wto by nasir iqbal

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  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal



  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is theglobal international organization dealing withthe rules of trade between nations.

    At its heart are the WTO agreements,negotiated and signed by the bulk of theworlds trading nations and ratied in theirarliaments.

    The organization o!"ially "ommen"ed on#anuary $, $%%& , rela"ing the 'eneralAgreement on Taris and Trade ('ATT), whi"h"ommen"ed in $%*.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The WTO's predecessor, the General Agreement on

    Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was established afterWorld War II in the wake of other new multilateral

    institutions dedicated to international economic

    cooperation - notabl theBretton Woods institutions

    known as the World Bank and theInternationalMonetary Fund.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    A comparable international institution for trade, named

    the International Trade Or!ani"ationwas successfull

    ne!otiated#The ITO was to be a $nited %ations speciali"ed a!enc

    and would address not onl trade barriers but other issues

    indirectl related to trade, includin! emploment,

    in&estment, restricti&e business practices, and commodita!reements#

    ut the ITO treat was not appro&ed b the $nited tates

    and a few other si!natories and ne&er went into effect#

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    In the absence of an international or!ani"ation for

    trade, the GATT would o&er the ears transformitself into a de facto(real)international or!ani"ation#

    The GATT was the onl multilateral instrument

    !o&ernin! international trade from *+ until theWTO was established in *++.#

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    +een rounds of negotiations o""urred underthe 'ATT. The rst 'ATT trade rounds"on"entrated on further redu"ing taris.

    Then, the -ennedy ound in the mid/si0tiesbrought about a 'ATT anti/duming Agreementand a se"tion on deeloment.

    The Tokyo ound during the seenties was therst ma1or attemt to ta"kle trade barriers thatdo not take the form of taris, and to imroethe system, adoting a series of agreements onnon/tari barriers, whi"h in some "asesinterreted e0isting 'ATT rules, and in othersbroke entirely new ground.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    Uruguay Round The eighth 'ATT round 2 known as the 3ruguay

    ound 2 was laun"hed in +etember $%45"ontinued till $%%, in 6unta del 7ste, 3ruguay.

    8t was the biggest negotiating mandate on tradeeer agreed9 the talks were going to e0tend thetrading system into seeral new areas, notablytrade in seri"es and intelle"tual roerty, and

    to reform trade in the sensitie se"tors ofagri"ulture and te0tiles: all the original 'ATTarti"les were u for reiew.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The Doha Round

    The /ound was officiall launched at the WTO0s 1ourth 2inisterial

    3onference in 4oha, 5atar, in %o&ember 677*# TheDoha Ministerial Declarationpro&ided the mandate for the ne!otiations,

    includin! on a!riculture, ser&ices and an intellectual propert topic, which

    be!an earlier#

    In 4oha, ministers also appro&ed a decision on how to address

    the problems de&elopin! countries face inimplementingthecurrent WTO a!reements#

    Its aim is to achie&e ma8or reform of the international tradin!sstem throu!h the introduction of lower trade barriers and

    re&ised trade rules# The work pro!ramme co&ers about 67 areas

    of trade#

    9 A!riculture

    9%on-a!ricultural market access

    9 er&ices

    9 Intellectual propert

    9 Trade and de&elopment

    9 Trade and en&ironment

    9 Trade facilitation

    9 WTO rules

    9 4ispute ettlement $nderstandin!

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    8t oersees the imlementation, administration andoeration of the "oered agreements. 8t roides a forum for negotiations and for settling

    disutes. Additionally, it is the WTO;s duty to reiew and

    roagate the national trade oli"ies, and to ensure

    the "oheren"e and transaren"y of trade oli"iesthrough sureillan"e in global e"onomi" oli"y/making. Another riority of the WTO is the assistan"e of

    deeloing, least/deeloed and low/in"ome "ountriesin transition to ad1ust to WTO rules and dis"ilinesthrough te"hni"al "ooeration and training.retton Woods system, the 8?= and

    the World >ank.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    Members=159 countriesAccessions=1(Yemen) forma a!!ro"a to be ma#e

    $%& 'ec 1$ 9t*ministeria conference in Bai

    (+a,a-*stan accession in !ro.ress) /bser"ers=5countries

    0A Si.natories countries= 12 (1993)

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The WTO has *.+ members, accountin! for o&er +:; of world trade# 4irector Roberto Azevdo (sep * 67*< for ear)# 4eput 4irectors ( * oct 67*arl rauner of German (?e!al Affair 4i&ision )4a&id hark of the $nited tates (A!riculture and 3ommodities 4i&ision )=i @iao"hun of 3hina ( 2arket Access 4i&ision)

    Total WTO staff abo&e :77

    ud!et 67*< *+: 31

    3$//B%T WTO COITIO%

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    T@7 O>#7T8B7+9

    The WTOs overriding objective is to help tradefow smoothly, reely, airly and predictably.

