wpa national presidential primary survey

© 2014 -- Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research WILSON PERKINS ALLEN OPINION RESEARCH 324 Second Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 405.286.6500 www.wparesearch.com WPA ID: 14-064 WPA_NATIONAL_PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY_WITH BREAKOUTS_MQ_140329.DOCX NATIONAL REPUBLICANS MARCH 18-20, 2014 SAMPLE : n=801 Republicans and Republican Leaning Independents MoE=±3.5% NO CODE/ASK ALL QUESTIONS INTRODUCTION: Good evening. May I please speak with NAME FROM FILE? My name is ____________ and I'm calling from WPA Research, a national public opinion firm. This evening we're conducting a short scientific survey and we'd like to get your opinions. We’re not selling anything and your responses will be completely confidential. Screener 1. First, are you or any member of your immediate family a member of the news media, a Public Relations company, or an active participant with any political campaign? 1. Yes ......................................................................................................... TERMINATE 2. No/All other ..................................................................................................... 100% 2. In politics, do you usually think of yourself as a ROTATE Republican, Independent, or Democrat? IF REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT, ASK: Do you think of yourself as a STRONG (Republican/Democrat) or NOT-SO-STRONG (Republican/Democrat)? IF INDEPENDENT, ASK: And would you say that, in general, you lean toward the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or neither party? 1. Strong Republican............................................................................................. 56% 2. Not-so-Strong Republican ................................................................................. 18% 3. Independent Leaning Republican .................................................................... 26% 4. Hard Independent ................................................................................. TERMINATE 5. Independent Leaning Democrat .......................................................... TERMINATE 6. Not-so-Strong Democrat ....................................................................... TERMINATE 7. Strong Democrat ................................................................................... TERMINATE

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Page 1: WPA National Presidential Primary Survey

© 2014 -- Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research

WILSON PERKINS ALLEN OPINION RESEARCH 324 Second Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 405.286.6500 www.wparesearch.com

WPA ID: 14-064


SAMPLE: n=801 Republicans and Republican Leaning Independents MoE=±3.5% NO CODE/ASK ALL QUESTIONS INTRODUCTION: Good evening. May I please speak with NAME FROM FILE ? My name is ____________ and I 'm cal l ing from WPA Research, a national public opinion f irm. This evening we're conducting a short scientif ic survey and we'd l ike to get your opinions. We’re not sel l ing anything and your responses wil l be completely confidential . Screener 1. First, are you or any member of your immediate family a member of the news media, a Public Relations

company, or an active participant with any political campaign? 1. Yes ......................................................................................................... TERMINATE 2. No/All other ..................................................................................................... 100% 2. In politics, do you usually think of yourself as a ROTATE Republican, Independent, or Democrat? IF REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT, ASK: Do you think of yourself as a STRONG (Republican/Democrat) or NOT-SO-STRONG (Republican/Democrat)? IF INDEPENDENT, ASK: And would you say that, in general, you lean toward the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or neither


1. Strong Republican ............................................................................................. 56% 2. Not-so-Strong Republican ................................................................................. 18% 3. Independent Leaning Republican .................................................................... 26% 4. Hard Independent ................................................................................. TERMINATE 5. Independent Leaning Democrat .......................................................... TERMINATE 6. Not-so-Strong Democrat ....................................................................... TERMINATE 7. Strong Democrat ................................................................................... TERMINATE

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Now, thinking about the Presidential election coming up in 2016… 3. If the Republican primary election for United States President were held today, for whom would you vote if

the candidates were…RANDOMIZE

Rand Paul Paul Ryan Rick Perry Mike Huckabee Jeb Bush Chris Christie Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Scott Walker Bobby Jindal …or… Rick Santorum


GOP Very

Conservative Tea

Party Non Tea

Party 1. Rand Paul 13% 14% 17% 9%

4. Mike Huckabee 13% 16% 13% 14%

5. Jeb Bush 11% 11% 6% 16%

6. Chris Christie 9% 6% 5% 13%

7. Ted Cruz 9% 13% 16% 4%

2. Paul Ryan 6% 6% 5% 7%

8. Marco Rubio 6% 6% 8% 5%

9. Scott Walker 5% 5% 6% 3%

10. Bobby Jindal 3% 3% 3% 2%

11. Rick Santorum 3% 3% 2% 4%

3. Rick Perry 1% 1% 1% 1%

12. Someone else (specify) DNR 3% 2% 3% 4%

13. Won’t vote/none DNR 1% 0% 0% 2%

14. DK/Refused DNR 19% 15% 15% 19%

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4. And, thinking again about the potential Republican candidates for President…regardless of which one you personally support, which of the following candidates do you believe would have the best chance of beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general election for President?

Rand Paul Paul Ryan Rick Perry Mike Huckabee Jeb Bush Chris Christie Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Scott Walker Bobby Jindal …or… Rick Santorum


GOP Very

Conservative Tea




1. Rand Paul 13% 16% 18% 9% 6. Chris Christie 13% 11% 11% 16%

5. Jeb Bush 12% 11% 8% 16% 8. Marco Rubio 9% 10% 9% 9% 4. Mike Huckabee 8% 8% 7% 10% 7. Ted Cruz 8% 11% 14% 3% 2. Paul Ryan 4% 3% 3% 6% 9. Scott Walker 3% 3% 4% 2%

10. Bobby Jindal 3% 2% 3% 2% 3. Rick Perry 2% 2% 2% 2% 11. Rick Santorum 1% 1% 1% 1% 12. Someone else (specify) DNR 3% 4% 4% 3% 13. None DNR 1% <1% 1% 1% 14. DK/Refused DNR 20% 17% 17% 18%

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Now, I have just a few more questions for demographic purposes only…. 5. And, Would you say you are a ROTATE Conservative, a Moderate, or a Liberal END ROTATION in your political


And, would you say you are VERY (conservative/liberal) or just SOMEWHAT (conservative/liberal)?


