wright psalms of solomon a critical edition


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THE PSALMS OF SOLOMON A Critical Edition of tlie Greek Text


Volume 1



t & t Clark

Page 3: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

Copyright © 2007 by Robert B. Wright

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systein. or t i^mi t ted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher, T & T Clark International.

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T & T Clark International is a Continuum imprint.

1. The Psalms of Solomon : a critical edition of the Greek text / edited by Robert B. Wright. p. cm. — (Jewish and Christian texts in contexts and related studies ; v. 1) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-13: 978-0-567-02643-9 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-567-02643-4 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Psalms of Solomon. Greek—Criticism, interpretation, etc. I. Wright, Robert B. U. Title, ra. Series.

BS1830.P73P73 2007 229'.912-dc22


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Page 4: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


Historical Background 1 Date and Historical References 1 Ascription and Provenance 7 Original Language II

THE ORKEK MANUSCRIPTS 13 MS Group 253 (253, 655, 659) 14 MS Group 260 (260, 149,471,606.3004) 17 MS Group 629 (629, 769) 22 MS Group 336 25 MS A (Codex Alexandrinus) 26

STEMMA 26 The Stemma of the Greek Manuscripts


Numbering of the Psalms of Solomon 29 Titles of the Collection and of the Individual Psalms 32



EDITIONS 44 Critical Marks 50 List of Abbreviations 51

Image of Solomon, Ben Sira, and Sophia from Ms 260 53

•TAAMOI S O A O M H N T O I 54 l.TaXfAo; T ( i SoXofjLuv 54 2. M-'aXjjLO? Tw LaXo(iQV rcepl 'lepouCTaXirjtJL 58 3.*FaXji6? T(i 2aXco[jL<iv TiEpL SLxatwv 76 4. AtaXoyi^ xoG £aXu[jL(iv zolq av&pw7rapeaxot? 82 5. TaXiiOi; laX<a(i<i\i 94 6. 'Ev SXTILSL TW SaXufxtav 104 7.Tw XaXwjitiv iizia-zpotpf^i 108 8.TM ZaXioniiv EL? vtxo? 112 9.Ti5 liXM|xeiv EL; IXeyx"^ 10. 'Ev litivoc? TW 2aXu[i.MV 134 l I .Tw SaXujjLuv eU TipoaSoxtav 138 12. Tu SaXwjauv £v yXtiffcn; Tixpav6 | iov 142 13. Tw SotXwjjiwv 4'3tX[x6? Tt paxXTjOL? Toi Stxattwv 148 14. "Tixvo^ T w SaXtdfXftiv 154 15. <raX(i6; Tc i SaX<.>(i<iv i X E i r i (JX-ns 160 16. "Tfxvo^ T i i LaX(d[niv slg dvTtXT;<Jjiv dotot ; 168 17. faXtio? T « i aXufjLuv [XET<i wiS^?" -rw PatotXcl 176 18. iFaXiio? T i i ZxXaiuiy STI TOO XptoToO Kupiou 202

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A N N O T A T E D L I S T O F E D I T I O N S A N D T R A N S L A T I O N S O F T H E G R E E K T E X T O F T H E P S A L M S O F S O L O M O N 208

B I B L I O G R A P H Y O F T H E G R E E K T E X T O F T H E P S A L M S O F S O L O M O N 212

A D D I T I O N A L B I B L I O G R A P H Y O F T H E P S A L M S O F S O L O M O N 218

C D - R O M of 350 color images available 223

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"God Made Him Powerful in the Holy Spir i t" : Psalms of Solomoo 17J7

to the library of ancient books called the TANAKH, or Old Testament, three documents are attributed to Solomon: The SongofSolomon, Proverbs of Solomon, and Ecclesiasles. to the Old Testament Apocrypha another work was known as the work of David's son: The Wisdom of Solomon, to the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha three additional compositions were attributed to the wisest man in biblical history: the Testament of Solomon, the Odes of Solomon, and the Psalms of Solomon. Most experts claim these seven poetic or wisdom books were attributed to Solomon, as an honor and because ofthe claim in 1 Kings 4:32 that Solomon composed 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs, fa 240 CE Origen of Alexandria, however, reported that "the Chiu^ches of God" know nothing about these thousands of Solomonic songs (Cant. Cant. Prologus 36).

to 1626 John Louis de la Cerda published the edition princeps of the Psalms of Solomon, fa 1895 O. von Gebhardt drew attention to eight Greek manuscripts of the Psalms of Solomon, fa 1913, the translation by G B. Gray to R. H. Charles' classical work. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, was based on Gebliardt's publication. These 18 psalms were discovered to Syriac manuscripts beginnmg to 1909. Now, almost one himdred years later, most scholars conclude that the Psalms of Solomon is a hymnbook composed m Hebrew, to Jerusalem, and sometime shortly before the reign of Herod the Great (40-4 BCE).

The Psalms of Solomon is thus a singularly important document, fa contrast to many apocryphal compositions, we know its date and provenience - and it was a major composition known to many Jews living in Jerusalem to the century before the burning ofthe Temple by Titus in 70 CE.

I am impressed with Uirec aspects of this hymnbook: First, It contains an eyewitness account of the Roman incursion into Jentsaiem and the demise of the Roman General Pompey who brought Roman rule over Palestme: "I did not have long to wait until God showed me his arrogance. Stabbed on the sand dunes of Egypt, he was more despised than anythmg in the whole world . . . . His body was violently carried over the waves and there was no one to bury him, because God contemptoously despised him" [PsSol 2.26-27].

Second, the work contains a reference to the Jewish belief to resurrection and just before the time of Jesus of Nazareth: 'This is the fate of sinners forever; but those who fear the Lord shall rise up to eternal life, and their life shall be to the LORD'S light and it shall never end" [PsSol 3.12]

Third, the composition contains perhaps the locus classicus for belief to a Davidic Messiah and it antedates by a few decades the Palestinian Jesus Movement: "Look, O Lord, and raise up for them their ktog, a son of David, to rule over your servant Israel in the time Uiat you know, O God. He will be a righteous ktog over them, taught

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by God, there will be no unrighteousness among them in his reign, because everyone will be holy, and their king will be the Lord Messiah" [PsSol 17.21.32]

Why is it important to draw attention to the Psalms of Solomon now? It is because a magnificent research tool for studying a hymnbook ftova just before the time of Jesus, and fi^om Jerusalem, now enriches the world of scholarehip. Professor Robert B. Wright of Temple University, who contributed the introduction and translation of the Psalms of Solomon to The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, has completed this, the first full critical edition of this hymnbook. He has also made available in high-resolution images, the twelve Greek and four Syriac manuscripts of the Psalms of Solomon. Together the CDs contain approximately 350 color photographs of the manuscripts. Most of these manuscripts are now photographed in color for the first time. Wright's archive is probably the only collection of ancient manuscripts that are available in high-resolution color images (some of the Dead Sea Scrolls are also now available with this quality). In addition, Wright supplies about 150 supporting photographs, including the full text of de la Cerda's 1626 edition of this pseudepigraphon (the first published edition. In Greek and a Latin translation), the text of Frantz Delitzsch's ui^)ublished "Ruckubersetzung der Psaumes Salomon ins Hebraische," (from the library of the University of Leipzig, ca. 1860 ["Re-translation of the Psalms of Solomon into Hebrew"]), and the index page of Codex Alexandrinus, showing the entry of the Psalms of Solomon.

Professor Wright, the photographer of the Harvard University/Hebrew Union College archaeologicaJ excavations at Tell Gezer, took many of these photographs. Others were supplied by libraries or monasteries. Among the most important locations for the manuscripts themselves are the following: the British Library (London), the Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris), the Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit (Leiden), the State Historical Musexmi (Moscow), the Osterreichische National Bibliothek (Menna), the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican), the Benaki Museum (Athens), and the Iveron Monastery (Mount Athos).

Thanks to the focused research of Professor Wright, specialists on the literature of Second Temple Judaism will be able to possess not only a critical edition but also all color photographs of this valuable pseudepigraphon called the Psalms of Solomon. Those not gifted in ancient Greek will be able to read and study a reliable English translation of a hymnbook used by Jews, in Jerusalem, during the time of Hillel and Jesus. A copy of the CD, for research and teaching purposes, may be obtained from Professor Wright without charge, save for a modest shipping/handling fee. See notice at the end of this book.

James H. Charlesworth George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature; Director and Kditor, PTS Dead Sea Scrolls Project Princeton Theological Seminary

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This critical edition of the Greek text of the Psalms of Solomon goes back to my graduate-school smdy of sacrifice in the intertestamental literature'. One ofthe writings that contained divergent attitudes concerning sacrifice and the Jerusalem cultus was the Psalms of Solomon. Utifortimately, no critical edition that included all the Greek manuscripts listed in RalUfi' Verzeichnis' was available, and, of course, Baars' collation of a newly discovered fragment in 196P was to be foimd in no edition. Although work on the present project was protracted because of twenty years of academic administration, the first phase, a provisional collated Greek text, was completed in 1974 and privately distributed.* Tliat same year James H. Cliarlesworth invited me to contribute an introduction and translation to The Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament,' that appeared in 1985.

A sage once said: "I have learned much from my teachers; 1 have leamed more from my colleagues; 1 have leamed most from my smdents."* We are all indebted to a web of mentors; here are my heartfelt acknowledgments: • My teachers: Fred Afinan, Charles Smith, John Priest, and G Ernest Wright. • My colleagues: Robert R. Hann formerly of Florida hitemational University,

whose important study ofthe manuscripts provided mixch of the foundation for this analysis,' Thomas F. McDaniel Professor Emeritus of The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Vasiliki Limberis of Temple University, Joseph L. Traflon of Western Kentucky University, and Kenneth Atkinson of the University ofNorthem Iowa. Of course, to James H. Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary, editor of this series, and patient encourager of the projects.

• My special thanks to Dr. James T. McDonough, classicist extraordinary and gentle soul, whose encouragement and keen eye helped to bring this project to completion.

• Appreciation is due also to Professor Marinus de Jonge of the Rijksimiversiteit

' R.B. Wright, "The Spiritualization of Sacrifice in the Prophets and in the Psalter," S.T.M. thesis, Hartford Seminary Foimdation, 1964; "Sacrifice in the Intertestamental Literature," Ph.D. dissertation, 1966.

^ A. Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments (Gottingen: K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaflen, 1914).

* W. Baars, "A New Fragment of the Greek Version of the Psalms of Solomon," I T / ; (1961), pp. 441^(44.

* This provisional collation was later used by Joseph Trafton and included with his The Syriac Version ofthe Psalms of Solomon: A Critical Evaluation (SBLSCS 11; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press/Society of Biblical Literamre, 1985).

' R. Wright, "The Psalms of Solomon," OTP, II, pp. 639-670.

* Rabbi Hanina, b. Ta 'an. 7a, The Babylonian Talmud, Seder Mo'ed. ' R.R. Hann, The Manuscript History of the Psalms of Solomon (SBI.SCS 13;

Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982).

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of Leiden and to Professor Albert Pietersma of the University of Toronto for their exceptionally valuable suggestions.

• There is a long hst of graduate students who have helped in various stages of die projectr during the first collation phase, none more so than Robert Hann and KenneUi Cohen. During die medial phase: Grant Ward, Kenneth Cohen, Lewis Eron, Joel Reizburg, John Puckett, Douglas McCready, Jody Kolodzey, D. John Woodcock, Thomas Thompson, Victoria Schwartz, Luke Keefer, Sung Jong Shen, Chul Soon Lee, RoUin Blackburn, John Gommel, Joseph McGovem, Vernon Carter, Julia Beck, KenneUi Ofslager, Omar Zambrana, Jeffrey Hargis, James Hewett, Irene Riegner, Lynn Wolcott, Richard Fonda, and Alfons Teipen. Kenneth Adcinson has proposed some imaginative new reconstructions that are reflected in the section on the dating and redaction. Special appreciation to Lester Dean who both helped in the early collating of the manuscripts and did the computer programming that manipulated and formatted the text. Those involved in the creation of a new English translation include: Karen Onesti, Bong Choi, Deborah Spink, Robert Sheddinger, Kenneth Ofslager, Nancy Heisey, and Andrei Vashestov.

Those involved in die decipherment of MS 629 in the Spring of 2000 include: Dr.

Robert Sheddinger of Ludier College, Thomas MaUies, Dr. Mattiiew Mitchell, Dr. Thomas McDaniel and Dr. James McDonnough. Dr. Sheddinger also helped analyze the Syriac photos.

Acknowledgment is due to the directors of the libraries and museums, die custodians of die manuscripts. They were uniformly helpful and fordicoming when asked for access to the manuscripts, photographs of ±eir manuscripts, and detailed descriptions of their texts: MS 149: Univ.-Doz. Ernst Gamillscheg, Direktor, Osterreichische NationalBibliotiiek,

Vienna. MSS 253, 655 and 659: Ambrogio M. Piazzoni, Vice Prefect of die Biblioteca

Apostolica Vaticana and Fr. Paul Canart, Librarian. MS 260: Palle Ringsted, Assistant, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen, Denmark. MS 336: Archimandrite Vassilios, Monk Christoforos, Secretary; and Monk

Theologos, Librarian, of the Holy Monastery of Iveron, Mt. AUios, Greece. Also thanks to Daniel Deckers, ofthe University of Hamburg, who provided an important image.

MS 471: Tamara Igoumnova, Deputy Director, State Historical Museum, Moscow. MS 606: M. Christian F5rstel, Cotiservateur de la Section grecque, Departement des

Manuscrits, Bibliothdque Nationale de France, Paris. MS 629: Angela Adriana Cavaira, Direttore of die Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome. MS 769: Rita Tsakona, Librarian of die Benaki Museum, Athens. MS 3004: Dr. A. Th. Bouwman, Keeper of Western Manuscripts, Universiteits-

biblioflieek, Leiden, die Nedierlands. Syriac MS 1 Oh 1 and MS S: Ms. Sarah Mitchell, The British Library, London. Specific

and gratefiil appreciation to Professor Sebastian Brock of Oxford University for his insightful analysis of the simation with Syriac MS " S " held by the British Library.

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Preface »•

Syriac MS I6I1I: Dr. Dorotliy Clayton, Head of Publications, The John Rylands University Library, Manchester, England.

Syriac MS 141cl: D. J. Hall, Deputy Librarian, Cambridge University, England. Syriac MS 16g7; Selly Oak Colleges, University of Birmingham, England. Ms. Meline

E. Nielsen, Deputy Director

Special appreciation is extended to the Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts, at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Their photographic team traveled from Naples to Rome in die Winter of 1999-2000 to re-photograph MS 629 using their "Multi-Spectral Imaging" to reveal its obscured text Jan Wilson is the Associate Director of CPART and Steven Booras is die Operations Manager

The OdysseaUBS Greek font used by license to create diis work is © 1994-2004 Payne Loving Trust. All rights reserved. By copyright law diis font may not be copied for odiers or modified. LaserGreek n, die product diat includes diis font and input tools is available from Linguist's software. Inc., PO Box 580, Edmonds, WA 98020-0580 USA, tel (425) 775-1130, www.linguistsoftware.com. The Syriac font 1 adapted from one generously supplied by Stephen A. Kaufrnan of Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati (the Syriac font is now also available from Linguist's Software). The camera-ready copy was formatted widi WordPerfect X3 for Windows XP on a Sony VAIO 505,300-MMX computer and printed on an HP PhotoSmart 7350.

The project was assisted by Study Leave grants from Temple University in 1977 and in 1992, by two Grants-in-Aid of Research awards in 1978 and in 1999, a Summer Research Grant in 1999, Travel Grants fixim the Religion Department, and by generous support from the College of Liberal Arts for computer equipment and staff". The Princeton Theological Seminary Library supported the preparation of the CD-ROM of 350 color images of all fifteen Greek and Syriac manuscripts of die PssSol. A copy of the CD, for personal research and use in the classroom, is available free from the author for a nominal fee for shipping.

Robert B. Wright, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Emeritus Department of Religion, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2007

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The Psahns of Solomon (PssSol), the most important early psalm book outside die canonical psalter, reflects die turmoil of events in die last pre-Christian cenniry, gives an apparendy eyewimess account of die first invasionsofthe Romans into Jemsalem, gives a specific reference to the doctrine ofthe resurrection ofthe dead just before the beginning of the Christian and Rabbinic periods, and provides the most detailed expectation of die Jewish Messiah before die New Testament.


Historically, the eighteen Psahns of Solomon represent the response of a group of pious Jews to die invasion and capture of Jerusalem by die Roman army under Pompey in the year 63 BCE and the siege of Jerusalem by Herod the Great and the Roman general Sosius in 37 BCE. Psahns 1,2, 8, and 17 are a vivid, apparently eyewimess, reflections on these events. The remainder ofthe psalms is more like the canonical Psalter and the Qumran Hymn Scroll (1Q Hodayot) as these Psahns confront a variety of more conventional topics common to the psalm genre: evil and good, sin and salvation, direat and rescue. PsSol 17, in addition, is an extended messianic hymn describmg the anticipated victory and reign of die expected redeeming king, die anointed Son of David. This Lord Messiah, as he is called, is to lead the pious m a tdiellion against die occupying forces, in the expulsion of foreign influences, and in the displacement of the corrupt administrations of state and temple. He is to establish an mdependent and holy Jewish dieocratic state to which foreign nations would be subordinate.


The earliest direct historical evidence we have of die Psahns of Solomon is ftom the fifth century C E . when die 'Tsahns of Solomon, 18" were mcluded in die catalog of the Codex Alexandrinus. ta that list diey follow die Sephiagint, die New Testament, and the Clementine Episties. Then position at die very end of the list, after a count of the total books in the MS, does not tell us if they were regarded as part of a canonical enumeration, or merely die contents of that MS. They stand, in die words of Rendel Harris, "m die very penumbra of canonicity." The leaves at die end of die codex diat ^ould have contained the text of the Psalms of Solomon, imfortunately, are missing.

' J.R. Harris, The Odes and Psalms of Solomon: Now First Published from the Syriac Version, (Cambridge [England], Cambridge University Press: 1909, p. 4 (second edition, 1911).

' The British Library, ADD Royal MS 1 DV, folio 4; available in: Facsimile of the Codex Alexandrinus, A\o\&,tA. E. M. Thompson L folio 4 (London: British Musemn, 1879-1883). The index is discussed in Th. Zahn, Ceschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, vol. 2 (Erlangen: A. Deichert, 1890), pp. 288-289. J. R. Harris suggested, based on his study of stichometry, that the Codex Sinaiticus also may once have contained the PssSol, on the six missing leaves between the Epistle of Barnabas and

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the Shepherd of Hennas (presented in a paper delivered to the Johns Hopkins University Philological Association on January 7. 1884, as reported in "Notes on the Sinaitic and Vatican Codices," in the Johns Hopkins University Circular 29 (March 1884), p. 54; a n^anscript of the frill lecture is no longer extant). See also C. Graux. "Nouvelles Recherches sur la Stichometrie." Revue de Philologie, de Litterature et d'Histoire anciennes ,NS (Paris: F. Klincksiek, 1878 ) n, pp. 97-143 (117). A.-M. Denis, "Les Psaumes de Salomon," in Introduction aux Pseudepigraphes grecs d'Ancien Testament, pp. 60-69, SVTP, vol. I (Leiden: Brill, 1970), p. 62) also suggested that the PssSol may have appeared in the Codex Sinaiticus. See also J. Viteau, Les Psaumes de Salomon: Introduction, texte Grec et traduction, avec les principales variantes de la version Syriaque par Frangois Martin, Documents pour I'etude de la Bible (Paris; Letouzey et Ane, 1911), pp. 186-191.

Athanasius, Synopsis Sanctae Scripturae, J.-P. Migne. PG (Paris: Migne, 1857-1966), Vol 28, Col 432. See Zahn, Geschichte U, p. 317.

" Called "onoxpucpa" in the list,/n(//cu/w.s librorum canonicorum et apocryphorum. quem Anastasii Niceni Quaestionibus subiectum in publica Oxoniensis Academiae bibliotheca invenimus, ubi^i8aLxoCi TWV arroCTToXwv StSaaxaXia KXT JJLEVTO; ut distincta opera recensentur et in scriptorum apocryphorum censu pariter reponuntur, in Jean- Baptiste Cotelier, S. Patrum. qui temporibus apostolicis floruerunt (Antwerp: Clericus, 1700; 2nd ed., Amsterdam: Wetstenios, 1724), I, p. 196. See Zahn, Geschichte, II .289-293; Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon, p. 186.

Nicephorus, "•Chronographis,"in 5. Nicephori. Patriarchce Constantinopolitani Breuiarium Ilistoricum (Paris: S. Chappelet, 1616) pp. 286 414. See C. de Boor, "Nicephori Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani Opuscula Historica" in Bibliotheca Teubneriana (Leipzig: Teubner, 1880), p. 134, and B.F. Westcon, A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, Appendix D, "Catalogs of the Books ofthe Bible," No. XIX, 56 (Cambridge, MA: Macmillan. 1889), and Zahn. Geschichte, U, p. 299. Gray says, incorrectly, that the PssSol lie between "Eccles. and Esther" (elsewhere "Eccles." is his abbreviation for Qoheleth). G.B. Gray, "The Psahns of Solomon," APOT U, pp. 625 652 (627), (ed. R.A. Charles; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912). Some have contended that the list attributed to Nicephoms is. in fact, much earlier, perhaps originating in Syria about 500 C E . and that the Athanasian list is an Alexandrine abridgement (K.A. Credner, Zur Geschichte des

The Psalms of Solomon are listed in the Synopsis Sanctae Scripturae of Pseudo-Athanasius that dates from the early sixth century. They are included with the Odes of Solomon as "antilegomcna" of the Old Testament, following Maccabees and an unknown Ptolemaic history, and preceding Susanna.'° They are cataloged among what we ca]i pseudepigrapha in the six±-centUTy list of "Sixty Books [of Scripture]" at the end of Anastasius Sinaita's Quaestiones et Responsiones. They follow the canonical and deuterocanonical books, set between the Assumption of Moses and the Apocalypse of Elijah.''

The PssSol appear with the Odes of Solomon in the ninth-century stichometry that is attributed to Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, where they are foimd between Sirach and Esther.'^ The PssSol are included among the apocrypha in a tenth-centuiy

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Introduction 3

Kanons, pp. 120, 144 (Halle: Waiserhauses, 1847). See also E. Schurer. Neutestamentliche Geschichte, TO, p. 123 (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1898-1901). Denis (Introduction, p. xii) suggests, convincingly, that all these lists come from a common ancestor diat he dates between 400 and 450 C E . There are also later canon lists that include the PssSol in Armenian (Melchithar of Airivank, 1290) and in six Slavic lists (I4-16th centiuies). See Zahn, Geschichte, U, p. 202; Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon. pp. 176-191; W. LiidUce. "Beitrage zu slavischen Apokryphen," pp. 218-235, Z/4IF31 (1911).

" J .-B. Coteher, 5. Patrum. I, p. 196.

'* M.E. Stone, "Armenian Canon Lists UI-The lists of Mechitar of Ayrivank (c. 1285 C E . ) " HTR 63 (1976), pp. 289-300.

There are anumberofother possible references to the PssSol cited in the literature, but all of diem are accompanied by varying degrees of doubt as to dieir applicability to die PssSol. hi die fifty-nindi canon of die Council of Laodicea (c. 360 C. E.) die directive, "6Tt ou Set ISLwriKou^ ij^aXfiou? XeytG&oii ev ^xxXTgatqt, OUSE dtxacvovcCTTa (,[3Xt.tx, diXXa [lova r a xavovtxa T^^ TcaXato^ x a l x a t v ^ ; Siadrpcrii," may be against church use of die PssSol (See Zahn, Geschichte, U, p. 202; Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon, pp. 176-191). Theodorus Balsamon and Joahnes Zonaras Christian writiers of the twelfth century, and the fifteen^ century writer Madiieu Blastaris, believed diat the Council of Laodicea had forbidden die public reading of the PssSol: Canones synodi Laodicenea (l.Migtie, PGtyoX 144, col 1144; Vol 137, Col 1420); W. Beverage, Synodicum sive Pandectae Canonum (Oxford: 1672, L p. 480). Likewise, diere may be a similar mandate in Ambrose, Praef. in Lib. Psalmorum, where he writes: "Salomo ipse David filius licet iimumera cantica cccinisse dicatiu*, unum tamen quod ecclesia receperit canticorum canticum dcreliquit." But, neither of these is imambiguously referring to our Psalms. There were numerous non-canonical psalters in circulation during ±ese early centuries (See Zahn. Geschichte, n, pp. 122-123, 140). To die extent diat diese Psalms have been paired with the Odes of Solomon in some early canon lists and texts, as is shown by the Syriac M S S , die PssSol may also have been alluded to in die PLvtis Sophia in c. 250 C.E., Pistis Sophia. C.Schmidt, tr. V. MacDennot, (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1978). Also, see i-actantius in the fourth century: H. Ross, Lactantius, Divinae institutiones, Humanitas Christiana. Lateinische ReUie (Munich: Kosel, 1963).

" Gray (APOT, 628) and Ryle and James (H.E. Ryle and M.R. James, "FAAMOI SOAOMONTOX.- The Psalms ofthe Phari.iees. Commonly Called the Psalms of

manuscript of tlie Coislin library." The 13* cenmiy Arminian Canon list identified with Mechitar of Ayrivank'* lists the PssSol with the "Books that the Jews have in Secret."

That these notices refer to the Psalms of Solomon as we know them may be claimed widi some degree of certainty."

if the passages in PsSol 11 shared with First Baruch 5 suggest a dependence of First Baruch upon our psalms, this would indicate that the PssSol were available by the late first cenmry C E . "

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Solomon (Cambridge (England): University Press, 1891), pp. Ixxii-btxvii, 100-103 considered Baruch to be dependent upon die PssSol. However, P.E.E. Geiger, Der PsalierSalomo's,herausgegebenunderklart(A\ig^buig:3.WoM, 1871), p. 137,and later Viteau (Psaumes de Salomon, p. 161) rejected die dependence of Baruch on PssSol. More recently, W. Pesch ("Die Abhangigkeit des 11. salomonischen Psalms vom letzten Kapitel des Buches Baruch," ZAW 67 (1955), pp. 251-263, argued diat E. Geiger and Viteau had die correct order of derivation: diat die PssSol are, mdeed, dependent upon Baruch. See also C C Torrey, The Apocryphal Literanne; a Brief Introduction (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945), p. 62; and D.G. Burke, The Poetry of Baruch: A Reconstruction and Analysis of the Original Hebrew Text of Baruch 3:9-5:9, SBLSCS 10 (1982). These later arguments depend upon an earlier dating of Baruch, most often to the Maccabean period, or between the 4th and 2nd centimes BCE See also C. A. Moore, 'Toward die Dating of die Book of Baruch, CBQ xxxvi (3: 1974), pp. 312-320, and A.K. Mukenge, i 'unite du livre deBaruckEtudes bibliques:nouv. Ser., no38 (Paris: J. Gabalda, 1998), 431.

" Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities; The Jewish War, 11. Loeb Classical Library. Tr: H. St. J. Thackeray (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1927, \92%). Antiquities 14.4.1-4 Wars 1.7.1-6; and also Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Dio's Roman History (London: W. Heinemann, 1914-1927). Franz Karl Movers ("Apokryphen-Literahir," in Kirchen-Lexikon. oder Encyklopadie der katholischen Theologie und ihrer Hilfswissenschaflen, ed. H. J. Wetzer and B. Wel te , L p. 340 (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1847-1882) was die first modem commentator (1847) to date die PssSol to die first centiiry BCE. He placed die composition at die time of Pompey, however, he believed die text had been revised later to include die events at die time of Herod die Great. See also J . Langen, DasJudenthum in PaldstinazurZeit Christi, p. 64 (Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1866); A. Hilgenfeld, "Prologomena; Psalmi Salomonis" Messias Judaeorum, libris eorum paulo ante et paulo post Christum natum conscripiis itlustratus, X l - X V m (Leipzig: Reisland, 1869), E. Schurer, Neutestamentliche Geschichte, p. 141, A. Hausradi, Die ZeitJesu. I, p. 158 (Heidelberg: Bassermann, 1873), A. Caquot, "Les Hasmon^ens, les Romains et H6rode: observations sur Ps Sal 17" in Hellenica et Judaica, ed. A. Caquot, M. Hadas-Lebel, and J . Riaud, pp. 213-218,(213), (Leuven-Paris: Editions Peeters, 1986), Ryle and James, The Psalms ofthe Pharisees, p. xliii, F. M. Abel, "Le Siege de Jerusalem par Pompee," RB, 54 (1947), pp. 243 255, and M. Aberbach, "The Historical Allusions of Chapters IV, XI, and XIII of die Psalms of Solomon," JQR, 41 (Apr 51), pp. 379-396. A. Dupont-

Thus, the direct external evidence for die date of die PssSol takes us back to die fifUi century C E . Depending upon the date of First Baruch, our psalms' relation to that writing gives testimony of the existence of the PssSol in Greek as early as the last third of die first cenhiryC.E.

On internal evidence, the descriptions of the foreign conqueror are concrete to a degree paralleled only in Daniel and offer die best evidence we have for dating die Psahns of Solomon. The identifications of die conqueror widi Antiochus IV-Epiphanes, Pompey, Herod the Great, and Titus have each had supporters. Nevertheless, most scholars have concluded diat the allusions, when taken togedier, best match the descriptions in Josephus" ofthe Roman general Pompey, who invaded

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Sonmier, The Essene Writings from Qumran (London: Blackwell, 1961), p. 348 saw parallels with the Damascus Document (CD) and with ± e Commentary on Habakkuk (IQpHab) in dieir references to die Roman attack under Pompey. See also: Kennedi Atkinson, "Toward a Redating of the Psalms of Solomon: Implications for Understanding die Sitz im Leben of an Unknown Jewish Sect." JSOP 17 (1998): 95-112).

" The next-most-popular hypothesis for die time of composition is diat of die plundering of Jerusalem under Antiochus IV-Epiphanes in l70BCE.SeeG.H.A. von Ewald, The History of Israel, 2nd ed., p. 301 (London: Longmans, Green, 1880) and G.F. Oehler, "Messias," in RE, ed. J.J. Herzog, G.F. Plitt, and A. Hauck, cols. 641-655 (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1881). Also, A.P. Stanley, The History ofthe Jewish Church, T^, p. 335 (New York: Schribner, 1879), and A. Dilhnann, "Pseudepigiaphen des A.T.," RE, p. 341-367. M. Aberbach, "Historical Allusions," found references in die PssSol to die entire last half ofthe Hasmonean dynasty, ta addition to Movers, odiers who dated die PssSol to die time of Herod die Great mclude: K.Th. Keim, Geschichte Jesu von Nazara in ihrer Verkettung mit dem Gesamtleben seines Volkes, vol. L p. 243 (Zurich: Orell, Fussli, 1867), F.J. Delitzsch {Biblisher Commentar aber den Psalter, n, p. 381(Leipzig, 1860); and, more recently, E. M. Laperrousaz, "Hirode le Grand est-i l«I 'ennemi (qui) a agi en 4tranger», des Psaumes de Salomon?" m Politique et religion dans le judaisme ancien et medieval, ed. D. Toilet, pp. 29-32 (Paris: Relais-Desclte 7,1989). E. Bengel, Opuscula Academica. ed. J.G. Pressel (Hamburg: Apud Fridericum PerUies, 1834) placed die PssSol after die desmiction of Jerusalem m 70 C E . The earliest datmg of die PssSol was made by K. G. Bretschneider, Die historisch-dogmatischeAuslegung des Neuen Testaments, pp. 121 -122 (Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1806) who saw die hand of Nebuchadnezzar's desctaction of Jerusalem m die PssSol. Heinrich H. Ewald, who placed die PssSiol at 320 BCE and identified die mvader as Ptolemy I, Die jSngsten Propheten des Alten Bundes, ffl, p. 269 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1868). H. Wtackler was alone ta seekmg to identify the historical psalms (2, 8, 17) with the turbulent political situation imder Jason as described in 2 Mace 4 -5 , "Jason und die Zeit der Psahnen Salomos," Altorientalische Forschungen Nr. 2, pp. 556- 564 (Leipzig: F.duard Pfeiffer, 1901). J. Ttomp identified the "sinners" of PsSol 17 with the Romans but the expected foreign mvaders m vss. 7-9 as die Pardiians, 'The Sinners and die Lawless m Psalm of Solomon 17," NovT 35 (1993), pp. 344-361). A fairly diorough analysis of die leadmg contenders and die evidence available until 1891 was prepared by Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. xxxix-xHv. The latest comprehensive review of the scholarship is by K. Adtinson, An Intertextual Study of the Psalms of Solomon Pseudepigrapha (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2001).

" See also K. Adcinson, / Cried to the Lord; A Study of the Psalms of Solomon's Historical Background and Social Setting, p. 22 (Leiden: Brill, 2003).

Judea and captured Jerusalem in the mid-first century BCE" Of all the candidates, Pompey is the only one who was to die in Egypt (PsSol 2.26), a fact that gives him the distinction."

Recently, however, it has been suggested tiiat if PssSol 2 and 8 portray Pompey,

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° The psahnist anticipates diat die Hasmonean line is about to be exterminated, by someone from bis own midst. By accusing the conqueror of acting like a Gentile, the audior is implying diat he was, in fact, Jewish (Kennetii Adtinson, 'Toward a Redatii^ of the Psalms of Solomon: Implications for Understanding the Sitz im Leben of an Unknown Jewish Sect." JSOP 17 (1998): 95-112). This proposal considers diat die fiitiire tenses, in 17:7-8 were intended to refer to Herod's murders of the surviving membersof the Hasmonean fiunily, that occurred between 37 and 30 BCE. The shift to the aorist in vs. 9b (^^Tjpeuvrjaev), may convey the author's expectation that God was about to punish these Hasmonean sirmers (see also 1 Macc3:5 and Amos 9:1-3 (LXX) where the verb sigtufies a search for an enemy, before chasing or killing him). Therefore, vs. 9b would indicate diat Herod had begun, but not yet completed, his execution ofthe remaining Hasmoneans). See also, K. Atkinson, "Herod the Great, Sosius, and die Siege of Jerusalem (37 B.C.E.) hi Psalm of Solomon 17, A'ovZ' 38 (1996), pp. 313-322.

Adcinson, 'Toward a Redating," p. 105-106. See also, Adcinson, "On die Herodian Origin ofMilitant Davidic Messiarusm at Qumran: New Light fi-om Psahn of Solomon n.-JBL 118 (1999), 435-460

" Aldiough some scholars have seen a single audior behmd diese psalms , as did J. Bricrre-Narborme, Exegese apocryphe des propheties messianiques (Paris: P. Geudmer, 1937) p. 5, J. Liver, The House of David, p. 141 and M. Stein, "The Psalms of Solomon," in A. Kahana, The Outside Boob, U, p. 433 (Tel Aviv: Masada, 1959), most discern several hands at work. See R. A. Charles, A Critical History of the Doctrine of Future Life in Israel, in Judaism and in Christianity, 2nd ed. p. 267 (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1913); G. B. Gray, APOT, p. 628; P. Volz, Die Eschatologie der jOdischen Gemeinde im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, p. 26 (Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1934); A. Bentzen, Introduction to the Old Testament, 2, p. 239 (Copenhagen: G. E. C. Gad, 1952); O. Eissfeldt, Einleitung in das Alle Testament. p. 756 (TObingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1956).

then PsSol 17 better describes Herod die Great and die Roman general Sosius' 3 7 BCE siege of Jerusalem. This equates Herod widi both die "man alien to our race" (PsSol 17:7) and die "lawless one" (PsSol 17:11)." The invective "a man alien to our race" is much more a pejorative when applied to Herod dian to any foreigner. PssSol 4,12, and 15 describe inter-Jewish disputes apparently earlier than Pompey. PsSol 7 is reacting to the threat of a possible Roman intervention, andtheauthor pleads that God would not allow die Gentiles to invade, thus clearly predating Pompey's arrival."

If die conqueror of PssSol 2 and 8, mdeed, is Pompey, and die "alien" of PsSol 17 describes Herod, then the events alluded to in these psalms span the time between just before Pompey's invasion in 63 B C E, through his deadi in 48 BCE, to Herod's extermination ofthe remaining Hasmonean leaders in 30 BCE.

This analysis suggests diat diere were several audiors and probably a redactor involved in the creation of the Psalms of Solomon.^^

A redactor would have edited the collection and shaped its final form. He selected a core of "historical" psahns composed over diree decades, fiom approximately 65 to 30 BCE, spanning the time from before Pompey through Herod. He appended the first

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" . Blackburn, Rollin J. "Hebrew Poetic Devices in die Greek Text of die Psalms of Solomon." Temple University, 1998.

" Few have dated die PssSol to C E . 70 or later. P. D. Heutius, in 1694, found evidence of a date later dian die First Centiiry, C. E. See P.D. Heutius, (AKA: Huet), Demonstratio Evangelica ad Serenissimum delphinum, 4 ' ed., p. 397 (Leipzig: J. Thomam Fritsch, 1694). R. Ceillier saw Titiis' destruction of die Temple reflected in the PssSol, Histoire Generate des Auteurs Sacres et Ecclesiasgtiques, V, p. 136(Paris: Luis Viv^s, 1858). Later, Bengel agreed widi Ceillier (Opuscula Academica, p. 395).

" See Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, xc. On die Egyptian venue for the Greek translation, see Denis, Introduction, p. 63. On the question of the origin of die Syriac ti'anslation, see below.

^' See Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, p. Iviii-lix.

" Ryle and James, 77ie Psalms of the Pharisees, p. lix; J. Wellhausen, Die Pharisaer und die Sadducder, p. 139 (Greifswald: L. Bamberg, 1874); E. Schurer, A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, p. 21 (Edinburgh: Clark, 1894); Gray, APOT, n, p. 630; S. Matiiews, "Psalms of die Pharisees," in A History of New Testament Times in Palestine, pp. 96-98 (New York: Macmillan, 1899,1918); T. W. Manson, The Servant-Messiah, p. 21 (London: Cambridge (Enghmd) University Press, 1956); and R. B. MuUer, "Messias und Menschensohn m jfldischen Apokalypsen und in der Offenbarung des Johannes," SNT, 6 (1972) p. 76, n. 58. See also J. Klausner,

and eighteendi Psalms of Solomon, providing an introduction and conclusion. The redactor would have added die remaining "generic" psalms, from an existing pool of cultic poetry. He arranged die psalms, added liturgical headings in emularion of die biblical Psalter, and attributed the whole to King Solomon."

That Jerusalem has been attacked and desecrated, but not destroyed, suggests that die psalms reached dieir final form before 70 C.E.» Thus, die last half of die first cenhiry BCE emerges as die most suitable time for the composition and editing of die Psalms of Solomon, followed by a translation into Greek perhaps about the turn of the era, possibly in Egypt."*


The PssSol, by tide superscriptions and tradition, are either ascribed or dedicated to Solomon, although diere is no reference to him widim die poems themselves. The similarity between the most prominent psalm (PsSol 17) and the canonical Psalm 72, s teady known as a "Psahn of Solomon," may have prompted the editorial ascription to the one who, next to David, enjoyed a reputation as a poet (1 Kgs 4.32 -34; Heb: 5.12-14).

Because of its unusual prominence, diere is litde doubt Uiat Jerusalem is die venue ofthe Psalms of Solomon." Jerusalem is the locale of many events. The corruption of the Jerusalem leadership (PsSol 4) and the anticipation of God's blessings on the Holy City (PsSol 11) reinforce this conclusion. Jerusalem is addressed (PsSol 11), speaks (PsSol 1), and is die seat of die Sanhedrin (PsSol 4.1).

The audiorship of die PssSol has most often been atnibuted to die Pharisees," but

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The Messianic Idea in Israel from Its Beginning to the Completion ofthe Mishnah, p. 392. (New York: Macmillan, 1955) These identifications, it now seems, were driven by the obvious realization that these psalms could not have been composed by Sadducees. G.E.W. Nickelsburg, after surveying the evidence, concludes diat diere is much in die PssSol diat fits what is known about die Pharisees and nodiing diat does not. He locates the PssSol, then, in circles close to the Pharisees (Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction, pp. 204, 212 (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981), a conclusion echoed by K.E. Pomykala, The Davidic Dynasty Tradition in Early Judaism: Its History and Significance for Messianism, SBLEJL (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). For a vigorous defense of a Pharisaic origin, see J. Schiipphaus, Die Psalmen Salomos: Ein Zeugnis Jerusalemer Theologie und Frommigkeit in der Mitte des vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts, ch. 1 ALGHJ 7 (Leiden: Brill, 1977). See also die review of Schupphaus by R.B. Wright in CSe41 (1979) pp. 657-658. Most recendy, M.Winninge, Sinners and the Righteous: A Comparative Study of the Psalms of Solomon and Paul's Letters (Stockholm: Ahnqvist & Wiksell, 1995). See, e.g., p . 180..

^ See the thorough analysis and reftitation of the arguments in favor of Pharisaic audiorship in J. O'Dell, 'The Religious Background of the Psahns of Solomon Re­evaluated in die Light of die Qumran Texts,"/!evg 3 (May, 1961) pp. 241-257. For odier objections see: O. Eissfeldt, The Old Testament: An Introduction, tt. P. R. Ackryod p. 613 (New York: Harper and Row, 1%5), and A. Bentzen, King and Messiah, ed. 0 . W. Anderson (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1970). As G. Stemberger, Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes (Minneapolis: Fortiiess Press, 1995) reminds us: "...The designation Pharisee is not found before Paul, or the name Sadducee before Mark's Gospel....This means diat die earliest explicit statements about Pharisees and Sadducees were first written at a time when they had ceased to exist."

" J. Liver insisted in 1959 tiiat die audior of die PssSol must have been a "Chasid" or one of the "Chasidim of the Pharisees," who, contrary to most Pharisees, were opposed to any regime not ofthe House of David (J. Liver, The House ofDavidfrom the Fall ofthe Kingdom of Judah until the Destruction of the Second Temple of yemya/em (in Hebrew), p. 143 Jenisalem: Magnes and Hebrew University, 1959.See also O'Dell, "Religious Background"; H.R. Moeller, The Legacy of Zion: Intertestamental Texts Related to the New Testament, pp. 44-47, 131-151,199-203 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977), and O. Ploger, Theokratie und Eschatologie, p. 16 (IVMANT).

" As early as 1887, J. Girbal suggested diat die PssSol were written by a pietist group of the first Essenes, the "Khassidim:" Essai sur les Psaumes de Salomon, (Toulouse: A. Chauvin et Fils, 1887). J. E. H. Thompson firmly identified these psalms widi die Essenes (Thomson, Books Which Influenced Our Lord and His Apostles: Being a Critical Review of Apocalyptic Jewish Literature, , pp. 268ff, 423ff (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1891). See also A. Dupont-Sommer, Essene Writings, p.

flat identification must now be abandoned." CMher scholars have linked die PssSol to the Hasidim," to die Essenes," or, if one stiiys witii die evidence available to date, to

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12; O'Dell, "Religious Background"; and H.L. Jansen, Die Spatjidische Psalmendichtmg: ihr Entstehungskreis und ihr 'Sitz im Leben' (Oslo: Norske Videnskap-Akademie, 1937)

" R.B. Wright, "The Psahns of Solomon, die Pharisees and die Essenes," in SBLSCS 2, pp. 136-154, ed. R. A. Krafl (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1972); R.R. Hann, "The Community of die Pious: The Social Setting of die Psahns of Solomon" (Sfl XVn, No. 2, 1988) pp. 169-189. For a critique of bodi O'Dell and Wright, see M. Delcor, "Psaumes de Salomon," DBSup, fasc. 48, cols. 239-242 (Paris: Letouzey and An6,1973).

"A.Jaubert, "La notion d'alliance dans le judaisme aux abords de I'ere chretieime," Patiistica Sorboniensia, 6, p. 255 (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1963); S.Hohn-Nielsen. "Erwagungen zu dem Verhaltiiis zwischen den Hodajot und den Psalmen Salomos," Bibel und Qumran ^Vissenschafi, ed. S. Wagner,pp. 112-131 (Berlin: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft, 1968); J. O'Dell, "The Religious Background"; D.Rosen and A. Salvesen, "A Note on die Qumran Temple Scroll 56:15 -18 and Psalm of Solomon 17:33," MS 38 (1987) pp. 99-101; D. Dimant, "A Cultic Term in the Psalms of Solomon in die Light of the Sepmagint,"(in Hebrew), Textus 9 (1981) pp. 28-51; D. Flusser, "Psalms, Hymns, and Prayers," Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus {CRINT, n, (1984), pp. 551-577); A. S. Van der Woude, Die messianischen Vorstellungen der Gemeinde von Qumran (Assen: 1957); G. Morawe, "Vergleich des Aufbaus der Danldieder und hymnischen Bekenntnislieder (1QH) von Qumran mit dem Aufbau der Psahnen im Alten Testament und im Spatjudennun," RevQ 4 (1963) pp. 233 -254; S. Fujita, "The Metaphor of Plant in Jewish Literature of die Intertestamental Period," JSJ 0976) , p. 30.

"F.Hitzig,Gesc/K 'c/i/edes Volkes Israel von Anheginn his zur Eroberung Masada's im Jahre 72 nach Christus. p. 502 (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1869); J. Le Moyne, Les Sttdduceens (Paris: Lecof&e, 1972).

"some unknown eschatological group in Jerusalem."" While few have suggested Qumran as a locale for the PssSol, many have pointed out similarities to various Dead Sea Scrolls." The PssSol have been attributed to die Sadducees" or even to die

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" H. Graetz, Ceschichte der Judder von den Altesten Zeiten, 2nd ed. 111, p. 489. (Leipzig: O. Leiner, 1888) attributed die PssSol to a Christian author, an ascription he omitted in die diird edition (HI, p. 621). See also J. Efi-on, "The Holy War and Visions of Redemption," SJLA 39, pp. 219-286, Ed. J. Neusner (Leiden: Brill, 1987), and "The Psalms of Solomon, The Hasmonean Decline and Christianity," (pp. 219- 286), both in Studies on the Hasmonean Period(BnU: SJLA, vol. 39: 1987). P. A. Alpe saw die PssSol as a product of die Pharisees and believed diat, because of dieir use of messiaiuc imagery drawn fiom die Hebrew Bible, diey are to a degree higher dian all odier apocrypha to be understood as a bridge between the Old Testament and die New Testament, "Christologia in Psalmis Salomonis. "VDW Fasc. 2-4 .1931, pp. 56-59, 84-88,110-120). Despite its title, die article is a general discussion of die PssSol and their importance for understanding the fimction of Christology in the NT.

" MS 769 had a marginal note, now lost, of indeterminable date, at 2:25 diat appears to be a Christian comment on a verbal lirdc between die dragon of diis verse and tiiat of the Book of the Revelation. Von Gebhardt preserved the text of this note in his major edition. Die Psalmen Salomo ' j , O.L. von Gebhardt (1844-1906), "FAAMOI S O A O M Q N T O S . - Die Psalmen Salomo's zum ersten Male mit Benutzung der Athoshandschriften und des Codex Casanatensis. Texte imd Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristiichen Literatur, XHI, pt. 2, p. 96, note 1 (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1895).

