the Adirondack mountains. MV-A Tine* ZUadore* alrUner crashed j ulf of California today. H n t reports said Ulled. Among them waa Uie owner of Ibo ( a. Whether any foreigneri were aboard Dined.* ' (U PD -^enate Republican Lender Bvcrcll I hns been ns.Mired Uial UndereeaeUry i ippolnted to succeed John Foster DuUes os l aatd there Is a "real likelihood'' Herter'* I iced Saturday and mlgbt even come late I ' V - Nino Irrigated Idaho Cou >Uml-«r ot Au.Hl il AMix-mie.l l 'rr«i «tic1 U i v i c t s H D e a t h s ' I S torm •d E. Powell uniiotinccd today that II addition tn 18 o th e r ha.sta^rert w ocidlopl.st, \Valtor .loiios, 2-J. was rt rif]e anil knife-wioklinK convict.s in and try and t;ct them out.'* Ilc i chers Are Ask tl Record for I'he Idaho Education u.«.socintion \ .sale.H tax. Thu association's .school recommeiiiliitioti nt the annual IE/ >: is needed so the state will be ul ) action oa a sales tus in the 1959 ' d - ------------------------------------------------------ oMay 1 Meet E Springs A i'l WENCICLI., April 17—Discus :ft- be taken to reactivate the Niai rcatipnal iirf;i-Projcot_ was, heh Wendell city hall, ilepre.sental comniillee-from-a!l-iiiterested-or ],j ley will be itiiiiointed within th' n- meeting will be held Mny 1 at th nt the NiiiKara-Crystul .sjii-iafT.s dc Snow h:rc »t| IIAIlxy, April 17—A lighl tak I snowfall wns reported M Uie l Norlh Fork store norlh of cor ... Kelchum UiLi inoriilnK and lhe tnei I niounlaiiis were nhltc. npp No snow fell oii llie vftlify r floor Bl Hiilley or Kelchum,but jpo ll has been cloudy and ovcrcnst uhi ft for ths past few day* here. ren: I Herter Heads H S To Bid to Get 2 Post of Dulles s u“ "WASUINb-roN; iAprti il W — to Christian A. Hertar apparenUy has cou ■0- cleared the Inst htirdlo atiuidlng In ** UiQ way of hln sppolnlment as new P**' nd secretory of sUito. ^da of -A specially selected doctor is »»' :t« understood to have found lhal . Ii ter'a sometimes painful arlhriiis rc»' n- ot the hips wil! not Interfere with ^ he his iJClng an actlvo foreign policy to dilcf. hy ng No. 1 Proapect r ho Herter has long been conslducd the lez Uio No. I prospect lo succeed Uie m t ailing John Foster DtiUes. Dut President Elsenhower la reported ^ to hnve requested a confidenUal I I medical checkup of H erter by a ^ ' ••neutral" physician before mok- Ing any appointment. 1 k* Dr. TTieodore B. Bayles. HerUr's L personal physiclnn. already had ex- y pressed fltm confidence thnt Her- I ter would b« fully -capable of shouldering such duties. r tie* Arm Crutches _ la' But Elsenhow er apparently wanted sn Impvllal verdict so Umt hfl could assure th e American people Uiat Herter, who frequenUy j ., iias been photographed leaning on i , his meUl arm crutchea, had a clean bill of health. ^ ,,, A top Republican official, who „ 5 " knew about tho medical e^am. "• snld Thursday night th a t Etsen- ; hower would announce Herter's j ,, « d formal nomlnaUon In a few day*. ri' Steel Output up “j In Wake of Dip s or WASHINOTON, April 17 WV-The cj, U,c Rovernment says steel Industry an acc productivity has been declining hut j c]( now Is on an upturn. Tho an- or# nouncement armed bolh steel co jb- mntuiRement and stoel lobor wllh pi, bargaining ammUnlUon for con- na t^er UticI Ulks next monlh. t,ni TJi# labor department reported md Iho Industry's output' per man- u,, hour dedlned nearly 0 per cent p<, In Uio Uiree-year 1055-58 perlofl. Thnt Ume dojdy pamlleU dura- jj, Uon of expiring three-year labor -o !?I conuads. • iji On Ihe olher hand. Ewnn Clague, ' ‘ tho deporlmenl's statlaUcs com- — 1 mL«loner. s.iid sled produeUvlly started climbing steeply Inle Ia.<l yenr and is still rt-ilng. This hasn't — been otilcially measured yet. no Baseball Today » de- AMERICAN LEAGUE h" **• New V ork___________ 000 000-0 " Boston______________ 100 03^-4 . ' *nnlEyBna'BErrttT ■Brewcr-and_ ~i 1*1- Detroit _______________ 010 0 - 1 , Chicago - ..... .................... - 000 3-3 enl u»ry ond Derberet; Conovan and Lollor. , ^ NATIONAL LEAGUE ' Pittsburgh----- ----- 000 01-1 ae tied M ilwaukee____________OOa 00—2 th HoddU Uld Burgess; Rush and wi U n CnvndalL fr ard ---------------------------- TWO AIRMEN KILLED dl SPOKANE. April 17 WV-A mo- nc rell lorcj-cic went out of control early nj ary todny. crashed Into a rock wall and » as brouRht death to two young air er'* force enlisted men a t th# top of lale Bunsel hlU near the west diy limits. . — ^ p: 0 k r __________________ ____________________ Fl ED Counties I ______________ jitll Elurrtu of T hreate S tate P .hut robi'llious conviefs wiio liad seize ;s wliom fiiey threateiiDd to kill by I IS released as a hnstaKO blit went bac ict.s nnd jirison officials. "It'.s tiKht. He pleaded with officers in charge of --------------------------------------------- men n kedto - 1 - Sales Tax =; Jn was asked today to ffo on . hool finance und udministra- lEA deltwile u.ssembly. The e uble to pay. 50 per cent of )59 loKislalure, nlthniifjh some three m lhe con' t Set for fji Area^ans-li icussioii on whnt action might NiaKura-Crystal SprinKs rec- held Thiinsdny night nt the siiook.' ntatives lor a coordiniitinS “ jj, jaj d-orK«nixntionK-in Music VuU ."Uie spt I the next week ynd unolher ,t the city hall. It wns decided . ? development would be the home-nii [number ono project of the s^vera isroiip nnd that a long-range freed Uii jTogram ahould be under- ui« nev, taken. Lnrry Roe. Wendell Chamber of Commerce, wns In charRO nf Uie mecllni!, which wn.i attended b y ''* " ’'"'* npproxlmately 50 pcrnons. Laler R. S. Totflemlrc,' Twin Fulls. Uie prli spoke of groups 20 years ago grlevanc which had foresight enough to Aeon' realise whot potenUal scenic and loud^eo upon* areas abounded along the Included Snnko river, lie pointed out that lawbrenl there nrc many points that would enough bring tourist* In and keep them Inadequ: here for awlillc. fadllUei Representatives were p r e s e n t Befori from tho outdoor ' assoetnuaa,' ><;y..oi,j Twin FaUs: SouUiern Idaho Fish ), and. OamB assodaUon; Fourth ture to Dlstrld fiport*men'* club; 8ho- oLhnnd slfbhft'Raa ■»nd”OUn“dubi'7ir«nre' anus. ii couniy Bod and Gun dub; Sho- ingUi#i shone. GoodlnR, Wendell and Twin the cuff Falls Chamber* ■•-Of Commerce; *1 Idaho Power company and tho .rontani state fish and game department, y,. Ira Klsiler, GoodUig county rep- ^ resentaUve. spoke brieny. Roo wns selected to continue , serving as chaUman of Ui# group by -a unanlmota vole. Refreshment* were ser\-ed by . ' * tho WendeU Chamber of Com- , mere# after Uie meeting. esaerj :____________ ^ “onc Overload and i Motor Failui e : Caused Crash WASHINGTON. April 17 (UPl) colonel i — The private plane In which ber to t [ shoft-man Mike Todd was killed When lasl year was overloaded, th# clvU throURh ! aeronauUcs boiW (CAB) said to- barred i ' day. was lo ' The board otlribuled the March eonrlcU ' 23, ICS8, crash In which Todd and porien. , three oUiers died near Grants, tsj , N. M.. to a combination of the aj„ bi ' overloading and engine failure. ihs’prt ' WlUi Its overload and also bur- could n ‘ dened by Icing, the CAB said, the j„„tlns '■ two-engln# plane could not be been re kept under control when Ita right engine conked out. . (~~ It plunged from 13.000 feet olU- H ll I tudc at a steep angle, smashing ’ into a small valley and digging a| To< e crater 25 feet long. 124 feet wide, I; and 3W feet deep. Killed wlUr Ttodd In the Lock- * heed Lodestar were AuUior Art! Cohn, who waa wrlUng a biogr*-' ^ phy of tbe showman; PUot WU« ? “ * Ham 8. Vemer, and co-pUot Thomas Darday. I The Lodestar's approved maxl-1 * mum takeoff weight was 18,605' t pounds, the report said. When It >• left Burtjank at 10;41 pm. on! * Match 21 It carried at least J0.7!7| f pounds, or 5.152 more than the allowed maximum. * UYDE N05nNATED strlkl AUGUSTA, G a, April 17 (UPI) P*| 'I — Prealdent Elsenhower to d a y P*i nominated Rood H. Hyde, for an* plaqu oUier seven-year term as a mem- P*| ber of Uic federal communlcaUons play 1 commission. Hyde, a RepubUcon. Paj hnd been an FCC member olnce boul ^ im _______________ II ___ ; “Air Force Huinfs( i Satellite in Arcti WASHINGTON. AprU 17 lUPI) DOt.ki ' —The' air force said today an also w .1 aerial search Is under way over Th# 0 the vast top-of-the-world Arctic base t d waste* for the *p«ce capaule ejected search from the Discoverer n satellite, tlgn'' It'sald the search U being eon- dueled li\ Uio Spitsbergen area Jusl Tli‘ >- north of the Arctic clrd# with th# ly approval and cooperaUon of the “ ’.d- id Norweglon government. A ^5 The oir force said Uie search ly was bdng conducUd by T7. a tppn planes. A spokesman »tld lie did ment F I N A L . ' :|> i D I T I O N _________________ PRICE 5 CENTS 'V ,' 23 il ened ^rison icized control of Montnnn by Imnging or homemado back inlo the gripi, gray . tht. It’s tighter than hell ;! e of-200 national guards- in nnd other law enforce- intTncn not to storm tho , ' ILs in efforts to smash tho ni t whicli broke out at i n I. ytslcnlny when convicted ffl rdcrrr Lee Smnrl. 15. Spokane, sh., sliDt a n d klUcd Deputy rden Ted Rothe, 40, In his V ', .'arden PowcU told of the con- A hoIdlnR nlleged s t o o l 'p l g e ^ , .(ji, Informers, as he walked with fe newunen lo a nicoUng with ' f convicts. he warden was quoted by th# .'J ( of one of the hostage guards * sayinu "Ihey (convicts) said . n. { (• uould reknse them. I hope •'»' J r keep liieir word." The woman • i -Mrtr-Liwrenca-CotMns.-who— -y .'— .v ’ived n note wriiicn to her from j i husband. • ' > | rhey're shook. The Itunale* , [ •e are In conUol and they'r# ( ___________________ jJ « snld Uiat even a* he spoke |!J i spccwr of doalh hung over ......... ,-9i| iosla;:n tUll In Uie ceU block. illl 'Ive are set up to be hanged,’ \ II 'nid. ‘The resl are set up fOT I il le-made Incendiary bombs.” ||||I ^veral hours before Jones was » d th# prison Cathollo chaplain, B ll Rev. Ocrald Lynam, emerged M l R-a meeUng wllh the convict* BM 1 nn opUmlsUe report. He said HB rrylhlng looked good. I think . Ill mnde some progress." P || sier Ihre# newsmen entered |||?iji prison to henr ths prisoners' l| T convict spokesman sold over t Ispeaker that their eomplalnt* > urted poor food, placing young JiV breaker* In with older men, not -All ugh televWon and radio wid . . 1 dequita medical and sanlUUon ' -I lliUes. n 'i ief<«;rt^lr^ln^de^^^^ . . ^ led his hands In a helpless gos- t to otwamen. the ‘wrtst links , hiindcuffs .dangling from boUx is. H« ssld ttie chain connect- Ul# two cuffs hod been cut, but [ cuffs were sUU on his ffrist. | h# UU husky, IjSS sradtute of ntana 8Uto university sold “aU hoiUges are sUve and weU. !<<■ 7 treated us good. They gave .J ' coffee and sandwiches.” llh,' e said Uie prisoner* had many | J , lands tnd "I'm goins to push if Ir story. , I I :i's a big thing. Ho (the rinf- m jl ter) it putUng a lot of trust jhJI n# In my going back In . . , IM | on our way up. |IH| iVo can't put up any mor* I It," h» told prison offldals. I us work. I don't w ant anyone . j Ing Ul# power out of the war- , f ,'s (Ployd E. Powell) hand*. ,^1. 1 minute they do—rush the i,.; Is-we-ve all had It.** ^ j onts looked at a national guard ^ >nd and said. "Colonel, remem- to take ll slow and easy.**. 7hen h« returned to the prison *' oURh a tunnel leading to a ‘ ) red door in Uie meashail. Jones 9 10 act as spokesman for the iTlcl* In Ihclr meeting wllb re- • ters. m# reporters came out a t 11:50 , \i i. but by agreeaient bftween 1 prlsowrs and prison onlclais lljk lid noldlsdoae Uie resulU of the iia «Ung unUl all the hosUces hwl m released. !9 HIGHLIGHTS in I J Todoy't Time*-N«wi Pan 1 Montana ooovlcU MU loldlag S ho*t«cc«. Maglo Val* | k S ey eaergtndes Wmolated tn ^ T lefenie Ust. Teachen asked to ltiK 0 on record for sales tax. May . A meeUng set on Niagara lu j l prints plans, Castro aays he's \l| 10 communist, Counier-rerott li'l itlempl in Cuba quashed. Air ore# looks foe satellite capsule i at Nonray Island, T.'T. county •• • ilghwsy district merger « wsed. , I Vtft t-Chedc presented to 4 — Editorial: *7Unt || Jtnkes Plre.- |{ Ptft g—Church services. Ill i — FFA team wins ||l ’'iSi# It-Palm er lead* *olt ||| )Iay al Houston. Ill Pace 13 —Palterson-Londoa HI )Oul definite for May 1'. H rC ap su le o f H c tic W a ste la n d |H Jt know whether siirfs^ Tesseli • ao were Involved. ' ' * (10 Th# Vasdenberg, OalU., air forte Ilii, ue hid reported earlier that the rarchlng planes would tue ‘for* 1 Ign.bases" If neeeara.- an'» U oulble. ! The brief air force anncwnce* nent that the aearch Is under way aid: ^ 'A significant portloo ot tbe earth lor tha Discoverer n cap- u]e is being conducted wllb‘the ipproval of the Narwegian gorem* aent la tb* ^ tiba«en m O \ - V 1 ii!|» !i. •I S I t- V • J, I r ' f 1 I .\ \ >1 \

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Page 1: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

Traffic Death Scnrehnard

n«» |« lllfo

Idaho. 195B _ - ---------d ~ m l------ --------

& - a i i i s s = . ; |

' g

f.F .R oad A r e a lp ro p o sa l Jg Op p o s e d r ) p f p ,

i c roup o f in te r e s te d p e r- J _ y J

LgS'5il5Kn S the Twin W'Hh 22 cii6tny ro f consoliilatiiiK V alley F r id a y . F irs i;

r t u r T w in F a lls cou tity in T w in ImiIIs c o u n t’ g S a i s t r i c t s . cxiircsHC. plosiori a l M u rta u K r 'k ^ ^ p o s l t lo n 10 the ptoposnl o iie ra liu ii. A r o c i i tc l

time. . line c o m p a n y w o u ld‘■ ipproumaiely loHH o f g a 3 s c rv ic cS S . T S ' i ^ - S n l a m i M t l o I l

nttended the mret- T w in F a l l s c i t y WO Tteelcs nRo the question p jy r e jju lte d . th e o

f'MnsoIldttUoti WM broiiKhl be- i„ cio,,mK ii,c n ite r plm (.■» the chiifnl>er unit by Floyd si,ut[iu[; off the rcser^’o: l v-Dln who proposed the Aurl- kciiticHi Lctircr. Puir ^ura l division KO on rccord tis ^ould Mipply 250 gallon. rr,Sns eonsolldfttlon. Al tMnl mp „.o„irt be pu l Into

Uie division voted doan n „ „ j ^.„[cr usurs would : i^uuon to sucli cffcci, but fn- by rndio to draw only

furOicf study of Uic proiw- jrlnklnB purposes. tiiQO II broughi out Tliurs- 71,5. jHy di.w obtain' «T lilshl thnl the receni legWii- p^non lank truck from ,Ji h#d reopporlloned the funds i,i[;i,ttny deparlm enl m ,nll»ble to the highway dlatrlcls, v,|ih drlnWnc w ater fro rtlflc Uie smaller dlstrlcta more vnte well n t Youns'n di ^ f T with wlilch to opernte. „ l tlio Dank nnd T rur

diMusslnc the coav)lldn- (,mi ucnr.n, Rocbuck nni nan. IncludlnR representatives of were’ a v a l l n b l e for \tt MuriauKli lilKhTr-ny dlsirlct, drliiklnK water. A city 1 WETtd the reapportlonliiR may vi.(,„|d fti.,o be available cart wme of the past to-c.illcd nic uiiconlamintite ctD of llie present system. needed nreas.

Ti-ln Fills eounty Is divided n ip chemlcnlly polluti aio four hiKliwny dUUlcLn. Tliey belnK tented In labo t^-'B Ierr 'BUTn:“ MumUBh-nnd TTiFirialtlV u n T T b y D n T»ln Falls district, whlcli Is the creed nnd tcchnlclaju Kjtst, nnd'Tf h lc-hH n-fhe-pa*t TO ^c^7p c 'o f clieiiJicals hu obtained a larse share of means ot dl.-iperslnft 11. lhe money available for rond cnn- tamlnatlon could not b ju-wtion and maintenance. Tlie [jy IllierlnK. ftccordlni: I rtw reapportlonlntt forinuln will dcfcnw: problem, tile funds from llic Twin I'a lb offlclnls of Uje w»t'

icmUiisW m r t i * «. c«Idi. b (I ' „ble to det« -------------------------- leitRlh o t lim e th#

Vixon Set to number of Rallorui of w able. W ater from a well

Visit Moscow S„S ;,S, Tit' X“'_ _ _ needed, Defen.sc Clialr

Rv T.nto Tiilvo y J j U l t / J i u y A sim ulated collislo) WASHINOTON. April 17 Hv-

VIM President N kon -.wlU vhll U0SC8W In late July. HU expected wr''*^™ tlu wim hlRh soviet officio!# «>»'<! paUo men aus -4T help to set the «U«e for a patdied lo the ecene to aiinlt conference. routlns of traffic, andHU deslRnnlian by President El- r"'*-’ " scn l to nl

rahower to moke Uie trip also lOK the bridge, ould promote Nlxon'a chances for A Blmulate<l accident lie Republican prealdnillal nom* Wood river brlflRC nnd 1 Mlloa next year. Uib Halley-Ketchum hiB---------Optnlnt-Exhihll------------ clKirtd-B-lthout-incldtrA White House announcement Anlldpnled arrlvnl 0 t AuRuta. Oa.. said Nixon will emy planes wax 1 pjr Mke Uie trip to open an Amerl- nrea nnd n t Uial tltr Ul exhibition in Moscow July 2S. wero warned of npproa< 3 eUier details were (tlven but oul from nuclear bomt piomatlc offlelnLn uere sure he offlccr.i were alerted U ould meel wlUi Premier Nikita evacunllon Irnfflc fot :hm^hcntr^,v wh02e homca did not 'The sU-weck exhlbillon Is de- quatc fallout protccUon

icned to show Soviet cltlrens how and county officers w uncfieani live. The Sovleta will logical m onltorlnit equli Use a similar exhlbltloa In Nct ' persed to various poln ’wk Clly. - ihB roenl«ea Intensity.

Ceoia Booit Nlien j t det«nnlned thtIfW xondem onstmteiftcafwdly . 1. . fniiout to the det

roenlKtns had occurred n It could glre him a boost in his j j . ^ iio lllstcr norUj .nsnnounced quest for the presl- ’ . ° , -Ifncy In IS6O. At a minimum 11 111 focu.i ftllenllori on him In Uie

Mock NudJnlernailoiially. the trip means nev round of Jilgh-lcvel con- A . . "D

KU, followlns up Uie January A ttilC lv S Jl lut here of soviet Deputy Pre-

Cities o flUotorist W ho WASHINOTON, ApHI

mock nuclear lx>mb atta

Hit Blind ManFined, Jailed ff Uic nlr fo r 30 mln;

W e B spark*. 86 305 Locust J j '“erBlnc^'-'"opS^?^l"on‘!‘ .

r i n X ’- d t ^ y ^ a r e d i l i S >I'i C(M1., TlmrRday In Ttt'ln Pulls ____ . . . . . . „ollct court for falllni: to yield " ‘ H?!hf rlsht of way lo n pedestrian ^ watrilnft Ihn t ene ‘ cro-.,ttalk. «■"« I*'® hour^ nwny.£p»ks wn.i cited Wednesday thila'll a tir r an w c ld e n iA tn h ^ U ut-m uch tUno a ad la ni^rwilon of Mnln avenue and '■P V*ixih street easl which hoenlUlli- peopls wl1 nion I’rancla Dali fiM<4 Main e ^^ aa te th e ir eommi

MuUi. Dali, a blind man. *’*M dl-vnLvicd from MorIo Valley M SelfrldBO a ir forci [c.nalal hoflpllal-Thursdar — MlchigttO a surprise b1 Eusi-ne c . NorrU, Jerome’ w « resen’o officer* ol

lr.fd 1150 plu, coslaand'sentinced " ‘f ^" 10 dnys In Jail Thursday by Jus- c en tral Unll'M nf Ilic PcBce Olen Vlnlns for on p . f . 1, c.

« f i r ^ S r ‘‘“ “ * NO CLUE-7S{?;,'-crrL-. vv;,x initcn Into custody by PORTLAND. April 17 1 -•»ie I‘:itn)liiian Man'ln S. Wright deposit box th a t bdonc ' fr the IDIO Chevrolet he was mLwlnK Ken M artins w ■"Ins overturned on hlfthway 83 here Tliursdny. bu l 11 w miiM norUi of Tlk'ln Falls yield 0 duo lo th e fnml

aflemoon. pernnce.______________

Counter-Revolutionary iPl Reported Broken up in (

JiAVANA. April 17 (U P I)-Po- In whidj more than :( r- V Cardenas City In neighbor- were Involved.^ Mat.i:i7Jis province announced M antaniaa province 1

fy iliry had brokcrt up a coun- sent reier\'es to Cardem •''■'oiiiiionary plol and arrest- force Uic Jail guard a

JH fl p r r rn iu .----------- - • npproaclics to mllltnry•oiicc Mid Ihey Biso seized two Uon*. . .

,^ci.i«aiit, OJ einna and ammunl- A report Irom Sanllag adjacent Varodcro Beach cm Cuba, sa id nuUiorl

roimdup followed a Up ‘tiiat ^ ®i>nitr.revQiuUonarierwe« D to - ''w ar crim inal." i

‘>“ ‘U t . 5 ^ r -

ourtJr e*lil*nce of » window on * lino m.“uitr-reioluUonaiy coniplrtcy b linketi.

A Regional N ew spaper Serving

Oftl<lil CItj ■nd

Emergenc mul ated fc smePr-aetily planes sweepinK in over Canad ;s t civil defense, m unerous problem y nnd city officials throuKliout ir s t em ergency proljlcm to be deu! unty w as u suppo.scd y.na coniiires; lUKfi. I t was assumed it wa.s u sa iitullo u n it o f lhe Pacific Norlhwe.s uld in.stiill n lternale ciiuiiuneiit w it vice. Chem- * * * *

heoreticnlly.plant nnd the p -----r- — ' ..............

er^’Olr by Supt. |Pumps wTiich ■ illons per niln- .Into operation. 'uld be notified ( " • * ' \ -only water for ^

talned a B.OOO / \ \ itrom the stale AC ( \ \It and Iilled 11 • from the pri* \

dnlr>’. Wells ■ ’ : m is t company v ^; nnd company ^ for emercency :lty i.ink truck A J . lable lo irn a v • ' t t " ;noted wnter lo \ V . 9 £

Mluted w a t e rlabornlorles ot ■ H A v A□r.-arwooaMrr \ A - M / f r f - laj« lo deter- : - ^ ^ i

J”'™? <wn-o t'b e removed ni; lo Uie civil

depart- 0determine the


water avail- neighbor-

nlso be


lislon or two sen bridge re- olUeneck unlit aecured. U tree ' irs dls-

re-two Twin

to a ld Jn d e o r*

anolher on 1 .:Idmt.---------------

the en- pjn . for Uie time officers

:iroachlng loll- Twin F o lli eoiinly fiber jomblngs: Clly t l r a l . CUrk Hand n»e eli ■d to assLsl In part of th© d r l l defense 1

for persons Official! knd d llten i act Wt offer ade- alert. (SU ff photo-enmUon nnd s ta te ------------------------------------s wlUi radio- j f T i

i « t O flstro i

S " C u b a NotOi to M.ilc W ASHINGTON, A f ■ * is te r Fidel C astro tok

, todny he is no t n ci p l p n r chnnce o f Buccecdinp

T ? / \ / » L - clo.<icd doors w ilh mer J I O C K . and house foreitm nf.

f , ^ tinl leg isla to rs. He w; I J . n . S e n a t e Foreifrn R(

^ ‘ C hairm nn J . Williar l>riRht. D ., A rk.

attack h it Uie castro, now In the U '• Hundreds of his Rood will visit he Uielr readiness to .Uie senate offlc

compnny of a police m stations went escort ond special guards m lnutcs-Uien to him during his slay.1 back on for jj i j appearance, whlc on- be- nocks of lourlsla. precededa t 11.30 a, m., im poryinl lundieon speec

a convenUon of U. B. m aUon was gel* editors, enemy planes gj,,; jo ^ n M. Butler.

s there unsn i setiale-commlUec room wr ^ .f. . tro and h is aides m et-lr

' «1U‘ lhe ICBUIators. BuI whether to revoluUonary lendei mmuiimes or about exproprlaUon. con d best shelter. p<,„iai6 effect*force base In munlsm In Cuba.

U o ^ u i / i o ihn an 18-sUte e*ProprI“ Uon or conflUnited States ^uUer lold newsmen. “He unitM eiatea. properly conflicj' " been Uiat of some of thi

OUND criminal elerI n « \_A Mfe touched on commui

, ; v ; “

iwmij 9 aonably happy. He madt_____________he needs more money bul

did not eomo here to

Plot ■----------iCuba MpstUraniunn :00 perwiw Come From. . niVERTON, Wyo., i

(U P I)-A n atomic offldalday Uiat u . S. mines will 1

liutaH a govemmer itnry Installa-

illago in east- ' ^w lU es Uiere This forecast was made

jallbreak 0- Johnson, director of tl is" a t Donlato *« energy commission’s 1 no Immedlato U rlab division in rema

pared for tho Wyoming Mlied oollabora- wclnUon. • ator Fulgenclo From the sta rt of Ui3 deaUi In Ca. project to July 1. 1P05an escape a t- sources provided S3 per ce

u l of Uielr cell uranium bought by Uils mada 'irom for Its n u d e a r weapons a:

' progroini.

n , ,

f ^ ^ ^ L - T T W l N 12 ---------^


c y M o n t a

lada in n I Tlems were B Iu t MnKicicult w ith d e e r l o d g e . .Mont., J ■es.sor ex- s ia tc prison nre lioldinu f sabotiifv’c iticendi.'iry bombs. Tlie cli.s

ve.st Pipe- fortress-like prisim to a c t ,n tli little for them (the lioslaKc.s)’’,

k Radioactivity

% T . i " '

y i g

herirr Jatne* n . Benbsm, left, and fiUU PoUe I civil defenM devlcei lo check radlDacUyllr a ise exerdso condneted Jn Marie Valley Frida) acrou Uie Balloa parUclpiUd In Uie defeni


Fells Congress Vot Communis

April 17 (U PD —Cubnn P rim e Mi Lold congresfiionnl foreign P9 ljcy lendc I communi.st nnd communism h a s i npr in Cuba if his people a m bc c a n nsonably hnppy.” Cnstro m et behii nem bers o f th e senate foreiffn relatio i a ffa irs com m ittee, plus o ther in flu e

. w as invited to come to capitol h ill 1Relations I-------------------------- rr-----------

li.m Ful- , C h i l l y

I Ihlrd day continue t here iour- ba a bit chilly for Uio'next flv

ifflce'ln Uie days, according to Uie forecaamotorcycle received here Friday via Uie Aa

rds asslanedi Mdated Press., " * * -Ju.^l os soon ns Uie enllr

rsT'i-iiSbS's;• newspaper -Temperatures averaging be

■ 1 low normal wllh maxlmtim er. n .. Md.. niosUy 52 to 62. mlnlmumi 3 the crowcjed, U) 40. LltUe or no predp lU lloa iw hereC as-j (Probably.) t-lnform ally I |-----

. r 'u S Bills Rappedconfiscation v,rASHINaTON. April 17 (Ul cla of com- Mississippi lawyer t

tv conRresslonal hearing today U contemplate pending civil rights bills woi onflscaUon," "haras* the courts . . . w ith u n t He said th a t i]ii;;atlon" and cttale a “m nelstf flicated hnd of confusion." the opposl- Breed O. Moungcr. president

elem ent.-• - the stale's bar a.vociation. tesUf munl'.m and before a house Judiciary subco hance ot it mittee considering a host of bi

i i l r N E W S Blbut said he 'to ask im b e r l i n . Aprtl 17 tfU-Tho «o

with cancer, b u beecme "very-------. Eleanor U n iln j D alln li » api» r» parlraenl's office of Gemuin afil i n 1 0 . day. IIU eondllion ha* beeora

* j y ^ works,** the u ld e n 'a r r ira l hei

I I U . O . s v h a c USB. N. Y.. April 17 U April 11 formed babies Is being bom 1

Idal said to - radioncUve rock Is exposed In rill supply 84 official said loday. Dr. Jo h r m enl'su ran- dlreelor-for Ui*-d#paKmcnt_j me 30, 1003, and southeastern parU of the

ade by Jes.ie MEXICO CITV, AprU 17 m if tho a tom - near Pntrto Kino on Ui« G ulf i's raw m»- all IB p tn e o ) aboard «er« kUlc tmarks p re- slrllne, Joie Lope* Enriqne*. ' ; Mining as- n s e o l ImratdUtely d e tem ln t

Uie atomic WASHINGTON. April 17 (U r 005. fo rd sn M. Dlrk.M:n .'Jild today he lit r cent of the ClirlsUan A. Herter will bc app t Uils country secrelao''Of state. Dlrksen sali .s and power nomlnaUoa will b« announced


!n f a i X s ^ - ^ ^

), F R ID A Y , A P R IL 17, 1959

a n a C o n

i t a g e s ; X

T r o o p s.., A pril 17 (U P D — Warilen Flciyd E K five “ stool piReon” inm ates in ad cli.sclosiirc caine us the prison social ic t as in te rm ed iary betweiiii Uiu rif]

Jo n e s said. “I’m gointt back in ai

Idaho Teacli Go on

BOISE, April 17 (A’) - T i j c rccord in favo r o f a s ta le .sale lio n com m ittee ma<ie the recoi

. com m ittee said n sale.s tax is .school co.sts. There was no act

• law m nkers said i t was need­ed to pay fo r increased cdii- T' c a l i o n a l 'n n d o ther s ta te I survices.

The finance nnd ndmlnWr.itlon ; . coiimiitice urBed the lEA to ivoit.

V 1 to r crcallon by Ui# ICOl Irauuuiro ■ n o f i\ icpamte. dectlve slnlr bo:<i'd B j o f education conccrned with pub-■ I lie schools and vocnUonnl educa- b

tlon. Tills would leave the prrr.cnt n " W nppolnllvc bonrd ns tlie board ol \\ a « ' rcgenls ot the University of Idaho

uIid-IiIinio'Sl<.l«-colIeKc-:-------------C(• / 'rtle commlttce ripenlcd Uic

y lEA 's lonR-itftiidlng rccommtndn- n ^ • tlo n Uiiil the stale aup’crUitcndcnt tl

■ 1 of public ln.itrtieUon bc oppolnied a g j by the bonrd. Tlie superintendent i m Is now elected ond the leglslaiure | ESa turned down a 'proposal by Gov. | KjB Roberl Z'. Smyllo to make Uie post I S m appolnUve. I 1S w Tlie conunltlets planned opcni S n meetings Uils aftemoon lo get the SSt* views of deleRnlcs. I 'M E Ttie finance nnd ndministration

commlllee also recommended; j « u Election o t school Inisttes on a ; d n dlstxlcl-wldfl basis Instead of by PV ] tn u le e zones. They would sUU be _ | M nomlnoted by zones. I

A law requiring only a simple ^ H i m ajority. Instead of the present , H Iwo-Uilrds. for approval of school

bond Issues. A bill to reduce the required majority to eo per cent

■ j j failed In the legislature.H Tlie committee look note of Uie■ - ieBtAlalurc’s'ticUon"on- lh6 formu-

1(1 for dlstrlbuUng sU te funds to c: 60I100I districts. Th# law m akcnu«- cl vised Uie formula; but nobody^-a* u

'oUco very satisfied wlUi Uie revision a n d je I t a* they asked the stale department of . Iday. educaUon lo work out * compJeto ui fenjo new plnn. u_____ Anolher eommltlce recommen- ol

d&tion called for removing th e h: ^ llmltaUons I m p ^ In 1858 a* to d S w hnt kind of driver training ^ courses would b* acceptable. Tho

leglslalura d id so t act on driver U — X training. ^

M i n -1,000 Guards \ S Mobilized for : t io n s Walkout Dutyp

7/1171X330110, Ky., April 17 ill Dy Ml _ Gov. A. D. Chandler today ^

fo r possible duty In eastern K en- tucky's struck cool fields, oft«r '

IB to onoUicr man ,was killed. {*f l - . Chandler ordered Maj. Gen. J .

ecast J- B. WUllams to surver areas *=' f T : : h i t by Ul# United Mine Woricers .

union strike then decide If guards- ‘ n llre needed to roalntoln order. ^U her Th# moblllzaUon was touched f,

th e o ff by n gun batU# Thursday n lgh l th is th a t klUed James OUs Adams. 41; f

a n d wounded anoUier man. T hree J ; be- UMW members wtre arreslcd la ter ntims on murder charges.I i 30 ' B e f o r e Chandler’s announce- :lon." I m ent. Carson HibbJttj, president of

IOMW dlsW ct 30, noUflcd him Uic R > I union was discarding th# peace PI pftcl signed by b ith sides last week, n

■'I am convinced the operators " m p n d id not act In good falUi." Hlb- n

- r to]H bltU Wld Uie governor. bIV S a t The pact sUpulated tha t nelUier t- _ou id aldo-was- to hear arm s and Ihn l

un to ld p lcletlng was to bo llmltod and t:U t«m Pcw efu l- ' . ^

Tlittw charged w ith murder tn " e n t of Adams' dealh were listed as H ar- ,, ;sUfled rLion BUdham. shot In the stom - ‘ ibcom- nch : Verlln King and Democrat '■f bllU. Holliman, all of nearby Marlowe. ^

BULLETINS condlUon of John Foiler Dnllefc stricken

very, Tery serloBS,- hU sister said today, k ip c e la l ' a u tila n t In the U. S. aUI« de- I affair*. “I saw my brother lasl on Toe*- come very, T ery -scrio^ bo t be o lv a y i | here . .................. ........... ......................... ....

17 U T-A n unusually largo number of m a i- i -n in p a rU of upstot« New York where <

In quanUiy, a sU te heallh departm ent lohn Oenlxy. Syracuse, regional health j

th e Adirondack mountains.

MV-A T ine* ZUadore* alrUner crashed j u lf of California today. H n t reports said Ulled. Among them waa Uie owner of Ibo ( a . W hether any foreigneri were aboard Dined.* ‘ • '

(U P D -^ e n a te Republican Lender Bvcrcll I hns been ns.Mired Uial U ndereeaeU ry i

ippolnted to succeed John Foster DuUes os l aatd th e re Is a "real likelihood'' Herter'* I

iced Saturday and m lgbt even come la te I

' V -

N ino I r r i g a t e d Idaho Cou

>Uml-«r ot Au.Hl il • AMix-mie.l l 'rr«i «tic1 U

i v i c t s H

D e a t h s '

I S t o r m•d E . Pow ell u n iio t in c c d to d a y t h a tII a d d itio n tn 18 o t h e r ha.sta^rert w ocid lop l.st, \V a lto r . lo iio s , 2-J. w a s r t

r i f ]e an il k n ife -w io k lin K conv ict.s in a n d try a n d t;c t t h e m ou t.'* I l c i

chers Are Ask tl Record forI 'h e Id a h o E d u c a tio n u .«.socintion \ .sale.H ta x . T hu a s s o c i a t io n 's .school

recom m eiiiliitio ti n t t h e a n n u a l I E / >: is needed so th e s t a t e w ill b e u l ) a c t io n oa a sales t u s in t h e 1959 ' d - ------------------------------------------------------

oMay 1 Meet E Springs Ai 'l WENCICLI., A p ril 17— Discus :ft- b e ta k en to r e a c t i v a t e th e N ia i

r c a t ip n a l iir f ; i - P r o jc o t_ w as , h e h W ende ll c ity h a l l , i le p re .s e n ta l c o m n iille e -f ro m -a ! l- i ii te re s te d -o r

] ,j ley will b e iti iiio in ted w ith in th ' n - m e e tin g will be h e ld M n y 1 a t th n t th e N iiiK a ra -C ry s tu l .sjii-iafT.s dc

Snow h :rc» t | IIA Ilxy , April 17—A lighl ta k

I snowfall wns reported M Uie lNorlh Fork store n o r lh of cor

. . . Kelchum UiLi inoriilnK and lhe tneiI niounlaiiis were n h ltc . npp

No snow fell oii llie vftlify rfloor Bl Hiilley or K elchum ,but jpoll has been cloudy and ovcrcnst uhi

ft for ths past few day* here . ren:

I Herter Heads H S To Bid to Get 2 “ Post of Dulles su“ "W ASUINb-roN; iA prti i l W — to Christian A. Hertar apparenU y has cou ■0- cleared the Inst htirdlo atiuidlng In ** UiQ way of hln sppo ln lm en t as new P**' nd secretory of sUito. ^daof -A specially selected doctor is » » ' :t« understood to have fo und lha l . Ii

ter'a sometimes p a in fu l arlhriiis rc»' n - ot the hips wil! n o t Interfere with ^ h e his iJClng an actlvo fore ign policy to dilcf. hyn g No. 1 P roapect rh o H erter has long been conslducd the lez Uio No. I prospect lo succeed Uie m t

ailing John Foster DtiUes. Dut President Elsenhower la reported ^ to hnve requested a confidenUal I

I medical checkup of H er te r by a ^ ' ••neutral" physician before mok-

Ing any appointment. 1k* Dr. TTieodore B. Bayles. HerUr's L personal physiclnn. a lready had ex-

y pressed fltm confidence th n t Her- I

ter would b« fully -capable of shouldering such du ties. r

tie * Arm C ru tches _la ' B ut E l s e n h o w e r apparently

wanted sn Im pvllal verdict so Umt hfl could assure th e American people Uiat Herter, w ho frequenUy j . , iias been photographed leaning on i

, his meUl arm crutchea, had a clean bill of health. ^

, , , A top Republican official, who „ 5 " knew about tho m edical e^am. " •

snld Thursday n ight th a t Etsen- ; hower would announce Herter's j ,,

« d formal nomlnaUon In a few day*.

ri' Steel Output up “j In Wake of Dip s

or WASHINOTON, A pril 17 WV-The cj, U,c Rovernment says stee l Industry an acc productivity has been declining hut j c]( now Is on an u p tu rn . Tho an- or# nouncement armed bo lh steel co jb- mntuiRement and stoel lobor wllh pi,

bargaining ammUnlUon for con- na t^er UticI Ulks next m onlh . t,n i TJi# labor departm ent reported • m d Iho Industry's o u tp u t ' p e r man- u,,

hour dedlned nearly 0 per cent p<, In Uio Uiree-year 1055-58 perlofl. T hnt Ume do jdy pam lleU dura- jj , Uon of expiring th ree -y ea r labor -o

!?I conuads. • ijiOn Ihe olher hand. Ew nn Clague,

' ‘ tho deporlmenl's statlaU cs com- — 1 mL«loner. s.iid s le d produeUvlly

started climbing s teep ly Inle Ia.<l yenr and is still rt-ilng. T h is hasn 't — been otilcially m easured yet. no

Baseball Today »de- AMERICAN LEAGUE h"**• New V o rk ___________ 000 000-0 "

B oston______________ 100 03^-4 .' *nnlEyBna'BErrttT ■Brewcr-and_ ~i

1*1- Detroit _______________ 010 0 -1 ,Chicago - ..... ....................- 000 3 -3

e n l u»ry ond Derberet; Conovan and Lollor. „ , ^

NATIONAL LEAGUE ' —P ittsbu rgh----- ----- 000 01-1 ae

tied M ilwaukee____________OOa 00—2 thHoddU Uld Burgess; R ush and wi

U n CnvndalL f ra rd ----------------------------


re ll lorcj-cic went out of control early nj a ry todny. crashed Into a rock wall and » as brouRht death to tw o young air er'* force enlisted m en a t th# top of la le Bunsel hlU near th e west d iy

lim its. . — ^ p:0 k r

__________________ ____________________


C ounties I______________

jitll Elurrtu of

T h r e a t e

S t a t e P.hut robi'llious conviefs wiio liad seize ;s wliom fiiey threateiiDd to kill by I IS released as a hnstaKO blit went bac ict.s nnd jirison officials. "It'.s tiKht. He pleaded w ith officers in charge of --------------------------------------------- men n

kedto - 1- Sales Tax =;Jn w as asked today to ffo on . hool finance und udministra- lE A deltw ile u.ssembly. The e uble to pay. 50 per cent of )59 loKislalure, nlthniifjh some three m

lhe con'

t Set for fji A rea^ ans-liicussioii on w hnt action m ight N iaKura-Crystal SprinKs rec- ’ held Thiinsdny n ig h t n t th e siiook.' n tatives lo r a coordiniitinS “ jj, jaj d-orK«nixntionK-in M usic VuU ."Uie spt I th e next week ynd unolher ,t th e city hall. I t wns decided . ‘ ? development would be th e home-nii [num ber ono p ro je c t of th e s^vera isro iip nnd th a t a long-range freed Uii jTogram ahould be under- ui« nev, taken.

Lnrry Roe. Wendell Chamber of Commerce, wns In charRO nf Uie mecllni!, which wn.i attended b y ' '* " ’'"'* npproxlmately 50 pcrnons. Laler

R. S. Totflemlrc,' Twin Fulls. Uie prli spoke of groups 20 years ago grlevanc which had foresight enough to Aeon' realise whot potenUal scenic and loud^eo upon* areas abounded along the Included Snnko river, lie pointed out th a t lawbrenl there nrc many points th a t would enough bring tourist* In and keep them Inadequ: here for awlillc. fadllUei

Representatives were p r e s e n t Befori from tho ou tdoor ' assoetnuaa,' ><;y..oi,j Twin FaUs: SouUiern Idaho Fish ), and. OamB assodaUon; Fourth ture to D lstrld fiport*men'* club; 8ho- oLhnnd slfbhft'Raa ■»nd”OUn“dubi'7ir«nre' anus. ii couniy Bod and G un dub ; Sho- ingUi#i shone. GoodlnR, Wendell and Twin the cuff Falls Chamber* ■•-Of Commerce; *1 Idaho Power company and tho .rontani sta te fish and game department, y,.

Ira Klsiler, GoodUig county rep- ^ resentaUve. spoke brieny.

Roo wns selected to continue „ , serving as chaUman of Ui# group “ by -a unanlmota vole.

Refreshment* were ser\-ed by . ' * tho WendeU Chamber of Com- , ■ mere# after Uie meeting. esaerj

:____________ ^ “onc

Overload and i Motor Failui e : Caused Crash

WASHINGTON. April 17 (UPl) colonel i — The private plane In which ber to t

[ shoft-man Mike Todd was killed When lasl year was overloaded, th# clvU throURh

! aeronauUcs boiW (CAB) said to- barred i ' day. was lo' The board o tlribuled the March eonrlcU ' 23, ICS8, crash In which Todd and porien. , three oUiers died near Grants, t s j ,

N. M.. to a combination of the a j„ bi ' overloading and engine failure. ih s ’prt ' WlUi Its overload and also bur- could n ‘ dened by Icing, the CAB said, the j„„tlns '■ two-engln# plane could no t be been re

kept under control when Ita right engine conked out. . ( ~ ~

I t plunged from 13.000 feet olU- H l l I tudc a t a steep angle, smashing ’ into a small valley and digging a | To< e crater 25 feet long. 124 feet wide,I; and 3W feet deep.‘ Killed wlUr Ttodd In the Lock-* heed Lodestar were AuUior Art!

Cohn, who waa wrlUng a biogr*-' phy of tbe showman; PUot WU« ? “

* Ham 8. Vemer, and co-pUot Thomas D arday. I

“ The Lodestar's approved maxl-1* mum takeoff weight was 18,605't pounds, the report said. When It „ >• left Burtjank a t 10;41 p m . on!* Match 21 It carried a t least J0.7!7| f pounds, or 5.152 more than the

allowed maximum.

* UYDE N05nNATED strlkl AUGUSTA, G a , April 17 (UPI) P*|

'I — Prealdent Elsenhower t o d a y P*inominated Rood H. Hyde, for an* plaquoUier seven-year term as a mem- P*|ber of Uic federal communlcaUons play 1commission. Hyde, a RepubUcon. Pajhnd been an FCC member olnce boul^ im _______________ II___

; “Air Force Huinfs( i Satellite in Arcti

■ WASHINGTON. AprU 17 lUPI) DOt.ki ' —T h e ' a ir force said today an also w .1 aerial search Is under way over Th# 0 the vast top-of-the-world Arctic base t d waste* for the *p«ce capaule ejected search

from the Discoverer n satellite, tlg n '' I t 'sa ld the search U being eon-

dueled li\ Uio Spitsbergen area Jusl Tli‘ >- north of th e Arctic clrd# with th# ly approval and cooperaUon of the “ ’.d- id Norweglon government. A^5 The oir force sa id Uie search ly was bdn g conducU d by T7. a tppn

planes. A spokesm an » tld lie did ment

F I N A L . ' : | > i


_________________PR IC E 5 C EN T S

'V , '

23 ile n e d

^ r i s o nicized control o f M ontnnn by Imnging o r hom em ado back inlo th e g r ip i, g ray .

tht. It’s t ig h te r th a n hell ■;!e of-200 n a tio n a l gu a rd s- in nnd o th e r law enforce- intTncn n o t to s to rm tho , ' ILs in e ffo rts to sm ash tho ni t whicli broke o u t a t i n I. ytslcnlny when convicted ffl rdcrrr Lee Sm nrl. 15. Spokane, sh., sliDt and klUcd Deputy rden Ted Rothe, 40, In his V ' ,

.'arden PowcU told of the con-A hoIdlnR nlleged s to o l 'p lg e ^ , .(ji, _ Informers, as he walked withfe newunen lo a nicoUng with ' fconvicts. '

he warden was quoted by th# .'J( of one of the hostage guards *sayinu "Ihey (convicts) said . n . {.(• uould reknse them . I hope •'» ' Jr keep liieir word." T h e woman • i -M rtr-Liw renca-CotM ns.-w ho— -y.'— .v’ived n note w riiicn to he r from j ifhusband. • ' > |rhey're shook. T h e Itunale* , [•e are In conUol and they'r# (

___________________ j J« snld Uiat even a* he spoke | ! Ji spccwr of doalh hung o v e r ......... , - 9 i |iosla;:n tUll In Uie ceU block. i l l l'Ive are set up to be hanged,’ \ I I'nid. ‘The resl a re se t up fOT I i lle-made Incendiary bombs.” | | | | I^veral hours before Jones was ■ »d th# prison Cathollo chaplain, B l lRev. Ocrald Lynam, emerged M l

R-a meeUng wllh th e convict* B M1 nn opUmlsUe report. He said H Brrylhlng looked good. I think . I l lmnde some progress." P | |sier Ihre# newsmen entered | | | ? i j i prison to henr th s prisoners' l | T

convict spokesman sold over t Ispeaker th a t the ir eomplalnt* >urted poor food, placing young J iV breaker* In with older men, no t -A ll ugh televWon and radio wid • . . 1’ dequita medical a n d sanlUUon ' -I lliUes. n 'ii e f < « ; r t ^ l r ^ l n ^ d e ^ ^ ^ ^ . . ^

led his hands In a helpless gos- t to otwamen. th e ‘w rtst links , hiindcuffs .dangling from boUx is. H« ssld ttie ch ain connect- Ul# two cuffs hod been cut, but [ cuffs were sUU on h is ffrist. |h# UU husky, IjSS s ra d tu te of ntana 8Uto university sold “aU hoiUges are sUve and weU. !<<■

7 treated us good. T hey gave . J ' coffee and sandwiches.” llh ,'e said Uie prisoner* had many | J , lands tnd "I'm go in s to push i f Ir story. , I I:i's a big thing. H o (th e r in f- m j l ter) it putUng a lo t of trust jh J I n# In my going back In . . , I M |on our way up. |I H |iVo can't pu t up any mor* IIt," h» told prison offldals.I us work. I don 't w a n t anyone . j Ing Ul# power ou t of the w ar- , f ,'s (Ployd E . Powell) hand*. , 1.1 minute they do—rush the i,.; Is-we-ve all had It.** ^ jonts looked a t a na tional guard ^ >nd and said. "Colonel, remem- to take ll slow and easy.**.

7hen h« returned to th e prison * ' oURh a tunnel leading to a ‘ ) red door in Uie meashail. Jones9 10 act as spokesman for the iTlcl* In Ihclr m eeting w llb re- • ters.m# reporters came o u t a t 11:50 , \ i i. but by agreeaien t bftw een ■1 prlsowrs and prison onlclais lljk lid noldlsdoae Uie resulU of the i ia «Ung unUl a ll th e hosU ces hwl ■ m released. ! 9

HIGHLIGHTS in I JT o d o y 't T im e * -N « w iPan 1 — M ontana ooovlcU M U

loldlag S ho*t«cc«. Maglo Val* | k Sey eaerg tndes Wmolated tn ^ Tlefenie Ust. T ea ch e n asked to l t i K0 on record for sa les tax. May . A

meeUng se t on Niagara lu j lprints plans, Castro aays he's \ l |10 communist, C ounier-rero tt l i ' l itlempl in Cuba quashed. Airore# looks foe satellite capsule iat Nonray Island, T .'T . county •• •ilghwsy district m erger «wsed. , IVtft t-C h e d c presented to •

4 — Editoria l: *7Unt | |Jtnkes Plre.- |{

P t f t g—Church services. I l li — FFA team wins | | l

’'iS i# I t - P a lm e r lead* *olt | | |)Iay al Houston. I l l

Pace 13 — Palterson-L ondoa H I)Oul definite for M ay 1'. H

r C a p s u l e o f H

c t i c W a s t e l a n d | HJt know w hether s i i r f s ^ Tesseli • ao were Involved. ' ' * (10Th# Vasdenberg, OalU., a ir forte Ilii, u e hid reported e arlie r th a t the rarchlng p lanes w ould tu e ‘ for* 1 Ign.bases" If n e ee a ra .- an'» U oulble. !The brief a ir fo rce anncwnce*

nent that the aearch Is under way aid: ^'A significant po rtloo o t tbe

earth lor th a D iscoverer n cap- u]e is being conducted w llb ‘the ipproval of th e N arw egian gorem* aen t la tb* ^ t i b a « e n m O

\- V


i i ! | »




t -


• J,


r' f



■ .\




Page 2: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

f f ^IB P A G E TWO

H i M o c k N uclear I r 'A t ta c k s Rock r-||; C itie s o f U. S .S K

i • T hey h a d Do“ #(lvBnce notice «nd n q r t H i f i ' " wero given the call »t Uielr re-

O I gulur clvilliin Jo«js, ’ mup cooli■V O ovcnunenl bulldlnm ».erf ern- 23.33^Ul ;i . eufttcd n t MemplilJ. Teiw. tiane- I . i ' whnt of a hollddj- atmojphcr* pre- y ,

i viilled wlUj H'orkcrt tn Iho main _’’ poslofflco building husUIni; alM.ird ,

I! » riverboflt for a ride on Uie Mia- *fl a lulppi durini; Uie nleri period.

W hen radio nnd TV were blKked ' out Uto conelrnd ncluork Inime- ah. ^ v ; dlatcly cnme on two »lanifiird aii

brondcaal frequenciea — « 0 m d J-; « 1240 on radio dUU. Conelrad (1 „||;

K | i - | gtiort fo r control of elcciremnK* iturairfit ..." I t ;■ irntle mrttntinn. I t la ft »)jiteni I'"'** ------

wlitcli shlJw irtJin ir.iiluillUDi - •I to nnothe r nnrt IrdeslBnttl lo pre- n,,,

' I vent nn uttflcklni; enemy from /ol- umi. ........'1 . lowing rad io bcnme to t.inteu.

