wp ft* ltipraiijm nun hbow , ^ *m^**mrim...

"W V IF I * ! I! i 1 I 1 ! i; i •v » ! i ll > U V? i£fciSs&iik*M^'M'tfi'^-.«* **&- WP ^ ft* as»*appw jfrs 1 ! *• „ ~< y- 3 IT ""^ *" "~ v ""* 5 '^'' ' JT 1 7 ^? *m^**mrim IKTHUf5TM£ BITS OP N M 1 GATHOUEO BY * t 4* ^assap ** m ,TER WA7X1T0WW-W-JJ1H0K, 4AT9B*At, * « * P P » I * J,48|3, BLACK MYEE. and iBkwk JUwr, 0«t 31^—Mr Hit Hay Titkw, wao have ^awkinf ior taatr lather. Jay Vebber. te the bakery at taia village, moved to Watertovn last w«»k: aad hnva Tested room* at 128 State street llr Yebber has aired to Tvork tor S T * 1 Mailer piano dealer ' W M Corn-veil who Is employed Ja the eonstructlon of the concrete dam at Oewegatchie, spent Sunday •with his family in South Main street ^Hra Jol-r lUdlev and son Herbert •pent a v.e«k at Worth and returned home tatu'dk? CAP1 VINCnWT. Cape Ylneea*. Oct 31 —"The Naw Minister' ie a mneiaal eomedy whtah to be give* by one of tke division* in the liajes' .Md ' Society ' of tta Methodist ehnreh t The meaner* are now busy praetleinf to make this play a aueeeai It is to, tie given Nov 14 "Wild dneka are more plentiful late year than torr several years Lara;* numbers are brought in daily Clarence Mance, who baa been in the Sitters' hospital at Watertewn *: M&ajj^mm* ^WUl»a»'i«L Vatalaki l^kfaei.-! body wla (•*»« JaaW'lBaWrqafr Keating in i l k * MUklsjan was- known here Mr QUntanitareaenaany .wHk nnr wife an 1 * aani and * 1 «retter-»n-law, 1 ^WiUianv Hare* «f Croaiaaa, visited aaria* the s4ssa»er>at'thf >en\eof Mr and'lfra J B Oratta. , i, , * Mr .and,Mrs..Guy Barn* and son, Blanakard, of feataral Bridge, wa» the 6kaday Kaasts, ,of -Mrs. (.Bums'* Bar- ents J Mr and 'Mr*/ AlTin^Xtowney A Henry 1 Crinunlna, democrat candi- date for auperviecr of Harrlsville waa «i sailer in town Tuesday ' WHIJasa Cambridge has iold hia farm''on tke tT«rnpik«| to f Eugene BytthiaU tCOneideratio(n| $^,000] J | William Rise, an aged resident of Natural Bridie, is in feeble health at the home- of hit niece, Mrs ( J C 1' •B,0M,O0O AIJJEGET) BY HBHN1 8^ IN, pAHPAIGK TAJUE, 1 i h i .J MMSEmmm TO GOVERNOR Rev B J Lav s waa at Watertown I plications arise it is expected that Jionaij, attending the missionary j he. will soon be in his usual rood tor several weeks, and has undergone]Hurtbut j a,number of operations, (returned, j Several fromithis vicinity attended tome Tueaday evening It no com- the auction- sale -at Carson Symonds Woods Mills last Tueeday Mrs Revnoias Horan and conveiuion ' * , R°v and Mrs, Arthur Porter of $arnsville were guests i\ f ondij > and ^fiesdaA this v,eek o£ R e v and "Mrs E J. Lavi« J v i The receipts of the annual expen ence social it the M E chuicli Tues_ My evening were f 3?0v - : "'• '•"•', • "//;Mrs. .Bllai Woodaroj Emery Of Chi,- «afeo, *ho has been spending; the 'dimmer with Mr. and M*s. John Gip- •$>n of this village, started for. i e r Ecime last weiek'Saturday.,. -'/^The menibers, of the W. C. T. fJ. jiiet with Mrs. J. W. Higby Tuesday. 'j/Bonry CaTpentpr','wlip is {jdCJcKfei? 1 ; 'er/.and shipping' i clerk . for the New 7ork Lime -company at - Natural BiTdgercalled oh friends here Satur- day. ."• ' ' ' ' ' l' i -'"t' ! ''"• '•'• ? t '«MJ3 and Mrs. John Gipspn hav? sfient the last few days at Water.townv' ' ,'J. W. Corn-well ;cff ' O's'wegatchie, w-So lias been calling on friends and relatives here for the past three days; r'eyurned,Tuesday, " ' ,'.' >. ,' ft>51rs. Prijd- Poor and daughter Ruth spent the, ' past; Wflek , 'at, Natural fridge, i'eturniilg home Sunday. _. ., ..••jtfrs. K.' ' S . lT6s ehteMa'tee'ff the "EmbroideryiGlubV Monday.- ,,•:'.,' '•Mr. anft'Mrl, John' GaTeTv -wh'O'hava worki?(3' the ,'A&i%yis.''THA farm in R&hfhgtbn < street,.-.w-iil (.move into ' %iyk!,'s.'.- W-'-'^'uijs i* pr-i •$4ft&y$fc stVeeti who i o n the'-past -.four-weeks' rh&n t . ,...,., ttehed 1 h'onie Sunday. i-iJEbexoards are iss>SBd,:byi!\Jr.s,.AIar- tha. Allen announcing-, tte. approach;- Werkhner, r^.'A ? .T'S'h*ef"home bjvTsso. Yeipber 1, j ; f k - J , ' •'.j 3?hiladelphia|50ot. jSa/jHSIr?. Ralph Rogers is speg4ing>ho jwe^ with her health Mrs Rose Mullen left Tuesday" o\i.nmg for Syracuse where she, will spend the winter nith her daughter Gilbert Harris left recently for Bruslvton where he will visit friends "nl relatives ': ! Miss Kath'erine Malo,' who' has been visiting relatives ( in, this? yillage,, lefjt We'dnesdaV eyening ,for her hpm^. in T'roy. ' ... i !•• . John R-. Kilborn, who . was ripini- nated-by tthe Repi^blicans for, super- visor, and declined the nomination, has decided to run ahd therefore Ms riame'will head the tojvn ticket, < . [ There is no noticeable change in the condition at Chester K. Gir.een.'' , !'•'•, ,$Ti55p^i'i.i^.;_;; ••; ': Sterlingville, .Oct;. 31.•^-'W.-'.'Bub- bard'has gone to thi? WOP'ds h u n t i n g . I ifs's. ' Jpsepliarie. ,'^lfh '; and. lylif^, darule Waltsireturned hoiuef tuesdiay after 1 beiflg feovi^ 'nearly : four W'eelcS; 1 'amp^g^p4la^ive^,iJi'^ewif3',Q6 i up,t;y | , , ,'. ' , The.recent .rains we very.-welcomej as they, have '' brought water to. the' rind Wry i^Hi^e,'., £•;.•,'••;.;• ,J. H. BoQlard-'has irrinEOTed -Ws itgnt- aiit'llouse-.oft-Mi'il'ytreet with'a edat ;Hdover. &i Son^iare .bmfcHng .a-new, 1 ouse hei'e 1 wnere^h'S'ol'dlfarm houBe. nce S t9P4 !1 , r/] ,;C.j';'- l / , "r. , 'i"'. 1 JtrSii.Ji-.Gjirtiis.-much -improved m ealth, and^jvaS -able ^to go_ to Car- Mist § uth Sherdian of Copenhagen were LP week end gi\eats,.of their grand ia,ther, Patrick Mulvaney, and fam- ilj ' | Edward L Jar-vis and bride who was Miss Mildred Lake, havetreturn ek 1 'rem their-wedding trip ' J Miss Ursula Marilly,; sphpoj supe.r : intendent, visited the schools here lasjt<»weejc, -, . ; ,,- ,.•,-»- . |:M'rs\''-Prehch,i'MiSs*-'GlaV'a.'i .... •akd Miss Hazel Kinsman attended the; Tea/cMers Conference •!.at 'Harrihvillei' list-iPriday:.: • • / >'i vi. .c •'?; II Mrs, Gilbert Rice- of;Fowler was t le guest at the home of Mr. lirs, ,J,ohp-, Hjuylbut. „. .,,.,, , .. and ELLISBURG. c " W f t t w a i ^ ^ h t ^ M v n ^•^Ir.'anff atraJ <Mf &',' Wiishburn of ^atertowit;aseig5uesJs.qiiter'(Parents, »k a « d ^A mmh&W}-. . //(William £,, RrpoKs is assisting in ^opeWs sfoM''' "«w:-0-I V ^ r i l i i a m T»erln%tt<is*h6.Yh%*from Cor- ne),l University,{'calle<llb.y the illness oj.iiis grandmother, Mrs. Dexter Ben- nett, f" v. £ \ f\ JV' i i^*i '^4. union- s.orfice o!( i h l ; Sfsthodist • episcopal/ fjdnsr'eg:iibiph|l laud Bap- tist churches! .will be! heldjin the Congregsrtioha-1- 'cliurch Srfnday even- ings Rev. Burton F. Creigler, pastor oitb.o Methodist Episcopal church and Rev. Warieif-fliV-StSeves, pastor of the B a p t i s t ; -ch.nTQ.hjj w i l l deliver tp^Ljperance a d d r e s s e s . , , , 'fjhe "Hoolrjf' Spooky" social given bjsCircle c'in <t!he" f Gohferegational crjiirch parltfiis: »Wedhesdhy' 'evening was a mo^t spooky.aflaiii .attended by ghosts and witches^., , Tho^e present •were obliged" tp^fish'f ( 0^ a' 'half of a picture and find'tne o'ffier'half to de- teraiiine who, wouid ! -heHheir partners fdfeupper.'