" Addnson, / Cried to the Lord, p. 7.

" A. Geiger ("Aus Briefen," JOdische Zeitschrifi fUr Wissenschafi und Leben, VI, 1868, p. 240), could not decide on the group responsible for the PssSol and saw them as the product of the controversy between Pharisees and Sadducees.

See Wright, "The Spirimalization of Sacrifice."

Christians,"* although there is slim evidence for diese attributions." As Kennedi Adcinson observes: "Because at least a diird of die Dead Sea Scrolls did not emanate from die members of die Qumran sect, but were apparendy written by odier as yet unidentified authors, it is not necessary to assign a composition such as the Psalms of Solomon to a known Jewish sectarian community."" Locating these psalms woidd be easier if we had a better understanding of die complex of religious coalitions active during this period," and persistent attachment to a rigid classification into only the traditional groups may not serve us well.

There are some indications of a synagogue venue for die Psalms of Solomon. The commimity apparently worshiped apart fiom the Temple, without sacrifices. Piety had become a substimte for sacrifice," so diat sms were now cleansed dirough confession and penance in the "synagogues of die devout" (PsSol 17:16; 10:7), where they give thanks to God (PsSol 10:6). They were forced to flee during Herod's siege of Jerusalem, and were dispersed (PsSol 17:16-18). These allusions and die explicit communal identity throughout the psalms suggest that a synagogue setting may be most appropriate for diese psalms.

The appearance of several rubrics for musical settings (di vlxo? [8.tit.], 8tai|;aX[jia [17.29; 18.9]), diat echo die biblical Psalter, is ftirdier evidence diat diese

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" P. Winter, "Psahns of Solomon," IDB, 4, pp. 958-960.

*° D. J. Spink, "A City-Lament Genre in the Psalms of Solomon," pp. 31-32 Philadelphia: Temple University dissertation, 2001. For a furdier discussion of prose and poetry in the PssSol, see Atkinson, / Cried to the Lord, and R.J.Blackbiun, "Hebrew Poetic Devices in die Greek Text of die Psahns of Solomon." Temple University doctoral dissertation (Temple University Departtnent of Religion, 1998). Also, see Donald L . Scott, "The Role of Remembrance in The Psalms of Solomon." Chicago Theological Seminary, 1995 (R.B.Wright, External Examiner).

" The Greek translation is most often placed in die early first century C E . "The historical references were still relevant and understandable for the Jews in the diaspora and die text is firee from Christian interpolations, which might suggest a date when Christianity was not yet widespread." (D. Jongkind, "Psatois ofSolomon: Inti-oductory Notes," Cambridge (England) University New Testament Seminar, 2001-2002 (Last accessed 11/2006. Online, URL: httD://www.tvndale.cam.ac.uk/Tvndale/stafEHead/PssSol.htm)

* The Syriac version of the Psalms of Solomon is preserved in four manuscripts, dating ftom the tendi to die sixteendi centuries (a six-verse Syriac fragment, so-called MS " S " found in a marginal note on a seventh-century manuscript (British Library MS 17143), now known to be not a part of die texhial ti'adition [see following note]) none of which preserves a complete text The latest critical edition is found in W. Baars, "Psahns ofSolomon" The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version. ed. The Peshitta histimte. Part IV, Fascicle 6 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972). Earlier editions include J. Rendel Harris, The Odes and Psalms ofSolomon; J. R. Harris and A. Mingaoa, The Odes and Psalms of Solomon, Vol. 1, The Text with Facsimile Heproductions. Manchester: University Press; London; New York: Longmans, Green & Co.,1916, ; Vol. II, Translation with Introduction and Notes (Manchester: Manchester University Press; London/New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1920). For examinations of the relationship of the Hebrew, Greek, and Syriac versions, see ICG. Kuhn, Die dlteste Textgestalt der Psalmen Salomos insbesondere auf Grund der syrischen Obersetzung neu untersucht, BWANT, 21 (Stattgart: Kohlhammer, 1937); J- Begrich, "Der Text der Psalmen Salomos, ZNW 38(1939), pp. 131-164; J. Trafton, The Syriac Version, and 'The Psalms of Solomon: New Light from the Syriac Version?" J B i 105 (1986) pp. 227-237.

hymns were used in synagogue services." Of course, these liturgical directions, too, may be from the pen of a redactor, in emulation ofthe Biblical Psalms.

In terms of genre, apart from the obvious echos ofthe biblical Psalter, has been the assertion that die PssSol were in conscious imitation of the "City-Lament" form to be found in Lamentations, itself reflective of Ancient Near Eastern models."


The Psalms of Solomon, according to most scholars, were composed in Hebrew, very soon afterwards tiranslated into Greek," and sometime later into Syriac." There are no

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" The Syriac fragment, MS "S" , is a marginal note on a seventh-century copy of the "Hymns of Sevenis." The earliest Syriac fragment has usually been seen in this marginal note. It has now been determined that this intertextual note was made by Jacob of Odessa, sometime later, probably from memory. This fragmentary marginal note is therefore not regarded as part of the textual history of the PssSol. (Prof. Sabastian Brock, Oxford University, personal correspondence, January 8,2002)

** Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. Ixxviii-lxxxi; Gray, APOT, p. 627. See also R.J.Blackbum, "Hebrew Poetic Devices in the Greek Text of the Psalms ofSolomon." Temple University doctoral dissertation (Temple University Department of Religion, 1998).

* Hann, The Manuscript History, pp. 36-40.

*** R.A. Martin, Syntactical Evidence of Semitic Sources in Greek Documents, SBLSCS 3. 1974.

A. Hilgenfeld ("Die Psalmen Salomo's und die Himmelfahrt des Moses, griechisch hergestelh and erklart," ZWT / / [1868] pp. 133-168; and Messias ludaeorum, "Prolegomena"), refuted by J. Wellhausen (Die Pharisaer und die Sadducder, pp. 135f) and by Ryle and James (The Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. Ixxxiv-btxxvii); O. Zockler, "Die pseudepigraphische Lyrik: Der Psalter Salomos," in his Die Apokryphen des Alten Testaments nebst einem Anhang iiber die Pseudepigraphenliteratur, c d H. Strack and O. Zockler, 1, pp. 9 , 4 0 5 ^ 2 0 (Munich: Beck, 1891). Earlier, P. D. Huetius. {Demonstratio Evangelica, and G. Janenski, Dissertatio historico-critica de Psalterio Salomonis prceside Neumann publicte disquisitionis, ed. J. G Neimiannus, 8, p. 274 (Wittenberg: Neumann, 1687) had assumed, bul not argued for, a Greek original.

W. Frankenberg, Die Datierung der Psalmen Salomos. Ein Beitrag zur JOdischen Geschichte, BZAW, 1, 1896). Apparently, Wellhausen attempted a Hebrew back-translation, but either he had "not committed it to wriring" (Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xvii), or it was "not printed" (J.H. Miller, "The Psalms of

surviving Hebrew manuscripts, and the extant Greek and Syriac manuscripts are no earlier than the tenth century C E / ' Clearly the Greek text is a translation. Ryle and James and GB.Gray noted features in common with other translations: characteristic translational errors from Hebrew, "semiticisms" in the Greek, etc.*^ More recently. R. Harm confirmed by syntactical analysis that our text is indeed "translation Greek,"*- a phenomenon identifiably distinct from writings originally composed in Greek, even those written in conscious imitation ofthe Septuagint.** The Greek ofthe Psahns of Solomon is written with a modest vocabulary. In several passages the meaning is obscure and has been subject to conjecture by both medieval scribes and modem editors.

Adolph Hilgenfeld, but few others, has argued for a Greek original/' Evidence for a Greek prototype is based largely on quotations from the Septuagint, especially the Wisdom ofSolomon. However, the use ofthe Septuagint merely shows an acquaintance with that version or a conscious or unconscious harmonization with its readings by a translator. Several attempts have been made to reconstruct a Hebrew original, a so-called "retranslation," or "back-translation" from the Greek,"* but such efforts have little

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Introduction 13

Solomon,", p. 10 (New York: Hebrew Union College), unpublished, handwritten master's diesis, 1906); see also Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xvii). F. Delitzsch made a Hebrew translation (now in the library of the University of Leipzig, "Ruckubersetzung der Psaumes Salomon ins Hebraische" (unpublished manuscript number 01503 in die Universitatsbibliodiek, Leipzig, ca. 1860). Also, sec Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon, p. 243, and A.S. Kamenetzki, Eine hebraische Obersetzung der PsS mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen in neuhebrdischer Sprache (Cracow: n. p. 1904).

" See also Gray, APOT, p. 626; and Harris, The Odes and Psalms (1909) pp. 37-39. Ryle and James (77je Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xxvi) suggested that because three of the early references to the PssSol are fi-om Latin writers (particularly the MSS of Lactantius) an early Latin version existed at one time. There is no known evidence of the existence of this or of any other versions.

Kuhn, Die alteste Textgestalt: Trafton, The Syriac Version, "New Light" and "Solomon, Psalms of," in ABD, VI, pp. 115 117; P. Winter, "Psalms of Solomon."

" G. Ward, A Philological Analysis of the Greek and Syriac Texts of the Psalms of Solomon (Philadelphia: Temple University Dissertation, 1996). See also W. Baars, "A New Fragment."

" See J. Begrich, "Der Text der Psalmen Salomos," pp. 131 -164, where he argues that the Syriac and MS 253 come fiom a common Greek Vorlage.

" Rahlfe, Verzeichnis. Previously editors created their own unique set of sigla, often the initial letter ofthe name of the city or library holding the particular MS.

historical or linguistic value. The Syriac has usually been seen as a U'anslation from tiie Greek text," although

some have suggested that there is evidence that the Syriac may have been influenced by a Hebrew text.** New philological research now strongly suggests that the Syriac is indeed a direct translation fiom an early Hebrew text,*' perhaps with some reference to die Greek.

The most notable featiffe of the Syriac is its attempt to smoodi difficult readings, hi many passages where the Greek text is troublesome and the MSS readings diverge, the Syriac gravitates toward Greek MS 253 and its group." The texts of Wisdom and Skach that are also preserved in MS 253 and its group are part of the Syro-hexaplaric text tradition. This fact may reinforce similarities between diis group of MSS and the Syrian Christian community diat preserved diese Syriac Psalms and attached diem to die Odes ofSolomon.


The Psalms of Solomon are preserved, in whole or in part, in twelve Greek manuscripts, one dating from the fifth cenniry C.E., die rest from die tendi to the sixteenth centuries C E . The numerical designations used here conform to those assigned by Rahlfe and his successors in die Gottingen Verzeichnis." Von Gebhardt's

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" Die Psalmen Salomo's, p. 39. Words added in lower right margins to match folio assembly are not noted unless

problematic for some reason. Standard manuscript abbreviations are not noted separately. Unique or questionable characters are recorded.

" E. Gamillscheg, Repertorium der Griechischen Kopisten 800-1600, Vol. 3, p. 106 (Vienna: Verlag der Osterteichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997). (Appreciation to F r Paul Canart of the Vatican Library for locating this reference).

" Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, pp. 14-42; Hann, Manuscript History, pp. 35-51.

" P.R. McReynolds, 'The Claremont Profile Metiiod and die Grouping of Byzantine New Testament Manuscripts" (Claremont Graduate School, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1968); F. Wisse, "The Claremont Profile Mediod for die Classification of Byzantine New Testament Manuscripts: A Study in Method" (Claremont Graduate School, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1 %8) . See E.J. Epp, "The Claremont Profile Mediod for Grouping New Testament Minuscule Manuscripts," m E,J. Epp and G.D. Fee, Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism pp. 211 -220 (Smdies and Documents 45, ed. t v ing Alan Sparks (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993)

^ The MS is listed in Rahlfs' Verzeichnis on p. 249. The date is attested in Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codecs manuscripti Recensiti, Codices Vaticani Graeci Tomus 11, Codices 330-603, p. 8. Recdnsivit Robertus Devreesse. (Vatican City: Bibliodieca Vaticana, 1937). See die chart of traditional names of die MSS and their present locations, on p. 31.

a i d o thers ' sigla are shown in curved brackets." The contents of the MSS discussed here include only dieir biblical, Apocrypha, and Pseudepigraphic texts; die MSS often contain other later rehgious writings not herein listed.**

Three of die manuscripts (MSS 769, 471, and 336) are known to have originated fiom die monasteries of Mt. Athos, 336 and 471 bodi fiom Iveron. MS 336 remains in dieir library. MS 769 probably originated firom the Laura Monastery, at least that is fiom where it was reportedly stolen at the begiiming of the 20"" Century. MSS 260 and 149 are clearly by die same hand. MSS 655 and 659 are not only copied by the same scribe, but we know die name of the copyist who held the pen; l u i w i ) ; MauponitT)?, who worked m die diird quarter ofthe sixteendi centiiry* Others, if not most, of die MSS may have been produced at dis center of Orthodox monastic life on Mt. Adios.

The manuscript groups, and the stemma deduced from them, were determined initially by von Gebhardt and confirmed and refined by Hann,*' die latter partly based on an application of the Claremont Profile Method** to the text readings.

MS Group 253 (includes 253, 655, 659)

MS 253 (= von Gebhardt [vG] "R," "Codex Romanus") is Vaticani Graeci 336 of die Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in Rome. It is dated to the eleventh century.*' The

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The Greek Manuscripts 15

" Judgments of the condition of manuscripts usually include: "Excellent" (fine, almost pristine), "Good" (codex and leaves intact and completely readable, minor discoloration), 'Tair" (wear, tears, considerable discoloration, but text readable), "Poor" (binding and leaves tom or missing, with heavy discoloration; the text illegible in places).

*' A folio, by one common defiiution, is a leaf in a book, containing two or four pages. They are normally numbered only on die front (recto) side, but not on die back (verjo) side. A quarto, specifically, is a sheet folded into four leaves. A quire contains 24 or often 25 leaves.

" The measure of inscribed surface includes the body of the text but not headings or engrossed marginal letters.

" Manuscript media and ink colors of all die MSS were personally measured by this editor using die Pantone® Professional Color System, an mtemational standard in die graphic arts. A color is identified by its Pantone reference number, and its Pantone descriptive name. L. Eiseman and L. Herbert, 77ie Pantone Book of Color (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990). Occasionally, when the technical color name is not visually descriptive, a more commonplace color name is also suggested.

** Engrossing refers to large initial letters appearing usually in the left margin. It also may refer to titles, running headers, and other decorative elements in a manuscript.

If it is necessary to locate iotas (or any other features) in the MSS, one may use the tiimscription files that are line and word matched to the photographs, on the CD mentioned at die end of diis book.

" See von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo s, p. 27, n. 1.

" Rahlfs, Verzeichnis. p. 240.

parchment codex is mostly in good condition,** with some discoloration, and a few pages with torn comers. The 194 folios" measure 25.0 x 19.0 cm widi 16.0x 12.0-13.0 cm of inscribed surface** in one column. The color of the parchment is Pantone" 12-1006 (Cream Pearl). The text ink is Pantone 16-1317 (Brush), and die engrossmg" is Pantone 18-1449 (Catchup). The MS contains Joft, Proverbs. Ecclesiasles, Canticles, Wisdom ofSolomon, the PssSol, and selections from Sirach. It contains the PssSol on folios I22v-136v widi die superscription "Socpta 2oXo ( iavTo; ." The superscription to Wisdom refers to Wisdom, the PssSol, and Sirach as "ASiadeTa." No lofa subscripts or adscripts are used but omissions are not regarded as variants'*. The heading for PsSol 9 appears at die bottom of folio 129r and also at the top of folio 129v. There are several erasures. Usually die erased text is not recoverable; occasionally an erasure is overwritten with new text. A personal marginal note at the end of Job dates from the begimung of die fifteendi century." The manuscript appears to have been written by one hand. Von Gebhardt himself collated diis manuscript for his edition.

MS 655 is Ottoboniani Graeci 60 of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. It is dated to the late sixteendi centiiry." The paper codex of 363 folios is in generally good condition, and measures 24.0-24.5 x 16.5-17.5 cm with 15.5 x lO.O cm of inscribed surface in one column. The paper is Pantone 11-0603 (Pastel Parchment). The text ink

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is Pantone 19-1314 (Seal Brown) and tlie engrossing is Pantone 16-1541 (Camellia). It contains the PssSol on folios 201r-220v with the superscription: "Socpia SoXofiwvTo^." It was copied from a near relative of MS 253,** by the same modestly skilled scribe who reproduced MS 659. The scribe of these two MSS was ItoavvT]^ MaupofAdtTTj?, who worked in the third quarter ofthe XVI Century" This MS was not available to von Gebhardt. The present codex has perhaps a dozen numbering systems, as the volume is an assemblage from parts of other manuscript collections. The PssSol itself displays six separate pagination schemes. What appears to be die latest, and the one that includes the entire codex in its present configuration, is the one used here. The ink has soaked dffough to die back in many places, appearing as a tan shadow widi orange-pink shading. The text uses few iota sub- or addscripts. Unique among this group of MSS, die text uses hyphens when words are split between lines.

MS 659 is Ottoboniani Graeci 384 of die Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.' It is dated to the late sixteenth century. The paper codex of 354 folios measures 22.5 x 15.5 cm widi 15.5 X 9.5-10.0 cm of inscribed surface in one column. The codex is in good condition with only some staining on die bottoms of die pages. The ink has often bled through fiom the back of the pages. Often later corrections were added to the text in a somewhat more viscous ink, that did not bleed through, a feahire that, in some cases, allows later emendations to be distinguished fixim the original text. The paper is the color of Pantone 11-0603 (Pastel Parchment). The text ink is Pantone 19-1314 (Seal Brown) and die engrossing is Pantone 16-1541 (Camellia). The MS preserves die PssSol on folios 208r-226v with the superscription: "Socpla SoXofiftiv-ro^.*' It was copied fiom die same intermediary cousin of MS 253," by die same scribe who copied MS 655 . " This MS was not available to von Gebhardt.

The 253 texts of Wisdom and Sirach have been judged to preserve die hexaplaric recension traced back to Origen in the third century.'* R. Harm has argued that the best representation of die earliest text form is preserved by die 253 MS group. It conserves

'' Hatm, Manuscript History, p. 61.

" E. Gamillscheg, Repertorium der, p. 106.

'° Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 241.

" Hann concluded diat "it is not possible diat one of these MSS (655 or 659) was copied from the other, since each preserves a number of readings not found in the odier," and diat "die exemplar of 655-659 could not have been 253" directly, but flirough a common intermediary, "an uncial MS closely resembling the present MS 253" {Manuscript History, pp. 61-63).

The scribe of diis MS and of MS 655 was loavvTjs Maupo|jui-n);, who worked in die diird quarter of die XVI cenniry. (See E. Gamillscheg, Repertorium der, p. 106). Th is MS u s e s t he s a m e c o l o r s o f p a r c h m e n t and ink as its nea r - twin , MS 6 5 9 .

J. Ziegler, Sapientia Salomonis, pp. 50-53 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1962); Sapientia lesu Filii Sirach, pp. 57-63. (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1965)

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The Greek Manuseripts i

" Hann, Manuscript History, pp. 76-79,91-92,107,110.

" Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xxviii; Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 91. " See Gray, APOT, p. 625; Ryle and James, 7*e Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xxviii. " The MS was mentioned first by C. Graux in a review of C.W. Bruun's

Aarsberetningen og Meddelelser fra det Store Kongelige Bibliothek Udgivne, Annual of Communication of the Great Royal Library of Copenhagen), 2nd ed. pt. 3 (Copenhagen: Gyldendalske, 1877) in/iC, 1877,pp, 291-293), who briefly described the MS. He later delineated it more completely in his Notices sommaires des MSS. grecs de la Grande Bibliotheque Royale de Copenhague, pp. 1-4 (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1879). The MS was bought in Venice in 1699 by Frederick Rostgaard, snbsequendy sold to Count Danneskjold in 1726, and in 1732 it came to die Royal Library (Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. xxviii f).

" Graux, Notices Sommaires, p. 1.

" These are die contents according to M. Mackeprang, V. Madsen, and C.S. Petersen, in Greek and Latin Illuminated Manuscripts of the X to the XIII Century in Danish Collections, p. 1 (Copenhagen: A. Marcus, 1921). But, according to Rahlfs' Verzeichnis, (p. 91) die contents are "Cat. in lob. Cat. in Prov., Eccl. com comm. marg.. Cant cum comm. marg.. Sap., Ps.Sal., Sir."

" The Ulusn^tion is captioned above his head as: " S O A O M Q N . " He is seated on a throne in front of a colonnaded balusttade, in royal robes, with a crown and red shoes. His right hand gestures in die manner of a Greek ecclesiastical benediction, and in his left he holds a scroll tied with two red and white ribbons. Sitting on a stool in fiont and to Solomon's right is an old man, similarly gesturing and with a scroll bound with one ribbon. Behind the railing is the figure of a woman, visible to the waist.

the ^)parent earliest form ofthe text and appears to have the largest nimiber of readings judged to be early.'* Other MSS also contain early readings, and these have been examined for incorporation into dus edition.

MS Group 260 (includes 260,149,471,606,3004)

MS 260 (= vG "H"; = Ryle & James "K,"" "Codex Havniensis"") is Gamle Kongelige Samling 6 of die Kongelige Bibliotek of Copenhagen." It is dated to die tendi or elevendi centimes." The parchment codex of232 folios (ten quires have been lost from the beginning of the MS) measures about 36.5 x 27 cm with about 21.5 x 14.25 cm of inscribed surface in one column (folios 2r-82v), and in two columns (from folio 84rto the end ofthe MS). The manuscript is in excellent condition with some minor staining on die parchment. The color of die parchment is Pantone 12-0605 (Angora). The text ink is Pantone 19-1314 (Seal Brown). Unique among this group of MSS, the engrossing is in gold ink, Pantone 16-0836 (Rich Gold), in places faded to Pantone 16-1325 (Copper). It contains the book of Job with a catena in the margin. Proverbs. Ecclesiastes, Canticles (all widi marginal commentaries). Wisdom ofSolomon, PssSol, and Sirach widi a Prologue." Folio 83r is blank, and folio 83v contains a full-page colored illustiation representing King Solomon." The text of die PssSol is found on

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holding another scroll with both hands. As the illustration is positioned in the MS immediately before the group of five "Solomonic" writings, it is often interpreted to pertain to the collection of works traditionally identified with him: The old man may be one of the men of Hezekiah, who, according to Proverbs 25, copied the proverbs of Solomon. In this interpretation, the woman would be napot,(i,t.a personified. But because the old man is gesturing with a motion similar to that ofSolomon, as if he were his near equal, some have suggested this figure represents Jesu Sirach, whose writing follows those ofSolomon in this MS. In this case, the woman would represent Socpia personified (See Mackeprang, Greek and Latin Manuscripts, p. 2, and Bruun, Aarsberetningen).

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, pp. 19,23.

Hann, Manuscript History, p. 64.

" B . Schartau.. Codices Graeci Haunienses: Ein deskripiver Katalog des griechischen Handscnftenbesandes der Koniglichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen , p. 53 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1994).

^ From a series of subscriptions on folio 232r, one can reconstruct some of the history of this manuscript: "aTto T(,VO(; xaXo&eTOu," "(acquired) fi-om (a member of the family) Kalothetes." The manuscript came into the possession of Lukas Notaras, Duke of Constantinople in the fifteenth century (Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 91). He was commander-in-chief ofthe Byzantine fleet and was executed by Sultan Mohammed II after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The MS then was obtained by one Georgios Kantakuzenos (d. 1456), to whom the family Notaras was related by marriage. He took it fi-om Constantinople in 1453 to Smendervo (Semendria) [aixevropoPw] in Serbia. The next note is indisrinct (perhaps unfinished), and may have told how the MS arrived in Venice. While in that city, it came into the possession of Urganus, a monk in the monastery of St. Nicola, in Venedig (Venice), who is described in the note as a "grammarian." The MS was purchased at Venice in 1699 by a Frederik Rostgaard (1671 -1745), and acquired at auction in 1726 by Graf Christian Danneskjold Samsoe. \n 1732, the Royal Library in Copenhagen acquired the MS (Mackeprang, Greek and Latin Manuscripts, p. 2).

folios 170v-183r, A collation ofthe M S was made by Charles Graux and given to von Gebhardt in 1879. It was identified by von Gebhardt as the exemplar for M S 149/-Hann has confirmed this relationship.*^ M S 260 appears to have been written by the same hand as M S 149." At the end of the M S , there are two pages of notes of the history of the M S , referencing dates fix)m 1453 to 1732""

The scribe engrossed one or two letters per column, usually whatever letters happened to fall into the left margin. On folio 142v, col. 2, at the beginning of Canticles, the initial "A" in "A(.afia" is missing, mariced by a dot. The gold letters occasionally imprinted on the facing page. The text uses iota addscripts.

M S 149 (= vG "V," "Codex Vindobonensis," "Venice Codex") is Theologici Graeci II of the Vieima Osterreichische NationalBibliothek (formerly the Kaiserlich-

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The Greek Manuscripts 19

" Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, 318. The MS is first discussed by P. Lambeck in his Hamburgensis Commentariorum de augustissima Bibliotheca caesarea vindobonensi, liber primus-octavus (Vienna: I. Thomae, 1716) m. It was originally cataloged as Lambecii#7.

H. Hunger and O. Kresten, Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Osterreichischen National Bibliothek. Teil 3/1: Codices Theolog. I-lOO, (Vienna: BmderHol1inek, 1976).

There are, in fact, two page-numbering schemes: the first has been lined through and replaced by the second. The folios containing the PssSol are numbered 127v-140r in the old nimibering system and 105v-l 18v in the new tallying. " See Hann, Manuscript History, pp. 63f, for an analysis of the single difference that

has been the subject of successive scribal emendations.

"Also called**Codex Mosquensis Sanctissimae Synodi Bibliothecae Graecae N 147." It was formerly in the Library of the Holy Synod at Moscow. The MS was taken from the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos in 1653 (Gray, APOT, p. 625).

B. JI. OoHKm <1>. B. HojiflKOB (B. L. Fonkich, F. B. Polyakof), fpenecKue ^^Kontdcu CuHodojibHou Eu6jiuomeKu (Grecheskye Rukopisi Sinodal 'noy Biblyoteki). Moscow: Sinodal'naya Biblyoteka, 1993, p . 34.

Kdnigliche Hofbibliothek).'- It is dated to the tenth or eleventh century.** The parchment codex of 166 folios measures 35.75 x 27.5 cm with 20.25 x 14.5 cm of inscribed sur&ce in two columns, each 63 mm wide. The parchment is colored Pantone 12-0605 (Angora). The text ink is Pantone 15-1512 (Misty Rose [tan]), and the engrossing is Pantone 16-1526 (Terra Cotta). Twenty-two pages are lost between folios 33 and 44. The MS was rebound in white parchment in 1755. The MS contains catenae on Job and Proverbs, then Ecclesiastes and Canticles (with marginal commentaries), Msdom, the PssSol, and Sirach. The text of the PssSol is found on folios 105v II 8r.^ The text of PssSol in this MS is a close replica of MS 260, written in the same hand.** The MS was collated by von Gebhardt himself who identified it as a copy of MS 260. Iota addscripts are used. They are not regarded as variants and appear in our collation as subscripts.

MS 471 (=vG "M." "Codex Mosquensis") is Bibliotheca Sanctissimae Synodi 147"* of the Slate Historical Museum in Moscow. It is dated to the last quarter of the thirteenth century.*" The parchment codex of 225 folios measures 34.5 x 27.5 cm with 18.5 X 16.0 cm of inscribed surface in two columns. The parchment is colored as Pantone 12-0605 (Angora). The text ink is Pantone 16-1220 (Cafe Creme) and the engrossing is Pantone 16-1340 (Brandied Mellon [red faded to light brown]). It contains catenae on Job and Proverbs, then Ecclesiastes and Canticles (with marginal commentaries). Wisdom, the PssSol. and (in the same hand as PssSol) Sirach. The text of the PssSol is found on folios 168v-179v. The MS was formeriy in the 'I^igpwv

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" Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 145. MS 471 has many lines widi die first word lacking its mitial letter. The missing

letters always fall in the left margin, often in mid-word, but with no other discemable linguistic or graphic patterns. Most often the location of the missing letter is marked with a dot. There are eight examples of die same phenomenon in MS 336 (see below in die description of MS 336), one in MS 260, and one in MS 606. These are likewise all at the left margin, all at the beginning of lines. The only superscription in MS 471 is for PsSol 3. Where superscriptions would be expected to appear, sufficient space is left for them. The space left for a superscription above PsSol 12 falls at the top of the second column suggesting that die spaces were not provided just to separate die psalms. The best explanation for these anomalies appeals to be that MS 4 7 r s condition is flic result of an incomplete production process: the text was inscribed, space was left for superscriptions and die locations for die rubricated illuminations of letters were often marked, but many of the illuminated marginal letters and all but one of die superscriptions were never added. Therefore, dus collation assumes die missing letters are a production mistake, not an imended scribal or editorial alteration of the text. They are not considered to be texhial variants and are included in die apparanis only where noting them is needed to clarify an ambiguity in the text.

"Cassiodorus (ca. 487-ca. 580 CE), a Roman nobleman, established a monastery on his estates in soudiem Italy at Vivarium around 540 CE. diat placed great emphasis on education and book production. In 562 CE he wrote his Institutiones which set out his educational program that had specific guidelines for book production. Within the monastic community scribes had great status. Above die scribe, was an editor who compared the copy with the original, furnished marginal notes in red ink, and supplied pimctuarion." ("Medieval and Renaissance Book Production: Manuscript Books," in ORB: the Online reference Book for Medieval Studies, Online: http:/: http://www.ukans.edu/~bookhist/medbookl .httnl, p. 5. Last accessed: 5/2004)

If diis description of Cassiodorus' manuscript factory was at all adopted by odier scriptoria, then dus may confirm our suggestion about die incomplete production of MS 471: there was a division of scribal labor.

/ lvani> monastery on M t Athos." The MS was collated by von Gebhardt himself." A l ^ e number of characters are missing among die engrossed letters and tides;

numerous are invisible m monochrome photographs, but appear in die color images. Many letters or locations of engrossing are marked widi a black dot. There are no individual psahn titles except for PsSol 3. However, on folio 175r space is left at die top of the second column for the superscription to PsSol 12. Therefore, these missing letters and tides are regarded not as variants, but as omissions resulting from an incomplete production process. The spaces were intended to be filled by psalm titles, perhaps by another scribe. Tandem black dots appear above some letters, not always on characters diat appear in our variant notes. Often in M S 471 and also in M S 606 an irutial large vowel is followed, rather than preceded, by the diacritical. Also, where the first letter of an initial diphthong is enlarged and in red, the breathing or accent mark diat immediately follows it is also in red, as if die diacritical mark is on first letter, not the second. There are no enlarged, engrossed letters in folios 172* to 177'.

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The Greek Manuscripts 21

" Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 213. There is a colophon o n folio 446v that mdicates diat die codex was prepared under die pattonage "TOU rcavcuYEveo-caTou xupioO MaxSatou IlaXatoXoYOU TOO Aaaxop t , " "Of die most noble Lord Matdiew Palaiologos of die Laskaris (family)." (Ryle and James, TTie Psalms of the Pharisees, p. XX). The royal Palaiologos and die prominent Laskaris fanulies were influential Byzantine names dating from as far back as the 11th century.

These initial letters were originally written in red, and then many were overwritten in black. The black of these bi-color letters is not always a complete letter. Thus it is less likely that the letters were black, overwritten in red. The black-over-red combination color is Pantone 18-1443 (Redwood).

" Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 95.

" W. Baars. "A New Fragment," p. 441.

MS 606 (=vG "P," "Codex Parisinusl) is Grec 2991A of die Bibliodi^ue nationale de France, in Paris. It is inscribed widi die date 1419. The paper codex of495 folios is in excellent condition and measures 21.25 X 14.5 cm widi 15.5 x 8.0 cm of inscribed surface in one column. The color of the paper is Pantone 12-1006 (Cream Pearl). The iak, partially faded, ranges fixim Pantone 17-1430 (Pecan Brown) to Pantone 16-1439 (Caramel). Tides, marginal capitals, and running heads are all Pantone 14-1318 (Coral Pink), hi addition to non-bibhcal texts, die MS contains Wisdom, PssSol, and Sirach. The text of die PssSol is found on folios 224v-243v. h die first word in PsSol 13, die initial letter of Ae^ca is lacking, marked by a dot. There are miming headers on every page (except235v):"iJiaXnol aoXo(iovTO?". Atfolio228r,theoriginalheaderbegins: "ootpia," in red, and is written over in black: "iJiaXjio?," in a different hand. Diacritical marks often follow capital letters, as in MSS 471 and 606 (see above). The MS was brought fiom Istanbul to Paris by unknown persons in 1730." The MS was collated by von Gebhardt himself in 1877.

MS 3004 is Vossius Miscellaneous 15 of die Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit of Leiden. It is dated from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. The paper codex of 83 folios measures 22.5 x 16.25 cm widi 14.5 x 9.25 cm of inscribed surface in one column in die section containing die PssSoL MS 3004 Folios containing PssSol 1.1 -17.1 are missing. The codex is m good condition, with some page edge discoloration. The color of die paper is Pantone 12-1006 (Cream Pearl) and has numerous inclusions of fine black and brown threads and particles. The text ink is Pantone 19-3903 (Shale [dark gray, short ofblack]). Ruiming headers are Pantone 17-1564 (Fiesta [orange red]) as are the tivo "Ai.ai|/otX|j.a," and the initial letter of what die scribe feh was each new sentence." The MS contains an extended commentary on Canticles and a fi^agment of PssSol. The text ofthe PssSol remnant is found on folios 79r-82v and preserves only PssSol 17.2b (fiom x a l JX7tl?...)ti> die end at 18.12. Aldiough it appears in Rahlfs' index, it is incorrectly identified diere as "Comm. in Ps. Fragm,"" and the text was not discovered diere until 1961 when W. Baars published his collation." MS 3004 forms a nineteenth psahn from PsSol 18.10-12, following die break marked by die

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^ The earliest extant manuscript fiagment ofthe PssSol, the index entry of the titie in the Codex Alexandrinus, gives the count as ' i H " = "18." MS 3004, alone among the MSS, has verse numbers that, however, match none ofthe printed editions. Because these numbers ignore the superscription for PsSol 19, and continue the numbering for Psalm 18, they are judged to be secondarily added by someone who had access to another MS (no longer extant) that had such a verse-numbering scheme, but one that did not divide Psalm 18. The verse numbering in MS 3004 also divides PsSol 17 into 51 verses (we now recognize 46) and the twelve verses of PsSol 18 into eighteen. This, of course, simply describes manuscript 3004. How earlier copies ftuther up on the genealogical tree divided the PssSol is another question.

^ K.A. de Meyier, Codices Manuscripti VI Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei, p. 254 (Leiden: Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, 1955). A marginal note at PsSol 18.6 reads: "Cerda interpretatur, regno: ~ . " The corrector also made three emendations himself (see Baars, "A New Fragment," p. 29).

Ziegler, Sapientia Salomonis, p. 48; Sirach, pp. 56, 70.

Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 234.

One manuscript index measiu-ed the folios at 384 x 249 mm (Francesco Bancalari, "Index codicum graecorum bibliothecae Casanatensis," in Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica, ed. F. le Monnier, vol. 2, pp. 161 -207, ref. on 203 (Florence: Sansoni, 1894).

The MS has two schemes of page-numbering: a handwritten enumeration in the upper right comers of the recto sides and a later series stamped in the lower right ofthe same leaves. The written numbers of the leaves containing the PssSol run fix)m 302r to 305v. The stamped numbers are consistent with the present binding and are used here.

"Aca^j/aXfxa," with the title: "4<aXjxO(; xta aaXopov A series of corrections was made on the MS based on de la Cerda's text by a Fr. Junius." The psalms are numbered, possibly by the same Fr. Junius. These corrections and emendations are not to be considered for inclusion in this critical text, but are noted as later annotations. This MS was not available to von Gebhardt.

The MSS ofthe 260 group are also a text group in Wisdom and in Sirach, and have been identified with the Lucianic recension.*"

MS Group 629 fincludes 629 and 769)

MS 629 (=vG *'C" =Swete "c"), "Codex Casanatensis," is number 1908 of the Biblioteca Casanatense in Rome.'* It is dated to the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. The paper codex of 310 folios now measures 37.5 x 24 cm,"" with 27 x 11.5 cm of inscribed surface in one column. The original folio size was, apparently, ca. 20.75 x 33.5 cm. Among many other texts, the MS contains a catena on the canonical Psalter, and the PssSol The text of the PssSol is badly preserved and the folios containing 1.1-2.26 and 16.9 -18.12 are missing. The remaining leaves contain only PssSol 2.27-16.8. found on folios 303r'307v."'^ Color readings ofthe MS show the original leaves to be Pantone 14-1213 (Toasted Almond), the ink ofthe text to be 17-1430 (Feather Gray), and the engrossing to be 17-1818 (Red Violet). The now darkened areas are 18-1031

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The Greek Manuscripts 2 3

MS 769 (=vG "L"), Codex 5 of the Benaki Museum in Adiens, is listed in Rahlfe' Verzeichnis'" as number 1485 of the Great Lavra monastery on Mt. Adios.'"* It is dated to the twelfdi to the fourteenth century. The paper codex is in fair but fragile condition.

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 30.

According to von Gebhardt: "Vicle Blatter und ganze Lagen sind verbunden, die Schrifl oft durch Nasse beschadigt imd unleserlich" (Psalmen Salomo's, p. 30).

The difference between die condition of the manuscript Tschiedel consulted for von Gebhardt and that available to us today, is die result of a restoration attempted in the 1950's. The MS was sent to die monastery Abbisa di' Gottoferrofi. There die MS folios were iidayed into larger sheets diat formed "frames" for die damaged pages. Chinese rice paper was applied to both sides, and the whole was compacted and varnished. The rice paper pniduces a haze effect that obscures detail, and the varnish has badly discolored and occluded the text on parts of every leaf, and the whole of several of the folios (f 304r - 304v). Legibility in some places is marginally improved when viewed with utoviole t light. The folios are out of order: folio 303 belongs in between folios 305 and 306.

77ie Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, has successfully restored most of the obscured text by using their "Multi-Spectial Imaging." The text is now 80-90% recoverable.

MS 629, on folio 307r, has a marginal note that copies the same text of 14:1-4 in a different hand. The leaf ofthe manuscript has been tom fiom upper right to lower center, through the note, leaving a jagged remnant of 13 partial lines of text. The note is not mentioned by von Gebhardt (anodier note at 2:25 on MS 769 does elicit his comments) and so may be a later addition. There are no other known references to diis note.

Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 20.

According to personal correspondence dated May 17,1972, from Marcel Richard, Chief of die Greek Section of die histihit de Recherche et d'Histoire des Texts of die Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris, the MS was stolen from the Laura monastery about the turn of the 20th century. A letter dated Jime 28,1973, fiom E. Hadjidakis, Director of the Benaki Museum, confirms the account ofthe theft from Laura and adds that MS 769 was acquired by the Benaki Mu.seum in 1931.

(Toffee). Von Gebhardt used a collation provided to him by Johaimes Tschiedel of Rome

prepared against Fritzsche's edition.'" The MS is in poor condition, tom, stained into illegibility in many places, oflen widi

whole leaves nearly unreadable.'" The badly worn leaves have been subjected to a restoration."" They have been remounted, renumbered, and the whole rebound. Modem photographic techniques allow us to now read nearly die entire text."* On folio 307r, apor t ionof its text of 14.1-14.4a is reproduced in the right margin.""

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' " When Medieval inks were improperly mixed they produced a highly acidic, or encaustic, ink which over the centuries has slowly burned its way through a great many manuscripts. (See: "Medieval and Renaissance Book Production: Manuscript Books," by R.W. Clementin ORB: the Online reference Book for Medieval Studies, at: htai://www.ukans.edu/-^xx)khist/medbookl .html. Last accessed 6/1/04) This apparently explains some of die damage to die parchment of MS 769 where at the begitming of the PssSol the internal part of the initial "E" is missing, indeed it is a hole. One might easily attribute this damage to worms with a literary taste. But it is more likely from acidic ink that burned away die initial, engrossed letter. Thus, die black ink, that shows no such erosion was of more stable formula, and the red ink used for the decorative engrossing, was more caustic and has damaged the parchment.

' " V o n Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 29

Von Gebhardt Psalmen Salomo's, p. 96, note 1. It appears to be a Christian catena between this psalm and the Book of the Revelation.

A note in French suggests: "anciennement I^vra 0 70." This was confirmed by Rita Tsakona, Librarian ofthe Benaki Museum, Athens.

Also called "Codex Iberiticus" (Gray, APOT, p. 625). Also spelled "Iberon" (Rahlfs' Verzeichnis, p. 13,413).

with fiayed edges, worm or acid holes, and other damage."" The codex of 311 folios measures 22.0 x 18.0 cm widi 18.0 x 14.5 cm of inscribed surface in a single column. The paper is Pantone 13.1010 (Gray Sand). The text ink is Pantone 19-1217 (Mustang [dark brown to black]) and die engrossing, only die tide of die MS, is Pantone 18-1441 (Baked Clay). The M S contains a commentary on die canonical Psalms, the Odes ofSolomon with a marginal commentary on the first ode, the PssSol, and a commentary on Canticles by Cyril of Alexandria. The PssSol are found on folios 294r-304v. Von Gebhardt used a collation prepared by a Mr. Alexandres made against Hilgenfeld's text."' That the manuscript has been rebound since von Gebhardt's time is evident from die incomplete remnants of a note in die outside margin at 2.25 on folio 295r, a note that von Gebhardt quotes in fiUl."* The leaves have been renumbered (Ir to 1 Iv) and trimmed, and the vestige ofthe note is now but a column, two or three characters wide. The MS was stolen from the Lavra Monastery on M t Adios at die tiira of die twentieth century and auctioned to the Benaki museum in 1931 The text uses iota addscripts.

MS 336 MS 336 (=vG ' T ; =Swete "T") is number 555" ' of die Iveron"' monastery of M t

Athos. It is dated to the fourteenth century. The paper codex of 327 folios is in good condition, widi only a few worm (?)holes. It measures 24.5 x 17.0 cm with 19.5 x 12.5 cm of mscribed surface. The paper is the color of Pantone 12-1006 (Cream Pearl). The text ink is Pantone 19-0000 (Raven) and die engrossing is Pantone 17-1558 (Grenadine). It contains most of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom, Sirach, die PssSol, and scholia on Ecclesiastes, Canticles, and Proverbs. The text of die PssSol is found on 227r-245v. Two leaves are missing (between folios 233 and

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The Greek Manuseripts 25

" 'Rah l f s ' Verzeichnis (p. 13) lists die lacuna as from 5.10 to 8.13. The text, in fact, ends at 5.14 with "...[isvx /p7 )aT6T7 ]Tog," and resumes at 8.12 with "jcotl kv dtcpsSpM...." Thirty-two verses are missing, approximately the equivalent of two leaves (four pages). Ink-blot impressions from the recto of the following sheet (beginning at 8.12b) do not appear on die verso of the preceding sheet (as is common elsewhere), and the ink blots appearing on the preceding sheet are different from the now-facing sheet. This means diat die missing sheets were in die original MS, and diat die lacuna was not a scribal omission, but diat die sheets were lost before the leaves were secured in their present binding. The folios were numbered after rebinding without regard for die missing leaves. There are eight instances where die initial letter of a line of script has been omitted (3.12, 9.6, 11.7, 13.8, 13.10, 13.11, 15.0, 17.4). For reasons discussed above for MS 471, these omissions are considered to be production errors, not texhial variants and dius are not included in die apparanis of diis edition.

Discovered in 1974 by Robert B. Wright and Robert R. Hann. See "A New Fragmem of ± e Greek Text of Sirach," JBZ. 94:1 (1975) pp. 111-112.

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 28.

' " Codex Alexandrinus is British Library Royal 1 D.v-viii. Volumes v, vi, and vii (as presently bound) contain die Old Testament, volume viii die New Testament. Originally given to the English by Cyril Lucar, at various times patriarch of Alexandria and Constantinople.

Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xxiv.

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 39.

234) that contained PssSol 5.14b-8.12a."'' The text ofthe PssSol ends at 18.4 (widi: "..iv a-Yvot.qt") and is immediately followed, widiout break and in die same hand, by a unique text of Sirach 33.1-13.'- 'A copy of this text ofthe PssSol was provided to von Gebhardt by Philipp Meyer in 1886, who had discovered it.'" Von Gebhardt noted die end ofthe text of die PssSol, but neither he nor his informant recognized die following text as being of Sirach. MS 336 does not employ either iota subscripts or iota addscripts. Often die red mk of die engrossing imprints from die facing page.

M S A (Codex Alexandrinus)

This fifth centmy uncial codex ofthe Septuagint and the New Testament is the oldest direct historical evidence we have of die Psalms of Solomon. Aldiough die text of die PssSol has now gone missing, the title appears in the index of the MS's contents: ToXfAOL SoXo[iwvTO? LT;. AS the Oldest fragment of the text of the PssSol by half a millennium, it give us the base text for the title of the collection, and an early coimt for the total number of poems in the collection.'"


The first published stemma was prepared by Ryle and James'" and showed the relationships of four manuscripts. Von Gebhardt's edition used eight,"' and Begrich

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' J. Begrich, "Der Text der Psalmen Salomos," p. 162.

slightly modified von Gebhardt's stemma, adding two Syriac text t r a d i t i o n s . A diorough analysis of die characterisucs and reladonships of all die extant Greek manuscripts was done by Harm fi-om which examination die following stemma was produced. Existing manuscripts are encased in rectangles; lost but extrapolated texts are in ovals. The intent in diis edition is to reproduce, as &r as is possible fiom the available manuscript evidence, die state of die text as represented on die stemma by die manuscript designated as "y," a manuscript of yet unknown date and provenance.

