write down 1 word that means the same as: happy, sad, angry, fear

A 26 1-4 EMOTIONS Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

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Page 1: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear


Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Page 2: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Four Basic Emotions

1. Happiness – You may feel energized and ready to take on new things.

You may smile and have a bounce in your step.

2. Sadness – You may feel discouraged and have less energy. You may feel

like crying.

3. Anger – You may feel irritated or annoyed. Your blood pressure and heart rate may increase.

4. Fear - Reaction to something you see as a threat. Your muscles get tense, heart beats faster, and you take shorter breaths.

Page 3: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

“If I accept sunshine and warmth, then I must also accept the thunder and lightning” ~ Kahill Gilbran

Journal: Write about :

1. One of your happiest moments

2. One of your saddest moments

3. One of your most fearful moments

Page 4: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

1. How many of you are happy most of the time?

2. Write down 3 things you are thankful for.

Page 5: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

•Happy people resist colds and flu better than unhappy people.

•Being happy is so important to good health that more than 100 colleges offer classes in happiness.

•No matter what your natural outlook is – whether you jump out of bed in the morning singing or pull the covers over your head and wish you could disappear for awhile, you can make yourself happier.

•Happiness scientists have discovered we’re often wrong about what we think will make us happy. As long as you have the basic necessities in life, the amount of money you have has no affect on your happiness. “Pursuit of Happiness”

•If your “dreams did come true” they probably wouldn’t make you happy for very long – lottery winners, American Idol winner, etc. Ex. Summer vacation – school

•One way to feel good is to help someone else – makes us happier than buying things according to some studies.

Page 6: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

* Research shows that people who are curious and interested in learning and trying new things are more satisfied than those who sit back and don’t explore. Happiness is related to people who are passionate and curious about things – not intelligence.

* A simple step to happiness is to find activities that make you happy. Then make time for them. Trick is to figure out what you truly like and are passionate about.

•The number one thing that makes people happy is good times with friends and family. You don’t have to have dozens of friends – just a few close ones.

•Just because you’re happy doesn’t mean you don’t have painful feelings. Happy people know how to react to these feelings – positive thinking.

Page 7: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

* If you ask teenagers what they have the hardest time talking about, most often they’ll say “my feelings.” How many of you have trouble expressing your feelings?

* Why do emotions tend to take over your lives, why do they change from hour to hour for no apparent reason?

* Adolescence is a time of changing emotions. It’s important you talk about them and cope with them in positive ways.

Page 8: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 9: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 10: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Feelings Many Teens Struggle With

“Feeling that your friends don’t want you around. You feel like you’re a nothing”.

“Anger is a hard emotion to control. I know I have a bad temper, but try not to show it. That way no one knows how angry I can get.”

“I know I need to handle my jealousy. I don’t like feeling jealous, and I don’t like it when other people are jealous. I think we should be happy with what we have and be thankful that we have it.”

“The feelings that bother me the most are when I’m feeling down or sad. I can’t seem to bring myself out of my bad mood. I want to feel more cheerful.”

Page 11: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Bucket Story Your alarm didn’t go off and you woke up 15 minutes before

the bus comes. Luckily, you got everything ready for school the night before and ready to go. Your friend saved you a seat on the bus and had brought you your favorite pop tart – blueberry. You get to your first class and realize you forgot to finish your homework. The teacher also called on you and you didn’t know the answer to the question. You got a paper back and you got an A on it. At lunch you trip and drop your lunch tray, some of the students are laughing at you. A cute boy/girl stops and helps you clean up your mess. Finally the day is over - your mom picked you up from school unexpectedly to take you shopping. When you get home you get in an argument with your brother who borrowed something of yours then broke it accidently. You help your mom with the dishes which she really appreciates, then talk to your brother and work it out. He is really sorry and will replace what he broke. You finish your homework , watch your favorite TV show, then go to bed ready to start a new day tomorrow.

Page 12: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Emotions aren’t good or bad, but HOW you express them can be good or bad. Emotions are what makes us human.

• Accept feelings and learn to manage them so they don’t control you!

How you respond to emotions can affect your Health and Relationships.

By admitting your FEARS to someone can be comforting and reassuring.

Page 13: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Be Brave but it’s OK to be Afraid sometimes too!

Page 14: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger and Criticism can hurt relationships if not handled in the right way.

Anger and Criticism are a part of life and it’s important to learn how to deal with it.

It’s not good to keep anger hidden – it’s not healthy for you.

If you keep anger inside yourself it can cause depression, stress, and negative attitude, and people may act out and get in trouble.

Page 15: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Cues

Body Changes when you’re angry: Rapid Breathing Heart beats faster Blood pressure rises Increased sweating Dry mouth

Warnings/Behavior Cues Person is very negative Person often makes cruel/mean remarks to others Person is defensive, takes everything personally Person is depressed

Page 16: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Volcanic Eruption

List 5 sources of anger and frustration

Write down 5 appropriate ways to handle anger/frustration.

Write down 5 inappropriate ways to handle anger/frustration.