\There jvere about 60 in att^dance." .' ' '' • - - i. .' . .^ijr. end. Mrs. .Marshal'! x ol -Water^. toS^fwas f!th<§, [gHle^tlioftMifs.. 'janie& DiMortli Biis' weeki '/•'•• ' !•-' .?. ..-• »»[.'.?!/.'.? f U ^AfMBTJEGr. "Mun^bufir/bct." Sl".~-Mrfan'dMrs:- A#.s.,K,afcW .of .Carthpg6Mi*e We- "u.John Karcher-. ,.„.•„',] ' ' - .Jtf;' and Mrs! Will'GakneT of Car-. ihSfe .spent a 4ay/recently, witi'.'her »mer,vM,rs',-Catherine..Mfeljiiiti, . ^ ^fc.'and.Xri. Mm*-WWb.\,fjB r ??_-*si.".^ui'iii *• if~,, Lewis a r _, .„...,„ t , ,,>n& SlEterj' ffcHjrmaij r«lt%Mllj!r.,,-, , .,, „; % 1 -;,7--, zi: --fives',he», * ' ••-•«- . kej^Benio.r'paitnfer' J^TOBne^e&:,i doifeg-busines^n the: \CiWlf'''%o^#«tpMt^J&-;-State^ •1. A\> v e.-f/i„.,oahh:"nTr#i" -Avfir.y-case pf.-.Ca!-- M?* ©;>*I-al0nfe lan'd Mrs^Jennle'-Mai in-^t^-fl^Vfiie'^titJe'f^'fcleYjt'rll^. .t i#'e ! *HV!''v9!at«r.tovnji,iSa^ni!da.y.J -i.' -'.r<j- 1\ 1.M1IIB+ Stella,, gljaronj^SiPeii^. jMo^ftijr, i"Wat6»;t6#n. •MM.*',u<y.fu4ti,,.,' :>\:v 1 reWtfd 1 hay'to-'the.-aiepQt: . • u '1 1 < ,jjlr, , q h ^ f . - ^ '.^r^r';«'''' yalk-,'! 1),%-i i 1- n ; n •-1.->• •-«:••• r nV.-'J.- tlubba^d;is>ljpSng,aiia; 1 stoffi; 'ng'"4nicli'ens ''Slno''ro , Wls'' , ovei i y' " w ; e^ a.~iT 5- ih V. J. JU..-X-..(.i V-,',t ,n^:' 'li ;1 i •'.,) -r t, lit 1 Hi l-Miid {• Miss Chadwick. of Adams was witW er'*aVottolr^M#. S)fcy,< -Py4r!^«n-afiyA •'*fe'S"« r GB'orgfe;')i'apRiag>f8»d!d,aSisH«eT>' '(Ifi'lGll'dt^ Nij'Jf.ffcar-e: -*isitrng5:thaUl cld'ih'oiri»finii]Bllisburgv...-H!i9 \,r,Ed i<w ^he .-iuireual Df-.-J*a fete. dJJJRonlJ*. •criSii'ftaHj. wafe ;la:rg'eix^»tteii/lP.d:«;f r?m. rfllva Urji^srsalis^ ..qlM^lf'^imdftyj a|^ tt ;WR«s [#h6^er,yAC - et. ^r^'f.jjpnjjiigt^a, plum -^. *_).-. ifng (&fetman,,.w-l)oi.. h.as t .*e,C(nr lUfl-deirgping i]i:dm .'surgiaall; bperation,!" arid. ~VB~- ex-i /! U d&.'tlils' w,eefc 1 'Oolb'nel'Gedrfee-Bj-Kernp'cal-le'il! on- l|i'iena's i 'n'e're' ^ffn'^siw", ,iit|et^'9,t leaving to. the' evening -foiv.lliBiihom-e ih.-^n^vtofth, 1 ., 1 , 1 ;,";, "","i iV-t,'. 1 ,",';,'; Miss 'FJo'rencft.l&uEgh^Ya§-sL;,ca i ll.er 1 on friends at Redw.ood ion' -Wednes 1 - dayv •• • .'!.,-|/ is-,- - • : • . , , 1 ^IrsJ.'.Wetf ' ^Vestc'ott,' ; .vtsft'e'd;,,l) 1 er' daughter, Mrs. Clayton Harte, at Red. 'Ellisbui'g,, Oct,, .31 ir**>lrfl,.; ,..Sttas. Graves''is cpftflnesl'-to, the-, house, f-w.ifch a seyere. attack o.trheurAaftism. ,;i j.-,; <3-eorge % iB,etJinger,.-ijiBke,a-j rt rjge' Sjtr.awber-ries ; trom • h i s garden,, S^i^|, ti^.'ja'ridrthey are'n'ophe, fali^earjing- arlety.,' either.' . ,.',,•',, .'•...", THe'.'ladies •'of"ffi'e.' M;"-E., 'church; wilt li6IdHnelr'aniiua'i''dor,^i'(i'r|; 1 aria' •cHJ'cpri^i^'^s'iij)^ " ' 1ir''~ If Graft Ir,]^eant, Statement la Ab- j sur<l and if Wa«tc Tlirough Faulty i Construction Is Mount, Figure* Are '. X xaggerated, Sat s Carlisle Albany Oct 31—iue charge made by John A^ Henne s> of t h e iNssw Yor c mayoraltj •'eam^a gn that $8 000 000 ha's "been, wasted by the highway department in the last year w a s aim werefl iff a statement issued tium the ;execntiv0!cbamber Wednesday night r^yealingiT >. coirrespondence - between- iGjovernor Glynn and Highw"ay Com'- ^inissiioner; Jjohn. N. Carlisle cpntain- inifja'f.g^iiiei;^! >d.enial of the accusa- 'tjoft,.fHejaiessy l is in Carlisle's depart- I Aft'erj'jieiinessy's charge had been mjlTllBhed the governor wrote Carlisle and'^ lisfie'd'-hrhi, to what part of the |-\f6ri 'Tl'^nrie'ssy could have referred'. Carlisle replied that no su6h amount aw^Sj-.OOOvOOO -frad been w a s t e d even siu(iff.K9-10V>whe'n-the D e m o c r a t s oame i'kitolpbjweri.,. f i r(J](f.))yr>vasteis meant corruption in ly form," he wrote, "the statement .$b t S!ifd.{i,-J£ by waste is meant faul- : %^0,esignj pffiofids and improvident expqyjin'e^tg-.in the design and con- stBjitipA ?{ J'QA^s the figure is exag- *-.«J 'Vt*51 ' 1 * ' ' 'Two;"causes, Carlisle said, which : a-ft-c'o'rffffeiUell,largely to highway trou'b-W, i(A% the change in traffic c d'nrl5Hons V! cWs8d by the introduction df the ; hiotor truc.k and automobile- ita -tiietffaltijfrgf.qi .some contractors torlives up> tODtheir SEQCifications,' The t oTiitijaetjj'rsiJoiii'tlieir, r .b'ondsmen, .he EElifb e^fe'lteahatd'''resppii'slb.'ba for any 1 ®fe?Eh i |eiUViei' i uP to their contracts : %(l;ystajej!JxiJ^suffer no- loss on ac- count of,, their original failure to do °Ju!t'l/>""'>'->ri'p'5^'. J. .'*.', . .' f nWlfsl^js^iA Oie-fhought- possibly ries'JMrmRaii.t there' ha'd -been 1 . .P^O'w-aMaVi ' 'Jitpjtn c o i - o f r l - " * A •- --" *'"'* 141XJ! Ei^.v> wru^Wi- ,fbi iAlth,pH|h ft -^hey„li,a ( Ye Jffflffei8fl9¥;%5( ^ttfei^fe'gbfioni d ' t W s k c t t "vyHlre^fe. 'total number of••'feglStKitionts .Hi' ! tfii •iounty is between- 2'2,000 and 23,00.0 ;4nly t h ^ g l s A I f f f e ^ W P ^ ^ •been found in all that number. One or '^bpsQ w a s . o u t s i d e ' the city and the ,'othev two within the citjfs ••In .'one case lin unnaturalized l^siclent/^liad at- tempted to regiatey.an4?did--lo/ but (discovered by-.thej •iO.T^a-y^.'idgn and 'tis.vote^will be chaiieri"^d.J: i . 1. I|r'isSpJi|9ible tliatoth"ej' :- ,false regis- tlr^SionSNma^, be^pund between now land! electibq^thy.. jiai^y^challiSiges are serM out. evenNberorte''.'the A 'nrst regis- wood recently, 'returning home on the tt^i^^l^'^f^'hflfho^ 4veningi-tffatot'W-eanes-aaV.'TM l ;r.f-.M MW T 0 W. ^ m f- H^ - m ^?- fl i-5> ose ^ n J ^ i „ ra„I; «r„ wMtr,*.-*,*. doniBicted of a"'felptt-y.. :Iiis,reg&roJ tu n „tZf, ^ w %'*^^f L i t h i »*>oft thafhaivfe'.-diefl• sitfefe• t l O a s t opsratedifin Xoi'. rappenflictis atlthei'ii S „ „ • (4.„v*l-JA'," i li - ^AAXW,n.ii *i.« cajlled pnrT,herasa fiiendsiW-edne's-day^ f n J, c H :,?ATiilt ••'?". "™1 4 n , .Ms* -ana -Mrs. .Eugene JPalrklmfst/ ' " ' X v e S i t Wii to'un'd •thatSheri wlVo- 41.4wr.bonn- .residihgUn..their to? ' l e r S ? - p S ffiputfty-tfon- t$m ia*.--Rgd',I,akel the: past feumrrieiv -W e W 7 - » e rr? s in : i?* ? V n «l W p 0 ,"^ feiite,j3Frp0ms in the S t d t l e r b'ldGk''f6r" thpiPanter^and. faov.edi there--fi'oan th'e 1 Hke, .5 v •• '• -.'•.-' : •-••'. '•« "".Ufe,. 1 John H. Bogart of Watertowtflsi •*• tt the ^guestlio'f: rel&tives : 'dt thi^'.pl'ao'e for ,{t. few/ days'. - -f O . i V , , ! iVXTi >T 1XT0 |. r, . -,•„ ,-r -TT i. . ^K" -,,-.*. imost countless*errors- On- an .average AW WJ^lHanoock of. thuiffidl^e.