wps v6 technical overview v1-3-sms

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  • 7/27/2019 WPS V6 Technical Overview V1-3-SMS


    WebSphere Process Server 6.0 Technical Overview

    Version 1.1

    WebSphere Process Server Technical Introduction Page 1 of 55

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    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction............................................................................................................................... 32. Service Oriented Architecture ore............................................................................................ 5

    Service o!ponent Architecture "SA#..........................................................................5SA and $usiness Ob%ects "$Os#................................................................................... &SA $indings.................................................................................................................. '(unti!e Infrastructure..................................................................................................... '

    3. Supporting Services................................................................................................................. 1)Transfor!ations............................................................................................................ 1)

    *. Service o!ponents................................................................................................................1+$usiness Process ......................................................................................................... 1+$usiness Process ,-a!ples......................................................................................... 21u!an Tas/ 0anager .................................................................................................. 22$usiness State 0achines..............................................................................................3)$usiness (ules.............................................................................................................. 3&

    5. WebSphere Integration eveloper..........................................................................................*)Standards...................................................................................................................... *)(oles............................................................................................................................. *)

    The Progra!!ing 0odel............................................................................................... *1SA Ter!inolog.......................................................................................................... *1$uilding an Application.................................................................................................. *2I!ple!enting o!ponents............................................................................................*&ebugging Testing and 0onitoring...............................................................................52

    Su!!ar..................................................................................................................................... 55

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    1. Introdction

    Over the past fe4 ears custo!ers analsts and partners loo/ed to I$0 to provide a co!plete processintegration solution. i/e !an other co!panies in the industr I$0 offered separate products for

    traditional 4or/flo4 one for process integration using a 6ava7based progra!!ing !odel and anotherproduct supporting $P, "$usiness Process ,-ecution anguage#. With WebSphere for ProcessIntegration and the WebSphere Process Server I$0 establishes product and thought leadership inprocess integration. This leadership is delivered through I$08s co!prehensive runti!e environ!ent forprocess integration and a develop!ent foundation allo4ing custo!ers to build SOA7based integrationsolutions ranging fro! si!ple application snchroni9ation to enterprise7level process integration solutions.

    WebSphere Process Server is a co!ponent based Service Oriented Architecture "SOA# integrationplatfor! built on a unifor! invocation progra!!ing !odel and a unifor! data representation !odel.WebSphere Process Server is a single product providing a collection of integration co!ponents built onan SOA foundation to solve the breadth of integration re:uire!ents for a 4ide variet of custo!ers.

    ;or custo!ers !odeling business processes based on hu!an activities WebSphere Process Serverprovides the u!an Tas/ 0anager co!ponent. ;or custo!ers re:uiring full or partiall auto!ated

    business processes WebSphere Process Server8s $usiness Process and the $usiness State 0achinei!ple!entations offer an intuitive fra!e4or/ for deploing these solutions. ;or custo!ers 4ho aresnchroni9ing ob%ects bet4een e-isting applications WebSphere Process Server includes po4erfultransfor!ation co!ponents including business ob%ect !apping and relationship !anage!ent capabilities.

    Additionall all of these co!ponents ta/e direct advantage of the advanced $usiness (ules functionalitsupported 4ithin WebSphere Process Server. WebSphere Process Server8s integrated support forco!ponent7based SOA process solutions allo4s the abilit to choreograph these co!ponents to !eet thevaring needs of all custo!ers.

    Figure 1 WebSphere Process Server Runtime topology

    ;igure 1sho4s the runti!e topolog of WebSphere Process Server. The base (unti!e Infrastructure isI$08s !ar/et leading WebSphere Application Server. The SOA ore provides the basis of the SOA7based process solution. Service o!ponent Architecture and $usiness Ob%ects provide the unifor!invocation and data7representation progra!!ing !odel. Additionall the SOA ore includes theo!!on ,vent Infrastructure for generating events for the !onitoring and !anage!ent of WebSphereProcess Server. Supporting Services provide the foundational business ob%ect and transfor!ationfra!e4or/ for the WebSphere Process Server. The Service o!ponents represent the functional

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    co!ponents re:uired to build co!posite applications and represent the broadest range of integrationco!ponents in an process integration solution 4hich are used to solve the full range of integrationre:uire!ents...

    The co!bination of a po4erful foundation "WebSphere Application Server and the SOA ore# andService o!ponents in WebSphere Process Server allo4s users to build sophisticated co!positeapplications :uic/l. The technolog incu!bent in the WebSphere Process Server is the result of I$08s

    rich heritage in process integration< WebSphere Process Server thought leadership is based on thecollective custo!er and develop!ent e-perience derived fro! WebSphere $usiness Integration Server;oundation WebSphere 0= Wor/flo4 and WebSphere Interhange Server. This deep bac/ground inprocess integration results in the !ost co!prehensive process integration solution offered in the industr.

    The rest of this paper e-plores the features of WebSphere Process Server.

    Section 2 discusses the Service Oriented Architecture and covers the i!portance of the

    Service o!ponent Architecture and $usiness Ob%ects

    Section 3 covers the details of the Supporting Services including Interface 0aps $usiness

    Ob%ect 0aps (elationship Support and the Selector ;ra!e4or/

    Section * focused on the Service o!ponents including> $usiness Processes

    u!an Tas/ 0anager

    $usiness State 0achines

    $usiness (ules

    Section 5 discusses WebSphere Integration eveloper the pri!ar tool for developing

    WebSphere Process Server integration solutions

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    !. Service Oriented "rchitectre Core

    The Service Oriented Architecture "SOA# ore is the foundation in WebSphere Process Server "WPS#.The !ain co!ponents of the SOA runti!e are the Service o!ponent Architecture "SA# $usiness

    Ob%ects "$Os# and the o!!on ,vent Infrastructure ",I#. SA is the unifor! progra!!ing andinvocation !odel for business services that publish or operate on business data. $usiness Ob%ects "$Os#provide the unifor! progra!!ing !odel for business data. The o!!on ,vent Infrastructure ",I#provides the foundation architecture for the !onitoring and !anage!ent of the WebSphere ProcessServer solution and shares this architectural co!ponent 4ith other technologies in the WebSphereprocess environ!ent including WebSphere Adapters and WebSphere Partner ?ate4a.

    Figure 2 SOA Core

    Service Component Architecture (SCA)

    One of the critical challenges facing custo!ers 4ho i!ple!ent 62,, applications is the perception thatthe 62,, !odel is !uch too co!ple- for developing business applications. 62,, developers toda !ustbe a4are of a !ultitude of progra!!ing APIs and standards in order to build the !ost trivial ofapplications. "It should be noted that si!ilar issues are present in the 4orld of .@,T although this doesnot beco!e obvious until developers atte!pt distributed integration or heterogeneous access to non0icrosoft applications.#

    The evolution of 62,, has in !an regards i!peded rapid develop!ent of integration solutions. As ane-a!ple 62,, developers !ust understand the variet of 4as in 4hich data is represented including6$ (o4 Sets 60S 0essages and a range of other options. In addition to data representationco!ple-it 62,, developers !ust deal 4ith a variet of invocation patterns including Session $ean

    develop!ent and access 6$ access to databases and transactional se!antics via persistence!ethods. Additionall 62,, progra!!ers are encapsulating co!ponents as services and using $P, toco!pose services into a cohesive application. In su!!ar these issues !andate staffing re:uire!entsfor a cadre of super7developersB. This co!ple-it in develop!ent also decreases ti!e to !ar/et for ne4solutions and due to the co!ple-it of the develop!ent process can often result of code that is difficultto !aintain as re:uire!ents change.

    In this section 4e describe the Server o!ponent Architecture "SA# 4hich is a progra!!ing !odel thatsi!plifies the process of developing co!posite business applications. The develop!ent process issi!plified b providing a co!!on data representation and co!!on co!ponent invocation !ethods tosupport !ore intuitive develop!ent. There are t4o pri!ar tenants that underlie SA>

    SA si!plifies the 62,, progra!!ing !odel and provides co!ponent abstraction

    SA is based on concepts present in e-isting 62,, technologies

    One of the !ost i!portant aspects of the SA progra!!ing !odel is supports for a strong separation ofapplication business logic fro! technical infrastructure code. Separation of application business logic fro!technical infrastructure code allo4s applications to be created 4ith fe4er IT specialists and provides forgreater code portabilit and isolation fro! IT infrastructure change. SA e-poses business7levelinterfaces to application business7logic code. The data structures used as argu!ents to base SAservices are !odeled in $usiness Ob%ects. The $usiness Ob%ect is a standard data7structurerepresentation that hides the technical details of the technolog of the underling SA i!ple!entation.I$0 provides a rich set of tools for generating base SA services and $usiness Ob%ect tpes specific to

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    SOA CoreService o!ponent




    o!!on ,vent


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    the custo!er8s data and co!puting infrastructure 4ithout the need for progra!!ing. I$0 provides a richset of tools for the 62,, progra!!ing !odel that allo4s technical IT specialists to create ne4 SAservices or applications using the 62,, APIs directl.

