"writing maintainable javascript". jon bretman, badoo

WRITING MAINTAINABLE JAVASCRIPT Yet Another Conference 2013 @jonbretman jonbretman.co.uk Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo http://techblog.badoo.com @BadooTech 1

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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There are lot of tools (CoffeeScript, Typescript, Dart, JSLint / JSHint etc.) that we can use to help us write better JavaScript, and many frameworks (Backbone, Ember, Angular etc.) that can help us structure large applications. But... what if you already have a large code base and are not able to re-write your whole application in a new way? What if your organisation does not want to depend on some open source or third party tool or framework? I am going to talk about some of the key things that most of these tools and frameworks do and how you can apply them to your existing or new project. Topics covered will include type checking, data hiding (public, private, static), inheritance, asynchronous code and performance.


Page 1: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


JAVASCRIPT Yet Another Conference 2013



Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo http://techblog.badoo.com


http://habrahabr.ru/company/badoo @BadooDev


Page 2: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Page 3: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

<!doctype html>!<html>! <head>! <title>My Awesome App</title>! <script src="App.js"></script>! </head>! <body>! </body>!</html>"


Page 4: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


What is maintainability?

Page 5: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to...


Page 6: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to...

isolate defects or their cause


Page 7: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to...

correct defects or their cause


Page 8: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to...

prevent unexpected breakdowns


Page 9: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


In engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to...

make future maintenance easier


Page 10: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


It's about making our lives easier

Page 11: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


It's about making our work pass the test of time

Page 12: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


for(B=i=y=u=b=i=5-5,x=10,I=[],l=[];B++<304;I[B-1]=B%x?B/x%x<2|B%x<2?7:B/x&4?!0:l[i++]="ECDFBDCEAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIMKLNJLKM@G@TSb~?A6J57IKJT576,+-48HLSUmgukgg " +!"OJNMLK IDHGFE".charCodeAt(y++)-64:7);function X(c,h,e,s){c^=8;for(var o,!S,C,A,R,T,G,d=e&&X(c,0)>1e4,n,N=-1e8,O=20,K=78-h<<9;++O<99;)if((o=I[T=O])&&!(G=o^c)<7){A=G--&2?8:4;C=o-9?l[61+G]:49;do if(!(R=I[T+=l[C]])&&!!G|A<3||!(R+1^c)>9&&G|A>2){if(!(R-2&7))return K;n=G|(c?T>29:T<91)?o:6^c;S=!(R&&l[R&7|32]*2-h-G)+(n-o?110:!G&&(A<2)+1);if(e>h||1<e&e==h&&S>2|d)!{I[T]=n;I[O]=0;S-=X(c,h+1,e,S-N);if(!(h||e-1|B-O|T-b|S<-1e4))return W(),!c&&setTimeout("X(8,0,2),X(8,0,1)",75);I[O]=o;I[T]=R}if(S>N||!h&S==N&&!Math.random()<.5)if(N=S,e>1)if(h?s-S<0:(B=O,b=T,0))break}while(!R&G>2||(T=O,!(G||A>2|(c?O>78:O<41)&!R)&&++C*--A))}return-K+768<N|d&&N}function W(){!i="<table>";for(u=18;u<99;document.body.innerHTML=i+=++u%x-9?!"<th width=60 height=60 onclick='I[b="+u+"]>8?W():X(0,0,1)'style='font-size:50px'bgcolor=#"!+(u-B?u*.9&1||9:"d")+"0f0e0>&#"+(I[u]?9808+l[67+I[u]]:160):u++&&"<tr>")B=b}W()"


Page 13: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Page 14: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers

Page 15: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver

Page 16: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript

Page 17: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript •  ~500,000 daily active users

Page 18: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


•  Mobile Web Team - 4 developers •  JavaScript, jsDoc, JSHint, Closure Compiler, JsTestDriver •  60,000+ lines of JavaScript •  ~500,000 daily active users •  Code maintainability is key!

Page 19: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var topics = [! 'Type Checking',! 'Classes and Inheritance’,! 'Asynchronous Code',! 'Performance'!];!" 19"

Page 20: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

topics.shift();!"Type Checking" !



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<!doctype html>!<html>! <head>! <title>My Awesome App</title>! <script src="App.js"></script>! </head>! <body>! </body>!</html>"


Page 22: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!! var intros = conversations.map(function (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });!! App.renderMessages(intros);!!});!


Page 23: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!! var intros = conversations.map(function (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });!! App.renderMessages(intros);!!});!


Page 24: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Api.get('/conversations', function (err, conversations) {!! var intros = conversations.map(function (c) {! var name = c.theirName;! var mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });!! App.renderMessages(intros);!!});!A lot of things have to go right here


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Page 26: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

if (data.value) {! callback(data.value);!}!!!TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null !!!!!"""


