writing services with zf2

Writing Services with ZF2 Mike Willbanks | Barnes & Noble

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Post on 17-May-2015




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ZF2 takes a different approach to services; there are several services out there and you should be providing the ability for ZF2 to integrate with this. ZF2 marries services with composer and a different packaging mechanism to ensure that services can be released without a specific framework version. This not only helps the framework but helps you prevent an API changing in between framework releases without having an issue of awaiting a framework release.


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Writing Services with ZF2

Mike Willbanks | Barnes & Noble

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• Talk  Slides will be posted after the talk.

• Me  Sr. Web Architect Manager at NOOK Developer

 Open Source Contributor

 Where you can find me:

•  Twitter: mwillbanks G+: Mike Willbanks

•  IRC (freenode): mwillbanks Blog: http://blog.digitalstruct.com

•  GitHub: https://github.com/mwillbanks

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• Background

• ZF2 Services

• Writing a Service

•  Implementing your Service

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A Definition ZF 1 contained Zend_Service_* components

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Zend_Service_* Components were included in the core distribution

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Zend_Service_* Make it easy for people to have it available…

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1.11.13 Release Caused several issues

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Started Getting Messy…

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Services in ZF2

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• RFC March 2012 “RFC Service Components”


• Removal of ZF2 Zend\Service namespace into a separate namespace and repository.

Changing for the Better

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• Ability to version separately from core framework

• Easier to leverage outside of a ZF context

• Encourage service providers to further contribute

Goals of ZF2 Services

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• Independently versioned

• Dependencies on framework versions (2.*, 2.0.*, 2.0.1)

• Maintain dependencies by specific packages

• Must follow ZF coding standards

• Must be unique

 A service that does the same thing should not already exist!

Services for Contribution (Official Services)

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Service Component Lifecycle

Discuss on Contributor Mailing


CR Team Review Fork Repo

Build ComponentIRC Vote(Meeting Agenda)


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Service Maintenance

• Must be maintained for the duration of major versions

 Exceptions must be noted in the ChangeLog

 Component should only state dependency on minor versions

• Maintainers must attempt at all times to keep compatibility with the latest version

 If unable to maintain, actively recruit, if still unable ZF or CR team will make a recommendation on the component.

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How are we doing so far?

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Writing a Service By example of ZendService\Twitter

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• Services are really just like framework libraries

 However, the namespace implies 3rd party integrations.

 They are also organized like the framework.

• Services should be reusable for other developers

 Write it out based on the API and not just what you need.

• Create reasonable dependencies

 Zend\Http and Zend\Stdlib being most common.

General Information

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• Modules are more specifically for ZF

• Components are reusable libraries for any code base.

• Base Rule

 If it involves the MVC; it should more than likely be a module.

Why Not Modules?

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• Build out the file structure:



• Add LICENSE, README, .travis.yml, .gitignore

 Just copy these over from another project

 Update the readme for the project

Starting Off..

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Create Your Composer File

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• Because we all do TDD right?

 From a module; copy over the _autoload.php, Bootstrap.php, phpunit.xml.dist, TestConfiguration.php.dist, TestConfiguration.php.travis

• You will need to customize

 phpunit.xml.dist – Change out the unit test name.

 TestConfiguration.php.dist – Configure your constants and configuration.

Unit Testing

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• Tests should contain proper namespacing


• Right now the Twitter component just uses ZendTest\Twitter J

• Files you need should be located in an _files directory inside the test area of your component


• Write unit tests like normal!

Unit Testing

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• The guts of the library is what most of us are familiar with

• Write your library inside of your compliant directory


• Your first file should very well likely be that of the service name


• Ensure proper namespacing


Library Code!

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• Remember to make use of the coding standards!


• @category Zend

• @package Zend_Service

• @subpackage Twitter

 Import the proper packages from their respective namespaces

• No one likes to write out the full namespace time and time again…

 Read the coding standards doc:

• http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV2/Coding+Standards

• Mainly; PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2 (there are likely slight differences)

Coding Standards

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• The most dreaded part of the job…

• All of the documentation is in the “zf2-documentation” project under the “zendframework” github organization.

 This will likely change for services in the future.

• Fork the project

• Create a feature branch: feature/twitter

• Write your documentation

• Submit a PR


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• Documentation is built out of reStructuredText

 Yes, Docbook has gone away; so fear not!

• Language Files

 Always start with English first aka “en” as it is the default in the event a translation is missing.

• Modify docs/language/en/index.rst to add in your new service

 Follow the convention; for a service you will use zendservice.twitter.intro.rst

• Create your file

 docs/language/en/modules/zendservice.twitter.intro.rst or the like


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• Install the proper tools

 apt-get install python-setuptools python-pygments

 easy_install -U Sphinx

• Enter the docs/ directory

• Run: make html

• Your documentation will now be in:


 Review for errors before sending the PR

Seeing your Documentation

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Integrating your Service

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• Add the module to the composer configuration

• Add in potential configuration

• Setup the service manager

• Fetch it inside of a controller

We will leverage the Skeleton Application

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php composer.php install

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Potential Configuration

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Setup the Service Manager

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Controller Integration

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• These slides will be posted to SlideShare & SpeakerDeck.   SpeakerDeck: http://speakerdeck.com/u/mwillbanks

  Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/mwillbanks

  Twitter: mwillbanks

  G+: Mike Willbanks

  IRC (freenode): mwillbanks

  Blog: http://blog.digitalstruct.com

  GitHub: https://github.com/mwillbanks