    Another i!portant characteristic of SA is that it provides a si!ple declarative !odel for e-portingservices via various protocols including Web services. It also provides a si!ple declarative !odel fori!porting services that are i!ple!ented in other service technologies including Web services and ,IS

    services. SA provides a unifor! client progra!!ing !odel for accessing services 4hether the arei!ple!ented locall as SA co!ponents or i!ported services such as Web services and ,IS services.

    Figure 3 WebSphere Process Server Component Architecture and indings

    SA provides a high :ualit of service around these invocations. (ather than providing a lo4er7co!!on7

    deno!inator solution SA supports snchronous and asnchronous calls 4here appropriate over variousprotocols.

    SCA and Business Objects (BOs)

    Service7Oriented Architectures "SOA# provides both an architectural foundation and adesignCdevelop!ent !ethodolog for process integration. T4o of the funda!ental characteristics ofservices are>

    Services are relatively coarse-grained processing units.Services are opti!i9ed for relativel

    infre:uent e-changes of relativel larger sets of data> the interface to services is defined in ter!sof relativel large !essagesB docu!entsB or ob%ect7graphsB according to our perspective.Services are not ob%ectsB in the nor!al progra!!ing language sense. ;ro! an ob%ect7orientedprogra!!er8s perspective ob%ects are passed to services and received fro! services> servicesare processorsB that consu!e and produce sets of ob%ects.

    Services are loosely coupled.Services and their clients are loosel bound. The do not share

    assu!ptions about i!ple!entation technologies and both the addressB of a service and thetechnolog used to co!!unicate 4ith it !a be bound late to a client possibl even at run7ti!e.;urther services !ini!i9e te!poral and organi9ational constraints during the develop!entdeplo!ent and usage of the various services.

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    0ost people associate SOA 4ith D0 and Internet co!!unications protocols but the basic serviceconcept can also be directl applied in other environ!ents. In the WebSphere best7practices guidelinesfor 62,, I$0 and the rest of the industr reco!!ends an application architecture 4here statelesssession $eans front7end ,ntit beans. These stateless Session $eans can be thought of as interfaceservices. The entities the front7end are generall not visible to the clients E copies of the data in theentities are passed to clients and received fro! clients.

    $usiness Ob%ects "$Os# are based on the SO "Service ata Ob%ect# standard 4ith e-tensions to supportbusiness integration. $Os describe the data in a unifor! !odel and leverage D0 and DS in theiri!ple!entation. $Os carr additional infor!ation such as change histor and event histor but at thecore the are D0 docu!ents described b an DS.

    The SA and $O technologies provide a unifor! service7oriented vie4 over the top of the e-isting 62,,co!ponent !odel and APIs. This functionalit encourages best7practice i!ple!entations and si!plifiesthe progra!!er8s vie4 of the application !odules and the !iddle4are API. As a result the developer canfocus on the business logic and data being built or used rather than the technolog.

    The SA progra!!ing !odel abstracts the co!ple-ities of 6ava and 62,, "and other relatedtechnologies# and provides a core set of language concepts fa!iliar to people that develop businessapplications in other progra!!ing languages toda. evelopers s4itching fro! classical applicationdevelop!ent environ!ents to the WebSphere process integration solution benefit fro! an enor!ousl

    reduced learning curve. As a result developers can be :uic/l productive 4ith this progra!!ing !odel.$esides helping the co!!unit of developers that s4itch fro! classical environ!ents this allo4se-perienced 62,, developers to be !ore productive as 4ell

    SCA Bindings

    SA $indings are not directl e-posed to the developer but it is i!portant to recogni9e the technologiesthat can be e-posed as a SA services. In WPS the follo4ing co!ponents can be e-posed as SAservices>

    Stateless ,6$ Session $eans

    6ava lasses


    WebSphere Process Server Service o!ponents

    $usiness Processesu!an Tas/s$usiness (ules$usiness State 0achinesTransfor!ations

    Runtime n!rastructure

    The runti!e infrastructure is founded on the WebSphere Application Server. As such there are !anfeatures available inherentl to WebSphere Process Server such as perfor!ance scalabilit highavailabilit a!ong others. WebSphere Application Server is responsible for transaction !anage!ent

    securit and basic resource !anage!ent.

    Additionall there are several other I$0 products that leverage WebSphere Application Server andintegrate 4ith WebSphere Process Server b design. WebSphere Portal provides access to the variousad!inistrative functions and allo4s portlets to have access to business processes and other SAservices. The Process Portal i!ple!entation provides a WebSphere Portal solution for user interaction4ith the u!an Tas/ 0anager "in addition the u!an Tas/ 0anager also provides a Web lient runti!edeplo!ent option#. WebSphere eDtended eplo!ent "WAS7D# supports WebSphere Process Serverin the future as 4ell. WAS7D brings ver high :ualities of service and scalabilit to the WPS product.

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    Additionall WPS 4ill be available on the 9COS platfor! in the near ter! to bring the highest :ualities of9COS service to the product offering.

    Common !vent "n#rastructureo!!on ,vent Infrastructure ",I# is a set of !odular co!ponents for larger solutions that re:uiresi!ple event !anage!ent function such as event distribution event persistence event updates and

    event :ueries.

    ,I uses the event !odel defined in the I$0 Autono!ic o!!on $ase ,vent and Situation ata for itsevent !anage!ent functions. Over ti!e the broader adoption of this event !odel throughout I$0products translates into stronger integration bet4een ,I and the rest of the I$0 portfolio. ,I providesa fra!e4or/ for event integration. The underling event flo4 occurs 4hen a significant event happensin the IT sste! as sho4n belo4 in the ,vent Source. This event notification is captured b an evente!itter "either built into the runti!e e.g. WebSphere Process Server or a plug7in based event e!itter#.The event data is captured in an event ob%ect 4hich has a standardi9ed for!at called the o!!on $ase,vent "$,#. All event ob%ects are passed to the event infrastructure to enable the trac/ing the progressof a business process support for audit trails oordinating 4or/ bet4een independent businessprocesses and !onitoring for e-ceptions in a business process. The !onitoring function is the core ofthe $usiness Innovation and Opti!i9ation solution architecture as it uses ,I as the event infrastructurefor WebSphere $usiness 0onitor.

    Figure $ Common !vent "n#rastructure

    ;ro! an application integrator point of vie4 there are three /e aspects of ,I 4hich are referenced

    through the rest of the docu!ent>

    ,I SF . A co!bination of client libraries runti!e co!ponents and descriptive API

    docu!entation. evelopers use the ,I SF and associated API docu!entation to initiall 4ritetheir applications and later on pac/age the runti!e co!ponents 4ithin their o4n installation!odules to produce the final installation i!age of their products.

    ,I (unti!e . ,I co!ponents that actuall service the re:uests initiated at event consu!ers andevent sources such as creation and purging of events. Applications interact 4ith the ,I runti!ethrough the ,I APIs.

    ,I Ad!inistration . Installation configuration and !anage!ent aspects associated 4ith ,I


    As part of the overall direction for WebSphere7centric products ,I server7side co!ponents are !odeled

    as a 62,, application running inside an WebSphere Application Server and client7side co!ponents rel

    on the WAS client to connect to these server7side co!ponents

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    Event Data





    Event Source Distribute



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    While ,I is interesting b itself the true value is e-posed in products that can consu!e correlate andpresent the aggregate results of these events as 4ell as other relevant infor!ation to a user as is seen inthe deliver of the WebSphere $usiness 0onitor as 4ell as products fro! other vendors that support the,IC$, standards.

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    #. Spportin$ Services

    In this section the focus is on the additional functionalit provided b the Supporting Services provided inWebSphere Process Server.

    Figure % Supporting Services

    Supporting Services provide the !ediationCtransfor!ation pri!itives for the WebSphere Process ServerService o!ponents. This laer provides a co!!on !appingCtransfor!ation service to enable !appingof !apping of interface signatures via Interface 0aps fields fro! one representation to another via$usiness Ob%ect 0aps as 4ell as correlation and snchroni9ation of /e relationship interfaces bet4eensste!s. The Selector fra!e4or/ provides for dna!ic co!ponentCtarget invocation 4hich is currentlbased on dateCti!e


    ;le-ible and scalable business integration and SOA7based solutions often re:uire support for differenttpes of transfor!ations. WebSphere Process Server delivers highl fle-ible et po4erful transfor!ationcapabilities through its 0ediation ;ra!e4or/ and 0ediation o!ponents. The transfor!ation capabilitiesin WebSphere Process Server can be used in different co!binations to create 0ediations that !eet thetransfor!ation re:uire!ents of our custo!ers.