1. Very Conservative 49% 2. Somewhat Conservative 25%

3. Moderate 20% 4. Libertarian 2% 5. DK/Refused DNR 3%

6. Somewhat Liberal 1% 7. Very Liberal 1%

6. If you had to choose, would you more closely identify yourself as part of the traditional Republican Party, or

would you identify more with the Tea Party movement?

1. Traditional Republican Party 48% 2. Neither DNR 4% 3. DK/Refused DNR 6%

4. Tea Party Movement 42% 7. Many voters tend to fall into groups that reflect their overall values. Which of the following statements, if you

had to choose just one, reflects what you, yourself think? RANDOMIZE

1. A social conservative concerned about moral values, protecting the family, and pro-life. 35%

2. An economic conservative concerned about jobs, economic growth, and debt. 50%

3. Both DNR 13% 4. Other (specify) DNR <1% 5. DK/ Refused DNR 2%

8. Are you or is a member of your household a member of the military?

1. Yes 13%

2. No 86% 3. DK/Refused DNR 1%

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9. What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?

1. Less than high school graduate 2% 2. High school graduate 16%

3. Some College /Associates Degree 32%

4. Bachelor’s Degree 28% 5. Post graduate 21% 6. DK/Refused DNR 1%

10. And, which of the following categories best describes your annual household income? IF REFUSED INITIALLY

SAY: I understand your hesitation. We use this information for demographic purposes only and do not keep any personal information about you or your family. Which of these broad income categories best describes your annual household income?

1. Less than $25,000 7% 2. $25,000 to less than $50,000 18%

3. $50,000 to less than $75,000 18% 4. $75,000 to less than $100,000 16% 5. $100,000 to less than $125,000 10%

6. $125,000 to less than $150,000 6% 7. More than $150,000 11% 8. DK/Refused DNR 15%

11. How often do you attend church or religious services?

1. More than once a week 19% 2. Once a week 39%

3. Couple of times a month 10% 4. Once a month 5% 5. Once/twice a year 15%

6. Never 11% 7. DK/Refused DNR 2%

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12. Which of the following best describes your religion or religious denomination? RANDOMIZE

IF PROTESTANT ASK: Do you consider yourself to be an evangelical protestant?

2. Protestant Non-Evangelical 26% 1. Evangelical Protestant 23% 3. Catholic/ Roman Catholic 22% 4. Orthodox Christian 7% 11. Latter-Day Saints/ Mormon 3% 5. Jewish 2% 10. Agnostic 1% 9. Atheist <1% 6. Muslim 0% 7. Buddhist 0% 8. Hindu 0% 12. Other (Please Specify____) 12% 13. DK/Refused DNR 4%

13. Which of the following best describes your race or ethnicity?

1. White 92% 2. Hispanic, Mexican, Latino, Spanish 2% 3. African-American 1%

4. Asian <1% 5. Other (specify) _________ 3% 6. Refused DNR 3%


1. 18-24 5% 2. 25-34 11%

3. 35-44 13% 4. 45-54 21% 5. 55-64 21%

6. 65-74 15% 7. 75 or over 13% 8. Refused DNR 1%

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15. What is your current marital status?

1. Single, never married 8% 2. Married 79% 3. Separated <1%

4. Divorced 4% 5. Widowed 7% 6. DK/Refused DNR 2%

16. And, have you ever made a financial donation to the national, state or your local Republican Party?

1. Yes 48% 2. DK/Refused DNR 7%

3. No 44% IF Q37:1, ASK Q38 N=388 17. And, how much do you estimate you’ve given to the Republican Party? IF REFUSED INITIALLY SAY: I

understand your hesitation. We use this information for demographic purposes only and do not keep any personal information about you or your family. Which of these broad categories best describes your donation to the Republican Party?

1. Less than $50 21% 2. $50 to less than $250 35%

3. $250 to less than $500 10% 4. $500 to less than $1,000 6% 5. $1,000 to less than $2,500 2%

6. $2,500 to less than $5,000 2% 7. More than $5,000 1% 8. DK/Refused DNR 23%

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18. And, have you ever made a financial donation to any Republican candidate?

1. Yes 32% 2. DK/Refused DNR 9%

3. No 60% IF Q39:1, ASK Q40 N=254 19. And, how much do you estimate you’ve given to Republican candidates? IF REFUSED INITIALLY SAY: I

understand your hesitation. We use this information for demographic purposes only and do not keep any personal information about you or your family. Which of these broad categories best describes your donation to Republican candidates?

1. Less than $50 22% 2. $50 to less than $250 38% 3. $250 to less than $500 6%

4. $500 to less than $1,000 8% 5. $1,000 to less than $2,500 3%

6. $2,500 to less than $5,000 1%

7. More than $5,000 1% 8. DK/Refused DNR 20%

20. And, have you ever volunteered for any Republican candidate?

1. Yes 21% 2. DK/Refused DNR 5%

3. No 75% 21. Sex: BY OBSERVATION

1. Male 49% 2. Female 51%

22. Census 9 Point Region: PRE-CODE

1. New England Division 3% 2. Middle Atlantic Division 14%

3. East North Central Division 13%

4. West North Central Division 7% 5. South Atlantic Division 35%

6. East South Division 7% 7. West South Division 10% 8. Mountain Division 8%

9. Pacific Division 13%

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23. Vote History: PRE-CODE

1. 0 of 4 5%

2. 1 of 4 8% 3. 2 of 4 10%

4. 3 of 4 19% 5. 4 of 4 58%

24. Party Registration: PRE-CODE

1. Registered Republicans 67%

2. Party ID Republicans 33%