xl.j9*'13,483. new-york, tuesday, december price … · letta.-ideal will cv, utu-jilly...

Wett^i VOL- XL.J9*'13,483. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2*, 1890. PRICE FOUR CENTS. TOPICS AT TIIK CAPITAL. DI8CTJ<nioM \M) FXPECTATION. rilB IN'HROC Ult: Ct -Al. Ha ll IC VI 1 - -VIKI I OF 1N- |!Its-» IO 1IIK IMUlItlK PfPlRTMl N" r. General Grant's flem on the Mihjret of fi'i inuTii.r.iiiic oanol vviii g rsa m eb ¦rticle" tn l in iortlicomiti-' munher ol' The .\vrth A,t"-,i.-.ni Rsm sm. Opium S. L Pitelpth <"11' m tim inrtiri-oia'nia n;iiiuaii m Mr. Morton't* lull eraatins ihsj Ntcaragae iBkuwetBak t'iiii.u ('"minny, trivc* PMBOM why Ann lit'iins slniiilil on. Oee tin' I'ntniiiin CbBBI project. Tho hu ula ni .Sioux, ('lu tr..nc .uni i'ninvi Indians v-Hiii he i'i inntniciu of tin- Interior yeater- tl. y, ami stowed a itieBg desire ti) hte tim Bet ti t.iiy. TUB nfTKROCBAMlC CANAL PR0JB0T8. Raj. ukani-'s vu tv- TO BB KEPRRSBKD IN A mai. Blas AttnciK.antone heawmm why ' am itCtvs Minim OfffOW rut-' 1 lll-Ml OP t>K i. taupe.now twa sbkecb iiitbhpbrt rx- M.t lil HAUY TIKiVII'SOn'S AOl'KSSION mr TKLKt.KAiii io rna tribunb) \\ -niMiTiN, I)-c. '-'7.. (».'iieriil Qrauft ia very d«i pl.v inicit\-tt*'il m tito mi j .ct af au intorooc.inic ship canal, ni I nu nield tlicni'ed Ov lum will ap¬ pear in Ins Vertl American Beaker for Foirmirv. It ia mic:- timi ibm tu»> Hutment mn of flint number of 1 he lum ut will in- baateaed as nuicti aa practicable in view ni |Be pr-'Vailing interest ia the subject Loth in this country and m Kunine. Of course nosynon* aia oi Gc.(-ru! (..ruin's peens can Ix- giveu tai tho public until tlio publisher* am ri aili, windi, if is expected, will !>e a-onIy an January 14. In all probability, how ov.-r, lin1 article salli b.- mainlv devoted ie discusa- lae Mm adranrams ikat week) accrue to tint United Pl.t. ¦ fnun ihe cotibtruc mn of i! eeaal nuder A in rn .ti auspices and subj ct to Amaru-iiu control. li Betel Until IB a heart v believer iu Ihe policy of bin!il. l' ii' li ii cmal. Hi at' n ml. toward Hie De Lesseps gi heine fora cnnal at Pin.ainu, under foreign contlol, wits de- linell at tbe tune tl,c presidency of thal enterprise wa* nQ'Tcd io bias, HeMeasd by one of his Inti* in,no friends to Dave declined tho oller, with tbe rein rk (hut he would not lend Ins name ami countenance to a pr j.'Ct in which _. believed cveiv dollar invested would be nuuk. ll Miilt-j. nu ih know to li,, iti'.i iii in favor of tin- Ni,at'eifii;i enterprise, anil il I-e|int" pro ahleihat, it tin: hill inti .lint t-1 in lim Hausa hy Mr. vi 1'. Miiii.iu to uic.ii|i"iatc the Ye.ii.../,i.i liits-rticcinic i'mai Company beecsMs a law, Qaieienl (¦rant will he abuses pre sole ni of tho t'tiuipa-iv. ami will aeeepl tint pnstttOO. Captain S. I.. Phelps, eil Washington, itt nun of ihe iticorps.rat- nrs naiiie. in Mr. MortotA lull, and is al 0 chairman ol tba Executive Committee ol the* Provtaiona] InterooasiiK C'as.al Society." C'linlain Phelps upeni Uki hist Mun mr in Bureen in elm latersetasri tho .,iii-l>o.-cil Nu au aga m C'i'ial, anil while there hes linnie ;ws car lui hu investo/ation as yy a* practicable 111U11 a: cnuthiuiii ami pioMpe, ts ol' tho Panama He-lieine. In coiivcrtsation YYith Captain Phelps to-day a J Lim si correa toBdeat united : " What ii thc un¬ demanding lu France to tho relations of *x- 6ecr>-t nv fu.p.em io ino Panama Company I" '' Butti his rel.i, ions tei and his standing in tho comp ui v are nu-iiu.resent.'il." iran the reply. "I have I.ucli reteved teJegraphie nutt other advices lrom I'nt ts, .-otiic ot yviiicu Yvere liuiiiiliiitiiitT to mo ae ai) Samrh an It is apaatj assorted by the prneiaoi- iii. ot tilt: Do L.-HMi-p-, Ht-.iieiiiit tu Puris, ae Iain m- t iiinn, that tticro need bo no further ,,-ei- ot bbenameas on tho ecoro of Aim-r!- cttti opposil cn II is kiv.-n out Ui.it thc A tn-rii au Miii-.ii ot 1 .ruii- All'urs, imo of tho Botistitutioual a<lvisors of the President, bas Seen ttss'i i.vi 'iy an offl ." in ihe. cnaip iny and a sal ry ,.t ¦_*> dun a yeal Pbe impression ib created thai, --rvu'en eif (titi r mo nbers ni iii,. Caninet ar favorable legiidatiou by Coaegrsas be needed, il can also be b-u-uit io inonev. in a word, French¬ men are aaearsd Chat no opposition to tba Dr Lss- lieilie 111 tile L'illteii Stales can prevail SfSIUSt thc use ot money. " l'ecile hil--!) ure teiiei," cont linell Caut.-tiii l'helpn, " thal large Balmeripiionsto tin- Panama shana are* being made lu tbe United Btetes, and thai Mr. Thompson has been made preaideol in order 'hat be ii ;.y rspgeaeal the interests ol tbe I aeriesn whare- be ldc i*. The rc,il troth, as far as I c iti ascertain, li t.': ri I DO ac ii el leena lille* n L-er. pl ions o t he I'a una ii.ive ye; been asade in the United States. Tbe eommittee of American bs kera, I umba .tami, .i'd no- take a Bingie sbara | tbey are t" reoeivo a eommlssion of S per cen lum upon tbe abarea they Bell, and, ma certain event, they are io .acquire cer¬ tain property ia absres themselves. Hu , thoa tait, I repast, Americana have' aoqutred bo vested nghta whatever In the Fiiuiiina Canal Company, li tbey bad, ihe case yvi,nhl bo a different ono, ami the ic uuirtit he some propruiy it barina an Ainoei- can lue-i-icnt to repn soot Am rican iutereete iu tho ibu, pasy at ii -islaiv ut 920,000. Aa il ia, tha pro- osedmg ia Jnotlj aabject to tbe criticism nf having la ii Liken -nepi ibi e !re.1 DBI Bii' Am. !ica:t OPPOBI* Lou to til Hciiciii", and lo overcome uueaalneaa and Mihiiici.Hi Borong foreign capiiali-ls." " l>o vou knew lbs anion i af Berepaea nba rip Moos io tue Panuni nit ir.-* f" asked tim eatre- spaedeot, "Ko,*wai |kereply! "thallssometblnel kare ! in ti .iii'e ta) asci-rtun. I keerd De Loseeps ssw rt nt a emoting of thc Cabdea Club oe July si, ike! ho ked m.ne ni.mcv oil' red tua.i ke wanted. At that tune he said Ann rican hui.script ions would be re¬ ceived aim plj ss a tsvoe to Aaseneaa Invasion, bat ihiit Rnropean capitalists were mady ami anxious tn take et rp share .11. real | cake, a jrreat d-al ot al lowanes for ererv Ulina tfcat lie loose m says on t. Ii ia represented tkel heavy Bub np t -ni-to tin-chares have boen BUtdo I), German C0|>- italiats. thal may be true, but I bara mit yet bi ard "f a Qerman preeidenl of Ike company bi hr io ri pi. --ni the ui tercets of Qerman ibara- mat s sa arv of 923.000 s peer." " Have any nf the sh.ir.w been taken in Bog].I V " None at all, I believe," r«"ili".| Caplet- I'ticlps " the Bugliah are afraid "f De L aiepa since tdo Sues affair. Un .V do not believe in hun or hts l'au- ui.is project." " wbo ..i" the most active promoters of Hw enter¬ prise in Francef " Well, 1 lound that a 'run;, largely eompooed of t i. ad '"i i ai* of tlie iaie Loins Napoleon, iras ti ost active in peaking the scheme. De Le MM himself is a relative of tlie ex-Kiupreoe Buganie. LMBteoaet Wyee i related lo the family ol tbe Jue Emperor. Bx-Qeeen Isabella ol -pain, nl- tboutfl) tviilioill uit;i.,s of bel own, is atdenlly in* t, pasMd iA thu project. A i/r-at inanv ot Hu inners ino-t actively an gaged iu poohine the -cl,cnn- ure pf the same stripe. I'B*BM people are ali snimated jv tbe same bone, ih.it liv the tm ans D-fend by ike control ol tin- i'm.am » Canal, l'i. or, aa they linn them. Letta.-ideal will cv, utu- jilly dominate In Central America, and form a bar¬ net aj,'..nial thc ad Vain fl'f All.ln-SaXOIl notions Ul tiial diit-etiou. Ol eoiirse, Ifcny -Ino espeot to levy tni*nte upooerory ion nt obi .msi vt i- noemiens teat paean throiigbtbe canal; hm ihey ateoloek forward to a tune when tlicGovelTiiiicii-suf Central Ann na S..ul baeOBM mere puppets in tiieir bands I Ll,mk OU people ooght lo be aroused on lin.-, mi! jct t and h. UMfBl lo uiitlt rslainl ibal UM in- lites which goran De Leenepa aod hia principal allies aod oup- :. teri te Europe spring from a lmpe ihai not only con nu ri tal bul p"!:* ai OOOtrol ot.-r a loree part of tho Aroerlcen Continent will thus is- Mcitred by thc Linn nation* of Kuioj.e." " Wnai iviviiiit .ne- :. lin Sit ara-iiaii route over the Paneaoa route 1" a-kmi ihe correspondent. "Less coat ol coi s'uictiou, ti.e saving ol BOO ¦silas iediataaeeend an ielatMadvsntags -anni! by fair wimis, winch lavin tho former rou e, win roiis calms pu va.I on Hie SppiOQClkW to I'-inmia. 8up- bms .nat frewin can be paaasd thronpk uh- i'.in-iua i au..; nu payment of' tells amoenttng tu -ttl a iou, tbe same lreiaClit could be curried by tue Micaiagii i Mata ai -'.' a ton. Tin re arc now in Cali¬ fornia 1,000 DUO tarns of wheat which uiusl h. stup- iKil to hirope tor a iiiarkol. il bot ii canaia were Lu..'I and in opetati li noiv, Ilia) .vi,.-at conni cscp a fol aiiiouniiii- i -i .t';,t)»M),uuu by pejriag a toll SUioiintii;- io *_,-inn.nut) ., MTlBg on ono Bingle imp ol *4.00O.l>U0. " 1 think,'' eeetMeed Captain Pketpe, " that it is an entile i-iBiuae to suppose mai au luierueeauio cann] wonld infi-rfero with the prosperity of our transeontlneotal railroads. On thc contiary, I be¬ lieve it would add tu their businesH." INDIAN NEGOTIATIONS. tiik rtopx. cii> TrsNiD and pbimas it* ttif in- Tri'I'l'l D' PAICTW**NT.A MIIK'D COM HAST. VIRTUAL KNIIOF TIIK I"e**s'( A Q0I HUON, llit IMMUn TO TIIBTHIIIUNK. W.tmiiN-t.Tei**', Dec. 27..The contrast presented by the apiiearsnco of tho Iyvo ham's af BSVagM whe) bcltl pee\v-\voYVK in difr-rcnt' rooms of iho Interior Department to-uuv is quilt*, uh Striking un tbs elillor- enee in thter re-*iM-eiiv mis-nuns, i'he) Sinix and 0 nyongee, whe argued their ease befora Assistant* Secret at y Hell, are dlgflssd in cheap and ill-tilt int! iraurienfs matle of tin-intic, :al alni in tbs fashion of cfvllisslloo, mid. in ho far aa their "nial;e-iip" goes, PMSSOt a mean appearance. Thev hive, however, kearn BTsesAd generally ibarp anel ral her Ir-ache-reuiB fa* cys, ami seoul lo he po-scssed of ini..h aelf-eoofldenee, They are billy ;iyy re tliat thev have Hiemi'lhnu" of value to sell, and in cnns-ijiu nee aro magtSW Bi the aftaattoo, Tlie lanciiiK aini crestnutation nf their BpoksSBBSg and principal chiefs aro oiiergotic and souic what dic¬ tatorial. When they wen shocvn into the office of the As- Bistant-Seoretirv, and informeel that they ¦tgbsaav anvtbinsr they wished, they looked ahotit for the Secretary, and then asked tor hun. Tbey were in¬ formed that ho was absent, but that Assistant-Secretary Bell would hear them. Tins did not Ktitisty the'n, nnd thev made sonic further inquiry as to the nfllcial cjna ificatiou of Ibo Assist¬ ant-Secretary to treat with them. Then they re¬ mained for some niiiiulcH. willie the railroad men ami the Assistant-Secretary held a Yvhisnered con¬ sultation. When at last the chief of tho Unites te.e.k lae flossi to Ltlk ho did not refer to Ihe object for whicii his ham! waa invited to Washington, hut in nn energetic speech declared Ihat tho th imf that he and his people yy.ui', il most wils to have thc- hotin- darii-H of their reservation ho delia wined ihai beth thev and all oilier Indians, as woll as tho whites, niiejfht know them and leaped them. Il was explained ihat that would require lune for aurvc.va amt for consultation erith other tri ties, to knoYv what they claimed, but lim railroad maller cou id bc bi II lcd at once, 'lint chief could mit ht; nada to nnderetand why tb.- thuin ba wished aboald re quito a hm* time), while that windi ile lailrouils Wsuted Bight he done at once. Clio, eiuef iiilimile.l that tlici uotilil no! upII lim rieht lo the. railroad* tei pass tbfoagfa their reeer-m* tu.n. " If I have a hor-e," be said, " and you WSSl to leny it, bm I do tint want to -**.|. I do not sell." He-yond this there- wuk do reference to the railroad matter, the whole .subject being postponed oniil lo- nmrrow, when the ttoeretery hims if will near them, lin* Poiu-ii tin. t's are big, Inbherlv, booeat-look- lng telloYVM, whom it simmer yvoiiI in- inctiYa* \ eeleet :is promiaing victims eif 'us en tei pi lae, riiev yy ts- tieck ed emt yy ith besdfl SOd f'-.el .n rs nilli such garmetita of civilised pattern sa tbey did wear wire or amen ted in a ludicrous and outlandish mainer ;iti'i were wera arith a mistakes sense ,,f propriety. Trent sere. ive*re- covered, III sollie 60808, willi YYll'ti' cot ton shirts, which formed the miter garment, tbe whole heiim generally covered In a blanket gaudily ornamented with colored pstebes sud wonted work. Nelone wore a coat, hut two or three ebielS exhib¬ ited YviuHicoii's ornamented with rows nf ina-. he teliei trunk neils around thc neck and bongon- tally aeroaa tbs hr.-ase. linn tone was thai (ef beg¬ gan. Their heart- .vere made triad by tho words nf thc neat father tic burs, and tbey yvbbiiui tell tbem iee their women and -iililren and youug nu-n. I his yy a- -a ol ten reiterated, together yvi th the atatems tbal Hie')' yv (Mini slo \t hat I lu Y jej .ii.iu- si, a- lo ... fa ii inspictou that tbey did no! Inleud tn .he it. lucy asked for nearly everything which noes to make np nn Indian's tor-mic.norse*, boasaa ol bruk, work¬ ing tools, ni iitev models sod commissions. White Baale hinted pretty plainly that Iib- wanted a oom* un sam aa upturn ol po.leas, a pn-it.on be eencc, bold im lost hy getting drank -*nd oommittiog Beveral iicts "f indiscre-tron. Wben thev h id made all their evania kae~m, and bsd iiccn ti.i.i bj the (Secretary in respect te. each Hem what In' c aid or could un, do, they each in torn walked np aud signed tim neper prepared for them act tu.g ni.-rn the ti rms ii pi 11 wbieb th. ir claim lei theil teei mer humes is surrondered, If in -i chiefsrepreeent the sentiment of the trie, the Pm.c.I c|ii-nation has been Bottled al last to then cu¬ llie BStiafaoi um. Rai lt K aiion OF thi: COKTBAOT. leiLNLL.Yl. liil.SS inset Hil.I Wasiiincjton, Dec. 27..Standing Buffalo ,'Uiel \\ i.e liUi.li We is ii., prl -te,cn eil .in- l'tiiieas, ami in makins axown iimr waals ai.xie.ua ji in nt Miiioiii-iiiaiM*- .nd eaneatloasl tsrlltttee tor their chi dr. n. f, ere! ry Behnn tn ormed them ths! tllC Rllllllll-llUllSes HOW BnlldlSg ll till- Ilse I Ya IOU weald oe pm>bed to completion ns rapidly rn poaalMe. iii- alan iafeimeei tbem timi in- honed iii-' goading ludtao Be vcr.elly bill WOOld e.,- p. s.