xps(esca) –kai siegbahn –nobel prize in physics (1981)xps(esca) –kai siegbahn –nobel prize...

Motto “Science is fun. I am still having fun” Charles Townes (2010 – 95 years old) - Nobel Prize in Physics (1964) for maser-laser XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) Acronyms XPS = X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy ESCA = Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis XPS / ESCA is one of the most powerful technique used in the surface, interface and thin film analysis according to ISO(TC-201: “Surface Chemical Analysis”). In an XPS experiment, the sample is irradiated by low energy (<1.5 keV) X-rays in an ultra high vacuum environment. This causes photo-ionisation (photoelectric effect) of the atoms at the specimen's surface: photoelectrons are emitted from the atomic energy levels with very specific Binding Energies(BEs) and , consequently, with a very accurate spectral signature/fingerprint for all the elements from the Periodic Table and their chemical compounds. The quantitative sensitivity is in the range of (10 -2 – 10 -4 ) of a monolayer and the surface sensitivity is in the range of (2-100) monolayers (<0.5 – 20nm) Schematic diagram of the photoelectric effect. [The photon energy hν is well known (1486.6eV for AlKα), the Kinetic energy(E K ) is measured by the analyzer. Thus, we calculate the Binding Energy(BE) = hν + E K. This is very specific to every element from the Periodic Table and - by chemical shift and other features – to every associated chemical species]. By simplifying: XPS = the photoelectric effect + the shell model

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Page 1: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Motto “Science is fun. I am still having fun” Charles Townes (2010 – 95 years old) - Nobel Prize in Physics (1964) for maser-laser XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) Acronyms XPS = X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy ESCA = Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis XPS / ESCA is one of the most powerful technique used in the surface, interface and thin film analysis according to ISO(TC-201: “Surface Chemical Analysis”). In an XPS experiment, the sample is irradiated by low energy (<1.5 keV) X-rays in an ultra high vacuum environment. This causes photo-ionisation (photoelectric effect) of the atoms at the specimen's surface: photoelectrons are emitted from the atomic energy levels with very specific Binding Energies(BEs) and , consequently, with a very accurate spectral signature/fingerprint for all the elements from the Periodic Table and their chemical compounds. The quantitative sensitivity is in the range of (10-2 – 10-4) of a monolayer and the surface sensitivity is in the range of (2-100) monolayers (<0.5 – 20nm)

Schematic diagram of the photoelectric effect. [The photon energy hν is well known (1486.6eV for AlKα), the Kinetic energy(EK) is measured by the analyzer. Thus, we calculate the Binding Energy(BE) = hν + EK. This is very specific to every element from the Periodic Table and - by chemical shift and other features – to every associated chemical species]. By simplifying: XPS = the photoelectric effect + the shell model

Page 2: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

The XPS capabilities.

1. Element identification by photoelectron and Auger lines both qualitatively and quantitatively:

by recording Survey (wide scan) spectrum : 0-1400 eV , in steps of (0.5 – 1.0) eV

2. Surface, interface, thin films chemistry and, for powders, even the bulk chemistry:

by recording High-resolution (narrow scan) spectra : (0-10) eV up to (0-70eV) for complex spectra in steps of ( 0.05 – 0.5) eV.

We find out the chemical environment of the detected elements by their chemical(spectral) fingerprint / signature:

- the chemical shift (the most imp. source) in both photoel. and/or Auger lines - the shake-up / shake – off sattelites - surface / bulk plasmons - multiplet splitting - electron – hole pairs

Tabel 1 The spin –orbit splitting parameters. ____________________________________________________________ Atomic level j = l ± s Area ratios ____________________________________________________________ s 1/2 - p 1/2, 3/2 1/2 d 3/2, 5/2 2/3 f 5/2, 7/2 3/4 ___________________________________________________________ Except s-lines , all the other photoelectron lines are doublets ( p,d,f states). The above information help us to perform very useful constraints during the deconvolution process.

Inelastic mean free path (imfp) (nm) vs. kinetic energy (KE)

Page 3: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Samples All kind of solid samples can be accommodated on specific platens (standard, angle resolved, powders). Some requirements:

- Volatile substances must be removed prior the sample loading - Some organic contaminants must be removed with appropriate organic

solvents - Neutralization (for insulating samples) and Argon ion sputtering is highly

recommended - Argon ion etching is commonly used to obtain information on composition vs.

sampling depth - Some materials can be processed , fractured or scraped in a glove box - Some powders can be ground in a mortar to expose a fresh surface or the

bulk. The mortar must be very careful cleaned before reuse - Abrasion can be done in a glove box in an inert atmosphere - Sample transportation require a chamber sealed under vacuum or a glove

box under inert atmosphere - Pressing a powder into Indium foil or spreading onto a double sided scotch

tape is often used.

