x nflus our tclei)lionc numbers · .school. in acflrmnllon of beausolell's co'iiterttlon,...

>s? M ft (1 ^ Conn. -'' 5»4 An Independent Weekly Newspaper ®h? East ^5 mt\x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers Kditorial: nbi)arl 7-5811 •Vol. X — No. 13. rubtljhfd WtfVly hv rrte Pitvt PiiblimlDrti. Inc. Ynil> SiibiillnllBn V:l.50 EAST M.'\V1-N, CONNI-.niCUT/TllllKSlXAY, jUNl-; 0. 1055. COI'Y 8 CENTS Both Town Chairmen O K Fin, Board Bill; Clancy Denonnces It , Both llie Democratic and Republican Town Chixinnen, liial night approved the passage of a bill requiring that be- ginning in October, members of the Finance Bonrd shall be elected. However, Prank Clancy, first selectman, denounced the bill, claiming it restricts the First Selectman in his work of running the town. Clhlmliig thill the bill Is the work of GOP town chairman Mnthcw Antistaslo, In nn ettort to i'cstrlcl the powers ot the Ilist snleclniBh nnd lu Insure the dis- nltssal of Leslie B. Rodfleld, ti-om the board, Clnncy said, the end result win bo thai neither he, nor any other succeedlnis fiist selccttiian, will be able to do an, adequate job ot running the town "I'd like lo see iinyono," Clan- cy .liRld, "try to run this Job, if evci-y time they need an appro- IHlatlon the Board of Finance has lo hold a town meeting." AiinstaNio Rebuts ' Anaslaslo rebutted this conten- tion,, pointing out that a provis- ion In theblll, liorniits the IJoard of l-'lhaneo to make appropria- linns, not to exceed $1,000, with- out requiilng a town meeting.. "1 backed this bill," the GOP head said ' bccnubo I helic\(. It Is nboiit time that the town's lin- anclal transaelolns were run on a'business basis, 'i'lips •,Governoi has to-make a budget, why .can't the fit si selectman * "Also.'under the i)resent set up Ihe board- Is slaekcd with those favoiakle lu the udminKlintlon 1 dijn't blame the Dcmocinls foi this, because we ilcpublicuns did the same thing 'Ihoy wonldnl lake our icLopimeiidatlon!/ when in, control, and wiicn we Ilepub llcan's were in cuntiul wo lejecl ed thciis ' "illTw fail Is it iiott Anabtas- io demanded whon a tiist so- leetrtah has the Ucclillng \olc foi nppi bprliillons lie personnlly ro (.omnlcnils'' Under liie present scl-up, it the board is split two and;two the first selectman can approve Ills own approprlullons without accounting to "anyone. Is this tail " , 'The bcmociuls went along with-US.on this bill," Anastaslo continued, "and we received their bacl<liig troni the Town Chainiian on down. I think it's a good bill. I'll be darned if I can see allowing the first sc- ieetmiin running me town with money voted by himself. Let him run this town on a budget. Ho shouid-'learn to' operate on a budget the same as evei-yonc else." , .'Democrat Town ' Chairman .I.amcs Oarliaitd, snid that lie ap- proved of the bill and thougiit tlie town would benefit from op- ej'at'lng.'under the elected board. Oartiand said that in this way die parties ciiuld pick the best qualified men for the Job and be assured of their seats without tiavlng to depend upon the first ssiectnian. .3 of, i'rcscnt Members To Oo ^When usked, who, If ony of thb present members would be rettiined, for nomination Is tan- tamount lo election, Gnrtland wouldh'l divulge who he thought would be ousted bul said: Schoolh To Ho Dftlicaled "Say thai three ot the present bonrd will probably he ousted In October." or the present bofti'd. compos- ed of Leslie Uedliold, Ei-nesi Anthonls. John Mulhern and Fred Wolfe .Jr., Anthonls has t)ecn the only one tlmt all agree will bo nominated In the Fall. Redfield, who Is regarded In his pai'ty as a "Clancy Uopubli- can," will hove a hard fight If he wishes to be nominated; Mul hern; whorii the Democrats call "a Barker Republican' faces the. same fight as ijedllcld Wolfe, 11 is rumored will not run, bul Is held in not too high regard by inumbci'.s of the Dein- -ocral Town Committee. Anlhp- iils, tt staunch Republican, has at the-present the backing of Anas- taslo This picture will clear rnpidl> with the "coming town cunimil- tce meetings of both parlies. Be- fore- lolig .tlio" liopuliUcons-' are expected "to announce the. rest of.lheli' .slate, and Garllaiul said the other night, thai he Ihuiight that;.the Democratic -slate.-.would bo announced following the July 5 meeting .In, commenting on. the; new bill, Gaitlaiul said X am \ciy much In favoi ot It W*. Anab tasio and iiijsclf woikcd with the Republican House pnd l(ie Doniociatic benali to but it Ihiuugh « Under-I he terms of-the •• iie\\ I bill, the elected boaid ' pf " Fi- nance win be composed of loui meinbers of whom, not iporo than two can represent The same pollilcar party. The Kh'sl selecl- ninii will be chairman ex-ofllclo, with the right lu vote only In the case of a lie. . 'i'he members will bi; paid $1D per meeting, bul said amoupt not to exceed $50U for any one year. " \\\ October's election, one Democrat and one Ropubllcan will be elected for two years; and one fiom ciicli parly for four years. In each succeeding election two members will be elected to four year terms. Also niejiibers must ,be at the time of election, and through- out their term of office, resi- dents of the town. There will be public hearings on the annual budget, and the public must be nollflcd when a department liead brings his bud- get to the board, so that he can give a public'cxplanalion as to the appropriations contained within that budget. All aiiproprlatlons in excess of $1,000, "such appropriation shall not be made until upon the rec- ommendation of the board, the same shall have been voted iiy the town al a meeting called for such purpose." Assembly Passes Bill o Have State Take ver Care Of Main St. Three New Sc/iooLs To Be Dvdieuled Over Weeli-lilnd • two itcw clciufiutary (icUotjl.s f tlic tVtonuvuKuin HC1W>O1 will lir hold over the wcck"Ci\(l, Supl. of SCIIOOIH K. Vcrnoii I'liiyH announced ycstordivy. Octlicalion ccrcmotiios al i and I he three room addition Coach Crisafi To Stay On As Baseball Head At High School East,Haven sports entiiuslasts who ace planning lo honor Frank Crisafi, coach of East Haven High School athletic pro- gram, will be glad to hear that despite reports to the contrary, he will continue to coach bas.- buU at the local Inslllullon. Crisafi, who coaches basket- ball and football in addition to baseball, said that while he had bben urged to cut down on his coaching duties by various school, heads, he enjoyed his participation .i.n the various sports to give up any partlculai one at this time. Reports published in the past month have stated that Crisafi would, at the end of the prebcnl season, give up coaching the baseball nine. - Banquet Tickets Avai'.ablu For" those planning to attend the testimonial banquet honor- ing Crisafi, theic are tickets still available, the ticket com- nilllee announced yesterday. Fa- culties are limited to 200 diners attd the committee urges those • v/ho ai'e planning to be thei-e n^ake their purchases now so that this part of the planning phase c ' l be completed. Mrs. Lewis Wins Top Floral Award Al Garden Show Mr.s. Harry Lewis wns ad- judged the SwitpstaUis wimm at the seventh annuni flower silow of llic Garden Club of East Haven, held 'I'uesdiiy in the Town Hall Mis Lewis who swipt the Sweepstakes wllh a total a(!f,ii.- gallon of '16 points, also loiipcri tlie.conleslanls In, the lUirtlcul luio Classes Mis Puikci At w'Ood. -won first place In tlio Aitistic Amintcmenls dnislon In all thcie weie 2U floid c\l(lhlts enlciod in the show Of this amount 21 wcit entcicd b> ehlldicn in the junioi (sliibits ttn(l Iheie will 25 miniatuic evhlbits The younfet-st pil/c winnei was Andtca Hansen aged six wlio took flial pint-p with an anin/uiB onlij in the scidllnft class of the Junloi exhibits Hii display was waleimclon seeds glowing In cotton' Junior Winners Wlnnccs In llio .Tunlor Exliiblt wore: Floral Arrangemonls First Prize. Nancy Pral'.!nei'. 11 for daisies and bachelor buttons In. a' miniature wheelbarrow, Wendy McDonald, 7, pansles and tt pussy cat; Second Prize. El- lon Anderson, 12, a baby bou- quet .of garden pinks In a bas- sinette: Tim O'Connell, 9, gni- den pinks and a puppy dog. Third Prize, Sharon 0'.Conncll, 12, sweet Williams and roses dis- play; Carol Schoenknechl, 7 garden .flower variety; Honoi-l able Mention: Patricia, O'Con-, noli, id, a-display of pale yellow roses. ' S(!cdlings—First Prize:- Andrea liinison and Dennis Anderson, 9, who entered.an Ivy display; Sec- ond Prize: Rosemary Lynch, 12 and Judy 'i'ucker, 1.3, both wllh plant displays. .Ilonorable Men- tion: Linda' Chamberlain, 11 grape Ivy, and Ellen Anderson, 12, plant display. The show, which opened ol 8 a.iii. and continued to, 8 p.m ' was atnbu'te ot staging to the, committee in.charge of arrange-; ments headed by IVIrs. George E.! Munsori, general clialrman, and Mrs. Wiliam Jaspers, co-chair- man. They were assisted by com- mittee members: Mrs. A. Miciiaei Aceto,. Mrs. E. Raymond McCann; Mrs. Frank Lalne, Mrs. Elmer Llllie, Mrs. Kenneth .Grltfllh.s, Mrs. Fred Schutsky, Mrs. Harry Lew- Is, Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Sher- wood Chamberlain, Mrs. John Male, Mrs. Leverett Clark, Mrs. R-usseii Frank, Mrs. Alton Red- man, Mj-s. John Tirpak and Mrs. Curlelon Pratzner. ^ • In charge of Artistic Arrange- PlcUircd.' nro. Iho .now sojiool.s to be dedicated over the,- weekend!" Top, . Moin- nuguln nddlflon, Sntlirdny ill 2 p.m.; CcnttJri Overhroqk, Sunday,^ nt 2 , p.m, Itiittiim: Deer Run, Sunday nl 4 ii.m. On Saturday at ;i p. m. the Muinauguln addition will be ded- icated, while on Sunday, at 2 i"i. 111. dedlcalloii cc'remonles \ylll be held at the Oveibiook school, nnd nl 4 p. in. at the Deer Run School In li'oxon. In nddllloa to tlie.so exercises, there will be a cornerstone la.v- liig at both Ovorbioult and Door Uuii Si'liooLs, SupU Hiiya said, Willi I'^lisl Selectman Frank Clancy, Francis W. Walsh, chair- man (if, lliu Unmd ot Education anil tJeoige Lolls, ehalrmnn of the Klcinontiiry ,Scliool Building Coinnilttee, pnrtlcipnllng. According lu tlic program ro- Icnscd yesleiday liy the Mupl,,of Sriiiiiils. the Uradford. lilaiior Drum Cuips, will play during.'thu II semlily ut the Momuuguin dcdicMliim. 'I'hi^ Itcv. Alfred C. CMurk will lilvo the Invocation; Wiipl. Hays will make the Intro- dui-lloii mid Selectman Clancy will spc'iiU. , : , , I^'ollowlng Clancy's talk,: Mr. t i l l s nnd Mr. Wnlsl\ Wlli make till,' presciitutlon o[ the lieyu, I which will be ucccptedby t|iu kliulergai'len pupils. Allur tit" key prL'suiitullun,. Mrs.' Wllllujn 1 Dcvliie, piosltleni ut Mohiuti- Milii I'uronI;!, ,Clul),.'..vv.lU-.^,Blii,'ii_k. on bchair of that urgunlzntiun. 'I'hc itov. William Luary ,wlir i:lvc the biMiadictloii. "All incinbcr.s of the asKeiiibly arc cimllally Invited tu visit 'all iniils of the bulldlliB," Supl. IIM.VS .siilil, "and will he served rclicsliiiH'iit.s liy thu J^luiiiuugulii I'nrcnt.s Club." Ovcrbrnuk Ceremonies Al Ovcrhrook Kciiool, and also at Deer Hun .School, tlio High Schiiol ISaiid under the direction of Myron Cohen, will piny us the pciiitle assemble. The ccieinonles will hogln with a Ihig prcsontiitlon and ifiisliig under the auspices of the Harry It. Barilett American Legion I'oBt Mil. This will be ful- I lowed by the laying of the •cmn- ' crstone. Mautle Chiinis Bill Will Save Town Thousands Shorlly hofore midiilglit Tues- day, the Senate approved House mil 'jnoii, which provides th«t the Slate Highway Department take over tlie cure of Mnln St., Rap. Adelbert C. Mnutto, Jr., (ll-E. H.l, reported yeutordny. As a rustdt ot the bill, which Rep. Mnutte said lie "fathered, nurtured nnd fought tor." l|ie Stale will ho rci|Ulrod to miiln- taln and keep In repair, Main SI., from Hemingway Ave., west to the Now Hnvon town line, All that Is rciiulred now Id luni the bill Into law Id Ihe big- ^ iialuiu of Gov, Abialiain A Rltil- coft Mautlu pushed tlio bill;, 1)p- cauhc he said he foil thai wher< tlia Stole wns constantly unlng Main Stioel as an auxiliary io tlio Sallonstnll Highway, Ihiiy Hhould liear Iho cost ot mtilli- tulnlng It "Tills bill will suvo the town, IhnusandR and thousands and thiiiisniids of dollars," Maultc ilainiid ' Undui llic terms ot Iho bill the State will hiivo to sweep llio snow ull: keep the , slieel clean and ulso pay lor tlio Loals of 1 epulis" 'ihe Stale tinned tl|o stmet, I which Is old Ruttto 1, oyer to ll\e 1 town aioumi 11113, after l)ie Saltoimtiill Highway \yus corn- plowed _| ' Since that time, the Slate Illfihwnv liepBilment has often- used Main St un ii dolpur when- evei eoiistiUellDii un ihD (iaf'k- May wns iiuccsbuty, Now, Mautio clulina, a clovcr- Icuf designed tut-uff Is boon lo be (onstiuded on thu iiaikwny near D'Aiidrea'a I^lncr, tlic high- way department will again be using Main Street as a detour/ In view of thiil conslnnl ap- innprlatlun liy the State Illeli- way Dcpartinenl of Main Street for through vehicular trafllc, Mauttu said ho felt thai the state' should hear the cost of innlntulning the thoroughfare. Burton Dismissed Action Result 0£ Miller Denounces Reports That Many New Homes Were Foreclosed HUKKPit Bull GfoiK'-' II. MHIt-T, lo\vn nssc .sor iusheil out Ihls wucu at pub-! lishori ropurts Ihni many hmna owners in Ihc town's liousiiiK de- vc'loinncnl.s lu.st out in llicir cf- lorts to maintain tlifir luoiL- "Such nowspapof reports as thc'so," Mllk'r sairt, "ai-e defi- nitely In error. What du they mean I)y sayinjc , iiiiiny oL , the Iiciinos in High Ridge huve been foreclosed upon? Of all Ahe new ments wero Mrs. Timothy ( homoK in that ., urea.1; know,, of O'Connell, Mrs. Ru d o I pli'only one thai .wai turned hack Schmidt, Sr., Mrs. Clara Wright, jtu tJie bunk." Mrs. Parker Alwaod, Mrs. Uar- "Don't [or{j;et, when nmny of Ihese homes owner.s pui'chascd tlieir homes, ihey.wc'rc workint^ on a war llniobiiKJs. AL Ihat time mo.st familie.s won; RettlnK hlyh Incoiiie.H due to overtime and j both members of the family eni- jiloyc'd. Today we are (5pcrallng on a peace tlhi.; eeononiy, i)Ul this ha.s not ciiuHcd Iho home o\vnc-*r to Kivo up nieelinc, hL-i mortgage, puymenls." . _ Carllaiul Says Dems NominalingCommillcc To IJc Picked July 5 The East Ilavetl Dcmocrul Town Coniniittct; is expected to name Its nominating croinmltteo, to Kt'loct candldate«r.for , the town elections IMH FalJ, at .its meeting on July .5,'JameK. Gurt- land, town' chalrniftli, anriouriced Tuesday nlRht. While attending the, openlnti of the Democrat Party head- nuariers on Mrt)n',7Si.|:ee,t,', Garl- land sald.f: that :.as-yot-no can didate, or slate ;of candidates] ^jj^j"^ had been chosen by the party. The Uev. Jamta D. Gla.ssc, will •• i !• give the Invuenlion, Supi. Hays' tnSUl)OrUmatlOn itie liitriiduetlon.aiid a short talk wlli ho innilu by Sjeleetinuii Cluiley. This will he followed iiy the presentalluii to and aceep- tance of Ihe keys by the kin- dergnrten pupllH. JVlis. Edward K. Itlte. presldAnt of the Gerrlsh-Overbiouk I'.T.A, will deliver u short .talk, whieh will he followeii by benediction given by the Wev. .lohn O'Nell. Jii^lir Klin Deitleittluii Thu cureniunles will bo open- ed with a Mag iircsentatlon and raising under the auspices lif the P'oxon Aineriean Legion I'ost 175 followed by llie, curnorNtunc faying. 'i'lio Ilev. John 1'. O'Neill, of Mohtowese, will deliver the In- vocotion, which will be followed by short s|icoclios bytiiu Supt. of Schools and the Klrst Select- ry Johnson, IVlrs. John Crouniey, Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Jr., Mrs. Wlilium Jaspers, Mrs. John Lasletl, Mrs. Albert iiaydeii Mrs. Vincent Fogurty and Mrs. ii^llis Jones.. 'I'lckets can ht; [luictiasua through ttie following members of the coniiniltee: Haroid flail. Frank Mossina. John Messina, Jimmy Glynn, Marll;i DeFellce, Augle's Garage and P&ii Motors. Committee member." Frank Messina, said that a short speak- (CoiittJiueU. On Fage l^igHl) . "1 personally am Intorosled in such foier;losures,"' Miller went on, "and know of only four or five homes thai were foreclosed on in the past five years." "The rote of foreclosures Is the best index I know of as to busiiiesa trends and tiiu country's j prospeiily. Using the rule of j foieclosurcs in this town us a \ business baronieter .the present' Mrs. Jean Hopson, 6'J Francis ' indications are that our oconoiny St., Miss Marie Slrandberg, 23 . has been stahilUed." Kiiklium Ave. and Miss i«aryj -in law. East tlaven had • 3,- Scallse, of Pleasant Ave., will jg^ housing unilK, andas of bet. be awarded degrees at the 63rd , j,,5., u,^.,,. svoro' "9.203. "i'lial Commencement Exereises at ^„^, ._, . . New ilaven Slate Teachers Col-, ^„^„ . ,„„i ,„,„,e, .|,„,„es ThreeLocalWomcnTo Get NHSTC Degrees Jean Hopson, 6'J Francis Daylon Weil To Sail On Training Cruise Dayton B. Weil, Lt. Coin- niondcr ^N.R.i. ,)i 4311 Towns- j end Ave., will report to , the 1 U. .S. Naval Air Stulion, Quini- 1 set I'oint, it. 1., June :12, for a I two weeks (our of duty aboard j the US.S Aiitletam CV,S 31), a canted deck carrier for jet sfjundrons, After the iitallon nnd ac- liowcver, the nomlnatinK com-, , . . , •ttee will be-expected to imve'-''-'"'""™."' """"•'J"'. Mrs. ilionr - • ' "•' ' "I".'" presldenl of the Hun , I'.'I'.A;. will give a speech hi behalf of the a* Gartland such a slate, ready,'.either later In the month, or for the August [ ^'"i"''-'J'-''-'i nieetlng. , ' '"" also Biiid, that thej soclatlon. The'Rev, .Waller li town eonimltlou had endorsed lege, on Solurday June 18. Firiends Of Music To Meet Monday The regular meeting of the Friends of Music will, be held Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Hagaman Memorial, library. A covered dish supper will be chased, this rate served, • I . 'is very low." have been built in that five year period. To dale, :this numtier' Is well ov(!r 2000 new" libnics." ••Of this 2,1)00. pliis, there have not lyjon more, , than'' five'; fore- closures, or one in .400," Miller continued. "ConsidBrihg. ' Ihe economic condition ,atr tiie '.liiiie niost of these-home^ wore- pur Joseph Mellllo, I'ccreiitlon In- structiu' in the town's element- ary schools, and Mrs. John Sui- llvun, former . Board'. o£ Edjicu- tlon member, £or^ posltloni, ' in .^hools and wll the town B recreatltin; program,' 'I'lie new. ",hoad(|Uttrlers,. the uvullubic Mlllliiger will deliver the heiic- iT'c'mdr. V/ell, w-jll partake! I"*"'" chairman:sold, la :uvttlluble| , ., , , , ; I Id any groupof iiarly members In aiiti-KUbniariiio exercises 'to' •' n . \ . . . • . . . • ' ,.,. -^ , be held in the Atlanllc.He will complete his tour on June 2.1. Well, who is the proprietor of Dayton's, .301 Main St., is u veteran of 13 years in the naval sei-vice. He enllsUfd In iOI2, was cominlssloned in ]9'14, and com- manded the seaplane lender, USS Pelican In 194,5.: J . In,3053, he wiui assigned ns staff dept. head, of Seamanship . i and ODD iteseive Naval Offl- of foreclosure | cers school at Fort Hale traln- j Ing center. diction. i''ullowlrig the ceieiiionles ut both Overhruok and ix-ur Iluii, peojilo wUl be Invited to visit the he' served ro- fieshinenlH by - tiic res)iectlve J^aient-'l'eacheih Associations. liulldlnt; ConU The new .liehodls 'and addition piovldo'd facilities for 837 ud- 3, at Ovei- biook, opened Jan to, 342 iiupils uru In attendance and ut Oeer C Of C To Meet -l^^^^' •'""• ^'*' ""'"•''"''-' '"•' ""• Iho monthly meeting of the " ^- , Ch in W'l of Coninieico wll biM " , , , ,,E he,d nt fi:iO prn. al the Annex | ""''--'^ ' " " , "l-pr'^l't-aK^ly $5 n I Pi'i si|Uai e foul, the new faclll- requcstih'g its ui|e.;Sucti; grijups uro requested to cy,iitu<,'t eliher 'i""- Gartland, • Const'nble » donVliile l>"l'il»- At'; the ^oniuuguln MelHIo; or Mrs. 'llelori' Friend,! ditioii, which was opened Jan: president ot the' Democrutic; 92 pupils are housed ' ~ Women's Club. n, I'^ast liaven .superniiiiirM'nry . pullceinan. Was ordered lo hand In his hudgp by the Board of Puhllu Safely, atter the board voted unanim- ously that Burlun "he removed and disinlssud . . . linmedlatcly." According to thu tustlmuiiy o( Police Chief Edwin B, Priest, who appeared before, the board, Burton, after being warned by the chief not to take.any priv- ate policing Jobs wlthoul. ordcm frum. Lite Department, on May 2G, accepted a Job on May ZS, lepoitlng Ihe samu to Chief Priest on May 20, "In view ot the fact that I notified Officer Button," Chief Pi lost testified, "that I was ^ running the PoKco Department' ... I iccumniciidcd his tuspcn- slun fur Insubordination lu the Boaid." Burton was placed on suspen- sion for aevcn days by the buaril on May 31, and lold to appear before thu board on June 7, lo answer the charges. Burton did ' not upiicur, but; sent a letter, asking the hcurlng be postponed Lo June 17, Tiie hoard refused lu grant u cuiitlnuaitco. When placed on suspension. Burton was, ordered to hand In ills hat piece nnd badge. Chief PrlcKl said Burlon had only handed In his hat piece, The buard. In dismissing the super- numerary, specifically instructed lilin to return thu police insignia. I louse. Following the dinner. I ties huvi! cost the town •T1,1'13,- liuslnr ss nicotInK w)ll bo held,, and the TOmmiltee on icseairh 688,2,3. A bieuk down of these foi lhi> need ot a, town siiiall! tlBUi'es, lelensed by Supt. Hays (lalms com I will moke-'a report I aie as follows; I ot then Xindinun. | tCuuttiiued On I'uKe Uliftil) Simoni Nol To Seek Re-eleelion In Fall 15einocrot T o w n Chairman James Gartland, annoiincetj Tuesday night llial ,lohn Simoni, Dcniucibt geneinl leglstiar tor the past eight yeais, wlli \\Mf\ be a candidate for I'e-leutioa this Full. . i; i Simoni, who was formerly Deniocrat auditor for East Ha- \ vep tor. three terms, will con- I llnuc as secretary ot thp town I committee. i I .n,. J ^ ..AC •rr^^L ••S-?-'t^'^--^-*~ •—^•'•—^r-f™ -1*

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Page 1: x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers · .school. In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iir d Iliiill.v , sai u t tha time tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers

>s? M

That. June 2, 1955. Branford Rcview-Ee«f Haven New» fl



Phone HUbbard 8-2535

= i ! f k ^ . = ^ ^

Famous Sculptor— (Cnnllniied Krniii I'nKo One)

tliev rnni? Iriie. When IJncln Kiirl rcMirncd

from Europe, his first net wnii to -Ktisli Snnuicl Cloinetn to pose for

pjjilm. Tho sibry ijoea llint d.iy ritioi' dny they .siiciit hoiim out In Iho nrbor of Clemens' homo In Iluriltird, Clojiiens chnttlnR rnmfnrtnbly nnd sninhlnic one of Ills Incvllnble clRnm, while Unc­le Ktirl modeled husUy with his skillful fingers. Wt the end of enclt Aay'x session, n dnmp cloth wns thrown over the bust, nnd Mnrk wns forbidden to look nl II until It wm fini.shed.

When Hie Rrenl dny cnnic, tJncle Knrl enlled Mnrk to c.i-nnilde hts llkeneiu. In his hnste 0 view H, 'I>nln stumbled nnd

ibe bu^l wns itn-.liOil lu the I ^jninnd Into n thnii^iintl pleres. I

Clemens wns overromo with mortinentlon, but Uncle Knrl i-alinly pleked up n bull of ciny nnd :,inrtfil nnulber bend. Tbnfs ibe Mory. and who nro we to d.iuhl li? I

In aridllinn to the stnlue of Nnlbnn Ilnle . nbout whtclr ' Ibo

I li<«;l.slRt»r« Rnther (complete with (Mffw riiiM), Uncle Koil niso ninde the stntue of CIcnernI U-ly.ues S. Grnnt (but is displnyed I npproprlnlely enough, In Orniifa tomb. ' I

When Ibis stntuc was mention­ed, Ornndfnther Solomon _ Rice nlwnjs fhlnii'd In with bis ver-1 slon. Supposedly Undo KtU'l' was Inkcn to visit Genernl Grnnt on his dpnthbcd nnd mound tiiul

•,lt'» iime to rescraen yoor housol Make tWs rxpr ndinire your lost. Vulco All i Al«m;"«t4iii» Screens, w i t h four RIGID I SIDES, «ire your best investment. Once instBlted you are assured of a lifetime | S0Brctnt«« against deterioration of a n / I: kind. |l






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The Welcome Wagon

Hostess Will-KnncU on Your Do*

with Gilts & GrcetinSi . (roiii I'ricmlly Dusineif ,

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, . Wcllare Lejw'eri ,

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Thb Birdi of a Baby EnjngGnicntAnnouncemtinti. Cliange ot residence Arrivals of Nowbomer§ to

Brnnfoi d ' riio.iDlIU 8 0 3 3 4

fyVo fott nr ohUgnthit}


time a life nasic w u made. When Karl Gcrhardl was com­missioned to create the sintuc, he used the mask for reference ns to Ornnt'n facial fenture.s, but

, who oclually posed for the fi-B l l l e ?

I Why, .of course. Grandfather nice. Grandfnlhcr Rice, who ab­horred vanities, would cnulloh,

. "Now, Saul," (A-New Testament name seemed a llltlo more vlr-

I luous than the opulent Solomon-wlth-many-wlvcs to Grandmn) | nnd Grandfather would pause a moment- to inontally remove a little window-dressing before h? . described how Uncle Karl work^l cd tirelessly while Grandfather

I t'o.sed. ' ^ ' I I Grandpn's proudest boast was that Uncle Knrl told him that, ho bote an exact resemblance 1,0 Grant, with the exception of S' faclnl niolo, There used to bo a portrait of Crnndfnthcr, Klqo complete with a rich and liixurf-, ous muslnehc. If you menlaliyi added a sort of spade beard, sure' enough, he could be Grant.

As the years wont by the colir 1 Incls between Grnndniu and the{ Gerhnrdts lessoned to a point where It stopped aUogclher after her beloved sister died of a fox' bile. As for Knrl, after that he dropped completely out of sight.!

Grandma tried every ovuiinblo means to locnte her brother-in-i luw, but It was of no use. She died without over hearing from' him again.

As the years followed one alt­er' nnuther, the living niembera of the family hnd still not heard from Uncle Knrl. Then, In 1042, a Now Haven paper carried a single paragraph, noting that Knrl Gerhai'dl, at the nee of 88, had died In New Orlenns. "

Knrl Is dead—but Jils work lives on , and on,

Monday, when our legislators stnnd about the hnso of I'^uthan Male's statue, revering his mem­ory, who knows, there may be sonic one of them who will slop to think of the fine craftsman­ship In my Uncle Karl's slatuo of our Revolutionary hero,

Don't forget the East Haven Garden Club's riower .Show, Tuesday, .lune 7, at the Town Ilnll.

• Visit o patriot's homo. The Nathan Hale Homestead in South Coventry is a large /colonial farmhouse furnished with choice antique furniture. Pictured above is the loom in -nhich David Hale, Nathan's brother, taught school. Visiting hours 1 to 5 pjii. ever)' day except Monday to Octob* 15. The fifty-cent admission charge is Used to maintain the home. Located on South Street, easily reached from Route 44A. DON'T MISS THE SPECIAL OFFER in the current issue of Telephone News, our

.iponthly: bill insert A Trip Tip booklet in color, featuring many points of interest . in Q)nriecticut, and including a map of the state, is beirig offeted free of charge. See j'Oiu: copy of Telephone News for details.