, M T ho two Conelrnd Jrequt-nclMV : would bc used tor telllna Uie pw- iif. ....... .J ,H pel wJmt to do In event ot the teal ["i"';'.. • .; , th ing. li'.'.iinc'" '

• 64in Dleao. Calif.. Uicorellcilly .......' WM deatroyed by a hydrogen boinb ii''Ui”*i«'ni

fired from nn enemy iubiiiiirlne.

i Franklin County i- * '" llill Lease Given for ^ Jl : Oil, Gas SearchW 1 D 0I6E . April 17 Wl-Tlic M.ite _'J' C lAnd bonrd npproved ye/ierday nn - GOODIN

| ] I oil and BBS Icajc on :00 nem ot for Mrs. E „ V ' land In Pm nklln county to J. W. former rt.1l > It Morris, Locnn. Utah. pm . Mondn» ' l I’ Morris will pny 25 cenU per ncre clmpcl wlU;: |, •' per yenr rcnU l plua 12!i per cent officlntlnc.- , royalty on any producUon. the clinpc! 1Bfi I S tate L and CommUsloncr John 111 Mme of 1

W alters lold the bonrd he h study- bo held In ; ‘ Init n rcqueat for flUite tlnnnclal

nld fo r tho DORUS Dn.',ln eW rfcwt HEYBURl ' ' near Dolse. Walters snld he will " n i l Curl i:(I havo a recommendation to prejcnt • PJ5». Mo

‘■■If to tfie board #t ft fnter nieef/nic. /’.lyno ftfem ' Ilo said sponsors of the reioft nev. Armant . • . hnvo asked IIO.OOO In stale nld to Plnnl rites ti

I'l r assist In hulIdlnK a $75,000 lodce. cr»Ide cemcl W alters snld the aim U to develop mny cnil nt

. ' tho nrcn. nbout ]5 miles north of Saturdny n:’ Boise, ns bo th a winter and sum- time o t.u rv

I' m er resort,r<_________ - ' — ■___ _ • OOODINC

" Last School Aid M^dny*’ ntI ' J f CM J.; • Given lor btate, ' BO m E. April 17 (UPI) — The William Oi

■ f ln iil 'n n d smallest apportloruncnt Qmvestdo s(J o f U»o Btat«’«sharo of tho minimum _ _ _ _rl p rogram f o r tlio 1058-5S schoolt yenr — ♦110.187 — was belnir dla- " A / f nI trlbu t«d to tha M aho schoob lo- 1V133' a u to Public InstTueUon Supt. D. I ■ ■k P . EnBelUng said loday tha flnil Vir tl quarterly paym ent boosted the ’l| I to ta l stA ta a id for the scliool year VLilUnt; hi?(t to ll2.3M.tl81. wards are fr• ApporUonmentd haTo been made p. m.; In nil

o f M.7C1.300 cn July 15. 1958; « .• to 8 p. m., 60C .rn on Oct. 18. losB. i n a ' i v a, 810.Q37 c d Jon.'15 UOs year. Mrs. John] Tha la rg e s t amount o f the final Molyneux. I, , •pportlonm ent, 113.147, went to Wilbur Ulric)* • Ada coun^i. Power and Clart Mnry Tnckei, , counUcs recdved ' tho Bnalltet Hanser), n i l ', • uhare. *08.83. . ^ • Thlane. Klir; I n M aglo Vallcy, funds-went to D

Blalno. S01S.78; Camas. «07.82; Efton Fm, J. Cassia, 1 3 ^ 5 1 ; Elmore, »1539JI4; Pre.icolt. M rI aoodlng. |1.5ai.00: Jerome. Alfretl Lj-mnI 703.18; Lincoln, 1000.70; Minidoka, BurROyne nni1 W,13834, a n d Tft'ln Palls. $7J73W. Held, all T>I — Cnmes, Fnlrl

Thor Missile Is S M v Fired by B ritish?---"

H | r ' VANDENBERO A m P O H C E ThurKJay I:'* f BASE. Calif.. April 17 t*\--nie Mr nnd WI , f irs t T h o r fired by a British cre«' Tuin Fnlls

I sailed w est over Uie Paclflo mlj- priany u ) ' )j, Blla rango yMterday. Swlshernnd:

I I A royal o lr forca offleer called lUnsen. a ll ' ' \ I t -a g re a t day for th e HAF." \ '11 G roup C apt. R. T . FroKley. sen- r n A « ? it

lo r RA P cfflcer a t this Weat COMt u O O a * ' missile base, snld: *1116 Thor has Visiting h( taken Its place In th e ’R A rs ar- morlnl hospH aenal alongside our manned bomb- to 8:30 p jn . « n . We a rc moro lh a n satisfied Aw ith th a T h o r as a deterrent to Ilobert Wl aegresslon." I)

A th ree -m an crew and Uiree Kenn ftltcrnnt«a trained hero over the t*'"- Corral. 1 p ast -eight weeks, launched tlie H' lley- 65-foot mlssllo a fte r two days of delay b lam ed on overcast sklea * dnuRhtei and technical problems. Rlcharc

.. Dynamite Blast Norths Kills One; 2 Hurt Noti

y MONTREAL. April 17 HV-A mnn .^If I carrying 20 aUcks of dynamite In 11 a n ovem lRht bog registered a t the i®™‘ * downUswn Queen's hotel last nlRlit.

Less th a n t w hours la ter a blwt tirnnce ■ J ohook th a buUdlng, taking I1I3 life li [ »nd In ju ring two persons. '*«''■ " r , RavI I Deteettves. aald I t wns suicide Bnti

and th a t th a mnn was Ouy Chnr- Bonnr. were bonneau, »bout 40. from the Inrm- l-'UvM to nl

i i i Ing com m unity of S t. Lin. Que illvblon Chi 35 m lle s 'n o rth o t Montreal. meetlnR tn ■

ti k Police h n d no immediate eluei ‘>ie coa^olldnto his moUve. and no nolo was dLMrict,

•" found. lo tpoaior n' . • time nnd dni

I:; Idaho Quairterly LhUon'S '■ ‘ Payroll Tallied

’ BO ISE. April 17 MV-Slate Audi-to r Joe R . Wllllnms ndded up the xJ T n„ Idaho pay ro ll for the first ihrtc m onths o f 1950 yc.ilerdsy nnd r i - rt cam e u p 'w ith the flsurc $7.:'88J0a. K j r J T - K '

- n U s includes Uie IrRlflniure. ,a ll attAchen. nnd nil employe ot T h I colleges n n d InsUtullona for a to- J

. tn l of 8.762 employes.'- Wlllluru WASIttNG aald. —Tlie ngrlci

■ ■ nounced todi

K e e p th o W h ite Flag le ra

! Of S a fe ty Fl>mg— - - .— *ptlTChlL'Se?t'"7l

,procr.im. Th:U T j Ihli tteck sH J million dollaI I ^ »lnee laai 0 (\ l $ V . IJUTl.-.; u,

_____ l l ______^ ___ » -------------- .i004UnR - pf,l | i l l • ^ f -x. ^I lf I $ : > M u t m x niIII 1L -->s.s J ' " ‘n produi -;i ■•111 buy drie

1 x i lhe CRM to !' J I I ' a fMo injtltuU

' ■ I > RC

I' l N o w 13 ddiis iv lth o u t a ST. l o u h

W / l c d t a l f t our

I trwuAIrlcn' I'""

V eather, TempeCIC VALLEY—sro»U> elondy wllh s« ' cloudy ton tfb l and tomorrow. Hlfh b. it 24 lo 32. W lody. UI|U yeslertUy ST, lo* nd 55 a t noon.

ITHERN IDAHOr-Cloudy with sho»ers ' snow flurries nnd piirtliil clrnrliii; toi coolcr Ivday w id 'ton igh t. Hlgli both di

V VOHK. April 17 (LTD—The h ijhe il ( rported lo Ihc U. H. w eather burcao yei ed a l Preildlo. Tex., and Thermal, pal :ren defreei. recorded a t Fraser, L'olo.

lUx. Min. I'cp.

«4 :» .0._______n ,s>w lirlf.ni

^ ________ ___:* v..ik ..

. r . ; : z r . ; T r . ruui'^'ttb:» ; ; ' jv.ti.*',j. iif.;


n, .Oi tu-in"Vai.I-‘

Magic Valley F iDINO — Punernl services 1 pm . Tu s. Elvn DInncli R oberbon. cemetery. re.ildcnt. will be held nl 2

mdny n t Tliompson luiuTnl TWIN FA WlUl thc Rcv. Elm er Neff for Chnrles ng. Friends mny cull n l held ol 3 ; pc! from noon Mondny un- Iicynold.i fu of wrvlcea. Lnsl rite s ivlll Rev. Pnul K In Elmwood cemeter}-. linn churc)

lU RN -tM nernl servlce.i for u ie "T ^ l" F irl Dethleff will be held a t “ '®

Mondny In thc Jaieph Vfemor/fl) chnpej B'ltii t^ic JEROME- m andJ.M uellcrofflcluUnB. Wnyne Adar .es will be hciaTit.thc'TOvi flt-6:30 p.m, emclery. Heyburn. IT lcad i tuhfrnl chn 1 n l the Payne m ortunry DwlKht E. W S' nnd Sundny a n d unlll fonio Amerlc ■Mrvlce Mondny. will be In

--------- rites Iq Uio)IN a -R a v iry for M n r t l n ________I w lin je 'r e c lle ir a t B p jn . 'k l N a IU I

n t Thompson funernl for Tlir*. Cai Mass will be cclcbrntcd n t bo held nl 2 Tuesday a t S t. Ellznbcth's chnpel, Qlei

churth w ith th c Rev. Rcv R. I, Bi> Ordwny as celcbrnnt. cludlns rites

lo services will bo held- a t Rest ccmetc

lagic V alley Ho: Valley M em orial S t. Beneg hours In th e m atern ity VWUng he0 from 3 to 4 nnd 7 to 8 hospltnl nrc1 all oUiers. from 11 a . m. 7 to a p. m n. A

ADMITTED ' Mrs. Kenniohn Swbher. Mrs. Oliver Mrs. E. J . Pa: K. Drent H i t h e r . Mrs. mniiihim Mr Ulrich. M ii. O rrln Wolfed u a rry Blnice icketl nnd Mrs. Clarence Mrs, Alvin nil Twin Falls, and Brueo and aa iT Ri Kimberly. , " n

DISMISSED i ir s , ArlemFnuicls Dall. bnby boy H ansen; Pat Mrs. OmI Q m bntt, Mrs. ahone; Carl

.j-mnn, E lm er Sweet. Joc unne Pultln 3 nnd Mrs. Wallace Brown- 1 Twin Fnlls: Lori Ann DauRhlers ^airfield; Wlllinm McCoy. M rs Dale S h; T, F . llollowny. Filer; a n d M rs Alvl rl Wllson. Kimberly, nnd II. Roy Holllfleld a n d ^Us,Vincent, all Ilonsen. V X iiu

DIRTHS VlslUng h( lay blrUu Include a son to p lu l are froi I Mrs. Leon LltUcfleld. 7 to 8 pm . lls. Dnughters wero bom a to Mr. nnd M rs. John Mrs. Judy m d Mr. nnd M rs. Cloreace Teal, Mrs. D a ll Twin Falls. Rodgers. Mrs

-------- Judy Krnmetdinf: M em orial; hours n t Gooding Me- Tj„nerl- Mra ospltnl are from B IO a .n .ijn. —' »J

ADMITTED Mike KrnuOoodlng. Mt3. MjTUi :

DISMISSED M rs Darlene lenneUi PiiRh nnd dnugh*Til. and Oeorge Brndford, DnuRhlers


h v i e w U n i t

o t e s M e m b e r s , M i i ' i iApril 17 - obllRatlons c o u n tl^ L S i

:clvcd by Mr. and Mrs. „„,i ilrhead nnd Mr. and Mrs. “ “ ‘ lollowny. when the N orth- , 1nee met W ednesday n igh t * .'i l , , IrniiKo linU. Robert Mm - ’" i? ’ ^'"1! t ™ 11» oW lmUora.. • ” " " i ;

Bnggett. master, a n d Ivnn k-».k. h * .•ere selected ns rcpre.icn- .0 nttend the 'A R rlcultiire iJ ," m ” ?,'. Chamber o f CommerceIn Twin Pnlla to dlscUM

olldatlon of Uie four high- rlct. Members nbo voted or n 4 -u dnnee w ith the1 dnle 10 be announced.:ime.i Welch read the lilRh- S i ,OranKe news for th e pro-

Uch WHS under th e d ire c Boise, a t the 1 Mtti. Clnra Juker. leclurcr.hnicnu were served by .Mr. I------ -----------. Miin-ln Cnrlson nnd Mr.. Don Huston.

■ B u y i n g S e t

) B o o s t P r i c e:rNGTON. April 17 fU P li" urlcullure departm ent nn- UJday an eKK-buylnR pro- ■

' bocut Uie MKSlng prlcc

tepartnient w ld ti.-i new will be In nddltlon to esc

•s- "fcr--the - K l i iv n 'Im ic r i '--------------. Thnt progrnm was lialiort ■k after pljrcha••e.^ of H tollars worlh of dried ccrs I Oct. 18,: u rd fr ilie new pdce- - prosnwi - will be d(me fund re.i«n-rd mainly for X nintket.1 for pcrW iable.-oducts. Tlic dcp.irt4iient dried eKg iollda and give, to needy people niid ivel-1 ItuUons. . I

PROM PACING? I3U18. Mo., April 17 (UP!) 1

oiflclal reported thn l a iprk Who arrived by plune rica jeaicrday lu s n bun-1 '


Deferers cf rain or snow today, f«en-olr. 'casT tonight nnd Bnturday. A

i days 45-SO. Low Uinlght tv acuuon frei -■ V made OD hlghw

■ Nevada to ftvol

T h e fallout wo ■ ous In the area i

r ..... -I ‘ J *n- nnd would co• ...........u f t westerly dlrecUoI'.ui ----------t : 4J .« waa advised. V,

k -----------baaements would• -. IQ " -51' er-protection th t-'i'r ........— ' .n reiisonablv ntr-

............ !T ^ Houses could be..................•' j j f.n CommunlcaUoi

1 ---------------11 « a ttack were worki j , ..................J ' ?• •“ die reports, witori.i'-- (s 4i 01 from ther ________ I 49 jrt ie: m ilters complete

---------------•» <5 fading.' ''"**------------*J A tesUng ofciiV'l_. ..'J—I n 30 equipment Is r

■ -----M nnd officials wefi.ra ---------- M 4J th e rcsults o t t,1.1.4•- }J JD • Uon-■" .................:< A t Slioshone, towiiont H 10 derailed ft'

. ' I Sheriff Thomas 11 I • using all nvallab

' unerals-Lincoln county

In n . " S !_____ a rea ot 11:30 pit

to eS tm " S 'b ';lcs Edward Vnnce will he he had-i3 pjn . Salurday a l the tj.cy be ta

I funeral home, wllh the volunteer# fron .1 Kenny. Kimberly Chris- partm ent and bur urch pastor, ofllclatlng. aRcmcnt will bo c ng rites will, be held a t u needed. Conner » PalU cemctcry. Tw,-o bridges ov

--------- river In Blaine■IE — Sunset Mrvkes fo r scenes of slmuli dam Barclay will be helt.* den is Fridny mc ,m, Friday n t the Crippin to 8hcrlff-L ,E , Oi chnpel T lth ttic ' R c r . ' « w k c d a

Wllcher otflciminR. Je- oferican Legion post No, 40 "illcSjMUlh of Ki In clmrge of gmvcslde .Jio Jerome ccmclery. Friday morning ai m j , - Funeral serrices Carrie B. C anulu ia will sum m er c ^ p s j j .1 2 p jn . Saturday In Bey 31enns Perry, with Uie ‘" f* S*"'Bnmes offlclntlng. Con-

lies WlU be held a t Olenn ,etery. , A nother group ^______________________ day afternoon bul

I on to Boise be

ospitals =- ■' J civil defense dire

Mcdict’s, Jerom e; hours nt S t. Benedict’s Problems prcser ire from 3 to 4 and from Inted nlert fo r Ci . m. ^or complete evnci

AD^^llTTED Oakley nnd Maltninneth Kenrby. Hnzcllon; '»hen tha fi Parr, Wendell; Armondo ‘o h it, repor Mr^ .g-hi-.r'..vf.)fit sq n, clvlj defense i

iicek. Edmund Butlcane. Officials decided In Irons, Jamea Shurt* necc.isary to have <■ Rupert. Ml Jerome. ‘I®” tw n '* "y nira

DISMISSED sdNJunte el•leno Moaa jind dnughler. « ” w«- « « Patrlclft Fi‘eemnn, Sho- P " , « n l of -the orLiJorrls and Mrs. Jo- w ouW .hsre to bo Idn. both Jerome shelter. Nielson

BIRTHS ^*«tllters wero bom to Mr. and ^ ^8 Bchvaneveldt and Mr. esUmated t Alvln irons. boUi Jerome. ^- for ft limited ta

i l t a p e , Burley m Uie nre.v Nlelso : hours a t^ o t ta g e hos- A fter tha fallout from 2:3(Tio 4 and from cliurch kltche m . for feeding people

ADMITTED Some 20 policeudy Yoat, Mrs. M yma .nro b^lng used am 1- Darlene Lnrsen, W . H. personnel will guaj Mrs, Sharon Moudy, Mrs, ond buslnes.iea to imer. nil Duriey; F rank They nlao wlU dire t. Malta; Mrs. Orace An- A l Rupert, She; llntcllon: Cnthy Traey. **‘<1 ■>« " ’m n .Its, Pntricla Skeen, Paul; the expected fallc Jth. Oakley. tlon.

DISMISSED I A truck coULiloi :rnus, Mrs. Loms Tm ey ®*'er Uie Molod rtvi Ul Kidd, nl! Burley, and <*''1 “" ‘1 lene Anderson. Oakley.

BIRTHS Larr>- Roe In Goocers were bom to Mr Sheriff K eith j

Edward Rodrigues. Mr. chnrge of secu rity . Mn* Yost and Mr. and ‘" k « :

I Moudy. all Burley Sons fnliout iI to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry »<ntgens per hou rley, and Mr. and Mrs “* *"tl;cn. P a u l. ', expccted a t i l p ji

ildoka County Rcds ExpW estD i

V d K o ■ c S p ^ r ^ SV n ComcgyA, Mrs. -Wll- piiy explolUng the ling. Mrs. Elmore Love- tween the Britbih

over Uie hlRh flyli D I^IISSE D planes In'Uie BerU

ne Thorpe, Ruwell p j t - Communist mdii n. Thomn.1 Mnckley and pern nlso are tcltlni DurdeUe Mong and son, mo-st Briton.-* nre t' ^esignnUon of U,——----------- ------ Stntc Dulles.CTOR nEEI-ECTED In both cases t y, Apni 17 — Harold quote llbemlly fror Icy. was reelected ns one papers, seeking to rccton of the Pcrpetunl ture o f the Wester -ife liuurance compnny. divided before the he nnnual meetlnR Tues- elRn ministers- cor ____________;______ nevg next month,

COST—/ o f o u r u r ^ c e i i

, cenlrolled by~»>8'family.

.TWIN FALLS MORTUARr R t 3.1300 Day or Night

, Our wide clioica of pricoi m eeh «tl ne id i.

, , . T i l l

gencyls f : T ^ - ]l l f l i c d i f o r A ttends MeeUng '

, « D r. B ernard L . E

ense A le r t» rs'me ric*.» p«« 0«I| Physicians in Chlcaist to MalU and souUi ton® >0 <l»ys-

ghway 03 souUi Into W ork Seavoid the evacunUon

Missile 1Utah before entering

Rest olrea unUl about 0:30 p.d come from a north- W ASHINGTON. ^ «Uon, Sheriff Benhnm Army engineers sali . While homes w ith »H1 be under way b ould offer a fa r great- of this year a t nir I thnn-those without, continental- •balltsU

Inunrhlni- wltfi___1 be uUUzed. Location of- th e sitaUons for the mock ou.ily announced Jjy working oul well. Rid- and work has alren

with frequent cut- some locuUcns. the emergency trans- Coal 300 Mlileted with little o r no l? ie new constrtic

and T itan missile s of Uie emergency about 300 m illion doll

is made periodically, neera said.I were oaUsflrd with T he a ir force hns 5t the Friday opera- big mlwlla sites in

Tlie first launching s ie, three railroad cars a l V andenberg air d a t 10:45 a jn . bu t Calif. The engineer! ins W. Conner eald by contract fo r »5JI12.( .liable cnterplllars re- for additional laun »m pleled within an ment n i Vondcnberg

Another contm cl, unty officials expect dlUonal Atliui launel eport th n t radloacUvc nt W arren a ir force reacli the Shoahone enne, Wyo.. recently ■ pjn . I-'rlday. to Blount Bros,. Monevncuntlon of resi- Advertisements fo r '

ned bul Sheriff Con- Atlas un it a t Offul ad_n6rdeclded where Omaha hnve been i; e tnken. contracts awarded,from the highway de> Colorado Bidi. bureau of land mnn- Bids hnve been a be called Into service first phase o f w ork n nner tald . near Denver. A secoms over Uie Big Wood eel will be adverUse ne counly were thc m onth, mulnted truck accl- B ids will be request

morning, according work a t Ellsw orth bas I. Outw, Large trvcks City, S, D,. in Aug 1 a l bridges seven slm llnr work ftt Llnci of Hnlley and two October, f Kctchum on high- in April, May am

vlll bo asked fo r mli e is came Into Hailey a t Forbes n ir force I ig and mosl of Uiem Knns,. nnd In August a l BuiTTalley and Bsie tieaf S a lin a . KaJ JS- In th e - area.-T he —Btdron'TQ O ’ f lB r f l

sent over Galena ftrucUon con tm cts-li Stanley bn.-Un to bc unit n t Fairchild boi forest camps a t AI- kane will ba opened vIflsli lnke.1. ______________up was expected P rl- i • i •"." is r s Awards Giv

Safe Buslihnson. Blaine county gafg driving ,a w a rt

“ ■“ . I s .

; . w ‘ were glvea fo r drlvlm to.l3 years w lUiout ar

ave complete evncun- B o S l ^ n :

rshert ’ TSto) bo U ken to plnces "ilson snld. as tho rest eUltles in Uielr own ^

Radicals L( u .s.,jdsti(^^I:W VORK. ABrtl

C ourt Jusllco

s?““ "IS

direct'trnfflc Is the g rea t overwl

IW™ on 11.. b ridK K " 1 H « r b e u w n W m - , f f ' — wn. th(> fir-i n ro s. tericnl nnd frightened

:lvll defense Director th e M tlo n was str aoodlng county. ___________

S , ™ S " . . o“ oJ-s expected to receive YORK, April)ut a t the rate o t 10 Sanders Haya. ;

IdlUonsi fnliout'w as fn s suffrage, died Thi „ j„ Hays, widow of stock

- Ham Henry Hnys, hnd„ In th e women’s poll

< C P l 0 1 t i n ^ ment since W orld wai r \ * r x * form er pre.-ildtnt ofDiiierence Nmionm Reputistria. Anrll 17 WV^ She w a , bom - in Ncw ipngnndlats nrc hnp. the differences be-

U.ih and Americans C ^ _flying by American | O c f cJerlin a ir corridors, ! , mdlos and newf^n-; dllng the world U int' A B ire hnppy o rer th e ; M M M I I U, S. SecreUry o f '

es the communistsfrom BriUsli news-' H H H i ■r U> present a pic- Irslem powers sorely IUie Ensl-Wc,il for- ■ ■ Iconference In G e-i H ■


V arious p every type ness, comi Airousric o

1 ^

’ I M E S - N E W S , T ' W T N F A L L S .

n Falls News in Brf SItulclanj M eet SalorL . Krellkamp left The Jun io r M usic di to attend a meet- a t 9:30 a jn . Saturday

nerican College of copal church. AU m< Ihlcago. He will be friends ore Invited.

---------------- -• FallcDl ReportedCaU. ro

5 6 1 t o r hns entered Uie^ clinic h o sp lu i fo r me

e Bases.C 'X T - Mrs. D. K. C ederslr

O I I c a r StarllnRS. sponsored b ton school, m nde a i

)N. April 17 Ifl - Timcs-News p la n t Thu » said today v,-ork noon, fay before the end _ _t n ine,new Inter- Marriage License sIllsUc- - m i s s i l e - A m arriage Ueenae-

he sites was prevl- ty cler<p ^ o Maurice I d by the nir fone land. H am en, and ( already slarted a t Jones. Jerome.

)0 Millions M «t Set April 25 'iitrticlion Of AUos N « l m eet ng o t Jlie sites will coat Sena 4-H club ivlll be a dollars, the engl- “ M Uie liomo o f the

Mnrvlne Sheridan . Asa hns deslgnsUd 10 '5 •? ” <=

s in mis country-. • « '' m eetlns, way ling site wns set up to eam money

nir force base. esmp. ______

"I f'lneJ to r Expired Lie f ^ Dvird. rouuUunchlng equip- *5 n n d »3 c

. 'i '■ T .1 ilsy for opcrnilng a r ■net. Involving nd- expired dri\

loree blue Che ■ 2 , Young nnd oppc tnlly wns awarded j ^Montgomery. Ala, „for bids for the ______O ffu tt baae near neturn From V isit :cn issued, bul no j,jr. nnd Mrs. R. E, ed. returned T hursday frcBidi A»ked u,eir son nnd daughter-

en nsked for thc m d Mrs. R ichard Cor ork nt Lowry base family In San Diego lecond Lowry proj- month. T heir son. a * erUsed later Uib Tv,in Falls high seho(

Army and Navy Sehocquested for missile Jn Wiuhlngton. D C . .h base near Rapid La Jolln, Cnllf., Bj-mphc

August nnd for gnwp. --------------Lincoln, Netir,, in _______________

eta-for the Atlaa GOODING, A pril 17- d base nenr Spo- Grant, retired tivrm er, ned April 21. man. died a t Gooding_________ hospital T hu rsday ei’en

. Ing a lingering lUncss.,ivento IS Driverstw ards were pre- th?T homesteaded. He l ^ ^ R i l l s drlvm P“o)'ed f y McMallln wavs -Tliursday a t Sheep company, Boise W8)s Tiiursoay a i c u rrn n Sheep c

Snfetv council H*Iterman and aLm fc esemed^by Lieut.te rairolmnn and he w ent Ur lv ln T fw r« v e n Wyo.. where h e mana; m t an ac” lde“t ^ears. He

aw arts were September, 1047. and n _ jS _ ,lie™ oo le ' Ooorilng. M r. Q n in t v u

m S m''' F am e ReddWi, 6ur\lvors Includ . on

• thd m)*eMn(r wcri* Rosary WlU be redtec!

" ________ 10 aJn. Tuesday a t St.,^r ■ ,* • CaUioIlo church wiUi‘Lost’ insticeSaysK•’ '^" ‘" “"”April 17 MWSu. --------------—

JS/SS'i:„?d Drivers Fiimg, henlUiy and BURLEY, April 17 — ird a lot of rclxls, Johnson, Burley, was fin nconformlsts e®*ts by justice of-the J the diversity wc Weldon T liursdny for cause of freedom '""d flnps on hla trvek. verwhelmlng ad- William C. Anderson. In Uie world to- *5 m d cw t« wlU

ng communLim au-ipcnded for failure ■ . w hat he cnlled "« “ ttllty In

Blnrtlng In the Pntrolmnn M arvin S. V 10 American peo- rome. Issued Uio clUU

tened when nclu- I L . 1T T 1- E .'I ns strong, healthy “ '

.EADER DIES ?April 17 liB-Mrs. * > nya. 82, nn esrlynpnlRn for worn- / / r ^d Thiirsdny. Mrs, / . i J . / . A A »stockbroker Wll- . hnd been nctlve

pollUcnl move- 1 war I nnd was \S Z 2 » f i \n t of Uie Worn. A sm art glri never i! lepubllcnn club, hand unUl ih e h a s a m

New York,city, to eat out of 11.

ee US for your


i t E , n)RATIVE -SOUND \ A


; patterns - c sty le : 'pe room - Home — bu )mmercial or Industr!' c and'Ceiling T iles,


Jero m o ------ -Twin Falls

L S . I D A H O

jp je f ‘Aii--Cusliio ia iard iy V ehicle Glie d u b will meet _ _ _

NavyStu(^ WASHINOTON. April ]

The nnvy U, studying theII rouU 1 Twin ‘ «I -^-ir^ “ "I on cushions of air

m e c to l t r ^ t ^ . A number of research c * have been made. Rear Adi

son Bennett, chief of nc ■p search. recenUy told Uniralrom .n d thc “ 'b' ; " , ed by Washing- , B e f e l l w ld one of Uie j

a i u .7 or the interests of the navy In proxlmliy” vehicles la J ,

i-nursony-alter- ,ppUcaUon to a__ submarine warfare.

The term Li applied by t

0! .nd C m l Lynn__ ■ nilrea using wJch n flostli

form, contnlnlng lu own of the Sew or P^anl and controlled by rIII be held'A pril a mobile tracker and desti thc leader, Mrs. submarines.

, Assistant lead- Such a hunter-klller p McCollum, Al Bennett said, would have 1

ways were dls- »le only a few feet abi 'ney for summer waves.

The platform sliould be of flonllng on the surfnce

1 License • - sc.t—for"extcnded pcrlodj route I. Jerome, dunking lls detecUon gen »3 cost-1 Tliurs- the surface. Once nn encr ft motor vehl* marine was located, the p

I driver's license, would lif t from the surfnc atnte Patrolmnn lu hovering power. I t cou appeared before a depth bomb right over cace George E, emy sub.

The admiral snld lhe nn — would look Into the feaslli r- nPP'ylng the ground prt . E. Commons principle to amphibian

hkr-ln -law . Mr. jarger vehicles.Commona nnd __________________ _

S d ' v ; Wendell Citize T L 1 -X Report ActiviW hony cOMcn_______ Marsh. L arry Petersen anf , , Rydalch. students n t coll i T r J l T l r Cnldwell. ore In A

this week for spring vncatlc V Q f l T l P r the ir parents nnd fr!end.i.. a L i l l C l ) Mrs. Dess Edwards hns

ijnOeaffi1 17—M artin J, Uielr family left the first Tier,and stock- week for the ir home In Rl Kllng Memorial Wash,, after vlslUng Mr. nt ei’enlng follow- E, J. Bennelt, parents 0 css. Goodlln.I Opher, Utah. Mrs. Ella Mno Pnrker n: came wllh his daughters hnve relum ed wagon In 1B38 Sunset, D tah, after vlsltli

IS prairie where nnd Mrs. Johnie Cllne am He wns em- lly.

allln BroUiers ----------------------------

S r S n . ' S / S Man Reportedw for WUllam -

S T W c n , , . . Fair” Condlnanaged stock- HAILEY. April 17—Wllli . He reUred In Butterfield waa reported ; and moved to condition todny a t Uio

.rch. Uken Wednesday followinge one broUier. nlytlc stroke a t his home on xllng; one niece River streeL

- He had , evidently enten «lted a t S p in . fast and soon after collap npson funernl the floor, officers reported. « celebrated nt Qaye Penk, daughter ot M ' St. EltwbeUi's Mrs, Onylor Peek, his ncx wlUi the Rev. neighbors, found him aroi

as celebrant, a . m.will be held a l Butterfield had lived nion ho Hailey cem* coming here some years o|

dnughter. Mrs. jnke Bumcr ----------- ray. UUh, arrived Friday.

Fined FREAK CALF BORN17 — Robert L, PADL. April 17—A fren: IS lined IIO and was bom dend Thursdny to tho Peace J . L. stein cow owned by Henrj- \ for having no er. north of Paul. The ca

nick. two heads, two necks, ta-oson. Deelo. was forelep. boUi male nnd fem with 13 being Bans, only one pair of hin

ire to display and U-o Uils.y Ualler. SU te ----------------------------S. Wright, Je - Tree Heal and GrafUng \ :lUUons. Globe Seed & Feed.—Adr.

■ r ...

rer ihow* her L. ja m an ready

i y O T

K''::liw /-

Como In IOCill' ' of im ort n .w 19,

fr««h ond riody I \V - for ffyli, nothing

Caloxle. I opifQlIng c

g it.w hh Ih l Cui Six inB lni. fo r eo Intldi . , , w hir

^ Eviry '59 fo rd Ite for•---- .......... ....... —Choose-ih.-i5usi- lion ond ing ln i >

Sovi ilmi and mo

' D r i v e o , . r ledIhl fighl prici-foi

IT'S WORTH A L•RS•Y BUHL K0 P h o r o i 57 1

l l s OPEf

Getsu d i e s s S ^ i 5 $:le over land p ^ r ^ k '"

swmm^iuee'Uie principal p°Te "e

In "ground • • Spri; o r . ', ! '’-J J n Uielr '^ “5' f‘le W.r.iia an anU- j , ' • V' ^ '‘Mma-e e;iu

dig out frotn tnll slackbr the mill-lln j vehlclti i T 'd '

r platform, to b,' ive to oper-

above the ' “7------ -------

ho c .n .h ,c H o u s e O K ’s F u n j

r 'l - S / L .S J O n Military J o kgesr below WASinNGTON'. An-ii enemy sub- The house pav.ed atidn-t , he platform senate yesterduy a bill m »,,,!?" irfnce. WiUi spending li.252,603,ooi to r? : could drop U ry construction In ih. t-

ver Uio cn- S U tes and nbroad, ^ T he con.'.ln)ctlon «-nuM tr~.

e nnvy also mainly of public ao rb andT^ easlblllty of Ing n t army. nnvy. »ir

proximity reserve ba.-ie.i. ’ ‘an landing Pn.-jnges of the bill « , b ,». veu to much cnil vote of 378-'. ' -

T lie toU l nuthortztd mbiv,------ appropriations wtiieh tmut

sepnrnle I« ij|» i!c ' I Z e n S f»03,020,0£10 IcM thftn , ^ • IsiroUon- hnd rcQUcsifd

: i v i t i e s . h r h V c ' L ™ , ; ' £ % 5 «n - — . Joe Written by lu amifd

1 and Tom eommlttee. “

In Wendell GUEST ItKPOriTIJDcntlon with ''P '’" - Dr.id.1. Miilcc>m Hnmmoiid. noLje, Ca-ins left, nn superintendent of M ctho7:--------------- eliurche.-J. wiis nn-flTfrWkHl-nloodlin-nnd ot-thc-ncv.-end-.M M .- nak*' 'irst of theI Rlchlnnd '•'« 111^r nnd Mrt! ti i ^ f s j iu n r te r iy jo n le fc n T ts of Mrs.

'.f nnd two | O U R H O O R S A ^

ZL'Tr. ^ m mand fam - WARM

— ■ & ’ E m C H

id in m m ropuyon j-A AN'you dition -mwWilliam C. * ' _ Jed in fair ^Jio Hnlley jB tS B ShJfc

i-lng a par- 1e on 60UU1 —

ten b r c l - ,. S ' " ” ' !•“Illapsed on . 9 nad ui uuUl! itrted. Peggy finest painK

MoSatone since B B E M OASEBOAl •s ngo. His ' puow e r . Mur- . H ,

? S C Iy to a H o U > 3 k I . Collnltrm U>- Wellev- l a l t l ' Inler-cliei •> s calf hnd '«>, II'I ImlA-o sets of


& l a t Al l' f l U F W

h A L O R il

lo o n i s , , e u rw ld i iilictlen- 193? Fordil Eviry cor li fociory idy fcir prompt dillv«iY-ling lops Ihl i l ig o n t pfoportloni of :Ii. For itonom y, you'll b i amoniJ ng ontJ m alntinonei lavlngi you'll Cuilom 300 wllh Mllioo* Moktr

ir comfort. Ford d illv ir t m on room v h ir i you m e d Irl PirformanciT d It a thriller.

th»-modil, color lehem*, tronimlfc. n i you wont, right from our iloik. i moniy.

• todoy. W* h a v i ih* right w r-e t____—for you. ■


MOTOR co;n and 2 2 , Buhl, Idaho





S i.

- t ,


r Jl f i i

r« t






• I 5i 3

Page 3: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

j^^dAgaill FaimB Closes School r ' ^ i i For Bellevue ,/gK

<y-XVl..:;rrr«l P ’:tl*® BctJn lo *'*** ll

ln« tlic St4>te rufUSfd to - v S

; M f n i lc .m u » “ 5- * V ^.n^lflc vote of llie Qunll-

fill t!i!c of **'*S « l ! " u n e I nnd Auk- 1 r « l- “ 7

old dh lrlc l NO, < n t ^ -T1 ?,'*®' may pclUlon the bonrd J t

*of I*'*'v' twmrr Bellevue dh lrlc l voleKltool. the stnle nllo«* { W g K . ^ S K n

toie yenr M rgnlnJl i»D l» ' “ ''0 '' I

T a x Aide Starts Work in Blaine | « n ^

HAILEY. April n -P l> l l Lone. i w S ^ Bdlrcclor or vnhmiloii (nr | W M B M

'idsho tux commlMlon. li i ' K g W Hwsmnc tlie v ,«k here Mnrilni: ■ -^ irntnlnK liroRrnm tor Ucc [ .Bj.Idcn. wlio will lic-DIalnc coun- n .nnrn licr tor th e cooperntlvcwcrtlsal proRram Jioon to &tflrl Mn, Koyal E. TieH Bitlne county. . p rr«nt* a cheek foi

Lon! »tates the revnlimtlon ol Majlc Valley ChrlitIh, 44 counlles of th e ntnle was (Slaff enrrarlne)itined in IW7. T lilrty-nvc c o u n - -----------------------------UO have.compleled the prORrnm, a Clark, valley nnd OoodlnR 1 5 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 L O tcounties win ^■, <

■ Slated atHeiUled th a t Tw in Paiii eoun- - b d r e e Y. Aprtl'17

ty tommli-iionBrs will meet wlih jiigi, ^hool U prewfrtresenUllves from the stale lax dni concert nt 8 p.rrtc-nmLvilon next week to-<Il«:ur.i the lilKh school nijttilusllon. O ther counllcj lha t -nie orche.itrn, Ih»te nol yet sUirled Uie proRrnm chomj. as well m<w-C«tl4r^eW a. Bonneville and -wlio-wero Hh*VInldokB. one ratlnu In the dl:

AnoUier member o t the commls- ftsUvni, will pcr/orn »lon will come here nexl week lo [,j u.«d lo liclp pny talsl Dowlden In rcvaluBtlon of the rcRloiial fc.ulvalnull land nnd bulldlnRs. April 24 nnil 25.

—--------------------------An nilviinctd sale '

Attend Funeral S rA r '-S tnAQEILMAN, April 17-M r. ftnd __________

Mn. Rex McAnully. nccompanled br Ihelr daUKhler, Mrs. Ardenn TRAVfcL t oPtltncn, Klmberiy. nllcnded Ihe IIAILEY. April 17- funtral of ivn oun t o t Mra. Me- Doerlntr. her dauRhl Anulty, CarrlB Colvin. In Dol.w Ilnrdlni:. nnd Jnnlci Tutsday aflem oon. Also attend- Weilnc.'.tliiy for Wiu.l Ibe were Mr. and Mr.i. Andrew lo meet Mrs. Ilardli CoWn. Bll.«: Mr. nnU Mrs. Italph Pfc. Olen HnrdlnK, Thoapson, Olenna Ferry, nnd Meade, Md. TJic pr .Mn. Prank Marklinm, Mountain points ot lnterc.-;t In Hooe. return home June 5.

. . . . i n a r6 a d -h u g fT n k o a l l i ta b e a u ty , bnlnncc i t g raccfu w h ee l d e s ig n nnd you havo n c a r th e n e v e r o w n ed . T Iio wheels a ro five in'cl w id e n s th o Btance, b u t n o t th o c a r .

........... - - c o n tr o lB , m oro com fortab lo fro m hen o lic cn b lo la ck o f lean a n d sw ay . N ai s h o r t b y co m p ariso n . W ouldn’t- th is Ix d r iv o th ia sw ee t au tom obile? T b o key


•— ------------------------------------------- SEE YOUR L(


Bureau Presents

. "■fr*

' • V A f r ^ x l

rick e tt, chairm an of llie Caula eaunl; ( for $200 which her nrcunli.itlim raised hrliU an eollece. Alblpn. Mrs. O rant \Vj :)___________________________________

loncert Students Ro f R l i r l p V 'VEN-DELL, April a l U U l i C J rclurnliiK to the U 1-17—T h c-^ o rle yircsenlliiR n Rpe- include W aller i'elcrr.r p.m. W ednesday, ^rscn. David Sicphci

>1 audllorlum . Fltiucrson, M. L. C t, Land, mixed gchltfler. Sl.wloti Lii

ns oiitstoncllnf: ------------------------------Riven tt iiuintKr ...........................

form .' Fund.'s will . SPRING PAIIpny th e ir wiiy lo

ale of the tlckebIhe AludenUn. nnd I | I I J I be purchnacd nl I ' I ■

' ' b h b h h h

iRhter. Mr.i. Olen

fvtmSrD'S famous 5PHIardUiB'.i hii.sbnnd,Ilns. F t. GcorRc A I! Rroup will visit ^ | ^ / \ |t In Uto c u t fmd , .16 5. 5 6 0 M a m A rc .

' -2lJ ' ^

y g i n g W id e - lx fu U y o n a w ide r, s te a d ie r th o l ik e s o f w h ich y o u ’v e i in 'choa f a r t l io r a p a r t . T h is <• c ar. V o u ’r o eecuro n t th o

h e a d - -to - to e . T b c r o 's n ______ ^N a r r o w t r n c k c a r s fa ll f a r 3 bo a g o o d d a y fo r y o u to g k e y s o r o w a i l in g . vridi•. - - - lake

_ indR O A D C A R rid«



.’ i


ts Check to College.

1 ^

unly women'f com alllee of the Farm n Ined at » variety ahoir, to Nell Tluiman. di Wyall was In charte o t the fund raU lne

T> J Clnrk. Wnyne L.i»vion.I v C l U i n Dixon. Jock Ol.' ler, Collec:

nl n -S lu d en l.t Linda Lamb, Ihirold Ruby Unlvcr.'.lty of hour.e cueit, Jim Sw;\ync

fl;»rinc—Tneallor> f If i o -----------------------crr.cn, D.Ale Pel- '[ihcnson. JoAnn Green Thumb Garden

Gate*. Helen Toolj and Pl.int I/ibels al Lamb. Marian '^»eed and Feed.-A dr.


jB T T T T A JI g

REDSATINf tho w ander w all pa

UG'S Paint Storekvc. South_____________________ RE 3-41

N @ i

T r a c k P o n t i a c/|T? " " ■,


Oslled lina ihw conventions! 'uliecl posilionj. ro.ilii:’i wheels ire five inches liilhct apirl. Thii widen) Miy the stince, nol the ur ilscll. Ponlitelakes I Mint tiip on Ihe trad, huplijtilej oncarva-----ind csrnert Swjy mil lesnirc csnsidenbly leduced. ridi is smoolhef, balanced, slejdier.

: DEALER-----------------------------« 3 ; ^ S 5

ZADILLACPH O N E RE 3 - 1 8 2 3


172 Blaine Co Ask School Bi

• ’ HAILEY. April 17 — 'nK- l'Ibiiililiiic coinniliii'i ' f t III Jl M

■ r.njhtv I w o lttilim l ' 472 voters of th r cmitUy xsl,,) In;

.1 county ftcliool builcliiii; jiiorni :• :md will (ictlvely v...:k nml .-n

• I poll 11.Tlir biJlldlliK pic>;:i.ini riuloi-

wrmirt liicludc c.xtcii.Mvc u-iiinili ■ ' Inc to the Kelcluirii Kriulr vIuk

;i r.ru’ Uulldlnc of 1(1 cI;i a ic«i; ' .Hid ft mUlll-puriK!. r room ;il II

Ili'.IIey eli-meiilary j.cIicki;; ikIiIuk ! of a ^hoI ahd inu.MO iixun ;it n

prc.'cnL Hniley h ld i .■■rhi><>l: :i r.t elciiientary biillclliiK r>l u - lii rooiii^ nnd a iiiullipii:|HiM' icmin

Krlcliwii. and iil 11


HOOSIIIne event. ELK

illeen Parr.

I H E R Een Cloves,* a l Globe __

I I V31 * W iI O f W h

pa in t

i|“ ^


$ "


^ H I S 1/ ISN'Tf / n i s

“ i r I T ' S 1 M O N I

• I v Loos< » A coose I ■ ) te rm n t th e Ilorte 1 / way 63 S o u th lo :

■ (<m

County Residents Building Program

i<- I'l'Ai . Tlie •••chiKil t),:.iiil i> coii;.ldrrlnK I j i i i ic 'lh e Imllilli;'-’ »i;d endniv-

nliiiniii; to iliiu up m w ih I iiroblenir. ID Imm hc-Io;v nn rliiinni \unild br |Xir.-.l- ii.-cniiiKblf. IMul Dniip-ry. DlaiiicHi .•ii[>-[ri)iiiity .‘4.-li0!il .Miiicrimriulrnt.. .

luloi-cil foiitinuin^ It:. r'tiiu.N for llic piu- Mi'ililii'i' liiivr tHi»' cnii*

. ic«i;ii' I llir cdiinlv.

iiiiiuioiij si;i!v i:s o.v c .M iiiiiiit . WK-VIJi::.!., Apnl 17-Uodllcv H, ' J . | , I ' . i i r l c . i r ^v •ilIK);l^nlllll .mt-;cii>;n :it'm ill i l . i '\ .'"ll o '.M r nnd

al llll' cnn iii, L'HS I'liiiulin I). llooM-* Ivclt.

5 ,id c -ln s A cccptcd


E E ^ W H I

I Gh a t W e ' r

S A M C iE S U N I

oose Is more Ihnn a colloquial /H o r* e S h u C lu b l. . . ta k e H l- ' I h to Nevada line.

” One Of Our Sp

LARGE Ri i IQAK____ L o io In U 'V c s l AVf/f’.s—

U tah Mori-gageCorporafion

L o g an Sincc 1892

Twin Fails Branch211 SIirKhoiie SIrret Nc

rhniie Iti:d«ood 3-7G

'Repre*»>itaUvei TbrouKhout M


> Rr e F a m o u■ The Town That Hc

i J A C KI NEVit

9 U N T I D A Y I


1 0 TO’5 0Every 10 Minute

! - t a k e a f r e e r i d e

O N H o rte S h u 'i JA C K P O T BUS

Tlie Horse Shu Flyer Jearei • Dob a e c r ’a' w eat 5 Polnta mtt- Ico daily a t 7 p jn . aiicl oa eundaya a t l p jn . and 7 p ja .

CHICKEN I - ........SUNE

P A G E T H E E B | | _______________________________ tt


' ■

--------- - I lil


tANCH.I MS____ _

T e r m s f f / l l

ge Loan m l .ion WijlL12 U ta h MjllW

ch O ffice JIIm•I North 3-7GS0

ut Maile Vilir»» U f f J i B


U G E I ^ ;

u s F o r !Horse Shu Built ^


) i

) / ' j

tes / • i| / ’


IDAY^- - -


I'l l





i : ^



lit' 1

■ H






Page 4: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

r -J l l ' P A G E F O U R

I (* AU »*ti««» m«l"< kr l»" Of I t anSir oJ ««irt of «in»■ tarMkUsa I* to PstlliM wtrtlr «H to siblUM ll

. . ct .sr. p.r«r i . .S^ I4.W i•/* ll eUDSCIlU’TtOS llATOl< u r CAillllEK

V j J f ^ tnonlh .— ... .......... 1

Vi* ----- ~T~.T'..'t|K i •; n r MAi^-1'ArAiii.K is aovascbI f ' llia>li> IdilN u u CMnlr. N»*^a>

||Pn i l ! ..................... ....... jII'™ n f* h t”’° " r ' ________________________ tw lJ T NATHINAI. lIKCIUaKSTATlVU^ U '.V« K "ncili^' Cllf

F I ,IN T S T R IK E S T IH E }ir' I t Is J u s t possib le t h a t F l in t , M ich.,

I' • one o f th e m o st rem a rK a b lc c itie s In i,-|> w h o le o f A m erica.

'. i r y o u n re cllscourngccl a b o u t th e cou• .1 o f h u m a n e ffo rt on th is p la n e t n n d In t

c o u n try , slclc of re a d in g o f s tru g g le ,’ tc n sl v io le n ce , econom ic d is o rd e r , th e n l e t F l

: c a a t a b r ig h t ray in to t h e g ra y gloom , j. A3 re p o r te d re c e n tly b y R a y C rom ley ll

Ijlfl i[ 6 c rle s f o r NEA S crv lce , F l in t Is e n g ag e d I a n a s to n ish in g ly c ffcc tlv c p ro g ra m o f co

y UII m u n lty a n d Ind iv idua l s e lf -h e lp t h a t r e a d n [' I n to a lm o s t every c o m e r o f th e c i ty ’a L

5 [ I t la d o in g t h l s ’W lth o u t c a llin g u pon It / ' I »' e ra l a n d s ta to govem m enL s f o r m oney . ] ( t m o n e y I s n 't th e t h lq g a t a ll . S c h o o l ta :

Ij h a v e b e e n edged up a l i t t le , a n d a w ealt I m a n h a s to sse d In a f a i r b u n d le , n n d th i

J I t . T h e r e s t o f th e w ay I t r u n s o n th o cl ; , z e n ’B ow n s te a m a n d Im a g in a tio n .

T h e p la c e Is f a n ta s t ic . K id s go to achi e a r ly , s ta y la te , a n d love I t . P a r e n ts swa. a ro u n d t h e schools In " o ff h o u rs " In almi a s g r e a t n u m b e rs a s t h e y o u n g s te r s . '

, ------- T h c r e - a r e - i i t h le t lc - jn 'o g ittn is r T n e e t lnI ' l r d a n c e s , s tu d y in g o f m a n y k in d s . H u n d rc

o f m e n se rv e n s A u b stltu te f a t h v s fo r f a t , e rle s s boys. O rg a n iz ed b lo c k by b lo c k unC '( c o m m u n ity Je ad e rsh ip , F l i n t p e o p le repi

a n d Im p ro v e th e ir o w n h o u s e s In s te a d lo o k in g f o r ah im c le a ra n c e f u n d s . Courf

I t r a i n h o m e o w n ers In t h e m a n y h o u sehc . r e p a i r a n d m a in te n a n c e Jo b s.' T h e school- Is th o h u b o f th e p r o g rar tf j F l i n t ’s a choo i b u ild in g s o r e a liv e w ith a |( t lv l ty f ro m m o rn in g u n t i l l a t e a t n ig h t , i t th o y e a r ro u n d . T h e s c h o o l b o a rd is t: ■j c h ie f o v e rse e r o f th i s s p r a w lin g e ffo rt .

A u to m o b ile f a c to r ie s g iv e t h e to w n a lo i ' s id e d e co n o m y , a n d to d a y o n e o u t o f n l k e l i g i b l e w o rk e rs is w i th o u t a Jo b . F l in t h n I p lu n g e d in to h e lp th e Jo b le s s t r a i n fo r nc 'I |l ty p e s o f w o rk . C itiz en s w o rk to u rg e c red ito

to c a r ry t h e im e m p lo y e d u n t i l p a y chec s t a r t a g a in . A n d th e y g iv e th e m space

I sc h o o ls t o co o k .-w ash a n d i r o n n n d so o w h e n t h f l r p lp p tr lr lty n t hrttnw hnq h«nn i»

, , o f f f o r n o n p a y m e n t o f b ill s . ‘W om en lea; i‘ * to se w a n d cook b e t te r to s a v e m oney .L.1_______ In -tb c .f ich o o Is - th c ff lse lv cs ,-a lo r t now -p la1 h a v o b e e n dev ised to - f lu s h o u t p o te n ti

sc ie n t is t* f ro m th e c ro p o f y o u n g s te rs . E f o r t 1s m a d o to sp o t t a l e n t a s e a r ly a s tl se co n d g ra d e .

T h e d e ta i l s of th is g r e a t c o m m u n ity ej te rp r ls e a ro end less ly e x d t ln g . W h a t Is pe h a p s m o s t im pressive is t h a t in a n a g e wh<

I ^ w o se e s o m u c h n e g a tiv e h c a d s h a k ln g , tl I ll p e o p le of F l in t a re c h e e rf u l ly p o s itiv e . Thi 1 j w n n t to a ch ie v e , th e y b e liev e th e y c a n , a i I Jl w h e n th e y do th e y a re p r o u d o f w h a t thi I a c c o m p lish .I |i Im p re s s iv e , to o / l s th e tr e m e n d o u s brcad i

yll o f F l in t 's c o m m u n ity e f f o r t . T h e re b i I p ro b le m th e people f l in c h f ro m , n o fie ld thi

I y WlU n o t v e n tu re in to . A n d th e s o lu t io n s lh<p ro d u c e a r e th e i r ow n , a l l t h e w ay .

F l in t Is a s t i r r in g e x a m p le , a p ra c tlc e x am p le , to every c ity in A m e ric a o f w h I t m e a n s to be rea lly f r e e , s e l f - r e l ia n t a i po sse sse d o f h u m a n -d ig n lty . T h e r e o u g h t be a p re s id e n tia l m e d a l f o r everybody th e to w n .

