writing skills secondary school

WRITING SKILLS – SECONDARY SCHOOL Based on Main Course Book (English Communicative) for Classes –IX and X, CBSE

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  • 1. Based on Main Course Book (English Communicative) for Classes IX and X, CBSE

2. THE PROCESS OF WRITING: CODER IN YOUR WRITTEN WORK, IT IS ADVISABLE TO FOLLOW THE PROCESS OUTLINED BELOW. WE CALL IT CODER COLLECT YOUR IDEAS ORGANISE YOUR IDEAS MAKE YOUR FIRST DRAFT EDIT YOUR WORK REVISE YOUR WORK 3. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Writing a Biographical sketch: Biographical sketch means an account of the life and activities of an individual or family. It would include information about the person's name, place of residence, education, occupation, life and activities and other important details. A biographical sketch is always written by someone else except the person on whom it is written. 4. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH A bio-sketch presents the facts about the person's life including what the person did and how he/she influenced the world. It should describe the person's personality and provide an explanation for why he or she acted in certain ways. Most bio-sketches not only present the facts but also tell what those facts mean. 5. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH SAMPLE QUESTION: With the help of the given clues, write a bio sketch of Subhash Chandra Bose in not more than 80-100 words : Name : Subash Chandra Bose ; Netaji Contribution : immense, Freedom Fighter Born : January 23, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa. Career : Civil Services Achievements : Joined struggle; established Indian National Army Motto : Give me blood and I will give you freedom Setback : Retreat after the defeat of Japan and Germany. Death : Air crash over Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa) on August 18, 1945. 6. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH SAMPLE BIO-SKETCH Subhash Chandra Bose, affectionately called Netaji, was born on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa. He was one of the most prominent leaders of Indian freedom struggle. Deeply moved by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, he gave up a promising career in the Civil Service to join the Freedom Movement. He founded the Indian National Army to overthrow British Empire from India. His famous motto was "Give me blood and will give you freedom". However, defeat of Japan and Germany in the Second World War forced INA to retreat and it could not achieve its objective. Subhash Chandra Bose was reportedly killed in an air crash over Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa) on August 18, 1945. 7. NOTICE WRITING A notice is information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened. It is publicly displayed -- a kind of information for others to know and follow. The notice must contain complete information The message with essential details includes : an eye-catching caption - preferably a phrase and not a sentence important details the name of the body / organisation organising the event 8. NOTICE WRITING A notice must have: Issuing Authority The word Notice Date on which the notice was issued Catchy Headline Body of notice with details: Purpose Event Date/time Venue Name and designation of person issuing the notice 9. NOTICE WRITING-SAMPLE JAWAHAR NAVODYA VIDYALAYA, VADODRA NOTICE 21 July, 2014 CAREER COUNSELING WORKSHOP The Students' Council of the school is organizing a Career Counseling Workshop for students of Classes IX and X on Saturday, 23rd of July, 2014 between 9 am and 1 pm in the School Auditorium. Renowned counselors from MS University will address the students. Students interested in participating should be seated in the Auditorium by 8.45 am. Nakul Purohit Head Boy 10. MESSAGE WRITING Sometimes information is received over the telephone, public address system or in person by someone and then passed on to a third person. A message is a short, informal piece of writing conveying the information to a person for whom the information was intended but who was not at hand to receive the information. How to write a message Since a message is received at a particular time and conveys important information that the receiver must act upon, a message must have a date and time. The name of person for whom message is intended must be clearly mentioned. The message must convey all relevant details like the name of the person who left the message, the reason for leaving the message and follow-up action required. 11. MESSAGE WRITING Sample Question Your father had recently gone for a health check. The doctor rang up to give the report. As your father was not at home, and you have to go out, you leave a message for him. Draft the message in not more than 40 words. Dr. Geeta : Is it 67890987? You : Yes it is. May I know who is calling? Dr. Geeta : I am Dr. Geeta Trehan from Trehan Surgical Centre and Nursing Home. I would like to talk to Mr. Uday. You : He is not here at this moment. Dr. Geeta : Could you please tell him that I have gone through all his test reports? They do not show any serious problem. If no improvement is seen during that period, we will go for some more tests. I feel he should continue the same medicine for another one week. However I have fixed an appointment with a Heart Specialist for two o' clock tomorrow at X Hospital. He must come there by the appointed time with his reports. You : Thank you, Doctor. I shall convey your message when he comes. 12. MESSAGE WRITING-SAMPLE MESSAGE 27th January 20xx 7:30 pm Papa Dr. Geeta Trehan rang to say that she had gone through your reports and she could find no serious problem. Other tests will be conducted if there is no improvement. You must continue with the medicine. She has fixed an appointment at X Hospital with Heart Specialist. You have to be there at two o'clock tomorrow with your reports. 13. DIARY ENTRY A diary entry is a purely personal piece of writing. The writer expresses his/her thoughts and feelings. Reactions to incidents are generally poured out in a diary. Hence expressions that are emotionally charged are used. 14. DIARY ENTRY POINTS TO REMEMBER: Creativity, imagination and expression in diary writing are tested. You should write as if you have really been a part of the situation. It is written in the first person. One does not write about things experienced on a daily basis. Only matters of some significance are recorded. It is a secret record of ones life, so one can be very honest about ones feelings and emotions. 15. DIARY ENTRY FORMAT: Date/day Salutation Dear Diary (optional) Heading of the entry (optional) Contents of the diary entry Signature 8th July 20xx, Wednesday 8 pm Today I am very happy as. ..... Riya 16. EMAIL WRITING An e-mail, short for electronic mail is a store and forward method of composing, sending, storing and receiving messages over electronic communication systems. It is the quickest way to communicate in writing. E-mail messages consist of two major sections: 1. Header consisting of - subject, sender, receiver, date and time. 2. Body which contains the message. It can be a formal / informal letter depending on the purpose. 