Page 27: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

if (data && data.callback) {! var result = data.callback();!}!!!TypeError: Property 'callback' of object #<Object> !is not a function""


Page 28: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

if (data && data.value) {! var index = data.value.indexOf('something');!}!!!TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘indexOf’!!!!!!""


Page 29: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

typeof {};!"object" !!typeof 'hello';!"string" !!typeof 5;!"number” !

typeof function () {};!"function" !!typeof undefined;!"undefined" !!typeof true;!"boolean" !!


Page 30: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

typeof [];!"object" !!typeof null;!"object" !!typeof new Date();!"object" !

typeof /jsconf/;!"object" !!typeof document.body; !"object" !!typeof NaN; !"number" !!


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Page 32: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo





Page 33: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". !



Page 34: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". !

•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]". !



Page 35: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". !

•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]". !

•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this. !


Page 36: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". !

•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]". !

•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this.

•  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating

the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]". !


Page 37: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

•  If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]". !

•  If the this value is null, return "[object Null]". !

•  Let class be the value of the [[Class]] property of this.

•  Return the String value that is the result of concatenating

the three Strings "[object ", class, and "]". !




Page 38: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!var regex = /\[object (.*?)\]/;!!var type = function (o) {! var match = toString.call(o).match(regex);! return match[1].toLowerCase();!};!


Page 39: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!var regex = /\[object (.*?)\]/;!!var type = function (o) {! var match = toString.call(o).match(regex);! return match[1].toLowerCase();!};!


this === o"

Page 40: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

type({});!"object" !!type('hello');!"string" !!type(5);!"number” !

type(function () {});!"function" !!type(undefined);!"undefined" !!type(true);!"boolean" !!


Page 41: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

type([]);!"array" !!type(null);!"null" !!type(new Date());!"date" !

type(/jsconf/);!"regex" !!type(document.body);!"htmlbodyelement" !!type(NaN);!"number" !!


Page 42: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

type([]); !"array" !!type(null); !"null" !!type(new Date()); !"date" !

type(/jsconf/); !"regex" !!type(document.body);!"htmlbodyelement" !!type(NaN);!"number" !!



Page 43: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!var regex = /\[object (.*?)\]/;!!var type = function (o) {!! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }!! var match = toString.call(o).match(regex);! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }!! return _type;!};! 43"

Page 44: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!var regex = /\[object (.*?)\]/;!!var type = function (o) {!! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }!! var match = toString.call(o).match(regex);! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }!! return _type;!};! 44"

Special case for DOM elements

Page 45: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;!var regex = /\[object (.*?)\]/;!!var type = function (o) {!! if (o && o.nodeType === 1) {! return 'element';! }!! var match = toString.call(o).match(regex);! var _type = match[1].toLowerCase();!! if (_type === 'number' && isNaN(o)) {! return 'nan';! }!! return _type;!};! 45"

Special case for NaN

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Now what?

Page 47: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Api.get('/conversations', function (conversations) {!! if (type(conversations) !== 'array') {! App.renderMessages([]);! return;! }!! var intros = conversations.map(function (c) {!! if (type(c) !== 'object') {! return '';! }!! var name = type(c.theirName) === 'string' ? c.theirName : '';! var mostRecent = '';!! if (type(c.messages) === 'array' ||! type(c.messages[0]) === 'object' ||! type(c.messages[0].text) === 'string') {! mostRecent = c.messages[0].text.substring(0, 30);! }!! return name + ': ' + mostRecent;! });!! App.renderMessages(intros);!!});"


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Api.get("/conversations",function(e){var t=e.map(function(e){var t=e.theirName;var n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30);return t+": "+n});App.renderMessages(t)})!!!!!!!!!!Api.get("/conversations",function(e){if(type(e)!=="array"){App.renderMessages([]);return}var t=e.map(function(e){if(type(e)!=="object"){return""}var t=type(e.theirName)==="string"?e.theirName:"";var n="";if(type(e.messages)==="array"||type(e.messages[0])==="object"||type(e.messages[0].text)==="string"){n=e.messages[0].text.substring(0,30)}return t+": "+n});App.renderMessages(t)})"

+ 137%


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How does this help maintainability?

Page 50: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Prevents unexpected breakdowns

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Prevents unexpected breakdowns Makes future maintenance easier

Page 52: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

topics.shift();!"Classes and Inheritance" !



Page 53: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Why classes?

Page 54: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


var Controller = {!! init: function () {! // do some initialization! },!! loadView: function () {!! }!!};!!// somewhere else in the app!Controller.init();!Controller.loadView();"

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var Controller = {!! init: function () {! // do some initialization! },!! loadView: function () {!! }!!};!!// somewhere else in the app!Controller.init();!Controller.loadView();"

Feels messy

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var ChatController = {};!!for (var key in Controller) {! ChatController[key] = Controller;!}!!ChatController.loadView = function () {!! Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff!!};!"

