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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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by Domenico Cordua



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by Domenico Cordua



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TRASH”By: Rodrigo Griffon & My Maanmies

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Who are “Late Nights In Squat Bars”? Can you tell us where and when, for example, do you met each other?(laughing) Yeah! We’re Dafne Della Dafne (NZ) and Sukre Suke (UK.) We met in Berlin through a mutual friend at a DJ-gig and started making music a few months later. It started off as just experimenting on a few new projects, not really with any rules, then we realized our mutual enthusiasm for kick ass beats, despite our very different musical backgrounds.

So, when do you decided to start with LNISB?Well, we played a song at Dafne Della Dafne’s birthday party at the end of 2008, “432” It was such a hit and we decided to focus more on this project, taking the name, Late Nights In Squat Bars, which is inspired by the idea of Berlin underground music and culture. Our first gig, Ladyfest Winterfest 2009, shortly after we started on our first video, The Other Woman.... and it just went on and on from there...

And.. Is there anything before LNISB or just..?Dafne Della Dafne founded a rock band in Berlin in 2003 – The Modern Pants. This be-came the Post Modern Pants in 2005 when the drummer left the band and the remain-ing two members turned to drum machines and midi. (She’s still working on the project as well!)Sukre Suke: “I was performing as a solo artist in the same town for a few years, then collaborated with Maya Dalinsky to form Halves. They toured in Europe 2009 (Berlin, Prague, Vienna in spring, then Amsterdam, Brussels and Copenhagen in autumn). We are progressing the singer songwriting style, with guitar, voice and piano, we are still gigging and recording a new album in 2011... It’s nice and important to have the bal-ance. The different music projects nurture the different parts of my personality...”

Why Berlin, girls?Like our project, there are no rules. Berlin is like a big stage for everyone to try out their ideas, for everyone to experiment and find their individual path to creativity.

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Who are “Late Nights In Squat Bars”? Can you tell us where and when, for example, do you met each other?(laughing) Yeah! We’re Dafne Della Dafne (NZ) and Sukre Suke (UK.) We met in Berlin through a mutual friend at a DJ-gig and started making music a few months later. It started off as just experimenting on a few new projects, not really with any rules, then we realized our mutual enthusiasm for kick ass beats, despite our very different musical backgrounds.

So, when do you decided to start with LNISB?Well, we played a song at Dafne Della Dafne’s birthday party at the end of 2008, “432” It was such a hit and we decided to focus more on this project, taking the name, Late Nights In Squat Bars, which is inspired by the idea of Berlin underground music and culture. Our first gig, Ladyfest Winterfest 2009, shortly after we started on our first video, The Other Woman.... and it just went on and on from there...

And.. Is there anything before LNISB or just..?Dafne Della Dafne founded a rock band in Berlin in 2003 – The Modern Pants. This be-came the Post Modern Pants in 2005 when the drummer left the band and the remain-ing two members turned to drum machines and midi. (She’s still working on the project as well!)Sukre Suke: “I was performing as a solo artist in the same town for a few years, then collaborated with Maya Dalinsky to form Halves. They toured in Europe 2009 (Berlin, Prague, Vienna in spring, then Amsterdam, Brussels and Copenhagen in autumn). We are progressing the singer songwriting style, with guitar, voice and piano, we are still gigging and recording a new album in 2011... It’s nice and important to have the bal-ance. The different music projects nurture the different parts of my personality...”

Why Berlin, girls?Like our project, there are no rules. Berlin is like a big stage for everyone to try out their ideas, for everyone to experiment and find their individual path to creativity.

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What about your new videos? Where do you filmed them? And why with Alex Forge?Everything is filmed here in Berlin! “The Other Woman” was filmed in Hasen-heide in the cold merciless snow of Berlin in February! Haha! Alex Forge loved the 80’s cult vibe of the song and wanted to pay homage to it on film. “Pling Pling” (!) is very different to that. The quasi hip-hop style and the catchy chorus made for a chaotic and energetic music vid, with bright col-ours, crazy wigs and gold pants (that video-clip started off that style!) but location again was Berlin and we bought our costumes from Kottbusserstr.!

The Other Woman? Who’s that?“The Other Woman” takes inspiration from the song with the same name by Nina Simone and also furthers the exploration of this classic symbol – the third person in a love triangle gone wrong – someone who tries to befriend you but actually wishes you ill.