^ ?s ^ ^g^^^^m^i^ iis.,.Ulura, : .I?o:*!ney^.pf . G o u w V n e u r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ; ^ ^ r . wiUiamclatfe tm alftej^obn atthe,fvfnu a r01 . B y( o e y ^f efc^feati'oSV'V*K#e 5ral ; or.pne::ot.hi ! tondnj p t a r t t h m ^ ' i U e v | L a f e l i t a ' rh'Sribtattttre ild' "$$$' >^l>l'fim-tmmfpre'Mn.ei*,»iir&\ •JSWtfi tar V)iiYftl©hfeae#J.ffiT In going owr.the list'of resi?terM yj6teral.be i0|day ifleik^liye JEouiid «i w o*e.f.uherMi wiil I lbe'held.. , at !1 .ihUtJ^j. n ^M^ii^oit y'i^* 16 ^ U , te i * r ? ' f ^ r * f i ? t ? t t S • < * » « » of .A'nn«tf.*eeHnr,9t B<M»d yba4-,chargeiQf,the(pldirea>:miH^of /this >-("-• >•.-••••• s.,^j-: -vn, •£".-••->. Sia'fie, l hasMented tha-.Sm^n^rtiiVm'ilkU'-'i .-,• , ••••vPh SlP«T»?«Wfr.;;, i,,|- Kt' that jslace,} and. .moved therei-withi ^f.^otic*'W"-her**yV;etiven- i: a"i provided M'iiiflimilT.r-HeKvillodnaust'tUe.'miilb by'law, that Ui* n annaal-meiBUna Ihe.ibminir.'lBinte'i*;-!. 'j- ; i- .•M , trt>V*rau#J.thw-»6aioS"i6rTa^ $iTi'-i >•'"'"--'-.''"^•'"••n '*>^' : .i-f'"^t!'fenunty^wf MiW6ii&6^?l&:zi)&>fbt EOl^iESsf-Ew'Kft' W-'^j. iboWa-ih ttfe County..brittdini, VTaterr rffl ;St .'ivV? '>r.^-l '4,r-•iSwn'; W: ^-..'il^ttlfliHg,'.ojts-sMcpdayv f/. Gbu^jrMh#>r<3*t.;i31.f^ 'jJs, { ^' qoniof -Anft-fpvvr BocKtisJ-.wa»i,t«kf l-.>^n^rsVn%4a^lhv%UI^'«fid^at the taau-'-i*.^ «>i,_4.-*_.*_ (,.-s«rt.vi**««s,--L ^ ( r o ^ f t s f Je«ft*«ta«t.'ar«fcriedlasated. to """ -"*• i£w^6rBX!eH!Btth*Alerk: ^•-'"•:k¥.;,:jduiS ; ^.rinp.di. ,„.. ,,**eOnd day ? df~thb .,., ..._ c ..._ ..... , rtfffnujKr-tiliestmK^^ .._,„ s ^!tir{p- i ,.Thfeji wi'llbspand'iS'r.wiBfek!. p e r v l a d r ^ i u i : d : c-tn idefatiiti^ tbjs^eoi^ s #lth;^nTfl'n;cJef4»d" SuW!M*.sB&ffi«*s"'i «tfdh'-a)-i1lS«*t!ii>#at -ibUtaadijteifeKS',--"' |. 'ISiihrSn $. WeliiJ^: «*' ^ **$fflkmiiztBir- swii'^retentedi- tftij'Ofe- 'feQir? t . n ©|?a*iB'&B'irSi isvhlovitng. fr&a> Ot&sdti sa^tlwti^d-f bKiaf#!ai»j|er%^s*S«9f a*tf' tha.,Bigerel.,f!rrftfi-Titii, < EoW'ler to h toteey^^p'^nty4:udS&aSb«rW^tti6;th| fafm!{lf|$fB!iap^SaStf3^^' ! ?? 6rk6ia«ialSiB sjw)ul v d 5 ;-,t'.|n r . s e^e,r.y ; i.cas| " ,QSP.r^.B*Hi/fea'Q l ? misfortune te^vfeMs^his^aint^i^^ni-^no^ii-s^ft io$e his po'c\etbook"cor A itainiingVl|2p's-*'"'* J -"-- —"— ' J 6ft ,*«(lt««*^<?»aWy.p^lB^eiiW^mMr J-. 4^?jrsr*rOTo#sft>^v*i!^l^cl^fe. |« %}J[v*8«rd,*!si»2eiS'before tli* secoiftl oaToleabMrJ F 3 >Sson was '^Jalcqb ana v W l i rs-. Woodw.Prth and JttB.' Bftuiy Go; to Kicers for. Soda .Water-. - : J^'?f ^9l^^- : e1fiairftt'&«Cbt?tthe\-nrst .$50:, : Q.OO;0.00 litf(fo^il*ti - 6Vft , Hpw .eithej- is ohligated- .Jjiii ! con$ra;«!te , J.djrrbill|- p a s s e d by the- fegUlaTrdr^iJ. £1*0 ""-,,',..",., ','.' o-Jn 4 e * 9 ns ^ ofKfiiBiq-reji-aSm'jiiistra. Hon Carlisle said that only |:6,0Q'Q,<00b' fa^tetn.iftXP^^e.d 'since 'Msiy •%, 1913," " i'JenjJje.jtpgkijgipce,. Carlisle- succeed- ,-43 C. G6r'aon,.Reel,, V h o s was removed t fert?W'.'i-^ r '-• •>.-'• -.'' •JO <-:>'lit'«'J birr - r .*EB8,^agnBMRE> TO INCITE RUSSIANS TO VIOLENCE 1 jondon Banker''"Deiioimces Trial lit ->,o t V?.y^J§jVl i5c .W' n, ? us attack p. on'AS'?J"^cJ e \ v ! s " People. -Uoh-aidn5irObt'.'i!3-l.^-Isaac Seligman, tjhaijwelBlaroiwif, -Taohdon banker, dis- c up_sjng3tb,o:.s'0JdtfHed I ."ritual murder" tpjalr.nfoftie$fi!said ito t h e cbrrespon- e enlj c.foThs,[{ate.rotiatiQrial- N e w s -Ser- vip&jto^ay(., !m ,ia-.--i , .Jj p 1 cn.si | d t 3r 0 t;,i}e, rihu'al trial an out- .'g^p^d an* expense to civilization. It .d'.SjcurrJIo'us,- vindictive and lying Jewish race, the' rpi if,t.,.,-„.-^.„_„,. ,..._ attack 'a l |ainst r '''the I lirb'bs'e'-br/Vhich it is to incite the I ,-tfsMri*p'o'rMa < ce 1 ' td' violence. It is fflrily &- 1 Dili - u"aryiis c l i m a x to the' treat- rieritJ tbat :j tlie :,1 'Russian government KaKilortgiJektgmigd to the Jews. I i'.'itt.lis.'ffV.ideh-ti t h a t the czar's gov- e 'nm'dht'.phnaers. ito the violent reac- t G-.naiaiel.eni*n,tiwhfch r unfortunately .j.spi t sJ5or»gi''in Russia. It is an ajtprnpJy K? foujip#re: are-doubtless men ii: the Russian ministry who are fair a id liberal .rnjnded, but powerless to rfepress- the Judicial department of the h iriis8y f '&nu J "re'-traih.-it 'in its (iruel c$urs^ dtitfritolBraftce.! 'It. ist!tt«t ,tho>'tpoo'r - ;j:ow^ Beiltisa, Wlio*/jsiQnjtrj!ji>,t:bu.tthe Kussiin gov e ningatW;;iA'M>tt is to be hoped that it wfli"&nd--ii^ijh^: reprobation) which tl "e lf f)ivilir64' t ,-wifij'id- is exhibiting to- vp airflJE :ine|;,^*eSe&t 'Gruel legal pro e4d'tt)cel that it.ls- transgressing all tke inia f ^'ii-ndvdMne,]aw.s of juatli ltipraiiJM nun HBOW , ^ ^ CAPITAL RJJADY TO GO Paret^er. 'and M**»«*^ of PoittUea .1* mate of Painfol 8nMpans» ••wrtn Apaarentlv Pays little Bead to Aaavonchina; Orisls. Mextea City, qct 31 — Witk tke election of General Victorlane Huerta and Oaaetal Aareliano Blauquet al meet a torecoae eoncluaion, according to the effldal returns thdfeiuettion as t« what Washington proposes to do ia kerning tke foreign resments and the majority of Mexicans in a state of painful, suspense On the surface at least the admin- istration is firing little consideration to the subject seemingly taking the ground that the Mexican people have declared fn favor of Huerta s contin- uance in the preaidency Although it ia openly charged in many quarter! that it was official pressure that resulted in the rolling up of the majorities for Huerta and Blanquet which are now being om- ciallv reported from all parts where the election forms were observed, the fact remains and it is pointed out that the*e is no possibility of going back of the returns as there Is no thought that any other candidate polled nearly enough votes to pla<"» the Huerta Blanquet ticket in jeopardy v 4iueri<an& B e a d j to Flee In view of Washington's previous representations on the subject the next move'of the American governV ;ment is awaited here with np little misgiving. Many Americans have al- ready packed their portable' belong- ings preparatory to flight, and. are facing the necessity of leaving their household effects' to. fate. T.he'y ex- press little- iiope of finding anything, left upon their possible return. The- inadequate storage facilities are al-, ready overtaxed, and most of those ;who contemplate' flight expect to' leave. their homes in charge of Mexican xaretakers, as the only alternative. . What the next Mexican 'Congress will do with referpneo to the elec- tions no one undertakes to perclect, although the statement made recently by Senor Moheno, minister, of foreign-. affairs, is regarded "as. 'reflecting the executive's desire. Senor Moheno- as-, serted that in the event of Congress? finding that a majority of tile votes'; Were cast for Huerta and -Blanquet, the votes cast for Huerta would be declared void-by reason of his-ineligi- bility, under the constitution, t o ^suc- ceod" hipisqlt, and Blanquet would as- sume the vice-presidency and •the act. ing presidency pending the calling of new elections. Blanquet WOuJd^eixe-Three Years... • --M-exfoan attorneys-' take issue with •the. Eorelgn- .