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The Stemma of the Greek Manuscripts

The Stemma of the Greek Manuscripts ofthe Psalms ofSolomon

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TradltiODal MSS Names Used in the Literature and the Present Locadons ofthe MSS

Rahjfs von Crebbanit

R y l e * James


Date l.ocation Library MS# Traditional Name

Augustan us (Augsburg)

149 V V 10-11 Vieona N a t Bibliothdi Theol. Graeci 11 Vindobonensis

253 R - 11-12 Rome Vatican Library Vat Graeci 336 Rotnanus





K 10-11


Copenhagen Kongelige Bibliotek

Mt Athos Iveron

Old Royal Coll. 6

Ivertm 555



471 M M 12 14 Moscow Stale Historical Museum

Or. Codex 147 Mosquensis

606 P P 1419 Paris B ib l io tb^ue Naionale G k 2 9 9 1 A Parisinus

629 C 1 2 - 1 4 Rome Biblioteca Casanatense

1908 Casanatensis

655 16 Rome VatJcan Library Ottoboniani Graeci 60

659 - - 16 Rome Vatican Litnwy OHoboniani Graeci 384

769 L - 12 14 Athens Benaki Museum 1485 (Benaki 5) Laura Monaste

3 0 0 4 1 2 - 1 6 Leiden Bibliodiek der Vossius Miscl. 15 Rijksuniversiteit

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The following chan represents the differing numbering schemes of die manuscripts of die PssSol diat display psahn or chapter numbers:

ASS- 149 253 260 336 606 629 769 3004 i Psalms

1. A — A TtpwTO? A — A 2. B B B B B - B 3. - r - - . . 1 r 4. r A r •ce-vapTOS r A A 5. A E A TteiJlTtTO? A E E

6. E - E - E c 7. c. Z c. -- z z 8. z 0 Z - z II H 9. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. I I 1 I I I I 11. lA lA lA lA lA lA lA 12. IB IB IB - IB IB IB 13. i r i r i r i r i r i r

Sexaxo^ 14. lA lA lA lA lA lA lA 15. IE IE IE IE IE IE m 16. K K K ic; K IC 17. IZ IZ IZ IZ IZ - IZ 18. m IH IH - IH - IH IH 19. - - - 10

Only MS 769 counts and maiics all its psalms in the numbering and divisions adopted by die printed editions. No manuscript has paragraph divisions. MSS 471 (except for Psalm 3), 655, and 659 have no psalm or chapter numbers. The numbered leaves of MS 336 between 5.14b and 8.12a are missing, but the numbering is odierwise intact, suggesting die MS was originally complete. PsSol 13, lacks a number, but the correct count continues.

MS 336 numbers die first psalm "Flpwro?," the fourth as " T e t a p T o ? A," the fifUi as "KEjiTtTO?," and the thirteenth as "TpiT05 x a t 8£X(XTO;."MS 149and260 appear to count PssSol 2 and 3 together as number " B , " with no numeric character at Psahn 3. MS 253 identifies PsSol 5 as " E , " skips die count for Psalm 6, and marks PssSol 8 and 9 both as " 0 . " MSS 149 and 260 employ die stigma %" for Psahn 7 and MS 769 uses it for Psahn 6 (all numbered MSS use "IC'Tor Psalm 16). All the MSS pick up a common numbering at Psalm 9, " 0 . " MS 253 at Psahn 10 has a small sketch of a bird where the psalm number would have spea red . The deteriorated state of MS 629 makes identifying die psalm numbers difficult, so, as suggested above, von

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J.L. de la Cerda, Adversaria Sacra. Opus varium ac velutifax ad lucem quam multorum locorum utriusque Testamenti Patrumque et Scriptorum quorumctmque: Christiance antiquitatis et sacrorum rituum pancarpia: politioris denique litteraturte thesaurus multiplex. Accessit eodem auctore Psalterii Salomortis exgraeco MS codice pervetusto latina versio et ad Tertulliani librum de Pallio Commentarius auctior. Produnt omnia nuncprimum. Cum privelegio (Lyon: Ludovici Prost Haeredis Roville, 1626).

A. Rahlfs, Septuaginta. Id est Vetus Teslamentum graece iuxta LXXinterpretes, 2 vols (Snittgart: Wiirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1962). "Psahni Salomonis," D, pp. 471 8 9 . "Optima editione Oscari de Gebhardt," p. 24.

Gebhardt's text has been consulted where the MS is unclear. MS 3004 begins its text at 17:2b, numbers PsSol 18as" IH," and marks its unique division ofthis psalm, after vs. 9 "Si.aij)a>.|«t," to form PsSol 19, as "I©." Whedier or not diey have superscripts or psahn numbers, all of die manuscripts have die initial letter of each psalm capitalized, oilen in a color contrasting widi die body text. MSS 655, 659, 769 and 3004 have only these capitalizations, with no paragraph divisions. MS 336 has enlarged marginal letters placed every two or diree lines, often in mid-word, apparendy solely for die sake of ornamentation.

The PssSol, like many early manuscripts, originally had no paragraph divisions. As noted above, a few of the MSS have capital letters in the left margins of the body of die psahns that may be indications of sense divisions, hi the 250 group, MSS 260 and 149 have many of these internal capital letters, some fifty-one in ail, occasionally with a logical connection to die sense of die text. However, in odier places diere appears to be little concern if die maiginal letters occur m die middle of a sentence, or even in the middle of a word, a practice apparently common in manuscripts from this period. MS 471, as was observed above, has locations for many marginal letters marked, but the engrossing is incomplete. What capital letters exist, and where marks for the missing letters are discernible, the pattern follows that of MSS 260 and 149.

MS 606 has far fewer internal capital initials (sixteen) and widi one exception (11.7), tiiese are always among diose to be found in MSS 260 and 149. The similarities between diese manuscripts in dieir use of enlarged marginal letters conform with the thesis of the identity of Manuscript Group 260. The first extant published edition of die PssSol, the 1623 text of Johannes Ludovici

de la Cerda,'" has no paragraph divisions. Without precedent in the manuscripts, all editors apparently have divided the psahns according to dieir understanding of die logical sense of the text. This edition has generally followed these common agreements, but occasionally has made its own judgments.

The division of verses and the numbers assigned to them in this edition are aligned with those of Rahlfs' Septuaginta, that itself follows von Gebhardt.'" The earlier enumeration of de la Cerda's edition, appearing in die Syriac editions of Harris and Mingana, and later in Baais' was used by Ryle and James, and by Gray, and is foimd in small figures in the left margin of von Gebhardt's text. Gray's edition prints von Gebhardt's verse numbers widun parendieses.

The supeiscriptions to the psalms are of unknown date and provenance. The

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Numbering of the Psahns 31

orthogr^hy, even of the name "Solomon" varies within individual manuscripts'". These titles could have come from the Hebrew collator, or added by the Greek translator, or, more likely, added by later scribes.

At the end of several manuscripts scribes have added notes:'^

1 4 9 , 2 6 0 V a X i i o t OOXOJAWVTO? IH lx°^°'-'^ A 2 5 3 ooXofj-uvTOi; <|*aX[ioi. O T L X

6 0 6 tj'^^M'^'- <ToXo^uvxo; S c x a o x T u i^ouaiv fnv) Tptotxovxa

6 5 5 6 5 9 <|.aXnoi O T L X 4-^ 7 6 9 tJ^aXnoi. oaXof iMvcoi ; LT,

3 0 0 4 J x o u o t v 6 in-ri i

T h e phrase , xeXoi; o u v ftew, is a c o d i c i l , perhaps e v e n a prayer, that w a s of ten a d d e d by Hosche f at the e n d o f his manuscr ipts . D e la Cerda c o p i e d it into h i s ed i t ion . Th i s editor, with m u c h the s a m e f ee l ings as these early publ i shers , e c h o s the phrase .

For example: in MS 2 5 3 the first superscription reads: ao(pia. OOXO^AWVTOI;, whereas that of PsSol 2 is ^ak[io<; TU oaXw^i-ov. hi MS 149 the first superscription includes the spelling: aoXojiojvToq, and those of PssSol 2 , 3 are

See Graux, "Nouvelles recherches," p. 117.

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Titles ofthe Collection and ofthe Individual Psalms:

The Hebrew version of die PssSol probably had no individual tides. These most likely were added some time later, in ftuther imitation of die biblical Psalter. Likewise, the early Greek texts cither translated the Hebrew superscriptions, or created their own. Few ofthe titles echo anything going on within the psalms themselves. The connection widi die "Son of David," found in PssSol 17.21 probably inspired die original author or the Greek translator to caption most of the psalms as '*Of Solomon." Certaitdy he selected the name ofSolomon because of I Kings 4.32 where it says that Solomon composed several thousand proverbs and songs. So, Solomon's name became attiiched to die collection. This was part of the "cover story" for these political poems that could deftect the authorities' wrath, much as the authors of Daniel and The Revelation and odier political writers hid dieir attacks under famous names.

We know from the biblical Psalms that many times the Hebrew preposition W-appears ahead of a name or a title. As the preposition can mean "by," "of," "to," "in honor of," "for,"or "belonging to," the sense of the title is not always clear. The preposition li- occurs in the expressions "to die choirmaster" or "for die leader" in 55 psalms, and in these cases it probably indicates a liturgical instruction, not authorship. In the Hebrew text, 73 psalms include in the tide, U dvd from which we get die ti-axiitional ascription of audiorship: "Of David."

At die end of die 19th Centiuy, Ugaritic tablets from Ras Shamra were discovered containing poems having die tide: le-Ba'al, tianslated: "to Ba'al." This was understood as dedication, not authorship. Clearly the Canaanite deity was no lyricist. On the odier hand, as Moses is o-aditionally credited with not only die Commandments on Sinai, but with the entire Torah, and David has been cotmected widi the entire Psalter, so diese poems have been attiibuted to David's Son, die Great and Wise Solomon. Certainly the author and/or editor knew these poems, describing contemporary national and world events, did not come fi-om the king, then a thousand years distant. By attaching die King's name to tiiese psalms he created a "Pseudepigraphon." If this was the editor's intent, we can translate the phrase: "Of Solomon."

If the editor was inconsistent with his spelling of "Solomon/Salomon" we may not be able, nor even need, to determine why. It is said that Shakespeare, in his own hand, spelled his simiame fourteen different ways.'"

E.K. Chambers. William Shakespeare: A Study of the Facts and Problems. Oxford University Press, 1988.

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Titles of the Psalms of Solomon 33

1. M'otXiioi. SoXo[iMVTo; is the title ofthe collection, taken from the reading of Codex Alexandrinus, the oldest extant reference to die PssSol. Three related MSS, 253, 655, and 659, have die tide; £o(pta SoXofjuivo?. PsSol 1 usually has no separate tide however MS 336 reads: TocXjio? ™ SaXoiiuv Ttputoi;. MS471 hasati t le only for PsSol 3.

2. TaX[x6?TW 2aXo{iwv Tiepl TepouaaXi^fx: A Psalm of Solomon about Jerusalem.

3. "FaXfio? TO i;«Xu|xov rtepi. Stxatwv: A Psalm of Solomon about die Righteous.

4. AtoXoYTl TOU 2^aXo)(xa)v xol? av&pomapeaHO',^: A Dialogue of Solomon with


5. ^FaXjjLO^ Tw SaXwfjWov: A Psalm of Solomon. 6. "Ev eXictStTO SaXw|iuv: hi Hope, Of Solomon.

7. SaXw[juov ^rctoTpocpT)!;: Of Solomon. Restoring.

8. SaXwfiwv elq vixo?: Of Solomon: O n t o Victory. 9. SaXw(jLwv els ^Xey/ov: Of Solomon: In Proof

10. "Ev i^iioii- SoXmiuov: Widi Hymns: OfSolomon. U . T ^ £ a X u ( i o v el? npooSoxlav: Of Solomon: hi Expectation.

12. SaX<<>(xov* hi y^woo-g rrapavofxwv: Of Solomon: about the Discourse of Those

who Manipulate die Law. 13. Ttji I]aXbi[jUdV (];aX(i65- napaxXTjat? TWV Stxalwv: A Psalm of Solomon:

Encouragement to the Righteous. U . 'T i ivos £fltXo|juiv: A Hymn ofSolomon.

15.1''aX[ji6g IlaXup^v (le-ra c^^i;: A Psalm of Solomon with Song.

16.Tixvo? SaXufjuiv elg avTlXTf)i|jLV 6alo[.?:AHymnofSolomon. Protectionfordie


n.YaXp.iisT^ ZaXupov fji£Ta tijSTJs' TW ^aatXei.: A Psalm of Solomon, with Song, For

die King. 18.VaX(ii5 Tw £aXo(i( iv I T I TOO XptoToO Kuplou: A Psahn of Solomon: About the

Lord's Messiah.

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The modem history of die Psahns ofSolomon'" begins sometime before 1604 when die Augsburg librarian David Hoschel discovered a text of die PssSol in a manuscript diat he had obtamed from die Vienna library (that ostensibly had been obtamed from Constantinople'"). This was evidently our MS 149, for Hoschel reportedly used it for his 1604 publication of Ecclesiastes, leaving notes in his handwriting in the margins of diat MS. Hoschel wrote to die Vienna library several times between 1609 and 1614 reporting on his work and telling tiiem that he intended to make a copy of dieir MS ofthe Psalms of Solomon. Hoschel ended his prodigious publication career in 1614, apparently because of ill healdi,'" and offered several manuscripts to his friend and collaborator, Andreas Schott.'" Schoti reported in correspondence dated September 24,1616, that Hoschel had offered a text of Cyril of Alexandria (in which Schott was gready interested)'" and a "ttanscript copy" of Solomonic writings, including 18 Psalms of Solomon. This copy contained a "personal mark" of Hoschel's, that suggested its source.'"

This reconsmiction of die complex history of die early texts of the PssSol. particularly the problem of the exemplar of de la Cerda, is based on an essay by Joseph McGovem, "The Stanis of MS A of the Psalms of Solomon: A Re-Examination of Von Gebhardt's Thesis.""' In 1713, Fabricius reported that the MS diat we now know as number 149 was back in the Vienna library.'"

Some had argued that de la Cerda used a now-lost "Augsburg" manuscript as the basis for his edition of die PssSol.'* Yet die series of catalogs of die great Augsburg

A diorough chronicle of general scholarly references to die PssSol until die beginning of the twentieth century may be foimd in Viteau's Psaumes de Salomon, pp. 192-239.

The codex was among those acquired in Constantinople by Augustus Gislain v. Busbecke in 1592 (see von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, pp. 1,7).

"° See J.E. Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship, Vol. W, p. 272 (Cambridge (England): Cambridge University Press, 1908).

Sec J. van Meurs, Operum (vol. 11), ed. by loannis Lami, col 249 (Florence: Regis Magni Etruriea Duels Typis, 1763).

See, also, Operum, cols. 248, 250 -251. 253.

As mentioned above, Hoschel was given to add a note including the phrase: -reXo? ouv &eM, to his writings (von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 8). This "trade-mark" also appears at the end of de la Cerda's text, suggesting die source of his exemplar. It does not appear on any other extant MSS ofthe PssSol. h appears empathetically at die end of diis edition.

An unpublishedresearch report, DepartmentofReligion, Temple University, 1989.

De Meyier, Codices Manuscripti, p. 914. Ryle and James accepted the existence ofthis "Augsburg" MS and used de la

Cerda's text, cited as MS "A," to argue its readings against the other MSS available to them (The Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. xxvii-xxxvi). Gray (APOT, p. 625) refers to Ryle and James' use of "A," but incorrectly refers to the source MS as "H."

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History of Scholarship 35

elsewhere die designation for MS 260.

' " J. McGovem, "The Stahis of MS A," p. 1.

J.E. Nieremberg, "Sacrae Scripmrae,"in De Origine Sacrae Scripturae, vol. xii, pp. 336-339 (Lyon: SumptibusPetii Prost, 1641). Heprinted PssSol 1 and 18in Greek and Latin, and PsSol 17.23-51 in Latin only.

G. Janenski, Disseriatio itistorico-critica de Psalterio Salomonis. VTH, pp. 274ff.

Mentioned by J.A. Fabricius, "Psalterium SALOMONIS cum lo. Ludovici de la Cerda notis & brevibus castigationibus editoris." Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, Collectus Castigatus, TestimonOsque, Censuris & Animadversionibus illustratus, first cd, p. 915 (Hamburg and Leipzig: Christiani Liebezeit, 1713; second ed. 1722) and by Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon, p. 194.

Fabricius, Codex Pseudepigraphus.

Reported in Fabricius, Codex Pseudepigraphus, p. 914.

A second edition in two volumes was published in 1722. Printing errors of die first edition were not all corrected; indeed, new errois appeared (see von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 9).

W. Whiston, "The Psaltery ofSolomon," in A Collection ofAuthentick Records Belonging to the Old and New Testaments, I, pp. 117-161 (London: Printed for the Audior 1727).

Berlenburgische Bibel, Section Via pp. 271-279 (Berlenburg: J. F. Haug, 1742); anonymous, but some have attributed it to Fabricius. See also, Viteau, Psaumes de Salomon, p. 242, n. 2, and Catridre, De psalterio Salomonis. The same ttanslation widi corrections appeared in Auswahl der beaten apocryphischen Schriften, welche noch ausser der biblischen vorhanden sind. First Collection (Corburg: Sammlung, 1776).

library froin 1575, 1600, 1633, and 1812 contau) no references to any MS of the P s s S o l . T h i s reconstruction by von Gebhardt and McGovem appears to resolve most of die difficulties in tiacing the source of de la Cerda's exemplar. Because de la Cerda's text does not represent a ti-adition different from the extant manuscripts (except for his errors and idiosyncmtic emendations), his variants are not included in die present edition. De la Cerda's text may be seen in die available CD of MS photographs.

Johannes Eusebius Nieremberg published PssSol 1,18, and part of 17 w i ± a Latin translation and a brief preface in 1641. G Janenski issued the text of PssSol 1 and 11 widi die Latin text of de la Cerda in 1687."' In the same year Jo. Georgii Neumann edited a text in Wittenburg.""

Johannes Alberms Fabricius brought out an edition in 1 7 1 3 d i a t reproduced bodi de la Cerda's Greek text and his Latin translation and corrected a few of his more egregious misprints. Fabricius noted the existence of MS 149 in Vienna"' but apparently failed to use it. He published a second edition in 1722, only slightiy changed.'*' William Whiston produced the first English translation that appeared in "The Psaltery ofSolomon."'" An anonymous German tianslation appeared in 1742 m the Berlenburgische Bibel.'*' For a century and a half, these limited editions were

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From scattered references in the literature, one learns of other texts and translations diat have appeared through the years: a German ttanslation, reported by Viteau (Psaumes de Salomon, p. 242, n. 1) to have been described by Fabricius (Bibl. Craeca. vol. XIV, 16211) to have appeared m Leipzig in 1716, was also noticed by E. Geiger (Psalter Salomo's, 6). There have been at least two other French translations, one by E. Jacquier, "Les Psaumes de Salomon," in L 'Universite calholique (Lyon: n.p., 1893), Vol. Xn, and anotiier by A. Peyrollaz, "Le Psaurier de Salomon" in RTF, Lausanne: G. Bridel, 1899), Xx3cn, pp. 493-511. Otiier German ttanslations include one by a Dr Richard Akibon (pen name of Ludwig Noack) appeared in Achtzehn Psalmen Salomo's welch sich in unserer Bibel nicht finden: aus einer gehaimgehaltenen Schrist in's Deutsche Ubertragen (Cassel: J. C. J. Raabe, 1850), mentioned by E. Geiger (Psalter Salomo's, p. 6), and Viteau (Psaumes de Salomon, p. 242). Another allusion to a translation by S. G. Neumann in a 1687 "dissertation spiciale" is found in Migne's Dictionaire des Apocryphes, ou Collection de tous les Livres Apocryphes relatifs a l'Aru:ient et au Nouveau Testament, L col. 940 (Paris: Barri^re d'Enfer, 1856). J. Winter and A. Wiinsche, Geschichte der jOdisch-hellenistischen und talmudischen Litteratur, first volume in the series. Die jOdische Litteratur sell AbschluS des Kanons, pp. 687-696 (Treves: Mayer, 1894), published a translation of PssSol 1,9, and 17, based on de la Cerda, Fabricius and Hilgenfeld. hi this same publication Winter and WGnsche, citing Fabricius (Codex Pseudepigraphus), claim diat die Vienna MS (149) came to Europe in 1615, a date diat appears in no other source. All these, apparently, were based on de la Cerda's text. A Russian ttanslation appeared in 1896, by A. Smirnoff: "Psahny Solomona 6 prilozenijem od Solomona.," ("The Psalms of Solomon, with an Appendix Containing the Odes of Solomon"), appcared'mPravoslavnyj sobesjednik. (Kazan: The Ecclesiastical/Church Academy) 1896, that, again, was based on von Gebhardt's edition.

" 'Hilgenfeld, "Himmelfahrt," pp. 133-168. Hilgenfeld, Messias ludaeorum.

J. Haupt, custodian at the Royal Library in Vienna, provided him with a collation of MS 149, quite inaccurate, as it appears Olilgenfeld, "Himmelfahrt," p. 136; von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 9).

A number of the conjectural emendations made earlier by Hilgenfeld and de Lagarde were later confinned by a comparison with MS 149 (von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 9).

the only printed texts available of Uie PssSol ." In 1868, Adolph Hilgenfeld printed a Greek text in an article'" and dien in 1869

republished die text,'" for bodi of which he used de la Cerda's edition. His second version was supplemented by readings from Haupt's collation of MS 149,'" from Fabricius' edition, and with some conjectures ofPaul de Lagarde.'* Hilgenfeld argued that Greek, not Hebrew, was the original language of the PssSol. In 1871 there appeared two editions of die PssSol published a few mondis apart: by Otto

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The History of Seholarship 37

and of what they called MS "A" (de la Cerda's text), revealing then- belief in die separate identity of die so-called "Augsburg" manuscript. Their copy of MS 471 was m places defective and as von Gebhardt observed, "they rarely accepted readings not

O.F. Fritzsche published Libri Apocryphi Veteris Testamenti-Graece, recensuit et cum commentario critico edidit Otto Fridolinus Fritzsche. Accedunt libri veteris testamenti pseudepigraphi selecti (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1871). His edition of the PssSol, m an appendix (pp. 569-589), consisted of a Greek text witii a short preface (p. xxv) and included readings from de la Cerda, Fabricius, Hilgenfeld, and Haupt (see p. xxv and, e.g., p. 571). He attempted to improve die Greek text by extensive conjecture.

E. Geiger, Der Psalter Salomo's. This edition was based on de la Cerda's text and Haupt's collation of MS 149. He attempted to explain die difficulties in die extant Greek manuscripts by allusion to a presumptive Hebrew original.

A. Hilgenfeld, "Die Psalmen Salomo's, deutsch ubersetzt imd aufs Neue untersucht," Z»T14(1871)pp.383-^18.This article, a ttanslation widi critical notes, apparendy appeared as a refiitation to E. Geiger's arguments in favor of a Hebrew original.

Wellhausen, Die Pharisaer und die Sadducder. Wellhausen prepared and intended to publish a Hebrew version diat never appeared (see above). Shortly afterwards, Hilgenfeld responded widi an appreciation ofWellhausen's timslation and a defense of his own assertion of a Greek original, Z » T 1 7 (1874), pp. 140-142.

B. Pick, "The Psalter of Solomon," Presbyterian Review (Oct. 1883, pp. 775-813). Whiston's was the first English translation, but it was not widely known.

Ryle and James, The Psalms of the Pharisees, Preface, p. xcii.

Fritzsche,"' and by E. Geiger,'" neidier of whom had access to new manuscript material. Hilgenfeld published a German ttanslarion widi notes in 1871. '"

Julius Wellhausen added a German translation ofthe PssSol, widi notarions, as an appendix to his great Die Pharisaer und die Sadducder of 1874.'** Although he offered no new text, he did make several conjectural emendations based on his own reconsOTiction of what he believed to be die original Hebrew words behind die Greek text.

hi 1883, Bemhaid Pick produced die first widely-available edition in English.'" His introduction and text were wholly dependent upon Hilgenfeld, E. Geiger, and Wellhausen, and the translation suffers from an imprecise knowledge of English and occasionally translates a text diat is different from die one diat is printed.

The first edition to use more than one manuscript was that of Ryle and James, published in 1891. They used du-ee additional MSS: diose fiom Copenhagen (MS 260), fmm Moscow (MS 471), and from Paris (MS 606). Aldiough at first diey used a copy of Haupt's faulty collation as die basis for MS 149, diey later obtained a new collation.'* The editors repeatedly made comparisons between readings of MS 149

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Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 10.

Ryle and James, Psalms of the Pharisees, p. xxiv.

Ryle and James, Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. Ixxvii-lxxxvii. "° Ryle and James, Psalms of the Pharisees, pp. 1741. See Baars, "A New Fragment"

pp. 441-444. As no other MS divides the eighteenth psalm, and as the fifth-cenmr)' citation in the index of the Codex Alexandrinus describes them as "18 Psalms of Solomon," it is more likely diat this division is die result of later editorial creativity than original authorial intent.

Zockler, "Die pseudepigraphische Lyrik," L9, pp. 405 420.

H.B. Swete, The Old Testament in Greek according lo the Septuagint, Greek text: in, pp. xvi-xvii, 765-787; "hittoduction": IV, pp. 225,282-283 (Cambridge, England; Cambridge Univeisity Press, 1894). Swete was disinclined toward conjectinal emendation and, according to von Gebhardt's count, employs it on only three occasions (von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, p. 12).

These two MSS are word-for-word identical, except for the difference at 16.13 where each has been revised, then corrected back. See Hann's useful analysis (Manuscript History, pp. 63f). Von Gebhardt determined that die two MSS were made by die same scribe, one after the odier, but that MS 260 was slightiy the older of die two (Psalmen Solomo's, p. 23).

based on a manuscript."'" Ryle and James were die first to attempt to construct a stemma, a graphic representation of their judgments as to the relationships of the manuscripts."' LUte E. Geiger and Wellhausen before them, Ryle and James made conjectures as to the text of a Hebrew archetype and made some comments on how certam terms would have been timslated into Greek.'" Ryle and James surmised, based on dieir examination of PsSol 18, diat at one time die psahn may have been divided into tivo, forming a nineteenth psahn. Their deduction was at least partially confirmed widi die discovery some decades later of M S 3004 that does, in fact, create an additional psalm by dividing PsSol 18. '" Otto Zockler prepared a brief introduction and a ttanslation for his volume on die Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in 1891.'"

hi 1894, H. B. Swete, besides usmg MSS 149, 260,471, and 606, was die first to use MS 253 fi-om the Vatican Library, that he made the basis of his edition.'*-

The landmark edition of the PssSol by Oscar von Gebhardt diat appeared in 1895 has served as the standard critical edition for more than a century. His work reduced prior editions to historical curiosities, and his text has been die basic text of reference for virtually all subsequent analyses of the PssSol. A major contribution by von Gebhardt to the smdy of the PssSol was the first recognition that certain manuscripts could be organized into text groups. He could do this because, first, he had access to more manuscripts than any of his predecessors. Then, having finally thrown off the weight of die textus receptus status accorded de la Cerda's editio princeps by so many prior editors, von Gebhardt was free to consider the relationships of the manuscripts diemselves. Beyond die discovery of die virtual identity of MSS 149 and 260,"' his comparative smdy of the MSS readings revealed a discrete and identifiable text group

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The History of Scholarship 39

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, pp. 14-15,20-25.

Von Gebhardt, Psalmen Salomo's, pp. 30-32.

Frankenberg, Datierung.

H.B. Swete, " The Psalms of Solomon with the Greek Fragments of the Book of Enoch (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1899).

R. Kittel, "Die Psalmen Salomos," in E.F. Kautzsch. Die Apocryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments, 11, pp. 127-148 (Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1900).

F. Perles, Zur Erkldrung der Psalmen Salomos, Sonderabzug aus der Orientalistischen Literahn-Zeihmg, no. 5 (Berlin: Wolf Peiser, 1902).

""J . Ecker, Porta Sion: Lexikon zum lateinischen Psalter (Psalterium Gallicanum) untergenauer Vergleichung der Septuaginta und des hebrdischen Textes: mit einer Einleitung iiber die hebr.-griech.-latein. Psalmen und dem Anhang der apokryphe Psalter Salomons (Trier/Treves: Paulinus-Druckerei, 1903). The PssSol is in cols. 1874-1931. , (Christian) B.

(Christian) Johannes B. Lindblom, SenJudisktFromhetslifEnligt Salomos Psaltare , p. 206 (Uppsala: Almqvist & WikscUs, 1909). He reproduced von Gebhardt's Greek text, widiout critical notes, and it was accompatued by a ttanslation and a dieological analysis ofthe psahns widiin die context of Jewish messianic expectation.

Hanis, The Odes and Psalms ofSolomon.

composed ofMSS 149,260,471 and 606. '" Further, von Gebhardt concluded that MS 253 has preserved the greatest proportion of the earliest readings, as that text exhibits grammatical peculiarities characteristic ofthe oldest and best biblical manuscripts."** From these analyses he produced a stemma that displayed die relationships between die manuscripts and dieir relative chronology. So convinced was von Gebhardt of die coherence of these text groups that in his collation he allowed MS 260, for example, to represent the readings of die group 149-260-471-606, and, unfortunately, often omitted unique readings of what were, for him, dependent manuscripts.

In 1896 W. Frankenberg prepared a reconstruction of what aHebrew text might have looked like.'" Swete's second English edition in 1899 added die new MSS included by von Gebhardt: MS 336, 629, and 769." ' Emil Kaucisch published a translation by R. Kittel with introduction and notes in 1900.'** A brief (56-page) study by Felix Perles appeared in 1902 diat compared some verses in die back-tiMslations of Delitzsch and Frankenberg."" Jacob Ecker published a Greek text, with translation and notes in 1903."" Johannes Lindblom published his doctoral thesis in 1909"' diat included a Swedish ttanslation. All these were dependent to some degree upon von Gebhardt.

In 1909 J. Rendel Harris brought out the first Syriac edition, one based on a single MS (a second edition, widi a photographic reproduction ofthe Syriac MS, appeared n 1911).'" hi 1916 (volume two in 1920), widi Alphonse Mingana, he published a

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J.R. Harris and and A. Mingana. The Odes and Psalms ofSolomon, re-edited for the Governors of the John Rylands Library. Vol. I, The Text with Facsimile Reproductions (Manchester: University Press; London; New York: Longmans, Green &Co., 1916) ; Vo l .n, 7"ranj/a/ionw/r/i/nft-miKCriona«rfJVo(es(Manchester,England: Manchester University Press; London/New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1920) .

"* Viteau, Psaume<i de Salomon.

Gray, George Buchanan, "The Psalms ofSolomon," APOT, e d R. A. Charles n pp. 6 2 5 - 6 5 2 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1912) .

Kuhn, Die dlteste Textgestalt.

" ' Begrich, "Der Text der Psahnen Salomos." This smdy included a stemma of die relationship between die Greek and die Syriac text ti'aditions (p. 139) .

Pesch, "Die Abhangigkeit," pp. 2 5 1 - 2 6 3 .

" ' Baars, "A New Fragment."

M. de Jonge, De Toekomstverwachting in de Psalmen van Salomo (Leiden: Brill, 1965). Reappeared as "The Expectation of die Futtire in the Psahns of Solomon," in Neotestamentica 23.1 ( 1 9 8 9 ) , pp. 9 3 117; and in Jewish Eschatology, Early Christology arul the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Collected Essays of Marinus de Jonge (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991) .

Syriac edition based on diree MSS. '" J. Viteau published an edition in 1911. which besides a Greek text and a French

translation, included significant variants from a Syriac edition.'" He constiTicted a detailed chronology of all references to die PssSol in scholarly literature to diat time.

In the 1912 publication of R. H. Charles' monumental Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, one can find G B. Gray's introduction, translation and notes to die PssSol. This has remained for nearly a centiiry die stimdard English resource for die PssSol.'" Paul ReiBIer published a German translation mAltjiidisches Schrifium aufierhalb der

S(Ac/(Augsburg, 1928)881-902, 1323-1324. The PssSol are found in Rahlfs' Septuaginta in Vol. n, 471-489, edited in 1935.

hi 1937 K. G Kuhn, in his Die dlteste Textgestalt der Psalmen Salomos, argued diat die Syriac version of die PssSol is a direct ti'anslation fi'om a Hebrew original, not dependent on any Greek text."* J. Begrich attempted to counter Kuhn in 1939 when he argued diat die Syriac version and Greek MS 253 are both derived fiom a common Greek textiial source.'"

hi 1955, W. Pesch compared PsSol 11 widi Baruch 5 and concluded diat the PssSol was dependent upon exilic motifs found in Baruch.'" W. Baars published in 1961 his collation of MS 3004 diat contains PssSol 17.2-18.12.'"

to 1965, Marinus de Jonge prepared an examination of the eschatology of die PssSol that included notes on several variant readings.""

ta 1975, Robert Wright and Robert Hann published in a critical note a collation of a newly recognized fragment of the Greek text of Sirach that follows PsSol 18.5 in

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The History of Scholarship *'

" ' Wright and Hann, "A New Fragment." S.Hohn-Nielsen, "Die Psahnen Salomos," Poetische Schriften, in JSHRZ, vol. IV,

pt. 2 (Gutersloh: Mohn, 1977), pp. 51-112. J. Schupphaus, Die Psalmen Salomons.

Andrsej Suski, "Wprowadzenie do psalm6w Salomona," Studia 'Theologica Varsaviensia, Vol. 17, No. 1 (1979), pp. 187-244.

M. de Goeij, "Psalmen van Salomo," De Pseudepigrafen, pp. 16-42. (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1980).

Hann, The Manuscript History. A.P. Saenz, "Salmos de Salomon." in A.D. Macho, M. Angeles Navarro, and A.

de la Fuente. Apodcrifos del Antiguo Testamento.Vol 3 (1982), pp. 9-57 (Madrid; Cristiandad, 1982-1987).

' * S.P. Brock, "The Psahns ofSolomon.," in The Apocryphal Old Testament, ed. H. F. D. Sparks,649-682 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1984).

P. Prigent, "Psaumes de Salomon," in A. Dupont-Sommer & M. Philonenco, IM Bible: Merits Intertestamentaires, pp. 945-952 (Paris: Gallimard, 1987).

"° Trafton, 77ic Syriac Version, p. 218.

" ' Wright, "The Psalms ofSolomon," pp. 639-670. M. de Jonge, "The Psalms of Solomon" in Outside the Old Testament, pp.

159-177 (Cambridge (England) University Press: Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of die Jewish and Christian Worid 200 BC to AD 200, 1985).

MS 336.'*' Svend Holm-Nielsen published a German translation ofthe PssSol with notes in 1977,'" and in the same year J . Schupphaus issued a revision of his doctoral dissertation on die theology of die PssSol.'" An extensive general intioduction in Polish appeared in \ 979 inStudia Theologica Varsaviensiahy Andrzej Suski '"M. de Goeij tianslated Gray's English text into Dutch in 1980."'

hi 1982, Robert Hann published The Manuscript History ofthe Psalms ofSolomon, an exhaustive analysis of the Greek texts and their relationships.'** Antonio Piiiero Sdenz,'*' prepared a Spanish translation in the same year.

Sebastian P. Brock published an English tianslation m 1984,"* and P Prigent did a French rendering in 1987.'*' Joseph Trafton prepared a comparative study of the Syriac and Greek versions in 1985. He suggested diat if die Syriac cannot yet be shown to preserve an independent and prior wimess to the text of the PssSol, at least in many places the Syriac provides readings that are more suggesting of a Hebrew Vorlage dian is die Greek text. Therefore, he concluded, the Syriac is an important witiiess to die text history of die PssSol."" In 1985, Robert B. Wright conBibuted an mttoduction, n-anslation, and notes ofthe PssSol to the second volume of James H. Charleswordi's The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.'''' During the same year, M. de Jonge brought out an intioduction and tianslation in die Cambridge (England) Commentaries series."' Joseph Trafton contributed the article on 'Tsalms of Solomon" to die Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman. VI, pp. 115-117 (New Yorit: Doubleday, 1992). An article by Robert B. Wright on "Solomon, Psalms

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Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David Noel Freeman, pp. 1239-1240 (Grand Rapics: Eerdmans, 2000).

o f appeared in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible.'". Kennedi Addnson has published several books and articles on the Psahns of

Solomon: "Herod die Great, Sosius, and die Siege of Jerusalem (37 B.C.E.) hi Psalm of

Solomon 17,";Vovr38 (1996): pp. 313-322. "Toward a Redating of the Psalms of Solomon: Implicadons for

Understandmg die Sitz im Leben of an Unknown Jewish Sect." JSOP 17 (1998); 95-112.

"On the Herodian Origin ofMilitant Davidic Messianism at Qumran: New Light from Psahn of Solomon 17." JBL 118 (1999): 435-460

'*On the use of Scripture in the Development ofMilitant Davidic Messianism at Qumran: New Light from Psalm ofSolomon 17," in Craig A. Evans, ed. The Interpretation of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity.{ Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Chrisrianity 7, 106-123. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press Ltd., 2000.)

An Intertextual Study of the Psalms of Solomon Pseudepigrapha Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2001

/ Cried to the Lord: A Study of the Psalms of Solomon's Historical Background and Social Setting. (Leiden: Brill, 2003)

'Theodicy in die Psahns ofSolomon." hi Handbook of Theodicy in die World of die Bible, A. Laato and J.C. de Moor, eds. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2003)

"4QMMT and Psalms ofSolomon 8: Two Anti-Sadducean Documents?" The Qumran Chronicle II (2003).

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Hann. Robert. "A Prologomenon to a Critical Edition of the Psalms of Solomon." Temple University, 1980.

Trafton, Joseph, "A Critical Evaluation of die Syriac Version of die Psahns of Solomon," Duke University, 1981.

Donald L. Scott, "The Role of Remembrance in The Psalms ofSolomon." Chicago Theological Seminary, 1995 (R.B.Wright, External Examiner).

Ward, Grant. "A Philological Analysis of the Greek and Syriac Texts of die Psahns ofSolomon." Temple University, 1995.

Blackburn, Rollin J. "Hebrew Poetic Devices in die Greek Text of die Psalms of Solomon." Temple University, 1998.

Atkinson, Kenneth. 'Toward a Redating of the Psalms of Solomon: Implications for Understanding die Sitz im Leben of an Unknown Jewish Sect." Philadelphia: Temple University, 1999.

Deborah J. Spink, "A City-Lament Genre in the Psalms ofSolomon." Philadelphia: Temple University, 2001.

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To prepare an edition of die Psalms of Solomon presents a major difficulty in contrast to a standard critical edition of an ancient text. If die original Hebrew text, and its translation into Greek, were composed and edited at the end ofthe last century BCE (wi± die Syriac at some later date), and if eleven of die extant Greek manuscripts of die text date from die tendi to die sixteendi centimes C.E., dien diere is a millennium and two translations between the composition of the PssSol and the available manuscripts. Undoubtedly diere are many intermediate manuscripts missing from the chain of tiansmission. This makes one very cautious about clauning diat one can reconstruct the text as it came from the pen ofthe Greek translator about the tum-of-die-era, much less from the Hebrew writer<s).

What appears to be a more reasonable goal, is not to attempt the usual "critical edition" of a supposed Greek translational autograph, but to work as far back as one can from the text of die extant Greek manuscripts to an intermediary state of die text that best explains the readings contained in our manuscripts. This means that conjectural emendations are not as valuable at this stage, and diat it is vital diat all readings, even diose diat we can know widi some assurance to be scribal errors, need to be included. Therefore, die goal of diis project is a reconstruction of diis intermediate, if presumptive, stage of die text transmission, a transcript of yet unknown date and provenance. Widi later pubUcations of commentary, analysis, and essays, scholars then will be able to compile the evidence fiom the Syriac and Greek texts, make reasoned conjecmres as to how die earliest Greek text might have appeared and to analyze their implications for a Hebrew Vorlage.

This edition differs from diose preceding it in five respects: availability of new MSS, completeness of die collation by including all variant readings from all of die MSS (and removing all previous conjectural emendations and introducing no new ones),'" inclusion of significant variants from die Syriac MSS, unproved accuracy of the collation by employing technological advances in the editing process, and the sunple fiict diat this editor has personally compared diis collation widi all twelve of the extant Greek manuscripts.

Von Gebhardt had access to eight MSS, only foin of them that he had examined himself (149,253,471, and 606). In these four texts the editing is of high quality with few transcriptional errors. Where von Gebhardt was supplied collations by odiers (MSS 260,336,629, and 769), transcriptional irregularities are much more numerous. Since von Gebhardt's edition in 1895, three new manuscripts have appeared that were not available to him: two MSS, 655 and 659, indeed, appear in Rahlfs' 1914 Verzeichni f s that were foimd concealed under the title SocpLat XOXO|JUOVTO?.'" In

For information, important conjecmral emendations of the major editions are included in bracketed notes.

Rahlfs, Verzeichnis, pp. 240, 241. A formula ofthe ratio ofthe relative lengdis of Wisdom of Solomon and Psalms of Solomon was used to search for other possible mistided texts. None further were located.

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Differences in this Edition 45

1961, W. Baars armounced die discovery of MS 3004,'* These have all been included in this edidon.

Von Gebhardt, as was observed above, employed the practice of using what he judged to be the senior member of a manuscript group to represent the entire group. For example, in using die text of 260 to represent die readings of MSS 149,471, and 606, he included references to these latter manuscripts only occasionally, and not even where die variants departed from MS 260. Von Gebhardt was probably correct in concluding diat MS 260 (or its near twin, 149) is die direct ancestor of die odier members of its group. However, if one needed the manuscript evidence to test the stemma or to propose a new one, or if new analytical techniques were developed to study the text and its variants, such an incomplete collation would then be deficient. To use an analog from archaeology, today excavators preserve as much of die primary data as possible, even if diey are uncertam of its interpretation, so diat subsequent scholars may prepare their own historical reconstructions. With the exceptions noted below, diis edition is the first to include die full readings of all twelve known extant manuscripts.

The mediods employed in die editing of this edition follow established text-critical principles. The stemma proposed by Hann"' is based on a new analysis of the relationships of all die readings of the twelve known Greek manuscripts. This analysis was supported by an application ofthe so-called "Claremont Profile Method" for the classification of minuscule manuscripts.'* Using the Claremont mediod to confirm die basic manuscript groups, Hann analyzed the textual characteristics of the individual wimesses and of dieu- text types and then examined die relationships among die manuscripts and betiveen the groups."" From dus die history of die texmal transmission was reconstructed. The result is a ste/tuna reassuringly similar to that of von Gebhardt,™ but widi die additional MSS included.

hi die preparation of diis edition, the metiiod began widi external criteria and moved to mtemal, and only readings that satisfied the requirements of both were considered closest to die intermediate "original" diat we are seeking. Readmgs diat were genealogically blocked in their path to our archetype could not be original. External criteria were always considered superior to mtemal, and the latter were govemed by the principle of giving weight to the reading that best explains the origin of the other readings. Both Intrinsic Probability and Transcriptional Probability were considered in each case, along widi hitemal Evidence of Documents, of Groups, and of Readings. In a few cases, a reading that is today considered lexically impossible is

Baars, "A New Fragment," pp. 441-444.

Hann, The Manuscript History. See chap 6, pp. 97-114.

The latest detailed expositions of die Claremont Profile Method are found in F.W. Wisse, The Profile Method for the Classification and Evaluation of Manuscript Evidence as Applied to the Continuous Greek Text of the Gospel ofLuke, Studies and Documents, no. 44 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982), and m E.J. Epp, "The Claremont Profile Mediod," pp. 211-220.

Hann, The Manuscript History, chaps. 4 and 5, pp 53-95.

^ Die Psalmen Salomo's, p. 39.

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™' See, for example, 15.5, where the base text reads, ^XoyTjawtiaL, a form that is lexically impossible. Clearly, this was of considerable difficulty to the scribes, as the MSS offer five different readings to correct the perceived problem. As none of the other MS readings, if adopted as the base text, could easily produce the other readings, this '^impossible" reading is adopted as the reading "that best explains the origin ofthe otherreadings."Seealso,St.'r)p7T:a^oKiav,at8.11 andx^TfipovotALaataotv, at 8.6. Bruce Metzger, discussing Karl Lachmann's 1842-50 critical edition of the Greek New Testament, observes: "h was not a l w a ^ appreciated that Lachmann did not pretend to print the original text of the New Testament, but only a provisional one, namely that current in tiie fourth century, including even palpable scribal errors if sufficiently well attested." (7?ie Text of the New Testament, 1963, p. 125). Likewise, Metzger observes: "It must not be overlooked, however, that though some anomalies are the result of corruption in the transmission of the text, other anomalies may have been either intended or tolerated by the author himself." (Text..., p. 182). See also "The Critic Correcting the Author," i>A//o/ogus, 99 (1955), pp. 295-303).

Baars, "Psalms of Solomon."

included in the base text, because it is the reading that best explains the origin ofthe other MSS readings.^"' None of the other readings, if adopted as the base text, could explain the readings of the remaining manuscripts. One cannot assume the inerrancy of an original extrabibiical text (no matter what one's theology) nor can one assume a fonn is impossible because it cannot be found in modem lexica. What results is a reconstruction that displays the characteristics of what a text closer to the original translational autograph might have looked like. With this reconstruction comes the caveat that none of our complete extant manuscripts is nearer than nine hundred years to what the psahnist(s) penned or to what the Greek translator rendered, and most are more than a millennium away. Given this situation, resort was never made to conjectural emendations, tempting though they are.

This present edition includes comparisons with the Syriac MSS at places where there are significant differences from the Greek readings or where the Syriac agrees with one or more of the Greek text families, against others. As there is an excellent critical edition of the Syriac MSS available,^ there is no attempt here to judge between variant readings of the Syriac wimesses. The Syriac evidence normally ^jpears at the end of a line of variants, except where it is close to one of the Greek readings, in which case it follows that Greek variant, linked with an equal sign (=).

From what can be determined, von Gebhardt did not use photographic reproductions of MSS but relied on hand collations from the manuscripts obtained from colleagues or made by himself. Without the possibility of cross-checking against photographs, he was dependent upon the skill of the collator ^ d would have had diflRculty corroborating even his own work. Von Gebhard saw only four manuscripts himself

This edition initially worked from microfilm photographs generously supplied by the archives that preserve the manuscripts. At the final stage, this editor, during a seven-week research trip during the summer of 1999, personally visited each of the libraries, museums, and monasteries, and compared every variant ofthis collation with the manuscripts themselves. The editor also re-measured the manuscripts, and took

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Kfferences in this Edition 4 7

color readings of die parchment or paper and die inlts against die Pantone® Professional Color System,"" die color standard in die graphic arts. New color photographs were obtained or made by diis editor and edited into a CD ROM containing all 350 leaves of die Greek and Syriac MSS. Copies of die CD are available. See the notice at the end of this volume.

Computer technology certainly intioduces die possibility of its own errors, but it does allow the rapid manipulation and reproduction of text while reducing the opportimity for the insidious introduction of new errors at each occasion of transcription.

This collation was begun widi die electi-onic text of Rahlfs' Septuagfnta, as provided by die C C A F " archive, from which were removed von Gebhardt's and Rahlfs' conjectural emendations. The variants from all twelve manuscripts were added, maintaming die CCAT "Word Variant" data file serial format. To proofread die edited text, a program was run against the master data file that created an electronic reconstruction of what the text of each manuscript should contain."" These reconsmictions were dien proofread using a speech syndiesizer to read die electionically reconstructed texts ui Greek, character-by-character, against photographs of each manuscript. Widi a unique program,'* die serial data files, still in the CCAT format, were then configured into pages and the variants into foomotes. The pages were then ported mto a word processmg program tiiat arranged die text and foomotes into the appropriate margins and headings. The foomote numbers, both in die text and m die foomotes, diat normally appear m word-processmg programs, were hidden as part of the formatting to conform to the standard page layout for a critical text. The pages were again twice proofread against the manuscript photographs. Finally, as mentioned above, all variants were personally verified by this editor against each of the original manuscripts.