-eel tlnreiij,' lin jin 80SI -t -nu: Of C lilllie te- aud Illili BS BOOS ll li catii'1 a |8W, C icu mic ni iliein (Hill ls, i: v, ii a flinn, iln* iiir tu wlinn moatd ba as valid ai thal ni ssy white man's. Ai lin- ('eua BBlOB Ol I lie tepevelie*. anil nfnr seline* ex¬ planations ny Beere iar] Boban, tehc tn ohteft ilgned a pape i that the j bad^ruiuesied lo bs onws un, in winch iniY .ie. iind iii ,t tm y daainto rsaialn on the lani* iru.Y cup is il by lbs Pooesa la thc tadisa Tamtaej and nt BBtabellab permanent hoBaes ihen,..n.i alsoexpresi their y\ iliinitiiesti tu re,u.qui.-ii all tia n right BDdlntereal ill .iii till' lillial.s feel iii.-I :S tYY'ls'i lei s.e Itpa-.l hy Ute r,,iu- tribe in ne Bmtoof nebraska and tbs rsi riioi | ui Dakota, Ineomoeosationforthslsn .ss well ss for tbs personal property.al ike tnnt- of toslr removal io tim im,hui Territory, la is??, ami foi Um depredation* committed upootbeu try tbe hi..ax l .ti. m.- Hwy ash Consresa to appropriate tbs sam of .-.¦i48,01.1. i'i. -i. iiuii.-Kui tm in iut- inn nba by Un- llilvrltn ll, p.u t!il,--t aimil! IWO J BIS WO. Aft.-! (.'Ullin raliir-- BOOM parpoSS* i'm nindi tin > ile b.tvc this anni Kpeo-i d oi mif si. i, nc paper sloss BS follows I \v. .icc air Ui s to bean expression nf oor free-will uuii iii-hii i- ss well * tba! sf our peop'e, ul pmaeot rn- dlilnitr i.ti Hie POM res.-rt aimil lu lie In.lum I ,-,t ,i ,i and we ash lbs I Ibis deelannoB and request be sub¬ mitted to tbi CoD-TeSSOl i" l.'!.lta:.l .-lille,- .ni ll* l.iti-r iiBi'i.-llilliui .n.d it linn. liiu p.ip.r bean me smntnie ol lbs Ponea sblefi pnasai and tbe eon IB mum of ike raterpmten. elm ls. ttil'ou.li llieir »;.nkt aitn.'n, to'lay relUnileil lil MMp had eenemded to tata ibMMtnia, sotnpoatb i own nu,Inni. Inn nun tull i un ul ,til ", with I tbs in- -uti, i-i s. il tba tribe la (holmium rrrrltorr. and now vt- ii cd ni gu lo v. oik ami bc lett Hiuli.-lu ut tl by oill-ltlu liii4-ruiifi.ee. CURRENT TOPlO AT lill; CAPITAL. LABOB MOBTOAOB HY A rBLBOBAPH COXPABY. Vt A-lllN(iTi)N. Mi,n.lav. D.c. .7. 1880 The Mumal l.'nioii Telearaph Company, of Mew* York, placed on record here to-day a BWrtgBge for 0380,000 to the Central 'I'm.-.; lon nany, of tue same place, to BMBM 330 bonds ol 01.000 C.'tch, is- M-d OB the telegnpk line now be. nar consfructetl between vals elly and BMton. Tfce bon tts tuiya.'i« at the Pint Nattooal Bank of New-York, November 1, 1,000, and en te di a tv ii in r cent in- terc«t, pav.'ible si iiii-aniiunlly. I lie line ru uh fiom a point in New-Yerk-avc. betWMO PoBTtOOOtk ami I'iftd nih-sts., m'h a citv, by way of mid ttuoogfa llaltiinore, Philadelphia, New-York (Tty aili I'rovi- d> nee, to Beeton, it into remain ia tke ezeiMive eontrol of tee mertgsgar, bbIbm defeolt ls neds in peying tko internet. In casi any half peer's Inter* est reenaiapayable, batanpaid tor sixty days, all Hie bonds and I Merest kOOOBM due sad Payable, in case the trustee nhall aa leet. I he latter is, how - it. i, sr'iject in tins matter to a maj N ny in interest of tbs bondholders, wbo mar loatrocthim to w ii li¬ ll .ld or inline.- any rights thal may accrue to them. The instrument i- signed by John O. Erena presi¬ dent, and Cbartoe F. Peek, secntory oi the Malua! Union ftdogreph Company, and bi H. F.Bpenlding, president, and M. Y.v. Babeeck, seentery of the Central Trust Company. HKCULlAliY BA-UR A GABD-DBTB. In cum r ul ii mn terrill,on w uh bocretarv Ram¬ ley, ol Miuiiesota, this I'Vi-tiiiiK, a 1 lum sr. cot rn- i|)ondent said : " I supiMiso you may now be re- <ard'd .is fairly in the race lor tho i-cuaiomhip, Mr. Iii.i,ney." " Yes," was the reply, "fioin tlie letters that I have lately received fruin v ul lumen in all parts of ho Mate, ami from tho puhiicalu ns on I he miLnc-et UtbeUpubli.au newspapers of tim State,! nave ..rilled ttio conclusion iliat th" iiovement in ny le¬ ia!!, m univ spontaneous Immgti it has been, baa unsullied sin li |ir>)|M)i'ii.)iia tliai 1 cannot ail..rd to UsMB-fii-i i bute incition, hiially doiermincd to . enter Ibe raee, and bavinir done so I abell, of course, ve every honorable eflorl fe )vin. Kn nimbi cm- ..icier duo tn thc numerous friends yy ho demand thal [should enter into a eonte»t that I should havo avoided if 1 bad consulted only my otvn inclina¬ tions." ii.tiicir niFTii.r.ATiov COtWMMMMB), RonafeT Brown, nf Qeorgta, called upon th" c*nm- ni ssioner of Internal Kevnuo lo-dav and ex¬ pressed his tie-in* frSOOpsntS with the (JovcriuiiiMit in all itscflTurfs to suppress illicit distillation in the Booth. The moonshiners of (leeirifia are am ii.' tile litest (h'Hpetiits. timi dniiifereius eif theil eia-s, anil they hitherto have aaoeived esnsidsrable Bupporl from the peelitii-iaus, wini havo uiidoiihteelly. cn- cour.'iL'cil tin ni <>y ilia'larations on the slump tha! the Govern OBOS I bael no nmro Titfht to tax the whieskey thal a man distil* lor his own USS than il bas to tai tim Wheat freim which he hakes bis bread. >. nstet RroYvn Indies/SB a disposition totvarl it new departure in thia respect, m rn inanv othera, and believes that tho Federal lawn should be eu- foreeel anel the- illicit distillon iiuiiished. HIE ruPULATION OF* VKRMONT. The total peepulaimii of the state of Vermont, ac¬ cording lo thc Bobed-lea returned to tho Census Office, is *W2.2*.0. Of this number I68.M8 are linties ami IM.OT0 I- mah * 'J'.l 1.;! ll) a let native heirn and 40,!) Iel loreign born; .'lill,2*l.'l are white and 1,043 color il, tho littler luolueling (J Indians and 5 hall-breeds. THE ALTA AS J) STANDARD MINES. MACKAY AND TIIK OOOgg DlFKNTlKI).AMOTHKR SIDE OF Till: SIOKY OF TUB RIHK, ANO KAU. CU* 7MIC 8H.C K. To the Ha it or of The Tribune. Silt: Ntiiiicmu.-- ti'le*i*Tnpliic incjiiirios from Hie I-ssl,li,i*t el upon recent political tons iu 1 uk'I Kim sk eoocsntaa lbs a t.i Brine have bsn rseatvadbenre-aes- inn terr BSVMMly iilie.n He.ih Cook, Daniel CsHik uud nti-er lieiivy slotrhhstdMSgi Itiai. prut city. With a thor- Snga BaowledSS OOSOIllBins tba w,,rl<l ig pt the tntne fur lin- last algkteea timiiUis. I think it duo to capitalists id thc East nntl ni Ian-ope, iiii.-resu il in uiiiic-t in tue I1 ul ted Btetresed ta tbelotenitof the PssISb eaaal nu yv that toe fi.els sit ailil bc Haled coiicenihiii tin- Alla Uilno, Ibu purtles who are so violently attacking il, un tl iii pruna- pal l.tiH'khtelile-1'4. Wit, n the inuit- rs-as,heil Ihe l,",,r,i) lovel I went I ll rough H. nnd win so laval ably ut.pre sc 1 (..ut I pot BSSBB .-ten k. Deep mini' working is Bednattvnnnd uncertain, and beiivy awsteineiils ure luiriviuit.iblee. I Iuiyb' nu Usu li sow t tkerebee I am disinterested thal far, Basil ams with -emull ii)mil*- are eanally ooinssuntesstve; greater iuiii with i cn lunns! ii, ii ica are mun.nd and redceul. Bops illili liilca- m.ike p -ri- iilieal npOTM of Work done sad SMBgM that may occur. BeeMISS<BIgSfS aro ebolee of words i un tine tia* boon mon m on the Com- BWeV III an Munn- ..ml lie Cnuks. l'i every Vail .bi. ii.i< e Btoel Oft rut ifs employ liiitn-rs to gin them p-ciita, nii.l t-il.-n ptreOM :ir:- "ft'-li earlier ndvlsed ihin the mali ¦seri tIn-ni clvf- nf new ilevcloptiit-n:* oi'd -.asters. By then operators ths ween! Seem et Alta stash ins bemm. " 1> Ml ¦ < tool BM Ml MOB director of the cnn- paso fm' nv. ra pear, lie nm ai atseoaaiiy ranche, sbeat furfv nulla 11uni lien, when Hie boom Malted, and was mil in tri'iii-iti Inc ciiiiiiiiuiiiiM'ioii willi ell uer Virginia or Ibis city ; and bs n nialia-il there, lakin/; no purt In ll fur s while, s. in I ot ls sud a linster, bot mb BOW Yin li when Hie me licu'.ui .uni rcinim-d In-io only twownkaagnte pecsoaall] sseertamtherstM si the reports Bl.t Aim. Aa tue at.it k rup't'lv rene and a* rapidly fell, " i) in" OMk, llin- all niuiiictl nil- rater b ni; 11i. MM, bniurtit aixl nold iu.'.-1'ii, no doubt; but Whether M trained or lost, MtblBg ha* b-M punished Io ainnt'. After the ImrniK* of Hie D'ainond -Till had h.. *n-tl the Blot U a gnat lindi' of wafer ru-lieil lo 00 the 2.050 level, snd tm- noe fell 'rom |20 ,,o m |_ ;,d 11 r snail-, si..cu ur tm social papora treaera y think I boy un- Well ..tit is il. iiinl tn c i-1'iu.illv Ul" pun.rn-t'.im in¬ vent. Tin- '.un- a I W rn ve .. H hurl, and Irmu t tl and oihc- cease* Mtier local sttaesi oat m toad timi all over lbs auntly, ly Ki w- Yorl- Th, 1 -,. "li '¦. rem VU lilt. (,. a,'.i *ainan D 'fl ., i lire Ora .1 '. ... ii ' V lilli . BS antin'ny on n> ima matters. Recently ibi .> e ce to i i os fi. t, ...fi. rlraleot i si uiid bi- a eki n ivs ' :."' th d ," ni1 be 'nd j io "'.ttn h N'.-'t-V ri aii.l here, an very weall by bul un u nts ons, ii iiicn iii hal us and association*, mi are ibo neera nun here. The vb un, h iud mlijcnsnl ga :. c linn.' ids tbat trey be immersed and ot a Alt*waters.ai mystiiat"tba man w,.> tbot * tbi t onU brothers ooo li!;.- dom will be Mid sp m a -ero." tat .airs were copi tl,e.,,in ie nt cd ii tn 111, te lei.'i.ipin .I Ea an pub! -i i in reapeetabli papers, i'm- ii -e n-is - "nt ind in Th- KnterptHse nf tbe rs" a rn rei li n.," Tlie Board ol '1 c s nf tin- I nial stale nit.-t cup attcal n ai-i i-- ni il ,iais tu yestcr-av'o Rntcrprias ds- ui-iicIhl' tbe man.nu-m. ik of I'e'Alta aiin -lamlai'l m.lie*, alni co inn .-I' ttl lae MOW ol MoSBfS. Beth and Daniel c ok "i anj oil sr gentle osn therewith, wa.* ea- ir-ly uii.iiiiliur z- il and pobllatied wu..nut tin- liimwl- ri useoi of tba Boord, and in by n hereby atlerlj it palliated.'1 - mis viii known name* In Hew York mininir circles have! ml' i-ntnii ai.icd. Inn, a-, ti-ts dev lop, they tu¬ ll liv _'i niit'a >i'.i Irmii l-itf BBBilfTIBlllrn* iin-l Will c .uta,.- patti tci until tue weter ii controlled, and thn i. ta, I ¦!.- h.- mi -. will be knows. Sun J 27, 1 880. A PBSN8YLVANIA TRAGEDT. K DOUBLE MCEDES CABBED UV LOVE.TBE Mik Di Hilt t.Y.Nt il. H. Au i-.vri.iv v. Pena., Dee. 27*.Jacob Gogd ¦nil .1- S/lfs An ia, -un :' ont un Bl fieii i'- hlcai'iii. [.tun., wi rs fenad itead lo their bed ibis owning. Their tads iKii- nurly levered froi tln-ir bom. a, and a tinnily BBS wa- I ul ml in tn. ip .rtni"iit. JosOpS Hiiyder. abo boarded with lbs <;¦...-cia, nos believed to ba tbs murderer, Be wantoned lu a neighboring bim nader Uta straw at 0 0*01008 tsiaa>onuag 11>- yvis kmmedl at !v lakes 1.1 I" iii.' h 11-e of his *. na em. an ip.-,. ii,uuii a* to tbe monler, ile waa eonl and soil etoo. Mo as nit 1-1 ie fried Ly t..e Kev. Mr. Hi, mlle, Bstblehe IB, aad u lulen e.itui.ii t.s barilla eoinmltond the ertase, tellies ms story with great d ii'era mn. Fis waa ia "Ye with lbe eil st daaghts> al tbe ein.' ,1 . ra mini iiid, imt (-.ns opposed ley bsr panam. Ba believed by klUetng them all iippe-i'l ai yv.iiiIbI tic rsenovi il lo lils mu!. II* han -. ,ie iv unlis-e I BOfOTS B l*e>|>C, -nkeu fruin all ,,' tlu> lu tis uni err. WM plaei-il uri.un I hu neel.', unit ba was dracgsd sMtslda nf tba henaa nini baagad le a largs ehestaal me, Altai betas -11 11 Beded in-ii iv Iwititv tniniitcs tbe lni.lv nun int, down ny i"(- poul auii- .stu 1. ui tn-* au t taken lo th it ins mi ton, where li wai found thatdeath was earned by atmognlatlon. rbeoflfoers nf thc law )na-ie a vain ..,,: I 1 r"-tram li- mtv nf lin- Hush. 1> uciiv.- Y is-, of Bctbleliein, il n>g al ona nf toe rtncleaders YAii-i-eii lits*!, several ibousand people visited the ne ae ui i.e* traeredy elm in* ibe eta., aad tba Bonemeal la mil ese hip uer Wil* 1 Yv.iitv l air yean e.nt e,,u-,.| wasadsy laborer sad alisun tony jcar* e.f mp-, Bs leaven taree ehildreo. REG/ SS ISO LO RAISE TEA. CiiauM'Ston, S. C., Dee. 27.-Mr. Lo Due, ('ttiuu,ir-l..:i o. As*, nil.ii .in b. a e ii.ul t.,tlu> ..nu ploted ai ra n nc ms nts lei Lu* nStSbllBbBBnDt ttl BB c X pen¬ na ill ii ii-.i fans, Tha pUwe a aetad la twenty miles from ( Iiiiii)-iss a*-I two nil--* r ni sjini un r ville, ou IkS Hue of lite- m.uti COrelia ll .'m 1. A FA I.IL R.UI...O th COLL isl OS. Nt.'.v'-Oui.F.AVs. Dec 27..A collision occurred un .sn,ui.i> sterning betwons a aaetk hasinl paaaeaget Utnl ll ti-lulit iriilll nt Hie Stale lilli un lbs M--I-.I- all I Ohio Illili,.ttl. 1 WO elim.rei Him I wu brakemen were killed .tlnl i-t Yi lill other, tm lala.lv Yt muled HIE AMERICAS LA*D LEAGUE. PSTSMBUMej Va., Dee*. 27..The* Irish citi- Bsas nett bave argamaed a Load Lasawa e mu as a lu-., ea of tba lrrt.ii N.liuiiul Idtinl I-jufpic Colon, I J. ij. Brady la pr,-ntd nt. CRIME* ASH 'Asl ALUES-I1Y TELEGRAPH. M'Kr<» AT! li ny UMg KILN UAH. Rich yu. m.. Vt Dee. _7. -l-'mt tramps na ve- he*cn 'iiuiiel lu a .Itin- >, a-...,, lr .ni i.i ii," nulli,, .lt,| Pt ti... pi u( inna tim I a i, . illy, Hi.s-iu u.ty bad base in UM baiut ol Ipe-llsile* Ultu B'g*!l- A H..) LCTIVK INDI, TMKNT. Bog* v. Dec.'Pl..TLe trial of ii.-i.h-i Wellington. " i.a amuri pe, on ile. burne "t Mtdartagkialahull mn. li** i.e. i. femtntaa* nan. tho next term ul thc m.,it, lenin Ui a ll. tv in Hie Inill. m. ii. A VUl.MI MU ll I) KU Kit. KiCUMuM). Va., Dee, 27..Man, ii Wimhr.li, a i.y ot leveiiiuai fears Billed a sstarad tsir rn u.uifii ouiitv. lukl Finlay. .;unlix S t|.iair«. YAUtil-li ¦Uniek u.e tuy ebb au slr, nearly etin,ni m.* limn] fruin tlie i**i) 1*1 -.111 hKNTKNe KS mg IWe) M U UDLllKlt -. Bl. Louis, Deo. -7 -Thaddeus Haber, eonvicted f killin. Lui .¦: -vin inlier .uni ber motlier ans al a t. jr sun; lld Jti.epli lUOesl. t'liiuiel, Kir luunlerlllii hi. Yt In .-t Li.,ie hare baas ssMsaeai io u*s kansas li tisi. i>-aa ----- io ot usni eliaaiy. haili vam** ¦sill ba ai-j-calca. HE8ULT8 OF THE STORM. ITS PATHWAY CLBABLT DEFINED. 