.Vhe Southern Ne«v England Te lephone Company

ClubNotcs riio Momuuguin Lodge A.F. &

A. M.., will confer muster iiiu-toii degioos on a class of candi­dates at the lodge rooms 205 Mnln street, Monday, June G. nl 7':3U p .m.

***** Tlio P'l'A's unnuni dinner for

high school seniors win be given 111 niversldo Ilnll, Mdnduyi June L3. Mrs. OilnndO;Orlflco, Is eliuii'-nuin of the affair nnd slio will be assisted by the PTA execullve committee and mothers of nien'i-bcrs ol tile senior class. Any senior's mother wlsliiiig to serve on tills committee, niny do so by calling Mrs. Orifice at IlObait 7-0125, or Mrs. Daniel MnUtle nt llObnrt 7-.5267.

* • * * * *

The Coiumbluttes will , hpld their unmial Mother and Daugh­ter Communion-on Sunday,' at the 8 o'clock mass nt.St. yincdnt Do Paul's Church. Following tlic mass tile group wlli be ' served brcakfasi^ by niembors of tito: K. of C. In the Town Hall basement; llcservatipns close,' tonight, Thursday. All wishing to nlljind tile Conimuiiioii-brenl<fusl should mnke their reservations by cull­ing eitlier Mrs. Thomas Friscoe •Tr., nt llObart 7-0302, or Mrs. Vincent Cusaiio at llOburl 7-5023.

***** The installation dinner of the

now offlcera of the Exchange Club will bo held Saturday night nl the St. Elmo Club. Officers to be installed arc; Sidney F. Snn-.sone, president; Tliomus Goehiii. vice president; Peter DcMusls, second vice president; Suivutore Longoburdl, secretury; Al Bow-den, ti'oasurer; and board ,of control members John Limon-t;elli, Dnyton Well, John Kbetzo nnd Sidney nnlicy.


The Momauguln Pntenls Club will honor, the Mi'inniiguln Srhool faculty with a buffet suiiper In the school's new nllrpurpose loom, Wednesday, .lune B. Club members heading the vnrlous coinmlltccs nrranglns the supper are: Mrs. Mnrthn Nllchke, en-lerlnlmiienl; Mrs. Helen Gugll-nrdl and Mrs. Alice Jackson, food nnd. nriangements; Mrs, Elln Monico, rlower.i; Mrs. Nltchke, Mr.s. Mnrgnrct Binck,' Mr.s. Lil­lian Stnndlsh and Mrs. YCBlnln Devlne, tnblo arrunRenients. Mrs. Alice .Inckson, Mrs. jyiildroll Eldrldgo, Mrs. Gludys Blown, Mrs. Shirley C'lolioi'lhlte, reser­vations nnd Mrs. Marge Deiiip-sey, progrnm. Tom Gngllurdl will bo innsler of ccreiyonlcs.

Higher lidiicalion— (Ciinliniu'd I'Tom I'ligi: One) In u recent dOclai'atUin in llie

NEWS (Mny 19), Bcnu.solell, staled tliat tile town's bonding limit will not be exceeded, if tlie town wishes tu borrow the ne-ccssnry money to finance the in-stallnllng of the sewcrs'nnd the erection of tlie Junior high .school.

In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iird Iliiill.v, said ut that time, tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers In excess of the 10 per eenl liinll so't for school construction, nnd still, vvllb specloi legislative np-provnl, raise anultier eight cent In bonds to finance building of the school.

Who Will I'ay'.' However, the oilponenls of

the new school, arc not attack­ing the town's ability to get into debt — but are asking can the taxpnyors fool the bill?

They stand- on the Issue thai Iho sowers should come first. 'I'he reasoning • being tlinl this •would induce tnxnblc industry to settle In the town, whlcii would

per the

Mayo Fund Votes To Doii])lc II. S. Scholarship Gift'

An inciensc nf .'SIOI) in the mnln .scJioiursliip awarded by the .lo-soph F. Mnyo Mcnioiinl Si.'hol-aisblp Fund, wns voted by the board of tiusl(}es. nt the semi-nnnunl meeting of the Imnrd held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Call II. Gnivln.

According to Carylc V, Frnw-ley. ))oni'd chairman, tlic mnln award lins been incrou.sed from .?iOO to .'S200. due to the liiciense ,ln contrilnitions to liie fund nnd the enrnlngs of the fund's iiivesl-nicnts.

Frnwloy's financial report lu the bourd tlioweil Hint the fund hud nil niinunl incumc of 9;2'1(M.-03. Of this ainouiil CDiiliibutlons

iiicrensu liie town's Inconie while eu.sing llie tux burden on the small home owner.

In tliLs manner, tiiey clniiii, n new Junior high school could be fiimnLcd witlioul inflicting uddl-tlonal hardship on tlie iiiesent lu,xpnyers.

However, the forces pushing tlie iiBlv school, niHliitnln thut by that time, East 1 iavoil's school sy.stein will he in nn inextricable niess. Tiiey reason how long will it be bclore industry does come to East Haven'/ And, while wull-iiig, wiiat will llic children do for seliouls in the meuntimo'/

'I'lio untl-ncw school faction have an answer, wliicii tiiey be-llevo bus gained credence in the pnsl several days. While such answer is not being discussed openly, it is believed, and hoped, thai tlie schoolroom sliorltige will bo allevinted within the next few .years, by tlie erection of a pnrochiul .school Initiie town.

Howcvei'l this solution to tiie sciioui pi'olileiii lias not beoii.uf-flrmed by uny of the town pur-ishes.


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accounted for $2004.63. The financial report revealed

Ihnt .itocit.s. in the nniount of J2.267 were purchased with the inconie. Tliese Invcstmenli! were puiclin.sed from The .Southern New England Telephone Co.; Conn. Light nnd Power; Koritc; Stantlnid Oil of New ci.soy nnd Knn iH.'i Cins and Electric Coni-pnnles, '

Tho.Ho wlio cbnirihutert to liie fund this yenr, were tlio Varsity Show; 'rrnfllu Squad; Eusl Hn-von Educntlon Assn.; East Ha­ven P'l'A Council; Kood .Sliow; Kelloy Stores Inc.; tlic Student Council of Eaiit linvcn High School; EIIIIS lloiiicroom 210; William .). Cnrr Sr., the E.II.il.S.

clostos of 1844, '49 and.-'S4. Tlie contributions also Included the donntions dropped lii coin boxes plnced tliroughoui the town. -

in liddition to thcmoin schpl-nrship award, the Fund will also, as it ImS In the past tlirce yetirs, give sninllnr awards lolailing $50.

Trustcci present at the meet­ing were; Miss .Icari MucKinnei; Mis-s i?lta Matthew's; Carl H. Garvin, Edward Sugrue; David need! Eiwood Seobia; Kenneth Klynn; Mrs. Roger P'rey; Fred I'onimer and Caryle V. Eia\y(ey.

Albnnin is B mountainous coun­ty, bordered by the Adrinllc Sea. Iry, ordered y the Adriatic Ren. ft is oxeitisivciy BBrieuitural and






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^ Conn. -'' 5»4

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper ®h? East ^ 5

mt\x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers

Kditorial: nbi)arl 7-5811

•Vol. X — No. 13. rubtljhfd WtfVly hv rrte Pitvt PiiblimlDrti. Inc. Yn i l> SiibiillnllBn V:l.50

EAST M.'\V1-N, CONNI-.niCUT/TllllKSlXAY, jUNl-; 0. 1055. COI'Y 8 CENTS

Both Town Chairmen O K Fin, Board Bill; Clancy Denonnces It

, Both llie Democratic and Republican Town Chixinnen, liial night approved the passage of a bill requiring that be­ginning in October , members of the Finance Bonrd shall be elected.

However, Prank Clancy, first selectman, denounced the bill, claiming it restricts the First Selectman in his work of running the town.

Clhlmliig thill the bill Is the work of GOP town chairman Mnthcw Antistaslo, In nn ettort to i'cstrlcl the powers ot the Ilist snleclniBh nnd lu Insure the dis-nltssal of Leslie B. Rodfleld, ti-om the board, Clnncy said, the end result win bo thai neither he, nor any other succeedlnis fiist selccttiian, will be able to do an, adequate job ot running the town

"I'd like lo see iinyono," Clan­cy .liRld, "try to run this Job, if evci-y time they need an appro-IHlatlon the Board of Finance has lo hold a town meeting."

AiinstaNio Rebuts ' Anaslaslo rebutted this conten­

tion,, pointing out that a provis­ion In theblll, liorniits the IJoard of l-'lhaneo to make appropria-linns, not to exceed $1,000, with­out requiilng a town meeting..

"1 backed this bill," the GOP head said ' bccnubo I helic\(. It Is nboiit time that the town's lin-anclal transaelolns were run on a'business basis, 'i'lips •,Governoi has to-make a budget, why .can't the fit si selectman *

"Also.'under the i)resent set up Ihe board- Is slaekcd with those favoiakle lu the udminKlintlon 1 dijn't blame the Dcmocinls foi this, because we ilcpublicuns did the same thing 'Ihoy wonldnl lake our icLopimeiidatlon!/ when in, control, and wiicn we Ilepub llcan's were in cuntiul wo lejecl ed thciis '

"illTw fail Is it iiott Anabtas-io demanded whon a tiist so-leetrtah has the Ucclillng \olc foi nppi bprliillons lie personnlly ro (.omnlcnils'' Under liie present scl-up, it the board is split two and;two the first selectman can approve Ills own approprlullons without accounting to "anyone. Is this tail " ,

'The bcmociuls went along with-US.on this bill," Anastaslo continued, "and we received their bacl<liig troni the Town Chainiian on down. I think it's a good bill. I'll be darned if I can see allowing the first sc-ieetmiin running me town with money voted by himself. Let him run this town on a budget. Ho shouid-'learn to' operate on a budget the same as evei-yonc else." , .'Democrat Town ' Chairman

.I.amcs Oarliaitd, snid that lie ap­proved of the bill and thougiit tlie town would benefit from op-ej'at'lng.'under the elected board. Oartiand said that in this way die parties ciiuld pick the best qualified men for the Job and be assured of their seats without tiavlng to depend upon the first ssiectnian. . 3 of, i'rcscnt Members To Oo ^When usked, who, If ony of thb present members would be rettiined, for nomination Is tan­tamount lo election, Gnrtland wouldh'l divulge who he thought would be ousted bul said:

Schoolh To Ho Dftlicaled

"Say thai three ot the present bonrd will probably he ousted In October."

or the present bofti'd. compos­ed of Leslie Uedliold, Ei-nesi Anthonls. John Mulhern and Fred Wolfe .Jr., Anthonls has t)ecn the only one tlmt all agree will bo nominated In the Fall.

Redfield, who Is regarded In his pai'ty as a "Clancy Uopubli-can," will hove a hard fight If he wishes to be nominated; Mul hern; whorii the Democrats call "a Barker Republican' faces the. same fight as ijedllcld Wolfe, 11 is rumored will not run, bul Is held in not too high regard by inumbci'.s of the Dein--ocral Town Committee. Anlhp-iils, tt staunch Republican, has at the-present the backing of Anas­taslo

This picture will clear rnpidl> with the "coming town cunimil-tce meetings of both parlies. Be­fore- lolig .tlio" liopuliUcons-' are expected "to announce the. rest of.lheli' .slate, and Garllaiul said the other night, thai he Ihuiight that;.the Democratic -slate.-.would bo announced following the July 5 meeting

.In, commenting on. the; new bill, Gaitlaiul said X am \c iy much In favoi ot It W*. Anab tasio and iiijsclf woikcd with the Republican House pnd l(ie Doniociatic benali to but it Ihiuugh «

Under-I he terms of-the •• iie\\ I bill, the elected boaid ' pf " Fi­

nance win be composed of loui meinbers of whom, not iporo than two can represent The same pollilcar party. The Kh'sl selecl-ninii will be chairman ex-ofllclo, with the right lu vote only In the case of a lie. .

'i'he members will bi; paid $1D per meeting, bul said amoupt not to exceed $50U for any one year.

" \\\ October's election, one Democrat and one Ropubllcan will be elected for two years; and one fiom ciicli parly for four years. In each succeeding election two members will be elected to four year terms.

Also niejiibers must ,be at the time of election, and through-out their term of office, resi­dents of the town.

There will be public hearings on the annual budget, and the public must be nollflcd when a department liead brings his bud­get to the board, so that he can give a public'cxplanalion as to the appropriations contained within that budget.

All aiiproprlatlons in excess of $1,000, "such appropriation shall not be made until upon the rec­ommendation of the board, the same shall have been voted iiy the town al a meeting called for such purpose."

Assembly Passes Bill o Have State Take ver Care Of Main St.

Three New Sc/iooLs To Be

Dvdieuled Over Weeli-lilnd • two itcw clciufiutary (icUotjl.s f tlic tVtonuvuKuin HC1W>O1 will

lir hold over the wcck"Ci\(l, Supl. of SCIIOOIH K . Vcrnoii I'liiyH announced ycstordivy.

Octlicalion ccrcmotiios al i and I he three room addit ion

Coach Crisafi To Stay On As Baseball Head At High School

East,Haven sports entiiuslasts who ace planning lo honor Frank Crisafi, coach of East Haven High School athletic pro­gram, will be glad to hear that despite reports to the contrary, he will continue to coach bas.-buU at the local Inslllullon.

Crisafi, who coaches basket­ball and football in addition to baseball, said that while he had bben urged to cut down on his coaching duties by various school, heads, he enjoyed his participation .i.n the various sports to give up any partlculai one at this time.

Reports published in the past month have stated that Crisafi would, at the end of the prebcnl season, give up coaching the baseball nine.

- Banquet Tickets Avai'.ablu For" those planning to attend

the testimonial banquet honor­ing Crisafi, theic are tickets still available, the ticket com-nilllee announced yesterday. Fa­culties are limited to 200 diners attd the committee urges those

• v/ho ai'e planning to be thei-e n^ake their purchases now so that this part of the planning

phase c ' l be completed.

Mrs. Lewis Wins Top Floral Award Al Garden Show

Mr.s. Harry Lewis wns ad­judged the SwitpstaUis wimm at the seventh annuni flower silow of llic Garden Club of East Haven, held 'I'uesdiiy in the Town Hall

Mis Lewis who swipt the Sweepstakes wllh a total a(!f,ii.-gallon of '16 points, also loiipcri tlie.conleslanls In, the lUirtlcul luio Classes Mis Puikci At w'Ood. -won first place In tlio Aitistic Amintcmenls dnislon

In all thcie weie 2U floid c\l(lhlts enlciod in the show Of this amount 21 wcit entcicd b> ehlldicn in the junioi (sliibits ttn(l Iheie w i l l 25 miniatuic evhlbits

The younfet-st pil/c winnei was Andtca Hansen aged six wlio took flial pint-p with an anin/uiB onlij in the scidllnft class of the Junloi exhibits Hii display was waleimclon seeds glowing In cotton'

Junior Winners Wlnnccs In llio .Tunlor Exliiblt

wore: F l o r a l Arrangemonls First Prize. Nancy Pral'.!nei'. 11 for daisies and bachelor buttons In. a ' miniature wheelbarrow, Wendy McDonald, 7, pansles and tt pussy cat; Second Prize. El­lon Anderson, 12, a baby bou­quet .of garden pinks In a bas­sinette: Tim O'Connell, 9, gni-den pinks and a puppy dog. Third Prize, Sharon 0'.Conncll, 12, sweet Williams and roses dis­play; Carol Schoenknechl, 7 garden .flower variety; Honoi-l able Mention: Patricia, O'Con-, noli, id, a-display of pale yellow roses.

' S(!cdlings—First Prize:- Andrea liinison and Dennis Anderson, 9, who entered.an Ivy display; Sec­ond Prize: Rosemary Lynch, 12 and Judy 'i'ucker, 1.3, both wllh plant displays. .Ilonorable Men­tion: Linda' Chamberlain, 11 grape Ivy, and Ellen Anderson, 12, plant display.

The show, which opened ol 8 a.iii. and continued to, 8 p.m ' was a tnbu ' t e ot staging to the, committee in.charge of arrange-; ments headed by IVIrs. George E.! Munsori, general clialrman, and Mrs. Wiliam Jaspers, co-chair­man. They were assisted by com­mittee members:

Mrs. A. Miciiaei Aceto,. Mrs. E. Raymond McCann; Mrs. Frank Lalne, Mrs. Elmer Llllie, Mrs. Kenneth .Grltfllh.s, Mrs. Fred Schutsky, Mrs. Harry Lew-Is, Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Sher­wood Chamberlain, Mrs. John Male, Mrs. Leverett Clark, Mrs. R-usseii Frank, Mrs. Alton Red­man, Mj-s. John Tirpak and Mrs. Curlelon Pratzner. ^ • In charge of Artistic Arrange-

PlcUircd.' nro. Iho . n o w sojiool.s to be dedicated over the,- weekend!" Top, . Moin-nuguln nddlflon, Sntlirdny ill 2 p.m.; CcnttJri Overhroqk, Sunday,^ nt 2 , p.m, Itiittiim: Deer Run, Sunday nl 4 ii.m.

On Saturday at ;i p. m. the Muinauguln addition will be ded­icated, while on Sunday, at 2 i"i. 111. dedlcalloii cc'remonles \ylll be held at the Oveibiook school, nnd nl 4 p. in. at the Deer Run School In li'oxon.

In nddllloa to tlie.so exercises, there will be a cornerstone la.v-liig at both Ovorbioult and Door Uuii Si'liooLs, SupU Hiiya said, Willi I'^lisl Selectman Frank Clancy, Francis W. Walsh, chair­man (if, lliu Unmd ot Education anil tJeoige Lolls, ehalrmnn of the Klcinontiiry ,Scliool Building Coinnilttee, pnrtlcipnllng.

According lu tlic program ro-Icnscd yesleiday liy the Mupl,,of Sriiiiiils. the Uradford. lilaiior Drum Cuips, will play during.'thu II semlily ut the Momuuguin dcdicMliim. 'I'hi^ Itcv. Alfred C. CMurk will lilvo the Invocation; Wiipl. Hays will make the Intro-dui-lloii mid Selectman Clancy w i l l spc ' i iU. , : , , •

I^'ollowlng Clancy's talk,: Mr. t i l l s nnd Mr. Wnlsl\ Wlli make till,' presciitutlon o[ the lieyu, I which will be ucccptedby t|iu kliulergai'len pupils. Allur tit" key prL'suiitullun,. Mrs.' Wllllujn 1 Dcvliie, piosltleni ut Mohiuti-Milii I'uronI;!, ,Clul),.'..vv.lU-. ,Blii,'ii_k. on bchair of that urgunlzntiun. 'I'hc itov. William Luary ,wlir i:lvc the biMiadictloii.

"All incinbcr.s of the asKeiiibly arc cimllally Invited tu visit 'all iniils of the bulldlliB," Supl. IIM.VS .siilil, "and will he served rclicsliiiH'iit.s liy thu J^luiiiuugulii I'nrcnt.s Club."

Ovcrbrnuk Ceremonies Al Ovcrhrook Kciiool, and also

at Deer Hun .School, tlio High Schiiol ISaiid under the direction of Myron Cohen, will piny us the pciiitle assemble.

The ccieinonles will hogln with a Ihig prcsontiitlon and ifiisliig under the auspices of the Harry It. Barilett American Legion I'oBt Mil. This will be ful-

I lowed by the laying of the •cmn-' crstone.

Mautle Chiinis Bill Will Save Town Thousands

Shorlly hofore midiilglit Tues­day, the Senate approved House mil 'jnoii, which provides th«t the Slate Highway Department take over tlie cure of Mnln St., Rap. Adelbert C. Mnutto, Jr., (ll-E. H.l, reported yeutordny.

As a rustdt ot the bill, which Rep. Mnutte said lie "fathered, nurtured nnd fought tor." l|ie Stale will ho rci|Ulrod to miiln-taln and keep In repair, Main SI., from Hemingway Ave., west to the Now Hnvon town line,

All that Is rciiulred now Id luni the bill Into law Id Ihe big- ^ iialuiu of Gov, Abialiain A Rltil-coft

Mautlu pushed tlio bill;, 1)p-cauhc he said he foil thai wher< tlia Stole wns constantly unlng Main Stioel as an auxiliary io tlio Sallonstnll Highway, Ihiiy Hhould liear Iho cost ot mtilli-tulnlng It

"Tills bill will suvo the town, IhnusandR and thousands and thiiiisniids of dollars," Maultc ilainiid ' Undui llic terms ot Iho bill the State will hiivo to sweep llio snow ull: keep the , slieel clean and ulso pay lor tlio Loals of 1 epulis"

'ihe Stale tinned tl|o stmet, I which Is old Ruttto 1, oyer to ll\e 1 town aioumi 11113, after l)ie

Saltoimtiill Highway \yus corn-plowed _ | '

Since that time, the Slate Illfihwnv liepBilment has often-used Main St un ii dolpur when-evei eoiistiUellDii un ihD (iaf'k-May wns iiuccsbuty,

Now, Mautio clulina, a clovcr-Icuf designed tut-uff Is boon lo be (onstiuded on thu iiaikwny near D'Aiidrea'a I^lncr, tlic high­way department will again be using Main Street as a detour/

In view of thiil conslnnl ap-innprlatlun liy the State Illeli-way Dcpartinenl of Main Street for through vehicular trafllc, Mauttu said ho felt thai the state' should hear the cost of innlntulning the thoroughfare.

Burton Dismissed Action Result 0£

Miller Denounces Reports That Many New Homes Were Foreclosed

HUKKPit B u l l

GfoiK'-' II. MHIt-T, lo\vn nssc .sor iusheil out Ihls wucu at pub-! lishori ropurts Ihni many hmna owners in Ihc town's liousiiiK de-vc'loinncnl.s lu.st out in llicir cf-lorts to maintain tlifir luoiL-

"Such nowspapof reports as thc'so," Mllk'r sairt, "ai-e defi­nitely In error. What du they mean I)y sayinjc , iiiiiny oL , the Iiciinos in High Ridge huve been foreclosed upon? Of all Ahe new

ments wero Mrs. Timothy ( homoK in that ., urea.1; know,, of O'Connell, Mrs. Ru d o I p l i 'only one thai .wai turned hack Schmidt, Sr., Mrs. Clara Wright, jtu tJie bunk." Mrs. Parker Alwaod, Mrs. Uar-

"Don't [or{j;et, when nmny of Ihese homes owner.s pui'chascd tlieir homes, ihey.wc'rc workint^ on a war llniobiiKJs. AL Ihat time mo.st familie.s won; RettlnK hlyh Incoiiie.H due to overtime and

j both members of the family eni-jiloyc'd. Today we are (5pcrallng on a peace tlhi.; eeononiy, i)Ul this ha.s not ciiuHcd Iho home o\vnc-*r to Kivo up nieelinc, hL-i mortgage, puymenls." ._

Carllaiul Says Dems NominalingCommillcc To IJc Picked July 5

The East Ilavetl Dcmocrul Town Coniniittct; is expected to name Its nominating croinmltteo, to Kt'loct candldate«r.for , the town elections IMH FalJ, at .its meeting on July .5,'JameK. Gurt-land, town' chalrniftli, anriouriced Tuesday nlRht.

While attending the, openlnti of the Democrat Par ty head-nuariers on Mrt)n',7Si.|:ee,t,', Garl-land sald.f: that : .as-yot-no can didate, o r slate ;of candidates] jj j" had been chosen by the party.

The Uev. Jamta D. Gla.ssc, will •• i ! • • give the Invuenlion, Supi. Hays' t n S U l ) O r U m a t l O n itie liitriiduetlon.aiid a short talk wlli ho innilu by Sjeleetinuii Cluiley. This will he followed iiy the presentalluii to and aceep-tance of Ihe keys by the kin-dergnrten pupllH.

JVlis. Edward K. Itlte. presldAnt of the Gerrlsh-Overbiouk I'.T.A, will deliver u short .talk, whieh will he followeii by benediction given by the Wev. .lohn O'Nell.

Jii^lir Klin Deitleittluii Thu cureniunles will bo open­

ed with a Mag iircsentatlon and raising under the auspices lif the P'oxon Aineriean Legion I'ost 175 followed by llie, curnorNtunc faying.

'i'lio Ilev. John 1'. O'Neill, of Mohtowese, will deliver the In-vocotion, which will be followed by short s|icoclios byt i iu Supt. of Schools and the Klrst Select-

ry Johnson, IVlrs. John Crouniey, Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Jr., Mrs. Wlilium Jaspers, Mrs. John Lasletl, Mrs. Albert iiaydeii Mrs. Vincent Fogurty and Mrs. ii llis Jones..

'I'lckets can ht; [luictiasua through ttie following members of the coniiniltee: Haroid flail. Frank Mossina. John Messina, Jimmy Glynn, Marll;i DeFellce, Augle's Garage and P&ii Motors.

Committee member." Frank Messina, said that a short speak-

(CoiittJiueU. On Fage l^igHl) .

"1 personally am Intorosled in such foier;losures,"' Miller went on, "and know of only four or five homes thai were foreclosed on in the past five years."

"The rote of foreclosures Is the best index I know of as to busiiiesa trends and tiiu country's j prospeiily. Using the rule of j foieclosurcs in this town us a \ business baronieter .the present'

Mrs. Jean Hopson, 6'J Francis ' indications are that our oconoiny St., Miss Marie Slrandberg, 23 . has been stahilUed." Kiiklium Ave. and Miss i«aryj -in law. East tlaven had • 3,-Scallse, of Pleasant Ave., will jg^ housing unilK, andas of be t . be awarded degrees at the 63rd , j,,5., u,^.,,. svoro' "9.203. "i'lial Commencement Exereises at ^„^, ._, . . New ilaven Slate Teachers Col-, ^„^„ . , „„ i ,„,„,e, .|,„,„es

ThreeLocalWomcnTo Get NHSTC Degrees

Jean Hopson, 6'J Francis

Daylon Weil To Sail On Training Cruise

Dayton B. Weil, Lt. Coin-niondcr ^N.R.i. ,)i 4311 Towns-

j end Ave., will report to , the 1 U. .S. Naval Air Stulion, Quini-1 set I'oint, it. 1., June :12, for a I two weeks (our of duty aboard j the US.S Aiitletam CV,S 31), a

canted deck carrier for jet sfjundrons,

After the iitallon nnd ac-liowcver, the nomlnatinK com-, , . . ,

•ttee will be-expected to imve'-''-'"'""™."' """"•'J"'. Mrs. ilionr - • ' "•' ' " I" . ' " presldenl of the

Hun , I'.'I'.A;. will give a speech hi behalf of the a*


such a slate, ready,'.either later In the month, or for the August [ ^'"i"''-'J'-''-'i nieetlng. , ' '""

also Biiid, that thej soclatlon. The'Rev, .Waller li town eonimltlou had endorsed

lege, on Solurday June 18.

Firiends Of Music To Meet Monday

The regular meeting of the Friends of Music will, be held Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Hagaman Memorial, library. A covered dish supper will be chased, this rate served, • I . ' i s very low."

have been built in that five year period. To dale, :this numtier' Is well ov(!r 2000 new" libnics."

••Of this 2,1)00. pliis, there have not lyjon more, , than'' five'; fore­closures, or one in .400," Miller continued. "ConsidBrihg. ' Ihe economic condition ,atr tiie • '.liiiie niost of these-home^ wore- pur

Joseph Mellllo, I'ccreiitlon In-structiu' in the town's element­ary schools, and Mrs. John Sui-llvun, former . Board'. o£ Edjicu-tlon member, £or^ posltloni, ' in .^hools and wll the town B recreatltin; program,'

'I'lie new. ",hoad(|Uttrlers,. the uvullubic

Mlllliiger will deliver the heiic-

iT ' c 'mdr . V/ell, w-jll partake! I"*"'" chairman:sold, la :uvttlluble| , ., , , , ; I Id any groupof iiarly members In aiiti-KUbniariiio exercises ' to ' •' n . \ . . . • . . . • ' ,.,. - , be held in the Atlanllc.He will complete his tour on June 2.1.

Well, who is the proprietor of Dayton's, .301 Main St., is u veteran of 13 years in the naval sei-vice. H e enllsUfd In iOI2, was cominlssloned in ]9'14, and com­manded the seaplane lender, USS Pelican In 194,5.: J .

In,3053, he wiui assigned ns staff dept. head, of Seamanship

. i and ODD iteseive Naval Offl-of foreclosure | cers school at Fort Hale traln-

j Ing center.

diction. i''ullowlrig the ceieiiionles ut

both Overhruok and ix-ur Iluii, peojilo wUl be Invited to visit the

he' served ro-fieshinenlH by - tiic res)iectlve J^aient-'l'eacheih Associations.

liulldlnt; ConU The new .liehodls 'and addition

piovldo'd facilities for 837 ud-

3, at Ovei­

biook, opened Jan to, 342 iiupils uru In attendance and ut Oeer

C Of C To Meet -l^^^^' •'""• '*' ""'"•''"''-' '"•' ""• Iho monthly meeting of the " ^- ,

Ch in W'l of Coninieico wll biM " , , , , , E he,d nt fi:iO prn. al the Annex | ""''--'^ ' " " , "l-pr'^l't-aK^ly $ 5

n I Pi'i si|Uai e foul, the new faclll-

requcstih'g its ui|e.;Sucti; grijups uro requested to cy,iitu<,'t eliher ' i""-Gartland, • Const'nble » donVliile l>"l'il»- At'; the ^oniuuguln MelHIo; or Mrs. 'llelori' Friend,! ditioii, which was opened Jan: president ot the' Democrutic; 92 pupils are housed ' ~ Women's Club.

n, I' ast liaven .superniiiiirM'nry . pullceinan. Was ordered lo hand In his hudgp by the Board of Puhllu Safely, atter the board voted unanim­ously that Burlun "he removed and disinlssud . . . linmedlatcly."

