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“The Write-Link” EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Department of English Language and Literature 612 Pray-Harrold Hall Ypsilanti, MI. 48197-2210 (734) 487-4220 Phone “The Write-Link” A Client Proposal for a High School Writing Outreach Program Submitted to: Dr. Ann Blakeslee Dr. Melissa Motschall Dr. Carol Schlagheck Submitted by: Ron Wilbanks

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“The Write-Link”

EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITYDepartment of English Language and Literature612 Pray-Harrold HallYpsilanti, MI. 48197-2210

(734) 487-4220 Phone

“The Write-Link” A Client Proposal for a High School

Writing Outreach Program

Submitted to:Dr. Ann Blakeslee

Dr. Melissa MotschallDr. Carol Schlagheck

Submitted by:Ron Wilbanks

October 21, 2002

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First, the main audience we hope to reach are the actual high school

students who will be taking part in “The Write-Link” program. The targeted age

group will range from 16 to 18 years old, encompassing students going into their

junior and senior years throughout the Metro Detroit area. These students should

have a passion or interest in writing and a desire to find out more about possible

futures in the writing world. Since this is the first time an event like this has been

attempted through EMU, it is difficult to exactly gauge how big of a response we

will receive. Moreover, we feel that because this is a highly competitive program,

with several enticing benefits, many students will want to take advantage of such

an opportunity. Ultimately, our aim at this time is to select 20 students from

among the applications received. The limitation to 20 students is in part due to

the size of EMU's writing labs. Participants will be encouraged and enabled to do

hands on work at various times throughout the program.

A second public we need to reach are the English teachers of students

who may be potential participants in the program. Through these teachers,

students will be informed of the program and all the benefits therein. We feel that

educators are a vital link in reaching students who wish to participate in “The

Write Link.” By helping to make the teachers aware of our program, we will have

a much better chance at reaching students interested in a future career in writing.

Third, we need to inform the parents of the students who may wish to

take part in “The Write-Link.” Through our media outlets, parents are to be

assured that the program is a very safe, highly professional and extremely

beneficial event for their sons or daughters. Any caring parent wants only the

best possible future for their children. Likewise, for those students who have an

ambition or flare for writing, this program can be an excellent opportunity for

parents to help encourage their children to pursue their dreams.

Another key public we need to reach are the actual faculty members who

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will be speaking, teaching and helping the students throughout the program. The

body of this group will be made up of English and writing teachers in EMU’s

English department.

4. Persuasive Strategies

In order for the Write-Link program to have any hopes for success in it’s first

go around as well as any subsequent attempts in future years, it is vital that we

showcase the many benefits the program has to offer to all involved. In doing so,

many persuasive appeals were used and implied. These include appeals of

benefits for all involved. For EMU, programs like these help to increase

enrolment at the university. They show the world that Eastern is not a secondary

college but instead a very active and helpful one looking to grow and help

society. For students looking to participate in the event, the benefits are obvious.

After all, the whole program is about helping young adults grasp a vision of what

sort of futures exist in careers based in writing. The program offers hope and

encouragement, both of which are especially needed in the nation’s current

economic status. Several pieces of writing and creative ideas were used to help

carryout this task.

First, lets look at the name itself: “The Write-Link: Careers in the Writing

World.” The name immediately opens the eyes and calls the attention of any

students interested in writing. It also catches the eyes of teachers and parents

who wish to help propel their students’ and children’s futures. The use of the

words Write-Link (Wright with a “W” for the sake of highlighting the actual writing

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aspect of the event hints that in being fortunate enough to take part in the

program, students will be taking the first step down a road of success and

opportunity. Again, the aim is to catch the attention and interest of all those in our

target audience.

Also used to help promote the program were response cover letters sent to

both schools targeted for the project. These schools include; Jackson High

School and Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, both of which sent letters of

encouragement and support in response to hearing about the Write-Link

program. Because both schools come from very different economic backgrounds,

it was necessary to write two separate letters responding to the very different

needs and hopes of each school. For instance, in the support letter from Michael

R. Mason, an English teacher at Jackson High, the concern was laid out that

students in that district had several socio-economic challenges and barriers

which worked to prevent them from going on to college. In our response letter,

we addressed these concerns and highlighted the point that outreach programs

such as the Write-Link can help combat such barriers. In contrast, the support

letter from Pioneer High stated that the school had many students interested in

writing who would benefit from the program by further developing their skills. In

our response, we pointed out that by continuing to develop skills and growing,

these students will better be able to help the community and advance further.

Though the two strategies were a little different, the underlying theme was that of

growth and hope. Anyone who cares for young adults, or the betterment of

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society in general, would be moved by such notions.

Another medium used was through a news release sent out to the two

schools’ newspapers and the development of 10 and 30 second PSA’s. The

release was aimed again at reaching the faculty and students potentially

involved in and interested in the program. Psychologically, this method is very

effective. It offers a great deal of credibility to the project. When we see

something in print, immediately there’s a serious or professional aura about it.

That, doubled with the fact that it’s promoted and run by EMU, lends to strong

feelings that this is a highly useful undertaking.

For the Write-Link, these psychological and consistent feelings will help

further student interest in partaking in the program. The PSA’s aim is very similar.

The two pieces were designed to be played on the radio, more specifically, radio

stations young Americans most typically listen to. By reaching students through

this method, the program becomes more “real” and attractive.

7. Creativity

This is the first time Eastern’s English department has attempted a program

such as the Write-Link. That being said, those involved in putting the event

together have had a chance to be rather creative in their attempts. Of course

there are many similar programs out there done by other universities and even

other departments at EMU, therefore it was easy to find models which we could

follow. Nevertheless, the Write-Link outreach program still has some interesting

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flairs to it.

The first of which deals with the high levels of collaboration involved. People

from several different positions and groups are coming together to make this

program work. The administration of Write-Link utilizes the talents and knowledge

of members of EMU’s English department faculty and the input of higher level

juniors and seniors in the public relations and technical writing fields. Also key to

the program’s success are faculty from the two high schools. Teachers,

counselors and both principals have offered their assistance in this project. And

finally are the high school students themselves. It’s through their

efforts, talents and drives that this program will work, survive and grow in the


The use of all these different groups makes the Write-Link a very creative and

exciting event by bringing so many people together. The beauty of it all is that

everyone wins. High school faculty gets to help their students. EMU students

also have a chance to learn and grow. And Eastern’s faculty gets a chance to

reach out and help not only promote the university, but also society itself.

Another creative angle used in the development of this project is seen in how the

many pieces used to promote the event tie in together. The name of the program,

flyers, cover letters, releases and the logo all manage to convey the same

themes. These themes include growth, hope and credibility. These creative

strategies are consistent through everything we’ve created. It takes creative

planning and an ability to see the big picture to design such pieces in a

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connected and unified way. Another creative aspect of the program is the

presentation of the material and the overall approach. The event takes place over

five days. Each day highlights a different writing discipline. This method

will be extremely beneficial to the 20 students taking part in the event. By having

a whole day (roughly four hours after lunch time is taken out), students will have

adequate time to grasp a general feel of the different writing areas while not

feeling bewildered with informational overload. Also, this approach makes things

much more fun. Every day is something different with different presenters and

different tasks. The set up of the Write-Link is one that is not only beneficial but

also fun and entertaining.