-.MinisteF" on this point, declaring tht?t.if.-General Blanquet is adj.udged-..elected to-the presidency'it 'W,iH ; be for the. unexpired six years.' term, which* was begun' by Porfirio .iai^z in- December, 1910, and.con- tinued by P.ranciscp, de -la Barra,; BYancisco Maagra'aiid General Huer- tai 'and.not-lor ,A temporary period,' Since th§re wpuld 'be no occasion for •further 'elections until the "regular eonstitu'tionai'period.of.1911!, . T h e flight-' 'of General Pel's 33ia,z,. While nevei' arousing great'interest •i-tt'the Mr-Hal; "has practically ceased ^o hP a, suMe<*t of comnient^ His cari,- didacy' was regarded by many Mexi-, cans -as''a hi'ere incident of the cam- paign and'vas never taken seriously.; his_ flight eliminates him from the eal- culstion. -. ." • Federico Gamboa, Manuel Calero ana David de- la Fuen'te opnear to have conceded their defeat in the face of obstacles alleged to have been found in the way of their adherents,: . To the impartial observer it only remains for Congress to be recon- structed and announce the election of the administration ticket—this to be followed by Huerta's proclamation re- nouncing the votes cast for him. ^'kKoxvLurja; PA, V inivSoIkl Blocks; anclndlnar 1« Baa- jineaa I?J«e«i i»nd Ten KewtaTentei,, •i!'il but: '.'Hurried. rtVdxvftfe/'p'a^Oct. 31—Firo de- _idy!ea' r '13' , b'uSiWesS J "i places .and t e n re&ta'ericeb » y.estefdT.> ^inflicUng a: lols'JeStiriSliea-fit-greater than $100.- solld: -a~.-^..—rr-*-.-- -- ••-.• - street before "it^f&'feheciled^ The poatoffffeei"telephone and tele 5ere destroyed »nd " K-Vire* cdiumuni! ^ grkph exgb^tjffiB 0 HEAD GASinSD IN FEED SPTLti. R a y Stoddni'd) of Finn of Stotldard & Sarvej', Carthago .Fec<l Slerchants,, Keceivcff Beep Gash, on Head, by- Bumpiitg Agains.t-'WIiirlfng Sliaft. Carthage, Oct. SI.—Ray Stoddard, a member of the firm of Stoddard: & Sarv'oy; local: feied nierchants, receiv-- od on injury while Working In. t h e mill Wednesday afternoon.."vyiiile in a stooping, pasition;, lie strttcfc ffit* •head against« rapidly revolving shaft and a deep gash) over an inch in length was cut. Dr. W. J. Jacobs of State street took several stitches'' to' ~1ose the \iound The mjurj d i d n o t piove to bP iery serious j 11DAMS \U Ii AGE A OCT S T O BUS" E N G T M i Adams Oct 31—lUe taxpajers Tote on the proposition of buying the Amoskeag steam Are engine from, the Watertown are department tikeu M:ondaV evening was 102 to 17 in, fSator of the prorosition The work -of the engine attracted fwtofablevconrment at the time Qf its Use in thii village at the recent disas trOusfire and, agitation was started at that timeTvhich resulted in the de 'eislon to buv the engine foservoiry J*as to. clein it and th4 V.'U;lHli.l >i'"'-i *-tlUivf.'i* .'-.-'i.t(,T :..!; i" ,0'ioig girth a"»I>I ijJ esjfciu-MI' nd |ff|cfNre la\a|- d e m l ^ o ; J«Jien suf- [latlcrife iThousands V-NW-feffe Pill* San Antonio Tex re, beyond questloa jvife ind I have e^r h,ever cause pais B Pumps and TanKs SfORVGE Wood lhp Prices nie reasonable Geo. H. Baltz >«(%„ k'< Look for the OOK for this triangle before you buy my. heafer. : ••„./,- It is the trademark of the latest model of the F*erf^tion Sr«>ke? less Qil KLeateti \ It is the sign of the greatest iir> provementsevermade inoUh^at-. irig devices; _ . *.1?W Perfection Heaterj a s n o w rri'^ej - gives- rno_re -heat, "holds, mbrfe oil^,is> better TOade ?ihd works; better :tfean 'any .other hfeater'-pn-^be roar,!?,^. •" It lias a wide, shallow-oil'.^p^.'whicji -, ^o•!^«s•'.JtHe^pi^.'1^.'^^4.Tea^ly, < slp{•tHe " iwick: and i n ^ f esirfeliajjle^ ,un,ciiangjng % "tiarrie and heat, vWhether the;-font js full" or nearly erhptyi-v-•" t ';' : - v^S -«- ~: The Perfection Is sihofiefess', fiecause' the patent."locking'liimfe-ispreaaet prevents the. wick being ^-turned, up .. ,- high- ehoug'h to' smoke;."' It' is easy to " - -re-wick, b.ecause the carrier and wick- are c6mbined"-^-jvis't turnout- the old ,•*,-•'— - *isa!sUp'iri"-the-new-.. j-> , . ,• i>,^,:,-. . * '.'^niUcatorteua-SoVit'much-bJt'ia^ri-uiB' . - * 'font; : Fillej plugi« rjushed in like > ,: cork—ho.spre)*', HR-'thread to wear...',. .*. ,-r- -.. AttractV.e'Wtticea-Wlpdow frame;,.' y.. •.'. . ' • • " .T'beR^^tijjxS^rifcaferris ,'ftriii»h.ed" ; iii. _ -'•;" , rr^'if^pus^ttfriquSise^l'iJe ..^riamefcV-ipr.,,. ',, '•. - ' .p(ain-;stM*dmfflsr'1oiks. well,. Tasis.• -.",- :'•• -*"•" ' > Weli;. ; easy to.'carryJwnereVer- wirit<!^-' '.''.: pe4IeiiS.^aTy'fr$en—"or im'ft . ' for tfescripifi?ecireii/a'r :•:'•• of Ner^.Yorkv - ' *£h -43 "i*':'-• T;^£>i^|s ' ^ ^*-' ' - '' -^ '*'£''^^^SI ' "' '."'. -'" -k-S'^SJ' - - . - '.» : « - « *t'-"*'Wf.'i TRIANC New to«k, N. Y. BaHale,M.T. . B*ttM,M>"u. S## whit fro YoiimiftR •<5et' this .straight, jplease. .-'•-.' . Some talk is cheap^hut hot'itf these papers;.--; . , . ' - ^"' "** '•"•-• -" •'.'<" - - '. .. ..f-*, ' - \ =•'"• '•-. - •.' ..r»;i»-s ; Besides, your time is worth; mojiey-frso wellpb*brief, >\, \<^•».• *• t^lthbut exalgpfation-^-Witliout^saying- -it bo^^ihgly-, there &($.** --.a store-in Northern New Y o r k ^ A N D ^ B KNOW^tT' FOR A."p'dS»' '^I^P-ACfcw&r,e you; can get the VA'tiBES. i n - ^ i t s and .otefccai«it8|l '4fta|.5'o^ drj heri.efa'nd (there isli't- a- iStor)S';.,-where.*.^iu hiave attest at' 'variety. :.,->. ..; ,'•',.-, -. - J -< i, ,«j' : '-'" - *"Vi -'••''•!••>'•_/f-'-:7',*' For do you suppose tor one minute'we' cou r ,d'"fia've i n c r e a s a * t h i s business yeai. after vear for the past. 2a >ears wjthout giving better values better clothing and greater vanetv than--others 7 As to the clothing—enough to sa> there i-nrt.,6. stvle materia^ * thlor or =ize that w e do not ha e £ , If von have in raind what \ ou -n int—it s here readv to put ob- it vou ha-\ent yet deOided nhat you ^ant \\hyndtdrop in^nd'aaef for yourself ^ Ask particularly to see our special \alttes at _ k > '.00 -' <M $20. J.LB;BOVSRY 138 Court Street Alhere Good reeliiu; Go A>ith «quarjsT>enllng ,\^ilM'\Tbi'K^\w- "m~" ;S9SM^KPT* -M>&^mw?~&- *2gsa WMWJ It's Easy to Save Coal With a DocKash (>; DOCK\SH HEATERS iND RANGPS are njofeeia for their ecoBr oni* J'lre.Jong l u e s ibsoib e\p^ pailicle of heat and TUth an ordl- haiy^m^'V^u pet an m f ense heat The heateis aie f ,handsomf>*jm easj -toAee? clean ^ «• ,* T-he liVNGLS lie spl°ndid cool eis and bakers—thev wigrno: hotter \htk Mid more of it than am other sfo> e—t^hej pe? OTran 1-4 %«%£• toed to dolt ^Fahe it a po nt to come in and "ee them CONNELL »9 RICEr-lSd Court St^

