xv assignment of std-3 session -2020-21 subject...

XV Assignment of Std-3 Session -2020-21 Subject – English Date-04.08.2020 Worksheet-6 Answer:- 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-a

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  • XV Assignment of Std-3

    Session -2020-21

    Subject – English Date-04.08.2020


    Answer:- 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-a

  • B.Complete these sentences with the correct adjective phrases from the box.

    1.Elephants are large animals, but the African elephant is the largest of all.

    2. Saira is a little worried about her sister as she is unwell.

    3. Don't wear that shirt- it's washed but not ironed .

    4. Drinking coffee is not really good for your health.

    5. The room has not been used in a while and all the furniture in it is covered in dust .

    6. Kunal is very tired after the long journey.

    C. Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

    1. I saw a spotted deer at a zoo.

    2. The red house is for sale.

    3. Father baked delicious chocolate cookies for us.

    4. The glimmering snow covered the field.

    5. Jenny is thinking about her friends back home.

    6. The quick, white goat jumped across the stream.

    D. Look at these jumbled words. Rearrange the letters to find out words related to EVS.





    covered in dust the largest of all washed but not ironed

    a little worried very tired not really good


    Write the final message here: SAVE THE EARTH

    *Definition of Synonyms-

    A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

    Example- huge-big

    beautiful- pretty

    happy- glad


    E. Match the words in the clouds with their synonyms in the raindrops.




    5.heal 6.reply


  • Answer:- 1- c 2-b 3- d 4-e 5-f 6- a

    Note- Students are instructed to do the given assignment in their Grammar Book neatly.

    Activity- Make a scarecrow with the help of waste materials. (Lesson-6, The Great Escape)

    Learn the poem 'Giraffes' given in English Course Book, page no.- 17

  • �वशेष -काय�(१५)



    अ�यास �� - प�

    आव�यक सचूना :- �न�न�ल�खत सभी अ�यास� को पा�पु�तक म� (पृ� सं�या ७४तथा पृ� स�ंया ७५ ) याद करके �लखो।

    �� १ :- �न�न�ल�खत ��� के उ�र �लखो।

    क) गोलू के मोटे होने के �या कारण थे ? �क�ह� दो कारण� को �ल�खए।

    उ�र :- अ�धक तेल और मसालेदार भोजन तथा आलसीपन ये गोलू के मोटे होने केकारण थे।

    ख) रबड़ क� बनी कौन - सी चीज़� ब�च� को भाती ह�?

    उ�र :- रबड़ से बनी ग�द तथा �खलौने ब�च� को भाते ह�।

    ग) 'करो न नटखट-सी शतैानी' क�वता से �या �श�ा �मलती है?

    उ�र :- 'करो न नटखट-सी शतैानी' क�वता से वातावरण साफ़ रखने तथा बड़� काकहना मानने क� �श�ा �मलती ह।ै

    घ) मकड़ी ने छत पर प�ँचकर �या सा�बत कर �दया?

    उ�र :- मकड़ी ने छत पर प�चँकर सा�बत कर �दया �क बार-बार को�शश करने वाल�क� कभी हार नह� होती।

    �� २ :- �न�न�ल�खत वा�य� को पढ़कर कहानी के �मानसुार सं�या �ल�खए_

    क) राणा सांगा ने बाबर से ट�कर ली थी। ( १ )

    ख) मकड़ी धागे के सहारे ऊपर चढ़ने का �य�न कर रही थी। ( ३ )

  • ग) यु�-भ�ूम म� राणा सांगा को असफलता �मली थी। (२ )

    घ) सफलता ने राणा सागंा के कदम चमेू। ( ५ )

    ङ) देशवा�सय� को मुगल� के अ�याचार� से मु� करवाया। ( ६ )

    च) बार-बार को�शश करनवेाल� क� कभी हार नह� होती। ( ४ )

    �� ३ :- (क) - वचन बद�लए_

    सफलता - सफलताएँ लड़क� - लड़�कयाँ

    छु�� - छु��याँ �कताब - �कताब�

    (ख) - �वलोम श�द �ल�खए_

    बाहर × अदंर �नराशा × आशा

    �दन × रात गरम × ठंडा

    (ग) - समान अथ�वाले श�द �ल�खए_

    हवा = पवन जगत = ससंार

    �म� = सखा पास = �नकट

    �� ४ :- �न�न�ल�खत सही वा�य� के सामने सही ( √ ) तथा गलत वा�य के सामनेगलत ( √ ) का �नशान लगाइए_