    8t does this by9 Administering trade agreements

    A"ting as a forum for trade negotiations

    +ettling trade disutes

    eiewing national trade oli"ies

    Assisting deeloing "ountries in trade oli"y issues,through te"hni"al assistan"e and training rogrammes

    ooerating with other international organizations

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    SectionBudget 2013


    Work Years(in"luding salary and ension) $C*,*4D,4EE

    Temporary ssistance $&,CE,&EE


    (in"luding tele"ommuni"ations and ostal "harges) $,*$%,*EE

    Bui!ding Faci!ities(in"luding rental, utilities, maintenan"e and insuran"e) ,&C%,EEE

    "ermanent #$uipment $,&,EEE

    #%penda&!e supp!ies $,CE$,EEE

    Contractua! Ser'ices(in"luding rerodu"tion, o!"e automation and se"urity) 4,%D5,5EE

    Sta( )'er*eads(in"luding training and insuran"e) &,$5C,EEE

    +issions D,$&*,EEE

    Trade "o!icy Courses C,4&$,DEE

    ,arious(in"luding disute settlement anels, ubli"ations,library and ubli" information a"tiities) 5,C&4,EEE

    -nternationa! Trade Centre $4,%$$,EEE

    .rand Tota! 1/203/00

    Budget 2013 ( WTO)

    1CHF=1.12US Dollar

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    TO6 e ontributors in CE$D >udget

    $.3+A G $$.*E

    C.'ermany G 4.&&

    D.hina G *.5%

    .#aan G .5$

    &.3- G .DC

    H6A- E.$4

    8ndia $.4

    4ontributions are #etermine# accor#in. to eac*

    Members s*are of internationa tra#e (6)7base# on tra#e in .oo#s7 ser"ices an#

    inteectua !ro!ert8 ri.*ts for t*e ast fi"e 8ears

    for *ic* #ata is a"aiabe:

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The WTO0s top le&el decision-makin! bod is the Ministerial Conference

    which meets at least once e&er two ears#

    elow this is the General Council(normall ambassadors and heads of

    dele!ation in Gene&a, but sometimes officials sent from members0 capitals)which meets se&eral times a ear in the Gene&a headDuarters#

    The General 3ouncil also meets as the Trade Colic /e&iew od and the

    4ispute ettlement od#

    At the neEt le&el, the Goods Council, Services Council and ntellectual!ropert" #TR!S$ Councilreport to the General 3ouncil#

    %umerous specialized committees, %or&ing groupsand %or&ing parties

    deal with the indi&idual a!reements and other areas such as the en&ironment,

    de&elopment, membership applications and re!ional trade a!reements#

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The WTO +e"retariat, based in 'enea, hasaboe *EE sta and is headed by a dire"tor/general.

    8ts annual budget is roughly $%* million

    +wiss fran"s.( $@= G$.$C3+ IOJJA) 8t does not hae bran"h o!"es outside

    'enea. +in"e de"isions are taken by the members

    themseles, the +e"retariat does not haethe de"ision/making role that otherinternational bureau"ra"ies are gien.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    The +e"retariats main duties are to sulyte"hni"al suort for the arious "oun"ils and"ommittees and the ministerial "onferen"es,to roide te"hni"al assistan"e for deeloing

    "ountries, to analyze world trade, and toe0lain WTO aairs to the ubli" and media.

    The +e"retariat also roides some forms oflegal assistan"e in the disute settlement

    ro"ess and adises goernments wishing tobe"ome members of the WTO.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    =ie rin"iles are of arti"ular imortan"e inunderstanding both the re/$%% 'ATT and the WTO.

    on4iscrimination. 8t has two ma1or "omonents9 the most favoured

    nation (?=K) rule, and the national treatmentoli"y.

    The ?=K rule reLuires that a WTO member mustaly the same "onditions on all trade with otherWTO members.

    Kational treatment means that imorted goodsshould be treated no less faorably thandomesti"ally/rodu"ed goods (at least after theforeign goods hae entered the market) and wasintrodu"ed to ta"kle non/tari barriers to trade (e.g.te"hni"al standards, se"urity standards et al.dis"riminating against imorted goods).

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    Reciprocity. 8t reMe"ts both a desire to limit thes"oe of free/riding that may arise be"ause ofthe ?=K rule, and a desire to obtain bettera""ess to foreign markets.

    Binding and en5orcea&!e commitments. Thetari "ommitments made by WTO members in amultilateral trade negotiation and on a""essionare enumerated in a s"hedule (list) of"on"essions. These s"hedules establish N"eiling

    bindingsN9 a "ountry "an "hange its bindings, butonly after negotiating with its trading artners,whi"h "ould mean "omensating them for loss oftrade. 8f satisfa"tion is not obtained, the"omlaining "ountry may inoke the WTOdisute settlement ro"edures.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    Transparency. The WTO members arereLuired to ublish their traderegulations, to maintain institutions

    allowing for the reiew of administratiede"isions ae"ting trade, to resond toreLuests for information by othermembers, and to notify "hanges in

    trade oli"ies to the WTO.

    Sa5ety 'a!'es. 8n se"i""ir"umstan"es, goernments are able to

    restri"t trade.

  • 7/21/2019 Wto by Nasir Iqbal


    1O/ A%= 1$/TB/ 5$BTIO%