    The 0ediation ;ra!e4or/ provides functions to handle business infor!ation distribution and !ediationpatterns. It provides a set of tools for co!posing "!odel unit test debug asse!ble generate anddeplo# 0ediation o!ponents visuall 4ithout or 4ith !ini!i9ed progra!!ing efforts as sho4n in ;igure

    &. The 0ediation o!ponent is a progra!!ing !odel artifact for !odeling the distribution and !ediationpatterns in business integration applications. ;inall the 0ediation ;ra!e4or/ delivers a runti!einfrastructure for invo/ing !ediations.

    0ediations can be applied to $usiness Ob%ects "$O# or to events or re:uests "e.g. interfaces# associated4ith $usiness Ob%ects. A 0ediation o!ponent is a Service o!ponent Architecture "SA# o!ponent4hich is logicall separate fro! the source and target co!ponents. ;igure & sho4s the high level vie4 ofthe relationship bet4een !aps i!portsCe-ports and the business process.

    Figure & 'editation Flo( in WebSphere Process Server

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    Ob%ect 0aps(elationships Selectors


    ,IS I!portWS ,-port 0ediationo!ponent




    $usiness Process

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    Figure ) *rans#ormations in WebSphere "ntegration +eveloper

    The 0ediation o!ponent supports Interface 0ediation 4hich provides operation binding and para!eter!ediation. In addition a 0ediation o!ponent is co!posed fro! a se:uence of s!aller 0ediation

    Pri!itives 4hich i!ple!ent the basic !ediation patterns. 0ediation Pri!itives are the core functions thatplug7in to the 0ediation o!ponent< the include ata 0ap Pri!itives (elationship 0anage!entPri!itives and Selection Pri!itives.

    ata 0aps provide and structural and se!antic transfor!ation of $usiness Ob%ects. (elationship0anage!ent provides identit relationship !aintenance and trac/ing as 4ell as loo/up relationships incusto! transfor!ations. ;inall Selection supports dna!ic deter!ination of the target i!ple!entationor destination. @ote that the Selection !ediation pri!itive is restricted to be the last !ediation in these:uence of !ediation pri!itives.

    0ediations help enable developers to bridge co!ponents together. As an e-a!ple adapters produceHevents8 that have specific signatures "operation na!es and para!eters#. These events can be convertedinto different for!ats b !ediation co!ponents for do4nstrea! co!ponents in the overall solution.

    "nter#ace 'ediation, ridging incompatible inter#acesThe Interface 0ediation co!ponent provides resolution and reconciliation of differences bet4eeninterfaces found bet4een SA co!ponents. A 0ediation o!ponent can be created that understandsone interface "cancelOrder# and invo/es another interface "updateOrderStatus# as sho4n in ;igure +. Theinterfaces can additionall !ap the data on these interface calls E for e-a!ple through a ata 0ap orcusto! code.

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    Figure - "nter#ace 'ediation

    In ;igure G the Order0anager co!ponent reference cannot be directl 4ired to the SAP adapterinterface because the interfaces do not !atch. The !ethod na!es are not the sa!e and the para!eter

    tpes are different. When an Interface 0ap is introduced bet4een these co!ponents the 0ediationo!ponent acts as a bridge so these t4o co!ponents can be 4ired together.

    Figure . 'ediation component interposed

    +ata 'ap, usiness Ob/ect *rans#ormation

    ata 0aps are the si!plest for! of !ediation. WebSphere Process Server contains a rich graphical!apping tool that offers 0ove 6oin ,-tract and Assign of data fields as 4ell as custo! !apping "through

    usto! Activities or 6ava ode#. It also offers sub7!aps for co!ple- business ob%ect structures as 4ellas relationship !apping.

    The ata 0ap Service is a Hsste!8 Service that enables graphical conversion of one $usiness Ob%ectinto another as sho4n in ;igure 1).

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    updateOrderStatus"Order order Stringstatus#

    Order0anager SAP HAdapter8Interface0ediator


    retrieve"Order# fetch"SAPOrder#


    Order0anager SAP HAdapter8

    retrieve"Order# fetch"SAPOrder#

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    Figure 10 +ata 'ap in WebSphere "ntegration +eveloper

    +ata 'apping "nbound

    In the ;igure 11 an adapter polls the bac/end ,IS sste! "for e-a!ple> SAP# for reate (ead Jpdateor elete "(J# events of application7specific business ob%ects "AS$O# "for e-a!ple> SAPusto!erand SAPOrder# and publishes the! to a set of business processes !odeled using generic businessob%ects "?$O# "for e-a!ple> usto!er and Order# for further processing.

    In this case the ata 0ap Pri!itive in the 0ediation o!ponent enables the re:uest to be transfor!edinto a canonicalCgeneric for!at "?$O# fro! an application7specific for!at "AS$O#. This built7infunctionalit enables transfor!ation of the operation na!e "Interface 0ediation# as 4ell as the contentand structure of the para!eter"s# being passed as part of the operation "ata 0ap# as sho4n belo4 in;igure 11.

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    Figure 11 +ata 'apping "nbound

    +ata 'apping Outbound

    In the ;igure 12 the business processes is !odeled using generic business ob%ects "for e-a!ple>

    usto!er and Order# and re:uests (J access to a bac/end ,IS sste! "for e-a!ple> SAP# via anadapter 4hich supports application7specific business ob%ects "for e-a!ple> SAPusto!er andSAPOrder#.

    In this case the ata 0ap Pri!itive in the 0ediation o!ponent transfor!s the re:uest fro! the genericor generali9ed for!at to the application7specific for!at as sho4n in ;igure 12.

    Figure 12 +ata 'ap

    Relationship #anagement$ dentity Relationship management and loo%ups

    In business integration scenarios it is often necessar to access the sa!e data "for e-a!ple> custo!errecords# in various bac/end sste!s. A co!!on proble! for /eeping data in snc is that different bac/end sste!s use different /es to represent the sa!e data. The (elationship 0anage!ent service inWebSphere Process Server is used to relateB these disparate data sources. As a $usiness Ob%ect isconverted fro! one application specific representation into another WebSphere Process Server candna!icall !aintain a database of /es enabling the !apping of one data record into another bet4eendisparate bac/end sste!s. ;igure 13 sho4s the concept of a dna!ic identit relationship 4ith acusto!er identifier being !aintained 4ithin * different applications. In conventional !iddle4are solutionsthis is an e-tre!el difficult solution to develop and !ore i!portantl to !anage in an ongoing basis.WebSphere Process Server auto!ates this activit through a set of capabilities that provide an integratedfra!e4or/ for !anaging dna!ic relationships.

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    !"S Adapter

    +ata'ap 1

    +ata'ap 2





    ",-. SAPusto!erSAPOrder#


    ",-. usto!er Order#


    !"SAdapter+ata 'ap


    +ata 'ap$





    ",-. SAPusto!erSAPOrder#


    ",-. usto!erOrder#


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    The ob%ective of the Selector is to>

    eter!ine dna!icall 4hich i!ple!entation of a target destination to invo/e based on so!e

    defined set of criteria data and logic "urrentl the Selector onl supports dateCti!e#

    ecouple the client application fro! a specific target destination i!ple!entation allo4ing for

    dna!ic selection and invocation of a target destination

    Allo4 ne4 i!ple!entations of target destinations to be added to the sste! 4ithout re:uiring

    changes to the client application

    Allo4 ne4 SA i!ple!entations of a target destination to be added to the Selector dna!icall

    4ithout re:uiring a restart of the application or server

    Provide a fra!e4or/ allo4ing for custo! selector algorith!s to be e-ecuted fro! a Selector


    The Selector co!ponent design involves three participants> the lient the Selector and the estinationas sho4n in ;igure 15.

    Figure 1% Selector conceptual diagram

    lient> The client co!ponent !a/es a call on the Selector o!ponent. A client can be anthing that cancall a SA co!ponent.

    Selector> The Selector o!ponent is a generated SA co!ponent 4here each operation reflects abusiness need or tas/ and the target destinations provide the i!ple!entation. The Selector o!ponentchooses 4hich target destination to invo/e using a declared selection i!ple!entation.

    estination> The Selector o!ponent can choose an SA target destination tpe. The destinations foreach operation on the Selector o!ponent are associated 4ith the specific Selector o!ponent.