17. EMAIL WRITING Tips on composing e-mails: Subject It should be brief It should give a clue to the content of the message It need not be a complete sentence Salutation Dear Sir / first name of the person Opening statement Begin with a pleasantry or greeting When replying to a message - Thank you for your message / I received your message 18. EMAIL WRITING Clarity and tone When you expect a reply - 'Please let me know' When you want help - 'Please' or 'Kindly' Paragraphs Each main idea should be in a separate paragraph, making it easy for the reader to understand the message. Use complete sentences (no SMS language) Complementary close Regards / love Name 19. EMAIL WRITING-FORMAT Date: ______________________________________________________________________ From: ______________________________________________________________________ To: ______________________________________________________________________ Subject: ______________________________________________________________________ Message Dear Sir/xyz Regards/Love Name 20. REPORT WRITING A report is a description of an even that has already taken place. It is a factual account of some event or happening that may have occurred somewhere but is of interest to the general masses or the readers for whom it is meant. A newspaper report must be comprehensive but brief; factual yet interesting. Factual reporting is the accurate and truthful coverage of an event. It is a brief review of a situation or a process that includes only the relevant points and information. 21. REPORT WRITING It is usually written in third person and indirect speech. Passive voice is used. The language used is neutral and figurative. Ornamental language is avoided. The content should include when, where, why and how of the topic to be written about. 22. REPORT WRITING HOW TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER REPORT Headline -every news article has a headline to attract the attention of the reader. The Headline must be: catchy brief - leave out articles, prepositions, etc where possible, use abbreviations/shortened word-forms wherever possible. Byline-since this is your news article you need to let the reader know who wrote it. The line with your name on it is called "by" line because it tells by whom the article has been written. Write the word "By" followed by your first and last name. On the next line, write your School and City. 23. REPORT WRITING HOW TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER REPORT PARAGRAPH 1 A lead paragraph usually answers the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? It tells the reader how the incident happened. Narrate the incident in the chronological order. Eyewitness accounts add to authenticity of the news. 24. REPORT WRITING HOW TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER REPORT Include some quotes from the eyewitnesses comments. Also describe what they felt about the incident. PARAGRAPHS 2&3 Describe the future course of action being planned. Remember to use simple, clear but formal language. 25. REPORT WRITING SAMPLE QUESTION Aastha/ Anshul is the Secreatary of Green Fingers, the Environment Club of Gurukul School, Delhi. The school celebrated Van Mahotsava on August 24. She/he wrote a report of the programme for the school newsletter. As Aastha/Anshul write the report. 26. SAMPLE REPORT Vana Mahotsava Celebrated Aastha/Anshul, Secretary Green Fingers Delhi August 25 Vanamahotsava was celebrated by Green Fingers, the Environment Club of the school, with great enthusiasm on the 24th August. The District Forest Officer, Mr. S.D. Bhambri was the chief guest. He inaugurated the Bio-diversity Park in the school. The Principal, Ms Rajni Patel planted a sapling in the Park. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Bhambri urged the students to plant more trees and to launch a campaign to save the environment. Students of the Primary Wing of the school presented a cultural programme. The senior students staged a play on saving the environment. The Principal announced a cash award of ` 5000 each and a merit certificate for two students for creating the best environmental projects. She also outlined the plan for a 'Green Campaign' to be launched soon to create awareness among the public. 27. POSTER MAKING Posters are an amalgam of notices, advertisements and invitations. They may be in the form of large hoardings to be put up on walls, or the size of the handbills to be displayed on the notice boards etc. 28. POSTER MAKING They have to be captivating, attractive and persuasive so as to influence a large number of people. Generally they are designed to create social awareness about issues related to current problems or needs, or to even extend public invitations. 29. POSTER MAKING MAIN FEATURES OF A POSTER Layout Visually attractive Catchy title/jingle Sketch or simple visuals Fonts of different shapes and sizes 30. POSTER MAKING MAIN FEATURES OF A POSTER Content Theme/subject Description/details related to the theme Essential details e.g. date, time, venue Name i.e. issuing authority, organizers 31. POSTER MAKING MAIN FEATURES OF A POSTER Expression Organizing and sequencing of content Appropriate language Creativity (language and design) 32. WRITING A FILM REVIEW Title Imaginative and catchy: It gives a brief idea of the nature of the film and provides a starting point for the reader to focus on. You can indicate if the review will be positive or negative. 33. WRITING A FILM REVIEW Brief outline of the plot Synopsis or summary of the plot: Make sure that your summary makes sense to a reader who does not know the movie. Do not refer to specific scenes and do not try to explain everything. Don't give details about the ending or else no one will go and see the film! 34. WRITING A FILM REVIEW What you liked about the film. Use descriptive words, think about the story, setting, effects used and music used. What you didn't like about the film. Comment on the same things that you mentioned in the previous paragraph. 35. WRITING A FILM REVIEW Characterization Talk about the characters, did you like them? Did the actors play them well? What was it about their portrayal that you liked or didn't like? Other impressions of the characters, will audiences be able to relate to the characters? How? Will audiences not like certain characters? Why not? Why the film was worth watching / not worth watching 36. WRITING A FILM REVIEW In the last part of your review write about: Its message, if any: the director's purpose or intention; or the theme of the film. Compare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other films from the same director or genre) 37. WRITING A FILM REVIEW Your opinion that summarizes your view of the film: You may want to say something inspiring to get the reader to go out and see the film or you might say something that would want them not to go and see it! Rating-You could give it a star rating out of 5 You must include the credits: title and year of production genre screenplay director music or soundtrack main actors