Thus, dus edition differs fiom previous ones by die inclusion of all twelve known extant manuscripts, and of all of the variants from these MSS, by the addition of significant variants from die Syriac wimesses, and by what is hoped to be a greater reliability in die manipulation of die text in its preparation. The Greek punctiiation follows MS 253.

™ Copyright by Pantone, h ic , 1990. L. Eiseman and L. Herbert, The Pantone Book of Color (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990).

™ The Center for Computer Assisted Texts at die University of Pennsylvania, Robert A. Kraft, Director The CCAT text originated at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae electronic archive of ancient Greek texts housed at die University of California at frvine. This text of die LXX was taken from the Septuapnt edited by Alfred Rahlfs that, for the Psalms of Solomon, was based in turn on von Gebhardt's edition (see Rahlfs' Septuagint. D, p. 471, note) and included his conjectural emendations, that were subsequendy removed. Important conjectural emendations are mentioned in the notes, but never appear in die base text.

^ A n adaptation of die CCAT program "RECON," prepared by Lester Dean, a graduate student ui Temple University's Rehgion Department.

^ Written by Dean.

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Ward, Grant, A Philological Analysis of the Greek and Syriac Texts of the Psalms ofSolomon (Philadelphia: Temple University Depamnent of Religion doctoral dissertation, 1995. Sec also, Joseph L. Trafton, The Syriac Version of the Psalms of Solomon: A Critical Evaluation. ABLSCS no. 11, (Aflanta, G A: Scholars Press/Society of Biblical Literattue, 1985).

On Messianism in the Psalms of Solomon, see Atkinson, / Cried to the Lord. chapter 4, p. 129ff and also, "On die Herodian Origin ofMilitant Davidic Messianism at Qumran: New Light from Psahn of Solomon \1."JBL 118(1999): 435-460.

A different form, XpLoroO Kuptou, not ± e emendation often suggested, appears in 1 S.sup., and 18.7. Here, with tivo genitives togedier, it could indeed be rendered: "of the Lord's Anointed." But this is a grammatically different construction.

See: K. Adtinson, / Cried to the Lord, p. 131-132, fii 2 where he defends die emmendation., and provides an extensive bibliographic survey of the question.

To facilitate the final cotnpaiison of the collated text with the extant manuscripts, several of the graduate students acknowledged in die "Preface" above, assisted in die prepararion of twelve booklets, each representing die text of one of die manuscripts. These booklets matched die MS folios, page-for-page and line-for-lme. Widi diem any word in any manuscript photograph could be located quickly in the printed text. These booklets are included in die CD contaming die photographs.

The translation, found on the pages opposite to die Greek text, presents a rendering of the psalms into contemporary English that attempts to preserve an accurate representation of the meaning of the Greek: The English is intended be no more, but also, no less, ambiguous than die Greek. Where die audior appears to be ambiguous, the attempt was made to preserve these sometimes enigmatic ideas. Likewise, care was taken not to use terms diat would inttoduce later, often anachronistic concepts, and to assure diat the terms used were at home in the edios at die Turn of die Era.

This is a translation of the extant Greek text. There have been recent studies demonsttating diat in many places die Greek has misunderstood or misttanslated a Semitic term that may have underlaid our text. Or, that the Syriac may have preserved a clearer or even preferable rendering of diat Hebrew vorlage."' In many places these arguments are cogent and even persuasive. In fiirther smdies, many of these arguments could be developed to give us a better understanding what ti'anspired before die Greek text appeared. But this is an edition of the extant Greek texts, not a reconstruction of a presumed Hebrew Uriea.

A word about the translation of "Lord Messiah."'" The phrase, a tendering of the Greek xpt-oxo? xupto?, is a tide for die expected messianic king first appearing in PsSol 17.32.'" Most commentators haveemended the text to read: XptoTo; Kuptou, 'The Lord's Messiah," regarding it as a misttanslation (widi die LXX of Lam 4.20) of an original, common Hebrew expression, "Yahweh's Anointed."^'" However, there is evidence for retaining die readings of die text:

The Greek and Syriac MSS are uniform in reading "Lord Messiah." There is no manuscript evidence for a reading of / p t a x o ? xiiptou a common expression in the LXX. The arguments that •^larot; xupto? caimot represent the original text rest on the assumptions that: (1) the Semitic original was a form of mrr' r roD and, (2) that

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See R.R. Hann, "Christos Kyrios in PsSOL 17.32: 'The Lord's Anointed' Reconsidered," ATO, 31 (1985), pp. 620-627.

See: "legitimate, regular, proper." in Aeschylus. Ed. A. Sidgwick, Oxford (OCT). Scholia, Ed. W. Dindorf in Editione Aeschyli, Oxford 1851. Scholia m Aeschyli Persas, Ed. O. Dahnhardt, Leipzig (T.) 1894; die Oxford Greek Lexicon, H. G.Liddell, 1888.

^" J. Taanit 4:68d See also Y. Yadin, Bar-Kokhba (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1971) and J.A. Fitzmyer and D.J. Harrington, A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts, pp. 158-163 (Rome: Biblical histimte Press, 1978). Odier Talraudic references include: Gen 3.15 (Pseudo-Jonadian): "They are destined to make peace at die end, in die days of King Messiah;" Gen 35.21 (Ps.-J): "And Jacob moved on, and pitched his tent onward to the tower of Eder, the place whence the King Messiah is destined to reveal himself at the end of days;" Gen 49.1 (Ps.-J): "As soon as the date of the End when the King Messiah woidd arrive was revealed to him..." S.H. Levey, The Messiah: An Aramaic Interpretation, Monograph of the Hebrew Uition College 2: Cincinnati: 1974.-cited widi chart at AWOT: 108.]

phrase, in the mouth (or from the pen) of a Judean Jew, could only have meant "the Lord's Messiah."

Against these asstunptions are the following: (1) Lk 2.11 demonstrates that xpuoro? xipioi was available for use as a messianic tide by die first century C E . (2) Luke brings die two tiUes in proximity in Peter's sermon in Acts 2.36 where he declares diat "God has made him (Jesus) both Lord and Messiah." (3) There are references in which xiipto? is not a translation of nf but part of a royal title: Herod die Great and Herod Agrippa were bodi called PaotXeu? xiipto?, "Lord King.""'

As the adjectival use of xiipto; also could have had die connotation "legitimate," it is not inconceivable that a group of religious and poHtical dissidents, such as those behind die PssSol, would have described die anticipated righti^ous messiah-king by diat adjective and widi die phrase xP'^TO? xupto?, so to deny legitimacy to die present corrupt rulers.'"

The assumption that^toTO^ xuptog was an impossible combination to flow from die pen of a devout Judean Jew is to read xp to to^ in terms of its meaiung for later Christology and not in terms of its use as a political titie in its own time. Certainly the related tide "King Messiah" was known to die later Jewish ti'adition. It is attested in GenR 2:4 and applied in LamR 2:4 to Simon bar Kokhba. When Rabbi Akiba saw Simon bar Kokhba, it is reported diat he said: 'This is die King Messiah!""'


x" numbered occurrence of a word in a verse, abrv judged to be an abbreviation, not a variant, om omitted. + added, ditt dittography - transposition in word order or Greek ellipsis mark, pr preceded by...

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inc incomplete production omission. m marked by a later scribe usually widi two or duce dots indicating he

suspected an error in the text, c correction by a scribe, original or later, differing from base text. c° numbered occurrence of a correction. c=Cerda correction to de la Cerda by Fr Junius in MS 3004. See p. 25. e or eee erasure by an editor, apparendy as a correction, marg marginal correction or note, either in margin, or between lines, sup superscription. * original reading, a variant, corrected to our base text by scribe

or a later editor lacuna: MS damaged and text not now present.

? text present, but imcertain. [ ] text omitted or missing, usually die end of a word. x5Ht text stricken out or lined out. =Syr a Syriac reading matches a Greek variant {Ra} conjectiiral emendation from Rahlfs' edition. {vG} conjectural emendation from von Gebhardt's edition. )Hilg( conjectural emendation ftom Hilgenfeld's edition.

MSS groups are shown within parendieses, e.g: 260 (149 471 606). Variants are not normally accented. Thus, MSS readings differing only in diacriticals are not regarded as variants, and do not appear in the apparahis. However, where die accents appear to be of some signifrcance in a MS reading, they are included.

Manuscripts often display "corrections," letters added above or below the text, especially at die ends of Imes. In most cases it is difficult to determine if diis was an intentional notation by the original scribe, an error that he"* noticed and immediately corrected, a rectification by his overseer, or an emendation by a later scribe. Unless the modification is clearly made with a different ink, a distinguishable hand, or other unmistakable marker of a subsequent scribal amendment, these "corrections" are regarded as part of the original scribe's work, and not considered as subsequent critical variants.

List of Abbreviations of Periodicals, Reference Works and Serials

ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary ALGHJ Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums APOT The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testment. Ed. R. H

Charles. 2 vols. Oxford. 1913. APOT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament BWANT Beitrdte zur Wissertschafi vom Alten und Neuen Testament

As far as can be determined, diere is no evidence that any of die scribes who labored over these manuscripts was a woman.

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List of Abbreviations







Beitrage zur Wissenschafi vom Alten und Neuen Testament Beihefte zur Zeitschrifi fiir neutestamentliche Wissenschafi Beihefie zur Zeitschrififiir die altestamentliche Wissenschafi Catholic Biblical Quarterly Catholic Biblical Quarterly Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Dictionaire de la Bible: Supplement. Ed L. Pirot and A. Robert. Paris. 1928-. Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Jewish Studies Jewish Quarterly Review Judische Schriften aus hellenistisch-rdmischer Zeit jadische Schriften aus hellenistisch-rdmischer Zeit Journal for the Study ofJudaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, arui Roman Periods Journalfor the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series Journal of Semitic Studies Novum Testamentum Novum Testamentum New Testament Studies Noncanonical writings and New Testamentinterpreiation.

by Craig A. Evans Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Ed. J. H. Charlesworth, 2 vols. New York. 1983. Patrologiagraeca=Patrologlae cursuscompletus: Series graeca. Ed. J.'P. Migne. 162 vols. Paris. 1857-1886. Revue Critique Realencyklopddiefur protestantische Theologie urul Kirche Realencyklopddie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche Revue de Qumran Revue de Qumran SBL Early Judaism and lis Literature Society of Biblical Literature Early Judaism and its Literature Society of Biblical Literature Sources for Biblical Study SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies Sludi&; in Judaism in Late Antiquity Sludien zum Neuen Testament Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses Studies in Religion Studia in Veteris Testamenti pseudepigrapha Verbum domini

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5 2 List of Abbreviations

VT Vetus Testamentum IVMANT Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament WMANT Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament ZA W Zeitschriftfiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschafi. ZNW Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschafi ZWT Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Theologie ZWT Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftlice Theologie

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MS 2 6 0 - 8 3 V

King Solomon on his throne, with Sophia (Wisdom) behind and Ben Sira below

Page 65: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

1. H OtXfJLOl. 2oXO(J.WVTO? A

1. TiipoTjaa npoq xup'-ov ev xw OXi^ea&ai. |xe e l ; TEXO;-Ttpo? Tov 9e6v ev eTtc&ea&at a[i.apTwXou!;-

2. e^aniLva T itouaOT] xpauyi^ TtoXeftou evwTttov [lou* enaKOUoe-raL (xou 6xi eTtXi oOTjv SLxaLOduvr);-

3. eXoy(.aa[i,7]v ev xapSt-qt (iou 6x1 eTtXiga&Tfjv StxaLoauvT];-ev Tw €u07)V7iaac. ^e

xal 7roXXY;v yevcaSa!, ev -rexvot,;-4. ' 0 rcXouTo? auTwv SICSO&T; e l ; Ttaaav r/jv yfjv

x a l ^ So^a a u T u v ew; CCTX'' ' ' ^ "n?"

AJ om 253 629 336

4 aXtJL6t. loXotiwvTo;] om 471 (NB: MS 471 has a title only for PsSol 3). *FaX[jL6; Tw SaXofiwv TtpwTo; 336 [N.B:Thebasetextofthesuperscription/title(without the "A") is the reading of the listing in the Codex Alexandrinus, the oldest extant reference to the PssSol] S o ^ l a SoXotJiwvo; 253 (655 659)

1. 'E^OT^aa] p6ir)aa 471 inc (Initial letter absent, here and elsewhere, bec^ise of an incomplete production defect. These omissions are not regarded as textual variants.) 769: The inside of eaten away, probably by corrosive ink, leaving only a faint outline, e l ; TsXo;] A^TURILA

TOV] om 253 (655 659)

2. ETtaxouaeTa;,] ETraxouoexe 659*

ETrXria&yjv] iTzXr,a^ (655 659)

St-XATOCTUVT];] St-xacoaauvT);; 769

3 . eTtXYia97;v] 7rXV;(T&7] (655 659)

EOr)T,vf;aal] Eu&uv^cjal (655 659)

TIOXXYIV] TTOXUV 260 (149 471 606) 336

yevea&a!.] Y7;veCT9aL (655* 659*)

4. SieSoOrJ ^LeX&oL 260 (149 471 606)

V)] - 769

auTuv"] auToO 769

eCTxaTO'j] t Try y^v x a l r, So^a auTwv ewe eaxarou 253m

Page 66: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

1. The Psalms ofSolomon'

' "Dedicated to Solomon;" "to" or "for" Solomon. The singular is assumed to be the older title, before the collection was assembled. This collation attempts to reconstruct an intermediate version ofthe text, after the collecting. This plural title, used in our oldest extant reference, in the index list of Codex Alexandrinus, is employed here, as we attempt to create an intermediate version of these psalms. ^ The speaker is Jerusalem personified as a woman. Sec vs. 3. ^ "Cried out," "Screamed out;" an anguished shout.

* There is no article before "Lord," but there is before "God" in the next line. The Hebrew antecedent, as in the LXX, was probably YHWH. The convention in English Bibles to print " L O R D " in large and small capital letters to represent the Sacred Name. However, we are translating the Greek text, and we have no Hebrew antecedent. Therefore, we transliterate the word as "Lord" as in LXX translations and in the NT.

* Gk: "squeezed to the end." It may be durative ("continually/endlessly completely"), or intensive ("severely."), or refer to the author's endurance ("to the limit"); here and in 2:5.

^ Gk: "was heard right in front of my face."

' Gk: "filled with righteousness."

* Gk: "considered in my heart."

' Two ofthe covenantal markers of God's blessing and ofthe people's righteousness.

"Their:" the ruling class and citizenry of Jerusalem; see vss. !. 1 and 1.8.

'' Gk: "wealth," the source of their influence.

See2Macc4.18ff; 1 Mace 10.4; Josephus, Ant 13.10fr

1. F cried' to the Lord'' when I was overwhelmed,' to God when sinners attacked.

2. Suddenly I heard cries ofthe battle right in front of me.* "He will hear me because I am righteous.""

3. I reminded myself that I was indeed righteous: hadn't I prospered and given birth to many children''''

4. Their'" influence"spread over the whole earth.'-and their reputation extended to the far reaches ofthe earth.

Page 67: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


5. gw;]om (655 659)

ECTav] e l i tov 769

Tteowatv] Tceawai ( 4 7 1 . 606) 336 769 + ( iev 769

6. e^upp! .aav] Tjveyxav] o - ^ x .

7. x a l ey<;j ] x i y w 260 (149 471 606) 769

^SetvJ ^ 8 e ; 655*

8. r a dtyta] o A ^ o A I6hl cn\ - \ .m lOhl

5. i3i{^w87]aav tuq TWV dcfiTpwv-e t j r a v o u [Jti TC£CTOKILV

6. x a l e^ujBptaav ev -col; aya&ol ; a o x w v , x a l oux T^veyxav-

7. a l afjiapTlat auTuv ev aTCoxpucpoL;, x a l iyui o u x T^Set-v

8. a l avQ(jLLat aOxuv Oiiep Ta icpo auTuv J9v7]-epep>iXwoav Ta dtyLaxuplou ev ^e^TjXwaeE.:

Page 68: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


5. They soared-' as high as the stars: they never expected they would ever fall.'*

6. Their wealth made them too proud. and they did not acknowledge God.''

7. Their sins were in secret; I knew nothing about them.

8. Their crimes were worse than the Gentiles before them; they repeatedly profaned the Lord's Sanctuary."'

Gk: "They were lifted up."

Intensively emphatic. " See Psalms 28 (29). 1,2; 95 (96). 7.8. "Ascribe glory and thanks to God for His blessings." Alternatively: "bring offerings," (to God), as in Ps 67 (68). 29 and 75 (76). 11. Sy: "they did not understand."

Gk: "the holy things ofthe Lord," as in Ez 5.11; 23.38; 25.3; Mai 2.11; or: "the sanctuary," as in Ez 23.38; 25.3; Mai 2.11; or: "(our) Holy Place," as in 1 Mace 1.12. See also Ex 36.1. The phrase may also refer to the services and sacrifices of the sanctuary as in Lev 19.8, or inclusive of both the buildings and the rites. Syriac: "the sanctuary." See, Devorah. Dimant, "A Cultic Term."

Page 69: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

2. T a X f i o ^ T t ^ S a X o f i w v i r ep l 'IepouCTOcXT]{j.:

1. ' E v TW U7cep7](paveuea9at, t o v a f x a p x w X o v ev x p t w x a T E ^ a X e tel^^t; oxupdt , x a l o u x e x w X u o a ; -

2. a v e p T j a a v ^Ttl t o S u a L a a T i - p L o v a o u e&vT] a X X o T p - . a , x a T e n a T o u a a v ev uTCoST^fiaaLV a u T w v ev UTiepTjcpavla*

3. ' A v & ' wv o l u l o l ' l epouaaXf j io . e f i l a v a v T a ^yiOL x u p i o u , £pe^Tf]XoOoav Ta S w p a t o O 9eoG ev avotiLat,;-

4. e v e x e v t o u t w v s O T e v ajTOpptiJ^aTe a u T a [ l a x p a v aTc' eixoO-o u x s u o S w x e v a u T o l ; .

SaXo^iwvJ aaXw[Xwv 253 ctoXojxwv 655ni c

Ttepl ' l£pouaaX7][x ] om 769* - B 606 629 (769) 336

1. ' E v ] Initial letter missing: inc.

ev x p t w ] r^.Tr<A_.T,a_3

xaxe^aXe] xaTeJSaXXe 253 336 xaTapaXXe (655 659)

2. x a T e T r a T o O a a v ] x a T e i r a T o u v 260 (149 471 606) 769 336 x a T a n a T o O a a v 655 659

UTCoST^tiaaiv] UTCO TtoST^ftaocv (655 659)

3. avO' wv] av&wv m 655 o l ] om 336

T a dcyia j cructo^q Aus 16hl cnx..Ta=a lOhl

e ^ e p T ^ X o O a a v ] ^Pepr-Xouv 260 (149 471 606) 769 336

4. aTToppltj^aTe] a7ioplt}jaTe 253 (655 659) aTrepplij^aTe 336

euoSwxev ] euwSwxev 260 (149 471 606) eveSwxev (655 659) • T O U T W V slTtev 655m ditt o ^ r ^ euSoxw ^v {Ra^"vG=Hilgenfeid[1869]=Fabricius=de la Cerda}

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2. A Psalm ofSolomon: About Jerusalem

When the sinner contemptuously used his battering-ram'' to smash down the fortified walls, you did not interfere.

Gentiles who worship other gods'* went up to your altar; they brazenly trampled around with their sandals on.

For their part, the people of Jerusalem desecrated the Lord's sanctuary.

Their crimes" profaned the offerings to God. Because of all this he said:

"Get these things far away from me! They are repugnant!"^'

" Syr: "on a feast day." See Atkinson, / Cried to the Lord. p. 23.

Gk: '^nations belonging to another/foreign (god)."

Gk: avofALotLq "lawless," here and elsewhere. ^ Gk: "do not give them a p l e a s a n t path." Other MSS read : " t h e r e is no s w e e t o d o r in

them;" "not fit (to be offered);" Some editors e m e n d : "I am not pleased wi th them.."

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5. xaXXo;J xoXXo 769

T - ^ ; So TT); auTou] m ^ a - i x . ^ 16hl TTJ; S O ^ T ; ; a u r ^ ;

471 = cnAu.a=ix^ lOhl

E^ou&ev«e7]] e^ou^EVTiih] 260 (149 471 606) TOU & e o u ] r C - r a

• TLJXWOT)] ElTLf judTTT] (655m 659)

E w ; J o m 260 (149 471 606)

6. o l ] om 253 (655 659)

a l ] om 253 (655 659)

ev crcppaYlSt....ei)vEaLv]

gSvEO'-vjIftvEOL 260 (149 471 606) 336

7. K a T a J x a T 606

EyxaTEXtTTEv] eyxaTeXeLTiEv 253 evxaxeXeLTxev (655 659)

xaTLCTX'-*6vTwv] x a T E o x L o v T w v (655 659)

8. d t 7 r e a T p £ < ] ; £ v ] d 7 r e a T p e 4 ; e 260 (149 471 606) 336

eXsou; auTwvJ cXeou auToO 336 ,a3a;?iJJT TOJ om 260

(149 471 606) 769 336

a £ o u ; ] l X e o u 260 (149 471 606) 769 336

TTpea^uTTjV] Tipea^ViTTjv 655

5. TO x d X X o ; r ^ ; SO^Y]; a u T o O -e^ou&evc iOT) EVWTTLOV TOO &eoO-

T^TLfiwOT; l u ; ei . ; TEXO;-6. 0 1 u l o l x a l a i d u y a T E p e ; EV a l^aXoKrlqc TrovTjpa.

ev CTcppaylSi.- 6 T p a x 7 ] X o ; a u T w v , I v £T:!,OT^tJW!> E'y '^o^i; e & V E a t v

7. K a T a Ta; a f i a p T l a ; auTwv iizoir^arj a u T o l ; -6TL eyxaTeXiTTev auTOu; e l ; yeipoa; x a T L o x u o v T w v

8. aT isaTpet j /EV ycup TO T rpoawTtov a u T O u aTTO EXEOU; a u T w v

v E o v x a l 7 r p e a ^ u T 7 ] v x a l T s x v a a u T u v e l ; a i i a ^ -

Page 72: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 2

' The phrase "beauty of His glory" may refer to the Temple (as in Isa 60:7). or to the Temple draperies and tapestries (as in Isa 6:1), or to a thcophany in the Temple (as in Ezek 1:28; 10:18).

' Cik: "in God's eyes." " Syr: "her sons and daughters." See Atkinson, / Cried to the Lord, p. 37.

" Or: "a spectacle among the Gentiles." See 3 Mac 2:29; SibOr 8.244. Syr: "the people's sealed yoke is put around their neck."

" Gk: "he mmed his face away."

5. His beautiftjl and glorious sanctuary^' was despised before God.^' it was completely dishonored.

6. The sons and daughters" (of Jerusalem) were held prisoner in terrible conditions: a seal on their necks, a Gentile marit."

7. He dealt with them according to their sins; he abandoned them to the hands of their oppressors.

8. For he turned" away and showed them no mercy — young and old and their children — all alike.

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eTtoLTjaav] ETtolTjaev 655*

axouei-v] axouov (655 659)

EL; ocTta^'"'] (vG=£laa ;ra^)

9. l ^ a p u ^ t A T j a e v ] ^^apuOutxTiOE 253 260 (149 471 606)

rpapuatxTjae (655 659)

e^SeXu^aTo] ^SeXti^aTo (655 659)

E7iolTr]oe] e7rolT,aev (655 659)

in ] 655m

10. TiavTaTa Ta. S l x a t a ] Ta S l x a i a TiavTa 336

11. eaT7]CTav] eoTTjoev 260 (149) gaTTjoe (471 606)

TepouCTaX7)[ i ] i Sifj i. (655m 659)

EtjLTraLytiov] epLTiEy^jiov 253 efXTtayjiov 655m c[XTtay(x 659 e|jL7cay6v 659c

Ttopwv] 655m

TcapaT iopeuof t evo ; ] Ttopeuo^jLevo; 253 (655 659) e l a e K o p e u e T o ] -1=1^1

12. eveTcai^ovj EVETIES OV (655 659)

T a l ; avofx lat . ; ] T a ; a v o j i l a ; (655 659)

OTt. TiovTjpi sTcoLifjoav e l ; (fcTta^ TOU JJIY] a x o u e t v -9. x a l 6 o u p a v o ; e^apu&ufXTjaev,

x a l r^ y f , e ^ S e X u ^ a T O a u T o u ; -OTL o u x inoirpt TZOLC, av&pwTto; in auTYJ;

o o a eTtoLTjaav-10. K a l y v w o e x a c -f] yf, xct. x p l f x a T a CTOU

TcavTa T a S l x a t a , 6 &s6;-

11. " E o T T j a a v TOU; u l o u ; ' lepouaaXi f j t i , e l ; efAKaLytiov

XVTI TTopvuv iy a u r ^ * 7 td ; 6 TrapaTcopeuofAevo;

e l aeTTopeueTo x a r e v a v T t TOU T^IOXJ-12. evETtaLt^ov T a l ; avo [ j . l a L ; auTwv

x a & a ETtolouv a u T o l , aTTEvavTL TOU i ^X lou TrapeSeLy^AaTLaav

a S t - x l a ; auTwv-

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PsSoI 2

" Gk: "They." Some MSS read: "He," i.e.: God.

" Gk: "held up for ridicule."

" hi conttast to die "women" in vs. 13.

" Gk: "They."

" Gk: "in die eyes ofthe sun."

because they all sinned alike, for they would not listen. 9. The heavens were appalled, and the earth loathed them.

Because no one had ever acted as they. 10. The world will know all your judgments; diey are just, O God.

11. The Gentiles" maligned ^ the men'' of Jerusalem, because of die prosrimtes among her.

Everyone who passed by went in to them in broad daylight.

12. Even die Gentiles" ridiculed such crimes. compared to how they themselves acted. They made a public" display of dieir evil deeds.

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13. &uyaTepe<;3 9 u y a T e p a ; (655 659) av&' wv] av&wv 655 aural] aurai, 655

eti(,alwaav] = , i < a i \ , c t A l a i v o v 260 (149 471 606) 769


a u T a ; ] ^ a u T a ; 260 (149 471 606) 769 336 a v a t i l ^ e w ; ] r^A\cuj_.Tx..T

14. a7:Xayxva] OTiXaxva 769 336


15. 6 &e6;'] f < . T » .

x p l f i a a l v ] xplfjiaal 659* 260 (149 471 606) 769 xpifxaat 336

oou'] om 659*

16. a u T w v ' ] a u T w 769

xa l jom 260 (149 471 606) 769

acpoSpa] acpoSpov 253 a 9 6 S p a v (655 659)

17. avexoXu^/ai;] iva.[i^ixq 655 Ixafxtj/a; 659

k^Xzi^oLc;] e^TiXc^^a; 253 (655 659) ^^7)uXn};a; 659c

18. ^aufiaaeL] &au[i.aae (655m 659)

13. x a l ftuyaTspe; 'lepouaaXrjti ^e^r^oi x a x i TO xpl(jwt CTOU-d v & ' wv a u T a l £[X',al&joav a u T o ;

ev yup^w ava{j.t.^eo>;-1 4 . T7;v xoLXlav fAou xal Ta oTiXay^^va fxcu


1 5 . 'Eyw SLxat-oKTw oe, 6 &e6i;, ev EU&UTTJT'- xapSla?-6x1 ev T o l ; xpl[j.aolv aou ^ Stxas-oauvi^ aou 6 fteo;-

1 6 . 6Tt, dcTieSwxa; TOL? ajxapTwXol; x a T a xa epya a u T w v xa l x a T a Ta? a[i.apTla!; auTwv Tag TtovTjpag acpoSpa

17 . dvexaXutpa? T a ; dtJ -' ^pTla; aurwv tva <pav^ TO xplfxa aou-

e^T)Xet,ij;a; TO [jLvT,[x6auvov auTwv ATTO TTJ; y^c-1 8 . 6 &£oc xpLTT,; S lxa io ; . xa l ou &aufi.aaei TrpoawTcov-

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PsSol 2

' Gk: "mingling of intermixing."

" Gk: "I strain my belly and my inward parts are pained...;" "my stomach chums..." (See Lam 1.20, NRSV) " Gk: "...show you to be just," "...affirm you justice." ^ Gk: "in straightness of heart."

Gk: "just," here and elsewhere. ^ Or: "God will not put up with deceptive disguises." Gk: "God will not stare at a

(false) mask."

13. And you have judged the women of Jerusalem pointed. For they defiled themselves with sexual promiscuity."

14. Thinking about these things makes me sick to my stomach."

15. I will defend" your justice, O God, with integrity,''' because your judgments are just, O God.

16. because you have repaid sinners according to their deeds and according to their exceedingly wicked sins.

17. You uncovered their sins that your judgment might be evident; you wiped out their memory fi^om the earth.

18. God is an impartial" judge, and is not impressed by appearances"

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19. wvelStaav] uvlSijaav 253 (655 659) tovelSt-aai; 471

ovclSLtrav 336

ev]om 336

xaTaTcan^CTEL] xaTaTiaTTJaat. 336 ^ o i i - j t o i

x a T e a u a a e v ] x a T e o T t a a e 260 (149 471 606) 336 xaT^Ttat-aev 655 659 x u a ^ ^ r ^ {xaTcarcdoOT; Ra= vG}

21. 7repLelXaTo]KepLelXeTo (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 769 336 (iLTpav] [jLT^Tpav 769 336 PCCU»

TO xaXXo;] cn-taa>

AKepp(.9Tf]] dTce' p^l^ei (655 659)

22. x u p i o u ] + ToO &eoO 336

x a l ^ ] x d y t i 336

xup'-e] om 336

TOU [3apuvea&at. x^"^P* •'Q^l X^^-P^ '^^^ ^apuvea&aL 336

X e l p a ] x e " W 253 (655 659)

'IepouaaXT,(i] TapaTjX 253 ^.r^xoa*

ev] om (655 659)

e n a y w y ^ ] ^Tt aywvT, (655m 659) aTiaywyTj 260 (149)

1 9 . 'QveLSLoav yap SOVT] 'lepouooX'rjji h xaTaTtaxT^aet.-x a T g a T i a a e v TO xaXXo; otuT^; arco &p6vou SO^TJ;-

20. TTspteJ^coaaTo odxxov dvTl evSujiaro; euTcpeTCsLa;-oxotvlov Ttepl T7)v xecpaXTjV aur^; OCVTI aTecpdvou-

21. nept-eiXaTo [itrpav SO^TJI; - V TtepL^&Tfjxev auriQ 6 &e6;* ev ixiylcf. TO xaXXo; a u T ^ ; , i.ntppi^T, kni TTJV yT^v

22. Kal eyu stSov xal eSeTjihjv xoG TtpoawTrou xupiou-xa l eluov

'IxavoKJOv, xupte TOU ^apuveo&ai Xelpa cfou e^l 'IepouaaXif;[j.- ev eTcaywyi eOvwv

Page 78: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 2

" The allusion appears to be to the Gentile Pompey and his soldiers. Syr "was dragged down."

19. The Gentiles hinniliated Jemsalem when she was trampled down; He"' dragged her beauty from her once magnificent dirone.

20. She was wrapped in sackclodi instead of beautifij clodies; a rope was around her head instead of a wreath.

21. He snatched the crown of glory that God had put on her. Her beauty lies in disgrace; it was flung down upon die earth.

22. And 1 saw all this and pleaded in the Lord's presence: 1 said: "Make it stop. Lord!

By bringing in the Gentiles you have laid your hand heavily upon Jerusalem."

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23 . IveTcaL^av] eveTiat^av (655,659)

x a l &u[ji.w] om Syr

[XTjvloew;] fiavlaaew; 655 659 tir,VT;aEw; 260 (149 471 606)

cruvTeXeo8T^oovTa!.J auvTeXeo&rjaov-r 769 (Troaot.[5Xe uvfxapxES

aPpetaTLov) ^ - t s a V "

kTzixi]X7ior^(;]tnixi{iri(Jziq 253 (655 659)

a u T o t ; ] a u T o u ; 769 336

24. ^TIXEL] ^riK(i> 260 (149 471 606) 336

AXXT iXXd (655 659) 260 (149 471 606)

e x x l a t ] gxxate (655 659) I x x e o ; 336

25. f i T i l p r x a l 253 (655 659)

XpovloT];] ypowr,trQq 253 XsyovT^aet.; (655m 659m) ~ yeyo 659c marg 6 &s6;] f<.T»i elTteZv] aA=qt:»l

SpaxovTo;] 769: Insertion marker for a marginal note, now mostly tom away. Text preserved by von Gebhardt (TAAMOl S0A0MQNT02, p. 96, n.25): "Spaxovxa Xeyet TOV a K o a T d T r , v St-a^oXov. noXXaxoO y i p rj &ela ypatpt) SpaxovTa TouTOv ETtovotAat^eL, Sta TO AUXTJOTOV TT); uTtepTjqjavla; . UT^epi^cpavov y a p 6 Spaxwv x a l CTafiov TO : i a & o ; r ^ ; ijTtepTjcpavla; w; 7tpoel7io(Aev."

aTLjjita] a l T l a f x l a 253 a ' tx la [j-la (655,659) aTifjila fita 336

23. 6x1 IvenaL^av x a l oux ecpetoavTo-Iv opYq x a l 9u[xw ( lera [jLT,vlceo»;

x a l auvTeXeoOViCTOvTat.- l a v \l7] (TU , xupiE e7r[.T(,txTii<T7]i; aOTol; ev 6py^ aou-

24. "OTL OOX ev ^"kei IrcotTfjaav dtXX' Iv eTit^utilcit 4"JX^?' exxeat. TTr]v ^pyrjv auTwv e l ; T,jjLa; Iv dp7taY[xaTt.-

25 . MT; xpo^'^<"r]; 6 &e6; TOO dlTtoSoOvaE. auTol; e l ; xecpaXa;-

ToO clTietv Tif)v U7tep7)cpavlav TOO Spaxov-ro; Iv aTL^JLlf

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PsSol 2

* Gk: "made child's play."

" In this impassioned tirade syntax and pronouns are somewhat convoluted .

Gk: "bring to an end," i.e: the people of Jerusalem.

*' Gk: "Lust of soul."

* A marginal note in MS 769, folio 295r, now torn away, but preserved by von Gebhardt (P. 96, n 25) reads: "He calls die rebellious devil 'dragon'. For often the sacred scripture names diis one 'dragon,' on account of die excessiveness of his arrogance. For die dragon is an arrogant and headstiong diing, as regards die experience of arrogance, as we said before." See Addnson, / Cried to the Lord (p. 36) for a discussion of die biblical allusions here.

23. They have humiliated"' them,"' and their frenzied passion did not let up, nor did dieir angry violence.

And diey will be destroyed" imless you, O Lord, angrily denounce them,

24. because diey did not act out of zeal, but out of an obsession,*' venting their thieving anger against us.

25. Don't delay, O God, in retaliating against dieir leaders by disgracing the dragon's*' arrogance .

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26. expovt-aa] exp6v7)CTa 253 (655 659)

go;] + ou 336

BEiih] SSto^e (655 659) ISei^e 260 (149 471 606) 336

TY)V u^pLV auToO] cn'L^i^ exxexevT7](jiivov]

UTTSp eXaxiaTOu] r ^ i . ^ ^ T . ^ a {Orcep iXaxlcTTov Ra=vG}

l^ouSevwfiivov] e^ou8evw[ievo? 471 e^ ouSev(o[iivov 769

27. Stacpepofxevov] S(,a9ep6[jn.evov 253 Steep&apfAevov 260 (149 471 606) Sta cpepofiLevov 769

ev u^pet] r f i i - ^ TToXX- ] TtoXXifjla 769

^v] ^v 659 471 9dTCTwv] M S 629 begins here.

e^ouaevuoev]=cnA»K' 16hl lOhl e^ouSevoxrev 260 (149 471 606)

629 (769) e^ouSevwcev 336 o A w r C i e h l *

28. eXoylaaro] lX{ . . . j laaTo 629 loTLv] iaTi 260 (149 471 606) 629

x p a T a t - 6 ; ] wet 471 xpaTaLog—fxeyiiXTr)] r<jdAj^a riux f<= iT

lax<>i] l oxueL 253 (655 659) [...]xu6(. 629

2 6 . Kai, o u x kypo^naix ita^ ISet^sv [LOI 6 ^eoq TTjV OPptv auTou-

exxexevTTjf j t ivov inl T«V d p c u v AlyuTiTou-uTCep iXaxtOTTou l^ouSevufiivov ini yfj; xa l &aXaa(n];-

2 7 . TO a&yjx auTou Statpepofjievov ETCI xu|i.aTo)v ev Oppe;, TTOXXTJ-

xal oux - v 6 ^aTTTtov, 6TL l^ou&evwaev auTov ev aTCfila-

2 8 . Oux eXoylaaTo 6x1 avSpowro; eoTiv-xal TO uoTepov oux eXoYlaaTO-

x p a T a t o ; ev icr/ui auToO rf; LteyaXY;-

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PsSol 2

" Gk

" Gk:

" Gk:

"pierced dnough." "hills, mountains" "deserts."

"worthless and disdained on earth and sea."

26. 1 did not have long to wait imdl God showed me his arrogance. Stabbed" on die sand dunes" of Egypt, he was more despised dian anydiing in die whole world."

27. His body was violently carried over die waves and there was no one to bury him, because God contempmously despised him.

28. He did not realize that he was merely mortal, and he didn't think about the fiiture.

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29. ELTREV] elTTELv 629? (769) 6 &e6; [xeya;] <en\ . r^ acn t<*-vx

30. oupavwv] oupavov 655m c marg + rC^^ir^

ISaatXel;] ^aoiXeu; (655 659) rfA^oiiXx

3 1 . 6]om 260 (149 471 606) 336

aTcuXet-av] dtTiwXiav 253 aTcoXtav (655 659)

alwvo;] alwvLov 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

aTCfjila] AT0[jLla (655*659*)

auTov] AUTWV (655 769) auTol; 471

32. ToO] om 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

t i iya; ] om Syr

23 . SVETTAL^av] eve;iat.i^av (655, 659)

33 . TOV 9e6v] rCis^S.

iniaxr^iirj kniaxi^ir, 253 ri^n^t^

xupiou] auToG 629*marg 769*marg

auTov] auTou (655 659)

2 9 . Elnev e y w xupto; y^q xa l ftaXaaoTj; iaoyLCci xal oux eTCsyvw 6T!, 6 9e6i; {XSYa;,

3 0 . AUTO; ^aatXeu; eni TWV oupavwv xa l xplvwv fiaacXsl; xal apxa?"

3 1 . 6 AVLOTWV ejjii e l ; So^av xa l xot-jxl^v UTiepfjfpavou; e l ; aTcwXsLav alwvo; £v ATT-fxla 6xL oux eyvwaav auTOV

3 2 . Kal vuv tSeTe, ol fjieytOTdve; r^; y^; TO xpl^za ToO xupiou- OTE. fieya; ^aacXeu; xa l S lxato; xplvwv T7)V UTI'

oupavov-3 3 . euXoyelTS TOV 9e6v ol cpolSoufievot. TOV xupcov

ev eTttaTTifiTf]-OTT, TO eXeo; xupiou CTTI TOU; 9O[3OU[JI.CVOU; a u T O v [XETA XPLFXATO;

Page 84: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 2

" Gk: "...of die eardi and of die sea."

*' Syr: "die Lord is G o d "

** Or:"diesleepofdeadi ."

•"Gk: "wi± (good) judgment."

29. He said: "I will be lord of die whole worid:" * he failed to recognize diat it is God who is great,' who is mighty in his great strength.

30. He himself is king over the heavens, he who judges kings and rulers.

31. He is die one who raises me up into glory, and who brings down the arrogant to sleep,**

to dien dishonorable desmicrion forever, because diey did not know him.

32. And now. you rulers of the earth, see the judgment ofthe Lord, because he is a great and righteous king,

judging what is under heaven. 33. Praise God, those of you who know enough to fear the Lord,

because his mercy will be with those who have good reason to fear him.**

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3 4 . (leoovj [ieowv 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

3 5 . iXe^(TaL]lXe^aa; ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

Tanei-vwaew;] T a u T j v w a e w ; ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

ifAapTwXou] +a7 roSoGva [ . ajxapTwXol; e l ; TOV alwva

x a T a Ta Spya auTwv 3 3 6

iTiol-rjaevJlKolTjae 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 3 3 6

3 6 . Tol;3 T o u ; ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

e7rt.xaXou[ievot.;] iTrtxaXoutxevou; ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

UTtOJiOV^] UTIO [Lovfiq 7 6 9

TzoiriaoLi] TTotTjaa; ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

6aloL;]txeT' 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9

T i a p e a T a v a t ] KapaoTOtva t . 3 3 6 MO^QI

loxiit] laxuet 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) 3 3 6

3 7 . IvwTctovj ^

3 4 . ToO Staa-retXat dva [leaov Stxaiou xal ajiapToiXoO-aTToSoOvat, a(iapTuXol<; e l ; TOV alwva

xaTa Ta epya aurwv 3 5 . xa l iXeTJoat Slxatov dtTTo Taitet-vucrewi; d[jiapTO)XoO-

xal aTcoSoOvat afjiapTwXw av&' wv eTTolTjaev Stxalw-3 6 . "OTL XP'H'^'^^? ^ x u p L o ; T o t ; eTCLxaXoujxevoE.; a u T o v

ev UTtofxov^-TcocTJCTaL xaTa TO eXeo; auroG T o t ; oalot,; auToG-

TcapeCTTavat Sta iravTo; IvwTTt-ov auToG sv layyi-3 7 . euXoy7]T6i; xupt-o; e l ; TOV alwva lvunt,ov SouXwv auToG-

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PsSol 2

34. for he will separate the righteous from the simier, because he will always retaliate against sinners according to their deeds.

35. He will have mercy on the righteous, keeping them from the humiliation of sinners,

and he will retaliate against the sinner for what he has done to the righteous.

36. The Lord is kind to those who persistently ^ p e a l to him; he treats his devout in accordance with his mercy,

to keep them constantly before him in strength. 37. Praised be the Lord forever in the eyes of his servants.

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3 . T a X p - O ! ; TW SoXwfiwv nspi S L J c a i w v

1. "Ivot Tt. U T t v o X ; ^^XT,, Kfx l OUX E u X o y e l ; TOV xupt-ov-Ufxvov xa t - vov ^a.\cLxt TW &5W TW a l v E T W -

2. t pdXXe x a l Y p T j y o p Y j a o v e: : l nf jv Yp-r)Y6pTf)at.v a u T o G -6x1. a Y a ^ C tl^oX^jio; TW &ew a Y a O T J i ; x a p S l a ; -

3. A l x a t - o ' - ti,v7;[i,oveuouat.v St.a TiavTo; TOG x u p i o u -ev e^ojjLoXoYi^cret. x a l S t x a L w o e L T a x p l ^ a r a x u p i o u -

4. o u x oXt-YMpTloet- S i x a t - o ; TraLSeuo^iEvof; uTro x u p i o u --1 e u S o x l a a u T o u S t a TravTo; I v a v T t . x u p i o u -

3=r] om 260(149 606)

xw] TOO (655 659)

SaXw^udv] aoXotiwvTOi; 655 aaXofXwvxo; 659c aaXoLiwv 659 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 NB: This is the only superscription that MS 471 preserves.

1. oux euXoYel';] ouXoyeli; 253*

xat .v6v]xal alvov 253 (655 659) 629 (769)

<i>dXaTe] 4;aXXexe 253 (655 659) i^aXXaxe 471 i{jaXaxe...alveTw om Syr

2. tpaXXe] t ^aXai. 336 x a l ] om 336

&ew] x u p l w 336

a Y a 8 7 i ; ] 6 X 7 ; ; 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) ayaw.. . ; 655

3. [jLVTjfxoveuoua'.vJ ^vTf)jjLoveuou<TL 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

Iv] 769* marg

x u p i o u ^ ] ToG x u p i o u 253 (655 659)

4. oXLY&jpVjaeL] oXtYopT^oeL 253 (655 659)

x u p i o u ' ] ToG x u p i o u 253 (655 659)

gvavTL] EvavTlov 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

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3. A Psalm of Solomon about the Righteous"

1. Why am I sleeping," and not praising the Lord? Strum a new song" to God who is worthy to be praised.

2. Keep on strumming^ and keep awake for he is awake." For a good psahn to God comes from a good heart.'*

3. The Lord is on the mind of the righteous through everything. by recognizing*' and provmg that the Lord'S judgments are right.'*

4. The righteous will not be ashamed" to be taught*" by the Lord, their desire is to be always in the Lord'S presence.

^"Gk: "Just." The substantive use ofthe adjective; could also mean "things that are just," or "People who are Fair and Equitable."

" Gk: "Why do you sleep, O soul." Syn "Why sleep, my soul..."

" "Pluck a new song...." The phrase describes singing with the accompaniment of a stringed instrument. Some MSS read: "song and praise," or "a song and a hymn." Sec Ps LXX 143.9; 148.1.

This may reflect a Hebrew infinite absolute intensifying the verbal form. * Gk: "keep watching for his watching," or "stay awake because of his wakefulness"

or "be aware of his being aware of you." Both the Gk and Syr are obscure. " Other MSS read: "from a whole heart." See Deut 6.5.

The implication of the Hebrew that may lie behind the Greek is a ritual confession of gratitude and thanksgiving.

" Gk: "just," here and elsewhere.

"Belittle," "be embarrassed by," "make light of" " Or "corrected." The word invokes the image of the training of a child.

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5. 7ipoaexo(]>ev] 7rpoCText.t|iev (655 659) cStxalwaev] eStxaloaev (655 659) eStxalwoe 260

(149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

xupLov] f<.-tsal S i<'miT<l 16hl lOhl

tntatw] inzae 260 (149 471 606) 629 336

ajTopXeTcet] T<:MIM

6 deo;] = r^cnlf^ S r<^i=n 16hl

aTcoaxoTteuet.] aTcoaxoTieue (655m 659)

CTwrrjpla] ii awTTjpla 606 336

auToG] aOTG) 253 (655 659) 629*

6. dXii&eLa] oXTiOta 253 (655 659) tifi-ix.

a u X l ^ T a t ] eOXt!:eTaL (655m 659)

otxcfij' ToG 471

8LX«LOU]TOG Stxalou 260 (149 471) 629 (769) 336

7. 6 Slxato;] i<£i^ii.T

8 . e^tXaoaTo] e^T,XdcraTo (655 659) mx&i JITS

TaTretvwaeL] rtfzctcma

tlAJXT)" ] om Syr {"j ux i; Ra=vG}

auToO^] om 253 (655m 659m)

T t a v J u a v T a 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

ooLOv]&elov 629 (769)

5. npoaexoti'ev 6 St-jcat-o; x a l eStxaloKTSv TOV x u p i - o v ETceaev, x a l Ano^'kinei TI noiriaei aOrw 6 &e6<;-aTCoaxoTreust, 6&ev TJ^et. auTTjpla auToO-

6. (xkri^titx TWV Stxalwv napa &eoO aa)TY)po; aurwv oux auXl^Tat ev otxtii Stxalou a [ x a p T l a a j i a p T L a v

7. 'ET i t . axeTiTeTat St-a TcavTo ; TOV OIXOV auToO 6 Slxat-o;-TOU l^apat oStxlav ev TtapaTiTwfiaTi auTou.

