www.engineersportal.in. no mnc in india for internet marketing

Internet Marketing www.engineersportal.in

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Internet Marketingwww.engineersportal.inCOMPANY PROFILENo MNC in India For Internet Marketing

www.engineersportal.inQuibus Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Small Organization

Situated at Raja Park, Behind Moti Doongari Temple In Jaipur

Services (Internet marketing, Web design and development, PPC marketing)

www.engineersportal.in INTRODUCTION TO

www.engineersportal.inInternet marketing doesnt mean

www.engineersportal.inBut it means Exploring your product or website online

www.engineersportal.inMajor Questions with I. M.There are 7 Wh words associated with internet marketing.

What Why Who When Where How How muchwww.engineersportal.inWHAT IS INTERNET MARKETING Also known as web-marketing, online marketing, i-marketing.

Internet marketing is to explore product, knowledge, business.

It is about having an error free website & promote it through various online platforms.www.engineersportal.inMAJOR FACTORS OF I. M. SEO SEM SMO

- Main object of all these factors is to boost ranking of a website on search engines.

- These factors play role for ON-PAGE and OFF-PAGE activities of a site. www.engineersportal.inSEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONTechnique to enhance ranking of a website on search engines

www.engineersportal.in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETINGSEM technique is used to advertise product or website on search engines.

www.engineersportal.inSEMSEO / ORGANICPPC / PAIDwww.engineersportal.inSEO It is a long term process

Not require too much investment

Most popular and effectivewww.engineersportal.inPAY PER CLICK PPC advertisement is specially run by search engines.

Quick time process

Need good budgetwww.engineersportal.in

www.engineersportal.inSOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION Focus on building website/product reputation on SOCIAL NETWORKS.

Goals to drive traffic from social sites, as well as let people know about us, product, website.www.engineersportal.in WHY INTERNET MARKETING

www.engineersportal.inImage Source : Spotonpr


www.engineersportal.inWHO CAN WORK ON I. M. No age limitation

Neednt to be highly qualified, educated

Basic computer knowledge and English language

Good opportunity for studentswww.engineersportal.in WHEN WILL I.M. WORK It is a process, not an event. So it takes time.

For bloggers, about 1.5 2 years require to get some success here.

For business/product sites, it takes around 3 - 4 months.www.engineersportal.in

www.engineersportal.inWHERE I.M. WILL BE SUCCESSFUL Any kind of business can be successful on internet by targeting proper areas.

Use local domain extensions (.in, .uk) for local business.

www.engineersportal.in HOW TO WORK ON I.M. Development and design of website, A big factor in online marketing

www.engineersportal.inON PAGE ACTIVITIES Keyword Search query

Keyword types(i.) Generic KeywordsExample :- Apple iPhone(ii.) Long Tail KeywordsExample :- Apple iPhone Specs

Keywords analysiswww.engineersportal.inFACTORS OF ON-PAGE ACTIVITIES Title


URLwww.engineersportal.in TITLE It tells about the what user will get on web-page

www.engineersportal.in DESCRIPTION It describes what the web-page is all about.

www.engineersportal.in PERMALINK / URL The web address of a web page.

www.engineersportal.in CONTENT WRITING Content is king in internet marketing

Content has to be original Full informative

Lengthy, recommended 300+ words (Not a thumb rule)

www.engineersportal.inOFF PAGE ACTIVITIES Its goal to create backlinks for website. To drive more traffic on site.

Build Authority / Branding

Create online networkwww.engineersportal.inMETHODS FOR BACKLINK CREATION Blog Commenting Web Directory Submission

Social Bookmarking

Top Tip : Create backlinks to your sites relevant niche.www.engineersportal.inHOW MUCH IS I.M. SUCCESSFUL Maximum people are online, so good chances to get success. People buy and sell things online

Like Angara brand, success can be achieved Thousand of dollars you can generate every month.www.engineersportal.inPROJECTS Moneybies.com




www.engineersportal.in CONCLUSION Good opportunity for business people to get more exposure

Excellent way for students to get good carrier ahead

Top way to get fame and moneywww.engineersportal.inThank you so much for listening me

- Aman Bansal VII SEM.www.engineersportal.in QUERIESwww.engineersportal.in