Why LNISB sounds like this? I mean, what artists have inspired you both?It’s a culmination of all the music styles which have inspired us throughout our lives, and they vary a great deal. Nina Simone, Björk, world music/sounds/beats..., PJ Harvey... M.I.A... We both worked on more conventional projects before, you know, singer songwriter, even classical stuff, jazz too ... It started as a side project for all the stuff we never dared try out in our “serious” main projects, for example, rapping, using and making beats and even the dress-ing up bit. There are no rules and we just do what we think sounds good, and sometimes we consciously try to fuse different elements together, deciding to write a song that may have a certain effect or allude to a certain style. For ex-ample, for “Quick Tease” we really wanted to create a basic early 90 hip-hop track, with really minimal beats. Then you have “Eggs” where we wanted to use live percussion samples and create a thicker sound, almost like a carni-val.. We played with exotic rhythms which is cool for that song since it deals

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with the issue of being a stranger in the place where you live. In fact, we write a lot from the perspective of being a foreigner in Berlin, you know, feeling half at home, half accepted and half yourself even...Other themes we explore in our songs include, gender, or to put it more simpler, what it is to be a man, what it is to be a woman, the changing roles, and the various power struggles. A lot of our songs embody differ-ent male and female voices. We are ourselves a blend of seemingly con-tradictory physical and cultural elements and it’s exciting to explore this in our music and performances!I think we’re something for everyone to enjoy, that’s been said to us be-fore.But ultimately, we make the music because it’s fun!!!

LNISB on stage? Next presentations?!We are planning a European tour in May/June. We kick off our in Berlin on May 23rd at Monster Ronson’s Karaoke Bar, and may be coming to a town near you. If you would like us to play, get in touch!

What about the future of LNISB? Are you planning to conquer the world?!We are doing things all the time, it feels like a full-time job. If we are not gigging, we are writing new material and promoting ourselves. In fact, we would love a manager, even though we think we’re doing ok! I’m sure there’s loads we’re not doing that we should be...And we’ve got the ball rolling for our Spring Summer Tour in Europe and the UK.In the last week before I (Sukre Suke) went to India we managed to finish filming video #3 with Alex Forge. Very hush-hush but we are so excited because it’s totally different to the others. His style has progressed so much and he’s so innovative and creative in capturing the different sides of LNISB. We love that our videos vary so much in style, there are always

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so many sides to one thing.We are also looking forward to collaborating with some bands in Berlin and beyond, there are a few ideas, so let’s see what happens!

Did you say India? Why? Tell us about it!“Again, wanting to expand our musical knowledge in order for it to inform these projects. I was in Istanbul in 2009 and 2010 and studied Turkish singing and I learned the darbuka (Turkish drum). I’m still a beginner, but we have used rhythms and motifs in our new material. It’s a lot of fun!”

What do you think about XauartMAG, girls?It looks fabulous. Really stylish and contemporary, with such a variety of images. It’s something for people who are excited to explore different forms of expression and enjoy questioning and redefining stereotypes!

Is there a message you wanna to give to our readers?“Don’t drink alone. And bring a drum.”--------


You can download our album at all the most popular online music stores iTunes, Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Late-Nights-Squat-Bars-Explic-it/dp/B00475MPRACD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/latenightsinsquatbars and emusic just to name a few. You can always get in touch with us through our Facebook site (www.face-book.com/LNISB) or Myspace (www.myspace.com/latenightsinsquatbars) if you want one of the Limited Edition Hard-Copy CDs!

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“Más fotos en Google

más videos en Youtube y

menos paciencia en

my home”

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Gina Burdel nació en Bar-celona en 1980

Drag queen y personaje público de la ciudad de Bar-

celona, ilustradora en maga-zines como CouLter maga-

zine y lamono. Cantante trash con temas como Botox latex y

carne de muerto colaboradora habitual de pro-

gramas de TV durante más de 1 año estuvo en antena en la televisión Condal con pro-grama propio el Toro Modelo

de publicidad en campañas como el sillón Barcelona

Fundadora del desaparecido Burdel 74 Restaurante BAR

que tenía pecurialidades como su propia cerveza la

más descarada beer y la Bur-del SPecial Salud que belleza

nos sobraEn la actualidad es la direc-

tora artística de Cabaret Berlín y presenta un a revista de Variedades con el nombre