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i£fciSs&iik*M 'M'tfi' -.«*


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ft* as»*appw jfrs1! *• „ ~< y- 3 IT "" *" "~ v""* 5 '^'' ' JT1 7 ?

*m^**mrim IKTHUf5TM£ BITS OP N M 1 GATHOUEO BY * t „

4* ^assap * * m

,TER WA7X1T0WW-W-JJ1H0K, 4AT9B*At, *«*PP»I* J,48|3,

BLACK MYEE. and iBkwk JUwr, 0«t 31^—Mr

H i t Hay T i t k w , w a o have ^awkinf i o r taatr lather. Jay Vebber. te the bakery a t taia vi l lage, moved t o W a t e r t o v n last w«»k: aad hnva Tested room* at 128 State s tree t l l r Yebber has aired to Tvork tor S T * 1 Mailer piano dealer ' W M Corn-veil who Is employed Ja the eonstructlon of the concrete dam at Oewegatchie, spent Sunday •with his family in South Main s t r e e t ^ H r a Jol-r l U d l e v and son Herbert •pent a v.e«k at Worth and returned home tatu 'dk?

CAP1 VINCnWT. Cape Ylneea*. Oct 3 1 — " T h e N a w

Minister' ie a mneiaal eomedy whtah i« to be g i v e * by one of tke division* in the l i a j e s ' .Md ' Society ' of tta Methodist ehnreh t The m e a n e r * a r e now busy praetle inf to m a k e this play a aueeeai It is to, tie g iven Nov 1 4

"Wild dneka are more plentiful l a t e year than torr several years Lara;* numbers a r e brought i n daily

Clarence Mance, who baa been in the Sitters' hospital a t Watertewn

* :

M&ajj^mm* ^ W U l » a » ' i « L V a t a l a k i l^kfaei.-! body wla ( • * » « JaaW'lBaWrqafr Keating in i l k * MUklsjan was- k n o w n here Mr QUntanitareaenaany .wHk nnr wife an1* aani and * 1 «retter-»n-law, 1 ^WiUianv Hare* «f Croaiaaa, v i s i ted a a r i a * the s4ssa»er>at'thf > e n \ e o f Mr and'l fra J B O r a t t a . , i , , *

Mr .and,Mrs. .Guy B a r n * a n d son, Blanakard, of feataral Bridge, wa» the 6kaday Kaasts, ,of -Mrs. (.Bums'* Bar­ents JMr and 'Mr*/ AlTin^Xtowney A

Henry1 Crinunlna, democrat candi­date for auperviecr o f Harrlsvi l le waa «i sailer in town Tuesday '

WHIJasa Cambridge h a s i o l d hia farm''on t k e tT«rnpik« | t o f E u g e n e B y t t h i a U tCOneideratio(n| $ ^ , 0 0 0 ] J

| Wil l iam Rise, an aged resident of Natural B r i d i e , is in feeble health a t the home- of hit niece, Mrs ( J C


•B,0M,O0O A I J J E G E T ) BY H B H N 1 8 ^ IN, pAHPAIGK TAJUE,

1 i h i .J


Rev B J Lav s waa at Watertown I plications arise it is expected t h a t J i o n a i j , attending the missionary j he. will soon be in h i s usual r o o d

tor several weeks, and h a s undergone]Hurtbut j a ,number of operations, (returned, j Several fromithis vicinity attended t o m e Tueaday evening It no com- the auction- sale -at Carson Symonds

Woods Mills last Tueeday Mrs Revnoias Horan and

conveiuion ' * , R°v and Mrs, Arthur Porter of

$ a r n s v i l l e were guests i \ fondij > and ^fiesdaA this v,eek o£ R e v and "Mrs E J. Lavi« J v

i The receipts of the annual e x p e n ence social i t the M E chuicli Tues_ My evening were f 3?0v -: "'• '•"•',

• "//;Mrs. .Bllai Woodaroj Emery Of Chi,-«afeo, * h o has • been spending; the

'd immer with Mr. and M*s. John Gip-•$>n of th is vil lage, started for. i e r Ecime last weiek'Saturday. , .

-'/^The menibers, of t h e W. C. T. fJ. jiiet wi th Mrs. J. W. Higby Tuesday. 'j/Bonry CaTpentpr','wlip is {jdCJcKfei?1; 'er/.and shipping' i c lerk . for the N e w 7 o r k • Lime -company at - Natural BiTdgercalled oh friends here Satur­day. ."• ' ' ' ' ' l' i - '"t ' ! ' '"• • '•'• ?t'«MJ3 and Mrs. John Gipspn hav? sfient the last few days at Water.townv' ' ,'J. W. Corn-well ;cff ' O's'wegatchie, w-So lias been calling on friends and relatives here for t h e pas t three days ; r'eyurned,Tuesday, " ' ,'.' >. ,' ft>51rs. Prijd- Poor and daughter Ruth spent the, ' past; Wflek , ' a t , Natural f r i d g e , i'eturniilg h o m e Sunday. _. ., ..••jtfrs. K.' ' S . lT6s ehteMa'tee'ff the "EmbroideryiGlubV Monday.- • ,,•:'.,'

'•Mr. anft'Mrl, John' GaTeTv -wh'O'hava worki?(3' the , 'A&i%yis . ' 'THA farm in R&hfhgtbn < street,.-.w-iil (.move into

' %iyk!,'s.'.- W-'-'^'uijs i* pr-i •$4ft&y$fc stVeeti who i o n the'-past -.four-weeks'

rh&nt . , . . . , . , ttehed1 h'onie Sunday. i-iJEbexoards are iss>SBd,:byi!\Jr.s,.AIar-

tha. Allen announcing-, t t e . approach;-

Werkhner, r^.'A?.T'S'h*ef"home bjvTsso. Yeipber 1, j ; fk- J , '

•'.j 3?hiladelphia|50ot. jSa/jHSIr?. Ra lph Rogers is speg4 ing>ho j w e ^ with h e r

health Mrs R o s e Mullen left Tuesday"

o\i.nmg for Syracuse where she, wi l l spend the winter n i t h her daughter

Gilbert Harris left recently for Bruslvton where he wi l l visit friends " n l relatives ': ! Miss Kath'erine Malo,' who' has been visiting relatives (in, this? yillage,, lefjt We'dnesdaV eyening ,for her hpm^. i n T'roy. ' . . . i !•• . • John R-. Kilborn, w h o . was ripini-nated-by tthe Repi^blicans for, super­visor, and declined t h e nomination, has decided to run ahd therefore M s riame'will head the tojvn ticket, < .

[ There i s no noticeable change in the condition at Chester K. Gir.een.'' ,

!'•'•, ,$Ti55p^i'i.i^.;_;; ••; ': Sterlingville, .Oct;. 31.•^-'W.-'.'Bub-bard'has gone t o thi? WOP'ds hunting. I ifs's. ' Jpsepliarie. , ' ^ l f h '; and. lylif ,

darule Walts ireturned hoiuef tuesdiay after1 beiflg feovi^ 'nearly :four W'eelcS;

1'amp^g^p4la^ive^,iJi'^ewif3',Q6iup,t;y|, , ,'. ' •, The.recent .rains we very.-welcomej as they, have '' brought water to. the' rind Wry i^Hi^e,'., £•;.• , '••;.;• ,J.

H. BoQlard-'has irrinEOTed -Ws itgnt-aiit'llouse-.oft-Mi'il'ytreet wi th 'a edat

;Hdover. &i Son^iare .bmfcHng .a-new, 1 ouse hei'e1 wnere^h'S'ol'dlfarm houBe.

n c e S t 9 P 4 ! 1 , r / ] , ; C . j ' ; ' - l/

, " r . , ' i " ' . 1

JtrSii.Ji-.Gjirtiis.-much -improved m ealth, and^jvaS -able ^to go_ to Car-

M i s t

§uth Sherdian of Copenhagen w e r e LP week end gi\eats,.of their grand

ia,ther, Patrick Mulvaney, and fam-i l j '

| Edward L Jar-vis and bride w h o was Miss Mildred Lake, havetreturn ek1 ' rem their-wedding trip '

J Miss Ursula Marilly,; sphpoj supe.r: intendent, visited the schools here lasjt<»weejc, -, . ; , , - , . • , - » -. |:M'rs\''-Prehch,i'MiSs*-'GlaV'a.'i . . . . •akd Miss Hazel Kinsman attended the; Tea/cMers Conference •!.at 'Harrihvillei' list-iPriday:.: • • / >'i vi. .c •'?; II

Mrs, Gilbert Rice- o f ; F o w l e r w a s t l e guest at the h o m e of Mr. l i r s , ,J,ohp-, Hjuylbut. „. .,,.,, , ..




" W f t t w a i ^ ^ h t ^ M v n

^•^Ir.'anff atraJ <Mf &',' Wiishburn of ^atertowit;aseig5uesJs.qiiter'(Parents,

»k a«d ^A mmh&W}-. . //(William £ , , RrpoKs i s assisting in ^ o p e W s s f o M ' ' ' " « w : - 0 - I V^riliiam T»erln%tt<is*h6.Yh%*from Cor-

ne),l University,{'calle<llb.y the i l lness oj.i i is grandmother, Mrs. Dexter Ben­nett, f" v. £ \ f \ JV' i i^*i '^4. union- s.orfice o!( ih l ; Sfsthodist

• e p i s c o p a l / fjdnsr'eg:iibiph|l laud Bap­t i s t churches! .will b e ! he ldj in the Congregsrtioha-1- 'cliurch Srfnday even­ings Rev. Burton F . Creigler, pastor o i t b . o Methodist Episcopal church and Rev. Warieif-fliV-StSeves, pastor of the Bapt i s t ; -ch.nTQ.hjj will deliver tp^Ljperance a d d r e s s e s . , , ,

'fjhe "Hoolrjf' Spooky" social g iven bjsCircle c ' i n <t!he"fGohferegational crjiirch parltfiis: »Wedhesdhy' ' even ing was a mo^t spooky.aflaiii .attended by ghosts and witches^., , Tho^e present •were obliged" tp^fish'f (0^ a' 'half of a picture and find'tne o'ffier'half to de-teraiiine who, wouid! -heHheir partners f d f e u p p e r . ' \ T h e r e jvere about 60 in att^dance." .' ' ' ' • - - i. .' .