Page 57: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


var ChatController = {};!!for (var key in Controller) {! ChatController[key] = Controller;!}!!ChatController.loadView = function () {!! Controller.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff!!};!"

Not proper inheritance

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What do we want?

Page 59: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

class Controller {!!!

public Controller () {! // do some initialization! }!

!!! public void loadView () {!! !!! }!

!}!!class ChatController extends Controller {!

!!! public void loadView () {!! ! super.loadView();!! ! // do some additional stuff!! }!!!

}" 59"

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class Controller {!! constructor () {! // do some initialization! }!! loadView () {!! }!!}!!class ChatController extends Controller {!! loadView () {! super.loadView();! // do some additional stuff! }!!}" 60"

Page 61: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

class Controller!! constructor: () ->! # do some initialization!! loadView: () ->!!!class ChatController extends Controller!! loadView: () ->! super! # do some initialization"


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var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (__hasProp.call(parent, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };!!Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;!})();!!ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);!! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }!! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };!! return ChatController;!})(Controller);" 62"

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var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (__hasProp.call(parent, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };!!Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;!})();!!ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);!! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }!! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };!! return ChatController;!})(Controller);" 63"

Utility method

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var ChatController, Controller, _ref,! __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,! __extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (__hasProp.call(parent, key))! child[key] = parent[key];! }! function ctor() {! this.constructor = child;! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child.__super__ = parent.prototype;! return child;! };!!Controller = (function() {! function Controller() {}! Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {};! return Controller;!})();!!ChatController = (function(_super) {! __extends(ChatController, _super);!! function ChatController() {! _ref = ChatController.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);! return _ref;! }!! ChatController.prototype.loadView = function() {! return ChatController.__super__.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! };!! return ChatController;!})(Controller);" 64"

Class Definitions

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var Controller = function () {! // do some initialization!};!!Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {! !};!!var ChatController = function (name) {! Controller.apply(this, arguments);!};!!ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {! ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff!}!!extends(ChatController, Controller);"


Page 66: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var Controller = function () {! // do some initialization!};!!Controller.prototype.loadView = function() {! !};!!var ChatController = function (name) {! Controller.apply(this, arguments);!};!!ChatController.prototype.loadView = function () {! ChatController._super.loadView.apply(this, arguments);! // do some additional stuff!}!!extends(ChatController, Controller);"


The magic bit

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There is no such thing as magic.

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var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;!};" 68"

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var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;!};" 69"

Copy static properties / methods

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var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;!};" 70"

Set up prototype chain

Page 71: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }!!! ctor.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);!!! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;!};" 71"

ECMAScript 5

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var extends = function(child, parent) {! for (var key in parent) {! if (parent.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! child[key] = parent[key];! }! }! function ctor() { ! this.constructor = child; ! }! ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;! child.prototype = new ctor();! child._super = parent.prototype;! return child;!};" 72"

Add shorthand to super

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var controller = new Controller();!var chat = new ChatController();!!controller instanceof Controller; // true!!chat instanceof Controller; // true!chat instanceof ChatController; // true"


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The rest is about good practice

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Use getter and setter methods

alert(jon.name);!jon.name = 'John';!!!alert(jon.getName());!jon.setName('John');!jon.set('name', 'John');"


Page 76: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Define all properties on the prototype, even if they are null.

/**! * The persons age.! * @type {Number}! */!Person.prototype.age = null;"


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Mark private methods with a leading or trailing underscore

// somethings are best kept private :)!Person.prototype._singInShower = function () {!!};"


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Use static methods / properties

Person.prototype.EVENTS = {! WALK: 'WALK',! TALK: 'TALK'!};!!Person.EVENTS = {! WALK: 'WALK',! TALK: 'TALK'!};"


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How does this help maintainability?

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Correct defects or their causes

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Correct defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier

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topics.shift();!"Asynchronous Code" !



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The big question...

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Callbacks or

Promises 84"

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Promises •  Requires a library to provide the functionality


Page 86: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Promises •  Requires a library to provide the functionality

•  Different implementations •  jQuery Deferred api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/ •  rsvp.js github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js •  when.js github.com/cujojs/when •  promise.js github.com/then/promise


Page 87: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Promises •  Requires a library to provide the functionality

•  Different implementations •  jQuery Deferred api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/ •  rsvp.js github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js •  when.js github.com/cujojs/when •  promise.js github.com/then/promise

•  Kind of complicated… 87"

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But that must mean...

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Callback Hell


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load: function () {!! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!! this.messages = messages;! this.render();!! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }!!"

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load: function () {!! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!! this.messages = messages;! this.render();!! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }!!"