    ;igure 1& sho4s a si!ple e-a!ple that invo/es different co!ponents based on a selector rule. In thiscase the iscount selector is deter!ining 4hich target destination to call to deter!ine the discountavailable.

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    lient Selector

    na!icall choose4hich destination to





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    Figure 1& Selector e7ample

    @e4 co!ponents can be hot7deploed and the selector rules can be updated dna!icall. It should benoted that the Selector co!ponent is not designed to be a replace!ent for $usiness (ules rather a 4ato deter!ine at runti!e 4hich pre7defined co!ponent to call for a particular operation.

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    Figure 1- Conceptual picture o# a usiness Process

    The purpose of the $usiness Process engine is to interpret the process te!plates !anage the life7ccle

    of business processes to navigate through the associated process !odel and integrate the appropriatebusiness functions.

    WS8P!9WS7$P, defines a !odel and a gra!!ar for describing the behavior of a business process based oninteractions bet4een the process and its interactions 4ith e-ternal partners. It can be used to specif boththe public interfaces for the partners and the description of the e-ecutable process. A partner can be anentit 4hich either provides a service consu!es a service or both. WS7$P, provides the !eans tospecif business processes that are co!posed of Web services as 4ell as e-posed as Web Services.The interaction 4ith each partner occurs through Web Service interfaces and the structure of therelationship at the interface level is encapsulated via partner lin/s. The WS7$P, process defines ho4!ultiple service interactions 4ith these partners are coordinated to achieve a business goal as 4ell asthe state and the logic necessar for this coordination.

    WS7$P, provides sste!atic !echanis!s for dealing 4ith business e-ceptions and processing faults.;inall WS7$P, i!ple!ents a fra!e4or/ to define ho4 individual or co!posite activities 4ithin aprocess are to be co!pensated in cases 4here e-ceptions occur or a partner re:uests reversal of ascope of 4or/.

    WS7$P, is founded on an D0 notation and se!antics for specifing business process behavior based

    on Web Services. The standard evolved fro! $P,*WS and features !an i!prove!ents for creatingfle-ible $usiness Processes. It is based on WS 1.1 D0 Sche!a 1.) and DPath 1.). WS!essages and D0 Sche!a tpe definitions provide the data !odel used b WS7$P, processes.DPath provides support for data !anipulation. All e-ternal resources and partners are represented asWS services A WS7$P, co!pliant process can be e-ecuted in an process e-ecution environ!entsupporting that standard. Therefore WS7$P, process te!plates are portable.

    The highlights of WS7$P, are>

    $P, co!pensation "co!pensation handlers co!pensate activit# for undoing process steps4hich have alread been co!!itted

    ,vent handlers for having fle-ible 4as to handle asnchronous event issues during processe-ecution

    Support for DPath as :uer and e-pression language "e.g. in conditions# providing !ore fle-ibilite.g. for !odeling process conditions

    ,-plicit isolated scopes allo4ing for separation of internal error and event handling

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    $usiness Process






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    ;ault handlers for advanced internal process error handling

    usiness Process FeaturesWebSphere Process Server supports the follo4ing activities in the $usiness Process editor. Thisdocu!ent 4ill not cover the individual activit tpes ho4ever this infor!ation is readil available in othersources.

    Figure 1. WS8P!9 Activities supported WebSphere Process Serveru!an Tas/ 0anager functions are not included as the are covered separatel and are nor!allcreated as a separate SA co!ponent.

    WebSphere Process Server supports all the functionalit of WebSphere $usiness Integration Server;oundation Mersion 5.1 "W$IS;# plus additional features. ;or readers fa!iliar 4ith W$IS; the follo4ingsection e-plains these ne4 features in detail.

    P!9 !vent :andlers$P, ,vent andlers allo4 for e-ternal re:uests to arrive asnchronousl to nor!al e-ecution and addan optional parallel thread for process e-ecution. On occurrence of that event the $P, event handler ise-ecuted ho4ever the process continues nor!all if that event is not received 4ithin the configuredprocess section.

    P!9 Compensation :andlerso!pensation is the concept of roll7bac/ over a se:uence of alread co!!itted transactions a logicalundo of alread co!!itted 4or/. o!pensation in WPS is $P, co!pliant and 4or/s according to the$P, o!pensation handler !echanis!. o!pensation logic specified per process is added to theprocess b !eans of a $P, co!pensation handler 4hich specifies co!pensation logic to be e-ecutedin case the unit it applies to "e.g. a scope# has to be co!pensated.

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    ;Path supportIn accordance 4ith WS7$P, WPS supports DPath state!ents for process ele!ent e-pressions andconditions "e.g. Transition condition#. ,as access of custo! properties "activit or process properties# orinitiali9ation and co!parison of process data ob%ects is possible via DPath e-tension functions.

    9i#e8cycle supportWPS supports enhanced life7ccle co!!ands. A process7subprocess relation is life7ccle a4are. That!eans that if aprocessTerminateco!!and is issued against the parent process the subprocess ister!inated as 4ell and vice versa. Apart fro! theprocessTerminateco!!and additional life7ccleco!!ands have been added>

    Suspend, resume. The entire process instances can no4 be suspended and resu!ed. This is

    valuable to cover i!portant concepts li/e deferred e-ecution of a business case.

    Restart> The entire process instance can no4 be restarted e.g. in case of an e-ception 4hich

    corrupts the process a co!plete process restart is possible.

    Business 'rocess amples

    $usiness Processes are used to solve a 4ide variet of business proble!s. WebSphere Process Serveri!ple!ents functionalit 4hich !aps to features available in WebSphere $usiness Integration Server;oundation WebSphere IS and WebSphere 0= Wor/flo4 and provides techni:ues for buildingsolutions that !i!ic the functionalit available in each of these previous products. et8s :uic/l loo/ atho4 these tools provide business process support to illustrate the advanced architecture of theWebSphere Process Server.

    WebSphere usiness "ntegration Server Foundation !7ampleWebSphere Process Server is a straight evolution of W$IS;. As such the business process !odelavailable in W$IS; is supported and e-tended in WebSphere Process Server as previousl discussed.

    ;igure 2) sho4s a si!ple WPS solution. On the left is a Web Services export4hich is used to e-posethe serviceas a standard Web Service. The service in this case is a $usiness Process that has all thecapabilities described in this section and is based on WS7$P,. The $usiness Process can referencepartners that are e-posed as referencesin the solution and are i!ple!ented as Web Services.

    Figure 20 WebSphere usiness "ntegration Server Foundation usiness Process !7ample

    WebSphere "nterchange Server !7ampleWebSphere Interhange Server "WIS# !a/es e-tensive use of adapters for both input "export# andoutput "import# and is often used to snchroni9e the contents of various enterprise sste!s. WIS !a/es

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    Business Process WS Import

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    e-tensive use of transfor!ations and co!ple- !anipulation of data through advanced graphical tooling.These features are delivered in WPS through transfor!ations in the 0ediation ;ra!e4or/.

    ;igure 21 displas a sa!ple WIS7stle solution i!ple!ented in WebSphere Process Server On the leftthe adapter provides the source AS$O "Application Specific $usiness Ob%ect#. Jsing the sophisticatedtransfor!ation and 0ediation features of WPS "that is conceptuall based on WIS concepts#< the AS$Ois converted to a ?$O "?eneric $usiness Ob%ect#. Optionall the ?$O can be passed into a $P,7

    based business process for further enhance!ent or action. As a final step the ?$O can be convertedbac/ to an AS$O for output to target sste!s via another adapter.

    Figure 21 WebSphere "nterChange Server !7ample

    WebSphere '< Wor=#lo( !7ampleWebSphere 0= Wor/flo4 is a WebSphere 0=7based 4or/flo4 solution. 0an of the concepts for theu!an Tas/ 0anager are derived fro! WebSphere 0= Wor/flo4.

    ;igure 22 sho4s a si!ple e-a!ple of a 60S exportreceiving a !essage and passing it directl to au!an Tas/ 0anager service covered in the ne-t section. The u!an Tas/ 0anager provides all theservices to interact 4ith the user and !anage that interaction. Once the hu!an tas/ is co!plete theoutput could be to another 60S location.

    Figure 22 WebSphere '< Wor=#lo( !7ample

    Combination o# ServicesIn this section 4e have described the si!ple !appings of previous products in ter!s of their fra!e4or/pattern to i!ple!entation via WPS functions. The /e value of the WebSphere Process Server is that theproduct "as a result of the SA fra!e4or/# enables developers to utili9e a co!bination of these features

    to develop solutions that support functionalit not previousl available in a single product.