.^ijr. end . Mrs. .Marshal'! xol -Water^. t o S ^ f w a s f!th<§, [gHle^tlioftMifs.. 'janie& DiMort l i Biis' weeki

'/•'•• ' !•-' .?. ..-• » » [ . ' . ? ! / . ' . ?

f U ^AfMBTJEGr. "Mun^bufir/bct." Sl".~-Mrfan'dMrs:-

A # . s . , K , a f c W .of .Carthpg6Mi*e We-

"u.John Karcher-. , .„ .•„' , ] ' ' -.Jtf;' and Mrs! W i l l ' G a k n e T of Car-.

i h S f e .spent a 4ay/recently, witi' . 'her »mer,vM,rs',-Catherine..Mfeljii iti , . ^

^ f c . ' a n d . X r i . Mm*-WWb.\,fjBr ? ? _ - * s i . " . ^ u i ' i i i ~«*• if~,, L e w i s


r_, . „ . . . , „ t , , ,>n& SlEterj' ffcHjrmaij r«lt%Mllj!r.,,-, , .,, „; % 1 -;,7--, zi:

- - f i v e s ' , h e » , * ' • • - • « -

. kej^Benio.r'paitnfer' J ^ T O B n e ^ e & : , i doifeg-busines^n the: \ C i W l f ' ' ' % o ^ # « t p M t ^ J & - ; - S t a t e ^

•1. A\>ve.-f/i„.,oahh:"nTr#i" -Avfir.y-case pf.-.Ca!--

M?* ©;>*I-al0nfe lan'd Mrs^Jennle'-Mai in-^t^-f l^Vfi ie '^t i tJe' f^' fc leYjt 'r l l^ . .t i#'e!*HV!''v9!at«r.tovnji,iSa^ni!da.y.J -i.' -'.r<j-1\

1.M1IIB+ Stella,, gljaronj^SiPeii^. jMo^ftijr, i"Wat6»;t6#n. •MM.*',u<y.fu4ti,,.,' :>\:v

1 reWtfd1 hay'to-'the.-aiepQt: . • u '1 1 < ,jjlr, , q h ^ f . - ^ ' . ^ r ^ r ' ; « ' ' ' '

yalk-,'! 1),%-i i 1- n ; n •-1.->• •-«:••• r nV.-'J.- tlubba^d;is>ljpSng,aiia;1 stoffi; 'ng'"4nicli'ens ''Slno''ro,Wls'',oveiiy' " w ; e ^

a.~iT 5- ih V. J. JU..-X-..(.i

V-,',t ,n^:' 'li ;1 i •'.,) -r t, lit 1 H i l - M i i d


Miss Chadwick. of Adams w a s witW er'*aVottolr^M#. S)fcy,< -Py4r!^«n-afiyA •'*fe'S"«rGB'orgfe;')i'apRiag>f8»d!d,aSisH«eT>'

'(Ifi'lGll'dt^ Nij'Jf.ffcar-e: -*isitrng5:thaUl cld'ih'oiri»finii]Bllisburgv...-H!i9 \,r,Ed i<w

^ h e .-iuireual Df-.-J*a fete. dJJJRonlJ*. •criSii'ftaHj. wafe ;la:rg'eix^»tteii/lP.d:«;f r?m. rfllva Urji^srsalis^ ..qlM^lf'^imdftyj a | ^ t t ;WR«s [#h6^er,yAC-et. ^r^'f.jjpnjjiigt^a,

p l u m - ^ . *_).-.

i fng

(&fetman,,.w-l)oi.. h.ast.*e,C(nr lUfl-deirgping

i]i:dm .'surgiaall; bperation,!" arid. ~VB~- ex-i

/ ! U d&.'tlils' w,eefc 1 'Oolb'nel'Gedrfee-Bj-Kernp'cal-le'il! on-l|i'iena'si'n'e're' ^ f f n ' ^ s i w " , , i i t | e t ^ ' 9 , t leaving to. the' evening -foiv.lliBiihom-e ih.-^n^vtofth,1 . ,1 ,1; ,";, "","i iV-t,'.1,",';,';

Miss 'FJo'rencft.l&uEgh^Ya§-sL;,caill.er1 on friends at Redw.ood ion' -Wednes1-dayv •• • . ' ! . , - | / is-,- -•: • . , , 1 ^IrsJ.'.Wetf ' Vestc'ott,' ;.vtsft'e'd;,,l)1er'

daughter, Mrs. Clayton Harte, at Red.

'Ellisbui'g,, • Oct,, .31 ir**>lrfl,.; ,..Sttas. Graves''is cpftflnesl'-to, the-, house, f-w.ifch a seyere. attack o.trheurAaftism. ,;i j . - , ;

<3-eorge % iB,etJinger,.-ijiBke,a-jrtrjge' Sjtr.awber-ries ;trom • h i s garden,, S^i^|, ti^.'ja'ridrthey are'n'ophe, fali^earjing-

arlety.,' either.' . , . ' , , • ' , , . ' • . . . " , THe'.'ladies •'of"ffi'e.' M;"-E., 'church;

wi l t li6IdHnelr'aniiua'i''dor,^i'(i'r|;1 aria' •cHJ'cpri^i^'^s'iij)^ " '


If Graft Ir,]^eant, Statement l a Ab-j sur<l and if Wa«tc Tlirough Faulty i Construction Is Mount, F i g u r e * Are '. X xaggerated, Sat s Carlisle

Albany Oct 3 1 — i u e charge made b y John A^ Henne s> of t h e iNssw Yor c mayoral t j •'eam^a gn that $8 000 000 ha's "been, wasted by t h e highway department i n the last year was aim werefl iff a statement i ssued t ium the

;execntiv0!cbamber Wednesday night r^yealingiT >. coirrespondence - between-iGjovernor Glynn and Highw"ay Com'-^inissiioner; Jjohn. N. Carlisle cpntain-inifja'f.g^iiiei;^! >d.enial of the accusa-'tjoft,.fHejaiessy lis in Carlisle's depart-

I Aft'erj'jieiinessy's charge had been mjlTllBhed the governor w r o t e Carlisle and' lisfie'd'-hrhi, to what part of the

|-\f6ri 'Tl'^nrie'ssy could h a v e referred'. Carlisle replied that no su6h amount aw Sj-.OOOvOOO -frad been w a s t e d even siu(iff.K9-10V>whe'n-the Democrats oame i'kitolpbjweri.,. f

ir(J](f.))yr>vasteis meant corruption in ly form," h e wrote, " t h e statement .$btS!ifd.{i,-J£ by waste i s m e a n t faul-:

%^0,esignj pffiofids and improvident expqyjin'e^tg-.in the des ign and con-stBjitipA ?{ J'QA^s the f igure is exag-

*-.«J 'Vt*51 ' 1 * ' ' 'Two;"causes, Carlisle said, which

: a-ft-c'o'rffffeiUell,largely to highway trou'b-W, i(A% the change in traffic c d'nrl5HonsV!cWs8d by the introduction df the ;hiotor truc.k and automobile-

ita -tiietffaltijfrgf.qi .some contractors torlives up> tODtheir SEQCifications,' The t oTiitijaetjj'rsiJoiii'tlieir, r .b'ondsmen, .he EElifb e^fe'lteahatd'''resppii'slb.'ba for any 1®fe?Ehi|eiUViei'iuP to t h e i r contracts : %(l;ystajej!JxiJ^suffer no- loss on ac­count of,, their original fa i lure to do

°Ju!t'l/>""'>'->ri'p'5^'. J. . ' * . ' , . . '

fnWlfsl^js^iA Oie-fhought- possibly ries'JMrmRaii.t there' ha'd -been1

. .P^O'w-aMaVi '

'Jitpjtn c o i - o f r l - " * A •- --" *'"'* 141XJ! Ei^.v> wru^Wi-,fbi

iAlth,pH|hft-^hey„li,a(Ye Jffflffei8fl9¥;%5(

^ttfei^fe'gbfioni d ' t W s k c t t "vyHlre^fe. 'total number of••'feglStKitionts .Hi'!tfii •iounty i s between- 2'2,000 and 23,00.0

;4nly t h ^ g l s A I f f f e ^ W P ^ ^ •been found in all that number. One or ' bpsQ was.outside' t h e city and the ,'othev two within the citjfs ••In .'one case l in unnaturalized l^siclent/^liad at­t e m p t e d to regiatey .an4?did-- lo / but (discovered by-.thej •iO.T^a-y .'idgn and 'tis .vote^will be chaiieri"^d.J: i .

1. I|r'isSpJi|9ible tliatoth"ej':-,false regis-tlr^SionSNma^, b e ^ p u n d between now land! electibq^thy.. jiai^y^challiSiges are serM out. evenNberorte''.'theA'nrst regis-

wood recently, 'returning home o n the tt^i^^l^'^f^'hflfho^ 4veningi-tffatot'W-eanes-aaV.'TMl;r.f-.M MW T0W. ^mf- H^ - m ^ ? - fli-5>ose

^ n J ^ i „ ra„I; « r „ wMtr ,* . -* ,* . doniBicted of a"'felptt-y.. :Iiis,reg&roJ tu n„tZf, ^ w % ' * ^ ^ f L i t h i »*>oft thafhaivfe'.-diefl• sitfefe• t l O a s t opsratedifin Xoi'. rappenflictis a t l the i ' i i S „ „ • (4.„v*l-JA',"ili-^AAXW,n.ii *i.«

cajlled pnrT,herasa fiiendsiW-edne's-day^ fnJ,cH :,?ATiilt ••'?". "™1 4 n , .Ms* -ana -Mrs. .Eugene JPalrklmfst/ ' " ' X v e S i t W i i to'un'd • t h a t S h e r i

wlVo- 41.4wr.bonn- .residihgUn.. t h e i r to? ' l e r S ? - p S ffiputfty-tfon-t$m ia*.--Rgd',I,akel the: past feumrrieiv -WeW7- » e r r ? s i n : i?* ?Vn«lW p0,"^ feiite,j3Frp0ms i n the Stdtler b'ldGk''f6r" thpiPanter^and. faov.edi there--fi'oan th'e1

H k e , .5 v •• '• -.'•.-': •-••'. '•« " " . U f e , . 1 John H. Bogart of Watertowtf l s i •*•tt

the ^guestlio'f: rel&tives:'dt thi^'.pl'ao'e for ,{t. few/ days'. -

-f O . i V , , ! iVXTi >T 1 X T 0 |. r, . -,•„ ,-r -TT i. . ^K" -,,-.*. imost countless*errors- On- an .average

A W W J ^ l H a n o o c k of. t h u i f f i d l ^ e . ^ ? s ^ ^g^^^^m^i^

iis.,.Ulura,:.I?o:*!ney^.pf . G o u w V n e u r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ; ^ ^ r .