A W A R R IO R P A S S E S F r a n k L loyd W rig h t , t h n t ' ‘reb e llio u s o

g e n tle m a n ," w ill be s o re ly m is se d . N o t on by h is c o llea g u es in t h e f ie ld o f a rc h ltc c tu i b u t b y a ll o f u s w ho h a v e b e n e f ite d fro h is g e n iu s —b e n e f ite d p e r h a p s m o re thi

t l w e. i n o u r r a n c h h o m e s a n d g la ss skI I s c ra p e r s , a r e a w a re .{ I W r ig h t w a s a lw ay s t h e a n g r y y o u n g m:

o f a rc h i te c tu r e , ev en w h e n h e w as no long . j a y o u n g m a n . H is lo n g l i f e w ns a co n sta

- b a t t l e w i th w h a t to h im w ere th e -r ig ; H u n in s p i re d , c h a n g e - r e s i s t in g schools

J t h o u g h t o f h is c o n te m p o ra r ie s . I f h c wns n ' ^ - t h e g r e a t e s t a r c h i te c t o f t h e 2 0 th ccn tu i H h i s f ie r y n a tu r e a n d v o c ife ro u s devotion 1.1 h is I d e a s m a d e h im th e m o s t fam ous .

P ro b a b ly th o b e s t p ro o f o f W rig h t 's su V c ess , a s id e f^om th e h o n o r s f ro m h is p r

. f c s s lo n t h a t c am e to h im la te in life , is t I 5 f n c t t h a t to d a y som e o t h i s v.-ork Is consl I . e re d o ld - f a s h io n e d n n d ro m .'jn tic . Bo a cc t

, to m e d h a v o w c bccom e to th e deep it p r i n t l e f t b y .F ra n k L loyd W rig h t on th e fa o f t h i s la n d .

M A R IL Y N T R A N S C E N D E N T , P u t B r ig i t te B a rd o t o r M a ri ly n M onr

o n th e s c re e n a n d I t ’s j p r e t t y h a rd to co c e n t r a t e o n th e o ld E a s t-W e s t s tru g g le . Y a r o r e m in d e d r a th e r fo rc e fu lly o f o th

■ th in g s .• N e i th e r o n e of th e se f e td i ln g dam si

c a n b e s h ru g g e d o ff lig h t ly . Q ut, fo r to ta--------n o n p a t r i o t l c rcaioQs,- w e’ll su g g e s t a -s l ie

e d g e f o r M arilyn .B r lg l t to Is a - f ^ d dcfd t r im m e r , n n d usur

l y m a n a g e s to be c u te a n d se x y a t t h a i a i t im e . . . . • '

Y e t o u r A m erican e n t r y lia s dc'vefcp 1 a n e n t r a n c i n g qua lity t h a t su rp asses n i j S h e i s c o n s is te n tly fu n n y . S h e lam poo •,E a n d c w lc a tu rc s sex. w ith h lg lv ta le n t . Ai ; ^ I n s o d o in g she does f a r b e t te r U ian me ■ . o f t h e g r im h e n d sh ak e rs In p u tU n g S

I h e a l th y b a la n c c - w h e re i t belongs

. H o n e s t ly , now. how m a n y tim e s whi \ v o u ‘v e ^ l d a du ty c a ll h a v e y o u been

i h e f o lk s w eren ’t h om e? • ®

'I ^

ng,|TUCKER'S Hfia= W H I R L"'tfc. rml •W ASHINGTON-ni# historicI, m t. v in rln U h*» nude t fl*rl tow* MnMMi a n d th e Dttoocratlc party mit ol

B c« ih c ta tca td by the w pm nt***• in js oo r*d*l eesrtjation Iti It

. ^ iMlituUons.t , u *' AlUioflh n

— I J l l il ■ fu tn tw l by ;__ I fjo ; r tcUon. Vlfflnl— tlLM J more noU t

I out*'' I especially

— ! I'H "inoulTt TtSlS__ t tiu— tttM courts.

JM— i has txrn rc;tt;__ t (M &tat«3 M (

lu r Txkti ‘ Kt Rlclim<)nd "freedom of choice* pl»n. Uielr

_______c r» d u ^ nnd ecwlWe (icce|)Unc«limited Kiilc.

[ch Is TIIK VIRGINIA COMPROMI ".W. h«p«. cJlmlnate the posjlbUlly of

“ * moll which Bccomponlcd th« ea Iroopa to enforce »diool lnte*r*t

course in (act. only n fev diys t(t« in th is prr>ml.'*owo5 publleU«i, OoT. Orr cnslon conceded thn l he mlRhl h»vc to ~ V ‘ ; E«rt W orreii, reluctantly but of

_ TIic plnn. since » conlilM loc*paren ts nnd communltlM, *ppM{

;y I n a tor Democrallc unity on thU e « ge'd In coavenUon.f com - Sftve for a few fiery liotlieada eachpn Of “ northern poUUcloas wli

U f- to lolutlon of a griv« pna Ufe. ypon which »ny o fthe like

>n f e d - ineet c < ^ ctohd u fe ly and hor:y. B ig . . .

ta x e s EFFOBT8 TO - RENDER n e a lth y r a o o f —Ttie lnUIntlve comtnt l u . i i . lat«d th e prosram has labored c

, court-proof, in fact, once n fe ® c u i - iiftvfl been Ironed put, any Judl<

It— even the supreme court—wot schoo l '"Ofc severe criticism thnn t R M m suffered in recent years,

ProPOWd “ ’“lionw DO cofTjpromlM doM. K itn b ru u l i l Lt “m uslve surrtnder.

s tin g s : Llnda*r-AIm0« d r J r f -« d -» a 07-< idn>rl^ Indicate th a t they approve It as f a th - njllniM.

" In brief, th e projram rccoffnin t in d e r ^ , ^ . 4 desfurcfratlon ruUn* u 'I r e p a ir d j r a sRsinst wholesale or pell>& !nd o f the publle tchool system.oursea ------------------------sehold *TSEt:DOM o r c i io ic p . '* -u

and pa ren ts “freedom of choice; prcXen scKresated schools. It ma

igram . prlv>t« education tliroush schola h ac* per pupil per year. T ills (rrant Is r h t a ll ‘’f Mf^reiraUoo, which may Is ’th e Judicial rerersal... Should It community «hy o t t

have tategm ted ichook The sta a lo p - tlon vould d ra ft criteria for loci ’ n in e a*al«nracnu. ‘ ,

M IG U T DE HELPFUL TO DK& r n e w _ T j,e tries to tAke cognlran d ito rs of the white nnd colored rncca tl: :hecks tn the 00-caUed "south aide." whei ICO In outnum ber whites, the prefere cs for a n education financed by t” I ri a reas where Uiey U only a I

le a rn arated. there w u ld be Itss need { privately financed schools.

nlA.m I f apprqv_ed by_the ItgUlnture .*1 . , , , chtiice procram wlll be *ubrnm« cnHBi jf,g n coruUtuilonnl amis. Ef> cinlana act on this reform may ha IS th e Uie Democrota' cenreoUon choice

of recapturing tlie White House Ir (Itcleu»d br UcCIUTi Ne«*p>

y en- ______________ _

XW IEW S OF 0I, th e DEATa-DEAUNG DT h ey T h e o the r day In Chicago a m

1, a n d edly h a d been thrcatealcg to coi , th e y hU e ar a t hJeh Q>eed through a :

anoUicr car broadside. klUlDs IIj Police and safety authorltltn

t a a u i nccldenU are suicide* 0:is n o i( Is o ften, however, difficult or 1 th e y them os such. i th e y B u t vnry lns fonns of Irrespon

on m en tal or cmoUonal quirks li than mfiny reallie.

I t m ay b« an unbalanced Indl' w n a t eido drives his car Insane

t a n d crnsh. I t n a y be an emoUotiaUy t Jh t to easily m ade care leu nnd accldcnt dv in " " '" t h U 'v t/e o r a rtprlmi

^ Or It m ny ba the ly v t ol showc cently by a Los Angeles psj’chlr cor as nn ouUet for ansry. nRsri Is a common cause ot iccldenLi.

T he pa>'chlatrist euRgested dtr JS o ld f tw ld bo a lot safer it such t on ly cmotlooal delects, could be

e tu re , sreatesiro m turo tmTfle safety procrtu, nu t 1 th a n bo dirtlcu lt to sell people or lecL

. £)(y. o( testing drivers to nrcd oul oUiera so nientiliy or emotlounl disturbed th a t they ore a meiiiice

5 m a n 8nll lA ke Tribune.l o n g e r ------------------------------is t a n t ORCHIDS to t h e rr ig id , s ta n d aside, p lc u r, vhlle wa

lls o f box or malchcj.Thla Item. olmMt nlone nnion

n iu ry , penny now.Ion to (Wo J a « mny a o rt a penny s

»e arc oul: Uie Hue hiu beni h ( Ml,. president of Uic DiunioiiB ouv- company. blKKcsl matcJi producer J p ro - plauis U u t new equipnicni and a la th e linve creaUy Increased the efflc onsld- opem tloia over ij,e yearsic r i i s . u* this has been golnji too. in «luch priccs h tte dou p im - Qundnipled. 1,0 Uicre mu.M be e fade nbout the mntch liidujiry. If U

ihinK ns n mulch and ;\c li:ni ai nncienl dcvlces as the fliiuwiiec «) niauy of us carry bpjcivclctl liKliiUiB our clcnrelies, iiiinkini!'

lonroe indeed), and if wnicon> m n . producc the liicifcr' >■“ “ ttliy Uie ninrkel for tlie old f .. XOU liBhter would dlo ovcrnlctit. Eve O ther the new, modern and h.imij- m y

InK n pha-.pliorued .-.Uck nml pci tm sc lj " '" 'fh . Ill.Otaliy norld’s m w kcts on rv m ih in j , S ligh t In-U io -fSTorf bui.iues> by nc

PlciA.nit m il (Mo.) Tllllts.usua l- —----------------------------

TOUGH J t ’DOE A Judce In Memphis otnved tl

SniDed schoolboys by a princiw-lupea Unc Judce h-ns ordered five collfc s a n . wun vandalism to cach nork 30 { ipoons Itnble ln.'tltullon,.. A nd I'S loclny'j JudcM h.-we

m o st *"5 JfCtures don't produce better , Fines are easy.for most to pa;

II. Ill (Jay, nnd lectures roll olf the enLess easily forKOttcn la n blrt

hands cau.wd by honr.-.i, enforci- U-hen I '" ' “ 5' the re.HLMk

1 c la d broUKlil before*J"SS parents Imve iie£l«icd,-C


lorlc commonwealth ofl _ jward lead ln t the eouUij V T T / ^ » W It of the political wilder-1 O O L y 1 Cl c n e cOTrf# various rxil- 1 the schools and other |

1 no t ye t fully Im'ple- SOME FIR I y aoctasary legislative A lthough Uie U. flDla's proposed soIuUon committed to aii aub le U u n U generally play of fireworks, itslde the affected areas, and no H om aa ca as 11 was Uie citadel of Poi-ey points out. tslsuinee" measures that o f eourr*. with upset by sta te and fed- rockets, mnybe the

.. J ' , , w ont be netdetlMl, the commonwealUi would appea r the egarted by oUier s?uUi- should be enUtled M a leader la publle af- nely for h la mem

i l s i i swatch th e miilU '

) M J S E - I t nwild', per- “ P• of th e UTieedy and tu r. ^

employment of federal ‘ rraUtm a t U lU e Itock.- ^ifUrr the Vlrslnlft com- Orva! Paubui, Arkansas. TH E t>*to bow to Chief JutUce Nothing is r leh t . a

; of necessity. No one conductorlocal opUon features for ^ should, jarently forms Uie boils Except, o r court* controversy a t Uie 1960 »one>-,

' When thcy-rc ec<« ! , on U ,t W l.who prefer an election )rpjeblem . I t provides n

-n ieyre m erely a 'l ‘’“" “ ‘ly- arm lnc brood.* Dressed o r undrc PROGRABI COtIKT- tho style;

^mission %vhlch fonnu- W itty o r Ismorant, rd diligently to mnke It w orth while.

few difficult wrtnkles udidal body U u l upset I Uke th«Ir darlisi would leave Itself open dasli; n the federal Judiciary And revel In talk

cosh.no t tfltisfy everybodj', T h tlr tr ip s to Eun

a trem e scffrepilJonlsts fn Rome, der.*' However, Oov, J. Their hearib reak 0

------ Ingnhnrnt!--------, as the best obUlnable

ThouRh I ottTi n

funny “*; ------ Beciuie siTdOOf, li

- U gives communities money.Ice.- If ft city or town . may h a re stnle-owwrd

lolarshlps totaling JttO , , 'Is n o t Ued to nsy ques* isy enable the plan to P U n FO R KU

Oenr Pot S h o tj; i t th is scheme. It may We have n Q ermj sU t« board o t educa- give awny. Slic's 3 ■

local boards In making spayed and houseb especially cood with

• Ge 3KM0CBATIC FAItTY (P h o n e ' ■ranee of th e Imbalance IHa throughout the state, --------vhero Use Negroes e(jual Dear P o t Sho ts: fercnce • « « « probably j have to bIvo aw by sUile, d ty and town, about five years 0:a small colored popu» good Batch dog, bu

■ic BcvKiupliluiH)' Mp- good nrouod iJds” ed for establlihm ent of between a cocker at

herd. He has had lure,-Uie_-freedom of Uilsj-carT^ dtted-to t i e ro tenr'ln U it. Ole*amendment. Ilow Vlr- (2003 Elevi? have g rea t hearing on (Plipno HEi3lces and the ir chances • •

>. . TOO COLD FC"'■"’I -W . n , . t iipp in ,

---------------- parts the U s t few d^ TT l_ | C p C to compare to a ton y j I n C t \ O cane, bu t i t s been i

> DRIVERS much convcrsalI motorist, who report- I commit suicide, droi-e , Which couldn’t be I a red light. Ue sb^ck because th la la • the I lls driver f ° ^ ^ have thi

or Impossible to label weaUier.But Judging from

TWnslble d rlv ln i based ^ t t y tl. i s a g r a te r P-blem

ndlvldual bent on sui- i r t S d r a u 'd Inow anely Into a head-on * .« auniriK a inai.ia«ni. f a m o u s u sIcnt-prone by an argu- „ . . . ,1 ^ rlmimd from the bos.i, •,* ; ^ lowoft driver cited re- S o ih r » o rchlnirlst who uses his RSresslve fee llngs-and GENTLEBI^nLi, - FOURTstreets and hlchways — — ch drtvera .,o r others be barred, from drtv-

a t« t patenting for fu- W § ffiJ lS T m i ut ndmlltedly 11 would leRlslnloH on n syMem W d c c c I I out the p.iychollcs or | | D C d d l l mnlly unbalanced nnd I l l l ' n r k i M ii.ce 00 the highw ay,- . | | | V l P K O l

lE M A T cn I "More TWfl rush out to buy«* E v c r "

none eon.iumer goads, lUO. Penny then.

machine while Uiere, too).

mond G ardner .Match ' ^ H | |Jcer In Uic nnilon. ex* -id automated processe.t \(flclency of mnnufac-

olng on in oUier fields.doubled, tripled, andbe sonicUiInK specialt there were no such t -I nil been left to f.uch Ihecl-nnd-wick- (uhich! . . . h t H iled and be.Mlvered for] _Itll! we are beln* ven-J IMPORTicone were to Invent.'^ . . . .:ifer friction m a tc h - 1 W A j ;d f;i;.hioned elgnrette . . . . ,Evcr^'one would wanl H ig h E gg Q*ay of simply scrault- E x c e lle n t Li*reltlnR flnme. pre.Mol! 1 . . . ,111 Ito penny paeknge. T h ic k Shi

..........peddling matches - Desslea ali.o . c<

have Uie hli;h rn—■■■ I perzlstency a n d laJOES white esBs they ad the paddling ot re-! "c ip4 l,ajidnS i:A u£u i.l They are-doIng■IlfKe student., clurged' ■30 days a t some char-' ^ . . . nnd• j do a top Job forve decided thnl fines' Cc.vJen.■tier bcliavlor. For tenu lne Babccpay m the.\e inflated Call or Wr

: enrs of youUi '

“ ■ ' 5 , . " ' “ ” ”“^ S U N N ^ cLlllc judges ttlio are ' H A T C H I ■re tliein .some ot tlie. »». *,-O rlando, Fl,^.. Sen- 6 - 4 2 4 7


■ M P E G L II NEW Y ORK — H ie h

r 'O T i P T lialttee o a an-Amerlcan L o f t f . pteparod a ttp o rt on

*■ ; Darls, president ,of 4whleh is -orn«l*l»«“

-------------------------- ' wo«ters below U>e I .•IREWORKfil statos of doctor ! u . S, apparently Is m M

aji eUbonlte dls- n o n - m u n i c i p a l f * -rks. I f . all rockeU ^^^condlcs, as lUrry

rllh the sire of the 5 ^ , S S h ^ the Roman candles b r a c e s p h a r m a - M

eded. alUiough It clerks end 1 1 1th e weary taxpayer r o u n l a l D > 3 ? lied to a little, va- hands. XU t m w - i ^ * neney. isUo acUvlty fo r' - - ^ErpjyB~ZoyJd"5ro=- t* -m o n th r-« tr-th e -* * * shocp in UiU /trer ancient CaswcU-Uasey I. Only a few Ux- on L eslagton avenue haj h e opporUmlty to P « ted as bearing «o t ulU-mlUloQ-dolUr of DaTia and the local . Irt- the sky. w hy ro*** » « » admlnlstraUi ys be ipread around Pltais. n o n laxnaycrs the house commute;h ? ■ • provided by C^onj. Praoel

. , ter, Pennsy lvania ., chsliJune 77. iU S. sUtes at

tiNOB i h n - th e public lecordi.It. soUitng Is good: publlcaUons of th is 1 cUr lilmsclf as hs contain’* informaUon c

Oavts.jurte. the people ' Accordingly: Davis wj ioe>’, In an advertlsment 'In

ecccnu-lc, Uiey-re York Times Feb. 15. IS« m ny.. others; who “supported

sens* committee lo defei • InsulUnR. never senUU re fOTcrament, oj

salion s e t u p 't o defend r tTcliormlns, dls- lac of Simon Qerson. a ood. nisi, on Uie New York eidrcsjfd, they K t ell.** T h e union then w

"Retail and Wholesale •ant, they're quite ment Store Employes, C le. the num ber was the wm

Davis was listed, ns pre orlcj, adore their local llOD, of store empl

nmonK alBncrs of a state :alk of bonds ond posing onU-communlst li

Europe, Uielr sUy cavU and hU local, as J , n-cre Jlsfed In the DalJj

ak ordeal of com- j„ n 25. 11M3. demanding------------------------- medlftto-release-of-Earl

, , from A tlanta penltenUaryrj no slocks, nor jng h i m a s an “nn

^ , Bron-der was doing fourrlclies, and hope ^ poMport fraud and P. I. , . , „ veil le t him ou l to unify

itfle and qunlntly effort” of loyal America. ^ • Davis nu t..n -as .ltitcd

n, If erer,-can i <jent of DruRstore locnl 1 delegaUon of the civil rl|

Napier Burkhart grtss prolesUng an etta<(Bab) communist, a s itporled

• • Worker Sept. 2 4 ,1M8.’' KIDS D E PT . Furtlier oa Oils, Uie W n u jo ufci 1 . p repared In respoi

, , , , direct request from an ;rman sliorthnlr lo qj caswell-Maascy during s 3 or 4 years old. the drvgjtore. tl

wmi ciiuarra. ngh tj congrcss as “eubve;Gerie one* communist In letters furn

5ne VAlley O-j OM) loynlty review board."(Hazelton) w aller added tha t U

------ commlllce cited Uils cot• . dedicated “specifically (0 I away a male dog fense of Individual eommu 's old. He'd be a the com munist party,' a:

dsV HCi Is a .c ro u either membera of the■r and a top shcp. openly loyal to ll."lad his shots for W alter wrote Uiat a ph

___ ;_________ 1 of_Dav|fl^ln„The .worktr.Oleen Sesmeni W. IMO, waa 'IdtnUflcd"Eleventh Ave. Z-) capUon as th a t of a m(nEdtt-ood 3-2838) Ihe ReUOl D rw t Clerks. C. . cam pal^»d .w lth Uie DnIU

) FOR DUBT Bp*nl*h aid * comir

« . a o o «na dU. ,5 . |» ,tA m c rlo u il . , .S o o

't be more natural

; ™ E i ATTENlcpocl 10 iiave toine *jc r. S e t t h a t w n lc r tli•om Uie feel of Uie| w i th A u to m a tic Ii

S S ’K t S ; w a t e r p r o o f f r m t r , ,duiV. AS n mntlcr, y o u r o r d e r s now f

5 everj’-JndlcaUon' (

* Phono iLAST t l N ^naybe Ihli year's --------C o n t o c f J o:t out or Khool In - world." ■EBJAW IV THE ------------------------------------7RTH n o w I-------------------------------

J J H When w and POI

OVED ^ ,Than w i;^;?-n ',;'rr'T^


f o

m r, • 1 1 » More thnn

tim e •>

i T A N T

ors; ', Q u o li^ IL i.ab ilily S h t lli . I .

. .iz::3 . coniliuie to1 rale of Iny, ! Trleplmmid larse chnik- | TmHnf ,r.Aey are famous ^

j jMaiBX Doe«i*i Uia AUi.a >lng a top -Job j -p . nis from coxM tV Vnnd they will W Q tiSTCN 10 lh» Ifor you.*Vou

ahcocli Beiilei ALLIS' _ | j | JAl

FILER Buhl—Burtcy—Jc

:e s - n e w s , t w i n f a l l s , i d ^


>ER’S ANG]Hie bouM com- noD-communist American :rleaa acUvltlea w ere shot by red flrtag 1 t on Lewi J . S p a in whea Uiey learned ,of 4he u.-uon ro r and Vied to wtUidraw Ixlaf'* hospllal « - • •I T b e report also said Or- I g ^ nam ed as p ^ d e o t or II

C le r ti . In an adrertiaema r ' . j m N c« York Times AprU U,

W alU r added Uu 7 l eom m lttee reported tha t

T crtltem ent carrier* typk I m tin ist propaganda aca

! ^ ^ e last -eotry which Iam ong ^

;■ * . i f t ? i W orker reported on Pth.th a t Leon J . Davla. gen p m a e r . United RrtaU-H

isey druCTtcre c iO . was arrested for ] lie has been i r - th e W helan United Drug c «o Uie fltness a t 42nd street and 9Ui avt local for any S a m Blederman, » ph

stratlon of hosr a t Cosw ell-U asey. prt> clipping which he tays

n ltte;'s report, rrom the - l iw News." Praoels E. W al- Drutf Employes* Union, u , chslrmir- on announcing ,Uie seleetlot es a^ Ui< s ta r t children to be seat to * cords, files and camp** by (he local and h is committee C am p Woodland and Can ion eonccmaig berllne among the choseit

O n th is point, • report bj ris was nuned com m ittee o f Ihe New Yoi ,t 'In Uie New U U « Uie nest year. I 9, IStS. .imons 'C om m unist IndoctrinatL irted Uin clU- tra in in g of chUdren in

defend repre- cam ps" menUoned txilh n t, an orgaaU land a n d UmberUne, ifend the seat* othera. on. a couuiw- T h e legislative commit ‘ork city eoun- ported th a t the Communb len w u called n a ted International vork lesnle Dep.irl- dcr. played the role of yes, CIO," bu l Irer. financial bncker en e same, 1190 agem etit director of cot is presldenl o t sum m er camps." *nie IV empl(>yc.i, e*c, 10,000 •'lodge.V In 10 slate; statement op- Hnnlly wns dissolved nfler

(list lejlslaLon irln l by order ol Jualce • bere . o f the New York 1

I as Just above court, who said 11 waa f n Dally IVarke.- l^ a t It was an agency

ndlng the Im- com m unist \5nrty to tcach i -Eflrl Btowder.nUary, dejcrib- . I t Iwd nsscls of MiOO.O

“nntl-taclsl." TWO nfour vcars for &J'owcd up ns owners oni

d p D nooso- ' ‘0” C^niP Woodlaj unify i h e ^ r Timbcrllne." boUiricr nns • ““ J055 by local lIOO’s cl titcd ns’srcal- ™ committee,, n n l 11M on K 'T h e -W a l te r rcport-ccnU vli r U t i con- ndtnonltlon Uial *'Uie In.

attack on "n ^ necessarily a comm -orW in The syniptiUUier or a fellow U

Spo™";Blaine Hospitj Conclave SI;

I’"-, IIAILEY, April 17-A t t1 cited the civil archltecti

Wayland and Cllnc 1 furnished Uic arojiUccls for Uie Blnlne »t (h . buUdlng. T,-ur-a)q'I. B lnlne county commlwlonis concresj 05 members of Uie I

lly lo the dc- cSard .a t the courUiouse *j smmunutsnnd evenlnR.1 1. “w L ” r r T liP Mchifecl wlll.subml

Uie parly or federal requirements, for n . hy Uie board. If approvi

A ? , P l ^ will again be sen t.Ufled' b» the federnl-examlnlng-baBTTfn

rts . CIO. who ♦ < •♦ » *♦ ♦♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■

committee to ! T V S E R V I CS S ' h r t , S ; t O o v Phonii RE 3-71 Vll war. Thla { : N ig K t Phono RE 3-1

I ^ N ^ Y o ^ k { R I S E R - C A I tv.SoQieycmnB. ^ f f f f f t f

m iON FARMER:r the modern w a y , fo r day or n ij .Ic Irrigation D am s, governed with ner, sizeii e leven f e e t and under. Phc ow for early s p r in g delivery.

i^ H a ile y -0 1 8 R 2 o r- t J o h n B r o w n i n g , G a n n e t t

working WEIGHT OWER count


ItAtuietiiyofyi/ijouthnn £9 hp — Ritiolino or diMpl...TRACTIC

rrn lyilem for Irnctinn equnl (o a 7,500. r...P ow er Director tliat lela >-ou Quick-Sh ^go to rcduco grouml »pcr<l. Incrraw pi ...b ig , new m atching implemenU Uiat I

w k big acrtago ^nJU^r. The D-17 —

)Wt...wllh fswr *t fly* ]4.in<h btlltmiCJ..,t.lrh 0 l5-lM|.wld> tondin dlit .nv*ns...> ,lis 4.t»w7 .wlnu-lt, trp, ahI.olHL U .„ u p i. ? 5 « « ,.-o d B r; - --

•plinno. . . or atop in. AkIc nbout liie new D-1 ir and big new implrm enls.

AUi> CUinvi (n.lKurk.

0 IIjlioMi Fatra irnJ Home Hour. Sjlurdirr. NBC


MAGIC VALLEY- J c r o m c - R u p c r t - t w i n F a l l


FROM Gardenia to j L E To Woman ]rtcan Idealists D t l l ' tm i . M inn, AptU 17 I

^ white-haired man will ,med th d r e r-

RoUeidam. noUand. two » t from now to meet a womania r i t i i n ior 1199, Dru* Tony T urk w ont see the v m e n t in th e an, then or any oUier day. Be ■a U . I»i9, tn he*n bUnd for 14 year*, tho orih AUanUc Um of a dynacoltlng accident

th a t ‘'D lls le ft b is face d l i f t g ^ .Uiat "Uie a d - * i will know her by the ecei typical com- the eerdeaia,** said Uie 4S-yeai •gaiast th e TO iy. -We have beea eschao ^ . ... ,. t*** recard lnp aad letlers f

ch I will cite jc a r . She has promised to we ice says Tbe gardenia when we meet.-

T urk , a DuluUi YMCA ma* r o i ^ or- , 1U make Uie flight aloae t

$ c i i r w i i r B r m 5 r i n E n i »™ airport by lira . PhlUis W

S Y o u t h D a n c e S e i

B y A r e a G r a n ,end MURTAOOH, April 17 -C a n ip ^ S - M urtangh Graage wlll'hold lls .

iceeo_re&>rta. r w t h daoce a t 8:30 p. m. Saxui r t ^ T ! S l B t InUiFCSdgeTiin.-'nils-is-Uie: r York lesls- * series of dances planned ir . 1058, on “ le O range youlh eommlltee. InaUoa and Johnny Coatea, Murtaugh.

in summer be caller and Instnctcr. Mod bolh Wood- square ood popular dances wU ine, among rea tturd.

Chaperones will be Ur. and 1 mm t ^ re -n en rrP e tO T o n .M r.a n d M rs.Taui^t-dom l- niy Shouse. Mr. end Mrs. j w o r t o or- eo re r* and Mr. and Mrs. llu ) of organ , sj-vcrson. Betty Young wlU bi• end man- chATje of th e Intermtolon ni

communist ber.? l a t ^ ° n ^ l i young people are Invited

a i « Orie!15 FINISHES JU.MP SCHOOI ork supreme RICHPIELD. April 17 — A! J fraudulent Pvt. Raymond D. Malheney, wicy for the of Mra. Marie Slublu, route ach commu- Rlelifleld, has been graduci camni.____ from the 83nd ^ b y i e divii

0 members ---------------------------1 and oper- Giobc'a faaey Laws Grxis S odlaad and ew ta ln s 70% Keatwcky bins gr oUi selecUd wJUj Merton blae rraM.-~Adv. ■s clilldren**

contains th i e Individual ommunlsl, a J>w Uaveler.'* ■ ^ . m nM

A reprcsen- ^

ranTSote, SPARE RIB TIPSsvrss rr..K 1ftuiloncrs and m e o ly , .............Ib. I .w *he hospital '“ PORK STEAK

4 3 1Ior npprovnl


Open « *UI 8 E 'ICE t (WE GIVE GOI

3-711! I

See Us i i i KIT()IEN IX p la n :P h o n e

Howtt would g

^ ra te ^ I* your =

k itchen? ^

I Dream or NigbtnDO YOU HAVI—

j T n I MO

_ _ _ _ ! • '. unpleasant

’■ ' . fltloqualc il

______' daily tripa

■■ •' ______ lime-Mvinj

______ proper WOI

.■n «pac0 to Bb

o w . problem s v

j i c n o s _____________ c atr , 5 0 0 . 1 b _________ ,n d irty ovc

dish-pan K* J _____ trouble d c ;

—> • ' • a bright, cc

• -1 am ple food

I f you Jiavo a tnily modei.................. I * in Iho ihndcd arctw. I f

liave a new cuitoRi design>D-17 FRiQIDAIRE Shger Lot

T h e coat is lor lower than


. Ask Your Co ^ Frigidoiro B


■ill grope Wl„kci.-,„ I!,:,; to It,irtincr la in* ,o* ‘ ’‘ . -''w0 weeks JuUi. noi la i "aan who borro'^ea •^ “f’ier, t ; ’

leat Usat becau.ie ihtr10 t.ili: nboui ■

e c o ito t ••She's Ihr irn - •year-old honest ucr-u'i changing he said. tIic n for a ped out, Tony ‘'•‘' ' C) 'fc-ear a alnce IM5 j ‘

trying lo m.vr[ oyu..'! '' masseur, grwiidhtw lu ia on a"[ua“ * '

Rotter- '•naniri. lell iib^uct |!.",V' ^ is w ink- distorted, „nd c.ui i, „ le.-Dutch eyes aiid # l,.;„ r U

Tony trained lo befc—

j e t '^«CA‘lncel5>7“),r.«‘‘ *‘» were divorced In ‘ i

»nge uGAi EBTin;;;;;;;;'Ills firstiaturdny NuiIc, u 1.^1Uie first , ‘t*« 1 ^ M i . ' i '7 ™ , , K '; £ , n S 3

, . m be u ; s ; v . j v “. ; i

nd Mrs. Ul.,rs. Tom- John K II.,rf, i„ ..’f,* «

U be In D»trl Ihli 9th .1. , cl Ar,|t „ „ n num - aphu.s

rut.iw;i Apn T. 'i,"''Ited ---------- --------------- ---------------

t / ' S J " ' K ™ S 'i 'S u V '*•Ouie 1. 5.'’', •["{'I'*' « li-^ lrrrS l Odunted r r .Y .ldivision lotDil tu iu r nrmjl,!/,!, I L 17 N r c ; i S J ' f

a KTOJHI, • ' ^RAMtRIdv. , rukir.hKApr“ i ! u “7.“ !H * /‘'‘'

r f r j r y

Sc F fry ersF re th

3 c | "ach . / ^



■ Get the Finest i d Get Fr/ffirfflire"

sa n t k itc h c n odors and jreasc?

lie ico fo r p a rlie s and cntcrtairJni?

r ip s to th e sa rbag c cm ?

a u to m a tic la u n d ry ccnter?

v ing, tr u ly nutomaU c cookini?

w ork-epaco lighting? v

0 Btore fro z en food b a rsa i^ ?

ns w t h fooda Uuit Blidc ta i bom?

cab in e t spacc? oven cnch lim e you broil?

n h a n d s ? / d c a n in g j ^ t a and pans?

t, co lo rfu / k itchen?

ood p r ^ j^ r a t io n epace?

lodem Ititchen, your annvenI. I f not, le a m how' eaiily you m jy _ _>aign^ Idtchen with-work-Mvin*Look BuIIMn Appliances. '

than you m igh t erped l

FO R A -F R E E -E S T IM A T E —

C on trac to r About ! B u ilder's Plans.

1 r /M 9 Mt w i n F A l t S ^























' pi

11' 11

Page 5: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

advice Given Reafor Planting mmmmum Blaine Crops

' “f3■ tf^ ^Jn tlo n sre rcco irm cnd^In tlie S e

l y ^ . \vood river vnlley* «

>••' ®ilmb<r» a ltf r ^tiiT\nK • ■'•"i‘ r«^ l J’''"' H A 't• ‘“ ‘n i t n j ls u n l »u te snow ■ ! ' ' » T^T

wwn,'lsor. »'■ » **-■*f!T, f^irttiouse.liial -«ek._ ' -

* l^n l!rf“from''iDOW nind water V ^ \ \ . “ * '^m faiu rcm cn li UJ:en dur- ■ V ^ \ \ i — r * '" ’i r « l n i c r by .%oll con- A ' - ^ V c-t ^ n d fo rm Mrvice per-

llie Hrenm flow of Ui«* ^ W o ^ r rr from April to A B

i«9 . u « t im .t« i « m \ l

U,.. Ihb. ’A lS he ions period Average. IO ■

^ ceht of nDrmnl. Tlie estlnuied I^ »f lilt Ultle Wood river, over I

ttjne' ^ “^ r 1051 walerMieds.iffilTlns B\s Wood river were, ft^^e mosl p»rt. fnr below nor-

*( i)'<^ « u 63 P<r cenl normnl ftnd P«>'

lA 't river divide. Irom ,,lich »nler flows Into Trail creek, _tho»cd only« per e tn t of S B . 'lhe MMCot course. I ra n whleK

(iQ i'S Into the i-nil fork of ) ^ ^ P . ' -Oi; Wood river, wm CO per cent

the SAld Jitountnln eour.ie. the niensureinenLi &liorfed OO per

— — Re»l-Ml«te-hf<ik»r. „ Ml the Ornlinm taT cU eourje. icme elKhl mlic.i iiortli of Kelch- L ar«n .iyn.«hlch Allowed 80 per, cenl of the Twin K«lli boa of nonnal. .. . . i^ n *t*le aii%t>clalloii. and

Al llie soldier m nser *UUot encravlnei ino** 6 per ccnl oi norninj

'.■'Jr t'dram '‘’B”i‘" V o ^ ^ l? e M nmerRej wlUi the BIr Wood river In obl.-,po. Cnllf., fc ^ g ic reservoir. irim t s c s men ^cn*l

wilwn ported out th a t f n ^ l r i « ' I ^ b f r t 0^6^. w. uho can '■ '^ ” ‘1 ^ am m " '!'■'«'■• " ’“ I «»«')'>

“s : i " C t a i«.i ...v: »i.comeMtlonlil. sU tc i th a l srftlns '> «'are .he quick crop « l»e «"d ,hw been pliintcd to B™'" ^ e r a i„^.o^,|n^ 205 riu id it i perod of line, lie recommends (n^nficrt tn Am

ssr„K cr.« i ~ “Ih land. __________ Thr n in lnr COD It 1

I " - “ .'S i .

SiJW L, MOI, ™ 11 K po»ib i. u. *“! '

nurse crop of Rtnln witli Uie altftl- '

s:,i';ar.:rp:jr.lhe lop ot lhe IcRumts and crnM- J°“-_____________

I Wiird Peler«n reporUd on lhe P r O f f r S r n '^t.ork done by lhe w ll conservation

dU.,1. . a » i U.C p.= i K .r . I l ; ‘»ialed IJI cooperoior* are nlRned f ' ‘V», * J^ rS 'n r« n ^ i up in the d lslriel' and Uml 23 i * "Jpellilonrd for and received co- cvJnlnK "nper«iive n.^laUvnce durlnR lhe

’ During ll>e year « coopcrnlor, o S i r w ^ l l ' f l l U h e cl received lecJmlcal aaslilance, W ilh * . ! . _ f J iIhb i>.ML5Unci 387 ocre# of land |Mere leveled, one i r r l R n t l o n . ,(.inictiire capnbte ot cnrO’lnR 4.000, V t i I O t W l l cubic feel ot waler per Aecond and three otliera were constructed dur- ■Ins the year. Tliere aUo were 17, . ■oilier l.nkcout.1 and drop-i iMlnlled, I I

A aludy was completed of Uie; ■ ^mnrsh and meadow land lo deler-,mine btal use conslalenl with Hie . i t - - . cap.ihlliiy of lhe Koll and needa.of L o o k in g ol_the lam -r | m o v ie ? A ll lo fi

Tw o ranM condition atudie.^ • , .I were made as a means of Kelllns to g e r o b ig g c i I more pounda of beef per year.

Tlie Mudy aLw determined the Tonlphl, manyIjMl KraNws lo use. As t resull, i.^Tli i i,i . 6.000 acre., were seeded lo strains 'o( Improvfcl grasse.v [ n>cy w’ill bc maj

Six thoii.und, five hundred feel| iiiR nnd office mc ot open drain and 18.000 feet, of, amonR lhe bu.iln IrrlKatlon ditches were coMtrucl- fii.’ n iree hundred acre.^ of land ,'‘fre dinined and 3,GOO feet ol M E ^ r C L <Cintil Ma.i lined, Kour hundredt«eniy acres were pliuilcd lo •• W rit* or phone P' -'^uir, letln! U cxplalnj

Adilltlonal lULslsliince was clven »h !ch vou can al 3i 'Arnicrs in ih tir petition to tlie! * ,r ,.ie . t u m . in ■ sourninrnl for flnaiidal ,a.«lsl- Mrvice. There is , *r'cr, l‘ci«r.v)u ludri,

DiMricl plan.1 for tlil.^ year are _ • p. tn liirrra,ie the number ot basic I W I U P f

pl^ni uritien; a.wLM 40 individual; ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ *’nrt Ihree group.i of farmers In,

I Ihcir coii-irn'ftlloij work Jn whicli: r llie coveniinent .■Uiares in tlie’coil.: "Duainea* E

A i:rft.v\land tour, such m wasieoiirtiiclrd la.«t year lo acquainljl-----^n^hr.^ A'Uh Uie value of newly |

■1 GIANT ' H

I Refdpratorh^JModel DA-11-5? N

‘7 / We can't service it —

W M M y l T .TWIN FALLS- Refrigerol

eai Estate Men At

ik«»-(reo>-scarlr. everj couDty In Mail ucallon and u le i clinic. J-nur ..f Ihow ( «n. Kolir, prealdent of the Idaiiu Real t bnarcl nf reallora, and froitl. M arion J. and Trum.-\n Bradley. Burley, a direeln

---------------i------ * * *o Ll plannfii Jor • •• — - — '■ - •- —

Class, Sale„ for both re.v ^ ^ .

r.SStl',;: BySO-M^Itend'^Ui Oc- renltflrs from n

Irsl vejir all of " n - nli-tliiy, educationt " pn l^ ta *01 ch"le " t the T u rf elubiu f m d W t^ lc l Shr^inK p r« .d |nR d153 and Official- mornlnR ana nfiernoor governor Jan '‘ " c John Wolfe. preMi e Rovernor Jan.

liv ■'in uTTi-n Trumnn Drncilcy. Burley

' S Z , Aipml*!™ 1-iInKl u'aa dlicusacd ly 1

I S K ' n ’J t S r cIlV

ni ncrM are n r l ' Miirion J . VoorhfCJ, ) lrriRai«l land « " “ )■« "L 'll,ry farm land, w e'ftl'on. nboutIn .lUtlJllcs such counui. ly Wllion 11 U FoIIowine luncneoff. I now mirveys bc ni Assoclnllon ot R ntlui of llie year. Brokers and Institute i Uikes 10 day.i of were outlined by A. A e monUu to do PorUand. NAREB vice

nnd Paul B. L-irscn, D------------ * dent of Ihc stnte a.woeiTVk C n f Under Uie Rencrai lon i l k J C l Public Relations." .•mles■nrli n - A n ex- Uslns Upa were dticuMe vm bc prc.'.enied M. lliom pson , Bol.ie. ,;e III lhe rcRuIar member.i. Cordon Cn riRermnn OrnnRe Georse H wiey. J r . bolh n l the Oranse Tlie Rroup nlr.o vlen

••SelllnR the Seller." lhe O o o d ln s Forms m ed In real e le clialta, iLillnRS, e a rn w l mon

v i l l y o u be d o i n g

MIGHT a t 8'ol television? Bowling? A ttending lots of fun — b u t thcy w on 't help y jgcr poycheck.

any amblUous men nnd women will be ea lo a raise Ui pay. by allendlnK iilKlil &ch masierlnR lypewrlUns. anoriiiand. accou

e machines. They will be mnkinR new frle. usIncM leader* of lhe future, '

: l a s s e s f o r m i n g n o vlone for a free copy ot our NiRhl School D loins the Ume-snvlng. tmy-rnislnK lubji n aludy here—and nbout our free plocem e is no obllRallon.

Falls B usiness CollegiPH O N E .RE 3 - 6 5 2 2

u EducaUon Doean’l C oti — 11 Paj«"

f e a t u r eI f f l S H I • B ig 6 1 lb . Frei

• 1 6 .2 Sq . Ft. Ol Shelf Space

• 5 Door-Storag ’ *8m Shelves

P?jt a • New Laceworh - ' s t y l i n g ----------

P i 9 r ;

! — We won't sell it"

LE' W m 9 ¥ fK f \. U soJrotors BUHL

Ittend Sessions

iJailc Vilify r»lhered » t th e Turf dub Thurm iM on hand far the m eelln t were, from letl, 1) al Culale auoelallon, and Jo h n Wolfe, pre>ld J. Voorheea, BoUe, exeeuH»e aecretary of

tclor of the alate a.tsocialinn. (Hiatt phr

* * * * ' *

Ics Clinic Attended Magic Valley Rcaltom nearly every menLs, cxchnnpc.^ and cIosIiir st iillcy allcnded nien't.% nnd proper meUiod.1 of \

S Tlmr.Sr ■''' dl-''".-.!''|. (imir.t over John H. Bm ndl, Nnmpa, presl moon ,vcMlonj of lhe broker.' bonrd. reMdcnl nt Ihe ■ 'f reaiiors. and READ T^IES-NENVS WANT irley, a director E,ilat6 a.\wcla- I

family divell-ly Louis S, Dl ,

all and John ' ^Falh,ee.\ BoL:e. e;c-j

boul tm,<.t ac-

W. the Nntlnn-Real Esl&te M - ^ » {

te membership W a 1 \ IA. Ilorsfeldl, f i E l g g * I

vice pre.ildent, R l R s j g Q j g j W\ Bol'-e. p ru l- H H [ | n _ . |4.uoelallon, W « j t t f ii topic, "Office « . g J blies and adver-; J r f. UMed by Victor,\ir. nnd panel 1 BBCrockell andi •

oil) Twin F.iib. viewed a film.

al utftle wnrk, f l f Imoney asree- *

5 CIp you , ^


!i S u iUbJCCU ■cement

f f —

^ 1 1 FR E^ o T " I I Provided! “ I BS ■ treasurerage ' Hp

{ RR been wonfork 0 8

■' 7 ------ - BSSEBBBHffiBBBSB

Friday KW /T_ T T / i . _ - . , ----------- ;T hc~flnt4l‘ rrfin

'irtw ’n in from Uie : w ith doiens of dlf

M . tu i dinner ior lhe--- J

SaturdayT lie ino^l popular

I to perfection, do:U M choose. Coffee , I

Aii you can eat Ii

T J M E S - N E \ y S , T V

Speech Grouj) ^ Has Conclavc

JEROME, A iin rn - N!: . I.lu.sd

■ i ' i opiTcli a t (he trKiiUr iiircliiii: nf• ‘\ l llie Jc r-Id .l To.viiiiL'Ilr.v. <iiil>

J<; T ursdiiy cienliiK »t the Miihil- I * . V a l l i - y cafe.I v ' - , Mr.'', Rur.'fll llivull rviliMlrclk * ''i Mr.i. Ovrrmon'.' ^ p f^ c ll Mi,'.

Ilinhle Cov i'hi''r rv^tliiJiK'!.

Mi,t, Jnck U uwll «;i% l,ib:.-- topic niW re.\i \ih(''i- ,v,it;jnl \rvi;, •'Slinuld a woitiiin bf inlrlc.sH'cl m

' ^ ^ 1 llip kind ot ftpci.'Mi a m:iii I,-. wiut

L mail?':__-n m PlIMirrr;! livcvi-ryoiie prri.riit.

Mr^. ARnc.i iliir.-.i. vl;i' nmiUici- e d . l l i r buMni'.'A nifliii;:. ;;;u r n rrp o ri on the Council S'i> K inVri- Inc .'lie attended in Ilm i- ,\p iil 4, Slip iMi.' n infinbfr ol llir inhiw.i coniniltiee whlfli in.idr ilin r r r-

U m !

T H A T Y O U *

W -ifiunday . . , , 4i*fltl, hack t- 'V ,.; ' 're>ldent i d fof lhe ■ •. . . • • > « . phcito--

—I Hi-n

* .....' _____ \ ^

d ' Itors ------£ns state-

rl"b; Reeder Fly“ RE 3-5920iNT ADS

n - 4 j j A r gHt Cactus Pete's I

iO(n d a y ,

™ _

EE FRIDAYad the entire amount in tho •e chcst hos not already 'on! .

N ight Seafood E'fin'seaf«)a.s-purchB.<icd-especlaliy for On< I Uie coast. Experlly prepared by a m aster < f different diiliea. All you can e»l for, Ju st $: ' the lu n ily l

ay N igh t Buffetular B uffet auppcr In Uie nortliwMt. T lic Ur downs of appeUzers. ulnds and de&sert.i

s , liol rolls and plenly ot buller. W onderl at Ior only $2,00.

T W I N ’ F A L L S , I D . 4 H 0

n Daylight Saving"S Election Slated „

SAI.iiM, A|i;;l 17 — DayllKhl h .lii.sd .viiunK Mnie cii.inil U.i lif.t hurdle P

yi\Mri(liiy bi'Iiip Ki'tiic Io llie pro- c' |ile, v.lu-ii th r srn.ile npjirovcd the >'

" |lilP^i.iu:c ;’0-lP.U \vo\ild |i;t f.Lil Itiiie In Ore- ~

laniL- n n ,i I,) n m tr in Noicniber, IfllB. ,10 clrtrrinliiP "lifllirr cIcK-ka In the

. '••t.ilr Mill hr ;.ri „i,r hour nliciiil I , , trnm th r Si;ihI,iv in April lo

I Ihc f^iimhiy in Scplfnibrr, •;.sanl Atliially llir Inll Korv h:\ck to

[ llir luni.-r Ior iipiiiov.-il r l minor il,[,. liiinnulinrni-', hut this Is a for-

•cl m '\> he)' I " " ' "* me<'Ilnir tic-il-i Ni'iiuii.iiiiiR i-mniiiuirr tor tlif

nicrtiiii; firclril, Includ. — li.i;:’ Ml'.';,"nrnr"jrp-.nii, Mr.i. Ji'ui'tl -

J r ' .Mr::. Drpoi, v.n.\ li(i,'U';.' and ,',-ri'- i::i'' ' 'h r in'.pi!.iniiii,

hiu.-; <irl T'>ur i’b 'l lr and C a n v .a ^ r r - Oanis imw trom Hlnhf,—Adt.

jf \ 0

P R O V E T O Y O U R S E L F > U C A N L E A R N T O F L Y I

Hi-ra h yon inriuim t. an lirlU, m* \ Irwndihifik an* boiuoni Daroni, u IW undt of olhtn hi>r. Ihtl Kjafi Ixr-rrf-

■ 6fl»: t l youhut •nyiJoub!iibBol»liiihrT ' • ' •you n n Uim t» fly. itnt Irr il tni m W« innl» jreu lo l*l« r««Wt-n ccnAdcnt Uul’t til 11 oiO UU U> «>■Vina you th«t llri‘1'1 In rvL tno M /*<Joirill-«oill lerm i»ftcam»mt»itr.______

lying ServiceTwin Falls

Fun Spot Soutmr A p r i l


„ I iS' Now Iy BB Free drawings for

HH Friday, Saturdoy < 88 ure chest, you 9c

]gg§§§-— doesn^t open the-

B uffet hAPFO nclus Pcto 'a-and ,

sier chef artd served j s l $2,00-A wonder-

I t1C U nest m eals, done scrta from which to n d e rfu l for n pariyl

C o r n p l i ^ e C o u r s e j t nroud HAII,i;V. A[>:i; 17 - ’IT.r H'M'n,

iiicnil>ci% I'I ;lH' 11,III' , li;::ii rihi»il'Ruth t,t hoinr . I,i linvf rimi-!|,„ra

ccTvr'’llim'niuTii!l "m ilirVrir l 'J ; 'tu lm r .‘"" ''" " " iH i 'r l . ;

Tlici-r c-niiiplriini: iiir roni r arr t^hak,

/{cad ntir A<! in . . .

The Idaho A PRIL 2 N D I

■or 1ir- j f T y 5 X ■ c o m e It

1 0 SEE I H E I M E W

M cC O R M IC K * No,Tis mor* b o lo i for every dollnr in

' nny field/aafcr. Dale more hny at, pi , /ccdinp value. C e l J ’staylnB.pQwc

after hour, day n ite r dny, nil scasoi Comc in ond lot lu give you th

V. 15 -ton-an-hour cjipacity McCormi — ^ e m o iu lro tc how the No. 50 can tu

... . l5 '» , 19-lnch >nlc.i .every 12 s« o • twin-Ue m odels, wiUi eltlier pio o

loday for a demonstration.

_ ■ -.r---------Truth Now i0 wilh iha Earfy

| B - | c.ll PS I

W r iE K E

Ith of the Borde

REI ■ 1‘ro v ided iI M ■ V in lh e I r e a

I I a lre a d y beeI10(in The Treasun

for K cysareheid cvoryTucsi ay and Sunday! If your key o ge t all the money in it. If

h6'chfistryou-gct45.00 for’• - -


C A C T IP E T E '


PA G E F IV E l l j l

levtrly C u t l e r , n i e l a j i . sc a r- orouKli. Jane Powell, gue^Peler* |i 1 cn, 31n:cl Charlton, Alice Burr, luth W.ill. Pauline Sharp. Bar- ,»ra Scliiiioe. Lynctte O l s e n , n [ uckir Soiithcni. Dana Stewart, iiiriiiua Dixon nnd DeAnn Dor- '•

I l i i __________________________ _ l i l , I

D harmer i“D ISSUE I

(*/».•. I

Ic V e v s '--------- m e — * ------------

TW IN FALLSP h o n o ■ III

RE 3-9112

iiq. • llu.''

t] f 1 S .T 0 N - A N > H 0 U R

lOi 5 6 B AL E RIf invested. Bale any crop o r 'J ,'. ;at, penk quality for ine rco jed ___.jQwcr"-lo keep balin® h o u r •}’'U on lontt!11 the full tiory on th * Dew irmick No. S< baler. L et m n tu m out big, b road-bM ed seconds. Cholca b f w ire ^ *ff'U) or engine d rrre. C all m \ J

lW ^^ :S (T v•A <or■ I f lhrfy T ro d tr 'i Boavn I f i

; today! | |- j j n

C l i p _ J‘ . uik "

l / n \

Jer! I

;d ihe entire amount H I

reosure chcsl has not ’ Wbeen woni0 'ire Chestiesday,Thursdoy, y opens the treos-

!f your free key or trying!. ’..... ...... .........


U S' S











ijI ' ;u'

I'1. ,I*!

IV'1 *7


•V .