    *uman "as% #anager

    The u!an Tas/ 0anager provides the hu!an tas/ capabilities for WebSphere Process Server>

    To start a process or other service co!ponents

    To i!ple!ent staff activities

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    Adapter Business Process



    Human Task Manager JMSImport

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    Figure 2$ :uman *as= !ditor

    After the tas/s had been defined the can be used in 4iring diagra! to lin/ an activit in process diagra!4ith the !anual tas/. In ;igure 25 a logical 4iring diagra! sho4s various lin/s>

    An Originating Tas/ "oTas/# invo/es another o!ponent i.e. a $usiness Process b the user

    assigned to the tas/. It is therefore !ainl responsible for handling authori9ation issues.

    An Ad!inistrative Tas/ "aTas/# is a created b other Service o!ponents 4ho 4ant to offer an

    interface for a hu!an ad!inistrator.

    A Participating Tas/ "pTas/# is a tas/ this is invo/ed fro! another Service o!ponent i.e. a

    $usiness Process.

    A u!an Tas/ "hTas/# that is created b another tas/ that !eans u!an7to7u!an

    co!!unication. In case of a subtas/ the response is sent to the pTas/ 4hereas a follo4 on tas/4ould return to the initial service re:uester.

    An Inline Tas/ previousl /no4n as staff activit in fro! v5 !odeling has to be used 4hen the

    staff assign!ent for this activit has to have /no4ledge about the process and perfor!ers ofpreceding tas/s. The approval activit has to be perfor!ed b the !anager of the person 4hoentered the re:uest in activit A.

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    The concepts for e-ternal tas/s used as Service o!ponent provide for reuse. This !ight i!pl

    the need for a !ediation bet4een the re:uester and the hu!an tas/.

    It should be noted that 4hen developing hu!an tas/ interactions the sste! needs to consider

    life ccle actions bet4een the involved co!ponents e.g. that the process 4ill be suspended.

    Figure 2% Wiring +iagram

    State *ransition +iagram and Programming "nter#acesu!an tas/ interactions are actuall a state !achine i!ple!entation fro! a runti!e perspective. If 4e

    loo/ at hu!an tas/s fro! a J0 2.) perspective a tas/ 4ith a hu!an i!ple!entationB has the !ainstates Ready Claimed and !aitingForSubtas".

    When the tas/ is created it goes into the state Ready. As long as it is in state Ready it can be clai!ed.When a person clai!s the tas/ b perfor!ing a chec/7out on the tas/ it then the tas/ goes into Claimedstate. In the standard case the person 4ho has clai!ed the tas/ at so!e point in ti!e co!pletes the tas/b specifing its output !essage. When the tas/ co!pletes the tas/ goes into its end state Finised. If afault !essage is generated instead of the output !essage then the tas/ goes into its end state Failed. If4hile 4or/ing on the tas/ the person decides to create one or !ore hTas/s as sub7tas/s then the tas/goes into the state !aitingForSubtas"and re!ains there until all sub7tas/s have co!pleted. All the !aintas/ states have the sub7states ,scalated and Suspended. A tas/ is in the sub7state ,scalated if one ofits escalations has fired. ;igure 2& depicts the tas/ state7transition7diagra! for an hTas/ and pTas/.

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    This state !achine has an initial state "nitialState1 "blac/ dot# 4hich is the state for the state !achine4hen it is created. This fact !eans that onl one initial state can e-ist in a state !achine. This initialstate is a pseudo7state that auto!aticall transitions to the ne-t state State 0in this e-a!ple. This!eans that there can onl be one transition out of an initial state and it cannot have an event or a guard

    associated 4ith it. An action can be perfor!ed 4ith this auto!atic transition b specifing an action onthe transition "9) in ;igure 31#.

    In ;igure 31 State 0accepts t4o eventsevent1 and event2 4hich transitions to State2or State1respectivel. oo/ing at the transition caused b event2 4e can see that the guard condition g2 ischec/ed and if it passes the guard condition the e-it action for State 0is e-ecuted "none in thise-a!ple#. ;ollo4ing the optional e-it action the action a2 is perfor!ed and the state changes to State 1.;inall the entr action "entr1# for State 1is perfor!ed.

    The other transitions in the state !achine are si!ilar. The differences of interest are>

    The successful transition fro! State 1caused b either event+ or event3 4ill cause the e-itaction e-it1 to occur.

    Self transitions such as eventG fro! State 1 can be either internal or e-ternal. A successful

    internal transition does not invo/e the entr or e-it actions "it is as if the state did not change#4hereas a successful e-ternal transition 4ill cause entr and e-it actions to occur.

    Transitions !a onl have at !ost one guard action state e-it or state entr. If !ore than one guard orstate e-itCentr is needed it should be done b developing code for the one allo4ed 4hich in turn invo/esthe additional logic to support the guard andCor actions. ;or e-a!ple if t4o actions need to be perfor!ed4here a1 is in our e-a!ple 4e could create a $P, process that invo/es the t4o actions and have a1invo/e the process as a SA.

    States can also specif that an event should be fired after the state !achine has been in that state for aspecified duration to !odel for e-a!ple a ti!eout condition. State 3specifies that after 12 seconds

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    entrC entr1

    e-itC e-it1

    eventGN gG O C aG



    QQo!posite StateRR


    event after 12 secondsC event5



    event5N g5 O C a5

    ;inalState3event'N g' O C a'

    event2N g2 O C a2

    event1N g1 O C a1

    event+N g+ O C a+

    event3N g3 O C a3

    C 92event-N g- O C a-

    event&N g& O C a&

    C 9)

    Figure 31 Complete state machine e7ample

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    event5 should be raised. The event !ust be one that can be accepted b the state. If a ti!eout occursbut fails "such as being prevented b the guard !ethod E g5# the ti!er is not restarted.

    State 2 is a co!posite state. o!posite state !achines are provided to enable deco!position of thestate !achine into easier to understand pieces. It allo4s a hierarchical organi9ation of the top !ost state

    !achine. And co!posite states allo4 eas specification of an event that goes to the sa!e state fro! allof the states in the co!posite state !achine.

    A co!posite state is one that is defined b another state !achine 4ithin the sa!e SA file. In ;igure 31and ;igure 32 State2is a co!posite state. When event1 successfull occurs the state !achine forState24ill be started. This is %ust li/e a nor!al state !achineit 4ill be created into the initial state""nitialState2in this e-a!ple# and 4ill auto!aticall transition to the ne-t state "State2a#.

    This state !achine is the sa!e as the non7co!posite state !achine e-cept for the follo4ing>

    A ter!inate state ter!inates not onl the co!posite state !achine but also the !ain state!achine. It acts as if the !ain state !achine transitioned to a final state. @ote that these areusuall onl used in co!posite state !achines since a final state should be used directl in anon7co!posite state !achine. Also a co!posite state !achine !a have co!posite states butno !atter ho4 !an co!posite states are involved a ter!inate state ter!inates the !ain state!achine.

    A successful transition to the final state "FinalState2# 4ill cause the transition sho4n directlbelo4 State2out of the co!posite state. This transition can include an action "92# but does nothave a guard or event. @o !atter 4hich final state "in the co!posite state !achine# is reachedthis transition 4ill occur. This is called a default transition. @ote that an e-ceptions thro4n bthis action "or an other that is not directl caused b an event# 4ill onl be logged and thetransition 4ill continue.

    Jse of co!posite states also allo4s definition of events that can occur in an of the states of theco!posite state !achine. This is sho4n in b the transition for event- co!ing fro! State 2.This !eans that fro! an state in State 2"State2a State2b or State2c# the occurrence ofevent- 4ill result in chec/ing guard condition g- and if successful the co!ponent 4ill invo/eaction a- and change to State$. This is called an e-ception transition.

    As in J0 2 a transition fro! a nested state ta/es precedence over a transition fro! an

    enclosing state. In other 4ords in our e-a!ple if 4e 4ere to define an event- in our co!positestate !achine it 4ould be tried first before the event- 4ould be tried.

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    entrC enter2b

    e-itC e-it2b


    eventfN gf O C af



    eventcN gc O C ac

    eventdN gd O C adQQTer!inate StateRR

    eventaN ga O C aa

    eventbN gb O C abeventcN gc O C ac

    C 91

    Figure 32 Composite state machine #or State 2

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    @ote that a state !achine !ust have at least t4o states to be valid. It !ust have an initial state and oneother state.