8 . e^(,XaaaTO Trepl ayvoloc; Iv vTjoTelqc xal TaneLvwCTet. i' xV <3tuToO*

x a l 6 xupLo; xa&apl^eL Trav dtvSpa SOLOV xal TOV olxov auToG.

Page 90: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 3

"Lord...God;" Syr: "God...Lord."

" Gk: "diey look for what God will do for diem."

" Gk: "Tmdi," "faidifiilness," or "dependability."

" G k : "Sin after sin."

** Syr: "he (God) searches the house of the righteous."

" Gk: "humbling dieir soul." * Gk: "every devout man." Although die heads of die household are usually described in biblical and post-biblical literatare as male, there are passages diat seem to indicate females widi that designation. See Mt 13.52; Jn 4.53; Acts 16.15: "she and her household;" Acts 17.34.

The righteous stumble and srill prove the Lord is right; if they fall, they expect God" to help them;*' diey look to die source of dieir salvauon,.

The confidence" of the righteous comes from God their savior. Repeated sin" is not foimd in the home of the righteous.

The righteous thoroughly examine their homes** to remove their unintentional offences.

They atone for sins of ignorance by fasting and humility*' and die Lord will cleanse every devout person and dieir household."

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9. afiapTwXog] 6 ajiapTcoXog 336

^wVjv]^^? (655 659) TY]V i;«7)v 336

10. 7 c p o a e » 7 ; x e v J 7 c p o o s 9 7 ) x a v 260 (149 471 606) 629? TTpoae... ] MS 629 ends here.

dtt iapTlag' j i t iapTlat . - ; 253 (655 659) 629 (769)

K T w ^ a ] aKepji-a 336

avaaTT^aeTat , ] aveaTTjaeTat 655* NB; MS 606 has running headers on every page. Here, at folio 228r, the original

header begins: "CTocpta," in red, and is written over in black: '''^oLky-oq" in a different hand.

11. oO]ou (X7| 253 (655 659)

[j.v7)CT0i^aeTa] fivucOi^aeTat. (655ni 659m)

ejiLaxeTrTTjTat,] enLaxoTrTTjTat, (655 659) eTct-axeTiTeTat, 336

12. ] om 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

T6V=] om 260(149 471 606) 629(769)

a l w v i o v ] alwvLOf; 769

x a l ' ] om 253 (655 659)

iyXei^si] lxXel(l«] 253 (655 659)

tzi] + i<-aiA.cn

9. r ipoaexotj^ev a[j.apTMX6;- x a l x a r a p a T a t ^WY)V auToO" TTTjv 7)fiepav yevsCTewq aOToO x a l loSlvag tXTjTpo?.

10. 7 r p o a e 0 7 ] x e v A t i a p x l o t ; ecp' A jxotpTla i ; tftsr^ a u r o O -ETteaev, 6TL Kovir^pov TO nxdjm auToO' x a l o u x avaan^CTSTat..

1 1 . 1 aTCuXeta TOU af iapTwXou e lq TOV al&iva-x a l OU [LVT^(y9ylae^:al 6 T a v eTrtaxlTtrrjTat. Stxalou?.

12. auTT] -i [xepl;; TWV aixapTwXMV eiq TOV a l w v a -o l Se yO^OUfJLSVOL TOV XUpLOV avaCTTI^CTOVTaL eic, "CfiyTfW alwvLOV

x a l 7) t wT] auTwv ev cpojTl x u p i o u x a l o u x exXeltJjct. Ixi.

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PsSoI 3

" Here and elsewhere, the gnomic singular is best translated by plural in Enghsh. « See fh. 63.

" Gk:"his fall was evil."

"° Gk: "portion," "share," "doom," or "what is reserved for." Sec 4.14; 5.4; 14.9; also Ps49.13 NRSV; 81.15.

" See Dan 12.2; 2 Mac 7.9; Job 33.29f.

"...be in eclipse." See Thucydides, History ofthe Peloponnesian War, 1.23; 2.28; Plutarch, Aemilius Panlus 17.

9. The sinners" stumble and curse their Hfe, the day of dien birth and dieir modier's labor pain.

10. They sin repeatedly" in dieir hfe: They fall, and are seriously hint," diey will never get up again.

11. The destruction of sitiners is forever, and they will not be remembered when God looks after die righteous.

12. This is the fate"'of sinners forever; but fliose who fear die Lord

shall rise up to eternal life," and dieir life shall be in die Lord's light

and it shall never end"

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4. ALaXoyif) TOO HaXwfxwv TOI? aM&pwnapeoxoc;:

1. "Iva TL ou, ^epTjXe* xa&Tjoai. Iv auveSpitfi oa iwv xal fj xapSla aou [jiaxpav a9eoTT,xsv IXTCO TOO xupiou*

ev Ttapavof i lat i ; uapopyl^Mv TOV fteov 'lapai^X-2. 7tept.aa6g ev XoyoLt;- Tceptaaoi; ev oTjfxeLwoei, unep n d v T a g -

6 axXTjpoi; ev XoyoLi; xaTaxp't-vat ifjLapTMXoin; ev x p l a e L *

4=A] 253 629 (769) F 260 (149) - T e T p a T o ? A 336 At-aXoyr)] ooq^la (orig text in red) t ^Xfjiog (overwritten in black)

606 *FaX[i6; 149

T O U ] o m 3 3 6 * T « 260 (149 606)

SaXMfjudv] aoXoti*)VTo<; (655 659*) aaXofAwv 659c 260 (149 606)

629 (769) 336

Tol<;] om (655 659) av&pwTrapeaxoLi;] av&pwTieupeaxTjv 655m 659

•I- TerapTO? A 336

1. ^e[3-/)Xe xaOTjoat] = iuf<'^Av. r < ^ - | - x a ^ a a t . Pe YjXe 260 (149 471

606) 629 (xa&r)oe ^efi7)Xe 769) 336

xa&7;oa! , ] xa&Tjoe 769

o o t w v j o m 260 (149 471 606) OCTIW 253 (655 659) 629 (769)

TOU] om 336

x u p i o u J re'oArC

2. TtepLOCToq^] TiepLaog 769*

<rr\]xtn^zi] oeLtxeLciaei. (655 659*)

6] om 336 o l (655 659m)

axXr.po?] LaxXr.po? 336

x a T a x p l v a L ] x a T a x p l v o t t ; 655 659m xaraxplvoiv 260 (149 471 606) x a T a x p l v e L 629 (769)

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4. A Dialogue" of Solomon with Hypoerites "

1 .Why are you sitting in the Holy Sanhedrin," you foul" person? When your heart is far from the Lord, provoking the God of Israel with your rotten behavior?

2. Verbose and flamboyant more than anyone, harshly condemning defendants" in court.''

"Debate." Odier MSS read: "Psahn.." ^ Gk: "those who flatter people," "those trying to impress people," "opportunists," "demagogues," "Tartuffes," or even "politicians." "Those who attempt to win public approval and applause at the sacrifice of principle."

Gk: "assembly of the holy ones/devout." Some MSS omit "of the devout." In Jerusalem, in the first century B.C.E., the "assembly of the holy ones" (or "holy assembly") it most probably refers to the supreme council, die Great Sanhedrin, rather than to a local sanhedrin. " "Desecrator," profainer." " Gk: "sinners," "criminals." ^ Gk: "in judgment."

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3. TcpwTOL?] 7] pwroL? 655m 659m auTov ] a[. . .]T6v

i ^XeL] TJXo) 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

atiapTLwv] a iapTwXMv 253 (655 659) r < t ^ ^

djjLapTTLwv xal ev axpaalat,^] r < i ^ J i . i T < A I C U L . T ] E . . I

xal'] om 253 (655 659)

axpaalaE.<;] euxpaalati; 336

4. StaaxoX^?] p^A\oaij

auTou' ] om 253 (655 659)

ofuvaXXayiJuxirt,] auvaXaytxaTL 659

5. anoxputpoti;] rC^cuLu

afjiapTavet] om Syr

o^ixJox' 253 (655 659)

TcaoT)] Ttaaa 659*

a u v T a y ^ ] r^dvi-j^

elooSw] elowSw (655 659)

o lxlav] olxelav 253

ev '] om 253 (655 659)

iXapo-ojTL] iXapoTt 253 (655 659)

(o<; i xaxo? ] a a x x o ; 655 woaxxo<; 253 (655 659)

6. •C0Ui;...6CTlMv] r^^VA\ ^ . i r<u«. ^ ^ ^ . - T r < * i r < 3 ^r^'oa^ns-T jtevla] ne[xa (655m TtoXepia 655c marg 659) r^Avojoarxw

3. Kal x^lp auToO EV TCpwToti; eu' aOrov w<; ev t^rikzi. xal auTO? Svo/oi; ev TtotxLXlqt a juxpft-wv xal ev axpaolat.(;-

4. 0 1 6<p&aX{xol auToO ETTI uaaav yuvalxa (iveu Staa-roX'^i;" •fl Y^woCTa auToO "j euST)); ev ouvaXXayjiaTt, p^S' 6pxou-

5. ev VUXTI xa l Iv aTroxpucpot? aj iapTaveL w? o u x opw(JLevo?-ev oqj&aXtiol; auToO XoXel rnxat} yuvacxl Iv auvTa*i75 xaxlaq-

T a x u ? elaoSw el? Tiaoav olxlav Iv iXaponrjTt. dtxaxot;-

6. 'E^apat 6 -zouq ev uTTOxploEL (^wvxa? xeTii oo lwv Iv cp&opqi: oapxof; aurou xal Tievla TT)V (WTTJV auTou-

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PsSol 4

" T h e courtroom defendants. " O n e MS reads: "appears content." ""Syr: "immodesdy."

" Gk: "his tongue is false in making a contract under oadi." " Gk: "widi his eyes he speaks...of evil arrangements." " Gk: "lift off' (die eardi.); "banish."

" Gk: "May dieir flesh be decayed and their life be impoverished."

His hand is among the fiist to be lifted against die defendant," as if he were motivated by a virtuous zeal, but he himself is guilty of a whole hoard of sins with no self-control.''

His eyes are on every woman promiscuously," he lies when making contracts under oadi."

He sins secredy and at night, as if no one saw him. With his eyes he proposirions every woman for illicit affairs.*^

However, he is quick to enter cheerflilly into every house, as if he were iimocent.

May God snatch away" diesc hypocrites ftom among his devout;

May he live his life in sickness and in poverty."

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7. avaxaXuti^ai.] avaxaXutpa; (655* dvaxaXut]/aL 655c)

8. StxacwaaLoav] St-xatwaaaav 655* 659 SLxatwaacev 260 (149 471

606) Si -xaluaaLav 629 Scxalwoaecav 769

6aLOL]ol 6aioi 260 (149 471 606) 336 r<s6^

S'-xalou] TOU Stxalou 336

vofjLOv] [lovov 253 (655 659)

86Xou]SouXou 253 (655 659)

9. auTuv] auTou 336 ,maV*_a^

eTr']cv 260 (149 471 606)

olxov] otxw 260 (149 471 606)

avSpo;] om Syr

euoTaSela] euoTa&la 253 (655 659) (471 606) 336

aXXii;X«vj .iw .Tw.t

7i:apav6[JL(ovJ f<'A\ala-x..'i

10. Ol][ . . . ] I 629 7iapaXoyt.CT|iO[.] r ^ r m r < £ i x . c u j ^

aSlxouJ ASlxcdv 253 (655 659)

a7rcaT7;]aveCTTr, 260 (149 471 606) .o-ia

evlxTjoevJ evlxT^ae 260 (149 471 606) 336 om Syr

ev opcpavla] r<4>a» AviS

7. ivaxoXu'J'aE. 6 deot; x i I p y a av&pwTtMv av&pwTtapetTKwv • Iv xaxayeXwrt. xa l [j.uxT7]ptatiw t a Spya auToO-

8. x a l Stxat-woatCTav 6aL0L TO xpt(j.a TOO 9eo0 a u T u v ev TW e^alpea&at. afi-apTaiXoui; a n o TcpoawTiou St-xalou* a v & p w T t a p e o x o v XaXoOvTa v6[xov [leTa S6Xou-

9. Ka l ol oySaXfjiol auTwv I T T ' o l x o v dvSpo? ev euCTTa&ela-btq (Syi-i; S'-aXOaat. aocplav aXXi Xwv ev Xoyocg Tiapavofxtov-

10. 0 1 XoyoL auToO TiapaXoyLopiol e l ; itpd^tv cTrL&ufila? aSlxou* oux aTieaTT; e v l x Y j a e v a x o p T r l o a t ev opcpavla-

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PsSol 4

** "Specious argiunents intending to deceive." "casuis t ry ." Gk: " the wisdom of one another."

7. May God unmask the deeds of those hypocrites. and expose their deeds with ridicule and derision.

8. And may the devout prove their God's judgment to be right, by the removal of the sinners from the presence of the righteous, even that hypocrite who deceitfiilly quotes the Torah.

9. And then their eyes are on another person's peaceful home like a serpent.

Their arguments'' desn-oy with distorted words. 10. He speaks deceitftilly, so that he may carry out his evil desires.

He does not give up until he succeeds in scattering them as orphans.

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11. olxov] om 260 (149 471 606)

12. b/ 7Tapavo[i.l(f ev TauTig] r < l a . ^ p O c n a

(5XE»peOoai] 6Xo9pe0aat 260 (149 471 606) 629? (769) 336

13. IfiTclTtXaTat.] l[i7tsKXaTat 655 e(x7ieXaTaE. 659 e[i7rltJL7rXaTaE. 769

ci?] om 260 (149 471 606)

^ST)?] om 260 (149 471 606) 6 (jlSr)? 336 . icui .

14. iTL|xla] aTijil 659*

15. oSuvai?] oSiivat? 655*

Ttevla] ev Ttevla 260 (149 471 606)

x a l ' ] om 253 (655 659)

Xiijcai,;] oSuvai? 260 (149 471 606)

li,eytpaii] t^tpaii 336

inoplace] aKopla? (655 659) auopla (471 606)

11. Kal TQpTJiJUOTEv olxov IvExev E7ti.8u(j.La<; 7tiipav6(iou-TcapeXoyLaaTO ev XoyoLt;-6TL OOX SOTCV 6po)v xal xplvwv

12. -ETrXi^cr^ ^v ixapavo[i.l(f ^v Taunr]' xa l ol o^daXfxol auxoO ITC' o l x o v ^Tepov oXeOpeOaat XoyoLi; avan-repwaew^-

1 3 . Oux IjiTclTtXaTai. iJ' Z'l ™TOO-(i? qcSf]?- ev TtaoL TouTor.?-

1 4 . FevotTO- xupte- tiepl? aO-roO £v a-rifxla evwTrtov oou* YJ l^oSof; auToO Iv OTevaYfiol? xa l elooSo; autoO h op^-

1 5 . sv iSiivat? x a l nevlqt x a l dtTiopla IQ O l auTou- xupLS 6 uTtvo? auToO Iv XuTiatt; x a l s^eYepoL? aurou ev aTroplat?-

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PsSol 4

Gk: "words that give wings," "agitating words." Gk: "soul." Gk: "Hades."

^ Gk; "May his portion be in dishonor before you."

11. He devastates a home with his twisted desire. He deceives with words, for he thinks;

"There is no one who sees or judges." 12. He gorges himself with these kinds of crooked acts at one place,

and then his eyes focus on another house, to destroy it with seductive words'

13. With all this his appetite,^ like Death,' is not satisfied.

14. Lord, may his destiny be disgrace.* May he go out groaning and come back cursing.

15. Lord, may his life be lived in agony, poverty, and distress; may he have trouble sleeping and difficulty getting up.

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16. a9at.pE&el7]J a9a(,pcu&el7] (655 659)

VUXTI] UXTI 659 aTTOTieoo!,] aTTOTteaoLEv 253 aTtoTiaaoLev (655 659m)

aTioTtEOEL (471 606)

XetpMvJ xs'-pw? 655m 659 x^t-po? (471 606) EV aTt.[j,lqt...auTou^ (verse 17)] om 253 (655 659)

aT ' , ( i la] oLxi^lov 629

17. eXXtTCT-;] eXXeLTtVj; 253 (655 659) 769

18. ( x o v o o e t ] txovla 253 (655 659)

av<iX7]ti.] Lv] ivdtXT,<;Lv (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 629

(769) 336

ev...avdX7][xi|;Lv] tcncus<iai xu

19. axopTTLO^elTjaav] ou oxop7rt .a&el7]aav (655 659)

20. 69&aXfioug] om Syr

exx69ataav ] exxoc^etav 260(149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

d99aXfi00i;...x6paxe!;J exxotj/etav x o p a x e ; 69daX(x,ou(; av&puTrwv

260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

u7coxp(,vo(ievuv] uTcoxptvc^jievwv (655 659)

Tl)pTi[xwa«v] TgpTijjtoKrev 253 (655 659)

TCoXXout; ov&pwi iwv] a v d p u i c u v TIOXXWV 629 (769)

eaxopuLoav] l o x o p T i t o e v 253 (655 659)

lv ' ]om 253 (655 659)

1 6 . acpa(.pe&st.Y) UTCvo<; ATCO xpoxtx^wv auroO kv vuxTt* inoneaoi aizo nccjxoq spyou /et-ptiv auToO

ev aTt[JLtq[. 1 7 . Ksv6<; xepaiv autoG CICTIX^OL clq TOV olxov auToO"

xal eXXLTTf); 6 OLXO<; auToO ano TtavTOi; ou IfinXi^oei. ^'^X')'' auxou'

18. ev (lovciaei arexvlai; TO y^pa; auTou EII; ihtA'kfuii^i'j-

19. SxopuLCT&elTjoav oapxE<; av&pawcapeoxwv UKO &Tr]plwv xal ooTd Tiapav6[jLwv x a T e v a v T L TOO :^Xlou ev aTt.(xlqf

20. '09&aX[X0U(; exxoil/aLaav xopaxe; u7roxpt.vo[jtivwv 6x1 T,pri}ibxra.v olxou; TCoXXout; avO pwTtwv ev a.xi[ilcf.-

xal eaxopirtaav ev eitL&ufxlqf

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PsSol 4

" Gk: "May sleep be taken away from his temples at night."

" Gk: "to which he sets his hand."

" Gk: "fill his soul." ** Gk: "his being taken up." The term is not found in die LXX and only in Lk 9.51. Syr: "and may none of his children come near to him." " Gk: "Those who twist die law." ("Lawyers"?) " See [5t 28.26; Ez 6.5; 29.5; 39.17. " Gk: "scatter"

16. May he be unable to sleep at night,-May he fail disgracefully in everything he does.'

17. May he return to liis house empty-handed, may Ids house lack everything with which he would saiisly himself;"

18. May his old age be spent alone and childless, until he passes away.*

19. Let wild animals tear apart the flesh of the hypocrites, and may die bones of die criminals" disgracefully bleach out in the sim.*

20. May crows peck out the eyes of these hypocrites, because diey disgracefully seized so many people's homes, and greedily evicted' them.

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2 1 . lpLV>ia&7]aav] l\rirp^f, 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

&EouJ avapwTcou 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

OUX ] OU x a l 7 6 9

e9o!37}0Tr^aav] cpo^-rjOTjaav 7 6 9

&E6V] x u p c o v ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

(icTtaat.] KaoL 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 3 3 6

T i a p w p y i a a v ] TrapopyYjaav 2 5 3 ^ ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

T i a p w ^ u v a v ] Ttapti^uvev 2 5 3 6 5 9 Ao!u»A\f 7capw^7]vev 6 5 5

2 2 . e ^ a p a t ] e ^ d p a ? ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) .T=CU.T

uTrexplvovTo] uTrexp lvETo 6 5 9 uTTExpuvovTo 3 3 6

2 3 . aOTcSv] ' x a l 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) 3 3 6

puCTETai"] pi^aexaL 6 5 5

TKio?] uji i? ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

2 4 . e ^ o p a t ] 5ipai. 2 5 3 ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) . • m r f

U7rep7)9avlc)c] UTreptcpavla ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) UTCoprjcpavla 7 6 9

( i i y a ? ! om Syr

2 1 . Kal oux l[jLviiia87]aav OeoG-xa l oux e9opi^BTr)aav'c6v Oeov hi licTcaaL TOUTOL;* xa l TcapwpyLoav TOV SSOV xal Trapto^uvotv.

2 2 . e ^ a p a t , auTOUi; OITIO T ^ ; y^g-OTL axaxwv TtapaXoYLafiu uTcexplvovTO-

2 3 . Maxapt-OL ol 9ofiou(i,evo(, TOV x i ipcov ev a x a x l a auTtov 6 xupLoi; ^uaeTat, auToui; aTCO av&pwTTtov SoXlwv xa l afiapTwXuv xa l puoerai •^fxai; aTro TiavTo? axavSaXou 7iapav6[jL0U.

2 4 . "E^apai 6 Oeoi; TOUI; TTOLOOVTOI; ev U7tepY|9avla Ttaaav aSLxlav

6TL xpE.T7)5 tieyag xal xpaTat-o? xupt-oi; 6 ^eo; ^pLwv ev Stxat-oouvT]-

2 5 . FEVOITO- xupLe" TO eXeo? aou eTrl TiavTa? TOU? ayaTrwvTai; ae:

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PsSol 4

Gk: "souls of the innocent ones."

Gk: "from the snare of one who twists the law."

21. In all these ±ings they have not remembered God, nor have they feared God in all these things; but they have angered and aggravated God..

22. May he banish them from the earth, because they betrayed these poor souls' with their lies.

23. Happy are those who are innocent and fear the Lord. The Lord will rescue them from dcccitfiil and sinful people, and will rescue us from every legal tr^.^

24. May God banish those arrogantly doing every injustice, because our God is a powerfiil Lord and a great and just judge.

25. Lord, may your mercy be upon all those who love you.

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5. VaXfAO? l]aXtd[K>)V:

Kiipt-e 6 9s6q- a l v e a u TU ovofxaTt a o u ev ayaXXtaoef h [i£a(<) l7T(,aTa|jtevwv T a x p i ^ T a a o u T a StxaLa-

6TL a u xp>]aT6(; xa l eXeT fjUdV TJ x aTacpuyr ) Tou TCTW^ OU' ev TW xexpaYSVat (xe T i p o ? ae tlT) 7rapaaL(iWrT^aT]<; a n ' e[jLoO-

ou yap XiQi^etal axOXa j tapa avSpo? SuvaToO-x a l T I ; Xij^jieTat ai to TcavTMV MV l i t o l Y j a a ?

sav jxT] au S ^ -6TL dtv^pwno? x a l [lepU auToO T i a p a aoO ev aTai>[jwi)'

ou Tipoa&T^aet TOO jxXeovaaac Tiapa TO xptfia oou: 6 fteo;-

5 = A] 260 (149) E 253 629 (769) 336 *f"aX[jL6g TW 2aXw[juiv] ~ T ^ oaXo[iwv ^<xk[i.ot; 7r£[A7iTO!; E 336

Tu] om 149 ToO 655 TO 659

2 a X u ( i M v ] aaXo|xwv 260 (149 606) 336 aoXo(JKiv 629 (769) aoXojJUdvTO? 655 aaXo[juovTO? 659

1. alveaw] I v a l a u (655 659)

TW] TO (471 606) 336

6v6|jLaTl] 6vo|xa (471 606) 336 6vo(ia 606

2. au] om 253 (655 659)

XpiJoTo;] euxpir)aTo; 253 (655 659)

r,] si 260 (149 471 606)

3. ou]+Ta? (655iti 659) ou...SuvaTou] om 629 (769) yap] om (655ni 659)

axOXa] + SvSpwKo? 260 (149 471) 606 {pr TI? vG}

Trapa] airo 336

l i v ] wv 769

4. aoO'] ao l 260 (149 471 606)

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5. A Psalm of Solomon

O Lord God, I will joyfully praise your name among those who know your equitable judgments.

Because you are kind and mercifiil, the refiige of the destitute.' When I cry out in anguish^ to you, do not ignore me.

For if no one can rob' a strong man, who can take anything from all you have made, unless you give it away?

Because a person and their destiny are on the scales before you; no one can add anything that goes against your decisions, O God.

Gk: -Tjcggar." ™ Gk: "saBam,""croak." See 1.1.

Gk: "take loot from...."

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5. CTe]om 253 (655) x a l (659)

aTTOCTTpeijjT)] aiioCTTpet^st,; 260 (149 471 606) aTroCTTpei^nr]; 336

6T'. CTU 6 ^eo; ifitiuv] om (655 659)

6 ^ e o ; Tifi^v E ! ] ~ e l 6 9 e 6 ; V*^"^ 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

6. ^apuvT);] ^apuve: . ; 336 . i u o ^ ^

SL'] S ' (655 659)

St,' a v a y x T j v ] . ^ L U ^

7. edcv fiT; cKCCTTpeij^; ^fJt-a;] ^jsa w y l a r ^ uyao3^ riX

acpE^oiiE&a] dt ECTOfxe&a (655 659) tjyisn XLM.TJ

8. TiELvaCTw] TTLvdtCTw 253 (655 659) 336 TIELVO; 769 * • r<.Tai

CTU] CTol 336

9. TpE9E(,;] /a/ to end of verse 629

6ET6V] el? -rov 655 659 UUTOV 769 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

5. 'Ev Tw SXt^EodaL Vjixo? iniy.Qikea6jxe^i as e l ; poT^&et-av

xa l o u oux aTTOOTpetj/T; TTJV SETJOLV TQ^Juiv 8TL CTU 6 Oeo; ri\iiiiv el-

6. ^apuvrji; nrjv x^-po'^ cr^u ecp' TQ[Aotc*

7. x a l l av (XTJ e7CLaTpe4n[;? V a ; - oux acpe^Ojxe^a-aXX' ^Tt l ae -jj^otJiev.

8. 'Eav yap TieE-vaCTWTtpo? ae xexpi^otAa!,* 6 ^ e o ; -

9. T a TCETELva xa l TOU; Ix^^at!; CTU Tpecpst-i;"

ev Tw St-SovaL CTE ueTov epTf;(j,ot.? e l ; i v a T o X 7 ; v x ^ ^ ^ ? '

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PsSol 5

'* Gk: '*make your hand heavy against us." See Job 2.5.

^ Syr "...and do not tum your face from us lest we go far from you."

* Gk: "savannahs," "empty grasslands."

5. When we are persecuted, we call on you for help and you will not turn away from oiu- prayer, because you are our God.

6. Don't be too detn^ding of us,'"* lest we sin in desperation. 7. And even if you don't turn us back,

we will not keep away, but we will come to you."'' 8. For if I am hungry. I will cry out to you, O God,

and you will give me something. 9. You feed the young birds and the fish,

when you send rain to the wilderness'"* that the grass may grow;

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The Psahns of Solomon

10. iTOLjiaoaL 5^opTaa[AaTa ev epy\[jLu Kayxi J MVTL" x a l e a v ;itvaowotv Trpo^ o e apoOatv i r p o o w n o v aurwv

11. TOU? ^aotXel? x a l dp^^ovTa? x a l Xaou? o u Tpe9eL?" 6 &e6?-

x a l TTTW^ ou x a l TcevTjTO?!^ eXnl^TL? eOTLV e l (i-r; o u - x u p i e -

12. x a l o u STtaxouoYj-6TL zliy^rflzoi x a l EKLELXT)? xXX' T) OU"

eucppavai tj x*)" TaTtetvoG ev TW a v o l ^ a i X^^P* " eXect-

13. 'H XP^OTOTT]? av9pw7tou sv cpetSw x a l r, auptov x a l sav SsuTspwOT; a v e u yoyyuo\iou x a l TouTO ftaujAaosLa?

10. IroLfiaoai |r;Tol|j.aoa; Ra=vG|

XopTaofxaTa] x o p « o ( j i a T a (655 659) xopriofjia 769* x o p T i o j i a T 769c

Epif)|jiw] Ipijjilw (655 659)

TOvaowotv] i r e t v a o w o t 260 (149 471 606) 336 Ttsivrjowot 769 (629)

opoOoiv] d p o u o L 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

T i p o o w T t o v J i tpoowTia 260 (149 471 606) TrpoowTt 769c

11. i p x o v T a ? ] TOU? i p x o v T a ? 260 (149 471 606)

TpEcpEt?] oTpscpei; 253 (655 659)


fkniq] EXitTi? (655 659)

12. s j t a x o u o i ) ] e i t a x o u o r ) ? 253 (655 659)

T I ; ] am Avjr^

sutppotvai] . . s - 9 < ] > ^ 16hl'i_=cBA\ 16hl*

il'ux'iv] TY)v "l^jrt^ (655 659)

TaTie ivou] om Syr

eXsEt] EXEW 25 (149 471 606) 629 336 iUr, (655 659) sXalw 769

13. 9etSw ] 9lXw 260 (149 606 471) ^EISOI 336

ai5ptov] • i u s j o

Sav] -Hxal 260 (149 471 606) 336 SsuTEpwoT]] SEUTepwosi (655 659) ^ ivs i i t<i4u.-i am

9au|xaosi.a?] ftauiji.(—>; erased 253 9au | j . ao iaaw 629 (769) »au(xaoa? 655 659

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PsSol 5

J 0. So to provide pasture in the wilderness; for every living thing; when they are hungry, will turn to you.

11. You feed kings and rulers and their subjects,"* O God, and who is the hope of the poor and the needy, if not you, O Lord?

12. And you will listen, because who is kind and generous but you. cheering the humble,'"^ by reaching out in mercy?

13. Human kindness comes meagerly, and delayed ''• and if it is repeated without grumbling this is remarkable.

' Gk: "they will lift up their faces to you."

' Gk: "(common) people."

' Gk: "at cheering [the] soul of [the] lowly man." Syr: "...satisfied."

' Gk: "opening your hand in mercy?" Gk: "tomorrow." The sense is that human help is always "too little and too late,"

in contrast to God's help that is generous and prompt. For "meagerly" one MS reads: "to a friend."

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14. xf^J^OTTITO;] -Xpr^axoxT, 336* (the last word of text of ms 336 before the lacuna extending to 8.12a)

XAT TTXOUOLOV ...axa&APCTLOI; (8.12) ] om 336


OU'] OUX 253 (655 659) rt-AvAo

eaTLv] goTT) (655 659)

Tj iXTtl; ettI ae] = tr^c\:i r C - t a w

~ ETCL ae XUPTE ^ EXTCL; 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

EV] lAv (655 659)

16. ou] oO (655 659)

&e6;] pC.tsb

EV AUFXFJLETPTQT AUTOPXELA;] as^Qan. ! .r<'A»aOctt=a=i

a u T a p x e l o ; ] aurapxeala? 260 (149 471 606) AUXAPXLA; 253 (655 659)

17. Ixavov] r<jjjQA

uiTpLov] r^^cur^QOM


TTXTR]CTP,OVT]V] 7i:XET,a(jL0vr]V 253


15. 'ETCI Tcaoav TIQV YTJV TO SXeo; oou* xupte' i:v XPTTJOTOTTJTL-



Page 112: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 5

Gk also: "May yoin mercy..."

Syr: "Lord."

Gk: "with a proportionate sufficiency."

Gk: "If a man is "

14. But your gift is abundantly kind and generous, and those who hope in you will have everything they need.

15. O I^ord, your kind mercy'" extends over all the earth. 16. Happy is the one whom God"^ remembers

widi only what is necessary.'" If people a r e " excessively rich, diey easily sin.

17. Moderate wealth with righteousness is enough, for diis comes widi die Lord's blessing: to be satisfied with righteousness.

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18. eutppivSijaavJ Yiucppav9i)oav 253 (655 659)

{eu9pavl>£l7]aav Ra=vG}

4 v ' ] n m 253 (655 659)

19. EuXoyv tAEVT]] euXoyL[iivY) 655 769

18. Eu!ppav87]CTav ol cpopou[i£VOL x u p t o v ev iya&oiz'

x a l Y) XP1OT0'";? oou eTt l lopa i^X ev gaoiXela aou-

19. EuXo-piixevT) So^a xupiou 6TI, a u T o ; paaiXeu? i)[jMw.

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PsSol 5

18. Those who fear the Lord are content with their possessions.

May your kindness be upon Israel as you rule.

19. Praised be the glory of the Lord because he hiiitself is our king.

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6. 'Ev ^XTCLSE. Tw LaXtdtiwv:

1. Maxapto; dtvigp ou xapSLa auroO exoLfAT) encxocXeffotaO^at. TO ovofjta xuptou-ev Tw (xv7][xovEU6t.v auTov TO 6vo(Aa xupiou aw9r,aeTai,-

2. cd oSol auTOu xocxeudiivovTaE. uTtoxuptou* xocl 7ce9oXaY[jLeva Ipya xe^pwv auxoO

UTTO xupLOU &eoO auToG-3. 'ATTO 6paoeo>? TcovTjpoiv IVUTCVLWV auTou

ou Tapocx^oeTat ig auToO* ev Sca^aaet TcoTajiwv xal CTOCXOV &aXaaowv


6=< j 769 om 253 606 629 336

eXTtlSt.] eXtcI? (655m 659m)

T6iJ ToO (655 659)

SaXwfi^v] aaXo{jLwv 260 (149 606) 629 (769) aoXo[jLwv 253 aoXofjLwvTO? 655 (TaXo|JLwVToi; 659

1. EJxtxaXeaaa&at] ^TiLxaXe'Lo^at. 260 (149 471 606) xupiou ] 9eou 629

[ivrjfioveuELv] fiVTjtJioveuea&aL 655m ^ e u e v c marg 655 (659) ovofxa] prTo 629

2. UTTO] MM ^

xupiou^] om Syr

3. opaoew;] 6paaEwv 260 (149 606) 629 (769)

TCovTjpwv] uovn^pov 659*

EVUTTvluv] P<>\ \ -1.1

ou' ...auTouJ asxsuo .oen cni_..i.t . . . A ^ i ^ ^ r<i.

S(.afiaaE(.] Sta^aoeTe (655 659) rt-.-tar^-

TTOTafJuov] 7xo(Awv 769 7roT(iciv 769c

adXov] 655m a a w v 655c marg aaXwv 260 (149 471 606) f^ ' .T .y

aaXw {Legarde, vG}


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6. With Hope. OfSolomon

1. Happy is the person whose heart is ready to call upon the name ofthe Lord for help.

When diey remember die name of die Lord diey will be saved. 2. Their ways are dnected by die Lord,

and the works of their hands are guarded by die Lord " ' their God.

3. Their spirit will not be troubled by nightmares;"' they will not be frightened when crossing rivers or rough seas.

" ' Syr omits "die Lord"

Gk: "the vision of evil dreams."

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4. 7]6X6Y7]aevJ eOXoyTioev (655 659) cuXoyTjae 260 (149 471) 606)


TW ovof iaTt , ' ] TO fivofia 260 (149 471 606)

xupiou...ovopLaTt] om (655 659)

e u o T a f t e l a ] euaTa&la 253 (471 606)

£^u[jLVY)<yev] l^ufxv7)os 260 (149 471 606) 629

TW'] TO 260 (149 471 606)

ovof iaTL ' ] 5vo(xa 260 (471 606)

ToG &eoG auToG] r C - i s o

auToO^lom 253 (655 659)

5. xuptoq] om (655 659)

elcnixouoev] eltr^xouae 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) ev g p o ^ deoG] acn n i ^ A j j . i a . i

6. auTov ] a ' TOV {VG}

6']om 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

xupLOi;' ] om Syr

£Xeo?] gXeov 260 (149 471 606)

x a l TrjuXiyirjaev TW 6v6(i,aT[. xupiou-STT' eua-zoL&eicf. xapSlo? auTOu e^u[JL^n50Sv

TU 6v6(xaTt, TOU &eoO auToO* x a l eSeiQOT] TOU n p o a w T i o u x u p i o u

T c e p l TcavTog TOO otxou auroO-xal x u p t - o g e l o T i x o u a e v Trpoaeux'jv TcavTot;

ev cp6p(]j &eoO-xal Trav atrrjtia ^Mji^q eXTCti oucnr]? Trpo? auTov

CTtLTeXsl. fixupLo?' euXo-prjTO? xuptoi; 6 TIOLWV tXeoq

xolq ayaTCwoLv auTOV ev aXT^&eia-

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PsSol 6

Gk: "in good health; well-equipped; in good form."

Syr "the Lord"

Syr "Him."

They rise out of sleep and give praise to the name of the Lord, when their hearts are strong,'" ±ey sing out to the name of their God.'"

They seek the Lord for everyone in their household, and the Lord hears the prayers of all who fear God.'^

The Lord fulfills every request from all those who hope in him. Praised be the Lord who shows mercy

to those who truly love him.

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7. Tw I!aX(>){JL(dv- ent-aTpoy-?);:

t v a (JLT; ^TtLOwv-uat. i^fxlv ot e[ZLCT7;aocv T FAO; Swpeav 2. 6T[. AJTCIOW AUTOUI;- 6 &e6^

(XT) TTA-NJUOTTW 6 TTOU; auTwv xXii^povofxlofv AYIDCAFJIATO; aou-

3. aO Iv deXi^fxaTt aou TcaiSsuoov i^JII;*

4. e a v y a p ATTOA-relXT]; FTIVATOV

au evTeX-Q AUTU TREPL i^pLwv 5. 6x1 CTU lXe: FZCI)v

x a l oux opYi-crOi dTrj TOO uuvTeXeaat r,\idiq-

6. 'Ev Tw xaTacrxTjvouv TO 6^oy.a. <TOU ev fiecw i^fi.wv

£XeT^&T;a6[jLe8a-x a l oux LCTXUCTet, TCpo; i^IIA:; e&vo;-

7=Z]2S3 629(769)C; 260 (149)

TM] TOU (655 659)

2aX6)[«ov] oaXotxwv (655 659) 260 (149 606) 629 (769) ooXo[xwv 253

1. ii]prC 253*


V v J ^[Ai; (655 659)

IliiffTiCTav] (ILUYJAAVTE? 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) ^ a r C » . t

2. dcTCtitTw] a7i6aa> 659

Tta-njCTaTw] K a T t a d v T w 253


3. 9EXyi(IATL] m\r,iun:i (655 659)

J9vE<ii,v] J&UEOCV (655m 659)

4. Y I P J om (655 659)

inoCTTetXr)?] inonreXirj? (655 659)

cvTeX^J n°fw

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7. Of Solomon: Restoring.

Don't leave us'" O God, so those who hate us without cause might not attack us. because you have pushed them away, O God.

May their feet not trample your holy inheritance.'^ Discipline us as you wish.

but don't tum us over to the Gentiles;'^^ for if you send Death away, it will be because

you, yourself, have told him what to do about us. '" Because you are kind,

and you would not be angry enough to destroy us.

While your name lives among us, wc will receive mercy; and the Gentiles will not defeat us.

Gk; "Don't pitch your tent away, far away from us."

The Temple; see 2.2, 19. 123 Qj.. i^You, yourself, instruct us about what you desire

and don't give (such instruction) to the Genriles..."

O r "For tf ever you dispatch Death, you give him orders about (avoiding) us."A possible allusion to the Exodus (12.23).

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7. UTiepaoTTLaTT)!; IQ[JIWV] ^ j t o i -

au=]om 629 (769)

euaxouair]] iKaxouoet? 629 (769)

8. olxTLpTioet;] olxTetp-iioeL? 253 260 (149 471 606) 6 IxTTjptiwv 655 6 lxTT,pi^aoi!; (655c 659) olxTT^pTQaet,? 769 yevo?] ciii^Ti aTcwaif)] aTcwaet. 253 aTcooet, (655 659) \^Ai

9. xal'...aou^ (vs 9)] om Syr TcaiSela?] nanUaq 253 n<x.Mas (655m 659) ;:atSel^ 629? (769)

10. xaTeuduvel?] xaTeu^vei-i; 260 xatp^] xepw 655 xaepw 655^

S> 253 (655 659)

eTTirjyyelXw] eTcetyyelXw 769*

7. 6x1 ou uTTepaaTTE-axTf)!; T^fjuliv x a l r,iLtlq l7tt.xaXeo6[xe&a o e -x a l a u iTiaxouav] T (xa>v-

8. STL a u olxTcpTQoeLf; TO ye'^oq lapairjX zlq TOV a l w v a * x a l OUX anwoTQ-

9. xal yiiislq OTTO J^uyov aou TOV a l w v a x a l (xaaTcya KOLi^zloLq a o u -

10. xaTeu&uvsl? - [jLa? ev xatpw avTiXii ti ew? aou-TOU iXefjOaE, TOV OTXOV laxw^

etc; T^jiipav ev •§ eTrrjyyelXw auTou;-

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PsSol 7

Gk: "...holder of a shield above us."

Gk: "push them away."

7. Because you are our protector,'" we will call to you and you will hear us.

8. Because you yourself will have compassion on the family of Israel forever,

and will not reject them.'^ 9. But we are forever under your yoke

and the whip of your discipline. 10. For your help will direct us at the right time,

to show mercy to the house of Jacob for the day when you promised it to them.

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8. T U SAXUFIUV e l ; v lxo;:

0X't,i|j[,v x a l 9(ovV;v KoXejiou fjxouoev TO ou; [lou* cpuv7;v aaXTCLYYo; TiXouaT]; a9avTfjv x a l oXedpov

9WVT) XaoO TcoXXou ci; avejjLou tcoXXoO acpoSpa* w; x a x a t y U n u p o ; ttoXXoO yepoficvou St' epT ixou-

K a l e l n a T ^ xapSla f iou- ttoO apaxpi-vel auTov 6 &e6?;

cpwvTjv -^xouoa el ; ' IepouaaX7 ] [ i . tcoXlv aYtaCTfAaTo;-iTuveTpl^Tf] 1 6 0 9 O ; [JLOU aTto axo"^;-

TiapeXu&Tr) yovaTa fiou: ecpo^T^^T] xapSla [jlou* ^Tapax^T; Ta OOTOL jiou w; Xlvov

8= H] 629 (769) 0 5 3 * Z 260 (149)

SaXwfiwv] aoXo^l^v 253 (655) aaXofiwv 659 260 (149 606) 629 (769)

1. -^xouaev] ^xouoe 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

TO ou; [lou] i] ^\jxr^ (xou 629 marg [=vG only]

aaXTTi-YYo;] i<-jTa.i

fiXe^pov] + cpuvTjv oaXTtLyyo; ^x°^*^i^ oyayviv xa l oXe&pov 769 din.

2. qxovTj cpMV7]v (655 659)

TToXXoO'... 7 r o X X o u ^ ] o m 655 659+w; avejiou jioXXoO 629 (769)

TioXXoO ] om Syr

ep-^fxou ] kp-f\\Lo\) 659

3. e t n a ] elnov 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

fev {Hilgenfeld,vG}

x p L v e l ] xpovel (655m 659m)

a u T o v ] auTTjv 629 (769)

&e6;] om Syr

4. e l ; J ^ 260 (149 471 606)

T^ oacpu; \j.ou] »^ i^isqcu*

aYLao[xaTo;] a y L a CT...fi,aTo;... a f i a T o ; (repeated as marker for folio

assembly) 655

5. ecpo[37)97;...[jiou] om Syr

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8. Of Solomon: On to Victory

1. I heard'" sounds of suffering and battle, die blast of a trumpet sounding slaughter and destrucdon:

2. the sound of a huge mob, like a violent, raging wind, like a roaring fne storm sweeping down through the wilderness.

3. Then I said to myself:'" "Is diis God's judgment?" ' " 4. 1 heard diese sounds in Jerusalem,'" die holy city, 5. my stomach was sick at what I heard;'^'

my knees buckled, my heart was terrified, my bones shook like reeds.'"

' Gk: "My ear heard...."

' Gk: "in my heart."

' Gk: "Where dien will God judge him?"

' SeeJer4 .5 .

' Gk: "My loins were crushed..."

' Gk: "flax reeds," or "linen clodl" or "(linen) sails."

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6. eiTta] e lra (655 659) EITTOV 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

6Sou?]8ou; 253 (655 659)

a u T w v ] auTov (655 659)

7. 'AveXoy!,aatATf]v]'AveXoy7;oa^ir]v 253 ^•o.iAvr^Q

&eouJ p«i.-cw.T

XTIOEW.;] x p l a e w ^ (655 659)

ES ' -xa lwoa] c ^ L x a l w o a v (655 659)

8. avExaXutjjev] avaxaXutJjev 253 (659) avaxaX-if)tI;ev (655) TOt; afxapTlaj; a u r w v ] ^m*.-i=i^

e v a v T i o v ] e v a v r l w v (655 659)

g y v w ] g y v w a a v 629 (769) & E 0 U ] r<."i5n.T

9. Ev^l e l ? (655 659)

xarayaloL?] xarayalou; (655m 659) x a r a y a l T j i ; 769 r t i - i r ^ . i

y.p\j<ploiQ] xpucp lou? (655 659) x p u ^ o l ? 629 (769)

al...7rapopy!,a[j.w] oaen ^ACLX-SB

TtapopyLCTfLw] 769c

&uyaTp6;] &uTp6? 629 (769)

10. rr,v]om 260 (471 606) 629 (769)


6. e u i a - xaTEU&uvouat.v 68oUi; a u r w v EV StxaLoauvTr;-

7. 'AvEXoY[.aa[jLir)v Ta xpLjiaTa TOO deou a u o xTtCTEox; oupavoG x a l yy]q-

sSt-xalwaa TOV &eov ev TOII; xpl^Aaatv auToO Tol? a u ' alwvo?

8. avexaXu^/ev 6 Seoi; viq a^apTta? auTwv e v a v T L o v TOO i^Xlou*

eyvw jcaaa T) yTJ T a x p l p i a T a TOU &eoO Ta Slxata-9. ev xaTayalo!.? xpu9lot.; a l r a p a v o f x l a t auTwv

ev 7iapopy[,0[jLw-u lo ; [ x e r a [ifixpoq x a l Tcarr ;p [ i e x a ^ y a T p o r

auvecpupovTO-10. eiioLxwvTO exauTO^ TTJV yuva lxa TOU TIXTJOIOV a u T o u "

t r u v e & e v T o a u T o l ; auv97^xa; [AETa 6pxou Tiepl TOUTWV

Page 126: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 8

Gk: "Are they directing their ways in righteousness?" (An ironic rhetorical question.)

