writer's welcome pack

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  • 8/9/2019 Writer's Welcome Pack



    l t dW

    Bthe UREAUhome-study courses... expert tutors.. .friendly support.. .

    Tel: 0161 819 9922

    Fax: 0161 819 2842

    8-10 Dutton Street, Manchester, M3 1LE, England

    Email: [email protected]

    Web: www.writersbureau.com

    Registered in England & Wales No. 2285124

    Directors: SM Metcalfe, DG Pendlebury, FD Nadin,

    MA Metcalfe, AM Metcalfe, SJ Hargreaves.


    Members of The British Institute for Learning and Development and ABCC

    Dear Student,

    Welcome to the Comprehensive Creative Writing Course.

    Module 1 tells you how to proceed with your course and how to get the best results from it.

    Read this then study Modules 2 and 3. You will then be ready to start your first assignment.

    You will find a wealth of knowledge and experience in this course. Plus, your tutor will

    correct your work and give you individual guidance and advice as required. You will be

    introduced to your tutor when you receive your first marked assignment.

    Please note that Assignment 2 is enclosed with the course materials that we are posting out

    to you; so do please allow time for your course to arrive.

    Remember, we are always here with help, advice and guidance; so if there is anything which

    you do not fully understand just contact us. Tell us exactly what the problem is and we will

    answer it as fully as we can. But remember that whenever you contact us or send us an

    assignment you must quote your student number.

    Enjoy your studies!

    Yours sincerely,

    Diana Nadin

    Director of Studies

  • 8/9/2019 Writer's Welcome Pack



    Please attempt this assignment when you have studied Modules 1 to 3.

    In this first assignment we are not really aiming at getting you to write publishable work. Here we want

    to see how well you can write and also how well you can observe and describe what you see around


    1. Tell us in about 300 words why you want to write, what you hope to gain from this course and your

    ambitions for the future.

    2. Visit a local market, fair, place of historical interest or sporting event (even a football match). In

    fact, anywhere that interests you and might interest your reader. Make notes of what you observe

    about you. Now write up a piece of between 300 and 500 words from your notes describing the

    event and send this to your tutor. There is no need to send your notes. (You should try to make your

    tutor feel the atmosphere or excitement of the place. Use your imagination and descriptive powers

    to the full to produce an interesting piece of writing.)

    3. Complete the Personal Profile Questionnaire and return it with this assignment.

    Please put your name, enrolment number and assignment number on each assignment and answer

    each question fully. Then clearly number the questions you have completed, so that your tutor

    knows exactly what you are doing.

    REVISION. When you have finished this assignment, put it to one side for a day or two and then revise

    it thoroughly for content, spelling and presentation before sending it in. We cannot emphasise too

    strongly the need for proper revision in all your writing. It is never too soon to develop good writing

    habits like this one so start now with this first assignment.

    If you are sending work by email, please make sure your name, student number and the assignment

    number are in the subject line. If you are asked to complete a Personal Profile Questionnaire, you

    should save this in a separate attachment.

    Send this to: [email protected]

    You should send your work in Rich Text Format (you will f ind this as one of the Save As options).

    Attach your assignment to an email as a single file do not put each question in a different file.

    Do not send any graphics. Do not send zip files.

    Please type your work in 12pt font Times New Roman (or a similar plain font) is preferred by

    editors. Do not reduce the page size (100% zoom) and please type in double spacing.

    Please dont forget to put your email address at the top of your assignments, together with your

    name, enrolment number and assignment number. You can use View Header and Footerfor this,

    so it will not get in the way of your assignment.

    Important: Only send in your first assignment once you are sure that you wish to proceed with

    the course. You will not be able to return the course books to us under the 15 day trial period if

    you have already had an assignment marked by us.