    !7ample State 'achine;igure 33 defines a practical e-a!ple relating to Order processing.







    event Ti!erN uration 1 0onth OC Ti!er


    event Ti!erN uration 2 0onths OC archive...

    approve C doShipAction




    purchaseN needsApprovalO C doApprovalAction


    @ot@eedsApproval O CdoShipAction



    Figure 33 Partial State 'achine #or an Order

    In this e-a!ple 4e start 4ith the initial state reated represented b a blac/ dot 4hich creates the state!achine. This state is a pseudo state and auto!aticall transitions to the ne-t state (ead.

    The (ead state accepts 2 events E purchase or cancel. The event purchase has 2 guard conditions EneedsApproval and @ot@eedsApproval. There are no entr or e-it conditions for this state.

    ontinuing through the scenario 4hen an order is placed< the order process transitions to the purchaseprocess or cancel the order based on guard and event. When the purchase event occurs the guardcondition is chec/ed. If the needsApproval guard condition is !et since there is no e-it condition theorder !oves to the InApproval state. i/e4ise if the @ot@eedsApproval guard condition is !et sincethere is no e-it condition the order transitions to the Shipped state.

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    At the InApproval state there can be a guard condition of cancel or approve. With approve the ordertransitions to the Shipped state since there is no e-it condition. At the ancelled state there is an eventthat specifies an event that should be fired after the state !achine has been in that state for a specifiedduration "a ti!eout#. The ancelled state specifies that after 1 !onth a Ti!er should be raised.

    At the Shipped state the order(eceived guard condition is chec/ed and the order !oves to the eliveredstate. Again there is another ti!er event that specifies that after 2 !onths the order is archived and the

    order transitions to the Archived state.

    Archived is a final state 4hich is sho4n b a blac/ dot 4ith a circle around it. A final state ends the state!achine and !a not have an events leaving it. ,nding a state !achine does not delete it E it si!pl!eans that it no longer 4ill accept events and cannot !a/e an !ore transitions.

    Business Rules

    $usiness rules are a !eans of i!ple!enting and enforcing business polic through e-ternali9ation ofbusiness function. ,-ternali9ation enables the business rules to be !anaged independentl fro! otheraspects of an application. This independence allo4s for dna!ic updating capabilities of the businessrules to provide for a !ore agile business.

    Often business analsts focus on business polic to describe guidelines that drive a business and canrange fro! !ar/eting heuristics to accounting principles to govern!ent regulations to !anufacturingstandards to suppl !anage!ent :ualit of service levels or to an other aspect of the business thatrelies on specific conventions. $usiness rules represent a co!!on 4a for i!ple!enting and enforcingthese business policies.

    There are t4o stles of business rules>

    IfCthen ruleset

    ecision table

    $usiness rules are invo/ed through a $usiness (ule ?roup co!ponent. A $usiness (ule ?roupco!ponent provides the interface for the business rule. ,ach operation defines a business need and nota specific rule i!ple!entation.

    $usiness rules b their nature change over ti!e to support for e-a!ple changing business polic orchanging govern!ent regulations. The abilit to schedule rules to be in effect during specific ti!e periodsprovides the fle-ibilit for an organi9ation to respond to changes. With the integrated effective dates theoperation !a be i!ple!ented 4ith !ore than one business rule 4ith each i!ple!entation 4hich iseffective for a specified period of ti!e. ,ffective dates allo4 a client application to invo/e the $usiness(ule ?roup co!ponent as if it 4ere a ti!e in the past present or future.

    $usiness rule authoring is supported via WebSphere Integration eveloper for the developer and a 4ebbased tooling to support rule !anage!ent for the business analst. The business rule runti!e includessupport for deploing installing dna!ic authoring and e-ecuting the business rules.

    usiness Rule 4roups$usiness rules are invo/ed through a $usiness (ule ?roup co!ponent never directl. The $usiness

    (ule ?roup co!ponent can be invo/ed as a 4eb service thus providing the abilit for a service to bei!ple!ented as a business rule. The client application does not need to be concerned 4ith thei!ple!entation tpe or 4hich i!ple!entation is used to process the re:uest. The client application si!plinterfaces 4ith the SA co!ponent tpe to !eet a desired business need. This construct allo4s$usiness (ules to be encapsulated and invo/e as a service fro! other consu!ers.

    The $usiness (ule ?roup co!ponent is the artifact used to interface and invo/e rules. As !entionedabove rulesets and decision tables "representing the t4o for!s of business rules supported 4ithinWebSphere Porcess Server# are never invo/ed directl. The rule group co!ponent provides a !eans forthe user to for! logical groupings of the business rules. The integrated effective dates allo4 the user to

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    build one interface "co!ponent# for their logical rule group and associate one7to7!an i!ple!entations ofa business rule 4ith each operation on the co!ponent.

    A rule group co!ponent is a uni:ue co!ponent and is an e-tension to the 6ava co!ponent /ind. Thei!ple!entation tpe is 6ava.

    A rule group co!ponent is co!prised of a set of operations 4here an operation represents a business

    need. Onl one business rule i!ple!entation can be effective at an point in ti!e. This functionalit isdepicted in ;igure 3* belo4.

    Figure 3$ usiness rule group diagram

    The $usiness (ule ?roup co!ponent provides the integrated abilit to select 4hich business rulei!ple!entation dna!icall at runti!e based on dateCti!e. The business rule co!ponent selectorfunction is currentl available for dateCti!e selection and 4ill onl invo/e business rules. If a user needs!ore selection functionalit for business rules a Selector can be i!ple!ented in front of the $usiness(ule ?roup co!ponent.

    usiness Rule *ypes

    !,then Ruleset

    An ifCthen ruleset is a set of ifCthen state!ents or rules 4here the Hif8 is the condition and the Hthen8 is theaction of the rule. ,ach condition declared in the ruleset is evaluated e-actl once se:uentiall in theorder the rules 4ere declared. ;or each condition that tests true the action is Hfired8. This !a result in!ore than one action being fired b the ruleset. This is de!onstrated in the follo4ing e-a!ple>

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    calc+iscounta b


    calcShippings t

    init "para!s# UV

    fire "a b# UV

    init "para!s# UV

    fire "s t# UV

    startate endate $usiness (ule lass@a!e $usiness (ule D0

    )1C)1C)2 )1C)1C)3 co!.-9.alciscv1.class calciscv1.ruleset

    )1C)1C)3 )1C)1C)* co!.-9.alciscv2.class calciscv2.ruleset

    )1C)1C)* )1C)1C)5 co!.-9.alciscv3.class calciscv3.dtable

    startate endate $usiness (ule lass@a!e Para!sCSe:uence ata

    )1C)1C)2 )1C)1C)3 co!.-9.alcShipv1.class calcShipv1.dtable

    )1C)1C)3 )1C)1C)* co!.-9.alcShipv2.class calcShipv2.dtable

    )1C)1C)* )1C)1C)5 co!.-9.alcShipv3.class calcShipv3.dtable

    $usiness (ule ?roupo!ponent



    ,ffective dates

    for rule Hinstances8


    incorrectl called Adaptive ,ntities on this earl screen shot# to bring the highest :ualities of service to the platfor!.Sphereb

    ed Adaptive ,ntities on this earl screen shot# to bring the highest :ualities of service to the platfor!.Spherebusiness r


    Instance data

    for business rules


    6ava i!ple!entation



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    ,-ecution results>

    *otal purchase price B %0@00 Customer B ron>e

    T4o conditions evaluated one rule fired E result K )

    *otal purchase price B 2%0@00 Customer B Platinum

    Si- conditions evaluated one rule fired E result K .15*otal purchase price B )%0@00 Customer B Silver

    ;ive conditions evaluated one rule fired E result K .1)

    *otal purchase price B 1000@00 Customer B 4old

    Seven conditions evaluated one rule fired E result K .2)

    ecision tables are easier to use for describing business rules 4hen the rules have !ultiple conditionsthat need to be evaluated. In the e-a!ple above the conditional evaluation consists of total purchasea!ount and the custo!er classification. Adding another condition is done b si!pl adding another ro4or colu!n. ecision tables can be n7di!ensional to handle co!ple- !ultiple condition re:uire!ents.

    usiness Rule *emplatesTe!plates provide the !echanis! for supporting 4eb based rule authoring in the runti!e. The te!platesprovide a constrained 4a of allo4ing the business analst to author rules in real ti!e on the applicationserver. If a rule condition case or action is not characteri9ed as a rule te!plate then the business rulecannot be surfaced through the 4eb tooling for rule authoring.