Page 6: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons


Forage Ci-op 11 Analyzed for ',i . - T.F. Session

’ • A ppnwlmatelr 38 prr c tnl of llie1 u loU l crop Iniul In T*ln FftlU coun- ,;^o »* .•

SJ ■ ty 1 u ifd for some plia-ie of forncs « "4 T»a cr

crop production, cnisiu f ieur« { j mid oilier eallmalfs m dinie. . | '.n oh„h,.i>, 1 ''^ Tills mentw nlx)Ul 110,000 ncres J ' " '<*'*

til' oul of ^ lotal of :H),000 crop land

i ncrM produce forace In tlir roim- j.„p .sr.o ty. TliL'i nnd otJie' *lalL«lcal In- i;;« au Jorrnnllrm ww prr.-.rnted iil n com- J "J ^

inlltce m rriinc Tliurida)' in Uie n county #ienM mcciins room to , ; i .s,n.« (h,II mialyro Ihr fornce crop Mtuailon i5.n>i ■y*'» 'H In itiP eouniy, study Iti problems. [®U | and nnllelpnle lhe |w«lliim of for-t ! --------- <■«“ er«T)i 111,oiirnRrlculturul. teem:f j p » omy m the Jmurr. I m I: i h i 'c i n

The' meetlne ua* nilnnlrd by kayt it |- Bbfiill :o people u ltli W, A I^iusli- r .

r , miller. lIolIlAter, prr.Mdliif: n:. t .i' rlinlniinn. nnd Ddniild 7. Yniitr i::i, n . im «

frtvuiK n* r.rcirury. ri';; I:': :;i’ • Alfnlf*. cut for Imy, l5 the Irnd- r u ; m. hom

, | Ine fornKP crop from thr stand- *•"?point ol nrreaiir. nccouiiliiis fur J -i;,.;?* .nboul :.5,0(K) (it the iD.Ono ncIr^ . i i i v . u i " . '

I Hied for liny production. T lir hist ;."'i s » - .nsrlcuiiuml ceiuuj indlcnte* more nItian 2,000 farms out of r inlal . n ,iX un«ot 2,<00 produce (illaltn tor tiny n ,» . of purposes. Five years aRo there

( wn* only one county in the *Ule [„ „ , j,..jIL wllh more Itvnd cul for hiiy nnd i: i i off

lh a l wn.i BlnKliftni wllh aboiil

! | A llUla mora than 35,000 acrts V C I l t r i lwas llsk^ BJ improved pa.Mure on

\ [ 1.700 farms, of wlilch J4.000 neres £ e a l l J ll^ r wn alialed ns Improved pa.Uurc on

« 0 farms. Land clnsilfled a.s im- I proved pasture Li plnnlM lo rec- „ ? f '

l | ■ ommend varlctlc,^ ferllllar Imd M-'flc Val eyI. ' t o n .p p lir t , .n a «,m , T v I" £

i | t J mnde to control weeds, ^•ni# blBge.st Increase in recent S tn llin

years was stloKo com, Ten ye.-irs mnde m tllo ni • • iiRO, flceordlnK to ceaius, 131 acre,i ,j,e lq s AnKcl

nf com was used for sllnRC on IB nppetirftnee w Jn JSM Jt Wcrenjed 10 1,- Afu.ifc provi

'• I I 171 acres on 113 fnrms, and Ihe Vullcy‘ committee now e.iiimiites the .'i- giujjp „ vociiiI , Jbrc crop occuplM from J2,000 to rrtn i”TiiIrfrcI« " ( I 15,000 ncrrs on severnl liundrrd

fariTui. Tills does not Include .meet 'i 'w ln F; I - com atovcr ood cnnnerj' corn by- CnjitlefcI products . UMd for slMBe. R o n - m o n i ; .

Approximately 100,000 acre.i ot m Im .J______ ronsc.itm da.hav t-bccn Kcdcd to ...Uatt-allaij. bin . recommended dry land varletlea In be ployed by t . recent yenrs. Some of this waa Theme Io r th

planted on former crop land. Fed- omUona la ’' tI erol nsencle.s provide mosl of thc All liiRh « l ‘ Btntlatlcs nionft tills line, •- tiiroucll 12Ul J. n i e ■ blRgMt contribution v u Inlo rm ntlon cII made by the bortnu of land mnn- obtiilncd by p ‘I (iRcment which received nM lstvije (UQO,; In -rtcent yeiira from the up- -----------

. proprlnlloa* made for the control t i • p« « Ij of hnloeelon u id Uie beet lent J f m r X l C J

West of Sftlmon PnlLi creek Uie T ^ n p H 1 I J burenu of Innd mnnaRcment nnd J.V U < *U J I j cooperating slockmen planted 22,- SHOSHONEI a<8 (wres and etuit ot Balmon Fnlls stftto ' hlRhw-n ” creek 61,010. Tliere nre nbout four trlc t office h

townahlp.1 of forc-st rtser\'c land In day Uu»t t h th e county, on whleli Uie forest Mount«ln Hon

____ 1 - w iT 'lco_hM _j)lan tcO JIlQ -ftcrta. in-p«nr-.h f.p«No lijcure* aro available on w hat w a te r run* permltteea m ight have planted, im a ted n ta te

J ; T lie local aoll eowen'ftUon dls- point Ju.it wcs ' tr le t lifted 21.«0 acres on private A m ^to l

lands In the district. TheM (icr6- -epent \ •ces p lu i Uint which Is tmed-for the 'd in w hen graM seed producUon probnbly t I io road li brings the to ta l to moro Uian 100.- offlclal.i wild

, would be ttno tLoughmlller. In hla opening re- pairs ciin bo t

m arks as chairman, said fornse ■crops were a blR factor in the op- « - _ _ eniUon of hls forms around Hoi- | \ p p f lister, where the prlntJpfa cn»h ■‘‘l .V ^ '

I I crops nre groin and beans. He T T n i f f T makes use of alfalfa hay. ?om « J l i l t 1 .1

*1------ ollaR* nnd range grs-we.t fea- his Kelly Pcter/i'11 range and feedlot opcraUon. ijc n t of th e N I I L. M. Wimjffi^ of BoLie. dls- m a meeUnB

, u lc t extension agent supervlior. in the S h a m rt In explftlnlng why UiIs ij-pe of meeting la being held. sUted Uiat o u ie r offlcei almllnr meetlng.i are being held Ooodrlch vie w ith growers of all ugricultural

. commodities to nnnljie lhe prea- reoorter l l ■ , n l . l lm u o , . « .n c oi IU freb- S S

Jems, and whot might be anUcl- rich and U nd pated In the near future. Farming Mra. E llis Fi w d o ^ l t u r t ^ to be Rolnir demowiU-ated throuRh a lot of changes a t the machine pre.«Dt time, he declared. Ilefreshm enl

or^'the M nhi c’ S “ ta p ro « m en l . . . . usoclatlon. lold of thfrprogram to nn

provide seed of good quality TalkS C throuRh th# seed registratira and ^certlflcaUon prouram. He also told I I n A .of Uie sU te seed lab&ratory where tesl4 are mnde for germination IDAHO PAI and purlly. NesoUntlons ci

Bome foraee crop# are being Ujc>, tested a t all branch experiment cntv commLislI I atotlona, according to Marshall 'A bout 700 e . I^B aron , w perlnU ndent of the “ t* ^00 met< \ I atnUon a t Kimberly. Most of the >n whnt W<

I pasture IrlnU are n l Cnldwell. company callsp lan t detelopm enl work a t Aber- Jurisdiction.

I deen, and reseorch Irlnb a t Uie Howard HillKimberly atatlon with different national inbor

t i a lfalfa and rouls varlelles. Cora I* nltcm oh ( ellRRO vnrlely trlnUi also nre cnr- *'»'‘I lie liopcdIII r lfd on a t nil three staUons, tloiw nfter- tiii

Holand Porlmnn of Mo.vow, pany nm! th e ~ ‘ ■DiilversUy of Idnlvs extension cn- Idnlio Mc

MtomoloRLst,- t-ilked of Ihe prc- ----------ventlve Insect control program. In HTOCKPII

I, I which growers try to anUclpate BOISE, Ap Ihelr Insect problems ant! trj’ lo stockpile pro. m nko ROmo control effort before l^w ls count! blR crop l(vwes occw. He men- ye.Herdny by tloned alfalfa weevil, wire worm-i departm ent. 1

I and com earwig as pesta creaUng *t would opi I ' problems. windrows on

Persons nltending th r meeting 85 south of ^ Included Ralph O lmileld. Oeorge ‘ng surfacing Choulcs. Thomtwi E. Speed}', H O tcrlnl in atocliG ault. O. E. Wllkenlns. H nnry --------------------

ll Quesnell. Herbie .Meunler. Clcnii Iv; J . H, shn ; Nelson and C. W. Dalgh. all Turn cn.ulefcrd ar Falls : CurUs W. Bower, KlmbrN^Buhl. "

1FR I. A N D SA T. — 2 C IN E M A SC O P E

S S gEnB

. . . . .

1:30 AND 10:50

Coming Sunday—Pot Boone W P T W" M A D R I G R A S "

1^ j P A G E S I X ■ ■

MAGIC VA]A YT KBARLlle«TCI«*) «Ul»ejeJ*.l

ruiUAT >'

• 'io j '

<)'"ur<>ni"f I'lj' xZIlh rn.U» rroffin |a,«g t.> |

A r*! yuiK...............SATUKUAT 10:',

* 'h ''V t t f ill Cuunin , ni

..........ioi:i) t>»T"«*'«' ______ L

|u~J| ni:D S’W«»Htrful ilho- {■

•> T>tn> 'llso HKmI j f

IV. ■'v."r1"i« j : ; ! };|

. '" f w r i ! . - l ; i° M

' 0«.elle>< ^1;,

riloquist to• ^ Ibe lUUon. Ature Meetinglloqu lit will be fealuretl _r n t thc fifth nnnunl r lley Youth for Christ fnr- Itlo n nt 8:31) p. m. Satur- -■5 Twla Fnlla high scliool L—

in’lnR.v Azusa. Cnllf., hss KLI0 nnd TV appenmnce.i Inngelea aren. including nn *Cb.e wllh EdRcr Bergen. *rov/ded by groups from C tur JonnIcy high school.1 wm 111- «:OO.J«bii^ U.S.jc iil and ncctirdlon duet «:>o Kl.ix'trt. >frd d . a gfrlj' trlo from Ciko kiu

m ale and girls’ scxtri .m s T»1 Falli nnd a glrl.i' trio Mio NI<i ■teford, Linda Ollt and su : Sw iu m e , Jerome, will sing j

n. backsround, music wltl !»i» jy the King's Unrvesters. » :» k u x H.«d • th e program and dec- 1 •'Hawaiian D reW ," T H I ? T H

«ho o l atudent^^nlnlh I , f , I ( 2 tli grades, arc Jnvlted. in nbout’ tlckelA can be fT 1ty phoning RMwood 3- X

------------------------ Phillip Cunu

ield Regiond Listed Poor S K -b ',)NE. April 17 tfl — The Cummings, i w a y depnrtment db- jultnnt. hns a s here warned Tliurs- Switzerland,

t h e rond connecting Tho most bea Hotne Mid. Fairfield .was wnrld, K oual. i

jn a orer the road, d ts- garden Island, a te highway 6S. At a the finest possi: w est of m il City, crews all races th n t o lorist was reported lo In de.v:rlblne t V /ednuday night In aspect of Kaun lern his car, Rot stuck, hotel, Cummlnt d Is not wtll surfaced, hotel Is unique a id . They expected 11 Polynesian owli m olher week before re* tho owners of tl M mnde. to Ereot effort I ----------------------- ttUlhenUc, he si

Needles 4-H Has Electionter/ion wiia e l« t td pres- two ycftr.< ago,' c Neel Needles 4-H dub parUcular. expe: n g Thursday nftemoon flsh nnd nn ocl m rock school ho t lunch In describing

iald lhe only I fleer* elected are Janice fecled are gold

vice president; Lonh In sunken shi; cUtry, and Terl Lodell, of naturally by

"If all of younbcrs are Janlco Good- take only ono U U ndo Young. mend th a t yis Fuller, club tnstnictor, Thailand." C Led uses of Uie sewing 'T here you fin

Continued „A -J te S tr i i te f f iS 3FALLS. April 17 Ifl — m d rings stolej is continued loday in tho Q jewelera Blm Ujc nearby alomic en- They stopped ^islon site. mid-town lnsl iXI construction w A kcn Uie driver, Eme! n e ta l workers are Idle fool nnd Ashto;

WesUnghowe Electrle police stntlon alls n dir,pule over union As the oftlcera >• on n vaRrancyHlllbum of the SeatUe nway nnd r.in ot ib o r relnllons board of- Uon. But he wa ;moUng to setUe It. Be a neighboring 0 ped to Jlie rrcommendn- In searching '- tiilldnR wllh the com- ers snli! they fo Llic olllplnis of Uie F jo t- price tag Mill nt M cU rT riitles union. ' back Rent iliey i

------------------------ WlUl numerous ':plLK BID CALLED

April 17 111-Another l>ro;ecl in Latah nndl iiniies wns announced' A by the stnle highway, / t /%/%

It. Tho department w id ' f topen bids May S on' ^ ^

on 7.HI miles of U. S,|3f Moscow and furnWi-i n i jFIng and cover cont ma-tockpllei.

Sharp, Flier; L. n . '. and eiiclby WUUnnu.

PE A CTIO N H ITS p | j | |

6 J dJl/Vl

itr ja in j-u iR Q e u iV

»;00 ONLY

@ 3 ! ] > h .

t .


(1(49 m o t j c te ) ( U l l Ritoeycle*;fHIUAl rlllOAT

jTo K^p't Xoffls.nr , ^

*•:» ll ttcin Ju»eiu .Shlrn

|:oo To*’kJ{ i"°»'<pu*iiV'*

'•"‘j l Nr>i Mr.JIlnM •ATUWJAti':0 Hcrrtllnf'.! *'"*■4JS »;30 D., Dir

______ _ *|.;ij I

I ' i i 1 U n '! " ’!:*',!,* 't’u‘'r ‘ '

n ifu Kj-_.Nm,“ o"‘ A'l'hmin

t.DU Mfi'i.V.’fii' rufii’d ■ 7;U0 NttV.Mdi, .S'ifi,.:u ::o : An

4:00 Top ro. Ki>ni*ri *:0a l.o(nbiiii|.i t.*fi[1e.oo Krrp Nislil Tt.<r< V:l>U .Sliik* K>rici> M NitM T,.„, lc.;uu ll .- . l l C ll.

I'oo N r h i^ ' '" '^ iVln r '* ’" m'" ’*’"'l:OU sifn 'o ff l-M HiI ' m

* * * If, If. 1{ly Khedule of ielerlslun and radio procram e to reader! ot the Tlmcs-.Newi. Llsllnga nr I. AdT errors or ehinges ihould bo reporled ool the Tlmea-Newf,

* * ' yr - * *

Television Lo)L I X - T V • •iChanael 11) Thoml,ir.| it.c . •

♦KIUATonrt i; ja U-«I.fh n,».t»rU.S.A. ('so

Nishi Kubt* -• 5;2S- 9:00 Uliji Uuila TliMl

r» In r:trJ.tilnf loloo w lltU Dtad orlub )(}::a iv k i l<lli£htk» WmtHnf .................. IliOO-'rwn on tlir AU<J««dllBM_______________ l.Mt) KLIX ll>»Jllnc.,

r o w n H a l l A u d i e n c

■ e a t e d t o ‘ A i - m c l i a i rununlngs gave Magic d ifferent, aud peopli vn Hnll n.uoclnUon facllon.” nnnehnir tour o f-dit- He snld the thi of Uie world lliu ra - ahould remember « thc Junior high Khool Li to alop being

m nny Americans s ; an economic con- and y e t seo noUiln t an offlcc In Bern, out,

Cummings wa.< ; beauUful island In the Or, LuUicr lliom i i . now. li .p a r l.o f . lhe of tho board.of. dir « * t- h « - ^ ld r - iv - la - f t Mftgic-Valley-Town id , ho declared, and tlon. osslble comblnaUon of D r. Thompson sUi ml live together. for Increnslng tho r jlng ono commerclnl Town Hall next yt auftl. tho Cocno Pnlm th a t ench miOTber 1 alnga sinted th a l the nex t m onth so thi que. "You get In the how T owti Hall opt swing of things." ns Tho annual elecUo >f the hotel have gone of directors will be irl to mnko everj-lhlng next meeting Maye snld. AnoUier hlgJ^ ------------------ml Is the vnlley of Uie i f -v; v s ' o ' ' ; ; v , o , a . r , , . A i ’ e a D e z

experiences off lhe •- M e e t i n g

ir.»“?,.,r r . i E H H ”! ':old and gla.M. Bodies ‘*1" "shins are taken care beginning *

b>-nature, he stated ^ t. P.k'ou here tonight could .0 trip. I would recom- >’«,

you see Bangkok. school cafel Cummings stated. PfePMftUon

find tho architecture-------- — ------------------ Bishop James J.

I — will bc thc luncheoiJewel

ibery SolvedLO, April 17 (U P D - year a re Mrs. Mary Pocatello police todny. dent; Mr.r Manuel y of $17,000 In watches president; Mrs, Je ts olen from Uio R and reU ry ; Mrs. Fran Blackfoot. trensurer, nnd Mrs.>ed a suspicious ear in auditor. All nre fron s t nlghl nnd ordered m est Uoj-d. 30, Black- Chton. to drive lo the J PAUL cers were booking him I i n f < « P n iTV SER'was cnuRht hiding In i IN BACK O F 1

g OrestaUon. . J _ . - „ _ _ng Lloyds cnr, offic- J ' found n ring with a j . ' F iler DA 6-1 nttnrhcd nnd mi.Uic Th, „ i , M.r,,,.-™,

a'sa,;.r,'i'’',s ‘ j

moimeeme:UE T O A PR EVIO U S C O M M IT M E N

m a d e lo s t y c o r , w e oro



MMY /vlcMULLEA f th e P ia n o , a n d

NOEL EDGARA t th e D riim s


T I M E S .

I SCHEDULES: K T F I K ACle*) (127D ailocyole*) Kil

tnuc fB 'irUIUAY liltiM 1

s 'rx ><o. tilO Itua Tt, , i.jg litu riia U«tii> 4:39 Muiii

t:U HliMllMO N m (:U Nrwil:JO T ^ . Tm* J:00 Mu*i^

• n <:uo C»«lcail« of aportj |;00 Hon TlS;JO Klwrit llKbllfbu 1:1) Nt>i

n>M t I'';"® D*"'* rio»« t:00 Uut. T)ai*n<.tl l».JO ^l:S4.Ntii.

, *ATUHUAT uiooSl'fVo»■?» iN . . t . . Jl»ur 8ATI;1

.M., lioo I' . 1 ;0» Mrlwlr 'v fM f 1:04 ll.ll. riJ-‘* «t*»ir*Coralr* j-JJ

' r ,ii. ’ '*5 HtM* Corn<r N'*»lliOO Cornir' ' }:"J ’’’

pm.l .r i

t i n .Hl“ fifu«»‘&JlUo»I^nrl (;3UU. V lUrrldt t p.m.

J:DJM.,nllpr l!:M nob nII, Ti]tf «Cr»nd UU 0»a Nutlhil, , i'Ou iN r .i |]:I0 N ..iliilnlihl Monitor l!:3i Uirk.i

* I JJ tl»nli«r l::<0 llol> In

As Hailey I HAILEY". April 1 7 -

r v /Y * Of nomlnaUons for ihtI I M Hailey mayor have beer

O . j Jack Davies, incumbent n— ~ I Delmer-Nlcholjon,- with ruBUAt clerk. The eleeUon will!ln« • .> 28.l« r f '‘iV«k Pftlterson an:

Judd Iiled for ward 1 co four-yc;ir term. Theodor incumbent. Is not seeklr

*UB„ tlon. Holdover councllmni

'.K Filing for ward 3 were ■its Ing. Incumbent, ond Ariwill Tniti Holdover councilman la

Allred.J All.. Voting houra will be tr.11 U )7 p jn ,

Monthly Brid ice Is Meeting Is• n n ' 5 T he monUily duplical i r • 1 o u r »«»>on. arrangtd by Uie i

mlttce. wns held Thursdi eopio live In satis- YWCA.

■ North and south wlrir thing Americans Mrs, A. P. Hujscll nnd ^

T while traveling Adkins, f ln t; Mrs. Jo,iep Ig foreigners. So and Mrs. W. II, Baninrd IS sec everyUiing Mrs, Ivan. Skinner nnd Uilng. he polnled Lusk. Uilrd, and Mrs. Ha

and Mrs. II. Miller Procto M introduced by Hast nnd west winners ' lompson. member J . C. McMillln nnd M . dlrcclora Xor,tlie C over,.flrs l;^ j._G m '_T Own-Hall-aMOola- Mr«.-S,-L~Tliorpe,-»e«>

Charles Welteroth nnd M stressed the need Van Riper, third, mid Mi

ho membership of Beveridge and .Mrs. A. E t yenr. He n-ikcd hon, fourUi.>er bring a friend ' — ■ ■

.“A S ' P e t i t i o n s Fi'cUon of the boardI be h e l i a t S e SUN VALLEY. April :■ay H Law n'«l Wlnton (__________ cumbcnts, filed petllloni

day for four-year terms0 0 T1 0 ' t ' \ 7' Village board.^ C t U C / 1 T H'oldover members ar.1 - _ ^ SeoRle. Adolph Roublci

«■ I c W laiton MeCrejr. K - I O O C - l -Voters may regliter iirX ^ 25. Zlecllons will be heU

Iprll 17 — Repre- a jn . to 7 pm . April 2S.12 towns of l h e —

a t-mccUne here Bat-e wllh mass a t m i | • ■^ Peter's CalhoUe

be sen’cd a t Uie;afeterla n l noon, C f lon of th e local

J . Byrne. Boise, hcon speaker. AllKOAhone A lUr so- l ^ Q n U t■ arM nvltcd . O f. „ r „ ' ^cted. P h o n e RE 3-217Sthe deanery Uils ary Custer, presl-

Ineas, vice lets Lecerlua. sec- •Yank I>querlca,Irs. John UrruUa,from Shoshone. - ■■ ' 5

i ' ‘-iM .r

^ NOWiRVICE , . r . c T , 1) F MOON'S j

RE 3 - 2 2 6 0 j i 6 - 4 3 0 0 \





! WKKK DAYS -ADl't.TS.....................HTUnKNTS , ..........

I cHii.rinKs.SATURDAY and SIN

! Ani'I.TS-l.« TII 5; ll,:_______I sTri)i:.\TS-:j, -ni u .j


! L J i '= E

E S - N E W S , T M N E A L L S , I D i !

' Consolidal -------- 1 For HighK A RT„ K , U n i t O ppil/.ko N . . . ^*** ®**'Iiowiini Iirmrt district and add to the iLia Tborn« sboa celved by th e o lhe r tMuii. AU K .n trteis. _ .>Kutic AU K>n Lincoln,, who two w Kss Tboriu abov made the motion lh a t ih nor*TT.o,-I stu>. lavorably for eon;|i°", sU ted Thursday n igh t hiiua Tbornt Sbcw the present situation sh

„ ,. Unue for a t least two m. BMtif HuiK su ie d th a t under thjiiii m r lav there could be oibati; hi>*t ------ cofmnlssloner* fo r-a -c o i

district, and he bellev io‘*»-U«»’n should bc a t least five.

TSrro.ii.p. i.i«- iiigiiwfty d istric t bonrdi / .^ N r.t Twin board has i !i.)i> rhiiiipi sbo> a stand on Uio issue ellB” k‘ei*ttport ^ Clyde Vanausdcln. Hob I'biiiipt she» of Uie Filer d lslrlc l, said

. was noi U klng a e land eliiob^rrfiiiip. fibo- but he believed th e coun lob i-biiiipi sbov determine f irs t If ll ii'<••• progress under th e pro Nlmlfrlr Sbo«v'reurir iitia« Vanousdeln pointed cu:<••• . 1»& the Flier d lslrlc l t

miles ot oiled rood*. W will be completed this

;iu»h.idt ^o l» atatfd, Uio d is tric t will htfirk.i nri>on Umn ,C0 miles o f oileilob rbiiiiM Sho- roads. He snld Uie dlstric'**** cd nimaii a ll Its north «

• roads nnd hns completedII* T / l K the oiling of the east-wi i > IU U M of;.of those living In

:y Mayor w ^ i J i1 ^ o n r h a r . s r o f =

" t i ; ; ^ ^ t “’Sf WMt. Burley,J . n hv lh e reco

> e S n y o ? and wn-iolldnUon m«withwill hP Anrn “ consolidnUon elccllon 1 will be April ^

and Fuffpne InfornjBUon bI “ o u n S n ! ^ , 7 '" ■«’» *

IH k ln B °r« ^« .’ « P '« ln e d th e receniS n ll vm d 1>« ■cumnn 111 wnrci p oa lb ly hasu'lTp Jav nppr- for o the r dcilrcdrf Arthitr TvtP ments which will ncceasiuan Is^IlowMd’an 13 Hownrd .'.upcrvljor111* frnm (1 n m Sawlootli nntlonttl forest,

Ihnl one of thc big pro . - ■ — U iC -arca-U -to Improve.

, recrcnUonnI fncillties suchr i d i r e m ounuin a n d tho Ro

• T o I T a I / I pointed ou t that, i a U c K i eight miles of Uie Rock « ipllwite britlKc leading lo Mngic mounUi■ Uie city com- w e In Cnssla county and lursduy a l Uie highway dLitrict. S'

Onkley district hna no p wlriner.i were Interest in tlic road, il d

md Mra. E. H. of nothing to help main Jo.ieph Slielby >'oad. This portion of Ute j ninrd, second: « n be annexed to the Ti ' nnd Donnld sj'stem If the Oakley dlstri a, H arry LlRhl ^ willing to release it. ’roctor, fourUi, Sevy said a rough estI ners were Mr.i. t*'c ca il lo pu t a nilntmi Id Mrs. Jc rre dnrd oiled surface on theim '_Tflulc-and th e . O akley ,; Rogcrson-.-»e«ond;- Mrs, '^'ould be about $330,000. md Mrs. L. H. stated this figure i ;id Mrs. Mnbc! somewhat leas w llh w hat I A. D , McMfl- highway d is tric t \

. di>-ln thfl n e a r fu ture, pi--------- Uio fortSl sen'ice ahould d

n * l J ' balancr l l P n to ebnie from Uio* su ic -federa l funds would

pril 17 — Mrs. for the remainder, itcn G ray, In- A representnUve from I llllons Tliuni- Ueford area announced Ui. terms on the annual meetlna of thc £

Loop Rond a.'.ioclatloti to 's a re E. O. a t Uie Moose hall In Buh oublcek a n d night. He ta ld the aseoclni

. been formed to obtain belter un til April In the rou thw ejtcrn part ! held from 0 counly. T hat a rea Is In tJ 1 23. , FalU highway distric t.

k Biitt Shingles■ 215 Pounds 3 U Square — Several

co lo n to choose from

Daniels Roofing2179.: • 151 Roso S tree t Nortl

Twin Foils

- S P E C I A L ^ —-IM IT E D E N G A G EM EN T


----- HII0W1.NCS -----

........ I l ,; i n'KKK DAYS

,}l .‘•■•nine ;:]<


I t; .JO K»i fot>nin<M H Hh<i»t) KUiUnc I



lation iDamGar Just ^hway Couldn’t Movm o s e j L Z S ^

SALT LAKE CITY. AprilI the ium re- — Here Is w hat happent er Uiree db« T hom u JacomelU yesterday

he started to drive out o 0 weeks ago driveway a t his home: a t the division He backed the car 2D feet

coniolldaUon. he he solng to h: h t he believed home.n should eon- He shifted Into forward f .0 more years. <eet and h it a tree and cl :r the present po'e . . . backed 25 feet and j .e only three ed the enUrc side of the hous L-consoUd*Ud backed aaolhcr.S3 feet hitU n ►elleved Uiere »nd backed anoUicr 13rc . . to h it a second tree .-----:ir Tw In.FalLi

"nien he shifted Into " iVhlrT.-v traveled M feel nnd emi te elUicr way. ^ reUlnlnR wall

drove M feet Into a field, te said his board down a bush on his woy , . . tr nd eiUier way, e j 55 fgji through a wooden J counly should over a pine uee and over aII is making ^nd ».ire fence . . . rolled 18 present sys- niore unlll he h ll a house.

.. . , Tlie driver p u l Uie ear inl ? i" verse, backed across Uie two t i d h ^ eigh „ ( j » pine tree, cmshed 5. w itn What nnolher house and finally sic this year, he „ ire^.

oiiea couniy jncomella Is 83-years-old. isw cl has oil- deputy's comment: "HCll los rth and souUi license." ileled some ot -ist-wesl links, -r y .Insurance Grou)0 of an Oiled Records Artieley spoke to ArUcles of Incorporation recent detent Thursdny wiUi Uie '

1 measure in county recorder for the amed that if Insurance compn Ion Is decided Capital stock of J300.000 wl

be made to divided Inlo 50,000 ohares at on before Uie Per <liare. The articles list nn 1 he eleeUon U “ on*! H.000,000 m surplus.

Incorporntors and the hu w en t election of aharw Jliled for each are ins split the Pf**ler, 665: L, L. Oari hns hurt the Cninerou, 107; Clai

,ired Improve- Click, m ; Rny-N ellren.'K n; easiuile coun- ' " ’e MeCllnlock. 167; Nnte Kn

Jr,. 1(17, nnd A. Reed Rcyr ■vljor, of the _________________

S°S'i; -Water Measuresuch ns M a g -^SHOSHONE. April 1 7 - 10 Rock ereek Coffin, wntermnslcr of Uie

Wood river, reported Ihere Lhat there are "Cfe feet cf wnter T^ck creek road ‘*''5' ” ">'1® reservoir, U I .miUiin which ‘ " e feel to fill the nnnd the Oak-

‘„.r.io.‘£: i i t T O i i n

m sn S r i ." 'TOM TH U M t1 the road to In Color

h a t Uie T»ln FRIDAY — SATURDA'l**'><1 Bergman - Cuft Ju r j

u i /d o A ^ [ 'THE INN-OF— alnnce would SIXTH HAPPINESS"

Uio counly. Cinemascope - Color ould account --------

I N O Whe SouUiern / W

Buhl Fridny soclnUon liadI belter roads 4 ^pA r^of the

TECRNieoior-ikawmE;!OPIjV 5:45 PJVI.



j C U ^ I

i AV■ 0 BEST Act<



I i ilircr-iiu^Uxuia f«i«


- - " " B U R

— ★STAR^

^lO utlinc Is Asked

Tree feJlssrsi;------------- 1 bureau of l .r a t ,prll 17 4.^ cram relatlr: m ih ? '" ''*pened 10 of llvc.-tock R raj"- k' dny when He aikeci K duard 'uw "'- '.1 of the eommla,toiler, to

P tie explanat,n„ of ih .“ * feet until pinn* for Idaho 0 h it hU T li l j Is «

portancp in 1,1, ft.

^ E ; 3 § | | | 3Into for-

. . travel- *

j v s f™»na 11 tol HELEN'S

RECORD SHOPWO fences « l Main r . ,ned Into''' Slopped I

unn s.ild ' i W I T i l T C T s l s HId. The'

lose his

ie° ‘ ” 1 headedthe 8 y . ;

mpnny. | lO i

humber O.SI.VVOU^ Fm ik Poutycl

! Knijhi.Reynolds, | . s m x <;ct f H

■ ■ A T1IU1I.L ■' , J _ Joni'Jniiir,r ■ ■

ir £ Q . . . H _ - c o o D nvE ■- M a n s ■ , JI.M.MV . , ■ Uie Big ■ ' g o o d iivc ■ .ere waa ■ . KaUiy Lindoii. . ■

I t '^ f tk lj ■ Quirler Notes Ile rescr- ■ ciilCKKT.S I

’■ liearlhcmon I


10 :0 0 to M idnight every ni:t

^ K T F IjS " 1270 on you r dial

S H O W I N G ! I

J ^ E S

[HiM. Klt^T|>lM t:M . lO.M


H H '


' The MOSTortin r c T i n °

»i)iHmi ii«raHivBi____ I ________ . r « WENDIttR T U lK A S T IR n n x u

r s SUNDAY ★ ^

F R I D A Y . A P n n . ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ 'SI

r,tst i '


m,•X:. '7 1




Page 7: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

r Q l J h Z -


Nothing hos been spared by th 1183 to bring to its m em ber? or northwest. This beautifu lly rhod opening on Saturday night and thereafter from 11:00 p.m. unti "Jak e” Etter who hosijeen nan picture, Domer W . Bertsch, lodt lounging fa c i l i t ie s

On Saturday n igh t, members at pa te in a con tes t’for nam ing ' Suitable prizes will be owardet

t, A cordial invitation is extende th is Grand-Opening celebratior

P a s t I

D a n c eSTAE


The following C ontracto rs

BRJZEE METAL VIlentinjr and A ir Condltionlhff


Adrian’s F u rn itu re Co; AndBor SlMli, T ab lu and DpholsUiT

R a i

I N (the officers and building

•one o f th e finest cocl<tail lodern b a r and lounge will nd will be open to Elks qnd ntil 1:00 a,m . Picture a t ri lamed m anager of the ba odge sec re ta ry points out

; and th e ir ladies will bc in) ig th is new est addition to dcd tho winner!

ided to Elks everywhere to ion S atu rday night, April

E x a l t e



tr s a n d Suppliers join



inderson Lumber Co, Honi(M iteilnli . f

la' ' r - ...

l t d

B i Jng .com m ittee of ]il lounges In the II m a rk its grand & Q S ,nd Ladies of Elks r igh t shows J. J.

bar. In the lowei* u t th e exquisite

invited to portici- to th o Elks club.

to jo in with us in H H | i l ] 8 .

i d R u l

i r d a yr 10:00 P.M.ER^S ORCHESTR


lin in congro tg io ting B


Form ica

PETERSEN FlCftrpctinff nnd F u rn itu re

ime P Iu m b in j& Heating Kec Imnblng • Mtf

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I


I f il' ' ' ■ i.........g B B | r

i l e r s '

N i t e• I


B .P .O .E . 1 1 8 3 on th e



Cccl, W ilkison & S tronk Sclfl M rterlaJj 'Wroi

W I N F A L L S . I D A H O

' J r .

- - - 3 ,

the o p en in g o f th e luj


G lass a n d Backbiir

0 . SHOTWELt l e c t r lc a l Fi-xtures o'

lelf Mfff. Co.' S tuarW ioujht Iron w id 8 t « l work Palntl

■ ^ . ' i


rl e : ^ ^ l I I Z

. . . . . . .

l ^ , | |

lu x u r io u s n ew b a r an d1-


KLIS GLASS & Pir . .

ELL'S UTILITY S23 a n d S pec ia l L ightinff E ffccts

u a r t B ros. ' W ilson’jalnUng WaU w t r l n p Molding



. ' '%

' j


>1- -IKl i l t


f l• i l \

• 'M 'V^ " 'il:


I ' iW ............

B m E k . '

j m

H I 'Si

' ’ . ' '.1

I " 1I H '


n d lounge:



m’s PhuiingMillIng _

U ,


i« ,l




II .






n \ ■

' ‘i!



Page 8: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

|Mj"r; Trustee VoteI I I S l a t e d M a y l l H

IV I F o r Shoshone JS;aHOSHONE! AprU 17 - TJie J""-'"

, i i l achool tru ilM election h iu been Mt ^'/ ' ' for Mny 11. It was nnnounced loi- m.iruni

. . « n lowlnR ft seliool board meeting,! • .M ondny nlghl, , ^ „ '-"mim’i .

' I I /■ ■ T enna a t Donnld iinndy. E. R- rI Ui'J W erry and SnnJord coniiell ex- ,i.r ..lul iT i cl plre ihU year. W m y. dlsirlct two.a t I I I 1'“ ‘“ 'expired trrin o t]___B « 1 1 ■ 'WllllBm DIcklnscii. aho niovrd to jMD f V Rupert, and San ly, in dL-.trlrl live KD li L I “ hM rilled the i.iiexiilred tenn ol I

D r W n. K enneth WlL^n u lio movrS'n lji I I >■ to Kivlrdcid,V ii fi -------- .---- C onncll-1 r-< r«m -d lM rle l-(liloo ---------flW . . »nd there uill ben lhrrr-yp;ir tcnnI w I' ' i • In tluvt district. Dl.Mrlct l»o in iv

r» ~ tee v,llt oerve n on<-yr:'r term and , . „. dU trlct five, two yrnr.-,. ii.,n ka

I f ' ' - ’• -Election Judufi nri; Mrs. Uitrry zi.i ' . Turnbull. Mra, llo ii Boyd Iind Mr.v• J l |i W, A. null-A lltrnn ic Jndi;rs nntii- |„ 'j i ; ih

',L, fcj a re Mr* Omer Shook end Mrs, *il ' lillii VredenburKh. !r,7,"‘Tl

• Jloldover scliuol bo;ird meniber.i 1„„ • i ' n r e Mr.i. n . O, Nfher and noa;ird Ur.hii. .

: • Jim . , 'I " '* ’";‘ Did* for eo,il uill he oixfnfd .it

i ' ! the May 11 schoul bo.ird meelim: .i,,• nd the budget liearing for the li.usbi.t

, annuftl Mhool budget hn i nl.' O bernL £ct tor thnl dale. roH

I , Tlie Oakley nnd Cnrrlto auditijiij I comp.iny. Ooodliii;, will iw con- '» »•";

tflcicd lo nudli tnp book.i. bosrd hu member.i decldcd. T lm t {Irni did junior •till f - .th e nurilllnit n yenr iiRo. -“ll Coiutructlon worK H> be done on • “

|n [ the ngrlcullure thoj) building uiis ndUcuiscd.

“Miss Secretary” § 1 vi'ii . Finalists Chosen... .— i'n--------------ro d r" '» e c rc ij.f!r ir-ri 'o iii~ u tfin ; —sTi t ”

NorUi Carollnn. Miir>'lnnd nnd lhe HundnfK • D istrict of Columbia hnvr bren

chosen to compcte lu th r flniil i,„„ round of the nnnuni nnllnnwldc : ’j nin..

’■ ( ‘ contest to name •'Ml.« Secreliirynf 1050." rcport.1 Stcrlhii; Liir- u*rir

,(() rl «on. president of Tv.'ln FnlM B uil- TuriiUr ■ neM college. u ia . i:<

I Tliey nre Mnrle K rnm er. Wa.\1i-■ Ungton. D.C,; M arietta McLean, ii,]g .

41 S a lt Lake City, McreLar>v to Ted council mD uihjnnh, iinlcl promotion m an- i"*- lO'io

IT ............ Afler o r ZCJII: Dolores %Vnttlns;■ WAAhlntrton, nnd Bnrbnra Wills of w h^im

,1 Lumbcrton. N.C. All a re buslacis cr.fwn~ j ---------------K noorffrnauntiJ,-------------------------

» T he two ruiftllstj from North l i ,, i.min . Carolina and Utah will bo flown •'»i

I I to W oshlngton to compeU In the *•l u tina l round of Uie competition< H during tho week of AprU 20, Na-j L Uonal Secretaries week:

|':l Jaunts Reported |||t| For Wendell Area' « l WENDELU Aprn n - M r., S r / ' S l l « ' ' Mnrvln M errilt and two dauRh- ■n.u«<i.r

» tera, w ho have visited l.Cr. nnd !■■•»*• *1*'' Mrs. P rank M erritt for the prut

...........'weelf, retu rned to ihe lr homo in im

7* Nancy a m fi th , who hns| l ' i , ' been la Wftahlngton for aome time, undent.’?,[> retu rned to-Wendell tho p ast week. d«r «orM Mr. and M n. Clyde 'Weat accom- 't panled h e r fo Wendell to ajulat>• h e r In openlnir up he r home and »i»t. citii

getting It ready for occupancy. p.in, w»diJ • , Mr. and Mr»- Qarlon McCulloch J L

■ 3' . ha ro"rc tum e 'd 'to Wendell follow- dirwiociI Ing a visit In Rlsby. T lie lr daugh- -lU

, J ter, Pftt»y, who hnd been a t Rlg-' 3 by for M»cral days, retu rned toI i *' W endell w llh her parents. oTiS.II ll L> Mrs. Elmer Schraft le ft fo r her a*' I tJ r 'hom o In Ploccn-llle, Colo., thisi ? ' t week foJloi-lnff a three .w etk visit .,m. di.ii ' I ""<1 Caldwell, Wjh xiK

[H f W endell, nnd Dick O ran t. Oood- 'I . ■________ Erl'!Ilii New Officers for “■'Tm I,; PTSA Are Named “I, New officers were elected andI , reconunendiilions were voted upon w .ii.r r .3 Ior presentaUon to th e echool

board a t PTSA meeting Wednesday L7! " * J k J n igh t tn tho high school librnry. “

E w New ofriccra are Mr. nnd Mra. vi.i ; . - R ichard S, High, presidents: Mr.

„ and M rs. Thomaa H. Horendo'n, w.Vi*^u J I* U rat Vico presidents: Mr. nnd Mrs. work w

•* John Detweiler, second vice presl* Comnmnic denU: Mr. nnd Mrs. Artell Kelly.

^ th ird Tlcoprealdenli: Mr. and Mrs, Mirinntz • w . O . Brown, treasurers, nnd Mr. «- and Mrs. W. J . King, secrataries.

. • T ha recommendAtlons voted upoh AM.tl'fiI . concerned language and English iin. . n i .

t v V ntudles, a w a r d s for academ ic ’"J"*’" * achlevcmenta. a n ln lh grade cur- 1;1

||M ,v .Jlculum under high school super- S, " IT - i:, ^ ■- vl^on, a split lunch hour to relieve Tti« t«:t.r H noon meal congestion and group- S|i H - - Ing s tu d e n u In claases according fw ^ n* i

• to th e ir ability.-----------------------------„ d 7.nk , I r ---------------------------- “ “"■’•r I

{{■ Idaho Insurance E £ i il- Men Elect Heads f'H '

■ L J BO ISE, April 17 tn-^Th6 Idnho J.',• Association of Mulunl Inium nco

I; u - AgcnU reclected Al W iltc . Oro- -.r Ur., flno, 03 pre.ildent a t th e conelu- Mrt. A «

• . Blon of the group's annua meeting ." ,• - here yeaterdny. “lim »•

, *J ‘ M ax n . Sarvls. Boise, wnj re- jun>or <i ! '« - elected vice prealdent nnd Ual J*"-: . “ Johnson, Idaho FbIIj . ngaln was

'' ■ - nam ed secretary-treasurer. h.«n»i,

H • f l I I I 1 1 ■

! ; ! r " I f Wc can’t Se;

V M M D n B

■ j : BUHL i ; , --- -------------------— — --------- — —

J A G E e i g h t '

A t T h e C h tIHtfANUKt. LUTIIKIIAS '

C. *'il.ln* lenlrn il » i),) lui-ii

J»n 'rVil‘!Lll''".S'” Tr..*ul.t"1 Itt.rtI" I'.nj. ruuil5 • B, Bund»r »cl>ool *11 **» ';rlr ton I t A l’n>r.

:: sS:

N eighbonng ' C h u r c H e s J

(;(>ijitjs<; ruiHT >imr(H)i-sT tu,|-«y| V, pilnliUr .

* m. Mflt-.IIil Mrn'i li.iur, >..! n t ,, <’hr Zl»lnlii. Ji.|.rrlnt»nilcnl ; Mr. lli ij, nPnTn’i i^oi.h%,’: 7 m. M.«l" V.l- 'l "uH;wlln».*Au'rhfn 'iil» In.llr-V J l> ni. jj,*

Jiinliiirr Hnl y»Il<V'tir'

InM.li^ pr.rilf». • |. rn'. Tl'ut-•<nl<,r HVK t.r.iii, ThurxUf. Kisf’a Sbl«r» ctrtlf. .Ihn.ko.

IIIM.I.IhTKn I liroM HiiNiir i'iii;-siiTTriiiAS n„

II. II. Th.mi.. piil«r .r.ihrm; i

)(IMnKIII,y CHHIBTIAS ‘vidnildi).'l-iul L. K>anr. olnliKr r.m, WHn

ililp. : ji.ni, Cyr, »^p.nr^fnm^»n.l Ut»M|i >nInl. J p.m. ,Tu<i>lir CWK itn»t«l ‘Ini. Th»r. -HI U a ctnt.r /lirarn, ri.n lo t^ ^ .i . _ n _JlL'llL.flHHrWAII|t I.IW ___10 I.m. priirlhtoi) nirrllnf. li i.iv. ,Mnrnlnr»

prl~ihw.r*il>»l'l<rr. : ' j niln.i u,” ii

Mr,'tnil Tu»ltVi!iUnfllrllon. Klwi..l I'.rkfr. : |. m,

.U, .tllrf NXirlr. « p.m. V,V!r.fMl.j ,i„ K 'p.m.

. I :l i p.m. Thuri.Ur phm*rir. . s*tuntar S DIIIII.HKCn.SD WAIID I.DS

10 a.m. xnlor Aironie prlrilSoodcll BiKlln*, • *.tn, prl«lhno.l mm- I,ISlIO a.m. iiundi/ xhoot. I1<30 a.m. ]( g,m. ]M fplUiwi: Inrocatloti. Il«nrr C, nrninc pi >Irr: «crlplural rra.linv, l.miMInf vliliatlon,

M*UuNU*-a*J stens'-R*^ a Itot^ru: muiiral numlxr, Cli.lf lamll>; It mlnul* tpnlitrt, Clark PIRS1 and Sharman tiwanaon; bcntillellofi, Waahrl I.aPr«r. 2 p.m, Tu«»J«r rtlW |17. );(S WaJnnilar prlmarjr. I p.n, ]S i.n , a•dar UIA. ______ ttrYlcM. 7:

WENDELL MCTHOnlST ?i"j-’aMlli:t. llan.•up«ilnUndmt. 11:30 a.m. wori Ip TlUNtT^radar Ucr IkouLa. KI071] Commofli, Rokar1 mular. : p.m. ThUfKlar Uia Ada u ,11 Circif will m w wllh Mfi. Wr»u .hip, 1 p.a> lluin *H"u"uon' • *'

IIAnEnWAN METHOnlST b.A. E. nilbatt. pailar 18 a.m.

nioiniDB W'iridiii, II i.m, Ailp itnic rh achool. V. W. Carton, iupatlii. trvl. 7ll« p.m. MYP. TiM p.B. Moi>. p.m. TUaa. llor Brouta, Mix Hllllanl, Bc«ul « p.m. w*

»r <*rtfa"wllT''mM*/wUh M’rr''D«n **”nullV"l*p'rn. W^naadar tha Cana- H

Cltlbbla clrrla will ma«I. ■ ji«WadKNdar UVK w«f(la iuppar, Tha Utae 1> Inrllxl. S;S9 p.m. lliuradar ID a.n. «pFMlkv.'Un.. iU n r I/«Hari>*.-a'„ tm k f IU

Ur. lOiJO Btlunlar tha prarar <lrd« ar. I p.m.nart wlUi « n . WllU Jgidea. HarrlMn. 7nUBLET ZION LUTirEBAK T ^ l ’lSr.'’]'

^rSa'nd" 'aTSJlAmand J. MiiaUar, putar n '^ ^ th u 'i

t <un. fialuntar Junior <onnma. ua«d 10 puclaaa. ( : t i ’ .01. Sundar aehooL 11 Waalhar p.dl«lna airrka. SilO p.m. TUaa4*r Itafua wlH achool InilnJcUon c W I 9.0U Nat-aoo-pah

!ar Sunda, Khool U «h.n. T p.m. . t t n M tiiadar Kalthir Icana fta«iU>« •I. liJO p.m, WaJtbar lawua naat- n L l M l a.nl. Salunlar Junior toaflm>»>

lunt, FIRST rRESDTTtniAK Inf^ira'nhlt Jaha N. M»«*St«ah.‘ il«Waf

*.m. Sundar •“

"^Chrlt^n 'f^^ra.**Tirrna?'“lB*a> Wadnatdar. i r Iha OU TaaUntnt.** Urt. John •tudr. 10:: nlixh. mod.tmtor. Crib rwm and «*«Ur» at •rr ll pmMM] durinc tha (orvm ^ r , all thu Vlillora ara wolfomft 10 a.m. C.oJ

Cnunlrr awarj r.miuluiinnt wllh niLST CIU' ^ “ 'iwa'rtJ™ J^id*io” t'l«*hl??bookt. 11 a.m. Bacramnl of llsir >.m.

nunlon. Dr. John Mactnloah. e«l»- »«r»hlp. So L £.-«ir In tharsa I. John Itark.r, ’ P.m., rou rtaa a«r.liij ara Jo Anti Olaon and* rat Noh. yiaibaarart art JliBmr TuaaJar Y. ar and lUndr ^rlh r a n nc al iha

yS T H L grggg S ' lJlr»«t(Ja room. Tha tojHa will ba I.'■niad br Jo Ann Olaon. }1a(rtth. li t* WlU U protldad hr Jin Sblaldi, t

» adiHaA!^ WMtmlMMr'^f.uSiiWp n'lhla tilTdr wn to KUOC adutta In Iha Junior wonhli> a.r aankr nl|h acbonl srik4n. I p.m. of Taaca.".'lar Uia aaaalon et tha ^hureh. 11 P.m. » ^ f illn» I. t ” l ' “r Th# m.!on7'Tlifadl!r 'I'TltiUn Marlnara, 2 p.m. Thortdiir J tllhina alrata will maal al tha hcma Xla..lIn, Ilubr Itanlln. C«vhoalaaa li kin. I P.m., I>nra U«rrll, navotlom will b* of. tall>a of 1I br Mn. Uarsatfl Miller. Mn. llallbrfr, .a^CiUmor wlU P'*"'"* t** Truatin. l>illr n»bart7.''cvhn>'r«t °!i “Warn'lnra

A»n. K«h. nrrollo... .Ill ba of. and " w Lt br Mn, U na Sulllnii. Mn, Unuiual \Vnda llMialholdt will praaanl Iha pro. iludr. iub>

Ror.ald I<i*a la^iha^d1ractnr.*'ni aani'ls^ M. imcnu lartRl. ' lU p.m. Thur»dt» K'arr (;ooJ Ht. Andraw thoir will matt for r» and t) In ■'

_________________ I________ Mankind;-

Scrvicc it — TVc won’t Sell il

Clearance Salo •T. A, G. Used m l t i

Ranges T \

---- — I rainad.” J. Sri

l u r c h e s

BIBLE ?h“ }5- Wo'iu'

a.m' Su~la7"«hiol,*’u^A. Kno. WMi""'w?in’r iui-»rlrn»ncJani. II a.m. wonhlp. .Snr Worl.l nr •uuil. i.r.lcV I r.m.'Mlii'liarUra J.‘ “f'am l.in ','1

U.MTi;n "pK.SrrrOSTAl. nouM.irm’l' alUtir U kri iKiyla.ai.l notlb l)a>ld Hl.ablrr, paflar Ot'R BA

Fina»d Pfa.rr'm a.il..r. . I,:, Vu-V. l'l'DmciiVruc. ‘i'frvw ''"’ '^ 'l ' [’’’’’5^_VAI.I.l;r CllltlSTr.kN l i ’ l'ha‘'lu'pm. 0f

a.m, fhurch .clii..l, Jlr.. 1.:.->.I ,Hir *dar.**li‘*iU

ni> JrlUiwiblii ».iil.lic.|p. : Uih’ awnua *1

Iilahu. ^ '1'''“’'' ll""-


niLST MKTJIOIIIST avanjili.iir '."W. A. MarArlhor. mlnliKr u “ii.»aktnlt In"« aildlllon. II am . »,ir.blpi rhnlr ||i« J-hDlli.lnf I 1; ipw lal -niuilc: irimM. " n r || |l,t,I >lalr." J:lu r.n>.. •mbr ami I'rldar rrriia.ta


. a^rVl*anirH?iT''T'30 Tm *'^1' KMra^^Vi'lfarat> n ra /r.-rnm,'l. Aboul Chrlitliian.p >lra crrmonlaL. bapllimal aar.l.

nETiiKi, TEJtn.K ilk’;!' h '^r 1°'n. M. Daald. ptilar fk . .1

a,m. na,llo Ilma.lrail mrr KUX. ?*,,‘V 5,a— aundax.-AiW .— a-nu

Kraniffllillf irrMffi; c.nurrea- ?"• , .’’C” *':'' iln«>n« wKh ...rci.i m Jc hr

’lkk"anf/«{liC!r*lunU^"'iV'up"'" hwiraal. ThiJtiJ.' TLTl'aJ, IliMii'Ur H p.m. I-rarrr meatlnr. Krl-p.in. Chureh Kallowihip n,t,Un*. » lown f.r i p.m. Chlldr.n-a church. ^


-T p.m. m rlr amlrr. 7 :S0 p.m, u ___ _ 1: pr~ch!nr. 7;:0 p.m. Tuaadar. , hol,jn, * p.m, Wa.lna.dar. mld-wa*k ,,,.7.,

iiaTflouTiiERN DAmsT ' “ D"‘f ’V h ‘ar'''iViuV*"“‘ n.-j"->ror'<So'Sa.,"S' is t a i ? s r i i i ;I AprU 12, r*TlTml aarrlcat. pjOjN m r sotiTHEiw daittst

tU n ™h^acVrabi*f?°pilar Orlnln.m. Sundar achool, 11 a.m wor-P.B.. tralninc union. I p.m. wor. I"r worthlp. aa

nmLE MIflalONARr

neonCANIZED te a j.'m. l-rwir. Curaa‘ o StlSm” ' *“ '‘‘*7*"' of“ ’h»n” Ib’ fJii'm“«hu'rch*a«h^T’ H 'J “ ‘worahlp PaW**

lUIa rjauntr, Ifa*aro>an. apaak- ' ____.Rl. Wadnaadar, fallowihlt. at «»t - flHBT Im. 7 p.«. Frldar. Junior laafua at - ?•Im fiJfua w lu lik l* ' *” *11 iVra 'iHilJdiiprll 1» al llarmon pt^kTw^'har I?* worihlp. an Jnr. Otharwlaa It will ba haU *’1’ Iha aduthurth. Tha tnonar raUaJ will U . pul ahn>U aroundTha c’huVh! t parroUlf^ thU Friday Zloni Wak'nr*

Adama *i a p.m. boarllw_______ Marls Howl. 7:

ITLER SmECT DAPTIBT '"'1'tS« Trlar alraat Uraon. BcouUnu

Earl Tarpanlnr. paatar ‘I**”’"' m. euiv4ar II *.m. morrv.

l,al«r«r,*'Sii or I‘artn«r” *'*»'p.in! Youlh fhoir will dar. prarar maatlnr and nihia 10:10 a.m. Thurtdar. womrn'i

r at tha chureh. ti34 a.m. flalur. l l l i n K l g !. church work dar.CMURCII OP THE NA^ZAnENEW. nioti Craa^.' putM a.m., Sundar achool. lO.U a.m..’"r^ lh V Worcaalar.

. ”K ; ' , 7 S l r S l S R l ^ a iIha church. S p.m. Wadnaadar.

p.m. Krldar, churth Mhool maallnr.