"* Gk: "calculated," "added up." Gk: "...from the ages."

"* Ok: "mixed," "kneaded together (like dough)." See 2.13.

6. I said: "Are not these people righteous?""'

7. I considered"^ God's judgments since the creation of Heaven and Earth,

I believed God to be right in his judgments, those from the begiiming of time.'"

8. God exposed their sins to the light of the sun; all the earth recognized the righteous judgments of God.

9. But their offenses were in secret hiding-places, provoking him to anger:

son with mother, and father with daughter— they were incestuously involved""

10. They all were committing adultery with their neighbor's wives, they made agreements with each other about these things, under oath.

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11. T a a y t a ] enz..icui SiTipitaVrav] 8!,Tjp7ia!;ou(jav (655 659) St7|p7ta^ov 260 (149 471

606) 629 (769) {StT,p7ta?ooav =Ra}

6? m] oux 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

12. eTtaTouoav] ^naTouv 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

&uai.aaTT)pE.ov xupiou ] aAii.cn

x a l kv a(p4Sp(^...] first words after end of lacuna in M S 336 extending from 5.14b.

acpeSpu] a((>eSp9 243 i^aiSpav (655m 659m)

ai(j.aTO?] pr8t' (655m 659)

E l i l a v a v ] = Q I < M \ , EUlaivov 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

13. TiapeXt-Tcov] TtapeXetTiov 253 (655 659)

14. e x e p a o e v j ^ x s p a o a v (655 659)

l u T o u ; ] auTo'L^ 260 (149 471 606)

i x p a T o u ] T<±M

15. ^ a y e v ] -^yays 260 (149 471 606) 629 336

TOV'] TO (655 659)

an' EoxaTou] di ta la^aTou 253 (655 659)

TOV'] om 336

f x p t v e v ] ExptvE 659 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

11. Ta S.yixxou &eoG SL7]p7ra(^waav 4 ; (iiT) 6vT0(; xXir)pov6(iou Xu-cpoujiivou-

12. ^TraxoOaav TO &ua[.ao-n^pt.ov xupiou aTTO TrdtOTj? a x a S a p a t a ^

x a l h ayeSpu a t f i a T o i ; e(itoivav - r i ; ftuoia? xpea ?E?ir;Xot

13. ou TtotpiXLTtov a(iapTi.«v • v oux iKoir,am UTisp TIX JSVY)-

14. A(,a TOOTO exepaaev auTou; 6 &e6? TrveOjia irXaWjOeio^-£7i6-u'-asv auTou? 7COTT,PLOV otvou axpaxou elq tJL£&Y)v

15. TjYayev TOV diTi' Jox*' ' 'o'J •"j? " r t? ' '^oi' i t a i ovTo i xpata tw?-expLvev TOV 7c6Xe(xov ETTI 'lepouaaXTjji

x a l T7]v yfjV auTf)?-

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PsSol 8 '

11. They plundered God's sanctuary'" as if there were no redeeming heir.

12. They trampled the Lord's altar'" coming straight from every kind of impurity,

and widi menstrual blood on diem they defiled die burnt-offerings as if diey were ordinary meat."*

13. There was no sin that was not worse than the Genriles. 14. On account of tiiis God confiised dieir mmds; '"

he made them drink as if with undiluted wine. 15. He brought die one from the end of die earth,

the mighty warrior,'*' he declared war against Jerusalem, and against her land.

"The Temple, its fiimiture and offerings."

Syr; "Temple."

See U v 18.19.

Gk: "God mixed for diem a spirit of confusion/wandering."

Gk; "die one who snikes strongly."

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16. ajn^vTT,aav] T^TiavTT^aav 253 enaTTjaav (655 659) ol (ipxovTE?] aii^V.i

e W v ] elnov 260 (149 606) 629? (769) 336

ETieuxTT;] »ao^^

e l o a O a T e ] elaeXdeTE 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

17. wfiaXtoav] ofxaXiaav 336

T p a x e l o t ? ] Tapaxela? (655 659)

auToO] a u T w v 260 (149 471 606)

18. u l w v j ulw (655 659)

loTYjoev] eaT/joe 260 (149 606) lat 629 336

TioSa? 253; NB; Several letters have been erased following this word,

at the beginning of the next line, but no new text has been overwritten.

{LEXOi aacpaXela?] fxeTaaqjaXela? 336

19. Trupvopdpe!,?] TrupyofiaCTTa? (655 659)

6]om 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

TtXavT^aei] TtXdvT; (655 659)

20. dTTtiXEoev] IxoXeffEv (655 659)

j t a v T a J Tiav 253 (655 659)

iUx^ew] kUx^z 260 (149 471 606) 629 336 o l x o u v T w v ] o l x o u v 336

16. aTti ivTTjaav a u T w ol a p ^ o v r e ? r ^ ? yrji; [ iera x * P * ? *

SeuTE slaeX^aTE (XET' Elpi^vT;;-17. wfj-oXtaav oSoOi; r p a x E l o t i ; aKO ElaoSou aurou-

7]vo(,^av TTuXa? e 7 r r i e p o u a a X 7 ) ( j L -la-cetpavoxjav xeixr, aur?]?-

18. Elcr^X&£v (i? TratTjp el? olxov ulwvauToO ^Ae-r' elpi^vir]?-ECTTTjcrev TOU? TCoSa? auTou fiexa aa9aXel«? TTOXX- ?-

19. xareXapeTo r a ? Trupyopipet.? au-r^? xa l TO Telxo? 'lEpouaaXi^[jL-

OTL 6 OEO? TjYayev aurov ysxa aatpaXelo? ev T^ TcXavT CTet. auTWv-

20. aTTwXeaev ap^ovra? a u T w v x a l T tavTa o o ^ o v ev ^ouX-^* e^exeev TO a l fxa T«V OIXOUVTCOV 'lepouaaXirju.

(0? uSup d x a & a p o l a ?

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PsSol 8

See Atkinson, / Cried to the Lord, p. 59, who sees a second group of sinners here, separate from the Priests.

Met the invader.

'** Gk: plural. Perhaps referring to Pompey and his troops. "Peace be to you!"

A parody on Isaiah 40.3 ?

Gk: "...they crowned her walls."

Gk: "he stood his feet firmly on the ground." '** Gk: "each wise man in the council." (As far as the evidence shows, there were no female members of the Sanhedren.)

Gk: axa&apoLo;, the same word as in 8.12 and 8.22.

16. The leaders of the country'" met him'" with joy. They said to him, "Welcome, "We have expected you.

Come, all of you, enter in peace."'** 17. They graded the rough roads for his coming; '**

they opened the gates to Jerusalem, they lined her walls.'

18. He entered peacefully, like a father into his sons' house; he seciu^d a foothold.-*^

19. He pulled down her battlements and the wall of Jerusalem. for God led him in unscathed in their confusion.

20. He killed off their leaders and ail the councilmen; * he poured out the blood of the people of Jerusalem

as if it were so much dirty water.'*''

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2 1 . amiyayev] dTniyaye 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 lal 3 3 6

a] S ? 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 ( 7 6 9 ) 3 3 6

lysvvTjOav] ey6VVT,aEV 4 7 1 ] om Syr

2 2 . a x a 8 a p o t a ? ] a x « p 9 a p o l a ? 7 6 9 Etilavov] l|jilavev 2 5 3 6 5 5 6 5 9 iM<=« i \ a

2 3 . E9VEOI.V] I9v£a i 2 5 3 (final'Si" erased and marked widi two dots) ( 6 5 9 ) 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 3 3 6

auTwv] auTov 6 5 9

2 4 . alvETO?] auTo? ( 6 5 5 * 6 5 9 )

XUptO?] ( < o A r ^

'fyjv Iv] om 3 3 6

2 5 . Sij] 8E ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 )

TO xplfia oou] om Syr

EtSooav] EISOV 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 ( 7 6 9 ) 3 3 6

V w v ] auTwv 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 )

2 1 . ajn^Yayev TOU? ulou? x a l TO? duyaTepa? aUTwv a sysvvirjoav s v ^sgitjXooei.-

22. 'EnoiTjoav xaTa TA? a x a S a p o l a ? aurwv xa9w? ol jxaTSpe? auTwv I j i lavav 'IspouoaXTjn

x a l Ta iiYLaia[Lh/a T ^ 6v6[iaTt. TOO Deou-

23. 'ESixatwOT] 6 9s6? sv TOI? xp l f iaoLv auTou iv Tol? S & v e o L v TT)? yf,?-

x a l ol 6ot.o[. ToO 9 6 0 U w? apvla Iv a x a x l a Iv |ieaw auTwv

24. alvsTo? xupto? 6 xplvwv Traoav TT,V yrjv sv StxaLoouviQ a u T o u -

25. 'ISou B-i]' 6 9 s6? ' ISs t^a? I [JLIV TO xpl | jLa o o u l v T i j StxatoouvT) oou-

slSoaav ol ^^ftaXfiol ii^vzx xpl[iaTa oou- 6 &E6?-

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PsSol 8

See 8.9-10. Gk: "your judgment is in your justice." Other MSS read: "their eyes have seen.'

21 . He led off their sons and daughters, those bom defiled.-They acted according to their defiled ways.

22. just like their ancestors, they defiled Jerusalem and the things consecrated to the name of God.

23 God has been shown to be justified in his decisions among the world's Gentiles,

and God's devout are like innocent lambs among them. 24. The Lord is worthy to be praised,

who judges the whole earth in his righteousness. 25. See now, O God, you have shown us

your righteousness in your judgments.-Our own eyes have seen' your judgments, O God.

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26. T i i ; ] T7;v 253 (655 659)

SLxat.oauv7]<;J StxaLoauvT^v 253 (655 659)

Tiat-Sela] TZOHSIOL (655 659) n a t S l o ; 769

27. 6 &e6;] om Syr

28. lapaTjX] 'IspouaaXrjjx 629* a^oe

j A e T a ] fiET' 149 629 -* ita (lat) 629 eXEou?] ^Xeou 260 (149 471) 629 (769) 336 iXalou 606

om 253

irlaTu;] niaxr.q 655 659 ^ Kiaxiz 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

29. -^^lel^J^tiEL- 659

eaxXiTjpuvafjLev] EaxXir]puv7](XEv (655 659)

Tov] om 253 (655 659)

30. uTtEplSTQ;] UTTEPLSE; 659

xaTaTTLOHTtv] xaTanlf) 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 W;] = w y r * - om 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

3 1 . ri EXTCU ^tJLwv]=.te«>T^X7claa{jLev 260(149 471 606)

629 (769)336

26. eSt-xaLwoajiev TO Svofxtx aou TO ivxLjxov tlq alwvix;* 6TI OU 6 &z6q TT^c, S[.xaLoauvTf)i;-

x p i v u v TOV lapaifjX ev noi.i8ei(f.-27. ETTLCTTpeti^ov 6 Oeoi;* TO IXeo; aou 6 9 ' T^[xa;

x a l OLXTEtpYjaov T^fiai;' 28. ouvaYaye TTf)v StaaTTopav lapaif)X [xeTfX eXeou;

6x1 ii TCLaTt,; aou fieToc T XWV 29. xa l TJfxeli; eaxXTjpuvajxev TOV TpaxTjXov T^fiuv

x a l au TcaLSeun^g i^jiwv et-30. uueplSiQi; T^fxa;* 6 fteo; • fjuuv

Lva [iri xaTaitlwoLv T,jia<; e&vr;* w; fjiifj 6vTo? XuTpoufxevou-

31 . xa l au 6 &e6; i^fiwv arc' a p x ^ ; ' xa l ETil ae CXTCI; T,{iwv xupte-

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PsSol 8

Gk: "proven yoiu" name to be true." Gk: "the dispersed ones...," "the diaspora." The meaning is: "scatter, like sowing

seed," from which comes the English "spore." Here, not "exile, punishment, and genocide," but "fruitftilncss, new growth, and spring," reflective of Second Isaiah's saying that "Israel would be a light unto the Gentile nations."

"Overlook us."

Gk: "gulp us down."

Gk: "avenging one," or "redeemer."

26. We have vindicated your name,' forever honored. because you arc a God of justice, judging Israel with discipline.

27. O God, tum your mercy towards us, and be compassionate to us:

28. gather the scattered' of Israel with mercy and kindness, because your faitbfiilness is with us.

29. For we have stiffened our necks, but you are oiu- teacher.

30. Don't neglect^ us, our God, lest the Gentiles swallow us whole* as if there were no deliverer.'

31. You have been our God from the beginning, and our hope is in you, O Lord.

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32. Titiel?] Vjfxo? (655 659)

ecplel? 253 (655 659)

33. 'HfjLtv xal Tol? TEXVOL? I [JLWV] ^ i ' = i \ A - Q

7 ] ] om 629(769)

EuSoxla] +- auTwv 336

Kupt-eJ xupLO? 629 (769) 336 - P C O A P ^

oaXEu97)o6[jLe&a] oaXeuS^ 659

34. o T O f x a T L ] oTOfxaoLv 336

o u j om 253 (655 659) 629 (769) 336

3 2 . x a l T^fie't.? oux d<pe^6[xe&a oou-6zi xp^crxa r a xp t f i a -c i a o u itp T^fia?-

3 3 . 'H[JLIV x a l TOI? TEXVOL? T IJLWV euSoxla e l ? TOV a l w v a -x u p t e ' ownr jp T^ IWV

OU aaXeu97]CT6jieda Srt TOV a l w v a xpovov-3 4 . a l v e T O ? xupLo? ev Tol? xpl^iaCTtv a u T o u kv oTOfAaTC o o l w v -

x a l o u euXoyTjfiivo? laparjX VKO xupiou e l ? TOV a l w v a :

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PsSol 8

Gk: "...keep ourselves at a distance from you," "...depart from you," "leave you." ' " G k : "for all time."

32. Wc distance ourselves,' because your judgments are kind towards us.

33. Be pleased with us and with our children forever, O Lord, our Savior; we won't be upset ever again.-but you are our teacher.

34. The Lord is worthy to be praised for his judgments by the voice of his devout people.

May Israel be blessed by the Lord forever.

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9. Tw SaXw^i-cov tlq I'ksyxo'^-

1. Tilv T w iXKax&^vaL lapocgX ev a.Tzot.y.taicf. E I ; Y^V oXXoTptav

EV T u aTToar^vat, aurou i ; auo xuptou-ToO XuTpoKjattevou OCUTOUI;*

ajrept.q)Tr]aav <XK6 xXijpovofXLa; r^(; ^Suxev auToli; xupt-o;-2. ev T i a v c l e&veii^ St-aanopa TOO 1op(rr]X

x a r a TO p'fiyxn xou &eoO" Zva Si.xaLw9TQ(;" 6 ^z6<;' ev StxaLOCTUVQ CTOU

EV T a l ; (ivo^Lati; -^txciv OTL CTU xptTTfji; Stxacoi; ejtl navTa; TOU? Xaou; T^? Y^; -

9= 0 ] NB: the title to PsSol 9 appears at the bottom of MS 253, folio 129r and also at the top of folio 129v ]

SaXwfjuiv CTaXofwov 253 (655 659) 260 (149 606) 769 336

+ tlq vlxo? ^a}.[i6<i xat 336

1. Tlv 'J p r 0 253

iXTcaxS^vat.] aTteXOTJvaL (655m 659)

iCTpxrjX] IXT]" 769 'lEpouaaXTjji 336

aTTotxeCTta] anot-XTjCTLa 260 (149 471 606)

xupLou] &eou (655 659)

TOU Xurptixrafjiivou a u T o u ? ] ^ o i o o T a

i7rEpL97]CTavJ aJreppL97)CTav 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 (XTcspLcpELCTav (655 659)

auToi;] auTwv (655 659) x u p L o < ; ] p r 6 336 P ^ O A P ^

2. l^ti] 5&V7) 253 (655 659)

^] knl 260 (149 471 606)

tva] t v ' 253 (655 659)

StxatwO^;] Stxat-oCTT,.; 253 (655 659)

^v^] + T f , 253 (655 659) 260 (149 606) 769

XpLTY);] XptTL? (655 659)

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9. or Solomon: As Proor

"° "As proof," "in rebuttal," "as reproof." One MS adds: "A Psalm of Victory."

One MS reads: "Jerusalem."

Syr: "God."

Gk: "die diaspora." See 8.28.

When kraeP was led away into exile in a foreign country, when they abandoned the Lord ^ who had redeemed them,

diey were expelled from the inheritance diat die Lord gave to diem.

Israel was scattered* in every Genrile nation, as God had spoken:

diat you may be proven right in diis matter, O God: in your justice and in our lawlessness;

because you are a righteous judge over all die peoples of die eardi.

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3. y a p xpuP^^aeTaLaTTO TT;;] [...J 629 x p u ^ i g o e T a L ] xptP^aeTat, 336 xpt-pu^-^aeTaL 655 xpt-PuS^aeTai, 659 (XTio ] erased and written over 655 yvwaew?'] yvwoaew? 769

i8Lxa]= r < V a ^ x a x a 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

a l ] om 629

Stxat-oouvat, TWV oalwv] [...] 629

xpujSi^aeTaE.] xp'-^i^aeTaL 659

yvwoew?"] u\^^u^i^

4. e^oualaj r^^airCM

SixaLoauvTjv] r^A\=i^

oS ' -x lav] T^6vt±s

ev'] om 253 (655 659) 336

8i,xat.oauvTf)] SLxaLoauvY)? 769

eTiLoxeTiTYj] ent-oxeTTT) (655 659)

5. ;;w7)v] TW ev (655 659)

auTw] ^auTw 260 (149 606) 629 (769) 336

aStxlav] dStxa 260 (149 471 606)

atTLO?] + r<l*.l

x p l [ j , a T a ] xpljia 769 xp l fxaT 769c (abrv. for xpl f ia ra ?)

x a T - ] x a l (655 659)

3. ou yap xpup-iioeTat, dno TY)? y v w a e c i ? a o u Trai; TIOLWV aStxa-

x a l a l ScxaLoauvat TWV oalwv oou evwrtcov oou* xupt-s* x a l TToO xpup-iQoeTaL av&pwTXog a i r o TT]? y v w o e w i ; a o u "

6 &e6?; 4. Ta e p y a TQJLWV ev exXoy^ x a l ^^ouola TTJ? i^[iuv

TOU TTOL^oaL St-xatoouvijv x a l aStxlav ev IpyoL? X '-P' ' T^ixwv

x a l ev T^ SLxaLoouvT] oou e7it,axeTCTTQ u lou i ; av&pwTiwv-5. 6 TTOt-wv StxaLoauv7)v QTr oauplCei. i uTjv a u T w i r a p a xuplw*

x a l 6 TtoLwv d S t - x l a v auTo? cdxioq T^? ^"^X^? ev aTtwXela-

Ta y a p xpl[jLaTa xupiou ev S'.xatoouvr; x a T ' dvSpa x a l o l x o v .

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PsSol 9

Gk: "...are before you."

Gk: "our works are in the choice and authority of oiu- souls." Ryle and James reconstruct the sentence as: "Om- deeds are by the choice (of God) and (at the same time) we have power to do. . . ." Psalms of the Pharisees, 95-96. Syr: "hi freedom and in choosing."

'** Gk: "to do righteousness and unrighteousness..."

Gk: "in the actions of our hands."

"" Gk: "the sons of men."

" Gk: 'hipon man (iSvSpa) and household." See note at 3.8. Syr: "according to every person and their house."

3. For none that do evil ean be hidden from your knowledge. Lord, you know'" of the righteous deeds of your devout;

where will a person hide from your knowledge, O God? 4. We are free to choose and do what we will '"

to do right or wrong'** in how we live our lives;'*' in your justice you watch mortals'" closely.

5. Those who do what is right save up life for themselves with the Lord,

and those doing what is wrong cause their own lives to be destroyed;

for the Lord's righteous judgments come down on man and household.'"

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6. xp7)CfLiJL£uoE(.] xpTjaTEuoT, 253 (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) XpEOTEuaet, 769 xpT,aTEuaet 629 (769c) {xa&apt.E"L(;= vG} . a . f < ^

[JLT]] {LSI 655

xa&apiae i ] x a & a p t e l ; {Ra=vG}

EV AjiapTLaL; ^^^X'')* ] f^JtAji c m o i ^ ^

e^ayoplat?] e^Tj^oplat; 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769*) a^ayopla tc

336 e ^ a y o p l o v (655 659) om Syr

TravTwv] iTiavTwv 253 (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 769 7. <i9eaeL] acpVjae^ 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 a c p s a t (655

659) {acpif)aeL(;Ra=vG|

e l ] overwirtten: er, 655

-^fiopTTfjxoat,] TjfjLapT7]x6aE.v 769

eu&uvet?] EuOuvet (655 659)

^fxiproaav] ^fiapTov 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

^Taf ieXeia] [xeTa^xEXla (655 659)

8. ou'] aot, 336

•^[lEL?] TJtlT]? 655 Xao?] + oou 253 (655 659) i / y n j ^

olxTeip7)aov] olxTelpov 260 (149 606) 629 (769) 336

gXeic] IXe6v 260 (149 606) 629 (769) 336 pr TO 655 659 marg [JLT/ ] t- f O o i i i ^

6. TLvL yp-firji\i£x>aei- 6 ^eo;;-el [XTf] Tol? CKLxaXoufjiivoLt; TOV xuptov

xa&apLoEL i;v a[jLapTla(-(; 'Jjuxy;v ^v l^ofioXo-pQaet' Iv l^ayopiaLi; •

6TL al(TXUV7) T^fllv xal Toli; jcpoawTCOti; {JLQV Ttepl T r a v T w v

7. x a l xtvL acpeaet ajiapTlag- EI JJLYJ TOI ; T^fXOtpTT^xoatv Scxalou? euXo-pQCTEt,;' xa l oux e u ^ V E l ; nepl wv TJixapToaav

xa l f, yp-fiaxoTfiq, aou ntpi afxapTavovTa? EV tieTafiEXELa-

8. K a l vOv au 6 ^EO; xa l ^ [ I E I ; Xao; 6v T^y*^^^^*' ' tSe xa l olxTELpTjaov 6 d s o ; 1opaY;X- OTL aol EOIXEV

xal [JL7) aTioan^crr); EXEO; a o u acp' rjjiwv tva fjLT; ETiL&wvTat ^fxlv-

Page 142: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSoi 9

Gk: "to whom will you be helpfiil?"or "for whom will they [the 'judgments' in 9.5] be helpfiil." Syr: "To whom is God kind?" Sir 13.4 (NRSV): "can be of use to him." Wis 4.3: "be of no use."

Syr: "Tie cleanses the sins of the soul.'"

• Gk: "confesses and proclaims it in the marketplace," also, "excantarion for

Gk: "it shows on our faces."

Syr: "the peoples..."

6. To whom will you be kind, O God,'™ except to those who appeal to the Loni?

He will cleanse from sin the person'" who both confesses

and publically acknowledges"^ it. For all of these things we are ashamed, and we are embarrassed

7. And whose sins will he forgive, except those who have siimed? You will bless the righteous, and not accuse them for their sm. Because yoiu- kindness is upon those that sin, when they repent.

8. Now, then, you arc God and we are the people whom you have loved:

Look, and be compassionate, O God of Israel, because we are yours,

and don't take away your mercy from us. lest they'" set upon us.

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9. xaTa7cauoet.?] = f<iAA\ xaTanauoTa 260 (149 471 606) 629 xaTa

Ttauoet- 769) x a T a n a u o r ; ? 655 x a T a n a u a e t 336 659 {oux a u w o T ; Ra=vG}

el?]om 253 (655 6 5 9 ) + el? TOV 659 marg

10. TjtxeX?] ^ ( l a ? (655 659)

l l . - ; j ]om 253 (655 659) 629

eXeTfitioauvrJ eXejioouvT] 253 ^Xe7)[xwauv7) 655

^Til] in' 655 659

olxov] olxou (655 659)

Ixi ] om 659 el? TOV alwva TOU alwvo? 655

9. 6x1 o u -^pexLow TO oTcepfxa 'A^patx^ napa TcavTa TOC lOvr,-Kal 6&0U TO 6vo(id oou T^tto?' xupte-xa l ou x a T a T r a u o e c i ; el? TOV alwva-

10. ev StaO^^XT) Ste&ou TOI? TcaTpaoLv i jiwv Ttepl jJ"** ' xa l ifjtJLet ^XTitoOtJLev ini ae

ev ^TrtoTpotp- 4^X7)? T,\ian/-Il.ToO xupiou iXeTjjioouvTfj^Ttl olxovlopaifjX

el? TOV alwva xal txt.:

Page 144: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 9

' Other MSS read: *'you." ' Gk: "when we turn our soul to you," "in the conversion of our soul."

9. Because you have chosen the descendants of Abraham over all other nations;

you put your name upon us, O Lord, and that " will not cease for ever.

10. You made a covenant with our ancestors about us, and we will place our hope in you,

when we turn oiu^lves towards you."* 11. May the Ix>rd's mercy be upon the house of Israel forever and ever.

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10. 'Ev UflVOL?- TW 2aXw(JLWV

1. M a x i p t o ? dvTjp ou 6 xupt-o? ^(xvi^aST; sv eXeyfiw-x a l EXUXXWOT) aTio 68o0 Tcovrjpoc? ev (jLaaTLyt.'

xa&apcCTOTivaiaTro a f iapTla i ; TOU (JLY) TtXirjOuvai-2. 6 eTOL(jLa! «v VWTOV el? fjuxoTLya? xa&ap(,a9:^aeTaf

XpTfjOTo? Y^ P o xupLo? Tol? ujro(ievoua[.v TiatSelav. 3. op&wCTetyap oSou? Stxaluv

x a l ou StaoTpetj/eL ev TracSela-x a l TO JXeo? xupiou ercl TOU? ayaTCwvTa? auTOv

ev aX7;&ela-

10=1] om 253 'L'v]om 260 (149 606) 629 (769) 336 [at this point MS 253 has a sketch o f a

bird in the left margin, drawn in red ink] ufzvoL?] OfAvo? 260 (149 606) 629 (769) 336

SaXwfAwv] aaXo[xwv (655 659) 260 (149 606) 629 aaXofAwv 4/aX(x6? 336

1. xupco?] p^oAr^

sv eXey|jLw] r^^curiuuna

SXUXXWOT^] ExaxXwdr, 769 .cnA^a

[jtaaTLyL] fjLaoTLye (655 659)

xa^apt-aS^vat] pr x a l 260 (149 471 606)629(769)

jcXifj&uvat] TrXTrjSijvaL 336

2. t J L a a T L y a ? ] ' x a l 253 (655 659) =^t<

XpiQCTTo?] xpt-CTTo? (655 659)

yap]om 629 (769) xa l (655 659)

xupLO? ] om Syr

uTTojievouatv] uTroji^vouai (659) 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

TraLSelav] 655m

3. op&woeL] , o 3 r<^i^

h:(f.Gi:pi^zi] StaTipetJ'et, 253 (655) St,aTp£<]^s[. (659) ev ] om Syr nat-Scla ] 659m iXeo?] mhwM

a y a i r w v T a ? ] ayanovToi? 253

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10. With Hymns. ' Of Solomon

1. H ^ p y is the person whom the Lord remembers with punishment, and who has been restrained^ from going the wrong way

with a whip, to be cleansed from sin so that it will not increase.

2. Those who prepare their backs for the whips will be cleansed, for the Lord is kind to those who endure discipline.

3. For he will set straight the ways of the righteous, and will not lead them astray by discipline. and the mercy of the Lord is upon those who truly love him.

' Other MSS read: "A Hymn." ' Gk: "encircled." Syr: "restrained."

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4. | i v7 io8T,oeTat ] [jiviioeTat 253 (655 659)

Twv SouXwvJ TOU SouXou (655 659)

v i p ] o m 260 (149 471 606)

vofiwj 6|iw (655 659)

5. xupto;] 6 xupto? 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

iijuirj] 4«v 336

el? TOV aLwva] om Syr

alveost] Iveaet 769 aleveoei 769c

TO] TO 260 (149 471 606)

ovojxaTi] «vo(jia 260 (149 471 606)

xupiou]+el? TOV alova 336

6. 6aLot] 6Ti.ot 253* 6o'.o? (659)

exxXT,oia] exXT;aTi.a 655

&e6?] r<.-i=«

7. SoSaoouoLv] So^ioouo!. 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

So^aowCTt 336

8. ii] om (655 659)

awT7]p la ] om 655 659

ETrl] en ' 260 (149) 629 (769) 336

olxov] olxou (655 659)

zic, cu9p0CTuv7;v] Elow9po<juvT]v 253 ei? ooqjpoouvTiV (655 659) 260

(149 471 606) rtlkccA^

4. xa i |xvii)o&Y)OETai xupco? TMV SOUXWV autoO ev EXESL-7J yap (xapTupia EV v6[jud St.a8:^x7)? alojvtou" T, (iap-njpta xupiou etiL oiou? avSpoTtojv ev ejctoxoJT-^.

5. Aixatoi; xa l 6OLO^ xuptoi; ^(i^v xpifiaotv auxoO el? TOV aiwva-xal lopaTjX al veoet TM 6v6(xaTtxupiou ev eucppoaovQ.

6. xa l Sotot. eSonoXo-pioovTai. h JxxXTjoia XaoO-xal 7tTo>) ou5 eXcT^aei, 6 ^EOI; ev eu^poouvT] lopaTiX*

7. 6xL 3(pt]CTT6c xal ^Xe: (jui)v 6 ^eo? el? TOV altova-xal ouvavctfyal lopa7;X So^aoouotv TO Svofia xupiou.

8. TOU xupiou r, OMn;pia eTtl o'lxov lopai^X el? eucppoouv7]v aluvtov.

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PsSol 10

Syr: "Our God." ' Syr "...upright in all his judgments."

MS336 adds: "...forever." Syr "...die Lord"

4. The Lord will remember his servants with compassion, for the testimony is in the Torah of the eternal covenant, this testimony of the Lord is foimd in the lives of persons

imder his watchfid care. 5. Our Lord is just and holy in his judgments forever'**

and Israel will joyiidly praise the Lord's name,'*-6. And the devout will celebrate in die assembly of die people,

and God'*' will be mercifid to the poor to the joy of Israel.. 7. because God always is kind and merciful,

and the synagogues of Israel will glorify die Lord's name. 8. May the Lord's salvanon cover ± e house of Israel

to bring unendmg joy

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11. SaXufxuv-ei; TtpoaSoxLav

1. SaXnt-aaTe Iv SLUV oaXTTL-fyL oTj^xaota; ayt-w" ' x T j p u ^ a T s ev 'lepouootXrjji 96)vV)v euaYYeXti^Ofjiivou-6TL T^XeTjaev 6 &e6i; 'loponrjX ^v iniay-onr^ auTwv.

2. Hr^^f 'IspouaaXT)[jf ecp' OijrtjXoO xal iSe Texva aou ATIO avaxoXwv xal Suafiwv

auvTjYtjiva e l ; aua^ UTTO xupiou. 3.a7c6 poppet Sp^ovTat. TTQ su9poauvTQ TOO &eou auTuv

ex v i i a t jv [jLaxpo&ev ouvT^yayev aurou; 6 Oeo;. 4.6p7) ut{>7)Xa ^TaTCELvoxTev e l ; 6[j.aX[,a(jL6v auTol;-

ol ^ouvol E9u-i'oo(xv ano elaoSou auTwv 5 .o l Spup-ol eaxlaoav a u T o l ; ev jiapoSu auTwv

Tiav ^uXov EUfdSia; owexE'-XEv auTol; 6$>E6; '

11= lA T 6 i ] om 769 SaXwfjLwvj prtj'aXji.o; 336 aoXofxciv 253 aaXotwiv (655 659) 260 (149

336 606) npoaSoxlav] + 2 H marg 336

1. OT^jxaala;] r ^ ^ L ^ x .

• iXcTjaev] eXeY]oev 659 (769)

a e 6 ; ] + ev 260 (149 471 606)

auTwv] ttUTou 336

2. 'lepouaaXi^tx] 655m

l S e ] + Ta 253 (655 T « 659) 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

e l ; ] om 336

<mo] ano 253 (655 659)

3. auTwv] 655m

4. 6p7)] 6poL 336

e9uYoaav] £9UYOV 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

5. ol Spu[i.ol...auTwv] om (655 659)

Spufjiol] Pouvol 629 Spttiol (769) rfxirf

eaxlaaocv] ^axlp-rrjaav (471 606)

?uXov] ^uX«v 659 av^TEiXev] i i ^ f r t f

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11. OfSolomon: In Expectation"'

1. Sound in Zion the tnunpet that siunmons the holy ones. '" Announce in Jerusalem the voice

of one proclaiming good news: "God has been merciful to Israel

by his watchfiil care over them." 2. Stand on a high place, O Jerusalem,

and see your children from east to west finally brought together'*' by the Lord.

3. From the north they come with the joy of their God; from far distant islands God brings diem togedier.

4. He flattened high mountains into level ground for them, The hills fled at their coming.

5. the woods'** shaded them as they passed by; God made every fragrant tree to spring up for them:

This psalm is related to 1 Bar 4.36-5.9, and both passages are linked to Isa 40-66. See bitroduction.

Or: "...signals holy events." See Joel 2.1,10.

Or: "...brought aU together...."

Syr: "...die cedars."

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6. 1apar)X]pr 6 (655 659) oiri 629*

&eou] om 336

7. evSuaa-.] evSuaa; (655 659)

Ijidrta] Ifiart. 659

lopx/jX] OLT] 629* ~ e l ? rov alwva xal ert TapaTjX 629 (769)

8. xal]-f^v 260 (149 471 606)

9. ro] om 629 (769)

6. tva TCap^XOif] lapa-i^X ev ^KICTXOTT- SO^IQ? &eoO aurwv.

y.'EvSuaaL-'IepouaaXif][jL- ra l^xaTLa TTJ? SO^T)? aou-erolfxaaov TTJV aroXT)v roO aytdajxaroc oou-

fire 6 &s6? eXaX7;aev ayaO'ii IcrpaTjX el? rov a l w v a xa l Srt,.

8. TtOLT^aai, xupto? d eXaXTjoev ini 'lapaifjX xal'lepouaaXTJ^' dwaa-n^aac xupt,o? rov lapaifjX ev ovojiart So^r^? auroO"

9,roO xupiou ro ^Xeo? ejtl rov 'loparjX el? rov alwva xal eru

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PsSol 11

6. that Israel might pass by in the watchful care of the glory of their God.

7. O Jerusalem, put on your glorious clothes, prepare your holy robes, because God has pronounced blessings on Israel

forever and ever. 8. May the Lord do to Israel and Jerusalem the things that he has spoken;

may the Lord lifl up Israel by his glorious name. 9 . May the mercy of the Lord be upon Israel forevermore.

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12. Ttji SaXcojxoiv ev yXwaaTQ Ttapavofxcov

1. Kup(,E' pOaat. T^V ^uxfi"^ iiou ano avSpo? 7rapav6(iou x a l Ttovr.poO*

aTTO yXtiaair]? TrapavopLou x a l t| t.&upou xa l XaXouenf]? t|;eu87i x a l 86XE,a.

2. £V noiKiXlq. axpocp-fii; ol XoyoL T7\q yXwooT]? dvSpo? TTOvrjpoO*

MOTiep ev Xaw TiOp avauTov xaXXovTjv auToO.


SaXwfxciv] 2aXo|juiv (655 659) 260 (149 606 629) 336

1. tJ;[,8upou] ij u&upou 655*in

SoXta] nov7)pa 629* SoXepa (769)

2. ^v 7ro(,xt.Xl<y...yXaHT(nf)?] cruxl oAar^ f < l ^ . i - u i ^pCiaams ,

TiotxLXla] xuXla (655m 659) TtoLxXyiCTt. 655c marg TtotTJaet, 260

(149 471 606)

aTpoq^<;]S[,aaTpo97;? 260 (149 471 606) Tpocpij? 629 (769)

yXwaCTT)?] yXuCTY)? 769 TtOVTJpoO] rCooOin- i T = I ^

wa7rep...auToO] r<2»a.i_3 P C I C U . X U O M O

XdM] (SXu 260 (149 471) iXXw 606

avcxTiTov] (xvaTtTwv 336

xaXXov-^jv] xaXovT)v (655 659) x(xXi(iT)^ 260 (149 471 606)

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12. Of Solomon: about the Discourse of those who Manipulate the Law"'

1. O Lx)rd, save my life from the wicked inan"* who twists the law, from twisting and slandering language that speaks lies and deceits.

2. The discourse"'of this wicked man takes many twists and turns.™ It is like a fue burning among a people,

scorching their beauty.'"

" ' Gk: Ttapotvojiwv, •'circumvent" or "twist the law."

Gk: a v S p o ? : "the male."

Gk: "The words of the tongue...." These next verses are obscure in both Greek and in Syriac, and have presented difficulties for ancient scribes and later translators.

"° Other MSS add: "...for doing perversity." " ' Other MSS read: "...are as a fire on a threshing floor (that) bums up straw."

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3 . e[XTtXT^CTaL]etJi7rX7]aa(. 6 2 9 ( 7 6 9 ) 3 3 6 {etxirXTiaaL Ra-vG=Hilg}

yXMauT)] riXA-sasa

4.eu8el] ^jeuSf, 3 3 6

cpXoyt-i^ouaTf];] r<i.tnt-i

7iapav6[xou;^] napavo^iou 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 3 3 6

ouvxeaL] auvxefx ( 6 5 5 6 5 9 ) auyxea^ 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 ( 7 6 9 ) 3 3 6

o l x o u ; Ttapavojiou;] Tcapavofxou; otxou; 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 )

riapavoixou;^] n a p a v o j i o u 7 6 9 *

XelXeatv] xelXeCT', 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 3 3 6 '-x^Xeai 7 6 9

i|^t.&upo[,;] i|jt,9upwv 3 3 6

4 . a x d x w v ] x a x w v 6 0 6

CTxopTTLa&eLYioav] CTXopnt-a&elTj 2 6 0 ( 1 4 9 4 7 1 6 0 6 ) 6 2 9 ( 7 6 9 ) 3 3 6

aTroXoLTo] ATKOXOLTO 3 3 6

OCTIWV ] - ^ c n i ' A u a Q

3 . T, Trapotxta auToO k[Lnkriaan. otxoui; yXoKunQ <^euSet-exxo^Jat SevSpa eucppoauvT)? cpXcytt oucTTji; 7rap3tv6|jLouc-CTuv^sat o l x o u ; TuapavofAou;

ev TtoXefJUd XE'-^SI^-V li t&upot,;.

4.MaxpuvotL 6 &e6; dtTio axaxuv x^^^*"] napavoawv ev anopLot-

xal axopTtca&elTjCTav oora 4'E-^pwv alio cpo^oufjiivwv xupt-ov

ev nupl cpXoyo; yXtoaaa tpl&upo; OtTioXot-To inb oalwv.

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PsSol 12

Gk: "may his visit fill homes...." Gk: "he cuts down their trees of friendliness."

*** Gk: "he mixes together homes to fight by slanderous lips."

3. His visit fills homes'*^ with lying speech; as a flickering flame has its own attraction to people;'"

he sets homes at war with his slanderous language.'*'

4. May God keep the lips of these criminals from distressing the innocent.

May the bones ofthe slanderers be scattered far from those who fear the Lord.

May the slanderous tongues be destroyed in flaming fire far from the devout.

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5. cpuXa^aL . . . xaTEu9uvaLJ auv^eat olxou? xal cpuXa aL 253 (659) auvxeat, olxou? xal cpuXd^a? (655*)

tJjuxYiv ...xup'.o?']om 253 (655 659) ^auxt-ov] rtai'.ii.T

dvSpa TTOLoOvTaj avSpo? TIOLOUVTO? 253 (655 659) Olxw] * f<.TS»3

6. ini] taxi 769

TialSa] KalSwv 336

ol] r, (655 659)

a[j,apTuXol] d{j.apTXol 471

xal=] - ol 769 336

SoLOL] oooL (655 659)

xX7;povoti.liTat.aav] - , ^ i i < j xXYjpovo(j.T^CTaoav (655 659)

xXrjpov0^17;oat. 26() (149m) xXTfjpovotATioat. ev 471 769 336

xXTipovofXTjoaLsv (606)

e^rayyeXla?] sTiayysXela? 253 (655 659) 336 riTrayysXla? 769

xupiou] om 253 (655 659)

qjuXa^at. xuptoi; tj'^X^'^ ^^auxt-ov [xt-aoOoav liSlxou?* xal xaTEu&uvat, xupto? ivSpa Ttot-oOvra elpr,vT]v

ev oLxw. TOU xupiou 1 a&iT7]pla eul lapaifjX

TialSa auTou el? TOV aluva* xal aTToXoLVTo ol d[xapTwXol

(XTTO TrpoawTTou xupiou dyta^-xal OCTLOL xupiou xXT^povop-l aaLCTav ETtayyeXla? xupiou.

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PsSol12 5. May the Lx)rd protect the quiet person who hates injustice,

and may the Lord guide the person who lives quietly at home." 6. May the salvation of the Lord be upon Israel

his child forever and ever. May the sinners be destroyed once and for ail

from before the Lord. May the Lord's devout inherit

the Lord's promises.

Gk: "...who makes peace at home.'

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13. Tw SaXut^oiv ipaXtAO?- TtapdtxXT^ot,? TWV 8Lxat.wv

1. Ae^ta x u p t o u e o x e T i a a e v fjLe • Se^ti xuptou EqjetaaTo T fjtwv

2. 6 Ppa^i-wv xupLou eooxjev T JXO? aTio po[jL9ata? SLaTtopeuo^jLevT,?-aiTo Xt.[jLoO xal SavaTou ajjLapTwXoiv.

3 . 97]pla ETieSpafiooav auTo"L? irovr^pa* EV Tol? ASoOoLv auTMV ETtXXooav aapxa? aurwv xal iy Tal? (iuXat; 5&Xuv ooTaauTov

4. xa l ex TOUTWV aTraVTwv ^ppuaaTO T)[ia? xupto?.

13= IP] TplTOS xat SexaTo? 336 2aX(o[iwv] oaXoiitiv (655 659) 260 (149 606) 629 336

ij^aXiio?] om 629 (769)

Tuv] TV (655 659)

StxalMv] Slxawo (655 659)

1. JoxeTcaoev] kay-inaai 659 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 ^oxeKaoev [xe] . ^ o o ^

2. pojXfpala? St.a:topeuotievrjg] 769c (obliterated) [N.BiTheoriginal scribe left two partial lines. Part of a now lost text was added at end of these lines by a later hand, using a finer pen and a purple ink (Pantone #19-3632 "Petunia."). Added text was painted over with a brush, in the same purple ink.] a l a ? StaTrop] 4769c ^oii(pala (655 659)

Xifiou] Xoi(iou (655 659)

xa l SavaTou ijiapTwXov] 769 (obliterated)

3. JneSpaiiOoav] ^TteSpajiov 260 (149 471 606) 629? (769) 336

ETti^Spa[jLouaav (655 659)

ETiXXooav] iTitXXooav 659 ITIXXOV 260 (149 471 606) 769 336

ETEiXov 629 ITIXXOV 336 IxuXai?] + auTov 260 (149 471 606) rdta^x SaXMv) ^ j y n » 6oTa]pr Ta 336

4. xupio?] pr 6 629 336

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13. A Psalm of Solomon; Encouragement to the Righteous

1. The right hand of the Lord covered me,™ the right hand of the Lord spared us:

2. the arm"' of the Lord saved us"* from a piercing sword, from famine and death'"" at the hands of sirmers.

3. Wild animals attacked diem viciously. They ripped at their flesh with ±eir teeth and with dieir jaws'"' they crushed their bones:

4. And from all of these the Lord deUvered us.

' * Syr: •'us."

Gk: "...upper arm."

"" Syr: "me."

Gk: "a large broad sword." See Genesis 3. 24; Luke 2. 35; Revelation 6.8.

Again, Rev 6.8.

Gk: "molars."

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5. aae^r;?] {EUOE^YJ? Wellhausen=Ra=vGf TiapaTiTwtAaTa] Ta TiapaiTTw^LaTa 260 (149 471 606) 629 336 Ta TraparcTwfjLaT 769

auftTiapaXyjcpS^] xsAxAu

6. SetvTj] 8LV^ 253 (655 659)

^Jom 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

StxaloulprTou 629 (769)

ouSev] om 629 (769) - ex TravTwv TOUTWV ouSev 260 (149 471 606) 336

ex TravTwv TOUTWV (...) 629

7. 6Tt....ap.apTwXwv] om 629 (769)

TtatSela] Tcat-Sla (655 659)

TWV dtxapTwXwvJ TOU a[xapTwXou 253 (655 659)

8. ev Ttep'-OToX-^] r^Aui-.-Uii.T TW Stxalw] o A

9. jraiSela] TratSla (655 659)

TtpwTOToxou] TipoTOToxou 253 (655 659) T tpwTouToxou 629 (769)

5. F'>apax87) 6 aoefiT)? Sloc TtapauTcif iaTa auToO"

6. 6TL Set.vif) 1 KaTaaxpotpi^ TOU ajjiapTuXou-

xal oux a'l'e'caL St-xalou ouS^v EX j r a v T u v TOUTWV. 7. STL OUX o[Aol* ^1 Tiat-Sela TWV Sixalwv ev a y v o l a

x a l T, xaTaoTpocp i^ TWV ifiapTwXwv. 8. ev TLEpLOToXi^ 7iaE,SEueTat, SlxaLO?-

tvafXT) inixa-pri o a(i,apTwX6(; TW Stxalw* 9. 6T(. vouOeT^aei. Slxatov w? u l o v ayaTci^aewc'

x a l r, J t a tSELa auTou w? TipwTOToxou.

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Gk: "the non-worshiper."

Gk: "shaken."

Gk: "he." In the social economy of the ANE. a son is especially loved, a *first-bom' even

more so, and a 'beloved,' first-bom the most cherished.

5. The ungodly^"^ were terrified^ by their mistakes. lest they be swept along with the sinners:

6. because the destruction of the sirmer is terrible. but none of all these things will touch the righteous.

7. Because the discipline of the righteous for things done in ignorance is not the same as the destruction of the sinners.

8. The righteous are disciplined quietly, so that the sinner might not rejoice over the righteous.

9 . Because G o d ^ will admonish the righteous as a beloved son.^"' and his discipline is as for a first-born.

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10. cps l a sTa t , ] ^ i ^ a s T a t 659 xupco;] r<ll*.1\

11. ouxJ oOx 253 (659) 12. auTovJom 253 (655 659) .enaUiV

10.6TE. 96i.oeTai xupto; TWV OCLMV auroO' xa l Ta KapaTCTw^AaTa auTwv e^aXcltj/ei- v TtatSela.

11.7) yap ^uTj TWV Stxalwv s i ; TOV alwva" afxapTwXol Se apOi^oovTat. e l ; a^wXet-av xal ou^ eupeOr,CTeTa[. fivY][x6oTJVov aiiruv ITL-

12 .e7 i l 8s TOU; oalou; TO sXeo; xupiou-xal STil TOU; cpo^ou[xsvou; a u T o v TO sXeo; auTOu.