wiUiamclatfe tm alftej^obn atthe,fvfnu a r 0 1 . B y ( o e y ^ f efc^feati'oSV'V*K#e 5ral ;or.pne::ot.hi ! tondnj p t a r t t h m ^ ' i U e v | L a f e l i t a ' rh'Sribtattttre i l d '




tar V)iiYftl©hfeae#J.ffiT

In go ing o w r . t h e l ist 'of resi?terM yj6teral.be i 0 | d a y ifleik^liye JEouiid «i

w o*e.f.uherMi wiil Ilbe'held.. ,at !1 .ihUtJ^j.n ^M^ii^oit •

y ' i ^ * 1 6 ^ U , t e i * r ? ' f ^ r * f i ? t ? t t S •<*»«» of . A ' n n « t f . * e e H n r , 9 t B<M»d yba4-,chargeiQf,the(pldirea>:miH^of /this >-("-• >•.-••••• s . , ^ j - : -vn, •£".-••->. Sia'fie, lhasMented tha-.Sm^n^rtiiVm'ilkU'-'i .-,• , ••••vPh SlP«T»?«Wfr.;;, i,,|-Kt' that jslace,} and. .moved therei-withi ^f.^otic*'W"-her**yV;etiven-i:a"i prov ided M'iiiflimilT.r-HeKvillodnaust'tUe.'miilb by' law, that Ui* n e » annaal-meiBUna Ihe.ibminir.'lBinte'i*;-!. 'j-;i- .•M ,trt>V*rau#J.thw-»6aioS"i6rTa^ $iTi'-i >•'"'"--'-.''"^•'"••n '*>^': .i-f'"^t!'fenunty^wf MiW6ii&6^?l&:zi)&>fbt

E O l ^ i E S s f - E w ' K f t ' W-'^j. iboWa-ih ttfe County..brittdini, VTaterr r f f l ;St .'ivV? '>r.^-l '4,r-•iSwn'; W: ^-..'il^ttlfliHg,'.ojts-sMcpdayv

f/. Gbu^jrMh#>r<3*t.;i31.f^ 'jJs,{^' qoniof -Anft-fpvvr BocKtisJ-.wa»i,t«kf l- .>^n^rsVn%4a^lhv%UI^'«fid^at the taau-'-i*.^ «>i,_4.-*_.*_ (,.-s«rt.vi**««s,--L ^ ( r o ^ f t s f Je«ft*«ta«t.'ar«fcriedlasated. to

""" -"*• i£w^6rBX!eH!Btth*Alerk: ^•-'"•:k¥.;,:jduiS;^.rinp.di.

,„.. ,,**eOnd day ? df~thb .,., . . ._c . . ._ ..... , rtfffnujKr-tiliestmK^^

.._,„ s^!tir{p-i,.Thfeji wi'llbspand'iS'r.wiBfek!. pervladr^iui:d :c-tn idefatiiti^ tbjs^eoi^ s#lth;^nTfl'n;cJef4»d" SuW!M*.sB&ffi«*s"'i «tfdh'-a)-i1lS«*t!ii>#at -ibUtaadijteifeKS',--"' | . 'ISiihrSn $. W e l i i J ^ : « * ' ^ **$fflkmiiztBir- swi i '^retentedi- tftij'Ofe- 'feQir? t .n©|?a*iB'&B'irSi isvhlovitng. f r&a> Ot&sdti sa^tlwti^d-f bKiaf#!ai»j|er%^s*S«9f a*tf' tha.,Bigerel.,f!rrftfi-Titii, < EoW'ler to h toteey^^p'^nty4:udS&aSb«rW^tti6;th| f a f m ! { l f | $ f B ! i a p ^ S a S t f 3 ^ ^ ' !??6rk6ia«ialSiB sjw)ulvd5;-,t'.|nr. se^e,r.y;i.cas| " ,QSP.r^.B*Hi/fea'Q l? misfortune te^vfeMs^his^aint^i^^ni-^no^ii-s^ft io$e h i s po'c\etbook"corAitainiingVl|2p's-*'"'*J-"-- — " — '

J 6ft ,*«( l t««*^<?»aWy.p^lB^ei iW^mMr J-. 4 ^ ? j r s r * r O T o # s f t > ^ v * i ! ^ l ^ c l ^ f e . | « %}J[v*8«rd,*!si»2eiS'before t l i* secoiftl

o a T o l e a b M r J F 3>Sson was '^Jalcqb ana v W l i rs-. Woodw.Prth a n d JttB.' Bftuiy

Go; to Kicers for. Soda .Water-. - : J ^ ' ? f ^ 9 l ^ ^ -

: e1fiairftt'&«Cbt?tthe\-nrst .$50:,:Q.OO;0.00 litf(fo^il*ti-6Vft,Hpw .eithej- is ohligated-

.Jjiii!con$ra;«!te,J.djrrbill|- passed by the-fegUlaTrdr^iJ. £1*0 • ""-,,',..",., ','.'

o-Jn 4 e * 9 n s ^ ofKfiiBiq-reji-aSm'jiiistra. Hon Carlisle said that on ly |:6,0Q'Q,<00b' fa^tetn.iftXP^^e.d 'since 'Msiy •%, 1913,"

" i'JenjJje.jtpgkijgipce,. Carlisle- succeed-,-43 C. G6r'aon,.Reel,, V h o s w a s removed t f e r t ? W ' . ' i - ^ r ' - • •>.-'• -.''

•JO <-:>'lit'«'J birr - • r .*EB8,^agnBMRE> TO INCITE


1 jondon Banker''"Deiioimces Trial lit

->,o tV?.y^J§jVl i5c.W'n,?us a t tack p. on'AS'?J"^cJ e \v! s" P e o p l e . -Uoh-aidn5irObt'.'i!3-l.^-Isaac Seligman,

tjhaijwelBlaroiwif, -Taohdon banker, dis-c up_sjng3tb,o:.s'0JdtfHedI."ritual murder" tpjalr.nfoftie$fi!said ito t h e cbrrespon-e enlj c.foThs,[{ate.rotiatiQrial- News -Ser-vip&jto^ay(.,!m,ia-.--i

, .Jj p1cn.si|dt3r0t;,i}e, rihu'al trial an out-.'g^p^d an* expense to civilization. It .d'.SjcurrJIo'us,- vindictive and lying

J e w i s h race, the'

rpi i f , t . , . , -„.-^.„_„, . ,.. ._ attack 'al|ainstr'''the I lirb'bs'e'-br/Vhich it i s to incite the I ,-tfsMri*p'o'rMa<ce1' td' v io lence . I t is fflrily &-1Dili-u"aryiis c l imax t o the' treat-rieritJ tbat : j tlie : ,1'Russian government KaKilortgiJektgmigd to t h e Jews . I i'.'itt.lis.'ffV.ideh-ti that t h e czar's gov-

e 'nm'dht'.phnaers. ito the violent reac-t G-.naiaiel.eni*n,tiwhfchr unfortunately

.j.spi tsJ5or»gi''in Russ ia . It is an ajtprnpJyK?foujip#re: are-doubtless men ii: the Russian ministry w h o are fair a id liberal .rnjnded, b u t powerless to rfepress- the Judicial department of the h iriis8yf'&nuJ"re'-traih.-it 'in its (iruel c$urs^ dtitfritolBraftce.!

'It. ist!tt«t ,tho>'tpoo'r - ;j:ow^ Beiltisa, Wlio*/jsiQnjtrj!ji>,t:bu.tthe Kuss i in gov e ningatW;;iA'M>tt is to be hoped that it wfli"&nd--ii^ijh^: reprobation) which tl "elff)ivilir64't,-wifij'id- is exhibit ing to -vp airflJE :ine|;,^*eSe&t 'Gruel legal pro e4d'tt)cel that it.ls- transgress ing all tke

iniaf^'ii-ndvdMne,]aw.s of juatli

ltipraiiJM n u n HBOW , ^


P a r e t ^ e r . 'and M**»«*^ of P o i t t U e a .1* m a t e of P a i n f o l 8nMpans» • • w r t n Apaarentlv Pays l i t t l e B e a d to Aaavonchina; Orisls.

Mextea City, q c t 31 — Witk tke e lec t ion of General Victorlane Huerta and Oaaetal Aare l iano Blauquet a l meet a torecoae eoncluaion, according to t h e effldal returns thdfeiuettion a s t« w h a t Washington proposes to d o ia k e r n i n g tke foreign resments and t h e major i ty of Mexicans in a state of painful, suspense

On the surface a t l eas t the admin­is trat ion i s f i r ing l i t t l e consideration to t h e subject seeming ly taking t h e ground that the Mexican people h a v e declared fn favor of Huerta s cont in­uance in the preaidency

Al though it ia openly charged i n m a n y quarter! tha t it was official pressure that resul ted in the ro l l ing up o f the majorities for Huerta a n d Blanquet which a r e now being o m -cial lv reported from all parts w h e r e the elect ion forms w e r e observed, t h e fact remains and i t is pointed o u t that the*e is no possibility of g o i n g back of the returns as there Is n o t h o u g h t that any other candidate po l l ed nearly e n o u g h votes to pla<"» the Huerta B lanquet ticket in jeopardy v

4iueri<an& B e a d j to Flee • I n view of Washington's previous representations o n the subject t h e next move'of t h e American governV ;ment is awaited h e r e with np l i t t l e misgiving. Many Americans have al­ready packed their portable' b e l o n g ­ings preparatory to flight, and. are fac ing the necessity of leaving t h e i r household effects' to. fate. T.he'y e x ­

p r e s s little- iiope of finding anything, lef t upon their poss ib le return. The-inadequate storage facilities are al-, r eady overtaxed, a n d most of t h o s e ;who contemplate' f l ight expect to' l eave . the ir homes in charge of Mexican xaretakers , as the on ly alternative. .