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load: function () {!! Api.get('/profile/own', _.bind(function (ownProfile) {!! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;!! Api.get('/profile/' + id, _.bind(function (theirProfile) {!! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;!! Api.get('/chatMessages', _.bind(function (messages) {!! this.messages = messages;! this.render();!! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }, this), _.bind(function (err) {! this.onError();! }, this));! }!!"


Error Handling

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“I’ve come to the conclusion

that callback hell is a design choice and not an inherent flaw

in the concept of asynchronous

function and callback” http://blog.caplin.com/2013/03/13/callback-hell-is-a-design-choice/ 96"

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doSomething(function (err, response) {!!});"


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var handler = function (err, response) {!!};!!doSomething(handler);"

Page 99: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


! load: function (id) {! this.id = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },!! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' + this.id, this.onTheirProfile);! },!! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },!! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!

Page 100: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


! load: function (id) {! this.id = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },!! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' + this.id, this.onTheirProfile);! },!! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },!! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!

Page 101: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


! load: function (id) {! this.id = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },!! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' + this.id, this.onTheirProfile);! },!! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },!! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!

Page 102: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


! load: function (id) {! this.id = id;! Api.get('/profile/own', this.onOwnProfile);! },!! onOwnProfile: function (err, ownProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.ownProfile = ownProfile;! Api.get('/profile/' + this.id, this.onTheirProfile);! },!! onTheirProfile: function (err, theirProfile) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.theirProfile = theirProfile;! Api.get('/chatMessages', this.onMessages);! },!! onMessages: function (err, messages) {! if (err) return this.onError();! this.messages = messages;! this.render();! }!


Page 103: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Avoid anonymous functions


Page 104: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Avoid anonymous functions


Useless stack traces

Page 105: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Avoid anonymous functions


Useless stack traces

Sign of poor structure

Page 106: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Keep things shallow


Page 107: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Keep things shallow


Means you are probably using anonymous functions

Page 108: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Keep things shallow


Means you are probably using anonymous functions

Everyone will hate you

Page 109: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


How does this help maintainability?

Page 110: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Isolate defects or their causes

Page 111: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Isolate defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier

Page 112: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Isolate defects or their causes Makes future maintenance easier Prevent unexpected breakdowns

Page 113: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

topics.shift();!"Performance" !



Page 114: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var i = 0;!var thing;!for (; i < things.length; i++) {! thing = things[i];!}"

things.forEach(function (thing, i) {!!});"



Page 115: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


24x faster

13x faster

13x Faster 350,000 operations per second

Page 116: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

$('a').on('click', function (e) {!!});!!!!!!$('#container').on('click', 'a', function (e) {!!});"



Page 117: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


21x faster

19x faster 21x Faster

Only 1000 operations per second

Page 118: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


$('#container').append('<ul></ul>');!for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {! $('#container')! .find('ul')! .append('<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>');!}"!!!!var html = '<ul>';!for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {! html += '<li>' + messages[i].text + '</li>';!}!html += '</ul>';!$('#container').html(html);!


Page 119: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


48x Faster

44x faster

15x faster Less than 200 operations per second!

Page 120: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

DOM operations


Page 121: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

DOM operations Iteration / function calls


Page 122: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Beware of premature optimizations

Page 123: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo



Page 124: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! get: function (key) {! return localStorage.getItem(key);! },!! set: function (key, value) {! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!!};"


Page 125: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! get: function (key) {! return localStorage.getItem(key);! },!! set: function (key, value) {! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!!};"


Disc IO

Page 126: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! data_: {},!! get: function (key) {!! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }!! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }!! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!};" 126"

Page 127: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! data_: {},!! get: function (key) {!! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }!! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }!! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!};" 127"


Page 128: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! data_: {},!! get: function (key) {!! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }!! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }!! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!};" 128"

Quicker reading

Page 129: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

var cache = {!! data_: {},!! get: function (key) {!! if (this.data_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {! return this.data_[key];! }!! var value = localStorage.getItem(key);!! if (value !== null) {! this.data_[key] = value;! return value;! }!! return null;! },! set: function (key, value) {! this.data_[key] = value;! localStorage.setItem(key, value);! }!};" 129"

Saving for later

Page 130: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


3x faster

About the same

Page 131: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


How does this help maintainability?

Page 132: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Makes future maintenance easier

Page 133: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


Makes future maintenance easier Prevent unexpected breakdowns

Page 134: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo



Page 135: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


What is maintainability?

Page 136: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


It's about making our lives easier

Page 137: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo


It's about making our work pass the test of time

Page 138: "Writing Maintainable JavaScript". Jon Bretman, Badoo

Thank you!


Yet Another Conference 2013

@jonbretman jonbretman.co.uk

Mobile Web Developer @ Badoo

http://techblog.badoo.com @BadooTech