    Te!plates allo4 application developers to>

    ontrol 4hich aspects "conditionsCactions# of a business rule can be !odified b the 4eb user

    efine constraints "i.e. valid discount range list of states in the JS goldCsilverCbron9e etc#

    efine the structure of an ifCthen rule

    efine the structure of a condition case andCor an action for a decision table

    efine a natural language stringB that is used in the 4eb based tooling for presenting the rule tothe business analst "/no4n as Web Presentation or WPT#

    Te!plates are applicable to both ifCthen ruleset and decision table business rules.

    usiness Rule ene#itsSi!ple business rules provide the user the abilit to capture their business function or polic in a si!pleJI based !anner. The si!plified JIs are designed to be used b IT developers as 4ell as b businessanalsts 4ho have li!ited technical s/ills. $ providing the abilit to define business rules outside of theIT 4orld b the business analst WebSphere Process Server enables a custo!er to have a !ore agilebusiness. @o longer does the business analst have to put forth their re:uire!ents to the IT depart!entand then 4ait for the turnaround on the ne4 code or application. The business analst can !a/e theupdates to the business rules the!selves against a runti!e sste! bpassing the IT depart!ent in

    accordance 4ith organi9ational governance policies and WPS7based authori9ation.

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    '. WebSphere Inte$ration (eveloper

    WebSphere Integration eveloper v &.) provides tools for creation of business integration solutions thatcan be deploed to the WebSphere Process Server. $ased on ,clipse 3.) it is delivered as a stand7alone

    I, 4ith the Integration SpecialistB as target audience. Optionall it !a be installed as a plug7in on topof (ational Application eveloper.) 4ith the Po4er eveloperB as the target audience.

    Integration eveloper is a co!plete integration develop!ent environ!ent for those building integratedapplications. To si!plif and accelerate the develop!ent of integrated applications this environ!entprovides a laer of abstraction that separates the visuall7presented co!ponents ou 4or/ 4ith fro! theunderling i!ple!entation.

    The tools allo4 both a top7do4n design approach to building an integrated application 4here thei!ple!entation for one or !ore co!ponents does not e-ist and is added later< or a botto!7up approach4here the co!ponents are alread i!ple!ented and the developer asse!bles the! b dragging anddropping the! in a visual editor and then creates a logical flo4 a!ongst the! b %oining the! 4ith lines.

    A debugging and test environ!ent !eans full testing before our applications are deploed to aproduction server. Setting !onitoring points lets ou see ho4 an application is used in real ti!e in order

    to fine tune it for opti!al perfor!ance.


    Applications created b WebSphere Integration eveloper confor! to industr74ide standards associated4ith the Service Oriented Architecture.

    @o one 4ants to create applications that are tied to proprietar code 4hich !a be unsupported in a fe4ears or involve costl licensing fees. Standards7based integration is therefore a funda!ental aspect ofWebSphere Integration eveloper. ;or connectivit 62,, onnector Architecture standards are used.;or asnchronous !essaging often used in large applications re:uiring guaranteed deliver of data the6ava 0essage Service "60S# standard is used. WebSphere Integration eveloper can easil integrateWeb services based on Si!ple Ob%ect Access Protocol "SOAP#. To describe a service the 4ell7

    established Web Services escription anguage "WS# standard is used. To define a business processthe $usiness Process ,-ecution anguage "$P,# standard is e!ploed.

    These standards7based interfaces and co!ponents co!prise an open7ended and pluggable architecture.Proprietar ele!ents ho4ever are not e-cluded< the are accessed through the use of standardi9edinterfaces. This !eans applications created in WebSphere Integration eveloper !a interact 4ith .@,Tapplications for e-a!ple. In the architecture section a lin/ is provided to the full Service o!ponent

    Architecture 4hich provides an e-tensive list of the !an standards supported.


    T4o tpes of professionals need to collaborate to build co!plete integration solution> the IntegrationSpecialist and a Po4er eveloper.

    "ntegration SpecialistThe Integration SpecialistB is the pri!ar personCrole that uses Integration eveloper. This personthrough the use of visual tools can build a co!ple- integrated application 4ithout e-tensive /no4ledge ofthe underling i!ple!entation.

    Integration eveloper presents applications and business processes as co!ponents. The i!ple!entationof the co!ponents re!ains hidden and the co!ponents interoperate through interfaces. As a result theintegration specialist does not need to have e-tensive /no4ledge of the underling i!ple!entation of the

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    co!ponents to create an integrated application that uses the!. The integration specialist ho4ever li/elhas a broad7based technical /no4ledge in the integration field in the areas of ,IS sste!s businessprocesses and applications coded in 6ava or other languages. ;or e-a!ple an architect has a broadunderstanding of ho4 a sste! 4or/s 4ithout /no4ing 4hat each co!ponent does in detail. i/e anarchitect an integration specialist !ight be the person in an organi9ation 4ho designs the overallapplication and then has others 4ho code the i!ple!entation of the specific co!ponents.

    Po(er +eveloperWhile the Integration Specialist designs the overall application the Po4er eveloper i!ple!ents thespecific co!ponents. To i!ple!ent Service o!ponents in either top7do4n or botto!7up fashion thePo4er eveloper tpicall has strong 62,, and Web Services s/ills. The pri!ar tools of the Po4ereveloper are (ational Application eveloper and WebSphere Integration eveloper.

    "he 'rogramming #odel

    The WebSphere Integration eveloper8s progra!!ing !odel is based on Service o!ponentArchitecture. ;igure 35 sho4s a high level architecture vie4 of the SA fra!e4or/. A given co!ponentcan use the interface of the co!ponent in 0odule A to instantiate the specific co!ponent. 0odule A has

    an i!plicit co!ponent "4hich could be a !ediation co!ponent# as 4ell as an SA interaction 4ith 0odule$ "4hich could be a u!an Tas/ co!ponent# via a reference to the co!ponent in 0odule $. Additionall0odule A uses the interface to interact 4ith other services e.g. Web Services Adapters etc. The user ofIntegration eveloper !ust be fa!iliar 4ith the basic concepts of SA>

    Figure 3% SCA Programming 'odel

    SCA "erminology

    Service Components

    A service co!ponent configures a service i!ple!entation. A service co!ponent is presented in a bloc/diagra! as is sho4n in an upco!ing section.

    Service #odules

    The building bloc/s of the business solution are service co!ponents 4ired together to for! Service0odules that can be deploed to the WebSphere $usiness Integration Server.

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    Interfaces define ho4 to invo/e SA. The interface tpe !a either WS or 6ava.


    (eferences define the interfaces through 4hich one Service o!ponent callsB other Serviceo!ponents directl of via I!ports.


    A 4ire in the general !odule asse!bl allo4s ou to asse!ble service co!ponents into an integratedapplication or solution b identifing target services. The target of a 4ire !ust support the interface thatthe source specifies.

    Service /uali!iers

    An application co!!unicates its :ualit of service "=oS# needs to a runti!e b specifing service:ualifiers. Service :ualifiers govern the interaction bet4een a service client and the service.

    Service mplementation "ypes

    A WebSphere Integration eveloper offers !ultiple i!ple!entation tpes to fit developers8 varied

    conceptual !odels and to !atch the diverse /inds of tas/s perfor!ed b soft4are.

    Several standard service i!ple!entations supported in the Service o!ponent Architecture such as$P, processes ,nterprise Infor!ation Sste!s ",IS# sste!s and hu!an tas/s are available.


    I!ports and e-ports define a service !odule8s e-ternal interfaces or access points. I!ports identifservices outside of a !odule !a/ing the! callable fro! 4ithin the !odule


    ,-ports allo4 co!ponents to provide their services to e-ternal clients.


    $indings are associated 4ith ,-port or I!port. ;or e-a!ple an I!port $inding describes the specific 4athe e-ternal service is bound into a !odule. There are various binding tpes that allo4 ou to i!port thedifferent e-ternal service technologies e.g. ,6$ Web Service ,IS Service and so on.

    Building an Application

    WebSphere Integration eveloper enables an Integration Specialist to build applications using top7do4nbotto!7up and !eet7in7the7!iddle approaches. In this section 4e use the top7do4n approach to illustratethe general pattern of ho4 ou 4ould create an integrated application 4ith WebSphere Integrationeveloper. Within the $usiness Integration perspective 4e describe the process of setting up a pro%ectand then loo/ at the tools and artifacts created that contribute to the develop!ent testing and deplo!entof our integrated application.

    usiness "ntegration perspectiveThe $usiness Integration perspective is the develop!ent environ!ent for an integrated application. Toolseditors infor!ation and resources are logicall arranged for :uic/ access b the integration specialist

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    Figure 3& WebSphere "ntegration +evelopment user inter#ace

    Setting up a SolutionAn integrated application is tpicall large and co!ple- as it reall is a set of applications and processeseach of 4hich can be in itself significant in si9e and co!ple-it. To !anage the co!ple-it modules areused to subset the application into a logical structure of containers 4hich together for! a solution.