According to thu tustlmuiiy o( Police Chief Edwin B, Priest, who appeared before, the board, Burton, after being warned by the chief not to take.any priv­ate policing Jobs wlthoul. ordcm frum. Lite Department, on May 2G, accepted a Job on May ZS, lepoitlng Ihe samu to Chief Priest on May 20,

"In view ot the fact that I notified Officer Button," Chief Pi lost testified, "that I was ^ running the PoKco Department' . . . I iccumniciidcd his tuspcn-slun fur Insubordination lu the Boaid."

Burton was placed on suspen­sion for aevcn days by the buaril on May 31, and lold to appear before thu board on June 7, lo answer the charges. Burton did ' not upiicur, but; sent a letter, asking the hcurlng be postponed Lo June 17, Tiie hoard refused lu grant u cuiitlnuaitco.

When placed on suspension. Burton was, ordered to hand In ills hat piece nnd badge. Chief PrlcKl said Burlon had only handed In his hat piece, The buard. In dismissing the super­numerary, specifically instructed lilin to return thu police insignia.

I louse. Following the dinner. I ties huvi! cost the town •T1,1'13,-liuslnr ss nicotInK w)ll bo held,, and the TOmmiltee on icseairh 688,2,3. A bieuk down of these foi lhi> need ot a, town siiiall! tlBUi'es, lelensed by Supt. Hays (lalms com I will moke-'a report I aie as follows;

I ot then Xindinun. | tCuuttiiued On I'uKe Uliftil)

Simoni Nol To Seek Re-eleelion In Fall

15einocrot T o w n Chairman James Gartland, annoiincetj Tuesday night llial ,lohn Simoni, Dcniucibt geneinl leglstiar tor the past eight yeais, wlli \\Mf\ be a candidate for I'e-leutioa this Full. • • . i; i

Simoni, who was formerly Deniocrat auditor for East Ha- \ vep tor. three terms, will con-

I llnuc as secretary ot thp town I committee. i I . n , . J

^ . . A C •rr^^L • • S - ? - ' t ^ ' ^ - - ^ - * ~ •—^•'•—^r-f™ - 1 *


Page 2: x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers · .school. In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iir d Iliiill.v , sai u t tha time tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers

Colorful June Marriage








MEFFERT LUMBER North Main St., Bran ford



I Mrs. Kilpatrick Is Named JNcw Woman's Club Prcsidciil Here

At Iho nnnu.'H tllnitor nincllriR lu'ld Mfindfiy (•vciiltiK nl Iho Oa.s-Is. Mr.- . MncKroK"'" KHpaltlok WiV' nntiT'fl tunv i)t(."4lrlr.'nl of tlu* Jjijuifoni Woman's Club. Other nflicors fli'dcd Includ*? Mrs, Tra­vel Onvlfs, fli.st vice prcsklelit; Mrs. .S|Krry IJjiroln, .socorul \-it:e |ir csiil'Mit; Mrs. Krnnk Chmlwiok. Ji., r',ii("ipoii(|int; .sp(M-ct.m-y; Mrs, John Quiiin, rocnrdlriR secretory; MI;,. Alhfjit Llhboy, ironsurer. Till' [iifjiidfjiit will appoint clittlr-tiHMi In heact Up various commll-li'Pi diiripf; (lie .sununer.

Mrs. Kll|ifi!rirk succeeds Mrs. iNjilImn Ziiffin in the office t)( |tti',sid*-'tit. Mrs. VVInlhrop Tovvn-or, as pti?;t prcfiid'-Mil presontod Mr... /'-ntfin willi a past - prcsi-(lenL'.s pin.



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l )n Signature Only:

LOANS $50 to $500

CHECfC TUmC FEATUnES: 1. A 'centMt, , con«(nnnt location.

2; Onr ilflf Jirjlre. } . Rwaytiierit sclteiliilB |o tit your Iiiiil.

, " ttX.i . 4,' Up to 20 tiinitllii tn rcii.iv. rnynifiifs

* • may be.made In timott nr liy ritnlt. 5; One ,villi DI.111 - - nitaiie or IwHle

. • • . » « ! . , ' d. Loatis tnnili ID reililtnlt a\ \\tm-

'• lord, E«st Itflvfn, GlHIfonl. Mmli-•: ion, Cllnlon, and all

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; THE MUTUAL LOAN SYSTEM Ims been serv­ing the cash loan needs of lliouaands of Con­necticut people for over 30 years. LET US SERVE YOU I


'- Culler .Studio The. marriiiKn (if Piilricia .Ijtiir noittidlr) iiiul Barry .iHcnItifoii took i»In€;(' .lini« 1 iit St. Mar.v's ('lMiri!li. IVIJNH Lnrcilf) JacoliHOii, a brlrltjiiiiialil, is Nlinwii ftraiccl. Otlirr titPi>i)>rrs of Ilia u' (l(]lnff piirl.v. Irff to rifthi, iti'o .SK>. I' IIIIIOIK] KoiiHAnilUt iislicrt MIHN PcfCR.v Dcrt/.n, l)r[(U;Hnuil(l; IVI/NKI. Itiiiiald .laroliiiDii, liosl aiiiii; nir«. Mary Onrgaan, matriiii nf hnniiri Cpl. C'linrli fi M. I,omiill«(:r, iisliir; IHi! Iirlilc! anil lirlili^Krnnai! Ml»s Ilolcn Kolowslil, lirlilcsnmlil; aad RI/SBL Mattco Coin-era, iiNlii-r.

Foole Building \relcph one HU 8-T688.

SYSTEM 2 5 6 Main St., Branford

Open Friday EveniiiRn

Patricia Donadio Becomes Bride In St.Mary'sCliurch

.St. ,M(ir,v'.' Chiiicli, ririuifiii-fl, was I lie scctK! Iii.sl .Satiirflay fi,r tliii wc'dtlllli; of MIM I'lit.rlcl/l .lain-' Dunmllij .niiil lliiny Kilwlii .lacoii.Mjii, l-LSMC. 'I'lic ceroniony uMii iMTfiirmoil Ijy Kov. V/IIIDiiii Wllilii'y. Till.' hilrle l.s till.' daiiBli-liT (If Mr. mill Mf.i. I'cter Don­adio of Norjli Main St. The liili|i-'(Cfii"iii l.'i tlip son of Mr. and iMi'K. Alfred .Tauob-son of Monsoii, M a l m ' . • "

I'-'Hcoitod and given in marrl-nf;ii liy her fftthor, the brido wore II Kown of whllo Chantllly Inee over fjatin fashioned wtlh u Keoop ne(;Icllne and long pointed Hloe-ves. Iliir fingertip veil of Illusion VVHO eauKlit In a cloelio of Chun-lllly lace scattered with irrldcs-i.-ent, Keifuiiui and seed, pearls. She (tarried « cascade bouquet of or-ehld-s and stephanotis.

Mrs. Mary Gargano of Bran-ford, cousin of the bride, was ainlron.ot honor. Shu waa attir­ed. In a lilll-JeiiBlh orchid crya-talefto sown wlili n fitted bodice and rietncliabli) stole.and'wore a niatchlUB iilctilre lint of .nylon tulle and carried H' cascade of Spring, tlower.s. 'Mls.i I.4orelle Jn-eoljson, slater .of tliO; bridegroom, B.nd Miss I'egt'y. Dojtzo and Miss Helen Kotow.skl of Branford were brklcsninlds. They wor<j nt-tlrort 1 .similar costumes la nlle Kioen,

iM/Sgt. Ronald Jacob.son of Branford was his brother's best man. Ushers were M/Sgt. Matteo Camera, Sgt. ISdnioad Rouss.'iiu aad Cpl. Charles Loninltzer, all of the Marine Corps.

A reception was held at the Indian Point i-louse, Sloay Creek. A.sslstlng 111 recelvlag gue.«it.s were the bride's mother In a slate blue dress and the liilde-groom's inothcr , who wore a black and while floral print.

When the couple left tor a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada, the bride was nttlrcd In n steel blue .silk suU, .powder blue accessor-es and wore'n while orchid cor.s- | ago.

CI) Hurricane Funds Sliced For Branford

First Selectman Bontatlbus, In a recent communication from tho l^otlernl Civil Defense Ad-niinlstratlon office la Boston, ha-s been Informed that Branford's claim for hurricane damage against that organization In the amount of $7,059 has been cut In half, Bontatlbus has ali'eady conlncted Leo Mulcaliy, State Director, In on effort to have tho local request reviewed and amended.

A. D, O'Connor had Intorniod the first selectman that tho amount approved for Branford was $3,2<I8. Initial approval Had beoa given to the full amount In an curlier communication, Bontatlbus has explained that the full amount was used to 'cleor hurrlcalie-scattercd debris'' from streets and makiag emer­gency repairs important 'to civil defense.

Reception Parishioners of St. Elizabeth's

.ciiurch, Short Beach, have lieciV I'hylted to a reception welcoming riev. William Lenry as now pas­tor of the church. The affair, sponsored by the Women's Club, will bo held Sunday from 7:30 until 9:,'30 at the church club-rooms.

New Havener Seeks Junk Yard I'vrniit

A palilio, h-n inir will he IHMII iJuiio %'i nil tile niiplii-n-Miili (if a New Itaveii man l i iistabllNli II .iiiiilt vliril nil F*«v-

' 0(1 .St, Jasenli I.oiiiiirtra, *lr., (If Wdostnr J'lacn HeeliH a lic­ense to operiito lliii yard tn wliii'li llraiifard's l*lntinln)f A /oiling Cniiimli>.ilon has al-reiidy, , reR:lHtered (iiipasUlnn,

, The finiiiinlsslon, hi a letter to llio Iloiinl of .SelcclnKMi, has j^niie, on record as inipOH-iiig Ilia Isslianoo of tliii llceiiHe la the event tho aren in qiir.*-tioa Is ovnntiially /.oiied resi-dcntiiil.

The lienriiiK will bo hold at the Town Hall nt 8 o'clocli.

Miss Blanchard Is Kcci|)ienl Of Honors

i M 1 S'S Deborah Blancliard, daUKhtor of Dr. and Mrs. Dana Blanchard of Main St., received honorable nientinn for aendcnilc fichlovemeiit. na the .special lion-nis li.1t announced by Dean Ken­neth T. .Skelton at conmieiKo-ment e. crclsl,'.s held Monday at HrJarciiff .lunlor College, Brlnr-cllff Manor, N. V.

MLss BInnnhard, who majored In secretarial training, received a cumulative two-year averagt of B or better, and was awarded the degree of A.ssociate in Ap­plied Science. DurlnR her sonioi year, she has been a member of the college's bouse committee Slie prepared for college at tho rrd'ipect Hill School, New Ha­ven.

TTiur. June 9, 1955 . Branford Ri:view-Easl Haven News 2


W eep ing ^ illows R E S T A U R A N T

Laurel Street - East Haven - Tel. HO 7-55761 j

Servutfj Complete Dinners 5:30 P. M.lo 9:30 P . M .

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The soil of Manchuria Is ono of tho rlclu^t In the world, with about 32,736,000 hectares arable.

Voca\ Recital i The voice students of Ruth LInsley Oliver will present the annual song -recital on Friday evening, Juno 17, nt 8:15 nt the Blackslonb Membrial ' Library hall. The date represents the 5!)tb anniversary of the library's ded-icn'tlon. Although there will he no'admi.sslon charge, a collection

.during Intermission will aid the activities of the Rranfottd Sun-tlilne Club.

Vocal siiiflenls who will parti-,.:.,,.,.„ |..: •..,!,. nuibara Tcfft, fjincn 'i.ivivM, Mary Lou Si^arico, .liii-elyii llcaly, Ina Aslnvurth, Ar-llno Moruan, Lura Ellsworth, Klaine nigelovv, l^llzabeth Tlioin-p.'-ron anil Lout's Pond.

You can't hold me down I've got money in the banlc. at "The Friendly First".

lavcit in .security with regular savings, ."ilarting today. When you're hero let us show you the many other ways in which we can help you.

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$1.00 up $2.95

NYLON SOCKS Nflw snckR tliat will ttrotch tu fit any iilze (lerteetly. I'nir.


DAN'S Men's and Boys' Shop 315 Main St. • Branford • Tel. HU 8-1134

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Garden Club's Card Parly Slated Tuesday

A public card party, sponsored by the Branford Garden CIul> for the benefit of local civic wurlt will be held at the Pine Orchard Club on Tuesday at 1:30.

Tickets for ilie affair m.ny ho purchased from cny of tho I il-lowing commlUre member.s; Mis Thomas Cornell, chairman; Mi'' Arthur Ailing, ttctiet cluiirman Mrs. .Snmuei Donne. Mrs. Wil­liam Plnkhnni, Mr.s. C. E. .SmII'i Mrs. E. P. Avor.v, Mrs. II. E. II Cox. Mrs. Ersklne Crosslcy, Mi*i Edgar W. Tatt, M,rs. C. B. Guern sey, Mrs. A. J. IHill, Urn. K. .1 MaclCehzie, Mrs. L. J.IInlabird Mrii. ElwoodTlce.' Mrs. R.' luiil Geler, Mrs."WlUliim Newt m •* i Nils MaliTiqulst;'or Ai Uliii McCabe. ,

Dancing Every Sat, Nile — Frankie Durazzo 's Orch. 3 . lERRY LA MONICA, Vocalist , %wsAnA«vifw\/wviwu\n/vuvuuvt^i/innAnri<vu\rwwwtn<vv.<ir<7WinA?.

ow a "dead''' corner came to life!


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332 MAIN ST. • EAST HAVEN Phone HO 7-0070

Located in East Haven for Over 22 Years

STONY CREEK • ripftsft Phone-IfPiflu

tot Ihls Cnltiinn lo B o b b i e I l u M t l . H-U«itn


• Combination Windows fmd Doors • Modernfold Doors • Venetian Blinds

142 NASH ST. TEL. SP 7-3648 Waliiiigford, Che-shlro, Milford: Call EnlurpriSL* 3740

Get Results In A Hurry

;. T» find onylhing you want, u$e*h«'YELtOW PAGES «f your Telephone Dlreclbryi^

. jPTj r r i ' jn- ' " • ' • ' '

Here 'lis WpdiiPsday aRaln . . . Wlmt na.siy cold u;e(vlher we have t'CfMi IIUVIMR Ihu \veek-~ \\ oiild never know U was June. Vecls moip like FBU.

jAiany , iicop.e busy these days with, liioir gardens. .Weeds sure giuwlns tHst.

hxunis going on. all week In the h»i;h svliutil. . .

Teen-ager^ enjoying, 'life at liett's' again.' Some should try and bo a little move Considerate. — Watch where they*,put their feel and how they use' the furii-i l u r e . . . • , 1 . ,

Anyone wishing Mr. and-Mrs. lleiiiLMtAllem' address,- here 'lis; 13D Abeim Way,. Polo Alto, Calif. Kima ^would be' most, happy tu heiu- from her ii'onielown inenlls. Even Stony Creek plctur.u post cards-- . , '

CouKnitulntions, lo Ycomnn 3c and Mrs. Koberl E. Page .ofBaln-bririge, jvid. They, are -.the new pnreuts of a sweet baby daugh­ter, Barbara Ann, born May 2b. Mr. and Mis.,John Brnhierd are the nintornal grandparents and 1 can tell you, Ihey sure are proud.

Win. Maloney tind- ,as.sislants doing a wonderful job down- al Puine's. Docsii't paint make a difference?- (Evwn on awpntan, they tell me).

The folks .'in town ivere very sorry to hepr about the recent death of Keith Milne. Our deep­est sympathy to hla family ami relatives.

Dickie Arnold . sure smiling these past, lew weeks. Grandpa Ii;«ac'Rice has been visiting-htm and , family for the past few weeks. Grainps resides in Indi-fina", you know. ' I see Art Paine Is tearing down the old house on Ilatlroad Ave. One 'Wpuldii't guess tliat, that house is over 100 years old.

We"ar,e very sorry to hear that Bernard^ Page, Si\ is confined to St. Raphael's hoapitat. Me had an appendectomy performed just in



cared for


Windows Washed Floors Polished

for reliable service Call

George Johnson HU 8-0057



GINGHAM SHIRT Colorful ]iliij(l sport »liirt In woven trhiuham. A welcoaio Bift!



SUVALS DEPT. STORE 260 Main St. • Branford • Tel. HU 8-1434

to save you the BIG money! . . . I I

There 's this vital difference between INTERNATIONAL and other trucks: Of the 5 leading makes, only INTEIINATIONAL builds a complete line of models that are all-truck.., with no passenger car engines or components asked to do a truck job.

Tills means that INTERNATIONALS, for all their Comfort and easy hanidling, are engineered and built to save you the big monsy . . . the operation and maintenance money. The proof is in the records of cost-conscious opsrators who have'made INTERNA-OONAL the henvy-diity sales leader for 23 straight years 1 I t wH save you B/G money to go INTERNATIONAL. Drop by and we'll show you why — in complete detail.


F r o m f t o r y f o r g e s a n d p r e e l -l l o n machines come sxtfo-itrong I N T S R H A T I O N A t c r a n k i h a f f i . Tli09« ui«d In light'duty modnU or* 17% htaviar than th« avArags of eofnporobit forged or coat al loy 6-ci.'lind«r dei igns—formoximofn strength and rigidity, long life.

All-Truck Buai lo save you the B]G moneyl


lime. Hope; you *U1 ^e tetllng beler and will-soon be home.

^ ui . li,.ipi at pui iel l t Is \v iitiuiii'ij Huii ,.)( ^vao r also ai oi ttatm 101 s nuspluil IMi U-itii Oti(iti\NCiii MiiK<.tN iMunufty itopinji \uu Will SI o I lit well and auuui,

fiieiid.'i don't foi'get to .send LttuiS lO tiie>L iwo lemhoois ol i i u l >

Ailyune Intelested In n {.Me lit tie Kitten inc ijino-. luivi taice MiC} aic living to find nuines lUi, Ciive uui u bu/./,

Dick uower, our tnvorlto SIRII pnuilii 111 tuun IS sulieniiK ^vilh mood polsuninK III his Iclt hand All due tii a- silver. Stieedy re-Lo\ti> t>n.K

It vva.s broUKht to my alien lion Liial. tlvls wei^k's ,Tlni(^ miiK uziiie. t'.tuae IJ) ineiilloncd the oloii\ l^icik l i te Al tnniii toiiia in one OI tliLU 111 III lis It imn tioiied him 1i^ Ai tmiu Loips \\as tliL'ist.d 111. I lit ^ puij'LU the Ibth cent 1 iiu ..II

Ml' linl ii'iii I i\-v 111 iLTiix had nK tm i d 11 iti u } iitst the pa I ui n 1 1 I lit. viif,il Howe, author of "Tile Mnilern CjUli'.tiiUll 1 I uitb lute to ton k i \Mtli hum mill VVni nalli publlbliois who nic iiiiblisiiin^ his new book', which will be a dellnltbi; lilstoU ol Ihi lilii C)l coui^L lu wns licu to sie his Lhainiin., dau^lilci Mis ULM nu.x, nlso. Mr.. Howe liniis Ironi Kscoiiultlo;.Calif. ,

The .Ijtionnrd Wi j ls are busy this wcek'preparInK to move out to Iheir island for tiie iesl of tiie spn.son, ,;

Mr/.and Mrs. Louis'Ilildebrniid and clilldrcn' lioblii anil Rodiiiw from • Charlott'csvillo, VirKliibi, spent'ten .days wtlh Mrs. Ilible-brands' folks, Mr. lind Mrs. Rob­

ert VWU4H, '; ~~ ^Ir, and Mr& I. ThOitias Grant {

nflMnignn Point weie recent guests nt Ml and Mrs I rank Ilealn*. KISO IIHIUII^ were Ml

oiKl Mn nobett Short and Iheli • i \ Lhlldien of Nortbnniplon IMniii

An\ ot >ou bo\s \\\ut nie Ih-Irresti (I In loliiln); tin difti lent biatulii^s of the senicp will fliiit si iile Information lieio nt the md of luv column".each week about I ho different '.branches,

Ihe All hone U 0 1 C lins Mnwall and Puerto Rico with a Mnlls at 188 campuses In tbi 11 s totnl rarolhnent of around I'lO.-OtlO Ihosi who lnk( le^iiiai int lliglil lialnlii^ faiL thui \iiiis of active duly and five i"ii'" i' the ivserVe. wliUo tho handful who Irala lor non-flyinn leciinl, till; jobs Inee two years of iiclhi serviei* and six'In the rc^ervi rhyslcnily quallfl(?d sluiii'iit.s nic

prcsniHsd to take air crew traln-Ing.

\Vl.>!liliiR onp and all tt plensnnt w^ek-end


Thur, June 9, 1955 . Branford Raview-Easl Haven N e ^ s . 3

TENSION SCREENS * A Snap to Install * Easy to Operate * Low in Cost

UMI Pick Your Own P,yniciils

yi ' i i | ' in ,., » I 0 O »300 •sob

~ 1 ,'i.:';,'^ ; ! i . • . : . • " ! M.ti:.

211 ,M.i. I'Un $ f.::-}. -

l:i.',!,". :!ii.vii

A t . n . t |.o>".pntt t o . - f . . . . . . '1>. „<i 1 A loft i . o l t i n O (,^1't l . ' l t Ml w l . . . . p. , ," , , .11. 'P,,.,,.l .n W <., ' . . . . monl l .1 , i n . t n l lmen i , o l 1111 0.', oocl>

1 . . • . • • - , , - , —i. ' . r . ' i . l l

we Mak-eloans in

• P l m n . ! fir-l a n d r.ivc 11^ n fiHv s i t n p i n f.ii-tv I 'poM : .p | i in \ ' . i l , inii i i- in t«i •iiCJl find p i . li u p tho t . i sh . Wl.otli .M \ n i i \\m\\ fv l i . i t i r J i tiou' 01 \\\\\\ tn r f d i i r i ' liiiiTilhh' ii,'i\'iin'iilN n i ' d ( I "n i l u p Ii i l l i lhiMiii;I> ('iM Hill r o i i M d i d i i l i n n SiMvii-o, phi ' i i i" . . . w i i l r . . . <n' 1 'MHO in toiliiy!

t o t i i u $ 7 5 lo $ S 0 0


ol Nrw llnv-n

109 CHURCH ST., 2n(l FI., Wpolwort i t DIdg., NEW HAVEN Phone: STflto 7-1181 • Ask (or the YES IV)AN»Eor

OPEN IHURSDAY EVENINGS UNII I B P.M. lonni mnil, to T.ild.nti ol nil luiiciiniling Ittwni

CoTumhia-maticd arc n snnp to install Inm insiilr—only a few minulcn per window. I'lit V m u p ' i n sprinR, take 'cm down in fall in seconds from iniiile. Sclf-niljuslinp! hccnusc of exclusive aiitonintic ten­sion, thcji re(iliirc no aiijust-mcnl. Anil they cost «uri>ris-ingly little.


.tain , J l lOHTWEIOHT . " V W M r r y ^ FULl LENGTH . • coraplttt In-

V SAFE AND SECURE. ..oiKiKd from iaiiide only

^ NO MAINTENANCE foryon lo come

y N O U O I Y HARDWARE lo mar t i l l

^ PRECISION MADE . . . for • per fec t fit , ' ';'

J DURABLE 'uftged conimKtloa

^ AnRACTIVE...Iail(le and out


BRANFORD 287 Main Si. •

BUIILDIN@ Brnnford •

SUPPLIES Cul! HU 8-2518

WASP PRINT CHAILI5. Soft touch (soft o t tha fabrir.) for D o d ' j tnsle. Excluslva

TruVal pattern in many hcindjoma color

combinat ioni—al l in wo j l i ab le rayon choll ls.

SMOOTH SAIIOR. Ho'll love hit fa-vorit« pastime pattern embroidered on this

exclusively det lgned sport ih i r t . Impeccably

tai lored In several popular colors. One of

TruVal's many Spor lorama pat tern i .

95 3

P L A I D C O O L E R . Dad doem' t have to

be Scottish to en[oy this tissue-cool combed

cotton p lo ld . Short point tp reod collar end

r o u n d e d pocke ts i r tv i te c o m p l i m a n l s —

breeres, too. !CAQ5

C O T T O N B R E E Z E , He' l l o k a / i h i i

h e a t - b e a t i n g o p e n - v / e o v e S a n f o r i z e d

combed col lon wi th a tut in ovorp la id . In­

verted pleot, button-thru pocket ; ond fine

Tru-Lu^e but toni add tty le. Whi te or pot le l

colon. 2 95

You1l agre^ with HORWITZ DEPT. STORE

Every Dad should have lis day


Want to please Pop? Here are five ways to pamper film in style..

Created by TruVal, these easy-fitting sport shirts are tailored to

taste,..designed for cool comfort...ALL COMPLETELY WASHABLE.

And—so nice to know—the fashion and quality don't show tho ' •I \ , •

thrifty price. Whatever style you choose—he's sure to like it.

CAt l rOfJNIA DIAAA0ND5. Won Coast Inspifotlon for CD05t.to.coa5l good lool i i . Several handsomo color COmblnallon*

Ir. Sanforued line combed coMori broadcloth, $Cil95

HORWITZ DEPT. STORE 228 Main St. • Branford • Conn.

Phone HU 8-2549

Open Friday Until 9 pm — Free Parking In Rear

We }Velconte Cliaryo Accounts

. ' 1. V H I . J •

".-•-.'••'. >. '«


Page 3: x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers · .school. In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iir d Iliiill.v , sai u t tha time tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers




• ' ; «

f o r t l ie p e o p l e i<v a u c h l o c a l e s . If t h e t o w n i« siic'cefi^tuli t h e n d e V e l o p i n ^ n t s a t e panat in M i l f o r d . l l Wuri ld h e impoBBlli le t o t i i i l d l o w -cnn l lioilBlngi n n d f i n a n c e Biicli n d d i l i o n n i f e n t t i r c s n n d s t i l l c o m e o n t w i t h n p r o f i t .