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PsSol 13

Syr: "...he will treasure...."

10. Because the Lord will spare his devout, and he will wipe away their mistakes with discipline.

11. For the life ofthe righteous goes on forever, but sinners will be taken away lo destruction, and no memory of them will ever be found again.

12. May the Lord's mercy be upon the devout, and may his mercy'"* be to those who fear him.

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1. IUOTCK; xupLo; T o l ; ayaitaioLV auTov iXTj&ela-t o l ; uTTOfxevouatv natSet-otv auxoO-

2. Tol; Ttopeuofi ivoLi; sv StxatoauvT; npooTayfxocTwv auToO-ev vo jLw w eveTetXa-ro i^^lv ziq ^if)v ':^[xwv.

3 . 6a[.0L xupiou E i aovcaL ev a u x u e l ; TOV a l w v a -6 TcapoSctao; TOU xupiou- Ta ^uXa TT,; J^uf,;-6c (.01 auTou.

14=IA I'aXwfjuiv] aaXoLuiv 659 260 (149 606) 629 336 -'^aly.oq 336

[NB: In the margin of MS 629, on folio 305r(307r in the new numbering) 14.1-4 is duplicated in a different but apparently contemporary hand. The leaf is torn so that the new text is fragmentary from v. 2b.]

1. uTio t ievouoLv] u n o f i e v o u a t 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

TratSeiav] 7ia(.Slav (655 659)

2. TropeuofAevoLi;] + ev a x a x l a xa l 336

w ] o m 253 (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 6v 336

ev y6\ud w eveTelXaTo] j c n * rftaccm

T^filv] T^fie'-v 6.55

3. ooLOE,] oa toeL 655 ^T^CTovTaL ] ^ o u a o v T a t 629

T o u j o m 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

xupiou^] Oeou (655m 659m both c in marg)

auToO] auTa (655 659)

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14. A Hymn ofSolomon

1. The Lord is faithful to those who truly love him, to those awaiting his discipline,

2. to those hving^ in the righteousness of his commands, in the Torah that he commanded us for aour lives.

3. The Lord's devout will live by it forever; his devout are the Lord's Paradise, the trees of l i fe^

Gk: 'Valkmg." ' Gk: "life." Syr: "He has given us the law for our life." ' See Prov 3.18; 11.30; 13.12; 15.4. Also Ps 1.3.

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4. 9urela] cpurla (655 659) eppti^wtievT]] eppLE^ofiivT; 253 (655 659) ep pt- o xevr) 655 659

exr^Xi CTovra',] exreLXiioovTai. 253 (655tn 659) exrt-XXi CTovra:, 336

5. [Aepl?] [jLepl (655 659)

xX7]povo[xla]pr r, 655 659 260 (149 471 606) 336 OeouJ rC-i^

1apa7;X]pr 6 260 (149 471 606)

6. afxaprwXol] ijxaprwXol 655 659 {xerox^] r<i-=iafl

7. o a T i p l a ? ] f^Ai»*3

f j ev 260 (149 471 606)

rou &eouJ aurou 629 rou 769

4. ^u-ueta a u r w v ^pptO^fiivT; el? TOV alwva* oux exTiXT^CTovTaL TTaaa? ra? i^fjipa? TOO oupavoO*

5. 6TI i] jAepl? x a l xX7]povo[i,la xou &eou SCTTLV 'lapai^X.

6. Kal oux oxfxtaq o l a[xapTwXol xal TiapavofiOi* ol -fiYoLTzriaai-v T^ xepav ev [jLerox^ afiapxla? aurwv

7. ev (AixpoTTjTt oanpta? eTct&ufZta a u r w v x a l oux eLLVi a&t;CTav rou ^eou.

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PsSol 14

SeeMt 15.13; nphesians 3.17-18.


Gk: ' Gk: ' Ok

"...all the days of Heaven." See Su- 40.16.

"the portion and inheritance of God."

"who loved throughout the day in sharing of their sins."

"meager." See Job 2.9c.

4. Their plant is rooted forever;"" they will not be pulled up as long as heaven shall last.^

5. because Ciod has reserved Israel for hitnself

6. But it is not so with sinners and criminals, who love the time enjoying their sitis.

7. Their enjoyment is brief and quickly decays,^'' and they do not remember God.

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THE PSALMS OF SOLOMON 8. OTt oSol iv f tpWTTWV Y^OKTTal IvwTTtov auToO SL(X rtaVTO?'

xa l rafxela xapSla? enloTaTat TcpoToO yeveoOat,. 9. Sta TOOTO 1^ xX7]povo(ila aurtov ^ST]?

xa l OXOTO? xal aituXEta-xal oux supe9i^(jovTat V ^ P f EXSOU? S i x a l u v

10. o l Se 6o[.ot x u p i o u xX7)povo(ZT,aouat.v OJTJV IV EucppoouvT).

8. oSol] oSo? (655 659) yvuoTal]

TaiiElaJ T a i i t E l a 260 (149 606 ) 629 336 T a T a j i i E l a 629 (769)

Ttpo] npoo 769ni

v E v e o d a t ] yeveoai 769?

9. oxoTo?] oxoTu? 659

oux] (655 659)

EXEOU?] EXEOU 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

10. xXTjpovo(iir)oouaLv] xXYipovoiiijoouot 260 (149 471 606) 629

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PsSol 14

' Gk: "Because hirnian ways are evident to him in every way."

' Gk: "the secret rooms of the heart." See Gen 43.30, Matt 6.6.

' Gk: "their inheritance."

' Or: "Hades," or "the grave."

' Gk: "found."

' Gk: "an inheritance."

8. Because he always knows how people live,"' and he knows the secrets of the heart before they happen."*

9. Therefore there is reserved for them"' the world of the dead,"' darkness and destruction,

and they will not be remembered"' on the day of mercy for the righteous,

10. but a happy life is reserved^ for the Lord's devout.

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15. "FaXfjLoi; TW I ^aXu^v (jLexA 4^fj<;

1. "Kv TO aXtpeoSal (le e7cexotXeai|jiT)v TO 6vo|xa x u p i o u -e l ? ^OT^ftecav :^XTT[.O«TOU &eou l a x u P xa l e o u t h j v OTt EXTII? xal xaTacpuy:^ TWV TTTW^ UV OU - 6 &e6?.

2. Ti? yap l o / u e L - 6 &e6?-e l iu) e^o(j.oXoYY;oaa9ai oot ev aXY]9eia;

xal TL SuvaTO? dcv&pomo?-el fi-i) e^ofioXo-p^oao^at. TM 6v6[ izTi oou;

3. 4'aX[x6v xatvov [xeTa WST)? ev eucppoouvT) xapSio?-xapTTov xe-^£<^v ev opyavGi T^pfioofjtevw YXWCTCTT)?-aiTap5(Trjv ) ei.Xewv aTio xapSlot? oaiot? xal St-xaia?-


TO] om 629 (769)

IaXu(i«v] oaXojjixiv (655 659) 260 (149) 606) 629 ooXofiwv 336

(Ae-ra ] JIET' 260 (149 471 606) 336

lieTa USTJ; ] om 629 (769)

1. TO] TOU (659)

el;J •Tif;v 336

•^XTiioa] om 659 eowihjv 253 (655 659c marg) iu-io

ou] 336

2. Ti?] Ti 336

lo^uet] laxuoeL 336

6 &e6?, el iir,] om Syr

oot] = om 336

Ti] TO (655m 659)

4v&p(07ro?]pr 6 (655 659)

e^ofzoXo-vn^oaoftaL^] e ojjLoXoYTloaCTo&aL 336 -Hrr, aXyj&ela 655m

3. xaivov] xal alvov 260 (149 471 606) xa l vov 629-.' (769)

(leTi] IJIET' 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 3.36 l P(JLOO[JLevw] ^ o d i M

yXoooT)?] yvoooT,; (655 659) r i j i V a

aitapx»)v] aitapxlv (655 659) aTiapxr; 629 (769)d7tapCT; 336

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IS A Psalm of Solomoo with SoQg^'

When I was oppressed"' I called upon the Lord's name. for I expected help from Jacob's" ' God, and I was saved: because you, O God, are the help and refuge of the poor.

For why does anyone have strength, O God, except to honestly confess you?^*

And why is a person gifted, except to worship your name?

A new psalm^ sung from a happy heart; the fiiiit of the lips matched with a well-tuned tongue; the first harvest ofthe lips fix)m a holy and righteous heart.

^ ' Or: "with a song," or, 'Vith a joyfiil song!"

^ An echo of PsSol 1.1

Syr: "I called to the God of Jacob for my help."

^ Or: "truly confess you," or: **truly acknowledge you."

Or: "A psalm and a song."

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4. Tov] om 336

alwva] +LH marg 336

opyr]] om 629 (769*) c in marg

oGx] oux 253 (655 659)

5. ini] e(p' 253 (655 659) xupiou] r<2>a.'ts«

6Xe&peuaa(.] oXwftpeuaaL (655c 659) oXo&peuaa!. 260 (149 471

606) 629 (769) 336 • i c L s ^

UKoaxaatv] ^cn^ya.

afxctpxwXwv] a^apxweav 629

6. ToO &eou] f<-'U»

7. po[i(pala] i<jA5oaV

aTto St,xalwv [laxpav] aTio jiaxpav ino Sixalwv 260 (149 471

606) 629 (769) 336 ^aa^-ii r<£i:-.-« ^

SLWXO^VOU] St-wxofjievot. 336

XLfjiou] a u o Xtpiou 253 336 aTtoXttiou (655 659) f<A\asB

{7ioXe[jLou Ra=vG}

oolwv] &elwv 629 (769) 336 f<^

4. 6 Ttotwv xaOra oii aaXeuO^^aerotL e l ? TOV a l u v a ATTO xaxoO-

9 X 6 ^ Ttupo? x a l opyv] aSlxuv oux.ail'STat, aurou-5. Srav ^ X&irj ^TTI afiapTcoXou? airo TcpoawTiou xupiou-

oXe&peuaatTcaoav uTroa-caat-v afjtapTMXwv 6. 6x1 TO CTTjjielov x o u Q-eoueTtl S t .xa lou? el? owxTrjplav. 7. AL[X6? x a l pofjLcpalaxal & a v a x o ? aTto Si .xalwv j j i a x p a v -

c p e u ^ o v x a L y a p w? St-wKOfievou Xt-jiou arro o a l w v

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PsSol 15

^ See Wis 4.19; Sir 28.14; Luke 6.38; Luke 21.26; 1 Mace 9.13; Acts 4.31; Acts n . l3 ;2Thes2 .2 .

^ See vs. 9, and Ps2.6. Gk; "...is on the righteous for their protection." Gk: "as those pursued by famine."

4. Those doing these things will never be distressed^ by evil; the flame of fu-e and anger against the imrighteous

will not touch them, 5. whenever it goes out from the Lord's presence

to destroy every confidence of sinners. 6. Because God's mark^^ of salvation is on the righteous."' 7. Famine, sword, and death shall be far from the righteous,

for they will flee from the devout and pestilence from the living.^.

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8. x a T a S L c i 5 o v T a i ] = ^ . f i i x a T a S i < o 5 e T a i . 260 (149 471 606) 629

(769) 336 + y a p &; 655 659m

S e ] + wxo(jievou 655m

xaTaXi5[ii|)ovTi] = ^ i . t i xaTaXT,<i;ETat 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)


TtoioOvTE?] T t i o u v T e ; 629? (769) 336

x u p i o u ] ToO 9EOU 629 (769)

9. uTio] om Syr xaTaXTjiJL99T^oovTa(.] xaTaXifjcp&TioovTaL 253e (655 659) 260 (149

471 606) 629 (769) 336 xaTaXT)98T,(rT)TaL 629

aTTwXela?] liTroXELa? 336

[lETWTCOU] (XETOTTOU 336 „amASit< 10. a n o X e t a ] a n o X e l a 253 (655 659)

a l ] om 253 (655 659)

SLw^ovTat. auTou?] SLW^OV 629

x a T w T i T o u ] x a T o 253 (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769)

11. auTwv] aijTou (655 659)

oOx] o u x (655 659)

o u x supe8T10ETai.] prev ious text erased; correct ion to c o m m o n reading,

a l ) x a l 336

A l i a p T l a t ] i v o i i i a i , 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336

e^EpTr](i*)aouo(,v] ^^Ep7]tJUdOoioi.v 253 ^^EpT,[juioLv (655m 659)

8. xaToStw^ovTat , Se A^jLotpTcoXou? x a l xaTaXi^[jii|;ovTaL • x a l o u x ex<peu^ovTaL o l TiotouvTe? a v o ^ l a v

TO x p l f i a x u p i o u * 9. bit; uTio KoXefi lwv ^[XTtelpwv xaTaXTr][jL9&T^aovTaf

TO y a p aT,[ielov TTIQ a iro iXela? ini TOO [iszdmou auTwv. 10. K a l Tj xXir)povo|j.ia TMV a j i o p T o X o v dTToXsia x a l OXDTO?-

x a l a l avo(j . lat a u x w v Swi^ovTat a u r o u ? ^W? ^SoU XaTWTQtTOU.

11. T; xXTjpovofi la auTwv o u ^ eupe^-^aeTa i TOl? TEXVOL? aUTWV

a l y i p a j i a p T l a i e$EpT|[iMaouai.v o t x o u ; a j iapTuXwv.

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f s S o l 1 5

' Gk: "an experienced enemy," "seasoned troops," "veteran soldiers."

Gk: "on their forehead, between their eyes." See Rev 13.6; 14.1; 17.5.

• Other MSS read: "sins."

' Or: "the world ofthe dead," "the grave." Gk: "hades."

' Syr: "their lawless acts."

' Or: "totally destroy the homes of sinners." See Lev 26.31.

8. Bui they will pursue sinners and overtake them, and those acting lawlessly will not escape the Lord's judgment.

9. they will be seized as if by mercenaries,"" for the sign of destmction is right between their eyes."'

10. For destruction and darkness is reserved for sinners and their lawlessness"^ will pursue them even down into hell."'

11. What is reserved for them will not be found in their children. For sin^'* will tum the homes of sinners into deserts"'

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12. a t i a p T w X o l ] p r o l 260 (149 471 606) 6T' 3CV] ol dcv (655 659) S r a v 336 eT:t.cTxc7tT7]Ta'-] ETieaxsTtTTjTaL (655 659)

a u T o O J " aTToSoOva ! - a ^ a p x w X o l ? kiq TOV a l w v a ypo-vov 260 (149 471 606)

13. i^TiaovTat,] J^i^awvTaL (655 659)

T o O & £ o O a u T w v ] .^nlr^ x a l a[ jLapTwXol . . .xp6vovJom 260 (149 471 606) a j A a p T w X o l J / ^ r a T i o X o O v r a t . 336 a i i o X o O v T a i ] pr o l 769

12. Jtotl d tT toXoOvTaL ocfxocpT'MXol i^fiipcx x p t a e o i ; x u p t o u

e l ? TOV a l w v a -6T ' a v eut.ax£7T:T7]Tai. 6 Oeo? TT V y ^ v ev xp l f iaTc a u T o O -

13. o l Se tpo^oufj ievot TOV x u p t o v eXe7)&7^aovTat. ev auT^-x a l ^T^oovTat- kv eXeTjfioCTUVTQ TOO & e o O a u T w v * x a l a [ j . a p T w X o l a n o X o O v T a t el? TOV a l w v a / p o v o v .

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12. On the day of the Lord's judgment sinners will perish forever, when God exammes=* the earth at his judgment:"'

13. but then,"" those fearing the Lord will find mercy, and they will live on in their God's mercy,

but sinners will perish for all time.

Or: "watches over," "oversees," "visits...in judgment." Other MSS add: "to punish sinners forever," and omit vs. 13c; "but sinners shall

perish for all time." Gk: "on it (Judgement Day)."

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16. "Tfivo; Tw £aXo)(juov- e l ; avTlXir](|;E.v oalot.;

Tilv Tw vuGToi aL '^^X^'^ H-ou (XTio xupiou Tcapi [XLxpov wXloBTjaot"

ev xaTa<popa UTTVOU* TW fzaxpiv ctTuo Oeou-Tcap' oXlyov e^exu^j ifl t ** ^ a v a r o v

miveyyu; TCUXUV I^SOU fxeta apiotpTuXoO' ev Ttd SLevex&^vat. M-O" xupiou &eoG lapai^X-

el XT; 6 xupLo; dcvTeXapeTO fiou TW ^Xeet aijTou e l ; TOV alwva.

16= K u[xvo;]iJ;aX[i6; 260 (149 606)

laXwaciv] oaXo^Awv 655 659 260 (149 606) 629 "la . . . '7 partially erased 336

oaioLc;]om 260 (149 606)

1. vuGTa^ai.]v7]aTa^a(. (655 659) i \ * » o D c <

4 uxT,vJ l uxJi (655 659)

uXlaOifjaa] wXlaeT,aa 655 wXlaOifjaav 769 uTtvwoa 336

ev'] om 629 (769)

xaTaipop?] xaTaqi9opa 260 (149 471) 629 (769) 336

ev xaTot^opqt UTlvou] f<\.=u>:t r Aux..T

TM] TO 629? 336 uiTvou Tw] (uKvouvTwv Ra=vG} (jLaxpav] + YeveoQat, 336 duu>-Tr^ 9eo0] r C i s i

2. CTUveyYu;] our^o^ (655m cor: ouvTjyyo^ 659m)

3. Stevexf^^voct] S'.mcx^a^ (655 659) AuaiAirf

<l-uxv-v] ^yjjT, (655 659)

xuptou] om Syr

xupt-o?] 9e6? 336

u-ou'] + el? CTojTeplav 336

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16 A Hymn ofSolomon: Protection for the Devout

When was drowsy, I slowly drifted down, away from the Lord. as I fell asleep, far from God.

For a moment my life was drained,^' 1 was almost dead. I was standing with the sinner, very near to the gates of hell.^-

So I would have been carried away from the Lord God of Israel. If the Lord had not taken hold of me with his eternal care."^

^ ' Some MSS omit "for the devout."

Gk: "my soul."

Gk: **poured out my soul."

O r "...the gates to the worid of the dead," "...the gates to hades.'

Syr omits: "Lord."

O r "everlasting mercy."

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4. evu^evj gvu^e 260(149 471 606)629 evu^ev...awxT,plav (vs 5) om 336 eTil XTQV ypTjyopTfjOLv auxou] O I ^ C I T I - ^ 6] w? 659 eawaev j i awae 260 (149 471 606)629

5. OOL] ai (655 659m)

avxeXa[3ouJ avxeXajSexo 253 (655 659)

sXoyTiaw[xaL] eXoyTiawjxsv 655 659 eXoylawjxe 260 (149 471 606) 629 eXoylaofxat 769 eXoylao[xe 769c eXoyT]ao[xaL 336 [vG=

eXoyi^aw [xe]

6. dTcoan^oT)?] aTtoax^ae t ,? (655 659)

tx7]Se] [XT] Se 253 260 (149) 769 r < i [ivT][X7]v] + ntpi 253 (655 659)

aou] xou (655 659)

[loujom 253 (655 659)

7. 'ETrtxpdxTjaov [xou] ^ j i f l a - i a

6 9e6?] r<**6»

d7c6...xal' (vs. 8)] om 336

dcppova] 655m

8. u7roxeL[x^vou] a7toxet.(xevou (655 659)

avwcpeXoO?] avo9eXou? 253 (655 659) 336

7cavx6?...avw9eXoO?] Av*r^.T r ^ m ^ ^

9. ^V XOTCW aou] lA^^M.ta

4. e v u ^ e v (xe w? x e v x p o v Innou ini -rrjv Y p T j Y o p T j O L V a u r o u * 6 awxT^p x a l a v x t X i Q n T w p [xou T r a v x l x a t p w gaoKiev fxe.

5. ' E^o(xoXoY>l(TO(xal aof 6 ^ e o ? * 6x1. a v x e X i p o u [xou s i? awxTjptav

x a l o u x eXoyT^aw^jiat [xsxa x w v a [ x a p x M X u v el? a T i w X e c a v . 6. [XT) aTioaxTQCTQ? TO iXeo? a o u arc ' e[xoO* 6 &e6?*

(X7}Se TTTjv [jivT^jxifjvaou aTco xapSla? [XOU lo>? ftavdrou. 7. ' E T C L x p a x Y j a o v (xou* 6 &s6?* d i ro a [ x a p x l a ? 7cov7)pa?

x a l ino Tcdar)? y u v a i x o ? 7iovT,pd? axavSotXti^ouair)? iXtppova.

8. x a l [XT) aTiaxTfjaaxw jxs x d X X o ? y\jvaiiy.6q 7rapavo[jLOua7)? x a l TcavTO? u7toxeL [xevou ino i j x a p x l a ? avwqseXou?.

9. T a e p y a XMV X^ -P""^ i^^^ xaxeuOuvov ev XOTTW a o u * x a l x a SE.aPi^[xaxa [xou ev M-VI JXIQ a o u SE.a9uXa^ov.

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PsSol 16

Gk: "my savior and protector who rescued me in every crisis."

Gk: "counted," "considered."

Gk: "heart."

Gk: "Overpower me," "rule over me."

Gk: "worthless," "useless."

Gk: the trip-stick in an animal snare, thus: "...from every evil woman who

triggers the trap for the foolish."

Gk: "lawbreaker," 'Torah-violator," "criminal."

^" Gk: "Make straight the works of my hands in your place."

Gk: "guard carefully my steps in yoiu" memory."

In his vigilance he jabbed me as with a horse spur. My savior and protector rescued me again.^*'

I will confess you, O God, because you took, hold of me and saved me and I wasn't included^** with sinners for destruction.

Don't take your mercy from me, O God, nor yoiff memory from my mind^*' until death.

Restrain m e , ^ O God, from intentional*' sin, and from every wicked woman who traps the foolish.^

And do not let me be deceived either by a lawless"' woman's beauty, nor by anyone under the control of useless sin.

Guide my actions before you."^ Guard carefully my steps through remembering you."^

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10. XoyoL^J Xoyv); 65.5*

ueplCTTet-Xov] TteplCTTEt-Xouf; 471

11. yoyyuCTtiov...efjLoO] om 769

6XLyot}rtJxlav] oXtyoxj/uxlav 336

^v^ ^ o u ] 769 ?

TiatSeuet-v] TiefxSeuet-v 336 cor to: neuSeuetv

12. CTTV)PLCTOV] CTTT^pt^ov 260 (149 471 606) CTTT.P^OV 769

ev...(j,ou] om 659

vLCTxuCTa!,] iCTxuCTai 606''^vt.CTxuCTL.aT=Pa

13. cvLCTXucriQi;] evLCTXutrac; 253*

KatSelav] jiESlav 253 (655m 659m cor marg) TtatSElav ^v TtEvlqc ^^v Ttevla Vat-Selav 149* [marked w i t h ' 1 3 ' a n d ' a ' t o

show misplacement] 471 606) The sequence of scribal alterations in MS 260 appears to be:

TtevlqL [ ] TcaLSelav 260 (imknown original text) TtEvla eee TtaLSelav 260 c' (erasure) ev Trevla 7tat.Selav 260 c ( ev added above line) ^ev KEvla '7tat,Selav 260 c and 'a ' inser ted to show misplacement.)

14. eXeyxeCTftatj eXExeCT&ai (655 659m)

tj ux iv] om Syr

ev X^^P^ oaTcpla; auTou] om Syr

auToO'] a u T T J ; 260 (149 606 769)

oapxl] CTapxT, (655 659)

Ttevla;] T t e v e l o ; 659

10. -nfjv YXwCTadcv fiou x a l TA x^'^^'^l l*-^^ kv Xoyotq aX7]&ela; neplcfzeikow opyigv x a l Oojfiov aXoyov fxaxpav TtolTjaov air ' euLoO.

11. yQfX\j<i\i.6w xa l 6X(,yo^}JU/Lav EV &Xli|'e- t^axpuvov a:r' ELLOO-eav a[AapT^ou ev TOI ae 7tat,Seuet.v EI ; ETitaTpo^i^v.

12. euSoxiqc Se (Ae-ra iXapOTvjfOi; on^pioov Tr)v ^'^x^v \iov ev Tw vocTXUoat. ae TTJV I1jux«1V (XOU apxeoeL xot,

TO 8o9ev. 13. 6x1 eav (JLT; CTU CVLCTXUCTIQI;*

T I ; uipe^eTat, Trat-Selav ev Tievla: 14. ev T ^ eXeyxeCT^at. ^^yyi'v ev x^'-P'- "aTtpla; auTou-

1 Soxt-fiaola CTOU ev oapx l auTou xa l ev ^Xlij^et nevla ;*

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PsSol 16

"Clothe my tongue and my tips, in words of truth."

"my soul."

"my soul."

"soul," "life."

Gk: "...by the hand of his corruption." Sec Job 7.5.

254 Gk: 2S5 Gk: 256 Gk: 2S7 Gk: 2Sg Gk:

10. May I speak the truth;"* Put fierce rage and anger far from me.

11. Put grumbling and discouragement in trouble far from me, if ever 1 sin while under your discipline intended to bring me back.

12. Support me" ' with approval and happiness; when you strengthen me.^'*

Whatever you will give is good enough for me. 13. Because if ever you fail to give us strength

who can endure discipline when they are poor? 14. When people^" are tested because of their mortality,-**

you are examining them in their flesh, and in the burden of poverty:

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15. ev TW UTrofxelvott Stxai-ov ^v TOUTOI-I;-eXeTjOigaeTaE. uno xuptou.

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PsSol 16

15. The righteous survive ail these things, by the Lord's mercy.^"

' Gk: "he will receive mercy from the Lord."

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17. TaXfAO? SaXwfxuv {xeira 4^"^?' '^9 PaatXel.

1. Kupte* au auto? PaoLXeu? •fj(iwv el? TOV alwva xal Ixf 6x1 ev aol- 6 &e6?- xau^^CTeTat. T; ''it^'^-

2. xa l TI? 6 xpo' O'S ^w^? dv&pw7tou enl ri]? y^?; xaTa TOV xpovov auToG xal eXiil? auToO ere' auTOv.

3 . Ti[t.zlz 8k eXTTLoOfxev eul TOV 9e6v awr^pa : ^ p L w v

OTL TO xparo? TOO &eoO T fiwv el? TOV alwva [ler' ^Xeou?-

xal •}] ^aatXela TOO &eou T,awv el? TOV alwva e T c l T a kdvr, ev xplaet..


t)jaX[i6?] om 3004

SaXwjiwv] aaXofjiwv 659 260 (149 606) 336

[xeTaJ [leT' 260 (149 606) 769 336

1. auTo?] om 253 (655 659)

paa'-Xeu?] -•- el? TOV alwva 6 &eo? 336

Tjpiwv' ] +xal 336

txi] kxri (655 659)

&e6?]-^(xwv 253 (655 659)

2. 6 XP' ' O'?] Syr

xa l" MS 3004 begins here, with this word. T; eXjil? auToO ejc' a u T o v ] micas

3. -r.uiel?] i^iLdiq (655 659)

eXTiLoOfxev] cXKlI O[jLev 336

TOV {)e6v] -Oeov TOV 260 (149 471 606) 336

awTf,pa]pr TOV (606 769 3004)

ToO' ] aoO 655 aroO 655c

eXeou?] IXeou 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

ev xplaet.] om 253 (655 659)

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17. A Psalm of Solomon with Song: For the king

O Lord, you yourself are our king for ever and ever: because in you, O God, w e ^ will take pride

How long is a person's allotted lifetime on earth?^' as long as he lives, he can hope.^

But we hope in God our savior: because the strength and mercy of our God will last forever,"'

and the kingdom of our God will last forever in judgment over the Gentiles.^

Gk: "oiwsoul." ^ ' Gk: "And how long is a person's lifetime on earth according to his time?"

Gk: "according to his [life]span, [so] also [is] his hope.."

Gk: " the strength of our God is forever with mercy." ^ Some MSS omit: "in judgment."

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4. -^peTiow] TjpeTTjaw 253 (655 659)

kni] h 769*

xa l jom 769*

auToG'Jom 253 (655 659)

e l ; TOV a l w v a ] om Syr

exXeUet-vJ exXcTrelv 471 769 336

CTOU] TO 769

paCTiXeiov] [3aCTlX:.ov 659 [fiaoLXet-av] c=Cerda 3004}. {This and other marginal corrections in a similar hand appear to be later harmonizations with de la Cerda, by a Fr. Junius. See Introduction, p. 25.)

5. TQtJLlv] Tiixwv 336

e T t e & e v T o ] UTte&evTo 336

e wCTavJ e ^ w a v T o 253 (655 659)

o u x ' ] om 769

eTiTTiyvelXw] e7i:,YYelXw 253 336

(xeTa] fieTa USTA 655 | folio marker] xal (ieTot 336

A9elXavTol acpelXovTo 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

IvTLfJLOv] etTt.[iOV 336

6. So^rJ Ulti 659

•r;p7J[jUdCTav] epTjfAoioav 3004* 336

uTtspTjcpavla] UTrepu^avla 659 aXXaYaaTo;]=^aiaV»ax,.-iaXaXaY[JiaTo; 260 (149 471 606 3004)

Su- xup'-e- /jpeTLao) TOV AaulS fiaotXea ETCI lopxifjX-xal (Tu ca[jLOCTa<; a u T M

TTEpl TOU O T i e p t i a T o ; auToG e l ; TOV a l w v a * TOU [lii exXelTietv aTcevavTl oou ^aalXetov auToG.

xal ev Tal; i f i -apTlat , ; ^ JJLWV eTtav^oTTjaav T ficv afjtapTwXot-

eTreftevTOYJiilv xal e^woav T jxa; ot; oux eK7]yveLXwtJLeTa [31a; aipelXavTo-

xal oux eSo^aaav TO 6vo_u,a oou TO IVTLJAOV. ev SO^T; e & e v T o JiaalXeLov AVTI utjjou; auTwv

^piifjuotjav TOV &p6vov AaulS ev uTTspYi^avla aXXaytxaTo;.

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PsSol 17

Syr omits: "forever."

Gk: "that his royal house would not be cut off before you.

Gk: "those to whom you did not make ± e promise."

Gk: '^ook it away with violence."

Gk: "with glory," "with pomp."

4. It was you, O Lord, who chose David as king over Israel, and you promised him that his descendants

would continue forever,^-that you would not abandon his royal house.^

5. But sinners revolted against us because of our sins: they attacked us and drove us out.

Those to whom you promised nothing,"' they violently stole from u s . ^

6. In their pride they flamboyantly^** set up their own royal house. Their arrogant substimtion desolated David's throne, and they did not glorify your honorable name.

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7. 6 9E6; ] om Syr oir ip |xa]pri:o 260 (149 471 606) 629 (769) 336 T||auv ] T,p'-Twv 3004m c=Cerda

8. e6pE&f|vai.] Eips&ElTi 260 (149 471 606 3004)

9. a . ' x ' ] = i<'!Lom260 (149 471 606 3004) pr x a r a T a I p ^ a a u r w v

260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

E X e i i a E o ) = :tu.-i4\ 16hl',i.o-iaA\ 16hl* JT |XET )oev R a = v G } J^YjpEuvifjOEj E5epEuvT)oev 253 (655 659) l o n a d f f j x e v ] j s o s x ^

a u T o v ' ] auTou? 260 (149 471 606 3004)

E v a ] om 260 (149 471 606 3004)

Kal ou- 6 &e6(;' xa-rapaXett; aurou? xal ape't; 0 7 t E p ( i a auTwv aTto -CTJi; -p)?-

ev ETTavaoT^vaE, auxoX? a v & p w K o v aXXoTptov YEvou? T^^JM^.

xa-ua xa a{j,ap-n^[i.aTa auTwv aJio8woE(.<; au-uo l? - 6 9e6(;* supeiHivat aii-col? x a t i t a Spya auxov.

oux EXETJOSL auTou? 6 ^s6q-£^Y]peUVT,OE TO O T I E p ^ a auTwv

xal OUX a - XEV auTwv Sva.

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PsSol IV

' Gk: av&pwitov

Some MSS and Syr omit: "according to their deeds."

• Some MSS and Syr omit: "no."

But you, O God, will throw them down, and root up their descendants from the earth, for there will rise up against them a man ™ alien to our race.

You will repay them according to their sins O God; It will happen to them according to their deeds."'

God showed them no^^ mercy. He hunted down their descendants,

and did not let even one of them escape.

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10. xupt.0?] &e6? 336

TToiel j eTTolTjoev 336

iKi]om 655 659

ll.'IIpT fxoxTev'HpiiiJLWCTev 6 dvofj.o? XTJV YTJV < 659^pi^fiwaev 336

acvofio?] ave^to? 260 (149 471 606 3004) +e7rl 253 (655)

x c x v a j p r x i 3004 336

12. ev 6p-f^ xaXXou? auxoOJ c n i ^ a r i p^-Lacuta

auxou] = tni^m'.T auxwv 336

£w?]d>m (655 659)

efiTtatypLov] e|XJrey[jL6v 253 (655 659)

xal ' ] om 3004, marg c=Cerda

ecpeloaxo] i<ffr]a<x.xo (655 659)

13. C7rolT]oev] eKoiTjoe 336 t 253 (655) 336

u7repT]9avlav] uTrepTjqjavIa 253 336 u7tepL9av la 655 659

aXXoxpla] aiioxpla 471

©eouj.p xou 253 (655 659) 260 (149 471 606) 769

14. l7 io lTjoev] i - 6 &e6? (655 659)

ev'] om Syr

xou? &eou?] xol? &eol? 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

{xou a&evou? Ra=vG}

&eou?] om (655 659)

10. TTt-aTO? o xupt-oi; ev niai TOI? xpl^iaatv a u x o u -oiq TtoLel ini XTJV y^v.

11. UpTjfXtwjsv 6 4vo(i.o? X7)v yr v :^|jluv a7i6 e v o L x o u v x u v auxT^v-T^tpavLaav veov xal TtpeopuxTjv xa l x^xva a u x u v (Spia-

12. ev opY^ xaXXou? auxou e^aTceaxecXev auxa ea>? £:rl SuCT(xwv

xal xou? dp^ovxa? r^? y?)? el? etiTrat-yH-ov xal oux ecpeloaxo.

13. ev aXXoxptoxTjxt, 6 ex^po? eTiol7;oev uTtepYj^avlav xa l 1 xxpSla auxou oXXoxpla dito &eou ^[awv.

14. xa l jrdvxa ooa ejrol7]iTev ev 'lepouaaXTjfx-xa9a>? xal xa t^r, ev xal? TtoXeot xou? Oeou? auxwv.

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10. The Lord is faithfiil in all his judgments that he does on earth.

11. The lawless one' devastated our land,= so that it was uninhabitable;' he eliminated yoimg and old and their children together.

12. In his tnagnifieent wrath* God' sent them away to the west, and he did not spare even the officials of the country from ridicule.

13. As the enemy was a foreigner, and his heart was foreign to our God, so he acted arrogantly.

14. So in Jerusalem' he engaged in all the practices that Gentiles do for their gods in their great cities.

Some MSS read: "the storm."

"* Gk: "turned our land into a desert."

' '" Gk: "no one inhabited it."

Gk: "the passion/wrath of his beauty." "The fire of God's wrath." Syr: "the beauty of his wrath." Unless this awkward phrase is a mistranslation from the original Heb., it appears to refer to God's "righteous indignation."

Gk: "he." Syr: "and Jerusalem did."

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" " niE P S A L M S O F S O L O M O N

ISiTcexparoOoav] ^nexpirouv 260 (149 471 606 3004 ) 769

aTcexparouv 336

aurwv] auTov 655* aOrou 471

ol] om 253 (655 659)

ev [lEow ev auro't? ev] - EV aural? ev ( i i o w 260 (149 471 606

3004) 769 336 { v iuroi? 6 Tiotov ev Ra=vG}

ev iJiow] om Syr

ev' ] om 260, 606, 336

16. Icpuyooav] Itpuyov 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

an'] ano 769

aurwv'] rourwv 769

oolwv] om 769

orpou9la] orpou9l (655 659) orpouftooi 655c

c^enerao&7)oav] e^eneraoav 769m

17. aw97)vaL] jiaasfA

ev 09&aX(xol? napotxla? (j/ux r]]

"J^OTJ 4'"3ri« (655 659)

oeouof i evT) ] 5w<i(ievir) (655 659)

aurwv^] + ^cpuyooav i n ' aurwv ol iyixKiii-\i-zzQ ouvaywYO? oalwv 253

655 659

15. Ka l ^TcexpaToOaav a u r w v ol ulol r ^ ? StaOT^xTj? sv {Uata ^dvwv OU[JL(IIXTWV

oux f)v 6 notov ^v [icow EV auxol? ev 'IcpouoaXTjii eXeo? x a l aXTi^Ecav.

16. E i p i i y o a a v a n ' auTwv ol a-faTtwvTe? ouvayw-yoi; o a l w v w? oTpouQla E^E7i£Taa&7)oav XKO XOITT)? aurwv.

17. ETcXavwvTo ev iprnioit;- owftfjVaL (pu^ai; aurwv aTio xaxoO-x a l rl(Atov iv 6(p9aX[i.ol? i r a p o L x l a ?

^livxh oeawa(xevr, e^ aurwv.

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15. And die people of die covenant living among the many nadons adopted these diings.

No one among diem in Jerusalem acted widi mercy or ffudi. 16. Those who loved die synagogues of die devout"" escaped from diem

as sparrows fly'*" from their nest. 17. They wandered in the wilderness to save their lives'*' from evil.

The life of even one who was saved from them was precious m the eyes ofthe exiles.

' Or: "assemblies of the pious." Some MSS omit: "of the devout."

' Gk: "spread out (their wings)."

Gk: "souls."

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IS.CTxopTTLCTfxo;] pr 6 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

oveoxev] eveCT^ev 336

T o u J TOU ; (655 659)

T7)v y ^ v j T ^ ; yr,z 336

19. 7rir)yal] a l Tnrjyal 3004

CTuvECT^sOriCTav] CTuvEXE&Tjoav (655 659)

20. auTwv] a u T o O 336

Xaou] t<2«.XA_o

a^ iapTla]+2H (superimposed twice) in marg 3 3 6 + e l ; TOV xatpov, 6v tSe ; CTU, 6 &E6;, TOG paCTtXeuaat. ^TtnCTpaVjX na lSa CTOU-

(transposed from vs.21) xpt.T7);J xpt^et,; (655 659) aTiEL&elqc] p^i\ojv\^'tw

2 1 . a u T w v ] auTov 769

u l o v AaulS] u l « Aa^lS 253 (655 659)

EI; TOV xatp6v...lCTpair]X TtalSa CTOU] - t o VS. 20 336

tSE;] o U e ; 260 (149 o lSa ; 606 471 3004) e lSe; 769 336


^aCT iXEOCTa t ] ^ C T L X e u C T a ; (655 659)

eTtl] om 769

18. E l ; T iaoav TTJV y ^ v eyevT^Bif) crxopTtCCTixo; otuxoiv U7t6 av6( iuv

"OTI avECTXE"^ 0 oupavo; TOU CTTa^ai USTOV IKI TTJV y^^v. 19. r i T j y a l auvea/eOTjaav alwvLot.

a ^ u a o w v ATIO opewv u ^ , X u v 6T!. o u x :J]v EV otuTol; Tcotwv S[.xatoCTuvTf]v x a l x p l f i a .

20. arco a p ^ o v T o ; a u x w v x a l X a o O e X a x l a T o u £V 710107) afxapTLa.

6 ^ a a i X e u ; sv u a p a v o f i l q t x a l 6 xpLTT); ev dtTcec&Ela x a l 6 X a o ; EV a j i a p T l a .

21 . "ISE, XUOLE- x a l avaCTTT ,CTov a u T o i ; TOV p a o t X e a a u T u v ulovAaulS-

EI; TOV x a t p o v 6v I S E ; a u * 6 OEO;* T o O p a o t X E U C T a L E T r n o p a T j X T t a l S a CTOU-

Page 198: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 17

Odier MSS read: "Know diis...."

18. They were scattered over the whole earth by the lawless ones.

The heavens withheld rain from falhng on the earth. 19. Spruigs were stopped.

From the perennial sources far underground To those in the high mountains.

For there was no one among them who practiced righteousness or justice:

20. From dieir leader to the commonest of die people they committed every kind of sin:

die kmg broke die law, the judges disobeyed, die people sinned.

21. Look,"" O Lord, and raise up for them dieir king, a son of David, to rule over your servant Israel in die time diat you know, O God.

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22. IxuvJ laxhv 655 x a d a p L O o v ] ai«r .xj.T {xa&aplaat- Ra=vG}-

e&vwv] ^&v6v 659*

xairaTcaTOUVTwv] 655m xa l airaTouvTuv 3004 * marg c=Cerda

dTTwXelaJ aTcwXela; (655m 659)

23. ev CTOiplqc ] om Syr

ev SLxat-OCTuvT]] om Syr {S(,xatoauv7;? Ra}

e^(iaaL] S ^ a a v (655m 659) l^waov 769 336

exTp^^^aL] exTpltJ^a? (655m 659m)

UTrepTjcpavlav] u T i e p u 9 a v l a v 655

d[JLapTwXou] om Syr

ifiapTcoXou] afxapTuXoui; 260 (149 606 3004) a^iapTwXuv 336

w?] (0 655 769 ev 336 24. CTuvxpltj^at] CTuvTp'^ov 336

oXoftpeOoat] oXeftpeuaat. {Ra} auTou] ev aTieXX- auTou cpuyelv I&VT; a.n6 TtpoowTrou auTou

3004 marg addition c=Cerda

25. ev a7T:et,X7] a u x o u cpuyelv c9v7; aTto Trpoawnou a u r o u ] om (471 606


ev aTreLX" autoO] tnAirtfris

22. xotl uTcoJ^ov auTov loxuv ToO ^paOaat, dtp^ovToc? iStKou;"

xa&ap^aov 'IepouaaX-r)[i ATCO e&vuv Ka-raTta-couvTuv ev aTraiXetpt

23. ev aocpta- ev SLxacoouvr; e^GKiatt-d[xapTwXou? aito xXTjpovofxla; • exTpZtj at. UTrepTjcpavtav ajjiapTuXoO' w? axeuT] x e p a f i i w ? -

24. v ^a^Sw aiSTjpqt CTuvTplij^ai. Jidaav UTroaraCTLV a u x w v -oXoOpeuaat, ^^Y) Tiapavofia v Xoyw arotiaTo? auToO-

25. ev arcetX-^ auTou 9UYE'IV e&vT) ajco TcpoawTTOu auroO* xal eXey^at afxapTwXou? v Xiyw xapSla? auTwv.

Page 200: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


Syr omits: "in wisdom and in righteousness."

^" Gk: "substance," "foundation," "confidence."

Gk: "by the thoughts of their own hearts."

22. Undergird him with the strength to destroy the unrighteous rulers, to purge Jerusalem from the Gentiles

who trample her down to destruction; 23. hi wisdom and in righteousness^^'

to drive out the sirmers from the inheritance, to smash the arrogance of sinners like a potter's jar,

24. to demolish all their resources^*" with an iron rod; to destroy the lawbreaking Gentiles with the word of his mouth;

25. to scatter the Gentiles from his presence at his threat; to condemn sinners by their own consciences.^-

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26. a9Tjy^oexa!.] - i cnaAixj

iiyiaa[Leyo\j\ om (655 659)

27. ixi] = ^a^om 260 (149 471 606 3004)

Tcavxe?] Trdvxix? (655 659)

eloLv auxwv] auxwv e l o i 260 (149 4717 606 3004) 769 auxwv

eloLv 769 336

auxwv' ] auxov 655*m

28. a u x w v ] a u x o v 655*

x^?] om 336

aXXoyevT,?] aXXoyevs? 655 659

TcapoLXTjOet,] -( ev 769

a u x o l ? ixi (vs 29) x p t v e l ] ^ . T T AAoa . ^ c n a x A -

29. St,aii<aX[juxj 3004* interlinear; om 471, Syr; StaijJaXiJL 655m 659m, in red 606.

2 6 . Ka l ouva^eL Xaov Ayiov ou dcpirj-fi^oeTat. ev Scxat-oouviij • x a l x p t v e l (puXo? XaoO

T,Y[.ao[ievou UTCO xupiou &eou auTou-2 7 . x a l oux acp-i^oet dStxlav ev [xeaw auTwv auXt-aST-vaE. ITL*

x a l ou xaTOLXT-aeL Tta? dvdpwTioi; [xex' aurwv elSw? x a x l a v

Yvwaexat. yap aurou? 6x1 TtavTE? ulol &eou elacv auxwv.

2 8 . x a l xara(jLeplaeL auxou? ev xal? cpuXai? auxwv ^Ttl x^?Y^?'

x a l TcapoLxo? x a l dXXoYevr)? ou TtapoLXTJaet-auxol? Ixi-2 9 . xptvel Xaou? x a l e&vT; ev oocpla Stxat-oauvT]? auxou.


Page 202: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSoI 17 " I

26. He will gather a holy people" whom he will lead in righteousness;^*'

and he will judge the tribes of the people who have been made holy by the Lord his God.^'*

27. He will not tolerate unrighteousness to dwelP" among them again, and no person who knows evil will live with them.

For he will know them, because they are all children of t h e t f G o d .

28. He will disfribute them upon the land according to their tribes. The stranger and the foreigner will no longer live with them.-"

29. He will judge peoples and nations in the wisdom of his justice. Pause

' One Syr MS reads: "a righteous people."

' Syr: "...who will gloriiy themselves."

' Or: "the Lord their God."

* Gk: "sojourn," "spend the night."

' Syr omits: "their."

' Syr: "will live near them."

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29. SLai|jaXiiaj 3004* interlinear; o/n 471, Syr; Stai^aXfjt 655m 659m, in red 606.

30. 6 5 " ) ^ 5 5 5 " (655 659) Xaou; cdvoiv] r t f s a i ^ ^ r<=»li_

uno] xuno 655

TOV'] om 260 (149 606 3004) 769 336

x a l ' ] om (655 659)

xaaapceX] xi&aptel (655 659) xa&aploet 260 (149 471 606 3004) 336

TO] TO 3004* margc'Cerda

31. epxeo»ai] epxea9e 769 336

t p e p o v T e ; ] cpeptovTe; 659

e^Yjo^eVYjxoTa;] e5oa9ev7;x6Ta; (655* 659)

TOU; e^TrjaftevTjxoTa; u l o u ; auTT;;,] ai:uai\r<:t c r u l ^ V

ISetv] I8cv 769

•!iv] e l v (655 659)

auTir)v] auTT); 659*

30. Kal i^si Xaoii? eOvuv SouXeuSLV auTw uno TOV J^uyov auToO*

xal TOV xupiov So^aos', ev k7ZLcr,[jM T r a o T ) ? r^? yf);* xal xaOap'-el 'IepouoaX7)[i v xyLaofAw oj;

xa l TO a n ' apx^i;' 31. cpxecT&a'. I9vir; an' ixpou TT,,; y^;

ISe'Lv TT)v S65av auToO-tpepovTe? Swpa TOU; e5iria9ev7;x6Ta; ulou? auTf,;-xa l ISelv T7)v So^av xupiou T]V eSo^aaev auTTjV 6 &e6;.