8CBBEI in BBW-YOng si upi: is yksikkuay.kinb sikiuiiinu |g WE PAEBBABB DBfTaB ABETTA-. OF V --I 1 S HIM.i Yl I). DAM AU" AT ('(INKY tEt-UrP BEATT losses at n kw-.ii: KS-y BUSUM it BBBOBTSL Thf wren Btora Simii.iv flamed -rodi an- noyjineo te pedestrians in this 0M9 yesterday, iiml min h delay to trucks iiml other vehicles. There was geed sleighing in the perin end drives, and in,my peraOBI enjoyed the pleasure of a Bleigk mle. Few vessels arrived in port, us they iiad been (meed off tbeOOBBt for Betel. Tho delay te travel un the Long Mead Rail¬ road was very serious. Cunsidcralilc damage wa* (;iii-cil at Cniicy Inland, ¦ part of thc -Qlklteed nt Manhattan Hunch bein;; torn away. Tlie damage, estimated at from |80t000 to $50,(100. From Sandy Honk sntuhw.ird tlie New-Jersey coast suflered from the storm, the lost* being estimated ut a large um. a EFFF.CTH IN AND AROUND NEW-YORK. MANY DUWN'-T'iWN TBOBOl UIII-AKK8 IN BAD CON¬ DITION. WUKK OP I'HI', H1TIBK1-CLKANINM BAB0I .GOOD -UMBUM IS CKNTKAL PAKE AND UN THS m., r- I,!*IN-. DKLAYK0 ON IBM ISLAND. The streets of New-York were vi*iblo yesterday in spots. 8qtnulsof Btreflt-olonners wero at work early tu tho morning, cleaning oft' tlie sidewalks and Un-op, lunn* into sewers, katB thousand and one wagons and trucks in the busier parts of the city rUHin undid ike greeter earl af -keir wert, Broad¬ way wa* covered, from the I'attery lo Union-square, with a blark-lo-iking mixture of dirt and snow live or six h.cln-s deep. Tlie cross streets down-town were almost. hBPBSoekM and blockades were fre- qucnt all dey. Heavily loaded carls kent getting Steak fast iii the mud ; hornes wen- continually tail¬ ing down, e iii-ing much profanity upon tho part of their drivers and the drivers of tho teams impeded. (south and ffest-sts. were in ft wretched condition, peilioeleilf eeei Ike Bun In This wan espeeialiy ihe tas.-at Peltoe Ferry, where, laereeBBg the streets, ju tl,-ii ni-wiro comiielled to wade ankle deep In tke slush. Toward noon the inn* begBfl to n:elt. Pools of mud hi mn im-incu in me stree:*, rapeeiaiiy near ellie vitiks, nmi aeeideBta to pedestrians bee__M fieipieiit. Tbe snow pde bed excellently, and even old men Yvere tempted to threw sim tv bulls. A few minates belon I etaloek a sleepy looking man, about fifty yean of age, sttempted te croaa Broadway, in ar tin- St. Nn hui,ts Hotel, Ha yvus Bently dressed in black. II-* hit-Ion a handsome overcoat and on his hcael waa B silk hat. Ho reached tba middle eef the Street Mfely, but there, in his haste- tei gel nut of tho way nf an apptoaebieg omnibus, he marie a misstep. His right four slipped, Ins left followed, and ho landed at full length on thc pavement, while bia silk Int lunit;,I several Bomoraets in the mud. He- picked himself up wit li BOOM difficulty and made ins way to tue side-walk, tv bern be anathematised the streets of (few-York in general sndCsptain Williams In p irtienlar, The streets on wbieb then btw surface railway! wen in acpinparativeiv good condition, as tba rail¬ road compenin had their sweepers for cleaning thc tracks nut early In the morning, and a force of men at Yveirk removing tbe snow. Captain Williams said yesterday to a I'm him; reporter in referenefl le the work of the Btteet Cissaisg Bonna : " Wc sn verv mnefa deleyed la om work beesons thora nn not aoeugfa plaeeowhen yy. ian diitnp snow. Then aro uoyv nineteen or uv my places set upart for thin, but yvo need ten or twelve more down town, Websvessked riu- Dook Cooimiaaiooon tor them, but the] say '.at tbi v can- aol gu- ih-ni to us. They say that the piers yy. have* neitv uru tho only oiie-s iiiuler theil controls Tbe ot hen arc lensed, anel i. yyc want to nee them, we will bave to make special arransementa with tbo men wbo control them." Five hundred men wera sot to trork last night at 5 o'e-h-e-k i-i) .iniii!-' Broadway. There wera also 1 rees of nu is at Yvm'k on i'ourtet nth aud l'wctity-1 iniil-sts. Uptown,however, the gnow yyuh thoroughly en¬ joyed. Kiyi roue drive 8t. Nicholas-ave., the houle- eyarda, and tbe drivsa in Central Park wera crowde -1 yesterday afternoon witb sleigha ami cut¬ ters e>f all descriptions, 'Ino greeter pan i iln pleesun seekers chose Central Park un the-,r drive, and during tha afternoon there1 alii."Sr unbroken line of uteighs genni*- np ie drive in Ci utral Park irom Fifty-niutii-st. and Fifth-eve. A great manyviaiton to tbe oity took this opportunity of aeelng the Park, and the hack* im n and livery .-tables did ;i rushing business. Et a vt'., m.'on rim tiers waa brough) out. One nan a i: mulla sleigh, witb sight neats, with f,h a he did a iiiiii.ni* brun is al 20 cents i head '.u a ride tbrongfa the Park. .Most ef ihe iiY.'s of Lei bones preferred ttiveraicle drive snd Ht. Nicholas ,'iiyu to Central 'uk. Among those, however, who were in tbe ;'ark In tbe afternoon were Vf. ll Vanderbilt, [toben Bonner and Sidney P. Nichols. At :i o'clock ci. red tbe Para. On tbe back seal int an old man carefully wrapped in handsome rotted sud it,iu t sealskin csp drawn dowu over .-.u-. "Them i""* 'Mommy' Tilden," nan! the gatekeeper, snd tue loungers within hearing pricked np their ears, snd followed tin- s.ie.1- ni u in -i"t Park with thou erm ss long li wa in i-u.i. i lien it .- in. katina on the lake, the iee not baring been swopl off, lhere earling mated on ons ol ti.o smaller lakes, however, and iIns tins covered with excitable .nilen, wbo wen bnndiebing brooaM, sod at¬ tempting to talk English, to the gnat euitwetnent ol a crowd which had gathered to watofa them. rwo sleighs ran into each oilier yesterday il flor¬ in on iii mi-hi ;h-ii ti.-, at O.ii'-lininli'cl .inn c.li¬ lt t-iith-t. int- occupant of one. John VY. floger*- c.-tiiip. ol tho building lira nf -I din W. flog Sti o., of No. ian iv. .si Fifty-Fifth- i., was thrown oat and M-iiiiii-r,' injured about the head. Ihe driver ol tbe other sleign was aol Rooguised. Mr. Hogem ai p -tas tan il im Li j bia irn-i da, very few vessels arrived lu port bs way of 8 md? ilt'iik yMtarday, ns tn- simm ot Siiiidiiy diot'c .i.i in tv in il bound ves c,s teas ai d sa a Deasure ol lafety, Am nig 11 mae which ti td ai ri vc the aili ors report ilia! the st,ir.n wau very tedious and severe, Illili tllilt lt SBBOOd ci'imi'l'Ta lil" sun ring ne s.-t.iors climbed alott over fregon ami mon covered rigging,and lt was with much ti hie illy thal tbe mis con lil he handled. Willi li wind howling and whistling I brough tbs rigging, iukI in ni my n-' ames carrying tbe anile clean Irom yardo and other span, and wita Ibo sta* breaking over witk great force md free-lug as tbei itrock, tu- aailorB worked aloft at tying reef-points in the large Bails and furling othen a) the riok ol life. Beeb was tbe eznerteuee of be berk Benriek [been, wldeh ai livid noni Rotterdam, and el athel v easels whn-li lost sails. ihe weat er.a ii i buri ties hud predicted bed weatbei for sonni uayoj in nco ninny ooestmg vessels reii.ii net iii port, and 111000 at a"a lind close lo the cone! snogbt a sheltering harbor. The only icu.soi i going ashen along the Jeney coast wen coiit-.-i ii nat thous iio.n i in- Weat J udiea ortho Hedi- i. ii,ii.cih porte,oed u is tbongbi pooaible thai some wmeka amy hare monI ted and thal information is deloyeil Irom want ul (| nek communication,..- eras tilt ilise nilli lite ale.ni.-Hip l Tl t "i I i lil UlUS, - ir<un Europe a. ii from ike entward found ii posaible to norkofl be ooo ', and probably ant, so i,ir to the eastward that those close to pori Bat* nula mat bo Ml cr.tl d V's Itt eel iii- ha. g. P lois ni rmr and terry boats ii on mom tbe storm the must tedious to then lor lue pas t'-nr years, Che ebor! ferries did nol meei tue raine ditli uni annul a..ce .,! navigation os the longer ones, ilthongh they found ll neeenaary to be eice d ¦allin.us. Ai tinic-ii waaimpoas iii i> iee mon lian a lu.ai a I<-1._:I ii au av , SO den linet oi un icii.es mode their tripe with eons mle Irregularity, Animrtern. fm Teibtini visited tbe United lignal Station, on Hie Kquitable Butldiog, al K»::»ii iasi night, iii ii .!.i ni-mi report the lafoiiic ei si inti ai 99.76, which was s UH ol .<>7 in light holli*. Ihe ti ci,no.in Ter icjla!.-. .| .ll. i in ol - i ne relative hnmiditj atmOi uer cont, Hui tl,.- ii ,H ita- .ti si. i uh a vi loi-il ot t Ul I HM ni lu.ur. lin. i.ti-iiiif' li iinieiiilnre yesterday, ae- ording t.. the records si lindnni/i dnc-atore, . .-.. .<7 A veer ago the orongi kimpanten wee n»'b "ibo pros^eoU fol lu iiiiuio-A,''' tb- oflbaf in charge of the signal station said, " are that we shall have fair weather. Than is u cold wave comma fieiiit tbe West, however, which will probably strike) New*York in toe afternoon or evening, Nearly all the lake stallone had verv gold weather to-day, wi lb 11 alli a bat onoter. Tnt stetsons along the eeeel ce tu.nilly show a silently rising haromet* r '-r v rv little ebonee. At Ht. lJaul tho mercury was 11° balow ji ro, a fail of 20° In algtM beear* : at Duluth if. was below tem. a fall of .Iii0; af Sf. Vincent, Munn-ola. it wa- 28° below. ii fall eef ir, -. } te m, r-urv Ml Bl ('un Innati, Bl Cleveland, Ki0 at Detroit. 4" at Mullah) and BO0 nt Milwaukee, Ai Booton the mercury fell 1°. at Albany lt fell 24 al Ph ladelphia thero was ap change, snd al Baltimore there' yvus arises! -1". Hie weather Miroiigtiout Hie greater uart of the country yvis Blondy, linne waa a slight, snow* storm in ei'io. At the hike etalmus. the Weather wa« generally char. The mai t vesterday, owing to the two holidavs. wen nnnsnally light. The snow alutm bini v. rv lillie- affect on the trains ; Ib f n't. ali the impertsnl ones (lillie in on time. IhePOStOAeC ./tilers *av that until N'niY Year's, when Ikynyp v%ill be a rush eif Ncyv Ve-ar's enids, tlu> BnSMSSB of the otlieo will nndoobtedly bc light. A large showcase-, oontaraiag Inss and millinery goeiel-, wa* blown down by ibo stol in Stiuilay infill at N.e. 18 West Fourteenth-st. Mneb delay waa caused tn attest sen on sseno nf the Inn's of railroad*; m Brooclyn ysstOTday inorn- iug from the drifts ol snow. Dennie teams wore attached to tho ears and stii'ic-sweepcrs were in active use. Bedford eTa. Biaafrlja PrnepciH l'ark, and tho Ocean Parkway were well patronized hy sleighing parties yesterday The sleighing was e>x- (clleiif, nttcl iu tho afternoon hundreds nt sleighs conbl be seen. The snow drifts Sunday night blocked the Staten Island Shore Railroad so that ye.sturelay morning Hleigha had to bu placed on the route. The trains On the th eton Island Hallway, although they bad tnui'li ti .ul. .- iii working through the (leen suoet tu tho cute, arrived only a little behind time. About six inches nf snow felt on a level, making good sleighing on the country roads. Of this advantage was taken by all sorts of vehicles on runners. Dur¬ ing the storm Sunday night the Staten Iidundferry¬ boats Yvere run willi great difficulty. Tbe Staion Island Ballway ferryboat, on reaching Tompkins* vile from New-York 00 thee] p. m. trip, bad tobe d'laved it considerable linn-owing to tin* blinding snow. This delayed tlie train at Vanderbilt's 1.ann¬ ing about half an lunn'. As a result of tbe snow-storm Sunday, the Long Island haili.! ul and its brancbes are nguiu block¬ aded, [ravel yesterday waa seriously obetrneted, ii'Yv Hams hung able to reach their destination. The Fatc-hogne train, which left Fittchogiie ai 7 [/clock St unlay night, after having Btruggfed four- leen hourn through heavy drifts reached Long la- land City »' Ih30a.ni. yesterday. The train had to be dug ont nf several snow-banks befON it could proceed on Ita Way, All tho .siioYvpli.ngha Yvere iruiigni info service, One. propelled by tour en¬ gines, attacked a heavy (hilt between Mun eua ami iardi-n City. 1 he drawbar of tim engine next to | me plough broke, leaving tho other engines power¬ less. Jin' result tvas that the engines hilt! td he backed to Hyde Park, where ttie disabled 000 WM placed on aSWiteb. Tuen tho other three engines returned to the snow bank, and after live noni's oi bard work toa track was cleared. The Qreenport mail irani, carrying few uassengers, -m. iel from iluniei's Point yesterday morning; hut could proceed no further than llineola, as the ir.n k cist ot that plaM at different points was blockaded by heavy drifts, ihe train wm lani up ta await orders, lue ex pres* train from Greenporl tin! not -tart. No trains WOO I through over tho Port Jefienon braoek. Noottempt was made to start tia:ii« for the oreel ore? the Sag Harbor branch. 1 lu- -univ ploughs will not be put to tv.irk hine uni d the nunn lino is opened, ino Hampstead line is closed anti badly id'.eked, mho.- donday night end ap io met evening RoadmMter Moire lind all lin: pion s, ii iH'Z'll BUBI-M alni ab..Ul BOO lileil wit ll shovel* ai iwi!_. j in- Km kaway blanch wm openi .i i ii vi > ni Ihe dai'. and trams un univ a li' ile behind tbe schedule time. In the slternoou inow-plowo were sent to open the Pori Jedi moo branch. A sup¬ ply tiaiti WMMUt (Hil willi Ol OVISiOUS for iii" BMB bi work on the blockades. It consisted of two beg* page ears, < hie wa* lilied up with a rang- and cook' iug utensils, and the other contained barnie of bread, sidee of beef, barrels ol potatOM and many bains, lin' hlockaili's thus far bare been tbe worst known un Long lt hind in tiver ten years. 1NJUHY TO CON1.Y ISLAM) PROPERTY. BAVAO-B OP TBE BTOBM BIA ai.u.nu TUB BBACBB- .VI IK OBBATEBI DAMAGE Al MANU t TAN li, Ai.U WHAT IT MUT, OOST TO lt PAflt IT. 'I'.. stol m wrought oonsidenble damegeoa Cooey I.-.'hu!. A cutting northeast wind prevailed daring Bm, lay evening, nod nt high tide, abool A e. bl yis- terdgy, .he bulkhead and platforms, against winch ibo fury of tbe worn bad spent deelf, easily gave way. The water flowed under Feltman. Hotel at West Brighton without any injury to it. bel a part the nhl woodoo piei about a mile west of Cable's lintel wm carried away, Two ibantin, one of .ililli wm a bath-house, wen eamed .mt to sea. rho we m carried off many wooden spiles wbicb i., iuiii dnren in front of the iron pier, and a por¬ tion nf tbe bathing platform of the Wist Brigbl fi lintel. The lom et Wm! Brighton is estimated et ih,hu (OOO. lt was ou tbe eastern part of (he island, however, hal the-turin camcil the liicatt'sf damage, -titi ilene Ihe besch inward l!r:-,'liton the saud was ti -w.i benaud there with timber washed in with he tide. Boards, I014S and liane's wire Mitered in barga Quantttms ever tie beeob. Jinny liscMofiron wen mob curiously twisted by tin-ac¬ ion ol the WBTM as they won wrenched from tho ulkheads. Par! al tbe eppreeeh to tbe beth-boBM n fr. nt of lin Oc.