    क) अनमोल क� एक छोट� बहन थी। ( × )

    ख) गोलू पढ़-�लखकर �मशा जसैा बनना चाहता था। ( √ )

    ग) केले के �छलके से नटखट क� मामी �फसलकर �गर गई। ( × )

    घ) नटखट ब�चे भी अ�छा काम कर सकते ह�। ( √ )

    �� ५ :- "र�ाबधंन" (राखी) �योहार के बारे म� लेख( कॉपी म� ) याद करके �लखो।

  • र�ाबधंन �ह��� का ��य और प�व� �योहार है। हर साल सावन क� पू�ण�मा के �दनयह �योहार मनाया जाता है । वषा� के सहुावने मौसम म� राखी के धागे �ेम का जा��बखरा देते ह� । एक पौरा�णक कथा के अनसुार इसी �दन देवराज इ�ं क� प�नी इ�ंाणीने सभी देवता� को र�ास�ू (राखी )बाँधा था और इससे बल पाकर देवता� नेअसरु� पर �वजय पाई थी। र�ाबंधन के �दन बहन अपने भाई क� कलाई पर राखीबाधँती है और उसके �लए शभुकामना करती है । भाई भी बड़े �यार से अपनी बहन कोउपहार देता है। राखी बँधवाने पर भाई को बहन के ��त अपने कत�� और �ज�मेदारीका �मरण रहता है। सचमुच, यह �योहार भाई-बहन के प�व� �ेम का �तीक है।


    पाठ ५ सव�नाम

    आव�यक सचूना :- �न�न�ल�खत सभी अ�यास� को याद करके �ाकरणपु�तक( पृ� सं�या - ३३ ) म� �लखो।

    �� १ :- सही सव�नाम श�द �लखकर वा�य पूरा करो।

    �� २ :- सही सव�नाम श�द भरकर कहानी पूरी करो।


  • Special Assignment

    STD: 3 Subject: MATHS Date: 04.08.2020

    Ch: 5. Geometry

    Solid Figures

    Solid Shapes – A shape which has three dimensions (length, width and height) is called a solid shape. Solids occupy space and occur in various shapes.

    Faces, edges and corners The outside of a solid is called its face (or surface). The surface may be flat

    or curved.

    The corner where three faces meet is called a vertex.

    A line where two faces meet is called an edge.

    Properties of solid shapes

    1.Cuboid – A cuboid has 6 rectangular faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. Examples: Cupboard, tiffin box. 2.Cube – A cube has 6 square faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. Examples: Dice, gift box. 3.Cylinder – A cylinder has 3 faces(2faces are plane and 1 is curved).It has 2 circular edges and no vertex. Examples: Cylinder, tube light. 4.Cone – A cone has 2 faces (1face is plane and 1 is curved face), 1 edge and 1 vertex. Examples: Birthday cap, icecream cone. 5.Sphere – A sphere has 1curved face, no edges and no vertex. Examples: Cricket ball, football.

  • Exercises Fill in the blanks.

    1. The brick has ---- faces,----- edges and ----vertices. 2. A dice has -----edges and ----vertices. 3. The cricket ball has a ----- face. 4. A music drum has ---- curved face and ----- edges.

    Answers: 1). 6, 12 and 8 2).12and 8 3).1face 4). 2 and 2

    Match thefollowing.

    1. a. Line Segment

    2. b. Line

    3. c. Ray

    4. d. Point

    Answers 1. a. Line Segment

    2. b. Line

    3. c. Ray

    4. d. Point

    Identify the shape of these objects.

    a. b. c.

    Answers:(a).Cylinder (b).Cube (c).Cone

    Do page no.76 and 77 in Maths Textbook. NOTE: Do all work in the Maths notebook where you have done the previous assignment.

  • Special Assignment-15




    Lesson-8 (Plants)

    • Define the given terms:

    1. Photosynthesis- The process by which plants prepare their

    own food is called photosynthesis.

    2. Chlorophyll- The green pigment present in the leaves is

    called chlorophyll.

    3. Stomata- The small pores present on the surface of a leaf is

    called stomata.