I.YNWWD CIUrCL Vn ir r aranoa north .J kM H

0. 1- MIkal. paatar <^ ' ” 1I.. Vour Worthlp Hour cn STTI. r ■' ' ■ Wrm. Hundar achool. a p«r(od of ^ ----uctr for. Iha nllra famll/. 10 a.m.' acrmon. -Tha Proi-lilona. ,T ».m.,roulh fallowthip, 1:J0 ^ ■ Ianc.ll.il« hour, paitor prai^hlnr, ^ 1 1 ruaadar. prar*f tlma for atarjone.JtilOVAIt-S WITNr.>W»lla»ilom haU, 419 UadUonV, Ulbla dlacourta br a raprttcn. Dfof Iha Waicblower aoclrtr. 'V.rr, ^anbjacl. "la Jmiji Chrlil tha -I of tha Walchlowrr. aublrclinta of Jahorah'i Unuiual WoiV," '''Vhm Jahovah IIIim Up to llliubirct. •*Tha liolr Onat Who w'lll (.

riSrs.j'r';;;! ^ s-fiIn ni/hal )f.t Ilallilon Dona for . iJ? ' AIm chapian 7. I and > In W


3 ' S F I R S T

L . E A N O V E N I , I„,

^ a n d r


T l

Atea Groi Sundaj

Uan.lVllin oJ ih il la b ,.. OOODINO. Apr »;S0 p.m. Th>jn.iir, M.r.ica Icy Melhodlsl Me

: quarterly meelUig .1 n r .. raVrt l.r 11 Srra.l>,; M cthodlit church Th. !<rr.lr. Ahrad Ilf L'a,'' br Dudley StTOlW,

Talk frt« • ».in»tr«alLn of the BrtJU[In,r’ .n“.“ " I 'r i i 'ir i t i^ .’n U 'e Injlallatlon stA>acnii>:r In iv^v" i>r I. ('am- Officers. Harold

Ik .n •■>:n„,ur.c.r.,cnl fur All PnUs. Is IhC ntW |7 (•,?nf"Jdinr a~ ^ dinner will be 11*' and »;r.r ti- C rc W . by the Wo:iian'.< i

------ . tm n Service of Uie i l norlh E nt«rU lnm ent wi

ri'lntr pa.lar tllO O o o d ln g1. Kuf.,i'.r 'an.i I.t..ii IIU Speaker, will be II .IT. woiibip. !-Vri..n .uW jjam inond. supcrl' ll!l ,', l„n‘\ l new mrml.an EaStCm district 0'A.iuii r.r.,..hi|p <tui. rtictii fercnce.1. of Mr. Mm. S K. Itun. Frcd Blank, piririi.lirJu^t ^ CtHKtliig - MellKKjir”’ j!'"«r. Jill. Maurifa charco of local n

'hm" I'ln'.'' Mor'lirn '"il! m/ . j'!" l"..nl;' >u*Jnnrih.V^ *W,Jpr,i(.r. f V ^ \

ilioil.r, C(.nt,rri.il[..n In.lri.t- ,• nr.,1.,, Iha Ta«»nkl,'MTril rKSTIXIISTAt. “ I_l| >5; " ' t ‘. , ‘rl!r,i!'“

nnl'/l.'"cha./l*r.%»il.r hamri,^

m.'nl.rn*’“ r-ot*hlir: "(T'l™"! ” '*■

4 ■n.a

■Id I., Jloffai.n, mlnlil.r IM -lirm Trt In >wn<, IllUa Kkoul. I9:(0 a.m. Inilon. Scoutma.tfT. |Of, lli. Top_ici ''nia Chtl.t^of tha aJull choir wl U i

a Jrl"n '’h-!n.i.r7»*« ^ !H'ir.r.“ M n " ja r.rBfor blah Mhiut roulh at thr 1 Krldar tht Ki p.m, Chi USo lor Junior Mch cirla will maat al th. Iht church. 1:10 p.m. Momlar ar. Mr*. It. 11 Pa<li«l aiaculJ.a rommlllaa raarU , ,u s :J0 p.m. Kildaj,rrlj. T;;0-p.M:-^r^^.r »Ut ln-lha-;imI.;r-'niomk»r, Srwcll Uor«an ol Ilolia .TrvnlUn’t *Vnc|.llan chiirth, T p.m, W».ln<-.dar bI " Iha prvsrmm. lirrrhrartal. »:IS I'.m. choir i~ dlnnrr,iitiJar to Salur.lar n'nn. r “ul!i —Chi Uh.> Imiliuu will W hcM CIiniSTlANInilltula will be hrld In lluhl. ICO .sinili aalnul to Chi Ww Youlh frrim open* UorJty'.'”Vin\i

an for TluriJar and frldar 1 p m. tn 4 pm. .'nail waak, »llh lirnkfaat In- n.m. Sumlar .'r<lca11 Mn. Ire Kurkandall BB »- j p.m. Tha

)PAUxnOncn o r t h e . ^ 'iU ia "f , ’ ' u r , ‘i'ilASCENHIOS .. Harroon tnUtIf,! "Il

an E. Klacka.ll, rirltr mrnt." Inclmta thla I holr communion. t: l l ».m. I t ) : "Whoaortrr ahal rarrr and._chuirh achool. 11 It tha Hon nf (k-I. i;“ ?°Mond.r.'°fior°^ouuT T b^«!rf'"h’j^u..'a°lhamdar. hotr communion «nri Ood U lo.a; and ht 1110 a.m. holr communion. 4 dwallnb In C->d nrd

' choir rrhnnal. a p.m.Wad- rrlalloa patiacca frnlor choir rch.anaL * p.m. ll.«|(h with Kcr toKt. Martha'a culU nrata In Marr Raker V..lilr wlla^TOm . 7:10 p.m. Vrldtr. ••AloBtmmt li tha

■ .1 , flavla divlna Trulh. IjPIMT ItAPTIST of Naurath lau«ht

ina at Ninth a>tnut aut man'a o n .n ti wlih 1•al llaaatlkUd. paalar IhU wt o»t him endinlntltal, lalalilir af tdacttlaa ■. cbureh achvpl, 11 a.m. morn. WOMAN llA:p, aarmon. "1 ll.lL.a In Ja. K IN O HILL, Ap:;’,r 'llln ‘ « M^ci^Mr^oH' Woodwnrd is’job." 4 p.m. MonAar. Cub hOme lOllOwUiR a

.m. Mondar. Scouu, 7:J» p.m. d a y momlng.allla I’ack tulkL 7:M p.m. - _________uk » r.m, T«a|Kiar, r i a n t '« n now !:Irelt, Mrt. llerrlck. 111 Elrhih VneUriaa trri,1. * p.iB. Wadn~i.r. 0 ;h new VafHllea fro

lacllnr.'Flnt llaptlit church, ip.m. Tbundar. Cub SfouU. X V j K U V

S s S E H j SECURFallowihip hill, parrnu and 4.

cludlnr adulu. It a.m. n>orn. * '

SsKiHLS I SEI» C.B.P rit. tilrl. -Ill m «l £ « » ■ ■ ■. Df th.lr Irtj.r, Ur,. John TW i i a S f t it; I • KentucI

• C r c e p i n

S l ' i i u ' f i - . & . S ; J • P o a T r i. S ' m " ™ i • M c r i o n

i • C h c w in ;Mn. Jamn KInner tnd Mrt, 4.

*.*'• ± L e f US M ix ' J S e e d to su it


r - S r S i Y O U N G 'Snail.r, Itapcil •(.

ILVER JET BURIManufactured Oy


-------------------------------------— t X 7 ~

SpecificationsEasy Handlinff • Converts to Spr:

Safs • Efficient .Incxponsiye (( Lifiht WeFghf—90% Alum inum Con.<i(

Uses• W cc(| C ontrol • W .i tc r Con.scrvi

In scc l'C o n tro l ' • S p r a y in g • 13

id many other u sc a . A sk fo r deinonst

Fully Guaranteed for 1 Yi

brom c and S u rround ing ArcV olt Dole B r o w n ^ H o g o r m a n TE 7-4E

vin Falls and S urround ing AColl RE 3*6524— J a m e s Brindo

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L !

Iroup Sets Wood Rivt lay Meeting Asiss CorJ. April 17-M«glc Val. A r o O P Ill Men will hold their A i C a J . 1tellng a l *(ht Oooding SHOSIIONE. Apr:iurch Sunday, fish ood game dep;troud, Jerome, preal- uk ed to take . sUgrtjup. will preside a t pheasanLf because

Ion aervlce of^tlW new mey are doing fa nrold P, Brtitt-n.. T s’ln ^ , . u decided by Wnew prealdent. ter Orangers thla,•111 be served a t 2 p,m . c ilftoa Dayley, m«an'.t Society of Chris- Suggestion was iof Uie Gooding chureh, o rsn g en plant larjn t will be provided by aetson wllh the .1In g MeiliodlU. Men, eg^ie of the produiI bc Dr. P. Malcolm ni»er Convalescentjupcrlnlendenl of the m jj . Elden Ourlcl of the Idnho con- charge ot the prog

ConlcaU were heldIk. pre.'lclcnl of the Mrs. Dale-EdeilKKlUt-Mcn,. .la . In .jjrs-S .M -llall-andta l nrr.iiiKcmciitA. . ning jiriies.------------------------------ nefrcsliments ivi

,ii,c.-ti„r, ,.r Mt,. n..i.i Mm. Adolph Boe.-;lgln“^'Vr■|.'’i 'li■'|■’' 'n!lV? White!:

ScIiooI Bui Cost Lis

'"nu r’.li,.^'.'?."’? V '-m DOISE. April 17 Om»„f Jlf,. II, PJleelaul, nijoui Iiooo p j r p.H*uViiiin»!*: *" Idaho—a.irrion, 101 niiB'iiia wllh cnc Of the lowesl'l i ' ‘*"ri^m‘i^urafiiy sn*up department

Cari-enicr will enirti.in ure. were reportedtier home. >97 Hlur U kr. MUtllcm Statca. N(Thuradar, the Hell rh..lr jinjeUon COJt UIWI 1

n. In lil .^U cn , i f Ih; lion a t Sl.BDO pcr p.. Thurirlar. the rrwinlhlr -----------------iinr will w held In lhe T},e nnme of the ! li, wllb i i . T:”k' .the s rDaitfT. > p.m. Thuradar. "Arlda M oa,” m catWlU rah««r>a In tha chnlr 'diracllon cf Mu. Charlet

imct Blnclalr. Uncoln.

K?ldar! fm n 'i'w iu-m nt- niom forihclr monlblr ■ m f f V IM.n Pecrlna •III leaJ the ■ ■ , ! ■ 11 ! ■.m.'“lrTlup''l‘»m'tVrva'lhc

SmTHCIENCK l^lIllllKlh h h h h

Ir7lual telaVlon.hIp of <lo.l

fS im i KlU SIhla frcm I John (4:13,

* - H l fcr to Iha Kcrlplurei" br ■■ ■ Hhlr win IncluJa ( lt;l -ti :

tha eieniBllllcallan Ih wharabr.man rv ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ulh. Ilf. and Uxa. Jeaui ■ j U U i t t B t tau«ht and .leoonilralad ■ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■wllh the Father, and for ■ m Z j l E ^m endlei. hom.te."

HAS STtlOKE m m H U g gL, April n -M m . De.i- d Is confined to her Soil Insects can tal HR a strote Wednes- seeds, younR plani

a t planUng Ume, t

■S from Globe.—Adv. W.p.a^Mor nnw ll

o w w i th I "t HIPIACHtOR.FIlURITY ♦ «fUme»nclUbor.

i W N r - p

eed ! ^+

itucky Blue ?cping Fcscue + E J | B ? I Trivalis . | O . E 1 •ion Blue j wing Fcscuc |^ ix y o u r L ov/n <- s u it y o u r ow n %\ r N ee d s . . F o r S B'ro ffic S p o t s , S H ■

(Jive S&H m m mS t a m p s x \ L o ca tc d 4 n.1



■ +++++++++±?++j Sale starts

RNER -------72 HE

Y, cdL o . and W H I— — r n W Head of Hol;■\ ... ; .. , wllh first cnl '• >. heifers Includ

4.’’ ore vacclnntc ' _ Ifc ■ lo HoLileln b

, Some are Wl d ^ Q E V (]imllty nnd '

3 HoUteln'3 yei ■ H j l H ' to rcgUter

D Wlilte fnce hi HoLitcin milk nre springers

8 Year old bind

MILKER8 Cnn Dnvld E

22 Ten Rnllon jr S p ray u n i t ■ “ S J

Norge oil:’on.<i(ruclion ‘ " '"son load of

Old Case traclot rile of Iron Loading chute:o

..scrvaliop^ —

• B u rn in g

lo n s tra tlo n .

' yearAreas D7-4B 29 ■ m \


X L S , I D A H O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

i v e r Unit | f ~ N o R e p a

/ O n t r O l 0 1 CHICAGO. April 1 , Three truckloads ofPheasants “ a s ied slot m a c h

X originally slauApril n - T O e S ta ^ ydepartm ent will be jy j l , ^ ■*‘*‘*5 control^ the stflte'a a ttorney 's

luse o r tn e damage .j^ j estUaatefarm s ta Uils B-'ea, ^ ,

by Wood lUver Cen.. ^ state 'sth is weelc. reports ^ raid yesterda , m aster. I u .s . district c oun go

ahead to enforce a• larger gardens this barring nioiiufacthe .Idea of slylng ^ reduce to the Wood,cen t c e n te r. MtabllMmienia.'

O uthrle was In Chicago, l o c a t e d

a r c a s s r . i ’™"''"'e-E den. Dale Eden. '-and Jaclc-Edcn win-,.''' ,,

s were served by M i s s o u r i R i ’ae.- iger nnd Mr. nnd y t * j t n. Unit Is F

COUNCIL DLUFi-'S, jUllQing (UPII MisMiurl lUver I r a . J Y mlltee yeiterdny bull Listed Low front njiinLt the ndm

^ iwllcy of no new slarLi17 IfJ—I t co;.ls only U5„ ,n d jiood control

er pupil lo build a Qoy. john E. Davb. >—a rn te which the iioi*. heads the comml lit or education calb includes governors of M est in the nation, bu in stoles and the ir en t snJd lower fig* iivea, ir le d .o n ly from 10 oavls named D. 1 I. New 'york’fl con- choleau, Mont.. lo henc uwi high In th e n a . tee to draft a Btnteme ler pupil. nuihorliy for new slarf

' Tlie slnlement will hthe s la te of Arlrtmn Chnlrman Clarence C e Spanish nnme of Mo., of lhe powerful hi meaning "dTy arca."'prlatlons commltlee.

S O IL lN S E a S v

r a g H U

in take a big bile out ol your crop dollar by desl plants, and root systems. Ono sppllcntion of H me, will protect your crop from seet! to harvej pcr acre, Agricultural experiment xlaUon te sts ; lerease* yields from lQ'<i to 100%, *o play It nw In nnv ef these eaay to apply forms:

I SPRAYS-forbrokdculorrowlrealment I CRANUllS-forrowlrfktmenl t.F IR T IllZ lR M IX lU llt-do two Jote a t oace,

KlU rouAO l m jicw u n * m th i i m o H i hlor d ie povMtt lUtlltRl (tnlrvl *1 lyfut bvgi, orr thilpi, giaithepptTi. fira kttllti, crichtli, cutwvnni. c tllogt Inwcli. U,J.D.A. Itirt pr»rt H«ptotW»r tras d .a i Miconlomlnelt mllkl

ta Tout pum Toati roi nevM

i p m m i o

u c t i o n1 m iles so u th nnd -1 .milcn w es t o f Jci side School on the Res M athew s III

VlONDAY,ir ts 12:15

HEAD HOLSTEIN HITEFACE HEIFERSHoLneln springer htlfcrs, coming bo

t cnlf. m e r e will bc some open COicluded In the 85 head, Mosl all v A nntcd nnd Ultooed and nil bred w:ln buKs ou t of regLilered herds.; Wisconsin heifers, nil nre Rood nd will mnko you a rtnl dairy

3 y ear old breeding hulls, eligible r 6prl;:e hclXem. npproxlmalely 600 Ita,

” r!i'‘ ^blnck Rcrdlng saddle horse I j 7 (

:R & MILK COOLERId Bradley milk cooler.- like new .h milk canst milker, complete. In top shnpc, 3 Sei “ . 3 Po!,oll hcn lcr....;_______ _________ __ ent

of ml-icellaneous Whiiactor, tom down, parts only

ite :o n grounds


ROY UDY,c rs ; K laas & Klaas

pairs Eden Residents Report Joun,,

. c h i n e s and roP-N. a;,m 7 * '^slated for Lns ]BIcs.mii,

Cuban gam- •''’''* l'’’'.i’'V ii:.ciy rested with Bcrr.ar,!ey# office. I. ai;,i y.., '!]aated a t UO.- . f r . U.Id machinery, f® ‘t.’'.':-* :tie 's atto rneys o! l•,; v;rday after a •J'"' ;.. ____t gnve tlie go- .'■Ir. .-.i-.tj V'l'.-'■ a J81D elate fo'He lr'i;n V;” ' ‘ifBcture of slot- N flu H ’r. !^ any Illinois “" ’n i(>c.iii„,i J.Irst class mil- ------------------nia.'- l’<x-:ui n,.,.t e d In Cook "i:r *■of fifth army ItUciirx! fl:: |;:r

------■ - ' '"_P,ir.;;

River ~Formed

4IJbuilt n united C > i || .admlntstrnllon's n l l i iirui in reclnma. j j l l p ^ / y xol programs. ivl.1. North Da.m m lltte. which ■ ■ ■ i OnnOBncii>fMLjourl river M S S M

: r = # * 2 5em ent fnvorliig V X / itarts, VV.' . . .j'SnSri; ' 'II house appro- F O R Y O U R QL

------------ — W O R N I I R E $ „

(jy - I

W^ w i m- W i t h s i g

i M m W M l wtwiT-ntw Ptrvwiij P j j f f H J looK >01 rm SIM o« ouu

( Wirvest for only N J I I Cests prove Ihat _ — Tly It safe! G et oiriNDAUi r o i u tu b

TOP SELLER] J lJC a iY tR U C j f l

DBce, sayo sor. T ^ c

A n p a p .la r H i t i tS lH , TUSIlUSaATOH B n i

I — TUII-TTnm i .r r p f nhon H |I, ormjr-


m Kimberly Road,

' J e ro m e , Id a h o , o r •! m iles w es t of tii 1 I tn n c h ' J

A P R I L 2 0L u n c h o n Grounds

MACHINERYJDJ7 Case Uaclor In lop »I'«pe- “ ”

bouRht new in the ipring of 15M- COO hours

V.A.C. Cose tractor In good condition □ehl hny chopper, only J years pW. «

ex tra knives and hay and com hesa . PnrmHand mnnure loader'only 3 yeanea i IJf.C . 4 bar Bide rnke 'Hang on 1-boltom plow for-300 Cow Spring coll shnnk culUvnlor for CW W Hang on tnndem disc for 3M Uacwr [il.C . Uall mower, like new Fersuson oft set disc . — .Ifny nnd grain elevntor for chopped w CJt.C, hoy. bnle loader, hooks on “

truck\.C . combine, does no t have molcf

C. motor off of combine, had a « «■ a-^-eara ago nnd hnrdly been usen

1 W heel nibber tired wagon and r»a I W heel wngon nnd full s la rack I Section steel harrow I Point hook-up sprayer wllh booms im

cntUc-nlJio _ ___Vlilrl type phosphate ipreadcf ; Cow itock trailer • lorso drawn manure spreader )ld type trail mower .: Row hang on com planlir, John I w t


OwnerClerk, J. L.

r a i D A Y . A P H i , , , ^ ^H i


] U.

” u




: S .„


M t,



[f tll




'M I


Page 9: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

P la q u e ^

Elected Head ■Of Ai ea Club^ n u r AcrU n-M r« . Dwight ^ r * M dccttd preilUent of

«fO“L ! f DPW elub Moiidiy t v f Mflgie Valley cftfe.

61« “ MMcerj »re Mrj. BUle O'**", n ^ v l c t president; Mr*.

Mel* Mcond vice pre»l- •‘k w M y«^ O" ' ’'’" - ' J Jewel Depe*. record- • ' J

'■'* *^^m soondJni[ lecretnry. ■ •6 ^ m « i and . a

?^ii.tic^n ot ofllceri will be held Mr«. cox, Mftrr M ar-

- " » ^ l r ^ T ) c r O j i 'M e 7 e r » - l n --------------------* ''*1, of irraniem tnu. l l i c In-

•‘‘'m .ion will b* in ehMUe of ,» ^ ^ , h Hwrlion. Ruperl. Im - , . ■

dbtrlct dlreclar. ■-E iS i iS i r eonventlon *111 be

“ n Valley June 4 tnrough - ■" ‘A 1 WlU. UvecU» Campbell .'’‘ Winnie DrooU Hailey.

:“i - T . L T . V A ■. nMsy. June &. and the cof(ee

K^ii me aame momliis. nudner. Meyera tn d M n . roi are in chuRo o( arrttngemenU io: favor.i and flcm'en.

Ttie prosmm was In charge or , , i jbhn WlwAll. Health and uJciy chairman. Kalhaleen Claxk cro»e*. Nell

iKO.wlo*, accompanied by Twin Falla hl|h

m ' i k j - t . ™ , u . .

S |s £ F j :^ f f i '.T .F .F F A Ti S S S i W i n n e r o f

n m u l im u lliu . ---------------------P r O f l U C t S

M r s B l i c k I s m u r rF n m ie r s ol A; ^ l u l 5 * J J A I V I ' - - 1 3 Thursday fl«enj-kTv^ I T I berly to n in the oK I A L C Q U C r «Pon«r«l^ i J V U V i V / i creomer:'

CABTLETORO. April H - Mrs. Tlie three sophomi fiforsB Dllek was elected president OrOTM. aon of Mr. i nf the CajiUeford PTA this week a t Orovw; Donnld 8hnr . m ^ z in the homa economlca and Mra.J^ivnldliiSb ta n - ................. Caster, son oJ-Mr. tr

treaaiuer. . g aiimulate InlMra. Hugh Call.-Ta'ln J^IL''. pr«jucUon of belter i

,poi;e on civil P The boys Judfted wnworlted out I n - ^ b Fallfl c^wnly.GHaron and Wnyne Slahlecker p,plnyed 1* piano duet. Undft Patrick te„mg p„tl.and Penny Kusy present^ piano toloa and CowHe Ueynolda played conteat. were Dvin acconllcm aolo. Caalleford.

Supt. Floyd Bowera p r e s e n t e d -------------------Uie budget for the coming year. ~ . / I L ^state thans;„“rxrha'K .;»lm Meet Dabe Krved until May 8. 8H0SH0NE. AprU. , T ! ^ ' ^ r ^ l i l ^ r Chamber et Commiachooi hand will go to Ihe wgloniU e S r e " odge.'MoCallauile f ea tln l April a ftnd 38 o t ,o(y,| ,Welser. He alao luinounced & Jun- Tuetday noon-""Ior high music feathTU wUl bo held ^ ay d Smith, p'rrtliMay 9 In Twin ^ l l s . ^ ^ meellng ■

I He requealed tha t aevertt m o th - Thome actln'r ts *»■ tr s accompany Uie groupa lo ench n b « n „ of Francis J1 of the evenU. n ?nv.n«iTi

S I SRichfield Cows

Production ToldSHOSHONE. April 17-Oow» In ing here last Oelobei

the nichfleld DHIA which pro- ------------------

w-S“X..”i Area VFWtliU week by Tester David S. E r- c i ■ /

■ Tn# cows came from the herds U C a l S I of Roy Young. James Powell. nUPEIlT, April Roger Freeman, and R ajm ond Miller wns InstAlled >Vcemnn. ■’ commander ot the I

Rfl)-mond Freeman hnd two peat; VcKrtins cf Foi co«s maklnc lha record. They nre gpteui ceremonies Ui Pnaiy. producing 7B pounds of Rupert armM>-. butterfou and Benuly.. producing Others tAklng o C2 pounds of butterfal. Winn Osterlioul. ter

Roger Freeman also had two mander; Dwight H cows make th# record. They, ore »ic# commander; De: Peal, producing 83 pounds of h u t- fldJuUnt; Harvey Oi terfat nnd Dixie, producing 71 master; Russell Mo pounds of butterfal. lain, and Carey IIli:

Deckle, from Powell’s herd, pro- Charles Edwards duced M pounds; Stripe, from officer. After Uie b Youni’s herd, produced 03 pounds mg and tiutallatlon of butterfit. card party and refn

-------------------------— eluded Ul# citnlng'iB in x n REPOBTED -------------------

— WENDELIi.-ApTll-17-^Wcrd-has-------------------X —been received of tha birth of a %daughter March 31 lo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ciombrovikls. Plocen- \ \tla, Collf. Mrs. DombrovakU Is \Uie former Helen Mencl. daughterof Mr. and Mrs, Emanuel_ M e n c l.____ «jy.sNformerly of Wendell, now of P u liIcrion, Cnllf. VvSwH

Olobe'i Seed Store ©n tnieklane 1* ntit t ildellna alert.—Adv. •

Start lha t new lawn . . .Save th a t old Uim with » '

Now, Improved \

" F o n l w i r l "

SPRINKIER. MakDouble Ball B earing ' r t T Immediate, Complete j

C »verase Ev„y day, »F A S T - G E N T L E ih m ott e f '

_THORO.U.GH_,___ _ .ih rough finim• Saves Tlme-Sare* Money | ' L oin.

Saves Water “• Itlshest Quillly, Frecljlon —

Mnde• En.\y eperaUon, No adjust- .

menla _ I /^ U jM |fL L 9 *■•■Covers up 'lo l.OOO wj. f t . » v H l M n X n

srttlng• Uiiequaled, Superb Per* '

formnneo I• • U- S. Patent No. 2.608.677 ,

• Excellent for pressure T W IN I *)slems I X n . FELT, 8

If no t t t yonr d e tlen I p , o . Box S32—I m tll Uils ad .to _ ____________


O nly 54 .9B p o itp o ld . I

; Awarded Team f

^ — :

Hell Ctuler t n d Donald Sharp, from lei il |h lehool FFA U am which won lli« mill >erly Thunday tflernoon. The eonle»t U

* *

LTeam Rites Ho of Milk T .B .W ii:

c t s E v e n t - BURLEY .--April 17- >.11. I,I.h .u-hnni scn'ices for Tafford (Tt

11‘im* were held ol the : ol America t ^ - Thursday aflemoon wl ifCemoon a t K m- on rnel Kidd oft? i“ Emil J. Hclll b) me Jerom e c j,rt ,u ^n church gave niery. [j„.g rending and a ihomores n « ^ b „ clmplnln tor bo •Ir. ana Mrs, bus DLinbled AmiBhnrp. son of Xlr. j „ in j who were In cht a S b a rp .a n d J le llr. tnd Mr».- M «r- O anict Kidd wns In

. . the lodge ser^'lces nnc ynn. VFK adviser obllunry. Hal Mallhc lioo!, reported Uie jolo. accompanied by h rtd.by.lhe.crcfim- AtTluixUin sang two ac 5 Inlercjt In Ihe pnnled by Mrs. Kcnne :ter m ilk.product, son who abo ploj’cd , wniple-1 of mlllc. prelude and posilude.

gedtment disks, pallbearer* were Fi , Hams, C. E. Wllllnm.r

pftrtlelpfttlnc, and iiams. nuasell Dlalr. Ji ch Uiey placed In « n nnd Clyde J. Hutch B Duhi. Kimberly omry bearer* were D r.:

Holl Church. Lewis Cfl-------------- Cofcr, Archie Badge

1 Tilly, Jolm JamljonamberDate Told Amy' Wrel V l^l^la

r e r " - ^ i e S ^ - S i c ? Kfor A priras^Tg-nt

al*”chamber” ’^ t View cemeteiM chnmber met

icls Bergln. composed nson was asked lo Korb, J . Wyant, Del a later meeting to w . Lee. trjie&s bill, 81133. ---------------------

:r by Ward Mills Fines RepoiPomonn G range _ -

Jy_Buriey.lober, DURLEY, April 17-1 -------------- wer# fined »2i ench by 1

WPost^ . • They nre RaymondI i f f l P f i r C Joe SanchK, M.Ben LiU m t e i O u ijan .-2 l,

irll n — Clifford The meaU ng offlcen ailed as the new men Charles Olvens,.« he Harlow Hoopes Donald nnd Tony Woi f Foreign Wars, a t William Funke. I es Uils week a t Uie fined t& by Judg# Tuc:

tng a noliy muffler on e office Include waa cited by Pallcen , senior Wee com- Christensen, Manuel I It Herbert. Junior r e t 31, Durley. wna I ; Delbert Glllwple, hftvlnt no driver’s licet ry OrareJ, quarter- Uon waa Issued by Po. , Mohlman, chnpi Donald.

Jiming, surgeon. Tully AsJiley. 33. ,rds waa Instnlllng Chest<t Geler. 48, Buh he business meet- »25 ench by Judge ’IM lllon ceremonies, a toxlcaUon. Th# arrti' refreihmenls eon- were Delbert Christens ling's acUvltles. Stewart.____________

I t — ---------- -----

k ^ m e M o s t

f W e r y H o iCN'cry hou r u im portan t to you . . .

c f >-our lim e by farm ing the moder

in incin j vvith » low_ cost, long to m



N FALLS GOODING.1 ,8*ej.-TreM. 4LAN MeCOMBS, Se M -Ph. BE 3-M77 P. 0 . Box 197-Ph. V

URLEY - R U PER TINAU. Secy..Tr«a». Z}^OTTi FBUIT, See 69-Ph. OR « -7 m noperl - Ph. HE

f o r W in n i n " M i lk

• W M

left, formed by the Jerome CoopertUie milk produeta milk produclv The boy» J« . u tpontcred.- aedUPent dLiki. (SUff pholi

[o n o r F i n e s I s s u e dJEROME. April 17 — W

i l l i n w i c Bry.in Snunden. Jerome. l i l X l l l l l & fined $10 plus costs Tuesdn

T». 1 display of fictitious llcease i n WM Saunders was uMiig pU lci h.

IhK ‘0 LcRoy Ellis- Plymouth eltaUon was l'.sued by S tn t U-olman M.irvJn S. Wright,

m iic U i^ f Uie “1". MnfL^cnied Uie FJlls j ave the acrlp- Kenneth L. Colledgc, nl a prnyer. He from Mountivln Home nir r boUi the Elks base, wns fined 525 plu.i cO! American Vet- Judge Olen Vlnlng Tiicsdn chnree of ihe fishing wllliout n vnlld licens

ColledKC, who wn. tl;.lil:i I In chnrge ot Uic MurtnuRli brldgo. wn nnd retid Uie hy Fred Edwnrd.n. io n sc n ’utlc

llhcws snng a {icer. Judge VUilng su.ipendc ly hla wife, and of Ui# tine. .0 soloe. accomr . . __________________

;p“ihfo" Hearings Slatei im.r Dob S l l : On T h e f t C o i

i t a r t o U . 13. K r t lT d , «c™ 1iriirr Kendnll luider 12.500 bond eacji OHson "and Enrl manded to Uic custody of the son ana tn r i

nls were under district court to chnrges of Vivian Charles, Ing 12 cases of beer fron nla Ourr, Eve- Wooden Spur. Ketchum. kirenson. Thel- Hearing will be held on or pophnm, Vlnna May 21. •

1 held a t. th e REXP^nMJat-l^'bWB 'W ^in letery with U ie -------- _ _ _ _ _ _

OM lYTRff a m i l yRan. The flringl r # * f » B ■ f c ■

“a ‘‘m U « D ''S IHE BIGGER ihe 'F A Ji you Irove] Troilv^aytl C

- ■" diicover how much Y

l o r t e d ^ T , m i « , . F .

i v J u d g e _7—Pour peruotis • 'rbyPollce Judge M Bdisturbing the '■ t S i f f i ' f f l l f i l l

)nd Valdez, 18,n Lujnn.41, and H | M ^21. nil Burley.era were Police- J . ,IS,.William Me- 0

Burley, was ® p jpTucker for hav-• on his car. He »ou Con Pay AloIceman Delbert cl Petro Guler*Ul fined ts for license. His elta-Pollcemnn M e - ---------------------------------------

3. Burley, andDuhl, were fined - M A RTIN SE N O U

n S u 'S ro ? ;™ ;- O IS C O U N tS P E C.ensen and Floyd ^ ,

a n dS A V E

r Nirt-t eur annual^ iPKliI enet>*-yt*r opbbDi■JJ ----- W»»Ti»‘3t»rw* BT0dtfCt» •!Sti and •ilitior woik . , . tu / ne1 ^ . ieuw in |...> lth Mamin S

’ ' ' I f S i SUPEI y & l WHIT B a a ENA'iy

i t lUr-iK >2.8S ^ *2

n i l * r ^ 1 extFrio M BRIlllAI

. . m;.Ve | I jB M TRIM Wi ............... ...... ...

™ . . ; K : ! 3 K ' . " . s r j ,CMiM'r o ini •e«-tUM«c»t b • ■ IKtM *2J0 tt. Sm*!.! *1


™ MOOl301 M ain A

; T I M E S - N E W S , '

^ ■ ■ 1 ^

k Products Event

Ife ertam try to Inerctae iQlcrrtl In belter ■ Judged t tm p la of m ilk, milk ean* and iholo-entTtvInt) _____________________

ed 2 T. F. Students Elected to Office


f rii — New studcnthody olllcen here DUth. ^ l e inciudo two freshmen Irom T»'ln atnto Pa- Mjrinm Dreckenrldge. route ig)it, who J Fowler. 1?T» DortiT,ls plateS. B<,lh will take ofllce early , nlrmnn in Mny.n ir force Breckenrld«e lias b e e nI costs by titctcd treflsurer of Uie Awoelited csdny for women StudenUi. (ui orcnnliatlon cense. which nil women students auto-..'.hliig on mntlcally belong. Bho I* active In A-n Bclted thB pep bnnd nnd Pnlallnlans. m tlon of- Christian . rellRlous group.. Slie . Is ended $13 u u daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John

H. Breekenrldge. • '— • • Mlis Fowler will serre n.i AWS * / \ / 1 secretAT^-. Sho ,aI.io Is acUve In I c U • pep U and^nna-PnlntalnlansrShe;

. 1.1 Uie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ^ O U n t H. 8. Fowler.__________________

5 5 j" m -’ H e l p i Y o u O v B r c o m o

FALSE TEETHiu 'SS 'ta L o o sen ess an d W orry. Of Stenl- No lonitr In innor»d or (« l lU/*h,! from the t.rvn*rw¥£ETii «

line inoa-acld) ;w»iler. ipnnklod on I or before »our pl»U» holcU Ihtm ftrmfr lo ih jr

(Ml mora comlon»bl», A»o1d «mO»r- ru4ineni eaund Mr Io»* ptitu-

— rAHTggni toaay «t » n ra ^ c o u ^ «

MILWAYS OFFERSr PLAN FARESFAMILY THE MORE YOU’LL SAVE whan t l Coll your Friendly Trollwoy* cginl end :h YOU con tova when you trovel on t Family Plan. Trallwoys dollar-ilretehlng

Family Plan fores or* goo d SEVEN doy* a

. w te k .o n .T r a l lv f a y i short, scenic roulet Eatl and Soulhweif.

S}^'SSbi!S1 ‘ ***i|g I ond moro lo the Eastt i s S l s S S i ^ a n d Soulhwtil.

" TRAILWAVSDepot: Perrin# Holel Ph. BE I-U7I ’ M ort Buf You W on'f Ri'dt Beffir


»T1« 8l-*eu» "Spruc^Up and S*r»“ PulipsnunitT lo rt-pilnl inf rt-dtcori1* ailK limeui :t» It- ttflnHrtiftHiKOuirt- or ("ItrMf wer* • -j,ir no* • . .u r* . . . ind bl iur« el lh« pirltel riivHi tlMSlMOU* PAIKt*,

PER- 1 ^ SUPER fllTE M BRITE AMEI iPltttil ALUMINUMBufMII Ml*«lIt iiit iiki IW Urr. iwi inN*t iMtt i« ii

PMI M) tMnlm. lititn, anil inntifLi j '2 . 2 9 . , . .» ! . ■ ! .« « . . — •I.99« ,


Mii( Stull. «i. s<ipuiiiui.k<ta|i«MiiMiMaMn»< IkI.I S»KUII. .Jp.k.Uu»l»Jli.rtU.1,.M*!»W»1

II..M .89 ..

i also on IW M ilPAINTS ” 0 0 0 1


Ave. No. RE 3-0901

3 , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

Former Red .• Officials Are

Fined,JailedDENVER, Colo. April 17 IP —

Tlir«e m en aad three women con­vlctcd of foi^plrlnx lo tench Uie n o lfn t ovrrilirow of the 'te d ern l Koveriiniem v,cre Katcnced yes­icrdny to prl.’oi) lertns nnd were fined t toinl of 116.500- "

T lie prUvjii srnlencci range from J ' j to tlve ycnr.i.

U ■ T lie sU, all former communbt 3 pnrly officlaLi, were given Idetitl-

c.il .sentencrs n tu r a 1055 convic­tion. The lOlh US. circuit court of appenL't Ihre»' out Uml ruling und

— ordered.b.uttu.trial,-ll-cruled-v.'iUi _Uielr coiivlciloii Marcli il.

T lie defendnnts and Uielr sen­tences;

Arlliur Dnry. <7, fian Joje. Cnllf. five years in priioii and a »5,000 fhie.

A nna Correa. 3t. his divorced wife, Denver, four yenrs and J3.000.

Hnrold Zepclln. 33. Denver, thre# year nnd j: ,000.

Joseph Sclirrrcr. 3!>. New York

ic ily , three yr.irs anri 12.000.

Main Sclirrrrr, 40, hts wife, 2S years nnd 11,500,

Mrs. Patrlcln DIau, 47. El Paso. Tex., four yenrs niid «,000. I

Two-Bit Fire INARDERTH. Pa.. April 17 W!

____ —Firemen had U) pny their wayIn to p u t oul a blau In the u n - ^

SdercnrrUigc of a new coach onIhe Penruylvnjiln railroad's Pn- .

• oll-Phllndelphla line. ,i c e firemen lind to go j

through a PRR parking lot to“?V ; gel to the fire. The lot ha* « j,rJl-1" -bcMTlcr, aiic barrier doe«n‘i-go- „here up imlc.« somebody puU » h

^ '1 ” qua rte r In Uie slot. eroute _____________________________ _ft

Students Tapped J' e e tl U N IV E n sm - OP IDAHO, Mos-lated cow, April 17-Four Magic Valley ^allon students have been tApped by Phi -a u t^ E ta Sigma, national freshman (,

honor society. C Tliey Include niom as Rudy, Je -

T^*, rom e:'K enneU i coiner,''Itownrd E oe rrish and Peler Kelly, all Twin

— Falla. It

-S he H ■ ■ ■

r END UPKEEiH I Have a beoutiful, du ‘■‘‘y I your new or Refinislii JOHNS-Mi

I S I D II F a s t and convenientr'io g w eather resistant (end I Econom ical. . . Beautif

I PHONE RE 3-2i:

D A N D iI ROOFINfl ■Glra Me a PUe# to riland




= 6 0 £3 D A N C I Id NIGHTLY

to the m usic I;


Declo Delegater— rT,T"^------------

. ............................ Aft• . .e e S O r,1 unlor

l l Tenn

hc ' '

b l „

« ) GLADYS n'l'NN W. . . Junior a l IXcIo lilfh Khool

ed n h o haa been aelecltd dtleiale ■ Jf l to G irls' sUte. Slie ll the daufli- K U

eo le r 'o f M r.and Mr*. Arnold Bunn.Ueelo. A l t e r n a t e ll MarretU

rk Chamberlain, diu ih trr of Mr. ■ ■ a n d M n. Jack CbamberlaJn. ^

IS (S ta ff e n rtT ln f i I¥ 41 ¥ ¥

Declo Names ® - Gii’l Staters ^S' DECLO. April 17—aisriy» Bunn,* a Junior in Declo hlsh seliool. hna been selected delejale to th# 30th

• session of Syringa Olrb' slate n t Uio Colleg# ot Idaho, Caldwell,

® Ju n e 7-13. .’ MLu Dunn Is Uie daughter of* Mr. nnd .Mrs. Arnold Bunn, Declo. ”

nnd 'IS 'sccrctary-of ilie-student ------‘ body, secreury of the Tlicsplnn

club, rice presldenl of Ihe-FHA, _—I ft.uilslAnt edllor ot Uie school paper,

a r t editor for Uie annual, cheer- •v o ltlender and member of Uie P ip ,

• club.'*■ M iss Dunn won superior raUng 'S a t th e sta le speech contest tlC n ld - 'h i well, and also attended Uie speech , ^ festival held a t Weber college.

O gden, Ulnh. ‘ *e - S h e Ll being spoMored by Ihe •rd Declo K iw jp li club. ■ .........................- *in Alternate Is Marretla Chamber- a

laln.; .,dnugliter of Mr, and Mrs. .

EP expense! =d u ra b le new finish to | ^ islied Home with | 5 4


m G•'±0 apply, fire resistant, | CT end repainting worries) g ■■ itifu l. g

g Not0 1 7 0 FREE E8TBIATE8 H -iL M m e a s i e s t o f t e r m s S ^

> A N IE L S ^ING CO. I =

land a n d 111 Eoof th# Worid* | RV IN FA LLS RE 3-2179 < I

SPItSMtfUdit}/ s A

FRQ N SUNDAY AT. COUr ' _ _ L - ■^ Q S t l P resen t i

»rizes 2 P.M. SUh

ING - - Z,PRlI

1C b y



------------------- ^ack Cliamberlnln. Declo. Sh« U member of Iho Pep club, drill

earn and chorus. I

A fter the original 13 colonies, the Irst states lo be ndmltled to th e J' nlon were Vermont, K entucky, ‘ .I 'cnncsifc nnd Ohio. - •

S A V E ! : : l

1 0 0 . 0 0 I



' LnDonPiymnt'EisjTnK , - 'l i'ave timel Stve,work! Never befora . i vaJuelik#(iilt.DoienJoffetture«i <>'* | '

J r*«" ' i 1• Iw fW tM fktU W ‘ . I'• ^ I• u«r-wi>Ma I• t '• iM^lMrfwrWMMn ,S• rarNUM a w ndvy 4r««M ^ IfLl '.

l l ~• ) _ I I ,• (M.MM W«naVM 'ito**«* t****'---- t ' f ,'r» , r i n• Cr^k-<Tp ••'.iMf «f>AM M ■ I H I ..I• (W.MhflMaiktS'wWI**• Y». !««.■«■ rM4 WM* I M H

PMM Mllr

42""”." . . . 79-®» I n 54" . . . . 99-®s66". au.-.n._149-“ « n

While they last ^ i

■ ^ tk e A e tU 1 1 ^;

FHA TERMS I'Jothing DownI—U p to k

36 months to pay! i V

w m m i lTWIN FALLS \ I j



2 4 0 1iRAND PRIZE i ii r p l i T IckM i T h l i W e t k ’


im 1 HiT DINNER 11 UPON! l lthis Coupon I HIt a t Club d3 . I I


E-FEATURE------ | |w ilt’s P rem ium | 1

l ime BEEF I


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Page 10: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

i f ! " ' is*' 'Il’ii| | | L R e c e p t i o n F e t e s ■ W e

n i l f C o u p l e M a r r i e d | R H

I n T e m p l e R i t e s Im H HU , JEROME. April 17 — Mr. and [j f l l B i W

Mrt. a n rr y n . Deuel, p w honoredJ fit a 'reception Saturday evening

" i " f a l Uie LDS recreation hall. The ,< couple wa* rasrTled April 10 K E M ®

prtaldenl Rnj-mand In rllea Ml- |A ' m tilied in th# Logan LDS tern-

brlfle. Ihe form er Sharon I l r tl < Rae m i l e , is the dauRhler of Mr. .: | i | L 2 nnd Mrs. Ivan O. W hite, -nie IB H r brldtgroom Is the son of Mr. nnd - I f I Mrj. Wendell Deuel. SanU quln. , ..Il M Utah.| f i 1 1 ' The bride wore an embroidered .|G U silk oruanra Bown rcftlurinn a ^ A .I I Iwo-tlerfd-sWrt-detflilcd In fron t _ ,— ^iE L .:_K l , \> with ft bow. Tlio fitted bodice wtt* ,

• foshfoned with a scallopcd em- - f l i t - , , '’ broldertd nNkllne Jind lonii point-

ed aleeve5. Her flnRcr-tlp veil of ,1 iHiulon net was caught by n , ' | K r V I - c rom of sequins and pcorls, SheM canled a bouquel of Cymbldlum J , J)

»' I • orchids and elephanolU. Her t,.l> Jewelry consisted of a pearl ring, •■ A gift of the brldeRroom. C'

; Attendlnic a.i brltlesmalda were Pat BarenUen. Nancy Robinson and Mrs. David Dclt. Junior brldtiinald was Pm ncls W hite. WTliey wore Identical sheath dressesof lavender embroidered cotlon U S,.,- * . '

1 ,1 and canled bouquet* of white ] • iU ll I chrj'santhcmuma nnd Jiyaelnllu. (•

I ■ Flower Flrla. In lavender cr>’.<lnl- I; ill U i line frocks, were Wendnlee Deuel i ^ I nnd April Johnson. Th.ey carried I’ r white Usketa of violets. P ^ ' • I '

Q|L' Donald Webb waa best m an and ushers wero Wendell Whlto and

' tik J D“d Desmond. .!■'’ ’ i C The bride’s mother WM attired

I. , In a na»7 blue cn.wrnble wlUi tf i . ■ pink accessorlea. Mrs, Deuel chose

a Ilcht blue suit with white ac- in r..X ... cesaarlts., Sotli woro corsnBCS o f _______ ______

while sardenlas., ' : Tlio refreshment table, covered '

with lavender net over nylon, was . ■ p , ' I ' l r centered with a four-tfered cake / V l r S K O ‘

on a mirror, surrounded w ith lav- ' , 7 , , ender and white stock nnd smllnx. W i I W p

l ' i | i The cake was decomtcd withwlilto swwij and topped by wed- I p , - ,

t ding bells, lavender tapers In all- • l - U C J 1 ver holders completed the a r- Mrs. Jomes

11 nnRement. BnskeLi of lavender elected prcslden H and whllo stock wero used In room Servlco gulld—i

!{•-------docoffttlonj_____________________ cliurcli.-W edncj, ' ' CulOn, Ih . « k . « u M r., M w ‘‘ ben Johnson, sister of Uic bride-

•»- *-'B room 7M rsraorflon- Y o u n r and »' , Mni, Donald Webb, served the Vem«[]f punch, IleitLiterInK th e • (tuesta 8B wero Mra. Bud Desmond, sister of ,5 * "Gl . tho brldewoom, and M rs. Cedi SI Murphy. Mrs. H; ShllUnftlon. Nor- „

' m a Jean Darentsen nnd K ather- 5 ^ ^ “f* t || Jno Anderson wero In charge of g’ i . ? i? J l . the gift Uble., .Bishop Lew P ra tt woa m aster of Roblnson.’stA M ccrcmonlea for the progrom. Op- j^ed fipei

Nl I enlng prayer was given by M ay- Devotions weri J l r hen Johnson. A rending wns giv- Borstow nnd

en by Mrs. A. Leo Olsen. Solos undersUn.were sung by Nancy Koblnson, ed by Mr.v Do'ai

...rjiul P leasan t 6Dcnccr\.,I*8, C, Orove, Utah, and Mfturlno A n- Robert Atwood :

I. •• Kay Leo accompanied a t i h o p i- Oulld member jV* ano. Two piano selections were nets for conferei« plnyed by Richard W hite. John Edith Hdneoln.^,I - ButUrs gnvo the clo.''lnK prayer, dldaie for recortC Dancing followed the progrnm, Ne.' t meeting— ■ For iravellng tlio brldo wore a 30 a t tlio homo is lavender suit with purple ncces- * •J iorlea and n purple .orclU d.cor- I I - n U a I/**-/-I 80ge. On relurn from R trip lo U p n U l b l f cJ Southern California nnd Mexico, \ i i / i tJ . the ewplB will-live In S a lt Lake W O r K S lI City where the bridegroom Is cm - CASTLEFORDII I PAS Sewing club j l I, T he brldo wns gm duatcd from nlng a t the hotJ r Jerome high school In 1D57. She Potucek with Mr M | attended DrlRham Youns. unlver- Buhl, demonsln

‘I I alty, Provo, one year. T ho bride- pointers on covet il groom was graduated from Pny- She nlso sho J ^ son high sciiool Jn 1853. H e serv- upholstering fabi 53 ]i ed with tlie army in Ocrmnny. troduced by Mra. 1 I Out-of-town guesta were Mrs. Mrs. Jnmcs c

H (i J . D. Hopkins, Cedar City, U tah, corned ns a new } l , grandmother of the brldo; Mr. T he next meetl

and Mrs, Donald Webb; Mr. and held n t Uie hotr \ . Mrs. D, Desmond, finlt L ake City; ecker.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Gordon Young, Pny- ¥ •‘ son; Mr. and M n. Pnul Radmnll, K A o m r \ r \ n

Pleasant Drove, U tah; M r. and / V \ e m O r i C i Mrs. lUifaa Spann, Mr. a n d Mrs. 'David Belt, Lyman, Wyo,: Jay r l Q n n 6 C r ^ . Malad; Joy K ungler. Park; HANSEN, Aprl Valley, Utah, nnd Mrs. G ordon service was rlan. Anderson. Kema, UUOi. “ " of th e Row

Following tho weddlnR cere- Tuesday evening mony. th e ' wedding p a rty wero hall. The service guests of the bridegroom-* p a r- the district conv cnt4 at a dinner nt the Bluebird May l5 n tT a -ln I cafo In Logan. The brldo wna hon - pmctlee also was ored a t a pre-nuptlal ehower In The rtporU fro

i | | Salt Lake City by N om ia Je an day cancer drh and Pat Bartntsen. n lodge are not co

'k-t---------------_______* ¥ ______ I nre belng.nmde.,

' M r s . N o l a n d l s '

' ' P r o g r a m G u i d e ' S S ' s ” ” ;JEROME, April 1 7 -M rs . Jock Jen

■[] Noland presented Uitf p ijjgram a l Membera are. Ul# monthly meeting of th e O or- pTon^ and bulbi den club l u t w erk_at,.tho .hom n £,“ img « d

I of Mra. Rose Morris. Mrs. Flnl* Roi

' • " r ' ^ ; S % „ . i „ . . „ , . G o o d G n ducted a short business meeUng. f /— i i' Roll caU was answered by garden | S L . I U l

», . ■ u « R HANSEN, Apr' W . r n. . . “"'I ^

M e e t s f o r B r i d g e r ' " ? r n . ™ S ?, HAGERMAN. April 17 _^T7ie Homemakm clu

Thursday eTettter-brldge club met home of Mrs. Joi a t Ul# home o t Mrs. Alfred e.indy They l iw den lo st w ek . HlRh. and traveling mnke annle bio

S ' - i - ' s

Potted & GrowinROSE BUSHE

H a r i y fn n c y , P „ l c „ t c d S lo ck , b i r e a d y to t ru n a p ln n t .

b S h S F • • ■ ’>®CAUS

lilT ' ■'■OUR S E L E C T IO N Nl


Ved in Logan- LDS Ti

-------MR. AKD MH8. O A RBr B. DBUE(Morit* pho to -tU ff engraTlRf)

iosenbaum Social C Head Guild ' ■, , , Ladle.? of thex q ! Churchld“ n t o t j h e ‘P » ^J(U q£- lha.-M tU iodl4t h o a te s s -dncsday. Jilgh l .a t .nlie homo of Mrs. Vem- H ountaln View

[oer»-lnclude of Mr?.‘BVoy*"luigrass, vlco presldenl; „venuc Roll call 1 Stearley, treasurer,Cenneth McVcy. uho d secretary. ^ i

Include Mrs. Almee i i i n r v q t i tual life; Lotus Sch- e l e t y ^ ^ a ' ^ ilsslonnry education;• h ^ S a t i f X y -eI, membcmhlp. Mra. bridge, casino a, sta tus of women, nnd Refreslim Spencer, publlcaUons.were given by Mrs. J, ’ # jnnd the progrnm on jfAiLEY — Ol

sundlng was prfflenl- , u i i ^JO'an. assisted by Mra, chapter No 23 '

Am . Jerome, Is n can- ,xording secrelarj-. . ■ . , -

SoTi.i'SV "’’ V e r , Preseni

itering is ve™ n«, i . theme talk, “ llfi

IShO D 1 ODIC meeting of i A^di n i r l h e

club m et Monday eve- j ^ '^ E d n a m home of Mrs. Tony

I Mra. Rusty John.ion, pQUmer eoi‘“ " 'X o™

Z S ..Sta 0. J S '

Horn, o l M l., OU.U- WM “• „ „ Charge nf th e lo<

. I r > . . I " entcrtalnmeirial Ritualp H n t M p p t ^e u u . l i V i e e i next meetApri! 17-A memorial April 28 a t Uieplanned a t the meel- naim on.Royal Neighbor lodge • « 4nlng a t Uie Woodman ^ rvlce will be given a t . J t r r p r ^convenUon to be held ‘ ^ •

By MYs from tho recent one- RICHFIELD, A drive made by the were elected by

It completo. Callbacks YouUi J^illowAhlpid e .,------------ ---- • — even!a^s«lUj DntIved from the sale of named pre.ildent. Observer corp tower M arti Procter I

i aa ren t for the use and Carol StubU% Ig which the OOC had sirleg.el nan their years of ser\’lce the senlorcroun n ; rentfree, the lijlcrmM laie t

hO Sl^C i phyll35". ^ ^ . recreation for t t

aroom ing E p"S 'n ‘M lub , LessonApril 17-Mra, Rich- refreshment host

nd Mrs. Delbert Clam- Swalnstcn was a : e ^ n on good groom- The groups pin

"club lM l^ « k * a t1 h e ■' PI. Jofl Froehllth, Jr. •■■ ■■■ .demonsU-atod how to • - ,blossoms from wood • f o r I

lonles from tissue pa- Tjro c l i lk h —S p lay e d

sed In aand.Ice Capp* wo* eo-hoe-

' " 9 . ^

l E S A le ro w in ? and .