-an lintel was can led BU ay, ged he building il-ell was pretty well shaken np. Kn- euiau't- wooden pier moaned with ths looMomeof .vcrai pu.--. lu front of tho Motel Brighton the uiimi-r-1 t.ii-.e wm surrounded hy water yesterday, mi ¦ it w steps further eMt tbe storm bsdfulloeope. i ne waves nan ripped up the eogea ot th- platform dna tbe hotel, ao ihat tbs former ttrnetufc rill have to be almost entirely rebuilt. Ths plat¬ form connected with Eugeman'a bathing pavilion ia 300 feet long, and in front nt it waa a bulkhead made of rows of pl les witb a stone Oiling, Along its whole length tbe waves bsd tdVn off Ave ot ten feet of it. ihe Barf bad forced its way over ibo ipsos thal WM (.'cap.cd hy bibulous psnOU dilling th.- beer-drinking season, and covered ths platform wbich formed a portion of tbe long promenade be- tween Brighton and Hanhattau Beaones, Workinou were busy yesterday removing the umbel * on tue shore, Eoe tracee of th,' wavee were I-ft em tbe lilli, yy hen hey had Soared very far bevoud tbeir usual limit. lin- loaa at Brighton, it was atated, would probably ha covered bj $2,000. Tue Marine Ballway ran*. ning between Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach y, as e ompletely submerged by tba waves dariug the stormi uui ita lower portion yy.is waehed away. No great injin y yyas done lo lim bulkhead hetwecn Pavilion timi a point about Midway from tim Baal Depot. The track yvus soui-u at undermined. The remainder of ths traok and balk- bead running toward the Manhattan Beaeb Hotel yy a* nun d. I'be waves had knocked tne koorda of tm> balkbead into splinters, or. tearing up a isrge part e)? tin- limber, bad furiously tossed lt against (hs platform, shivering it to pieces. About J.200 fe t e,i bulk,n>a,i wen injured, snd ns appearance yesterday showed the destructive lone ot th,. Waves, lui" s.une places, wben the sci hui to:n ont huge pioeea from the bulkhead, larg) Quantitiee of floating wreck had made their wai. In other plaoea tbe bulkhead waadenreaaedintu an [mme iee cavity, as il ihe weigh! of inc bo rf had alone been sufficient tei overcome ns mists nea. Tho piles were oompletely nudermined lu -Mst in¬ stances and were washed pwat. The longplatform fronting the Manhattan Beach Botel suffered coa* siihrablndamagn Ali Belong tbe bulkhead sm tho beaeb wet* largeQnantitiesof dehlia, and ni manj | leets of Hillie'' Coti.ll Lc see!) gal Vi. Il ¦/cd bolts wbieb bad leen olipped In tYYn very neatly in being tom from a balk seed. A third ol the railway eo> bank men l y- .,, yy tabed away and with lt tho eouth- ern or oater track. I'he platform ol the railway ehvp ,t ai the eastern terminus was destroyed. The waves wera rush mg auder inc atrnctnn yesterday .ut. inoon, Tbo destruction of the bulkhead continued east* ward ni iii- direction ol c. Manhattan Besch bethina psvlliou, and ia some pl .ces tim -ea bad mads a waj for itself lute the. land. .ian de-, which forma a favorite promenade iu n u the sun liner, WU dntioycd iu-i.- anil Iii ern lee in. extent ol forty or ttl ty leeu i bra igh the double pileaou YYiii.ii ilunuug bosnia an bolted Li. mg the s. a, the wares lo ced theil yyuy .y nero tue j linet not Lin -ip tbe bulkhead from its ttuiuda- i ni ud knocked ont a hols in tbs << a- ii thal waa twenty feet deep sod aeventy-Sve feetwKlc, running aloug the whole front of nu- Manhattan Ut,ten loni, in the immediate neighborhood of I ie bathing pavtliou the wavn niel wssbed ui loo a land aud tn usI have thrown tbeir spray toe la- iIiul: stiue ii at iy. I lie iiill-n di'lilli si-i'ined to e a sun e-e ni atna, t mi ttisu, aud tba surf mudc ta way to within a seora of feet ol lt. Into ail the on-, .uni ii i- na ll. .a eil i in ii.iut s ul jit 11 ..nu ami iulklic.nl inni itiiv yy.i .i ... 1....: an. Ihe Cousin... duu fil.ii Lui. CITY POLITICS AND OUTLAY. MEAT ACTlVIl Y IN MANY I)l..FCTlO.V& COKSIDKITNU I-I ititi)- ur CIT. rXI't-NHKS . f.X- PI_U-_TfAB_ UK I'RUFiSs R CHIMU KR AND pbbhi mr pggpuBvbbtibp ie ebb imhk p*- PahIMKXT.TIIK lUSaKFi CHUN IN riUMlMf- an nOTBOBeff Kftn.M gB&Boe J. BATB8B0BY. Pretemor Ckeedlat, of the liealui Jbnud, and President French, of the Police Department, were halon the Boord el BoUemio ged AppeftfeegMBl ye-terd.-iy, . aeli defending ihe sttuiiite* of his de- partmerif. 'I heir statements wei'- not received with¬ out criticism. At » gatherum of rhe memnersof the laumiuny I ouunitti.». SB Organization ni--parations weie made tor the meet (ng of the (ietural I nm mitten to-night. Nelson J. Waterbury has 0 ritten a long letter to John Mckeon on tlie political situation, hi which he censures Mr. Kelli' very freely rind makes some ii.li-i"-tiinc statements annul. Irving Hall campaign assessments. At a meeting of tbe Park Commissioners the ti mo was for the most part taken, un in a vain attempt to adjust di ftc re ree*, bevecal motions tor remo vaia were made bul were net sue* tamed. ? . MEETING IN THE PARK DEPAKTMLNl'. Till: BgJBfJT Of IIIK MKRTI.SU MOT CAillilKD Od. C. iNslPKUATlON UP rilR BgfB-ATM NI i, i.Kt.T kit .MU. GRKKN'S PrBslSTKNI RKsOI.riTO.Ni. A speciil meeting of tim Park CoiuiiiieHion- ers lo consider tlie matter of ibo de par tm cut estimate* was in- d yesterday tinirtniur. Co.u-iisaloner Oreen occupied the chair, and Commissioner Wale* nat facing him. Tbe ftr-t lialf hour was given te mil me btietuess. "cv, ral communication* wit- reid, Dne of wnico waa from Joseph J,.-m.', wbo wa* a ser¬ geant of thc Park Police, stating that hu had been re¬ moved wiiuo it e,iu«e ami asking tont he be relastate - riie report of the h'xaminltig Committee was called far md Com missioner Wale* said In reply that be bad notb in-.' further to r. port limn ib-t one forem-n hod in- ttii ne-d lum tb-t he could dispense with tae services et oz of :.i, idcu. Ile bad not been able to do mon .". in-c of the days wbicb Intervened sinee he, lao! meting one was a holiday ind another was mundar. Comi-sleuer I. me offered a -esoliirion, which w.ts adoofed, extending tlie time io iflnch anv ono of tbe Commi-aionera.for th" lark of a ireodent.wiy sign pei mit* and PSfBBMlions to Hie n it ae; a,' of (bo (lo ni. Mr. Lane also presented _o- itltt-r rc-fiiiitinn. in the t flit t dist l-'rederick Law Olav led ho mgeostod le pispaie a npon n the auiiit-etof illuming tue trees and shrubs Id Central I'm If. winna. », u,., nw, ..it... ii ess ru mi ii.a,ii ¦ jtruwiu ti il mw hetuify esf the Park was greatly marreul. Aeland gatneeadoa OsataanaiaaarOieaali hrow. .-tag the- heuiigit influence th it so far had p irraded tba aBMBl ghan bagaa to ta dispelled, ii" -atti he didn't kuow much SSeol tlie CBiodituiu of the puk. hu- he would inn- mi the is *s>!iiti..ii by ntatttstfag Bat Barn . '>r catr«rs Vain, who hail inure tu et a with the layla* ont of tha park than anyone el-)-. Afnr BBBSB cres-tire Leiweea ConimiisMoneis Lane ansi (treen, the tum minn ut waa pm and lost, uud also the original proposition, 4 motion ny Mr. Lane lo the effect that tho lui.meer o# cii-iiii-tiim sininiiipregansBBbansaslat lbs improve¬ ment of Hivei-slde" i'm k was also iSSBBtSd By OMMBB> bluner* Green and Coilesvcr. CouuniHitoiie'r Green next made a motion to -nttreag the woik on Mantialfati-*spinre until lc emile! be cow- tinaeil under iln1 plans sif Mr. Vaux; the nert under fha pn BBBl plane, he rei,ii»riced, was aYvasteof moue) fl was suggested thal Mr, Mtiuckwllz, Ute s'lperlntiniling architect, could BWba philis, hnt Mr. OrOOB -cid thai ha dOOBtOd Ihii, BB lt Ytles uni eef Mr Mtuiekw t/.V hue. Tba resolution WMBSSeadsdM BB te) piovl-h' only feir tko Baspanstaa eif lae sork, and in tins feenu if yv.is adopted. Commlsstoner Wstreienmrned leal than erse a imrry ail at once to do somcilunc, nnd that he w,ul,l like tuua to look into the matter. Hut he did not reta BgBtBSt tbe resolution. Commissioner Green ihen began fo offer r<-*ol 11 rices removing employes of the department, a nurse that Commissioner Wnlus eo persistently Bppseed Si the '.t*a meeting ef the Board. Tksfntawtlea wea to r»-n:i>»e a man whose duty ti to take caro af a bor*e ned by tba Superintending AnMtSSk OOflMMaatSMM Lane; aag Wales btlsttsd up ami tbosft then locks at a, a uihena jleapproi 'i. " I iiit.v- th n tbe matter be referred to thc commit¬ tee.'' saul Mr, Lane'. M Then aeeeia to ta some doabt aa to efbo -.v. r,- ip- p luted on that committee," resorted Mr. Green, leewb las. " Ob, Ciitutnissiiiiiit Conover appoints d c, ninr-smaea Laue when you declined lo serve, esolaiiue Cowana* lim 1 Waa -. The ii; "email then remarked aareastieslly thal tt-.-n iboald be ;t report from ibe eotmalttec a ii rsa *e- .iiiu d 111-01 ii two weelu bsfon. .. vv.* bave reported," rei ni ned Commissioner W_i«*. itu- ll mr, " sae f won't be pubed ..ir i.e *r*ag ,, mis fragmentary method. Thc pnesr wag topra- ¦celt 18 thruOgb tbCCe !,ll,..t!e*e." Tbe motion was pat with the usual r.-»aif Qtvea *sd '..ii'tvi-r voting tuu'e'li'T. alni Wau--and UtSOoeppostSS> iVn-ii Afr. Green nude a similar mull-ii io il:-, lu. 18 Dpi Ye, .Mr. Wales t:.-iM!:.e mere p -IC, di ula aa, and said ho did kneew eiutt OomuilsetoesB . ti ti'.. inuit vee ..-re la pentattas la lu* coui-ee. Yu effort had bet imad to remove Borne aien wban asst dot* wen cist.I. and Mr. Oreen Bad atruBgl* op* .,,*. sir. ('..ina. ni' a- -1 r. eu replied tbal tl.nv way o discbiige men was to remove thom 1 ami tia- ,.-i uni heiii ilse.' despite Ibe gentlemen hceaolagwa fairs). Ali Wales .ii dru betag put in the light ol ins meting tho ref01 u movement aaa ioM ital "ines ie bad come Into the department te-n days n in rhe. mt* tenses bad been cul et wn over §20.000. "I don't agt ierstand whsi yon mean," he coatiiuiei), tttdretttaa .utnttiissioi.er Or ii. ¦.wt.cn yenshowed me 1 hst Mr. funkiveta wat n>t caro na his te.uaiy I resdfty agreed sit; bul ib aita remove) of Mr. VuiV.ilici*o- urni). whoasaerrtoee are imf Deeded atatl. waspsm ei-, il vnii roted a-unst it. I am nut t.listrne tor 1 I 0 not know ir, Omeo'a ano. se Mr. Couever'B u ir. Ute's." ( ipiii's-la-HTOreen answered by rea.'.- ¦ from tba minutes ul a meeting held in isT'i. __* u Mri Walt* *ap- porled i motion lo increase Mr. Vanvalkenburgh's *-*- :i"v in"ii *;$. uis» rn *-:.''' ¦). uni iidd'-.i mn J pu'posed to procee as b 'i ni been doing until tin- Isal man 'iii* ..vasili.i ¦. ii ri ii ¦..cd Comml - " Walts re- uni *00b a lim- ol ariiilllleiit uni.,I in' MllStM aaybody. Mr. vaiivalkenbnrgb'a *ilan st IBM dins was out too lane m hs then oonpMI ike pesttMo of disbursing clerk: sad iii.it nobody knew -ettar ttva (ii:.ni,l."i'i!: tinea I', il a n ic* Mat .III..' na* aOollr lied Mr. Vanvelseubamb bad little tedo. L wai uiiinr iv iner.t .iv fo suv the 'e i-r tn Inn-rice Ilma with ths duties of toe Committee whioh was willing mo-tc" bs iii- baned ii' at fault. t (iiiimiH-ioiit r Oreen rctaiie <i ht* comp>sin-.> at"l - ie- ce-~ii' li tn ni,- in t f i un st for removals, all et nkiek wen In-!. Arter ibis bad goM on fur son).' llSM Comssss> slonei Walesealled for th" msdlag of the r . iiuuona ti im ii provided for the appointmaal ol the committee. Cnuuii islouet Ur ii. tn- .-ant. hud made a niisfake m tie- dining to act. and wa* stteMptiog io carn oat tis sp.i n ot die resolution ls bis owa wat. Ilk i spei dial tue CommlsoioBem would not allow (ns fan i 1.1 oa W en Mr. linea made soother motion ol a - m n.r char¬ acter.Mr. Wales appealed t-i Cosamlaaio-cr Conover. asking him it nv ie iva- opposing the Exaiuin i* C<>0|- tiitTc" tvlii-h ha linns.If appiiiuted. Mr. (aiB. iver's reply wa* tu*t the ena.* proposed needed prompt setlon. Onemtinoeer Oreen -: minted. tbat tlie Committee bad inowo u loeb ot .nergr " I., t lum put lu* lumitiii-, ' said l oiiiuilssioini Laue. " Vic tin tole them down ; thal'* all.'' Commissioner Uren ooaaMtoi to "top off ring tils rc.-Mi.iili.iiis il li.. ...tn n.i! Mc . ti oiiid i.ia kt ii r> purl la a lav OT two, aim Mr. Wales said lie itt eld agree to re¬ ma nu ihe r.-un,mis propeoM nv Mr. On ss if tin- ut- i'i sronlu appear before tbe commutes and -nate'bs 'ii'.st.ini. He aaked Mr. Qreea lo give asMnnei that be itt ti'i tin un-, n.u Mr. (liven declined to in ia,i _n> ap¬ iti, atmeat. The matter af tho ooMmans was then taken np, om dter brief discussion it wa- decided to defer series an¬ ti inda i I'aincH Plaaaean, on BMiMa of iouiL.ua- toner Oreen, was made Aetiag Baperiatntfem until be nu Piing ul the Boafd. I'he meeting adjourned until ':30 to-uay. ^^^^ TUB cost Ol I wo I UTA in vi: vis. iSiivtAiKs op nit; POUOB ami BBALT g l..)..iu>_.» fthtt Ml 11- ni PB! HBEB1' PBBBVfl and pbo- PEgeQg (UANDI.KU. The Hoard ol' K-timatc and AppottiiMMMj eaten**) eoaos-eni tue sstMeeiM neted Im bv ii* tiliee unit Health l"|iartiticirg. l'rcatdeiiis French) ml <'!i. inlier were prcseuf, and gave tbo ftu'inailt'ii ark.tl fur liv HM member* al Ike U.-ard. r -i.lent 1-rein.a BM tj.lesli.ned hs to thc ii-iinoer of .¦ii. .. caiitnti*. The c-il nates c til for thirty-seven ipialus. Ihs M jo: oOBloed-i that oaly tbiri v five loud De on ihe toll* under tbe law. He was it-uiiuded i.il Cipiani Stcix-rt. wini tt as dismissed ftnm tbe force, ...lit n ii :n tani b> the Court*, and (bo result wm nil Hie COSB-SISSSMSH lt.non tliciuseltea willi one nra captain. lVli-r 1'as.idy. of ibe iVntrjl -taggP-gg1 s ufitti.'ii, ni-ucl tn kiow ti lie l licr all the polios ipulu* hail command*. I'lonlcni l ir-u.h refiled tint I b.ii conni-,.m..s exept Captain Wiebeit. ile was de- 1 led ill Ike C. ll I ral Ubi e. Ta. io ar, 155 sergeauts called for lu tb estimate. i. l-'u ncli aa d ihat 1th sc were rel Hied iii with tl.ecX a number of policemen as-od. Their was no doubt lat aiiJitioUiil policemen an- needed. Tuen, hsd been lt.crease lu tbe loree in ten years, i'he olty ana rowing all ibo time. Sotuetlnug bad lu-cu auld tboal lt Oiled un h. Thone included tba Broadway .quad, ihe