T h e r e n i i \ y h e n w a y o u t , d t h e r t h a n w h n t ^ h l f o r d is t r y i n g . W o u l d 'it h e i l l egn l t o ' p n n s ni l o r d i n n n c e b a r r i n g n b u i l d e r f r r tm o h t n i n -i n u i n p r e t h n n B A p c c i l i e d h u n i h e i r o f ' p e r m i t s nl b n c ' t i m c ? I T i n t is, t h a t n k i i i l d c / b e ril-lovved , any, o n l y o n e b u i l d i n g p e r m i t p e r 3 0 d a y s , T h u s ' h o o n e c o r i t r n c t o r / ; b u l d c r e b l m or : e " l h r i n 12 h o u a c s p d r yc i i r . N o V I h l a ' o r -d i t m n c 6 n e e d n ' t h e s o r c a t r i c l i v c na j u a t i l lua-I r n t c d . ' ' . • '

It c o u l d b e e n l a r g e d ' t o n i l o w .3 b u i l d i n g p e r m i t s in a 3 0 d n y p e r i o d t o o n e c o n t r a c t o r . O r l i l low n c o i i t r n c t o r t o s e e k na n i n n y p e r -t n l l s a s h e w i s h c n , h u t e n c h p e r m i t b e t h e o n l y o n e I s sued h i m ' l o r n p a r t i c u l a r a r e a . T o r ihsl i i r icc, n c o n t r a c t o r ctjUld g e t 15 p e r ­m i t s a i t n u l l n n c o u a l y , b u t t h e s e p e r m i t s ' w o u l d s p e c i f y t h a t t h e h u i l d i n g d c o u l d n o t h e c r e c t -

, Entered n.i M'cona clnun m n l i c r o n jviay. io, c d w i t h i n I 5 0 0 f e e t of e a c h o t h e r , ^ 5 2 , .a t New l lnvcn, Connect icut , u n d e r ^hc act S u c h n p l a n w o u l d p e r m i t E a s t H a v e i l t o o | ^iarcli 3, 1879. - grovy, y e t n o t o u t of p r o p o r t i o n t o i t s a b i l i t y

— ' r=y^j — j ~ . ^ I ' ' . - — 5 — - ~ : — - t o h h s o r b s u c h g r o w l h . C o h t r a b l o r s d'oiild Whul Is I he i^olUllUlir , sti l l b u l l d , h u t h o t in a u d i cii 'miitlty; P c i - h h p s

A l t h o u g h r , » s t l - l nvcn , a s a t o w n , is I 7 0 t h e p r o f i t for t h e c o n l r B c l o r W o u l d n p t b e M y e p r a o l d , it i s j u a t b e g i n n i n g t o e x p e r i e n c e K ' ' : " ' , - ^ > ' " . n e i t h e r w o u l d t h e h n b i l i t i c s of s e v e r e g l o w i n g p a i n s . L i k e i t s ' s i s t e r t o w n s t h e p r o p e r t y . o w n e r i n c r e a s e s o . r a p i d l y , • ' a l o n g t h e C o n n e c t i c u t s h o r e l i n e . E a s t J - h i v e a , 7,!".'' l " W » . m i i « l h n V c s c h o o l s ^ a n d o t h e r

. r .i-_ J • 1:.:.. !_: i i , _ . f a c u l t i e s t h a t a r c u p - t o - d a t e . B u t it a l s o m u s t

9hff Cnflt mttnni ffrmi ' runMsiir.i) BVTCIIY THIIUHDAY


iNconroitATi';!! 80I& n t x w r t i Avrriiir, l lnltidrii , Orijtil,

r U A N K .1, I'lONTON, KfJITOIl

i laiars l l m i n n i i , AdvrrtiHli.jf M n n n ^ c r ' TIIK r.AHT IIAVKN NKW,S

^SI)MHJnBlrcel,T<^t.lI(>1-5BII Itox 211! E a s t Haven

AUVEBTISINO ItATBS ON A r i ' M O A T I O N Biialiiess 'J'dt^plinne A T w a i e r 8-10(11

BinBSCnUPTION: ' $11.5(1 Per year payable In advance

(jiNULB corv »c second clnun m n l t c r o n May 15,

r o x o t i NEWS •< •' Engaged "^

ja f e e l i n g t h e i m p a c t of t h e g r e a t l ivc- i r i - t l ie -a 'dburbs m o v e m e n t t h a t h a s i n f e c t e d ' t h e u r -bn'n d w e l l e r s i n c e I 9 ' 1 6 . ; ; ;

E y c r y o n c k n o w a , o r s h o u l d k i i ' ow , -Hin t l l ic Ci>i5a'e o ] th i s g rovv th ia a poa l ' -wnr i n s t i t u t i o n , k n o w n a s t h e h o u s i n g d c v c l o p n i c n t . ' M e r c flie o v e i u g e f a m i l y ca i i b u y a h o m e w i t h a s m a l l ic juwn p a y m e n t a n d " p a y t h e m v r l g u g c pff l ike r e n t . "

T h e i i t l c n d u n t e v i l t h a t is a t t a c h e d t o siicl

b e a b l e t o a f f o r d t h e m . A $ 1 * 5 0 0 , O O O ' j u n i b r h i g h s c h o o l w o u l d n ' t Be of' r n u c h u s e t o ; n g h o s t t o w n ; ' n b r w o u l d ii i n p d e r n o e w a g c uys ton i b e n e e d e d for t h e c a r c t a k e r a w h o w o u l d b e all t h a t r e m a i n e d i f ' t h c t i i x p n y c r i s f o r c e d t o i i i o v e o u t . '

Driver Eilucalion Program — . . . - - A t t h e M a y 2 7 m e e t i n g of I h e B o a r d of

d e v e l o p m e n t s is t h e fac t t h e t o w n in w h i c h it [r j , i ; . „ | o „ , S i i p l . of S c h o o l s R . V e r n o n H a y s i s l o c a t e d l iaa n o t t h e faci l i l ics t o c o p e w i t h o u b m i t t c d a r e p o r t o n a D r i v e r E d u c a t i o n s u c h s u d d e n g r o w l h . T h e s c h o o l s a r c t o o p f o g r „ i n for h i g h Hchool s t u d e n l s . T h e o v c r -Blnulll l l i c s a n i t a t i o n s y s t e m i n a d e q u a t e ; „ | | c o s t t o l l ic t a x p a y e r , a c c o r d i n g l o S u p t , pnuii icipul e m p l o y e e s o v e r b u r d e n e d w i t h H a y a , will b e $ 4 , 3 1 6 . 5 5 . '

w o r k n n d t h e t o w n ' s t a x i n c o m e I n a d e q u a t e ; y\ „ „ „ | | , , , 1 , : ^ | o p a y if it m e a n s a a v i n g t o c o r r e c t t l icoc d e f l c i c n c i c o . M o w d o e s a o u r I c e n a R c b o y a a n d g i r l s f r o m p h y s i c a l d ia-l o w n s o l v e t h e s e p r o b l c n i a J a b i l i t y o r d e a t h r e s u l t i n g f r o m a n a u l o a c -

T o d a y , t h e o n l y a u l u l i o n is t o i n c r e n a e t h e ^ j j e n t , l a x r a t e . I d o w e v e r , ihiu w a y o u t leac ls t o a / y s if in c i i iph i io l s t o s u c h a p r o g r a m , o n e d p a d e n d si l e e l . P e o p l e c a n o n l y ' . a T f o r d t o i , . cck l a t e r , f o u r y o u l h 8 , , i i b n e of, virliom liii>d p a y s o m u c h — e x c e e d . t h a t a n d y o u d r i v e r , ; u ^ h c d t h e a g e of 2 I , ' w e r e k i l l e d ill a t r a g i c t h e m , a n d c o n o c q u c n l l y Ibe t o w n , , i n t o h u n k - m , c k - B U t o c o l l i s i o n in U r a n f b r d : ' If . f o u r r i j p luy . D y i i i c i r e r t s i ng Inxea , t h e l o w i l a u t o - d c H l h a , d o e s n ' t i m p r e a s y o u . a s ihc ' ing m a n y , l |mt ic t t l ly i n c r c i u c a " t h e r.enl l ike p a y m c n l a " ^]^^a v^ ra s t l l e l u l a l • dca t lV c a a i i a l l i c a f o r t h e o l t h e ) i e w l i p m e o w n e r s . In self d e f e n s e t h e {^rccn i m d e r Ai ' idrcvv. J a c k s b n ' a i . N 6 w G r -t io lh o j v n e r wil l v a c a t e b y c i l l i c r s e l l i ng o r Ifcaiis, a n d l o i i r . t i m e s i h ? cRSuiiUics; s u f f e r e d t e l l i ng . t h e i n o r t p j a g e c , t o . l a k e . o v e r . S o o n i t b ( . D e w e y ' s n a v a l u n i t lit t h i e , , . b a t t l e of M i i -wi l l b c | t h e l a t t e r , for vylio wi l l b u y p r o p e r t y „ j l , j B u y , " ' ,.- • > • • ' '•'

80 h e a y i l y b u r d c i j c c l . w i t h n \ l a x l i e n ) . , , ] / „ H I H a v e n is l i o i i r i m i g u f a l i h p q p m c l h i n g " T o w ' n s . ' a r c ae i i i lching f o r a n o t h e r a n s w e r , i , cw in t h e f ie ld of ' •8ccbr )da ry ' , ' c ' c J i | ca i io i> ,

w i l l \ M i l f o v d . l c . i d i n B . l h c >yuy , . S o fur M i l - ^ jar^y o t h e r . t o w n a . t l i r o u g l i b i i t ' N c W ' E n g l a n ' d ; t o r d ' a a t t e m p t s h a v e , b e e n r c b u f f e f l b y t h e h a V c .flcen f i l i i i l h c ' y < i » r a aii l tR W u f W ' W » r S l a t e ^ o u t t s , b i l l M i l f o r d is atil l" t r y i n g . . t o JJ : ' to ,Ltench l l i e i r ; yoiHhvli 'oV<^;i .o"drive, u n d e r (.'omc i | p w i t h t h e ' c o r r e c t Bohi l io i i . • ' ., t o i n i j c l e n t a u p e r y i B b r y c o n t r o l : •;• '; , ' . • • '

H o w e v e r , \'.mt l - layei i c u i i n o l a f f o r d t o •, D r i v i n g a n a u t o i r t b b i l c t o d a y is a n iiriiJbr-sit hac ic a n d a w a i t I h e r c u i i l l s o f Mi l fb rd ' . a i n n t : p a r t ' o f e v e r y o n e ' s d a i l y l i fe . . Y * t • t h e l l i l -or- ipiaa m e l l i o d a . ' I h e l e a d e r s of t h i s t o w n „ v e r u « c a p p r o a c h i s t o let t h e , y o u t h l e a r n a s n \ua t i i i o v c o n t h e i r o w n i n i t i a t i v e . ; If t h e y , | , c i , f a t h e r s b e f o r e t h e m l e a r n e d . | 3 y o b s o r -d o n ' t l l i c y wil l h a v e fa i l ed t h e p e o p l e w h o y n l i o n , o r t h r o u g h h a p h a z a r d t e a c h i n g r 'neth-l u o k e d ' t o I h c m l o p r o l e c t t h e i r h o m e s a n d o d s . . . . <•

t h e y wi l l h a v e fa i led t h e t o w n a s a w l i o t c . M a n y a r c t a u g h t b y Ihe i r p a r e n t s , a n d t h e

M a n y of o u r c iv i c . l e n d e r s fee l t h a t . b y i n - sjiia of t h e i r f a t h c r a - a r c . y i a j t e d - u p o n t h e m , d u c i n g . i n d u s t r y t o c o m e t o t o w n , i h e p r o b - | "o r m a n y f a l h e r a w h o h o l d ' a d r i v e r ' s l i c e n s e Ic in wi l l b e r e s o l v e d . T h i s is n o t s o . I n d u a l r y t o d a y a r e n o t c a p a b l e o p e r a t o r s . T h u b a d h a s a p r i c e , a n d wl in l is lu iua l ly e x a c t e d i n d r i v i n g ' h a b i t s t h e y p i c k e d ' i i p w h i l e I c a t n i n g , t a x e s I r o t n s u c h i n d u s t r y i s r e t u r n e d in o n e o r a f t e r , a r c p a s s e d o n t o . thp i f . e h i l d r e n , f o r m q r l l i c o l h c r . ,, I J r i v l n g e d u c a t i o n . s h o u l d n o t . b i j l i s t ed in t h e

, I n d i i s l r y m e a n s t h e in f lux of o u t s i d e l a b o r s a n i e c a t e g o r y a s " w h a t vyn« ' g o o d e n o u g h fbr p n o t h i n g . S u c h a n i n f l u x n e e d s p a y e d l o r h i a f a t h e r i s g o o d < i i j q i | gb ; fb r h . i h j i " ' F o r sircfitB;; ( j o n s l a n l s t r e e t r e p a i r ! i n c r c i i s e d p p - w h a t i n s l r u c l i o n s i i i ay" h a v e ' s u f f i c e d f o r t h e ' H c e , f o r c e ! i n c r c i i a e d f i re p r o t e c t i o n . A l l t h e s e [ n l h c r 2 0 y e a r s a g o , m a y t o d a y b e j u i t mjijit b e (iffoi 'clcd fo r p e o p l e w h o a r e . n o t e n o u g h l b i n s u r e t h e s o n ' s d e n i i a e , r e 8 i d c n t i ( , . a n d w h o d o n o t p a y o n e c e n t in . h i s t u d i e s c o n d u c t e d b y . t h e ' A u l o q i o b i l e t a x e s , n o r s p e n d Ihc i r p a y c h e c k s in ihitCmii.T A w o c l a t i o n of A m e r i c a it h a s b e e n p r o v e d , n ic lpBl i ly . - ; , I h n t t h e p r o p e r l y I r a i n c d i j ' b u t h fa r s u r p a s s e s

If y p u t h i n k t h i s i s f a l l n c i o u a r e a s o i i i p g —;• i h e i m p r o p e r l y t r a i n e d a d u l t in t h e o p e r a t i o n cliei;k i i p , p n . N e w , Y o r k C i t y a n d n o ^ c t h e , r e - o f ; a p a u t o m o b i l e . ' ' '

p e B l c d ; a t l e i n p l 8 i h c y h a v e m a d e . t o i n t r o , . . Y o u t h s a r e . p r e c i o u s , | h e y a r c t h e f u t u r e d i i c c - l e g i s l a t i o n ' t h a t w o u l d p e r m i t t h e c i t y t o of t h i s t o w n ; of t h i s c o u n t r y . W e , i a p i i r o p r i -lajt ,but-of-a_tate r e s i d e n i a w h o w o r k in t h a t a t e m i l l i o n s of d o l l a r s l o r t h e i r ' j s d u c a t i o n ; nve l tbp 'o l i s . N e w Y o r k is w e l l a w a r e of t h e s p e n d m i l l i o n s m o r e • t o r t h e i r , ' h e a l t h a n d a m o u n t of t a x e s t h a i ia u s e d u p c a r i n g for w e l f a r e ; a n d s p e n d u n t o l d h o u r s a t h o m e aijcj) w o r k e r a . l e A c h i n g l h e m t o b e g o o d , u p r i g h t a r i d G o d -

' T h e i i w h a t is t h e s o l u t i o n ) T o w n s l i ke t o f e a r i n g c i t i z e n s . ''••.' g r o w , b u t in a m o r e g r a d u a l f a s h i o n . P e o p l e ' ', Y e t d e s p i t e a l l t h i s , w h e n t h e y c o m e t o t h e lilje t o o w n h o m e s , b u t c a n ' t a f f o r d t o p a y a g e w h e r e t h e y c a n l e g a l l y o p e r a t e a m o t o r i q o h i g h a p r i c e . C o n t r a c t o r s "niust b u i l d v e h i c l e , p a r e n t s p r a c t i c a l l y . i h r o W t i h e m t h e h o m e s Uo s t a y in b u s i n e s s a n d k e e p t h e i r k e y s a n d a l l o w t h e m t o g o o u t o n tHiS h i g h -j i lbo r s t e a d i l y e m p l o y e d . ' • , ' , . , . • w A y s l o s e e k i n j u r y o r d e a t h ; . V

"There m a y b e a n a n s w e r . M i l f o r d t r i e d S i i p t . H a y s , a n d P r i n c i p a l C a r l G a r v i n a r c ti> b a r ; d c v c l o p m e n t 8 e n l i r e l y . .T ins , p r o v e d l o b e c o m p l i m e n t e d b n i n s t i t u t i n g a d r i v e r w r o n g . Nowr t h e y o r e t r y i n g t o m a k e i t a l a w , e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m . : F o r if i n o r i c y l s t o . : hc t h a t d e v c l b p i n c n t b u i U l e r s i n s t a l l s e w e r s , s p e n t e d u c a t i n g t h e youngt , m b n c y m u s t ' b e a i d t w a l k s , p a v e d Btrccta a n d e v e n s c h o o l s s p e n t to p r e s e r v e t h e m ^ •:

Pcdica l lon of Deer flun School coming u)! Oils Sunday n l 1 PM sure to liring . " o h h ' s " and "Alih ' s" from visi tors w h o hav­e n ' t yet t invclcd Us RllaleninK hal ls .

H e r e ' s a p a l on the bade In Ihc E l c m c n t a i y School BiilMihn C o m m i t t e e for the i r good tas te and devotion to d u l y ;

• • * • * •

W o I i o p e ' t o hO' l l l c ro . Ion. tn gbl a pccit a t t ha t drcnmlxint Ifttclicrt, Which m a k e s u» wcm-doi- If Ihoy'll s t a l l t h e i r hnl l u n c h p rog ram- this F a l l ?

Toiios ' a lo t of coopera l lon , h u t - wi th 80 m a n y of the chil­d r e n "bus Irnnsiiori.s, ' ' n good i i b t ' ' iuriciv should bo welcome in cold, w e a t h e r ,

, . ,. • * .*..* *

Wei l do w e ' r c n i c n i b e r n visit wc p n i d - a low y e a r s bnclt- lo Foxon Sclioot w h e r e Marlon ' rhumiwon a n d IVIildiyjd nacon w e r e pres id ing . Sup l . ' of schools Wi l l i am. Glllis w a n g l e d an "in-v i l e " . f o r Dot Krocd, D o t Ilcnd-Ing and Ihe w r i t e r for luncheon.

Minni-iimiii - t h a t aiiepiierd'a plo ,- no wondor t h e kids cnmo back for Hccund.s .- and IhlrdH. And whiit a c o n t i a s l in kit­c h e n s !

4. • • • • * . . ' *

Mr. and Mrs . Wnilier T^cc of F o x o n Iload were p re sen ted with a n o w baby boy on M a y 28th a t G r a t e - N e w Haven Hospi ta l .

S u r e of .a p a r a d e on lier b i r th -d a y will bo the now dnugh lc r borii to Mr. and Mr*. John.lVliils of 11 A r t h u r Ud. 6n May 30 a t St . ' I l aphncl ' s . ,

. * * * *.. *• J u s t w h e n t he boys had . about

c a u g h t up with Ihfl girls, the scales s t a r t t ipiiing the o the r w a y again , D a u g h t e r s were a l s o b o r n t o ' M r . a n d ' M r a . T h o m ­as Joiinsoii of 23 Damon Dr.. a n d Mr. and Mrs. Cha r l e s Fol -acy of 12 Ar t lu i r Rd., both ba­bies a r r iv ing on J u n o 1.

Mr. niKl .Mrs. Ituyinniul .1. Illll of ICast l lnvcn, ai inouiu '-ril ( h e ' rnf^nRi'tnciit of the i r riiftlr.r dnllRlller. MINI l''.vo.l.vn l l l iesl , 1*1 Alrninn I i l . . lohn Tre to i i r .Ir., H(»n of Mr. n-iid nir». , I»ha Trc lonr SSr., of N o r t h I lavni i . Airman " T r c - ' lonr U prcsenll .v ittntl'mod a t BIcChord Air t'nreo B a s e , Wash lnRton .

polntod a t t h e T rumbu l l H i g h School nex t yeaiv

One M o n d a y n i g h l a t ' 7 t i ie

P a r e n t Teachei ' s Association of

HI-Notes T i n following atuiicnts in Mrs .

t a u f a Cou l t e r ' s Typ ing I I ciass-fs were awarded cer t i t icatos t o r jipeed and accuracy a t ta ined i n ' the high school will give a d in -Ihi! Grbjig C o m p e l c n t Typli i« j ncr a t the Rivers ide Fli-chouse ' rests (or typ ing proficiency: 1 Mary K e n n o y , 51 words pur m i n u t e ; G e i a l n c Jackson , S I ; Jfinet DoSpln 50, B a r b a r a F u n -»ra 4B;- K a t h y Brc re ton "18; Mafywin Nu'^io .18; Thc reso I ' e t r l l l o . 48; Ann Potr l i io 40; Moi'earf!t B a k e r 43; Ela ine P i s -cll'iijTl ^Z; •F red K r o n b e r g 45 ; Mi(r|o Spat laconta 44; Caro le Miirlln 44; Rbsoniarlo Bn l samo 43 ; ; Naiicy .Mnisaiio 4 3 ; ' S h i r l e y W a r d l e • 42; M m c l a Vorks 42; Judy Campbel l 40; M a r y B i o y -liiaypr <Jl); A n n . S a r n o 38; iMnr-llyn ruifillo 37; Be l ly Cook 36; Evplyn Zaionskt 33,

Hull (o r the Sonior Class, M a t h ­e r s o( the class will he lp lo serve. Mrs, Or lando; Orifice Is c h a i r m a n , . . , ,

Mlcliaci .Puoliilii- and T e d Sull ivan win racalve t h e S a v l t l

ui'cu school lieac)s'. a rc confer r ing with V a l e ' ; Unj\(era|ly (acui ty ineinbers ; on Iht. m e r i t s of a now m a s t e r of o r i s p r o g r a m in teacli-ing.

Congralulut lor is to o u r good frluiid, Kdgar S u c p r e n a n t , who d r o p s one gavel on ly to t a k e up anolhoif; Ed has Jus t been elect­e d , p res iden t of t h e . F o x o n , Paiik Civic Assoc , succeed ing WllUdni Co. t , \wlm c o n t i n u e s . a s ' v l c e ' p t ' c s -IdenL ;• t.; • •'.. ' •• : . '•^ iv.- './ • 'pthqr, .otll .ceV»; a r e Miss s ib l la IJawIlliowBkl. , ' ' (HII7, . ' .Wcasurer ; Wrsi Er ic 'Mynaon;, . (Hi 'ad ' , you,' Iqol) 'r;e(iordlng se.crei6r.v;;.Mi's. Jqin ' i . -Hbrno, ^corfeiBpbndlng,,sec­r e t a r y , ' o l i d Mrs. ':'.Tpso'pli/ l^olar-' c'zyk.- • nibm'bershlp-, Icdmmll lde 'chai ' rmnn. ' i . . ;• . , ' 1 ; . ' • • ; i •',

• . ^ , . , . ' • . . . • * ' . ' * ' . • • * . , * , . , ; . . . . ' , , . ; , .

.'I'hp. g rpup has ' suspeiideii ,tts meet ings , ' 'diirlhg the Sunih ie r mpntl is , ' bu t yoii' c a n ' j u s t bet if ally issue develop!!, they ' l l be In t h e r e figjiting.

MU(ih of the c r e d i t f o r ; r c -tainihg- tlie • N o r t h • Branfo rd ' bus lino goes t o ' this civlc-nilndod g roup - more power to 'cm.

• * ' * * * ' .

In cafc'in i\nypne llilnlcs wc sud­denly developed delusions of g r a n d e u r wltli Iho^ s to ry about our " U i i c i o Kar l ," , tho aut l ibr WHS supposed to r e m a i n anony-inoUs; orul fur t l iorn iorc , a s pr in ted , 11 wasn ' t en t i re ly "he r own words ."

Uncle K a r l w o u l d - doubti.:ss have apprec ia ted a p ic ture of t h e - s t a l u e lie c r ea t ed of N a t h a n ITale to r which wc^ seemed to bo, t ak ing credit. ' o i i , - w e l l , pr ide gbeth befoi-o a fall.; We promise II won ' t happen again .

' • # • * ; * ' * • , - ; : "

Ah-huli - 'so wo missed ' t h o la tes t p ic tu re of Lt . Conidr. Henry . ; Gemskl arid his conimil -t e e . ' ' Sorry , sir. Holys tone Ihc deck ' / Ay6, aye , s i r !

Wondor . w h a t t he officers call cical i ing a steel d e c k ? Wo can imagine wl ia t t h e enlis ted nibn Avbuld have lo s a y a b o u t i l .

' ' • * ' • ' • : ' * *

W e have a couple of quest ions w e ' d like to toss a t E. Wil l iam Much! , w h o . ( l "s a dual role a s c l ia l rman ' o f the "PT'A Council F a c t Flndihjj' C o m m i l t o e , anil a j f ie inber of thn SahitatloiK Com-ni i t tcc . , .' '

* * - • . * . • .

Quest ion li' If. 3 1 leaks t i m e s X n u m b e r _or sower s equals $5 million, and 45 cla.ssioonis t i m e s 1350 pupils equa l s S2 n| l i i ion. which Is the b e t t e r inves tment in immedia t e n e e d ? And which

too, but he had a good'concrete reason for not comins. '

4 * 4 » «

Fine h i g h - t y p e re|iortor w e a i e l An amused neighbor Just called to ask if wc l<hew we had a s w i m n d n g poo l ' r i gh t In o u r own ncigl ibori iood. We didn't . W c k n o w w h e r e there ' s ano ther nice one w e d like to Iry on tor size - d o w n a t Uiversldc a t the J o h n s o n homo.

Anyone else want to go on record a s iiiatcliine High Ridge in lo cortvenlcnce the awimminy pool? , . . '

» • » • » •

Antlioiiy ' rbrclio, son of Mr. and Mi's: Rallih 'I'orcllo of H u s -so Ave. look a v e r y . p r o l t y b r ide l a s t - w e e k . She was Ela ine • Ba -ruccl of Now Haven, d a u g h t e r o f ; M r . and Mrs . F rank Barucc l . W h e n they r e t u r n frp'ni a hbh -cyiiioon In Miaini Beach they ' l l live on r iusso ..Ave. ' ; . . ' . ~.'.'>--y"^ . ' . * ' ' ' * . , * v ' ' . * ^ ; ; - • ' . • '

Tiie Sonior Class will bo ld tlmlr P r o m l o m o r r o w n i g h t in Ills liigh school gymnas ium. Miss Jnni) M c F a r l a n d a n d Leona rd OrKluo a r e serv ing a s c h a i r m a n .

On Wednesday, tlie (acui ty will

iiold a l e a in iioi)or o( Wili iani

Kosl, tho Spanish t eacher . Mr.

Kosl is leaving t he local sciiool

sys tem Id ncceiil! a position in

Trumbti l l .

, Thu r sday , all t he seiilwrs lucky enough f to have Mr." isilly us a

a w a r d s on Monday night. Mike I home rodin teacher , will go on for baseball and T b d for b a s k e t - 1 a picnic. bail , ' l l ie d inne r will be held a l | Die R d y . T o m p k i n s House .

should Wc allow to overf low?

***** Quest ion 2. If a sufficient

number ' of people liad enough in ­t e r e s t in (ho Jun io r high Ip "pack ' ' a town m e e t i n g , cou ldn ' t t h a t s ame n u m b e r of i n t c r e ; l e d people be expec ted to vote a t a r e f e r endum?

A t ea will be jsiven by the R o l a r y a n n s for the girls of the Soiiior class on S a t u r d a y a t 2 i n llic l l a g a i n a n Memor ia l Libroi 'y. 1

Lots of act ivi ty , t omor row; tho basebal l t e a m plays Nor t l i Ha­ven a t tho ho.me (ibid in t h e uf-Icriiooii, aiiij llio F r e s h m a n frpiic a t the i r a n n u a l liiiiice In tho eve­n ing a t t l i i ? ;gym;V. . sdmo t r ep i ­dat ion t o e ' - - Sonior e x a m s s l 'ml

Tlio ( acu i ty of ' t h e ; . h igh , , „ ,. • , -, 1 scl ibbr g a v e , a len in honor o t i toniorrow', w d l be ;concluded Wl l i l4m Kost , Spanish t e a c h e r , 'Wonday, ' '(jfl T t iesday ioUowing the cipso 'otsvhS'^h .Ml'. K9^t '."'"1 l eave E a s t f i ^ v e n a t t he c'lid of t h e school .:.>,eiu', .JittvUifi been afi-•••-jSKl-yvtM . ' •'

Pr inciple Ca r l Ga iv ln , will bo sea ted a t a tab le , downi In M o i V a . . . . b u t not lo sing t he WhlUenpo i lo r . H e and p t l i e r

Receives B. A. F r e d Blakc t lee , t on of the. l a t e Mrs . W a l t e r Alien uf 41 Old Foxon l lnad, received Ida buoliclor of a r t s degree a t t h o II 1th cominencGiocnt c x c r -cisos of Ohio Wosloja i i Uid-vcrst ty, • r hold . u ( D e l a w a r e , Ohio, IMonday,

Nursing.Afiatf. TTo Meet T h e r egu la r mee t ing ol l b s

Publ ic l i ca l t l i : Nurs ing Associa­tion w l l l b o ' h e W Monday, J u n e '6, n l 8 p. m, In the T o w n Hal l .

R e g u l a r mee t ings of the asso­ciation wlli be omi t t ed du r ing the luou ths of J u l ^ and Augus t .

Quest ion 3 . And since tiie r c ( -c renduni won ' t lie a legal de­cision, a n d a t o w n m e e t i n g will bo necessary to a l loca te funds

j for w h a t e v e r p l a n is adopted , won ' t (hose s ame people still bo In te res ted?

***** Of, course, w e ' r e not ' real ly

pu t t ing Professor Muehl on t he spot, b u t some p r e t t y s m a r t p e o ­ple ou t Foxon w a y have been ask ing these Ident ical ques t ions , and anyone in t e res t ed in a mod­e r n approach to . Ihe i r youi ig-s te r s ' educa t ion o u g h t to .know t h e answer . Br i ckba t s , anyone?

* * ' * * • .

Met Mrs . N a n c y Pnlmisano of Joan Ct. at a birth-day pa r ty In Branford lost Sunday . Would h a v e liked lo a ie« t li«r husband,

\ '

' 'j'Ariptlicr.'r'pceiil'.iiride'.'Hvas F a y Mcio, .daugi i tc r .bf':,Mr':'fa'nd r Mrs . J . ;Melo, who miirricd:; E d w a r d D b i i r o c ' - ' s o n - . b t . Mra.-';;Eilward Don roe, • aild tho late M r . f ' D p n -r'b5,;'who 'p r io r ; to ' , , h lB 'dea t i i 'was actiyo inlciyic-affairs; , ; -• ; ' ' ' ;•• ' . ' , • " . ' ' ' ' • • ' - " » . ' ; . ' • . ' * ' * * * , ' * / ' . - : ; . ^ . . ' ' ; : . •

•'.••JIow |.abpMt,;a'.shower, p i , c a r d s lo,'!irtle;'rios,5;,Ali.a'siflsi4;'wJio'ju'st j a i ' t e d V com^a'ri'y, r<ylti)'.; li'is'• ..Ibn-'ii.lis.Tr/.illriss'.'vV.lvo' is'.B/-st'udenl' lit j t )g i> |a j ia ; ,Sclipi^lv >h"n'sj;,hc;eij-! la id ; u p . fo,r,('tbo'';^png,','?lid, .pbrjia'ps ;p •.y.oi'd'''pt '_chper', w),il''.^pi!cd. ;|iis r e -^cbviory;'"'; ' ' ;•;;;".-, ' ' '.,",'.•';'''"" .'•

,;,Wli.lcii ' r eminds u s ' - t h e g r a n d opohliig of Supe r prlando'.'i Mar-

^kpLbii ' Nbr , t | i r i l lgh St. w e n t ' ot i Willi' a;' bang ' ' i a f^ t 'week , w e ' r e tpid, .\yliiv. Pe t e ' s . ' c i ga r smokrj c i rd l l i igHhe cans , of bonn!j t h a t took so Ibi'ig t 6 ; s t ack . ; , ' : . T l i e y ' r c ' o f f ' to a' ijpod- s t a r t ,

and wo wisly them' lire best of l u c k , - b u t w h p put the ribl jon?

.*' • * • *

' . ' r i i e • Holy Nanie Socie ty of Oiii^ i^ady of Pohipcli Church w i l l ' m e e t n>;xt Tuesday nl'giil in theLcliurch lian Ayilh F r a n k Clif­ford presiding. , . ; , , ' : . • , I . •" .. •«; * *' ' • * ' ' ' .

T h e , peace and quie t , of tire valley a't 'Gicnpioor Is l e m p o r -ar l ly d i s rup ted las a ; g igant ic e a r t h n i o v c r cbo'vvs' up t h e g round on the land cionntcd [or a p lay­ground a couple of. .years, back .

.Wondor ,w ' i i a l IheKieveiopers a r e d o v c i o p i n g ? ' . . .,! ^ .

* " • * ' • . * . ' ' ' - ' ' , •

Ai l , good lhing.s,.conie lo an end,, inc lud ing dancing lessons. A p p a r c n t i y ins t ructor J a m e s Rp-gan w h o .we th ink Is p r e t t y spc-^ clal, too, has endeared himself n o t o n l y to his sixth g r a d e pu­pils; liiit to t h e , p a r e n t s a s - w e i l .

