wsm western uganda mission report

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  • 8/2/2019 WSM Western Uganda Mission Report






    UGANDA FROM 2ND -5TH /03/2012


    I wish to thank the Almighty God who availed us the

    opportunity to the people of south Ankole diocese

    through preaching, teaching, counselling, healing

    and deliverance under the support ofWorldShine

    Ministries. We set off from Kampala on Friday 2nd /

    03/2012 under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Medad

    Birungi to Lake Mburo National Game Park 43km to

    Mbarara where the car broke down at 1:30 am.

    Thank God for his faithfulness, safety and

    protection. The team comprised of 7 members

    namely Jassu Joel, Barnabas Birungi, Rachael

    Mutesi, Musoke Francis (North Kigezi Diocese), Alex

    Bainomugisha (West Buganda Diocese), Ronald

    Akansansira and Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi as the

    team captain.

  • 8/2/2019 WSM Western Uganda Mission Report


    Francis, Mary (Medads Mentor) Medad. Barnabas, Joel,

    Ronald MB



    Although the car broke down at 1:30 am, part of the

    team slept in the game park but the other

    proceeded to Ntungamo for the 1st ever organised

    over night which was at the District main cathedral

    under the facilitation of Bishop NathanTumuhimbise. Over 1000 people of different

    religious and sects across the district attended the

    overnight. The team arrived at the cathedral at 4:40

    am with the diocesan secretary, who had

    transported them from where the car had broken

    down. They were then welcomed by the

    congregation with a thunderous song of praise

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    followed by a teaching by Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi on

    prayer healing and deliverance from 5:30 am to

    7:30 am.

    During the alter call, over 300 people gave their

    lives to Jesus Christ. The team later had a breakfast

    at the Bishops house and then joined the other

    colleagues of in Mbarara Town to get other means

    of transport to Masheruka Girls School.


    On Saturday at 4:00 pm we then linked up in

    Mbarara Town and proceeded to Masheruka Girls

    School in Kabwohe district for a students

    conference. We arrived at 6:00 pm, had a wash up

    and then joined an evening session as organised by

    the school. During the session we were officially

    welcomed by the Headmistress Mrs Joy and the

    entire school community of about 40 teachers, 1500

    students and non-teaching staff. We had a

    wonderful praise and worship session led by the

    scripture union choir, we then had self-introduction

    and a teaching on prayer, healing and deliverance

    by Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi that started at 8:00pm

    and then a deliverance session where over 25 girls

    denounced and left the devils camp. They

    surrendered their witchcraft and gave their lives to

    Jesus Christ. Blessed be the name of the lord. We

    then closed at mid night and spent the night at the

    headmistress house.

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    Healing and deliverance and demons screaming.


    Preaching the word. Exorcism in Jesus

    name. Fire!!

    Testimony after exorcism Preaching the Word.

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    Preaching the word Hearing the


    Sunday 4th was very exciting; the team had to split

    up for ministry at a thanksgiving service in

    Bweranyangi Girls school and the students

    conference in Masheruka Girls school. Mr Musoke

    Francis preached at 10:00 am at Masheruka girls

    school in a congregation of over 1700 people with

    students and teachers from neighbouring schools,

    parents and youth workers. That yielded a great

    harvest of about 236 students giving their lives to


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    Listening to the Word of God

    Alter call response

    Rev.Dr. Medad Birungi addressed the students at

    11:30 am and then introduced the team that he had

    travelled with.

    Jassu Joel and Rachael Mutesi testified about Gods

    faithfulness in their lives then he proceeded with

    the sermon From the pitto the palace

  • 8/2/2019 WSM Western Uganda Mission Report


    following the character of Joseph and over 500

    students confessed Christ and then closed with a

    healing and deliverance session at about 3:00pm.

    Sharing a meal together and fellowship

    Praise and worship

    We had counselling sessions in groups and also one

    on one basis for the rest of the day, God did

    wonderful things. We bid farewell to Masheruka

    girls school at 6:00pm and left for Bweranyangi

    Girls School in Bushenyi district.

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    As mentioned part of the team ministered at

    8:00am-10:00am in the morning at the school

    where Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi preached in a

    congregation of over 2000 people comprising of

    students, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents

    and well-wishers who had come to thank God for

    their excellence in the U.C.E and U.A.C.E exams

    where they emerged as the 2nd best girls school in

    the country.

    Preaching the word

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    Spiritual fatherhood.

    He then had a brief meeting with the staff

    encouraging them to get rooted in Christ and totally

    surrender to his will.

    Sharing Christ with staff members

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    The rest of the team later on returned at 7:30 pm

    and were welcomed by the school community then

    joined a praise and worship session led by the

    scripture union choir of the school.

    Jassu Joel then shared his testimony for about an

    hour that prepared the ground for the next

    preacher. Rachael and Barnabas were then

    introduced by Rev.Dr. Medad Birungi, who happens

    to be the next speaker. He did a teaching on prayer,

    healing and deliverance followed by a deliverance

    session where almost 100 girls denounced the devil

    and were totally healed. Over 400 gave their lives to

    Jesus Christ. The schools warden also was delivered

    and received Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. We

    later went to for refreshments at 3:00am and had a

    nights rest.

    On Monday 5th we had a ride back to Mbarara Town

    where Jassu, Barnabas and Rachael returned to

    Kampala as the rest of the team proceeded to

    Lyantonde for ministry and they returned in the

    evening safe and sound.

    Blessed be the name of the lord.


    Over 1200 people gave their lives Christ

    through the teachings prayer and counselling,

    over 300 from Ntungamo, 500 girls in

    Masheruka and 400 girls in Bweranyangi.

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    About 125 girls were totally delivered from

    witch craft and denounced the devil.4 girls in

    Masheruka testified of working as devils agents

    and received Christ.

    An outburst of revival overnights in South


    Jassu Joel, Barnabas Birungi and Rachael Mutesi

    gained more experience and confessed that the

    mission was a testing ground for them.

    Got lots of friends and started up a good

    relationship as a ministry plus the schools we


    A prayer and mentoring network was startedfor the schools by the team

    Many students and other people were

    encouraged and strengthened in their faith.

    Many students felt loved and encouraged

    because of the Rev.Dr. Medad Birungis father



    Teaching of the word of God

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    Counselling especially one on one

    Sharing testimonies.

    Prayer and deliverance


    Transport; because the car broke down which

    disorganised our programme.

    The team was small yet the harvest was big.

    We had limited time yet we had to minister in allplaces and to many people, so some people were

    not effectively ministered to especially in areas of



    A mission van is highly recommended to enhance

    effective movements.

    Strengthen the bond with the schools to ensure a

    follow-up on the students who gave their lives to

    Christ and completely mentor them.

    Raise a team to carry out discipleship and

    mentorship especially in schools and various


    Need to work with the parents, pastors to ensure

    the students are not covenanted to the devil.

    Need to open up a toll free line to encourage the

    students to call for spiritual guidance in case of any


  • 8/2/2019 WSM Western Uganda Mission Report



    We wish to thank all the people who worked closely

    with us to ensure that the mission was a complete

    success. The Bishop of South Ankole for inviting us

    and for the car, the school administration of both

    Masheruka and Bweranyangi Girls School for their

    hospitality, support and ministry opening, fellow

    Missioners and the administration of World Shine

    Ministries who made this mission a success.

    Thank you so much, May God richly bless you.

    Prepared and complied by

    Rachael Mutesi

    Approved by

    Barnabas Birungi

    Approved by

    Jassu Joel