W h a t the next Mexican 'Congress wi l l do with referpneo to the e l e c ­t ions no one undertakes to perclect, a l t h o u g h the s ta t ement made recent ly by Senor Moheno, minister, of foreign-. affairs, is regarded "as. 'reflecting t h e executive's desire. Senor Moheno- as-, s er ted that in the event of Congress? finding that a major i ty of tile votes'; Were cast for H u e r t a and -Blanquet, the votes cast for Huerta would b e declared void-by reason of his-ineligi­bi l i ty , under the constitution, to ^suc-ceod" hipisqlt, and Blanquet would a s ­s u m e the vice-presidency and •the a c t . ing presidency p e n d i n g the cal l ing of n e w elections.

B l a n q u e t WOuJd^eixe-Three Years... • --M-exfoan attorneys-' take issue w i t h

•the. Eorelgn- .-.MinisteF" on this po in t , declaring tht?t.if.-General Blanquet i s adj.udged-..elected to- the presidency'it 'W,iH; be for the. unexpired six years.' t erm, which* w a s begun' by Porfir io .iai^z in- December, 1910, a n d . c o n ­t inued by P.ranciscp, de -la Barra,; BYancisco Maagra'aiid General H u e r -tai 'and.not-lor , A temporary period,' Since th§re wpuld 'be no occasion for •further 'elections until the "regular eonstitu'tionai'period.of.1911!, .

T h e flight-' 'of General Pe l ' s 33ia,z,. While nevei' arous ing grea t ' in teres t •i-tt'the Mr-Hal; "has practically c e a s e d ^o hP a, suMe<*t of comnient^ H i s cari,-didacy' was regarded by many Mexi-, c a n s -as''a hi'ere incident of the c a m ­pa ign and'vas never taken seriously.; his_ flight el iminates him from t h e eal-culs t ion . -. ." •

Federico Gamboa, Manuel Calero a n a David de- la Fuen'te opnear to h a v e conceded their defeat in the face of obstacles a l l e g e d to have b e e n f o u n d in the w a y of their adherents , : . To the impartial observer i t o n l y remains for Congress to be r e c o n ­structed and announce the elect ion of t h e administration ticket—this to b e fol lowed by Huerta ' s proclamation re­nouncing the v o t e s cast for h im.

^'kKoxvLurja; PA, V inivSoIkl Blocks; anclndlnar 1« Baa-

jineaa I?J«e«i i»nd T e n KewtaTentei,, •i!'il but: '.'Hurried.

rtVdxvftfe/'p'a^Oct. 3 1 — F i r o de-_idy!ea'r'13',b'uSiWesSJ"i p laces .and t e n re&ta'ericeb » y.estefdT.> ^inflicUng a: lols'JeStiriSliea-fit-greater than $100.-

solld: -a~.-^..—rr-*-.-- -- ••-.• - street

before "it^f&'feheciled^ The poatoffffeei"telephone and tele

5ere destroyed »nd " K-Vire* cdiumuni! ^

grkph exgb^tjffiB 0


R a y Stoddni'd) o f F i n n of Stotldard & Sarvej', Carthago .Fec<l Slerchants, , Keceivcff B e e p Gash, on H e a d , by-Bumpiitg Agains.t-'WIiirlfng Sl iaf t .

Carthage, Oct. SI .—Ray Stoddard, a member of t h e firm of Stoddard: & Sarv'oy; local: feied nierchants, receiv--od on injury w h i l e Working In. t h e m i l l Wednesday afternoon.."vyiiile i n a stooping, pasition;, l i e strttcfc ffit* •head aga ins t« rapidly revolving sha f t and a deep gash) over an i n c h i n l e n g t h was cu t . Dr . W. J. Jacobs of S ta te street took several st itches' ' to' ~1ose the \ iound The mjurj d i d n o t p i o v e to bP i e r y serious j


Adams Oct 3 1 — l U e t a x p a j e r s Tote on the proposit ion of buy ing the Amoskeag s team Are engine from, the Watertown a r e department t i k e u M:ondaV evening was 102 to 17 in, fSator of the prorosit ion

The work -of t h e engine a t t r a c t e d fwtofablevconrment at the t ime Qf its Use in thii v i l lage a t the recent d i sas trOusfire and, agitat ion was s tar ted at t h a t t imeTvhich resulted in t h e d e 'eislon to buv the engine

foservoiry J*as to. c l e i n i t and th4

V.'U;lHli.l >i'"'-i *-tlUivf.'i* .'-.-'i.t(,T : . . ! ; i" ,0'ioig girth a"»I>I ijJ esjfciu-MI'

nd |ff |cfNre la\a|-d e m l ^ o ; J«Jien suf-[latlcrife iThousands V-NW-fe f f e Pill* San Antonio Tex

re, beyond questloa jvife i n d I have e ^ r

h,ever cause pais B

Pumps a n d TanKs



l h p Prices n i e r e a s o n a b l e

Geo. H. Baltz



Look for the

OOK for this triangle before you b u y my. heafer. : ••„./,-

I t is the trademark of t h e latest mode l of the F*erf^tion Sr«>ke? l e s s Qil KLeateti \

I t is the s ign o f the greatest iir> provementsevermade inoUh^at-. irig devices; _.

*.1?W Perfec t ion Heaterj a s n o w rri'^ej - g i v e s - rno_re -heat , "holds, mbrfe oil^,is>

b e t t e r TOade ?ihd works; b e t t e r :tfean • 'any .other hfeater'-pn-^be roar,!?,^.

•" I t l ias a w i d e , shal low-oi l ' .^p^. 'whicj i -, ^o•!^«s•'.JtHe^pi^.'1^.'^^4.Tea^ly,<slp{•tHe

" iwick: and i n ^ f esirfeliajjle^ ,un,ciiangjng % "tiarrie and h e a t , vWhether the;-font js full" •

o r nearly erhptyi-v-•"t';':- v^S -«- ~: •

The Perfection Is sihofiefess', fiecause' • the patent."locking'liimfe-ispreaaet

prevents the. wick being ^-turned, up .. ,-high- ehoug'h to' smoke;."' It' is easy to " •

- -re-wick, b.ecause the carrier and wick-are c6mbined"- -jvis't turnout- the old

,•*,-•'— - *isa!sUp'iri"-the-new-.. j-> , . ,• i>,^,:,-. . *

'.'^niUcatorteua-SoVit'much-bJt'ia^ri-uiB' . - * 'font;: Fillej plugi« rjushed in like > ,: cork—ho.spre)*', HR-'thread to wear...',. .*.

,-r- -.. AttractV.e'Wtticea-Wlpdow frame;,.' y.. •.'.

. ' • • " .T'beR^^tijjxS^rifcaferris ,'ftriii»h.ed";iii. _ -'•;" , rr^'if^pus^ttfriquSise^l'iJe .. riamefcV-ipr.,,. ',,

'• . - ' .p(ain-;stM*dmfflsr'1oiks. well, . Tasis.• -.",-:'•• -*"•"' > Weli;.;easy to.'carryJwnereVer- wirit<!^-'

'.''.: pe4IeiiS.^aTy'fr$en—"or im'f t . ' for tfescripifi?ecireii/a'r

:•:'•• o f N e r ^ . Y o r k v - '

• * £ h -43

"i*':'-• • T;^£>i^|s ' *-' ' - '' -^ '*'£''^^^SI '"' '."'. -'" -k-S'^SJ' - - . - ' . » • • : « - «

*t'-"*'Wf.'i TRIANC

New to«k, N. Y. BaHale,M.T. . B*ttM,M>"u.


whit fro YoiimiftR •<5et' t h i s .straight, jplease.

.-'•-.' . Some talk i s c h e a p ^ h u t hot ' i t f these papers;.--; . , . ' - "' "** ' • " • - • - " • ' . ' < " - - '. . . . . f - * , ' - \ =•'"• ' • - . - •.' . . r » ; i » - s

; Besides, your t i m e is worth; mojiey-frso wel lpb*brief , >\, \<^•».• *• t^lthbut exalgpfation-^-Witliout^saying- -it bo^^ihgly-, there &($.**

--.a s t o r e - i n Northern New Y o r k ^ A N D ^ B KNOW^tT' FOR A . " p ' d S » ' ' ^ I ^ P - A C f c w & r , e you; can g e t the VA'tiBES. i n - ^ i t s and .otefccai«it8|l '4fta|.5'o^ drj heri.efa'nd (there isli 't- a- iStor)S';.,-where.*.^iu hiave attest at'

' v a r i e t y . : . , -> . ..; , ' • ' , . - , -. - J-< i, ,«j':'-'" - *"Vi -'••''•!••>'•_/f-'-:7',*'

F o r do you suppose tor one minute'we' cour,d'"fia've increasa* t h i s bus iness yeai. after vear for the past. 2a >ears wjthout giving be t ter v a l u e s better c loth ing and greater vanetv than--others7

A s to the c lothing—enough to sa> there i-nrt.,6. s tvle mater ia^ * thlor or =ize that w e do not ha e £ ,

I f von have in raind what \ ou -n i n t — i t s h e r e readv to p u t o b ­i t v o u ha-\ent ye t deOided n h a t you ^ant \ \ h y n d t d r o p in^nd'aaef for y o u r s e l f ^

Ask particularly to see our special \al t tes a t _ k >

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138 Court Street Alhere Good reel i iu; Go A>ith «quarjsT>enllng

,\^ilM'\Tbi'K^\w-"m~" ;S9SM^KPT* -M>&^mw?~&-

*2gsa WMWJ

It's Easy to Save Coal With a DocKash


D O C K \ S H HEATERS i N D RANGPS are njofeeia for their ecoBr o n i * J'lre.Jong l u e s ibsoib e \ p ^ pail icle of heat and TUth an ordl-haiy^m^'V^u pet an m fense h e a t The heate i s aie f ,handsomf>*jm eas j -toAee? clean ^ «• , *

T-he l iVNGLS l i e spl°ndid cool e is and bakers—thev wigrno: hot ter \htk Mid m o r e of it than a m other sfo> e—t^hej pe? OTran

1 - 4 %«%£• toed to d o l t ^Fahe it a po n t to come in and "ee them

C O N N E L L »9 RICEr- lSd Court St^