Intraocular lens

Teflon Polyethylene

Vascular Implant ( Dacron Fabric)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

Filter paper

Page 4: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Types of XPS data 1. Survey (wide - scan spectrum) A Survey is one spectrum acquired from a quick, high-sensitivity scan of a wide energy range (typically 0 to 1100 eV in 1 eV steps) to survey the elements present at a point on the sample or over an area. In point analysis, a stationary x-ray beam is positioned on a specific point. In area analysis, the beam is rapidly scanned, or rastered, over an area or multiple areas of the surface.

SEM-like Ease of Use


Binding Energy (eV)


-F 1s

-O 1s -C 1s

Si 2s,2p


Atomic %F 50.9 C 41.2 O 4.4 Si 3.5

Atomic %C 73.7 O 24.8 Si 1.5

100 µm

100 µm

Area 2 Area 1

Secondary Electron Image

Area 1

Area 2

Spectra obtained using 20 µm diameter x-ray beam in less than 5 minutes

Confident point and click analysis area definition

Survey spectra from selected areas identify an unknown contaminant

SEM-like Ease of Use

02004006008001000Binding Energy (eV)

-Zn 2p1

-Zn 2p3


-O 1s


-N 1s

-C 1s

-Si2s -Si2p



Atomic % C 1s 74.5 O 1s 22.0 N 1s 1.7 Si 2p 1.1 Zn 2p3 0.7

100 µm

100 µm

Point 4

Point 4

Spectrum obtained using 10 µm diameter x-ray beam detected

Zn, possibly Zn stearate

Secondary electron images, maps, and 10 µm spectra quickly identified a contaminant that would go undetected in a non-microprobe system

Secondary Electron Image

Page 5: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Large Area Spectroscopy

010020030040050060070080090010001100 0






3x 10 5

Binding Energy (eV)





-Cl2s -S2s

-Cl2p -S2p


Surface composition (atom %) C 95.1 O 3.3 Cl 0.9 Pt 0.6 S 0.2

High Sensitivity (high speed) Large Area Spectroscopy

Pt Catalyst on Graphite Support

Excellent detection limits for heavy and light elements

1400 x 300 um analysis area 100 watts, Al Kα 280 eV pass energy 3 minute analysis time

Pt/V samples : survey spectra

5V fresh 5V used Pt 5V fresh Pt5V used


O 1s

C 1s

Al 2p Al 2s

V 2s V 2p


Page 6: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

2. Multiplex: High- resolution (narrow) spectra

Pt 4f (7/2,5/2) deconvolution constraints: Area5/2 : Area 7/2 = 3 / 4 and ∆ (spin - orbit splitting parameter) = 3.33 eV

Large Area Spectroscopy

276278280 282284 2862882902922942962980









x 10 4

Binding Energy (eV)


C 1s 95.1 atom%







Binding Energy (eV)


Pt 4f 0.6 atom %

3 minutes 26 eV pass energy 15 minutes 26 eV pass energy


Pt(OH)2 PtCl2

High Sensitivity - High Resolution Large Area Spectroscopy

Pt Catalyst on Graphite Support


SEM-like Ease of Use

100 µm

Area 2 Area 1

Secondary Electron Image

275 280 285290295300Binding Energy (eV)

Carbon 1s Spectra

Area 1 Fluorocarbon Contaminant

Area 2 PET



Spectra obtained using 20 µm diameter x-ray beam in less than 5 minutes

Detailed ‘high resolution’ spectra from selected areas provide chemical state information about the contaminant

Page 7: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Other spectra deconvolutions

Complex XPS spectrum of Ce 3d showing the deconvolution process performed by imposing constraints both on area ratios of the doublets (see Table 1) and on the spin - orbit splitting parameter (see the PHI-Handbook of XPS)

Normalized, superimposed XPS spectra. By using CeO2 (Ce4+) as reference we can detect the contribution of the 3+ oxidation states in the other samples (corresponding to the doublet number 2 in the above spectrum) Thus, the ratio Ce3+ / [Ce(3+) + Ce (4+)] can be determined straightforward .