^U S E th e y n ro

Im for cut pric# •U th a t WlU prow _ J '

B U r V



T em ple Mrs. Jo e ^ H eads Sic

V' i HollistesV i V n o m S T E R , Apn

/•>>. : ..■V// V MUler was Installed 'J t y ' of Hollister chapter

- . of EMtcrn S tar, a t "S ' *'eelc a t the Masonic

,• Oeorge McGregor■ « ■' worthy patron : M n

. < ' associate m atron;

kle, secrc ta^ ; Dale

f J ductress; Mra. U ia I ^ ■' ' ' conductrcss; Mrs,

- chnplaln; Mr#. Ch * B g B h , ■ ■ ■ marshal, and Mrs.

■TW SW ® '. • '.'*J Daniel, organist.Star -Point* are

------------l - i Slmw..Adah;. Mi*. A. i ; Ruth; Mrs. Homer R<

• . Mrs. Dtt'lRht Parrott,Mra. R ichard Lutes, Ray Clark la warder Lutes, eenllncl.

Tlie officers were 1 Mrs, LeRoy Mnyo as.

McGregor, Inslnlllng Mra. Kluts, InsUIIlng

, > ' ■* Mrs. McDaniel, Insta ' ''j iX T lk l Tl*® meeting was \

dinner served by ^ members.

Ilejtmnnek wns elec of the Home Cultun

••fliTJIir Platters,““ -r- OU’f f new officers--------- -- E>'crelt Kustend. vl^ ' Mrs. John JlJiond.i, rt c ' Mra. Gordon VnnO

■ ' ' ' urcr.----------------- a Roll call was an.-n

__________ garden h int, Memb.................. piifchnsB a tree for i

• ' cemetery Iroprovemei1 sored by tho Flower

here. A /u n d raJslTff L.alendQr heid, Mrs. Hejtmancl ■ the TwcntlellJ Centui

, Ing she attended In UiB G rand Army of she nlso related high

h ™ , &” ■ “ * " " m e nome or p s , qwI, supcrlntem Cook, 210 Moreland port Hnll Indian John Conway Is as- Three dclCK0U»~%-a

___________“^iend Uie meellng M

'lew club will m eet at d lsu lc 'f l^ * io " :^ c rn ' n tidny n t the home «„•« clubs

3«3 DuBol, A lunchw n w ai so call will b6 aaiwered Uic . mceUng, wlU> 1 lowers o f my child- voeller and Mrs. Essl

as.'ilstnnt hoste.wcs.

•a will hold a public be i,eld n t the Duhl

J “ b; “ilim entj will be cerv-

, Legion AuxOfficers will bo in-

lembers of Detlinny OCneuUieS 13, o rd e r of Eastern shOSHONE, April 1

rwigcment* for the ' i

Mn.iUllcd ns worUiy b“ mem’b^ra " ‘ " ' t h ' Dsmllnson ns worUiy Legion BUXlUory nt tl

„ „ Monday n ight n t tl-- * * bulltlinc

= r n M n \ / c dinner will be- I U n u y b 2S nnd funds will go t, ^ 4-_ '"ft (lelegnlM lo GIrLi'T l l b I nem e conunmei:mcmi;crsIla>-8 presented Uie doberl Fcrcbnucr. Mrj Gift of a Lamb,” nt enburgh. Mrs. Omer of the O phelia club Mnry Pcthlck. Mra. I lainized LDS church I l 'fb Love. Mra, I ler home. Mrs, T.. I, Shaw, Mrs. <

H annon, president, “ and Mra, Elmer Ter ot Uie meollng. Mrs, W altreaea will be . conducted the wor- Debble Re.u and Naor

Opening prnyer was Mrs. Fercbauer coi s. O erm ide Hollen- meellng.

Following the busli l.icu.MCd th# coming the nuxlllnry m e t wIU Ituie nnd questions I” , a social hour. S he bU22 Bc.viIona to «'«fe seri’ed by Mrs, \ . A yearly report of ^trs. Love, Mrs. Luella

be pre.«nted, Xtra. M «. Van Auremnn. named lo be In « « «

'"Group Prestnounccd two qullU I J i n :h tho proceed* go- - I d a h O H H

u . „ SnOSHONE. April ] \h « L ^ of MoUiere’ circle Uie home of Mrs, j„ ^ program orj Idah

„ „ a t the home of Mra. D.^ noil call was nnswi

c ofia/-'f£s/-l >«b O c l t i C l c Q Mitchell with specificiv c\ I r O r O U p ***«- Jane CnroUien.I, April 1 7 -O ff lcm , meeUri

by Uie Methodisthip chap ter Sunday ^D arrell PcUey beingnt. Mrs. Mltcheir* roclcr Ln vice pre.ildent, dbplayed,>U% U-ensurer, Donnn ^ « « t meeting J named fecretnrj’ of I'dii “ i the home o ip and Ellcne Brush,to group. _ _ * ^ *

Rool^-Playei Heyburn I

lerm an talked on HEYBURN, April 1 the senior lea.ion. elub membera were

4 led the Interme- last week n t Uie home . speaking on ' "Our Mrs. Ernest Hnndy ^ n wriung,“ Donnn tables of progressive R- Marti Procter v,-cre play.tioite.we-v . K a t h y Mrs. Lund Chrlste5 a vUlior. Claude Bo-*'man rec •I "m L®. '‘"'J M*". «»d M

___________ In tlre, consolaUon prh

or Home Dolivory in Twin FoHi. ColI:

R E dw ood

i - 9 2 4 3■ •«

Idoho 'i Largcsf Doiry Pfoccijor-


M i l l e r , S t u d y C o n t i n

S l a t e f o r B y L i t o i nr \ C C SHOSHONR AprU 17-

t e r S of th# origin of rellglouApril 17-M ra. Joe InaUoni wa* conUnued led worUly m atron MeUiodlst YouUi FeUowa pier No. 47, Order ing Sunday evening a t ' a t ft meeting la st of Mr. and Mra. X^eonard

ionic temple. Presenting the lesson wgor was seated as Olasby, Ann Plrebaugh Mrs. Orcn Jones, etta Janousek, n; Lloyd Nelson, Members voted to givi ; ' u n . Dale K un- wnrd- the church' parse lale Kunkle, trea - modeling projecl. md Parrott, con- A roving jllnner w as pli lla Dean, associate next Sunday n igh t a n d < ra, Ooldl# Klutz, was held regarding th e n

Charles Kevan. held here. April 20.Ira. William Me- . >/. }f )f.

Z S S . A | l - , D a y M e e l

S , 5 ? S i £ ‘S H e l d - b y , S o c

O f D e c l o C h. . , . 11..^ DECLO, April 1 7 -T h e 1

a JL ilu d bv M « Tuesday a t ichurch for an nll-day wc

, A ,» J* Wardle demonstrated mni

_ , , ' cy cushions nnd Mrai F a i n B u h ner and Mrs. irU Steven;

] a \ i / C l ^ f ^ A luncheon was served ' J e w J i u r e by M rs.LaurenaFuqua, W 17-M ra. Tliomns plckett, Mra. Arvlllo, Hui electcd president Pcm Thompson a n d M rs. Ituro club n t the tCThout. k a t the homo of The afternoon m eeting rs. by Mrs. Mlnnl# D arrlngtccera Include Mr*, was directed by Mrs, L . A . vice pre.Odent, and accom’panlst w as j :l.i, aeeretar}’. nnd Darrinjton. anOstran, treas- Tlie opening prayer wns

. Mrs. Edna Wardle. nn.twercd w i t h M r s . Nell Mattlicw* pnvi embcm_ voted to son on mnnnging a hom e, for th e Buhl city SpedoJ visiters were Mn anen t plan apon- Smith, Portland, O re.. wh }«er Levers'club visiting her sister-ln-law % ing gait alM vrna renz Fuijua; Jfra. Jasep. anck reported on tokcf, Los Angeles, a r u u n tury club m eet- *istcr-In>Iaw, Mrs. AlberI In Tn’ln FaUs. and Mrs, Mne Hnwldria. « hIghUghu ot the member of the local Relic meeUng by FreU who Is visiting Mrs, Julln itcndent of the Mrs. Hawkins lives In Durl lan reservation. ¥ ¥

ig^Mqnday_at ; q C a n c e r E r f r n ' I iy-formed fourth r t ilernUon of Wont- b h O W n O t P

-----■ SHOSHONE. April IT—11, Mm 1 W omen." ’L f o n e n i i n ^ Women’/i MlEsslo Hentori a* council meeting n t Uie /

.y I A t . \ t church th is week,

the meeting nnd led Uie Accompanist was Mrs. Joh

i i v i l i n r \ / Campbell gJ A I I l U l y prayer. The scripture wa.n C . Dcndr anes even t r ra n k Lane gave a rend

irll 17 Pinni n r ^ leSSOh On FOnHOSa Wi." dS:

ih rf preaident. Mi' MemorlaJ Flemming, Nampa

be « rv ed April E d n r P e S ' ' go tow ard send- „ „ilrLV stnte, . _ . * *

M ^ ^ v r i ? : Project S ta rte At Club Pa

ra, H orry Stoner. IIEYDURN. April n —^ Ira. Clyde Hugh- of Ui# S)Tlnga club m et T erry. home of Mrs. Akeyl Honbe Ju d ith Love, Friday nnd Saturday tc ^ftoml Ineas. qullUng..Thls li the club's

conducled th e for the year. The quUt 1* raise f u n d s to buy Jni

}usine.is session. ChrLitmns gifts for Uie chll wIUi the Legion the BoIm chUdren* home, r. Refreshm ents A dinner for Ihe quilt) rs, V rcdenburgh. served at Uie homo of M n lella Kinsey and Pullman. Mrs. Pullman waj 1. ed by Mra. Pegg)- TTiurrni

# . #. Martha WaitilngJon As

S S e n t S . Roots. Onion plants and _ OlBbe Seed * Feed.—Adv,Program jril 17—Members ■ . ___

N o w 's th e TiI.D. O.M ltchclL -nswered to the To T ro o t ■ ■ i i r iYo., lAWIoldsbrough and

w a sido McKlsAlclL .rock selections '

g April 34 win ^le o f Mrs. Knte ®

Z e d . a f : _ : i::J lilv r::^T P a r l e y ' ^ l e r t i l i iII 17—Birthday k . , _ , ^

’:.s 'ss" 'sly where three! ' . ■ / ) - r f i U T "0 Rook, were In | * ^ A n B n | |L

ristea^en a n d

1 Ed Me-

,11. ' • FEKDS v o u r l a w n; • K.N0CK8 OUT BUGj


[ 5 0 Ib t. covert a 1 .0 0 0 iq . f t . o f ^

I law n (or only

' I t coits l(M because l l A ! - »o m n th - ia ts tw# teato

I N O W A VAILABLE AAmnldi. Klmberiy

__ -• , Buhl Florsi Co.. DuhlCItmoni Kcfd Store, OoCKllr

■ ....... ” Rwbam Srtd 4 H orai, B ui« Hyde Floral, Rupert, Jerome Lumbej,.Jerome'• Kelthura Lumber Co, Ketcl

I rorey Oreenhon.e, Hailey Seari llocbuck and Co,

Ttt-in Fal,3


GLOBE TkTeI T ru ck Lone T w in Fo



tin u e d Activities Sla in U nit By F H A Urii

Shoshone Pcinued a t Uie BBOSHONE. April 1 7 - Uowshlp meet- ber of acUvlUes are plannc ■ a t Uio home M jh school Future Horn naxdRoger*. chapjcr between now and w n were Jan ls jchool Is out. u e h a n d Lor. ^ dance will b# h e ld ;

Commltte# membera In cl > give J2S to - nrrsngement* are Janet parsonage re- ctbby Ross, U nda Soloagi

lyn Johnson and K rbU ne S IS planned for a "com# a» you a re ” >nd discussion planned wiUi W anda I •he m lly to be Jcaren Byard and M artha

In charge of arrangements ^ Amingcmenta for the^ _ 4.* _ "Hobo day" wiu bo made e e t l ng bena HsU, LesUe Lewln ai, ------Glajby, - --------------------) O C l e t v Those in chaT^e of a rm n

: \ for Uie Senior nnd e igh t L n l J r r h p^^y are EarJene Elam, O l I U I C l I cnrotheri.T he Relief so- Tho assembly progrnm n t tho LDS under direction of tho fou

,y wofk meet- newly-elected officers, p e n t In qulIt- Officers will bo Installei g dlsli towels, parent*’ banquet w ltli « I Blven by Mrs. offlcera and the home ec Icing a center- dosses in charge of tho e u -.-M rs. Edna activity.I m aking fnn- Report* wero made on ;; F a n n y T an - gional FHA m eellng'w hen t ovens demon- chapter members met thisI rubber bag*, the high school building. :rved o t noon Lucretla Soloaga conduc ua. Mrs. Royal meeting,. H urs t. Mra, F lU pins were preser M rs. V era Os- Earlene Elam, Karen Web

garet Klam and Joyco Ha e tlng w as led The presentation wos m •Ington. Music Mra; Lola Plelsllck, teacl L . A. GilletXe vLier.a s Mr.i. Ora vuitors were Jeanette

and Chariene Bents o f U : w as given by crslty of Idaho, Moscow.

SS"o"J^:BuhlCYF-Fet< ikS'SJt.lZ’ Senior Studf

SUHL, April n - '-O ra d u aK o i.^ n ent«way to success" wns Uit v i . . banquet hin i'l » « n 'o r students of Uie c l

Fellowship last week Ju lia Ballard. Christian church,R u rie y . Seniors honored were U

y \ J®dy Freeman, Betty Ooff,-------- Hutton,-* Johnny—Lynch;

i f A A o / a f Moore, Normnn StombaugI I / V i e e T Eleanor Unilcker.IT-i-The film. B a c k g r o u n d " o jv j in en ." wa.1 pre- tliroughout the dinner wns ,'/i MI.yilonary by Richard McNfiw. Table. J ie Assembly decorated In the graduation veek, using niortarbonrd.^ as pineorsvold nnd Arlene Ewell served as mist I the Cancer ceremonies,0 film . Mra. Tlie Rev. Donnld Ross, pn I t. conducted th# Jerome Chrl.itian d iu r

Uie singing, guest speaker. Honored gue.i:. Jo h n Shnw. the Rev. and Mrs. Roy'L. Titell gave the nnd Mrs. Charles M arsh aiw as rend by 'and Mrs, Glcn Buckcndorf,

and Mrs. Tlie dinner wns served brending. pnrenU and members o f Ui

»a was given Bho group.•0. L ane rc- -------- * if. _

;i? £ .S M rs .H7PrRss5ICO Low nnd

Is U nit Hostwns by Mrs, HAZELTON. April 17 -M r

Ro« calcrlalncd the LadiM dub ln.st w ck a t her home

, .4- ^ J .Mra. LMter Saunders nnd ^1 I c U C. Burdick were guest;i.n I ''■tfe recelvc<l by Mnr a r i e y ‘«r Saunder*. Mrs. Carl Mi 17—Members Ralph BnLich. Tliem et a t the en presented Uie hMte.vi t Hondo lasl **'ft and a cake In honor i

y to begin l>^thday annlversar)'.:lub'a project Ut Is sold tor individual a ■ ■

g ; |

■ WhafabuC i

i c E x c lu s iv e L A Pow er Engini

L i r C o r r o s io n - r k v , h o u sin g ; lish

LAVW-BOy "i -------------- _ — >lr_StaggtredXro:

l l i z c r

m f

i f i MODEL NQI 18" C u t - R e ;AWN

J^ODEL N21" C u t - R e t

I P IU -SW indrower

iTSlTtfcF — Leof-Mulchi , M akfCRtclium V ■‘ey Your outho

Seo o u r S e ry ice 1B Y

EED V 3 H 3 IFEED - f W / 7 7 7

L'f II b u h l '

Hated A p n f Bride

anned by the Homemaken &nd Uie Ume

eld April 2 . ^ 1In charge of B t . *'; - ranet Crolt, iloaga. Marl-IneSorensen. , 7 - .re ” party U a Bancroft,'tha Munster nents.the annua]

lade by Ro- In and Jonls

^IghUi grade 'dam, Karen /'he ri. W ’ ' . ■rnm wlU be V • '1 four major ' ' iiimmiiiiii

,1 H . .U ’‘•n s . RO BER T W. MAIWNl Ailed a t the ,1, 041, , p h o t« -< U ff enjravl:t3i outgoing * * *e economies

Twin Fal Is Miss, £ S ! Robert M ohane nductcd the E xchange Vo\

. Shiriey M ao H urlbcrt, dnug! M sen^d to OJ and M rs. KenncUi H . >>"'• th o bride of Ros Halmakw. y_ Mahancs. Jerome, son of

’' ' ’‘J Mra, W . W . Mahancs, Te teacher nd- 4 fjcv..M« n .h -m The double ring ceremony

,v, J l r Ptffonned by Ja n ic e ef tho P. JI H i n n l. P, L u n ilo r t.Tlie brldo Is a 1057 graduati

Twin Falla h ig h school nnd la > ployed a t Sears. Roebuck

C t C o company. T h o bridegroom 'li , . 1050 gradual* oX~Jerome 1

j n p r i T ^ school.n o The coupio wUl make Uielr h(

rad u a tio n - near Jeromo w here h# Is empl s th# Uieme ed.; t honoring if

Mrs. M atthew s I ,Meet-ing,Speak(

?rh” ’ 'icn.-- D oru jfallhews Was guc3l *pcaker"wl baugh and □ ^ jo Book Lore dub met t

. , week a t the hom e. Df.M rs. Llll gnn music Matthews.•ablM^’ w irc MnHhews gave Uie blItlon theme Oer.^hwin broUin lrT iirA , 'rom th e book, 'T h e Ger misue.<a of j^^vrence Stcwis nnitor of ^>'6 «>«> lllu.slraU!d Uie book w Jliurch was recording* • of GershiKue.1t* were>. Titus, Dr, Mfs. Emma Preston Is club pre ih nnd Mr, fl'nt,iorf, t t . The nex t m eeting will be h ed by CYP o^ M rs. Clifford Di )f Ul# Chl- rlngton.______________________

D S te S S a t Mo

<IIm IJrJdgc L e a * n g S e l f - !ome where

e c o n o ki M «rp .„r 1 8 2 0 K i rTlic wom-

B.V1 wiUi a <Just painor her I

}rand-new ’59

buYilAWN^BOYqualit)C O M P A R E T H E S E F E A T

UWN-BOY B a la n c e d i c Big, som ★ T rim s e>

a n - r e s i s ts n l a lu m in u m i c Exclusiv* IibH , t a s y lo h in d ic - L o-H ans

)y "duble-lufr" b lide i ^ F R E E 1IXrantw heels ead lip p in g ._______bac)(ed.b

ice organ

| P M | H Com* Inl O r ta n ler a FREE i l l j i M V W*'ll pfova LAWN-BOY 1« Ix

NO. 3050,, ,legulor 89.95 . ; ; NOW

NO.-7050 .......legulor 99.95 . . . NOW

S F R E I >5r a t 2.95cher h95-. . . . ~.~r~.'~t(l a k i n g y o u r t o f a l S a v i n g a f -

h o r i z o d LAWN BOY S E R V

ICO I^ c p o itm in l (o r a l l L A W N BOY

p i i

™ p a y ,^ a p r i ^ . , ^

^ Luncheon,. Style ■ Slated for

to be held .Mav i< '(r,:.

I H '

^ I«1 a il to e n t c o ? ,S „

1 s a : s ' -

U H ^ 3 recreaiion hMl ’k “ S i s Speclnl mu.',lc is iidp . , hfrt. by Mrs, Vcl-n R, t 1ioL ^ ^ * '‘«

ss,nes t o p r S n w ‘f ; S S f f

'owslaughter Tlie sta te MIA wa., h Huri- April 20 conference mtii r ' \ '

Robert stake offlccr lii Relief of Mr. to p repare nn article in-\”

, Terre- »^ke Relief society ■•nellef Society

my was wm be distributed a i the M.r.^10 Peace meeting, *•

mils were nllowed. nrocrnm h. iuate of dlscus.',od. Vl.sliin? Tfs^v*’I U em- convention a.wigmnenis mari. ck and '‘■.vd visit* a.-uilgncd. ^

Sla ted for Shoshone SchoolSHOSHONE, April n - - n , , | , „

, school Junior prom will b« htld « S ' I S ® P '"- Saturday a't the i.tt-f .

school auditorium. A graad r.,.^ . t o r «■"> be held a t lo;3o p.tn _

-'-Cbm^-SitrfTy-te Me" Is ihme'c- rs. Hal Ih tdancc. DcvrlftsorchestiaiiB^T~whch ■vldlng-music.--------------------net this Patrons and pntrone.«ej ire Vr Lillian and Mr*.. V crn-Johnson snd jj/'-

and Mrs: Wlllls L.irsen, ■s blog- Program eommltlee Is ElereU;.iroUiers «en. T ina Sm ith , Ellis Jotimon u i Gersh- Elma Cheney.Edward Tlie public Li Invlled. itcwart, . :f- If if.Ik with GIRLS HAVK TARTr :rshwln , k ijj o h i l l . April 17-A slua’

ber pnrty wns held Sunday.nljhi J presl- n l Uib home of Mr. and .Mrs. \vu.

Ham Cain, Jo Anne Heller, Jojn le held Boatman. Susie Coon nnd Mstilp d Dot- Sharp were guests. Joycc DanleU

and Jackie D exter were hostem

^11 Family ShoesM o g k V o llo y 't

If-Servico Shoe Store

)MY SHOESKimborly Roadt past Schubach'a)

9 Lawn-Boy!» e C O N O N I V

, 5 9 ”

q C O M E i n i

ity plus low price!A T U R E S :

sound-soriening m ufner s extra close, fro n t a n d tide isive 3-position S nap -O n Hi*, langup handleE .1-year factory w a r ra n iy - r .:d .byJa rgu lJia lionw idc_sctv :__ __ .rganizatien

REE damenitrotleni1« b ttl 'w llh lh« b«U d*ol In towal

. 7 9 ”

. 8 9 ”2 Special

A ttdchm ents

T ^ o t a | - 4 * 5 ® — -□ t - $ 1 4 . 9 0


t w i n FALLS



irl e


iSI N;IJ.1


sw.1 K





I,IUIt.‘RtI!C-5'.Ihl i d

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Page 11: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

BuM CAnd L e e T e r r y

E x c h a n g e Vows H I M

, „ « = » ° g ' , £ „ M.> K o lm a

M ML'/,,ibIe rinR ceremony «;u ^ bv me n e r . Dr. John

belore « bacKxround ^ H K ^ H nfihied u p e rs and

‘i *nd blue tn d «hlU, J The Kcddlns Uinne

out tn blue *nd white.

m g r n

s 5 ; ' s “ n ’i.‘s 5 -* ^ .^ r ^ n c th Tetl or ih re r llIu- ^ K p R i | | p ^ V • ^ ' mi frtm > U tr t tecented

A - p e i r U . A Uire«-slr»nd H k A - '• ‘ i^Sklnee and enrrlnit* com- * 5 5 ? '

s^E.T™«"'d“ v r S i^ Id iu m orchid tied with whlW J ^

'f.*nn**Ho'lmM, »l3l«r of U« ^ 1 t M

f e l ' Itaffetft »he»th enhanced » » ! ? ? ' ' .‘ .’'.’ •rt

s - a - s T o r i r i . s i - F ' ^£ camMlons. tied with uhue

”^ * ^ S h M « o n »nd Pran- f c l f i l £ i i 2 i H iA u ^ n . bolh Twin P J Lr j „^ brldewnalds and wore blue „ii.,,tju i&ahloned a fte r the ro#ld . . . , ------S » . f . , “ 111",„d M l « '“ ■“ h fr Urld.l borauiL.(imillanj. „ „ , in „f n ,, Tho bride wp« t

„ r« . » Jtlae nylon *f‘ blu^ ""1 •" Twin Falla f

S ‘,V u l. ,D m n l. } M m c W i . « iS'

v .n ..W u « h lrf th . u p t t i p r . . ,,

r ;.“5“ yS 's;2

,i)d -T1i« Lord-a Prayer.- , _ . . _

.,K«“ ' S .* S d S P ledges R i ; ; r a :r ? r . '‘i “3‘S Pins intrWfpwm-a motlier cho*e B.dsrlcWufiliernoon drcis with a match- The r l ^ a l of Je

r luket white accfMOrlM, and chapter, BeU Slffm[ V » S ^ of amall r o « orchid.,. « n le d T u « d ay c

Mare lhan 160 guests allended home or Mrs. Lie the wtddlnit reception held Immr- sp^-ior. fiittly followlns the ceremonr. The / l . * ‘ “ ■me brlde'a Uble waa corertd wllh Michael Samnc, pre I l,ce lablecloih o rer blue and Janice Stover amtoiitrtd' with a four-Uered wed- re«‘ d:cj o»;e. The cakc waa dccoraled »im Wua and white oatucc work Nell M rtin .^ -w «.^

liuirt bride and brldeBroom. Cr>-«- bcrt DenRle”Ul holders w ith white U p m A bu lte t dinner /iwilfd the cake, members by Mrs. .V

Bmpllon hosteaws were Mra, dauRlitcr. Darltan, Tlwnu H o lm e s , Mr*. Jamet went to M rs. Jam ijneh, Mrs, H a w y Holmes. Poe t. S iorer and Mr*. V« Ifllo. Mt*. Oeofse Ilanrey. Mrs. anniversary gUt wi ChatlM Denrln*. Mr*. U ly Thur- Mia. Sam ac. The man and Mrs, Eleanor Stewart, prorlded hy Mr*, : rrtncfs Badser poured the punch eelved by M rs.-Oer lod Mary Joah waa In charge o( ^ buslneuIhe cotfee scrvice, both Twin rails, h e ld 'd u r ln s which Mn. Shirler M arrs. Twin rails. eu„«<i pian* for Uii md Patricia Ti’erdy and Judy d a , banquet U Lynch were In cham e of the-RlIts. 25 • pjana also we Erelyn StATk., Twin Palls, wm In Mother's day lunc thjrsc of the guc.-it book. mothers of memhcr;

Por Uie trip to Pocatello where ^ h , next rcp ilar tht ceupic a re m aking their home, hew April 28 a l th lllf new Mrs. Terry chose a two- Latham. ' plrce suit w ith bone color accessor. ^ ^


„ M a r i a n M a r t i n‘ '. P n f f ^ r n ncrrlochoa, daughi

r u u e i r i carlaa Berrliy rd > ..^ observed a 'fUr sch

l / / l l \ « her home where 3J

^ parents^b;

jnoat of them do ■ l \ \ -o V 1 r I aomeUjlnj to do t K -O * I \___I him understnnd t■ j jm will h o t be tolcrai

u sually they fix

most. He loves belt U l J y i h y S s ^ ^ S r Q Tlien U ll h im he

~ ew ay -fro m 'h lm rT waya h is allowanc

B v * ^ 3 ? D T l^ 3 r7 ]l habUual way w^ E * i x 7 ^ f f R 2 5 f f / | I know of no beti

B r ' ^ ^ she la n cafln s nd

^ outlook1 t —r r / I friends, assumeI a / ' others and feel 1I r i f vVvV^t'/'^ 1 P'“C6 “ IndlvliI U M \ 7 / ' *” >' “\ i j ^ placed down In

\ J \ u resentful. Indl' r l \ / ' hntes*-lh(i ftrllnK

L \ 1 tills haa brouRht u{N -V i 9 3 5 6 has little aupport I

■ ^ T J ^ «t»Pt selfhood, h is Impo ^ 6 . C 2 > 5 ' ^ self atid h ls ’ assM

• These children.

■ ty “nd 5 i " '» ? S S c. . ' ............. ............__________ a u thority ..T here.n

MIX-MATE qUAItTET fording them all ;riay-hnppy quarte t for ^ little b it of thouRht aa I

t'rl'i summer In tlie sun, ChooM the child .o f suchl-’i5hi.iu.noon cotton* 'or dealm order.'-Ior r.-uy.*<w poncho, shorts, bra. To forbid a ohlli‘■y Tf<mniTn'u'« p«H»m- tn hflong to n te t

“ Dirh nulflt, • ' not good. Hla hapi ^rintcc) p .itiern 0350: CtUldren'i

•- H. C. 8. Size fl poncho IU ■ i cUriij 33-inch: ahorU l i ; bra « : U d

r . yards. a iI'riiitfti direction* on each pat- C Q I O l

‘Wl p sr t Eaaler, accurate.^Vml 35 centa (coin*) for IhU C O N C : W itfm -add 10 centa fcr eachP*“ frn for first-cla<u mailing. O w QtuUlty 1«"'> to Mnrian MarUo. Tbnea- • p a k e th e DhMj. Pattern D ep t , » > West. n p O ■‘ SI.. New York 11. N. Y. P rin t, K t J - -f nnme,. r td rea a .w ith lone, S l i H G ree

Uld stylo numtMT. .

C e r e m o n y U n i t e s

, ; f e -K , n ^

K#:|i ry,{|J

®2* ■;

M!U AND M ns. LEK ItAY TERRY (namlUoti pho to -« ta ff e m ra tln i l

S . " ' " ' “ ‘ " " “ R e v i e w G i vDS graduated from 11 ■ < 1 / ol in IBiJ tn d Ills M r s . J . W .by Dr. R, W. Pack. • ...........

S r ' s : ’; r ; , r A t Honse;rome h ijh school HANSEN. April I thc marine corps. Woodr.on Creed. Twir Ills second year a l revlcvf "Broaaway t

9 collese, Pocalello. week for members ol (cuesU wtre present club a t their spring 'alley, Waahlngton WrRener'n in Twin )

viewed currcnt Broad IS honored a t pre- eluding taped excer W -jrH T O 'br'M ra: -“Muslc-Mftn" and ot Id Mrs, Ray JJrlgw: She staled there l! in-«y-and licr-pln- varlety.of. ploys, sui Mra. Kenneth Ma- tnstc nnd th a t then

es Ttiurman. a dcflnllc Interest 1- j |»— tf--------------- nmonir-people-who •

p . , . . Ncw York or Chlea*(Receive •■ 'rb”*produced now of mo

f , D i f i i / n l c caliber; alie added,n K i T U Q I S Mr.v W alter Sho f lewtU of Bljma clialrman. Introducet llgma Phi, was pre- Mrs. Austin Moo y evening a t the Henry P e le w n st:

Delmar Mecham. reslw atlon from th were accepted,

was read by Mrs. I t was anounced 111 . president, for Mrs. bers planned to atte

tn d Mr*. Robsrl district convention received their pins. Women’s clubs Mom Samae were Mrs. * *

S i.a '.t 'ig - 'D a te Markmer wa.% served to Fairfieic•s. .Mecham and her . pAIRFIELD, Apr:#n. Chapter prkes -u jjita helped James Bla»er, M ri charle* D leklnion cI Vauk, AblrthdiT weddln*.ftnnlri t was presented ta ,f iem oon a l t n 01rhe white elephant ^ome.rt. Blasw wa* re- g e „ in g a t the puiGerald Homan*. t o „, wokerslen Ineu meeting was c ra lg Rupp. Mrs. P.hlch memben dls- Mrs, Violet Lnsswellr Uie annual found- Out-of-tow n guejc t tA be held April and Mr*. Jack ChI were made tor a Mr. and Mrs. Everarluncheon honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ollbeihers. H aserm tn and Joanular meeting wilt be Jerome.,1 the home of Mr*. » *

» * B anquetAY MARKED PAUL, April 17-1April 17-The 12lh enlerU loed their wl'vertary of Unda a t a banquet and diughter of Mr. and » l the American hlerrlochoa, Jr.. wts Harold Wilson, jschool Tuesday t t m aster of ceremonlej

re 35 friend* Joined Mra. A rthur Orove t. and refreshment*, of the dinner.

e-of Your Child.B y ANGELO P A T R I -

] behaves badly, tn - ta n t to h ts mentalU by misconduct of to hi* progress ti}«Ilher. Uie first thing Tp take away the 0

do Is to think ot enjoys Is to strip h;do lo him {0 make bright spot In hL, <Id th a t his acUon* T h a t U Why. I. xIcrated. th a t the boy who 1I l x . . . .ome d.p.1- > 1 ° '

S l i S r S1 he p ro m wMthy. w o ^P le ^ oUier lat

I t hlmseU.-Encouragen

““ S m

betU r way to anger prog j^m , to makethis. Usually he. or overloaded with: ndolcicftice or n t ie s .^ h o o l work Is1, He has begun to u,enJook on !He, make to weaken Uielie obllgRtlons to achieve Importai,el good a ^ u t his deprl.idlvldual. All ,thls Is sueceiaful aetl'I parental order. He • .I In childhood’* de- _________3thers and h it own Amiiei r*tH ntrtnlone Uils to him. He f" ,• /•«<»« «pf lubj^u m a itn in t u .d he:lng of helplessnew »«k1 49 wm.It upon him. Now he '.'■> T*""?” " * ; ^ «•a rt to hU feeUng of b . ^ " ' U' inportanee to him- issociates.cn. half fledged m Jl \ 1guidance, discipline H 1 B I \ ■

(thenlng support . . H I re are M.’a ji of tf.. • H I » ' 1 *all o t these, o tit a Bnp lA U « W M * »aa to the effect on B n W B B p " ™ ' uch Influence U In

o h llf who U happy > i J k V U a a m j l j c l u ^ _ E 1 I J I I Whappiness lalm pof- M ^

j s i K w fONIAL B ICRETE Aty and Senrfee ■ ■e Dlffettncel

i r e e n S tom p i

_ • k

Pair Club G roup I- Spring LunchJEROME. April n - T l i r

Country club women lirl annual spring lunrheon la t t the

9 n ! | n | H After tile luncheon Mr- - - 5 S 9 B conducted the !

mceUnii. Coiiiinltt^f' f ^ S | B g H B comini: year ncrt* annniiii

OursUi InUiKlucrd w n Jes.' LMertun, Mrs. Uobr)

^ dock, Mr.s. Wlllliini Tl' ‘ fid Mr.i. llo.vnl Ni'lirrr. i■ 'inSA '’ nhone; 'M rs. J;iiur« Mnri

aM s m Mrs. Joyce M rrtln. Imih ■ •H ffih ‘o"' •f'd Mr.i. '/ Ic C:imnu.

Wlllltm Last. .Mrv ’n iro i • \ Mrs. Celln t'm llh, .Mr.-,

Bnice and Mi.». Gitj ‘I'l • 7 \ Jerome.

Mr*. Dale 'nioma.'' icik) some of the o iit-ol-tuttn

r tional date.’ llic club had 1Tlio mcctliiK was iiiljoiii

golf or bridge.* v . ' Jf

Miss V au g h t C laim ed as By Jo h n GaelPaIRPIELD . April 17

I T t B i I I B Vaught. daURhlcr oiMrs. Donnld V aulin , bc-c: bride of John Oncnr.le. soi

S r ^ ^ H j S tn d Mrs. Henry nariir.lr, H H H ^ I B Prlday, April 10, a t l l a n

Tlie double.rluK crirmc place In the 'chnpel of ih 9dLtt church In GoodliiR. 'I

decorated with bn.'.kct: snapdniRonA and white cn: Th# Rev. Paul LeRue p< the rituals.

----------------------- The bride clio.se a drtI ' suit of blue and white wl

l i v e n b v roeebuds,, _ ' , Her sister, Mr.v Jnck

V L r P P d matron o t honor, wore a 1 .F .r.’- '. .. beige ault.- l^er corsage, v

s e n A A e e t “ {JfiTm i/iwla, Urother-liII n — Mrs. J. the brtdeBTOom. was be.U 1 'win Palls, gave a ' fbllow lnr (he ceremc y Matinee." lasl wedding dinner wn.i held s ol the Latawah dining room of the Slop ring luncheon t t On re lu m from a trip In Palls. She re- Washington nnd Oregon I roadway plays In* make the ir home here, ccerpts from the Tlie bride wm gradual1* other*/.... . ■--- iri^rutl in i•e Is n diversified attejided thc Unlvcrslly 0sulUns. atiyone’* Moscow, one year tlicn wc

here seems to bc the REA in Camiui cbi st in play*, even years. Tho past two yenrs ho cannot go to been employed In Uie Inw cago to see them, ment deportm ent In Bols lo be more plays Gaenzle Is the ]nc»l Idn more thougliUul er company rcpreienlttUv(

d, A aliower tor Uie iiiShouic. program Ooenilo was given la st we< jced Mrs. Creed, home of Mra. Wcs Jones. MOOre and Mr*. Out-of-town guests for 1

s ta t lelUrs of ding Included Mr. and Mr Uie elub. wlileh Oaentle. Welser. and Mr. 1

MeWln Lewis. Caldwell. dUiatcIghtm em - • if

■ .rS 'w S Square D ante Go to J a m b

i . - _ I .I , — —El»vencoupl«-from -tho r K e C l D V Toes Round Dance cluh

d f-^ I the 10th annual bnuite u i ^ O U D i e ley S<jimre Dnnce Jamb<

Anrit n & itv- Blackfoot.They were Mr. and Mrs

« " l i i i . 5 ! S w ' « . «>•

I open house a t <-

p V and W alter Rudolph. Mr. a

K , Mi.V’S ' m ™ i S S ^ and William Cofleld.

, 1 Ja n e t A ndersr—The Lloni club wives and guests S p P r t P n L e

1 dance last week I C C I C U L .CI Legion hall. New officers elected 1 I rresldent. was a t the mceUng of th e H ,n ! ^ and Mr. and dl-yu Carap F ire g roup 1 re were In charge Anderson, president; Llri

kins, vice president; Anltj . treasurer; Darlene nodkli

taO'; Carmen H ankins ! _ _ _ and. Sheryl O erard an.

n r G n Mogenson. cleanup.The girls m ade plan

council fire to be held ' I and for th e m other-daugl

s;f,„r-oS„r““ ■B him of the ene * * * .

i’ Report M ade10 did not get a J t 1 , r - i 1

Buhl ElioInt out to him hi* DWIL. April I 7 -A n tsDonslblllty a* an « * d from the Iris T • l ^ , his pride in Boise w hen the E l l a ^ t igement to do hU

\ r '7 . " s ; r r . s - - s ™ ™n th e ? ? h Idre^* »>y

>kn sure Uev are to.Shrlne hOBpltals.■Ith outside actlvl- , J ‘’'. I. . «!..■ n ... I. for sewing a t the liomiim .E i, « i W“ ™< »'"•Barron and Mrs. Jo h n I

prlvlng him of hU ""

TV TROUBIf.r. m jm i..(i.u C A L L RE 3 - 2 2l*cU roncfenlne childormi 'kV/J.-ol'VniJi: FACTORY R> •"o'llJx'II." flJilr.' ■ T V - C B N T E -i.T. _______ ______________

T I M E S - N E W S ,

H as |Portland to Be :heon'| Hom e of Recent ■j;;,,--';;”.; Newlywed Pai^ la s l ueek PORTLAND, Ore.. April 17

MakUiK Uielr home here nlier M r- I!lch-i trip on the W a'liincnhe busine.-Jlrna.^t are Mr. and Mrs, John •:

for (hc-wnnlte.v jr. Tlie toii|ilp m .i ma niiiiccd. 1 rird March 21 at Uie I'rcnui w n e M is.'s trfft MelhodW cliiinh ' by !l

oberi llad-litpv, Olln E. Parrrli wiUi n ffcr: TlKinin.'on (i„„ unmedlnlrlv foUoiUiiK

•r. nil Slio- TT,f tr id r . lhe li'rmrr Crlls 1 .liiriin and )ionell. is the dntii:;ilc'r ol Mr. jii .tilli llBlcl- y £3 Huurll, T»ln l-'i'll'. T iinio.- l. Mm. brldcKfOom Is the .son of Mt, ni liron Zaha, m „ j jj_ wanlKM.‘'n i l . ^ ’’7li F‘>r ll'« ccreiiioiiy ll* iiit), nil flecotflled Mtli bo

r.- qufL-i of blue nnd white »tn,-)t U. i«n imitn '‘'" I ' '>1'*' bows. Bprins bln . oii ad ir.T hrd rrceplion .k-coiJoiiriiril Ior! "o"*'

Given In innrrlnse by her IMln she wore a tloor.IciiKih Kmpi

, ntvle gown of brocadrd whitr ta l i ” I s '• Id a with BWtclheait neckline ni

•* bouflant skirt, ll ie mntclilnK jnc \ A / | f p et hnd a siand-iii) tnlliir nml In

' length sleeve.^ with pointed ciifJ.ii p n y l p She wore a Ilnccrtli) \r ll .

. . t r itulle nnd cnrrlcd a white orcl)V Mr '!!,l!on n white Bible. ■

iu-,-«mi'itir* M.ild of honor, .Mrs. Itobi son of Mr I Blank. PoCi.lello. «,as drr.vM in

i ' i r Weber I IlRht blue siicalh ot broc.ulril t: a m ' i f f ^ ’*'1 1' ' ’' “'cliing skill l<-ni;

rmoi'iy t« ,k ! cummerbund an< l/l>“ c .n-crv ’ th e Melh- Srlde.iniald.i, U nett.i Hmvi .r 4n ,r «1 • r Twin I-'alls. sWer of lhe biUlr. a .kcU ofp lnk Kristy OUeii and Carol lUrucH• cnrnftUon'' '‘ ore dark blue sheath dr.-.v.r*• Derfomicd brocnded taffeta hUIi inntchl■ ^ sklrl-Ieiigth cumme/buiuU a

drcsamnlter » h l‘c acce.«orles. All carried no; w llh while K*y* blue nnd white cnrnntio;

Roberi Sme.irud nervrd ns bi ick Kooiice, mnn. Ushering we r e Ron:■ ft two-lone Wiialke.i. brflther of the ’brU: ;e. was pink groom, and .Delane Wilson a

Merle Lelstlko, er-ln-l.iw ol flow er girl, Margnret Howi Ml man, Twin FalD>; sister of Uie brlde..w em ony f/ie frocked in IlRht blue brocndcd tf held In Uie f jia with while .ncce.v^rie.i n op cftfe. carried n basket of blue /«nd wh •rip through blos.wni*. on they will ,jride's mother cliwe a rc

flhetlh dress wlUi beige nnd rt

t b l■> ihcnth with white ncces.-iorl‘ .Vunty BoUi.woro corssgcs of white ro.-

pnrs ahe hn, s jrv lng a l the reception w( enforce- Sprlngllc

Ore.: Mrs, M. C, Crockett, aunt Idnho Poll,- II,p t)ridegroom: Mrs, Corn All

I . worth, nunt of the bride, and Ja - .1 Ice McClure. Sllverton. Ore, week at the

f t n . . «.«i '‘•®re In clmrge of the gills. Ell t u J l ’ Ann Wftftlkes. sister of Uie brk

m 2 (troom. registered the Ruests. ^ r. nnd Mr*, out-of-tow n RuesU besides I ' ' bride's Immediate family were M

Cora AtnsworUi and Mrs, Norm i>~/D rC McInU»h. boUi Twin f-alLt; M

^ Robert Blank, Pocattllo; Mr, n i K r ^ r o O Mrs. C. C. Howell, Mrs. Mary l U U i C C Howell, Mrs. Robert Howell a

-the Twinkle son and Janice McClure, o li SUvi u h nttended ton; Mra. Jerry Ilowell, Sprlr i R iV c rvM? TTgH TTJ r.' ana Mfi- m . c . c roei» mboree last Clackamas. Ore., and Mr. and M

. Harry Walker, Jennlns* Lod M rs. Donnld Ore.

F loyd Pat. ^

Reports M ade of*. O ld H irr, _ _ _ -w iu o a M r. DARConferenc

,lr. nnd Mrs.. and Mrs. Reports of Ihe stale conferei Id Mrs. Troy of D aughten of the American Ri .-•and Ruth olutlon were Riven a t laat wet

luncheon meetlsg ot the T\ 3m thbi area Falls chapter..larley lUn* I t was reporled.that.Mrs. Ray ;m on Breed- Erb, national chairman of defe; a lp h Nichols from New York City, wa* gu

speaker a t Uie Caldwell conferer I Mra, Erb said that while 40 me

bers were lost as the result of j r S O n eontrovenlal resoluUons pawed

I the 1050 Washington ConUner ender congress, several hundred memt w «e gained because of the eo

su n d of tho DAR on' ie Hah-Owe-^P. i Sl^te offieers elected a t the c

Terence are Mr*. C. H. Peake, : ° ■ catello. regent: Mrs. Annie Lot

IJIrd, Nampn. vice regent; Mrs u n s . jcrioe. l . orl.«oll, Durley, chaplain; ^

a n d Nancy g Rayborn. Twin Palls, reco , . Ing scecretary; Mrs. T . J . Tun

pinna for a pocaicHo, corresponding aecreta eld May Jl, oobWe. Idaho Ptaugnter oan- irtftjurcr; Mrs. Roger Mins

Caldwell.'regliirar; Mrs, Mat group are hlatfirlan; Mrs, H

5 a n a w ry w aymlre. Dolie, auditor, andO Ray Haverfleld, Payette, llbrar.

t . * ie to Ran-dowii Lawn* Aj

^ , , Globe’i Feat Hnmuf. G lo b ^ /3 C lu b ----------------------I report was ( p

Temple of o O ,


a ll donations ' . ' ^ ^ clubs is .ent

^{ay 7 win be Q I I U '4 s ,.,om e of Mr*. °h Mr.v B. L. o ’ ^ r ^ Jin Rhoads as

WEAR I•2233 ^

R A D IO ,____________r E - R - - | ' ----------- ' ' y ^ ' ’ '

K CQORARtT h e pick of th a Crc

fo ih io n design!

■ W.

S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

e Vows Exchange

^oir1 — nlier a

B B j B ^ - ’‘ v .'r<'numt 1'by the «fecrp- W

*11" M, •Mr.jintl, ,’• '• '‘■'’ '■I '.It, nndl '

IIU- lhe ■ .h boil- ,.J A ^ . \ . . u ..>,-k Ued ,:m..oins *•.

IMher,Kinpire I " . •'•'•WlSSItr ta f-me nnd L .-' ; ' „ ’ ^iRjnck- \ ' 1 ' ^ml lull- I ' ' • jCllfl.V |fc»- -

\I'll .Of orchid

Itobeit ' I B h ^ ' ' ' .C ^ I ^ S a i~e<i in a i ^ B ’ ^W afJ^fnr^


H "'''''!. MR. AND MRS. JOUll'. and (Freeman phol.l.iruiH.d.-----------------------------------------------i-.v.r* of • I I

A utobiography ;iS” ; Is Reviewed for

,?;S T.F. Music Ciut'brUle- Mrs. Roger Tliomaa, Klmberl;

on and reviewed "The St, Louis Woman the autobiography of Helen Trail

Howell, bel. for members of the Twin PaV l(le..was Music club Tue.iday afternoon i :lcd tnf- the home of .^f^i, ^I’arrcn Adamsoi iM nnd . shnron Miller, accompanied b id while Mrs. Lloyd Hanilllon. aang "What

the Uie of Wondering" frot e ft rtj.' e "Caroaiel"; •'Luiemburg Oardew ild rate by Manning, nnd "My Lover Is of lhe Plshcrmnn" by Strlekland.

r -B-blue • - p u r l n r rtre-bialffewmfWIng th euorles. federation collect wa* rend by Mr te io.-se- Henry -W esuiidorf and. the hym

of the monlh. ’'God More* In )n were My.iierlous Way.’’ was presente Ingllcld. by Mr*. Gerald Heldemann asslste aunt of by Mra. Donald Youti.

M ra.'n o b ert Denton, preildtn nd Ja n - announced lh a l the Idaho Pedera ■' i-.li Uon of Music clubs convention-wl Lew ko be held May 14, 15 tn d 19 a t Rex ■S- Lllcn bunr. Convention theme will b e bride- - r i , j r e ij magic In mu*le-u*e 111

Dlf It wa* announced th a t NaUoiM M rt Music week v;lll be observed locall

Normrti the week of May 3. Paet preslden! S- M ri Of the club will present a concei

to open tho week Sunday erenlni iv ;.. T? May 3. a t Uie "rwin PalU Pin •»i nnri Methodist church,1 silver New officers elected for Ui S p r^ g i >'**'■ YouU. presl

rice p re ld e n t; Mrs. Robert Nelsoi second vice president; Mm, Rlcl

* ’ ard Robertson, secretary: Mt . Norman Stockwell, treoaurtr; Mi

H erman SUimmerJohn. publlcH , n f chairman, ond Mr*. R . A, Sulclll • historian, Mra. T. O . Or&y ac

Mrs. Bert Sweet, Jr., were elecU . ( l u c members a t lar^e. nfrr^nee Social Chairman for the afte; ^annev- ^oon was Mra. Robert Carlesc t week's assisted by M n . J . D. Clalbor . Mrs. M arshall LeDaron, Mi

Glenn Voyle-i, Mr*. Stockwell ar , n a - t. Mrs. Butcllff.,iifen.re T he next meeUng will be U

»* cui>it. annual rose luncheon May II . “ erence. tbe T urf club.10 mem- » * ♦

ILi'd""! Spring Is TopiclUnental ^^LNER, April 17-T he Prien. members „ j j t laat week a t Une eour- ^f Iiirs. Le* Rose where n. on n a- an*wered w ith “Hlnu„ Spring" and a p lant exchange wthe con-*‘‘5 ' A housewannlng g ift was pr

I sented to Mrs, pam um Warr. Mi I Mrs. J . j_ 2 . Neumann received the hos dn; Mrs, ^ gut_:,« co rd - p iaM wera made f o r t n ouUi , Turner, ta be held for the April 72 mee ecretnry; jjj-10 Palls. . -■ ■ ................-Minster, I .Marcu FE R T IL IZ E o n d KILL

;rs, H. J . IN SE C T S w ith

iiSrwla": i H e p to c h lo r ' F .r ti l ix o r


r j r i l


I C ro p f ro m th e m o s t im p o r to n t s ig n e rs in A m e ric a T o d o y l

Y l a i j a i r

■ __________________ I

ged in C hurch Rite P




... ?.■:

t t k ' de

^ foi(01

afI. JOHN H. WAALKEA. JR. p h o lt^ U ff engrarlngl a---------------------------------------------------------Bl

I New M em ber Is .i or In itia ted a t Meet gI , , L , Formal Initia tion »«.' lieid for jo lU U Mr*, Harland Clark by Women of iberly Moose T uesday a l the new tc:

Moom home. ofTrau* Crunibllu, seniori Palis regent, was in charge of the cere- / /

a t mony and meeUng. Mrs, Hnrold imscn Walton, hom em akln ; chairman.

. . ' presented a program conslillng «I ” a twirling a c i by Lula Mae Klllln-

ger; Dlnne llnnkhw plnyed the ^ J f* ’"! guitar and aang, and Anna Msile ^ . Walton did a pantomime of "Vo- M' r • semlle 6am."

Pinal plaiM were fornuiI.Hed for ^ r>g the tirn ied icB U on-of. the new home ■',® y Mrs, Saturdny tn d Sunday. • hymn Lunch a a a nerved by lhe home- “ ■" * making com m itter, ^

Mnted if gr<ulsted . I x - i . I

Fireside C h a t Is .“S Held forC lasses S

'V ex . VIEW, A pril 17—A fireside clut (0‘ fill be was held bj-m einbers of the Junior le ]i|" M-Men tn d Ju n io r Gleaners Sun- I .Uftnai day evening a t Uie home of Mr, PO

and Mr*. Alfred Crane, jr, jrt-n-j DeAnn Crane eootiueled the » ' oncert '"«U ng, Colored alldei of a receni „

trip to the H aw aiian Islands werepS>t Rupert, grandparen ts ot Mlu

‘’i J i i ! Dl*bop nnd . M rs. M ilton'Payiit n ,

T . W ork M eet H eld Uibllclty k i n g h i l l . April 17-T he Id*- ulcllff, ho peace o ffice rs wives club met , y aod Monday a t the home of Uti. > elected oharle* A nderson to work on laml.

naUng c a s tn g la u for decorallre after. pMieU and cylinder*,

irleson Members from Mountain Home, albom, Glenns Perry a n d King Hill at.

Mil. tended.;U and ------------------ .

be UieII at ■ ^

Mend-! A B B Mat B ^ H i


e host-1



O I ^ B

0 ENGAGI'V f"'^ - . . . ^ T h t f i r s t tojA'fird tl

m o a t im p o rtan t c'ercmon y o u r life . . . your en g a g e m e n t r ing bcjrina y o u r p a ra d e of blcsains:

, . U pper. E n g a g tm c p t .......L o w e r EnffagemCnl


J p “ A L L Y a U R J E '

Plan fo r Sale Is, , 'J M ade by Women A t Eden S.ession „EDEN. April H - ’Hie local Amer- l-l

Icmi W ar MoUicrn met lt^t week nl thc home of Mr.i. Curtis Met- cnlf uh c ic plim.'. wcir m.ide to • hold a cooked' food and ml.wel- f< liuieoM .vile Mny 0 nl a local bU. I- . new eUnblinhliictll • .

