xml publisher guide

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  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    Putting Customer First


    XML PublisherXML Publisher

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First



    XML Publisher

    Template Creation

    Report CreationSummary

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    What is a Markup Language?


    markup languageis an artificial languageusing a set o! annotations to

    te"t that gi#e instructions regarding the structure o! te"t or ho$ it is to be

    displayed% Markup languages ha#e been in use !or centuries& and in recent

    years ha#e also been used in computer typesetting and $ord'processing


    $ell'kno$n e"ample o! a markup language in use today in computing is

    (yper Te"t Markup Language )(TML*& one o! the most used in the

    World Wide Web%


  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    XML Publisher !or PeopleSo!t +nterprise is a template-based

    reporting solutionthat separates the data e"traction process

    !rom the report layout and allo$s the reuse o! e"tracted

    application data into multiple report layouts%

    /hat Is XML Publisher

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    *racle XML Publisher

    ,racle has de#eloped a standalone -a#a'based reporting

    technology called XML Publisher used !or streamlined

    reporting and !orm generation

    Primary !eature o! this product is the separation o! the .atae"traction process !rom the Report Layout

    /sing a single template& reports can be generate in many

    output !ormats like %pd!& %rt!& %"ls& %html etc%

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    XML Publisher

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    To create a template& Template design helpers need to be used%

    These are a#ailable in the !orm o! ddins to standard te"t editors likeMS Word%

    To do$nload the MS Word plug'in& go to the na#igation as sho$n belo$0

    ,emplate +reation

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    The 1Template 2uilder3 toolbar is a#ailable in MS Word a!ter do$nload%

    ,emplate +reation

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    XML Publisher Setup in PeopleSo!t

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    +reating the )ata Logic4a#igation0

    ;eporting ,ools ' uer= Manager '+reate >e2 uer=

    5% Select the record name !rom $hich data needs to be e"tractedand Click on ?dd record

    6% Select the !ields that are to be returned !rom the 7uery%

    8% Incorporate all criteria and 9oins in order to arri#e at the right7uery !or the report output%

    :% Sa#e the 7uery as public $ith a 4ame and .escription%

    ;eport +reation

    XML Reports are created by separating the data e"tract !rom thereport layout% The data can be e"tracted !rom the PeopleSo!t

    database using di!!erent types o! data sources like PS ;uery&

    RecordSets etc%

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5% 4a#igate to Reporting Tools XML Publisher Setup .ataSource6% dd a ne$ data source $ith the same name as the PS 7uery namesa#ed in the pre#ious step

    ;eport +reation

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First


  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    :% Sa#e the %"ml !ile generated onto to the local dri#e% This !ile $ill

    be used to upload data into the template generated%

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    =% To load the data into the template& go to

    Template 2uilder toolbar > .ata > Load XML .ata

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    % message con!irms the success!ul load o! data into the template

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    @% To design the report layout !rom the menu select

    Insert > TableABorm > Wiard to insert a Table into the template

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    D% Select the !ields to be displayed on the report output !rom the !ield


  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    E% Sa#e the document in %rt! !ormat%

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5F% Register the Report .e!inition $ith the Report name and .ata

    Source id already created

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    55% +nter the data on the Report de!inition page as sho$n

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    56% ,n the template tab& upload the Report template !rom the local

    dri#e by clicking on the /pload button

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    58% ,n the ,utput tab& speci!y the Report output !ormat type and

    destination $here the output needs to be generated

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5:% ,n the Security tab& speci!y the report #ie$ers G either a speci!ic

    user id or a role that $ill identi!y the list o! report #ie$ers

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5=% Setup 2ursting options in order to use the same report template

    multiple times !or like sets o! data&

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5% Sa#e the Report .e!inition

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5@% In order to #ie$ the report output go to 0Reporting Tools XML Publisher ;uery Report Hie$er and choosethe report name that you 9ust created and click in the Hie$ report link

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    5D% The output is generated $ith the template designed and opens in a

    ne$ $indo$ as sho$n belo$0

  • 7/22/2019 XML Publisher guide


    SOA ITPutting Customer First

    ?bout S*?IS

    S,IS is a pro#ider o! +nterprise IT and Process outsourcing solutions%Since its inception S,IS has e"panded at a tremendous pace and has

    garnered customers !rom both mid'market segment and Bortune 5FF

    companies% We ha#e e"perience in managing +RP applications as $ell as

    in pro#iding high #alue ser#ices around packaged enterprise applications

    such as PeopleSo!t and ,racle% ,ur e"perience in the business process

    outsourcing area !ully e"tends our ser#ices !ootprint to pro#ide end to

    end enterprise $ide solutions%

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