Page 17: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 18: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 19: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Style Quiz

1. Another student spills her/his lunch all over you – probably on purpose. You ……

2. Your parents ground you for coming in late, even though your friend’s car really did have a flat tire. You …….

3. Your best friend starts dating your ex, whom you still care about. You ….

4. You get fired from you after-school job at the grocery store for theft, but you’re not guilty. You ….

Page 20: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills –Strategies to deal with anger in constructive ways.

Talk with a parent, guardian, or respected adult – can ease tension and calm you. Can help you understand why you’re angry and what to do about it.

Page 21: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills

Use self-statements to control your anger. Talk to yourself

to stay in control. “I will not let this get to me,” or “I will not lose my temper.”

Page 22: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills

Use “I” messages to express your feelings.

“I’m really angry with you right now because…”

Page 23: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills

Participate in physical activity – helps relieve tension and stress.

Exercise has a very helpful effect on anger!

Page 24: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills

Find an artistic outlet – write a story, poem, draw a picture, paint, make up a song.

Page 25: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anger Management Skills

Write a letter expressing your angry feelings – you can get all your thoughts and feelings out and off your mind. Put the letter away for a few days, reread it to see if you still want to send it. Even if you don’t send it, it will lessen your anger.

Page 26: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear


If someone criticizes you, listen to understand why.

Can be helpful if you learn from it and respond in a positive way.

Ask “Is the criticism valid?” If yes, see how you can change your behavior.

If not valid, rely on your positive self-esteem and don’t feel hurt. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”.

Page 27: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 28: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Oreo Cookie Technique Say something good, then the criticism, then end with

something good.

“For the first time conducting a Code Red drill, that was very impressive. For the most part, students were out of sight and quiet, and classroom doors were locked. Nice work!

There were a couple of issues I would like to discuss. First, we need to make sure we move quickly and quietly when the drill is announced. It should only take you a few moments to get the kids out of sight. I saw a couple of classes still shuffling to hide when I walked by. Also, we need to stress to the students that any noise they make could draw attention to the entire class if an intruder was walking by.

Second, we need to make sure all students are completely out of sight. When I looked in a couple of classrooms some of the students waved to me.

Overall, great job! The school was a ghost town when I walked the halls. Thanks for your efforts!”

Page 29: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Anxiety & Disorders Anxiety – feeling of dread, similar to

fear. It may include worry, stress, or nervousness.

Anxiety disorders – intense or long lasting worries that interfere with daily life.

Fears are unrealistic or more intense than they should be.

Page 30: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear
Page 31: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

General Anxiety Disorder

Restless Tiredness Irritable Muscle tension Trouble sleeping Difficulty concentrating

Page 32: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Panic Disorder Rapid Heartbeat Sweating Trembling Nausea Fear of losing control Shortness of breath

Page 33: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Phobia Exaggerated fear of specific situations or objects.

Page 34: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessions (being unable to stop thinking about certain things) and compulsions (behaviors or rituals that a person feels the need to repeat.

Examples: hand washing, counting, arranging possessions.

Page 35: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome

Constant worry, fear, or stress after a frightening experience.

Could be caused from abuse, natural disaster, an accident, serious violence, war.

Page 36: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Death & Dying

Grief – extreme sadness from loss of a loved one.

Terminal Illness – incurable and will result in death.

Page 37: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

5 Stages of Grief

1. Denial: Deny you are dying. Think there was a mistake in the diagnosis.

2. Anger: Are angry and think it’s unfair!

3. Bargaining: Bargain and make promises, hoping for a breakthrough.

4. Depression: After death seems inevitable, may become depressed.

5. Acceptance: Accept that they are dying, say their goodbyes, and feel a sense of peace.

Page 38: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Dealing with Death

What was your first experience with death?

How old were you?

What methods did you use to cope with the death when you were sad?

How long do you think the grief process took before you felt better?

When someone you know loses someone they love, what do you say or do?

Do you think the type or sudden nature of death has an impact on your ability to cope with a death?

Page 39: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Comforting a Grieving Person

Do something thoughtful for the person – call, visit, sympathy card, flowers, take food, help with chores, run errands.

Be a good Listener – they may just want to put their grief into words.

Don’t try to lesson the loss – Don’t say things like “It will get better with time”, “Try not to be sad”, etc.

Help the person become active – include them with activities with family and friends.

Allow person to express their feelings – through words, tears, etc. It’s helpful to get your feelings out.

Page 40: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

This is what HAPPY looks like . . .

Page 41: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

This is what SORRY looks like . . .

Page 42: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

This is what SAD looks like ….

Page 43: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

This is what BAD SPELLING looks like .....

Page 44: Write down 1 word that means the same as: Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear

Lesson 4 Quiz1. The emotion where you are energized and have a

spring in your step.2. The emotion where you feel threatened.3. The techniques used to deal with anger.4. When someone is judging/evaluating your

behavior.5. Feeling of dread, similar to fear.6. What is it called when your fears interfere with your

daily life.7. The disorder where you’re restless, tired, and can’t

concentrate.8. The disorder where you have a specific fear of

something.9. The stage in terminal illness where people don’t

believe they’re dying.10.The stage in terminal illness where people feel a

sense of peace.