Page 8: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Ti compounds in a glass sample

Ti and TiO2 standard XPS spectra together with a complex Ti spectrum recorded after Ion Beam Oxidation (IBO) experiment

Ti 2p photoelectron lines of the element, full oxide and suboxides

Ti 2p “band –like” XPS spectrum

Page 9: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

The Silicon deconvoluted spectrum.

The suboxides (1+, 2+, 3+ oxidation states) can be observed together with elemental Si (2p3/2, 1/2) and the native full oxide (4+ oxidation state).

Page 10: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

High resolution Appearance Potential spectra of Cr, Fe and Ni from the bulk of the “304” stainless steel.

The surface is coated with Cr2O3 which is responsible for its excellent properties against corrosion. The unoccupied DoS from the Conduction Band can be calculated after data processing while the energy resolution could be as high as in the UPS technique. (Dr. Petre Osiceanu – PhD thesis ; the spectra were recorded using a home-made, artisan APS instrument).

Page 11: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

3. Depth Profiles An XPS Depth Profile provides compositional data as a function of depth. A sputter depth profile consists of a series of spectra that have been collected at different depths as material was removed from the sample. An XPS depth profile is generally made by alternating sputtering with data acquisition.

High Performance XPS Depth Profiling

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200







Sputter Time (min)

Atomic Concentration (%)


Sn (oxide)

Sn (metal)


Pb (oxide)

Pb (metal)

Point #1 – On Solder Bump

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200










Sputter Time (min)

Atomic Concentration (%)


Sn0.2 %



Point #2 – Off Solder Bump

20 µm X-ray Beam - 500V Ar Ion Beam – Etch Rate ~0.5 nm/min (SiO2)

Solder Mask Material

Pb Residue on Solder Mask

High Performance XPS Depth Profiling

480482 484 486 488 490 492 494 496 498





0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5

5 x 10 4

Binding Energy (eV)


Sn 3d 3/2 Sn 3d 5/2




0 20 40 60









x 10 4

Binding Energy (eV)


Pb 4f 5/2 Pb 4f 7/2



Point #1 – On Solder Bump Point #2 – Off Solder Bump

20 µm X-ray Beam – 78 seconds/spectrum

Page 12: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

4. Angle Resolved XPS (ARXPS)

An XPS Angle Profile provides compositional data as a function of depth. Angle-Resolved (angle-dependent) profiles are used to probe the near surface region of a sample in a nondestructive manner. Angle Profiles are possible, because the input lens of the analyzer (SCA) can operate with a small acceptance angle, and it is possible to tilt the sample in front of the analyzer. The analysis depth at a given angle is defined by the equation: d = λ sin θ where: d is the effective analysis depth, λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the angle between the sample surface and the analyzer input lens. Angle Profiles are used typically to measure the thickness or explore the chemistry of very thin layers. Applications include the study of chemically modified surfaces, lubrication, cleaning processes, and such.

Page 13: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

5. Mapping XPS A Map is a set of intensity-value arrays acquired over the area of the sample to show the surface distribution of specific elements. Each array of intensity values corresponds to an element, and each value in the array corresponds to a point in the map area. The intensity value is obtained by measuring the intensity at a specific XPS peak energy, then subtracting the background intensity. Acquiring map data for every element identified in the survey will completely characterize the distribution of elements in the analysis area. These maps are then compared to the SXI image or platen view

Fig. 1: X-ray beam induced secondary electron image and survey spectra from selected areas on a contaminated polymer surface that show the presence of fluorine in the contaminated area.

Fig. 2: High resolution carbon 1s spectra from the same selected areas that show the presence of a fluorocarbon contamination in localized areas on the polymer surface.

Fig. 3: Secondary electron image showing a selected area for XPS imaging and a color overlay image of C and F 1s maps confirming the presence of a localized fluorocarbon surf. contaminant

Page 14: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Quantification :from spectra to numbers (relative concentrations) The following quantitative results are obtained with errors <10% and <5% for using well known standards: -element relative concentrations (atom%) -oxidation states relative concentrations (%) -chemical states relative concentrations (%)

I ~ n S, S = Sensitivity factor (scaling factor) – SF • I – line intensity ( peak area) ( counts /sec ) • n = number of atoms of the element per cm3 for “x” element (cm-3)