    A solutionfolder contains subfolders 4hich contain all progra!!ing ele!ents re:uired for a solution.




    ontains !odules and 0ediation ele!ents.0odules contain Service o!ponents.0ediations contain !ediation ele!entssuch as 0aps (elationships and 0ediationo!ponents.


    ontains co!ponents. o!ponents aredivided b their i!ple!entation tpes intosubfolders> Processes "$P,# $usinessState 0achines "incorrectl called Adaptive,ntities on this earl screen shot# $usiness(ules u!an Tas/s Selectors Session,6$s and 6ava beans.

    $usinessOb%ects ontains the $usiness Ob%ects used in theSolution.

    Interfaces ontains the Interfaces used b theo!ponents that are contains in theSolutions.

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    ontains ele!ents re:uired for accessing,IS sste!s via 6A protocol> ,-portsI!ports etc...

    Creating and 'apping usiness Ob/ectsIn the top7do4n approach 4e first create $usiness Ob%ects. $usiness data is stored and passed toco!ponents in business ob-ects. The tool to create $usiness Ob%ects is the $usiness Ob%ect ,ditor and issho4n in ;igure 3'.

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    Figure 3) usiness Ob/ect editor

    Anpplication Specific /usiness 0b-ect "AS$O# is used 4hen the business ob%ect is related to a specificenviron!ent. A 1eneric /usiness 0b-ect "?$O# is used to 4hen the business ob%ect has no specificenviron!ent assigned to it.

    0apping is used to derive an AS$O fro! a ?$O. 0apping business ob%ects is done through the $usinessOb%ect 0ap ,ditor. The ter!s AS$O and ?$O are arbitrar ter!s and have not specific to the tooling.The ter!s are used to describe the tpe of business ob%ects that are being created.

    Creating "nter#aceso!ponents have different internal i!ple!entations. So!e !a have a $P, process< so!e !a have aO$O progra! fro! an ,IS sste! li/e IS. reating an interface to a co!ponent offers a co!!on

    4a to access it regardless of its internal i!ple!entation. Interfaces are created b the Interface ,ditor";igure 3+#.

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    "nherits Contains

    Contains array o#D

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    Figure 3- "nter#ace editor

    Creating and Wiring Componentso!ponents for! the building bloc/s of an integrated application. In the top7do4n approach use fro! the

    Asse!bl ,ditor to open a !odule and then and create ne4 e!pt o!ponents using the editor8spalette. ";igure 3G#

    Figure 3. Assembly +iagram editor

    @e-t for each o!ponent 4e need to associate interfaces and references b pointing to the appropriateInterfaces are created b the Interface ,ditor. At this point for each o!ponent developers create andi!ple!entation. The i!ple!entation is selected fro! co!ponent8s pop7up !enu.

    mplementing Components

    Jsing the Asse!bl ,ditor 4e can create and e!pt o!ponent i!ple!entation. With the help of thevarious o!ponent editors 4e can create the o!ponent8s business logic.

    "mporting Applications on !"S SystemsAccessing applications on ,nterprise Infor!ation Sste!s ",IS# is a /e part of an integrated application.The Enterprise 2eta Data Discovery 4i9ard discovers ,IS sste!s and the applications on the! and cancreate co!ponents representing these applications. Once created the re!ote application on the ,ISsste! can be treated li/e a local co!ponent as seen in ;igure *).

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    Figure $0 Wor=ing (ith resource adapters

    Speci#ying usiness Rules

    $usiness rules 4hich offer different 4as of i!ple!enting business processes are specified through the$usiness (ules ,ditor. ;igure *1 sho4s the basic $usiness (ules editor.

    Figure $1 usiness Rules editor

    Speci#ying :uman *as=s$usiness processes occasionall need intervention fro! people. As an e-a!ple intervention is needed to

    approve a loan in a ban/. These hu!an tas/s are specified 4ith the u!an Tas/ ,ditor. (efer to thesection on u!an Tas/s for co!plete infor!ation. ;or reference ;igure *2 sho4s the u!an Tas/editor.

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    usiness Ob/ect


    !"S "mport

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    Figure $2 :uman *as= !ditor

    Creating a Process$uilding a business process 4hich often is a co!ple- procedure is a /e function in an integratedapplication. $usiness processes are built 4ith the Process ,ditor 4hich si!plifies business processcreation through its visual presentation and user interface.

    ;igure *3 sho4s an e-a!ple of the $usiness Process editor. @otice the activities the connecting lines.Also note the partners "other services referenced# on the right side of the pallet. These are e-posed asreferences on the 4iring diagra!.

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    Figure $3 usiness Process editor

    Creating a State 'achineSo!e business services are best represented as state !achines 4here the current state reveals 4hathas preceded it and 4hat still needs to be done. ;or e-a!ple a re:uest to bu shares !ight have statesli/e approving the purchase and then getting the shares. The State 0achine ,ditorcreates state!achines. ;igure ** sho4s the editor.

    Figure $$ usiness State 'achine editor

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    Figure $& 'ediation editor

    Interface !ediations !a involve (elationships. To create and !anage relationships used in !ediations4e use the (elationship ,ditor as sho4n in ;igure *'.

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    0odule testing is also enabled directl as is sho4n in ;igure 5).

    *esting a Solution 'odule or ComponentTesting li/e debugging can ta/e place at several levels of granularit. Zou can test the entire solution a!odule 4ithin it or a co!ponent in the !odule using the Test ,nviron!ent. ;igure 5) sho4s the overalltesting fra!e4or/ environ!ent.

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    Figure %0 WebSphere "ntegration +eveloper *est !nvironment

    'onitoring !ventsProperties on a co!ponent can be set to !onitor the co!ponent at run ti!e. ollecting data at run ti!e inthis 4a can help fine tune an application. Additionall the WebSphere Process Server is fullinstru!ented for !onitoring. As an additional laer the WebSphere $usiness 0onitor can be used to

    !onitor best IT and business relevant infor!ation.

    +eploying an "ntegrated ApplicationOnce ou8ve developed asse!bled debugged and tested our application it8s ti!e to finish our 4or/ bdeploing the application to our production environ!ent using the deployment tools. Since ou builtasse!bled and tested our application at the co!ponent level ou also deplo at a higher level. Thedeplo!ent tools let ou deplo our solution si!pl and easil handling the lo47level pac/aging of theartifacts for ou.

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    In su!!ar process integration enables the design develop!ent and !anage!ent of operationalbusiness processes. 0ore i!portantl successful process integration results in a highl fle-ible

    integration architecture and opti!al are built on a Service Oriented Architecture to support loosecoupling and fle-ibilit. The /e for process integration is to enable tight lin/age bet4een business andtechnical co!!unities to ensure faster ti!e to !ar/et for business7driven IT solutions. In the past highls/illed 62,, developers 4ere !andator for building integration solutions. Although products clai!ed tosupport a full range of integration the abilit to have a single tool to support integration 4as a drea!.

    WebSphere Process Server provides a co!plete co!ponent7based solution as part of the !ar/etsbroadest reaching SOA7based integration solution. Through the functional convergence of I$0s historicalintegration solutions on a Service7Oriented solution fra!e4or/ I$0 is the first vendor to offer anintegration solution that provides business processing business state !achines business rules hu!antas/ !anage!ent support and advanced !ediation capabilities n a single solution based on the !ar/etleading !essaging and application services.

    ,:uall i!portant I$0 has provided a tooling solution that allo4s for the develop!ent of si!ple to

    co!ple- integration solutions 4ithout re:uiring roc/et scientist caliber soft4are developers. WebSphereIntegration eveloper enables developers to be highl productive through an eas to use ,clipse7based4i9ard7oriented develop!ent platfor!. WebSphere Integration eveloper is based on (ational

    Application eveloper and provides e-tensive 4i9ards to develop and asse!ble integration co!ponentsto rapidl develop integration solutions. The I$@0 Soft4are evelop!ent Platfor! provides 4ith theabilit to directl use WebSphere Integration eveloper via the (ational Application eveloper v&.)

    The /e to the WebSphere for Process Integration solution is the co!!on data representation enabledvia the $usiness Ob%ect !odel and an open standards7based invocation !ethod to enable the rapiddevelop!ent of end7to7end integration solutions. This foundation provides the SOA basis for the I$0solution for process integration. With WebSphere for Process Integration organi9ations can finalldevelop and !anage process integration solutions 4ith a single co!prehensive platfor! solution anddevelopers can benefit 4ith an SOA7based approach for architecting creating and deploing integrationsolutions 4ith higher speed and co!ponent :ualit than has been possible in the past.