    • Give two examples of each:

    1. Medicinal plant


    2. Edible leaves


    3. Leaves of plants used to make thatched roofs of houses.

    Coconut,Date palm

    4. Things used by plants to prepare their food.


    • Answer these questions:

    1. Write any two uses of leaves.

    Answer – Two uses of leaves are:

    a) Leaves of plants such as neem aand tulsi are

    used to make medicines.

  • b) Leaves of some plants such as spinach and mint

    are used as food.

    2. Name some food items obtained from plants.

    Answer – Some food items obtained from plants are

    cereals,pulses,fruits ,vegetables,spices,tea,coffee,etc.

    • Activity – Draw and colour the process of photosynthesis.

    • Do the given assignment in your EVS notebook.

    • Do page no.62 to 65 in your EVS textbook.

  • Weekly Assignment

    Std—3 Subject —Moral Science Date: 04.08.20

    Learn the following.

    Q1.Where was the old man planting trees and why?

    Ans.The old man was planting a tree in his field for his coming generation.

    Q2.What did the king learn from the old man ?

    Ans.The king learnt from the old man that everyone should plant as many trees as he can.

    Q3. How are plants helpful to us ?

    Ans.Plants give us shade , fruits , wood, medicine , pure air and shelter to many animals.

    Q4.How are trees helpful for animals and birds ?

    Ans.Animals and birds get food and shelter from the trees .

    5. Which plants you would like to grow?

    Ans. I would like to plant mango, orange and apple trees.

    6.Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false :—

    a.Trees give us fresh air. T

    b. We should not grow trees in our garden. F

    c.We must plant fruit trees for our coming generation. T

    d.Plants are very important for animals only. F

    e. Trees are our best friends. T

  • Special assignment- 15

    Class - 3 Subject - Computer

    L:MS Paint : Drawing tools

    1.Text tool

    This tool is used to type text on the drawing area.

    Steps to type text in MS Paint

    Click on the text tool.

    Select the color ,style and size of font .

    Drag the mouse pointer on the drawing area. A text box will appear which has a

    blinking line.

    Type the text.

    2.Steps to save a file in MS Paint

    1.Click on file menu.

    2. Click on Save as option.

    3.Type the name of your choice.

    4.Click on save.

    3.Steps to create a new drawing in MS Paint

    Click on file menu/Paint button

    Click on New option.

    4.Shortcut keys

    To save a file in MS Paint

    Press keys Ctrl + S

    To create a new drawing in MS Paint

    Press keys Ctrl + N

    5.Undo command

    This command allows us to undo the last action. It removes the last change we made in

    the file .

  • Exercise

    A.Choose the best alternative from the following :

    1. Magnifier tool can

    a.zoom in b.colour c.erase d.move

    2.Which is not a colouring activity ?

    a.colour selection b.colour filling c.colour mixing d. background colour

    3.To do spray colouring we use

    a.air brush b.thin brush c.thin line d.none of these

    4.To delete a diagram we use

    a.eraser b. cutter c.remover d.all of these

    5.A rounded rectangle can be drawn using

    a.line tool b.rounded rectangle tool c. eraser d. pencil tool

    6.The fill in color tool will cause the colour to spill over a figure if it is

    a.closed b.open c. rectangle d. circle


    Draw the picture of your favourite cartoon character using MS Paint.

    Make a chart / poster giving a message to save environment and design

    the theme using MS Paint .

    Note: Do Q. A in textbook pg no .48


    A. 1. a.zoom in

    2.c.colour mixing

    3. a.air brush


    5. b.rounded rectangle tool

  • 6.b.open

  • Assignment

    Subject —General Knowledge


    A. SMILE WITH SIMILES (Page no —32)

    Answer key — 1.peacock 2.bee 3.lion 4.swan 5.blade 6.bat 7.fox 8.glass

    9.lark 10.coal 11.bus 12.clown 13.owl 14.fruit—cake 15.cricket 16.feather


    Answer key :—

    1.Central Bureau of Investigation

    2.Gas Authority of India Limited

    3.All India Institute of Medical Sciences

    4.Liquefied Petroleum Gas

    5.Compressed Natural Gas

    6.British Broadcasting Corporation

  • 7.Press Trust of India

    8.International Monetary Fund

    9.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

    10.Reserve Bank of India

    11.National Council of Educational Research and Training

    12.Non— Governmental Organisation

    NOTE : Do these exercises in your book and learn it

  • Special Assignment 2020-21 Class – Three Subject –Drawing Name of the book – Art for generation-3 Fill colour in book (Page no. - 14-15, Vegetable Basket )