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  • 8/10/2019 Writtentest_8ano


    Agrupamento de Escolas de Oliveira de Frades

    E n g l i s h T e s tSchool year: 2014-2015 8 ano

    Identificao do aluno:

    Name: ______________________________________________________________ N.____ Class:8B Date:____________________

    Grade: Written test _____________________________________

    Enc. Educao: ____________________________________________ Teacher:___________________________


    Read the text about a Singaporean boys hobbies.

    I have two hobbies. They are collecting coins* and skateboarding.Collecting coins is my indoor hobby while skateboarding takes me outside to

    experience the fresh air. I find that they provide a nice balance* of going out

    and staying in during my free time.

    Since I began collecting coins two years ago, I have met many others

    who share the same burning interest. It started when my father brought

    home his unused coins from his business trips. I thought some of them

    looked exotic. They looked very different from our Singapore coins. I had a

    liking for the various coins immediately and began collecting them. Now, whenever my

    father goes on his trips, I ask him to bring home as many different coins as he can.

    Today, I have over two hundred coins from twenty-four different countries.

    My interest in skateboarding began differently. I started three years ago, when I was inprimary school, when a classmate of mine introduced skateboarding to me. At first, I

    found it difficult to balance on a plank of wood on wheels. I also thought it was silly

    skateboarding when rollerblading was so much easier and faster. But after two weeks of

    skateboarding every afternoon, I began to love the wind blowing in my hair and the

    excitement of going places with it. Today, my favourite skateboarding area is the park by

    the beach where it's safe and I do not bump into people while skating. My two hobbies are

    important to me because they help me relax. I dont want to study too much but I make

    sure that I do my homework before I even think about my coin collection or skateboarding.


    *balanceequilbrio *coin - moeda

    A. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Choose the appropriate letter.(10 points)

    1.The boy has two hobbies: one indoor and one outdoor.

    2.There are not many people who like collecting coins.

    3.The boy lives in Europe.

    4.At first skateboarding was not easy.

    5.The two hobbies balance the boys life.

    N 1






  • 8/10/2019 Writtentest_8ano


    B. Find words in the 2ndparagraph of the text that mean the same as the following words/phrases. (4


    1. not used before ________________________________________

    2.journeys, travels _______________________________________

    3. right away ____________________________________________

    4. started _______________________________________________

    C. Answer the following questions, using your own words as much as possible. (20 points)

    1. Why do the two hobbies give a balance to the boys life ?


    2. How many coins has the boy collected so far?_____________________________________________________________________________________

    3. Who first introduced the boy to skateboarding?_____________________________________________________________________________________

    4. Where does he prefer to go skateboarding?_____________________________________________________________________________


    A. Complete the email the boys father sent him fromScotland. Use the Present Simple or the

    Present Continuous. (10 points)

    B. Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. (14 points)

    Boy: _______________ (you/ have) a good time during your stay in Scotland?

    Father: Yes, it _______________ (be) a great adventure. I _______________ (go)

    to the Loch Ness.

    Boy: _______________ (you/ buy) any clothes?

    Father: No, I _______________ (not go) shopping.

    Boy: What _______________ (you/ do) then?

    Father: I _______________ (collect) coins for you!

    Hi son!

    I (1)_______________ (have) a great time here in Scotland! My colleagues and I (2)

    _______________ (stay) in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh.

    The Scottish weather is awful. The people are friendly but sometimes I (3)

    _____________ (not understand) them. Here they (4) _____________ (use) the pound

    () and the coins are really nice.

    Right now it (5) _____________ (rain) a lot. I have to go.

    See you soon,

    Your father

  • 8/10/2019 Writtentest_8ano


    C. Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. ( 8points)

    1.1. The boy and his mother _________________ (read) a book about coins.

    1.2. Last night, he _________________ (play) computer in his bedroom.

    1.3. The father _____________ (sleep) on the couch.

    1.4. His friends _________________ (listen)to music on the street.

    D. Fill in the gaps with possessive determiners or possessive pronouns.

    1.1. Marissa likes to hang out with _______________ friends.

    1.2. I enjoy reading books but _______________ brother prefers to watch football on TV.

    1.3. We live in that house. Thats _______________ home.

    1.4. Marissa has great sweaters but I prefer _______________ .


    1. Choose topic A OR topic B and write a short email to a friend (about 100 words). (26 points)

    A. Your last holidays. - where did you go; who went with you; what did you do or didnt do; did youlike/didnt you like your holidays and explain why;...

    B. Your free timewhat do you usually do; what are your favourite activities at home/ outdoors; whydo you enjoy doing those activities; do you do them in a group or mainly alone;