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Page 1: XL.J9*'13,483. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER PRICE … · Letta.-ideal will cv, utu-jilly dominate In Central America, and form a bar¬ net aj,'..nial thc adVain fl'f All.ln-SaXOIl



rilB IN'HROC Ult: Ct -Al. Ha ll IC VI 1 - -VIKI I OF 1N-|!Its-» IO 1IIK IMUlItlK PfPlRTMl N" r.

General Grant's flem on the Mihjret of fi'i

inuTii.r.iiiic oanol vviii h« g rsa m eb ¦rticle"tn l in iortlicomiti-' munher ol' The .\vrthA,t"-,i.-.ni Rsm sm. Opium S. L Pitelpth <"11'

m tim inrtiri-oia'nia n;iiiuaii m Mr. Morton't*lull eraatins ihsj Ntcaragae iBkuwetBakt'iiii.u ('"minny, trivc* PMBOM why Ann lit'iins

slniiilil on. Oee tin' I'ntniiiin CbBBI project. Thohu ula ni .Sioux, ('lu tr..nc .uni i'ninvi Indiansv-Hiii he i'i inntniciu of tin- Interior yeater-tl. y, ami stowed a itieBg desire ti) hte timBet ti t.iiy.


mai. Blas AttnciK.antone heawmm why

' am itCtvs Minim OfffOW rut-' 1 lll-Ml OP t>K

i. taupe.now twa sbkecb iiitbhpbrt rx-

M.t lil HAUY TIKiVII'SOn'S AOl'KSSIONmr TKLKt.KAiii io rna tribunb)

\\ -niMiTiN, I)-c. '-'7.. (».'iieriil Qrauft ia veryd«i pl.v inicit\-tt*'il m tito mi j .ct af au intorooc.inicship canal, ni I nu nield tlicni'ed Ov lum will ap¬pear in Ins Vertl American Beaker for Foirmirv. Itia mic:- timi ibm tu»> Hutmentmn of flint number of1 he lum ut will in- baateaed as nuicti aa practicablein view ni |Be pr-'Vailing interest ia the subject Lothin this country and m Kunine. Of course nosynon*aia oi Gc.(-ru! (..ruin's peens can Ix- giveutai tho public until tlio publisher* am

ri aili, windi, if is expected, will !>ea-onIy an January 14. In all probability, howov.-r, lin1 article salli b.- mainlv devoted ie discusa-lae Mm adranrams ikat week) accrue to tint UnitedPl.t. ¦ fnun ihe cotibtruc mn of i! eeaal nuderA in rn .ti auspices and subj ct to Amaru-iiu control.li Betel Until IB a heart v believer iu Ihe policy ofbin!il. l' ii' li ii cmal.

Hi at' n ml. toward Hie De Lesseps gi heine foracnnal at Pin.ainu, under foreign contlol, wits de-linell at tbe tune tl,c presidency of thal enterprisewa* nQ'Tcd io bias, HeMeasd by one of his Inti*in,no friends to Dave declined tho oller,with tbe rein rk (hut he would not lendIns name ami countenance to a pr j.'Ct in which_. believed cveiv dollar invested would be nuuk.ll Miilt-j. nu ih know to li,, iti'.i iii in favor of tin-

Ni,at'eifii;i enterprise, anil il I-e|int" pro ahleihat,it tin: hill inti .lint t-1 in lim Hausa hy Mr. L» vi

1'. Miiii.iu to uic.ii|i"iatc the Ye.ii.../,i.iliits-rticcinic i'mai Company beecsMs a law,Qaieienl (¦rant will he abuses pre sole ni of thot'tiuipa-iv. ami will aeeepl tint pnstttOO. Captain S.I.. Phelps, eil Washington, itt nun of ihe iticorps.rat-nrs naiiie. in Mr. MortotA lull, and is al 0 chairmanol tba Executive Committee ol the* Provtaiona]InterooasiiK C'as.al Society." C'linlain Phelps upeniUki hist Mun mr in Bureen in elm latersetasri tho.,iii-l>o.-cil Nuauaga m C'i'ial, anil while there heslinnie ;ws car lui hu investo/ation as yy a* practicable111U11 a: cnuthiuiii ami pioMpe, ts ol' tho PanamaHe-lieine.

In coiivcrtsation YYith Captain Phelps to-day a

J Lim si correa toBdeat united : " What ii thc un¬

demanding lu France a« to tho relations of *x-

6ecr>-t nv fu.p.em io ino Panama Company I"'' Butti his rel.i, ions tei and his standing in tho

comp ui v are nu-iiu.resent.'il." iran the reply. "Ihave I.ucli reteved teJegraphie nutt other adviceslrom I'nt ts, .-otiic ot yviiicu Yvere liuiiiiliiitiiitT to mo ae

ai) Samrh an It is apaatj assorted by the prneiaoi-iii. ot tilt: Do L.-HMi-p-, Ht-.iieiiiit tu Puris, ae Iain m-

t iiinn, that tticro need bo no further,,-ei- ot bbenameas on tho ecoro of Aim-r!-cttti opposil cn II is kiv.-n out Ui.itthc A tn-rii au Miii-.ii ot 1 .ruii- All'urs, imo of thoBotistitutioual a<lvisors of the President, bas Seenttss'i i.vi 'iy an offl ." in ihe. cnaip iny and a sal ry,.t ¦_*> dun a yeal Pbe impression ib created thai,

--rvu'en eif (titi r mo nbers ni iii,. Caninetar favorable legiidatiou by Coaegrsas be needed, ilcan also be b-u-uit io inonev. in a word, French¬men are aaearsd Chat no opposition to tba Dr Lss-

lieilie 111 tile L'illteii Stales can prevail SfSIUStthc use ot money.

" l'ecile hil--!) ure teiiei," cont linell Caut.-tiii l'helpn," thal large Balmeripiionsto tin- Panama shana are*

being made lu tbe United Btetes, and thai Mr.Thompson has been made preaideol in order 'hat beii ;.y rspgeaeal the interests ol tbe I aeriesn whare-be ldc i*. The rc,il troth, as far as I c iti ascertain, li

t.': ri I DO ac ii el leena lille* n L-er. pl ions o t he I'a una

ii.ive ye; been asade in the United States.Tbe eommittee of American bs kera, I umba .tami,.i'd no- take a Bingie sbara | tbey are t" reoeivo aeommlssion of S per cen lum upon tbe abarea theyBell, and, ma certain event, they are io .acquire cer¬tain property ia absres themselves. Hu , thoa tait,I repast, Americana have' aoqutred bo vested nghtawhatever In the Fiiuiiina Canal Company, litbey bad, ihe case yvi,nhl bo adifferent ono, amithe ic uuirtit he some propruiy it barina an Ainoei-can lue-i-icnt to repn soot Am rican iutereete iu thoibu, pasy at ii -islaiv ut 920,000. Aa il ia, tha pro-osedmg iaJnotlj aabject to tbe criticism nf havingla ii Liken -nepi ibi e !re.1 DBI Bii' Am. !ica:t OPPOBI*Lou to til Hciiciii", and lo overcome uueaalneaa andMihiiici.Hi Borong foreign capiiali-ls."" l>o vou knew lbs anion i af Berepaea nba rip

Moos io tue Panuni nit ir.-* f" asked tim eatre-spaedeot,"Ko,*wai |kereply! "thallssometblnel kare

! in ti .iii'e ta) asci-rtun. I keerd De Loseeps ssw rtnt a emoting of thc Cabdea Club oe July si, ike! hoked m.ne ni.mcv oil' red tua.i ke wanted. At thattune he said Ann rican hui.script ions would be re¬ceived aim plj ss a tsvoe to Aaseneaa Invasion, batihiit Rnropean capitalists were mady ami anxioustn take et rp share .11. real | cake, a jrreat d-al otallowanes for erervUlina tfcat lie loosem says on

t. Ii ia represented tkel heavy Bub npt -ni-to tin-chares have boen BUtdo I), German C0|>-italiats. thal may be true, but I bara mit yetbi ard "f a Qerman preeidenl of Ike company bi hr

io ri pi. --ni the ui tercets of Qerman ibara-mat s sa arv of 923.000 s peer."

" Have any nf the sh.ir.w been taken in Bog].I V" None at all, I believe," r«"ili".| Caplet- I'ticlps

" the Bugliah are afraid "f De L aiepa since tdoSues affair. Un .V do not believe in hun or hts l'au-ui.is project."" wbo ..i" the most active promoters of Hw enter¬

prise in Francef" Well, 1 lound that a 'run;, largely eompooed of

t i. ad '"i i ai* of tlie iaie Loins Napoleon, irasti ost active in peaking the scheme. De Le MMhimself is a relative of tlie ex-Kiupreoe Buganie.LMBteoaet Wyee i related lo the family ol tbeJue Emperor. Bx-Qeeen Isabella ol -pain, nl-tboutfl) tviilioill uit;i.,s of bel own, is atdenlly in*t, pasMd iA thu project. A i/r-at inanv ot Hu innersino-t actively angaged iu poohine the -cl,cnn- ure

pf the same stripe. I'B*BM people are ali snimatedjv tbe same bone, ih.it liv the tm ans D-fend byike control ol tin- i'm.am » Canal, l'i.or, aa they linn them. Letta.-ideal will cv, utu-jilly dominate In Central America, and form a bar¬net aj,'..nial thc ad Vain fl'f All.ln-SaXOIl notions Ul

tiial diit-etiou. Ol eoiirse, Ifcny -Ino espeot to levytni*nte upooerory ion nt obi .msi vt i- noemiens teatpaeanthroiigbtbe canal; hm ihey ateoloek forwardto a tune when tlicGovelTiiiicii-suf Central Ann naS..ul baeOBM mere puppets in tiieir bands I Ll,mkOU people ooght lo be aroused on lin.-, mi! jct t andh. UMfBl lo uiitlt rslainl ibal UM in- lites whichgoran De Leenepa aod hia principal allies aod oup-:. teri te Europe spring from a lmpe ihai not

only con nu ri tal bul p"!:* ai OOOtrol ot.-r a

loree part of tho Aroerlcen Continent willthus is- Mcitred by thc Linn nation* of Kuioj.e."

" Wnai iviviiiit .ne- :. .« lin Sit ara-iiaii route overthe Paneaoa route 1" a-kmi ihe correspondent."Less coat ol coi s'uictiou, ti.e saving ol BOO

¦silas iediataaeeend an ielatMadvsntags -anni!by fair wimis, winch lavin tho former rou e, win roiiscalms pu va.I on Hie SppiOQClkW to I'-inmia. 8up-bms .nat frewin can be paaasd thronpk uh- i'.in-iuai au..; nu payment of' tells amoenttng tu -ttl a iou,tbe same lreiaClit could be curried by tueMicaiagii i Mata ai -'.' a ton. Tin re arc now in Cali¬fornia 1,000 DUO tarns of wheat which uiusl h. stup-iKil to hirope tor a iiiarkol. il bot ii canaia wereLu..'I and in opetati li noiv, Ilia) .vi,.-at conni cscpa fol aiiiouniiii- i -i .t';,t)»M),uuu by pejriag a tollSUioiintii;- io *_,-inn.nut) ., MTlBg on ono Bingleimp ol *4.00O.l>U0." 1 think,'' eeetMeed Captain Pketpe, " that it is

an entile i-iBiuae to suppose mai au luierueeauio

cann] wonld infi-rfero with the prosperity of our

transeontlneotal railroads. On thc contiary, I be¬lieve it would add tu their businesH."

INDIAN NEGOTIATIONS.tiik rtopx. cii> TrsNiD and pbimas it* ttif in-




W.tmiiN-t.Tei**', Dec. 27..The contrast presented bythe apiiearsnco of tho Iyvo ham's af BSVagM whe)bcltl pee\v-\voYVK in difr-rcnt' rooms of iho InteriorDepartment to-uuv is quilt*, uh Striking un tbs elillor-enee in thter re-*iM-eiiv mis-nuns, i'he) Sinix and0 nyongee, whe argued their ease befora Assistant*Secret at y Hell, are dlgflssd in cheap and ill-tilt int!

iraurienfs matle of tin-intic, :al alni in tbs fashionof cfvllisslloo, mid. in ho far aa their"nial;e-iip" goes, PMSSOt a mean appearance.Thev hive, however, kearn BTsesAd generally ibarpanel ral her Ir-ache-reuiB fa* cys, ami seoul lo hepo-scssed of ini..h aelf-eoofldenee, They are billy;iyy re tliat thev have Hiemi'lhnu" of value to sell,and in cnns-ijiu nee aro magtSW Bi the aftaattoo,Tlie lanciiiK aini crestnutation nf their BpoksSBBSgand principal chiefs aro oiiergotic and souic what dic¬tatorial.When they wen shocvn into the office of the As-

Bistant-Seoretirv, and informeel that they ¦tgbsaavanvtbinsr they wished, they looked ahotit for theSecretary, and then asked tor hun. Tbey were in¬formed that ho was absent, but thatAssistant-Secretary Bell would hear them. Tinsdid not Ktitisty the'n, nnd thev made sonic furtherinquiry as to the nfllcial cjna ificatiou of Ibo Assist¬ant-Secretary to treat with them. Then they re¬

mained for some niiiiulcH. willie the railroad men

ami the Assistant-Secretary held a Yvhisnered con¬

sultation. When at last the chief of tho Unites te.e.klae flossi to Ltlk ho did not refer to Ihe object forwhicii his ham! waa invited to Washington, hut in

nn energetic speech declared Ihat tho th imf that heand his people yy.ui', il most wils to have thc- hotin-darii-H of their reservation ho delia wined ihai beththev and all oilier Indians, as woll as tho whites,niiejfht know them and leaped them.

Il was explained ihat that would require lune foraurvc.va amt for consultation erith other tri ties, toknoYv what they claimed, but lim railroad mallercou id bc bi II lcd at once, 'lint chief could mit ht;nada to nnderetand why tb.- thuin ba wished aboaldre quito a hm* time), while that windi ile lailrouilsWsuted Bight he done at once.

Clio, eiuef iiilimile.l that tlici uotilil no! upII lim

rieht lo the. railroad* tei pass tbfoagfa their reeer-m*tu.n. " If I have a hor-e," be said, " and you WSSlto leny it, bm I do tint want to -**.|. I do not sell."He-yond this there- wuk do reference to the railroadmatter, the whole .subject being postponed oniil lo-nmrrow, when the ttoeretery hims if will near them,

lin* Poiu-ii tin. t's are big, Inbherlv, booeat-look-lng telloYVM, whom it simmer yvoiiI in- inctiYa* \eeleet :is promiaing victims eif 'us entei pi lae, riievyy ts- tieck ed emt yy ith besdfl SOd f'-.el .n rs nilli suchgarmetita of civilised pattern sa tbey did wear wireor amented in a ludicrous and outlandish mainer;iti'i were wera arith a mistakes sense ,,f propriety.Trent sere. ive*re- covered, III sollie 60808, willi YYll'ti'cot ton shirts, which formed the miter garment, tbewhole heiim generally covered In a blanket gaudilyornamented with colored pstebes sud wonted work.Nelone wore a coat, hut two or three ebielS exhib¬ited YviuHicoii's ornamented with rows nf ina-.he teliei trunk neils around thc neck and bongon-tally aeroaa tbs hr.-ase. linn tone was thai (ef beg¬gan.Their heart- .vere made triad by tho words nf thc

neat father ticburs, and tbey yvbbiiui tell tbem ieetheir women and -iililren and youug nu-n. I hisyy a- -a ol ten reiterated, together yvi th the atatemstbal Hie')' yv (Mini slo \t hat I lu Y jej .ii.iu- si, a- lo ... faii inspictou that tbey did no! Inleud tn .he it. lucyasked for nearly everything which noes to make npnn Indian's tor-mic.norse*, boasaa ol bruk, work¬ing tools, ni iitev models sod commissions. WhiteBaale hinted pretty plainly that Iib- wanted a oom*un sam aa upturn ol po.leas, a pn-it.on be eencc, boldim lost hy getting drank -*nd oommittiog Beveraliicts "f indiscre-tron.Wben thev h id made all their evania kae~m, and

bsd iiccn ti.i.i bj the (Secretary in respect te. eachHem what In' c aid or could un, do, they each intorn walked np aud signed tim neper prepared forthem act tu.g ni.-rn the ti rms ii pi 11 wbieb th. ir claimlei theil teei mer humes is surrondered, If in -i

chiefsrepreeent the sentiment of the trie, thePm.c.I c|ii-nation has been Bottled al last to then cu¬llie BStiafaoi um.