SF = f (σ, λM , T) • σ = the photoelectric cross section for the atomic orbital of interest (cm2) • T = the transmission function of the spectrometer • λM = imfp (escape depth) of the photoelectrons in the sample - a function of the matrix M and the KE of the photoelectrons. Example1: Silicon oxide contaminated with adsorbed hydrocarbon “x”= Si, “y “ = O, “z” = C ( homogeneous distributed) Element rel. conc. (atom%) (NOT absolute density of atoms, n)

nx Ix / Sx • Cx = ------------------ = -------------------------------------- , Cy, Cz nx + ny + nz Ix / Sx + Iy / Sy + Iz / Sz

Atom ratios:

• nx / ny = Cx / Cy ……. We have to emphasize that the microscopic character of an heterogeneous sample influences the quantitative results. Moreover , an overlying contamination layer has the effect of diminishing the intensity of high BEs (low KEs) more that of the low BEs (high KEs) peaks. A useful test for quantitative work is the recording of the Cu three widely spaced spectral lines: Cu 2p3/2 = 932.67 eV, Cu L3MM = 567.96 eV, Cu 3p = 75.14 eV. These lines are also useful for BE scale calibration.

Page 15: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Si 2p

O 1s

C 1s

Page 16: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Surface Composition Table (from the above narrow spactra)

• Si O C • Sensitivity Factor(SF) 0.22 0.66 0.25 • Area 48586 96243 28196 • Area / scan 5398 19249 5639 • Area / scan / SF 5978 7718 5639 • Total sum 5978 + 7718 + 5639 = 19.335 • Rel. conc. (atom %) 5978 /19335 = 30.9 39.9 29.2 • Conclusion:Sample content: Si -30.9%, O -39.9 % and C - 29.2%. • Attn! Σ Rel. conc. = 100% ( 30.9 + 39.9 + 29.2 = 100%).

Page 17: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Example 2: Quantitative analysis from Survay spectra. Bayer aspirin and Romanian aspirin – a comparison Bayern Aspirin Interior

Romanian Aspirin Interior





4 6







Binding Energy (eV)



-Na1s -O KLL




-Si2s -Si2p

Atomic % C1s 56.7 O1s 35.1 Si2p 7.9 Na1s 0.4

0200 400600800 1000 0





x 105






Atomic% C1s 64.0 O1s 36.0

Page 18: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Bayer Aspirin Exterior

Romanian Aspirin Exterior


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 x 105

Binding Energy (eV)



-O K








Atomic % O1s 52.9 C1s 28.6 Si2p 11.1 Mg2s 7.4








x 105

Binding Energy (eV)



-Mg2s -Mg2p




-C1s -Si2s -Si2p

Atomic % O1s 54.4 C1s 24.8 Si2p 12.6 Mg2s 8.1

Page 19: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Example3 Typical XPS Table showing both the surface chemistry(BEs) and the quantification (relative concentrations leading to stoichiometries). Table 2. T10YZ [ 10(TiO2)8(Y2O3)82(ZrO2)]; Element O(1s) Ti(2p3/2,1/2) Y(3d5/2, 3/2 Zr(3d5/2,3/2) Binding Energies(BE’s) (eV)

529.8 (O2

- species) 531.9 (OH groups)

458.3 463.6

157.3 159.4

182.2 184.6

Element rel. conc. (atom%).

62.8 1.6 6.1 29.5

Element rel. conc. of metal ions (atom%)

5.4 15.1 79.5

Nominal (intended) bulk stoichiometry : Ti0.092Y0.148Zr0.759 OY Experimental surface stoichiometry: Ti0.054Y0.151Zr0.795 OY We can notice a trend of Ti difussion from the surface to the bulk and the segregation of Zr to the surface, suggesting a process of substitution of Zr4+ ions by Ti 4+ ions in the lattice of the sample, while Yttrium remain constant within the experimental errors.

