www.hcltech.com - from the sustainability desk - 2012-12-11

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  • 7/28/2019 Www.hcltech.com - From the Sustainability Desk - 2012-12-11


    Published on www.hcltech.com(http://www.hcltech.com)

    ome > Socially Responsible Business > From the Sustainability Desk

    From the Sustainability Desk

    n 2011, we published the outcome of our sustainability efforts in our first Sustainability Report,

    ?Rebalance?. This year, we present our second Sustainability Report for FY 2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30,

    2012). We are happy to share our progress toward achieving ?Sustainability 10 by 2020?, our vision for

    ustainability encompassing the 4R?s ? Responsible Business, Redefine Workplace, Renew Ecosystem

    and Repay Society.

    The five elements of nature form the very basis of creation. Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Atmosphere

    ustain all forms of life on this planet, working in tandem to give us life as we know it. As organizations and

    ndividuals, we can make conscious efforts to respect their influence and make responsible investmentsand actions in ensuringour sustenance. What can businesses do to grow without compromising the

    ecosystem we live in?

    There is much inspiration we can draw from the elements and their unique characteristics.

    The ?Atmosphere? envelopes all, supportive and enduring in its presence, like the overall organization.

    We are a Responsible Business that values ethics, strong governance and run the day to day operations

    based on our core philosophy- Employees First, Customer Second (EFCS).

    ?Fire?, warm and bright, kindling ambitions and illuminating the environment, represents the ?inner fire?

    hat burns brightly in every one of our employees, representing their desire to create and lead change. We

    trive to continuouslyRedefine the Workplace that facilitates transformational actions led by employees andembraced by the management.

    ?Earth?, diverse and nurturing, sharing with us glorious bounty that we must pass on to future

    enerations, reminds us that we have a duty to Renew our Ecosystem.

    ?Wind?, inspiring and unfettered, characterizes change. It cannot be seen but its influence can be felt.

    Purity of the spirit and heart, clarity of thought within the mind and focused intent are all characteristics of

    his element. This element represents the commitment our employees have to Repay Society as gentle

    winds of change.

    ?Water?, flowing and persevering, signifies how we innovate along this transformational journey and break

    barriers.At HCL Technologies (HCLT), sustainability is integrated into our business seriously. The Sustainability

    Office runs a multi-layered corporate program to drive our sustainability vision for which the CEO is the

    Chief Custodian. We partner with multiple stakeholders to form an all inclusive working group and adopt a

    precautionary approach to creating policies, processes and other organizational measures. The progress

    of all our activities is periodically reviewed by HCLT?s Board of Directors. The last review was conducted

    uring the quarter ending March 2012.

    We place great faith in our employees to partner with us to achieve our sustainability goals, planting in

    hem, the ?seed? for the ?need? for everyday responsibility towards sustainable development. It is our

    esponsibility as we make way for a better tomorrow. We respect the triple bottom-line: our people, profitand planet.

    t is but, elementary.

    Srimathi Shivashankar

    Sustainability Office

  • 7/28/2019 Www.hcltech.com - From the Sustainability Desk - 2012-12-11


    Download Sustainability Report [1]

    Copyright 2012 HCL Technologies Limited

    Source URL (retrieved on 2013-04-05 07:39): http://www.hcltech.com/socially-responsible-business/sustainability-desk


    1] http://www.hcltech.com/sites/default/files/sustainability-report_2012.pdf