W e i e p e a t , WHY c a i r t ' t h e y linve classes . t o r - a d u l t s i And we.dvliitehliilic,'> l)o,ui';.\yays.-lo;.bo 'lrt'; 'il, ',soS'thcre;-'."' 'libw a b o i i l ' it, j j i n i ? " : ; { T - ' ' ; ; , : , . . . . . . '^^:-:•'•'• .•

Did^', you..,. ; know -. • t i ie . ;Ada 'mec lioine ..iipxt ilo.Vthi; ,;Fbx6n-. po'n-

?grcgaUpnai.,^,,Chui(;h;,v.use«i »to;'^'be lilio .••oi(l';'lpii' i iouso?, ' ; 'Wo',ra^' try-l i ig- lo ' butioiiiiplO'^Mr.];-A<la.moc

;.WIVo'^;wpH'e;'^bcpir;infornie.d';ls ;a V'wall<in%;';eiicy,eibp'(!dia''l bf, Fox -' b | i ; ' h l s l p r y . ' , ' . • • ' • ';'•>' • ' : • ' . . • ' . • . ' • • "

• ' • ! ' . ' ; . " • ' • • ; , * ' , * * . • ' . * ' • ' • . ' ' • - ,

' T l l e 'm'oi>3 WG dolvo i n t o Ihe town 's h is tory , llio m o r e we w o n d e r w h y sometli inE isn ' t done lo coninioniorate , p a s t e-vents , such as, the visit ,of LSCT a y e l t e d u r i n g tiio Revoii j l ion. ,

C h e s h i r e ; h a s llio r i g h t idea. B id y o u see Ihe pic of the p r e t ­ty mode l s dressed in s ty l e s of iiygouo d a y s ? And. w a s t ha t Mrs . Haro ld Hclfrlch o u r old friend Ha l ' s wife?

* ' • • . * » . , .

A . l o t of unself ish ' p e o p l e ; ana devo t i ng the i r spare t i m e t o tlie " s u b - m i n o r ' baseball l e a g u e s for the y o u n g s t e r s In town. FCUOH'S l ike Ral l ih Hurno r and T o n y Do-Mnyo, wlio couldn' t bo bus ier , still find e x t r a n iomcnis for the kids. Would tha t t h e r e w e r e m o r e of t h e m .

. . , ' • . * . * * * •

W e love basobaii, a n d t h e A'aii-liijes in par t icu la r . Good as Hie l o a m is, it'll n e v e r b e , t h e Same w i t h , Joo DiMaggio. Got ti l l n g l c every lime old No . 5 s lopped u p to the p l a t e , w e fild. G u e s s w e ' r e gett ing too old (o r t h e c u r r e n t crop of w o n d e r hoys. W h e n the umpires s t a r t looking good to us, we'll know wo are .

I You, t oo? _

Senior Graduation Program Amiounccd Uy Priiiclpar Garvin

•\ho K.ist Haven High School r.T-nduntlim rxpi'cises and Class NiKhl pni i t rnms wore rolensed iiy r.nri Cnivln . Iili;li .school princl-pnl yc'!<l''l'dny.

On ,Iunc IR. Ihc Big Nigh t scnliii'.s h;ivo nn l ldpn led for lolir .vcnrs, llip oxi-rcl.scs will begin nl S p. ni. Tho procession of griulimlcs will m a r c h Into t he nuililnrlum to " P o m p nnd Clr-cunislnncos" played on the or-.^nn by Mr. i. J o h n Rlrandiicrg, higli school music Ins l ruc lpr .

HnvlnR B.ssunicd the i r plnccs. (lie class w l l l s i n g Bornnrd H n m -hlrn 's "Wnlcii nnd Proy ." Tliis will be fo l lowed.by Ihe Invocn lion delivered by i he Rev. Alfred Morusi .

Michael Pnollllo will then give Ihc "Address of Welcome."

Fol lowing this t he g radua t ion speakcr.s, wlioso lnli<s will be iinacd on " T h e Molding of a Gonernl lon," will give the i r indi­vidual approaches to this subject.

Ba rba ra Lcnvs l ro in ' s will bo "Growth Iq M n l u r l t y ; " B a r b a r a P laskon, "Discovering F r l end -s h l p i " ' E lk i ibc th Kur tz , " N o n Schoino, Sed Vllne," Wil l iam W e b s l c r " ' r h o T r e e T h a t Is Life, Comes to F iu i t l on . "

T h e g r a d u a t e s will then sing, "Dawn of Des l iny" by Ra lph E . Wil l iams .

Michael Paoi l l lo will p resen t the class lo Pr inc ipa l Garvin , who in t u r n will p r e sen t i l lo Supt . of Sehopis R. Vernon Hays.

T h e p i e sen tn t ion of tho diplo­m a s will be marie by F r a n c i s W . 'Walsh, c h a i r m a n ot the Board of Educa t ion .

Fo l lowing t h e h a n d i n g out of the d ip lomas . the Rev. J a m e s D. Glasso win give Bencdict ioh lb tho class. .

Tills will conclude tho g r a d u ­at ion exorcises.

Class N i g h t Class Nigh t will be held J u n e

14 a t 8 p . m. and the sequence ot cven i s is as follows: Address ot Welcome, by Michael Paol i l lp ; class singing of "Keep I t G a y ; " r e a d i n g of Iho class h is tory by Dorptl iy Vogt and . Lind£(/. J a c o b -son; reading o'f tile class '\yili by CpnceUa San lano l ip , . -Ca ro l - Ve-iardt, Har.vcy B a r k e r aiiid' F r a n ­ces Lombard l ; : r e s \ i l t s of the pop­u la r i ty poll, ' b y ' M a r i e ' D e F l l p p o ; Class prqpi iesy by Sidney Clow,

Gcra lne Jackson , B a r b a r a F u n -a r o tM& J a m e s Cur ry .

T h e class will t hen sing, "Gradua t ion S o n g ; " nex t the citiss g i lU will be distr lbulod by Elij;nlK!th;DlP41ma, Mar io Ai tu i i . LoiS ' Judgc and Henry L U M I .

The resa Crlcchi iiiid Rober t B rcnnan will present the cla.ss gift to the school and Eil/.abolh DiPahnn will m a k e Ihc prcsen-tal lon of Iho class book.

T h e cln.ss will sing the high school Alma Mater , with t he sonior iiwnrda br inging the pip-grani to a close.

High Scliool Sporls Schedule

An eight g a m e footbnll sched­ule nnd n 1!) baskelbal l slate, t o r the 1055-56 sca.son, wero,rolca.sed, iiy. 'Coach F r a n k Crisnfl, of En.sl Haven High School, yes terday. ;

,Tlie unbcntcn footliail toani, tp))3.,in Glass B fonthnli compo-tiUpn; (or the past t h r e e yea r s , will pitiy throe games a t iionle,' arid fl.ve Dway. Wi th Ihc e.\cep-' tl6ii of. t h e Thanksg iv ing day ^ m o , lill games will be pinypd, o . i i 'Sa turday. Tiie season's opcn-^; er.'.wili be nguihst Sou lh lng ton . thVrc/ .ai id wil l close with the, tindjl ipnni, con tes t a t Branford . , ;.'lh ' hnskotbali , the t e a m \yiil

tiliiy; 10 g a m e s on the homo cOUi'ts nnd nine away. T h e soa-s i in ; , wi l l , open Doc. 13. hero agnin'st. W.est Hnven. and close o i f F c i ) . 17 a l Boardnuin T r a d e School.

i iTlie football schedule ; Sep t . 24; a£ S o u l h l n g t o n ; Oct. 1, St. M a i y ' s a t ' N e w Haven ; Oct. 8 Shciloii he'fc; Oct. 15,. open; Oct. 22; Woodro'w Wilson h e r e ; Oct. 29, Whliiiigfoi'd, h e r e ; Nov. 5, a t Seyiiiour; Nov. 12, o t N o r t h H a ­ven; Nov. ID, open ; Nov. 2 5 , ; a l Braiiford. ' '

.Basketball ' s chedu le : Doc. 13.

Wes t Haven, l ie ic ; Doc. 16,

Noi'th Haven iibrc; Dec. 2o; a l

^l . ' - . . Mary ' s ; Dec. 22, Wiico'x

Tech . he ro ; J a n : 3, Seymoui; ,

I t p r c ; ' J a n . 6, a t Shol ton; J a n ; l b !

dl • Wal l lngford; J a n . 13, B r a n ­

ford hero; J a n . 17 Derby he r e .

' . J i n . 20, a l Wilcox Tech ; J a n .

24.' Bonrdmun T r a d e , Iicrp; J a n ;

37 n l . N p r t i r i i a y c n ; J a n . 31. ^a'l

jjeyniou'r; , F e b . ' 3 . Shc l ton lioi-c;

Feb . 7. Wallhigroi 'd, h e r e ; .Feb ;

l,Oi,!at,Bra'nforcl; Foil. 13. a t . D e r -

l iy; ; 'yFob. 15. S t . ' Mary ' s h e r e ;

Feb..'17, a t Boardn ian T r a d e . ' •

Town Topics

Tiio l l rs t child (or Ralph and Brldgot Ca.slelioh, of 20 Stodda'i'd Road, is Rosaniie, born May . 15. at G r a c e Now H a v e n , i l o sp i l a l . ; Uaiph is a gene ra l Insu rance broker , wltli offices a t 264 Main S t r ee t . " ; .

* * * * * , • *

Adam, prop of Adam's House , Main S t r ee t , is p lann ing Ip e n ­close t he front p o r c h wi th Ja l ­ousie-type windows, for the ,con-, vcniencr. of those wiio have to wal l for a table . ' 1 .

***** 'i 'ho life of a l e g i s l a t o r ; , Rep .

Del M a u l t e lending a jhec t ic life in llic closing days, of ttie' A5.scnibly. Led the fight all Tuesday to, ge t t he S ta l e , to t a k e over Main S t ree t , go l h o m e a t 3 n. m. ; back to H a r t f o r d a l lO a. m. ; homo a t 5 a; ni. th is morn ing , a t his office a t 10 a.m.' And people flglil to ge t e lected! ,

* » ' * * • . '

Al and U i l i a n S tandlsh ; .Bl.U

nnd Wlinia McKay and George

and Lillian W a g n e r , had a- won- ;

derful weekend n l L a k e Kopake ,

a t t end ing the Lion a. In to rna- '

t iona l . S l a t e Convonl iPn. '

IVIOMAUGUIN ; Receives Degree : Nat ive , ' s t r a w b e r r i e s now on

s tands - j n o s t popular desser t I

shur tcako , being enjoyed. ^ — , —

Two 'more w e e k s of school. •

* ' * . , < . * * •Our s y m p a t h y to the family

of Wil l iam Bishop, former ly o l 101 George Stro.-t . Mr. Bishop passed ,aw^ay.' a t the M a s o n i c Honio in Wai l ingford las t week. His funeral w a s held from the W. S. Clancy F u n e r a l Homo S a t u r d a y a f te rnoon. I n t e r m e n t was in F a i r Haven Union Cem'.'-tery .

• T h e Saiji 'amoiit of Conf i rma­tion was adminis te red to 160 nt St . Claire 's Cl iurch S u n d a y n(-lernoon by His Excel lency. Arch Bisiiop of H a r K o r d , ' - W i l l i a m H u c k e t l .

***** SI . Cla re ' s qu i l d will, m e e t

Monday even ing in- the churcl i liali, JVlrs. E d w a r d K a r m a c i y n will pncs'lde a l tiie business scs-sibiV. ' M e m b e r s , a rc reminded• to b r ing an ar t ic le (or the tea cup auc t ion . T l i e A l t a r Socloly will mee t a t 8 preced ing t he r e g u l a r m e e t i n g . '

* * « , * * Joi in McMaiion. c h a i r m a n ,o(

the Zoning Board o t Apjieals, announced last n ight , t h a t t he appea l ot the Columbian C lub of E a s t Haven- Inc . , to r a w a i v e r of zoning r egu la t ions in o r d e r t h a t t he organizo t ion coUld build a c lubhouse on Roma' S t r e e t , has been approved; J[ol,iii said t he reques t w a s g r a n t e d because such a bui lding is in t h e n a t u r e of civic improvemeii ' t •)

* * * * « • ' ;

S p e a k i n g of t h e Columbian Club, i t was beau ges te oil t l ie p a r t of Constable Ddm Meiillo 16 d o n a t e a p a r c e l of land ijO by 56 feet, to t h e club in order , t h a t they would h a v e lite r i g h t of egress from R p m a . S l r e e L T h e p r o p e r t y ' . t h c ' c l u b pur,cli,ias-, od did not front, on the s t r ee t . ! '

' , * * * > V ? . •.' -' : , '

Side Holes t o . School ,,'dedica4' l i ons : .The f i a g s ' t o be ' r a i s ed ; at, O.verbrook; ' a n d ; . . ' D e e r ' - 'Run . sclioois,- ';iiavc 'flo.wn '. O^GY- ' thej n a t i o n ' s ' capitoi ' - and ' we're ; 'pb- ' la incd by tlic H a r r y -• 'Bart lei t nnd Foxon Posts , ' ' itiroiigii"' Cpn! A l b e r t W. Cre ie l la . 1' They-.>yiil bo presented .to •. Miss ' , *Ma'ry C u n n i n g h a m , ; principal •^of..Ovei''T brook and Mrs. M a r g a r e t ' M a c k , pr incipal of tieei: Run. ' ' ' '.'... '

Among the Invited gues ts to t h e dedicat ion cprembnies ' a rg f o r m e r Supl . of Schools Wi l l i am E. Gillis; Dr. W a r r e n G., Hil i ; and Char les F . RIcht J r . , o l the S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t ' of. Educallob.",

* * * „. ' ' ' I 'he P.T.A.'s a n n u a l d inne r for

liic high school sen io r s , wi l l ; be held Monday, a l Riverside i l a l l .

Anne Moi i lgomery, d a u g h ­te r (If Mr. - ilinr Mrs . B . W. MpiilRoiitory, of; C5'i 'riiiuup.son 'AVcinic, .wl i r receive u b a c h c - '

•llor's'; deg ree friyii Bntes . 'Col-J c g e , ' L c w i s t o n , ' ' M C , Sunday .

A iiiajdr in , iiiatitciiiailcst Miss MoiilBOiiiory has been a

-'meiiiboi; o f - M i c J o r d a n Rains-.deil. Society, the Ba te s OutiiiR: , CJuh and the Bates Chr is t ian ' 'Assouiatluii.

T h e m e m b e r s of, the Bradford Manor D r u m Corps t r ave led to WliUmanl ic S u n d a y w h e r e they pa r t i c ipa ted in a compeli ' . lpn. T h e y placed 1st in a p p e a r a n c e In the i r class: K i t t y , Pp l i a rd , Iwi r l e r a n d Lintia Proscli , d r u m m a j o r e t t e won first. ;Tiie corps ] will pa r t i c ipa t e in, t h e dcdlcaliofi ce remonies a t Momaugi i in School on Sa t l i rday a l 3 p . ni .

* * • « • ; . . •

Congra tu l a t i ons to Mr., and Mrs. E u g e n e Fuchs of 22 Coo, Avonuoi w h o reconl iy ce lebra ted thei r -35th ^vedding. ari i i lversary.

* * * * * « ' . ' i ; S"{ • ' ' " • ' '

Tile n iembors of tlie Bi'ad for' ' Manor Hpse C o m p a n y and Aux­il iaries enjoyed the p r o g r a m o! music presen ted by tho Moose Vagobonds M o n d a y night . Tho halt was filled to its capaci ty (or . the p r o g r a m . A s t r a w b e r r y festival w a s sor'l'cd iiy M r s . Eu­gene Daniels , Mrs . T h o m a s Hays , Mrs . T h o m a s Gagl iardI , Mrs . J p h n Howard , Mrs. Mat ­t h e w Hogan , Mrs. J o h n Hiisted, Mrs . N o r m a n Hal l , Mrs. Joseph La iowsk l and Mrs. E d w a r d K a r m c z y n .

At the business mee t ing of the auxi l i a ry presided over by Mrs . Clifford D o w n e r Sr . il w a s voted lo iioid t h e sUhiiiier b a n q u e t a t tile Yankee Si lversmi th on J u n e 28lh. All m e m b e r s p l ann ing to m a k e reserva t ions arb t o ~ call Mfs. T h o m a s Hayes a t H O 7-3342.

• * • * . * • -

Lost n igh t the annua l dinnei ' given by t h e Momaugu in P o i -ents ' Club i n honor of the Moiii-augu in School faculty w a s held in t he a l l -purpose room. A ca­te red sujiper was served vwilh.

A real boo-boo: In las t weiik 's a n i c i e on the t h r e a t of pjiposi-l ion lo any a t t e m p t to okay the cons t ruc t ion o( a . ,new Jr. . , h i -school th rough tlic^ ni'edium b t a town mooting, i t wag 'said t h a t Haro ld H a l l . f a y o r p i the,-} t own m e e l i n g over the; ' . r e fe rendum because if a r e f e r en d u m w e r e held " t h e imbilc will i nake l a dol lars and c e n t s ; clioipe r a l l i e r llinn a decision on ih'bw; njucii and wiiat typo of, s c h o o l ' b u i l d ­ing" was neede^i;.:;v4.pplpglcs to Mr. .Hail, who' favors the ref­e r e n d u m over the town jm^et ing . . . .11 was Bur ton R e e d ' CNEWS -Apri l 21), who opposed a re fe r ­e n d u m on such g r o u n d s , .

* * * . * * • ; ; " .

Now y o u ' ' can , Join .the ' Air Force and servo wil/i ' you r bud­dy. U n d e r . a new' i i lah- i i i s t i tu l fed 4. ... I • C " 1 " ^ ' '-"'o*^r a new. p ian^ insuLuiea

M i s s Z l l O J o i n s a i g m a by the Air F o r c e , bpyiiodd pals ' • I can enlist t o g e t h c r . a n d ; .be , , i s Pi; Sigma At UGonn ' • M i s s Doro thy Zito, daugl i te r of Mr; aiid Mrs . John Zilo of 30 Prpspec l Place , was recen t ly g r^h lcd m e m b e r s h i p "in Sigma. [ Pi " S i g m a , ' a n h o n o r a r y physics society ; a t tiie .' Un ive r s i t y ; .of CpiiilePticui. . . '';'Miss, .21to w a s , g r a d u a t e d from . p a s t . H a v e n • High School Willi tHe| class of 1952. While a t t end­i n g ' h i g h scliool slie was nn tioii-

I \ s tuden t , a m e m b e r of the Na-pmii H o n o r Society and the

S t u d e n t Counci l .

Momauguin Parents Club

' T h e r e will be an execut ive n iee t ing of the M o m a u g u i n ' P a r ­e n t s Club, Monday, J u n e 13, n t 1:30 p . . m. In the school. On Wednestlny, a t 8 p. m., a l the c lub ' s ' final mee t ing , t he in-stnl la t iun of officers will t ake piacu.

but capac i ty of lous tn ias ie r with Mrs . W i l b u r Ni tchke as goncra i c l ia i rmnn.

Fo l lowing the supper meni-bej's of the pa ren t s par t ic ipa ted in a p r o g r a m of c n t e r t a i n n i e n l wi-ltten by Mrs. T h o m a s Demp-soy . ' T h e cast included the foi-Ibwing: t he Mrs . Phil ip T . Hiirt , fJohii J . Sul l ivan, .William E. De-^viiiej. Wi l l i am Brown J r . , Alex­ande r Stai idish, Car l Blake, F r e d C h a p m a n , - W a l l e r Hock, Ray­mond Dost le , T h o m a s Gagl ia rd i , H o w a r d Eldr ldge , Daniel Moria-

.c,o, .Char les .MuUer, AKi'ed Mel-.

genial T o m Gagliardi ui his u s - ' iilo. and T h o m a s Dempsey.

surcd of s e n d n g i n ; the : s ame outfit . F o r fu r the r ' ' de ta i l s pon-ta t Tech. Sgl . J o h n A.- l i ioore At H O b a r t 7-836 af te r 5 'pi hi. dal ly.

, • * , * • * * * ; - i . ' . . •- . ' , ' . "

J o h n • ; M . , BerndlscmV'-son ' o f ' Mrs. Char les Martrn'dale,- r ecs ly -cd ills M a s t e r . b(. |- ,^utbm'plive Eng inee r ing deg rep ' . ' a i the '23rd commencement . , exercises ' .p i . .th? Chrys le r •.Instituto of Eng inee r ­ing, held Tuesday-^ a t Det ro i t , Mich.

* * « « *; While Lyn ian A. T lowe , Jr. ,

of 789 No. High • S t ree t ; was g r a d u a t e d by tlic I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bus lnoss iMnchi i ies Corp. In ex­ercises held in Enillcott , N . Y. Mr . Howe h a s b'e.eh.'^fissigned lo the company ' s New .,llaveii sal­es, and service pfnoe . . ;

Bill Fr iend , who . r ece ived a perfect a l t e n d a u c e i iward by the Lion's C l u b , l a s t T h u r s d a y , for the y e a r 1954-55, iiot only com­pleted a y e a r wi th per fec t a t ­tendance - but this is his fifth consecutive y e a r wi l i iout a miss. Bill has a t t ended every m e e t i n g since tho organi '^ation was founded,

***** Don' t forget F r a n k Crlsaf i ' s

d inner a t Weeping '• Willows, Wednesday , J u n e 15. Show him, by be ing in a t t endance , iiow m u c h you opt>i'eclatp t l ie fact t ha t he chose E a s t H a v e n to teach you ths how to be m e n .

***** '-,,. T h e high school class of '45

get ing ready to hold t h e i r t en year, rcupion a t the W e e p i n g Wiilowsj S a t u r d a y , J u n e 25. ._

SHORT BEACH f l e a s e P h o n e l l r n n Fo r

' , , , Th i s Column To S i « . F r a n k W. Sciiulte, R-l 14(1

And a s wo were sa.vlng . . . . S u m m e r is be ing a lil l ic Wiii lry this yea r . ' , . .Mensli..<i has left David Bonis ter , Marge F r y e r nnd Cur t i s Rli iker, but remains witli Roy Ivans . . . .Susiin Blake, P r i ­m u l a M u r p h y and Cnrpy ( i l o w -arii) C a r p e n t e r have birlhda,vs th is F r i d a y . . . ' .Buddy Riiikcr, now' '2i , 'Will bo a new voter come Fa l l . . . .Mr. and .Mi;.s. T h u r c Lind have n J u n o 10 wctlriing an­n ive r sa ry . . . .Mr. and. Mrs. J o s ­eph Gpclowski • and . their two t i i i l d ron ' from Intllnn Nock .are the " N o w F a c e s " on i lownrd Av­e n u e in Lhnphior 's Cove

• "Pdolher Goose Land" visited to ­day (Tl iursdayl by Mrs. Temple ' s k i n d e r g a r t e n children. . . .Comp­

any 4 f iremen hold r e g u l a r mee t - C a s s Sot iorman a n d Is now on a j iiig tills F r iday p.m. a l the f i re-cruise to Spain, I t a ly and P o r t -liou.se. . . .Mr. and Mrs . Roy ugal . . T h e Loyal ly Group will ' Jncksijii. or; Orange , a r c t h e hew mee t this F r i d a y evening in the kdk in the former Dah imeyc r cl iurch c iubrooms. . . J l r . and Mrs . IMnie. ; . \ B i I i Pa t t e r son ot Beach J . DcFoie.st V e n t e r ( P a t t y S t ree t has t rnn.storred r rom t h e Whi l e ) ' of Jolirisoh's Point , nn-Alr Force ' to Civil Sbri'lce a t bounced t he bir th , of their sec-Jnmes Connolly Air Base in VVa- ond child, a son, on May 59 In ft), Tc.vxi. . . . .Mr. and Mrs . G i n c c - N e w Haven Hospital . T h e George F i r t h of Alps Road, be -coup le has a d a u g h t e r two years

came liic pa ren t s of .a son nn old J u n e 1 in Grace -New Haven Hos- Mrs . W a l t e r McCar thy wol-pUal. . . . corned back for d visit from F l o -

'i'lio Costignn fami ly . ot Lan^ I'idn and s tay ing wi th Mr. nnd phic i ' s Cove have moved to Lau- Mrs. J e n n Pfelff. . .The Commu-rol Roud residence. . . .The' Thn- nlty Birtiidtty Ca lendar lias a ckcnbcr ry family aro now res t - ' Juno 1.'5 deadl ine and tiiose who dents of i ln r lKi r 'S l ree l in B r a n - w i s h Ijsllngs, or to order cnlen-lord. . . . T h c ' R c d Cro.ss remindsdnr.s, m a y call Mrs . Enrlo Blake us llml Ihe wnlc r is .sUII c x l r c m - n l .S-IWSn. . . .David Kyle, J r . , oly colli lur .swimming nnd u r g e s g c t s birl l idhy cnrds Monday noxl everyone to remain ou t ol It for . . . .Sevenlcen Indies enjoyed several weeks nnd lor boat-folk luiiciieon a t tlic flrehou.so Mun-lo i>c e x t r a caut ious . . , .Ailcoday last , when Hie Cpnipnny 4 W a l k e r nnd Carol Schrotf sliarc Auxil iary met . Tlic Ju ly nicollng blitlui'a.vs on S a t u r d a y . . . .Bohwlii h e , held In t he Union Rinker bus been promolci l to 3rd Church ' s supper room on Ju ly B


a t 1 p.m., Instead of t h e , t i re-1 house. Those p lanning to a t t e n d ' a r e ' asked l o note t h e changed da te , due to Ju ly 4 hpilduy, nnd to br ing the i r own table .•scrvicS and place spUings. Election ot 61-fleers; for l l ic coming y e a r will be held. . .Mr. nhd Mrs. Arnold B u t l p r o f Now Hnven a r e the n e w neighbors on Alps Rond In the fomibr.-llclchwnGon home. . ,Mr. nnd Mrs . J o s e p h Alblni of S h o r t Bcacb Rond became par­en t s of a n e w daugi i tc r on .Ma> •JiJ in the Hospitni of SI. R n p h a d . , .Mr, a n d - M r s . Enr lc Kelsc \ iiave a J u n e I'l wedding a n n l v e i -sa r j ' . . ', .The Gran i i e Bay A.A niocta Monday n o x l In t h e Grove S t r ee t ciuhlioiisc a l S p.m. . . . P a r l y - l l m e for Billy Ha l l nc.\t Tuestiny nt ills home . . .The Shoi t Bench Sunsliiiicrs will have thcii iiinchcun m e e t i n g on Monday at 1 p.m. In tho fii'chousc. . .Mi and Mrs. Don i inywhrd will ct'l-chrn te 'if wwidlng nmilversniy J u n e 15. . . .

SI. I'lil'aibelli'.i Women ' s Club iiivHes ail pnrisboiiera to a He-cepUoii lor Ihc Rev. Will iam I.enry on Sundny Irom 7:,'10 to 9:,'10 p.m. It will bo lield nt llie ciiureh c iubrooms. . .

Nulloiinl Bow 'i"lc Week com-ini; ui». . . .Short Boacli g radua te s outsldi i ing al m a n y affairs d u r ­ing commmirpnionl wook and In m a n y subjecls . . .Roddlsli-tnn, 8 months old cnt, missing. If ypu sec it picnsc enii 8i03'18. . .'. . F r a n k Scliulzc r e tu rned from Boslon. . . .Harry Johnson back from Cliicago. ; .New boat lor Ronnie Anderson. . .Blanche Llnil, I 'alr icin Kyle and Felicia Pnciieo ceiobrnte rake-nnd-cnn-

Nancy Armstrong To Gladnale Salurday

h o n o r s w h i c h Win be he ld In T h u r , J u n e •?, 1 9 5 ? Brooklyn, Rlf . , t h i s mol i th ; ' .

M r . and Mrs . J b l m E. Saylpr — of W a v c r l y L a n e a n n o u n c e t h e b i r th of a son on May ' -S l ' a l l Gracc-t ' j 'ew-Haven hospi ta l ,

W o wpte sb r ry Id ' l ibar , of t h e lecenl d e a t h o[ Mri j l ' .B i i rbara Siielgrovc of AVind'sa'f,' n s u n l m e r res ident o t Soundvlc,w • Helfehls for mnny years . ' ' •

Mr. and .Mrs . H a r r y M u e n c h ' nnd family will nnovc Into the i r new lionic on WIKord Road this

I week. ; 1

Recent gnosis a l the Montnsco Inn were Mls.s F lp i encc O'Brien, •lister ot ArcliWshop O'Brien; Mr. nnd Mi-s. T h o m a s O'Brien ot Cromwel l ; Mrs . Mliinie Lind and •.nn Ear l o t N e w H a v e n nnd Miss Ninn Joiinaon of Be thany .

B r n n t o r t l R e v i e w - E a s t H a v r n N e w * ',8

BUILDING Archilect! Ond builder! Icnow thol ttl«

best garage door i« Ihe moM economlul. Whrr , you boiW Of

remodel, buy Tho "OVERHEAD D O O R " ~ i lroncly bul l l , p»r-

(eclly balanced, oxpor l ly inslallitd by I r a i n n d m a n ohd

promptly sorvicedl ' , •. ,

H E.





T t a v e l e t ' s c h e c k s m a k e i t sa fe , s i m p l e , s u r e

a n d i n e x p e n s i v e t o p t o t e c t y o u r m o n e y a g a i n s t

a l l h a z a r d s v y h e n y o u t t a v e l .

J u s t c o n y e t t y o u r c a s h i n t o A m e t i c i n E x p r e s s

t t a v e l e t ' s c h e c k s a t e i t h e r office o f S e c o n d

N a t i o n a l b e f o r e y o u d e p a r t .

Y o u r . m o n e y ' is r e f u n d e d if y o u r c h e c k s a t e

l o s t o r s t o l e n . - — -

%E SE®^D N M ^ BANK ; . OF NEW H A V E N .'

