xtremelabs self - service student guide...(such as forefront tmg client) may be required x n/a in...

Welcome to XtremeLabs, a service of the Xtreme Consulting Group, Inc. This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to: Create an account. Add course codes. Use your virtual labs through the self-service portal. Troubleshoot connectivity issues. If you are using virtual labs during class hours, follow the steps for creating an account and accessing your labs in the In the Classroom section of this document. If you are using virtual labs outside of class hours, use the At Home section to configure your home computer for access to your labs. XtremeLabs Self - Service Student Guide

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  • Welcome to XtremeLabs, a service of the Xtreme Consulting Group, Inc. This document provides

    step-by-step instructions on how to:

    • Create an account.

    • Add course codes.

    • Use your virtual labs through the self-service portal.

    • Troubleshoot connectivity issues.

    If you are using virtual labs during class hours, follow the steps for creating an account and

    accessing your labs in the In the Classroom section of this document.

    If you are using virtual labs outside of class hours, use the At Home section to configure your

    home computer for access to your labs.


    Self - Service Student Guide

  • 2

    Contents System Requirements................................................................................................................................................................. 2

    In the Classroom .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Create a Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC) Labs Online Account ................................................................. 3

    Add a Course Code ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

    Take a Lab .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    How to Navigate the Lab Environment ............................................................................................................................... 8

    Top Bar ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

    Save Lab ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13

    Virtual Machine Window ................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Footer ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

    At Home ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

    Configuring Your Home Computer ............................................................................................................................... 18

    Connectivity Preference ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

    Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19

    Advanced Firewall Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 19

    Checking Connectivity.................................................................................................................................................... 20

    Support ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

    System Requirements

    To access the lab hosting system, your client system must meet the following requirements:



    HTML5 Requirements

    Windows XP SP3 or later (Windows

    RT is not supported) x x

  • 3

    .NET Framework 3.5 or later x x


    Internet Explorer


    Microsoft Edge

    Internet Explorer 10+

    Google Chrome 39+

    Safari 7+

    Minimum KBps per user network bandwidth 128 KBps 256 KBps

    Ideal screen resolution is above 1280 x 1024 x x

    Viewer Installation Local Admin N/A

    TCP Port 80 and 443 open with

    inbound/outbound access to the Internet x x

    For some corporate firewalls, a proxy client

    (such as Forefront TMG Client) may be required x N/A

    In the Classroom

    Perform the following steps to create an account and access your virtual labs.

    Create a Microsoft Official Courseware (MOC) Labs Online Account

    The first step to accessing your virtual labs will be to create an account.

    1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to http://labs.xtremeconsulting.com.


  • 4

    2. If you have an account, you can sign in. If you do not yet have an account, click Register.

    3. To create your account, fill in the fields on the Create an account page.

    Note The email address used to create your account is also used for password reminders. It

    is important to use a valid email address.

    4. Click Register.

    5. You will be redirected to the My codes page.

  • 5

    Add a Course Code

    1. On the My codes page, in the Add a code to your account text box, enter the code given to

    you by your instructor.

    2. Click Add code. Your course will be added to the My codes page. Note that all active courses

    will be displayed on the left side under the ‘My labs’ title.

    3. To see the lab modules in your active course labs, click on the course number. Your course’s

    lab modules should now be visible.

  • 6

    Note If you do not see the labs associated with your particular course on your course home

    page, you should inform your instructor.

    Take a Lab

    1. From any page, select an active course that is listed under the ‘My labs’ title (see above). Then

    select the lab module that you want to launch by hovering over the lab module’s ‘Lab Details’


    (which will turn dark gray) and clicking it. This will open the lab module’s Description box:

    The duration and description of the subject lab module will be presented here.

    2. To launch the lab module, hover over and click on the ‘Take Lab’ button.

  • 7

    3. While your lab environment is being prepared, a “spinner” will be displayed. Typically, it takes

    fewer than 30 seconds to create your unique lab environment. A large lab environment might

    take up to 2 minutes.

    Note If your lab takes longer than five minutes to load, refresh your browser page by

    pressing the F5 key. If you still cannot access your lab, please alert your instructor.

    Note Some labs have been modified from the on-premises version to operate correctly in an

    online environment. If a lab has been altered, a “Lab Notice” message will appear after the lab

    loads. Clicking the Notes tile will launch a Lab Notes document that contains additional

    information regarding the changes made to the lab steps.

    4. Once the lab loads and the environment is ready, your lab view will be displayed.

  • 8

    How to Navigate the Lab Environment

    Once your lab view is displayed, a number of options are available to allow you to interact with

    the virtual machines provided for each lab scenario.