Ex.ict. loc.Itlon uiil'be nimounced Inter.

Gill.t for the Mother’s day gift ,1 table for tlic velcrniis nre to be II sent from each chapter thL monUi. IB

- Mm, D. A. McCiiii, .Mr.v Metcalf II nnd .\tr.i. Owen H.immoncl are th e ' I donors ilit.< yenr from the local- Ih chapler. (

A reixirt wns made on Uie , Ainerlcniil-ni c.-.M>y conieit which

tlir irval cli;i|>tiT nnd Ihr H azel-. .. ton chapter spon.<orcd for sUi- ||1 denb from the fourUi through t in ' eighth iinidr.'* nt the Valley Khools. •.

It wns nnnounced Cnmp Flro OlrU pw ter conte.'l jponsored by the Eilni c linpler is In full .iwlng n t present. I liU ix for the tnnunl Cainiitioii dny .',nle for veteran* nwLsiance nnd each yeir the glrl.> mnke pb. ter.■ to be dlipiayed a f a local e.Mftblbhmenl.• A party Is given by the chapter for the Rlrls each yenr a t this Ume for their poster work tn d assist­ance given In th e caroaUon sate.The pnrly will be held May 8 a l the Eden G rnnge hall Immediately h after ncliool, ij

The nex t meeUng will Includ* Q a progrnm In honor of,Gold and Ij Hllver S ta r m others. II

Mrs. Ben Davis received the wlilte elephant. 'ii

Mrs. Dlnncha Sheridan. Mr. .[■ P rtnk Venerrl nnd Mr.'. W. D.

DIckard wUl serve on Uie floral A r committee. JH

A progriini nrrntiRcd by lhe hos- • *' tc.v» wna given n t Uie conclualon

of Uie buslnes.1 meeting, ir i f ¥

j "F am ily Life" Is ;' M eeting Subjeci* ‘‘J DUHL. April 1 7 - T l i e topic,, "Family life," was presented by. Mrs.- M, J . Schmeckpeper. Mrs. ^

Carl Spring and Mn. Donald f Sclirocder for members of St.( John’s L utheran Women's Mis­

sionary lengue la s t week at Uie y. churcli............... . • . -----------I

Mrs, R obert Adolph. ChrlsUan ■, jgrowUi chairm an, rend Uie scrip- Iture. f la y e r wt.i led by Mrs. E m - 1e.it Meyer. h

I t was a n n o u n c e d by Mr*. I I. Sciuoeder. president. Umt a MoUt- I I> er's dny program Is being planned f l{ for the May meeting. Al! women'of ■r Uie eongregftUon nre Invited. I I

M u. W illiam Vorhee* wfts ap- I I. pointed civil defense representa- I I' Uve. Mrs. Robert Cornle, Jr., was 'Pe a guest. Ji7I RefreshmenLi were* *erred by Ijf Mrs. T. W. Raiigen. ^ |)

'■ a t J e n d s > ^ ie“ SPRINGDALE. April 17-Attend- . Ing the annual Minidoka tU ke -.4 1' Relief fioelety fa ir last week a t '* ii ^hl n.ipj-rt-TTLq ataVi-homg were— .|J

M n. R alph W. V/est. Mr*. Wilma . Marchant. Mrs. Emma Worthing­ton. Mrs. O. E dger Christensen and

■ daughter tn d Mr*. Jamea Brooton. '

il [ K o d a k i t n i s ^ ^i. -D A IL Y BERVTCE-

‘ Leedotn Photo [f, 123 Shoohone N. - Downit«lrt '* W l G lre S A U Green S taop i

m wW m -

3EMENT . ■■ath» • -Imony in ._ I

■nss.;- I

I ^ew eieri1 2 2 0 K IM B E R L Y ROAD

lE W E L R Y N E E D S "

P A G E E L E V E N i t



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f "

_ 4



- 1


Page 12: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

11 Braves Scor( 7 In “Eerie Ei

Phillies, Sta;Y \ l y • Dr The

t i T h e M ilw aukee B ra v es sco rc il f o u r^ f e a t P h ila d e lp h ia 7-3 a n d re m a in a to p

1 | f c n d in jr N a tio n a l leag u e c h am p io n n ]f w h ic h n stiu rcd M ilw aukee r ig l i t -h n iu ic r

f Honored a t Dodger?ls!'

■ il' ' ; / * y I^KWjill 0 A J

j M - • B

i n i i ]I''{III’ K B B S K B B' h i 8U n MutJtl, lefl. Si. Louli. tnd Pee Wee RccM

rlfht. ihow (heir irophlet (o Ho; CampAnella, al ; ' In Loi Ancclri April JJ »ponior»d br tbe Lo»

ibe BiM bill W rlltn auocltllDn, Muilal receive ' (orlDDi lerTlee ind eontribullDn to baieball:'’

/('„, who oi0i( t/p l« e i Uodfer indU lan,- Ctm ptnell.lo f oraUon when Introduced. (AI" wlrepbolo)

, ' Red Sox Bonus J t;-Kzzie,Others:S]

Bjr H A nny g r a y b o n ; N E W Y O R K . A p ri l 17 ( N E A ) — W itlI T o m Y a w k e y to sa ed a ro u n d so lo o se ly o

f‘ s u sp e c t t h a t th e R ed S o x w ould s h o w up

w ith a t le a s t o n e o r tw o s h in y n e w fa c e s , th e s a m e o ld s t o r y ‘d o w n th ro u R h th e Is a n o th e r B o s t o n e d itio n “

p a tc h c d u p b y th e u s u a l aU lo tm e n t o f w ell-u sed p a r t s — V . / W 1 1 1 / J V ic W e r tz , P o to R u n n e ls a n d

I ll ‘,rS: PJuJIiel| f ClffTeknd with WerU in exchange

ror Jim Pleriall. W n n f 1 By th h tlran bwebsll men sre ” I

convinced th a t Bliiy Coniolo, who p.trLADETLP _______ w u “ Bob

th ln j more than a uUllly Inllcldtr. ha'wan*ta^ i Marly K eoujh. who got »100,000. I,anu« hnMbal

1* M nothins more than »n extra outfielder, behind 'auch a i ,,Biuby. a en # Bt^pheni and young

for J e r r r C«ale and Hay- wood Sullivan, a battery which «Uli IWh u to prove l t« i f alter colleeUng S,“ ;*100,000 for alfffllnff, Corwlo #nd Keough are tha only producla of th# Bosox- record bonus binge of 19JJ-S3, when major league clubi _

II were U7lng to beat the deadline "

ll ?s;stv"s;'a!s>'”II' j w ± s

t h . t Ih . S. 1 J o . , club 0! Ul. C l l- . lo m l. Itaimc. WWhlch most ol Ch.1 "phetnoms" wer# sent, wer# called I th# Oold sox. BaicbaU writer*I kidded about their being driven to

th# park in an .ignored j q c k e v NAM

* A lucccuful blK league bawball CAMOEN.- operation is bu ed on finding the T rainer Ray U lent a t Ita aoure#-on landlota. Thursday tiiat In high achool and coUttte. Pamouj metis woiiirt Hcouts-Paul Krlcheii, Joe Devine May 3 Kenluck and Bill Esalck—kept th# Yankee# ^ — — — — consistent down through the year*. T •Lou Maguolo. operating ou t of St. I - A n i * 1 i Louis, h u Bill Skowron, Tony Ku- V - 'V /L IX JU bek and Norm Siebera on the pres- . en l New York club. A o

In view of w hat has happened X X i9 X U to Red Sox "find.1," they m ust have had blind men scouUng for them.W hat Bucky HarrU. th# old new P

11 general manager, needs mo#( U a "" ' #cout to find »coul4, men who know 11: a ballplayer when they see one. ? ? ;!'’« * '' y ' Ironically, the allckest banpiayer ty x ., mk|; th# Red 80X have come up wllh S , on their own In mor# recent yean , ‘ 6' Is Frank MaUone, the beat third

baseman In the Amwlcan league. •'i"’ » c' f They itum bled Into him In New ^fi L Vork’i Bronx a t a toU l eon cf ‘ T “'ll I , J30 field, he-s airei■| Young Oelger, who opened In cna>rou-«nd-l

'■ le ft Held because Ted Williams Price., iw n a k l . bobbed up wilh his usual spring «itcoileslnn fc

pain, was tossed into the W erti jeMlty. opened til deal and ticketed for Minneapollit, *“» >jy he<

Oeiger caught on by batUng .JOO w « lve r cn iH In Arizona. I t was playing the kid Then, nithougl

I ahead Of Rocky Colavllo last spring he. J th a t cost Bobby Bmgan Uie man- w 'n lf r ’* bnsliM aging Job In Cleveland. Maybe » l cen(

Dragan had something tliere, ai- Kamtv'i though hard ly enough to keep ----- ---— !-------( Coiavlto in the dugout. An>-usj-, p - ..--— .I Oelger. a reformed lefUinnd plicli- [I cr. has a nice awing and he tun ;

run and throw. ’■ Thi# could l>e another Malrotie jcaW—an accompll.^hrd bnllpinvrr ■■

- ••luffed down-Ul# fipftuiihrifi R»d v ^ — - -Sox’ throat*. !

I t aeenw th a t thl.^ l.i me only )-way this o u tfit will ever find rockI ' ] ballplayer*.

Lane, Busso Meet“ In Hollywood Bout " ■

LOS ANGELES, April 17 _Two of the nation's bf.u IIkUi- weights, top contender Kenny . /Lana and Johnny Buvvi. mcrt ai i » fX " - th e Holly»'00d Legion .»U(lliim i 7 7

------- fflff«y -«np it-»n r7 ia tien ttlir u \r . |h * . T i ^ 10-round fight.I Swltch-hltUng Lnnp. from Mu. . ' ; / / . .i keton. Mich., and Ne»’ Yorkfr /, BUSSO. will be boxing for prtMicf; i /;• The w inner likely will get anoihtr 1 ' y '‘ ■ ahot a l champion Joe Broun »nd ✓ ' .r hi# «orid title. ‘ M m- ■ liu ie Is the No. 1 ranked i j j .''■I nounder tn the naUon, Biiuo L<> B B j l l g t

n t t d fourth.___________ _

tV OiJionBeed roU U >« Gieb«.-AdT.

i ’

j P A G E T W E L V E

re Four Tii %hth” to ’ ay UnbeateThe Aueciated PreisMir runs in an eerie eighth inning top the National Icn^.'uc standinRji. b’ fou rth lyictory without a loss. ,der Lew .Burdette his .second deci

valiant b u t

er Dinner I’idy »hSWHS jrettinK

' ■*. pass. Ed Mn - walked, and Hi

.. doubled, wrre ( and although

• •' CoCHislon ov... , f t enougii Io dra

lil; * depart.’j L - “' V V j ^ B As the next 1

Ion. Valmy T . f * M g m llenrn pitch gel

V f l W H Tiien Ji f l K ^ I"^fored Frank

walked, and Fi led In tile 1st nnlly I

) J u M I’ltiladtlphliiscore In tiie strength Do consecutive

The Chicago Inept-rieldlng Glnnl.1 11 to 3 lock tnetwo-run homer

B H U I I I H H K l S f l Ttie Olants bringing their i<e*«, Loi Angelea eoieh,

. H i t n o d , . , OInntr y „ i i „ „ |Loa A ngelei'ehapler of ij[p ^ elved award for “merl- choice nJler tli II;” Reese, for "plarer Anderson, gaine ;ncIJa reeeired a lUnd- of llie season. H 'I®) from Don Elstor

Tlie Cubs, len

5 Stars^ coitiy O ianl e.

5liine::r:sS^'S®third homer In i

,, , , hlU and a aaciV lth a ll t h e m oney Sam Jones a y .on b o n u se s y o u ’d putung his reco

u p one f i n e sp r in g CC5. E u t i t h . j been h e y e a r s , a n d h e re jm; six runs on “ they dropped thi

‘cr Says, lies Don’t

. single and drt»

,t to Move• ^ r ” ^ j d ' ”t ^ofla Phillies, said Tiiurs- hnmrr nf h it mn nta to keep hLi NaUonal outfielder no t <bali club in Phliadel- jq j , „ „ yo„“ “ '

I t to pifly in Phllndel- ^ ‘1“ “ In^tho ‘" 'l .u f v ' " " ' °oyur connecKt» n . "W# have no agree- - o one on Camden, bu t if they v,ctSr?%

ulld us a stadium over the aeries two c «8 tho Delaware river In j j n g t. l^uIs w T ownslilp. N. J.) we „ u , ^ “ ^ Ickled to dealh to play .

10 more Idea of moving BoiSC Bf;0 New York than you0, i n g , our b u .i .c » 1. H e a d i n g

Icbnrdjon Dllworth had WAYCROSS C usdoy Carpenter had with repK.-;cnlallves of Mayor Robert Wagner >«!?“ # broke can

M.ulblllty of moving the gan the crm.i-eou ere.

T 7 „ _ _ Tiiey wound y MMER _ . hlblllon sea-ion

N, J„ April 37 2-t ioM lo E.iu ( u y Melcalf indicated aln. tha t Jockey Bam Boul- Tlie Brnve.i wl iM ride Aloll in the workout in Bolj iluck)' Deity. • day.___________

dc Price of Kans ?op All-Around JITAN, Kans, April 17 One of the re

protjBbly won’t bc sports Mnr. m Htlia headlines in the Ced now is dlvidUya this week-end. bul tween spring foolich Cedric Priee of Fort truck.

might be the best all- prir» .-iih - r In the 1,200-man Held, tions causht n6 feel. 5 Inche., In the

, something thnl mlshi ‘ , a contender when Uie football team la «

rned his sophomore year becoming lending p.isj Krnbbed 17. in lhe football tewn, ' “ 'r'i Ix'.'ilOUgh six weeks lale in '®P’™nLcd tesm he Joined, coach T « A3 pobftsketb.111 tenm nml Allcr nltenilinF center In the lnat eight Lo., Ansclc., hLa______________________ Price > jtn r



imes ^ \ Top ^

en Blg T h u rsd ay tn dc- iRji. I t w as the de- fl. The bifr ciKhtli. ecision. Included a lUt fu tile a ttem pt Covinjrton to h it ' V

lilc he apparently injf a n Intentional f j M u \ lv ^ M athew.s, who had / / | ] [W : H ank Aaron, who lind '. ^ V l7 ? n re on base a l the tlmf, W C \ v ^ gh Jack Meyer threw BV... he was unnerved ^ deal ou l two straight : in the lead run nnd ^ ‘v / Y.\

xt item In the conJiu- < -3 .__sTliom as let a Jim \ l ' f ^ -ft

get by him and Aaroi'i lun Johnny Logan mc- a squeeze play thnt ij T ^ vnk Torre, who had I Felix M nntllla sins- 1st run. Al Schroll fl- le Braves oul. Vtill had tied np the h e seventh, on the Dftve Phllley'j nluth V S S i 'pinch h it.go Cubs trounced Uie f / ^g San F r a n c i s c o ) 3 with n Ifl-hit ftl- ^Included Dale .Long'a C X w —

ner.Is mnde five error.a. A■Ir total to 17 for six

Ighlhtinder Glen Hob- m lnule Cut) plicliing / 7 , y / / / ,

the flu struck Dob ®lined hU first victory I. He hnd to have help l/i U\\V“t®"- i l ^ W Wlending <-l. wrapped . f J L r ' J / \>N\\ e with a 7-run out- \Mnin lh . n. sloppy Inning P }’1 0 h iu . 3 w-iUks and 3■ errors. ya.acorcd only la .th e .. 4J Ib . r-BrandtVTTOfne r -gnd - - - •>R-Oriando-Cepeda‘s --------------* — • — ‘In two daya, p iw two / / - i - k •

rspios'ii,. io„. “Beammgclea Dodger* gave j - \ > rt

le ft field screen a I | n T / ^ T I liursday night. »eor- U 1/ U x

on three homera asthe 81, L«uls Cardin- TAMPA. Flft.. i

c r. tlie long. Jenn out- clnnati R eds, wor h it only 1.89 In -I3 blown day in Chr e Dodgers lost season graduate fro m ,clf omer, a double and a fly to cen te r, andIrove in three r u n s .------------------------------i-as his third of the ^

s. the 30-year-old ^ ^ 3 1 1 3 ( 1 1 6 1 1 biuem an, drove In « . c% "XT*

r ^ ' K n s s S - t o - a V i cRon Fairly, a rookie y-v r nS ' & ? r - J . ' ; O v e r T o r

.TORONTO, April 1 cted fo r the Cards Montreal Canadlena 1 Oh in th e «cond ^ on# g ^ c of y gave the Dodgers founh stra igh t Nath0 games lo one, and leagu# SUtnicy C u i s with Ju st one win night by deteaUng

Mapl# Leaf# 3-3 befor ■ - a t Maple Leaf Garde

t r a v e s A r e .■Srii'.ri,"i'c“i g H o m es , Ga,. April n (UPI) C / O W D O y S U OJravfs of the Pioneer OMAK. W ash., Api camp loday and be- M»ny of lh« nation 's

cnlly as tiie country 's 1 d UP the ir 1059 ex- of riding ability.)n yesterday with a U b limited to aaddl lu Clnlre of Wiscon- tng and will run for 3'

Bill U nderman of \ will hold the ir first often holder of th e na

Boise nex t Wednes- peeling championship, ___________________ of Ult Hldge.a._________

isas State Lauded Star in 3 Sports

: renlly good three- I'ori Worlh for two yc

"because r d tifootball prncllce and „,uch of the Unlled

hadn't been to K ansa quick, cat-like ac- though he had a schol 17 paSM. for J30 from Kan.m.'« unlvcrsll

est In the Big Eight. Knnsn.i S late bccnuse1 co.ich Bus Merte.\- I ’d get a chnnce to pin lB-it fall. Mertcs eltrd agalaM w ilt Cham bIn achievem enf ns didn't, becnuxe W ilt qu

t ns.ieU. "Along wllh Kans.M.

will make him one hopes io compete - In sports -tlie resl of iny

:clbill season and reer.’"I7S rebounds In JS ...b,.,. 1„ u„ ,„u.o, ",Voi m

C . n r , *" ‘‘•^keibnll team morefootball icnm."

■ling high school in And u x t hlciiLa sophomore year.'l a r prep athlete In put and broad Jump.


i ’nRAKE’cause il’s

aged by fresh ailCllellbre

v ) . XtlUCCT StIIICHI OgilOl IHISIUj « Hoof-cniyoK (iim iiiiii co,

*»H-« p.n.... a ll Prihtl II ...........n | lOLIlSllllI. IIIIDCir.


B e s t N e w P l a y e r fo

- V A M

m soN / / / ^t\ OT I S N ' T A ~ f J r

I S j l S

I I j ' ®y

fv(\ \ \ veAfZ Oi-o V

■- i ^ ^ e P C E f’iT a Z V,-. .\ 'A \ \ FiB LD B IS.^ ' / T h E B B S T N S V / .

■ r k ! N & • y o w L u / ’, - s s e T H ! ^ V E A /Z ;

ling” MadeMa f Cincinnati’s \t .. April 17 (N E A )— Vada Pinson. 11: w on 't be 21 until A ugust. But he wn Chicago last A pril. Pinson was then .class C baseball to th e m ajors. Erni

ind Vada m ade a ‘'U '' t u r n to RO.bacl He lo.st flight of the bal

P .v x i . d r a f t s off Lake Mic ^ n S I j C I g rabbed it nnd swirlei , ball bnck to the i n f

I C t O r y n t ' ^ p i b ^ ^ l i h e ' w M ^■ of hla glove.

I l ’ n n l ’f l Um# In hM l i l i l U Vada hcnrd booa. rll n (fl - The T h e y Rol on me." recal na moved with- kid from Orn unprecedentirf Calif., "nnd 1 iieard 11. 1 National Hockey rigiit there I began to lose m C u p Thursday 'lg the Toronto "Prolwbly the worst Uiln efore 13429 fans ever hnppened lo me was ] ardens. a home run In the second gic Uie Canadlens tiie senson nt PliL’iburgh. I ( le best-of-sevcn thUiklng of myselt ns a slui

kept wnltlng for the big piu--------- , "You cnn do Uiat a t VLm

I / f t l t i n P l P California SUle leogue. I . V- .V • • '" « the corner onApril n to — jicpi a.niiing mid ft.ftiiinj •'

lie waited all the way to S

•'Hal Woode-whlck — Mi addle bronc rid- l*>»t name—caught ijr 2',3 hours. ‘he back of llir head wliei of Walla Walla hf'm et mccLi the neck,’' sail J national bronc '•on. ''•‘'Irst Ume I wns ever b hip, will be one *■ P“l »H the plre

gether. Next time I went lo - a game I hit a homer."

' Pinson hunched on a benH i / l hla locker In the Cincinnati^ U . l«rs a t .Plant field, A light

glng sport-a .ililrt made him ^ muscular. He's nol big, maybS nnd 175, lie's been compar

Wlllle Mny.r but there's « a i0 years. semblance. He's leJihanded a t Kansaa State, »ny. Where Willlr's exub 'd traveled over Vada’s aubdued; where Wlllle led 8lnle.a bul * flair. Vnda glides, insas." And al- fo-iler (Pedro Ramaa of Uie cholarship offer '^I'o's clinllenged all sprinu orally, he Joined match races, .•uiys Pinion'.' lUse "I thought only one he fenrsi,play basketball Vnda,met Wlllle the first tl,

imberlaln." He "n exhibition gnme a year C qull school a t WIIIIb. snld to him, -ncme

Price said Fe _-In Rll three ............... _

: : : : PIcistI've helped the

high Jump In ept in the shot

■ HC_____ . , H . , . B

-r!See Your- /)cvco,




--------- Distribuled 6// FOS

E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A


for This Year

c j m

k dSm '

O u s Gm W

................ ® T ( M P A .F W .

[ajor Leaguer 1 Vada Pinsonn, th e you n g c e n te rfie ld e r of the G wns educated to adulthood on a v ;hen a .<(clf-conflcious rookie trv in E rnie B an k s o f th e Cub.-} lofted a .back fo r i t . T h a t w as his f irs t mi.He ball. T h e --------------------- ---------------M ichigan outrun the ball."

virlr-*! fJio W hen Vada returned tq the ■Viried U ie m s t /„ n for a quick look btlei l iH lri ting -3«3 nt BentUe, Wlllle i

fell in fron t twccn innings In a 'game a the G iants.

In his life ••Remember" wUll# rep "You cJin't outrun Uie ball."

recftila the W ithout liwt year's bu n Oakland, Vadn h a s grown Inlo ■ fuii-l 11. 1 think m ajor leaguer, with the rot

ojc my con- equipment to become one o " ' Rrcnt nam es of th# gome fo

Uilng tiia t next 10 ycnrs. won hitting could be a great ballpli>nd game o t “ nl Jeffcoat. the .vnart ;h. I stnrlert ?'"'»««■ of H>e ileds, "If son a slugger. I ‘loe.’-.n’l come nlong and lei>cl: g pilch, 10 I 'lt -280" 'I VLialia In ’*"’'0 " doesn-t know ll all : gue bu^ up '■> Sar

•r nn vn,, I «‘»e'-noon he teed off I*,.," pltc/i by Rene Vnldes and dn

o ..I centcrfleld. Head iV to Scnttle p ituon churned around si oH Ul# iiead base. 'H ien lie iieard a roar

the crowd. He Uiought the bnl - I'll never been cnuglit. lie starled U Ight me on ncro.« th e Infield to the dug<

where the Coach RcgKle Otero on thli ,’■ said Pin- out a yell, Vnda cauglil hlr :ver bcaned. "The ball," said Otero, ''eel

pieces to- over." T he sign he pointed to I t io bftt In feel.

W hen Pinson gol b.ick to I bench by dugout. hLa buddy. Frank R< nnail quar- son. admonl.ahed him. ’'You llghl-hug. care o f Uie base hits. Leave I

J him look long ones to guys like mc maybe 5-11 know how lo .act ’em oal."impared to _ . -------------------------s K an t re- <*«rden * Border Fence—C ded all the Mower Kliket a t Cexuberant. °eeu A >eed.-~Adv.

Wlllle run.<i ■ r rTTTTT-iJIdea, only H „f Uie Nntv □ : Se® Bob Ta Sell printers to H TRADE O lt REPAIR yooinaonM lhe H H ydroulic Jackirst time In H ST E P -K E N A uto P o r ti

year ago, H 151 2nd Ave. N. RE j - i a Remember.

;tic S te e l\ FOR ALL REPAIR


HOLDS LIKE STEEL^ B c c a u i * D o v c o n -P lo if ic Steifl

i l 8 0 % STEEL!

.R e q u i r o i n o heo^ or p re isu re

S to re* in d e f in ite ly

-------H o rd s n i in -2 h o u r s - ^ r e n 'u n d e r w o fe r

C on b e u s e d in d o o r i o r o u td o o rs

^ A p u tty - k n J f e - f o > m r P la « ic 7 - S te e l in to a n y shape!

:cmH Plastic S le d DealerSP E C K M A N HOW E.




FOSS M FG. CO. Twi,, Fall,

I D A H O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Palmer ^ In Class ^ 6 Under

HOUSTON, Tex., A pri 1957 champion', led a : sp raw ling Memorial Park .Hix-utider-pnr GO fo r the Cln.»isic Golf invitfltlonal. I

\ Kansas City P Takes 6-0

Win Over Soj: t j : By The Aisoclaled PreMI Kansas City's 34-year-old I; ^ G arvcr scattered S hits and ’

, ‘ backed by a pair of 2-run hom, ' ..f, for a 6-0 victory over Uie Chici; . / / W hite Sox Thursday,/ i f - Chlcjwo-* Early-Wynn, who 1t f week-end won hts 250t;) mnW league vicloo'. wns chased InW sevcnUi Inning afler yielding af run homer to Frank Hou.%e InI sccond ond another 3-run hoi '/ lo Bob Ccrv In the seventh.< Wynn. 30. #lw wai nicked fo

runs In the sixth Inning , on i a rIc.1 as he suffered his first dcf ngainst 1 victory.

Kansas CUy siiortstop joe M aestri, who wa.i bcnned Wc nesday by Chicago's Barrj' L man. w u replaced by Tom Carr form er Notre Dome stnr, »

. made his flrt mi»Jor league nit Carroll delivered a key single

rMAC-j lhe sixth, driving in K ent H( . . icy.

>?o^< Consecutive fourth-inning horuns by newcomer Bob Alll.son n Norm Zauchln drove W ashlngt

. |0 Into n 4-2 lead Thursdny and IJTi- Senators continued on lo a 'CW ulum ph over the Bwton Red S>‘ •* Allison's poke was Ills first aa-i-A- m ajor leaguer, he stroked i t wl

two m ates aboard. Two pltcl inter Zauchln belted h is hom

^ ' BotK went Into the screw top-t

T lia victory wns the second the oen.v>n fcr bolh the Sen

^ I • tors and for Pedro Ramos w ■ now h u a ilfetlm# H -9 mars

over th e Red Sox.■M Sccond bosemtn'Bllly GardneI I flrsl h it of lhe season — a bnse

loaded triple—gave the Baltlmattu» r ! n Orioles a 7-4 victory over Uie pr 1 a wind unbeaten Netf York Ya'

ry ing to G ardner's blow to deep rig cd ft-, tall center wns smacked off rock miHtakoi- Uirower Ryne Durcn, who iind r___:_____ lleved A rt Dllmar in the eight, , , I t K as Uie first setback In the

.u n J ^0“’’ •!»"'« fo'' the YaniI wlio “‘Hen a 4-3 lead In 11llle p a s ^ seventh inning on Elston Howarc

Hy '

Standings- • AMERICAN LEAGUK luii-biown w I, PM. r.i e rounded ci««.itBil — .... i o j.ctoo —

i I I iallplayer," ciir i i jnart relief o ! !ooo ’t someonf . .......----------iei>ch him NATiosAn^ ueacui;

all yet. n « r n 'l '* ! Z : . ! i‘ ? ' j j S l I Sara-iota •''»'> t^nfi.co „ < j .«? ioff on a ..........J ; 'Jii? 1d drove It rhii.,i,ii,hi. ! : j \ s : •end down, .><1. t.<iui« ....... ..... i i .i»i 4d skcond ........... " > .-°w *

e°b^l/ha'd m e r id i a n NETME.V WIN d to IM PARMA, April 17 (UPI) _ Me duBout rWIan's tennis leom todny ran il

I third let String of victories to nine stralgt: t himu^if defcotlng Uie Pnrroa neUnc ■ 'e e l^ n i lO'O here yesterday.:d lo read

Pre-SeasYou Uke 5 ave UiOAC V

S W AS ¥

a r ts A t> . ,t p Special

G r o u p

J SALE!■ R S I W i i i l e T h e y L a s t ^

i S ^

" i Regular ]

F |F « r - -

^ O n ly -1 ■ "

J By a special (ance a year) pi, ......... Uanally-Advertlied water akl-

■j la re yon aver >i on these fliii p onee-a.year opportimllyl

I SKI ROPE SIy Soo O u r C om ple

^ SKIS a n d SK IIN


((, S Across from— & M tx x x x x x x x x x m a is x x x M i3 i’

■Leads 5sie With 5r Par 66ip r i l 17 W l _ Arm il.l ,,a m a m m o th a ss ,,,), . >r.‘ 'a r k c o u rse Thut-.sdav k ' 'U -he f i r s t ro u n d Ip iu r i,, (/.'■"/.L"’' ‘

— ™ -

s ti-okc a lii 'ad .,f sIy'v-m ‘

dlrcoff, the tmiy M4.f ) V here. Ilc a iu l - n i - , ' ;

by the•M . favorites to i.ikr tl'r ^Id Ned M,300 for the nd was Grouped « ith ,m1 homers Bob Goclz. . ’ t-i:hlcngo t.inoo(!a. Tciui aiui

■ Hebert, Peter - n u !! , -i' ho tftst per. j-„ j,m T u rnra

m njor Gooile, ' CIn the Goo:lf. from t

lg a 2- ujcd a No. 3 Iron fo rT in the on the lOS-ynrd. ,,.,r 11 u c 'u . ? homer Tied at C0 v.oir

th New O rlrnnv .mmiciir Dat d for 2 ry of Wlcliita f „ |l , t? .

dcfia t

' w.?; Pliillies’ Boss Fines Farrell

■«il:BFor‘NightO„f• MILWAUKKE, Apm I7W TV

: home predictors sny the Pwii*i.V' on and Phlllica are goin^ lo . S t ilnglon But If they do, Manager nd Uie Sawyer lin.i decldcd the , 'n ^ a 7-5 lhe cellnr door won't read'

■d Sox. boys of the National Le.int-

t “ u i “ " '‘■OenrW ‘Inlng rigliUhanded .,v

Somo?duct unbecomtrrrirmiijQr iMr..- H >nm ely,.!Rklng-a.paki-»i.,^

md of '^■a.ilirooni of » i-Scnn- **''' P“ '1“ »R l‘'md.

s who Tlic fine wns one of the nii/n nargln ever given a Plilllie player,

“I was fined, b u f i had Ite*. •dner's Ing to me." Farrell remarked • bases- was prelty damned dl.-.gusted x-' tlmore mvsclf about lo. ing Uiii n i e p re- lo the Bmvea. All I had to dan Y an- hold them for one Inning. I t t

do It."

>'"<1 » 3-2 lead CT. rM ket Milwaukee Tue.'>day when Fi.-:,;

'■e"e'’ed In the ninth. He giiia Ighlh. ,jve hits and the Brnvea t.cnu

f a n J iIn the wouldn't dUccy ^ward's on the town, but he did i-cn-ia l»e l»«dn t Intureri hh linni<


-C ly d e •niomsen, Resburg. ta over todny m U*aclilng gcif p nt tho a-ilt Lnke Counlry c.--

• 2.“ Tliomscn had been pro al Ra , , burg for two yenrs.


Radiators, cn NEW AND USED jI , S g rv lcc L Hcpalrt

'• l.;| Phono RE 3-6080! All Type*—RIndj

‘ CLYDE'S■ Me- I RADIATOR SHOP “1 *.'■? I ni-W ay JD-On Tmek LtM " ign i I n idialor* Are Our RoalBt»-

I S'ol a Sideline

j TsAijEr”]I T E R I [CIS

r 27.95 Skis

' 1) pureh tie from our rernUr•kl-m«Bufa«lur»r,--we'r* abll.^*, . flii# sk i» -U ke advanUf# •«» t***


ip le to Se lection of



im Bus Depot S



Page 13: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

p S t e r s o n S ^ BoutDefinitel;; get for May f

YORK, A pril 17 th o la te s tJonl^ on th o Floyd P atto rso ii-n riii

K ^ S S t tiUo l ig h t , c«mo th e jtjitcm u iil T l m a m w r ; •T h C B illc rso n .L o iu lo n

!«“ £ ! , poliB dcfin ito ly w II take pl»c-e .Mn.'

Pacific G S & l L e a g u e . S(

Op'5“s T<-TTln. M d Itosensohn uy The A i» c U t

the proBioUon. Tlie Pncltlc CoastU the promoter of ]tj 570, baxeball bco*

. wiierwui-lnce®"' J<»h*naMn four w uihern dlaaioV. ll Yankee aliwllum, June 15. second word of Ih'

'l if to * UP D'Anuto-* poslUTC ..pUy b«m" Li " l f “! !r ,n i on the Ind ltnapo lb u Uic w cnU w la fo

Uie w rd from the flnnn- indlnnr, willilnrti-NBC televLiicm *nd Uie jip.i 1053 for tl^ !^ - th t t the fl«ht will be cliamplon P hoen li

S ^ o n h o m e T V . Phoenix nnd Vimcoi‘r, hlj Cranford. N. J - lionic i!ra ttlll m crl the Sr ^ a *t«el lir® cxecuUve who uces nt Uio UUih car

to make hLi dcbiil pnnics.I t firht promoter, said h c wns jj, aftem ooa and

KH t«/X»of Uie telcvblon mon- doubli'headerc. Ute Ulct W» promoUonol Interesls. golon.i will be host t %u« Uie riKht. orlRlnnlly s c l i^ - Kniiilcrs nncl S an D ,-rf f(/ Las Vegiis, April 2J-. with ,. |n „[ i,on,o to , iisdu preiDOtlhS' "o * B tnvm ,.,u a Be» Tl'o wM ther la onIj

to Uie clKht niMiftg lAodon the plinniom British beyond opcnlnp dny,

1 >«rntelsht champion, enpUned ernns hoUl up and I ^jruJlinapbllsTliurwlay.D'Aina. come lhrouK»> . . . If sttld Pallerson would leave by a rlRht-hnnd-lilltln« ri!B Friday n ljh t and arrirB In for Iratjince . . .If S aitcipoU* Saturday. cover* a lonR-ball h

_________________ Sacramento can UnprInc . . . i r .

O i'n i 'P Q Phocplx, v,'llh Uie ciJ tU l CO ber of rcturnlnc rein

s a t io s a l lka<;ue . fewest Ifs. 1.1 Rcncml_____ Ml ojo ooT-ii i j 6 retain the pennant.

k, fr>n«u^ - 5” ■ Jniifi noinliinteu r- iumW -'OU. UiUUa-A»L .hoKCttr, aa optolnft.'

;:35r<Vi Stiimwi. UmJHts U). n e ’* Eddie FIdtier.--------------------T l^ ^K O ra 'n iL S rT 'M

„ _____ »,{I U« o«->i l« 0 Chrlsll.»i« 00.-7 7 J Biwkane ■wlll.Blvo

t,«;n SoiB (It. cii«on fM. Ci»»k naslRnmcnl to one < K niw c t: handers. T he chore

rm'tcia (M. I^lB* t»l »nd the UoLiy Phocnl*kkw-Kiimi*i»r V-I'rot'to- clUier to Connie Oi

It# OM 10« -* « 1 Spoltine.A„*j" ■ MB oil » u - 7 u 0 Mnuriello, -whav: 0-1 jMtm. Stmrrecii <•). UtjtT (Tl. epre«d nmong th ree

. 1.1 C«»4.ll. Tbcmu (7).— which brand of plU

AMtRiCAN LEAcrE - Vancouver. ,Which h**J" .... jJj (55 ODO—<1 1 1 CliMllc Bcnmon m

c.n«M<i'MouM;W,tin. (7). Either Lefty Don n( ll, (IJ . 1.1 Ittiur. L-Wrnn. otlierslder L aurin ?■............ ....... coo 110 o:»-7 10 c will KO for Uie Bees.,„a«______ on 000 001—« 10 1 Sacramento'a scleclUsM »n< lltn m ld : Kofnrt. Ker- SUnka (10-J4) ft:

■iijn ill" Hii‘nitBii It) >l»l ^ ^fow p . -who-htt«t-ft-■ with AiaUti. Tex.. 1

s.« T«*------ ew OOJ iw - 4 n I nttlo will o ffer w te r‘‘S ’ D «r(V ?.D «‘ll» « H - D.ni 3kTTT, rotieeirrtro (7). O'DelL L - Osleen. T lie la tte r D;uur. southpnv In Uie Krc

' Dy contrnst, onlj- jffnnwAnoNAL tEAtJUK hander Is due for a

I. MUmi t (IM »MI.. 1 San DlCRO. H e's U “ I S I IUI 111. . B o w L o a e , . m >iwi remoTed from m il

nroiw >. H«t m I alated for cvenlnjrAMEWCAS ASSOCIATION SllRman. 05-7 ) will

ll. riui 10. pilitt 0 year, n til ro In th e>ri. «, uinonpoiii I Portland haa give:UiiitUW ». 0»«K. « (10 Innlno) oldUme Vic LomhM

sTAKLEr c u r the dayllsht ti l t u idXmlml I. Toninlo t (MoMrt*! Ic»4t InRCn. (B*6) With A

w«(.? iffif. M l ' I ^ , ftgg_ for tj,e n lghtcCOLLEGE DASEOALL portllderS.

Fight Slated All-Americ6T, LOUIS, April 17 on — “m e NEW YORK. Apr

Irlce-pojilponed WB!tcr%i,-cl8h t UUe Ocabj of nolJatU y. 0 fitht between champion Don Jor- Porter of KellogR. dui and dethroned Virgil AUns vero selected lo th ( boamie official Thursday wlUi the hljth iwhool baaketto. ilpliui of a contract. by Bchol&sUc ma«AB'Athletic Commluloner Charles Oozby pU>xd for

W. Plan watched, as bolh fJghlcrs ichool. tffiM th tlr (IgnalureX 'T he flsb t 8 tc\’e Pauly. Beavt U April 34. to « ta named to the

Jim Rathmann, One o Daredevils, Has One I

Ry OSCAIt FRALCV eon pul you ou t o f UHEW YORK. AprU 17 <U PI>- ..................

Ojtlc Beatty, who walked tnto a Jim « p retty wife, 1 cue full ot Hon* and Users wlUi lum for years lo qi lt« aplomb of a m an in Uie Easter «e cured h e r o f th a V^ndt. 0M« was naked wheUier » “ 5e a d river w t c tS«« was anyUilng he feared. ”, - v y J „ , L . - . . p . " a

And Uiafs the -way I t Li 1.1th otw 'm -d icekfd . blue.e»-ed Jim lU U i. ^ ir-wn. one of tlie world’s top auto actually tu n raecs f»cUi{ darederils. sold,"

Uiia.niannercd Jim ts Uie mnn Helping pu t on lh<*ho l« i June won llie MlRha dl -----------------------------Monu In Italy wlUi n world rcc- ita atcr-iRfl of 16B.78B miles per nwr, which means apeeds of 103 ailfi an hour on the gtnilKht- • ^

hai driven 3,870 competlUre p®llB a l Indianapolis, and cur- Kntly il looking forward to hU m TiKli ride In Uie famed WO on ^Mfmorial day. K

Jia ’i afraid of lutofnoblles. ^■Uoa’Llet-anybody teU j « i th a t • - - ^ * (cii

“I'r iren’t scared aa they wait Kl‘Of Uie ita rl of a race," he- aays / \WcUy. "You think of everything J-Jt could happen and you've got woie butterflies real bnd untU Uiey ••'■•‘I }«u loose and tlie m ee Is on,

Uial j-ou'ra too busy .to be tortd.’’ I ( .

' Jai Ana his-brolher, Dick, who U ‘n-'fe yearn,his senior, are known ^M ih( niclng H alhmanns. B u l In yrTZ“ I* u « It waa Uie elder brother •no fniiowed In UiB j-ounger'i

•I_iinrttii_w hea.l.w u ____.,______'1.71. «tio u 30 DOW. “At first 11 f \ \ A»« hnt-roddlng and Uien I juat " ypdu-iird Into midget* and big W l I »rs. So Dick itArted two years

I did,-will drive Sunday In Uie . jh e oN

w-mlle Indianapolis cor event a t M acto ^«;»,Treiton. N. J , jpeedway In .| •fl* final race before heading for ~ w w v .r t rf4i»napolii. Meanwhile, and unUl . , jC ID '^

I'uli.mipolls evenl is over, he I r l l l i^ Q ) ‘SniJi., to being ' ’afruld of e « ry - — ■ J d H !

»n.i everybody,' tlig iittti accident o r m ishap

i d o n l ^ ^ ^

>y ML cst co n fu s in g ir ih ii Loiu lon T hursday by

o n t i t le f ic l i t *' F H H 9 B | M D | ^lay I ." Cus ■ '

Coast YSeason r ) foday<lated r rc f l a .it leafiue opens season Friday on JB b j&b w unonds and the

th e day-«fter

s favorable. Spo-ivlll provide the X ^ B S g Kir the defending ^ Q w HDll aiaJits In — ~ ~ , . . .ncouver’a Moun- C h l« io Cubi* Maw s Sn ll Lnkc Clly "»>'''» «•'caiillal In thicle Culis defeaU

trlbu tlon lo lhev iclor] n d evening jpU t « f h time. (NEA ttlei J ie Sacramento

fDta-: Alex Grozto ^Uie PortLind

only a minor " i r ’ Seeking Pinagera. thinking O

r,-,' .c“’,u;SAs CageC. if Seattle find* O

•ing centerfleWer. NEW ORLEANS. Ar If Salt Lake un- Remember Alex Orox 11 h itter . . . If feUw who was ihe hei mprove Its pitch- tucky's 19^9 naUonal

ho greateil num . The 0-tool. 7-lnch i regulars and the faded from the acene emlly favored to polnt-sliavlnK sctindnl an t. Tlie Giants the WllflCMS.I a newcomer, Grota came baek Inlo jUL-same-nlttiicL. l'h eu .he ..opp lle tU for cr. who had an eoaclUng J 6 b .a l Wj'i -yiMir-n -rnnTTui Soothr-Thc-New-Orlw

coUcBe hns been lookln; five Uie sUrUcg ew of to “ ank Kuzmi le o t two rlRht- louj; lore of muffling "I know I ilnned. ll* baU will go In ft” Interview with «.

Orob 9-13 lart Peter Wnney, “bu t I j ic or to Ralnh “»■ penanee. 1 hui

0 0 3 r e ^ o r ^ >«* I'<J to do ll , « e coast league ^ Alter all th ^ o yea:

desire to coach? hna not decided 'I^ m e

plU hlng to offer ?«»>'I hns Milled on « v cra ! b<

1 Pepper {10-121 “ havm ^'’■ Ipctinni nrs Joe <3«ta and U

ft n d » n

>r ft mound start t h . h » t U M , “ " "

rookie not long _ , ^Louise Sugg Leader .at D

DALLAS, Tex.. Apr i t > ^ i (n-e> tor LUj,g g„jjjg th” Aih«nT"i. successfully uni n Albany a year j Tliuniday to la: Shtcap. BoUi are ynder-pnr 70 and tal

round lead by 3 #U( ------------- $10,000 Dallns Women

eager Is , S ™ ” " h ^ ' S• ii> Q P l / > l r on 17 and 18. She btcvm , l V . a X l v l V Uial reached gust* of ■ April 17 (iB—Dob hour for he r closing i y, tltAh. and Rich ’The UlUe veteran Ji jB. Ida,. Tue.iday land. O a , I* seeking

th e 1B59 oU‘.%tAr tournament victory of ■tb.'ill leam named tn tecond place w iA Cnc. Prentice of Dlrmlnffor Olympui high with a 73 while tledSo

Betsy Rawl* of SpnrtI eavcrton. Oie-, lO- Uie favorite, and Jo j’ th e 30-man aqund. Waterford. Wla.. each

of Top Auto Ra Fear-Automol

of the SCO.’ hc cx- In what Is a family bai found hLi liobbj

ife, Kay. w u nfler drive* against tho kii 6 quit racing but became real angry al th a l . Jim simply she flipped and Jim . u t of her. mee, finished two mori. raccs In half- going to h e r to cee rflnnii airport." he all right, coat MOO and e.in “You can’t le t U i« ■t per h o u rr 'I 'g o l >«l,” - h e “ cl:ucltle*." ine In what are j-ou up and :aecs. How ahe'* a!ua*u^t*a"rLno

' about a man who hop I th e nieea for kids lndlanapoIU?“

ALL MI)(ED Uh E > a b o u t f i n a n c i n g a tic

and see hom 1 can help yc


HELOAfiS you WILL uONLT Savbiia and Loan A seclatJon lc

io VaUey wboH accosnti a re INSDREO


H a p p y _ )P a ir

U nager Bob fkhctflng, le ft , fondly pat« *li e dresring room of San Franelier. Srjl« «tai rated ihe San Francisco G lanln, 5-2. I!anli«‘ lory nrai a pair of homeruna, with a man nn itlepbeio)_________

? « B Q WI^ 1 . BOWLADHO.MKI , n n r J l W»gle CHy UsgueV 4U a ^ . / l l .pjy, p jjri., Co. defeated April 17 tfl— P“ll* M ortuary 4-0, WcMen

Iroia. the big *lc deXealed E . S. Harper C heart of Ken- Cem S ta te Oil defeated

nal basketball Check O h 3-1. AAgroir <1« Petcrscji’s ru rn l tu re 4-0,

h All-Amcrica lU sh Individual game, ene after the D ant, 202. High Indlvldunl idnLi wrecked Betty B lrrell. 517. IHkIi t

team gam e. The Pads Co., into Uie picture PaUs U ortuary . Uc. 8C7.‘ for Uie head handicap lenm game. The U5s'ola or-1he C o ;. 075.---.-H lct-handicap Tli'nnihCftUwUc ?r?7 High emilcliking for a sue- series. T iw P aris Co., 2«4. zma for aboul HlghUghU: Bowler of tlio

Betty BlrrclI. 617. fl." OrOT* (laid Sw ing Doutjlef Leagueh sports writer Sparki a n d Ru.vi de/ealc ; I think I’ve nnd Bu*. 3-1. WUf and Vc hu rt Uie game fe.ited George nnd John. 4-0II some good.' and Bud sp lit SmiUy ami D

rears, wiiy the Bud and B tan defcnted GcorLou 3-1,

T really been High individual game. Loi imc.” hc 6Ald. ton, 213. lUgh Individual I boy* Mholar- l^uts H ardy. 549. High i lot ot w uU ni;. team gam e. Bparkit nad Ru. irly helpful to High hand icap team game ml •' and W lff, 447. High handlcn:ig s c a n d a l s .'>erles. V ern nnd Wlff, 1237. I uiree of his scratch teiun scries. Bud oni Ing to keep'lhe lOM, aln w c a d - to r5 money * irom ~TcAnco"ilt'ftiiiM-‘d aioum: i-

Vlldcats losi a ho Power defeated Druley Clifford a n d . Dprrlcolt d'

e to figure oul BcU P la n t 4-0, C/P di izft tald “Guess MSTA;T 3-1. ra Uie limes, l l High Individual game, toi V other t^ irn ton. 223. Hlgli Indltlduai ' ■ Lou M orton.-O H . Ulgli i_______ team gam e, Texaco, 041.

T handicap team game. Bruley*'1TS I s « ‘8li handicap tenm series,' ^ 2850. H igh, scratch team

D ^ H B S "^^ gh ilg 'hu :' Bowler of the April 17 W — Dk x Livlngslon, 593,Jl balUed highuntU Uie final MAGIC BOWL> lay down a I- I ^ t e Sbow League

take the f ln t Klover Kiub defeated .Okstroke* in the Albertion's defeated ^(0t0Inen’s Open. 3-1. Wills M otor defeated 6 eay to n acnsa- 3-1. Curl Mfg. defeated P fll# took boge>-a 3-1, SeU’s, Mfg. defeated £ tcvmed the wind 3-1-of 40 miles per Individual game.IE sluftip' Ohsn, 254. H igh Icdlvldual 3 Irom Sea Is- John O hnn, M3. High . dng h e r third team gnme. Wills Motor. 045• of the tour, liandlcap tenm game. Wills

wns Jo Ann 096. H igh handleap tenm ilngham, Ala, Albertaon ro o d . 27B3. High I ^ r third were team serlc*, WllLi Motor. 2!a r ^ ^ u r g SC H ighlights: Chuck Wall Joyce Zlske of a 3-7-10 apiil.ach with 73. Ilaxelton League--------------------- Simmons-Andrews defeat

, Lowi 3-1, Rocky Rollem dr i / > l ' n n > Ouiterbugs 4-0. B all Bable*d v l l l c l ed Alleygators 4-0, 4 Flats <1

A ndcrson-Plllmore 3-1. ar v t % i l / \ n defeated Stam blebum i 3-1.9D116S IndW dunl game,

Wataon, 320; Darlene Mow Uy ouUng, Jim jjlgh individual ftcriei, Joe >bby. He alio D arlene Mowrj-. 467,

kids and Kay ’ a l him when

FOR TH EDKo If She w u

UiOM Uds beat . C------------------------------------

Ud really hecklee ‘cushion fooL' mm e way to talk J l Dhopes lo win a t

UP £to m G ?

C A RinSOCfl "Y o u r C ar IsI KoW T han

■ilists -------;------)U)U)e F R E Ey o u . t o t i

A TJO M ^___ ^your ca

\ . c will hnve the M(

> m F R I -r n r i V I *

O pen T il6 0 1 M a in E o it

T I M E S - N E W S , *]

Surprise H For Race B PossibleK S N E W YORK, A p ril 17 (/F | f i | H — IlnH M u x H ir» c h . th e v e t M H ] e ra l K in K r n n c h t r a i n e t | 0 ^ c o b k c d u p n fiun>r»se fo s p y F i r .s t L u n i l i n s , A li'll fiin H i I h I ' Jiitentionally tn the rS.OOO-adde■ I 'V Wood M em orlnl.at Jamaica Salury dny?r While the Uiree big name roll

. •] hnve been getUng all the alien l(on In enstem discu.-.slon of Ken

. tucky Derby prospects. Hlr/ch h t been calmly and quietly grltln Black Hills ready for Uie Woo Memorial.

f / r j Binck Hills m ight be Uie derb / 0 T . diirk horae. He sU rtcd 10 Umf Br as a 2-year-Old lasl sea.ion nn

won oaly two races. He fllnlcre ; In tho Cnrolinas and. in hli, onl

s ta r t Uils year, defmled oldi horse* handily In n mile and ont .ilxtecnUi race a l Jnmaica Aprtl

T he bay son of I’rlnccfiulllr Dlnckle II. by Congreve, made li br*l atakea allowing l»*l Isll t liiiLMilng third behind laicnilor nlly nnd Rico Teslo in tlie {1C8.0(

« »lu*i:er pinilleo Futuriiy . utailium, Binck Hills will be ridden by Bl

nin" con- nnlniid. who na nn Apprentice !1 a on bate ycar-old rode the KUik iUnch

M iddieground to nn upjct vlcioi-------------- over Hill prince In the 1950 K «I tucky Derby.' _ _ ^ Hill Prince U iat year was har \ U ^ died by Eddie Arcaro, who will 1

F | U | astride ChrU CheerJ’s 4-5 favorll /■ F irs t L.indlng. in Saturday's ml' " and one-eighth Wood.K W hen the Wood Memorial flc:ue lines up the other starterA are e:Ited Twin pected to be -the Brookfield farm Mem Mu- Intenllonnlly, the Elkcan stab tr Co. 4-0. entry of Atoll nnd Open View, U Ited Club G recntree stable’s Audlcnes t r r <le/«[ed PairJco Jacob '* Our Dnd.

lunl series. B u l l s ‘W in ’ i l l;li fcralch • ,

»“ Ja y e e e R odeoThe Pari.1 J

£?..':SAs:Riders-JE'ail04. . .the week: •HUTCHINSON. Kans.. April 1

in—T he bulls, alert after a wlnt4 igue on the Texas range land, decldet ealed Wcj ly w’ere th e w inners Thursday i ■Vem de- tho H utchinson Jayeee Champloi

, 4-0. Herm ship Indoor rodeo.Hi Edd 2-2. Only two of 11 contestants ei jcorgennd tered In tho bull riding evci

sUyod v l th th e ir bulls the qua! , Lou Mor- fylng e ight aeconds. The wlnn lual serie.1. wna D elbert Hataway, Snydt ;h scratch Tex.

Russ. 304. NftUinn Haley, Eufala, Okli ame, Vern dropped his steer In 8.8 seconds dlcnp tenm win the c tecr wrestling event. D 1237. High I-'Vdderson, El Reno, Okla,, won U 1 ond Btan, Muldlo bronc conlest.