1 3 5 C h u r c h S t r e e t ( N e x t t o t h e P o s t O f f i c e ) ,

1 0 7 W h i t n e y A v e n u e


MLw N n n r y Arms t rong , d a u g h ­te r of Mr. and Mrs . F . K. A r m ­s t rong of l ln rhor St., will h e giadunlcd from Ccii tcnnry J u n lor ColieRe, Hncketlstovvn N J ; n l li\e Both coninioncenipnl to be held Sa tu rday . 'I'hc local girl w(il 1)0. one ol 109 seniors to vqcelve lier dipionin In Hie l a r g e s t g rad ­ua t ing class in liio,,schpoi'a liiS-lory. , • ; '

Miss A r m s t r o n g .was n ' m e m b ­e r of tho P.sychology, <2iub, .Ciil-iiioglnn Sorority, ' t r e a s u r e r of liic W o m e n ' s Athiel ic , Assoi;inllon; prosldent of tlio pres ident ' s Club and prcsldoiil ot Plii Tlietii ICap-' pa.

till Scicnlisls cw President

die l ime (in J u n e IB.

Mrs . Ge r t rude W . ; Eiseman of Boston, Mass., wns iinined pres i ­dent "of T h e Mother ' cHt i rc l i , ,T i ie F i r s t Ciiurch of .Chr is t , .Scibi i l l s l , in Boston, n l t h o ' n n n u n l mee t ing a t tended by church h i ember s from m a n y i p n r t s of the .woi'itl.;

.Mrs. Elscninn has been; ac t ive in var ious cnpacilfcs in the e h r l > -linn Science i i \ovcmonl for m a h y years , A iiAllyo, of New York Ci-

I ty, she is npsv.a Chr is l ian Science I pracl i t ioi ipr in 'BpStoh. H e r np-[ poh i tmeni was annpunccd by tho Board of DlrectDir.s. Tiic t e rm of office Is for one ,ynar.

OVERHEAD DOOR CO., m i l l OKANGfc^'l!, . . • ' '".cC.'.'t.lil

" • ; ' : ; • • . . W A ; .i;',.;:;.';'.Vil


P H I L I P S A U N r j I . R S

P h o n e I l O b n r l ' / . 2 2 l » 2 i;..'


PINE ORCHARD Mrs. Amus F . Barnes

rhiMin H-a7l5

r i enso plionc i tems

for this column to Mrs. Jn i i i r s Rliilt


Free PrcahPubUcaVwvH Wnrr' )4rf« Gel Hemlia In A Hurry.;.•'•/"'::

, ; . l ' i

•• , ' V

; . ; ( • '

Invi ta t ions iinvo been issued Inr iho wodding ot Miss Joan Louise BuUer, rinuehler of Mr. niui Mrs. Clnuies II. Baker of Stony Creek, and Ronald Carlo-ton Siiiltli, son ol Mr. and Mrs. i'luiph Snillli ol H a i l Place, Pliic Orchui'ti: 'I'lie weddini;-wil l Inko plnce;on. Sa tu rday , June.2ri t l i , a t 3 o'clock a t t he Clmriih. of Clirisl,' Sloiiy Clock. A rc.ceplloii a t ' t h e Indian P o l i i t l l o u s c will follow, t he ceromoiiV.' ' - '< .,.\ . • '

Pvt . John • F . ' Wat5pi i , "son 'of Mr . ;nhd Mrs. Char les • 'WalspivlH ol baiTuiscu's ltqad, ' , ' l« hpW'l ' i i" Gerninny as a monibor of lliij'Ollr Infanti-y" Division: . V ' ' ; ' . • ' • "

i;a.sl. Frl<lHy,';:iMlss.;CorislanTib' Tyson • oi'llerlillned ' | i c r ; ' sc l ippi -m a t e s ' a l a piciilc and swiin'njiiig par ty . Th is was h prb'^bii'thda's' oelcbration of .her lwc|ftiv;,l)lrlii'-day. : ,... '

Mr . and Mrs . Artiiui ' Murpiiy have been 'n l tendlng. a bjUsintiss convenlion in tiie Cutsltllis this past w e e k . ., ' / . \ , " ' '

Among t h e s tuden t s 'Who iia've a r r ived homo tills weelt a l e Bel­inda Pope f rom . Vassar, . Nat lca Goss from Bradford Jun io r Col­lege, and An to ine t t e G033 frbni Ihe Ethe l W a l k e r School. ' '

Jess A. M a s o n a n d Freder ick A. Re lmcrs were llie winning iL'uiii 111 tile membor-guent golf lo i i rnnment n l liie New Havgn Cuunt ry Club last weekend .

li'KKI! ritl ';S,S W A N T ADS <.l r. R E S t J I / r S IN A HIJIIRY

"'Ji!?iS' 11 NEW LOW PRICE! folks! Still our surtinicr vi­

si tors nro a r r iv ing he re . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ert-McAvny and

two elilidien have arr ived a t the Lane cot tage on, Cochoco 'Aye. , tor tho season. In the Fail tlioy expPc''- to ' m o v e ; into llioir now iiome now being ' j ip i is l rdcted. in Norli i iinvcii..!' ,' J;. ;,. •; .

Rccen l guosis a t ' l l i c l ionic .of Mr. ' . u n d ' M r a . ,,!JbpcpV'^-GoVcpi;at,i af ,Palnicr ' l Idlgl i i .a" 'wci 'o;Mr."and Mrs . ' George'. Dei'aciro'' ,ot" ' i l a r t -loixi.' . • • ' • > ; , ; ; ^ : ' ^ ; ; ; : ' ; , ' ; ^ v ' ~ ' ' ' ^ 'karen; Zi(kumftijji 'ad'ja^ fpurlii bii'tiidny,;pariy.-^SijiiJl|!-ic>r.J gliosis ineludodrMiirk'-Wliilaffis, ' / . Peggy Bruns,''S'u.sa[i'';;l!iyncli''i'and'^ChciV Burringl.oiiV.', ' ' ';p'';V';;^^'';^;.' '•: ", ' 3 I lea i : ' t e l l ' tl(riiv:(4,1'/'-'and'jMrs, 'Glinioii . Bnli'i'i'ell'^'jiiuye!, '_i'clurneil f'i'bhi 'Fjoi'dla*': B'pd.iiip'w ' ib-e' a t liieir ' ' l ibme ' •';'on ^^.'s'o'undvie.w i l e l g h t s . • " j " ' ^ >••'•'•.'•'!' ':,••••'''' ' " 'I'ho.se-' th ree .'6dyii\; who spent l l ] e"n lgh t ' ' i'n.' slp(!plng,;iing,s' on Greeii ' Island isuje',pickoci ; i j ; cold one;. Jeff' Prbv'bsli'fJ'JI'i^^'.Jqlin.saji and Pa'tkor'Sujfij'iii.sfslqdl'lli. 'jvas fun- n i lvr - f - r . " ' " ' ' - ;*» ; ; i i ' ' ' ; ' * ;'•'•.


OnV 2/35 m

puija MFOtur

.',5'5r''5.K.'V'?-^i.,'r..-, :.-i.'r.-''.*- '-'' --..•.

_ Here's Iho rare, M l (lavor o( (rosh-plcked raspberries a l their lus-, clous best . ' . ' . rea l (rbll and really dellclouj, lop relreshmenil

rii'n; B'i--r.-r-r. .,„ , , . , . . . '"Aiden 'Hotc|iklss';,lsv'fpc'u;ie'ratr Ing a t home aflor. 'a vlsll.^to'r^ow l l aven hospital. ' 'Aide'ij 'siittered a concussion a l t e r a spiii ' .from Ills bike. , , . ' . • • '\Ui .^'-Jy;-:. ' j , . (Mr. and Mrs.' W. Adam John ­son of LImewood Ave., oii ' lertaln-ed cousins , from' Npbrasl ta a i id ' Onlnrlo, Canada oyer tiip hol iday. They expect to a t tend t he Uni­versi ty of New' Hampsh i re coni-niencoment cxcrclaos w h e r e thei r daugh te r . B e l l y Is a s tuden t . Bet ­ty wlli r e t u r n with. t h p m i J o r , t h e summer . ' '. ''

Congra tu la t ions to ~ M r . and Mrs. N o r m a n Tudhope of W a v ­crly Road on the bir th of nnoijher dnughte r on May 28. ' . • ' . . •

Welcome to .Doniso May, . l iew d a u g h t e r ot Mr. an'd'^Mrs. F r a n k Vlei of CochecO' Ave. ; , , '•' ' ',

ijid ya k n o w tha t Miss Virgin­ia Adams of I^imeWoo'd Ave. ; ami her pa r tne r . F r a n k Bradley, of W e s t Haven won the Connecl icu t S l a t e rioiler Ska t ing chiamplon-shlp for novice dance. T h e com­pet i t ion was held a t t |ie Bit Rink in New Havcn., 'The bpiiple Is now eligible to c'Dmpeie';for, reglbnpi

_ The real (ulce of »un- r iponed Va lenc ia oranges goes into this w o n d e r f u l I r u e - f f u i t dr ink. . .your fbvorlla of favorllosi

, A wonderful, truo-frul l t lqvor of I U M I S U I , t roe r lpanecl Mor«Mo d ierne j o fnsty 'mal for all the ia ih i l / .

Tho richest, cream­iest root beer you've ever lasted. . . fu l l of thai rare, old-fashioned flavor.

The flavor you like... The name you know

I I y o u ' r e look ing f o r . . .

booldel with com­plete informat ion

p l ann ing «nd In-s t r u c l i o n f o r m f and folder


484 S T A T E ST., N . H . P h o n e LO 2 - 5 1 2 8 - M A 4-3475, NURSERY and LANDSCAPE

Inqu i r i e s Invi ted

is. O E 3 0 T 0 B E ^ O H E Y O U O E O a O E I



m um WeslMamSijBranMa, . ' ^ • • •'


• • . . i i i . , . , , . - .5 . . .

Y ,..-...

Page 4: x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers · .school. In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iir d Iliiill.v , sai u t tha time tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers

n i

NcM'S From JVortli Braiiford ' PleiMe phnnn M^n. Ddnlel At. Ditody, 9-2(138 with llrmn

, for tlili column

Tde Boafd ot Selectmen, mccl-ln£f last Thursday, signed n reso-iilllbn on the issunncc ot bonds td'-covci; the cost of the new Junlor,lilgh schoAl'and the addl- system bajl teams tl6n*, to the Jcionie Harrison All boys who have not been SthOttl. The principal sum was assigned to sponsored Icnms are lor $370,000. Competitive bidding considered to be In a faim syi-wlll be Invited by the selectmen tern aild should report on Mon-

the fact that the town needs a constable who will ' be available durlijg Ihp day.

Stanley T. Wllltams was ap­pointed an meat inspectpi' lor North Uranford and Samuel. J. Benson ns assistant meal Inspec-loi. .lack Foile was appointed,by llic board to in!,pect while iilaughlcrlni; but without author

on' the bond Istue In accordance with the signed

rttolutlon, the bonds will be dat­ed 'as of •August 20, 1955, and the 'priAclpal of the bonds will be due and payable In annual In-siallmcnts'of $20,01)0 each, com-mtficlng >VuK. 20, lOSo. and end­ing August 20, 1073, and one In-stallmeril ot $10,000 on August 20, 1^74. Interest on. the. bonds shall be payable on the first days of ^ebt-uary and August In each yelu", commencing February 20, 19S6.• .,Th< selectmen also signed an

application to John L Sullivan, ttale tax commissioner, tor ap­proval'of the 1S.SUC of the school bonds, -Attending the meeting In an advisory capacity to the Board ot, Selectmen were/Ellsworth B. Poote, town counseland chair­man of the Bool-d of'Finance, and' C. .,Wllllam Calobresc ot Se­ward,'Calabrese find Co;, town auditors.

AJ meeting o( the North Br»n-forq^Communlty Relief Commlt-tefijvas held recently at the home ofiMr. and Mrs. Dbuglas B. Uola-blr^ ot North St."Reports lor the yea'f.wcro glvch and oKIcers for the'i'ear were 'elected as follows: MrS; Douglas'B Holablrd, chalr-marf; Vincent Matt, vlce-chalr-maij; Mrs. Frank Frawlqy. see-ttlayy; Mrs ,George II..LlnsIey, tretourer) Funds itor the'use; of tills'committee will bo isqlldted ((urjtie'H twp-wcek;,dilve froln AuBist. l to'."Aug(lst'i5. , ; •'Ralph DeMusIs has' been iap-poMlcd as player a'gcnfasslslaiit

for the North Branloid Uttlc Iwcague. George Cha.sney Is play- Muugnicnng but without author-cr agent. As asstatarl, DaMusls liy to stamp ahy meat or meat will be In charge of Ihc fnirn products. The appointments of

•" "—" ' lliese three men Is for the term from July 1, 1055' lo July 1, l65U

Tickets, arc out tor the annu­al sU'awberiy shortcnko dessert cord patty to be sjionsoird by (he I^adles Sewing Society of (he North Brahford Congregnlloiial Church on Juno 15. The paity win be held In the church base­ment. Mrs. A. Lee llocult 8-2J)8G

dny. evenings for pracdco at the Center School ploygrounci, ' Cap and T-shirts have been ordered for the three fiiitii team.") and

uniforms'have been ordered for mfm. mrs. A. Lee llocutl 8-2i!8 the sponsored teams. Colors nic oiid memtieis ot the soclcly hav the same tor both outfits. / ^ tiekcts'for, thos(> who whh lo

A chicken barboqup dinner moke reservations. Mrs, Ilnlph sponsored by" the Ladles Sewing Ifolablld Is chairman of Ihe pur Society and the Mon'."! ruth nr\i- •••• — Society and the Men's Club ot the Congregational Church will be held on Sitturdny, July 9, at Brook Meid, tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Molablrd. Dinner will be served Irbm 4:30 on and the proceeds will go toward Ihe re-decorating of the church.

The North" Brojiford Lions Oub met on TiTcsday night at TotOket Inn. ., ' • .

The Boatxl of Selectmen has | appointed Anthony Dc Cdnte ot Cedar Lake. Road as a special constable for six months, Chief Constable Charles R. Leonard re­quested the addldonal special cpnstkble itjue to the Increased

ly. Tho.'.c planning lo attend aie asked to furnish their own play­ing cnrd.'i and . tables If po.s.ill)le. Table and door prl/es will be awarded.

Hotchkiss Grove Please I'lionn Itciiin Tor This Column To Mrs. •lanios King, «-Z(l(U

sonl Mr. and Mrs., Charles. Kevit of

JewctC City will upend the sum­mer In* their daughter's home. Mrs. Joseph Miller ot Ilotchkiss Grove Rood Icndcrcd Tat a fare­well surprise parly. Oucits atten­ding were 'Mrs. Joseph Paul, Mrs. Klovlch, Mrs. Sal Carubia, Mrs. Anderson Covcyduck, Mis. Ai-Ihur While, Betsy Miller, Mrs Uuss Claik and Mrii. Thuie Stahlinaker,

Sec our Isaac Walton^ have lieally slnitcd hi eflincKt. Why won't Ihcy let anyone see what (hey have In their palls?

It was Mrs. Sol Mlllcl who baked some of those excellent cookies solved 4it''lho Now Ha­ven LlbiBiy ai Ihe annual Can­cer Meeting.

\VelC(>»ne to Rev. Gcoige Mor­gan, SJ, , who will spend Ihe next lliico weeks wllli us. Jle Is n director of (he Cranwell .School In IjcniKix.

Cunglnluhidnns to Charles Cnllnhhn of Flr.« Ave., who Will be grniludtcd from Notre Dome High School this Sunday Seems as If Charlie attended all of (he

high school proms. , Also lo MISS Carole Griffin of Sixth Ave., who will be among (hoso graduating from St. Mary's nigh School on Sunday.

floppy blilhday lo Mis. Peg Graytt'acz up Ihcie In Windsor Vvho celebrates this Sunda.y. Leo Graywacz will gradttnto from Windsor High on June IS. Sum­mer vlallors are faithful renders.

A pleasant surprise Sunday when two close summer visitors caiiie to the door wllli very tns-llve looking piickng(.'.i for un. On Innulrlng "how come';" wo weio lold for being a good nelghboi. liJach package contained ."icrvlco for tour of u lovely dinner scl. Many'thanks, Helen & Johanna,

Mr.>i. Ann Paul ueekcmled wllli Mr.i. Jume.s Kgnn of First Ave.

Ilenr tell (hut Mrs. .lames Red­den looked like n riicnnibiinl when she wns a brIde.sniHid at Ihe Dowd-Smlth nupllak SnUir-doy In Old SHybiook. Ilcr hus­band \vn.s one of the uslieih.

Uhderslnnd lliat llckels for Ihe enrd parly sponsored liy tlic Gar­den Cluh at Ihe I'ine Oirhaid Club on June M may be ublnliied

from Mrs. Lovell Holablrd or M I S . Elwood TIce.

Don't forget the rummage sale I his Friday at the Acodeitiy oti the Green, sponsored by Hie Mar-Inn Guild ot Sl.'Thetese's Church. l''iorectis will go to (he Chapel I''un(l.

Did you know that Katliy Lew-Is of Second Ave., won an honor­able mention for her poster and that .Snndy Frank look second [lince \^Ilh her cnko al the recent lilBli M-iiool exhibit?

.See you next week,

Thur . June 9, 1955. Branford Revlew-Easl Haveit«Kew» «

Greetings to all. Alex Koiiiltowski flew In from

Kentucky lo' Now Vork wliere he met Mrs. Konlkow.skl and (he

pohce w6rk in .;wn-;n;r;i;r;o I ^Z:ol JlZi^d tZTLli


Phone HUhiiard 8-2535


Madison Ceiilcr

NOW SHOWING — One of the linest collections ot Slipcover and Drapery Fabrics nl (he lowest prices possible lor quality and designs. Also: Curtains. Bedspreads, Window Shades, Bamboo and Vencllnn Bllrid.s, Siiower Sheets.

Closed AH Day Wednesday — .Store Hours; 9:30 to 5:30 Telephone: Madison (Cfrcle) 5-9629

Tlie W e l c o m e W a g o n

Hos tess 'Win Knock on 'Vour Do«(

^ ,^ith Gift! & Oreetintfi iilnllfr*)'" Friendly Buiineii

jNeiglibori and Your Civlo and Social WaHure Let^Kra

'Oil ,the occasion oft'

Birth of n Baby Epgogeme^itArinounoementt Cjiange of residpnco , Arrivals of Ne\yoomer«' to

. Branford : Phuiie HU 8 0334 , (No call or ohiltatlonl

Brockliiiyscii Named

To Advisory Board Martin Brockhuysert, ninth

grader at Braiitord Junior High Hfiiool, iins been named lo the BtudonI advisory Board of "Stu­dent Life." otficini organ ot the Nnllonni Honor Soclely, National Junior Honor Society and the National Association of Student Councils. Announcement of the appointment was made this week liy llorold Biewor, principal of llio .sciiool. Broekhuysen was named lo the post on the basis

ot hl9 scholarship and character traits.

As a member ot the advisory board,, Broekhuysen will exam­ine eight Issues ot the magazine during the school year and eval­uate them as to their 5el"vice-ablllty. The honor ot rcpresenla-llon on the board was extended lo the local school by Waller He-is, managing editor ot the magazine which Is read hi more ' liinn 12,000 ot the nation's hish schools.

•The Chinese goverijffleht con-, eluded an elght^year mutual non-^ aggression pact with " India , In' April. 1954.

The Dutch tulip bulb is not indigenous to Holland hut origin­ated in Persia, whence It was | taken to Holland several hundred j years ago. I

Westport Country Playhousi Gala openingSunday June It


"BRIEF MOMENT" by 8. N. BcTlinian

For Reservat ions . Call C A 7-4177

Mui mm HI w mm mm mm mm w


Dodge Ave . • Eas l Haven

with Love. A L W A Y S







PANY H O 7-6318

You Own Anyihing Like" This? Unless your home was hiiilt ot rewited'ln recent years, the answer is likely to be ye.5. But it's not necessary to have unsightly wires all over the place . . . or circuits that cannot deliver enough electricity. Have a qualified electric contractor check your wiring, and moo'ernize it if necessary. On convenient budget terms if you wish.


m m m m m m m m m m m m m m w

JX^rei where


•' A good ear dealer may not B?ll you th« cheap«t ear bnt h».,wlj|, make sure you get both V>MU and ttrmo*.

;; Similarly, your local Indg: PWident inBuraiic« agent ' m Cdn'wtfcut ueea'that yoagal; 11M. protection yon ne«d p j ^ , ' th^.lBdlvidualired jerricfl you ittvn*. He's alvrayi m hand «• tA«» «>m«noii«» to lerve you.

, *»:/«>» HOMfrOWn )*ii\iKAHCi AGENT ,

Eversoit Insurance Agency, Iisc

Pranford Theotre Building HU 8^4464 — HU 8-452T

James P . Kavanaugh Agency

eSIvy street, Branford • HU 8-00D3

Pailmer-Plnnl, Inc. Wain Street; Branford

HU 8-1729 — HU 8-9226

Ikleiuben of Coiincctloul' • A»tooUtton'of Iinunuica A«Ait*

, ,, They ' re all true—all the wonderful tilings you hear about Pont iac ' s

,''" great performance. ' ' . The way it sweeps uphUl or

down witli the s a m e . effortless ease, , T h e tremendous biu'st of passing power t l ia t la always available. The thought-quick response in slop-and-go traffic t h a t makes .the car seerti pa r t of youi T h e smooth, quiet way i t goes about i ts busi­ness however hard or far you drive. Pont iac 's a'pace" setter all the way—from takeroff to top performance.

Lift the hood of a Pont iac and you' l l be face to face with the roason. T h a t com­pact power plant nested there m a y look

much like other V-8 's—but tha t ' s where your eyes deceive you!

T h e Stra to-Streak,V-8 is iti^a class all by itself—filled with engineering "fii 'sts" t h a t m a k e i t the mightiest engine in Pont iac ' s price field. And i t ' s one of t he m a n y Pont iac advantages ' you caii'-t get anywhere else. Pont iac alone gives you tlie terrific drive of Stra to-Streak V-8 per­formance.

Yes, t h a t ' s w h e r e Pont iac ' s wonderful performance begins—but there are p lenty more wonders to come.

There are the road-leveling ride from Pont iac ' s long wheelbase and big-ear solidity . . . the sensational handling ease

. . . the cradling comfort of its colorfully luxm-ious interiors and the greatest econ­omy and reliability in Pont iac ' s money-saving history]

AH this, remember, comes in a distin­guished, futm'e-fashioned beauty tagged with a price any new-car biiyer can readily afford. Come in and try the restdt —the fastest-selling Pontiac of all time.


Progress,.,;,, „, ' ; ' ° ' "Womoh'v.

°" "• '« line, T J """^ »"•"' ^=r,epow.er and ' „ '""'"P* 'SO

f'".o.epo:t":;'!«°w«.n9 ' " " ' « ' P e r d o / / a , d ! . ^ " " ' " " o . t



Thur. June 9, 1955. Branford Review-East Haven News 7

T^Jrr^^Sl WANT ADS U)ST AND t O r M l A-in

LOST: CONNECTICUT .SAV-Ings Banii Bmik No. .1101. I'lvy-nieiit s{,o[>pcd. Ketmn to banl<.

CbsT: CONNECTICUT ~ SAV-ings Banlt Boni; No. 540G, Pay­ment stopper!, rteturn lo bnnlt.

LOST:PASSBOOK No. 14565. It found return to Bronford Sav­ings Banlt.

LOST: PASSBOOK No. DG93. It found reiurn to Branford Sav­ings Bani{.

jLOST; CONNECTICUT SAV-Ing.? Bnnit, Spring Glen Brancli Passiiook No. >L\7A. Payment slopped. Relui'ii lo Bank.

LOST; PASSBOOK No." 2317, Binnford Federnl SnvlnRS and Lonn Assoc. Finder return to banlt.


EXCLUSIVE CATERING FOR All Occasions. Delicious food prepared rielicntci.v. Call Cll 8-0280 or Cll 8-;iD05.


1947 ClIIWROLlirr WITH R A -dlo and lli;nl(;r. While wnii Tires. Sacrifice — Owner leav­ing loi- service. Cull AT B-4511 after 5:.'ffl P. M.


vFRENETTE'S LAWN MOWER ^'< Shop. 2704 Dixwell.Avenue. It

', It cuts grn.ss, we sell and sev-' \ice It. Tel. Cllestnut 8-5214

' RAM LAWN CUTl'INC. SER-vice. Let us cut and Irim your

J Inwn pcriodlcaily ond keep it ^ looking like n velvet carpel. , Call CM 8-3065.

HAMDEN RUBBISH Removol. Try our special service $8.00 per year. Good service, rain or shine. Momdbn nnd North Ha­ven only.

S. A. MARCOTTE . Cll 8-1045

CARPENTR-y^SERvTcES —Cn-blnets, bookcases, storage walls.' playrooms, attics finish­ed ,nnd general building. Free estimates. Call Bill Wilson. Cll 8-6470.

M O V I N G DONE ^ HOURLY Rate. Work. • done by exper­ienced menT'fnj "8-4124.


WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Waslilng Machines Dryers — Zroners

Disposals Guaranteed Service

We hove parts lo fit any wash­ing mochine.

American Appliance Co. 2516 Whitney Ave CH 8-4444'

DllArES, Slip Covers Kto. C-33

mnii. pr'^ff'rnliiy one witii picilly iif Ia>-ont and sal rs ov-pfTirncf*. We offer s t ta is l i l s.Tiaiy. plus K^nermis inr fn t ive iihiuiK. c.Tr allowance, insin--

. anco plan, paid vncnlinn, 5 day week. Tills is a 32 karat gold opportunity for n man who de­sires to associate Willi a top-llolch ABC daily close lo New York City. Write In detail con­cerning your qunilficntioiis. giving pil pertinent delalis such OS afie, marital status, salary requlrenients. etc. K. B. ilones, 182 North Broadway, Yonker-s 2, New York.

A WOMAN TO HELP WITH Housework three dn.vs a week (tivo hours n day). Write Chronicle Box No. 16.

HIGH SCIIOOL Gini . UNDER-stnndins cliildren lo baby sit two or liirco afternoons a week nnd occa.slnnai evenings. Call HU H-:i:iliS.

itr.NTs « A \ T r , i ) I.-I2

llAMDICN .'^I'Ki-CH CON.SUI.T-ant. wife and two rlilidien de-.Klie unfliraislipd twti bedroom iiouse or npnrlnient after .tune J5th. Call LO 2-24(;2 between 9 and 3 o'clock.


Off the" beaten palh. Lot nOx KlO. Bathing pliviirges. Cool, comfortable section one block from water. Utilities nvaiioliie. Reii.sonnble. Terms nrrniiged. CH 8-7278.

RESPONSIBLE WOMAN TO Baby Sit nocasioimily, with two ciiiidren, two and four, and to he able to spend a niglit or a wcelicnd. Call HU 8-3308.

HAIRDRESSER WANI'ED. Ex ­perienced. For new, nipdern, air conditioned Beauty Solon. Top sninry and comniisisionj King's Hair Stylist, 1008 Soulli Main St. CiiCihlie. Cona. Tel. DIlowninK 2-5113.


WANTED; CARPENTER AND Carpenter's Helper. Apply 1155 Shorinan Ave., liamden. Conn.

SHORT O R D E R " COoic^ WITH cxperionco . ond reteronces. Steady job. Apply in person. Iloli Nob, East River, Conn.

POSITION OPEN IMMEDIATE-iy for .Snios Eiigineer. Must have knowiedgc of refrlgoro-tion and air conditioning. Con­tact Mr. Daly, The N. W. Day Supply Co., 93 Edwards St., llartfoi-d. Conn. Piione JAck-son 2-1131.


I Probate Court, .lune 2nd, 1955. Estate ot

ANNIE E, DOSVEIt in said district, deceased.

Tile Adininlslrator having ex-hibiled his administration ac­count with said estate to tills Court for allowance, it is

Ordered, That the 13th day ot .lune, A. D. 1055 ot 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at tiie Probate Ot-tieo ill Branford, be and Ihc some is assigned. tor a iioorlng on the allowance of sntd adniin-istratlon account with sold es­tate, ond this Court directs Flora K. Goldsinitli lo cite all persons interested tiieroln to ap­pear nt .said tiino nnd place, by publishing tills order In some newspaper puhiishcd in New Ha­ven County ond hoving a circuln-tihn in said dhstrict, and by post­ing a copy on the public sign­post in the Town ot Branford wiiere tiie deceased last dwelt.

By ine i;ouri; Flora K. Goidsmitli, Clerk.



TEACHER desires summer tutoring assign­ment-remedial reading, phonics, arithmetic, prcparotlon for Illgli School English, French, Latin.

PHONE Cll 8-575'8r ' i


Individual and cla.ss; lieginnors and advanced slu'denls.

THEODORE ,1. SHAPIRO, Mus.B., Mus.M. CH 8-7439.

SLIP COVERS AND DRAPER-ies Custom Made. Latest tob-rlcs shown ot your home. Ci U Shoreline Decorators. • HU 8-2305 after 4:00 P. M.

Photoffrophcrs Portraits C-34


CH 8-2925 or CH 8-1898 • ANAFILM STUDIO


SIXTY MEN AND WOMEN '• Urgently needed to give two . hours o week.' Join Ground Ob-- server Corps for Civil Defense. \ Phone AT 8-0018 or AT 8-1621,

ext. 44.

; STATE OF CONNECTICUT Open Competitive Examination


er (Connecticut Residence .Wolved) No. 2416 $3540-$4980. (Closing Date .Tune 30, 1955).

MEDICAL SOCIAL WORK CON-siiltant (Connecticut Residence Waived) No. 2417 J4O20-$5400

. (Closing Date Juno,30, 1955). K E Y PUNCH . OPERATOR,

Grade II (Closing date June ^23, 1955) No. 2415 $24G0-$3420.