    The lab view page has three parts:

    • Top bar

    • Virtual machine window

    • Footer

  • 9

    Top Bar

    The elements in the top bar are called out and described here:

  • 10

    Name of running lab & lab instance − This displays the name of the open lab module along

    with the instance of this lab. If requesting support, this information will be important.

    Hide Top Bar button − Click this button to hide or reveal the top bar.

    Hide Reveal

    Virtual Machine selector − This is a drop-down list that displays all of the virtual machines in the

    running lab module. Click a specific virtual machine to open it in the virtual machine window. The

    name of the virtual machine currently in the virtual machine window is listed in the text box.

    Actions selector − This is a drop-down menu that displays the special actions you may need to

    perform in the virtual machine that would normally be performed by the client machine’s operating


    The action choices are:

    • Ctrl+Alt+Delete − Sends this command to the virtual machine.

    • Windows Key − Replicates the Windows logo key in the virtual machine.

    • Windows Charms − Opens the charms within the virtual machine (if the virtual machine’s

    operating system includes charms).

    • Paste Content − Inserts the content of the client machine’s clipboard into the virtual machine.

    • Revert VM – Reverts the VM to it’s original state. Should be used only when the lab steps

    direct you to revert the VM.

    • Reset VM − Resets the VM. Should be used only when the lab steps direct you to reset the


    Network performance indicator − The bars in this indicator show the response speed between

    the user’s browser and the virtual machine server. The fuller the bars, the better the network

    performance. A drop-down arrow displays the last ping’s round-trip in milliseconds and includes

  • 11

    a Refresh text link that initiates a new ping. The round-trip timing of the new ping is then

    displayed in the drop-down box and is shown in the indicator.

    Lab Steps and Self-Assessment – If the lab module being viewed includes a lab steps overlay or

    a self-assessment test, this icon will appear in the top bar. Clicking on the lab steps icon will open

    a drop-down that indicates whether the lab module has either a lab steps overlay or

    selfassessment test (which includes a lab steps overlay). If the lab steps overlay is closed, clicking

    on the ‘Lab Steps’ or ‘Self Assessment’ text will open the lab steps overlay.


    Note that if there is a lab steps overlay in the lab module, the overlay will open by default when

    the lab module is launched.

    Files − The Files drop-down menu displays up to five different links.

    • Save lab – See the Save lab section below.

    • User Guide − Clicking on the User Guide link opens a separate window where the

    XtremeLabs Student User Guide (this document) can be displayed and downloaded from

    within XtremeLabs.

    • Lab Manual – When the launched lab includes a downloadable lab manual, this link will

    appear. Clicking on the Lab Manual link enables the downloading of the subject lab


    • Azure Credentials – When the launched lab is to be run in an Azure Resource Group, this

    link will appear. Clicking on the Azure Credentials link will open a pop-up window that

    displays the Username and Password that you will need to sign-in to the Azure Resource

    Group (ARG) that has been created for your instance of this lab:

    or or

  • 12

    XtremeLabs assigns these credentials to you for the duration of your lab session. When you

    end your lab session, your ARG will be torn down and deleted.

    Note: Any work that you have performed in your ARG during your lab session will then be

    lost when you click End Lab. It is recommended that you use the Save Lab feature.

    This pop-up also enables you to change your password. Click on the I forgot my password


    • O365 Credentials – When the launched lab includes an Office 365 Tenant, this link will

    appear. Clicking on the O365 Credentials link will open a pop-up window that displays

    the Tenant’s Email and Password that you will need to use this O365 Tenant that has been

    assigned to you for use in this lab:

    This O365 Tenant will expire in no less than 45 days from the date it is assigned to you.

    End Lab − Click End Lab to close the lab and terminate the virtual machines in the lab module.

    You will be prompted to confirm that you want the lab to end. Clicking on the OK button will end

    the lab.

  • 13

    Click Close to close the lab’s browser tab and return to the course player.

    Save Lab

    If you want to save your work and complete a lab at a later time, open the Files drop-down menu

    on the top bar of the screen and click Save lab. This will save your progress and your work will be

    stored for up to eight days (192 hours).

    Note: The Save lab function is not available on some labs. The Save lab link will only appear in

    the Files drop-down menu if this feature is available for your launched lab module.

    Saving the lab will take you to the My saved labs page where a tile of your saved lab is displayed.

    During the saving process, the Lab Details pop-up will state that “Your session is currently being saved.