Rai lt K aiion OF thi: COKTBAOT.leiLNLL.Yl. liil.SS inset Hil.I

Wasiiincjton, Dec. 27..Standing Buffalo,'Uiel \\ i.e liUi.li We is ii., prl -te,cn eil .in-l'tiiieas, ami in makins axown iimr waalsai.xie.ua ji in nt Miiioiii-iiiaiM*- .nd eaneatloasl tsrllttteetor their chi dr. n. f, ere! ry Behnn tn ormed them ths!tllC Rllllllll-llUllSes HOW BnlldlSg ll till- Ilse I Ya IOU

weald oe pm>bed to completion ns rapidly rn poaalMe.iii- alan iafeimeei tbem timi in- honed iii-' goading ludtaoBe vcr.elly bill WOOld e.,- p. s.-eel tlnreiij,' lin jin 80S I -t -nu:

Of C lilllie te- aud Illili BS BOOS H» ll li catii'1 a |8W, C icu

mic ni iliein (Hill ls, i: v, ii a flinn, iln* iiir tu wlinnmoatd ba as valid ai thal ni ssy white man's.Ai lin- ('eua BBlOB Ol I lie tepevelie*. anil nfnr seline* ex¬

planations ny Beereiar] Boban, tehc tn ohteft ilgned a

pape i that the j bad^ruiuesied lo bs onws un, in winchiniY .ie. iind iii ,t tm y daainto rsaialn on the lani*iru.Y cup is il by lbs Pooesa la thc tadisa Tamtaej andnt BBtabellab permanent hoBaes ihen,..n.i alsoexpresitheir y\ iliinitiiesti tu re,u.qui.-ii all tia n right BDdlnterealill .iii till' lillial.s feel iii.-I :S tYY'ls'i lei s.e Itpa-.l hy Uter,,iu- tribe in ne Bmtoof nebraska and tbs rsi riioi |ui Dakota, Ineomoeosationforthslsn .ss well ss fortbs personal property.al ike tnnt- of toslr removalio tim im,hui Territory, la is??, ami foiUm depredation* committed upootbeu try tbe hi..axl .ti. m.- Hwy ash Consresa to appropriate tbs sam of.-.¦i48,01.1. i'i. -i. iiuii.-Kui tm in iut- inn nbaby Un- llilvrltn ll, p.u t!il,--t aimil! IWO J BIS WO. Aft.-!(.'Ullin raliir-- BOOM parpoSS* i'm nindi tin > ileb.tvc this anni Kpeo-i d oi mif si. i, nc paper sloss BSfollows I

\v. .icc air Ui s to bean expression nf oor free-willuuii iii-hii i- ss well * tba! sf our peop'e, ul pmaeot rn-dlilnitr i.ti Hie POM res.-rt aimil lu lie In.lum I ,-,t ,i ,i

and we ash lbs I Ibis deelannoB and request be sub¬mitted to tbi CoD-TeSSOl i" l.'!.lta:.l .-lille,- .ni ll* l.iti-r

iiBi'i.-llilliui .n.d it linn.liiu p.ip.r bean me smntnie ol lbs Ponea sblefi

pnasai and tbe eon IBmum of ike raterpmten.elm ls. ttil'ou.li llieir »;.nkt aitn.'n, to'lay relUnileil lil

MMp had eenemded to tata ibMMtnia, sotnpoatb iown nu,Inni. Inn nun tull i un ul ,til ", with I tbsin- -uti, i-i s. il tba tribe la (holmium rrrrltorr. and nowvt- ii cd ni gu lo v. oik ami bc lett Hiuli.-lu ut tl by oill-ltluliii4-ruiifi.ee.


Vt A-lllN(iTi)N. Mi,n.lav. D.c. .7. 1880The Mumal l.'nioii Telearaph Company, of Mew*

York, placed on record here to-day a BWrtgBge for0380,000 to the Central 'I'm.-.; lon nany, of tuesame place, to BMBM 330 bonds ol 01.000 C.'tch, is-

M-d OB the telegnpk line now be. nar consfructetlbetween vals elly and BMton. Tfce bon ttstuiya.'i« at the Pint Nattooal Bank of New-York,November 1, 1,000, and en te di a tv ii in r cent in-terc«t, pav.'ible si iiii-aniiunlly. I lie line ru uh fioma point in New-Yerk-avc. betWMO PoBTtOOOtk amiI'iftd nih-sts., m'h a citv, by way of mid ttuoogfallaltiinore, Philadelphia, New-York (Tty aili I'rovi-d> nee, to Beeton, it into remain ia tke ezeiMiveeontrol of tee mertgsgar, bbIbm defeolt ls neds in

peying tko internet. In casi any half peer's Inter*est reenaiapayable, batanpaid tor sixty days, allHie bonds and IMerest kOOOBM due sad Payable, in

case the trustee nhall aa leet. I he latter is, how -

it. i, sr'iject in tins matter to a maj N ny in interestof tbs bondholders, wbo mar loatrocthim to w ii li¬ll .ld or inline.- any rights thal may accrue to them.The instrument i- signed by John O. Erena presi¬dent, and Cbartoe F. Peek, secntory oi the Malua!Union ftdogreph Company, and bi H. F.Bpenlding,president, and M. Y.v. Babeeck, seentery of theCentral Trust Company.

HKCULlAliY BA-UR A GABD-DBTB.In cum r ul ii mn terrill,on w uh bocretarv Ram¬

ley, ol Miuiiesota, this I'Vi-tiiiiK, a 1 lum sr. cot rn-

i|)ondent said : " I supiMiso you may now be re-

<ard'd .is fairly in the race lor tho i-cuaiomhip, Mr.Iii.i,ney." " Yes," was the reply, "fioin tlie letters thatI have lately received fruin v ul lumen in all parts ofho Mate, ami from tho puhiicalu ns on I he miLnc-etUtbeUpubli.au newspapers of tim State,! nave..rilled ttio conclusion iliat th" iiovement in ny le¬ia!!, m univ spontaneous Immgti it has been, baaunsullied sin li |ir>)|M)i'ii.)iia tliai 1 cannot ail..rd to

UsMB-fii-i i bute incition, hiially doiermincd to .

enter Ibe raee, and bavinir done so I abell, of course,ve every honorable eflorl fe )vin. Kn nimbi cm-..icier duo tn thc numerous friends yy ho demand thal[should enter into a eonte»t that I should havoavoided if 1 bad consulted only my otvn inclina¬tions."

ii.tiicir niFTii.r.ATiov COtWMMMMB),RonafeT Brown, nf Qeorgta, called upon th" c*nm-

ni ssioner of Internal Kevnuo lo-dav and ex¬

pressed his tie-in* frSOOpsntS with the (JovcriuiiiMitin all itscflTurfs to suppress illicit distillation in theBooth. The moonshiners of (leeirifia are am ii.' tilelitest (h'Hpetiits. timi dniiifereius eif theil eia-s, anilthey hitherto have aaoeived esnsidsrable Bupporlfrom the peelitii-iaus, wini havo uiidoiihteelly. cn-

cour.'iL'cil tin ni <>y ilia'larations on the slump tha!the GovernOBOSI bael no nmro Titfht to tax the

whieskey thal a man distil* lor his own USS thanil bas to tai tim Wheat freim which he hakes bisbread.

>. nstet RroYvn Indies/SB a disposition totvarl it

new departure in thia respect, m rn inanv othera,and believes that tho Federal lawn should be eu-foreeel anel the- illicit distillon iiuiiished.

HIE ruPULATION OF* VKRMONT.The total peepulaimii of the state of Vermont, ac¬

cording lo thc Bobed-lea returned to tho CensusOffice, is *W2.2*.0. Of this number I68.M8 are

linties ami IM.OT0 I- mah * 'J'.l 1.;! ll) a let nativeheirn and 40,!) Iel loreign born; .'lill,2*l.'l are whiteand 1,043 color il, tho littler luolueling (J Indiansand 5 hall-breeds.



7MIC 8H.C K.To the Ha it or of The Tribune.Silt: Ntiiiicmu.-- ti'le*i*Tnpliic incjiiirios from

Hie I-ssl,li,i*t el upon recent political tons iu 1 uk'I Kim sk

eoocsntaa lbs a t.i Brinehavebsn rseatvadbenre-aes-inn terr BSVMMly iilie.n He.ih Cook, Daniel CsHik uudnti-er lieiivy slotrhhstdMSgi Itiai. prut city. With a thor-Snga BaowledSS OOSOIllBins tba w,,rl<l ig pt the tntne furlin- last algkteea timiiUis. I think it duo to capitalists idthc East nntl ni Ian-ope, iiii.-resu il in uiiiic-t in tue I1 ul tedBtetresed ta tbelotenitof the PssISb eaaal nu yv thattoe fi.els sit ailil bc Haled coiicenihiii tin- Alla Uilno, Ibupurtles who are so violently attacking il, un tl iii pruna-pal l.tiH'khtelile-1'4.

Wit, n the inuit- rs-as,heil Ihe l,",,r,i) lovel I went I ll roughH. nnd win so laval ably ut.pre sc 1 (..ut I pot BSSBB .-ten k.Deep mini' working is Bednattvnnnd uncertain, andbeiivy awsteineiils ure luiriviuit.iblee. I Iuiyb' nu Usu lisow t tkerebee I am disinterested thal far, Basil amswith -emull ii)mil*- are eanally ooinssuntesstve; greateriuiii with i cn lunns! ii, ii ica are mun.nd and redceul.

Bops illili liilca- m.ike p -ri- iilieal npOTM of Work donesad SMBgM that may occur. BeeMISS<BIgSfS aro

ebolee of words i un tine tia* boon monm on the Com-BWeV IIIan Munn- ..ml lie Cnuks. l'i every Vail .bi.ii.i< e Btoel Oft rut ifs employ liiitn-rs to gin them p-ciita,nii.l t-il.-n ptreOM :ir:- "ft'-li earlier ndvlsed ihin the mali

¦seri tIn-ni clvf- nf new ilevcloptiit-n:* oi'd -.asters.

By then operators ths ween! Seem et Alta stash insbemm. " 1> Ml ¦ < tool BM Ml MOB i» director of the cnn-

paso fm' nv. ra pear, lie nm ai atseoaaiiy ranche, sbeatfurfv nulla 11uni lien, when Hie boom Malted, and was

mil in tri'iii-iti Inc ciiiiiiiiuiiiiM'ioii willi ell uer Virginiaor Ibis city ; and bs n nialia-il there, lakin/; no purt In llfur s while, s. in I ot ls sud a linster, bot mbBOW Yin li when Hie me licu'.ui .uni rcinim-d In-io onlytwownkaagnte pecsoaall] sseertamtherstM si the

reports Bl.t Aim.Aa tue at.it k rup't'lv rene and a* rapidly fell, " i) in"

OMk, llin- all niuiiictl nil- rater b ni; 11i. MM, bniurtitaixl nold iu.'.-1'ii, no doubt; but Whether Mtrained or lost, MtblBg ha* b-M punished Io

ainnt'. After the ImrniK* of Hie D'ainond -Till hadh.. *n-tl the Blot U a gnat lindi' of wafer ru-lieil lo 00 the2.050 level, snd tm- noe fell 'rom |20 ,,o m |_ ;,d 11 r

snail-, si..cu ur tm social papora treaera y think Iboyun- Well ..tit is il. iiinl tn c i-1'iu.illv Ul" pun.rn-t'.im in¬

vent. Tin- '.un- a I W rn ve .. H hurl, and Irmu t tl andoihc- cease* Mtier local sttaesi oat m toad

timi all over lbs auntly, ly Ki w-Yorl-

Th, 1 -,. "li '¦. rem VUlilt. (,. a,'.i *ainan D 'fl ., i lireOra .1 '. ... ii ' V .» lilli . BSantin'ny on n> ima matters. Recently ibi .> e ceto i i os fi. t, ...fi. rlraleot i siuiid bi- a eki n ivs ' :."' th d

," ni1 be 'nd j io"'.ttn h N'.-'t-V ri aii.l

here, an very weallby bul un u nts ons, iiiiicn iii hal us and association*, mi are ibo neeranun here. The vb un, h iud mlijcnsnl ga

:. c linn.' ids tbat trey be immersed and ot aAlt*waters.ai mystiiat"tba man w,.> tbot * tbit onU brothers ooo li!;.- dom will be Mid sp m a -ero."

tat .airs were copi tl,e.,,in ie ntcd ii tn 111, te lei.'i.ipin .IEa an pub! -i i in reapeetabli papers,i'm- ii -e n-is - "nt ind in Th- KnterptHse nf tbe

rs" a rn rei li n.," Tlie Board ol'1 c s nf tin- I nial stale nit.-t cup attcal.¦ n ai-i i-- ni il ,iais tu yestcr-av'o Rntcrprias ds-ui-iicIhl' tbe man.nu-m. ik of I'e'Alta aiin -lamlai'l

m.lie*, alni co inn .-I' ttl lae MOW ol MoSBfS. Beth andDaniel c ok "i anj oil sr gentle osn therewith, wa.* ea-ir-ly uii.iiiiliur z- il and pobllatied wu..nut tin- liimwl-

ri useoi of tba Boord, and in by n hereby atlerljit palliated.'1

- mis viii known name* In Hew York mininir circleshave! ml' i-ntnii ai.icd. Inn, a-, ti-ts dev lop, they tu¬ll liv _'i niit'a >i'.i Irmii l-itf BBBilfTIBlllrn* iin-l Willc .uta,.- patti tci until tue weter ii controlled, and thn

i. ta, I ¦!.- h.- mi -. will be knows.Sun J 27, 1 880.



Di Hilt t.Y.Nt il. H.

Au i-.vri.iv v. Pena., Dee. 27*.Jacob Gogd¦nil .1- S/lfs An ia, -un :' ont un Bl fieii i'- hlcai'iii.[.tun., wi rs fenad itead lo their bed ibis owning. Theirtads iKii- nurly levered froi tln-ir bom. a, and a

tinnily BBS wa- I ul ml in tn. ip .rtni"iit. JosOpS Hiiyder.abo boarded with lbs <;¦...-cia, nos believed to ba tbsmurderer, Be wantoned lu a neighboring bim naderUta straw at 0 0*01008 tsiaa>onuag 11>- yvis kmmedlat !v lakes 1.1 I" iii.' h 11-e of his *. na em. an ip.-,.ii,uuii a* to tbe monler, ile waa eonl and soil etoo. Moas nit 1-1 ie fried Ly t..e Kev. Mr. Hi, mlle, Bstblehe IB,

aad u lulen e.itui.ii t.s barilla eoinmltond the ertase,tellies ms story with great d ii'era mn. Fis waa ia "Ye

with lbe eil st daaghts> al tbe ein.' ,1 . ra mini

iiid, imt (-.ns opposed ley bsr panam. Ba believed byklUetng them all iippe-i'l ai yv.iiiIbI tic rsenovi il lo lils mu!.II* han -. ,ie iv unlis-e I BOfOTS B l*e>|>C, -nkeu fruin all,,' tlu> lu tis uni err. WM plaei-il uri.un I hu neel.',unit ba was dracgsd sMtslda nf tba henaanini baagad le a largs ehestaal me, Altai betas-11 11 Beded in-ii iv Iwititv tniniitcs tbe lni.lv nunint, down ny i"(- poul auii- .stu 1. ui tn-* au t taken lo th itins miton, where li wai found thatdeath was earnedby atmognlatlon. rbeoflfoers nf thc law )na-ie a vain

..,,: I 1 r"-tram li- mtv nf lin- Hush. 1> uciiv.-Y is-, of Bctbleliein, il n>g al ona nf toe rtncleadersYAii-i-eii lits*!, several ibousand people visited thene ae ui i.e* traeredy elm in* ibe eta., aad tba Bonemealla mil ese hip uer Wil* 1 Yv.iitv l air yean e.nt e,,u-,.|wasadsy laborer sad alisun tony jcar* e.f mp-, Bsleaven taree ehildreo.


CiiauM'Ston, S. C., Dee. 27.-Mr. Lo Due,('ttiuu,ir-l..:i o. As*, nil.ii .in b. a e ii.ul t.,tlu> ..nu

ploted ai ra n nc ms nts lei Lu* nStSbllBbBBnDt ttl BB c X pen¬na ill ii ii-.i fans, Tha pUwe a aetad la twenty milesfrom ( Iiiiii)-iss a*-I two nil--* r ni sjini un r ville, ouIkS Hue of lite- m.uti COrelia ll .'m 1.

A FA I.IL R.UI...O th COLL isl OS.

Nt.'.v'-Oui.F.AVs. Dec 27..A collision occurredun .sn,ui.i> sterning betwons a aaetk hasinl paaaeagetUtnl ll ti-lulit iriilll nt Hie Stale lilli un lbs M--I-.I- all IOhio Illili,.ttl. 1 WO elim.rei Him I wu brakemen werekilled .tlnl i-t Yi lill other, tm lala.lv Yt muled


PSTSMBUMej Va., Dee*. 27..The* Irish citi-Bsas nett bave argamaed a Load Lasawa e mu as alu-., ea of tba lrrt.ii N.liuiiul Idtinl I-jufpic Colon, I J.ij. Brady la pr,-ntd nt.