: Mamá Cómprame un pony

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“Recuerdo el día que conocí a Miqui Brightside por casualidad en un concierto y como poco a poco pasó a ser rutina navegar por las historias

que cuenta en su blog...También recuerdo con exactitud el día que dije “este tío tiene mucho mucho talento” y como sin darme cuenta fui enamo-rándome de sus fotografías...Así que ya que estrenamos año y yo a la vez me estreno aquí, no podía empezar de mejor manera que entrevistándole a él:

¿Desde cuando aparece Miqui Brightside asomándose en el mundo de la fotografía?

- Cuando era pequeño mi padre siempre había intentado que me aficion-ara a la fotografía, pero no tuvo éxito hasta bastante más tarde, cuando conseguí mi primera cámara con cupones que fue guardando del periód-ico, hará dos años y medio. Con el tiempo me di cuenta de que eso de las fotos empezaba a encajar conmigo y ahorré hasta poder comprar una reflex; la Canon EOS400D, que es la que ahora uso aunque, la verdad,

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ahora cualquier cámara que encuentro por casa intento aprovecharla al máximo, sobretodo la Yashica 1C que tiene casi 50 años y es de mis fa-voritas.

¿Qué crees que será eso que tiene la fotografía que hace que en-ganche tanto?

- Supongo que guarda cierta relación con guardar los momen-tos. Todavía me gusta imprimir mis fotos y tenerlas en papel así que creo que es básicamente esa capacidad de conservar eternamente instantes que en el tiempo apenas han durado.

¿Qué te inspira para que cojas la cámara y empieces a disparar flashes sin parar?

- La inspiración casi siempre me viene sin avisar. A veces antes de dor-mirme me he levantado de la cama para apuntar ideas, o en ocasiones mientras desayuno, al escuchar una canción, al ver una situación por la calle... Todo son momentos que de una manera u otra me incitan a coger la cámara e intentar dar forma a las ideas.

¿Qué tienen que tener tus modelos para que digas, “Lo quiero en mi fo-tos”?

- Esta pregunta me hace gracia. Admito que hay veces en las que veo

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a alguien y me digo, tengo que hacerle fotos. La mayoría de veces foto-grafía a chicas y supongo que busco que tengan algo poco común. Mu-chas veces la cara, la expresión, el pelo o cualquier rasgo que si lo ves por la calle llama la atención pero en el fondo con que haya facilidad a la hora de expresar lo que se quiere mostrar en la foto es suficiente.

¿Qué influencia se puede apreciar en tus trabajos?

- Buscar influencias sueltas es difícil muchas veces las fotos de muchos fotógrafos acaban formando un conglomerado en mi cabeza con el que acaba saliendo una mezcla, pero en el fondo supongo que Jackson Eaton siempre ha tenido estilo personal en las fotos que he envidiado. Por otro

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lado Carla Fuentes e Igor Termenón han sido como referentes que en se-creto me ayudaban, ver que gente joven se abre camino en el mundo del arte.

¿Cuales son tus proyectos para 2011?

- El 2011 la verdad es que está lleno de planes a medio hacer. Por el momento tengo que hacer la imagen de un grupo de música y algunos proyectos con gente más metida en el mundo de la moda, porque quiero progresar en ese campo colabo-rando con alguna tienda y gente que controle de moda.

¿Cómo describirías tu estilo?

-En las fotos muchas veces intento sugerir de alguna manera. No quiero mostrar un sentimiento de manera directa, intento buscar un estilo en el que al ver una foto te produzca algo, y luego tengas que buscar la razón por la que te lo produce.

Miqui muchas gracias, sabes que es un placer para mi entrevistar a gente como tú.

-Muchísimas gracias, Coco por haberte fijado en mí y entrevistarme en este número. De verdad, gracias.


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by Guille Chipironet

A small town called Staphorst in The Netherlands catched the designer’s attention and inspired this time for his F/W 2011-12, its female inhabitants are still wearing the same fashion for almost a couple of centuries!Something very unique in Europe where fashion has been a strong state-mant of contemporary life and social change especially from the last century.

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Styling: Ricardo RamosModel: Marta (ICON models, BCN)

Hair & Make Up: Alices SunçaisVideo: Guille Chipironet

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