    Please refresh the page in a few minutes to resume your lab.” Once the save has been

    completed, the Lab Details pop-up will state the date and time that your saved lab will be

    available until.

  • 14

    You can resume the lab at any time until then. After that stated date your saved lab will be


    You can resume the lab either from the My saved labs page or from the course’s page. Saved labs

    will have their own tile in the appropriate course’s page and this tile will be displayed in the last


    When you click the Resume Lab button in the Lab Details pop-up, the lab will restart at the place

    where you left off.

    If you have saved a lab and sign out of http://labs.xtremeconsulting.com and then sign back in to

    the site within the save timeline, the My saved labs section will be opened by default to remind

    you that you have a saved lab waiting for you:


  • 15

    Note: Only one lab can be saved at a time. If you already have a saved lab and you then save

    another, it will overwrite the first saved lab.

    Virtual Machine Window

    This is the large window that fills most of the lab view. This window allows interaction with the

    virtual machines that form the virtual labs.

    Only one virtual machine can be active in this window at a time. Use the virtual machine selector

    (identified earlier in this guide) to switch between virtual machines in a lab module.

    As long as the focus is within this window, the keyboard and pointing device will control the

    virtual machine.

    NOTE: Instructions for logging into and interacting with the VMs should be in the lab manual

    documentation. However, the most commonly used Administrator passwords used for Lab VMs

    are Pa$$w0rd and Pa55w.rd.

    Once launched, labs will run for 90, 120, 180, or 240 minutes or more, depending upon the scope

    of the lab and the steps to be performed. At the end of this period the lab will be disconnected

    and a message will be displayed. This message informs you that the lab is about to expire and it

    gives you an opportunity to either end the lab or extend the lab for an additional 30 minutes:

  • 16

    When this message is displayed, you will have 5 minutes to click on the Extend Lab button before

    the lab is automatically ended.

    You can end the lab at any time while this message is displayed by clicking on the End Lab


    NOTE: The RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connection between the client machine and the

    virtual machine may be interrupted occasionally due to networking events, but the connection

    will be automatically restored. If the connection is lost, the screen will turn dark and a

    “Connection lost. Reconnecting…” pop-up message will appear.

    The desktop session will resume upon reconnection.


    There are three elements in the Footer: the Support link, the Privacy & Cookies link, and the

    XtremeLabs link.

    Support - Click Support to open a menu with two text links: General FAQs and Contact us.

    Click General FAQs to view a .pdf file of the Frequently Asked Questions.

  • 17

    Click Contact us to open a pop-up form for sending email to the XtremeLabs support team. This

    form also provides the toll-free number to contact the XtremeLabs support team and a Chat now

    button to initiate a chat session with a team member.

    To send email to the XtremeLabs support team, fill in the text input boxes with the appropriate

    information and click Submit. Note that the text input boxes denoted with a red asterisk (*)

    cannot be left blank.

    After you click Submit, you will see an acknowledgment that the email has been sent. The

    XtremeLabs support team will contact you shortly.

    If an issue is urgent, call the XtremeLabs support team using the toll-free number provided on the

    form or click Chat now during the listed support hours. (The listed support hours are in the

    Pacific Time zone.)

    Privacy & Cookies – This links to the Microsoft Privacy Statement web page.

    XtremeLabs – This links to the home page of Xtreme Consulting, a division of DISYS, the fine

    people who bring you XtremeLabs – and much more.

    At Home

    The In the Classroom section of this document provides instructions for creating an account and

    accessing your labs in the classroom.

  • 18

    If you also plan to use virtual labs outside of class hours, this At Home section will help you

    configure your home computer to access to your labs.

    Configuring Your Home Computer

    1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to http://labs.xtremeconsulting.com.

    2. Sign in using the email address you specified when creating your account. You will be

    redirected to your course home page.

    Note If you have not created a user account, follow the steps in the In the Classroom section

    of this document.

    3. To begin a lab, click Take Lab.

    4. After your lab loads, you may be asked to install an ActiveX control.

    5. Click Install.

    Note Installation of this control requires administrative access.

    6. Once installation is complete, the virtual machine connection window will refresh and you will

    have access to your virtual lab environment.

    Connectivity Preference

    By default, all connections to lab virtual machines are made via HTML. However, there are some

    networking issues that can be resolved by switching to the ActiveX RDP (Remote Desktop

    Protocol) control. To make this change, open My account page and select the ActiveX option.

    Note If ActiveX is selected as your RDP preference, a different user interface will be presented.