Don Bm nnon. Lakewood. Coli vo whipped the pigging string aim

■uley’A 3-1, ond* to .win Uie cnlf roping eo: t defeated test. B illy ' Weeks. ■ Abilene, T t ' defeated sUiJ’Cd with hl.i bronc to win U

bareback conte.'.t.. Lou Mor- . ----------------------------lual fcrlcs. 4 EVKD FOR COACH III sc rtk h MINNEAPOLIS, April 17 Wl Ml. Hign p n s ld e n t Bob Short of Uie Minn ■uleyslOOS. „po)i3 Lakers sald-Thursday fo les, Texaco, including former coach Jl :am series, caste llnn l of Seattle. Ure und

^ consldcraUon Xor the Laker coac: ' the TMk: ing Job._______________________

scratch team game. Ball Babli , 730. High handicap team gan

. , Ball B a b ie i 83«, High handle v . ;« team series. Ball Babie*. 2353. Hi

!5“s.S ss“ “ “H ighlights: Carol Wrifiht i « Shcll)> s 175 pH, jo _ Pla

iTTif. Tfhn oft Doct week. Simmons-Andrei X » i w lnnen ts. Ball Babl»h 2pd ha lf wlnneira. CongratulaUoi .045. High/ilU Motor, ; ■ •-

Ighf^ ra td i SCO I Ivill pickcd Outboard Motorsue • Aathorized Dealer:feated Hi- * Factory Trained m defeated ' Mechanic*

3.“ ""“ M OLYNEUXne, Wa>Tie M A C H IN E R Y CO .

SoS; ^4C7, HIgl




Dn i t e v e r w i l l b e !"^

E T I CKETSI THE M OTOR-VUlemonsiraUon In U)e New Pontiac and anT car. - .............. - •a Motor-Vu tra in for the kiddles lo rifle.

L -S A T .-S U N .

Til 9 - S undays 'T il-6RE 3-1623

T W I N P A L L S , I D A H O "

Hatche! f o r n j >j j |i,BiH ifii! jn>K ia e n K ? 71 n n ti

iZ".e ro lts H l H B f l H i i y H H i H nAllen- r Ken-




ide liU [sll

Billlee !8- * " z *lanch's

0 K en.

han-will be W 9 ? ! ! B 5 r r o 5 3 7 f t V / J f lavorile, r ^ u / i r r t i i TT*M TM »aM -

miie | ^ H M p | | | | | | | | | 2 g g | g [ g | |

al field s ix conerele raceway* of 600 Iare ex- anutbeentral Idaho. T his nearlyfarms- from 4R,009 Mjuare fee t «o «4.0<stable inltclied from meat food* (o m

ew. the east* and eliminating the neces:« tn d equlpmenL

F o l l e y , M i t e f f

S i g n for F i g h tN4W YORK. April 17 WV-Zom

, Policy, Americas contender, iind .11 , A rgK itlnai-iliix-M ltcff Tliurstlay

i l l were alghed forir-TtturTt-tP-iw ind Iknit an,IadI:.on'Sfiunrd Giil'deii;

prll 17 U ny 22.winter I'olley, of Chandler, Arlz,, Ij

eclded- ranked second Ijy R lns magntlne Jny ftt and third by Uie NalloniU Doilnd mplon- n.isoclaUon. Hc outpointed Miteff.



r f : I Ionds to J B

. Colo-: about __________ __________

ig eon-V T ex , ^

" , i i f17 w v-Mlnne- » i^ K .'y tour t e S e E xch Jim .a t* h M i

under ^coach-

Babies. M f a '* ** 9 ^1 game. andicnp a . HighBabies, ----------------------------------------

i“ p £ : 8 P I E C E

m S S P A L D I NilaUons.

2 W 0 (REG U LA R 7 1 . 5 0 V

ors M e n 'i o r W o m e n '*U n co n d itio n a li)r Guc

Largest selection

J Accessories includ

Golf Balls, Golf S

■E "i Jerry Barbei

f, w o eU, YOU G

5 I fo n i ____________y! 2 W o o d ! ....................

S unday B a g ........ -

. M e n 's or Wc

V Bog B oy


2 9 . 9 5

a n d 3 7 . 9 5

J V A I2 3 8 MAIN NO.

“Magic VaU


M iliery Facilities Expi

WO lineal feet each replace old d lr i fl*l» po; early doubln fUfa-rablng fad tlU c i by In M.OW aquire fe<L The (U U flak and 'ga

lo meal pelleti. Ihal benentting U aho a n | lecesally of nalnUlBlng co^Jy »ub-free*la«

■ 51 Enter Race "pINDIANAPOLIS, Aprtl 11 l f t -

Tile IndlanipoUi M otor Speedway bat today announced tw^ more entriea 7 7

~ lav for the SM-mlle race May 30. In- g ^ cm iing U » 1U14 ; ?.I'deif llne-w as-m ldnlght—WedneKlay.

■ Time trials *tarUng May 10 will . _ cut the field ta 33 fo r the race. ntlne ^)ilng currently unranked, Jn 10 rounds :iteff. a t Denver, last Jan . 20. • «-»

i m


L* . T o p Q u

^ G O L F E Q U

imc G o l fD O D S - 5 I R O N S0 VALUE


ion of Golf Bags*. . . Complet iluding Golf Gloves, Hood Covef Shirts, etc.

’ber SPALDjij G Registered,

lODS an d IRG E T ON

-------------- 56.95 A ._________ 28.50 , 5 "............... IS.OO 7 i

S l O O ^

vVomen's -- Unconditionallv

U . Play D ay ' U rs I GOLF CARTS I

L L E Y'alleifs Only Complete Sportln

----------------------- :------------------------ («,


a -


t poDdi a t Hagertaaa h a te h n ? in ' lncrea*lBg raceway d toeaaton i I g an* hatchery a j i tc n al*« bas angter* thraagh lower fish food

zlag (emptratnre* ia refrlgeratloD

CATCHEB BENT DOWN '*PHOENIX. Artr-, April IT ( f r - ,,

The lx« Angele* Dodger* I l in n - day shipped ealeher N orm Sherry h«fJr (o the Spokane Zndiuur-

fipeeUUxlBglaOearyDBlyand t ' >•::‘0 /« e e .T r f f .C K ,•_:_____S E R V IC E { ]nmt u i-riji «t*« •» Dw t MUnited Oil Co. : j 1

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'V ■ ■ ■ 11Quality I , UIPMENf I I

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ilete line of Golfing I overs, Rain Jackets, I

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7 5 - “ !lily G uaranteed! K l 1

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. H .H svine 3«.Sp.lltle Lni^ L h• y \ , m inyfcet 3».MnJlci! i j S 1 ^• i ' ’ 13. Hypolhttl. fiulil' ‘ f A ^ O *I f ' ■ c il fOKe « .E xlil« l ;p |g NTs

ilE J Ifl.SoeUlMt 4I.KInj;Uk6 ,r , ' 5 18.AK«ln: 43,HrdfjuII; (otutlonI d I prcDx pumpU f Ig.Perokf «.ArlicI» j , Paid pul

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23,Vitr ninolt S .H iv ln fi■ : ' M-Dlicneum. oiTenilv#

I brr SJ.Ficlnf* • ,mellja. Mineral S '« ‘'r ».C«Ue:Si

.J ip rb iti DOKK lO.Newf;M r.O untlnslike l.Thronfed orim U aU

V - ftbrlG 2 .E m llrv i abbr.

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e MY CARCASS T01H& eurZARDS/ y l‘j -m \P F —ALcri3msMi}5TGo f bl • , D0W^^^ODEFEAT WITH f j o / \ .

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jjrt " D r . N o r t o n f in ia h c d w ith m y t e e t h 1 IB h f tv cn ’t n h o le i n m y h e n d l'’

ild T H E G U M P Shfl ,_______________ _____________ ^, . N y I L»j«asTAkjp, 'Ifl . vw ANO NCyti \ P=A>^- .

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i i i i i uIon er Y iiU rd ix 'i Pw ali 'y i * ' " '

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iuUon- m»l»rUl26.»indu - ': : r . - '

women'i .•'.■• • • *Ml I . I ( am e n ti .*

' ^ -JS. Biblical- — niler . ' •■ •

29.Cr0wnb0Ti . . ^ . i - iz-------31. Hackneyed

32.L«nc- — abuilva -----------------

- - 33’m ‘A m S I D E (palnli

- r ^ M. Moncol • . • conqueror! |. ■ jSTRT . oJIndia - ._ ' - ........... .

30,M«l«l. working toot

37. Jury Jut■“ 3fl,Exclud8 -------

41. Scares <2. Carrlei wllh

__ dimcultyTT 45. Vigor

« .E ncount.ered

______4B.Negaliv*fll. Show Ma ________

- i (Ut«:abbr.^ ^

J O R H O O P L E !■^ . I J ^ G H I N S e a / ] " vIHER£' yoUR P£T V 6RAPPLER?WA5 HE PICKED UP ey , < ;l- WCARPfTT- ••<' ••.......... *:----------

fvJEEpEK.ORDIDA straVca t , ^^ 5 T

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N ■ 1 % ^:ci—T>r<aMA80LiM' t S 7IU-5W>M»5“TM'PrRFUI.M’ — >■ —p BLOsacMi~T}r f:e5h «mgllcphcw L , g g P V ' ^ ^;uCI>EAt7TH.'DOV, < ' W *y ^ > f^ |5 IWCXCTRFUL IP __ IftVVftAWW*XIJU5T5MUT«UR H

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1 o n t h e wa' » •* Now I* kinda

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P B i ^ V Voiru cisht: &uhi i r u . '«C{|| HELP COVER UP WK REAL 1 ^

IU SEE. OUR V W5JJ0M W TKAT RCSIOU’ J r 3 TO T ugtu ,.r2*^ _& CAN TAKE j f f l r l l B ^ B DPA&TMMjiotj W / n t r ^ M ^ H B*NE'5 JliU<3i£ W / I iS r ^ I I ^ H REAr.A8njrE R E ,S A S y C g g L ^ | -


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•n\\-icoa>sw< I \^f.*W>W.\.«'tT.CO0N-'0 '— I

stpm ann 'im ii ^ U ihat h a p p e n e d " Otf, Mr. l\'alt, I \ t o t h e money it i t was kirvia- L I g a v e yea* d - l j a r k - h s t - e " , ^ '* ^ , ^ ^ -Kufus -5 way dc-in. ---------;inda like it-V v^^^^W a « i ! ~ N

— — I. . I [wHATS YER ^~K Tf S i i p S S g S i f ^ '^ Pg08LgArt.ElMEer)T1

cafI ,! IC 'T -' . 1 . ]


ia?j'rwEaJk: V FiuooC lW H a jE K S ) g jS P y EENTI i'SVliUSG?y <S/M?7

, 7 ^ \ ( VJHO'SGOTTIME. ) 1 1 / y *'-sS j-D’-'TOLookat ( G<

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ieiwnME,QwiHALCW --=^ i p o - i w u. 11'--------------------------- FA/LVoaHERC COMES OlFTS VU£OH. \ SWONyn-Ptt/ HOW.ARE-rt SURE VE fOJOW k - - OUST eXACTLY WHiT MDURE ^ S i TO PQ 6TBVMEAT ^ f


I I^ B■ k ' A V’F'^CW ’F\W\V1EW'CLNCM M B ' S ^\icw=5 'WRPOW,

-<THAT POTTEP '1 l/uNLAX^.-I'CL J j F Ej Mtweevooscw I c e t t t h ' < I' — f/S -m ?5-------g OOT O "TH‘ ] ■ J■ PW00?IM3- A TROUBLE IM / !



m o n a u k s ^ ^ o y E E g K - . / i i j f l E ! iNT«uei£--cvAro/ BV ST H O SB T O ySeiD iE R ^^SaB it P

ASMALLHIffT! jK f3 X S j< Z ^

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G-OARSON'f / A L A Z V .S njPIR < I' V■ ^ 1 -------v r A b u t Q U IE T AN' ) ‘ • f

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fxrsm>iT. \ | rx'-^HOLYOw.wt) tES5-HW^10 / LET7K I C A W r O O /^

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', !---;.• - i f T-fi--.; L ^J~ .

TTW5 WEEKS,ip[ IhuH CAN kf v n - ----------•0 MUCH KUMriNS. 0UJSE1.VE5 T3 u'tVct .M ' * W E THERE By T l ^ 50

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!|N 6 ^ B u t Y o u rg u i ta r - T " '! ■'{» ’"1 B what happened A. '‘'S 'lt.

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Page 15: y i g - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF195/PDF/... · rtu r Twin Falls coutity in Twin ImiIIs count’ ... icmUiisW m rti*«. c«Idi.b ... for persons

I aRKETSANDstocks . Livestoc

•s 5»;: vssi::i';;:r';;t/ " “/1 1 1 .'w k i?;uJn> r ro i 'i

In Ihl* ‘‘*'"

‘‘ .J l.»*l«>'*' '.“ A T I' l.n ,?r «»7.Vf'‘*iL*':u' hi.hJr *m.l;!>.;L” ' ’ w * V C

u!“b. RI**I. »I«.o’"-i«.:i'; :-'«-:-0 »■•'. i

^ 0 1 1 M.tO-’lOMl ’iJ.WV .CI!I XrrnKoll «■•■ o" • » « ---------i SiiH’*;''- ,L„,„ hr Vor.1 '»'t)t:N

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AT A G L A N C E „ „ , , , „ . ' ’™ S !* '; 'l , ,

pH=a?= Iiiiiii^^ ” >i.>rewl» mlifd; r t« ef..p 1 u ^ u ! ' ' " L ‘l'4l’. i ’ w - i“

w « « " '• * 'too ‘ il.; .' :,J00: t- .i . «U ..

_____________ ____ ll!. l«',;S.'l»W;‘j!l.rd'No. I_ iKiIrhfri l»0-;js IU. I«.0(V1vHTTOIUt STOCK nXCIIANCK jvo-lju II-, IJ.vMfi.gO,

yORK. April 11 lU r i) -L « l ,'Lj Ittt MS loeihKl Air n » i l ‘,| rholfi un.Irr 110 II. f.ll jC U » l; Uj«W» IClc 33'i ,,»,1«| l.mU 1«.JJ.1».H; w ^^iirSn- »ISMontW»rtl *tU M.OO-H.Mj cu■ w “ » :! “ i ” s . , '■ " '■“ ■” •■ _____I t I t iti i ; N.l 1)1.1 , - i ' i iiESVrnh s " ’: i ; ; S - i S ; = i , . " S “ ;i,*.:'‘L',’. . ‘?’ r i l ’

M Slrtl Am«r Av 47'» IlnE* "^1 mtrkcv dMdlo«k■f j r «» N«f *'N «H r ••!".

H , r»r» ri« 47^ 1.03 ANGCLC9i SimI «:•* lOS’.i 1X>.S AS'OKUa. AotU Itriu <0'i I'lnn nn IK (KiiM.S)-C<tt)t ttUblf ItrtTaCo T9M’n>.l<-i« 5 0 \ cinfiri^i u »)«i.up, .• !« : '•m UI| »’• rblllp Mnrrii f.l »tnut i1mJ»; ollifT cI»m«’i i tn r — ai'< I'Mlllpt I’K — ilU ulllltr fl><rThfH-r»w*-IX.tC^m PM » '.i «*'i nrrm .n.l eutur. le.OO-U.M:I CiM aJi.i rur« Oil 4:>, .t,l. «»»•; mmlntl.Ijta , Jl nCA 4U'-. Hot. Mliw, Mnt; noml;“ i.^. S: 11".?'? S i »"•■■“■.i'mAOSIo 13’» M’i OMAHA

cp a ' i Bran llOfb « OMAHA. Arill 17 W1-(U .'aCntflt 81UOoc«ny VHO 471, J.CXW; llmllrt win Bio«llr >

d f IS'V BouUl roo Oa'« (rmiln :04-;S9 lb. buUhm;a K1*0B M!i Opern Cp 33*» lmunr.» :S Wrli»r: m«}0StU3 cp U (ild Oil Ctl Min -•IchI «nd cr>d. Ho. 1 toel OU OH BU3 Oil Ind » wrlvhu <Mk lo U lower: in rnd u UUI oil N J M li t« :^Jnww: Kn. I lo t ir i.M 41^ filMdoboJcer ]}>1 Ib. Iiutrhm 1«.C».1«.M; moi

s ;^ Sunr»T^O^^ 27J.Pee*' I j j ' i Bwfu'oo ° M»* hfU*Vrirlu.l'lr * J«nu ‘»Ui,1 Al’Nei* I 'ls Tmm Co n4<« &l.)ui tlnclr i utllllr >nil <omr .--.n T7 Tex Qulf Bill 23 U.f>ti.:o.tiO,j;i ‘iSS g .."” ....... .miR( ] « Twtn Cl Pox 4U^ ______ri «S% Un Cvblitn 13T> CHICAGO

S*l, Un Oil CU *t CmCAKO, April 17 WV>/laTr M>i Un PKltls U> llnt*-J,(K»i itKtlr u : tI Cm « Un AlnrvfC Sl> buuhtn: No. 1 lo } mottlj 2 .’ **** »t{ r " *«' N*'**l '**’^1 'iWaTVta SjJJr JW I l ! " / C u r Ml ” “'l 7 \« f r ( . !^ ‘-.vl!'TVndt NRTPf IlfillnoU t t l«.7^1«.M: mliRl Ne. t «n.iWwlfiUB a r .U 9 SImI #I% iu . lll,e#.l«.6e; No. S .nd * ;laioil ItS 'i Walcrwn li* , :nci.J<N} IU. lV(ft.ie.OO: UmCfntr»l « 'I W«l Union STU U W :i l b , ' I I . W - u'.m ’: iBwWch SM‘iV,-«l Alrbr S«S [L., 1J.S0.U.H.ItiiTfrtW *3'i W«.l FJm Rl't C«tll« :M; nlr<« nontlNKkrJ Bl>; Wblu Uot 49'.j lo imi ptlcM; r>od tUuiTd « T 3«iWoolworUi « SJ.W-Jil.OO: . h«d tulllli

tBI>««>U 111 Ztnltli mV) ant llnliltin ttrrn SLOCK" — ond .hok. htlf.r. H,tWILO«

A»ir.niCAN EXC7I ANfiK ~il™I"i«!oo!i7»’''^uia‘‘’ !IP< YOHK. April 17 (Url)—LmI mtrrlil WIU Sl.U-ZJ.SO; >>: 3&.00 ilown; itanjanl tnd imlrr llli: K«: Toehnlralor KS .OtkM.OO: rullt •( Io<r u 1 'x tl t S t7< tluh U* Sut 4!, ( » ; .n .11 w .l;Kl. HI. .(..Ilr: (ood .ad «h»lrt >&-lc

--------------------------- ----------- il.urhUr temb. }0.{0-:i.U : iINVESTMENT TBUST8 M.oi; Ilrhl «)!. do-n to

(flMir <lMln(i E. W “

• S L a r ^ S d i S / i S S v “ ^s In View for•. Innilnn ....... ..... .... » W J0.}«.1. Ir.«m. f l .r i« ____ «.<« i.e» LAS VEGAS. Ncv„ Ap

«” I " ----- — * ‘5 ’ ” Tho UnlWd s u i t s plo^s"'■Inii ^IlKVrT.nlci'ZZ 15."5 K-5* ^ lAUDtJl Ji.OOO-pOUnd!m Lin. iRMtn. _.:___ «.M «.S9 wlUiln Ift'o lo Uireo JniM. iia ---------------t«.t« I'.oT scfO.OOO-pouTidera In &:

K l --------------- 'J -:J { i j ; ycnrs.-lUiM k : _________1 n i t i i«.o* The deteiu# dfparltr•tnn. k: --------------- js.oi 14.1J Tttnccd rsMareh projeeiS!II ^ --------------- ’5'n i5 «i diiclosfd JlJi space timet

fn.'V ja'.jt H .4B a t the world congrcu of•------------------------- R«ar Adm. John E. Cll

l i d - A p r i l Snows S “! i : . f S “ b 'i!,£ .'P r t l l C? rocket booeicrs Into chI?all Across U. O. be advnneed to Uie poln

Dr umtfd r r m m tm uU ona l - by autumn of

T»9 10 live Inchcs of wet. snow *-------------------- -ippM poR'tr lines in MonUna" ' ' " P a v f r i A n f ' tiurid»y, closed 4hree roftda nnd • -I < * j H l v l l L \ 'iM«l lhe ealtle tOR-n of H nr- E. W. McRoberM anfl

Mont. announces Umt Vnlue One to two tnchM of enow swept come Fund will pay e wioM of Wyoming, North D a- rcRulnr and four cenU

w d Maine, while freerlnR special dividends on N fl platruetl norUitm Minnesota shareowners of rccord

Uie night. -------------------------------------------------- KHRUSHCHEV I

_ EASV TOUCH MOSCOW, April 17OJUDEH, la.. April 17 (UPD— Premier Klinuheher wa. >lice were lotAlng today for ihrce bu t there were no s ip ta »ho William Bcms, 75, wild public celcbraUons. Tlie »a odcrM to loucJi him all o\-er nnd 70Ui birthdays of So ^ «lleve him of Jils lils. B cm s Urics are uaunlly comi ■d Uiey determined he had a with _neK*paper edjto

fondillon. several other nil- oUicr honors, The r fnu w d lU M . and relieved him annlvcrsftrles usually s “'M U M , Honed.

Tw in FaU s M arkets„ LIVtSTOat SEEDS

!!!! ;!-!! '»• - ..;m .nd Ccii.r. ______----------------------------- --- -----

-----________|l7.0».jj.00 O.U -

I'; [!?■::» ' . «.'»(> iThr.. d « im 7 |« jn"• i!!"~ * ' — J ob Timo* Ko. 1 -----------------J*- 111,. 440 (!l d.tl.r. fluollni)

n,. ~ ; : M Cit».t N»rtKtr«» Uo. I _«J>t j8o n.. '■ ■ : J iu • • n r jM h n ••

.'■•’•MSOIU ------------ r r ; . . . . . Cml Nortk«fn» Ko. l

•• " u dMl'f* «>ioUft«)^ ------------------- » « .« Sm.ll nrii Na i ------------

n.:.d7— -------- j 3 , ? « « U * i , II .k r, rOTATOH f**- *■*>' r, .: r ----- ----------- .■■It.ts.l.tti U TI POULTBT

(OHlm BOI «go«d)n i . . ■ KOC» ■ BtnTiarAT

“ U r,, _ _ L ._ _ M e .IR (D«U«1 net

/ ■• . .

D FINANCI. * * * * * ock Grainsl^Lc III ll I*!"”

r.'" J*: uJrV.pfVrru i,!‘l:n,!f.i'l

i:o iJ;vw r'iuu hV,‘ 'L h^'T ^; (p'<Unjc ibrouih liil •i«>..ulium r~-llne Oldir ti>r.lr.cii lr..lM »«■nc r .o i. IIM"- tra.ll tr.al"n> mo.t of Ih. .*■ '"'V" Ih»r. p».n^buiiri^lnoli .mill .mounti

w-'v.'lw*'°«iintr ^ ‘iT*7. f)*'rvo^oVrlr» .u;u4.W. Wk«l Nnl.hH^S

I’ ViV?'U K.m ! v'lfTr\\i«lI»-,VjO*'!’ * t n i ' l '.vlUHlb'r. U._r_5£*'.'

vMoV*'’ ' cMirAi;o.*A*phi nVj-Z-NoNV j")tli.i*'".j»'i'-l.10 ;‘'no.’

lU-SDAi—Ctiit« i.sr-i.:j; N<i. t j.i:ow i.:m .; >. olluv l.:<Sl h’"' i ;<ll«>r CC"ll"S.ru'.'”.nii Vi'c" l.; Vl,'s ‘ No.'

ccc i.:t , : ko. i j.iuiw v

|UI-1I-I1).SI)A1 ^ u . ‘ Vr'.'*r -Vlu^o'.’ i'Ve.' unrv.n; f»>l hc«v)r »>ili» Hi-.

l,in.;9.[-i; gtol m.l.ol.); ui'iiiir (;n*is niTt'REa>.■ :o ; cmcAcn, .vprii n t-if-tr but). Hli;h Uiw Cl«»40U-2MJ0: r .l.r . Wh..l^ . . . . . . „•' , i i ' ' r ‘ i ‘ i.Ti.I t m ','

rf .file r. i:.oo. b « - - [ 'j J , , >■«,. j-M,.

bu” 'h."'"i‘s5.;:s i .:«h i.nvMft.l'i.60;*Mwi ifvi

l!‘mrtlum Ind ‘uir i**''i cull to souJ K<M ...... I t .CCS •<i'i

.«l»i M*-.; . • R.PI . . . .« < .«-(USDAl-C.l- D« ....- .«IH .« :'i .»V.nomlnnl. !);•dio^kxl with M U .r — l.ti l.ta i.t»>

Jui, „ i .;t-; i . « 4 I.n*.j^“i- SrjdJl'’ j;r?II n <uri) — * KANHAS riTY

»1 * -7 < > j { h «■; J . V -

«.M: e .l .« .»!- I.OJU.S; No. J ll.MS-S.ej'i Com M (in : u'nrh.n<>-l

ii^M .:i; No, J M.:oii-j.:i. -(U.'iDA)—JI(V* whi*. »M«/h’ ’n«. I eT.IJeH Ur No. I «nd ; Hilo m.ll. It.lt-M J; kmflr (hrr» .I«d r in h ; rr» II.IH-UHN:in.}orllr n.!ii«l N; MrbMn. |:.10-z.M?;K; br1 10 * ot ll>M« <UJ; .bort.cr: tlM^r Wbnl fulutM oIoimI fromI l»0-no „ „ i lo.rr.MW. JSWM IU. ^

i r S T r : Potatoes-OniBffHtii tfl n u t ----------------- cn iCABO------

CHICAGO. AprU 17 lUri) J . fold and B«w|! ToUl U. 8.

W^-JU.tDAj- 70«; (eld) .rri.ali Ml Ira^k : t blih.r en •«pptl« leedriml.; niM«* d«r

:l7 2 and I tnliMl ntrkrt tlfni nund rtd* mwKrrn ](.(blt.ll»; ,lMdr.Ib>. 1<.7»>17.S0; Trttk mIw ItOO Ua. US•n.:3: n t bMd 0lhrn>lMiUUd)l ld*hen>«ttiand : no Ibl. UlnntMU-Nerlh DakoU n«l r

t and S »ft-:70 ronllw. ].7S-!.tO, id S ml»«l fr»<l« SlfMl .tlm Idtho niM»U 1. : f>» No. > up Mlnnraola-Norlb D.OO; mliH rrad. rlttr ..llvr Ponli.ft S.S&-1.7A .H;mo«l4iMM .In rxiu.l Durbtnk. l.TB-I.M

:.0S; HkSInn rti..rt Ilurix in.t not onouch poUloMi Arrlral. *:.UuchUr tlttra luppllM lltbl: d«>naod mod.r.l alllllr and iUn>l< .iMdr.I.O(W(.SOl food Onion. I Sgpplla mod.rtU IILOOi uUIHr and n ^ ra U i n^kH alMdr—.....

I; & (fw dMi.ri Hlrwl i.In i 0m °n r*Uo' md rood vradM Cokira<in j.lhxr fipa. K.04. MOi Uidwtil r 'K o ' f lo ^ <-SEirii. a n.U ! alillli' It.OCk ‘n . (eDowInf fulum quet> to 14.001 cuU rroTld«) tr E. W. Uclteb«ru. 4.OO-S.00. ptnr. Twin r.lU.

^ t e s I-’" '- or U .S . Butter and E. April 17 M'— I— — — — ir f s to be able * ciitCACO

s n . *I about five 4^47: n 4)^4: c 4i-<].nuitif: i.oit.ooo ib>.: *tMd> artm ent’8 ad- M-“ miou';‘ ’» * » « ^ ' •ojects iisency Krr. M>i.[metablB today »-i»o i i i ^ r : i s of flU ht.L Clark. ARPA Th^kt a

) clusters will Dedicationpoint of fllKht

Local Moiroachcs to ob-

HaU PlanA o J - A banquet a n d scmWoI I ) 5 c L «»l foUo" dedlcatloti c< and companj- tw inning a t 3 p m . Sati

due Line In - O rder i IV elKht cents bulldlns on FnlU avenue « n ti® a S a r e 8*an. Spolcane. n May IB to mwter of ccrcmonles •ord April 24. " ''d Maurtce Cooper, ai;______: from the Supreme Porm,:V IS M be Ruest speaker.17 i^W Sorlet Tlie pre-dedication n

r was 05 today, besln a t 3 p m . Saturda; sisna of any members' banquet U set

Tlie 50th. COth and a seml-fonnal ball if Soviet dliml- low tliat. The Reneral rommemorated Invited to the ball, editorials and On Sunday, reglstniUoi e” mld^deende gm for mi v iiltlne meini y go .uomcn> all parts of the sta te , wll

ment ceremonlea under --_ ritual team beRlnnlns a t

At 3 pjn, fonnal dedlc n begin wllh an Invoeatlo;9 state prelite and a fie

11 '—■< ceremony by th e local £ troop No. 79. A key-pass

- • ......... mony from architect to c(will then tako place.

The. general public Is 1 ,______tioM .io attend all of the.ceremo:

L____ .. .. Generator Nc.....-I-" W orkingat

TlfE DALLES. Ore.. A: - 1— , M-W —The eighth generator_________ H.JO Dalles dam began putUi

Into the Pacltto J^orthwi - Ji.U pool yesterday. '■

u Msca Um m Tha output of the 76.00C generator boosted tola l p

.TBT of the dam to U1,000Anolher »1e generator

. . . ' added a t Tha D alles b< ■ end of ISM.

Methodists Hear h i Nixon’s Opinions . , About Red Ciiina

WASHINOTOK, Ajirll 17 8 Vice Presldenl Ilichncl M. NKoi

reportedly lold a uroii]) of sMrih -Aftotb.r d». odlit bishops yfJtrriliiy "* f "k''rLM ‘rir^ "’“*‘6 “ mlil.ikc" lo ri-forifii 10 »tni. a nl;e CominunlM Ciuim pt i!ii Mond.r. time. ; t

ir .ft» »r.^" Pcrsoiu who rUcmlfd hli 45 '.ir.r » t . 'd ^ mlnulr. r.lo.^«l•ll(X)r iiu'i’tliiK li n tint, mtnr the cnpltol Wllli aboul «. i i « r f l lo of tiie church's council of bi'linp

’'n ’'Vi mldf <l«oled him as miiklnK ililj .Miitc* menl.ffn.ralir I" ...Reporters oul.^lllr llic niri'itii

hcjird priiloiiKi'il nii|il;i»i. i?t inr'ij/ncn ncnr the end ot the r.•5loll..r..l b-.ifuht Nixon was siiid In hnve rrstxlc .1 and »;«n- ,i,f ndmlntslrntiiiiiii, .vt;iml-f;i!,unu ot <»rn Jn U ic Berlin fiiic.vlinin lod.r w.f« dfiiicled the i-coiKwlc mni (rch ir, ciitfi :i«, iiicai BJilstniice prunnim iibrnn

as a nreried Tslip m llu' nilcl ivn it» :.‘i):'.-‘. : nnd d^cusscd fori'lun piiliry iiii . Uir i . : i '. - plications in tlir civil ruh ls n ‘n

• ” • trovcrny. In addition lo ilc iliii. . . aoro^n.

Parsonage Clul) Vc¥,?S Meets in Valle;

SHOSHONE, April 17 - ‘n i Munlc Valley Pnrwince tlul> mt

1 i .: i .i .s t4 : Mondny noon nt llic houu- nf ih r '-V .- .P '" . Rcv. niid Mr.v Halim A. l-iv,i,.iic Ve i ' c i i f l Melliodl-il p;i.Mor nnd his wHi

Luticheon wa.1 srrn'rt nnd ii lou taken of the church pirjonai;

.;a .lJS :.f« J s remodcllntr project.Pre.ienl for the fvenl wrre ih

rJ! Itev. Donnld Crcco. I’Sul; ihc Jtc- „ and Mrs. Dwlsht E. Wllrhor. J t 1,1,... I r 1,10. . ^ J..f!!i I.M bcrt. Wendell; the itcv, and Mr .»«, i.‘^’; John Cross, Han-'cn: ihc Itcv, an

i-’J / Mrs. W arren MfConnell, Huhl: ll Rev. and Mrs. Paul Uillui', G<w Ing. and the Rev. luid Mn. W. j

i ls 'v ^^“cArthur. Tti'ln Kail.v

;i!'■ 1:!!' Testimony Given ^ f : In $65,000 Casi• ^ ■ ’ RUPERT. April IT - WilneMi .**H . - t i \ for the defense le.iUflcd nuin

•J5|j momfng In Ihc ’damnRe suit uildi• ' * • way here In district court In whlc.i"«; i.*o Max Peterson. Twin Falls. £cc)

} ’lu W5.000 from Robert Marlliwii, i:’L>> . ,'Ui.^ a rem it ,n?i. accltkat ta ju rtci.n

r • TcsllfylnR were Deputy Shei‘1 i< ij>—Wh.ti Ifoward Platt. C. V. Tliomas, Oci

hV '. v“' I Martlnr.cn. driver of ti truck-loaded wlUi.poutoci-whU

ej‘;N. ' ' was st.'Uied on the Meridian ror• ' three milts norlh.of Huperl. m ,r .i mi'iJi Peterson snys he was unable

avoid strlkinff the rear of tl f»ni: No. J stalled vehicle. Mr. and Mrs. Pe

. n r ’n w n concluded te.itliriony for U rirr h 'o m !ii plalnllffs Thursday sficrnoon.: bnn *141.IO. ---------------------------

s Fuses Studied at 1 Meeting of Clul

n i O n S The study of fuses In Uie hon_______ I was featured a t Uie regular mec___________ ln|T th« T>.ln mU^ .litnlnr Btmjrn -T o u io « nJiLiers 4-H. club Tliursdny a l U

8. .hipm.ni. home of Cheo'l Warner,Mk 562! lold) The mcetlnR was eallcd to o mSd*.»t.‘ M,i ‘1 " by Vice Pre.ildent Etevi

Coiner. Mlnutcj were rend by fih US lA uni... ron O am and, acUng Kcretai?.

The eroup 'studied the use M r»»r Ttii.r Robert Jacu <.ti; bak.r. son. Junior leader, collected mon* P/^"“ *** for Uie cancer drive. Hefreshmcr 'i'ftoi H.hTtm were sen’cd by Mrs, Dill Warner, lu'rWnkt 2.7S, The ncxt meeling will be h«»; track i« : at the home Of Robert and Nom

].r.U i m»rk« jsejuon on April 30.

Clean np jo o r UTO with J3 7tIlo« (lob. Ferilllxer Worm and Dag Conlr

, i i „ , „ . i . i , fiptnllh t*W

qneUllon« •r ..«ru ani fora. V , l |^ i« I B * la l a iP

•1<»1: no mIn .

Eggs I. . .. —.—ll By nOILSCESE„ ' The world was a l peace Iha'

year, bul NaU stonn tfaoper .™ . c r . .IrtHU n, . . . lllllti

, was t a l k i n g H H P n H*boul a “Su- H P U u l ' n i

:or» MV:’ »» P«f The

'liVSrtlw 14; being held In nerlln . . . and

------ A they were sup- ^

'U o fNaU superior-

loose |.fj:i,/waVch!B4 f i, ed the games trom his specla

m i l C C l ^ ^ 6ody hnd ever heard ot 'l.formni hall' ‘in-Stntu- U nlrerslly-nam ed^esiS a S y «1 0 **"* ii‘« c . a a m cr nf "inrted. Tlic weatlier was col .r of Mooseme ■ will be l™ck and field events . . . bn

„ , ,,, Olyoiplo recordsl Running e Jumping, he was unbeaUbli

rday. A new j,e finally made hiL i i . n •ha tleria t broad Jum? ‘ ~.K u ^ : ‘0 Adolpal public Is „p watte♦ Un -111 K. » e there to preser

S H r“ f ‘ .Ji!^,M?i^;,>tt Remember the year?

i S S e^U ^d““' 'U U a n c e " " p r i ”A ..n JL iii .^ Imde-ln terms . . . and wasn0 committee, claims of superlorlt

IS invited to

................T n Great performanee and tppeN o . 8 power are words that really r

the IDJJ Dodge, riyjnooU i f T i n m Swedish Volvo, CommereU l t ~ J t w l u V olE *w rnn~ «l'rrU t.-A R d-a , Aprri 17 «1 price.- trade-in allowancitor a f Tlie »nd tnonlhly Urms, well ye itUng power ean step up lo ene ot our ne' hw est power Dodges, riymonths. Bwedli

Volvos, Commerelal Volksws1 finn n iow att «*"*. •>*’U ? ;^ u c t i“ n 1“‘Oft viinw»tLs ‘be facia now, a l Bob BeeiS r . 5 m S C"- « »

■ T I M E S - N E W S , T W I

r Jo h n L Peninger E IS Claimed by Death

J o h n 'I . Peninger, 82, 215 Ail.uii* l i d .street, tiled a t-5 :a a.m. Frldny alt^>_ MheIo Vullcy Memorinl hw.jiitji ra^oii Peninger was born I)it. 21. ’*r>1.,).. 1B76, In Iowa and came h r ;r in me

1D35 fronj Missouri. He uorUrd (or hIc the U nion Pacific raiiviiy in Mi,»- f

ii,;. .lourl and was engoKCd in faniiini: Jf" •' hen- from 1D35 until his ri lirciiirnt d”

, i l in lfi53 liecauM of 111 hrnllh.„ ll, Hu miirrled Clara Evcrly Ucr d '''

29. iDon, In Halfway. Mo.Bcjltl'-s his widow, survivors In-

elude .1 .Wl. John A. I'rmm:er, vld " K ent. Wx'.h.: tivo daiiKhlcrs. Mrs of , Lellift Niwinl Zlnn, Kent, und Mr.%.I De.vle ^Jl<e Koch, nenimi, W.i.-.h.; <ro ’’'‘“ ' 'o n e bioUier, E r s l e I’cmiRTr, »!•> , . K|)ilnKllold. Mo,; two M. tl■I. Mrs. '>

Blcy Fii.'.tbum. SprlnKfirlil. nud Mr ‘ .Mr.s. Ad:i Ofiletby, iJvM.ir. .Mn. I-ei

l 'uncr:il arfangcnicnts arc jKiid- lu*'brnnd

H; Postoffice Film s Shown to Rotary £1

BURLEY, April 17-Joe I.Durlcy pa-.imMtcr. prcienicil ilip /

' proKraiii for Burley Rotary rlub off 1 'I'UcMliiy noon by showing a c«U’r- j i c y ed inovlp film entitled, - n ic Siory -^c . •n* of th e U. S. Mull." ', ,„(.t -m e film polntctl out liiat. nl- ,f till. llKHich the United Slnll•^ cmn- f,|,

...ny cne.urueth of ,11. hind H" tiri'ii of the world It hnn<llc-. livci- juj

I lour thirds of ull tlie niaim n Uie unrld. ■]1....,-,, .'.cndlni? nnd receiving more mail f t , th a n nil the rest of .Uie..wurld t,f c liie coinblnitl. ', jjjy 'l iie p o s t o f f l c e depnrlmfiit.i - j ( J modernlfiitlnn program, bcKun in i 'o il- 1®'’- IncludlnR lhe In- ' _"jyj„ .stalhilioii nnd dcvclopmeiil ol U ., nnd highly .MJcclnllred machinery for *• 1; th r the so rting and handling of null, n'ood- O uest o f Jack Snow was Hnncr W. A 'VlUon. nnd Lex. Kunau wr-s kucsI ,

of Joe Hucknbee, clly enKlnier.

Ot.D ACTOR DIKS ' I l JJOLLYWOOD. Cflllf, April J7 IP ;

_ —C harles Hallon, 83, cliariicler DC t l a c actor whose show buslne-vi career Sa ,if..,M included touring with Ullinn Riis- 1 •'rUlnv sell n l the turn of the cenlury, K< uildcr died Thursday of hepatliLs. He Th which WM « veteran of 200 movie and ’ ccck-s television shows and also played Ap

fn, OS on Broadway.___________ -_______ axa-iCfc

S ' SWIFTS H>■ ; S ------------ --- - (New Loc

TRUCKLANE-1orUic Producers of Swift's fam(n. From thtf pick of the noli'

Ski Hi Layers I , Leghorn

iLe1 s t Bldg. W fltr of M ain Plon t

a t the

to or- •Steven ( fiha-

S . or ■Jack-

moneyimcnisrner, f * ne held INornui I

1 J30I onlrol.



ot ft / • ------- - T - — —Oldo , I ........-

JesM —mCA n a B l W g g l g g M g f l W l ^cold k r i^ S S T S C S S y M ■ !

t for E | f l | ; S 5 5 5 2 5 | f i W j B

rsenl-•sight A \lV ill"*”® n—aw—lg y e B g i h f i f i i

ie his Jump dolph ■attedresent T imer- ' ................. . 2,

‘ Hi r a t ■ ■ ■ ■ mwhen

^ U U i--------1 to J

■ I ■lotHh.ercUl

C . ' I fhH 1613recondoot

W I N F A L L S , I D A H O ' .

D eclo In sta lls B ! P T A L eaders fc‘ DEC1X3. April IT-Nrw oftlcers . , 4 were Irjtalled »t the Dcclo PTA V ' ,{ mccllnK WedncMlny night a t the jr hlch ^chtx)l, J S>. Arvil Vnyce U pre.Mdent; Mrs. , ij; Jennie .Si/vnnei, sfwnd vice presl- U rtcni; Mrv, Valov I.i'vvlv iri'asurer.

nud Mrs. Lenn Gummerson Is ____(• fhalrninaof Uie. chl> l1 lunch room. ___ }

,Mrs. Minnie Usmnglon. secre- ____lary, nnd Mrs. Jnuti Cobbley, first ____

r vice president, ivtrr alxicntbecause ____of illnrsv Mra. Alice U»Ls. who ___uns prrscnlrd a IKe ineinber»hlp I

'■ Irsm llir group In l meeting In- J jiallrct Ihe new officers. ,

The I’ l'A prnyer «aa given by Ill Mrs, Itueben UlclmrdJon. Mr*. t».

I.fiia Gumnicrsnn reported on the r1. luncli room. -------- —'

She reported 359M meaU had been serveil school -pupils arjl leachers during ihc school year, ’ an iivcrnce «f 278 meals a d.iy.ToUtl Income fur th r year was

U $5.072n5. wlUi toMl expenditures »i« J J9.720.1D leaving a baUnca ofI, «,4<5.30. ____le Arvll Voyce Ihsnked the past MOii lb officers for ihelr nork.

DL'.cu.-.'ilon v,a.i held on future Tri '>' programs, Mrs. Irli Rievens, chair-

man. announced ilie prosram for '• Ihe evening, which Included two |„ , '• fllm.v "The Srarcli" or "A New cjjIT

Hope for Slutlcrcrs- and a cancer add ’• film. •Time nnd T»o Women." •'>»

The next mccllnK will bc May 30 — — ;'] and commcncrmeiit exercL'es will

be held-May 18.—The county eoun* - n i . cll meeling will be held *t Oakley !»■


" Five Candidates jv ir File iri Ketchum' -■

KETCHUM, April H -H v e per- a a soiw have filed for Uie three four- ye.ir tenn vacancies on the village board.

IP T iity a re Edward L. Scott. Ed er Dennett, John H.’vrrlson, Richard er Sanger and Gerald Sldweli. s- Holdover* on the bonrd are 7 , KeiineUi Rllchic and R a l p h !e Thomaa.id Voters may regWer until 5 pm! ed April 25. Voting will b« from B

BJn. to 7 p jn . April 28._________

HATCHERY I '{Location) I IE-TWIN FALLSfam o u s c h ick s- In o tio n 's b lood lines r

Sex Links IAustra Whites I

; Vantrcss Broilers I lo n t PH O N E RE 3 -5 5 5 4 I ’

Youni like


TRUCE1. F O R T H E M O N E T , 'i w ith a cholc* of 8 a b o rU tro tm ck w o rk a lo n o . ■■

a. F O R T H E S H O W . N ei . g rille m ean lu t in g good lool

poBsenger room. Long-lastlii

S . T O L O A D -U P .N e w B c _ to cnb to give you every inc

ta ilga te tBSuna essie r I<»d i

4 . T O * 'G O "l You get step tlonn l V-8 cnglw * th a l b rin j

T h m 't an _____ ._ . International ^ h

71-ucA % ( • ^/»-£25’/ob; ,

I - ai«7renltRt*UliHl l( patMnnn plus tidVils* «


m W e yI 3rd Avenue West 1

jfelassified Ad'V

W A N T AD RATES ___ r-

igtrH^ln^anj on. <laiil(i«l tdl . TIIK l‘Hi

W.,r.li , 1 J .r . i .!»» » d .rj_ b'------- r:— . I . II <0 iTTi; . in id.h------- it----------? n ----iT " !--- TTI---- And U.I

U n L ' J ’< U l 0 ., Ul

.t.lI^No'.lbw.Bf. -Ill b. mtd. lot t>of. ibtn on. Int.rrKl iM.rlwn,

nrADusK lm ci»mi.M onin '■Mi.n.l.r’i a d i-l S.D' Stiuidu* -

Tun.liri Ibrsuib rtiiliri-t pm. K»T l*l«T» iBKniofl. .------------SunJ.r.-! pra. BilurJ.M ,• B

j : . / r i ; - ' 7 , r . „ a r , „ ^

SPECIA L NOTICES • “.■'i..'-;My»ll.K l:=n.t bMt<r i.n lt^ Aulborlf.d ------

t.r r lr. r.i'rMtnUllv.. tor Co.trntn LO, Tr?ill*f StTi! 4u‘ Ad4lM«'*WMt. UE »1>UNP^

CUmu^M rr..l lnu"Tol

CuSll'LlrIK Iriifr Mrrlrc, mullllltfiln'i. Ci^ ^ r • ■ " V n r ^ n • b .7 . 'n . '; ; '^ ^ r . r f r ™J IllU, IlK i.«i4»._______________

-r> l ,f< ^ l? M ^ T m U rlr -H » r- Mr.,

PERSONALS ‘ «'ii'm.‘ullEUIOltltf.U Spantir Cer»«inr..~airl« **

" S p WoajNjJ

' suwan N. Ti/lof • P.m. Rf

F e e d cG U2gE SPEC IA L C

MiXED Gl■ WrtH or W ith o u t

O ne Ton L o ts .....................

Five Ton Lois .Ten Ton Lots..

Phone your O rder Ir

GLOBE Seed <T ruck Lone

mONALKSf . You get d o w n -ix a r th o p e n tin g eeoiu s tro k e , low ipm . lix-cyliader m * i i i « buill

. N ew d u a l headUghti and anodixed ahnn ii looks. Luxurloua cab has m ore g la n a re a , e

B5 ting v iny l u i^ l s t e iy sta y i a m a r t

» Bonus-X/oad body (7- o r 8V 4-ft lo n g ) la I r in d l o f loadspoca poaslble. C cntcr-conlrt ood handling . D urable, c s o o th a ll-stee l flc

s tc ivahcad power (rom a ’d jo lc a of 8 new bring wjw economy to V-8 opera tion . T h e y cn regu la r gas, p h u low oil txmBumpUon.

I R o Trsxiill*. U«r« )•» M4i<»Mty laod- I le id if ie t th il as; iii. Offittd «itt ehoi»I “Wi*t»l.-B«fll«»d»«d ««4iJlf4Metl»»,»t»»i

-VrMd' nea tw I. tf H<tMa M lis. .


.‘ ' ' • ' I

f % l m .Twin Falls RE 3-90

i ' ;


PERSONALS !!i,UU b a r.t Urlnklni i'robltm7 AlM , ri Anonrmoui bold siMlinii tr*rr s. '

d th. "I’rlc. ll Alw.j. Rl»hir At |8

r NIGHT (r.» l.r. a » »

r.d;.»o 'JBO B G E E R ’S '

W E S T 5 P O IN T S <|.-Cold D « rn ................................

__________^ I• BEAUTY SH O PS * '

‘«l^^ir.u>Vt.''“ill‘?h^M'l«iTn"~^ ■ , . 1rw, tl.M im. AtlltUt ».aulT Salon. *1 •1‘Ll.TK UttuU S.rrlf* M adnnfrf »'•,j.nii .1 r liK^I Jaalor il^Ij work Irn AlMhln.Iw. and oold .w, la.ca. B«»iilr Ana Acad.rar.LOST A N D J O U N D

nmoKifi. fVm Bk^p and d .ll'.rr..rmounlila t'uil Coar>nr, rbon.

C H IRO PR A CTO RS IVE apwltllil. Ur. Alma llirdlaTu# 1^1 iin North. HE _________ g l |IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D K U Irost.mtnur* biuUei and.igrMdllf.______H l l

in Ttalntf. T-ln K.II..__________ .

e r s ! IG ROUND J

IrRAIN Ju t S y r u p ; T 1

...................5 1 .0 0 \ |

49.00 I...47.00 Ir In Ahead

1 & FeedRE 3-1373 ’ I*

.............. .................. >


f- -

S ite ^ Is a , i i x «

ila f lu sh '* ij'*'mtroUod i|i|.j^Jl floor. ■

new op- - \beyofler1 .

ir 'l

i r ^ S'*-w ) J H

ili«. i i a i s a t i i t .d i i l i * H In Mdala. Short iMttt M ■ I It l u tlir kndllu •( loai . n i

vau. kl(tw MrlM«a. U

^ C K S - J

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irinch - W. a. O itnnJtr I. Juil n.wlr rH.

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. ■■ ' °Ai7w~5 " : 1 1 1 3M E N T C O . Oi-ilcr Now

SSI EssM .', ,.™ Carter llatcherr-ircSr e a l t y — PRODUCTION e m r a

■s::r- . £ S ,

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Ik r.iaim .1. ________ •■Q-ir »lh YH.— X

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— ............. — v S ® 1-HARRY KOPPEL CO. - ,'•. u ^ n

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See The I'amous

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ii=f§ TRUCKS A ^ ™ 1

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v“ '; o” ’ T nf" 1

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— l o w d cVRRIVED -SB'TOiu

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.Two 1958 FOR...TEmpu :-»»i’:. C ountry Scd;iti.‘<

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“ ■'3=; ■ ' WESTERN s £ kS v EQUIPMENT 'i i i i - -------------- 2 Eii.'.t of I'lvc I',)

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TWIN FALL TREAM equipment iHORN'S ____°"'''~°SALES V-

iu r r— g o r e s

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f o r d -m e r c u r :

A™” ' JEROMEE C EN TS!„.U IrV ..*-..r —t r u c k s

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Cup. ' GORE’S2R 20 FORD-M ERCURY S D P IC K U PS JE R O M E ,- 1 Ton DualaId 2 Ton ________________________

.IE’SLS MOTOR GLEN t'SL G.»,|... JENKIIt'bEAT CHEVROLE LIE for .DOLLAR ofoinTSc \v ^ n : E I o w W ILLY S"-------r.To'r Sris.'SirWi.v'-A"w .„ . 1951 OLDSMOBILE

™ ‘' " ' ?ooo o 5 'JROLFT J3 5 3 p Q i m

,,, lUrdlop Vielorl* V-i. V.11

S v l / - s a £ i S F =

'0 Hardtop 1955 S T U D E ..

o L C T - ? ’' S l r S s F ' ^ ' * ' -

3 c S i ' “ 1952 CH EV R O LET

D^E^T-doM I960 F O R D ^


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.P0l’?i?a“ ''® G L E N G . JE N KRE 3-3371 ________________________


T I M E S - N E W S . '

g M Ma le_________ AUTOS FOR SALE___


Irm .n ii't Rcllimcp Cri'ilit Ci rji.

<• OUR WEEK-KXn N ■ SPECIAL!r CO. iitn I'-onD cuMiiiii It


•: :!.71C0 ■ A ^clccllon of M.hI.-i . ii.I--------------------- CAHS AND PICRi;i’;i --------------- 1050 to io:.nr.

Y •- -A N .e e B »r.m lC ..r.-

,RSu,r I,..:.. DIUVK O U T ANH s .w i : ;

w,?:L SILVER SADDI.Hauto salks

1‘lltinc GA 3-ODGl iir ClA 3-jl":

IT ’S W O U T H la t h e DIUVKn^rf. K.» F o r W h n t You Have .

10- 2-1057 STUDEBAKEIl ForilotJ

!h.rp 1050 CHEVnOLET 210 t'-orJor

iM ^ST O D E D A im i V-fi :Tui., 5 .iT< i. . <■••1 i - f

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iELECTiON U S E D CAR LOT?MALLX__________^ N _ 8 p _ q T T L IJN C q i£DEL CAM JE R O M E , IDAHO

N K i 'N s .

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<!""r ].j;i I'lii.v iiiii.n- »..i..'r no.'n u».iJii c 'iii.viiiii.i,i I-.1..T iM.i: Me,.


A U T O S A L E S2i9 'Jlul Avenue E(ut PiiG.M-; m ; 3-857S

' ' J . .I .1 u:. N... Cl., H»I1

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1 958 C IIE V H C IL h T -S 2 ra r

!;:" 1958 OLDS. ?:W95

: ^ 1957 PONTIAC S2295 . ^

- I l r f i s i : ™ ■1951 PONTIAC 5 245

1951 FORD 4-door $ 3458M.n. T.n Jlnl.S- l-or,lom.llf.

1000 1952 FORD v -8 $ 495— I X * '

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C -A J ; I ^ E J - 0 -N ^S


,V,‘“ Folks Arc T rn d in f J S A lU L k c j, All M odels

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Home of '----------- --------JE E P_______ _sm ih L ow est P riced. i c „ , 4-ivhccl D riv a .




■(« rOHD Cuiumllnt l-4»or »lcb i,BUn<i.rd Inniml.UcD j

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• ■;; iN-rrii.SATioNAl. n i w i l«i

ciinD"'''""''”" '* •- OTHERS TO CHOOSE —

. - FROM —

B IL L IE ’S USED CARS jl1801 Kimberly Road RE 3-8513 I

— ^ 11958R A M B L E R

'w .


, GORIi'S MOTOR MARTnr. :-;i: i T-io r»ii.


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