MILITARY STORES • CI^ERK (Closing Date June 23, 1955)

.No. 2418 $270O-$3660. PbULTRYMAN (Closing Date

June 23, 1955) No. 2419 $3120-,$4560. (Immediate vacancy at Connecticut Slate Hospital, Mlddielown). Apply Office of the State-Per­sonnel Director, Room 405,

. State Office Building, 'Jlarl-ford or any Connecticut State Employment Service Office.

Glendon A. Scoboria State Personnel Director.


FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT and Sold. Loans, Refinancing, New Loans. Longbothnm. 207 Orange St. Tel. LO 2-4815.



(European Traialng - Spec­ialized experience with chil­dren) Studio near Branford G\G^n

and in New Ha\'en. SP 7-2887 — FU 7-723S



Insured, Dual control, stand­ard, nnd automatic shilt cars.




inle ot Branford In said District, deceased.

In pursuance uf an order ot Hon. Mocgrcgor Kiipatrirk, Judge of tiie Courl of Probate for tlio District of Branford, notice Is hercliy given that said Court both limited and appointed six months from the dale iiereof tor the creditors of tile said deceased to bring in their claims against

|.said cslote. Those who neglect to exhibit thflr claims within said time will b(! debarred.

All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to

Elinor K. I-Iallier, Administratrix,

Highland Ave,, Short Beocii, Conn.


Ilydrarnotlr Standard Shift Dual Controls

PICK UP SERVICE CE 9-1263 CE 9-2280 .


WANTED - CONN. .UCENSE Instructor tor Beauty Culture School. All replies strictly con-tidenlial. Reply to Free PI'GSS Publications, Box 12, Ilanidon, Conn.

HOUSEWORK AND SITTING with three boys, six, seven and eight—one or t^;o days: a week. Must want steady '•'•job/J^ have references and social security number. Call Mrs. Hai-vaid,

;AT 8-1349.

SUBURBAN N E W Y ~ 6 R K dally has a desirable position now open for a Display Adver-ti.sing Salesman. Enci'gelic


TWO COLUMBIA BIKES - ONE Girl's and one Boys. Maiiogany Duncan Phyfe table. Seats ten. Call CH 8-5039.

C-OMPLETIirSETS OF DINING Room and Bedroom Furniture. Odds and ends. Will acyept any rea.sonable offer. Call AT 8-4511 after 5:30 P. M.

WATERS UPRIGHT PIANO. Fine condition. Also bedroom turnlturo. .Plione CH 8-4789.


MARIONI'S Delicious Ice Cream Cakes

Mousses and Puddings Fancy Individual Forms For

All Occasions Telephone STate 7-4969 The Homo Of Fancy

Ice Cream 840 Dixwell Ave.

Hamden, Conn.


KEST HOME FOR AGED PEO-ple. Day and weekly rales. Homelike atmosphere... Town and Country Lodge. East Main SI; at Mill Plain Rd., Branford. Phone HUbbard 8-4174.

ALICE .S. PRANN late of Bronfoi'd, in said District, deceased.

In pursuance of an order of Hon. Macgregor Kilpatrick. Judge of the Court of Probate for tiie District of Branford, notice Is hereijy given • that said Court lialh limited and appointed six months from the date hereof for the creditors ot the said deceased to bring. In their claims against said estate. Tiiose who neglect lo exhibit their claims within said time will be debarred.

All persons Indebted lo said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to

C. Perry Prann, Administrator.

216 East Main St. Meriden, Conn.

Plohnte Coiut. May 27. 19,55. Estate of

MUTIAF.L I10'/,KI'F,L late of Branloid. in said l:)lsli let, deceased.

In pursuance of an order ot Hon. Macgregor Kllratrick. Judge ot Ihe t"ourt ot Probate tor the District ot Branford, notice is iiereby given tnot said Court hath llmllcd and appointed six nionlhs trom Ihe linle hereof for tlio creditors of tiio said deceased to bring in their claims against sold estnU. Tliose who neglect to exhibit tiiclr claims within said time will be debarred.

All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to

.Tuiln Raprocki Adniinisirntrix, Rose Mill Road

Brantord, Conn.



lole oI.Eost Haven in .sold Dis­trict, "deceased.

In pursuance ot an order of Hon. Edward L. Reynolds, Judge of liie Court of Probole tor tlie Dislrlcl of East Haven, notice Is hereby given tiiat sold Court liatli limited nnd oppoliited six moiUlis trom tiie date iiereof foi' the credliors of tlio said deceased to bring in tiielr claims against said estate. Those wlio neglect lo exhibit tlieir claims within said time will bo debarred.

All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to

Joseph P. Luongo. Executor,

c/o Rhoda Lcshlno Loeb Attorney nt Law

76 Rogers Street, > Brantord, Connecticut

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. Probate Court June 7, 1955.


in sold district, deceased. The AdminKstrotor hoving ex-

hlbited his odniinlstrotion nc-' count with said estolc to lids Court for allowance, it is

Ordered, That tlie 2Qth day of June A. D. 1955 ot 10;.30 o'clock in tlie forenoon, ot tiic l"'robolo Office in Branford, he and liie same is assigned for a hearing on tile allowance of said ndmiii-istrntion account with said es­tate, and this Court directs Flora K. Goidsmitli to cite oil persons illleresled therein to opiieor at said time and place, hy puiiiisli-ing this order in some newspa­per published in New Haven County ond linving a circulation in said district, nnd iiy posting a copy on the public sign-post in the Town of Branford where the deceased last dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Gok.lsmith, Clerk.



late of Brantord In said District, deceased.

In pursuance ot an order of Hon. Macgregor Kilpatrick, Judge of the Court of. Probate for the District of Branford, no­tice Is hereby given that said Court hath limiled and appoint­ed six months trom the date hereof for the creditors of the said deceased to bring in - their claims against sold estate. Those who neglect to exhibit their claims within said time will be debarred.

Ail per.sons indebted to said Eslotc are requestea to make Immediate payment to

Ann E. Dahm Executrix

8th Ave. Hotclikiss Grove,

Brantord, Conn.


TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS Near Bath. Kitchen privileges if de.sired. Near bus line. Call HO 7-1873.

NOTICE The Selectmen and the Town

Clerk of the Town of Brantord, acting as the Board for the Ad­mission ot Electors; will bo in session at the Town Hail on Fri­day, June 17, 1955, trom 5:00 P. M. until 8:00 P. M. to examine Ihe qualifications of electors and to admit to the elector's oath those found qualified.

Dominic J. Bontatlbus U. D. Schrocder, Jr. Michael J. Infantine

Board of Selectmen. Donald II. Holablrd

, Town Clerk. Dnled at Branford this 81h day

of June 1955.


DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. Probate Court, June 7, 1955.


in said district, deceased. 'I'iie Executors having ex­

hibited liielr administration ac­count with said eslttto to tills Court for allowance. It is

Ordered, That the 20th day ot June A. D. 1955 at 11;.30 o'clock In the forenoon, ot the Probate Office in Branford, be and the same is assigned tor a* hearing on the allowance ot said adminis­tration account with said estate, and this Court directs Flora K. Goldsmllh lo cile all persons In­terested ' therein to appear at said lime and place, by publish­ing this order in some newspaper publisiied in New Haven County and having a circulation in sold district, and by posting a copy on the public sign-post in the 'fown of Brantord where the de­ceased lost dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Goldsmllh, Clerk.

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, STATE OF CONNECl'ICUT, ss. Probole Court, June 6th 1955.


lole nf Bronford, In said District, deceosed.

In pursuance of an order of Hon. . Mocgregor Kilpatrick, Judge of the Court ot Probate for the District ot Branford, no­tice Is Iiereby given thai said Court hath limited and appoint­ed six: months trom the date hereof tor the creditors of the said decea.sed to bring in their claims against .said estate. Those who neglect to exhibit their claims within said time will be debarred.

All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested lo make Immediate payment to

Lena Chuldini Executrix,

42 Harrison Ave.. Brantord, Conn.

W A H f A D S



THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENING u»tii 9 P. m. 1!;


(^ Slie/'s an Honor Graduate ^ i n Thrifty Shopping!

Cul Ffom l l c i v y We.ch<rn Corn IccJ Sl^'er Penf

Jiine \\ qr«dualion month in sdiooli, ihroughout rtw»

coiinlry. Bui, nt First NntionnI Stc>r«j, avary month \%

grndimlion month for ll>ouiands of thrifty shopper*,

l l tny have discovermJ that, for 'coursa' nft»r *cowi«',

yon iusi can't ben) First National valuesi Shop First

NnlioiiAl and gel yoitr B. S. dagrM (B«lt«r Shopping)!

IE *"


CHICKEliS Ready to Cook

2'/.-3'/j Lb Avg

Skinless Frankfurts LB 4 9 C

Pickle & Pimento oaf LB 4 9 C "Tit^GsrrjTi^TTvitfr'oS'JKrTS " - s vi


oiiiid Roast Hams Bottom Round Roast Corned Beef Smoked Picnics

Frcsli Madterel LB 17C | Split Mackerel


BONE , „ IN "-B

Cul Trom Tender

Mi lk- fed Young Ca lve l "

Juicy Tender '

Fine Ealing

Large Shank Portion

Dollcious, Sugar Cur»d • Rendy to Ea*




W»ll TriiT. i ed Juicy

4-0 Lb Avg

Milcfly Curocl lo Perfection

37 49c 79 '

49< 75< 75c LB

LB 4 1 ,

f*^WW^-n^-<R,ljy^Tl!JSl^J:-^^ •S^v'Sx ' * . sN*^N??jK'W^«jtjiyiia«„-'

Pir« • * £ Readr LB X 3 C

ilwiiiiifflgiiiaiiH^^iif»i^ luti nNAST

Wenlhet PnJ


CANS * * # <• Blueberries

Diamond Salt

Peaches Sticod or HBIVM 2 CANS 55c Premium Crackers NABISCO LB PKG 2 3 C

Kleenex Tissues 2 49c Mayonnaise P^AT^PC QUART JAR 4 9 C

Ginger Snaps ZKX 7LBPKG 4 5 C WiBimTTm'i

B A K E R Y T R E A T S ! BETTY AlOEN - Chock Full of Kaimm

RAISIN BREAD RegPH 'trToAF 5om«lhmg DiUorent Rrtgiihr Price 2 9 e SPECIAL

Whole Wheat Donuts PKG or 12 2 3 C

DolicicMis with Chillod Fnttr SPECIAL

S p o n g e Loa f KtotorPric zse EACH 2 1 C Family Favorilo SPECIAL

B l u e b e r r y P i e t>o<<i>rPri« eic EACH i | 9c J U S T R E D U C E D !

Educator Crax LB PKG 29C Johnson's Carna ZOOZCAN 1.19 ^

SWANSDCJWN 20OZ Ctavii'i Food or Yaliow PKG

I7c I Lettuce

Cake Mixes 29c


GINGER 'poVe-o;; ALE Atio: Cola, Ornnga, Root Sew, Lsmon 8 Lime, LimB RickfiY

Ton) CoHiiK Mix, SarsapafilJA 3 28-OZBTtS O O ^j3 contents only ^ JLr ^^

FLORIDA - Lifo of iho Picnic - Rod Rip«

WATERMELONS • 5° Melons Dellciously Swmrf

"39 . Celery o£'!lftn.i^ 2 ^^ 25= Corn weS^^ 4 - -25c Cauliflower Tight Gre«n HeoA ^

19c Cucumbers cXTAi 3 - 19c


Criip Solid Haads 2 "s 15*



contents only

6 17-OZ BTIS ^ Q rofitenls only MmM^



L e m o n a d e 27= 2 cA°Ns 27<

Peaches sii *! 2 ' JZPKGS 35C


Fish Sticks aH35< Scal lops ^ < X C I M 4 9 <



EDUCATOR COOKIES Your Cholco - Oval Creams

Clioco Msl los, Chocolsla Ico Box

Chocolate Siripes, Raspberry Tarts,




Plain Of Honey LB PKG






Downyfiake Waffles 2 wos or«fcs 3 7c Frozen T u n a PSe STAWUSI % ioitr.Q% 5 7 e



C H I C K E N RICE 1 a01 CAM 3 5 C

ONION SOUP 1 i5o7CA.« 3 5 c

PEA S O U P 2 7.01 CANS 3 5 c







Jijsl look al ihe big varioly of America's finest frei l i

dfiiry producls displayed fit your Fktt National Storo. FINAST • All Purpoi«

C h e e s e Food 2 LB PKG 7 3 C KliAFT - RBII I I I , Pimonfo ot Pin«»ppU

Cheese Spreads 2 = oz JARS 4 t€ KRAII

C h e e x - W h c - ^ S-OZM* 2 9 e KRAf l - OW r.ngl.ih, G,ir,<c .>r Rola

Cheese Spreads 2 sozJARS47c UORREtr'j lMI,„r •.KlO

Grated Cheese 3OZCAN 3 3 C

Mwenster Cheese '» 51c POROEMT. . Bl-i.. r i „ „ f 'rJ Baron oi Vsr i Stum j

Cheese Spreads 2 =ozJAI S47,C i

^rookside But ter LB sat 6 5 c EVAIIGEUNI I

! Dry M i l k 2I«OZCANS59C ' ' POBDEM'S . I'irnnnio, OMv« l'im»i.l<: or P.i.i,a|,pl. \ V/E REiiftVE IHE RIGHT TO LIMII QUAt j r i l lES Cheese Spreads 2 41<

«l^lWSf smtm 't£Si^xeszsz7x:i:.'r:!s^iiS.iu'i^!:ir::3i^'-rrir^'ssrRix^^


.J' ' V

Page 5: x NflUS Our Tclei)lionc Numbers · .school. In aCflrmnllon of Beausolell's co'iiterttlon, Town Counsel Ilich-iir d Iliiill.v , sai u t tha time tlinl tiio. town 'could bond for sowers

',TV^Tr?..i-S'.'Ert-.*5'«sn«-4.Trjw.'»-s;"iWf" •' '""•"


DANOINQ is buck al * /


Saturday Night Gus Weber'H Orcheslra



: C o i n i n g I T h e N e w E n g l a n d D a n c e S e n s a t i o n

D A N C E . , . L i n g e r a w h i l e w i t h . . .


1 4 O t i t s t a n d i n g M u s i c i a n s 1 4 F e a t u r i n g

B e t t y P e t e r s o n ; W a r r e n S t e p h e n , J o e O l i n i p i o , G e o r g e J a l b c r t , u n d a hi^.tt o l o l l i c i a

" D a n c e M u s i c A s Y o u L i k e U "

E.H.H.S. Blasts Boardman, 13 To 0; . Crisafiincn Face ScymourTomorrow


$ 1 ^ Per Week SALESMAN

L a t T h i s A v a i l a b l e S p a c e

S e l l F o r Y o u

OAL • • I -

CALL AT 8-1661

HAVEN Directory


M r s . K n y A n n s l a s i o , D i r . R c i r i s t e r c d N u r s e s in

' A t t e n d a n c e D a y a n d N i g h t C a r e f u l l y P r e p a r e d M e a l s

a n d D i e t s Phone HO 7-5828

8 3 M a i n S t . — E a s t H a v e n


., FOR

Hotpoint ' • *


APPUANOES $•« TIVDin Now On l>ln>lny!

F « r A p p o i n t m e n t C a l l

HO 7-1854 • L€»w D o w n P a y m e n t

• E A S Y T E R M S Ofmn Brrnini^s ft HnU Only


l E I e c t r i e a l C o n t r a c t o r s " 4B7 M a i n S t . E a s t H a v e n

" A u t h o r i z e d D e n i e r "

International Trucks


East Haven Green Garage

I IIB Main St. HO l-inHtl

| „ A n g i e ' t A u t o R e p a i r

\M G e n e r a ! R e p a i r i n g

1*^ T i r e s — B a t t e r i e s

A A A S E R V I C E A A A n o l -Bi tS <g9 Main St.

C e n t r a l C l e a n e r s D y e r s

H o m e of D i s t i n c t i v e C l e a n i n g

W e O p e r a t e O u r O w n P l a n t

4 . H o u r C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e .

Ca l l for a n d D e l i v e r

8SZ MiUn St . r h o n a HO l - IW'"

I^r-liniriK Iheli- K'i"« for n vie fury over .Seymour t o m o r r o w ; the high whool bnsehall c n n n o n -ndefl hapless Boa rdman T r a d e School lo the t u n e of J.1-0, nt t h e high school field, Monday af­te rnoon .

Whi le Mike PadllUo, with a tlouhle and a t r iple , and Unlph Klrce to n home run, paced the E a s t t inven nl tnek, F m n . laur-nlg muffled tho vocational boys' b a t s with n ncn t two-h i t te r .

Pace . T r a d e ' s plicher, got lo J u u r n i g for n s ingle In t h e sec­ond, ami Nobe r followed wi th one In the fourll i . Pace hiust

I h a v e ' k n o w n I t ' w a s n ' t his day, I when a f t e r be ing soundly clouted , by Pmilllto, Conch, F r a n k CrIsntI I subs t i tu ted S l r e c l o for t he heavy

iilttlMi; conter f lc ldcr and S l reo lo prompt ly s e n t a pitch oil the way.- .

Enst Haven opened t h e i r half of the first wi th a five r u n b n i -rnge. M a u t t o singled, I-.U/./.1 was sa le on an cr^ol '! ! J n u e r n l g was •^afe on a sacrif ice; t^aollllu doub­led and i iuli lvnn singled.

E a s t Haven tu rned tho game Into a c o m p l e t e rout wi th th ree more runs in the second. Adding Insult to in jury , the locals scored one In the fou i th and cl lmnxed ihe dny wi th four In tho s ix th .

Meanwhi le .Inuernig tolled away as though he w e r e p r o -leet lng n onu run lend. Besides piieldng two-li l t s h u t o u t ball . lauernlng s t r u c k o u t 11 und gave up one walk .

Cnaeh Crlsafl, in a t t e m p t i n g to hold down I In; seoi'e, used his Ire.slimen basebal l a sp i r an t s f ree­ly. However , us .Ihnmy D u r a n t e says "Evej 'yliody wan ted to get Into Ihe act ." .lust abou t cve iy -hody did. Five of Ihe r egu la r s ac-(!(jutUed for nine runs, und four fi 'cslunen seoi ' lng the renudruler .

liut t o m o r r o w Is a n o t h e r day, and S(;yniour is lujt even a rea-.Noruible racslndlo of B o a r d m a n . Coatih Crlsafl knows his t e a m has lo win tonuir row if they hope lo .•.lay In the runn ing for the l lousa lon ic league t i t le.

A win over Seymour could br ing tile tlllo, honieT o r give lh(! h lue and CJoId a chaiice to s h a r e I lie league lltlu wllli t h r e e o the r teams.

A loss loin^a-row would knock 1 Kant. Haven out! of Ihe title p l o

t.ui'u en t i re ly . • ' ' •

Legal Notice

f^ast Unveil

MauHe 2b l,u/.7i If . iauei 'nig p Pnolillo cf Sul l ivan ss Mvllllo A, rf Mcllllo, .1, ;)b Guslnfson Hi l.a^VlOi' c P o r l o 21) I.allie rf SIfeelfl ct .Scholtman ss Nnrrncel It Sniltii .lb i i lure . lb Gi leco e

ab .1 ,1

2 .1 ;i :) ,'i 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 II 1

I lonrdiunu

af) r It CtitiHjion If 2 (I (J I jeluea 2b :i (I U Mnsclll i; 2 0 (I Nehor ef 3 0 1 Clnffone l b ;i 0 0 I'nce p .'1 0 1 Delueia .'lli .'I (I 0 .Soteie ss 2 0 U .Sodeie c . 2 0 0 Boielil tf . 1 0 0

11 Maut te 2, P o i t u 1, Lu//,1 2.

I-ulno 1, .Inuefiilg Z, rao i l l lo 2,

S t roe lo 1, Sul l ivan 1, G r l e c o ' 1;

ml—St ix ' e lo , ao—. Inue rn ig 1 1 ;

Pnco 3; 13B—,lauernlg 1; Puce 1.

Coach Crisafi —« ((.ontlniied I > o m I 'agc One)

lug p rog ram Is lielng a r r anged with itneinberR of t he press ami c lergy to be senb.'d at the head tdhle . , T h e ^dinner, which will be hold at; tho Weeplifig Willows will liegin at (i.'OT p. in.

Messliin urged Eas t Haveners who hnve ant a l ready rlone so. to ge t ou t and tiuy llirjlr t ickets so they will bo nSsUTed of a p lace a t the i ianquet ; table .

"'I'hls testimonial ts being eon-ductod by friends of the Ukcnlile conch who a r e car ry ing out a desire to publicly aeclalni this young man WIIOHC interi.'St in the welfare of our youth goes far beyond bis call of duty on the nthlelld field," Messina .said.

"This l ime we aim to s ing his praises, not for his t r emendous .successes in the renlin of sports , hut l o r his ' succes.ses ut lnlned In t,lie quiet, coiiflnes of a closed room. Here, lie has given the youth of our town his wLsd^m ns n mentor niid counsel as a friend. Many of our e r r ing youth has been saved from del­inquency because of such wis­dom and counsel."

"This pha.se of Coach Crl.safi's conlrihutioii to tlie wei fa ic of our communi ty has never been publlclMil, and a l though we know lie would prefer to keep it t ha t way, we as the grateful r i ' dp len l s of liLs civic contr ibu­tions, feel Hint we should pub­licly acknowledge our awareness of these llilngs."

T h e Arab Union is composed of )iul)llc lendei's of Hie Arab wor ld and is Intended to ral ly Uie people to unify nnd to handle cs-sentlnl Arab problems.

Ascension, an island of volcanic origin M sfiiiare miles In area , l ior thwesl of St. Helena, Is noted for lis ,sea tur t les .



f f


^ OfmemJ. litffiinMM :OII y O C R l A F B — Y o m t IIOME

YOUR AUTO youu niisiNKss

', «M MAIN ST., BAST HAVEN HO i-iaoo


O A U . F O n P B O M I T BICaVlCl''

riuMifl 110 «-oii4s

1»1 Main BX. "a.vt ITuven


DlS' l ' l l lCT O F l lUANFOliD. Prol ia leCo' i i i ' i ; •'Jiiiie 7tl i . Iflnn.

Es ln le of ' ,

ciiiAiii..i« iinvNoiJ)s In sniil dis lr lc t . (leceused. , 'I'iio lilxeculors liaving exliibit-

eil the i r ndmluls l ia l lon account witii- said es ta te to this Cour t icu', a irownuce, It 111

Ordered Tl ia t llio 20lh day of .lune A. D. 1953' a t 11 o'clock In the forenoon, nl the P roba t e Office In Drnnford, be and Ihe same is assigned for u hea r ing on the a l lowance , of said aduilnls-t i a l ion nccouut with said es ta te , and this Cour t directs F lo ra K. Golilsmlth to clle ail persons in­terested there in to appea r at said l ime and place, by publish­ing tills o rde r in some newspn-|ier puiillshed ill Now Haven Coimly <iii(l having n circulat ion in said d is l i le l , and by posting a copy oil Ihe public slEii-posl in the Town of Branford where tlie lieceusi'd last dwelt, '

By tlie Cour t ; F l o i u IC. Goldsmith, Clerk,

Our gift suggestion to Molher:

Nolliing Would be nicer lh<in a piclinc of you and the children, ll would he a yill thai would l row more vuKiablc wiUi liinel See us ' for an early appoiiilniciit so that we can give you liic best!. Call idO 7-3939.

S y r o t i a k S t u d i o Main & High Sli'ccls

East Ha'vcii

For the REST of hh life!


When it comes lo a gift fcu' ilnd—go no f u r t h e r — a S l r e l t S l u m b e r Chai r Is t he a n ­swer . Because It is adjustable to several ree l ln lug positions, 11 is sympa the t i c to his t ired muscles and his l ienrt 's desire for re l ie f of body tension. Tile pillow-typo upho l ­s t e r ing of Hie sea l and back res t s HID Irady In a crudlo of comfor t , T h o lUHlchluc foot­stool pe rmi t s s tretel i lng tlie legs out full l eng l l i tor complotu r e l axa t ion . See out" se lec­tion c ( S l re l t S lumber Cliuirs in both open und doiied u r m s ty les t umur ivw , You'll be ainu2ed a t t he beuuty they offer, tuui





BISO. 190.90 iJiatuS^£wCk

SVe Couldn't Handle the Crowds .•Last\Weelcend!

Only 16 Left!

Cedar Hollow Ranch Homes

$17,600 5 and 6 Rooms

• l/z Acre Lots • Hot Water Heat • Plastered Walls • Marble Dust Ceiling • Fireplace—Raised Hearth • Built hi RookcBses 9 Ceramic I'ile Bath • Poured Concrete Basement 9 Aspiiall D.iveway

Inspection Suiu, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. (Directions from New Haven: Mid-dletown Turnpih: to blinker light at Northford, right on Route 22 to Tom­my's Path—drive to end of street. Tommy's Path is just before Echo Ridge Turkey Farm.)

Exclusive Representative

Malcolm C. Munson ST 7-3342

E. H. Catholic Women At Dinner Held In Cheshire

Twenty two ICasI Hnv(?ii m e m ­bers of t he New Haven Council of Calholic Women. a t ' j :ndcd t h a i orgaiiiznlion's biennial din­ne r held recent ly n t the W a v e r -ly Inn, Cheshire .

Those i:i n tendance wore : Mrs . .Tolin M n r a n : outgoing elecled execut ive board n icmhcr ; Mrs. Raymond Minller, who Inducted i h e now s la te of officers; Mrs . J o h n Par t lnnd , v/ho acted ns one of the hoste.s.ses: Mrs . A l l i en B a k e r ; Mrs . F u r m a n Campbe l l ; Mrs . H. E . C h a m b e r s ; Mr.s. Hen­ry .7. Connel ly; Mr.s. Janv.'s Col­be r t . .

Also; Mr.s. B u r d e t l o Co lhnrn ; Mrs . lilrnest D o w m a n ; Mrs. T h o m a s F e n l o n ; Mrs. W a l t e r Gourtzien-skl; Mrs. H. W. I l ack -b a r l h ; Mr.s. G. V. J l e ld l ; Mrs. I Andrew L a n g ; Mrs . Cha r l e s I M a u r o ; Mrs . T h o m a s Maioni-y; Mrs . AlbZ'rt N o r l h ; Mrs. Wll-l iam S c h u r k ; Mr.s. .In.seph S m y l h e und Mrs . .Toseph Vlg-ilolll.

Among the fea tured spvakors of (he even ing w e r e the Very ftev. H e n r y ,T. O 'Br ien . Arch­bishop of Ha r t fo rd ; Mrs. Ijuclllo Malsey, p r o m i n e n t au tho re s s nnd the Itev. Wil l iam .1. Duly, sp i r i ­tual d i rec to r of t h e council for 21) years .

Bishop O'Brien. In his ta lk . | commended the ladles for t h e i r work ns lay he lpe r s of the Bis­hops of Amer ica "wi th in t h e i inllon-wide organiza t ion of t h e Council of Cathol ic Women , u n ­d e r llie Nnllonal Cathol ic Con­ference.

I'"ollovvlng the d inne r the fol­lowing officers w e r e instal led by .Mrs. Mini ler ; Mrs. T h o m a s .1. McGreevy. p res iden t ; Mrs. Ali-lliuny Vendi t lo , 1st vice |H'e;i^ dent ; M i s . Lcf .1, W a l l a r e .sec-.111(1 vl<:u preslfii.'iil; Mrs . Leonard Misbacli, ttilrd vice p res iden t ; Miss (Iraire Bnsse, s ec r e t a ry iiiid Fa l l i e r Daly t r ea su re r .

'riiri;c New Sdiools — ( ( 'anl lni ied l' 'roni i ' age One) 'i'cilal land costs for Itie l l i rce

scliuuls: 5;72,H'l!).'.iri; Buildilig and grad ing . Momuugulii , $107,rjl.l.-j (;;i; for Overbrook and Deer I tun, | $7711,571.77; l awns and plant ing, nil t t i roe .• Kes, .i;5„'n7.r)2. F u r u i l -Lire and e i tu ipment for all t h r e e .sclHjols, },7;!,r)UU; Arch i tec t s and i.iigineor fees, sn.l.aT'l.IiB.

A m o n g those who will bo at. Hie deilicalloil ceremonies a r e : I'^t('iiu;ntaiy Sellout Building Cdimii i t tee : Mr. Lells, c l i a i rmun; . lames Cunn ingbum, Mrs . W a l l e r Link, Atried l lo lcombc, Ray I.urie, F r a n k Savilio and H a r r y Morgan seirrelnry.

Board of Ei iucal ion; Mr. Walsh, clialiniiin, Miss liiiizabelli Cliapitovicii, Mrs . M a r y F a i r -iianits, Bernard Luoiigo, George Berky , Will ium Wllhl l igton, George Lells, Haro ld Hull, H a r ­ry Morgan .

B o a r d of l-'inunce; Leslie I ted-tieid, J o h n Mull icrn, F red Wolfe .Ir., and E r n e s t Anthonis .

Bourd o[ Se lecUnen: F i r s t Se -leclinnn Clancy. Second Se lec l -iiian IDominiek F c r r a r a and Thi rd Se lec tman F l u n k A. B a r k e r . Sr .

Library To Coiulticl Reading CQIIICSI For 3r(! To 7lh Graders

'l"o encou rage rending of hooks by tile vaea t lohing school cllii-dren dur ing tho s u m m e r , tiie H n g n m a n Memor ia l L i b r a r y has decided lo hold a "flsl i ing" con­test for all those who m a k e use of Ihe l ibrary ' s facilities du r ing (ha t t ime.