M'Kr<» AT! li ny UMg KILN UAH.Rich yu. m.. Vt Dee. _7. -l-'mt tramps na ve- he*cn

'iiuiiel lu a .Itin- >, a-...,, lr .ni i.i ii," nulli,, .lt,| Pt ti... pi u(inna tim I a i, . illy, Hi.s-iu u.ty bad base in UM baiut olIpe-llsile* Ultu B'g*!l-

A H..) LCTIVK INDI, TMKNT.Bog* v. Dec.'Pl..TLe trial of ii.-i.h-i Wellington.

" i.a amuri pe, on ile. burne "t Mtdartagkialahullmn. li** i.e. i. femtntaa* nan. tho next term ul thc m.,it,lenin Ui a ll. tv in Hie Inill. m. ii.

A VUl.MI MU ll I) KU Kit.KiCUMuM). Va., Dee, 27..Man, ii Wimhr.li, a

i.y ot leveiiiuai fears Billed a sstarad tsir rn u.uifiiouiitv. lukl Finlay. .;unlix S t|.iair«. YAUtil-li ¦Uniek u.etuy ebb au slr, nearly etin,ni m.* limn] fruin tlie i**i)

1*1 -.111 hKNTKNe KS mg IWe) M U UDLllKlt -.

Bl. Louis, Deo. -7 -Thaddeus Haber, eonvictedf killin. Lui .¦: -vin inlier .uni ber motlier ans al a t. jr sun;lld Jti.epli lUOesl. t'liiuiel, Kir luunlerlllii hi. Yt In .-tLi.,ie hare baas ssMsaeai io u*s kansas li tisi. i>-aa -----io ot usni eliaaiy. haili vam** ¦sill ba ai-j-calca.


8CBBEI in BBW-YOng si upi: is yksikkuay.kinbsikiuiiinu |g WE PAEBBABB DBfTaB ABETTA-.OF V --I 1 S HIM.i Yl I). DAM AU" AT ('(INKYtEt-UrP BEATT losses at n kw-.ii:KS-y BUSUM it

BBBOBTSLThf wren Btora Simii.iv flamed -rodi an-

noyjineo te pedestrians in this 0M9 yesterday,iiml min h delay to trucks iiml other vehicles.There was geed sleighing in the perin enddrives, and in,my peraOBI enjoyed the pleasureof a Bleigk mle. Few vessels arrived in port,us they iiad been (meed off tbeOOBBt for Betel.Tho delay te travel un the Long Mead Rail¬road was very serious. Cunsidcralilc damagewa* (;iii-cil at Cniicy Inland, ¦ part of thc-Qlklteed nt Manhattan Hunch bein;; tornaway. Tlie damage, i» estimated at from|80t000 to $50,(100. From Sandy Honksntuhw.ird tlie New-Jersey coast suflered fromthe storm, the lost* being estimated ut a largeum.




The streets of New-York were vi*iblo yesterdayin spots. 8qtnulsof Btreflt-olonners wero at workearly tu tho morning, cleaning oft' tlie sidewalksand Un-op, lunn* into sewers, katB thousand andone wagons and trucks in the busier parts of thecity rUHin undid ike greeter earlaf -keir wert, Broad¬way wa* covered, from the I'attery lo Union-square,with a blark-lo-iking mixture of dirt and snow liveor six h.cln-s deep. Tlie cross streets down-townwere almost. hBPBSoekM and blockades were fre-qucnt all dey. Heavily loaded carls kent gettingSteak fast iii the mud ; hornes wen- continually tail¬ing down, e iii-ing much profanity upon tho part oftheir drivers and the drivers of tho teams impeded.(south and ffest-sts. were in ft wretched condition,peilioeleilf eeei Ike Bun In This wan espeeialiyihe tas.-at Peltoe Ferry, where, laereeBBg thestreets, ju tl,-ii ni-wiro comiielled to wade ankledeep In tke slush.Toward noon the inn* begBfl to n:elt. Pools of

mud himn im-incu in me stree:*, rapeeiaiiy near ellievitiks, nmi aeeideBta to pedestrians bee__M

fieipieiit. Tbe snow pdebed excellently, and evenold men Yvere tempted to threw sim tv bulls. A fewminates belon I etaloek a sleepy looking man, aboutfifty yean of age, sttempted te croaa Broadway,in ar tin- St. Nn hui,ts Hotel, Ha yvus Bently dressedin black. II-* hit-Ion a handsome overcoat and onhis hcael waa B silk hat. Ho reached tbamiddle eef the Street Mfely, but there, inhis haste- tei gel nut of tho waynf an apptoaebieg omnibus, he marie a misstep.His right four slipped, Ins left followed, and holanded at full length on thc pavement, while biasilk Int lunit;,I several Bomoraets in the mud.He- picked himself up wit li BOOM difficulty and madeins way to tue side-walk, tv bern be anathematisedthe streets of (few-York in general sndCsptainWilliams In p irtienlar,The streets on wbieb then btw surface railway!

wen in acpinparativeiv good condition, as tba rail¬road compenin had their sweepers for cleaning thctracks nut early In the morning, and a force of menat Yveirk removing tbe snow.Captain Williams said yesterday to a I'm him;

reporter in referenefl le the work of the BtteetCissaisg Bonna : " Wc sn verv mnefa deleyed laom work beesons thorannnot aoeugfa plaeeowhenyy. ian diitnp snow. Then aro uoyv nineteen oruv my places set upart for thin, but yvo need ten or

twelve more down town, Websvessked riu- DookCooimiaaiooon tor them, but the] say '.at tbi v can-aol gu- ih-ni to us. They say that the piersyy. have* neitv uru tho only oiie-s iiiuler theilcontrols Tbe othen arc lensed, aneli. yyc want to nee them, we will bave to makespecial arransementa with tbo men wbo controlthem." Five hundred men wera sot to trork lastnight at 5 o'e-h-e-k i-i) .iniii!-' Broadway. There weraalso 1 rees of nu is at Yvm'k on i'ourtet nth audl'wctity-1 iniil-sts.Uptown,however, the gnow yyuh thoroughly en¬

joyed. Kiyi roue drive 8t. Nicholas-ave., the houle-eyarda, and tbe drivsa in Central Park wera crowde -1yesterday afternoon witb sleigha ami cut¬ters e>f all descriptions, 'Ino greeter pan

i iln pleesun seekers chose Central Parkun the-,r drive, and during tha afternoon there1

alii."Sr unbroken line of uteighs genni*- npie drive in Ci utral Park irom Fifty-niutii-st. andFifth-eve. A great manyviaiton to tbe oity tookthis opportunity of aeelng the Park, and the hack*im n and livery .-tables did ;i rushing business.Et a vt'., m.'on rimtiers waa brough) out. One nan

a i: mulla sleigh, witb sight neats, withf,h a he did a iiiiii.ni* brun is al 20 centsi head '.u a ride tbrongfa the Park. .Mostef ihe iiY.'s of Lei bones preferredttiveraicle drive snd Ht. Nicholas ,'iiyu to Central'uk. Among those, however, who were in tbe;'ark In tbe afternoon were Vf. ll Vanderbilt,[toben Bonner and Sidney P. Nichols. At :i o'clockci. red tbe Para. On tbe back seal int an old mancarefully wrapped in handsome rotted sudit,iu t sealskin csp drawn dowu over

.-.u-. "Them i""* 'Mommy' Tilden,"nan! the gatekeeper, snd tue loungerswithin hearing pricked np their ears, snd followedtin- s.ie.1- ni u in -i"t Park with thou erm ss long

li wa in i-u.i. i lien it .- in. katina onthe lake, the iee not baring been swopl off, lhere

earling mated on ons ol ti.o smaller lakes,however, and iIns tins covered with excitable

.nilen, wbo wen bnndiebing brooaM, sod at¬tempting to talk English, to the gnat euitwetnentol a crowd which had gathered to watofa them.rwo sleighs ran into each oilier yesterday il flor¬

in on iii mi-hi ;h-ii ti.-, at O.ii'-lininli'cl .inn c.li¬lt t-iith-t. int- occupant of one. John VY. floger*-c.-tiiip. ol tho building lira nf -I din W. flogSti o., of No. ian iv. .si Fifty-Fifth- i., was thrownoat and M-iiiiii-r,' injured about the head. Ihedriver ol tbe other sleign was aol Rooguised. Mr.Hogem ai p -tas tan il im Li j bia irn-i da,very few vessels arrived lu port bs way of 8 md?

ilt'iik yMtarday, ns tn- simm ot Siiiidiiy diot'c .i.iin tv in il bound ves c,s teas ai d sa a Deasure ol lafety,Am nig 11 mae which ti td ai ri vc the aili ors report ilia!the st,ir.n wau very tedious andsevere, Illili tllilt lt SBBOOd ci'imi'l'Ta lil"sun ring ne s.-t.iors climbed alott over fregonami mon covered rigging,and lt was with muchti hie illy thal tbe mis con lil he handled. Willi liwind howling and whistling Ibrough tbs rigging,iukI in ni my n-' ames carrying tbe anile clean Iromyardo and other span, and wita Ibo sta* breakingover witk great force md free-lug as tbei itrock,tu- aailorB worked aloft at tying reef-points in thelarge Bails and furling othen a) the riok ol life.Beeb was tbe eznerteuee of be berk Benriek [been,wldeh ai livid noni Rotterdam, and el athel v easelswhn-li lost sails.

ihe weat er.a ii i buri ties hud predicted bed weatbeifor sonni uayoj in nco ninny ooestmg vesselsreii.ii net iii port, and 111000 at a"a lind close lo thecone! snogbt a sheltering harbor. The only icu.soi

i going ashen along the Jeney coast wencoiit-.-i ii nat thous iio.n i in- Weat J udiea ortho Hedi-i. ii,ii.cih porte,oed u is tbongbi pooaible thai somewmeka amy hare mon Ited and thal information isdeloyeil Irom want ul (| nek communication,..- erastilt ilise nilli lite ale.ni.-Hip l Tl t "i I i lil UlUS,

- ir<un Europe a. ii from ike entward foundii posaible to norkofl be ooo ', and probably ant,so i,ir to the eastward that those close to pori Bat*nula mat bo Ml cr.tl d V's Itt eel iii- ha. g.P lois ni rmr and terry boats ii on mom tbe storm

the must tedious to then lor lue pas t'-nr years,Che ebor! ferries did nol meei tue raine ditliuni annul a..ce .,! navigation os the longer ones,ilthongh they found ll neeenaary to be eice d¦allin.us. Ai tinic-ii waaimpoas iii i> iee monlian a lu.ai a I<-1._:I ii au av , SO denlinet oi un icii.es mode their tripe with eonsmle Irregularity,Animrtern. fm Teibtini visited tbe United

lignal Station, on Hie Kquitable Butldiog, alK»::»ii iasi night, iii ii .!.i ni-mi report thelafoiiic ei si inti ai 99.76, which was s UH ol .<>7 inlight holli*. Ihe ti ci,no.in Ter icjla!.-. .| .ll. i

in ol - i ne relative hnmiditj atmOi uer cont,Hui tl,.- ii ,H ita- .ti si. i uh a vi loi-il ot t Ul IHMni lu.ur. lin. i.ti-iiiif' li iinieiiilnre yesterday, ae-ording t.. the records si lindnni/i dnc-atore,. .-.. .<7 A veer ago the orongi kimpanten ween»'b"ibo pros^eoU fol lu iiiiuio-A,''' tb- oflbaf in

charge of the signal station said, " are that we shallhave fair weather. Than is u cold wave commafieiiit tbe West, however, which will probably strike)New*York in toe afternoon or evening, Nearly allthe lake stallonehad verv gold weather to-day, wi lb11 alli a batonoter. Tnt stetsons along the eeeelce tu.nilly show a silently rising haromet* r '-r v rvlittle ebonee. At Ht. lJaul tho mercury was 11°balow ji ro, a fail of 20° In algtM beear* :

at Duluth if. was below tem. a fallof .Iii0; af Sf. Vincent, Munn-ola. it wa- 28° below.ii fall eef ir, -. } te m, r-urv Ml B° Bl ('un Innati, B°Bl Cleveland, Ki0 at Detroit. 4" at Mullah) and BO0nt Milwaukee, Ai Booton the mercury fell 1°. atAlbany lt fell 24 al Ph ladelphia thero was apchange, snd al Baltimore there' yvus arises! -1".Hie weather Miroiigtiout Hie greater uart of thecountry yvis Blondy, linne waa a slight, snow*storm in ei'io. At the hike etalmus. the Weatherwa« generally char.The mai t vesterday, owing to the two holidavs.

wen nnnsnally light. The snow alutm bini v. rvlillie- affect on the trains ; Ib f n't. ali the impertsnlones (lillie in on time. IhePOStOAeC ./tilers *avthat until N'niY Year's, when Ikynyp v%ill be a rush eifNcyv Ve-ar's enids, tlu> BnSMSSB of the otlieo willnndoobtedly bc light.A large showcase-, oontaraiag Inss and millinery

goeiel-, wa* blown down by ibo stol in Stiuilay infillat N.e. 18 West Fourteenth-st.Mneb delay waa caused tn attest sen on sseno nf

the Inn's of railroad*; m Brooclyn ysstOTday inorn-iug from the drifts ol snow. Dennie teams woreattached to tho ears and stii'ic-sweepcrs were inactive use. Bedford eTa. Biaafrlja PrnepciH l'ark,and tho Ocean Parkway were well patronized hysleighing parties yesterday The sleighing was e>x-(clleiif, nttcl iu tho afternoon hundreds nt sleighsconbl be seen.The snow drifts Sunday night blocked the Staten

Island Shore Railroad so that ye.sturelay morningHleigha had to bu placed on the route. The trainsOn the theton Island Hallway, although they badtnui'li ti .ul. .- iii working through the (leen suoet tutho cute, arrived only a little behind time. Aboutsix inches nf snow felt on a level, making goodsleighing on the country roads. Of this advantagewas taken by all sorts of vehicles on runners. Dur¬ing the storm Sunday night the Staten Iidundferry¬boats Yvere run willi great difficulty. Tbe StaionIsland Ballway ferryboat, on reaching Tompkins*vile from New-York 00 thee] p. m. trip, bad tobed'laved it considerable linn-owing to tin* blindingsnow. This delayed tlie train at Vanderbilt's 1.ann¬ing about half an lunn'.As a result of tbe snow-storm Sunday, the Long

Island haili.! ul and its brancbes are nguiu block¬aded, [ravel yesterday waa seriously obetrneted,ii'Yv Hams hung able to reach their destination.The Fatc-hogne train, which left Fittchogiie ai 7[/clock St unlay night, after having Btruggfed four-leen hourn through heavy drifts reached Long la-land City »' Ih30a.ni. yesterday. The train hadto be dug ont nf several snow-banks befON it couldproceed on Ita Way, All tho .siioYvpli.ngha Yvereiruiigni info service, One. propelled by tour en¬gines, attacked a heavy (hilt between Mun eua amiiardi-n City. 1 he drawbar of tim engine next to |me plough broke, leaving tho other engines power¬less. Jin' result tvas that the engines hilt! td hebacked to Hyde Park, where ttie disabled000WM placed on aSWiteb. Tuen tho other threeengines returned to the snow bank, and after livenoni's oi bard work toa track was cleared. TheQreenport mail irani, carrying few uassengers,-m. iel from iluniei's Point yesterday morning;hut could proceed no further than llineola, as their.n k cist ot that plaM at different points wasblockaded by heavy drifts, ihe train wm lani upta await orders, lue ex pres* train from Greenporltin! not -tart. No trains WOO I through over thoPort Jefienon braoek. Noottempt was made tostart tia:ii« for the oreel ore? the Sag Harbor branch.1 lu- -univ ploughs will not be put to tv.irk hine uni dthe nunn lino is opened, ino Hampstead line isclosed anti badly id'.eked, mho.- donday nightend ap io met evening RoadmMter Moire lind alllin: pion s, ii iH'Z'll BUBI-M alni ab..Ul BOO lileil wit llshovel* ai iwi!_. j in- Km kaway blanch wm openi .ii ii vi > ni Ihe dai'. and trams un univ a li' ile behindtbe schedule time. In the slternoou inow-plowowere sent to open the Pori Jedi moo branch. A sup¬ply tiaiti WMMUt (Hil willi OlOVISiOUS for iii" BMBbi work on the blockades. It consisted of two beg*page ears, < hie wa* lilied up with a rang- and cook'iug utensils, and the other contained barnie ofbread, sidee of beef, barrels ol potatOM and manybains, lin' hlockaili's thus far bare been tbe worstknown un Long lt hind in tiver ten years.