    You will then want to download the Student User Guide written for that UI. Go to


    ServiceStudentGuidetoMLO_ActiveX.pdf to download this version of the Student User Guide.


  • 19

    Note If you select HTML5 as your preference, but the machine on which you have signed in

    does not support it (for example, the browser version is not recent enough), then the UI will

    revert to ActiveX automatically.


    If you have trouble connecting to the lab images once they have launched, the information in

    this section may help identify the issue.

    Advanced Firewall Configuration

    By default, the lab hosting system offers connections to lab virtual machine console sessions from

    an end user’s web browser via an ActiveX control embedded in the web page. That ActiveX

    control makes one or more connections to a Hyper-V server in order to display the virtual

    machine console windows within the browser window.

    All ActiveX controls make their network connections outside of the scope of Internet Explorer. In

    other words, their traffic is not managed through the Internet Explorer proxy settings. Changing

    proxy settings on the browser will not enable the traffic. Instead, all ActiveX controls open

    network ports directly through the Windows TCP/IP protocol stack. This is generally seen as a

    key benefit of the ActiveX architecture.

    The network traffic between the ActiveX control and the lab portal is running over TCP port 443.

    That port is typically used to transfer HTTPS traffic. However, in this case, the network protocol

    being transferred over port 443 is RDP. In most cases, proxy/firewall configurations are not

    sensitive to the protocol being transmitted over the port and this traffic flows without a

    problem. However, in more secure environments (and this may include your network boundary),

    packet inspection of traffic over port 443 may block the RDP traffic since it does not conform to

    the HTTPS protocol.

    To enable the lab session traffic from the ActiveX control to reach the Internet via a proxy server

    (such as Microsoft Forefront TMG), follow the instructions in the Internet proxy/firewall client

    step, described next. If that does not resolve the issue, try the Firewall configuration step that


    • Internet proxy/firewall client

    First, install a client proxy agent on your machine and then configure that client to connect

    to the Internet via the proxy/firewall server. If your network is protected by Forefront TMG,

    for example, you will need to install the Forefront TMG client on your machine and configure

    it to connect to the Internet via the gateway. The TMG client can be downloaded from the

    Microsoft Download Center. Other firewall/proxy products typically have an equivalent client



  • 20

    • Firewall configuration

    If the firewall has been configured for packet inspection (that is, the rules are sensitive to the

    protocols running over certain ports), then the outbound rules on the firewall need to be

    altered to allow the RDP protocol to run over port 443 to the specific addresses used by the

    lab portal. Namely:

    Destination IP address ranges: through through through

    Destination port:

    TCP 443



    Note Configuration of access to port 443 for RDP traffic is beyond the scope of Internet

    Explorer proxy settings.

    Checking Connectivity

    If you have trouble accessing your labs, use the NetTest tool to check your connectivity and then

    provide the results to the XtremeLabs Support team for analysis. The tool is available at


    After installing the tool on the computer used to access XtremeLabs, launch it with elevated rights

    as Administrator.

    As soon as it launches, enter your name, ticket number, or active lab instance ID number and

    select ‘Start Network Test’.


  • 21

    After collecting some general information, the tool will run for 1 hour gathering network date.

    Once the test is complete, the ‘Test Progress’ section will change to read ‘All Tests now complete’

    and a folder will open with 2 files. Copy these files and send them to the support team as


    Note This tool is focused on issues around using the RDP ActiveX control for session

    connectivity (although it also measures general network settings/connectivity). It checks the

    ActiveX installation and the RDP CredSSP settings, as well as firewall checks specific to running

    RDP through the firewall.

    If there are any issues with running the RDP ActiveX control, the simplest solution may be to

    switch your user profile to use the HTML5 viewer. HTML5 is a per-user choice (not per machine)

    and currently defaults to ActiveX. The Connectivity Preference section in this document

    describes how to switch to HTML5.


    If you have technical issues with the online labs, you can contact the XtremeLabs support team.

    Examples of technical issues include:

    • The virtual desktop does not display.

    • The online lab runs slowly or is non-responsive.

    If an issue is urgent, call the XtremeLabs support team using the toll-free number provided on the

    form or click the link to initiate a chat session with a team member during the listed support

    hours. (The support hours are in the Pacific Time Zone.)

  • 22

    XtremeLabs - Support Contacts

    Phone (1) 800-239-7051

    Email [email protected]

    Hours Mon-Fri: 12:00 am to 6:00 pm (Pacific Time)

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    © 2018 XtremeLabs LLC. All rights reserved.