Page 20: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Applications in the polymers field (Carbopol)

Fig.1 The XPS wide – scan spectrum of the Carbopol sample

Fig2. The C 1s photoelectron spectrum after deconvolution


















/ s

Binding Energy (eV)

Survey5 Scans, 5 m 40.3 s, 400µm, CAE 200.0, 1.00 eV



O-Auger C-Auger

O 2s

Page 21: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Table 1. The C 1s chemical states relative concentrations - CH2 – CH < and /or> CH – CH < 58.4% > CH – COOH 10.3% > CH – O - 3.4% - COOH 27.9%

Fig 2. The O 1s photoelectron spectrum after deconvolution Table 2. The O1s chemical states relative concentrations O = C < 47.0% HO – C 53.0% Table 3. Element rel. conc.(atom%) from high resolution spectra

Name At. % C 1s 65.8O 1s 34.2

Page 22: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

XPS Valence Band Some VB (0-20 eV) features are shown in Figs.1-2 In this energy range the following XPS lines can be found: Zn3d(5/2 and 3/2) in : Zn0 / SiO2, ZnSe, (Zn5)CdSe and (Zn10)CdSe Cd4d(5/2 and 3/2) in : Cd0 /SiO2 , CdSe, (Zn5)CdSe and (Zn10)CdSe (Zn5) and (Zn 10) stand for 5 sec and 10 sec MBE deposition of Zn on the top of CdSe substrate. A good statistics are obtained by taking longer acquisition time .

Zn0 3d photoelectron spectrum superimposed on ZnSe, Zn5 and Zn10 BV

Cd0 4d photoelectron spectrum superimposed on CdSe, Zn5 and Zn10 BV.

Page 23: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Auger Parameter(AP) Some differences between Auger and photoelectron chemical shifts could appear as a result of final states effects involving two vacancies in the inner shells and one hole, respectively. This gives rise to differences in the polarization energies and, consequently in the ionization and kinetic photoelectron energies. The AP is defined as: α = KEA – KEP = BEP – BEA where P stands for “photoelectron” and A for “Auger”. The last difference can be accurately determined as the charging effect is canceled. We have used the modified Auger Parameter(AP) defined as: α' =AP = α + hν = KEA + BEP = (1253.6 eV - BEA ) + BEP .

Table1. Binding energies(BEs)(eV) and Auger Parameters(AP) of Zn XPS features in(Zn5)CdSe and(Zn10)CdSe - samples prepared for calibration of MBE. The values for Zn0 /SiO2 and ZnSe were added for comparison. Bremen selenides

2p3/2 3p3 3p1 L3M4,5M4,5

(Zn5)CdSe (Zn10)CdSe Zn0 /SiO2 ZnSe

1022.20 1022.30 1022.30 1022.10

89.0 91.9489.09 92.0189.10 92.0888.81 91.84

263.99 AP=2011.90 264.06 AP=2011.84 262.16 AP=2013.74 263.74 AP=2011.74

Conclusion One can notice that Zn on the top surface layer of the ternary compounds is found in a chemical bonding with Se (like ZnSe ) according to Auger Parameter values. We have to emphasize that the BEs of the photoelectron lines offer no information on the presence of these chemical bonding because the chemical shift is insignificant.

(AP)_Zn0 = 2011.84 (AP)_ZnSe = 2013.75 Δ ~ 2 eV

Example : “Bremen Selenides” - “ in situ “ MBE +XPS experiments – ZnSe, CdSe, (Zn5)CdSe, (Zn10)CdSe + elemental: Zn0, Cd0, Se0 / Si Zn0 = elemental Zn…. (Zn5), (Zn10) stand for Zn deposition on the top of CdSe surface for 5 and 10 sec , respectively by MBE. -

Page 24: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the


ISO - 201 TC “Surface Chemical Analysis” SC1: Terminology WG1: Definitions of terms SC2: General Procedures WG1: Specimen Handling WG2: Reference Materials WG3: Reporting Results SC3: Data Management and Treatment WG1: Data Transfer and Storage WG2: Surface Science Data Models SC4: Depth Profiling WG1: Definitions and Procedures WG2: Reference Materials SC5: Auger Electron Spectroscopy WG1: Procedures for Quantification (joint with SC7) SC6: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry WG1: Quantification of B in Si WG2: Documentary Standards SC7: X - Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy WG1: Instrument Specification and Operation (joint withSC5) WG2: Energy Scale Calibration (joint with SC5).

Page 25: XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981)XPS(ESCA) –Kai Siegbahn –Nobel Prize in Physics (1981) ... λ is inelastic mean free path (escape depth) and θ is the

Acknowledgments The ULVAC – PHI team, in particular Dr. John Moulder and Dr. John Hammond, are gratefully acknowledged for helpful discussions during demo-session and seminars related to PHI Quantera instrument acquisition. Thus, the Sample, Depth profiling and Mapping sections use data provided by PHI together with SEM-like pictures and the spectra attached.