wrinkles treatment


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Wrinkles Treatment

There are different types of wrinkles and as per TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) depending

on the location and types of wrinkles, underlying cause and the affected organ is identified and

then the treatment is administrated.

A type of wrinkle is caused by temporary skin dehydration. These wrinkles are usually shallow

and thin, distributed around the eye, mandible and corner of the mouth. These wrinkles can

occur at any age due to dry skin and can be easily treated.

Another type of wrinkles is due to aging. As per TCM it’s due to the deficiency of essence.

Wrinkles are also caused due to irregular lifestyle. Smoking, alcoholconsumption, sleep

deprivation and greasy high fat food can add toxins to our body, which affect healthy qi and

blood flow.

Frown lines between the eyebrows are due to an overheated liver and a dysfunctional spleen. The

wrinkles perpendiculars to the right eyebrow relate to the liver and those to the left relate to the

spleen, so cleansing both organs is an excellent anti-aging practice.


P.N—Treating frown lines superficially with Botox injections simply adds toxins to the body and

further exhausts the liver.

Cosmetic Acupuncture and Guasha treatment gives the best solution without any side effect.

Page 2: Wrinkles Treatment

We also give dietary suggestions and lifestyle correction to our clients.

Saggy jowls/Double chin/Hanging, puffy skin.

Age and gravity progressively take their role on the human body, especially on the face. The skin

attached to the muscles by a substance called Connective Tissue .After years of pulling and

stretching the causing the skin to slip away from the muscles. Then overtime, our metabolism

does not produce enough collagen and the face looks less and less pulpous. Finally, gravity

keeps pulling muscles, skin and tissues downwards.

The result is Saggy jowls, Double chin, Hanging, Puffy skin .this happens mostly early middle

age. This loss of firmness is caused by spleen qi deficiency (as per Chinese medicine).The

spleen has a especial function for holding muscle and keeping them in place. This function is

done by abundant spleen qi, which is supported by body’s essence. When the spleens transportation and transformation function is low, it fails to generate the needed body nutrients,

resulting in low energy. As a result, the face will be malnourished, which manifest‘s as sagging.

Treatment :

Along with the Acupuncture, patients are instructed to perform facial massage and muscle

toning exercises, in our clinic.