Page 204: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 17

^ Gk: "peoples of the nations."

^ Other MSS read: "come nations...."

^ Gk: "bearing as gifts."

^ So Syriac. Gk: "her frail children" See Kuhn, Die alteste Textgestalt 72-73.

30. He will have Gentile peoples^ serving him under his yoke, and he will glorify the Lord publically in the whole world.

He will pronounce Jerusalem clean, consecrating it as it was in the begirming.

31. He will have nations c o m e ^ from the ends of the earth to see his glory,

giving back^ her scattered children"" and to see the glory of the Lord

with which God has glorified her.

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32. Slxato;] + xal 606

en'] uTt' 3004* margc=Cerda

a8[.xla]rj aStxla (655 659)

auxwv] auxov (655* 659*)

6x[....xuplo;] om 336

xupLo;] =mss=vG, {xupiou Ra}

33. eni] e<p' 336

ouSe'] ou8ev 655m

TrX7)&uve"L] TTXTI&UVW (655 659)

ouS^^] xal 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

TtoXXol; ou OTJva^eE. eXTrlSa;] r < ' f < * 2 ^ \ ^ -izsoaj i < \

cXTtlSa;] eXitlSa 3004

e l ; ] e ; (655 659)

34.auxou^] om Syr

xoO] AuxoO 253 (655 659)

^XTCI; XOO SuvaxoO ^XKISL &eou]

32. Kal au-uo; ^aatXein; Slxat-o; St-Saiccoc UKO &€oO ert'auTou;-

xa l DUX eart-v aStxla xa l ; TjfiepaLi; ailiroO

fiTLiravTei; iyioi xa l ^aatXeiK; auxwv xpt-' ' o? xupto;. 33. ou yap eXTtt-el hni LTtTrov xal ava^axvjv xal xo^ov

ouSe TtX-rjduvel auxw ^fpualov ouSeipyupLOv e l ; TioXcjiov

xal TtoXXol; ou CTuva^et eX;tlSa; el;T,[j.epav TtoXeaou.

34. KupLo; auxo; ^aotXeu; auxoO-eXiru; xou Suvaxou iXTtiSi. &EDU"

Kal eXsr^oet. Kavxa xa IOVT] evwuLov auxou ev ^ofiw.

Page 206: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 17

Gk: "in his days."

^ Gk: "horse and rider and bow."

Gk: "accumulate gold and silver for war."

™ Gk: "a day of war."

^ Gk: "hope."

32. He will be a righteous king over them, taught by God, there will be no unrighteousness among them during his reign,"

because everyone will be holy, and dieir king will be die Lord Messiah.

33. For he will not depend on cavalry and archers;'"' Nor will he need to finance a war;'"* He will not place his hope on making war.'"

34. The Lord himself is his king, die hope of the one who hopes'" in God.

He will be mcrcifii! to all the Gentiles diat fearfully stand before him.

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35. T i a T a ^ e t ] xaTa^st 253 (655 659) 336

y^v] 655m

el?] + TOV 336

36. Sino] in' (655 659)

Xaou ixeyaXou] Xaou? {AeyaXou? 253 (655 659)

ICT) U(,] laxuet 253 (655 659) om Syr

37. aCT&evT,aeL] av&evT^aei, 659* Vy=iAvj

x a T e t p y a a a T o ] xaTT^pyaoaTo 655 (659 769)

SuvaTov] om 336 Suvapn-v 769

auveoew?] auveaw? (655* 659*)

[xeTa] t i e r ' 260 (149 471 606 3004)

SixaLoauvT]?] SixatoauvT^v 253 (655*)

38. x a f ] o m 659

I f T x u t . ] laxuet 253 (655 659)

35. TiaTa^ei. y a p y^v TW Xoytj) TOO a T i f x a x o ? auroO el? alwva-euXoyTQoeL Xaov xupiou ^v aotficf. [ l e T ' eu9poauvr]? •

36. x a l a u T o ? xa&apo? a n o AfxapTla?-TOU A p x E L V Xaou fjLsyaXou-

eXey^ai, A p ^ o v T a ? x a l ^^apat, dfxapTwXou? ev iayyi Xoyou.

37. x a l oux ao&evTQoet ev Tal? ^[xepai? auTou knl 9-ew auToO OTt 6 ^eo? xaTeipyaoaTo auTOV

SuvaTOv ^v TrveujjLaTt. aylw x a l aocpov ev ^UXTJ ouveoeoj?

(xeTa lo /uo? xa l StxaLOOuvif)?. 38. xa l euXoyla xupiou fieT' a u T o u ev la^fuc-

x a l oux aa&evT,aeL.

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' Or "stumble." See Ward, A Philological Analysis, p. 265.

' Gk: "in his days."

35. He will strike the earth with the word of his mouth forever; He will bless the Lord's people with wisdom and happiness.

36. And he himself will be free from sin, in order to rule such a great people.

He will expose officials and drive out siimers by the strength of his word.

37. And he will not weaken*"' during his reign,^ relying upon his God, because God will make him powerful by a holy spirit; and wise in intelligent counsel, with strength and righteousness.

38. And the blessing of the Lord will be with him in strength, and it will not weaken;

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39. 'H]om 606

S u v a r a L ] pcinj

40. x a l > m (655 659)

9 6 ^ w ] cpo^ov (655 659)

n o L j x a l v w v ] TtoLfjtivwv (655 659)

S L x a t o a u v T ) ] S L x a c o o u v T j v (655in 659)

a<p:^CTe(,] dcpT^aat 336

a u T w v ] a u T o v (655 6 5 9 ) a u T w 769

4 1 . 1(T6T7]T(.] oCTLOTTjTL 260 (149 471 606 769* marg)

o c ^ e L j ^ ^ e i 655* 659* a u ^ e t 606 ^

uTrepTjtpavla] u T t e p u 9 a v l a (655m 659) u7repY)9aveLa 3004

x a T a S u v a o T e u & T J v a i . ] x a T o t S u v a o T e u & u v a c 655

a u T o l ? ' ] a u T w 3004* ( H a i m bel ieves this to be a correct ion b y the or iginal scr ibe; Baars says it is a later correct ion)

39. ' H iXnit; a u T o O knl x O p t o v x a l r'lq S u v a r a L npoq a u T o v ;

40. layypoq ev ^ p y o t ? a u T o O x a l x p a T a t o ? ev q)6pw & e o O ' 7tot.{i.alvwv TO TtolfivLov x u p l o u

^ v TtlffTEt x a l SLxaLocniv i r ; -x a l o u x a(p7ia£i i a & e v Y j a a t ev au-col?

^v vo^i-^ a u r w v . 41 . ev ICTOTTJTI, T t d v r a ? a u T O u ? i^et , -

x a l OUX iaxtxi ev a u T o l ? U7rep>]cpavla TOU xaTo tSuvacTTeudT-va ! , ev a u T o l ? .

42. A u T T , Y) euTtpeTie ta TOU paoLXe to? l a p a i ^ X , TJV e y v w 6 O e o ? -d v a o T ^ o a t , auTov in o l x o v l a p a i ^ X , 7rat,SeOaat. a u T O v .

Page 210: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

39. His hope will be in the Lord. Then who can be stronger than h e ? "

40. He will be mighty in his actions and strong in the fear of God. faithfully and righteously shepherding the Lord's sheep,"" he will not let any of them stumble" m their pastme.

41. He will lead them all impartially,"* And there will be no arrogance among them,

that any of them should be oppressed. 42. This is the magnificence of the king of Israel'"'

that God acknowledged, to raise him over the House of Israel to discipline it.

Syr: "for who will stand against him."

Gk: "flock." ("Sheep" to preserve the alliteration in Greek.)

Gk: "become weak."

Gk: "in equality."

One MS reads: "king of Jerusalem."

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43. TO TipMTov TLfiLov] x l tx iov TO TTpwTov 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

TO TrpwTOv] om Syr

cruvaYwYal;] auvoLybr^au; 655*m

StaxpLvelJ Staxplvei, 655 m StaxpLvel; 3004* c==Cerda

XaoG] Xaou; 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

TiYt-aatxevou] iffioia^vm 260 (149 471 606 3004)

auToO'] auTMv 253 (655 659)

wq] om 336

44. YEvofxevoi] YtvofxevoL 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769 336

lapaifjX] 'IepouaaXii(jL 336

ajom 253 (655 659) 769 336

notr,aei] noofjoat 253 (655 659) 769 336

45. TaxOvat.] x a x u v T ; 253 (655 659)

puaeTat,] pOoac 769 {puaaLTo Ra=vG}

axaSapffla;] axap&aala; 769

^X^ptivJ i<^fiih^ 46. ^aatXeu^J PaatXeo; (655 659)

43. Ta ^-^fiaTa auroO T i e i t u p w ^ v a UTiep ypuaiov TO Ttpwrov TI JLLOV

£v ouvaYcayaXi; Staxptvel XaoO 9uXai; ^yLaafjivou-ol Xoyot aOroG w; X iyot aytwv cv

fieoo) Xawv - YLaCTjiivMv. 44. fiaxaptot OL ye-^oiiewi h r a l ; T j ^ p a E . ; iixet-vaLq-

ISelv Ta ayafta lopaTjX ev ouvaYwYt cpuXciv a TcoLiQaet. 6 8e6; .

45. Taxuvat 6 9e6; inl lapaifjX TO tktoq auToG-puCTETaL ^([la; aTio axa&apCTLOti; ex P' '*' ^s^i^Xwv.

46. xupLO? auTo; ^aocXeui; T,[J.UV el; TOV aluva xal ^TL.

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43. His words will be purer^"* than the finest gold. hi the assemblies he will judge the tribes of a sanctified people.

His words will be as the words of the holy ones, among sanctified peoples.

44. H ^ p y are the people bom in those days who will sec the good fortune of Israel

that God wall cause in the gathering of the tribes. 45. May God hasten his mercy to Israel;

May he shield us firom the contamination of defiled enemies; 46. The Lord himself is our king forevermore.

Gk; "proven uiie," "refined." See Ps 18.30.

^ One MS reads: "Jerusalem."

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1 8 . "FaXfio; Tw £aXc>)(xcdv • £TL TOO XpLaroO Kupiou

Kupte- TO SXeo; a o u ^jtl T a ^pya TWV ysipm-^ a o u SL; TOV alwva-

7) XPIOTOTT,; aou [iSTa 86(iaTo; TIXOUOIOU ejil 'lopai^X-ol ocp^oXfiol aou ^TCLpX^TtovTe; ^7t ' auTa-

x a l oux uoTepigoEt. a u r w v r i wra oou Jitaxouei e l ; Btqaiv Ttrwxou EV eXnlSt.

ra xplfiard aou eirl naoav nf)v yf^v ( l er i EXEOU;' xal 1 ayanT] aou enl airep^a 'APpaafjL- uloO lapai^X.

18=IH] incl. 3004

TaXjio?] om (655 659)

T<i] TOU (655 659)

2aXM(xwv] aaXofjiwv 260 (149 606 3004) 336 i IH 3004

5TI] ETtl 260 (149) 769

^TL TOU Xptarou Kupiou] om 3004

1. Tijom 336

HEra] ETtt 253 (655 659)

Sojiarw;] Si^iiaroi; 659

2. ^7t(,pXe7tovTe;] eTCLpXEJtouotv 769

oux] "U" (655 659)

oux UOTEpT aet.] r C a t ^ . T ^ . - c o i u i .

E5] k (655 659)

aurwv] aurov (655* 659*)

ra] rw 769

ETiaxouet] E n a x o u a e i 260 (149 606 3004) 769 336

ScTr]o(.v] om Syr

3. (lEra] [JIET' 260 (149 471 606 3004)

T,] om 253

aydtTTT]] marked on word and in margin with dot triangles, but not a variant

from any known manuscript.

aitEp(ia] o7 iep ( iara (655 659)

'APpaafji, uloO lapaVjX] ^o3T=>i<.i mist

ulouj (ulou;=Ra=vg=FabI

Page 214: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

18 A Psalm ofSolomon. About the Lord's Messiah '

O Lord, your mercy is upon the worits of your hands forever, your kindness to Israel with a lavish gift.

Your eyes are watching over them and none of them will be lacking"'

Your ears listen to the hopefid prayer of the poor. Your compassionate judgements are over die whole world,

and your love is for the descendants of Abraham, an Israelite.'

"° Some MSS read: "still."

^" Syr: "there is nothing hidden from them." Gk: "...of Abraham, of a son of Israel." This awkward (and anachronistic) syntax

has prompted several conjectures, including: (1) emend to "Israelites;" (2) emend to "die Israelite;" (3) transpose 'Abraham' and 'Israel' widi die Syriac to read: "...die descendants of Israel, die son of Abraham;" 4) emend to "sons," i.e: "...die descendants of Abraham, die sons of Israel."

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4. TiatSela] TtaiSla 253 {655 659)

Tipwroroxov] Tiipwroroxou 769

[Aovoyev^] jjtovoyevou? 769

eO^xoov] uTH^xoov 260 (149 471 606 3004) dfiaS'la?] djiaSelat? 336 [ ova^^et. c=Cerda 3004] ayvola ] MS 336 ends PssSol here, followed by Sirach 33.1-13

Sec Wright & Hann, "A New Fragment."

5. x a & a p l a a L ] vss. 5 to end om 336 xa&apltnr) 253 {655m 659)

6 &e6? ] om Syr

eXeou?] eXeo? 655 659 eXcou 260(149 471 606 3004) 769 e W - e v euXoyla 149

avd^et.] imderlined with marg c=Ccrda: a lveaei 3004 with note: "Cerda mtcrpre haher. Regno:"

6. y e v 6 ( x e v o L ] yLvofxevof. 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769

r a l ? ] om 253 (655 659)

7. uTCo] aTCO 3004* c above

Trat-Sela?] dcTtatSla? (655 659)

4. -fl nx tSe ta CTOU e c p ' ^ [ A O I ; W ? u l o v Tcpwroxoxov (xovoysv-^ dcTToaTp^tpat 'j'UXTfJv euigxoov dtTco ifxadla? ev ayvola.

5. Ka^aplaat 6 &e6? iCTpaTjX el? TJ^jiipav eXeou? ev euXoyla-el? i^tiepav IxXoyv)? ev ava^eLXP'-'T' o'J aOTou.

6. MaxapLOt. ol yevojievot. ev ta l? ififjiipat.? exelvat.?-ISelv xa aya&a xupiou a TrocT^oet. yevea TT^ ep^^opicvT;

7. UTTO pdpSov TratSela? -xpioxou xupiou v t p o ^ &eou aurou •

^v CT09la TTveufi-aro? xa l SLxacoouvT)? xal lo /uo?'

Page 216: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 18

See 4 Ezra 6.58. ' Gk: "one who hears (and listens and obeys).' ' Gk: "fix)m ignorance in incomprehension."

4. Your discipline for us is as for a firstborn son, an only child,*'^ to dissuade the perceptive person*''' from unintentional sins.'' '

5. May God cleanse Israel for the blessed day of mercy, the appointed day for the appearance of his Messiah.

6. Happy are those living in those days. to see the good things of the Lord, that he will do for the coming generation;

7. That will be under the rod of discipline of the Lord's Messiah. in the fear of his God, in the wisdom of the spirit, and in righteousness and strength.

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8 . avSpa] avSpa; 253 (655 659)

£vw7rt.ov] ev qjo^w 260 (149 471 606 3004)

9. iXeou;] iXeou 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769

Sca4-aXtxa]om47ULai;^aX[i 253 (655m 659)260 (149) 769.3004

in left margin. NB: in red ink in MS 149 & 606. ^ a X [ x 6 ; xw oaXojjtwv 10 3004 (marks this MS's division to form

psalm 19).

10. -/itiwv 6 9 E 6 ; ] ~ 6 fteo; ri^v 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769

nopelqc] Tiopla 253 (655 659) xupela 3004 marg c=Cerda.

^wox^pa; ] ^ [ x e p a ; 3004

11. 6S0;] oSw; 655*

auxwv] a u T O 655c

ifp' riq] acpti]; 655*

12. oSwvlaKo 6S0O 260 (149 471 606 3004) 769

auxwv ] om 3004 * in marg.

auxou]+ 4 'aX(io l aoXotiwvxo; IH 3004 769 + *FaX(xol aoXo[ jLwvxo; IH ix^^^'-'^ ^"''l ^ 149 260 + 4'aX(JLol aoXo[xwvxo; Sexaoxxw ^x^^*^^"^ ^ ^ ^ 1 Tpt-axovxa 606 in red.

J;aX^Jlol a x l ^ ^ 655 659 + 4'aX(jLol aaXojjLwvxo; IT)

^ o u a t v 6 Inr, a 3004 *• o o X o | j i w v x o ; (j/aXtAol oxl / , "Jjv 253

8 . x a - r e u & O v a L dcvSpa ev ipyoiq S t x a L o a u v T , ; 96^01 &eoO. x a T a a T Y J a a t Ttavroti; a O x o u i ; svwTttov xuptou.

9 . yevea aya&Vi ev 9 6 ^ & e o u ^v i^ji ipat? eXeou;.

10. M e y a ; t ^ j a w v 6 &e6; x a l SvSo^o;- ev u^laxoii^ x a T O L x u v

6 StaTct^oti; ev nopelqt c p o K T r r ^ p a ; e l ; xa tpou; u p u v acp' -t^^iepuv e l ; i^fxepa;-

x a l ou 7 rap^ p T , a a v a7i6 oSoO % e v e T e l X u a u T o l ; . 11. ev cpopw &eoO T, 6S6; a u T w v x a & ' ^xaCTTTjv ^^fjiipav

a<p'-^; i ^ p i p a ; SxTtaev auxou; 6 &e6; x a l Iw; alwvo;. 12. x a l oux £7tXavig97 )aav a c p ' f,; ^[jiepot; ^xxcaev auxou;*

d t K O yevewv apxalwv oux aTtecTXTjaav oSwv auxwv

el [XTT] 6 fteo; evexelXaxo auxo l ; EV eTiLxay^ SouXwv auxoO. xeXo; auv &ew

Page 218: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

PsSol 18 »

8. to direct people to lighteous acriotis, in the fear of God, to confrrm diem all in die presence of die Lord.'

9. This will be a good generation living in die fear of God, in the days of mercy. Pause

10. Our God is great and glorious living in the highest heavens, who arranged the sun and moon into orbits

to mark die times of die hours from day to day.' And they have not deviated fi-om their course,

diat he appointed for them. 11. Their course each day is in the fear of God,

from the day God created them and imtil forever.

12. And they have not wandered from the day he created them, fiom ancient generations.

They have not veered off their course except when God directed them by the command of his servants.'

(The end . thank G o d ! )

Odier MSS read: "in die fear of die Lord."

Gk: "for rimes of die hours from days to days." See Josh 10.12,13; Isa 38.8. This harmonistic but intrusive ending may well

have been added by a subsequent scribe.

Page 219: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


(Full ciUtioDS m a y b e found in "Bib l iography o f t h e Greek Text o f the P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " p. 2 1 5 )


de la Cerda . J o h a n n e s L u d o v i c i . ADVERSARIA SACRA 1 6 2 6 , reprinted M S 1 4 9 ( incorrect ly c l a i m e d to be the " A u g s b u r g M S ; " a c c o m p a n i e d by a Latin translation; n u m e r o u s errors).

N i e r e m b e r g , J o h a n n e s E u s e b i u s (Juan F;usebio). DE ORIGINE SACRAE SCRIPTURAE 1641 ( P s s So l 1 , 1 8 , and p a n o f 17 with a Latin translation and br ie f pre face ) .

Janeski . G. DISSERTATIO HISTORICO-CRITICA DE PSALTERIO SALOMONIS. 1 6 8 7 (text o f P s s S o l 1 and 11 with the Latin translation o f d e la Cerda) .

N e u m a n n , S. G. 1 6 8 7 (Edi ted a text in Wit tenberg m e n t i o n e d by M i g n e and Fabric ius) . Fabric ius , J o h a n n e s Albertus . • PSALTERIUM SALOMONIS CUM IO. LUDOVICI DE LA CERDA " 1 7 1 3 [2d ed. 1 7 2 2 |

( R e p r o d u c e d d e la C e r d a ' s Greek text and Latin translation; correc ted s o m e o f de la C e r d a ' s m i s p n n t s : o n l y s o m e errors in the first ed i t i on w e r e corrected in the s e c o n d , that i t se l f inc luded n e w m i s t a k e s ) .

H i lgenfe ld , A d o l p h . "Die P s a l m e n S a l o m o ' s und d i e Himmel fahrt d e s M o s e s , gr i ech i sch hergeste l l t und erkl ir t" 1 8 6 8 (based on de la C e r d a ' s text ) .

. MESSIAS LUDAEORUM. 1869 (based on d e la C e r d a ' s text s u p p l e m e n t e d by readings from Haupt ' s co l la t ion o f M S 1 4 9 ( s i c ) ; addit ional read ings (rom Fabric ius and s o m e conjec tures o f Paul de Lagarde; he argued that Greek , not Hebrew, w a s the original l anguage o f t h e P s s S o l )

Fr i tzsche . Ot to . LIBRI APOCRYPHI VETERIS TESTAMENTI- GRAECE 1871 ( inc luded readings from de la Cerda. Fabric ius , Hi lgenfe ld , and Haupl ; a t t e m p t e d to i m p r o v e upon the Greek text by frequent conjectural e m e n d a t i o n s ) .

G e i g e r , Eduard. DER PSALTER SALOMO'S. HERAUSGEGEBEN UND ERKLART. 1871 ( b a s e d on de la C e r d a ' s text and H a u p t ' s co l la t ion; a t tempted to e x p l a i n di f f icult ies in the Greek manuscr ipts by a l lus ion to an a s s u m e d H e b r e w or ig ina l ) .

H i l g e n f e l d , A d o l p h . DIE PSALMEN SALOMO'S 1 8 7 1 (edi t ion with translation and critical n o t e s i s sued as a r e f u u t i o n o f E . G e i g e r ' s p r o p o s e d H e b r e w or ig ina l ) .

Ryle , Herbert Edward and M o n t a g u e R h o d e s James . YALMOI SOLMONTOS: THE PSALMS OF THE PHARISEES i 8 9 1 ( S o u r c e s ; M S S 149 2 6 0 , 4 7 1 , and 6 0 6 . Th i s w a s the first ed i t ion to use m o r e than o n e manuscript . T h e y b e l i e v e d in the e x i s t e n c e o f the " A u g s b u r g " manuscr ipt and repeatedly m a k e c o m p a r i s o n s b e t w e e n read ings o f M S 149 and M S " A " [actual ly de la C e r d a ' s text | . S o m e c o n j e c t u r e s were based upon a pres imipt ive H e b r e w archetype . Their c o p y o f M S 4 7 1 w a s in p l a c e s d e f e c t i v e . ) .

S w e t e . H. B . - THE PSALMS OFSOLOMON." 1 8 9 4 ( S o u r c e s : M S S 1 4 9 , 2 6 0 , 4 7 1 , 6 0 6 , and 2 5 3 . First to use M S 2 5 3 . A d d e d three conjectural e m e n d a t i o n s . ) .

Gebhardt , O s c a r VON.YALMOI SOLOMONTOS: DIE PSALMEN SALMOS. 1 8 9 5 ( sources : M S S 1 4 9 . 2 5 3 , 2 6 0 . 3 3 6 , 4 7 1 , 6 0 6 , 6 2 9 , and 7 6 9 ; r e c o g n i z e d the virtual identity o f M S S 149 and 2 6 0 ; c o n c l u d e d that M S 2 5 3 has preserved the greatest proport ion o f early read ings ) . Th i s text is the s o u r c e o f m a n y later ed i t i ons , inc luding Rahl f s ' .

S w e t e . H. B . THE PSALMS OFSOLOMON. 1 8 9 9 (added the n e w M S S inc luded by von Gebhardt: M S S 3 3 6 , 6 2 9 , and 7 6 9 ; s o m e w h a t d e p e n d e n t u p o n v o n Gebhardt) .


L indb lom, (Chris t ian) Johannes B . SENJUDISKI FROMHETSLIF ENLIGI SALOMOS PSALTARE. 1 9 0 9 ( U s e d von ( i e b h a r d t ' s text ) .

Vi teau. J. LES PSAUMES DE SALOMON. 1911 ( i n c l u d e s s ignif icant variants from a Syriac ed i t ion by Francois Mart in) .

Rahlfs , Alfred. SEPTUAGINTA ID EST VETUS TESLINENIUM. 1935 ( source text w a s von Gebhardt ) . Kuhn. Kari G e o r g . DIE DLTESTE TEXTGESTALT DER PSALMEN SALOMOS. 1937 (Greek, and Syriac texts o f PssSo l

1 3 - 1 7 ) . Baars , W. A NEW FRAGMENT OFTHE GREEK VERSION OFTHE PSALMS OFSOLOMON. 1961 (co l la t ion o f a n e w l y

d i s c o v e r e d M S 3 0 0 4 c o n U i n i n g P s s S o l 1 7 : 2 - 1 8 : 1 2 ) . Wright. Robert B . THE PSALMS OFSOLOMON. A PROVISIONAL COLLATION OF THE GREEK TEXT. 1 9 7 4 (private ly

c irculated and inc luded with J o s e p h Trafton, THE SYRIAC VERSION OF THE PSALMS OFSOLOMON: A CRITICAL

Page 220: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

A N N O T A T E D L I S T O F E D I T I O N S A N D T R A N S L A T I O N S 209

Evaluation ( S B L S C S 11; At lanta , O A : Scho lars P r e s s / S o c i e t y o f B ib l i ca l Literature, 1 9 8 5 ) . A g o u r i d o u , Sabba ( ; A g o u r i d o u , S a h b a ) . ' ' Y a l m o i S w n \ o l o n i o " ( S i s a g w g i k a — K e i m c D O k a i S c o l i a ) . " Theologia

4 9 ( 1 9 7 8 ) 7 0 3 - 7 5 1 ( r e p r o d u c e s v o n Gebhardt ' s text with o n l y minor al terat ions) . A t k i o s o n , Ket iMth . An Intertextual Study of the Psalms of Solomon Pseudepigrapha. ( L e w i s t o n , N Y : T h e

E d w i n M c N e o Press 2 0 0 1 ) . (Greek text largely b a s e d on M S 2 5 3 that is s imi lar to v o n Gebhart . but w b i c h i n c l u d e s s o m e conjectural e m e n d a t i o n s . )

Wright , Robert B . The Psalms of Solomon: A Critical Greek Edition of the Greek Text. 2 0 0 7 (this ed i t i on ) ,

[ N B : For a c o m p l e t e list o f p a n i a l texts and translations through the ntoeteen lh century , s ee i . Vi teau, I.es Psaumes de Salomon. 2 4 5 - 2 5 1 . 1

Editions of the Syriac Text:

Harris, J ( a m e s ) R e a d e l . The Odes and Psalms of Solomon. 1 9 0 9 (2d c d . 1 9 1 1 ) ( b a s e d upon a s ing le Syriac M S ) .

Harris, J ( a m e s ) R e n d e I and A l p b o n s e M i n g a n a . The Odes and Psalms of Solomon. 1 9 1 6 ( 2 d e d . 1 9 2 0 ) (based o n three Syriac M S S ) .

K.uhn. Karl G e o r g . Die alteste Textgesialt der Psalmen Salomos. 1 9 3 7 (Greek and Syr iac text o f P s s S o i 1 3 - 1 7 ) .

B a a r s , W. " P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " 1 9 7 2 (based on the four k n o w n Syriac M S S ) .

T R A N S L A T I O . N S : Dutch:

G o e i j , M . d e . "Psa lmen van S a l o m o . " 1 9 8 0 ( text o f P s s S o l translated from G r a y ' s E n g l i s h translat ion) .

Emglish: Whiftton, W i l l i a m . A Collection of Authentick Records. 1 7 2 7 . T h e first Engl i sh translat ion o f the P s s S o l . Pick, B e m h a r d . The Psalter of Solomon. 1 8 8 3 ( T h e first w i d e l y ava i lab le E n g l i s h translat ion. T h e text is

d e p e n d e n t upon H i l g e n f e l d . E. G e i g e r . and W e l l h a u s e n ; the translation suffers from an i m p r e c i s e k n o w l e d g e o f Engl i sh and from n u m e r o u s transcript ional errors) .

Ryle , Herbert Edward and M o n t a g u e R h o d e s James . YALMOISOLMONTOS: The Psalms of the Pharisees. 1 8 9 1 .

H a m s , J ( 8 m e s ) R e a d e l . The Odes and Psalms of Soiomon. 1 9 0 9 [2d . ed . 1 9 1 1 ] . Gray , G e o r g e B u c h a n a n . " T h e P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " 1 9 1 2 (the standard E n g l i s h ed i t ion for s e v e n t y - f i v e years) . Harris, J ( 8 m e s ) R e n d e l and A l p h o n s e M i n g a n a . The Odes and Psalms of Solomon. 1 9 1 6 | 2 d e d . 1 9 2 0 ] . K l a u s o e r , J o s e p h . The Messianic Idea in Israel. 1 9 5 5 ( s e l e c t i o n s from P s s S o l 8 , 17 , 1 8 ) . G la tzer . N . N . " T h o u Art Our K i n g : From the P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " 1 9 6 3 (translat ion o f P s S o l 17 from an

u n k n o w n source ) . B o n s i r v e n . J o s e p h . Palestinian Judaism In the Time of Jesus Christ. 1 9 6 4 ( E n g l i s h translat ions o f s evera l

s e l e c t i o n s from P s s S o l 11 and 17 from the French ed i t ion; there are t w o different translat ions o f P s s S o l 1 7 . 3 2 - 4 7 ) .

M o e l l e r , Henry R. The Legacy of Zion. 1 9 7 7 ( s e l e c t i o n s from P s s S o l , var ious p s a l m s ) . Davenpor t . G e n e L. Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism. 1 9 8 0 . ( D i s c u s s i o n and translation o f P s s S o l 1 7 : 2 1 - 4 6 ) . Brock , Sebas t ian P. The Psalms of Solomon, in The Apocryphal Old Testament, e d . H. F. D . Sparks , 6 4 9 - 6 8 2

(Oxford: Clarendon , 1 9 8 4 ) . Wright . Robert B . "The P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " 1985 (translat ion and n o t e s with a c c o m p a n y i n g introduct ion) ,

OTP. D e J o n g e , Mar inus . The Psalms of Solomon. 1 9 8 5 ( introduct ion and translation o f P s s S o l 1, 3 . 8, 17, 18) . Atk inson , Kenneth . A n IntertextuaJ S m d y o f the P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n Pseudep igrapha . ( L e w i s t o n . N Y : T h e

E d w i n M e l l e n Press . 2 0 0 1 ) . ( E m p h a s i z e s the intertcxtual a l lu s ions in the P s s S o l . ) —. / Cried to the Lord: A Study of the Psalms of Solomon's Historical Background and Social Setting.

( L e i d e n : Bril l . 2 0 0 3 ) . (A m o r e literal Engl i sh translation than the author ' s p r e v i o u s book . C o n t a i n s n u m e r o u s d e t a i l e d textual d i s c u s s i o n s b a s e d o n Wright ' s crit ical apparatus as w e l l as on the Syr iac manuscr ip t s . )

— . "The P s a b n s o f S o l o m o n : A n Engl i sh Translat ion o f the Greek Text ." In T h e N e w Engl i sh Translat ion o f the S e p t u a g i m . A . P ie tersma and B.G. Wright , eds . ( O x f o r d , Eng land: O x f o r d Univers i ty Press , for thcoming) . Ava i lab le at: hiip. c ca t . sa s .upenn .edu /ne i s - ed i i i on / .

Wright , Rober t B . , The Psalms of Solomon: A Critical Edition of the Greek Text. C o n t i n u u m Pres s . 2 0 0 7 .

Page 221: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

210 Ps A L M S O F S O L O M O N

A . N . N O T A T E D L I S T O F E D I T I O N S A N D T R A N S L A T I O N S

Greek: A g o u r i d o u . S a b b a ( A g o u r i d o u . Sabba) . "Valmoi S o l o m w n t o " ( S i s a g w g i k a — K e i m c n o kai S c o l i a ) " ( N o t

( T h i s ed i t ion) .


B o n s i r v e n , Joseph . "Les P s a u m e s d e S a l o m o n " in: La Bible Apocryphe en marge de I'Ancien Testament. 1 9 5 3 . 1 5 7 - 1 7 0 1= " D i e Psa lmen S a l o m o s , " in: Die Apokryphe Bibel am Rande des Alten Testaments.\'i59. 1 5 3 - 1 6 6 ]

M i g n e , M. " P s a u t i e r d e S a l o m o n , 1 8 5 6 (descr ibed b y Viteau as " m e d i o c r e " ) . N S l d e k e , T h e o d o r . Al t te s tament l i che Literatur, 1 8 6 9 (translat ion b y H. D e r e n b o u r g and J. S o u r y ) . Jacquier, E. Le Psaumes de Salomon. 1 8 9 3 . Peyro l laz , A. Le P s a u t i e r d e S a l o m o n . 1 8 9 9 (translated from von G e b h a r d t ' s text) . Vi teau. J. Les Psaumes de Salomon. 1 9 1 1 . l.a Grange , M.-J. "La Rena i s sance du M e s s i a n i s m e Personne l D a v i d i q u e . " 1931 (translat ion o f PssSo i 17) Prigent, Pierre. Psaumes de Salomon in Andr6 D u p o n t - S o m m e r and Marc P h i l o n e n c o , La B ib l e : Ecriis

Intertes iamentares .


N e u m a n n . S. G. 1687 ( p o s s i b l e a l lus ion to a translation by N e u m a n n in M i g n e ' s Dictionaire des Apocryphes ou Collection de tous les Livres Apocryphes relaii/s a I'Ancient et au Nouveau Testament ( P a n s Barriere d'Enfer. 1 8 5 6 ) I c o l . 9 4 0 . ( A apparent ly b a s e d on de la Cerda ' s text) .

A n o n y m us. 1 7 1 6 (reported by Viteau to h a v e been d e s c r i b e d by Fabric ius as a translation appear ing in Le ipz ig . A l s o no t i ced by h . G e i g e r : apparently based o n de la C e r d a ' s text) .

B e r i e n b u r g i s c h e Bibe l . Die Heilige Schri/i Alies und Neues Testaments: {nach dem Grund-Text au[s neue iibersehen und iihersetzeij. nebst einiger Erkldrung des buchstdblichen Sinnes. wie auch der Jurnehmsten FUrbildern und Weissagungen von Chrisio und seinem Reich und zugleich {einigen Lehren. die auf den Zusiand der Kir) Ber ienburg : [J. F. H a u g ] , 1 7 4 2 . . (Attr ibuted by s o m e to Fabricius; apparently based on d e la C e r d a ' s text j .

A n o n y m us. Auswahl der heslen apocryphischen Schriften. welche noch ausser der biblischen vorhanden sind. 1 7 7 6 . First C o l l e c t i o n . Corburg: S a m m l u n g . (Reprint o f the Berlenburgische Bibel, with correc t ions ) .

A k i b o n . Richard ( p e n - n a m e o f L u d w i g N o a c k ) . Achtzehn Psalmen Salomo 's...in's Deutsche Ubertragen. 1850 (apparent ly b a s e d on de la C e r d a ' s text ) .

Aechle apokryphische BUcher der heiligen Schrift. welche noch ausser der Bibel vorhanden sind. T u b i n g e n 1 8 5 2 . Translat ion with an introduct ion. Vi teau reports that the edi tor ". . .croit f e r m e m e n t q u e l e s

P s a u m e s de S a l o m o n sont un livre inspire ."(p. 2 4 2 ) . .Noldeke. T h e o d o r . D i e a l t tes tament l iche Literatur, Le ipz ig : Q u a n d t & H a n d e l . 1 8 6 8 . Hi lgenfe ld , A d o l p h . Die Psalmen Salomo's. deutsch Ubersetzt und aufs Neue untersucht. 1871 (translation

and critical n o t e s i s s u e d as a refutation o f E. G e i g e r ' s p r o p o s e d H e b r e w or ig ina l ) . We l lhausen . Julius. Die Pharisaer und die Sadducder. 1 8 7 4 (reprint 1 9 2 4 ) ( inc luded several conjectural

e m e n d a t i o n s b a s e d u p o n his theory o f a H e b r e w or ig inal ) . Winter, J. and A u g u s t W i i n s c h e . Geschichte der JUdisch-hellenistischen und talmudischen Literatur. 1 8 9 4

(translation o f P s s S o l 1, 9 , and 17 b a s e d on de la Cerda, Fabric ius , and H i l g e n f e l d ) . Zock ler . Ot to . "Die p s e u d e p i g r a p h i s c h e Lyrik: D e r Psalter S a l o m o s . " 1 8 9 1 . Kitte l . Rudolf . " D i e Psa lmen S a l o m o s . " 1 9 0 0 ( s o m e w h a t d e p e n d e n t u p o n v o n Gebhardt ) . Per ies . Fel ix . Zur Erkldrung der Psalmen Salomos. 1 9 0 2 ( b r i e f s tudy that c o m p a r e s s o m e verses in the

back-trans lat ions o f De l i t z sch and Frankenberg; s o m e w h a t d e p e n d e n t upon Gebhardt ) . Ecker, J a c o b . Porta Sion 1903 ( e x t e n s i v e n o t e s with many c o m p a r a t i v e translat ions) . ReiBIer, Paul . Psalmen Salomos. 1 9 2 8 . K u h n . Karl G e o r g . Die dlteste Textgestalt der Psalmen Salomos. 1 9 3 7 (argued that Syriac is a direct

translation from H e b r e w ; translation o f P s s S o l 1 3 - 1 7 ) . H o l m - N i e l s e n , S v e n d . Poetische Schriften. 1 9 7 7 .

Page 222: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

strictly a "traDSlation," but an edit ion o f tbe Greek text with a c o m m e n t a r y and n o t e s in m o d e m Greek; b a s e d on von Gebhard i . Gray, and Viteau) .


W e l l h a u s e n , Jul ius (apparent ly written, but not pub l i shed; ca . 1 8 7 4 ) . Frankeoberg , W. Die Dalierung der Psalmen Salomos. 1 8 9 6 . K a m e n e t z k y . Abraham S h a l o a m . Eine hebrdiscke ubersetzung der PsS . 1904 . Stein, M . " T h e P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n . " 1 9 5 9 (translation o f the Greek text into m o d e m H e b r e w ) . D e l i t z s c h , Frantz. "Ri ick i ibersetzung der P s a u m e s S a l o m o n ins H e b r a i s c h e " ( u n p u b l i s h e d manuscript n u m b e r

0 1 5 0 3 in the Univers i ta t sb ib l io thek L e i p z i g , ca . I 8 6 0 ) .

Latin: de la Cerda, J o h a n n e s L u d o v i c i . .Adversaria Sacra. 1 6 2 3 ( o c c a s i o n a l l y the Latin translation d o e s not match

the Greek text ) . N i e r e m b e r g , J o h a n n e s Kusebius . De origine Sacrae Scriplurae. 1641 (text and translation o f P s s S o l I. 18. and

part o f 17) . Janeski , G. "Disser ta t io h i s tor i co -cr i t i ca de Psatterio S a l o m o n i s . " 1 6 8 7 (text o f P s s S o l 1 and 11 with Latin

translation o f d e la Cerda) . Fabric ius , J o h a n n e s A l b e n u s . Codex Pseudepigraphus Veieris Testamenti. 1 7 1 3 , and 2nd ed . . 1722

( reproduced de la C e r d a ' s Greek and Latin texts with correc t ions ; s e c o n d ed i t ion , w h i l e correc tmg mis takes in the first ed i t ion , a l l o w e d addit ional errors).

Portuguese: Revista Biiblica Brasileira 17 ( 2 0 0 0 ) 5 - 2 9 . (Translat ion, introduct ion , and footnotes .A Por tuguese translation

o f "Psa lms o f S o l o m o n " from H e d l e y F. Sparks . The Apocryphal Old r^Mment ( 1 9 8 4 ) T h e translation inc luded the introduct ion and foo tnote s . )


Smirnoff . A . "Psa lmy S o l o m o n a 6 pr i lozen i j em od S o l o m o n a . " 1 8 9 6 (based on v o n G e b h a r d t ' s ed i t ion)


S i e n t , A n t o n i o Piriero. " S a l m o s d e S a l o m 6 n " in A l e j a n d r o D i e z M a c h o , Maria A n g e l e s Navarro , A l f o n s o de la Fuente . and A n t o n i o Pifiero S i e n t . Apocrifos del Antiguo Testamenlo. 1 9 8 2 .

Swedish: L i n d b l o m , (Chris t ian) J o h a n n e s B . Senjudiski Fromhetslif Englit Salomos Psaltare. 1909 {translation

d e p e n d e n t u p o n von Gebhardt ) .

Page 223: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition


A g o u r i l o u . Sabba , " Y A L M O I S O L O M W N T O S ( S I S A G W G [ K P A K E I M E N O K A l S C O L I A ) , " r A e o / o g j a 4 9 , pp . 7 0 3 7 5 1 {Athens , G r e e c e : E p i s t e m o n i k o n Per iod ikon E k d i d o m e n o n kata T r i m e n o n , 1 9 7 8 )

Aeckte apokryphiscke Bucker der heiligen Sckrift, welcke noch ausser der Bibel vorhanden sind ( T u b i n g e n , 1 8 5 2 ) .

A l p e , P. A n d r e a s d e , "La r e d e n z i o n e nei Sa lmi di S a l o m o n e , " La R e d e n z i o n e C o n f e r e n z e B i b l i c h e tetute n e H ' A n n o Giubi lare 1 9 3 3 al Pont. Institute B i b l i c o , ed . P. A. Vaccari , IV Set t imana B i b l i c a , p p . 3 0 1 - 3 2 0 ( R o m e . 1 9 3 4 ) .

— , "Chris to log ia in Psa lmis S a l o m o n i s . " VD W, Fasc . 2 - 4 ( 1 9 3 1 ) pp . 56 - 5 9 , 8 4 - 8 8 , 1 1 0 - 1 2 0 . A k i b o n , Richard {pen n a m e o f L u d w i g N o a c k ) . Achtzehn Psalmen Salomon's welch sick in unserer Bibel

nickt jinden: aus einer gehaimgehaltenen Schrist in's Deutsche ubertragen und mil Anmerkungen begleileHKasselU J.C.J. Raabe , 1 8 5 0 ) .

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ubersehen und Hbersetzelf; nebst einiger Erkldrung des buchstdblichen Sinnes. wie auch derfurnekmsten FUrbildern und Weissagungen von Christo und seinem Reich und zugleich {einigen Lehren, die auf den ZustandderKir), Ber lenburg , (d l . ) S e c t i o n VIII 2 7 1 - 2 7 9 (Ber lenburg: : J. F. H a u g . 1 7 4 2 (Attributed by s o m e to Fabr ic ius ; apparently b a s e d on de la Cerda ' s text ) .

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Bibliography ofthe Greek Text ='3

n ruluum pancarpia: polotoris denique iitteratura thesaurus multiplex. Accessit eodem auctore Psalterii Salomonis ex graeco MS codice pervetusto latina versio et ad Tertulliani librum de Paliio Commentarius auctior. Produnt omnia nunc primum. Cum privelegio (Lyon: L u d o v i c i Prost Haered i s R o v i l l e , 1 6 2 6 ) .

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Bibliography ofthe Greek Text 215

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Page 234: Wright Psalms of Solomon a Critical Edition

Additional Bibliography

Yu, Y o u n g Ki, "The N e w Covenant : the P r o m i s e and its Fulf i lment . A n Inquiry into the Inf luence o f the

N e w C o v e n a n t C o n c e p t o f Jer 31.31 - 3 4 on Later R e l i g i o u s T h o u g h t with Particular R e f e r e n c e to the

D e a d S e a Scro l l s and the N e w Testament ," Univers i ty o f Durham ( U n i t e d K i n g d o m ) . 1 9 8 9 .

Atlant ic Baptist Univers i ty : h t tp : / /www.abu .nb . ca /Courses /NTIntro / IoTes t /Tcs tF3 .h tm. ) . . E-mai l :

barry . [email protected] .

Sparks, H. F. D . ( H e d l e y Frederick D a v i s ) , T h e Old Tes tamenl in the Christian Church ( L o n d o n : S. C . M.

Press , Ltd. , 1 9 4 4 ) .

Stanley, ArUiur Penrhyn, The History of the Jewish Church, ( N e w York: Schribner , 1 S 7 9 ) .

Stade . B e m h a r d , Geschichte des volkes Israel: Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen 1.6 (Berl in: G.

Grote , 1 8 8 7 - 1 8 8 8 ) .

Ste in . M e n a c h e m , "The P s a l m s o f S o l o m o n , " The Outside Books (in H e b r e w ) v o l . U, e d . A . Kahana (Tel

Aviv: M a s a d a 1 9 5 9 ) .

S temberger . Gunter, tr: Al lan W. M a h n k e . Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus: Pharisees. Sadducees. Essenes

( M i n n e a p o l i s : Fortress Press 1 9 9 5 ) .

S tone , M i c h a e l E., "React ions to Des truc t ions o f the S e c o n d T e m p l e : T h e o l o g y , Percept ion and

C o n v e r s i o n . " JSJ ( 1 9 8 1 , 1 2 ( 2 ) 1 9 5 - 2 0 4 )

Str i jdom. J o h a n n e s Mal thys , "An eva luat ion o f John D o m i n i c Crossan's construct o f the historical Jesus: The Bapt i s t as test c a s e , " dissertat ion, (Afr ikaans text ) . U n i v e r s i t y o f Pretoria ( S o u t h Afr ica) . 1 9 9 8 .

T h o m p s o n . E. M. ed . , Facsimile of the Codex Alexandrinus, 4 Vo l s . ( L o n d o n : Brit ish Library, 1 8 7 9 - 1 8 8 3 ) .

T h o m s o n , John E b e n e z e r H o n e y m a n , Books Which Influenced Our Lord and His Apostles: Being a Critical Review of Apocalyptic Jewish Literature (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 1 8 9 1 ) .

Torrey, C . C , The Apocryphal Literature: a Brief Introduction ( N e w Haven: Yale U n i v e r s i t y Press , 1 9 4 5 ) .

W i o n i n g e , M i k a e l . " D e n intertestamentala litteraturen o c h N y a tes tamentet" ( T h e Intertcstamental Literature and the N e w T e s U m e n t ) . {Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift. ( 1 9 9 4 , 7 0 ( 4 ) 1 7 6 - 1 8 3 .

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