'I'.. stol m wrought oonsidenble damegeoa CooeyI.-.'hu!. A cutting northeast wind prevailed daringBm, lay evening, nod nt high tide, abool A e. bl yis-terdgy, .he bulkhead and platforms, against winchibo fury of tbe worn bad spent deelf, easily gaveway. The water flowed under Feltman. Hotel atWest Brighton without any injury to it. bel a part

the nhl woodoo piei about a mile west of Cable'slintel wm carried away, Two ibantin, one of.ililli wm a bath-house, wen eamed .mt to sea.rho we m carried off many wooden spiles wbicbi., iuiii dnren in front of the iron pier, and a por¬tion nf tbe bathing platform of the Wist Brigbl fi

lintel. The lom et Wm! Brighton is estimated etih,hu (OOO.lt was ou tbe eastern part of (he island, however,hal the-turin camcil the liicatt'sf damage, -titiilene Ihe besch inward l!r:-,'liton the saud wasti -w.i benaud there with timber washed in withhe tide. Boards, I014S and liane's wire

Mitered in barga Quantttms ever tie beeob. JinnyliscMofiron wenmob curiously twisted by tin-ac¬ion ol the WBTM as they won wrenched from thoulkheads. Par! al tbe eppreeeh to tbe beth-boBMn fr. nt of lin Oc.-an lintel was can led BU ay, gedhe building il-ell was pretty well shaken np. Kn-euiau't- wooden pier moaned with ths looMomeof.vcrai pu.--. lu front of tho Motel Brighton theuiimi-r-1 t.ii-.e wm surrounded hy water yesterday,mi ¦ itw steps further eMt tbe storm bsdfulloeope.

i ne waves nan ripped up the eogea ot th- platformdna tbe hotel, ao ihat tbs former ttrnetufc

rill have to be almost entirely rebuilt. Ths plat¬form connected with Eugeman'a bathing pavilion ia300 feet long, and in front nt it waa a bulkheadmade of rows of plles witb a stone Oiling, Alongits whole length tbe waves bsd tdVn off Ave ot tenfeet of it. ihe Barf bad forced its way over iboipsos thal WM (.'cap.cd hy bibulous psnOU dillingth.- beer-drinking season, and covered ths platformwbich formed a portion of tbe long promenade be-tween Brighton and Hanhattau Beaones, Workinouwere busy yesterday removing the umbel * on tueshore, Eoe tracee of th,' wavee were I-ft em tbelilli, yy hen hey had Soared very far bevoud tbeirusual limit.

lin- loaa at Brighton, it was atated, would probablyha covered bj $2,000. Tue Marine Ballway ran*.ning between Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beachy, as e ompletely submerged by tba waves dariug thestormi uui ita lower portion yy.is waehed away. Nogreat injin y yyas done lo lim bulkhead hetwecn

Pavilion timi a point about Midwayfrom tim Baal Depot. The track yvus soui-u atundermined. The remainder of ths traok and balk-bead running toward the Manhattan Beaeb Hotelyy a* nun d. I'be waves had knocked tne koorda oftm> balkbead into splinters, or. tearing up a isrgepart e)? tin- limber, bad furiously tossed lt against(hs platform, shivering it to pieces. About J.200fe t e,i bulk,n>a,i wen injured, snd ns appearanceyesterday showed the destructive lone ot th,.Waves, lui" s.une places, wben the sci huito:n ont huge pioeea from the bulkhead,larg) Quantitiee of floating wreck had made theirwai. In other plaoea tbe bulkhead waadenreaaedintuan [mme iee cavity, as il ihe weigh! of inc bo rf hadalone been sufficient tei overcome ns mistsnea.Tho piles were oompletely nudermined lu -Mst in¬stances and were washed pwat. The longplatformfronting the Manhattan Beach Botel suffered coa*siihrablndamagn Ali Belong tbe bulkhead sm thobeaeb wet* largeQnantitiesof dehlia, and ni manj| leets of Hillie'' Coti.ll Lc see!) gal Vi. Il ¦/cd boltswbieb bad leen olipped In tYYn very neatly in beingtom from a balkseed. A third ol the railway eo>bankmen l y- .,, yy tabed away and with lt tho eouth-ern or oater track. I'he platform ol the railwayehvp ,t ai the eastern terminus was destroyed. Thewaves wera rushmg auder inc atrnctnn yesterday.ut. inoon,Tbo destruction of the bulkhead continued east*

ward ni iii- direction ol c. Manhattan Beschbethina psvlliou, and ia some pl .ces tim-ea bad mads a waj for itself lute the. land.

.ian de-, which forma a favorite promenadeiu n u the sun liner, WU dntioycd iu-i.- anil Iii ern leein. extent ol forty or ttlty leeu i bra igh thedouble

pileaou YYiii.ii ilunuug bosnia an boltedLi. mg the s. a, the wares lo ced theil yyuy .y nerotuej linet not Lin -ip tbe bulkhead from its ttuiuda-i ni ud knocked ont a hols in tbs << a- ii thal waa

twenty feet deep sod aeventy-Sve feetwKlc,running aloug the whole front of nu- ManhattanUt,ten loni, in the immediate neighborhood of I iebathing pavtliou the wavn niel wssbed ui loo

a land aud tn usI have thrown tbeir spray toela- iIiul: stiue ii at iy. I lie iiill-n di'lilli si-i'inedto e a sun e-e ni atna, t mi ttisu, aud tba surf mudcta way to within a seora of feet ol lt. Into ail theon-, .uni ii i- na ll. .a eil i in ii.iut s ul jit 11 ..nu ami

iulklic.nl inni itiiv yy.i .i ... 1....: an. IheCousin... duu fil.ii Lui.


COKSIDKITNU I-I ititi)- ur CIT. rXI't-NHKS. f.X-PI_U-_TfAB_ UK I'RUFiSs R CHIMU KR ANDpbbhi mr pggpuBvbbtibp ie ebb imhk p*-PahIMKXT.TIIK lUSaKFi CHUN IN riUMlMf-an nOTBOBeff Kftn.M gB&Boe J. BATB8B0BY.

Pretemor Ckeedlat, of the liealui Jbnud, andPresident French, of the Police Department, werehalon the Boord el BoUemio ged AppeftfeegMBlye-terd.-iy, . aeli defending ihe sttuiiite* of his de-partmerif. 'I heir statements wei'- not received with¬out criticism. At » gatherum of rhe memnersof thelaumiuny I ouunitti.». SB Organization ni--parationsweie made tor the meet (ng of the (ietural I nm mittento-night. Nelson J. Waterbury has 0 ritten a longletter to John Mckeon on tlie political situation, hiwhich he censures Mr. Kelli' very freely rind makessome ii.li-i"-tiinc statements annul. Irving Hallcampaign assessments. At a meeting of tbe ParkCommissioners the timo was for the most part taken,un in a vain attempt to adjust di ftcreree*, bevecalmotions tor remo vaia were made bul were net sue*tamed.

? .


C. iNslPKUATlON UP rilR BgfB-ATM NI i, i.Kt.T kit.MU. GRKKN'S PrBslSTKNI RKsOI.riTO.Ni.A speciil meeting of tim Park CoiuiiiieHion-

ers lo consider tlie matter of ibo departmcut estimate*was in- d yesterday tinirtniur. Co.u-iisaloner Oreenoccupied the chair, and Commissioner Wale* natfacing him. Tbe ftr-t lialf hour was given temil me btietuess. "cv, ral communication* wit- reid,Dne of wnico waa from Joseph J,.-m.', wbo wa* a ser¬geant of thc Park Police, stating that hu had been re¬moved wiiuo it e,iu«e ami asking tont he be relastate -

riie report of the h'xaminltig Committee was called farmd Com missioner Wale* said In reply that be bad notbin-.' further to r. port limn ib-t one forem-n hod in-ttii ne-d lum tb-t he could dispense with tae services etoz of :.i, idcu. Ile bad not been able to do mon.". in-c of the days wbicb Intervened sineehe, lao! meting one was a holidayind another was mundar. Comi-sleuer I. me offered a-esoliirion, which w.ts adoofed, extending tlie time ioiflnch anv ono of tbe Commi-aionera.for th" lark of aireodent.wiy sign pei mit* and PSfBBMlions to Hien it ae; a,' of (bo (lo ni. Mr. Lane also presented _o-itltt-r rc-fiiiitinn. in the t flit t dist l-'rederick Law Olavled ho mgeostod le pispaieanpon n the auiiit-etofilluming tue trees and shrubs Id Central I'm If. winna.

», u,., nw, ..it... ii ess ru mi ii.a,ii ¦ jtruwiu ti il mw

hetuify esf the Park was greatly marreul.Aeland gatneeadoa OsataanaiaaarOieaali hrow. .-tag

the- heuiigit influence th it so far had p irraded tba aBMBlghan bagaa to ta dispelled, ii" -atti he didn't kuowmuch SSeol tlie CBiodituiu of the puk. hu- he wouldinn- mi the is *s>!iiti..ii by ntatttstfag Bat Barn . '>r catr«rsVain, who hail inure tu eta with the layla* ont of thapark than anyone el-)-. Afnr BBBSB cres-tire LeiweeaConimiisMoneis Lane ansi (treen, the tum minn ut waapm and lost, uud also the original proposition, 4motion ny Mr. Lane lo the effect that tho lui.meer o#cii-iiii-tiim sininiiipregansBBbansaslat lbs improve¬ment of Hivei-slde" i'm k was also iSSBBtSd By OMMBB>bluner* Green and Coilesvcr.CouuniHitoiie'r Green next made a motion to -nttreag

the woik on Mantialfati-*spinre until lc emile! be cow-tinaeil under iln1 plans sif Mr. Vaux; the nert under fhapn BBBl plane, he rei,ii»riced, was aYvasteof moue) flwas suggested thal Mr, Mtiuckwllz, Ute s'lperlntinilingarchitect, could BWba philis, hnt Mr. OrOOB -cid thai hadOOBtOd Ihii, BB lt Ytles uni eef Mr Mtuiekw t/.V hue. Tbaresolution WMBSSeadsdM BB te) piovl-h' only feir tkoBaspanstaa eif lae sork, and in tins feenu if yv.is adopted.Commlsstoner Wstreienmrned leal than erse a imrryail at once to do somcilunc, nnd that he w,ul,l like tuuato look into the matter. Hut he did not reta BgBtBSt tberesolution.Commissioner Green ihen began fo offer r<-*ol 11 rices

removing employes of the department, a nurse thatCommissioner Wnlus eo persistently Bppseed Si the '.t*ameeting ef the Board. Tksfntawtlea wea to r»-n:i>»ea man whose duty ti to take caro af a bor*e ned by tbaSuperintending AnMtSSk OOflMMaatSMM Lane; aagWales btlsttsd up ami tbosft then locks at a, a uihenajleapproi 'i.

" I iiit.v- th n tbe matter be referred to thc commit¬tee.'' saul Mr, Lane'.M Then aeeeia to ta some doabt aa to efbo -.v. r,- ip-

p luted on that committee," resorted Mr. Green, leewblas." Ob, Ciitutnissiiiiiit Conover appoints d c, ninr-smaea

Laue when you declined lo serve, esolaiiue Cowana*lim 1 Waa -.

The ii; "email then remarked aareastieslly thal tt-.-niboald be ;t report from ibe eotmalttec a ii rsa *e-.iiiu d 111-01 ii two weelu bsfon... vv.* bave reported," rei ni ned Commissioner W_i«*.

itu- ll mr, " sae f won't be pubed ..ir i.e *r*ag,, mis fragmentary method. Thc pnesr wag topra-¦celt 18 thruOgb tbCCe !,ll,..t!e*e."Tbe motion was pat with the usual r.-»aif Qtvea *sd

'..ii'tvi-r voting tuu'e'li'T. alni Wau--and UtSOoeppostSS>iVn-ii Afr. Green nude a similar mull-ii io il:-, lu. 18Dpi Ye, .Mr. Wales t:.-iM!:.e mere p -IC, di ula

aa, and said ho did kneew eiutt OomuilsetoesB. ti ti'.. inuitvee ..-re la pentattas la lu* coui-ee.Yu effort had bet imad to remove Borne aien wban asstdot* wen cist.I. and Mr. Oreen Bad atruBgl* op*.,,*. sir. ('..ina. ni' a- -1 r. eu replied tbal tl.nv wayo discbiige men was to remove thom 1 ami tia- .¦ ,.-iuni heiii ilse.' despite Ibe gentlemen hceaolagwafairs). Ali Wales .ii dru betag put in the light olins meting tho ref01 u movement aaa ioM ital "inesie bad come Into the department te-n days n in rhe. mt*tenses bad been cul et wn over §20.000. "I don't agtierstand whsi yon mean," he coatiiuiei), tttdretttaa.utnttiissioi.er Or ii. ¦.wt.cn yenshowed me 1 hst Mr.funkiveta wat n>t caro na his te.uaiy I resdfty agreedsit; bul ib aita remove) of Mr. VuiV.ilici*o-urni). whoasaerrtoee are imf Deeded atatl. waspsmei-, il vnii roted a-unst it. I am nut t.listrne tor 1 I0 not know ir, Omeo'a ano. se Mr. Couever'B u ir.Ute's."( ipiii's-la-HTOreen answered by rea.'.- ¦ from tba

minutes ul a meeting held in isT'i. __* u Mri Walt* *ap-porled i motion lo increase Mr. Vanvalkenburgh's *-*-:i"v in"ii *;$.uis» rn *-:.''' ¦). uni iidd'-.i mn J pu'posedto procee as b 'i ni been doing until tin- Isal man 'iii*..vasili.i ¦. ii ri ii ¦..cd Comml - " ;¦ Walts re-!¦ uni *00b a lim- ol ariiilllleiit uni.,I in' MllStMaaybody. Mr. vaiivalkenbnrgb'a *ilan st IBM dinswas out too lane m hs then oonpMI ike pesttMo ofdisbursing clerk: sad iii.it nobody knew -ettar ttva(ii:.ni,l."i'i!: tinea I', il a n ic* Mat .III..' na* aOollr liedMr. Vanvelseubamb bad little tedo. L wai uiiinr iviner.t .iv fo suv the 'e i-r tn Inn-rice Ilma with thsduties of toe Committee whioh was willing mo-tc" bsiii- baned ii' at fault.

t (iiiimiH-ioiit r Oreen rctaiie <i ht* comp>sin-.> at"l - ie-ce-~ii' li tn ni,- in t f iun st for removals, all et nkiek wenIn-!. Arter ibis bad goM on fur son).' llSM Comssss>slonei Walesealled for th" msdlag of the r . iiuuonati im ii provided for the appointmaal ol the committee.Cnuuii islouet Ur ii. tn- .-ant. hud made a niisfake m tie-dining to act. and wa* stteMptiog io carn oat tissp.i n ot die resolution ls bis owa wat. Ilk i spei dialtue CommlsoioBem would not allow (ns fan i .« 1.1 oaW en Mr. linea made soother motion ol a - m n.r char¬acter.Mr. Wales appealed t-i Cosamlaaio-cr Conover.asking him it nv ie iva- opposing the Exaiuin i* C<>0|-tiitTc" tvlii-h ha linns.If appiiiuted. Mr. (aiB.iver's reply wa* tu*t the ena.* proposedneeded prompt setlon. Onemtinoeer Oreen -: minted.tbat tlie Committee bad inowo u loeb ot .nergr" I., t lum put lu* lumitiii-, ' said l oiiiuilssioini Laue.

" Vic tin tole them down ; thal'* all.''Commissioner Uren ooaaMtoi to "top off ring tils

rc.-Mi.iili.iiis il li.. ...tn n.i! Mc . ti oiiid i.ia kt ii r> purl la alav OT two, aim Mr. Wales said lie itt eld agree to re¬ma nu ihe r.-un,mis propeoM nv Mr. On ss if tin- ut-i'i sronlu appear before tbe commutes and -nate'bs'ii'.st.ini. He aaked Mr. Qreea lo give asMnnei that beitt ti'i tin un-, n.u Mr. (liven declined to in ia,i _n> ap¬iti, atmeat.The matter af tho ooMmans was then taken np, om

dter brief discussion it wa- decided to defer series an¬ti inda i I'aincH Plaaaean, on BMiMa of iouiL.ua-toner Oreen, was made Aetiag Baperiatntfem untilbe nu Piing ul the Boafd. I'he meeting adjourned until':30 to-uay.


TUB cost Ol I wo IUTA in vi: vis.iSiivtAiKs op nit; POUOB ami BBALTg l..)..iu>_.»

fthtt Ml 11- ni PB! HBEB1' PBBBVfl and pbo-PEgeQg (UANDI.KU.

The Hoard ol' K-timatc and AppottiiMMMjeaten**) eoaos-eni tue sstMeeiM neted Im bv ii*tiliee unit Health l"|iartiticirg. l'rcatdeiiis French)ml <'!i. inlier were prcseuf, and gave tboftu'inailt'ii ark.tl fur liv HM member* al Ike U.-ard.r -i.lent 1-rein.a BM tj.lesli.ned hs to thc ii-iinoer of.¦ii. .. caiitnti*. The c-il nates c til for thirty-sevenipialus. Ihs M jo: oOBloed-i that oaly tbiri v fiveloud De on ihe toll* under tbe law. He was it-uiiudedi.il Cipiani Stcix-rt. wini tt as dismissed ftnm tbe force,...lit n ii :n tani b> the Court*, and (bo result wmnil Hie COSB-SISSSMSH lt.non tliciuseltea willi onenra captain. lVli-r 1'as.idy. of ibe iVntrjl -taggP-gg1s ufitti.'ii, ni-ucl tn kiow ti lie l licr all the poliosipulu* hail command*. I'lonlcni l ir-u.h refiled tintI b.ii conni-,.m..s exept Captain Wiebeit. ile was de-1 led ill Ike C. ll I ral Ubi e.

Ta. io ar, 155 sergeauts called for lu tb estimate.i. l-'u ncli aa d ihat 1th sc were rel Hied iii with tl.ecXa number of policemen as-od. Their was no doubtlat aiiJitioUiil policemen an- needed. Tuen, hsd been

lt.crease lu tbe loree in ten years, i'he olty anarowing all ibo time. Sotuetlnug bad lu-cu auld tboallt Oiled un h. Thone included tba Broadway .quad, ihe