Under the ru les announced by the l ibrary, u cliild will read a book, or books, r e t u r n it to tlie

T h u r . J u n e 9 , 1 9 5 5 . B r a n f o r d R - n V w - E a i t H a v e n N e w s 8

l ibrar ian and then be al lowed to catch one "f ish" Xor each book i read. i

The c o n t e s t a n t t h e n Writes h i s n a m e on' one side of t h e fish, nnd t h e n a m e of t he book read on t h e o t h e r side. Th i s fish will bo dropped Into a' box on the l ib ra r i an ' s desk In t h e ch i ld ren ' s room. At the end of t h e con te s t the fish will be coun ted a n d prizes will be a w a r d e d t o t h e w i n n e r s .

T h e conlos lnnls will be pa i red off a s follows: Th i rd g r a d e r s will fish for whi te f ish; f ou r th and fifth grnde is . g reen c rapples nnd s i x th and seventh g rade r s ,

red perch . , , _ Member s of t h e school sys tem

will a c t as JUd(?es and t h e w in ­n e r will be Judged on t h e n u m ­ber of book.s rend, types of iMoks and a r e p o r t m a d e on one of t he books . T h e fourth t h r o u g h seven th g rade contes t ­a n t s w i l l be a w a r d e d pr izes on a first, second a n d thi rd basis.

Th i rd g r ade r s , who win, will have n pa r ty a n d s t o r y hour a t t he end of t he contes t . T h e con­tes t will r u n from J u n o 27 t h r o u g h Augus t 12. T h e chi ldren m a y reg is te r a t any t i m e .

From where I s i t . . . /^ J o e Marsh

Sad Note From The Bugle

All nf us oti tho Clarion were niarmcri to le;irn Ihnt our prin-ci|inl rivfil in Ibr newHpnpfr field — Uin Itnlrnvitln It a g I a —nuK'wi hnve til Khiil down.

Crops wpru bad in Btilosvillo Inst ycnr nnd one of Ihoir fac­tor ies niovcil out of town. J u a t t c m p o r n r y hnni t imes, of course —but the huple needa help now if it'fl to survive .

S o , t h i a p a p e r is g o i n g to Hcrapi! up a little money to belp t ide them over, and we hope o ther local concerns will do the same. W e ' v e acldom agroccl with them edi tor ia l ly over the ycatH—hut

we wan t the i r competition t o , keep us on our toos.

I'rom where I sH, th is country nccdH papers wi th different points of view—iust ns ' f t needs people with different WenB nnd tnsieH. Ydtj may prefer iced ten as a hot-w e a t h e r c o o l e r . . . 1 g e n e r a l l y chooHc a cold KIRRH of beer. But if e i ther of UH couldn't express hlB opinion, nnd net nn it. t h a t would he " b a d news*' for t h e whole communUy,

Copy right, 1935, United Stata Brewers hoandaHon




Alt deposits Ruarnn tecd In full by The Savings B a n k s ' DcpoKit n u n r u n t y T'lnul ut (Jounnctlent , IJic.


• ISnvliigs Accounts • H e m e Miir tgngc L,imn» • Safe Hcpnsl t IS0.VCS

« ' r r i ivelcrs Clieipica a .Storngo Spiicu

OnllalornI I f lans School Sav ings Club Aceo in i t . Banit Money Ordnr t Uiink - by - Mall ,


If you uf ctl help in building a lionte, aee us on n Conslruclibn Plan Loan, For iiripiovcnicnts for home, see us about rcfiimnciiis your present mortgage. If you do not wish to sell securities at this time, call and sec ua about a Collateral Loan. J"

BANKING HOURS 9:00 - 3:00 Monday thru Friday 7:00-8:30 Friday Evenings


i 0 t h e >''

T O P S ^ in afternoon entertainment

ED G A P U T O ' S

T O P 2 0 C L U B music as requested by your .ballots

ucub uixMQn Hagamun Mem. Library Bast Hnven, Conn. 5-4

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper

^ ^

®hf tM\ Our Telephone Numbers

Kdiloriah llOhari 7.S«11

t^iibllihul v/»fVly by FK* PI*H Publitalioni. Inc. Yrarly S»lisiri|jliuii ^tJiO Vol. X — No. 14.

3 Areas Condemiied As Below Health Level

J e r r y G r a d y , d i n i r m a n of t l ie Z o n i n g a n d P l a n n i n g c o m m i s s i o n , s t a l e d r e c e n t l y iWnt t h e b o d y h a s f o u n d t l in l t l i r ee a r e a s in l l i is t o w n a r e u n h e a l l h y d u e t o i n a d e q u a t e

s a n i t a r y fac i l i t i es . Grady said t he commission i

had discussed tlie proposed sew- . . P I I T T I 11 age plan for t he town, and L l O l l S L i U l U 1 0 1 1 1 8 1 3 1 1

Officers Al Country

EAST 1 IA\ 'KN: CONNl^TlCUf. THURSDAY. JUNiru-, 1053^ ^ "cCJl'-Yfi CENTS

Dedications Of O\crl)rook And Deer Uun Seliools


"from ap lann lng point of view the board , " tavors such in s l a l -Intion.

However , Grady said t h a t such approval whi le ijased on condi­t ions exis l ing In tlie t own , does not Include the commission 's ap­proval, o r disapproval, of mel t i -ods necessary 19 raise app rop r i a ­t ions for Instal lat ion.

In this m a t t e r the c h a i r m a n s la ted, " T h e Vioard wishes lo m a k e no comment on flnnncinl methods , a s iliis should be left to the Sani ta t ion Commi t t ee . . . arid l o r t h e public . ."

In his r epo r t to the c o m m i s ­sion's approvnl , , Grady s ta led t h a t t he S t a t e may find i t neces­sa ry to s tep into the p i c tu re if the town doesn't t ake ac t ion r e ­gard ing t h e inslal la t ion of a sewer, sys tem, ' Gra'dy's repor t reads as fol­lows; , . < ' "At t h e Zoning and P l a n n i n g r e g u l a r hear ing , , tlie proposed p lan to r t l i e :Town o f ' E a s t i l a -ven w a s discussed and reviewed. F r o m a planning point of view the boa rd has gone on record a s favor ing instnllution of sewnge for t he fallowing reasons . " J „'1U)...Sewage, condit ions In cer­ta in sectibits of the F o x o n P a r k , 3\i6m&u'gUih aiid cen te r a r e a s a re defiftitely below sate h e a l t h lev-t ls . ' f ' ' ,,--•

. ' ' 'K2) If steps a r e not t aken lo a l levia te sewage condit ions the Sr^te o r . C o n n . m a y wel l force I h e ^ o w n of E a s t H a v e n to i,n-' Sjali sewnge or o the rwise be fin­ed at. a daily r a t e iintU said sew­age is instnlled.",

" (3 ) I n s t u l i a t l c i n p l - ' s e w a g e m a k e s .the town, riiore accept able fo r ; the^ domicle of; ihdi^sti-y. In -'traducli6n~ ,of lliht'-'lndustrt'eii in­t o . 'East.. ilaveiV' Is, a n absolute mU54.,i):jV'e a r e told" to hold t he . tak , |pM^,revel ' ; . a t ' i ( ; : | ine which 'aii't)i*seiitV,rbEldenls dim nffoi'd."

. '"The board wlslies t o m a k e no c o m m e n t on F inanc ia l "methods a s ' t t i l s should be left t o the S a n ­i ta t ion Commit tee for p resen ta ­t ion and tor t h e public to choose in t h e i r ' discrellon. (Signed) J e n - y Grndy, c h a i r m a n . "

Mrs. Thompson Gets Gift From Athletes

Coach F r a n k Crisat l and his a l l - round a th le tes , w h o captured t h r e e . team ti t les, b r o k e records, e tc . for n u m e r o u s a w a r d s , tu rn ­ed t h e tables yesii?rday and did a l i t t l e award eiving themselves .

.The recipient '? Mrs . .Jano Thompson secre ta ry t o Principal Car l Garvin. The a w a r d ' / Well t h e r e .were ac tua l ly- t w o : 1. A beaut i fu l , hand tooled cowhida, s t r ap handled hand bag and 2: a. beautiful ly embossed card, whose , slmpli3 verse expressed t h e g r a t i t ude of Coach Crlsat i a n d , his boys for t h e help thai. Mrs ; • "Thompson g a v e Ihem t h r o u g h o u t t he year .

H o w did Mrs, T h o m p s o n like i t? ' P e r h a p s Mrs. N a t a l i e Ford described it best w h e n she said, "You couldn' t si^e t h e s tars in h e r eyes, for the t e a r s of happi­ness , "

House Tonight T h e a n n u a l instullntion and

d inner dance of the Enst l lnveii Lions Club will be held al 7; 10 lonlght in Flor in 's Count ry House in Foxon .

In addit ion lo their wives, t he Lion 's guests will also Incliiiii' Alberl F . Sprafke , district gover ­nor of tile organizat ion and Dominic 1. Mlnlcucci, district governor - elect .

T h o m a s Gagliordi , depu ty dis­tr ict governor , will preside over the ins la l la t ion of t he followiiuj officers:

Wil l iam F . McKay, p res iden t ; Sal T lnar i , T h o m a s McMalKUi and A r t h u r F . Cordes first, second nnd th i rd vice pres idents ; George Wugrier, secreiar>' ; Garbr le l A. Fucci , t r e a s u r e r ; George Kappier , Lion T a m e r : Dr. George Sle;3on- 1 kus , tai l uv l s l e r ; E. Tl ionias T r y - j e r and Clifford Downer, o n e - y e a r t e rm d i rec tors ; P a t F lor in und Ralph Custellon, two - y e a r t e r m d i rec tors .

P a t Florio, cha i rmnn In c h a r g e of a r r a n g e m e n t s .s taled tliat in addit ion . to. tlie , member ' s wives, and distr ict heads, r ep resen ta t ives of o t h e r Lions Clubs in llio a r e a and civic and cliurch ' officials have m a d e ! rese rva t ions lo be in a t t e n d a n c e . . ' '

Assis t ing Mr. Fior io on the a r ­r a n g e m e n t s commi t t ee ave:. Al S tandlsh , F r a n k Adnnis, Sal .Tlna­ri , Cliff Downer , Bill F r i e n d and Sal Pa lmle r i .

Eight High School Boys Chosen To Go To Boys'^ State

Joseph Culubrese, c h a i r m a n of tlie Boy's S ta l e P r o g r a m for t he I l a n y U. Ba r t l e t t PoKt 89, has announced plans have been com­pleted for the l l t h a n n u a l ses­sion to he held at S t o r r s College .Iiino 26 to J u l y 2, 1955.

Or iy lna led by the Amer i can Legion, th is nat ion - wide p ro -E i u m will, OS in the past , endeav­or to en l igh ten the y o u n g people as to the work ings of t he gov­e r n m e n t and to p r o m o t e be t t e r ci t izenship.

T h e l)oys in t he E a s t I lavon I l igh School were chosen as to I heir high schola.slic r a t i n g and leadership aljilily, Joel K. Gus-tafson, Joseph V. Mellllo, R o b e r t L. Melvin, J a m e s S t r e e t o a r e sponsored by Pos t 89. J a m e s Grigrmno und W a l l e r H. Cochran a r e sponsored by the Eas t Haven E x c h a n g e Club.

Michael Cer r i lo and Wil l iam C. Bla lch ley a r e sponsored by the R o t a r y Club.

C of C Rebuts Stories On Main St. Juveniles Tlie lift\ CharU's Callaliaii To Colohralc Fiixl Mrixs

r n l l y o ic la incc l t\a a Miwy-

R,F. Nolan G-raduates R o b e r t F . Nolan, son of Mr.,

and Mrs, F r a n k J, Nolan , of 16 Howo Cour t , was g r a d u a t e d from N o t r e D a m e High School, West Haven , al commencemen t exercises held at Ihe T r o o p J u n ­ior High School Sunday . Hi3 will e n t e r college in the fall-

Parents Tiirnn^ To Dedications Of New Schools

More than 5(10 pfLsons nlli nd-ed Iho dediciilUms of the T o w n s 25 new cltiSsrooinK, Incluiihin I^MI k inde rga r t ens , lield lii.st \V( t k-end at Mouiauguhi , OveihiooU and Deer Run schools.

Despite t he r a iny wea the i m terusted town folk crowded tin a l t -purpose rooms lo wi tness tlic ceremonles .

"The iiddillonal elpmeiitni> .school "fncillties, which c o s t tliL town $1.M3,6S8, Included u Ihit?*-room addition to M o m a u u u m school^ ond 11 rodni schools al OverbrooU and Deer R u n . .

M o m a u g u i n dedicat ion was held Sh tu iduy at 2 p.m., Overbrook and Dee r Run were dbdi tuted Sunday ul. 2 p.m. aiid '! p.in., r e s ­pectively. . ' - •

T h e c e r e m o n i e s / w h i c h [o l lo \ \ -e'd on^ identical patteii j i at Ovei brook and b e e r Run, opened wit t he p re sen ta t ion of tho Amerie im Flag to t he pi'lnclpals of I h t n i w schools. Miss C u n n i n g h a m , of O-yerbrook, .accepted the p re sen ta ­tion from the H a r r y R. B a r t l e t t Anier ican Legion Post 81) and Mrs. M a r g a r e t Mack, of Dei i Run, accepted the flag from t lu Foxon Amer ican Legion Post, 175

Fo l lowing the flag rais ing ( e -romonics conducted by menibei-s of the. A m e r i c a n Legion Posts, lh» people crowded the All - Pui -pose Rooms to hear t a lks by the Town'.s leading citizens.

Supt . of Schools R. Vernon l iuys , conducted the indoor c t u -monie.s, in t roducing ,meml)ei-.s of the Board of Educat ion ,and t lu e l e m e n t a r y .school liuilding c o m ­mi t tee . F i r s t Se lec tman F r a n k Clancy in t roduced t h e Bourd of Se lec tmen and m e m b e r s of Ihc Board of F inance .

Among those in a t t e n d a n c e w a s f o i m e r Supl . of Schools Wil l iam E. • GiUi.s, who came down from his home in l lyann l s , Mass. to a t t e n d the ceremonies .

T h e Eas t Haven High Sirhool bond played dur ing the outdooi cei^emonies ' a t Overbrook and Dee r Rtm, whi le t h e Bradford M a n o r D r u m Corps played nl Monmugu in .

In his dedication speech, Mi (Cont inued On I'ligji E inb t )

King And Queen Get Crowned

I'liotu Cri'llil .Syroliiii' Leonard Orifice und .loan .Mi'l-'iirlaiid. cen te r slai idint- , pliiee Ihe criiwns of ro,viilt,r iiii I In- heads of the Queen and KiUK.of the Class ot 11155, E l i z a b e t h Kur tz , seated Icll , iind Uill f 'ruln, a s ladies In wuit in,er1*tt~to r ight , Helen SciUla, Shi rly L ' H e u r c x , Doro thy Vogt and Conce t t a Han-• t ane l l a l ook o n . T h e corona t ion t ook place a t t h e Sen io r P r o m F r i d a y n igh t .

I ' nv i s lnone i ' a of .Si. C l a r e ' s cWnri'.li, M o n t a u p n i n , wi l l Vie.

n l i l e 111 w i t n e s s n u n i q u e m n s n nl 1 0 : 3 0 n. m , S u n d a y , w l i e n

I w u I j i o t h c r s , I joll i pvieslH nasist in l l ie c e l e b r n l i n n of \h''

i i i s l m u s s of n l l i l r d b r o l l i e r , vec

i au i l l i n i a s i o n n r y . T h e Uev, Hol ie i t Caihilinil, will ,

i n t ns niolipriesl and the IteV.' l''i'iiiicls Cnliniinn, will se rve aa j (it Kup when the Uev. C h a r l e s ' ('Hlliihiiil ce lebra les his first Mti^ They a r e t he sons of Mr. mill Mrs, Cluuies L. Ca l lahan , of 71 l4ior|',e SI ree l .

l.nst week, wns n big week In tlie (.'nlliihnii fami ly . ' D a u g h l e r

Iiuiry received he r buchelor ol I ts ileip-ee at AllierlUs M a g n u s nlli 'ne; l' 'allier Uoher l , w h o Is n ml siir of lOlliillsll ai a t ; T h o -

11 IS Si'uiliKiry, l ln r i fo rd , l ece lv -d Ills iiKisteis degree nt T r in i t y iiiit i'"iitlier Chnrles Was orduln-d Saiiiiiliiy ai; n missionnry u l

Mnr.vkiiiill, N. A j'.rmlliiile Ir.ii :-;L'IIIHI|,

of Kasl Haven F a l h e r Cha r l e s

spent four yeurs In the Marine Corps, du r ing Wor ld W a r 11, serving In t h e Phclflc. '

I'^uliowiiig his disclinrgc from Ihe service llio (iriesl ertlered St. Th.-imns Semina ry . Uutoru oii-l e r l h g l h e Mnrykiiol l ' Semlhury, lie nlsn s tudied nt S t . Uoriiard's III Hochesler . ' '. . '

Unlll his dvpnr iurn for Africa; on August l , :Fri l i ier Char les will reninui w i t h his pareut i ; In Enst Haven, '•

Others who wHl se rve , in Fal l i ­e r Charles ' fli'sl mass wdll bo llio Kev, T h o m a s Furey , to r iner eu-. rule nt Sf, Ciuie 's who will servo as sub-deneoti , und the Rev, Jo ­seph Lynch ot Chicago, III.,, who will give t he sermon.

drisali Fcled By Townspeople Al Testimonial Last Niglil

r i i l ' l i S c h o o l C o n c h I ' r a i i l t CriHati , Km eyi»H %vrt w i t h Icnrst o i g i i t l i lnc le a n d IIIH v o i c e c h o k e d \ M 1 1 I c m o l i o n , h u m b ­ly iie-.UiiowlecJ(.;etl t h e Ir ibivte of h i s f e l l o w t o w n s m e n laHt

n i u h l . • Unislni; to his feet to face t h e — - — : — '

( i| ;u-iiy crowd that .lamnuid t h e i Wi'fpiiij^ WlllowH r e s t a u r a n t , t h e Ml 'l "f honor, atii. 'mpted t lnie Hid ai'.'Mii i'» e \ p u s hln g in t l -tiuic. llnidile, i)i.'cause of the eni-ntloiuil lUU' t h a t .lAVept over him, <ii i.'.ivc M cuherant-Hiieech," CrlS-

li fumliU (t to) ^^olds and phrn-

Scliarf Denies He Gave Slalemciits To The Press

In n l e t t e r lo Chief ot Police Kdwin Priest Insl iiiglil, Don Dnrl le t t , iiiesldeiit ot Iho C h a m - • her of Commerce , denounced r e ­cent hendllnes re fe r r ing to " d e -

I llniiuency iirolilems" confront-j liiR Main S t r e e t mnrehnnis ' Ueferr lhg to Ihe news head ­

line ns " u u t o r u t u n t e , " D n r t l e t t snld,Hint It could he oonslrucd ns lo menu Hint t he C h a m b e r w a i cilllpiil of Hie police's hal id-lliifr of the Main S l i e c t s i t ua ­tion,

Tho Chnniber president said thai this wns not the in t en t o f Iho Invesllgallon by the o i g a n -l/.nliun, when It deeided to . In­ves t iga te t he complaints ot sev­era l hiei 'chnnts, abou t , t h e " l o l t -eiiuff nnd act ions of youths on Mnln Slre.ei "

l lni l lot t ponnted nu t to Chief P i l r s l , Ihul nil the C of C Was t ry ing lo do w o i to find o u t how mnny m e r c h n n i s may h a v e s imi lar complalnlii, I t t he m a t -tei w n n n n i c d It, t he Chnmher , nocnrdlni! lo Bnr l l e l t would con­fer with Chief Pr ies t on how best to hniidlo the s i lunt lon.

T h e lei tor lo t he police chief niso cluiined tlinl l i t e ' s n m c o ' o t l i i toi tnal lon tor siicli s lo t ies wd^ t l is l nppa icn i ly obtnincd t t o m fioin iho n igun l / a l lon ' s Na\i^B l e t t e r and Hion piibllshod n a m ­ing l l e i i nnn Scluii t , C of C .t>ec-l e l n i y ns Ihc BOUtta of In fo ima-tlnn. , ' .)•

Sehn i t , y e u e i d n v denlod t h i l t he had given nny., in format ipn to Iho pi ess uiguullnii juvoni ie dellmiMpnty, and ^ iiX|ir0S8ed' Ills

'of the fneully nt t h a t l ime. •' III answering, one o f thi? tpies tldns reguVdinir his t u l u r e pluns, l l ip. gue.st of hoiuir gave no lii-

I dlLUUon he iiiteiidi.d to take up , 11,-1111,^^,,^^, „ ,., , „ , Phyiilcul educniloii On the con- disnppiovnl over , l l to lllol t l i a t i

• 1.1 ,. „i i 1„. luiia minted tfs tltd alJOkOBmil'n

scs iiini MiiiiUl not eonie A l t e r sc'vernl utlenipt's, the ' ho -

Mrired J 111 t summed 11 all up by lyiilK t i l l di epiy tfUilelul foi

this. Mild I wniil lu ' lhut i l t you all fill ttiiil voij linve done f o r ' m e "

An es i imaled 2011 pi'ople nl t end­ed tlie dliiiiei', nnd lienid spenkei i t ler .s|)i';il(cr slnii the praises ol

Ciisiiii 's work, m i l ' a s n winning lu.'icli, hut ns n niuii who Ulil niiicti to help the you th of East Ihivi'ii rind the r igh t pntli to i i i i i i i l i ' >'

AiiiDiiK those who spoke, wi.'re .Idliiiiiy iMiilii.'r, former Eas t l l n -\'i'ii llii;li Sclinol eoacii, now ( iicli 111 Uarien High School , "^upi. nl .Schools I t . 'Vernon H a y s , llii;li .SI'IMIOI l'l 'lnei|inl CWl G u l -\iii luiil First Kelei'tmnn Fru i ik t laii'-y, 'I'onnliiiaiMer for t he oc-c Sinn WHS Hiiiiild Hul l

M.-ilier. ill Ills spei.'ch, recoiled III'- e m 111 which l-'rank Crlsafl 1 layi'd under lilni ul lite, local I i;'.li .school and Supt . Hays , paid liiiii t t i l jule fnr his success wi lh ilie yiiuih of the high school,

Hiiwever, Mr. Gnrvin pulled Hie .siirpilse of the evening . To llie d i l l yh t of the gul l ier lng, . the I riiicipul rend a ()Uestiunnuii'e, lilled out by Crlsafl while a s lu-deiit al East Hnven High, l e -f ardiiig ills nit l tuihi , as u pupil , t owards his s tudies ad nieiniiers

u n m e con- UIHUIJIMUVUI «».., ^»..- — _ ,

t i m y , his l u u i i e umhltiuna ul lie^ was quoted ta's th'fi HpokOBma'Ti thnl l lm| i , \Yeio divided Ijetweon foi the Chnmbei" rcgni 'd lns _HilB ,

' - ' m t ' /p i i ' i | l iy . 'Snd avi Jaealed al the liendluhle wl l l t

Ciisufi w e i e , T h e HiW. M l l l l n B | , the lli'V. Chuih ' s Cullahnn, n e i ^ y ordained Mnryknol l ihlsHlona^y und clusMiiuli' of Ci l sa t i ; M i , Clurvin;, M r . ' Huys; Mr. IlHll li'rnnk Messina; Mrs; Gloria Gnl-lo Crlsafl ; Mr. Mulier ; Mr. Clnii-Ly, Ml . ' .ligilo i. 'ilsall, the gues t of honor ' s fntlier and 'Mrs. ' E d -wunl Gulio, Mrs . Crisafi'a niu-lliei

' Al Uie conclusion of Ihe speo-chea, Kru'nk ivlessiiin, chair inan of Hie leslinionlat commil lee , presented Coucti Criiiitfl wllli a rdpe rticordlng mneliliie

Dem, Women'sCliibTo Hold I'icnie-IVleeling

A ciimhlned picnic nnd nionll i-iy meeUhfj will l ie held by the Enst Huveii Ueinocrnt ic Women ' s Clul) Tliursdnyi J u n e U.'l, ul 7:.')0 p.m. hi the hohie of Mrs. l l u r i y VIoln, S Mm tin I'luco,

Mr.s. Hulli Fr iend; club presl-denl , will preside over the bus i ­ness meet ing . Mrs . Viola will lie t h e hoBlesa and she will ho assist­ed by he r commi l lee . Mrs. F lor ­ence Mat l l e ot New Hnven will he Hie guest speaker

mnl Ic i . , „ SLhnif roiildlitled Ihat 1ia Imd

nAf'ppoii t 'n lij any l e p o i t t r ' o n . Ihe i l lBj t r t , iipr had lie sont ou^ any "olhei le lease , o lho r t h a n the News Le i t e r , con ta in ing In-rorinntlon, ,or views on llio p r o b ­lem, ,

Lu<:i nlglil Schu i t and t h e piesldenl confe i ied and ugreod thnl n ie t le t lo Chief Pi lest, l egnrd lng the C of C's pur l In HIIH utfalr, would be tliu bes t answer to tlie slorliiu.

T h e ' l e t t e r lo Chief Pr ies t , V^hlch wns also relenscd to t h e NEW!; roads ns tollowa:

"Dea r Chief Pi lest- A t a nn'oliuK of the Board of D i r ec t tors of t he Enst I luven C h a m b e r of Comineico, hold on M a y 20, thei e w e r e two compla in ts a b o u t loilei'lng und act ions of y o u t h s on Main S t r ee t . T h i s m a t t e r was dihcussed bi le t ly n t t h a t t ime, and It was decided to in -q u l i e ninon,'< the bus inessmen nnd m e i c h u n i s as lo Just w h a t cumiilaint each one migh t have , ' '

'"I'lils tac t was published in t he J u n e New.s Le t l c r of t h e Chnmber . T h e le l le r nnnounces

' t he l lmo and place of each month ' s meet ing , a loni ; w i t h i tems on the agenda for t he meet ing nnd Is mailed to all Chamber meihbers and also t o the 'press, who named o u r seu-

(Cunlinued On I'ugu LlKht)

I I'ii'tlll'iMl ! i l i o \ e l ire sce i i t -s ol '.hf dcdil' l ltj lt l l c ' re i l l i i l l i i - s nt ( ) \

crtinioU and Dt-i-r Uiiii '. [•liii ils held SuMiliiy iiltcriiiMiii. AIMI\') . .SfcemI Si'li'i-tiuiiii IJioiiinii-lt mid ii lei;ii>iiii:uri. pre|iai-e to raise Old ( i lerv ii< Ovi'i'lii'iMik; liiid-pliiito, .Mrs. Wii t ter Link, left ul Hie i.|,.ineiilar.\' sidii.ril biiiidlni; I 'oinniltlee walrlii 's I 'mnc i s W'iitdi lis 111' liiiilds over Hie lie,\s of Ovcrliriink Si'biiiil lo k in-dt'ri;lirt^'li iniplls; Iteliiw, iMr. Willsh | iresi 'nts the lte,Vh to l l i ' i r Itiiii Scliiiiil to Itetli Ann .Milchell anil KIcluird IJ i<, ns Crui't^i' Li-lis, ctiiiinnitn 'id the scho.d building i;iitiiiiilltee ami .Mil. .Mmiillrel .Muck, sidmel prillcipiil look on,

$;{()() Scliolai'ship7'^'*^'«'"'^'«f'»"l*''' OnMI.N.A.ToBe'^'^'^''''^"''''^-^""'^^'^ '^rcsentcdTonight

Alter the Ball Wa.s Over

. • l l l U i


,. lij.si niuuial scholurshlp ll 1,1 Uu- I'ulillc H e a l H i N u i s -j .jrii.lion -.'.'ill he presented

; , l I

, • 1 , 1 .

l ive s tuden l of n u i s -;,(- Eas l Haven IllBh lumci icemei i t exercises

' I I H -

I 1.'

'I I l i s

'J'he regu la r rni)ri::,(y of tlie Ea:,l Haven Woiii.-i will he held Thursday , .liMe 2::, a t the home of Mrs, H a i r y 1-il/-siinmon.s, 18 P u r d e e Hlun-.

Mrs . Alvin f , TliOlllj»^;;.ll, jir s Idem, will pni'side ov. r llic h i:,-Iness meet ing . Mrs. Aii l i .u Iluesclie, Mrs. Edwui 1 L. Ki-y-nolds und Mrs. Hllioi Puiilul .ue, will be Hn.' lio.stes'u.;.

I-'lnns for a picuic suiij^er i.i Ju ly , will be diiicui;ied.

.•lipient ol t he award -who !iiinouiic''d at t he exer-

ill leceiveSoOO scholarship . lifi- n u r s i n g educat ion.

i iwnid Miss Zitu Mal -, s e c r e t a r y of Ihe organl'/.a-

tinn s la ted, w a s ihade possible i l imucii Hie purchase ot Tube r -culusis; Cl i r i s lnms Seahi by citi-•/Mi.s (jl Uii-' cominun i ty each year .

Miss .Mnlihews said the Public Hi'iilih N u r s i n g association hopes to be able to con t inue this a w a r d each year , and it c a n do so wi th •, u i^^ , , - . —

, the con t inued p u b l i c , suppor t of j F i n d i n g commi t t ee will also I the a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s dr ive , j lpreaent . _

PT Council Meelfi T h e r e will be D spci'iid mi-

ing of t he Eas t Haven Comi P a r e n t s and Tetich<-'i-.. .Monduy, ot a p. m., i n l h e Town Hcill, it wa'i announci.-d ye^.tcrday,

Mr.'i. Gerald Cullen, ruuricil pres ident , r eques t s that all P / r .A , un i t prciiidenls plan to a t t end . M e m b e r s of t he Fac t

• • b e

M<>hibi'rh of the St-nlur ( luss an- shown ha via t; nil al 'tt-rdance hinidwlch, following tl ie Senior P r o m Fr iday a r e , Iclt to rlK'i*-: Leonard O r i l l c e ; Judy Griffith, of 88 B o r r m u n R o a d ; B e t t y Sucltclt , 2 V a n H o r n Dr ive , sind T o m Udc, 18 B (vrtlett RotUl,